#varian's uncle
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tenshichan1013 · 2 months
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RTA: “plus est en vous” favorite screenshots part XXXVII
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 months
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I always love how Feldspar and Monty are just sitting there soaking up the drama between Cass and Varian 😂😂
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nightowl1556 · 13 days
My R.A.3. and they're most important person... 🥹
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rhmis-user-2020 · 8 months
Someone who hasn't watched Tangled the Series, explain what's going on here
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dangara2610 · 8 months
(4/10) Child and Teenager Ulla - Part 1
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Hello there, also , long time ago I shared with a friend my ideas about Ulla and other ones I tried for an unfinished fic, the ones following next:
1.- Ulla comes from the "Faber" family, germanic last name for people doing "ingenious" things, so, it runs on the family try new things , get creative and get people to notice it.
2.- Of course, that would, soon or later, get members of the family interested on alchemy and engineering, there would be fans of Da Vinci or Demanitus around , Rapunzel happens on final Renaissance times, so, maybe.
3.- The ones who were fans of Demanitus, would search scrolls about his work, but get discouraged because some "keepers" would hide the originals and lend copies with less information, so they would have to stick to the basics and try new things on their own
4.- Specifically, for Ulla, her parents and grandparents would hold a tradition about naming their next generation in alfabethical order, that's why she and her twin have names with U, Ulla and Ulf, and next would be V, she picked Varian for her next son or daughter.
(Not so related, but in my incomplete fic, I had the idea about Ulf wanting to name all his sons and daughters with V, but his wife didn't agreed, yet she liked the idea, so, girls would be named as the ABC, Amber, Bernice and Clotilde , chosen by her, and boys would be named with V by him, Volans and Vernus , also Latin words used for scientific descriptions of plants species.)
( I couldn't recall the names on the other people's fic so I made up that, but later I found this and I liked it a lot
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So yeah, xD the chain stopped, maybe just Varian's grandparents liked naming their twins with matching names with U)
5.- Ulla on her teenager (10 or 11) years, found out her Great-grandparents were fans of Demanitus, and one of them liked archeology, and they found out a route with Dema code language, so, they made a map for two of them, on the air kindgom, Koto.
6.-She shared it with Ulf, both were eager to team up for this new research, they asked their parents for more info, but got it denied, they are too young for this, what if they start by something safer like visiting ancient Greece? (or their equivalent on this universe) What about take a look at their archeological vestiges? OMG yes !!
7.- They got their vacation, adquired new skills, meet cool teachers, and found more Demanitus scrolls, their parents would take temporal jobs to pay the expenses of the travel, and of course, being ingenious with everything, they would gain nice profit.
8.- Once they finished they vacation at Greece (?), they would visit grandpas on the way home, Pittsford, say hi and have quality time, and once the twins asked granddad and grandma about the temple of Demanitus at the air kindgom, they revealed the very well done map and translations done by the grand-grandpas , advances secured on the chest on his room.
9.- Mom and dad joined, yes, they were ready to know, so next, their parents confessed gladly that, they also searched about the water temple, next they had their kids, now is their turn to research too, only if they want, of course, grandpas would stay on Pittsford, they are too old for this and they had their joy before.
10.- They traveled to search what would be the "metal" kingdom , they all got amused by the market zone, so much advances, military growing, lots of propaganda about female warriors reclutes, this kingdom was called Ingvarr , then, they were searching for a place to stay, a nice hotel, but they were not expecting high prices, their works were average pricing so they couldn't afford this
11.- Next thing, pick another hotel, all expensive, the day is ending, so, better look for any other even if they are cheap, so, they left the market zone where they were welcomed at the border , and entered to the center of kingdom, the wall didn't let see the big difference, suddenly they felt like being watched from head to toe, everyone evading but yet vigilant about them.
Hope I can continue next time
See you around 💐⭐🏵️⭐🌷🏵️⭐🏵️⭐🎉 Thanks for reading
Next >
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pixiedust111 · 4 months
I think I should make a list of my favorite TTS characters as well!
1. Pascal: Most loyal companion ever! No matter how many times Rapunzel forgets him, he was always there ❤️.
2. Maximus: He's the hero of the story, you can't convince me otherwise. Without him, the gang would get into so much trouble, especially Eugene; he would die like millions of time! 🤣
3. Lance: He was so sweet and innocent and cute and loyal and...to be continued.
4. Kierra and Catalina: I put them together since they are a package deal! They were sooooo adorable.
5. Shorty: He taught me the importance of remaining indifferent to my overwhelming emotions! 😌
6. Arianna: "Plus est en vous"; best quote ever, she is a great mother!
7. Frederic: I don't know why so many people hate him; that poor man was suffering from trauma, I can relate to him. People blame him for being over-protective, overbearing, over-controlling, but I have a question to them; have you ever heard of Asian parenting? If you had, you would never complain again!
