glitchyartist · 1 year
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No thoughts
Only vampire Jackie
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septicwriters · 1 year
Hey, it's been a while! (Please ignore how I abandoned you) So! I hear that vampire Jackie is all the rage right now. I'm in!
The night grew with each second, rain drops dribbling off corners to show the passed storm. Civilians walked along without the worry of something watching them. A doctor dug in her bag, looking for her car keys when it was stolen from her. A man in all black ran past her down the alley.
"Hey!" She chased after him with her taser, but as she turned down the corner, she stopped. Her assailant was on the ground with a man shrouded in the shadows behind him.
"Hello? Who's there?" From the hidden shadows came Jackieboy Man's smiling face.
"Here, you should be careful, the low life are in high tide at this time of the night." She released a sigh of relief, taking her bag from the hero.
"Thank you." She smiled and took off, leaving Jackie with the trash.
"You're lucky I have a moral compass, or you'd end up in the morgue instead of jail." Jackie grunted, lifting the attacker with ease. Jackie was actually starving, but his heroic code helped him to a strict diet of only what he needed. And right now, he didn't need anything.
Jackie turned a corner and found the ground lined with crucifixes, making him raise a brow. He smirked, dropping the man and cuffing him to a pipe. He put his hands on his hips with an amused smirk.
"Ha ha, very funny. Who are you supposed to be? Van Helsing?" Anti glitched in front of him, twirling his knife.
"S̷eein̡g͘ a͏s Hęl͢s̶ing ́wou̷ld t̨r͡y ̧t͞o kil̸l ̢us b̕o̸t̶h̡ t̕o̸ ̷wo͏rk u̢p̀ a̴n ͠ap̡p̷et̡i̵te, no, I ̧a̢m ̨n͞o̸t." Jackie snorted, crossing his arms.
"What'cha up to, Anti? What's with the church service?" Anti stopped twirling his knife as Jackie stepped over the array of crosses. He turned to him with a shrug.
"I was curious." Jackie scoffed in amusement.
"Curious? Of what? If I turned to dust in front of an over exaggerated T? Screaming, 'oh! What a world!'" Anti raised a brow.
"T̴h͟at͡ w̕as̶ ̛tḩe̶ ͡wįcke̴d ̕w͢i͞t̢ch.̨." Jackie shrugged.
"So?" Anti rolled his eyes before standing up straight.
"M̀a͟ŕvin̨'̴s͞ ́worr̴i̸e͠d̀."
"So what else is new?" Anti sighed as Jackie stretched.
"L͞i͝ste͏n͠, may̡be if́ yo̧u ca͞me̷ h̸ome̴ e̶ver͟y once҉ ͟in ̶a͜ w͜hi҉l̴é,̛ it̨ ̴wo̷u̢l҉d̢ ̸m̡ak̵e ̀h̡i͜m ͡l̛ess wo͢r҉rie͏d͏. H͏e'̡s̴ ҉d͏r͏iv͝in͜g m̧e n͟u͝t͝s̴." Jackei gave Anti the side eye, a hint of red piercing his blue eyes.
"What happened the last time I was home, Anti?" The last time Jackie stayed at the Septic house was relatively close to when he turned. He broke into Schneep's lab and stole all of his blood samples, not exactly his best moment. Scared the shit out of Chase and gave JJ a heart attack. Marvin did his best to protect him, but in a moment of desperation, he jumped out the window. Anti crossed his arms.
"Li͠s̢t̸en̨, ͜i̡f t̷ha͝t̸'s ̴th͜e͢ wor̵st̡ t̛h͟at҉ happe҉n͟ed͠, ̛I ̛t҉hin҉k̢ ͠w͠e'͞r̷ę ͞i͡n ̶th͠e ͢c̵l̀e͘a҉r.͏ ̢N̢e͠w̵b̡o̸rn͏ va͠mp͟s͡ ͘àr̷e s͢t̕ár̷ving̶,̕ you cou̢l̴d h̵av͜e̡ ̵a̕ttac͢ke̵d ͟u̢s͏."
"Yeah, but if I walked through that door, I'd have garlic and stakes waved in my face. Two things, by the way, that are absolute bullshit." Anti rolled his eyes, he could have told him that. Jackie sighed as his petty thief stirred.
