#vecna following will around but no one else can see him but him
pinkeoni · 1 year
It would fuck so hard if there were some direct homages to It Follows in season 5
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estrellami-1 · 3 months
Steddie Week 2024
July 5th Prompt: Reunion
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 6 | Day 7
“Babe,” Eddie calls from the kitchen. Steve’s in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, so he garbles out an unintelligible one minute! before quickly finishing.
He walks into the kitchen, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “What’s up?”
Eddie’s eyes are dancing with mirth as he helps Steve fix his collar. “You’ll never guess what just came in the mail.”
Steve raises a brow. “You’re acting like my parents are groveling at the door right now.”
Eddie barks out a laugh. “Oh, sweetheart, no. I’d very much be laughing in their faces if that’s what was happening.” He grabs Steve’s glasses from the counter he’d forgotten them on last night, unfolds them, and carefully slides them on Steve’s face. “No migraines,” he murmurs, and Steve’s hit with a rush of love so big he just has to tell Eddie.
“I love you.”
Eddie smiles softly; a small, disbelieving, hopeful thing that’s never changed from the first time Steve said it. “And I, my love,” he murmurs back. “But no, it’s not your parents.” His grin grows into a giggle. “It’s fuckin’ Hawkins High.”
Steve makes a face. “It’s still standing?”
Eddie snorts. “Apparently-fucking-ly.” He grabs two letters; one with Steve’s name, one with Eddie’s. “One letter for each of us. I already opened mine. It’s a reunion.”
Steve furrows his brows, rips into the envelope, pulls the paper out. “Hawkins High School… forty-year reunion… de-” he frowns up at Eddie. “Decennial?”
Eddie hums, nods. “Every ten years. God knows where our other ones went.”
Steve hums. “Guess we can throw these in the trash, huh?”
Eddie shifts. “You don’t want to go?”
Steve stares at him incredulously. “You do? You, Eddie Munson, want to go back to the place where—and these are your words, here—apart from our group of friends, only the- the backwoods of inbreeding resides?”
Eddie cackles. “Oh yeah, I did say that, didn’t I?” He’s delighted. Steve’s finding it hard not to smile in the face of that joy.
“So you want to go back?”
Eddie shrugs. “Think about it,” he requests. “I don’t want to go to see how anyone else is doing. Frankly, I don’t have the time to give two shits about them. But you know I’ll always jump at the chance to show you off.”
Steve raises both eyebrows this time. “You want to show me off? In fucking Hawkins?”
Eddie deflates. “You don’t want to go.”
Steve shakes his head. “No, babe, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that even though it’s legal, even though we’re officially married now, if there’s one place that isn’t gonna be accepting…” he trails off, lets Eddie finish the thought for himself.
“What if I convince Nancy to come?”
“Well, she’ll have to come if we go, won’t she? Cause you know she’ll go anywhere Robin does, and Robin’s gonna follow me, so…”
Eddie snickers. “Okay, yeah, fair enough. But babe, we’ll have Nancy and Robin on our side. The three of you took on Vecna, I think you can take on some overweight, washed-up, balding fifty-something-year-old.” He squeezes at Steve’s biceps, and Steve tries not to preen.
He’s proud of the care he’s shown his body, he’s proud of the way he looks, he’s proud that Eddie likes the way he looks. He can feel his resolve waning, is about to tell Eddie fuck it, let’s go, when his phone rings.
He pats his pockets, looks around for it. “Room,” Eddie supplies, and Steve gratefully peck his cheek before jogging to their room, where it’s laying on his nightstand. Eddie walks in as he answers it, having followed at a more sedate pace. “Hello?”
“Are you going to the reunion?”
“Hey, Robbie,” Steve chuckles, meets Eddie’s eyes. “Yeah, we are.”
“Yes!” She cheers. “You’re the best, we’re getting joint hotel rooms, right?”
He laughs and sits on the edge of the bed. “It’s Hawkins, Robs, I don’t think it has anything quite that fancy.”
Robin groans, loud and long enough that both Steve and Eddie have to stifle their giggles. “But I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“It’s been barely a week, Robbie.”
“That’s what I said!”
He relents. “I know. I miss you too. We’ll see you there?”
“Yeah,” she agrees, and hangs up.
Steve looks at Eddie, amused. “I guess we’d better pack. And you should tell the guys, don’t you have something going on that day?”
“Oh, shit,” Eddie says, and runs to the living room for his phone.
Steve surveys their room and sighs. He calls out to Eddie, “bring me a notepad on your way back, please!”
Eddie does, so he sets to work making a list for everything they need to pack while Eddie types away, postponing his plans.
While they might not get joint hotel rooms, Steve, Eddie, Robin, and Nancy are carpooling back to Hawkins in Robin’s van. She’s driving, Nancy’s in the passenger seat, Steve’s right behind Robin and Eddie’s right behind Nancy. Their luggage is piled precariously in the back, meaning every time Robin turns, the luggage slides from one side of the van to the other. Steve, with his mostly-undiagnosed OCD, flinches every time. And every time, Eddie pats his hand.
Besides the shifting suitcases, it’s a nice ride, even if Steve does grab Eddie’s hand and squeeze, just a hair tightly, whenever they pass the Welcome to Hawkins! sign.
Everyone gets a little quiet, after that. Robin fumbles with the radio, and Eddie perks up. “This song,” he says, practically bouncing in his seat.
Steve snorts. “Iron Maiden,” he tells her.
“The fact that you know that-”
“It gets worse,” he tells her, grinning. “The song is called Wasted Years. I know all the words.”
Robin grins, turns the volume up.
The joke’s really on her, though, because she’s always been good at music, patterns, and she’s singing the chorus with him and Eddie by the time they get to the end of the song, Nancy laughing at them. “So understand,” they sing, Robin glancing in the rearview mirror, Steve looking from her to Eddie and back again. “Don’t waste your time always searching for those wasted years. Face up, make this stand. And realize you’re living in the golden years!”
Steve and Eddie are practically screaming it at each other by the last line. Robin’s given up to join Nancy in laughing at them. Steve joins in as Eddie plays air guitar to the end of the song, collapsing in a laugh when it’s finally over.
“Okay,” Eddie says, grinning. “I think I could take on anything now.”
“Yeah?” Nancy asks, pointing ahead. “You’re ready for the reunion?”
They’d decided, since the last time they took a proper road trip had been too many years ago, they could do it the same day as the reunion.
They’d forgotten how getting old, coupled with the problems every one of them still has from the Upside Down, means they’re all very much sore from sitting in a car for upwards of five hours.
The plan was drive the five-something hours, go to the reunion, crash in the hotel, and drive back home the next day.
Steve hates the plan now and wants to go to the hotel to rest like the old man he’s letting himself be.
However unfortunate it may be, the reunion is today, which means Steve gets to suck it up, say hi to people he probably doesn’t even remember anymore, and then leave.
He hops out of the car and stretches a little, laughing when Eddie attempts the same hop out of the car and almost eats asphalt. “Dumbass,” he mutters. Eddie shoots him a Cheshire grin.
Before long they’re ready to walk inside. Steve takes a breath as he passes through the doors. The hallways are the same, but the lockers are new. It still smells like teenagers and feet, he notices, wrinkling his nose. The things you’ll get nose-blind to, he supposes.
The letters they’d gotten said the reunion was to be held in the gym, so that’s where they head.
Steve didn’t know what he expected, but it wasn’t a few snack tables along the edge of the room and a single Reunion of ‘85 banner. “Goddamn,” Eddie says from beside him, “depressing much?”
Steve snorts in agreement and walks over to the drink table. If he’s going to talk to people, he’s at least going to have questionable-looking punch while he does.
When he turns after getting punch, he nearly runs into someone. He quickly steps back. “Oh, sorry!” He looks up into the shocked face of Tommy Hagan. He blinks. “Tommy?”
Steve smiles. “How’ve you been?”
Tommy blinks, like he can’t believe Steve’s being nice to him right now, and that’s when Steve remembers they’d parted on not-so-nice terms. Oh well, he would’ve feigned politeness even if he’d remembered. “I’m good, yeah, uh, how- how’re you?”
“I’m good,” Steve agrees. “Really good. Last I remember you and Carol were dancing around each other, yeah? What happened there?”
“We got married,” Tommy nods.
“And then divorced two years later,” Tommy adds, smirking. Steve winces. “How about you? Last I knew, it was you and Wheeler, ‘cept she cheated on you with Byers, yeah?”
“God,” Steve laughs, “that was so long ago. Yeah, that happened. We talked it through and Nance and I are really good friends now. She’s married to someone else, as am I, but we both keep in touch with Jon, thought he’s out in California now.”
Tommy’s brow raises. “Married? Who’s the lucky girl?”
A presence beside him makes Steve turn to see Eddie grinning at him. “My ears are burning.”
“They should be,” he laughs. “Tommy, you remember Eddie?”
“Munson,” Tommy nods, then does a double take. “Wait, you’re married?”
“As of three years ago now,” Eddie says proudly. “But together for…”
“Thirty-seven years,” Steve provides, smiling at his husband before turning back to Tommy. “Did you ever get remarried after Carol?” Tommy shakes his head.
Eddie whispers in Steve’s ear, “You know he totally had the hots for you, right?”
Steve winces at the blast of static from his hearing aid and quickly shuts it off. “Ow,” he mutters, grinning crookedly at Eddie, who looks apologetic. He quickly signs what he’d whispered, and Steve laughs. “Don’t you remember my initial panic?”
Eddie thinks, back to when Steve had asked him what’s gay versus friendly, becoming increasingly confused when most of the things Eddie ticked off in the gay category were things Steve and Tommy had done that Steve had thought firmly resided in the friendly category. “Oh, yeah.”
Steve snorts, shakes his head, pushes him away. “Go talk to someone else. Rescue Robin, she looks like she needs it.”
“Nah,” Eddie says, “she can hold her own,” but goes anyways after a quick peck to Steve’s cheek. Steve turns the hearing aid back on.
“Man,” Tommy says wonderingly, “what happened to you?”
“Concussions,” Steve answers flatly. “Three of ‘em. Then I grew up.” He sighs, looks down at his cup, then up at Tommy. “Listen, man, about what we used to do-”
Tommy winces. “I know. I had that revelation a while ago, actually, but it was definitely shitty of me.”
Steve smiles, shrugs. “You had a crush on me. It’s not an excuse, but it does make a certain kind of sense you’d react that way, especially considering the kind of home life you had.” He smiles self-deprecatingly. “Feel free to stop listening if the therapist side of me comes out. I swear I’m not trying to, like, diagnose you with anything.”
Tommy’s brows raise. “You’re a therapist?”
Steve hums affirmatively. “Started as a school counselor, if you can believe that.”
Tommy fixes him with a wondering grin. “Y’know? I think I can see it.”
“Do my eyes deceive me,” someone says from their side, draping their arms across Steve and Tommy’s shoulders, pulling them into a hug.
Steve comes face-to-face with Carol. He grins. “Hey, Carol.”
“Hey, you,” she says, raking her eyes over him. “Time’s been good to you.”
“You’re one to talk,” Steve says happily, but its true; she doesn’t look a day over forty, instead of the fifty-odd she is now. “How are you?”
“Can’t complain,” she agrees.
They go through the same song-and-dance, but this time when she asks who he’s married to, he sees Eddie juggling water bottles, talking to a couple of people. “Oh, for-” he mutters, then louder, “Eddie, what in the everloving fuck are you doing?”
Eddie drops a bottle, puts the other two on the table behind him, and jogs over to throw his weight onto Steve. “Making friends.”
Steve snorts, elbows him off. “Say hi to Carol, babe.”
Carol clocks it immediately, based on the twitch of her eyebrow, but only says, “I didn’t peg you two as a couple.”
“Well, yeah,” Eddie snorts, “it was Bumfuck, Indiana in the 80’s.”
Carol tilts her head in agreement, then turns to Tommy and says coolly, “Tommy.”
“Carol,” he replies, tips of his ears red.
Eddie looks between them, then turns a raised eyebrow on Steve, who quickly signs, “Married for two years a while ago. I don’t know any details.”
“He clearly is still into her.”
“I refuse to be a part of whatever you’re planning.”
Eddie pouts. “You’re no fun.”
Carol clears her throat. “Sign language?”
Steve snorts. “Turns out brains aren’t supposed to get banged around. You’ve got a real good chance of messing something up that way.”
Eddie pokes his cheek. “‘S not your fault.”
“Never said it was,” Steve placates.
Carol shakes her head. “How many concussions do you have?”
Steve hums. “Three? Four?”
“Three,” Eddie corrects. “Not that we need to get into it right now.” He gives Carol a tight smile, and Steve hip-checks him.
“Down, boy,” he murmurs with a smile. “I’m alright.” He turns to Carol with a wider smile. “Long story short, the concussions caused irreparable hearing loss. I’m almost completely deaf in my left ear, but I get by.”
“Damn,” Carol says lightly, “life, huh?”
Steve snorts. “You can say that again.” He tilts his head. “How are you?” He asks. “Really?”
She gives him a crooked smile. “Let’s walk and talk.” Steve offers her his arm, which she takes with a laugh.
“How am I,” she muses. “Well I thought I found love, but we imploded two years later. Thank god for prenups, I guess, but at the same time, that made it feel like we were doomed from the start.”
Steve hums. “Eddie and I have been legally married for three years,” he tells her. “Together for thirty-seven. We’ve got prenups. Not because we think we won’t work, but because we want the people we care about to not have to worry about any of that.” He’s silent for a few steps. “I used to think love is out of our control. That we don’t get to decide who we fall for. And maybe, to a certain extent, that’s true. But love is also a choice you make every day. Eddie and I are still in love because we choose to be.”
“You look at each other like you’re on your honeymoon.”
Steve giggles. “And to think we didn’t even have a honeymoon!”
Carol laughs, too, then sobers. “You always were more fortunate in love,” she says. “What do you think? Do we have a chance?”
Steve hums. “I think it’s obvious, just by looking at him, that he’s still into you.”
“No shit.”
“So what’s important is how you feel. Marriage is work, I’m not gonna lie and say it’s not. So are you ready, and I mean really ready, to work for it?”
She works her lower lip. “I think so,” she admits. “But I- I’m also not completely sure I’m straight.”
“Okay,” Steve shrugs. “Do you know what he and I used to get up to?” He shrugs at her look. “I’m just saying, neither is he.”
“I mean, I definitely still like guys.”
“Well duh, you’ve taken more dick than I have and I’m married to a man.”
She snorts. “But women…”
“I know,” Steve says sympathetically. “It’s hard, isn’t it.” He pats her hand. “If you’re ready to try, though, you need to talk to him.” He turns her around, gestures toward Tommy, who quickly looks away, cheeks burning. They both laugh softly.
Carol leans up to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Steve. Let’s keep in touch.”
“Let’s actually keep in touch,” he agrees, handing her his phone. “Where do you live?”
“Columbus for now, but he’s in Dayton.”
Steve hums. “We’re in Detroit.”
