odva-vuhlkansu · 6 months
Rom uzh-tevun(Happy New Year)
To start off the new year, I'm now selling custom Vulcan stickers on etsy.
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makeallthingsyours · 11 months
Differences between day to day life on Vulcan and on Earth
• Weekdays
On Earth, traditionally, week lasts seven days. Typically, five of those are working days and two are not. On Vulcan, the week lasts five days, honoring the five basic tenets of Vulcan philosophy (See: 'Surak's Construct'). Four days are working days, and one is a free day. It is meant to honor the fifth tenet - privacy, as it allows a person to tend to their private affairs.
• Workday
On Earth an average working day would last eight hours out of the twenty four there are in the day. On Vulcan, the day is slightly longer, but the average Vulcan still works about eight hours a day. That is, however, often divided into two four hour periods with a two hour break in the middle, when the temperature piques. It is a well liked carry over from times before climate. control.
• Meals
On Earth, the typical schedule includes two bigger meals, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Due to the high temperatures many Vulcan regions reach in mid-day and Vulcan physiology, it is customary to eat two meals during the day, one early in the morning and one late in the evening.
Meals are usually taken in silence, however, conversation is commonplace when only drinking beverages.
High and low tables are equally common on Vulcan, however the low table setting is considered more traditional and hence, formal.
The idea of 'cocktail party' has been introduced to Vulcans early in the Earth-Vulcan relations, however, it didn't stick, mostly due to the fact that the art of dividing time between eating and talking was never discovered on the planet. During the few that did take place, most of the Vulcan guests either talked and didn't eat or ate and didn't talk.
As it is custom on Vulcan to avoid touching food with one's hands, there are many more kinds of utensils that enable one to eat almost every conceivable type of food that way.
• Letters
Vulcan has, essentially, four separate alphabets - El'ru-Kitaun (handwriting), Vanu-Tanaf-Kitaun (calligraphy), Gotavlu-Zukitan (standard print) and a modernized print that gains popularity in bigger cities. While most citizens are capable of reading all of them, it is common for city residents to only be able to write in calligraphic script by hand, as every-day handwriting is not as popular there as it is in rural regions.
• Clothes
It is, to say the least, not customary for adult Vulcans to wear split garments in a way that is visible. If one is wearing any kind of trousers or bloomers, it would ussually remain hidden underneath a long robe. The only circumstances, in which it wouldn't be considered a bit unusual to wear visible trousers are sports, manual labor, travel by foot or on beastback, and work in which loose fabric could cause danger, for example on a space vessel That is the reason for the skin tight garments commonly worn by the crews of Vulcan spaceships.
• Windows
It is something that might easily confuse and Earthling, but Vulcan buildings often lack glass in the windows. It is very common, especially in houses, that windows are only covered with curtains, as it allows better air circulation without unnecessary air conditioning. Glass is, however, used in a different manner. Many houses have a basement with a glass roof, functioning as an indoor greenhouse.
• Holidays
Vulcan Clan holidays (weddings, betrothal, historic anniversaries, successful kahs'wan celebrations, etc.) as opposed to the common holidays, which are ussually celebrated in private, are typically long and involve gathering tens or even hundreds of people in a Clan Home. (It is a big building belonging to someone in the clan, most often the Matriarch. Every member of the Clan has the right to come and stay there however long they please.) If the Clan Home is too small by itself, tents would be put up on the grounds.
Vulcan employers are typically very liberal with granting leaves of absence for Clan/House/Family reasons (Vulcan, similarly to Earth, is considered to be a post-scarcity world, so with the exception of people bound by contracts eg. Starfleet, the majority doesn't strictly need to work. It has its benefits, of course but missing a few weeks worth of pay doesn't change much.), so one can often expect to stay at such celebration for days, or in some cases, weeks.
• Laundry:
Vulcans have a slightly different attitude towards it then the one cultivated on Earth. Outermost garments are generally only washed if they get dirty and even then, they would ussually be only spot cleaned with water and detergent. Traditionally, one would only wash their underwear with water, while the rest of the clothes would be regularly aired and layed out in the sun. While in the modern day, sonic cleaners are getting more and more popular, the traditional route is still very much in use, as it is very much sufficient to maintain both hygiene and neatness.
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yel-halansu · 4 years
Fly me to the Moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what Spring is like
In Jupiter and Mars
In other words,
hold my hand
In other words,
baby, kiss me
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My name ('Antariksh') written in traditional Vulcan calligraphy (vanu-tanaf-kitaun).
This came about due to a conversation in this server.
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odva-vuhlkansu · 9 months
I wrote flower with a bunch of different flowers
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odva-vuhlkansu · 1 year
Happy -315th activation day Data!!!
Here is a quote from Data translated into Vulcan
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odva-vuhlkansu · 1 year
I recently got a cricut, so I can make custom Vulcan stickers now! I put some on my tumblr tumbler.
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Soooooo, should I sell them?
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odva-vuhlkansu · 1 year
You guys are more than welcome to use any of my calligraphy as wallpaper. I only ask that if someone comments on / asks about it, you direct them to my tumblr or etsy 😊
And in case you want Vulcan wallpaper but don't know what you want it to say, here's just the word "wallpaper" lol
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odva-vuhlkansu · 1 year
An astronomy joke about the doppler effect, specifically blueshift.
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odva-vuhlkansu · 1 year
Some idic symbol themed backgrounds I created as backgrounds for my calligraphy. I'm doing commissions with these backgrounds now on my etsy.
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odva-vuhlkansu · 2 years
From the stars, knowledge
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odva-vuhlkansu · 2 years
I love the multiverse
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odva-vuhlkansu · 2 years
Vulcan calligraphy written in neon lights
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odva-vuhlkansu · 2 years
This is how Vulcan romantic partners greet each other
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odva-vuhlkansu · 2 years
I will post a short text in Vulcan on my profile, could you translate it into Latin letters and then English?
If it's vanu-tanaf-kitaun (ceremonial calligraphy), then I probably can.
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yel-halansu · 4 years
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(Honorable) Survivor
Name given to the Vulcan refugees after the destruction of the planet by Nero.
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