#value add real estate definition
growcapitalgroup · 1 year
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sshbpodcast · 5 months
Character Spotlight: Jake Sisko
By Ames
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We’ve talked a bunch of times on A Star to Steer Her By about how Jake Sisko is the best. He’s one of the best child characters in the whole Star Trek franchise, in both writing and acting (second to maybe Mezoti and/or Rok-Tahk). His relationship with his father is depicted so beautifully in so many episodes, as we’ll surely discuss below. And that kid’s personal style bypasses Wesley Crusher’s in every single way.
So this week, we’re picking up a Jake Sisko holonovel to read as your SSHB hosts declare our favorite Jake-O moments and scrape up some bad moments to consider. Our definition of what a Worst Moment is – which was shaky at best to begin with – gets really stretched this week. So enjoy them all below, listen to our chatter this week on the podcast (jump over to 1:01:52), and prepare for Jake Sisko to make a deal for you to have great damn day.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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“A” is for Apple, “B” is for Best friend ever Jake is just a straight-up good kid. So good that we happily forgive everything on our bad list, and this early moment really established what a pure heart he has. When Rom pulls Nog out of Keiko’s school in “The Nagus” and Sisko is about to get all racist at the Ferengi for corrupting his son, we learn that Jake has been sneaking off to teach Nog to read, squashing all the jumped-to conclusions and being the example that everyone on the station needs right now.
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Who wears the lobes in this relationship? Speaking of teaching things to Nog, when the two form the Noh-Jay Consortium in “Progress,” which is adorable enough on its own, Jake somehow schools Nog on the value of owning land when they start trading assets around. How a Ferengi doesn’t understand real estate is beyond me, but Jake knows a good deal when he sees one. Turns out Jake’s got the lobes!
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My friend’s real sorry for what he did In our Nog coverage on the podcast, I mistakenly sullied Jake’s name, claiming he started a fight with the Skrrean kids in “Sanctuary.” Well I was dead wrong! Jake, the ever goody-two-shoes, actually tries to prevent the fight and then does one better by patching things up with Tumak in line for the replimat later. How I could think Jake would have a vicious bone in his body was my error.
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I need to find what’s me While we gave Nog lots of props for pursuing his dream of being the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, Jake goes the opposite path, and we love him even more for it! You’d think with a father commanding a whole station, Jake would go the Starfleet route too, but in “Shadowplay,” he reveals he’d rather pursue something he’s more passionate about.
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First let me get the hang of flying at impulse When the away team gets captured during “The Jem’Hadar,” Jake and Nog sneak aboard the runabout to escape. Despite not knowing how to pilot the thing, Jake is able to elude disaster and invaders long enough to be rescued. Add to that the fact that they were there to ensure Nog got a passing grade, and Jake comes out as the hero of this episode! (Sorry, Quark.)
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If I go, you’ll be all alone Even though he wants to spend time with Leanne, Jake decides to accompany his father on the lightship in “Explorers.” This episode gives us some more of those patented lovely father-son moments of the two being honest and supportive of each other, as Jake expresses his interest in writing and also that he’s concerned about Ben coping without him if he went away to school.
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Something called “Sliding into Second” An episode later in “Family Business,” Sisko relents to Jake’s insistence that he get a girlfriend by going on a date with Kasidy Yates based on his son’s matchmaking skills. And it turns out Kasidy is perfect for Ben! Now whether Ben is perfect for Kasidy is another matter altogether that we hinted at a little in our Ben Sisko post, but let’s just say Jake has solid taste.
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To my father, who’s coming home I cannot overstate how beautiful “The Visitor” is, and at the center of it is Jake’s relationship with Ben, undoubtedly the strongest asset of all of Deep Space Nine. Jake’s love for his missing father is so strong and pure that he dedicates his life to getting him back from the white void. Is it what Ben would have wanted? Absolutely not. But is it perfect for Jake Sisko? Tremendously.
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You may be a little rusty, but you’re still the Chief When O’Brien has gone through literal decades of torture after his brain adventure in “Hard Time,” who better than Jake Sisko to help reacclimate him to all his tools? Jake, who apprenticed briefly under the Chief earlier in the series, shows characteristic patience and empathy for the man who is clearly in need of much rehabilitation and therapy.
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The line between courage and cowardice Cirroc Lofton gets his time to shine in “...Nor the Battle to the Strong,” providing an understandably terrified face to the front lines. Not only does he scrub up to help Julian and the other combat medics as injured soldiers start pouring in, AND thwart a Klingon siege by blasting out the ceiling, but he also reminds us that war is absolutely horrifying, in case we’ve forgotten.
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You can always find something that’ll make you smile Yet another feel-good moment comes from Jake in the entire lovetrip that is “In the Cards.” While trying to cheer up his dad by getting him a baseball card, Jake and Nog find themselves running a series of fetch quests that add up to one thing: finding ways to make everyone have a nice day, even in the middle of the Dominion War. It was a breath of fresh air in a very serious season.
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Let people read it and decide for themselves While Nog and the rest of Red Squad were entirely taken in by the opportunity to play war, Jake saw through Watters’s bullshit immediately in “Valiant.” He’s able to scrape Nog and Dorian Collins together and save them from destruction. And I’ve got to give him credit for endeavoring to write both sides of the story, without bias or condemnation, even if Watters deserves it.
Worst moments
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Watch the wheel, not the girl Boy, that Jake Sisko has a type, and that type is older Bajorans. We first meet Mardah in the flesh in “The Abandoned,” and not only is she a Dabo Girl (whom we know have sex acts with Quark written into their contracts), but she’s also too old for him. I don’t know what age of consent laws are in the future, but when she’s 20 and he’s 16, it just feels on the wrong side of legal.
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Stop calling her Nerys When things with Mardah don’t work out, Jake sets his sights on another Bajoran who’s definitely too old for him in “Fascination”: Major Kira. And sure, you could justify this one by saying that everyone on the station is affected by Lwaxana Troi’s Zanthi Fever, but out of all the uncomfortable pairings, it was this one that just felt kinda gross about it.
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I guess I just forgot you’re a Ferengi While we blame Nog for his terrible behavior during their double date in “Life Support,” Jake isn’t innocent either. First, how he let Nog weasel in is just a goofy plot device to make the episode happen. But also, Jake shows naivete on his part for not understanding that this is perfectly normal for a Ferengi, and blaming his friend for his upbringing isn’t a good look.
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So you’re Jennifer Sisko, but you’re just not my mom Okay, this one’s a little on Ben too for trusting mirror Jennifer to be alone with Jake, like a fool, but Jake’s whole attitude toward his mirror mom in “Shattered Mirror” plays right into her trap. He is so blindsided by her presence that he doesn’t think rationally, even if he’s heard the stories about how nefarious everyone is in the alternate universe. Jake, don’t trust this imposter!
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I can spot a creative soul a galaxy away Jake’s weird thing for older women shows up again in “The Muse” when Onaya easily manipulates the poor boy. This is just an episode after “Shattered Mirror,” when his mirror mom took advantage of his trusting nature and eagerness to believe people have good intentions. And this soul-sucker preys on him so easily because he lets himself get taken in.
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How much laundry is too much laundry? One last one that’s on both Nog’s and Jake’s list somewhere, since the two are so intertwined: While Nog has become a complete square in “The Ascent,” Jake has turned into a slob so comically disorganized that it stretches credulity. Nog is literally gone for several hours and when he’s returned, Jake’s laundry coats their quarters. How is that even possible?
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These visions, they’re not worth dying for This is one of those instances that’s more bad for Jake than bad for us at home. When Ben is catatonic from prophet visions in “Rapture,” it’s Jake’s responsibility as next of kin to decide his fate. He chooses for his father to live, partly selfishly, even though it’s not what Ben would have wanted. But really, I say they should have put this decision on Joe and not a teenage boy.
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Just remember, Bashir is spelled with an I Consistently, it’s a running joke on the show that Jake’s spelling is poor. It comes up a couple of times! Nog has to correct all his spelling in “The Ascent.” Sisko points it out when he reads Anslem in “The Muse.” And clearly he spelled Dr. Bashir’s name wrong in his article from “...Nor the Battle to the Strong” because Julian reminds him of the spelling in “Call to Arms.”