“We’ll do phone calls,” Carol decides, laughing.
Steve chuckles, saves her number. “Plan to meet up-”
“Never actually do-”
“Oh, Carol, it’s been so long-”
They both break off into giggles. “You’re fun,” she decides. “I wish we’d kept in touch.”
“To be fair, we competed for title of bitchiest.”
“To be fair, I don’t think we ever grew out of that,” Carol retorted, and Steve snorts, gently shoving her.
“Alright, go get your man, and send mine over here.”
She gently steps on his shoe as she leaves, impish smile in place, and Steve turns only to run into Nancy and Robin. “Hey, guys,” he smiles.
Nancy gives him a look. “Making nice with Carol?”
Steve shrugs, grins at her. “Turns out we were just kids. Who knew, right?”
Just then, Eddie comes up behind him, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist and resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder. “What’re we talking about?”
Nancy smiles at him, wraps an arm around Robin’s waist. “Being kids.”
“That so?” He presses a kiss to Steve’s cheek, pushes back to look at him. “You look lighter.”
Steve hums. “‘S cause I love you.”
“Charmer,” Eddie mutters, turning bright red. “C’mon, seriously.”
“Seriously,” Steve agrees. “I was talking with Carol about her and Tommy, and I told her that why we work is because we work at it.”
“Very true.”
From behind them, someone cautiously asks, “Eddie Munson?”
They both turn, and suddenly Eddie’s scooping her up in a hug. “Ronnie! What the hell are you doin’ here, huh?”
She laughs and hugs him back just as hard. “Did you ever know a Jackson Starnes?”
Eddie’s brow furrows for a second, then smooths out. “Oh, Jackie! Yeah, he was cool.”
“Mhm. He’s my husband.”
“No shit? I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks,” she laughs, then nods at everyone else. “Who’s the hunk you were hangin’ off of?”
Eddie chuckles. “Ronnie, meet my husband, Steve.”
She turns an eyebrow on him. “You got married?”
“He proposed,” Steve corrects her, grinning.
“To the preppiest of jocks,” Robin adds.
Eddie laughs. “What can I say? It’s love.” He swoons, placing a hand over his chest, almost pulling Ronnie over with the arm still over her shoulder.
She laughs and dumps him off of her. Steve swoops in before he can fall, hoisting him up with a quick kiss.
“I’m Nancy,” she says, extending her hand to Ronnie. “And this is my wife Robin.”
“Oh!” Eddie says, literally jumping back into the conversation. “Robin and Steve are like how we were.”
“Platonic soulmates,” Steve agrees.
“With a capital P,” Robin emphasizes.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Ronnie says.
“How’s Wayne?” She asks Eddie.
“Dead.” He snickers at her face. “‘S alright, Ronnie. It’s been years.”
“Still. I can be sorry.”
“You can,” he agrees. “It won’t help anything, but you can.” He digs his phone out of his pockets, opens his contacts app. “Here, lemme get your number, yeah?”
“Fuck yeah,” Ronnie says, “let’s hang out, just lemme know when so I can get a sitter.”
Eddie chokes on nothing. “You have a kid?”
Ronnie grins, a shit-eating thing as she hands his phone back. “Three.”
“Goddamn,” he says, “you got pictures?”
Ronnie rolls her eyes, grabs her phone. “What kind of mom would I be if I didn’t? Here, this is Cassie, Alex, and… that’s Elijah.”
“Oh, man, Alex looks just like Jackie, doesn’t he?”
“I carry him for nine months,” Ronnie bitches good-naturedly. “‘Nough about me, though, how’re you? Corroded Coffin ever take off?”
Eddie snorts. “You hear about the psychopath in ‘86?”
“I remember something about it.”
“Yeah. I got caught in the crossfires, wrongfully blamed, and spent…” he looks at Steve. “A year?”
He turns back to Ronnie. “Almost a year hiding out. Corroded Coffin was officially disbanded after I was allowed out of hiding.”
“Fuck,” Ronnie says, “there goes my entire foot in my mouth, I guess. What’re you doing now, then?”
He chuckles. “A little bit of everything, honestly. A little music, a little writing, a little D&D. Nothing that’s made me a household name, but enough that I’m kept busy and we’re comfortable.”
Ronnie nods. “And how about you?” She asks Steve.
“Oh, nothing as fun as that,” Steve chuckles. “I’m a therapist.”
Ronnie tilts her head. “Any specialties?”
“C-PTSD, mainly.”
“Damn, I know about eight people who could use someone like you.”
Steve snorts. “That’s usually the way it goes, yeah.”
“Well it was great seeing you, Eddie,” Ronnie says. “And meeting all the rest of you. But I’ve got to find my husband and get back home, so we’ll have to continue this later.”
“Of course,” Steve says. “See you later?”
“Absolutely,” Ronnie nods, then turns and walks off.
They decide to leave not too much later. They’re all tired, so the drive to the hotel is filled with only the sound of the radio, turned almost all the way down.
“Y’know,” Eddie murmurs, tracing the ring on Steve’s finger, “she was my first kiss.”
Steve snorts, an explosive thing that he definitely learned from Robin. “She what?”
“Yup,” Eddie nods. “I knew I liked girls, but she’s the only one I got close enough to to actually know. We got stupid one night and decided to kiss and it basically went how it would if you and Robin were to kiss.”
“Ew,” Steve says on reflex. Eddie snorts.
Robin slaps at him from her seat, then yells when he slaps back, “Don’t distract the driver!”
“Bitch,” he tells her, “you slapped first!”
“You said ew about kissing me!”
“Do you want to kiss me?”
“Hell no!”
“That’s why I said it!”
Eddie leans up to murmur to Nancy, “should we break it up?”
“Eh, give it a minute. Once they resort to cursing their lineages we can break it up.”
He chuckles. “Always the wise one, Wheeler.”
“You’d best believe it,” she nods smugly.
“Nancy!” Robin says. “Baby! Defend me!”
“About kissing Steve? Who I’ve kissed before?”
“Oh, no,” Robin says, horrified. “I’m stuck in the car with the two people who are experts on Steve kissing.”
“Why’d you make it sound like a bad thing?” Steve demands.
And… yeah. Eddie’s glad they got separate hotel rooms.
Based on the look Nancy throws his way when they part, she’s glad, too.
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fuctacles · 1 month
<<4 | 5 | 6>>
Eddie held back and was nice enough to give him an ice pack after. 
"Thank you," Steve murmurs, placing the frozen peas on his chin. He's not taking his eyes off Eddie, who's wired up and walking back and forth in the tiny kitchen. Steve is low-key expecting another hit. If he had his tail, it would be tucked between his legs. 
"Why?" Eddie finally asks, the first thing he says since the punch. But before he can get an answer, he follows with: "Does everyone else know?"
"Yes," Steve admits guiltily. "I didn't want to drop it on you right after the Upside Down, but the longer it took, the weirder it got, and I just..." he trails off with half a shrug. 
Eddie scoffs, sending him a glare while his strides pick up speed. It would look ridiculous, since it takes only three of his steps to walk through the kitchen, if it wasn't so serious. 
"You made it weirder alright. Why did you follow me around instead of hanging out like a normal human being?!" He throws his arms wildly around, almost hitting the fridge. "Or did you just want to keep tabs on me? Like a weird little dog-stalker?!"
"No!" Steve protests indignantly, but then falters. "Well, I— Kind of? But just to, you know, protect you."
Eddie finally stops. Which is not a good sign as far as Steve is concerned, but Eddie just stares at him. 
He recounts the run-ins they had with the local righteous mob. He reimagines them with Steve by his side instead, the human one, and there's no universe in which it doesn't end up with an escalation. People don't normally pick up fights with dogs, apparently. But...
"Was sleeping on my couch and eating my hot dogs also to protect me?"
Steve folds in on himself and Eddie can almost imagine his sad dog ears flopping down. 
"No, I just—"
Eddie's suddenly in his line of vision, squatting in front of him to peer into his face mockingly.
"Was it just for fun? Little doggy wanted belly rubs and treats? Make everyone look at me weird because I'm scratching Steve Harrington between his ears?" he scoffs. "And dude, I would do all of it, if I knew it was you. You were worried it would be too much for me after Vecna? I'm a nerd! I eat that shit up. Do you know how much better I'd feel knowing werewolves are real?!"
Steve is not even surprised at his outburst. He just shuffles his legs and corrects softly:
Eddie jumps up, throwing his hands into the air.
"Oh, now you're gonna tell me?! You lost your naming privileges, man, you're a werewolf, period."
He leans against the cupboards behind him, foot tapping restlessly. But he was angry at so many things at once, that he didn't know what to grasp first.
"Why did you avoid me?"
"I didn't—"
"You did," Eddie interrupts him. "I never saw you around, only the dog. And then you started avoiding everyone else too. Why?"
Steve sighs, slipping the half-thawed pack of peas away from his face. His body slumps like any traces of fight have just left him.
"I guess it was easier. I could just walk around, keep an eye on everyone, and not... explain myself."
"Can't lie without vocal chords, huh?"
Steve sends him a tired look, and Eddie feels the tiniest of bits bad. He raises his hands placatingly. 
"I'm not your therapist. But I thought I was your friend."
"You are! Just..."
"Just not good enough to share the truth with?" Eddie offers.
Steve groans, this time unfolding to fall against the chair's backrest. 
"See, this is why I prefer shifting. I don't have to explain my thoughts to others, nothing is weird and unspoken, and everyone fucking loves me. They pet me and tell me nice things. But when I'm a human, I'm getting laughed at, dumped, used for rides, and have to stay alone in a big empty house."
Eddie just blinks at him, his anger slowly shifting into concern. 
"That's uh, a lot to unpack there," he says gently, pursing his lips in thought. "You know we've been worried about you, right? That we don't see you anymore. I mean, I didn't know at the time, but the kids knew something was going on with you."
Steve scoffs.
"Yeah, they noticed when they had to go beg Nancy for rides."
"Dude." Eddie frowns at him, both irritated and concerned. "I am so tempted to get your other cheek right now. Didn't Dustin call you to clear the air between us?"
"Yes, because you called him first," Steve reminds him. 
"Still, he could have left it for us to deal with on our own. But he cares, so he reached out. " Eddie sighs. "He wants us to be friends, but most of all, he wants you to open up; not to me, but to the rest of the party. So why are you holing yourself up, man? What's wrong?"
Steve doesn't move from his semi-open position, but he crosses his arms, and he's looking away at Wayne's cap collection, visible through the open space to his right. 
Eddie just looks at him, the worry in his stomach growing like a parasite. He decides that maybe this is enough for today. Enough feelings, talking, and confessions. That it is time to clear the air.
And by 'clear' he means 'cloud it with smoke'.
"Let's put a pin on that," he says and finally, Steve looks back at him, both worried and curious. "I think we both need to chill out and I still have that weed stored away for you. And a really bad horror from Gareth. The blood looks like ketchup, you're gonna love it."
Tags: @noodle-shenaniganery @jaytriesstrangerthings @imaginary-maggie-waggie @samsoble @croatoan-like-its-hot
@dragonmama76 @storyranger @scoops-aboy86
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stevestark · 4 months
Eddie only gets told snippets of everyone else's Upside Down experiences after Vecna, like, the sanitized version. The story told by each person but omitting the most personally traumatizing parts. Which means he doesn't know much about Steve and Robin Versus The Russians. Not in its full, gory detail.
So he doesn't think anything of it when Steve has a day off and wants to hang out, just asks if he minds coming with him to Indianapolis. Steve says yes immediately because he just doesn't want to spend another day alone in his big empty house, even if it means several hours in Eddie's deathtrap of a vehicle.
But then they get there and Eddie is parking outside a tattoo parlor and saying he got a last minute booking with his favorite artist and that he's so excited to cover some of the scars he has from the bats and Steve can barely hear him over the fuzziness that seems to be filling his entire brain.
He lets Eddie guide him into the shop, watches Eddie and the tattooist make small talk, follows Eddie to the table, sits on the stool next to him, and tries to look anywhere but at the tattoo gun.
Eddie doesn't notice at first, too jazzed about the idea he and the artist have come up with, blabbering about how he can finally take his shirt off at the lake again. It's not until the line work is done that he realizes Steve's breathing has gone shallow.
He asks the artist if they can take a smoke break before filling the tattoo in with color, and he gently takes Steve's hand and pulls him out back to ask what's wrong. Steve's too deep into a panic attack to answer, so Eddie just puts Steve on the side opposite his new work and pulls him in close, squeezing him as tight as he can and just gently shushing him, running his hand through Steve's hair.
After a few minutes, Steve's breathing easier, and Eddie asks him again if he's okay.
"I'm fine, I just... I hate needles. Ever since the Russians drugged me and Robin. Can't be around them."
Eddie frowns, realizing this must be one of the parts of the story he knows they were keeping from him. "Why did Russians drug you?"
Steve sighs, pulls out of Eddie's grasp, and sits on the ground against the back wall of the tattoo shop. "Dustin picked up a Russian transmission, summer of '85. We translated it, found their secret base under the mall, and realized they were opening the Gate back up. But then we were seen, and to buy time, Robin and I let ourselves get caught so Erica and Dustin could escape and get help."
Eddie sits next to Steve, their knees bumping. "Erica Sinclair? God, that kid really is the most badass of all of us."
"Yeah," Steve laughs. "Anyway, the Russians beat the shit out of me, asking who do you work for and shit like that. Didn't believe me when I said Scoops Ahoy. So they brought in this Doctor and he drugged me and Robin to get us to talk. Just straight up jammed a big ass needle full of mystery drugs into my neck. Ever since then, needles freak me the fuck out. They had to strap me down in the hospital just to get an IV in me when Robin insisted I get the bat bites checked out."
Eddie runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Steve. I never would've brought you here with me if I knew."
"I know," Steve says quietly. "'S'not your fault. I'm trying to get better at being open about things like this but it's just..."
"Hard. Yeah. I wake up screaming most nights, and I can tell Wayne feels bad because he doesn't know what to do. Because he doesn't know what's causing it."
"Yeah," Steve sighs.
They sit quietly out there for another ten minutes before the tattooist comes back out to see if Eddie wants to keep going, and he glances at Steve, sees the way he's gone pale and rigid, and shakes his head. "Sorry, man, think we're gonna have to pick this up another time."
Eddie stands, grabs Steve's hand and hauls him to his feet, and walks inside, never once letting go of Steve. He sets an appointment for a few weeks from now, on a day he knows Steve is working, and they leave the shop.
The second they're in the car, Eddie sees the color returning to Steve's face, and he drives aimlessly through the city, finally stopping at a combination bookstore/cafe.
"Come on then, big boy," he says with a teasing grin. "I do believe I promised to teach you about Hobbits."
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Dustin skidded into Eddie's hospital room, where Robin and Steve were both sitting with him. He still hadn't woken up since he broke free from Vecna's mind control and saved the entire town.
"Max is awake!" Dustin exclaimed.
"What?!" Steve and Robin exclaimed, jumping out of their seats.
