#vasculer care
heena36 · 5 months
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klaviergavinwiki · 1 year
Listen I know the high school mean girls becoming nurses phenomenon is real to an extent and a haha funny joke or w/e but I'm chronically ill I've dealt with a LOT of nurses and I've had mostly good experiences and felt way more cared for by them than by doctors. As a rule if i need something treated I go to a nurse practitioner. I think we need to take some of the heat off nurses and put it on the mean girls who became teachers instead because let me tell you i've had significantly more shitty teachers who bullied me and made me feel worthless than nurses. Being a nurse is already thankless enough but the fact that they're predominantly women makes it easier for people to shit on them.
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anachronisticmech · 11 months
Mechs Disability Headcanons
[plain text: mechs disability head canons]
[a lot of these are taken from conversations with my friend @carmillatism, so please go check mech out!]
-> Drumbot Brian:
[plain text: arrow drumbot brian]
disabilities and disorders: autism, adhd, ocd, pots, cfs, fibro, hEDS, short sightedness, tinnitus, gad, ocpd, ppd, stpd, bpd, dpd, dpdr
aids: service animal (teddy), cane, rollator, crutches, compression socks, stim toys/chewellery, anti-depressants, port
extra: fluent in BSL, faints very frequently, is very easy going on his body (probably the most out of all the mechs), takes care of others when they’re going through flare ups or meltdowns or other, both because he knows what to do more than others and because he likes taking care of people, does need help from others sometimes and has some anxiety surrounding that
-> Jonny d'Ville:
[plain text: arrow jonny d’ville]
disabilities and disorders: autism, adhd, ptsd, otosclerosis, scoliosis, arrhythmia, scad, costochondritis, fibro, nut allergies, npd, bpd, amputee, dermatillomania, pots, hpd, aspd, stpd, ppd, dpd
aids: service animal (beelzebub), cane, crutches, wheelchair, compression socks, stim toys/chewellery, epipen, hearing aid, g tube, AAC device, prosthetic left leg (from knee)
extra: stims with his guns safety a lot, is a carnivore and gets very sick/has flare ups when eating something that is not meat (can eat raw meat) but needs other nutrients through his g tube, can fingerspell in BSL
-> Ashes o'Reilly:
[plain text: arrow ashes o’reilly]
disabilities and disorders: autism, adhd, asthma, costochondritis, cfs, fibro, dpdr, bpd, npd, hpd
aids: service animal (cerberus), crutches, wheelchair, nasal cannula, inhaler
extra: has a lot of asthma attacks due to smoking but doesn't stop, service animal is cerberus from udad, fluent in BSL
-> Gunpowder Tim:
[plain text: arrow gunpowder tim]
disabilities and disorders: autism, adhd, psychosis, monochromacy colourblindness, retinitis pigmentosa, cfs, fibro, bpd, hpd, npd, ppd
aids: guide/service animal (gunner), white cane, stim toys, anti-psychotics, communication/pec cards
extra: usually has a hard time being the gunner but loves just shooting at things, even if he cant completely see what hes aiming for, the aurora has braille everywhere for her to read when her eyes are particularly bad, fluent in BSL for good days when other mechs need to communicate with BSL
-> Raphaella la Cognizi:
[plain text: arrow raphaella la cognizi]
disabilities and disorders: autism, ocd, lupus, cfs, crohns, fibro, hEDS, bpd, npd, hpd, ocd, stpd
aids: service animal (carbon monoxide), g tube, cane, wheelchair, picc line, port, stim toys
extra: she gets very upset at not being able to do science on days where she can't do anything but will list her symptoms and experience to turn it into a small experiment, stims by pouring liquid between vials, spin is science (shes so carlos for that), fluent in BSL
-> Marius von Raum:
[plain text: arrow Marius von raum]
disabilities and disorders: autism, adhd, cfs, hEDS, muscular dystrophy, otosclerosis, pots, bpd, stpd
aids: service animal (gizmo), electric wheelchair, crutches, port, stim toys, hearing aid, compression socks, AAC device
extra: fluent in BSL, is the most likely to cause flare ups by overworking his body (hes just silly okay)
-> Ivy Alexandria:
[plain text: arrow Ivy Alexandria]
disabilities and disorders: autism, ocd, neuropathic pots, otosclerosis, cfs, fibro, epilepsy, tourettes, ocpd, ppd, bpd, spd
aids: service animal (daisy), cane, rollator, crutches, hearing aids, stim toys/chewellery, communication/pec cards, AAC device
extra: fluent in BSL, spin is books and languages, is nonverbal more often than not
-> Nastya Rasptina:
[plain text: arrow Nastya Rasputina]
disabilities and disorders: autism, hypovolemic pots, vEDS, hEDS, chronic venous insufficiency, raynauds syndrome, vasculitis, bpd, avpd, ppd, spd
aids: electric wheelchair, rollator, cane, ng tube, port, compression socks
extra: just stays up in the vents and talks with aurora on really bad days, body cant take solids most of the time, fluent in BSL, RSL and DGS
-> The Toy Soldier:
[plain text: arrow the toy soldier]
extra: is not real, so does not have any disabilities, but does use a cane to help stay upright, also is fluent in BSL, also uses communication/pec cards
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fandomchokehold · 3 months
ok I finally made Samson's card for @bareee @tav-dex !!!!!