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This is where I belong After all the Starfleet personnel have abandoned the station in “Call to Arms,” Jake opts to stay behind to do some journalism work, hoping that his status as the Emissary’s son will keep him safe because the Bajorans will revolt if some harm comes to him. So he effectively makes himself a hostage of the Dominion just for a writing gig. Weird flex, Jake-O.
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What about freedom of the press? And then the stories Jake writes about the Dominion occupation don’t even go anywhere because Weyoun keeps intercepting them in “A Time to Stand”! Jake, my dude, you can’t go writing clearly biased stories and thinking they’ll make it to your audience. You think Weyoun’s going to let you interview him when he knows your angle? Oh you sweet summer child.
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Anything for a story I’ll admit that Jake’s actions and uncharacteristic ability to see through bullshit in “Valiant” were commendable, but his reasons for being there in the first place were thin at best. He weasels into Nog’s trip to Ferenginar to try to get an exclusive interview with the Nagus. Presumptuous much, kid? This after promising to Nog that he wouldn’t be acting as a reporter on his mission.
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Please, no more Vic Fontaine! When Nog returns to the station in “It’s Only a Paper Moon” after his leg replacement and clearly suffering from PTSD, the support he gets from friends, family, and professional therapists alike is laughable. Even Jake. It strikes me as out of character that Jake fails at being tolerant of Nog’s wishes during a painful time. Maybe get the guy some comically large headphones instead of kicking him out next time.
Send this one off to the presses because we’re done! We’ve still got some more Deep Space Nine characters to spotlight coming up, so keep following along for those. We also hope you’re watching Enterprise along with us over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts. You can play some dot-jot with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and check your spelling before submitting because evidently there’s no Clippy on DS9!
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mizuki-herazaki · 1 year
How good is their cooking? TW Headcanons
Hey so this is my first headcanon on twisted wonderland and it's simply how well I think they would do at cooking! Just for fun honestly!
Riddle Rosehearts
Obviously I see him as a good cook
Just a little too good. He will follow every recipe and instruction to a “T”
Seriously, he would start over if he was off by like .0001 milliliters 
Granted, it’s because of his need to be perfect. Thus taking him forever to finish one set of food.
He also probably wouldn’t get creative or be too big on food art.
Cater Diamond
Definitely has a cooking segment on his magicam 
The kitchen is a total mess and unorganized when he’s done
His food is probably a 50/50 it depends on what’s trending
Definitely found some weird ass recipes online and He wants to try it. (might be surprisingly good)
If he is missing ingredients he improvises with what he thinks is close (oh! Don’t have tomatoes, let’s use ketchup!)
Ace Trappola
I actually see him being a decent cook
He would probably mess up by trying to impress someone by doing a trick
He would literally just do something silly like trying to flip the spoon in the air but miss catching it.
He does not follow measurements, he just yolos it.
He also improvises on ingredients like Cater
Has probably gotten distracted a couple of times and burnt the food
Deuce Spade
I know dishes with eggs are his favorite but he will NOT cook an egg himself
So as long as the recipe doesn’t contain eggs he’ll try it
All honesty I think his food would always have a flaw
Like too little seasoning in one dish, too much in the other, too burnt, or it’s undercooked 
But he is trying his best, he really just needs a bit of guidance
Trey Clover
Best cook by far here
We already know he can bake
Cooking would be no different 
He has the flashy tricks down and would definitely do tons of food art.
Would probably struggle a bit with gourmet foods but would overcome it fast
Never burnt a dish in his life
He enjoys cooking, it’s like therapy
Leona Kingscholar
He just doesn’t
Never tried and probably never will
He’s too lazy
Jack Howl
Only does like high protein meals
Fitness Jockey
In out deal (won’t do anything extra)
Ruggie Bucchi
actually a very good cook
My boy is poor, when he gets food he can make, he’s up for it
Steals all of his needed ingredients
Tries to conserve as much as possible (no wasting food)
Can make the best dishes out of simple items
Improv master in cooking
Azul Ashengrotto
Has a goal to perfect his cooking to add onto his list of skills
Very good at multitasking
Makes a goal to be able to cook anything (except octopus lol)
Haggles the price on every ingredient 
Watches the calories on everything 
IDK why but I think his specialty would be soups.
Jade Leech
Imma be honest I think he would be very confused
He’s used to raw food why we have to cook it
Can probably make simple dishes
Has probably rarely touched the kitchen
He can learn to cook if he really wanted to
Floyd Leech
Sevens forbid that this man get bored while cooking, or… you won’t have a kitchen anymore
The real estate value would just go up in flames
Azul sees the money seeping through his fingers
The pain I see it now 
It’s a game of Russian roulette on whether or not the kitchen isn’t ash.
Kalim Al-Asim
all right we all know he can’t cook
He was served his entire life and canonically blew up the kitchen on multiple occasions 
He can cook with magic tho
Honestly just give him every careful instruction with supervision and NEVER let him do it by himself
He’s a baby
He has all the party tricks down tho
E for effort
Jamil Viper
Master chef
He’s been perfecting the art of food for years (by force)
Can make everything and anything
Can also probably do the party tricks
Gets tired of cooking tho and has plenty of lazy days, so knows how to make 5 minute dinners that still taste really good.
Epel Felmier
Master of Homemade recipes
Knows every family dish
Probably made some recipes of his own
Very neat and organized area
Lots of apple based recipes (gives him a sense of home)
Rook Hunt
Why do I see Vils face or symbol on every dish
He’d make the food look as “Beautiful” as he can
Tastes varies
Definitely all healthy balanced meals
Has probably made or created his own flavor.
Vil Schoenheit
Very much healthy based foods nothing else
If it doesn’t have a benefit towards looks or health he won’t make it
Definitely the cleanest cook like not even a single drop will be spilled.
If something goes wrong he probably blames the pot
Idia Shroud
What’s cooking?
My man probably lives off instant ramen, junk food, take out, and soda
The closest he got to cooking was either microwaving something or playing cooking mama on dsi
Ortho Shroud
No cooking
Probably looks up anime dishes for Idia
Lilia Vanrouge
Oh God no
I-I have like no comment
It’s just a straight disaster
No more needs to be said (sorry grandpa)
I think he might be a good cook as long as Lilia didn’t teach him
Also if it weren’t for his sleeping
He’d be midcooking and fall asleep standing and holding the spoon
Soon the place is on fire, food is charcoal
Honestly I think he’s just normal
Not awesome but not bad either
Just casually follows instructions, Improvises when has to
Malleus Draconia
As long as it isn’t a modern stove, he’ll be alright.
But if it is modern, he’ll stand there for hours trying to figure out how to turn it on
But I feel like he has cooked a good number of times in his life span. He’s not stupid.
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anonofseasons · 2 years
I find Vivian interesting because I kinda feel like his age is part of the problem. He seems like he's be too prideful to really be able to own up to his mistakes in general but add on that he's several hundred years old and I just know that trying to get him to admit any wrong-doing is like trying to get blood from a stone. -🫖
This ask makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing your take! It's validating to see people dislike Vivian for being abusive, but when I present characters, I hope they're dimensional enough to give people pause to think about what's going on and where that comes from, as well as why it might be accepted. Well, if the readers want to do so. I won't demand or expect it, obviously. I'm just here to write what comes into my head. When I share it, well, what happens happens from there. All the "let's beat up Vivian" responses are--I assume--in good fun. At least, that's the way I take them. ;) I'm going to ramble, so I'll put the rest behind a cut to spare everyone who wants to avoid hearing the author's thoughts on a character when they'd like to formulate their own. And to spare everyone the length. I'll try to navigate around spoilers as best I can.