"And guess how she was woken up?!" Dustin asked and waved himself away, unable to wait for their answers. "Lucas was all sad and crying because the doctors wanted to shut life support down, so he gave Max a kiss. . .that's when she woke up! Of course, she immediately scolded Lucas for making a move on her while she's asleep, but that's Max. Steve, I need you to kiss Eddie."
"What?!" Steve shrieked. "Why me?"
"Because out of all us, you're the one who looks more like the prince from Snow White," Dustin said, as if they explained everything.
"Oh my God! That's why you looked so familiar! All this time!" Robin exclaimed with wide eyes. "And Eddie does kind of look like Snow White. . . The boy is right. You have to kiss him. We have to know if Eddie is a Disney princess."
"Yeah, because that sounds logical," Steve said dryly.
"I did see a bunch of crows try to follow him into school one day," Dustin said.
"Hmm. Do you have photographic evidence?" Robin asked.
"I'm not kissing him!" Steve exclaimed.
"It's just a friendly kiss between two friends, Steve," Robin rolled her eyes.
Dustin noticed the way his eyes moved towards Eddie's and the way his cheeks turned slightly pink. . .the way he fidgeted. Oh.
"You know what, you don't have to do it, buddy. We're just messing with you," Dustin said. "We're not going to force you to do anything that you're not comfortable with. We can try other things to wake him up. It was just a silly thought."
"Wow, how manipulative of you," Steve said with his hands on his hips. "Fine, I'll do it."
"I wasn't - "
"I said that I would do it," Steve said, and then he went soft. "Anything to wake up the Hero of Hawkins, right?"
They watched him move closer to the bed and he looked at them for a moment.
"Do you want us to leave?" Robin asked, and Steve shook his head.
Steve sucked in a breath and exhaled. He bent down so that he was level with Eddie's face.
"Alright, I don't know if you can hear this, but I hope this is alright that I do this. We kind of want you around, man. Honestly, if it helps you to wake up, then I'm willing to try anything," Steve said.
Steve moved closer, and for a moment, he thought he saw a smirk grace Eddie's lips. It was gone, though, as soon as he cleared his throat. Steve pressed his lips against Eddie's, appreciating how soft and plump they were. God, they were so soft and nice against his own. He could feel his heart rate increase. He went to pull back, but suddenly, a hand slid into his hair and pulled him back into the kiss. Eddie was wake and kissing him. Steve gasped, causing his mouth to open slightly, giving Eddie the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. Steve’s eyes fluttered close, and he deepened the kiss, letting his own tongue dance with Eddie's. Suddenly, he felt Eddie grab him by his hips and pull him directly on top of him. Eddie grasped his thighs, maneuvering so that way he was straddling him. Steve broke the kiss, looking down on him in surprise.
"Hey," Eddie grinned wickedly.
"So, that was something," Eddie said and paused. "By the way, it's more than okay that you kissed me."
"I knew you were awake," Steve muttered as Eddie began caressing his thighs. "I didn't expect this."
He turned his head, suddenly remembering Dustin and Robin, but there was no one else in the room. He turned back to Eddie.
"I didn't expect this either," Eddie said. "It's a nice surprise."
"Yeah," Eddie said. "You know, while you're up there, you could rip off that shirt and show me those tits again."
Steve laughed, smacking his chest playfully.
"What kind of gal do you take me for?" Steve asked.
"The kind of gal who rips of their sweater and throws it at a guy," Eddie cackled.
"Oh, yeah. I did do that," Steve said, biting his lip and blushing.
He stared at Eddie for a moment, as if deciding something. He grabbed the back of his shirt, and with one quick motion, he pulled it off. He tossed it somewhere in the room. Eddie looked at him with dark eyes and began moving his hands upward. His hands moved over his scars, and he gently caressed them for a moment before moving his them again. Eddie's hands landed on his chest, and he rubbed his thumbs over Steve’s nipples causing him to shudder before placing his palms over them. Eddie squeezed. With his hands still cupping Steve’s chest, the door opened, and Wayne Munson walked in. All three of them froze.
"Hey, Uncle Wayne," Eddie said cheerfully.
"You know, if this is the kind of service that hospitals provide, then I'll gladly move in," Eddie said.
"You act like I don't know who Steve is when he's the one who carried you here and never left your bedside," Wayne said.
"Aww, Stevie."
"I'm going to go now. Not because I'm prejudiced but because I want to continue to look at you like you're still that curly haired bug eyed baby who couldn't say spaghetti," Wayne said. "I'm glad it worked out for you, Steve. I'll be heading out now."
Wayne quickly left after he said all of that. Steve turned to look at him and Eddie scowled.
"What? It's a hard word," Eddie said defensively.
"You still can't say it, can you?" Steve asked.
"I'll say it however I want to," Eddie said. "They're all just made-up words anyhow."
Steve laughed. He moved until he was lying down next to Eddie and was curled up against him. He squeezed him.
"You're so cute," Steve said fondly.
"Thanks for waking me up."
". . .My sweet prince. . ."
And so, with a sigh, Steve closed his eyes, and this time, it was his turn to sleep because for the first time in a while, it felt like he could.
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theladybarnes · 4 months
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“Could try sticking together at a different house for a change?”
▸ summary: in another time in another place, there’s time for one more night ▸ characters: steve harrington 🩷, ft. Robin Buckley & Dustin Henderson ▸ word count: 9.5k ▸ warnings: angst, fluff, SMUT MINORS DNI(18+) ▸ series masterlist
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The hot water flowed slowly down your back. Washing away all the stress and worries that came from today’s recent search. As you leaned against the cool tile, your mind drifted back to the Creel house. At this point it felt like no matter how hard all of you worked to piece together this puzzle, more questions would be left unanswered.
 Pushing your head under the water, you tried to let your mind have a moment’s rest. But the very second you shut down that worry, the look of Steve smiling down at you with cobwebs in his hair came into your head.
 This was stupid. 
 You guys were supposed to be on pause. Thoughts about Steve and his dumb, cute, face could come around later on. When you aren’t trying to evade death by the hands of Vecna. But even if you gave yourself that small break, there was another lingering thought in your head; How was Eddie doing? 
 It’s been days since any of you have properly spoken to him and a big part of you felt guilty for not thinking about him until now. He was your friend! The one who helped lift your spirits after all the heartbreak from last winter. How could you be such a bad friend? Yes, you were working to help solve this and clear his name, but how could you let yourself get this distracted to not have him cross your mind once all day?
 With a sigh, you turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping yourself in a towel. The steam clung to your skin. A temporary warmth against the cold air that seemed to follow you around all day. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, shuddering at the sight.
 You were exhausted, both mentally and physically. The worst part was that your body seemed to be taking the major weight of it all. Emerging from the steamy bathroom, the cool air of Steve's house hit you, bringing a slight shiver to coat your body. Lost in your thoughts, you almost didn't see that Steve had been standing there until you nearly collided with him at his bedroom door.
 "Whoa, careful there,” he said, a playful smile on his face as he caught your arms. "I hope you left some hot water for me. I know you like to have the water burning your skin practically.”
 "It’s not that hot.” you chuckled. His eyes darted over your figure, lingering in a few expected spots until he remembered where his main focus was. You felt as your face grew hot. Cheeks flushed as you adjusted the towel around you tighter. “Thanks again, for letting all of us crash here. I know all of us together can be a lot."
 Steve's expression softened, and he leaned against the doorframe, looking at you with those familiar, warm eyes that had your knees nearly buckling under his gaze. "I figured that the Wheeler residence could use a break from the chaos we bring.” he shrugged. “No one’s here anyway. We all could use a good rest for one night. Plus it beats sleeping on the basement floor again.”
 “You’re right about that.” you agreed, knowing your back is desperate for some comfort. 
 “Besides,” he continued, voice a low murmur. “I feel a lot safer having you here in my house. Where I know you’ll be safe.” 
 His words tugged at your heart. They were both comforting and painful. Mostly because you wanted to dive into the meaning behind them and hear his reasons. But you knew better. It was just hard to suppress the feelings you still had for him, but you pushed them down for now, managing a small smile instead. 
 "I always feel safe with you around. Doesn’t matter where.”
 Something about your reply had him inhaling deeply. For a moment he looked like he was going to say something else, but he didn’t. “Goodnight, Trouble.” He eventually got out with a smile of his own.
 “Goodnight, Steve."
 You turned to leave, heading towards the hall to his parent’s room, where you’d be sharing with Robin. But as you walked away, you couldn't help but steal one last glance back at him, catching him as he watched you with an unreadable expression. 
 Once you were inside the spare bedroom and away from his gaze, you wasted no time in getting into fresh clothes. Thankfully, your Aunt did not catch you sneaking in through your bedroom window earlier. If she had, you, Dustin, and probably the others, would surely have been under house arrest. With her paranoia, she’d have cuffed you all together to keep watch of everyone closely.
 The previously occupied bathroom popped open suddenly. Robin, who had gotten dibs in the master bath first, was freshly changed and ready for bed. She waltzed into the room with a content smile on her face as she plopped down on the other side of the bed. You noticed right away that her eyes were glinting with a familiar playful mischief as she caught your gaze.
 “So,” she started, drawing out the word, “How was your little run-in with Steve?” Her smirk was unmistakable, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, holding back the smile that wanted to fight its way onto your lips. 
 “Robin,” you warned lightly, but she only grinned wider.
 “Oh come on, don’t ‘Robin’ me. I was there in the Creel house. I saw how you two were talking.” she reasoned. “There were sparks flying and all that.” She mimicked an explosion with her hands for emphasis, bringing out a small chuckle from you. 
 “I can’t do this with you..”
 “Why do you think I got dibs on the bathroom first?”
 “Because you’re dirty?”
 She gave you a small slap to your arm before pointing over towards the door. “I did it on the chance that you two might run into each other in his room and get to talking again!”
 “Robin, we’re not together,” you reminded her, shaking your head as you finished drying your hair. “I’m not sure he’s told you yet but we’re pausing even discussing that situation until we get this Vecna stuff sorted out. It’s all very complicated.”
 “Yeah, complicated my ass.” Robin snorted. “All week I’ve caught you two a dozen times being a little too close for being just friends. I give it until tomorrow before the two of you are making out in some corner like you’re in the back room of Family Video all over again.”
 Your mouth flopped open as you attempted to think of a comeback. For some reason you were unable to conjure up a clever response. Instead, you threw a pillow at her, which she deftly dodged laughing. “We’re not gonna do... ugh, I’m done. I’m going to bed.”
 Thankfully, she moved with you to climb under the sheets. Giving you a couple of seconds of silence while you both adjusted under the sheets before Robin turned around to face you again.
 Her expression had softened up from the previous smug look she had as she looked down. “I know you’re both sort of stuck on talking things out. But seriously, I think with everything going on... I just don’t want either of you to have any regrets. Or waste time not taking just one second to work something out. Things are getting pretty crazy and I just want to help you both be happy in case something happens..”
 Her words instantly hit home. It was one thing for you to be self aware of the possibility of a limited amount of time. But for your friend to see it too just made the whole situation feel even more real. That wasn’t something you wanted Robin or any of them to have to go through. Especially when they were already worried about this whole Vecna mess already. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you gave her a quick nod, hoping it gave off some sort of relief to her.
  “Thanks, Robin. We’ll work on it soon.” Your words felt forced, but you smiled at her anyway. “Just give us a chance to work things out before you feel you need to ‘help’ again, okay?”
 She gave your shoulder reassuring pat before she flopped onto her back. “Alright, I’ll back off for now, but I’d be more worried about Nancy. She’s more fed up with this weird dance you two are doing than I am.”
 “Thanks for that heads up.” You chuckled softly, reaching out from the covers to turn off the lamp. The room fell into darkness, but the warmth of the conversation still lingered in the air.
 “Goodnight, Robin,” you whispered.
 “Goodnight,” she replied, her voice already drowsy.
 As you closed your eyes, your mind drifted back to previous thoughts. There were some things you couldn’t change right away, but Robin was right. Time was precious, and with the threat looming over you all, there’s no room for regret. Something had to change between you and Steve. 
 But for now, you settled on attempting to get some sleep first. 
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 You huffed again, removing the earbuds from your ears.
 It had been two hours since you said goodnight to your friend, and here you were as you listened to the soft sound of Robin’s light snoring. Sleep was not coming for you. No matter how relaxed you attempted to be, your mind was not able to shut off whatsoever. 
 Looking at the clock on the bedside table, you use the little bit of moonlight that peeked through the room from the curtains to read the time. It was nearing two in the morning. You should be sound asleep like all the others in the house. And yet, you were wide awake.
 This wasn’t even a bed you could feel comfortable in. It was too hard and the pillow had a lingering scent aftershave. You glanced at Robin, her face serene and untroubled as she slept. The sight of her peacefulness made your restlessness more unbearable. What you needed was comfort, a sense of safety that only one place could offer.
 Biting your lip, you glanced over towards the clock again. Screw complicated.
 Slipping out of bed, you gathered your cassette player and headphones as you padded silently to the door, careful not to wake her. The floorboards creaked under your weight, a sound that echoed through the quiet house. Steve’s room was just down the hall, and the thought of being near him sent a shiver down your spine—not from fear, but from the cold that only he seemed to be able to take away.
 Pushing the door open a fraction, you peeked inside, hoping to slip into his room without waking him. Over on his bed, he laid on his side, facing towards the door. His chest rising and falling in the rhythm of sleep.
 Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open enough to step inside. The familiar scent of his cologne mixed with the faint smell of the cotton sheets hit you. Hitting you with a wave of nostalgia. The summer nights where you crept in to spend the night for sleepovers that weren’t allowed. It was the time in both your lives where you guys thought everything would be okay. That all the troubles were over. 
 You wanted to feel that way again, if just for one night.
 Stepping into the room, you were careful not to let the door creak as you closed it behind you. The floor was thankfully covered in carpet, but you still shivered as you approached the side of his bed. 
 You moved to the empty side about to lift the blanket when you noticed a small photo frame. Picking it up, you used the small light coming from the window to look at it carefully. 
 It was the half torn photo strip you guys took at the mall last summer. You remember the night he stole this half, leaving you to the one back home. It was still taped to your mirror. But this one, you haven’t seen in such a long time. The smile on Steve’s face still made your heart leap and you couldn’t help but smile at how happy you looked then. “I can’t believe you still have this.” you said softly. 
 Steve stirred at the sound of your voice and you held your breath. Hoping you didn’t just wake him up. But nothing happened other than him settling back comfortably. 
 Gently, you lifted the edge of the blanket and slipped underneath, moving slowly so as not to disturb him further. The mattress dipped slightly under your weight as you turned on your side, wanting to face him. The warmth of his body was immediate, comforting in a way you had become desperate for lately.
 As you got comfortable, Steve's eyes fluttered open, making you freeze in place. But instead of accidentally scaring him like you thought you might have, he only blinked, sleepily focusing on you. 