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These are his starting lvl 1 cantrips and spells
Class Action - Bardic Inspiration
Race Cantrip - Chill Touch
Bard Cantrips - Vicious Mockery & Blade Ward
Spells - Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Speak with Animals, & Dissonant Whispers
with each level up the cantrips, spells, and abilities he gains fall under healing and necromancy
Screenshots and summarized backstory & fun facts below the cut!
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and some cute screenshots from his and Gale's weave date ����
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Short Backstory:
Samson was born in Elmwood, south of the Moonsea, to a sun elf woman named Thalia and human man named Lonán. His father was a nature domain cleric of Lathander and his mother was a light domain cleric of Kelemvor, but by the time they settled and had Sam they were just simple village bakers. When Samson was 7 his father succumbed to his lifelong battle with a chronic illness (in modern terms it would be autoimmune vasculitis), and after 4 years of grieving him, Sam's mother decided to follow Lonán into the afterlife.
After his mother's death he was sent to Calimport to live under the care of his maternal Uncle and his wife; they weren't horribly abusive, never raising a hand at him, but they did not approve of his desire to study medicine and necromancy and instead tried to force him into the family business of heavily corrupt politics. Sam obviously was not thrilled with this life prospect and decided, after a year of living with them, to make a mad dash for Waterdeep.
At age 12 he stowed away on a ship in the harbor and was allowed to sail with them for 3 years, departing in the City of Splendors at 15 after making lifelong friends of the crew and gaining the necessary skills that enabled him to survive alone on the streets in Waterdeep. After being a transient for half a year he met Odette, the cranky duergar monk who let him crash on her couch as payment for healing up her infected amputated leg. It was always supposed to be a temporary living situation but, whether she wanted to admit it or not, the kid lit up her dreary life like nothing else and she basically just kept him as the younger brother she never had.
It was just the two of them for 15 years since meeting until one night when Samson happened upon a roughed up noble in the alley outside his and Odette's flat. Wren, a human sorcerer who couldn't have been older than 21, was more than happy to let Samson heal them and assured the half-elf and duergar that they would be paid handsomely if they allowed the noble to stay with them for just a week as there were some "unsavory types" looking for them... unsavory types who happened to bear their family's crest. Sam and Odette did not bother questioning it.
So a week came and went, then another, and another, and Wren just never really left. Samson was thrilled to have made a friend and roommate while Odette was just happy to have extra help with the expenses. They were an unwavering, unbreakable dynamic trio for five more years until they got snatched up in the street by the Nautiloid.
*so basically in my head Samson, Odette, and Wren were all out in Waterdeep when the Mindflayers attacked and all got snatched up at the same time, escaped together with Shadowheart & Lae'zel, and are running around the world as the wavering falling-apart-at-the-seams dynamic trio
**sorry if the inclusion of Wren and Odette in this was confusing it's just cuz they play an important role in Samson's life and I would be posting about them a lot like with Sam but I just haven't played as them or my dark urge Lior yet cuz I'm still rocking with my slow af first playthrough
***if anyone cares cuz they all exist together during the events of the game Samson is romancing Gale, Odette romances Karlach, Wren romances Halsin, and Lior the dark urge is aroace in game but in my mind him and Gortash get to have a Good Omens season 2 Gabriel and Beelzebub style romance ending where they just kinda fuck off to the Caribbean post Netherbrain
Fun Facts About Samson Silversten!
he's a really good baker but can't cook for shit
he's ambidextrous
his dad Lonán was Irish so Sam has an Irish accent; he sounds like Hozier both speaking and singing (lemme live in delulu land okay???)