"Lo͝o͡k͏, ̷all I͝'̨m saýi͢ņg̶ i͢s-" They both stopped as the thief gasped, a syringe sticking out his neck as he died. Anti took it out and examined it.
"We bett̀e҉r ͢m̸óve."
"Agreed." More landed at Jackie's feet before they started running. Jackie snorted as more lined the building next to them.
"Well, one things for sure, they're a shitty shot!" Anti twirled himself around before pinpointing the shooter. With a smirk, he tossed his knife, ceasing the fire. Jackie whistled.
"Nice one. What the hell was that about? Are vampire hunters not what they're cracked up to be?"
"Actually, he's just the decoy, he did an excellent job." Jackie and Anti turned to see a man in a black coat and a cane before them. Anti's knife glitched back into his possession as Jackie frowned.
"Who are you? And what do you want?" The man looked up to them with a soft smile.
"Lucky us, two vampires for the price of one."
"Wrong ̡s҉pec҉ie̢s҉,̸ ́bu͘dd̵y.͡ ̀Ho̵w͢ ab̵ơut͢ a n͘am͢e҉ ̶to ̸pu͢t͞ ͢o̷n ͘yo̡ưr tǫmb̵st́o͢n̵e." The man sighed, pulling his arms out of his sleeves.
"Very well, I suppose a name is good enough for your last wish. The name is Lincoln, Jeremiah Lincoln, at your service." Anti groaned, running a hand down his face.
"No̵t̨ ̀y͜o̷u c̵lo̵wn̨s̀!" Jackie raised a brow.
"You know him?"
"We͘l͡l, ͘I̷ ͠k̵new͡ the͟ p͏èrs͡on̢ ͡t͏hat st̀a̕r͏t͜éd t̛he ͢w̧hole̛ bu͡si͝ne̷ss. A͢br҉a̸ham,͜ ̶w̷h̶at͢ ͞a͢ wa͟cko." Jackie stopped.
"Abrham Lincoln is a vampire hunter? Wait! You knew Abraham Lincoln?" Anti rolled his eyes, turning to the side, completely ignoring the hunter.
"Jack̕i͡e̡,͝ ́ýou͜ s̕h͞oul҉d͘ kno͜w͘ ̶by ͟ǹo̷w͘ ͠tha̡t I ̀k̵n͝ow ̛ev̕ér͠yone ͡wh͝e͠n̨ ͠ìt co͝m̷es͟ to ̛t̶al̸ĺ ͘dark͘ ́and su͘p͟ernatu̷r͏al."
"Yeah, but Lincoln? That giant was a vampire hunter? How did that start?" Anti sighed, cracking his neck.
"Tha̵t͝ ́is ̧a͟ ̢long̕ ͜st͜ory-"
"Enough! Yes, my grandfather was Abraham Lincoln, yes, he hunted you, can we just get on with it!" Jackie jumped, his attention was back on the hunter. Jackie chuckled a little.
"Sorry, you may contiue." The hunter sighed.
"Thank you. Now, do you want to go out the easy of the hard way?" Jackie and Anti exchanged glances before smirking.
"Hate to break it to you, but we never do things the easy way." Anti was behind Jeremiah in seconds, a knife steady on his jugular. Jackie kept a steady eye all around, he knew there were more, he could smell them.
"You got him?" Anti gave him a glare, if looks could kill. Jackie took that as his que before jumping up on top of the buildings, finding three more hunters. He sighed, crossing his arms.
"So, you three gonna give me trouble?" They turned to him with machetes, guns, and wierd gizmos and gadgets. Jackie shook his head.
"Guess so."
Anti Revelled in the fear radiating off the hunter. He couldn't help his sadistic smile. The wait to kill was intoxicating. Jeremiah attempted to get comfortable in Antis hold, which only got him a small knick.
"You say you're not a vampire. If that is true, and you are not, what are you?" Anti chuckled, hearing his blood pump faster and faster.
"L͘e͡t͏'̀s͝ ju̵st͘ ͠sa͝ỳ Í'͡m ̷á h͟ȩl҉l ̡ǫf͏ a lo̷t̨ o͟l͘ḑer ̀t̕ha̷n̛ ̕any͜ bát."