 "Hey," he murmured, his voice thick with sleep. There was no surprise in his tone, just a quiet acceptance that made your heart flutter.
 "Hi," you whispered back, barely able to keep the small quiver from your voice. "I couldn't sleep."
 He shifted slightly, making room for you to slide closer, his arm coming around you instinctively. It was such a natural, familiar gesture, shared between the two of you. 
 "Bad dream?" he asked, his voice a soft rumble.
 "I’d have to have fallen asleep in the first place to dream," you muttered, nestled closer to him now. His presence was like a soothing balm. The knot that had been building up in your chest loosened up at just the sound of his voice. “Is it okay, I’m here?”
 His fingers brushed against your arm, a light touch that sent shivers down your spine. "You’re always welcomed here," he said quietly, keeping up with his soothing touch. 
 You closed your eyes, letting yourself relax for the first time in days. You couldn’t pinpoint as to why. Maybe it was the bed, or the smell of his cotton sheets, or maybe it was just Steve. All you knew was that you felt safe, away from the world, in this bed, in his arms. 
 "I missed this," you admitted into the darkness, voice barely audible under the sudden emotions swirling. 
 His arm tightened around you, and you felt as his breath hitched in reaction to your words. "Me too," he whispered back eventually, his voice low and rough. It was only a little concerning, considering that all day he’s acted so confidently around everyone. 
 "Steve," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper, "Am I hurting you by being here?"
 He sighed, shifting closer. "No, you’re not hurting me. If anything, this is comforting me. I like having you close to me..where I can feel you.”
 You reached out, your fingers brushing against his. "I just don’t want to confuse you anymore than I already have.."
 His hand closed around yours, warm and reassuring. "You haven’t. Besides, I know we’ll eventually get to talk things out. I’m okay with waiting until then.” 
 The conviction in his voice is comforting, and for a moment, you almost believed that everything would be okay. But your mind was quick to become frustrated all over again. Not only were you so physically tired from everything, but mentally too. It was as if you were some sappy soap character who couldn’t figure her life out. Everyday was a new brand of guilt and fear and you were sick of it. 
 A finger brushing against your cheek pulled you out of your rant and focused back on Steve who was watching you carefully. “Your thinking face is on.” he mused softly, “Wanna let me in?”
 You moved closer, resting your head on his shoulder. "What if... what if this was just a normal night? No monsters, no curses, just spring break. What would we have done?"
 Steve sucked in a sharp breath. Probably not expecting that sort of question. “Well,” he huffed, blowing all the air out of his mouth. “I’d have probably convinced you to hang out with me. Even if it was just friends. Put on some movie you picked from work.”
 You smiled at the thought, liking the simplicity of the scenario. "Something you’d pretend to be annoyed by, but secretly love every minute of, right?”
 He smiled back, looking at you with such a tenderness that lured you in close. "Yeah, something like that."
 The moment stretched out, leaving the air thick with heavy lingering feelings. You leaned in, keeping faces only inches apart. The urge to kiss him was so overwhelming. But you stopped, your eyes searching his face for more answers. "And after that? When the night was done and it was time for me to go home? What would happen?”
 For a moment, he didn’t respond, his gaze locked on yours. Then, without a word, he leaned in, closing the distance between you, and kissed you. It was soft and hesitant, but it held some feelings that you were sure he had been holding back. Like always, you melted into the kiss. His hand reached up to cup the side of your face, keeping you close as he finally spoke up.
 “That,” he whispered against your lips. “I’d do that.”
 You moved to rest your forehead against his, both of you breathing heavily now. “I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow,” you whispered, “But right now, I just..I just want to forget about everything. Even if it’s only tonight.”
 He slowly nodded, his eyes glancing down to your lips as you spoke. “Yeah,” he said, gently murmuring his agreement in a quiet tone. “We can forget everything else..."
 With his approval, you placed a hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him so that he was flat on his back. His eyes widened a bit and you carefully threw a leg over his waist until you were able to sit on his lap. 
 Your heart raced as you reached for the hem of your pajama shirt, carefully pulling it over your head until you were revealing your bare chest to Steve. 
 His breathing hitched as his eyes roamed over your breasts before it all seemed to click for him what you were doing. “Am I dreaming right now?” he asked as he brought his hands up to rest at your hips. 
 You placed your hands over his, giving him a shy smile as you shook your head to his question. 
 “This is real.”
 He gave your hips a gentle squeeze as a small shy smile pulled at the corner of his lips. “Thank God.” he breathed, shaking his head as he leaned up towards you. 
 You met him in the middle and pressed your lips onto his, feeling the familiar fire start to ignite inside again. His hands released your hips, grazing up the expanse of your sides until he cupped at your breasts, using the tip of his thumbs to brush over the sensitive pebble.
 A wave of heat dropped down between your legs at his touch. Not even a week has passed since you’ve last had sex with Steve but the carnal desire to have every inch of him inside you started to take over. Your hands roamed beneath his shirt. First, only grazing in from his waistline before you broke the kiss to push up the ends, silently urging him to lose the shirt.
 You could hear him chuckle as he reached down to tug the material off, tossing it onto the floor before he laid back against the bed, looking up at you expectantly. 
The pool lights reflected in through his window, creating spots of blue hues to seep in the room. 
 It reminded you of all the summer nights you spent here in the house, and how much they used to ease you during your secret sleepovers. 
 Leaning over, you pressed your lips back onto his as your hands explored. Your nails scratched against his chest, admiring the feel of the hairs that peppered over his pecs. The sensation caused Steve to groan out loud, making the kiss turn hot and opened mouth as you both touched each other.
 He pressed you closer to his body, making your chest flushed to his now. That’s when you felt the cold necklace press against your clavicle and you sat back to press a hand to your neck. 
 You had almost forgotten that you had stolen the necklace from his car the other day. It kept you sane during your trip to Pennhurst. Something you had planned on sneaking back into Steve’s car. But your impatience and needs seemed to ruin that plan now. 
 He broke his focus from your face, doing a double take as he looked down at your hand, leaning close to inspect what you were holding. “You-..you’re wearing it..” he stated, slightly taken back as his gaze flickered back to your eyes.
 “I just wanted to feel right again.” You professed softly, looking down at the gold ‘S’ that sat perfectly over your chest. “I know I should have asked but..” your voice trailed off, unsure how to answer without diving into feelings.
 A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips when he slowly reached up to gently touch the necklace. His fingertips gently ran along the chain while you waited patiently to hear what he had to say. “No, you’d never have to ask..” he assured you. “It’s yours. It’s always been yours.” 
 The tender reassurance caused an ache to spread into your heart. The memory of the night you received the gift bringing in emotions you needed to pause on. Reaching for his hand, you brought his fingertips up to your lips. Placing kisses on each finger lovingly until you pressed it to cup at your cheek. “Are you sure?”
 Steve held his breath for a moment, only staring at your face in his hand before he suddenly leaned up towards you. The look in his eyes had turned dark and familiar. Stirring something in the pit of your belly. Then, he slowly began to nod his head, letting his hand slide down to wrap around your neck. 
 “More than anything.”
 You shuddered a bit, finding yourself being flustered by not only Steve’s reassurance, but also from the slight change of hand. Not sure how long you can handle his touch or heated gaze, you took charge and leaned in to press your lips against his again.
 Feeling a new confidence in you that made you start to roll your hips on his waist. 
 A small moan built in your throat as his groin began to press through your pajama pants. Hitting at the spot you were starting to become needy for him to touch. Beneath you, Steve gently groaned into the kiss, moving his body to roll against yours when he felt the direction you were taking things.
 Your mind was becoming more hazy at that. More feral. The familiar desperation to reach your orgasm started to spur inside of you. And from the way he began to stiffen up underneath his clothes, you were pretty sure he was starting to feel the same.
 “Steve..I need you.”
 Your simple whimpered request seemed to encourage Steve as he groaned quietly again, reaching for your hips as he rolled up. “Need you too, Honey. Need you so badly.” he said in short shallow gasps. 
 Carefully, he wrapped an arm around your side and he pressed you close to his body before he flipped you over so that he was able to hover over you now. You held tightly, staring up in shock as he used his knees to push at your legs and allow him to sit between them. 
 Reaching your hands down, you rubbed up his sides until they met in the middle of his waist, where you quickly made do with his pajamas. Pushing the waist of his pants and boxers down while you picked your head up to press a kiss to his lips. 
 He shivered in your hands, only pulling his lips back to hiss down once the palm of your hand made contact with his hardened cock. “Fuck,” he said, licking over his lips. “Keep going.” he begged, hands rubbing up the inner part of your thighs soothingly. 
 The sight of his stiff cock brought a burning desire to pool between your legs. You thought back to earlier in the week when you last had him and how much you wanted to feel that good again and again and–
 “You with me?” 
 The warm touch to the side of your face pulled you from your dirty thoughts and you gave Steve a small smile. He rubbed the tip of his thumb over your lip, which naturally you pressed a kiss to, knowing how much he always liked it.
 And like always, he took charge after that.
 Moving his hands to the sides of your waist, he tugged down your bottoms. Exposing the rest of your body to his pleasure as he still hovered above you. The action sparked something inside and you felt yourself losing your composition in order to give into your needs. “I need you, please.”
 He shifted before you, making the tip of his cock brush against your thigh. Causing him to groan while he adjusted once more to bring his hand between your inner thighs. “Let me have my fun first, Trouble.” He replied back. Voice husky and low with desire. 
 It was one just one finger that brushed through your folds and you were already feeling out of your mind. Your body jolted and turned tense as you reached out to grip at his free arm. He used his thumb to circle over your clit, brushing the sensitive bud softly.
 “Fuck.” you hissed, feeling both frustrated and turned on by his slow pace. You let go of his arm to go for his neck. Letting your fingers get tangled in the ends of his hair, tugging lightly as he rolled over the sensitive bud again. Oddly, the small ministrations were slowly working you up.
 Steve’s eyes looked up at you. He watched you slowly the more you got heated, needing more but still keeping at his pace. He swiped a finger over your clit again, chuckling softly to himself as he bent his head down to you. “Already so close for me? You’re so needy, so perfect, all for me.”
 His whisper nearly made you come right there. It was so dirty and so familiar to how things used to be. You didn’t know how much you needed this until now. “Baby, please,” you whimpered, not even sure how desperate you sounded. “More.”
 You brought your leg up to wrap around his hip, allowing him better actress between your legs as you slowly began to roll again his touch. Needing to do something to create the friction you wanted.
 He cooed amusedly at your impatience. ”I’ll give you anything you want, baby.” he promised, pressing more pressure to your clit with his thumb. “Just keep making pretty noises for me.” he teased, moving his hand down your folds, teasing you slightly until you felt the tip of his fingers at your core. 
 Your eyes snapped open, looking up at the ceiling as you anticipated his next move.
 Little by little he pushed his fingers in, getting you to let out small panting breaths to calm you down until you felt him stop. “Doing so good for me, Honey.” he said, leaning forward to get his face closer to yours. “You’re so wet, just from my hand, it’s so hot.” he said as he pressed a soft kiss to warm your chest.
 “So good,” you whispered, loving how you felt his fingers give into some of the desires you wanted. He pumped his fingers in and out rhythmically as you writhed on the bed, becoming so unbearably desperate for more. God, you couldn’t believe how long it’s been since you’ve felt this way. “Fuck, Steve..” you whimpered as your hands found purchase in his hair. 
 He was being so attentive to you. It was so sweet, sexy, so addicting.
 Steve continued to listen to all of your sounds and whines, giving you quiet praises while his fingers curled, hitting at just the right spot as he increased his pace. Trying to get you to the edge you were teetering on. “C’mon,” he grunted, “Come for me, honey..”
 Your fingers gripped tighter to Steve’s hair, pulling him close to you. “Baby,” you gasped, sucking in air that was leaving too quickly. “I’m gonna— I’m gonna—ah!” 
 In one final push of his hand, your body froze and you felt your wave of pleasure hit over you instantly. It was so hot and so quick, you didn’t even have time to keep yourself in check. Only grinding your hips against his hand to ride out the rest of the orgasm. 
 He had leaned down during your euphoric haze to press kissing against the nape of your neck, Slowly pushing in and out until he gently slipped his fingers out from you “That’s it..just like that..that’s my good girl..” he said, holding onto you until he fell to your side. He reached around to have you closer to him. 
 You were still trying to catch your breath. Feeling so hot and heavy that you felt your head spin for a moment. “God,” you whispered, turning your head to plant kisses on his chest. “I’ll never get over that.”
 Steve hummed happily, seemingly content with having gotten you off. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, sounding pleased by your reaction. “I won’t either..” he said before he reached down for your chin, tilting you up so you were looking at him as he whispered quietly. “You’ve never been so perfect and so sexy for me.”
 The whisper of his genuine words only took your breath away again. 
 Without saying anything, you moved your legs so that you could straddle on top of him. The slight pressure of his still so hard member was pressing lightly against your thighs. You gave a small roll of your hips before looking at him carefully.
 He stared up at you once you straddled his waist. Eyes wide before you rolled over him and caused him to groan loudly. “Honey,” he breathed out in a deep whisper. “You don’t have to–”
 Bending forward, you pressed your lips against his, letting your kiss distract him from saying anything else as you slowly lifted your hips, kneeling at his sides and reached down between you two. Grabbing hold of his member, you carefully lined him up to your core and slowly eased down.
 He pulled away from the kiss as he gasped for air. “God, you’re perfect.”
You’d chuckle at his sweet response if you weren’t too busy feeling the sensation of having him inside of you again. It was like you’ve been waiting all night to feel this full again and you couldn’t help but sigh in contentment from it. 
 Leaning yourself back, you slowly bottom his member out. Feeling as the tip brushed right at the right spot. A soft moan spilled past your lips and you placed a hand down to rest at his stomach, digging your nails into the skin as you slowly started to roll your hips.
 “Fuck, baby, takin’ all of me.” he whimpered. “Like my good girl.”
 A smile broke out on your face, loving his attempt to talk dirty through his whimpers. Beneath you, Steve’s whole body started to tense up. Turning as needy as yours did minutes ago for release. His hands up and down your thighs, trying to find something to hold onto before he gently wrapped hands around your hips. 
 One of your hands reached out to grip at your breast, feeling as the sensitivity ventured all over your body. Steve, who couldn’t help himself, reached out to replace yours. Squeezing and cupping up your breast as he bucked upward into you. 
 “God damn, honey.” he grunted, thrusting upward again. He pulled himself up to reach your mouth with his. He hungrily kissed you, sucking on your bottom lip before he pulled away for a moment. “You don’t know what you do to me..” he whispered, eyes dark as he looked over your features. 
 You used his new closeness as a chance to wrap your arms around his neck. Keeping him in place so that you could pick up the pace in your rolls. Hitting that delicious spot every time. The kiss had already taken your breath away, but you ignored it in favor of attacking his neck next. 
 Pressing loving kisses on all the spots that freckled his skin. “I could say the same.” You said panting against the line of his jaw. “I can’t get you out of my head.”