8. Adira: Oh, I just love warrior kinda ladies!
9. Attila: He's so me, poor, and neglected! 😥
10. Honorable mentions: I think, uncle Monty, Vigor, the nameless captain, I can't decide; there were so many lovely characters!
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pansy-picnics · 2 years
nobody cares if he cuts her hair but hugo’s not gonna stand there and watch this kid use improper cutting techniques
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yangxiadehua · 1 year
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My journey asking random characters for tree fiddy.
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nxmesdxnxtxsxst · 2 years
Always wondered how a Varian and Uncle Monty interaction would go..
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bestworstcase · 2 years
To imagine Varian as a gaunt giant is really fun, though it's a rather unpopular opinion.
i have a very specific image in mind and that image is one of my uncles who is 1. almost a foot taller than me (i’m 6ft), 2. one of the skinniest people i know, and 3. a rancher gjdhdhs
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Family tree
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also if varian is also apart of the brotherhood he becomes his own uncle
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tenshichan1013 · 12 days
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RTA: “plus est en vous” favorite screenshots part LXXXI
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 months
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I’m sure it wasn’t on her mind in the moment but it’s so sweet how Rapunzel gets to wake up and see all these people who love and care about her and were worried about her at her side. And one way or another, she considers them all family. Except for maybe Uncle Monty 😂
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thisblogisaboutabook · 5 months
Hello lovely!! Would you ever do a part 2 to Bad Idea right? Maybe the IC finds out about reader and Eris? 👀👀
I had planned for Part 1 to be a drabble only but I loved your ask so much that it’s going to be a short series now! I present to you, part 2. Thank you for this fun request!
Bad Idea, Right? - Part 2
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
Sleeping with a male your dad hates is fun… until you get caught.
A follow up to the drabble “Bad Idea, Right?”
Part 3
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Warnings: 18+ for sexual content, language
Holy mother and all the bullshit gods my ancestors prayed to, I’m so royally fucked.
A necklace. A damned necklace, and my family’s overall inability to mind their own business, sent everything spiraling.
Nobody paid any mind to the jewelry I chose for Starfall until Amren set her eyes on the unique amber and gold hued necklace dangling from my neck - coveting the thing. Its unique jewels apparently something she’d never seen in her over 15,000 years of living.
Lucien, who had come with Vassa, Jurian, and Helion in tow, of course, overheard the conversation. With his wealth of knowledge and abundant need to be the biggest know-it-all in the room, Lucien chimed in that the gems came from the Autumn Court, typically only worn by the leading family and their closest affiliates. His brows furrowed with contemplation as he waived a hand toward my décolletage asking, “Which makes me wonder, where did you come across this piece?”
Damn it, Lucien.
And damn it, Eris. Leave it the prick to give me a gift that’s as much of a pain in my ass as he is.
Reading the look on my face, Lucien and Vassa’s son, my childhood best friend, Adish cut in- “Oh, I uh, I gave it to her for her birthday a couple of years ago. I’m surprised you two forgot.”
Lucien and Vassa looked to eachother in contemplation, not totally buying it, but not pressing further.
I mouthed a “thank you” to Adish before Amren pulled me back in to inspect the piece further.
Naturally, Uncle Rhys had step in at that moment - reusing the same joke that I have heard a hundred times since I was a child - Amren is a firedrake who will snatch the necklace right off me blah, blah, blah.
“It really is a lovely piece.” Aunt Feyre joined in, my mother, Aunt Nesta, and father with her. The three sisters inspecting it closely.
Holy shit, have these people never seen a necklace before?
I could have sworn that one of my shadows rolled it’s not existent eyes in agreement.
“Where did you get that?” Dad asked. “Apparently I need to keep it in mind for your mother and aunts for Solstice.”
“Oh, um, it’s from the Autumn Court, Adish gave it to me two years ago for my birthday.” I replied, innocently tracing a finger along the gems as I gave a forced smile.
It was then that my all-to-observant, spymaster jr., little sneak of a sister made her presence known. “No he didn’t! Adish got you a scarf from the continent that year.”
How the hell did this little shit remember these things!?
“Whatever, Azalea, it must have been a different year then.”
“No sissy! He never bought you a necklace - he bought you a bracelet, and two pairs of earrings, but never a necklace.”
Good gods. This child.
Rolling my eyes at my snoop of a sister, I coolly replied “Whatever, Azzy, I suppose my memory isn’t quite as good as yours.” Silently praying to whoever would listen that nobody pressed further. Dad’s shadows agitated but settled when my own shadows wound over to mingle with them.
Amren gave me a suspicious look that could only mean trouble - but fortunately kept her mouth shut. As the remainder of the group dispersed to interact with the crowd, Amren grabbed my arm.
“Be careful, girl. I know better than to tell you what to do, just… keep your wits about you.”