"I see, then why help him? Why not assig us?" Antj kicked the back of his knew so he fell, Anti's grip on his hair being the only thing keeping him up.
"Y͟ou ̡listen͞ a̕nd́ y҉ou͞ ̕l̨i͠s̷t̵e҉ń goo̧d̵. ͏I̶ am ͏going͡ to̕ ̛ki͝ll ̕t́he̕ h̛e̵ro!̀ I̴t ̨is͜ mý rig҉ht͡!͢ Y̧o̸u ar̀e ́jus͝t͟ ͞iǹ ̢t̶he͝ ͞way̴ way." Jeremiah grunted as the cut deepened on his neck.
"I understand. Well then, I apologize for getting in the way of your duty, but you are in the way of mine." Anti watched as Jackie plummeted to the earth curling in on himself in agony.
"Oh, that doesn't look good. What did you hit him with?" Anti looked up to see two men on the roof.
"Mock 4, sir." Anti watched as Jackie's nails dug into the cement. Scratching deep lines into the stone.
"Oh yes, that is serious. If you let me go, I can cure him and you can kill him on your own terms. Unless you-" his sentence was cute short by Anti back handing with his knife wielding hand.
"Y͏o̶ų b͢a̶s̀ta͟r͠d̨s!" Anti ran up the side of the building to see the men with their arms. One lay unconscious, Anti payed that one no mind, regardless, no one would be leaving here alive.
One raised his gun and fired, Anti immediately ran around the syringe and chop of his arm. He screamed as blood covered the ground and Anti. The glitch couldn't help but cackle at the sight.
"Ḿuśi̡c͘ t͢o̕ ͟m̢y ̢ear̶s̨!" Anti slid his foot to turn and attack the other in time for him tk raise his machete and guard. Anti laugjednim enjoyment.
"L͟oo͡k ̛a̢t̶ th҉at! ͢Th̢is ̛one ha̷s ą b̛i̧ţ of ҉b͢a̵ck̢ ̢bo̕n͢e͠!" Anti swashbuckling him for some time, drawing out the kill. He wanted to have a bit of fun with this one, and who was he to deny himself such pleasure?
Jeremiah rose from the ground, feeling dizzy and ill. His hand reached his face and found blood all across it. He sneered at the injury, spitting the few droplets that fell in his mouth. He grabbed his cain and walked to Jackie, watching for movement.
Jackie's eyes opened but it was Jackie in that moment. He sat up, eyeing the man before him, a pulsing red coloring his eyes. No, this wasn't Jackie, before Jeremiah was a starving vampire.
"Oh good, you're still alive. That makes this interesting." Jackie ignored his words. What the vampire hunters didn't count on was that Jackie's super healing abilities tied with his vampiric abilities allowed him to filter out the poison, which took a lot of energy. And with that energy, came a clawing hunger that caused Jackie to pounce on his attacker and feed.
The screams from below sent Anti jumping down wards, having killed all three accessories of Jeremiah. Once he landed, he stayed deathly still as he watched Jackie pin the struggling hunter and drain him of his life.
"Help! Help me!" He begged out for Anti who just watched. He took considerate steps around Jackie to get a good look. He stopped, taking in Jackie's appearance in fascination. Piercing red eyes, blood dripping off his jaw, sharp teeth embedded in the man's flesh. It truly was a terrifying sight to behold.
Jeremiah's struggles ended way before Jackie dropped him. Panting, he looked to Anti he glitched his knife to his hand. Not sure if the hero was back or not considering his eyes were still as red as the blood he was covered in.
"Do̧n҉'͢t p̡ick ̷t͏hi҉s̕ ҉f̶i̶ǵh͟t, Jackie̕." Anti warned, more than willing to end Jackie's life right here and now. The hero scoffed, wiping his mouth and jaw.
"Calm down, I'm good. You're not on the menu." Anti relaxed a little as Jackie blinked and the red vanished, shoving his knife in his pocket. Jackie looked down at Jeremiah, pale and cold. He refused to look Anti in the eye.
"Tell Marv not to worry, I'm fine. You should also tell him I don't eat fresh." Anti scoffed, gesturing to the corpse at the heros feet.
"Ye̕ąh,͞ ͜súŕe." Jackie shook his head, finally giving Anti eye contact.
"He was my first." Anti nodded before sighing.