 Steve gasped out in between your kisses on his neck, holding you close as he moved his hand back to your lower back. Holding you steady as he began to buck his hips up to meet your rolls. Thrusting upwards so fast now that you were practically bouncing on top of him.
 ”I’ve been trying so hard to stick to this whole friend, pausing thing—fuck. But I can’t stop thinking about you like this.” he grunted between short, shallow breaths. “Want you like this all the time.” 
 His thrusts started to hit directly into all the right places, making your next climax approach faster now. You felt yourself shuddering at his words, holding tightly to him as his confession brought butterflies to your stomach.
 “God, Steve.” You whimpered, “All the time?”
 “Every, damn, day.” he answered, thrusting up to match each word he managed to get out.  You could feel your body react to him, clenching tighter around his cock. Needing to hold onto the feeling of him inside of you before he’d hit you again and have you gasping in pleasure. “God, I could do this all night if you’ll have me.” 
 His words made you shudder, and you dug your nails into his shoulders. Pushing against him lightly to lie on his back again while you looked down in his eyes. “You’re all mine?” You asked breath ragged as you rolled your hips again. The brink of your climax just nearly there. “Say it.”
 “Fuck,” he moaned, staring up at you with wide eyes. You’ve never been this possessive with him before but from his slight grin, you started to think he liked it. “I’m yours.” he nodded quickly, licking over his lips. “You have me, Trouble. All of me.” 
 Taking his chance, he gripped tightly to your hips, giving you a slight wincing pain but followed with another wave of pleasure as he used all his energy to buck his hips up to yours, going at a much more brutal pace.
 From the mix of his responses plus the way his hips kept snapping up in the right places, you could barely roll correctly as you felt your edge coming. “I’m so—God, I’m so close.” You gasped, reaching a hand down between you, rubbing your clit in a quick circle to drive you just enough. 
 “Come for me,” he hissed, sweat was beading down his forehead but he kept up his speed, not stopping until he got you there. “Come for me, honey..”
 Your back arched, curling at his command as a sudden wave of pleasure hit you. Every roll caused your core to tighten around him, giving you that blindingly hot sensation that only your orgasm could give you. Specks of white blurred your vision again and you let out a cry of ecstasy.
 Below, Steve held you close, riding out the rest of your orgasm by helping you continue to roll your hips. “Oh God, oh Go–fuck.” he moaned, his body tensing up before finally reaching his release. The sensation of Steve’s cum shooting in you had you shuddering slightly but not as much as the sinful sounds of his moans fought against your whimpers.
 There was a solid minute where the two of you were just there, both taking the chance to roll against each other until finally you started to calm your bodies down. You glanced down to look at him, smiling a little at his face. He was still softly moaning, most likely sensitive as you were right now before he felt your gaze on him. 
 “Hi.” you said softly, just staring at him until you leaned down to place another kiss on his lips.
 “Hey.” he whispered back, now sporting a goofy grin. Though you had the power of being on top, it didn’t stop you from feeling shy from his gaze. Looking away, you peeked over your shoulder to stare at the door before down again.  
 “Do you think the others heard us?”
 He glanced over toward the door, face scrunching up a bit before he shook his head. “Doubt it.” he chuckled, returning back to his former position. “Those little shits aren’t afraid to barge in and bother us if we’re disturbing them, so I think I think we’re in the clear.”
 Nodding your head, you held onto his arms. Using them as leverage to keep you up as you reached between you two so that you could pull him out. A small hiss escaped at the change of pressure before you carefully climbed off his lap and laid down beside him. “That was intense.” you said softly, placing a hand on your still racing heart.
 Steve, who had quickly managed to catch his breath, laid his head down on the pillow. You glanced up to see he was grinning as he stared up at the ceiling. “Intense isn’t the word I’d use..” he shrugged with an amused chuckle. “Now incredible..”
 You couldn’t help but laugh at that, gaining his attention. He slowly rolled to rest his head down against your shoulder, gently brushing his fingers up and down your side. You turned over to face him instead. “You’re incredibly cheesy, Harrington.” you smirked, still feeling like you’re on cloud nine from everything.
 He gave a fake look of shock, nearly clutching his pearls before he reached out to you. Tucking you against him so he could gently nudge your side with his hand. “Me? Chee—what about you, using cheesy lines on me like ‘you’re all mine’?”
 You felt your face heat up. 
 “Yeah, well, I was just taking a page right out from your book of lines.” You shrugged, trying to keep up with a faux bit of confidence.
 That seemed to only amuse him further. Making him let out a light laugh as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “Now you’re suddenly keeping note of my go to lines?” he asked with a light, playful, voice as he moved onto peppering small kisses over your face. “Thought you wanted to be a lawyer, not a stenographer.”
 “Uhh..” You had a hard time thinking of any clever response as Steve continued his kissing, making you incredibly distracted. He literally just fucked you stupid and thought adding drunkly sweet kisses on top of that would do any good. “..Shut up.” You eventually answered, not even able to combat it at this point.
 Again, he laughed at you. Giving you at least a break from his lips as he pulled back to look over at you. “Gotta admit, I kinda liked hearing you talk so possessively to me. Makes me feel all sorts of special.” he whispered teasingly.
 You sighed in defeat, figuring that while he was annoying in teasing now, he was kind of right. A small part of you felt alive to be holding such a claim on him. Sappy or not, he felt like he really was yours. But you hated the idea of Steve holding that over you right now with his shit eating grin.
 “Shut up.” You said again, slightly teasing, but mostly pouting. The blanket, while a little too warm, helped cover up your slightly sweaty body from the cold that would inevitably take over. You turned yourself to rest on his chest a little, needing to hear his heart while lightly brushing your fingers over his side.
 All this was so beautifully domestic. Reminding you of the calmer nights of the early summer you two had where you were actually allowed to be silly teens who didn’t have school worries or problems from the upside down. Just two people enjoying each other’s company.
 The thoughts of all tomorrow’s worries instantly came into mind. No matter how much you wished it, and how much Steve gave to you, the doubts would always come back to creep in, and the world would find ways to keep you from getting that happiness back.
 Steve adjusted himself to pull you closer to his body, keeping you pressed tight against his chest. Gently letting his hand move to pet over your hair as he softly whispered to you. “I can hear you thinking.”
 A small sad smile couldn’t help but tug at your lips. Steve’s familiar intuition kicked in once again and your body reacted so instinctively to him as you curled more into his side. Seeking comfort against him. You gently drew patterns over the sides of his ribs as you fought to get your words out. 
 “I’m thinking how I’ve messed up my life again..”
 He didn’t say anything at first. Only keeping his hold on you before he finally spoke up again. “Why would you think that?” he asked slowly.
 “I’ve lied to you guys, I’ve kept things that were important..and all for it to come back and nearly get me killed.”
 The reminder of the other day’s events unfortunately seemed to cause a dip in the vibe around the room. Beside you Steve stiffened up, possibly remembering his own emotions from that day. But you couldn’t stop yourself from going on, feeling more guilt pour out of you.
 “I’ve been such a bad friend. I’ve neglected Eddie who’s just stuck waiting for us to help him..he doesn’t even know what’s going on and I’ve just been wasting our time keeping things from all of you. I’m sorr–”
 “You were scared.” he cut in, not allowing you to finish your apology. “You just wanted to keep us safe and keep us focused on what you thought was important, baby. I know you. Not only are you a good friend, but you’re a good person..I’m so tired of having you put yourself down.” he argued, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I don’t know what that asshole is making you hear or see in your head..but you aren’t messing up your life.”
 You closed your eyes, wanting to believe everything he was saying. But all the months of Vecna feeding pain and hurt into you were still lingering. Even if you used your anger to fight back against him, the weight of his words still hung heavily onto you.
 “I can’t unhear his words, Steve. I can’t stop seeing the vision he showed me..”
 “Tell me about it.” he said softly, another kiss now to the side of your cheek as he tried to bring you back down from your spiraling. “Let me in..”
 Sighing, you reached over to grab for his free hand, bringing it close to your chest as you recalled the events of the past few months. Mentioning the times Vecna had attempted to make you feel alone and guilty over things. Whether it was from Billy’s death, the break up, or even the struggle to maintain the relationships you had with others.
 “..it wasn’t until the day he tried to take me..I just knew it was all wrong. Like everything he had been feeding me was just to get me to this point but it wasn’t enough. No one but me got hurt that night. Even as I tried to remember it in detail the only one around was me and the police until my Dad came. But he wanted to use that guilt and feed it into something worse.”
 “But he still has a hold over you..” he pointed out, letting his fingers lace with yours. 
 “I guess, even now it feels sometimes like I’m being lulled into a dream. Which must be a reason why sleep is hard for me tonight.” You moved to place your hand around his waist, feeling the need to hold him again. “What if this is the last night we get to do this? What if I’m pulled in again and can’t get out?..”
 It was scary to think about death easily taking over you. The worst part of it, is that you’d know you were about to die and know that it was your loved ones who would see the horrors of what happens when Vecna finally got his claw into you. 
 Without looking, you could hear as Steve let out a small sigh. He gently kept his hand brushing over your hair, seemingly attempting to soothe you. “Well, I’m not going anywhere,” he said, sounding determined. “Not unless you want me to..and even then, I’m not leaving your side.”
 “I know you’ll be here, Steve. My worry though is will I be?” You picked up your head and peered up at him, trying to focus on the features of his face. As if you suddenly needed to keep them in your memory to remember him in the future.
 “I’m not letting you go.” he frowned, his grip tightening on you. “I know you’re scared, we all are, but there's a fight within us. Okay? We’re not gonna stop until you and Max are safe again. And as far as things between us..they’re far from being done yet. So you can bet I’m not letting anything happen to you.” He let go to reach his hand back to softly cup your face. His thumb gently over your cheek as he kept his eyes locked on yours. “I promise, we’re going to have many nights like this again..” 
 “Yeah? After we’re done pausing our problems?” You said, feeling a little overwhelmed with reality again. There was just always going to be one problem over the other. 
 He turned silent, not saying anything for a moment as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips.  “You wanted to pretend tonight was different, right?” he said, locking his serious gaze into yours. “Tonight we’re just two teens, both with feelings for each other, both in this bed after having amazing sex. Let’s keep it like that and worry about tomorrow..tomorrow.”
 Would there even be a chance tomorrow for all this? Or would the two of you just continue to dance around this subject? You wanted to argue against that, remind him of the truth. But you quickly swallowed that thought down when you saw the slight pain in Steve’s eyes. This was not easy for him either. 
 “Okay, tomorrow then.”
 Though he seemed a little skeptical of your answer, he still smiled at you as he laid his head back down on the pillow. His arm wrapped around you now as he gently brushed his fingers lightly up and down your back. “You want to stay like this for the rest of the night?” he asked softly.
 I could stay like this for the rest of my life. You thought. “Yes.”
 There was a soft, relieving, sigh as he leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head. ”Then I won’t move till morning.” he whispered, words sounding more like a promise than just reassurance. 
 Your body relaxed under him and you found that you were now wishing to fight the sleep you were so desperate for in the beginning. Wanting to bask more in the short amount of time you and Steve had together alone. 
 “..and maybe a little bit after that?” you asked, more so wished out loud.
 Steve listened intently, letting you finish your sleepy words as he reached over behind you to grab the cassette player. Seemingly the only one between the two of you to actually remember the problems outside of your little promise earlier. 
 Soon enough the soft sounds of Joan Jett began to play in your ear again and he cuddled you closer into his arms. Tugging at the blanket so it covered you better. The last thing you saw before your eyes closed was the smile that crept back on his face. 
 “..and after that.”
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 The small click of the tape ending was the first thing that stirred you awake.
 It would seem that partaking in the rigorous activities the night before was just what you needed for sleep to eventually come its way to you. Something you were thankful for considering this past week so far, you’ve slept roughly around two to three hours a night. 
 Unfortunately, that precious sleep time was over now and soon enough, you’d be forced to get out of bed eventually. A task you found to be harder once you felt Steve stir behind you. Without needing to turn around, you could feel that his eyes were on you. He quietly called out your name, trying to find if you were awake or not. When you didn’t answer back, he leaned in to press a kiss to the back of your shoulder. 
 The tip of hands caressed over the length of your bare leg, admiring the softness before it wrapped around your hips, dragging you back a bit in order to get you closer. After, his hand explored up the expanse of your stomach, curves, and chest until he cupped gently at your face. Again, he pressed kisses to you, only this time to your cheek. That’s when he stiffened up, noticing something, and let you go to reach for the cassette. 
 There was a click again and it quickly started to rewind. He set it back down as he resumed tending to you. Just as you were about to turn around and give into his affections, the sound of his door bursting open interrupted. 
 “Steve! Please tell me she’s in–oh God!”
 “Whoa! Shh!” Steve hissed. “Jesus Christ, Buckley, you ever heard of knocking?”
 “Have you ever heard of wearing clothes?!”
 The sound of Robin gagging followed along as Steve attempted to pull the blanket higher over the two of you. The door closed softly, but you could still feel the presence of your friend. You could only assume she had turned around now, keeping her eyes off of the two of you. 
 "Seriously? Here I was feeling like a bad friend for telling her I’d find you two kissing. But this?” Her voice had that unmistakable mix of exasperation and disgust that reminded you of the summer back in Starcourt. “I nearly had a heart attack, like, five minutes ago and now I think I’m gonna have a bigger one. I almost saw your butt, Steve!”
 “Please stop talking.”
 “Why is she here? You guys are on break.”
 “She couldn’t sleep, okay? She came in, woke me up and–”
 “And you took off your clothes?!”
 “Shh!” he hissed again. “Can you stop? You'll wake her up." His hold around you tightened, almost as if he were shielding you from the interruption.  
 Though you couldn’t see it, you could practically feel the eye roll from Robin. “Look, as happy as I am to see you guys making some sort of move in your relationship, we’re gonna have to cut the honeymoon short. The kids are up and we gotta get a move on. Nancy wanted us to meet her back at her house after breakfast. So, you two need to get dressed.”
 “Five minutes.” Steve reasoned, not daring to move you anymore. “Give us that and we’ll meet you downstairs.”
 “Fine,” she huffed, “Five minutes. That’s all you guys have before I’m sending one of the others. Let you two traumatize someone else for once.”
 Steve sighed, his voice tired as he quickly agreed. "I'll wake her up, I promise."
 You heard Robin grumble a bit as she opened the door. “God, Steve, you are so hairy!” she said in a hushed tone as she closed the door gently behind her. The sounds of her stomps slowly faded away as she finally left to go downstairs. 
 With the room now quiet again, you finally turned in Steve’s arms to face him. His eyes met yours, and a lazy, contented smile spread across his face. His hair was adorably unruly and you couldn’t help but reach out to run your fingers through it before you brought your hand to rest on his shoulder.  
 “Morning.” he whispered softly, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips. It was cut too short and he slowly pulled back to look down at you again. 
 “I see my late night visit got us in trouble.” you whispered back, feeling a little guilty for Robin’s unfortunate timing. 