I love that you bring up Viv's age, because it's a huge factor in multiple ways. Firstly, it means that he's used to much more outdated ideas about how to raise children and his values in general. And the "present" of this world is only marginally better. To sum it up: He's old-fashioned. The mention about pride and hundreds of years... Yes! Who has kept him in check over the past few centuries? Graham? No. We know that's not the case--by ch 24, it blatantly states that there's a power imbalance. Graham is dependent upon Viv to live. Graham has tried to convince him that certain things are bad. But Vivian mostly redefines how he's treating his children, so it's like turning a circle into an oval. It's different! Except not by much. Vivian doesn't hate his children. But his definitions of love are fucked up. (And I hesitate to be too real here, but I've dealt with too many IRL people who aren't dissimilar. They treat their "wonderful kids" like garbage. I came from such a background with my bio family.) Viv cares about his children's happiness and welfare up to the point it becomes inconvenient or upsetting for him. And he's happy to maintain control. And when he loses control--sees it slipping from him--he reacts very badly, as seen in the earlier chapters as Howie "presses his luck" with his father. When El does the same. They're challenging his balance. And the realm he has created within his estate is full of comfortable routine and habit. He is also genuinely terrified of one of them dying. Graham or one of the kids. Death is something he understands but has seldom experienced, and it's also someplace he will never be able to follow if everyone around him dies. Viv is old-fashioned, controlling, physically attractive, at times incredibly manipulative, and he's terrifyingly powerful. That's one hell of a combination. I feel like I'm saying way too much as the author, which is another reason I put a read more line. I used "cut" earlier, and I'm not changing it, even if it shows my age. That way people can skip it. I want everyone to have their own thoughts and takes about this character. I want people to be free to hate him, or even call him a DILF, or whatever, because in the end, this is all fiction.
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gurgaonproperties01 · 16 days
Exploring Emaar Projects in Gurgaon: A Gateway to Luxurious Living
Gurgaon, one of the most dynamic and fast-developing cities in India, has become a prime location for real estate investments. Among the various developers contributing to its growth, Emaar stands out with its impressive portfolio of residential and commercial projects. If you're considering moving to Gurgaon or investing in property there, Emaar’s offerings are worth exploring.
Emaar Projects In Gurgaon is renowned for its commitment to high-quality construction and innovative design. Their projects in Gurgaon exemplify modern luxury living, blending contemporary architecture with world-class amenities. The company’s reputation is built on a foundation of excellence, ensuring that each development is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and sustainable.
One of the key attractions of Emaar projects is their strategic location. Positioned in some of the most desirable areas of Gurgaon, these developments offer easy access to major business hubs, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities. This accessibility makes Emaar’s properties particularly appealing to professionals and families seeking convenience and connectivity.
Emaar’s residential projects are designed to cater to a diverse range of preferences and lifestyles. Whether you’re looking for a spacious apartment or a serene villa, the options available are tailored to meet the needs of modern living. The designs emphasize open spaces, natural light, and ventilation, creating a living environment that is both comfortable and inviting.
In addition to residential offerings, Emaar has also made significant strides in commercial real estate. Their office spaces and retail developments are crafted with the same attention to detail and quality as their residential projects. These commercial properties are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and are located in prime areas, making them ideal for businesses looking to establish a presence in Gurgaon.
One of the hallmarks of Emaar projects is the emphasis on community living. Many of their developments include recreational facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, and landscaped gardens. These amenities are designed to enhance the quality of life for residents, offering spaces for relaxation, fitness, and social interactions.
Security and safety are also top priorities in Emaar projects. Advanced security systems and professional management ensure that residents feel secure and well-cared-for within their communities. This focus on safety, combined with the high standards of construction, adds significant value to Emaar properties.
Sustainability is another key feature of Emaar’s projects. The company integrates eco-friendly practices and technologies to reduce the environmental impact of its developments. From energy-efficient lighting to water-saving fixtures, Emaar is committed to promoting a greener lifestyle through its projects.
For those interested in investing in property, Emaar’s reputation for quality and reliability makes it a compelling choice. The value of their properties tends to appreciate over time, offering good returns on investment. Additionally, the company’s strong track record ensures that buyers can have confidence in the long-term value of their investment.
Emaar Projects Gurgaon represents a blend of luxury, convenience, and sustainability. Their developments are strategically located, feature modern designs, and include a range of amenities that enhance the living experience. Whether you’re looking for a new home or a lucrative investment opportunity, Emaar’s properties in Gurgaon are definitely worth considering.
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zertuchehomes · 1 month
Manufactured vs. Mobile Homes in the San Antonio Real Estate Market – Which is Right for You?
The San Antonio real estate market is a dynamic landscape that has experienced significant growth in recent years. With its affordable housing options, diverse neighborhoods, and thriving economy, San Antonio has become an attractive destination for homebuyers and investors alike. On the website of BankRate, the median house price for a single-family house is stated to be around $308,249, with a sale-to-list ratio of 93.1%. However, with the advent of manufacturing and Mobile Homes, the market is seeing a dynamic shift, allowing people to explore options other than onsite constructed homes.
Let’s first start with the definition of both manufactured and mobile homes to understand the difference between the two, as often times, people use the terms interchangeably.
Manufactured Homes
Manufactured homes, also known as modular homes or prefabricated homes, are built in factories to the same building codes as traditional stick-built homes. They are typically transported to a permanent foundation and can be indistinguishable from stick-built homes. Manufactured homes are considered real estate and can be appreciated over time.
Mobile Homes
Mobile homes are smaller and less customizable than manufactured homes. They are typically built on wheels and are often located in mobile home parks. Mobile homes are not considered real estate and may depreciate in value over time.
HUD Definitions
It’s crucial to note that in mid-1976, HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) started to use the term “manufactured homes” for what is colloquially known as mobile homes. HUD sets standards and regulations for the construction of these homes to ensure safety and quality.
Navigating the terminology surrounding manufactured and mobile homes can be challenging. While commonly grouped under the umbrella term “manufactured,” there are two distinct categories: mobile homes, typically built on wheels and potentially subject to depreciation, and modular or prefabricated homes, constructed on-site and adhering to conventional building codes, making them considered real estate. The HUD’s use of “manufactured homes” for mobile homes adds an extra layer of complexity, hence the clarification provided here. Therefore, understanding the specific type of housing involved is essential, highlighting that both mobile and modular homes fall under the umbrella of “manufactured,” albeit in different ways.
Key Differences
Below are the key differences between the two types of homes that the potential owners need to understand before they make a decision:
• Construction: Modular homes are built to the same standards as traditional homes, while mobile homes are typically smaller and less customizable. They also have different build requirements and varying levels of quality. Despite that, they are regulated similarly to modular homes. • Transportation: Modular homes are typically transported to a permanent foundation, while mobile homes are built on wheels and can be moved from location to location. It is also noteworthy that mobile homes can also be installed on permanent foundations but the practice is less common.
• Location: Modular homes are often located in modular home communities, while mobile homes are typically located in mobile home parks.
• Real Estate Status: Modular homes are considered real estate, while mobile homes are not.
Now that we have the key differences covered let’s quickly go over the pros and cons of either so the readers can better evaluate their needs and see which option fits their needs better.
Pros and Cons of Modular and Mobile Homes
Modular Homes
• Affordable: Modular homes are typically much more affordable than traditional stick-built homes.
• Energy Efficient: Modular homes are built to strict energy efficiency standards, making them more cost-effective in both hot and cold weather.
• Customizable: Modular homes can be customized to meet the buyer’s needs and preferences.
• Depreciation: Modular homes may depreciate in value over time due to the perception of being lower quality than a site-built home.
• Financing Challenges: Obtaining financing for a modular home can be more difficult than financing for a traditional home.
• Zoning Restrictions: Some communities may have zoning restrictions that limit the placement of modular homes.
Mobile Homes
• Portable: Mobile homes can be moved from location to location, providing flexibility and convenience.
• Affordable: Mobile homes are typically the most affordable type of housing available.
• Easy to Maintain: Mobile homes are typically easy to maintain and require less upkeep than traditional homes.
• Smaller Size: Mobile homes are typically smaller than modular homes and traditional stick-built homes.
• Lower Resale Value: Mobile homes typically have a lower resale value than modular homes and traditional homes.
• Limited Customization Options: Mobile homes offer fewer customization options than modular homes and traditional homes.
How Can a Realtor Help You with Modular and Mobile Homes?
Navigating the process of buying a modular or mobile home can be complex and overwhelming. Working with an experienced Local Realtor in San Antonio can help make the process easier and more successful. Here are some of the ways a realtor can help you:
• Find the Right Home: A Realtor can help you find a modular or mobile home that meets your needs and preferences. They will have access to a wide range of listings and can help you narrow down your options based on your budget, location, and desired features.