he knows four languages: Common, Elvish, Gaelic, and Common Sign Language
can usually be found engrossed in a necromantic tome or copying medical illustrations into his personal journal
he's autistic (me when I project onto my OCs) in a resting bitch face, deadpan, lackluster reactions unless it's something he's really passionate about way
can get frustrated with tasks easily and go temporarily non-verbal; he never lockpicks, it's gotten to the point if they happen upon something locked Astarion will just rifle through Samson's bag and take his thieves tools without asking to avoid him getting upset
he's tall and thin and gangly as hell (think Julian Devorak physique)
he has heterochromia, his right eye (your left) is brown while his left eye (your right) is a golden hazel
he's demisexual homoromantic (i.e. can only feel sexually attracted to people he knows well and is romantically attracted to, only feels romantic attraction for men)
he loves going for early morning swims and can hold his breath for a concerning amount of time
the skills he picked up on The Daybreaker (the ship he stowed away on) were knot tying, star navigation, fishing, sailing, and basic sword fighting
he has several nicknames; everyone calls him Samson or Sam, Wren calls him Freckles (affectionately, they love him so much), when they're married Gale calls him Sunlight or Sunshine, Captain Aamiina of The Daybreaker calls him her guri dambeys, but the only person alive allowed to call him Sammy is Odette
he's not as hairy as Gale but he has body hair on his arms, legs, chest, and happy trail
he's absolutely covered in freckles, the ones in areas often exposed to the sun darker than the rest; has 100% said something cheesy along the lines of "you shouldn't kiss me, I don't need more freckles" to imply the person he's saying it to is an angel
wow that sure was a lot I am so sorry have these screenshots of Samson looking directly into the camera like he's on The Office as a departing gift!
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crimeronan · 1 year
in a weird place with my illness currently wherein i feel fundamentally alienated from the majority of the online spoonie community because the things happening to my body are so far beyond the scope of chronic fatigue and/or general joint pain that it's like. mindboggling. like we are living fundamentally separate lives like there is very little overlap in our fears or experiences, even when we have some shared symptoms. and at the same time i am fundamentally excluded from online Very Serious Disease (TM) communities because i do not have cancer or a terminal diagnosis and my organ damage has not been quantified yet (even tho several medical professionals have agreed it for sure exists in some form) so i'm not really sick.
i'm just so tired. there's, like..... there are tiers of Feeling Sick when you're chronically ill, and from what i've seen online most spoonies are at a tier of "coping day to day, strategizing," and then people talk about the tier of "if you suddenly unequivocally know that you're going to die extremely soon, you HAVE to go to the hospital, because you are probably right"
there's a middle tier that's more along the lines of "i am not going to die tomorrow but i am going to die. i am helpless and if i don't get help from a doctor i am going to die and i am getting slowly worse because my body is eating itself and/or shutting down because i am going to die. i am in desperate need of immediate medication that i cannot get because i have to wait to see a specialist prescriber and my body will continue to slowly shut down in the meantime and i will continue to slowly die but it will be so slow that nobody will really care"
like where do i go with that what do i do with that. what am i supposed to do about the five-year survival rate for vasculitis being 78% and most of the deaths being people who couldn't see a doctor in time to get the medicine they need. while i'm waiting to see a doctor to get the medicine i need and i'm feeling things get worse and worse. i don't have any community that's going through the same thing because i'm not sick enough but i'm also way way way too sick simultaneously.
i dunno i dunno i dunno. i'm overtired which means that my emotions are fried and people are talking about disability pride month starting tomorrow and that just made me cry because some of my physical issues are so common/widespread that i Should have a community but i just. don't. i don't have a community that's specifically Mine i'm just alone out here or at least that's how it feels. like don't get me wrong i have my family and friends and support network i'm not ALONE alone and all of that is wonderful i just. feel very alone. as far as the current experience goes.
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brostateexam · 2 years
Yesterday, I took a red eye to Florida. Despite being in business class, I didn't sleep as much as I'd hoped because there was a fussy baby in the seat ahead of me, but this is ok. The flight didn't have full lie flat seats anyhow (I didn't expect it to; only three domestic routes do), and ultimately I can't sleep for hours while sitting in a seat with my seatbelt on. Personal moral failing on my part, perhaps. So as a result, I had the sleepy tireds all day yesterday and took not one but two naps.
I am here to see my grandmother, who is not in great health. As of a few days ago, she started a course of Prednisone for a severe form of vasculitis that was making her unable to be in a light without incredible pain. So she's tired but functioning now, but before this it was months of degeneration and my mom and aunt were thinking this was It.
They have a tendency to be gloomy about my grandmother's health, but seeing her in person, I understand it. She's very thin because she has digestive issues like me and kind of stopped eating this year, resulting in 20 lbs of weight loss (which is bad when you're in your 90s and already skinny as a rail), she stopped seeing her friends, she barely cooks food for herself... she seemed quite depressed. With the Prednisone taking care of the vasculitis, she's on the mend, and happier.