 “Sort of.” He chuckled a bit, shaking his head at the interaction. “But, she’ll cool off. I think she was just worried when she didn’t find you in the other room.”
 Staring at the door, you hoped that you didn’t worry Robin too much. After her little speech, all she seemed to want was for you and Steve to make up in some sort of way. But after the sex, and confessing to him about your Vecna struggles, you were a little worried you might have pushed that progress even further. “Do you think I’ve just..complicated things with us after last night?”
 Steve inhaled deeply, looking at you with the same concerned gaze before he shook his head. “The only thing I feel after last night is amazing.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, gentle but loving. “Besides, it’s not like you and I aren’t used to complicated, right?”
 You nestled closer to Steve, adjusting so that you could rest on top of him while he moved to lie on his back. The warmth from his body and steady rhythm of his breathing helped soothe you. He wrapped his arms around you again, keeping you close to his side as he savored the moment. 
 As the former silence settled, you focused slowly on Steve’s familiar quick heartbeat. One of his hands moved up to rub up and down your back. Almost as if he were coaxing you back to a peaceful sleep again. 
 "You know we really should get up," you murmured, though there was no real conviction in your voice. The comforting moment was too tempting to let go of so easily. “She’ll probably try to get us back by sending Dustin.”
 He chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest a bit. “God, probably. He’ll never let us hear the end of it.” he agreed, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “I’m sort of just..struggling to let you go right now.”
 “Me too.” you whispered, moving a hand up to gently comb through the curls that nestled over his pecs. He brought his other hand up to place over yours, holding it to press against him. From the look in his eyes, you could only see a glint of mischief as he looked down at you. 
 “Maybe we should stay..”
 “We’re supposed to be pausing things again.”
 It’s quiet again and it’s you this time who feels a spark of mischief come through you. “We do have four more minutes..”
 He hummed for a moment and you glanced up again to find that his eyes were closed. He had a small, content, smile on his face, nearly making you reach up to pinch at his cheek. “I know what we could do in four minutes..” he said in a very low, tempting purr. 
 “You are absolutely ridiculous.” you laughed as you tried to scoot out of his arms before you got caught up in his alluring notions. But he was quick, and held on tighter, turning his gaze back to you so he could press more kisses to your head.
 “I’m not hearing a no..” 
 “Make out instead?”
 “The night is over, we’re supposed to be just friends again, remember?”
 “Friends who occasionally make out?”
 You gave him a look, recalling the way you guys got together in the first place. But again, he’s looking at you in such a way, you can’t help but feel your lip turn upright, feeling that spark of desire built up in your stomach. 
 “..Fine. But now we only have three minutes.”
 “Hey Steve, Robin sent me up here to make sure you wer–OH GOD!”
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A/N: So sorry the middle was so long. But!!! I hope you guys like this update. I had to kinda split it up. I just feel like I wanted to give them a chapter dedicated to just them. Sort of like in my season three chapters. They need one night to bone it out, talk feelings, and then have crazy shit to deal with the next day lol. 
Thanks for all the nice messages and I hope you guys enjoy it. If not, I’m sorry, another update will be hopefully soon.🩷
TAGGING LIST: @cluz1babe, @starofavolonea, @primroseluna, @siriuslysmoking , @bobo-bush, @summerellaz,  @hollandweather​ - Thank you guys for your patience! (also tried to tag some of you I feel are regulars and might want an update.🩷
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medusapelagia · 27 days
30 I saw him
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt:Vampire ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: Joker: thriller) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: canon character death (Eddie), vampire Eddie, blood Words: 1272
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“I’m telling you what I saw!” Steve yells in the phone, tugging harshly at the cord while he moves toward his apartment’s window, trying to catch a glimpse of the figure he’s so fucking sure he just saw.
“Steve. Listen to me. It has been four years. I know it was hard for you and that you still think it’s your fault, which obviously isn’t, but this is just your mind fucking with you, ok?”
No, it’s not.
Steve saw him.
Steve saw Edward Theodor Munson standing on the other side of the street, grinning.
“It was him.”
“Steve, that’s not possible. The Up- that place closed years ago. We checked everywhere, the military checked everywhere, and neither of us found anything.”
With a sigh, Steve bumps his head against the window, he knows perfectly well what Robin means: they didn't find a body, so probably the creatures from the Upside Down ate Eddie’s body like a fucking snack. And Steve could accept that. Or well, it took him years and numerous therapy sessions, but he came to terms with that. With Eddie’s death. But that was before today.
In the last week Steve has had the impression of being followed around and today, when he has looked down his window, he has seen Eddie standing on the other side of the street. It was just for a moment and then a bus crossed the road and the man disappeared. But Steve is sure that it was Eddie.
“Steve. Are you taking your meds?” Robin asks softly.
Turning toward the kitchen he looks at his counter where way too many bottles of medicines are standing. One pill in the morning, two after lunch, one in the afternoon, and a few drops to help him sleep every night and not be awake from nightmares.
Yes. He’s taking the stupid pills, but he’s still sure of what he saw, if his best friend doesn’t believe him, none else will, so there’s no point in arguing.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m taking the stupid meds and I was probably wrong. I’m looking out of the window but I can’t see him anymore.”
“Maybe he was someone who looked like him,” she suggests and Steve quickly agrees that it must have been so.
But there’s a thing he didn’t tell Robin.
The mysterious man who looked exactly like Eddie was holding a big dark umbrella, even if it wasn’t raining. That’s what attracted Steve’s attention. The huge umbrella covered the man’s body while nobody else was holding one.
It means nothing, Steve knows it, but he can’t stop thinking about it.
When he closes the call he promises Robin he will call his therapist and ask for an appointment soon, then he turns toward the kitchen where the tranquilizers are waiting for him.
Four drops under the tongue.
Steve grabs the bottle and slowly unscrews the cap, staring at the dark liquid, before closing the bottle and putting it back on the counter.
Not tonight.
Tonight he wants to be alert.
He goes into the bathroom, brushes his teeth, puts on worn-out pajamas, and goes to bed, waiting for whatever might come.
Steve’s dreaming. He knows he’s with the certainty typical of dreams. Still, he can’t wake up.
In the dream, he’s running toward the trailer park after they almost killed Vecna. He knows exactly what he will find, bike tracks and footsteps left by someone limping. He’ll follow them and he will find a crying Dustin holding a dead Eddie. Steve keeps reminding himself that it’s just a dream, that this is a mix of his memories and his fears, but nevertheless, when he sees the limp body on the ground he yells Eddie’s name. He runs toward him, trying to shake him awake even if he knows that there’s nothing he can do to bring him back.
“It’s too late, Stevie” Eddie whispers, opening his eyes and staring back at him, “Why did you leave me alone with Dustin? You knew it was dangerous, but you left me. And with no fucking weapons apart from a stupid trash lid and a makeshift spear. What did you expect? It was two of us against hundreds, thousands of those fucking monsters. Where were you when I was screaming in agony? Where were you when Dustin was holding me? Where were you when we needed you?”
Finally, Steve opens his eyes, springing up in his bed, fist clenching at the sheets and heart beating so loudly he fears it will jump out from his chest at any moment.
“Nightmares? I wish I could get those. I don’t dream. Like, at all. It’s so boring.”
Steve turns abruptly toward the window and sees a dark silhouette sitting on the edge of the window.
“Eddie?” He asks, while his right hand slowly reaches out for the bedside lamp, but instead of turning it on his hand bumps into it and it crashes on the ground, shattering into hundreds of tiny pieces.
“I knew you wouldn't forget me.” Eddie chuckles.
“That’s not possible. You’re dead!” Steve complains, wondering if this is just another nightmare and cursing himself for not taking his fucking sleeping meds.
“Everything is possible, Steve, you should know it by now. Alternate dimensions, monsters, superpowers. There’s no limit, right?”
“How… How did you find me?”
“It wasn’t easy. First I got to your old place, but you weren’t there, obviously. I checked Robin’s home, and Dustin’s, but Hawkins is abandoned, you knew that, right? All that’s left are crumbling buildings and useless trash. So I started to move around, but it wasn't easy to find a ride and I had no idea where to go. And then I got here in Massachusetts, and for the first time, I felt your presence. So here I am.” Eddie says like it was perfectly normal that he was resting in Steve’s home, with one leg dangling and one to his chest.
“You’re dead.”
“Yes. And no.”
“What… what does it mean?”
“It means that those stupid bats took my life, but they gave me another one.” Eddie finally turns toward Steve and his eyes are shining in the dark.”
“What… what do you mean?”
“Come on, don’t be so naive. I know you feel it too. Not as strongly as me, obviously, but still. You got infected too.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about!”
“The bites. Do they still hurt? Do you have strange cravings, especially at night? Like a big raw steak? Not just raw, but bloody?”
Steve trembles, he did. Before the sleeping meds he did, but now he’s getting better.
“That’s the effect of the venom.” Eddie explains, “I think it took longer in your case because you were bitten just a few times, but hey, at least you’re going to have a mentor. I can teach you all I learned on my skin.”
“What? No, I’m not like that!” Steve protests, but Eddie gives him a sad smile.
“Steve… you just broke a lamp.”
“I hit it.”
“With your inhuman strength.”
“No that’s not true I…” but when he looks at his blanket they are shreds, and his fingers have long claws he’s sure he didn’t have before.
“Let’s go, babe. The world is big and beautiful, but we must flee before sunrise.”
“What about Robin? And the kids?”
“You know what, Steve? This is a very bad part of the town to live in.” Eddie grins.
The next day, when Steve doesn’t show up at work and doesn’t pick up his phone, Robin goes to his place, only to find the door ripped off and blood on Steve’s sheets.
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remusluvr · 1 year
everybody wants to rule the world | steve harrington
summary: Sometimes it takes a life-threatening event for people to finally admit their feelings. content: female reader, jealousy, angst, Vecna, a singular kiss, a love confession, unedited, usage of y/n
He's protective of her. You notice it right away, the way that his eyes linger longer on her when she's walking away. When something bad happens, he glances over to see if she's okay. He doesn't do that with you. No, not even after months of you don't even know what to call you and Steve.
You two are not dating, but you're also not hooking up. You go to each other for comfort, especially after everything that happened at Starcourt Mall. Maybe he had never even seen you as an option for romance. Maybe you're simply just friends. Friends that have so many sleepovers it should be illegal. Friends that cuddle up together at usually any chance they get. Friends that go off just them two during hangouts with others to be alone. Friends that call each other the sweetest nicknames. Just friends.
But you watch the way Steve is with Nancy. It's so obvious how much he misses her. It makes your entire body ache at the idea of not being just friends with him anymore because he's realized he still loves his ex-girlfriend.
Why shouldn't you think that? He's barely even spared you a glance at all during your adventures around town trying to figure out a way to defeat Vecna with El out in California. Nancy is always right there, soaking up his attention.
When he gets pulled down into the water, she's the first to jump right in as you fumble around, trying to calm your heartbeat. Steve could be dying and you are trying to not have a panic attack instead of doing something about it like Nancy. He deserves someone like Nancy, is what you tell yourself over and over and over again. Steve and Nancy deserve each other. Secretly, you wish that they won't figure that out. That he won't leave you completely in the dust.
"Maybe after we're all done saving the world, we could all go out or something. Y'know, me, you, Robin, Jonathan, when he gets back, and (Y/N)," Steve suggests to Nancy as she picks cobwebs out of his mess of hair. You're just around the corner and hear me fumbling over his words. He must really miss her.
Ignoring the sting of tears that are fighting to escape you come into the room, following after Robin. Steve looks at you for what must be the first time in days but you can't look at him. It makes your stomach twist.
You feel stupid for thinking that you and Steve could ever be more. Swallowing the lump in your throat you mumble how you're gonna take a step outside. No one acknowledges you.
It's absolutely disgusting out here and you take a seat on the upside-down version of the house's front step. You wrap your arms around your knees, laying your cheek on them just to get a moment's break from everything. You want to sob your entire heart out. Everything has been way too overwhelming lately.
"What are you doing out here?" Robin asks as she steps through the front door. You glance back and shrug.
"Don't know. Just needed a break," you sigh, turning back to lay your head down on your knees again. She hums, sitting down beside you. You enjoy her company but right now you just wish you were alone. "Hey, do you think-"
"(Y/N)?" Robin calls out as she turns your body towards her. You're frozen, eyes rolled to the back of your head. She screams for Steve and Nancy who come barreling out.
"What happened?!" Steve shouts, rushing toward you. He's shaking as his hand press down onto your shoulders. "We need music. Please tell me someone has some type of tape."
He can't stop looking at you hoping that you can see him despite knowing that you can't. You're somewhere else completely.
There are vines covering the walls of your childhood bedroom and you can hear your father calling from downstairs. You're freaking out because this is not where you just were, sitting outside with Robin.
The realization of what is happening kicks in. You need to get out. Going for the window, you find it boarded up. You race down the stairs, past your "father" who is screaming at you like he always did when you were little and your aim is for the front door. However, boards fly over it just as you get close enough.
"It's going to take a lot more than that to get out of here," an eerie voice calls out. It's booming and you wonder if the others are also able to hear it. Despite Vecna's warning, you try at the door anyway.
"Please tell me someone has the new Tears for Fears album! Please!" Steve shouts, looking frantically at Nancy and Robin who shake their heads. "No, no, no."
"Steve?" Despite all that's happened up to this moment, hearing Steve's voice is like a miracle. You rush through the newly unboarded back door of your house. "Steve!"
Vecna is playing games with you, now putting you at the edge of Lover's Lake. You see Steve's car, rushing toward it when you notice people inside. For just a moment, there is visible relief in you but it drains quickly as you notice who the people are. Steve and Nancy.
Tears spring into your eyes as you notice they're making out. Your voice is quieter as you call out for him. He looks over, smirks before turning to kiss Nancy one last time.
"Why would I choose you over her? I love Nancy, not you," Steve taunts, walking toward you. You cry as he approaches you, cradling yourself in your own arms. "You mean nothing to me."
"Max!" Steve screams as she, Lucas, and the rest of them show up. She runs up, frantic. "Do you have the new Tears for Fears album?!"
"I-I have their one new song. Fuck, it's um- it's Everybody Wants To Rule The World."
He practically rips it from her when she holds it out, shoving the headphones over your ears. Steve wants to throw up, and cry, and throw himself into the nearest body of water. He'd do anything to make sure you were safe right now. He listens to the faint sound of your favorite song, hope filling his body.
You look around as the opening to your favorite song booms out. And then, suddenly, everything is red and there are spikes everywhere.
"Welcome to your life. There's no turning back. Even when we sleep, we will find you."
Spinning around you notice an opening out in the distance. It's now or never. You see your friends surrounding you, Steve with his hands pressed over the pair of headphones over your head.
"There's a room where the light won't find you. Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. When they do, I'll be right behind you."
You watch as your body starts to float into the air and Steve goes crazy.