• Negotiate the Purchase Price: A Realtor can negotiate the purchase price on your behalf. They will have a good understanding of the market value of modular and mobile homes and can help you get the best possible price.
• Handle the Paperwork: There is a lot of paperwork involved in buying a modular or mobile home. A Realtor helps ensure all the paperwork is in order and guides what needs to be completed, including the purchase agreement, mortgage application, and title transfer.
• Protect Your Interests: A Realtor is your advocate and will work to protect your interests throughout the buying process. They will make sure that you are aware of all of your rights and obligations and will help you avoid making any costly mistakes. On the contrary, mobile/modular home dealers are basically commissioned sales agents who are focused on making sales and the best interest of the dealers. A Realtor can really help you out in making the right choice and selecting the best mobile/modular home as per your needs.
If you are considering buying a modular or mobile home, it is important to work with a Realtor who is experienced in this type of real estate. 
Whether you opt for a Modular home or a Mobile one, the choice chiefly depends on your own preferences, but working with an experienced realtor can make all the difference. This is why I operate with a customer-centric approach to ensure what I do is in the best interest of my valued clients.
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gorizont-biz · 2 months
What is NFT? How does it work?
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Non-exchangeable tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that cannot be replaced by similar assets. Unlike bitcoin, which is fungible and the same in value, each NFT is unique. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) defines NFTs as "digital assets that are unique and non-interchangeable, used as collectibles rather than as payment or investment instruments".
According to the FATF, unique, non fungible digital assets are used as collectibles, not as payment or investment instruments. It is important to consider the actual use of NFTs, not just their name. Some digital assets may be classified as virtual assets (VAs) if they are used for payment or investment purposes, despite their original purpose.
Some NFTs are digital representations of other financial assets that are already subject to FATF standards. Such assets are excluded from the definition of virtual assets, but are considered financial assets. With the rapid development of the virtual asset market, it is important to approach regulation in a functional manner, especially with respect to NFTs and similar digital assets. Countries should assess the application of FATF standards to digital assets based on their actual use.
NFTs are unique cryptographic tokens on the blockchain that cannot be copied. They can represent real objects such as works of art or real estate, making transactions more efficient and reducing the likelihood of fraud. NFTs can also serve to prove identity or ownership.
NFTs are characterised by unique identification codes and metadata, making them non-interchangeable. Unlike cryptocurrencies, which can be freely exchanged, each NFT is unique. This makes them similar to digital passports, as each contains a unique identifier. NFTs can be combined to create new unique tokens, which adds additional value to them.
Much of the NFT market is focused on collectibles such as digital artwork, sports cards, and rarities. For example, the NBA Top Shot platform allows you to collect digital NBA moments, some of which sell for millions of dollars. NFTs change the approach to digital assets by making each token unique and irreplaceable.
NFTs are crypto-assets on the blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that cannot be exchanged for equivalent tokens. This distinguishes them from fungible cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and can be used for commercial transactions. Cryptocurrencies, like physical money, are fungible, making them convenient for digital transactions.
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listedsimply · 3 months
How much value does a basement bathroom add?
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As with most things in real estate, the decision to add a basement bathroom is a popular one, but many homeowners are unsure if it's worth the investment. But especially in a competitive market, adding a basement bathroom can dramatically raise the value and appeal of your house to potential buyers. 
Factors Affecting Value Increase:
Several factors influence the value boost a basement bathroom brings. Here are some key considerations:
Location:  Location, location, location!  Homes in areas with high demand for extra bathrooms or in neighborhoods with a growing population will likely see a higher return on investment (ROI) from a basement bathroom addition.
Overall Square Footage:  Adding a bathroom generally increases your home's usable square footage, a significant selling point. The impact is even greater if your existing bathroom count is lower than the average for your neighborhood.
Quality of the Remodel:  A high-quality, well-designed basement bathroom with premium finishes will undoubtedly add more value than a basic, utilitarian one.  Remember, curb appeal applies inside too!
Market Conditions:  A hot seller's market typically translates to a higher ROI for any home improvement project, including a basement bathroom. When homes are flying off the shelves, buyers are more likely to overlook potential downsides and prioritize the added convenience.
Quantifying the Value Increase:
While a definitive answer is elusive, several studies attempt to quantify the value increase from a basement bathroom. Here's a breakdown:
National Association of Realtors (NAR) Remodeling Impact Report:  According to NAR's 2023 report, a mid-range bathroom addition recoups, on average, 72.2% of its cost nationally.
Cost vs. Value Reports:  Reports like Remodeling Magazine's Cost vs. Value Report provide region-specific data. These reports can offer valuable insights into the ROI for your specific location.
Beyond the Numbers: The Intangible Benefits
While increased value is a compelling motivator, there are other benefits to consider:
Enhanced Functionality:  A basement bathroom adds a much-needed level of convenience, especially for multi-level homes. It eliminates the need for guests or family members to trek upstairs, particularly valuable for those with mobility issues.
Increased Enjoyment:  A basement bathroom can transform your basement into a more versatile and livable space. It can create a dedicated entertainment area, a comfortable guest room, or even a home gym – all with the added convenience of an en-suite bathroom.
Future-Proofing:  A basement bathroom caters to a broader range of potential buyers, including families with young children or those anticipating future needs for aging-in-place modifications.
Considering the Costs:
Before diving in, it's crucial to factor in the costs associated with a basement bathroom addition. Here are some key areas to consider:
Permits and Inspections:  Obtaining necessary permits and ensuring the project adheres to building codes are essential steps.
Plumbing and Electrical Work:  Running new plumbing and electrical lines to the basement can be a significant cost factor.
Materials and Labor:  The quality of materials and the expertise of your contractor will significantly impact the project's final cost.
Unexpected Issues:  Be prepared for potential unforeseen issues like encountering existing plumbing lines or needing additional foundation work.
Flat Fee MLS Listing: A Cost-Effective Way to Sell
When your stunning basement bathroom is finished, it's time to show prospective buyers around your house. As an economical means of reaching a large audience, take into consideration looking into flat fee MLS listing services. With these services, you can list your property for a fraction of the typical agent commission on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), a useful tool used by real estate agents. With careful planning and the right market, adding a basement bathroom can be a wise investment. The extra functionality, ease of use, and appeal it provides to potential customers cannot be disputed, even though the precise value increase may differ.
Weigh the potential ROI against the costs involved, and don't forget to factor in the intangible benefits of a more comfortable and versatile living space. By making informed decisions and exploring cost-saving options like flat fee MLS listings, you can maximize the value of your investment and potentially reap significant rewards when it's time to sell.
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growcapitalgroup · 10 hours
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webuyshousesfast · 4 months
Fastest Way to Sell Your House: A Comprehensive Guide
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Selling a house can be a daunting and time-consuming process. From listing your property and finding a real estate agent to dealing with potential buyers and handling paperwork, the traditional route can take months, if not longer. However, for those in need of a quick sale, there are several strategies and tips that can help expedite the process. If you're looking for the fastest way to sell your house, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to make a swift and successful sale.
Understanding the Need for Speed
Before diving into the methods, it's essential to understand why you might need to sell your house quickly. Common reasons include:
Financial Difficulties: Facing foreclosure or mounting debts can necessitate a quick sale to free up funds.
Relocation: A sudden job change or family situation might require you to move rapidly.
Inherited Property: Managing a property from afar or dealing with probate issues can make a fast sale desirable.
Divorce: The need to split assets quickly often makes a fast sale preferable.
No matter your reason, selling a house quickly requires strategic planning and execution.
Choose the Right Selling Method
1. Cash Home Buyers
One of the fastest ways to sell your house is to work with cash home buyers. These companies or individual investors buy properties outright, often closing within a week or two. Here's why this method is efficient:
Speed: Without the need for mortgage approvals or lengthy negotiations, sales can happen almost immediately.
As-Is Sales: Cash buyers usually purchase homes in their current condition, saving you the time and money required for repairs.
Less Paperwork: The streamlined process involves fewer documents, reducing delays.
However, it's essential to research and choose a reputable cash home buyer to ensure you receive a fair offer.