I'm getting her a new phone and setting it up while I am here because her current phone has a puzzling problem that three hours of my troubleshooting it has not solved where it does not receive calls, a big problem for a 96 year old woman living by herself. This is her gateway to the outside world and she's not going to get on TikTok and do Fortnite dances about it. Her phone is for phone calls, Facebook, news, weather, and the time, period.
Other than that, I went shopping with my mom and aunt last night and bought a lot of clothes, including a Hello Kitty strawberry milk hoodie I'm quite taken with that was on clearance for $20. I'm gonna go shopping a few more times while I'm here because I have a suitcase I can fill up and everything in Florida is cheap as hell compared to the Bay. Also, I caught a few carnivines in PoGo because region exclusives wait for no man.
The ducks woke me up today. They get so obnoxious in the morning in the canal near my grandmother's condo. They are lucky they're cute.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her family.  Her father has passed away from Parkinson’s.  He had been on our prayer list for quite sometime.
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s friend’s daughter after an aneurysm. Two surgeries and a stent placed in 5 days. Dwindling hope. Please pray for her.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is settling into her new home.  Also prayers for her daughter.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend PG who is making great progress in the hospital.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is seeking employment as a staff writer, and a new home as she has to move out of apt she shares with her mother and sister.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who wants to conceive.
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s husband.  A deck collapsed on him.  He is in much pain, and has a long road ahead of recovery.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son Chris. He has a number of health conditions and is very ill with Covid.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is facing many trials, and has now for quite some time.  Also, for her daughter that struggles.  Our friend is mourning the loss of her precious baby from years ago, as she was recently triggered once again.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother Rob a hard worker who was hurt while working and had to have surgery on his knee.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is only 35 years old! In April, two of her arteries in her neck dissected. Basically, they tore open causing blood to leak out and a blood clot to form. The clot leak caused her to have several small strokes?  She has 2 things she is facing.  One is called fibromuscular dysplasia. Basically, her arteries are twisting instead of being nice and smooth like normal ones. Number two is vasculitis.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother Stoppa (Chris). He’s just joined a clinical trial but his cancer is spreading. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having family issues, and it is affecting her marriage.  
Prayers and good thoughts for Suzie, our friend’s SIL.   She works 50 hours a week, is taking care of her husband who is recovering from surgery.  She also cares for her elderly mother.  She is feeling very overwhelmed and stressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 23 yo granddaughter who has legal guardianship of her 2 younger siblings, along with her own little family, 5 fur babies, full time university studies &  part time job.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who was a whistleblower at school.  Praying for Justice.
Prayers and good thoughts for little Cooper Roberts.  Cooper is 8 yrs old. He was a victim of shooting in Illinois.  He is now in a wheelchair, and he is in pain.  He doesn’t understand how he will ever be happy again. He is really struggling, not just physically but mentally. Many more surgeries await him as well.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is feeling very overwhelmed.  She is in pain because of her father has passed away, and his wife filled our friend’s mind with hateful and hurtful words.  She is seeking peace and comfort.  Also, her dear fur baby has bladder cancer and has had a bad reaction to treatment.  Our friend is very sad, very anxious, and having  difficult time holding her life together.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family.  Her 3yr old grandson has passed from a horrible accident.  Prayers for her son and daughter in law who have lost their son, as well as my three other grandchildren who have lost their brother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s (in the UK) dear sister in Australia who is very poorly and due a heart operation.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Barbara.  Barbara’s partner has passed.  Barbara needs prayers for strength during this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband has left her.  She is starting over and is losing hope.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who is going for chemo.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the loss of her father.  Prayers and good thoughts for her family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having dealing with challenging pain in both hips and walking is difficult.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is very worried about her senior aged parents.  The relationship between her and her parents is somewhat distant.  She has been praying for them to all be closer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend whose father has just passed away.  Prayers for the family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our Novenas Baby James,  James is still going and he’s started some physical therapy to catch up on some milestones. He’s a bit behind because of his time in hospital, but otherwise he’s a persistent little one with four teeth already!
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her family.  We pray for her daughter who is an alcoholic.  We pray for her children.  We pray for her oldest son who is trying to get his life back on track.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her two cats.  She is very overwhelmed.  Her mother is entering last stage of life’s she is now facing   bankruptcy (daycare and hospital invoices have caused her, since Sept 2021 enormous financial problems) and she is totally alone. Physically and mentally exhausted.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend who is in horrible pain caused by a pinched nerve in her shoulder, and extreme pain in her hip.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter and grandchildren age 3 yrs and 18 months.  Her daughter makes too much money for government assistance.  She can’t afford therapy for both.  Our friend helps her as much as she can, but they need help.  They need a miracle.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from heart failure, and feeling so poorly.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers from bouts of depression, and is feeling alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our little 9 yr old Novenas boy who has had a bone marrow transplant and is having some complications.  He is a fighter, but he and his family could really use prayers to help them through the tougher days.