"Steve!" you scream but nothing comes out of the body he can see. The opening back to safety opens up more and you start to sprint toward it, not stopping even as Vecna tries to stop you with falling rocks.
"All for freedom and for pleasure. Nothing ever lasts forever. Everybody wants to rule the world."
You focus on running, jumping through the opening as the last of the song plays. You fall from the sky but Steve is there to catch you, cradling you into him. His eyes clench shut as he holds you to him, both of your breathing still not returning to normal.
"You're okay, baby. You're okay," he whispers, kissing the top of your head. The others back off a little as Steve helps you calm down. You cry into his chest and he wishes that he could comfort you for as long as you need. But, you're still in the upside down and Vecna obviously knows that you're here.
You've gotten so lucky and both of you know that. He could've easily never been able to hold you ever again. He vows to never take an eye off of you again.
Steve knows he's been preoccupied. He knows he hasn't been treating you the best. And there is nothing more he wants than to tell you how he feels. He doesn't love Nancy.
He loves you.
You come out of your hiding place that is his chest and wipe at your tears. His hands are firm at the sides of your face as his eyes do a scan over your whole self.
"I-I'm sorry, Steve," you whimper out and his heart breaks.
"Why are you apologizing, sweetheart?"
"I don't know. For worrying everyone, I suppose."
"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. Holy fuck, don't you dare apologize. I'm so glad you're okay," he says whilst smiling down at you. You smile back but pull away from him.
"I'm just gonna take a minute to myself," you mumble and start walking in the opposite direction from him but he's quick to catch you.
"If you think I'm letting you out of my sight ever again then you're crazy. I didn't even know you were out here. When Robin screamed that something was wrong with you, it felt like I was going to die. I can't let something bad happen to you again."
"Steve. I'm okay, thank you for helping me. I just need a minute. You can go back to talking with Nancy." You don't believe him. Yes, he was probably scared but so were Nancy and Robin. Everyone was scared. You wouldn't want that to happen to anyone standing around the front of this house but that doesn't mean you love them in that way. You pull your arm from his grip continuing to walk away from him and it takes him a minute before he jogs to catch up with you.
The two of you are further from the group now. Your conversation is more private.
"(Y/N), I don't want Nancy. I thought I did, I won't lie. I did think that but I want you. Not her. We never worked and we won't ever work. You mesh so well with me, perfectly if I say so myself. We work. And I love you. I need you to know that because I love you so much and thinking that I'd never be able to tell you that made me want to join you in Vecna's trap just so he could take me too," he confesses. You stare at him, his hair all messed up and his clothes dirtier than ever. He thinks he's said the wrong thing and just as he thinks to backtrack on his confession you kiss him.
His head is spinning, but in a good way now as you kiss him and he kisses you. He smiles against your lips and it's like you're in a dream.
"Stevie, I love you too."
He feels like the king of the world.
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retrospacejelly · 3 months
Henry Creel x Fem! Reader: Where the reader is Jonathan Byers twin and will sister and Henry takes a very strong liking to her. Like if he was still human/not all burned up?
Hi there, of course! I hope you enjoy the read! <3
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
Pairing: Henry Creel x FemByers!Reader 
Summary: Y/N Byers, her mom, Joyce, and Hopper sneak into Hawkins Lab to look for, and hopefully find Will. However, when Y/N separates from Jim and Joyce, she meets an odd character.
Not proofread
Warnings: Yandere Henry Creel, allusions of murder, dreams of world domination, the usual with Vecna.
PLEASE READ! So, this fic doesn’t follow the exact plotline. And thank you so much for @edb954 for making the request and for helping me with the plot!
Part: 1/?
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The stuffy closet felt like it was closing in on Y/N as she pressed her back against the wall. Then running footsteps of the Hawkins Lab guards echoed throughout the hallway, slowly getting softer.
Well, so much for sticking together. She thought to herself, praying that her mom and Hopper weren’t in the same predicament as her. 
They were supposed to stick together to look for Will. But no, one guard noticed them and they had to split off. 
Y/N pressed her ear to the door, sighing when she heard silence. She slowly opened the door, peeking her head out and scanning her surroundings. Stepping out, the Byers sister crept toward the end of the hall, listening for anyone else approaching.
Seeing that the coast is clear, she makes a run for it, hoping to find Hopper and her mom. 
“Umph!” she stumbles back, bracing herself for the hard floor. 
She opens her eyes. Where was the floor? Looking up, she gasps as she sees a blonde man staring back at her. He has a smile on his face, and somehow it’s unsettling.
His arms are wrapped around her shoulders, keeping her steady. Y/N quickly scrambles out of his grasp. 
“I…” she starts.
“You seem lost.” The man says, studying her. 
All she can do is nod dumbly, frozen in place. Oh, was she in for it now? He isn’t dressed like a guard. Maybe he was a higher-up? The all-white outfit suggests it. 
What would he do to her? Is he going to torture her? Kill her? What if he thinks she’s some spy?! 
He chuckles at her stunned silence. He can’t help but find her adorable. 
“Are you meeting someone here, miss?” he asks, his arms now folded behind him.
No, she can’t tell him the truth. But boy is she tempted to. The man is alluring, his gaze pulling her in. 
She takes a breath, standing taller. He doesn’t seem to be armed. Good, she has a taser in her jacket pocket if he tries anything. 
“I’m looking for my younger brother. He went missing, and I have reason to believe he’s here.” she confesses. 
He hums and nods, taking in her words. 
“Why on earth would you think he’s here?” 
“When we organized a search party, I went out on my own.” A lie. “I found his jacket by a hole in the fence surrounding the lab.” Another lie. “I figured he somehow made his way here and is being held hostage for some freaky experiment.” Not a complete lie.
Henry nods again. “I can help you look for him.”
“What?” Y/N asks, not sure if she’s heard him correctly.
“I’ll help you look for your brother, Miss. He must be scared. All alone in a big place like this. If he’s even here.” he continues. 
He supposes it will give him more time with her. To…figure her out.
“Why…?” Y/N asks, uncertainty lacing her tone. 
He shrugs. “I may work here, but it doesn’t mean I’m fond of this place. The man in charge of this lab takes security very seriously. Even if your brother is young, he wouldn’t hesitate to rid of him.” 
Y/N can’t help but gasp at his words. Now she’s hoping that Will isn’t here.
He suddenly motions her to follow him, leading the woman through the maze of halls. 
Somewhere in the upsidedown…
Henry sensed someone in the underground. A child. And the child was scared. He kept calling out to different people.
“Mom…?! Jonathan, Y/N…?!” the boys shouted, curling in on himself.
“Will?! Will!” another voice shouts, catching Henry’s attention. 
The boy perked up, looking around frantically. 
“Y/N! Y/N, I hear you! Where are you?!” he shouts, starting to cry. 
“Will, oh my god! Will, we’re going to save you!” This Y/N person shouted, sounding like she had been crying herself.
He was intrigued. Who was this, Y/N person? 
It didn’t take long for Henry to find out who she was. Will’s older sister, and a college student at Hawkins Community College. And she was…beautiful.
Henry knew right then, that he was going to have her. No matter what. 
“Where are we going?” Y/N asks, trying to keep up with his pace.
He’s silent for a moment, before speaking up. “There is a place called the Rainbow Room. It used to be a place where test subjects had their free time. It’s very appealing to a young child. I suspect he could’ve hidden somewhere in that room.”
She covers her mouth in shock. “So they do experiment on children!”. Y/N can’t help but tear up, praying that Will hasn’t been caught. 
Noticing her frightened behavior, Henry places a hand on her shoulder. “It will be okay, Miss. We will find your brother.” he reassures her, smiling when she calms down.
“Thank you,” she mumbles quietly. “I never got your name…” she says as she looks up at him.
“Peter, Ballard.” He answers. “And your name, Miss?” he asks, as if he didn’t already know. “Y/N Byers. It’s nice to meet you, Peter.”.
“Likewise, Miss Y/N.” He replies, stopping in front of the Rainbow Room. Henry opens the door, a twisted smile making its way onto his face as flashbacks of the massacre run through his mind.
“What…happened here…?” Y/N asks eyes widened at the dried blood painting the walls.
Henry frowns. “A tragedy in the ‘70s. One of the orderlies, Henry, who was in charge of the children had gone mad, killing them in cold blood.”
“That’s horrible…” She says, the hairs on her neck standing on end. 
They look around for Will, more so Y/N than Henry. He knew it would be useless, anyway. As she looked around, he thought to himself.
Y/N didn’t seem like she would go down without a fight, but maybe if he struck up a deal with her…
“He’s not here,” Y/N says dejectedly, running a hand through her hair. “Where could he be?!” she exclaims to herself, pacing back and forth. 
Henry coughs quietly, getting her attention. “Let’s keep looking, surely he’s here somewhere,” he suggests, already leaving the Rainbow Room.
Y/N quickly follows suit, trying to forget about the eerie room. She almost bumps into Henry’s back, when he comes to a stop. He quickly guides her into another closet, shutting the door with a soft, ‘click’.
She looks at him, confused. Henry glances at her, putting a finger to his lips. Only now does she realize their proximity to one another. She can’t help but blush, practically pressed against his chest. 
Her brow furrows. He seemed cold, and on top of that, his heart was beating so slow she was surprised at the amount of energy he had. And that he was alive in general.
Before she could ask any questions, he leaves the room, pulling her with him. He presses his front to her back, not letting her turn around. The turn out of the hall, and unbeknownst to Y/N, left behind the bodies of two guards.
Henry stops again at another door, turning to Y/N. 
“Close your eyes, Miss Y/N” he requests.
“Why-” “Just do so, please,” he says sternly, turning back to face the door. 
Once checking that her eyes are closed, he cracks open the door, making quick work of the scientists and guards inside. 
He takes Y/N’s hand, still making sure her eyes remain shut. 
When he tells her to open them, she is met with a rotting flesh-looking mass. There’s a glow coming from the opening. The only thing separating it from her is a glass wall. 
“What..the hell is that?!” she shrieks, reaching out for Henry’s arm. He smiles at the contact.
“This, Y/N, is a portal to another dimension,” he tells her, holding her arms gently.
“Is Will in there?”
Her question goes unanswered. “Just keep looking at the portal, Y/N,” he says, his head now next to hers, his voice a low whisper.
She does as told when suddenly, her surroundings change. She gasps. It looks just like the room she and Henry are in….but….abandoned. Dark. 
Y/N looks behind her, and Henry is gone.
“Peter?!” she shouts, hoping for a response. Going against her better judgment, she starts walking around, stepping over thick vines. 
The scene changes again, and suddenly she is in a forest, silence enveloping her. 
“Peter?!” she shouts again, frantically looking all around her. Y/N hears a rustling in the bushes and turns her head to the sound.
“Who’s there…?” she shakily asks.
A voice says, making her jump.
“Peter!” she exclaims, recognizing the voice. “What is this place? Is Will here?” she asks into the air, still looking around.
“He is, Y/N. This is The Underground,” he answers.
“He’s here!” she exclaims “Where…exactly?”
“I’m right here, Y/N,” Comes Will’s voice from behind her, making the woman quickly turn to face him.
She runs to Will, hugging him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.
“Oh, Will! God, I thought I lost you forever, Will!” she says, not wanting to let go. Despite her relief, she feels that something is off. Will hasn’t hugged her back.
Pulling away, she sees the terrified expression on his face. He’s focused on something behind her, and she freezes as well.
Y/N slowly turns to look at what Will is staring at, gasping at the sight.
Standing on all fours is a hairless-looking beast. Its mouth slowly opens up to reveal rows and rows of sharp teeth. Y/N quickly stands in front of Will protectively.
Something shoves her out of the way, and the beast lunges for Will.
“No!” Y/N shrieks in horror, trying to run to Will, but tripping over a vine. As she tries to stand, the vine wraps around her ankle, and another comes out of the ground to wrap around her middle.
“Wh-What’s going on?! Will!” She continues to holler but stops when she sees nothing in front of her. 
“You’ve seen what happens to your brother if he stays here, Y/N.” Henry suddenly says, stepping from his spot behind a tree.
“Peter! Peter, what’s happening? Where’s Will?!” she’s crying now, trying to break free of the vines.
He quickly shoes her, kneeling in front of her restrained form. “Don’t cry, my dear. Will is perfectly fine. Or, he will be once you agree to my terms.” 
Her eyes widen. “What?” she says quietly, the color draining from her face.
“Oh dear, you still don’t understand. That’s okay,” he gently caresses her cheek.
“I can bring Will back to your dimension if you become my eternal bride in this one,” he states, giving her an unsettling smile. 
“You’re sick, Peter.” she snaps, hatred seeping its way into her veins. 
“Now, Now,” he tuts, “That’s not my real name, Darling.”
Her heart drops. 
“Henry…?” she lets out, her voice only a whisper.
He nods, “Correct, Darling! Just think, we can make this world our own, I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted. We can enslave your dimension, and rule over it. Or of course, I leave Will here to die, and make you live with the weight of your brother’s death until you too perish.”.
Y/N stays silent, her tears now dried up. Her decision was made.
“I will stay here with you. But you have to bring Will back to our dimension.” She says, glaring at Henry.
“You have my word, Darling.”
Oh my goodness he is just so UGH!
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Batshit Soulmates Part 6
The second one today. I'm trying to get through my backlog because I have almost twenty chapters that are finished and ready to be posted. And that isn't counting the fact that with my daily goal of 400 words a day, I'm definitely going to have more than that the longer it takes for me to post.
This here is my schedule for the next two weeks, but as I said, since I'm always writing, that "return to one chapter a day" on the 11th? That's probably a pipe dream. So I might end up adding a fourth day to my posting schedule so that I can at least put out a chapter a week for each of my WIPs.
We'll see.
For this chapter we have fun times at the Wheelers (heavy sarcasm), that talk and a cliffhanger? Yeah, a cliffhanger.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1| Pt 2|Pt 3|Pt 4|Pt 5|
They had been traveling awhile when Eddie decided to get the lay of the land by getting higher.
Which was great in theory until he saw the vast expanse of...shit he didn’t even know how to describe it other than evil. And it stretched as far as he could see.
He turned around to get back down when Nancy called out.
“Don’t step on the vines!”
Eddie froze. “Uh what now?”
“They’re connected to the Upside Down,” she said with a huff.
Eddie looked to Steve to translate.
“They’re part of a hive mind,” Steve explained. “You step on a vine and basically you’re stepping on Vecna and basically everything else in this hell hole.”
“Shit!” Eddie hissed as he tried to come up with a way to get down without waking up the whole Upside Down to their presence.
“I was thinking that now would probably be a good time to get my guns,” Nancy murmured.
Eddie finally decided that fuck it, he was just going to by pass all the vines jump down.
He landed deftly on his feet and as he pulled up his jeans a little he said, “You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns at your house? Guns as in plural?”
Robin pointed excitedly at her. “I know, isn’t she bad ass?”
“I have a Russian pistol,” Nancy said with a cock of her head, “and a revolver.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “You almost shot me with that one.”