2. Real Estate Auctions
Selling your house at an auction can also expedite the process. Auctions attract serious buyers who are ready to purchase quickly. Benefits include:
Definite Sale Date: Knowing the exact date your house will be sold provides certainty.
Competitive Bidding: In some cases, bidding wars can drive up the sale price.
As-Is Sales: Similar to cash buyers, auction sales often don't require repairs or renovations.
On the downside, there's a risk that your house might sell for less than market value, depending on the interest and competition among buyers.
3. iBuyers
iBuyers are tech-driven companies that make instant offers on homes based on market data and algorithms. Companies like Opendoor, Zillow Offers, and RedfinNow provide the following advantages:
Quick Offers: Receive an offer within days of submitting your property information.
Convenience: The process is largely online, with minimal disruptions to your daily life.
Flexible Closing Dates: Choose a closing date that works for you, often within weeks.
While iBuyers typically offer less than market value, the convenience and speed they provide can be worth the trade-off.
Preparing Your Home for a Quick Sale
Even when selling to cash buyers or through an auction, some preparation can help you secure a better deal. Consider these tips:
1. Declutter and Clean
A clean, uncluttered home appeals to buyers. Remove personal items, tidy up each room, and ensure the house is spotless.
2. Make Minor Repairs
While major renovations may not be necessary, fixing minor issues like leaky faucets, broken tiles, or damaged walls can make a positive impression.
3. Enhance Curb Appeal
First impressions matter. Mow the lawn, trim hedges, and consider a fresh coat of paint for the front door to boost your home's exterior appeal.
4. Stage the Home
Staging helps potential buyers envision themselves living in the space. Arrange furniture to showcase each room's functionality and add some tasteful decor.
Pricing Strategy for a Fast Sale
Setting the right price is crucial for a quick sale. Here's how to determine the optimal price:
1. Market Analysis
Research recent sales of similar properties in your area. Online real estate platforms and local listings can provide valuable insights.
2. Competitive Pricing
Price your house slightly below market value to attract more interest and encourage multiple offers. This can sometimes lead to a faster sale at a favorable price.
3. Professional Appraisal
Consider hiring a professional appraiser to get an accurate estimate of your home's value. This can help you set a realistic and attractive price point.
Marketing Your Property Effectively
To sell your house quickly, effective marketing is key. Utilize the following strategies:
1. High-Quality Photos
Invest in professional photography to showcase your home's best features. High-quality images attract more potential buyers.
2. Online Listings
List your property on multiple real estate websites and social media platforms. The wider the reach, the higher the chances of finding a buyer quickly.
3. Virtual Tours
In today's digital age, virtual tours can significantly enhance your listing. Potential buyers can explore your home from the comfort of theirs, making them more likely to schedule an in-person visit.
4. Open Houses
Host open houses to give potential buyers the opportunity to tour your home without scheduling an appointment. This can generate interest and expedite the sale process.
Working with Real Estate Professionals
While selling your house yourself can save on commission fees, working with real estate professionals can often result in a faster sale. Consider:
1. Real Estate Agents
Experienced agents have a network of potential buyers and industry contacts. They can also handle negotiations and paperwork, streamlining the process for you.
2. Real Estate Attorneys
An attorney can ensure all legal aspects of the sale are handled correctly, preventing delays and protecting your interests.
Finding the fastest way to sell your house involves choosing the right method, preparing your home, setting a competitive price, and marketing effectively. Whether you opt for cash home buyers, auctions, or iBuyers, the key is to be strategic and proactive. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can achieve a quick and successful sale, alleviating the stress and uncertainty often associated with selling a home.
At "webuyshousesfast," we specialize in providing fast and fair offers for homes, helping you move forward with confidence and ease. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in selling your house quickly and efficiently.
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threelittlepigspro · 4 months
Trying to Get $0 Leads with Facebook Ads - Beta Test
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Can you really get free leads for zero dollars? I am doing a beta test on lower ticket front end offers that addresses the problems of free cash flow from a business standpoint. This is different from my first client acquisition model I implemented: a high ticket model. If you are selling a high ticket service or an offer: real estate, insurance, coaching programs, SEO services or anything that is high ticket (I'd define something high ticket to be above $1,000) most of your customers are going to take multiple touch points to convert if they don't already know or like you. This is why many marketers like to follow up through email marketing or SMS. The problem of solely selling high ticket is the issue of cashflow. If you are charging above $1000 and running cold Facebook advertising. Your cold audience from Facebook advertising who don't know you at all isn't going to transact with you above $1,000 on the first touch point. For high ticket offers, where the price point is around $4,000 to $20,000. MOST people take around three to six months to transact. In my experience, I'll keep sending emails, add value to my audience. Then as a result of that, they will book a call with me and they'll become a customer. However just relying on this model may lead to cash flow issues. So, how do you get positive cash flow from day one? This means you get leads to pay for themselves. I want to be cash flow positive as much as possible.     The new model I've been exploring is to sell a lower ticket product on the front end. This helps you break even on the front end. So instead of just having ONE high ticket offer: you got two offers: the high ticket offer and a a front-end offer. Basically, you can sell something at a lower ticket price point: it can from a $7 e-book to $300 mini online course. Now basically, we are just trying to demonstrate authority, add value, and help people solve problems on the front end offer. Then, once they are ready, they will transact with us on the higher ticket back end offer.
So, what does this look like in other industries?
Just about any business can come up with a front-end offer and then sell something on the back end. In fact this is done by many companies already. One of the examples that I've came across recently from an insurance company. They were giving out an irresistible front-end offer. They were giving out FREE bird's nests in exchange of going through your portfolio with a financial consultant. How much does a bird's nest cost? The cheaper ones maybe at $27? Yes, you might lose money. You might lose money on the front end. However at the same time, you're getting a lot of leads on the back end. It's an irresistible offer where people can't say no to it. The cost of giving out 100 bird's nests would cost you $2700. However on the backend you'll definitely get more qualified leads. The psychology of reciprocity is there and the prospect is more willing to sit down with a financial consultant, go through a portfolio review and their likeliness of buying increases. That is because they got something entirely for FREE, as a marketer, I understand the psychology of reciprocity. However, is there a better model where you can do this where you don't have to shell out $2700 on the front end just to get leads?
Creative Ways of Crafting a Front End Offer
If you are a financial consultant, you can package up a bunch of financial books and sell it for a low cost. Or you can come out with a low ticket financial seminar, coaching program. Note: I'm not a financial consultant. I also know that in Singapore there are restrictions and regulations. However, it is on you to be creative and to find ways on how you can construct a front-end offer that's contextually congruent that will lead to your back-end offer. Now don't get me wrong, I generated $80,000 to $100,000 with solely a high ticket offer. Then again, there months where I was pretty much stressed out for qualified calls and appointments.
Ending Thoughts
There is an old adage in digital marketing: he who can spend the most to acquire a lead wins. If you're not spending $10,000 a month on ads or you're not at that stage of a company where you can spend $10,000 a month on ads. Then a front end offer will make sense. That is because your competitors are spending $10,000 and getting and making $100,000. They have the marketing scalability and they have the ability to buy up leads. However, if you're looking to be efficiency-minded and cash flow minded, then this model of "getting leads for free" can help you from demonstrate value, demonstrate authority and smoothen out cashflow issues. Read the full article
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kezexofficial · 4 months
Non-Fungible Token (NFT): What It Means and How It Works
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Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have arisen as a transformative force in the digital world, providing a new method to own, trade, and engage with unique digital assets. Unlike regular cryptocurrencies, NFTs represent unique items such as digital art and collectibles, virtual real estate, and more. This blog delves into the concept of NFTs, their underlying technology, and the ramifications for the future of digital tokens, including the best cryptotokens to invest today.
What Are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?
An NFT is a form of digital asset that indicates ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique object or piece of content and is maintained on the blockchain. Unlike fungible tokens like Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are identical and can be swapped one-for-one, each NFT is unique and cannot be exchanged for another NFT.
How NFTs Work
NFTs are created, or "minted," via blockchain technology, which ensures their uniqueness and ownership. Here's a breakdown of the procedure:
Blockchain Technology
Most NFTs are created on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 specifications, however, other blockchains such as Binance Smart Chain, Flow, and Tezos also accept NFTs. These standards specify the protocols for creating and trading NFTs, assuring their compatibility and security.