Prayers and good thoughts for Richard, who is recovering well, but still struggles with speech.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who had Covid a few weeks ago & haven’t felt right since. Her doctors say she has Long Covid Symptoms! She suffers from anxiety, depression, insomnia and panic attacks. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 18 month old granddaughter Allie, who is very, very sick fighting a skin disease in the hospital. Dr’s have put her on some type of cancer medicine to see if that will give her some relief
Prayers and good thoughts for our 8 month old Novenas boy who has had a bone marrow transplant.  Praying for his complete healing and quick recovery.  Praying for him to have a long, healthy, happy life.  Prayers for his family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is estranged from her daughter.  Our friend is overwhelmed with worry.  Praying they will reconcile.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James’ “heart” brother William.  He has had surgery and is now recovering, we pray for him to stay strong. He is doing well. We pray for his family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose mother has pancreatic cancer once again.  It is terminal.  Praying for peace, comfort and for all the family to feel God’s loving presence.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband from our Novenas, who is battling pancreatic cancer.  He is just out of the hospital.  He is not worse, so that is a blessing.    His 7yr old son is having a hard time.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend little m who is mourning the loss of her beloved husband, and she is feeling weak & quite tired.  He was her caregiver as well.  We pray for God to place earth angels on her path, to ease her burdens as she moves forward.  
Prayer and good thoughts for our friend’s friend.  Surgeries for cancer have been successful and she is still undergoing radiotherapy.   She has underlying health conditions and her husband has Alzheimers.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 5 yr old son who has speech delay/echolalia.  Our friend is quite sure he has ADHD , but am now worried that the echolalia means she needs to consider ASD as well.  Also, please pray for our friend as she is so stressed.
If I left anyone out, please let me know…if there are updates or corrections required…please let me know….
God Bless you and thank you for joining us in prayers and good thoughts…🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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harmcityherald · 4 months
the normal day at jhh oncology. the blood looks good and nothing new growing within. the oncologist thinks the bad blood test was a contamination issue on their part, but he also said it was good to present at the urgent care center because the ankle was making its comeback. vasculitis, which of course since its an odd cancer manifestation it would have to be me lol. back home safe gonna have a burger and onions for lunch. I didn't have time for coffee this morning so I splurged and got the smallest Starbucks I could. I was disappointed. I make better coffee and they had no brown sugar. sometimes I surprise myself, the driving and the walking at the hospital. I always have to say, jhh is really on point with the benches and seating. along the way I can rest when I need to. thats so important. I can remember when I used to fly through those halls delivering furniture and never gave it a thought. we live and learn, do we not? so Im waiting for my burger and coffee. switch on st discovery I did a rewatch and I guess the season cliffhanger is the reappearance of the dmc thingy from the mysterious aliens. thats a pretty cool story arc. Im glad we are getting another season at least and still looking forward to the Michelle yeoh section 33 movie. all these actors are great. Doug Jones as saru is of course top notch, yall know hes on here too. yes he has a Tumblr and I have been a fan since falling in love with Abe in hellboy, but there isn't a flat actor/actress among them. worth the rewatch. eventually I will try prodigy out. that and lower decks. they renewed our paramount for the stuperbowl which opened the door to my star trek. bless their little hearts lol. im a lucky old man.
to everyone within earshot and typeset, I wish you a blessed, languid and uneventful day.
long live the servers.
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iconicallychronic · 10 months
Life Update
I had a rash that didn’t disappear under a glass. Found out in hospital that it was this little thing called IgA vasculitis .
I’m 21 and a cis-woman. This normally affects 10 year olds and mostly boys. Doctors said it would only be here for 6 weeks and only go on my legs.
8 months later I still have it and I’ve had it everywhere from my breasts to my fingers to the undersides of my feet. Specialists yet again aren’t that interested and are pushing me off to deal with it by myself.
Literally got told by the rheumatologist “oh it’s just chronic in some people” with no extra explanation. I could get kidney damage from this!!! Is that more likely with the fact it won’t go away? How do I deal with it? What’s going to happen? I can’t even find anything detailed about what happens if you get it as an adult and it never goes away.