Her intense eyes locked with mine to which I shrugged the comment off. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I am not a fool, girl. I do not know you to be one either. Be careful.” the tiny fae chided as she sauntered off to find Varian.
Keeping a collected facade but needing some fresh air, I casually made my way toward a secluded balcony on the backside of the House of Wind.
Finally free of the crowd, I released all of the tension I’d been holding in, taking deep breaths in an effort of calming my nerves. I am an adult capable of making my own choices but… given the inner circles complicated history with Eris, and my fathers overall hatred of the male, I’d rather nobody know that we fuck each others brains out on occasion.
Frowning down at the necklace, I muttered curses to it that would make my mother, dear sweet Elain, keel over.
Too wrapped up in berating the jewelry, I didn’t notice the male behind me. I startled at the smooth voice cutting through the silence, his low tone dripping in lust. “Ah, little Shadowsinger, If you’d prefer a ring instead, I’m sure we could arrange that. Though I do say the necklace compliments your lovely assets quite well.” His eyes roved hungrily up and down my body, a primal gaze darkening those amber eyes and filled my core with heat. I nearly rolled my eyes back into my head as the intoxicating scent of mahogany and crackling fire filled my nostrils.
Regaining my wits and refusing to let him see how he effected me, I met those bedroom eyes with nothing but contempt. “Fuck off, Eris. Why are you here?”
He stepped closer. I stood my ground, no way was I going balk away from the challenge.
“Come now, little one, is that any way to speak to a High Lord? I was invited to the celebration tonight, as all of Prythian’s leaders were.”
Fair enough, but I wouldn’t let him win that easily. Waving him off, I commanded “Go find somewhere else to be a pain in the ass.”
Eris closed the distance, grabbing the wrist I had waived him away with. His head dipped down as his plush lips grazed the shell of my ear. His deep, sensual voice sent chills through me as he replied, “I can only promise pleasure when it comes to that beautiful ass, Y/N.”
Releasing my hand, Eris reached both hands around me, palms pressing into my ass as his fingers hitched my dress up to expose my thighs and barely clothed sex to the brisk evening air. In one swift motion he scooped me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around him. As his lips crashed into mine I bit the lower one just hard enough to draw blood before licking it away and kissing the hurt. His tongue then swooped into my mouth, battling for dominance against my own, a low growl escape his throat, reverberating through me.
Placing me on the balcony ledge, Eris situated himself between my spread legs, desperately palming at my breasts as I threw my head back, exposing the column of my throat to him. He lightly nipped down the length of my neck and my protruding collar bones before falling to his knees before me. His lust-filled eyes met mine as he cooed, “You could bring any male to their knees before your beauty, but this…” he pushed aside the lace thong, exposing me to him, “this gorgeous, dripping cunt belongs to your High Lord, and your High Lord only.”
His skilled tongue deftly swiped up my center, eliciting a moan from me. I looked down into his eyes - mesmerized by the amber hues peering at me from under his lashes. My fingers found purchase in his fiery red locks as I firmly stated, “I belong to no one and you are not my High Lord, Eris.”
His responding nip to my swollen clit drew a sharp gasp from me. Eris let out a satisfied hum in return as he resumed feasting like a starved male. Perhaps that’s what kept drawing me back into the bastards bed - his insatiable hunger fueled by that eagerness to please that only amplified with the calloused remarks I threw at him. Most females fell at his feet - throwing themselves at the chance to serve a High Lord. Whereas most males ran as far away as they could upon realizing that my father was the infamous Shadowsinger.
One of my shadows caressed the base of his neck, circling back around as to tilt his chin up. His needy eyes met mine again. “Fuck me, Eris.”
In an instant he was up, standing before me. Biting my lip, I clenched my thighs together at the sight of the incredibly evident arousal pressing against his trousers. He fumbled with the buckles on them, when suddenly a grating sound filled the air - the balcony doors flying open. “Sissy! Aunt Mor wants to see your neckl- oh wow, who is that!?”
Fuck me. This cannot be happening.
I jumped up, pulling my dress down before my little sister could see the exposed flesh.
I scrambled for words, voice cracking as I scolded, “She can wait, Azzy, just go back inside.”
It was too late though, as my father’s shadow that had been trailing her all evening had already reported back and before Eris or I could flee, my father, mother, Uncle Rhys, and Lucien winnowed onto the balcony.
Stay tuned for part three!
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amarylhis · 9 months
this is the most random collection of drawings I have ever posted
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obligatory Redbubble plug
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Varian is so Scott Pilgrim core
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Fanart for my friend t0astybirds Vat7k Band AU that I drew months ago.
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Varian as that one part of Ghost Eyes where Tobias gets drunk with his uncle in a graveyard and rants about his shitty dad (I fucking love this comic so much)
btw read the comic left down then right down, I just now realize how confusing it is to read
Anyways that’s all hope you enjoy 👍
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