Smart Contracts
NFTs use smart contracts to control ownership and transferability. A smart contract is a self-executing contract whose terms are directly expressed in code. When an NFT is purchased or sold, the smart contract automatically changes the ownership information on the blockchain.
Minting NFTs
Minting is the process of producing an NFT. During minting, the NFT's unique information, such as metadata (name, description, and properties), is recorded in the blockchain. This technique ensures the NFT's uniqueness and establishes its ownership.
Applications of NFTs
NFTs offer a diverse range of applications across sectors, demonstrating their versatility and potential.
Digital Art
NFTs have transformed the art world by offering artists a new opportunity to sell their work. Artists can sell their digital works as NFTs, which ensures authenticity and uniqueness. OpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare are major marketplaces for digital art NFTs.
Digital collectibles, such as virtual trade cards or in-game items, are another important use of NFTs. These things can be purchased, sold, and traded on a variety of sites, with ownership and rarity verified via the blockchain. Examples are CryptoPunks and NBA Top Shot.
Virtual Real Estate
Another emerging use case is virtual real estate on metaverse platforms such as Decentraland and The Sandbox. Users can use NFTs to buy, trade, and develop virtual land parcels, resulting in the creation of a digital economy within these worlds.
Music and Entertainment
Musicians and celebrities are also looking at NFTs to sell unique content, concert tickets, and merchandise. NFTs eliminate intermediaries, allowing artists and fans to communicate directly.
The Future of Digital Tokens and NFTs
As the digital world continues to expand, the future of digital tokens, including NFTs, appears bright. Here are some important trends and considerations:
New Cryptotoken Innovations
New cryptotokens are being created to improve the functionality and usage of NFTs. These developments include fractionalized NFTs, which enable shared ownership, as well as utility tokens, which add value to NFT ecosystems.
Integration with DeFi
The combination of NFTs with Decentralized Finance (DeFi) opens up new possibilities for liquidity and financialization. NFT holders can now use their assets as collateral for loans, earn a yield via staking, and participate in decentralized governance.
Regulation and Security
As NFTs gain popularity, regulatory scrutiny intensifies. Ensuring compliance with changing rules while retaining security and decentralization will be critical to the future expansion of NFTs. Projects that prioritize security and regulatory compliance are more likely to attract investors.
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are changing how we engage with digital assets by providing new opportunities for ownership, creativity, and investment. As the NFT ecosystem evolves, staying up to date on new cryptotokens, innovative platforms, and developing trends will be critical for investors hoping to profit from this dynamic market.
Understanding the foundations of NFTs and their applications will help you make informed decisions in the quickly increasing world of digital assets, whether you're looking for the greatest cryptotoken to invest in today, discovering new listed tokens, or finding the best cheap crypto to buy now.
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petrossianaerial · 4 months
Best Drone Photography in Los Angeles by Petrossian Aerial
Los Angeles, a city known for its diverse landscapes and iconic landmarks, demands a unique approach to photography that can capture its essence from every angle. Petrossian Aerial, located in Woodland Hills, offers the best drone photography services in the region, bringing a fresh and exhilarating perspective to both personal and professional projects.
Unmatched Aerial Expertise Petrossian Aerial has carved out a niche in the competitive field of drone photography with its commitment to excellence and innovation. Our team of skilled drone pilots photographers in Los Angeles is dedicated to providing high-quality aerial images and videos that highlight the beauty and grandeur of Los Angeles. From the bustling streets of downtown to the serene beaches of Malibu, we capture it all with precision and creativity.
Cutting-Edge Technology At Petrossian Aerial, we utilize the latest drone technology to ensure superior image quality and stability. Our drones are equipped with high-definition cameras capable of capturing stunning 4K videos and crystal-clear photos. This advanced equipment allows us to produce professional-grade footage that is perfect for various applications, including real estate listings, promotional videos, special events, and more.
Real Estate Photography In the competitive Los Angeles real estate market, standing out is crucial. Our drone photography services in Los Angeles provide real estate professionals with the edge they need to showcase properties in the best light. Aerial views give potential buyers a comprehensive understanding of a property’s layout, surrounding area, and unique features, making listings more attractive and engaging.
Event Coverage Special events deserve to be remembered in all their glory. Whether it’s a wedding, corporate event, or concert, Petrossian Aerial offers unparalleled event coverage that captures the scale and excitement of your occasion. Our unobtrusive drones blend seamlessly into the background, ensuring candid moments are captured without distraction.
Promotional and Cinematic Projects Los Angeles is the heart of the entertainment industry, and Petrossian Aerial is proud to contribute to its dynamic visual storytelling landscape. Our services are ideal for promotional videos, film projects, and commercials. We work closely with clients to understand their vision and bring it to life with stunning aerial footage that adds a cinematic flair to any project.
Why Choose Petrossian Aerial? Choosing Petrossian Aerial means partnering with a team that values professionalism, creativity, and customer satisfaction. Our commitment to safety and adherence to FAA regulations ensure that every flight is conducted responsibly, minimizing risk and maximizing results. We take pride in our ability to deliver exceptional drone photography services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
Convenient Location Conveniently located at 6320 CA-27 Suite 1630 #199, Woodland Hills, CA 91303, Petrossian Aerial is easily accessible for clients across Los Angeles. We invite you to visit us and discover how our drone photography services can elevate your visual content to new heights.
Contact Us For the best drone photography in Los Angeles, look no further than Petrossian Aerial. Contact us today to discuss your project and learn how we can help you capture stunning aerial images and videos that leave a lasting impression.
Website: https://www.petrossianaerial.com/ Phone: +1-818–332–0783 Email: [email protected]
Experience Los Angeles from a new vantage point with Petrossian Aerial, where every shot is a masterpiece.
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vickipeng · 5 months
TPG to Acquire Angelo Gordon
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SAN FRANCISCO & FORT WORTH, Texas & NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TPG Inc. (NASDAQ: TPG), a leading global alternative asset management firm, and Angelo Gordon, a $73 billion1,2 alternative investment firm focused on credit and real estate investing, today announced that the companies have entered into a definitive agreement under which TPG will acquire Angelo Gordon in a cash and equity transaction valued at approximately $2.7 billion, based on TPG Inc.’s share price as of May 12, 2023, including an estimated $970 million in cash and up to 62.5 million common units of the TPG Operating Group and restricted stock units of TPG, in each case, subject to certain adjustments. The transaction also includes an earnout based on Angelo Gordon’s future financial performance, valued at up to $400 million. 
Founded in 1988, Angelo Gordon is a fully integrated and scaled multi-strategy platform with more than 650 employees across 12 offices in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Angelo Gordon’s $55 billion1,2 credit platform offers scaled and diversified capabilities across the credit investing spectrum, including corporate credit, direct lending, and structured credit, and its $18 billion1,2 real estate platform manages dedicated value-add real estate strategies with significant reach in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, as well as a net lease strategy. Similar to TPG, Angelo Gordon has delivered significant and sustained momentum and growth, doubling its AUM over the past five years.
TPG and Angelo Gordon had a combined AUM of $208 billion1 as of December 31, 2022. Upon the close of the transaction, TPG will manage assets across a broadly diversified set of investment strategies, including private equity, impact, credit, real estate, and market solutions. The addition of Angelo Gordon marks a significant expansion into credit investing for TPG, establishing additional levers to drive organic growth and further expanding the breadth, diversification, and reach of the TPG platform. The transaction will enable TPG and Angelo Gordon to be an even stronger partner to LPs, providing investment opportunities across a broader range of asset classes and return profiles.
“This strategic transaction meaningfully expands our investing capabilities and broadens our product offering. The addition of Angelo Gordon also underscores our continued focus on growing and scaling through diversification, while driving long-term value for our shareholders,” said Jon Winkelried, Chief Executive Officer of TPG. “Following more than a year of building relationships between the leadership teams of both organizations, we are confident the combination represents a strong strategic and cultural fit and will create additional opportunities for employees of both firms. We look forward to welcoming the Angelo Gordon team as we execute on our shared vision.”