Obviously I’m scared and the doctors don’t even care. Like, I had pre-existing bowel issues and joint pain which can both be caused by IgA vasculitis so they’re ignoring all the issues that may be being worsened by the purpura (vasculitis)
The best bit. When I actually find a doctor to care about the hEDS I used to fit criteria for, they can’t diagnose me. I now permanently have inflammation markers in my blood stream which automatically make hEDS diagnosis impossible.
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kindscrooge · 7 months
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the last moment of normalcy had been fezzi's birthday bash the weekend after the new year. the holiday season had been the first for them as a family of three, and it had been perfect. fred had been spoiled with more presents than the baby would ever know what to do with, and it had been full of warmth and love amongst their friends and family.
but in the weeks that followed, fran found herself struggling to recover from the rush of the season. she was constantly exhausted and plagued with severe headaches. she was trying her best to stay as alert and efficient as possible in order to take care of their son, but by the time fezzi would come home, she would be too exhausted to eat the dinner she had prepared. and just the week before, she had fainted after waking up that morning, causing fezzi to call out so they could spend their day at the hospital trying to figure out what was wrong with her. she had been referred to specialists of all kind. her cardiologist had pinpointed a condition that terrified her to her core, one that was severe and caught in a fairly late stage. but she was going to fight it with all her might, come hell or high water.
she had yet to tell belle of her diagnosis, still having kept in touch with her brother's ex-fiancee despite him shutting them both out. she considered belle to still be her sister, no matter the status of hers and ebenezer's relationship. and like a sister, belle seemed to pick up on what was happening almost instantly when she came to visit one day.
“  whatever it is you’re struggling with,  i want to help and it’s not going to make me look at you any different.  ”
she glanced over at @hatchetfieldgazette and flashed a small, sad smile before she turned her gaze to fred, who had toddled over to show her his toy of choice. " i'm sick, belle, " she confessed honestly with a small nod. " it's called vasculitis. it's . . . the best way i can describe it is that my blood vessels are more narrow than they should be, and that . . . that comes with a lot of complications and risks. but i'm -- i'm going to be okay, belle. i'm not giving up and i'm going to fight this -- i have to. "
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),
A new review suggests that COVID vaccines "may trigger" rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, vasculitis, lupus, and adult-onset Still's disease.
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On average, patients developed rheumatic diseases 11 days after vaccine administration, according to the study. Seventy-five (over 27 percent) of these patients experienced total disease remission, and about 50 percent improved following treatment. Eight were admitted to intensive care, and two died from their symptoms.
"The short time span between COVID-19 vaccine administration and the onset of R-IMIDs suggests the potential possibility of a cause-and-effect relationship," the authors wrote.
Rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (R-IMIDs) involve inflammation that manifests in the joints, tendons, muscles, and bones due to an unknown cause.
The study, led by researchers from the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, examined 271 participants from 190 case studies published worldwide.
Over 80 percent of the patients developed symptoms after their first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and most were treated and improved with corticosteroids.
Almost 57 percent of the injured patients received the Pfizer vaccine, nearly a quarter received the AstraZeneca vaccine, and 12 percent of the rheumatic diseases manifested after the administration of the Moderna vaccine.
Reported Diseases
Rheumatic diseases may be less common than myocarditis, a known adverse event of COVID vaccination. A search on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) found that over 3,000 cases of myocarditis have been reported after the COVID-19 vaccine, with over 2,300 cases of arthritis, over 370 cases of systemic lupus erythematosus, the most common type of lupus, and 280 cases of vasculitis. The following are rheumatic diseases that were included in this first-ever systematic review of new-onset R-MIDs after COVID vaccination.
Inflammation of Blood Vessels
Vasculitis was the most common rheumatic disease in the review, with 86 adverse events recorded. The more common vasculitis diseases affect the smaller blood vessels, causing red spots and lumps on the skin and possible organ damage. Medium and larger blood vessels can also be affected, causing tissue, muscle, and kidney damage.
One patient with inflammation in the larger blood vessels presented with fluid buildup in her lungs. Another developed inflammation in the arteries in his head and lost vision in his left eye due to reduced blood flow to his optical nerves.
Connective Tissue Diseases
Sixty-six cases of diseases affected the connective tissues. Diseases that fall under this category include lupus, an autoimmune disease affecting the skin, joints, and internal organs, and myositis and dermatomyositis, which manifest as muscle and tissue inflammation.
Two patients died of their conditions. One was a 44-year-old man who developed myositis, or muscle inflammation, and compartment syndrome in his limbs. Compartment syndrome is a painful and potentially fatal condition where pressure in muscles builds up. Another 62-year-old female died after developing diabetes and dermatomyositis, inflammation of both the skin and muscles, after getting the Pfizer vaccine.