"Fine, I'll tell him. But when you are down with your hang ups, come home. I'm getting sick of this!" Jackie smirked, blood staining his mouth.
"Thanks Anti." Anti grumbled about not being a messenger before leaving, his last sight was Jackie staring down at Jeremiah with regret.
How'd I do?
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thevampsvault · 1 year
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Jackie Miller
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philipreadart-blog · 2 years
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I couldn’t draw Nadja without also drawing Laszlo!
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allykatsart · 2 years
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Since I drew Marvin I figured the rest of the Monster AU should get to shine lol. Here's the rainbow of bois, though they're slightly different than how you may remember... a reminder of which is what below the cut!
Jackie: Red, Angel, assigned to Chase before Chase died. Personification of guardianship/protection. Heroic but insecure.
Jack: Orange, werewolf ex monster hunter. May have worked for this AU's IRIS in the past. Has had dealings with demons in the past.
Chase: Yellow, Turned into a Vampire to save his life, now lives with Henrik under strict supervision.
Anti: Green, Demon, personification of fear, likes to control/hurt other supernatural beings, sleep paralysis demons are his bitches.
Jamie: Light Blue, Reaper, personification of time. Captured at one point by Anti, cautious and quiet.
Henrik: Dark Blue, Born a Vampire, a doctor who uses his position to get blood for his own purposes. Has a mansion in his name and dedicates his freetime to sciences of life and death.
Robbie: A frankenstein like creation made by Henrik and Marvin. Taught how to interact with people by Chase. Very protective of his family, however curious and naïve he is.
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c-nan · 1 year
ooh yay! wip poll time! tagged by @orionlancasterr (thank you!!! <3)
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
tagging @lenny-kosnowski @krismunroes @dancedance-resolution @bluehairedspidey @sprqpointintern @sappy-sappho and anyone else who wants to!! (omg idk who all writes fic!!! im sorry if i missed anyone 😭 pls do this if you see it and want to! (and don’t forget to tag me so i can vote 👍))
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rebar2042 · 2 months
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Dark vs Jackie (priest dark and vamp Jackie)
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taxonomicons · 2 years
My favorite detail in WWDITS is that the vampires clearly know how modern people dress and do not give a single fuck about it. I refuse to believe that their terrible human outfits are the result of being out of touch, they know exactly what they’re doing.
Nandor, Nadja, and Laszlo live with two other people who wear exclusively modern clothes, Colin and Guillermo. They even ask Colin to borrow his modern outfits for the Baron. All three of them are familiar with modern fashion and that’s without mentioning that all their victims obviously wear normal human clothes.
Nandor knows what a tide bleach pen is and how much it costs. Bleach would ruin most vampire clothes due to age. Interesting.
Even after assuming Simon’s nightclub requires capes none of them are that phased to be wrong. The most reaction we see is offense at the comment that the three are dressed “traditionally”. Even for vampires this group is way behind what’s “in” right now and they know it.
Jackie Daytona. Enough Said.
Nandor owns nice modern work out clothes that he knows are for the gym, but he still goes to Massive Fitness shirtless with his vamp pants. That’s not a misunderstanding that’s a choice.
All three vampires are attracted to a modern human for a long period of time. Are you telling me that Nadja didn’t pick up anything about human fashion from sneaking away with Jeff? Or that Laszlo has never noticed what Sean wears? Nandor falls for tons of people with tons of different styles. The Meg to Guillermo spectrum covers a lot of different clothes.
The polaroids throughout are all fairly period accurate for fashion! This is especially true of Nandor who is shown with both Gail (reoccurring fling) and Benjy (old familiar) throughout the decades in accurate clothing. Most of the intro pictures also feature the vamps in modern clothing!
Anyways don’t believe for a single second that those idiots don’t understand human fashion because they definitely do. Every time they wear their vampire clothes it is because they enjoy dressing that way and don’t care that they look out of place. Their poor attempts at human outfits are intentional mockery, not misunderstandings.“We wanna blend in” bullshit you all LIVE for the attention.
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dat-anime-potato · 20 days
Black Vampire Movies/Media:
an incomprehensive watch/reading list
(part 1/?)