“This is a terrific partnership that provides Angelo Gordon with the scale to capitalize on the growing opportunity set we see in the credit and real estate markets, the diversification to create new solutions for our clients across the risk spectrum in all market conditions, and the opportunity to share our collective expertise, insights, and knowledge,” said Josh Baumgarten, Angelo Gordon Co-CEO and Head of Credit.
Adam Schwartz, Co-CEO and Head of Real Estate at Angelo Gordon, said, “We are proud to be joining a world-class investment platform that shares our philosophy on firm culture, investment excellence, and delivering for clients. This transaction is a testament to the team and business that we have built over nearly 35 years, and we are excited about the new and expanded opportunities ahead for our employees and LPs.”
“Both firms have grown organically over the past three decades, from private founder-led businesses into seasoned firms with next-generation executive leadership poised to accelerate further growth as part of a diversified platform,” added Jim Coulter, TPG’s Co-Founder and Executive Chairman. “There is a clear alignment of interests, values, and culture with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment excellence. We look forward to building on our collective momentum together.”
Strategic and Financial Rationale
Marks a significant expansion into credit investing for TPG: Angelo Gordon’s platform offers scaled and diversified capabilities across the credit investing spectrum, including corporate credit and special situations, direct lending, and structured credit. Each product area is well established with strong investment performance and substantial opportunities for significant organic growth.
Offers real estate capabilities that are complementary to TPG’s current strategies: Further expands TPG’s geographic reach in Europe and Asia, broadens sourcing capabilities, and adds additional strategies, including a net lease strategy. On a combined basis, TPG will have meaningful scale with $38 billion1 of collective AUM in real estate across TPG and Angelo Gordon as of December 31, 2022.
Provides broad spectrum of alternatives solutions for clients: Creates an even more compelling partner for the largest LPs globally, expanding alternative investment opportunities across a broad range of asset classes and return profiles that offer solutions for high growth channels such as insurance, high net worth, and retail, as well as institutional clients.
Creates broader client base: Angelo Gordon brings an attractive and complementary base of long-standing clients across its credit and real estate businesses. Together there is a substantial opportunity to expand and strengthen relationships across platforms.
Unlocks significant opportunities to grow revenue and optimize and scale within the combined platform: The combined company will benefit from shared intellectual capital, including industry, sector, and investing expertise, broadened LP relationships and distribution channels, and the support of robust infrastructure to drive enhanced opportunities for growth, business expansion, new product development, and geographic reach.
Delivers strong strategic and cultural fit: Angelo Gordon’s culture is aligned with TPG’s core values: high-performing, entrepreneurial, innovative, collaborative, and transparent. Both firms have grown organically, incubating, launching, and scaling new products that have complemented and built on core competencies and are poised to accelerate growth as part of a diversified platform.
Enhances capital formation capabilities: With a more diversified product set, TPG will continue to build its distribution and expand the breadth and depth of relationships.
Key Transaction Details
TPG is acquiring Angelo Gordon in a cash and equity transaction valued at approximately $2.7 billion, based on TPG Inc.’s share price as of May 12, 2023, including an estimated $970 million in cash and up to 62.5 million common units of the TPG Operating Group and restricted stock units of TPG, in each case, subject to certain adjustments. The transaction also includes an earnout based on Angelo Gordon’s future financial performance, valued at up to $400 million.
The cash portion of the transaction will be funded from TPG’s current cash balance and undrawn revolver, and is expected to be mid-to-high single digit accretive to TPG shareholders on an FRE and After-tax DE per share basis in 2024, before any revenue or cost synergies.
Upon closing of the transaction, Angelo Gordon will become a new significant investing platform within TPG. Angelo Gordon’s Co-CEOs Josh Baumgarten and Adam Schwartz will become Co-Managing Partners of the platform, reporting to TPG CEO, Jon Winkelried.
Approvals and Closing
The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including HSR, international regulatory approvals, and other client and third-party consents. The transaction, which was unanimously approved by the TPG Board of Directors, is expected to close in Q4 2023.
Ardea Partners LP acted as lead financial advisor to TPG and provided a fairness opinion to TPG’s Board of Directors. J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC also acted as financial advisors to TPG. Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP served as TPG’s lead transaction counsel. Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, Shearman & Sterling LLP, and Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP advised TPG with respect to tax, executive compensation, and investment fund matters, respectively. Goldman, Sachs & Co. LLC and Piper Sandler acted as financial advisor to Angelo Gordon and Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP served as legal counsel.
Investor Presentation
A supplemental investor presentation on the transaction is available on the Investor Relations section of TPG’s website at shareholders.TPG.com.
About TPG
TPG is a leading global alternative asset management firm, founded in San Francisco in 1992, with $137 billion of assets under management and investment and operational teams around the world. TPG invests across five multi-strategy platforms: Capital, Growth, Impact, Real Estate, and Market Solutions and our unique strategy is driven by collaboration, innovation, and inclusion. Our teams combine deep product and sector experience with broad capabilities and expertise to develop differentiated insights and add value for our fund investors, portfolio companies, management teams, and communities.
About Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P.
Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P. (“Angelo Gordon”) is a privately-held alternative investment firm founded in November 1988. The firm currently manages approximately $73 billion2, with a primary focus on credit and real estate strategies. Angelo Gordon has over 650 employees, including more than 200 investment professionals, and is headquartered in New York, with associated offices elsewhere in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit www.angelogordon.com.
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sanickilawyersaus · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to Conveyancing Lawyers Fees
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When you're about to step into the world of buying or selling property, there is one term you'll frequently encounter is 'conveyancing'.
This legal process ensures that the transfer of real estate property complies with the law, a step you definitely can't skip.
But, as you might have guessed, it involves professionals known as experts conveyancing lawyers Melbourne, and yes, their services come with fees. Understanding these fees is crucial for a smooth real estate transaction.
In this guide, we're diving deep into the costs associated with conveyancing lawyers, making sure you're well-informed and ready to navigate this crucial aspect of your property journey.
Understanding Conveyancing Lawyer's Fees
Understanding the fees associated with conveyancing lawyers is crucial when navigating the terrain of real estate transactions.
These professionals play an essential role in ensuring smooth property transactions and dealing with the legal aspects surrounding the transfer of property ownership. Their fees, however, can sometimes feel like a riddle wrapped in a mystery.
Let's unravel this puzzle and understand what conveyancing lawyers' fees entail, the factors influencing these costs, and why grasping the fee structure upfront is paramount.
What are conveyancing lawyer fees?
Conveyancing lawyers' fees refer to the charges you incur for the legal services provided by conveyancing lawyers or solicitors in the process of buying, selling, or transferring property ownership.
These fees can cover a range of activities, including drafting and reviewing contracts, conducting searches, dealing with the Land Registry, and facilitating the exchange and completion of property transactions.
Factors influencing the cost of conveyancing lawyers' fees
Several factors can significantly impact the cost of conveyancing lawyer fees. These include:
The complexity of the transaction: More complex dealings, such as those involving leaseholds as opposed to freeholds, can require additional work, thereby increasing costs.
Property value: Higher property values often entail higher fees due to the increased liability and workload.
Location: Fees can vary significantly depending on where you are in the country, with major cities often commanding higher rates.
Additional services: Extra tasks outside the standard conveyancing process, such as dealing with planning permissions or special surveys, can add to the overall fees.
Understanding these factors can help you gauge anticipated costs and avoid surprises down the line.
Importance of understanding the fee structure upfront
Grasping the fee structure from the get-go enables transparency, allowing you to budget effectively and compare services.
It prevents hidden costs and provides you with the peace of mind that there are no unexpected charges looming.
Always ask your conveyancing lawyer for a detailed breakdown of their fees, including any disbursements, and confirm whether the quoted price includes VAT.
Types of Fees Charged by Conveyancing Lawyers
The billing practices of conveyancing lawyers Melbourne can vary, typically falling into three main categories: fixed fees, hourly rates, and percentage-based fees. Let's dive into each to see what they mean for your wallet.
Fixed fees
Many conveyancing lawyers offer services for a fixed fee, providing a clear, upfront cost for the entire process. This approach is beneficial as it allows for easier budget planning, offering a sense of financial security, knowing that the price won't suddenly inflate.