Fifty-five patients developed arthritis after taking the vaccine, primarily manifesting in the knees, elbows, and ankles.
After treatment with steroids, most experienced some improvement in their symptoms, 12 went into remission, and two had persistent symptoms.
Adult-Onset Still's Disease
Twenty-two cases of adult-onset Still's disease were documented in the report. Symptoms of this rare disease include daily fever, arthritis in more than five joints, and salmon-pink rashes on the body. Six of these patients also developed cardiac problems, two of whom developed myocarditis and heart failure.
Five of the patients went into remission, while most experienced improvement in their conditions after being treated with steroids.
Other Diseases
Less common diseases include polymyalgia rheumatica, reported in 21 people. Symptoms of this disease include stiffness and inflammation in the shoulders, neck, and hips, and sarcoidosis, which occurs when inflamed tissues start to grow inside organs, causing tissue malfunction.
Molecular Mimicry Is the Leading Explanation
The authors noted the very short duration between vaccination and symptom onset, with 11 days being the average duration. This duration is similar to those found in other studies investigating myocarditis side effects after COVID-19 vaccines. The authors reasoned that the vaccine may have been a "trigger" for the rheumatoid diseases.
However, some of the patients might have been predisposed to rheumatic diseases, the authors reasoned. Additionally, some might have been predisposed to having a highly inflammatory response to mRNA vaccinations, leading to rheumatic symptoms like joint stiffness and inflammation.
Molecular mimicry, which occurs when the body mistakes foreign substances for its own and mounts an immune response, is the leading explanation for the development of these autoimmune diseases. The authors reasoned that vaccine adjuvants like aluminum may be structurally similar to human proteins. Therefore, the body might have mistaken self-tissue while attacking these adjuvants, perceived as foreign invaders.
However, many studies have shown that the spike proteins on the surface of the COVID-19 virus share structural similarities to human proteins. One study found that antibodies that reacted to spike protein could also react to nearly 30 different human tissues. If the spike proteins induced by the COVID-19 vaccines are similar to the original viral spike proteins, then the vaccine spike proteins may also trigger autoimmunity.
Another possibility is that mRNA vaccines may trigger the formation of inflammasomes. Inflammasomes are clusters of proteins that signal inflammation and viral elimination. This can also cause immune cells to become hyperactive and damage self-tissues in an attempt to clear the vaccine.
THIS is exactly what happened to me. I have RA and haven't felt good two days in a row since I took the JAB. Both shots made me very sick. After the second one my heart beat exhilarated to 130-140 BPM.
They had to crack my chest in order to slow my heart down and restore circulation to the upper chambers of my heart (myocardia). Six months after that my appendix died and went to gangrene before it ruptured. Right now my kidneys have only 55 percent function. I hope the people I leave behind can figure out a way to sue the makers of the Jab. The VA refuses to document it.
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heena36 · 5 months
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So, the first 7 days were terrifying. I don’t know if I’ve been this stressed since intern year, except there was a safety net then. Not staffing with someone has not been the liberating experience I thought it would be. I also don’t understand our EMR, and can barely order hand films, let alone an urgent referral to ENT for a TABx. I’ve only seen general MSK stuff so far but tbh maybe that’s fine because the idea of seeing undifferentiated vasculitis alone is activating my GERD. Also everything seems to revolve around billing. I’m salaried and so I’m not sure why I necessarily have to care, but perhaps it’s better to get a feel for it now if I ever switch to an “eat what you kill” model. But I need people to gtf off my case about it while I learn this stupid EMR.
All to say, I’m scared. I’m really nervous to go to work tomorrow. My stomach feels like it did in high school when I’d ask my mom to call me out of classes I’d dread going to. Trying not to panic because it’s not like I have a choice in absence of any other marketable skills. It’ll get better because it has to, one day at a time.
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fowleyes · 1 year
headcanon 01 .
before i get started i wanna say i would like to do my best to be careful with these types of headcanons, considering these are real things that affect people daily. full disclosure that i suffer from a chronic autoimmune disease and have no intentions of offending anyone through this post. i simply saw the signs in him, and thought it necessary to incorporate into my portrayal.
that being said: tw for disease , death , blood , chronic illness , and chronic pain will be subject in this post .