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Blacula (1972)
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William Marshall (The Boston Strangler) plays Prince Mamuwalde, an African royal whom Count Dracula takes everything from when he turns him into a vampire. (after Dracula refuses to help Mamuwalde suppress the slave trade.) Renamed Blacula, Mamuwalde grapples with losing his humanity, similar to other gothic tales.
Scream Blacula Scream (1973)
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Marshall returns as Blacula in the 1973 sequel, where he creates a horde of vampires. Pam Grier (Jackie Brown) plays Lisa Fortier, an inexperienced voodoo practitioner trying to remove Blacula’s curse. Scream Blacula Scream was the acting debut of Richard Lawson (Sugar Hill), and it strayed away from the typical portrayals of voodoo as dark magic.
Ganja & Hess (1973)
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After being stabbed with an ancient, germ-infested knife, a doctor's assistant finds himself with an insatiable desire for blood.
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Two college buddies go to a strange city late one night and find themselves in the clutches of evil.(source)
Fledgling (2005)
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Octavia E Butler’s Fledgling follows Shori, a girl who appears to be an African-American child but is actually a 53-year-old Ina – a vampire species that have seemingly always coexisted with humans.
In typical vampire fashion, the Ina need to feed on human blood to survive, but instead of killing their victims, the venom they produce hugely extends the human lifespan. So the relationship between vampires and humans is symbiotic rather than parasitic.
Shori can’t remember her life before the story begins. This means she also doesn’t remember why she is different. As the story progresses, she gradually and violently becomes aware that society is hostile to her. The Ina are a species of vampire with white skin. Shori learns that she is black because she was experimented upon and mutated in the quest to help the Ina survive the sun – vampires are killed by sunlight. (source)
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vampsired · 2 months
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“We'd sit back and watch the world go by.” — Hozier, Jackie and Wilson. 𐙚 vamp / mai ᡣ𐭩, black (EA ᡣ𐭩), she/her.
who’s the vamp? / guidelines / masterlist / askbox
— this blog has no 18+ themes. Tags below relate to works !
© vampsired on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not cross-post, translate, copy in any way, etc.
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dmnfox · 1 year
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Inspired by @leobashi 's vamp!Jackie tweet. :)
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thevampsvault · 1 year
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Jackie Miller
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
I've always been curious as to what your pfp is from 👀 is it a cartoon or something??
Okay so back in 1990 the animation studio Hanna-Barbera released one season of this cartoon called Gravedale High. It was basically a 90s version of the Monster High Franchise. It was about teenaged monsters going to school and getting into shenanigans. One particular class had a human teacher (who was voiced by actor Rick Moranis).
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The character in my pfp is Vinnie Stoker, a vampire. His last name comes from Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula. He's this cool guy, 50s style greaser vamp who talks like the Fonz from the show Happy Days. Despite being a rebel, he's actually very sweet and loyal to his friends, especially his best friend Reggie, a nerdy werewolf.
I just love vampires, regardless of the media. I even cosplayed as Vinnie one year!
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Like I said, there was only one season and I don't think it ever got a release on DVD or Blu-ray. But!!!! The whole show is free on YouTube. It's got the classic VHS look to it. Tumblr is being weird and I can't post the link, but just search for it on YouTube. I highly recommend giving it a watch 💜
Also!! Fun fact! One of the characters is voiced by Jackie Earle Haley. He's best known for his more intense roles like Rorschach in Watchmen or Freddy Krueger in the reboot of Nightmare on Elm Street.
But in this show he's voicing this super laid back, surfer dude version of a swamp monster named Gill. Just totally opposite vibes lol
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shaunamilfman · 7 months
so I've been distracted away from my other vamp Jackie fic (milfman getting distracted away from a fic? unheard of, I know 🤭) but I figured yall would probably like this nsfw jackieshauna fic im working on better anyway
Shauna spits degrading words at her like they're the absolute truth– you almost find yourself believing it. “Only sleeping with two people doesn't mean you're not a slut, Jax. It just means that you're bad at it,” Shauna mocks, grip tightening around Jackie's jaw as she forces her to look her in the eyes.  “But that's not much of a surprise, is it? You being bad at something?” Jackie's hips stutter with a desperate murmur of agreement, pathetically nodding along.
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kalcifers-blog · 1 year
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My take on the Vamp Jackie AU <33
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rebar2042 · 1 year
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