Hourly rates
Some conveyancers charge by the hour, billing for the actual time spent on your transaction. While this can be cost-effective for straightforward transactions, it can also lead to unpredictability in final costs, especially if the process encounters delays or complications. Always inquire about the estimated number of hours and keep a close eye on the time billed to avoid surprises.
Percentage-based fees
Rare but still in practice, some conveyancing lawyers charge a fee based on a percentage of the property's value. This fee structure is more commonly used in high-value transactions. While it can be straightforward, understanding the implications on overall cost based on your property's market value is essential to avoid overpaying.
By becoming familiar with these fee structures, you're better equipped to ask the right questions, compare options, and choose the conveyancing service that aligns with your needs and budget.
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Additional Costs Associated with Conveyancing Lawyers
When you’re navigating the realm of real estate transactions, understanding the landscape of conveyancing lawyers and their fees is crucial. Beyond the baseline fee for their service, there are additional costs that often catch clients by surprise.
Let’s dive into these extra charges to help you budget more effectively.
Search fees
One of the primary additional costs comes in the form of search fees. These are expenses that your conveyancing lawyer incurs on your behalf to acquire crucial information about the property. Searches can include local authority checks, environmental searches, and title searches, among others.
The purpose is to ensure that there are no hidden surprises that could affect your enjoyment or ownership of the property.
The cost of these searches can vary significantly based on the location and specific requirements of the property in question.
Disbursement fees
Another add-on to be aware of is disbursement fees. These are essentially the costs the conveyancing lawyer pays to third parties on your behalf. These can include registering the property with the Land Registry, couriering documents, or obtaining copies of property deeds.
It's important to note that these costs are not mark-ups by your lawyer but rather direct expenses incurred during the transaction process that are passed on to you.
Stamp duty
Stamp duty can be a sizable additional cost in the conveyancing process, depending on the purchase price of the property and your particular circumstances (for example, if you’re a first-time buyer or if you’re purchasing a second home).
This tax is paid to the government and varies from one location to another. It is based on the price of the property and can significantly increase the total cost of the transaction. Your conveyancing lawyer will calculate the exact amount for you, but it’s something you should anticipate in your budgeting.
Tips for Managing Conveyancing Lawyer's Fees
Navigating through the fees associated with conveyancing lawyers Melbourne can sometimes feel like walking through a minefield.
However, with the right strategies, you can manage these costs effectively, ensuring that you get value for your money without unnecessary strain on your finances.
Requesting a detailed breakdown of costs
Before you even agree to work with a trusted lawyer, ask for a detailed breakdown of their fees. This breakdown should include their basic service fee along with any additional costs like search fees, disbursement fees, and anticipated stamp duty.
Getting this information upfront will help you budget properly and avoid any unpleasant surprises down the line.
Negotiating fees with the lawyer
Yes, you can negotiate fees with your conveyancing lawyer. While the base fee might often be fixed, there’s usually some room for negotiation, especially concerning additional services.
Don’t be afraid to discuss the fees and ask for discounts or a more favourable structure that suits your financial situation. Remember, it doesn’t hurt to ask, and you might end up saving a significant amount.
Considering value over cost
While it’s vital to manage costs and negotiate fees, it's equally important to consider the value a skilled conveyancing lawyer brings to your transaction.
Opting for the cheapest option available may end up costing you more in the long run if it means compromising on the quality of service.
A good conveyancing lawyer can navigate complex issues, avoid delays, and ensure a smooth transaction, which can be invaluable.
As we wrap up our guide on conveyancing lawyers Melbourne fees, it's clear that understanding the financial aspect of real estate transactions is crucial. Whether you're buying, selling, or refinancing a property, conveyancing lawyers play an essential role.
Their fees might vary greatly based on the complexity of the transaction, the property's location, and the lawyer's experience. Remember, while it might be tempting to go for the lowest quote, a skilled conveyancing lawyer's value and peace of mind can be well worth the investment.
Always ask for a detailed quote and clarify what each fee covers to avoid any surprises. By doing so, you'll be in a better position to budget for your property transaction effectively. To sum up, when it comes to conveyancing lawyers:
- Fees are not one-size-fits-all and can vary.
- The total cost can include various components, such as legal fees, disbursements, and additional charges for complex issues.
- Investing in a competent conveyancing lawyer can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.
Armed with this knowledge, you're now better equipped to navigate the costs associated with your next real estate transaction.
Source: https://melbournelawyers.quora.com/The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Conveyancing-Lawyers-Fees
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apratments · 7 months
What is Lodha Bannerghatta, and what kind of project is it?
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Introduction: Lodha Bannerghatta
Lodha Bannerghatta emerges as a beacon of modernity and innovation in the dynamic real estate landscape. This ambitious project represents a paradigm shift in urban development, offering a holistic living experience beyond conventional norms. In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of Lodha Bannerghatta, unravelling the essence of this transformative real estate venture.
A brief history of Lodha Bannerghatta:
It is s situated at the crossroads of [City] and was conceived to redefine urban living. The project’s genesis lies in the meticulous planning and thoughtful integration of sustainable design principles. Developed by the renowned It, the development seeks to achieve a harmonious balance between nature, community, and modern amenities.
Location and accessibility are key factors:
One of the standout features of Lodha Bannerghatta is its strategic location. Nestled in the heart of [City], the project enjoys proximity to key transportation hubs, educational institutions, and commercial centres. This strategic positioning not only enhances convenience for residents but also adds significant value to the overall lifestyle offered by the development.
Brilliance in architecture:
Lodha Bannerghatta is a testament to architectural brilliance. The design philosophy revolves around creating spaces that are not only visually appealing but also functional. The residential and commercial structures within the development seamlessly integrate contemporary aesthetics with practicality, fostering a sense of luxury and comfort.
Amenities that Redefine Living:
At the core of Lodha Bannerghatta’s appeal are its world-class amenities. From meticulously landscaped green spaces and recreational facilities to state-of-the-art fitness centres and community gathering areas, every aspect is designed to elevate the quality of life for residents. The project goes beyond the traditional definition of housing, offering an inclusive environment where residents can thrive.
Sustainability at its Core:
Lodha Bannerghatta places a strong emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendliness. The architecture incorporates green building practices, energy-efficient systems, and water conservation measures. The developers have also implemented waste management strategies, contributing to the overall eco-friendly footprint of the project. Sustainable practices align with global trends and ensure a greener, healthier future for the community.
Community Living Redefined:
The project fosters a sense of community living, often elusive in urban settings. Lodha Bannerghatta is designed to be more than just a residential complex; it is a vibrant community where neighbours become friends, and shared spaces encourage social interactions. Including community centres, cultural spaces, and recreational zones creates an environment that nurtures a strong sense of belonging.
Investment Potential:
Lodha Bannerghatta presents an enticing opportunity for those considering investing in real estate. The strategic location and the project’s commitment to quality and sustainability position it as a lucrative investment option. As the development progresses, the potential for appreciation in property value is significant, making it an attractive prospect for investors seeking long-term returns.
Future Developments and Expansion Plans:
It is not just a static project; it is a dynamic ecosystem that evolves with the changing needs of its residents. The developers have outlined expansion plans, including additional amenities, infrastructure enhancements, and community-focused initiatives. This forward-thinking approach ensures that Lodha Bannerghatta remains a relevant and thriving community for years.
It is a shining example of what is possible when visionary development meets a commitment to sustainability and community well-being. This blog has only scratched the surface of the features and facets that make it a unique and compelling real estate venture. As the project unfolds, it is poised to make a lasting impression on the urban landscape, setting new standards for quality living and holistic development.
Why do you need to select Lodha Bannerghatta in Bangalore?
Lodha Bannerghatta in Bangalore is a testament to a luxurious dwelling in the heart of Bangalore. With number 3 and 3.5-bedroom apartments designed to cater to various preferences, the venture offers a perfect combination of comfort, aesthetics, and present-day facilities. While the price of residing in Lodha Bannerghatta in Bangalore reflects the top-rate nature of the improvement, the investment potential and the first-rate existence it guarantees make it a compelling preference for the ones seeking to make extended-term funding in Bangalorean’s actual property marketplace.
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Lodha Bannerghatta
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