alright i've been digging around all last night and all morning like a little gremlin and i found this post ( you CAN read this , but i'm not 100% on board with everything they mentioned so i'm gonna wiggle in my own version here! however, i'd like to put credit where credit is due) whilst trying to put a name to the symptoms itachi exhibits (which we MOSTLY see during his death battle with sasuke) including but not limited to :
blurred / double vision coughing blood chest pain (from the looks of it , it seems quite sharp) shortness of breath limping fatigue
along with this screenshot where "madara" points out that itachi took several medications merely to keep himself alive long enough to die by sasuke's hand and carry out his plan .
that being said, here is the symptom list copied from this site (everything from the site is under a blockquote) :
People who have MPA may feel generally ill and fatigued, have a fever, or a loss of appetite and weight. They usually also have symptoms related to areas of involvement such as rashes, muscle and/or joint pain.
so, this is isn't explicably explained in canon, but i am going to incorporate it more and more into my headcanons and portrayal. it's obvious that by the time of the fight (as well as leading up to it) itachi is unwell. "ill and fatigued" seems to fit the bill quite nicely. regarding his rashes and muscle/joint pain, these are common with a lot of autoimmune illnesses, and i'll say itachi deals with it quite frequently.
he fights it constantly to go about his objectives or even survive his day to day , but there are times when he falters , collapses , can't move , and is forced into rest/recovery mode by his body. this impacts his skill as a shinobi, especially as the disease makes its progression.
When MPA affects the lungs they may have shortness of breath or cough up of blood. MPA affecting the nerves may cause an abnormal sensation followed by numbness or loss of strength. Any combination of these symptoms may be present.
i'll not get too rowdy with this one since it's presented clear as day in canon as you can see his body start to shut down. ( examples : x & x ) but the idea of numbness also makes a lot of sense to me and the loss of strength becomes obvious .
here is another excerpt from this site describing the effects of MPA on the lungs.
Lung involvement can be a dramatic and life-threatening manifestation of MPA. When lung disease takes the form alveolar hemorrhage – bleeding from the small capillaries that are in contact with the lungs’ microscopic air sacs – the condition may quickly pose a threat to the patient’s respiratory status (and therefore to the patient’s life). Alveolar hemorrhage, which is frequently heralded by the coughing up of blood, occurs in approximately 12% of patients with MPA .
Kidney disease caused by MPA often doesn’t produce symptoms. Inflammation of the kidney may not be apparent to the patient until the kidneys begin to stop working. So it’s very important for the provider, in dealing with any form of vasculitis, to always examine the urine.
& here's another headcanon piece to work off of. not much to say on it considering the symptoms are silent, so it's not as if itachi would be aware it's happening, but who's to say this didn't have anything to do with his death tbh.
ALSO , all of this being said , i don't think itachi was ever officially diagnosed with this. obviously he knew he was ill and was doing his best to combat his illness by seeking what treatment he could, but without a proper diagnosis or the exact type of medication needed, ofc it would contribute to his ultimate downfall.
AND ANYWAY THIS POST GOT TOO DAMN LONG AND I STILL HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS AND THINGS TO SAY but i will stop typing now and proceed with my drafts bc i have work in 2 hours .
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
In general, the presence of vasculitis should be considered in patients who present with systemic or constitutional symptoms in combination with evidence of single and/or multiorgan dysfunction. The diagnosis of the individual vasculitides is generally based on patterns of organ injury, the size of the vessels affected, histopathological features, and characteristic findings on diagnostic imaging.
Diagnostic evaluation for a case of possible vasculitis should include a detailed history, including drug use, infectious disease exposure, and symptoms of manifestations that may characterize or exclude a suspected diagnoses; a careful physical examination to identify potential sites of involvement of vasculitis and determine the extent of vascular lesions; general laboratory testing to help identify the degree of organ involvement and exclude another disease; additional laboratory testing, depending on the suspected diagnosis and findings, such as tests for antinuclear antibodies (ANA), complement levels, ANCA; a chest radiograph or high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest; electromyography; a lumbar puncture; a biopsy of the involved tissue if possible; and vascular imaging.
Patients with nonvasculitic disease processes may present with symptoms and findings that closely mimic various vasculitides. Perhaps most common are systemic rheumatic diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, atherosclerotic disease, drug reactions, and vaso-occlusive processes. Among the most important diseases to exclude are infections and malignancies since immunosuppressive therapy could worsen these conditions and a delay in diagnosis can be extremely dangerous.
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allofficesystems90 · 5 days
Vasculitis: Causes, Symptoms, Types & Treatment - Anna Arthritis Care
Vasculitis is a group of rare diseases that cause inflammation of blood vessels. There are many types of vasculitis, such as giant cell arteritis (GCA), microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA or Churg-Strauss), Behçet’s, as well as others. https://www.annaarthritiscare.com.au/services/vasculitis/
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