Nancy smiled back and with a teasing lilt to her voice replied, “And you almost deserved it.”
Steve stepped back with the force of a denim vest being thrown in his face. He looked up at Eddie in shock.
“For your modesty, dude.”
Steve looked down at the vest in confusion. “Wha–”
Just then there was great big roar and the ground shook. Robin tumbled into Eddie and Steve barely managed to catch Nancy before elbowed him in the side.
Steve and Nancy were able to keep on their feet but Robin and Eddie fell to the ground.
Eddie looked at Robin and then back at where the noise came from.
“Guns are really starting to sound good right now,” Eddie muttered.
Robin looked back at him and nodded. “Oh yeah.”
Eddie was rubbing his shin as Robin’s heel had kicked it on her way down but his brain turned off when he saw Steve walk by as he pulled on Eddie’s vest.
Shit. He had miscalculated on that one. He hadn’t wanted Nancy Wheeler to ogle his soulmate but he didn’t take in the fact on how hot Steve would look wearing his battle vest. He only barely managed to help Robin to her feet before he was hoping forward to catch up with Steve.
His little lizard brain lighting up with, “Hot boy! Must follow hot boy now,” as his feet danced around the vines to be by Steve’s side.
And just maybe Steve wanted it too, because as Eddie fell in step next to him, Steve blushed and ducked his head.
Eddie grinned up at him as they made their way through the darken forest of the Upside Down.
Eddie kept looking over at Steve, who was looking like he had merely taken a tumble in gym instead of being eaten alive.
And yeah that was hot, it was also worrying as fuck. Eddie was starting to think that maybe Steve wasn’t a dick, the dude was just traumatized.
Robin and Nancy walked slower behind them to give them some privacy. Finding your soulmate in the middle of the end of the world, again, sucked.
“Hey, I wanted to thank you for saving my ass back there,” Steve said, softly.
Eddie bumped their shoulders together. “You saved your own ass, man. What you did there was very Ozzy.”
“Who?” Steve asked, confused.
“Ozzy Osborn? Black Sabbath?” Eddie prompted. Steve’s confusion only deepened. “He bit the head off a bat on stage.”
“Wha?” Steve said, rearing his head back. “I don’t know you’re talking about.”
Eddie smiled faintly. “It’s okay. All I was saying that that was a very metal thing you did back there.”
“And metal is...good?” Steve asked, unsure.
Eddie chuckled. “Very.”
“Thanks,” Steve said, grateful the dirt and grim of the Upside Down hid his blush.
They walked on for a few moments in silence. “I was so jealous of you, by the way.”
Steve reared back his head. “Me? Why?”
“Dustin talks about you all the time, man,” Eddie said. “Like all the time. Never shuts up about you, in fact. The kid worships the ground you walk on. Called you a badass on more than one occasion.”
Steve scoffed. “Dustin thinks I’m badass?”
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie said thoughtfully. “I think I just couldn’t accept that Steve Harrington was a good dude, you know? Rich parents, popular, good with girls, not a douche? There was no way. It just flies in the face of life, the universe, and everything. Including my very own Munson doctrine.” He twisted the rings on his fingers nervously.
Steve reached out and gently took his hand.
Eddie took a deep breath and let out it slowly. “I’m still jealous because you’re the real deal. I’m learning that outside DnD, I’m no hero. I see danger and I turn and run. Or at least that’s what I discovered about myself this week.”
Steve squeezed his hand. “Hey, give yourself a break. There was nothing you could have done about Chrissy, okay?”
Eddie let out a shuddering sigh. “The truth is that if those two ladies hadn’t dived in after you, I would still be up in that boat. I don’t know how you managed to get the loyalty of two of the smartest girls in school, especially with one of them being your ex, but holy shit dude. Nancy just dived in no hesitation.”
But before Steve could answer another rumble ripped through the Upside Down.
“Jesus!” Steve hissed as Eddie said, “Here we go again!”
They clutched each other as they struggled to remain on their feet. Steve looked up at Eddie and his breath stopped in his chest, tightening like a vice.
They were so close that Steve could taste their mingled breathes. He yearned to just lean forward and–
Robin tapped his shoulder. “Come on, let’s get to Nancy’s before another quake hits us.”
When they got to Nancy’s room, their hope for salvation turned to ash like the dust falling from the sky.
“What do you mean they don’t exist?” Eddie hissed.
Nancy looked like she was going to cry. “The Upside Down is stuck in 1983. Most likely the day Will vanished and I didn’t get my guns until after.”
Even Robin looked disappointed at not being about to see Nancy’s guns.
It truly seemed like all was lost when Steve suddenly stopped.
“Holy shit!” he cried. “Can you hear that?”
Nancy and Robin shared a glance.
“Hear what?” Nancy asked.
“Dustin!” Steve said happily. “I can hear Dustin! And Lucas! And Max!” He giggled.
“It’s like they in the walls!”
Eddie grimaced. The pain must be really getting to the guy if he was hallucin–
But then he could hear it too. Steve and Eddie shared a look and they turned, booking it for the door.
They thundered down the stairs and they noticed the golden light glittering around the chandler.
But now the girls could hear the kids too. It sounded like they were in trouble.
All four them were drawn to the light. It was warm and comforting. And god, Eddie couldn’t stop touching the light.
“It’s warm,” he muttered.
The other three reached up and touched the glittering glow. Steve and god, how Steve seemed to watch to reach out to him as well.
“Does anyone know Morse code?” Nancy asked, trying to figure out how to communicate with the right side up.
Steve shook his head and even Robin wasn’t clueless.
Eddie licked his lips. “Um...does SOS count?”
Nancy nearly screamed at him, but let Eddie do his thing. They managed to communicate with Dustin, Erica, and Max, who had somehow gotten themselves under house arrest. Or whatever the hell the cops wanted to call keeping children against their will.
They managed to find a way to communicate with them through Holly’s LiteBrite. And so Dustin rambled at a million miles per hour about gates and murders and Vecna.
“Does anyone understand what he’s talking about?” Nancy asked.
Everyone shook their heads. So she simply sent back a single question mark.
“How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys trust me?” Dustin screamed.
Steve sighed. “Jesus Christ, this kid has to get his ego in check.”
Eddie leaned over so that he could talk to Steve around Nancy.
“It’s his tone, right?” Eddie asked.
“Yes!” Steve agreed, happy that he had someone who understood what a menace Dustin was at the best of times.
Basically it boiled down to needing to get to the nearest gate. Eddie’s trailer.
“Which great and all,” Eddie huffed. “But let me tell you, Forest Hills is no easy walk from here.”
Nancy looked around at them like they were stupid. “The kids left their bikes here. There should be four of them in the garage.”
Steve rolled his eyes. But they all dutifully followed her out to the garage.
The bikes were tiny. God, are they minuscule. They all climbed onto the bikes and rode all the way to the trailer park.
And if Eddie hung back to watch Steve’s ass all the way there... fuck you, no he didn’t. The view didn’t hurt, though.
They made it his trailer and they laid down the bikes in front of it. Eddie began to shake. Frozen in fear. He couldn’t go back in there. They couldn’t make him.
They could find another ga–
Suddenly there was a warm hand on his shoulder. “I know you don’t want to go in there. But we need to get back to the Right Side Up, breathing the shit down here isn’t good for you.”
Eddie gulped, but nodded.
“I’ll be right beside you,” Steve continued softly. “If you need to, take my hand.”
Eddie instantly latched on to Steve’s hand as he led the group into the Upside Down version of Eddie’s home.
He stumbled a bit as he saw the great, big, red, pulsating...wound.
“Shit!” he whispered, a little awed and a lot scared. “That’s where she died. Like right where she died.”
Steve squeezed his hand gently. “I’m sorry, Eds. We just need to find a way to contact the kids and get us out of here, okay?”
Eddie looked around at his home and just wanted to cry. Nothing was where it was supposed to be and yet exactly where it was supposed to be. And that really fucked with his head.
Nancy looked up at the gate. “It’s too high. There’s no way we can get to it without help.”
Steve and Robin looked around trying to see it there was something that could be used to pry it open from below.
Eddie knew he should help them. He knew where things were kept. But he just couldn’t move. All he could do was stare up at that red wound in his ceiling pulsating with a sick twisted form of life.
Just then something poked through it and Eddie screamed. He didn’t mean to, but the sound had escaped his mouth before he even knew what it was.
What it was when Steve got him calmed down enough to actually see it, was a shovel.
It didn’t make him feel any better, until that curly little mop of hair stuck through the now decent sized hole in the ceiling.
“Henderson!” he cried in relief.
“There you are!” Dustin called back. “Do you think that you guys can work it open from your end while we work it open from our end?”
“Is everyone okay?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Dustin said. “Let’s get you guys out of there, okay?”
Between them, they were able to get the Gate open and a mattress set up to catch their fall.
“What are those stains?” Robin sneered.
Eddie looked up at them and licked his lips. “I, um... I don’t know what they are, honestly.”
Robin’s lip curled. “Gross.”
The truth was that Eddie really didn’t know. He had gotten it used a couple of years ago when his old mattress fell apart. They could have been there from its previous owner for all he knew.
“So who’s going up first?” Steve asked.
“Not you, pretty boy?” Eddie teased.
Steve blushed. “I want to make sure everyone else gets up there okay.”
Robin eyed the sheet rope and then said, “I’ll go.”
Steve nodded and watched carefully as Robin scaled the rope. She flipped around and landed on the mattress with a flomf!
Dustin helped her to her feet.
“That was quite fun actually.”
Back in the Upside Down, Eddie looked at Nancy and Steve, but neither one moved, so he shrugged. “I guess that means I’m next.”
This was Eddie’s least favorite part of gym, climbing rope ladders. He didn’t ever see the point. Though getting detention for pointing out it was part of the military industrial complex was one of his best days in that class, so...
Up he went. It wasn’t that he couldn’t climb the damn thing, he just loved ranting about having to.
“Okay, Nancy,” Steve said. “You’re next.”
But she didn’t answer. Steve turned to her but she was just standing there. He called out to her again.
Eddie’s head immediately popped back over the gate. “Shit!”
Steve shook her shoulders, but she remained immobile.
No, no, no, no...
Not Nancy!
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie
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yours-etc · 1 month
🪱🩷 wiggly worm wednesday🪱🩷
this very special wiggly worm wednesday is for @someforeignband <3 we have been obsessing over THE steddie album— Conan Gray’s Found Heaven— for months now and it’s time i did something about it!! so here is a little blurb i wrote <3
Eye of the Night 🦇
Steve could feel something watching them as he walked Robin over to Vickie’s. He house wasn’t far from Steve’s place where they were hanging out before hand, and when Vickie rang asking if Robin wanted to stay the night, there was no stopping that lesbian from practically running out of his front door. He offered to drive her the handful of blocks, but she refused. Saying that this was probably one of the last few nice fall evenings they would get before winter made it unbearable, and she needed to let out energy before she got to Chrissy’s. Steve just laughed and told her he would walk with her just to be safe.
“Well aren’t you just my night in shinning armor!” She cooed as they left his house.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up Buckley, but this gated community is really dangerous. A raccoon could come out and bite you at any moment,” He said leaning into her, “Racoons with rabies!”
Robin pushed him away and pointed her finger angrily at him, “Don’t even joke about that with me Steven,” she said in a stern tone that has long lost its affect on Steve.
And so here they are making the track to Vickie’s place. He hates to admit it but it is a lovely night out, just cold enough to need a jacket but not too cold that your bones start to ache. But there was a nagging feeling at the back of Steve’s mind.
Something is watching them.
Something is following them.
He tried to shoo the thoughts away, but ever since Vecna he’s always been on edge, never feeling truly safe anywhere. He’s trying to get over it, but it’s difficult when shit keeps happening in the god forsaken town. The kids all say that there’s no reason to be worried, no reason to fear, Vecna was the biggest bad guy and they took care of it, nothing else is going to happen.
Except that’s what they said the first three times. So sue him if he wants to stay prepared.
Robin picks up her pace slightly when Vickie’s house comes into sight, “Alright Steve-o see you tomorrow at work!” She runs off leaving Steve at the stop sign at the end of the road like a parent watching their child go to school for the first time, only its his best friend going to try and sleep with her long time crush she won’t make any moves on.
He watches until he sees the front door open and Robin walk in. Once she’s inside he lets out a deep breath he’d been holding and turns around to start walking home.
Steve could feel whatever it was the whole way back. He’d hear a rustle of leaves, a snap of a twig, a breath not coming from himself. The closer to home he gets the more wound up he becomes. Thank god he grabbed his keys before they left the house, and thank god he always left his bat in the trunk of his car. He’s only a turn and a few houses down when he feels whatever it is that’s been trailing him get close. He doesn’t know how he knows, but something tells him they are closer now and he needs to run. His hunch is only confirmed when the street lights start to all flicker around him.
And so he does.
Without warning.
He takes off running as fast as he can pulling out his keys to unlock the trunk when he gets there. He can hear quick footsteps speed up with him, which only pushes him to go quicker. He hears a snarl? Growl? Something not human for sure, come from the thing behind him when he takes a sharp turn down the street his house sits at the end of. It take both no time as all and what feels like hours to reach his car and get the bat out.
Once it’s in his hand he turns around to find…nothing.
The street is quiet and the lights have stopped flickering.
Steve stands there and waits. He’s not stupid enough to think it left. And sure enough out of the corner of his eye he sees a figure dart to his back yard. He takes after, this time being the one who follows. But once again, when he gets to the backyard, it’s empty. The pool he should have drained moths ago sits completely still, not a single ripple being made. The only light comes from the pool and his house which is too far back to provide any kind of helpful light to him.
“I know you’re back here,” He says into the darkness.
There’s a small rustle and nothing else.
“What do you want?” He says still surveying the area. He looks around slowly trying to see if anything is amiss, if he can even make out anything in the dark.
Then he hear it, the sound of his back door sliding open. Steve is just quick enough to see the lights get turned off. He takes off immediately, barreling into his own house like he’s the fucking intruder.
Once again, there’s nothing at first.
But this time the science is broken quite quickly by a creek of the old wood floors and quick steps up the stairs.
It’s then that Steve realizes he’s being lead, played with, this thing wants him to follow this goose chase. For what though, he’s not completely sure. If it wanted to kill him there was plenty of time to do that already.
More aware of his position, he’s cautious climbing his stairs. When her makes it to the hallway it’s only his bedroom door that is open. He can feel cool air from his room window down the hall creating a chill in the house. In his room he finds an open window and something small sitting on the ledge. When he edges closer, bat still tightly gripped in his hands. The small item reflects the moonlight. It’s a ring, a fairly normal ring, silver with a blackish blue gem in the middle.
Steve has seen that ring before.
He gasps and drops his bat running the rest of the distance to the window to pick it up.
“Eddie?” He says to himself, almost like a prayer, closer to a plea, full of desperation, words getting half stuck in his throat. He looks at the ring like it’s the most precious thing in the world, holds his like it could disappear at any second. This is Eddie’s ring, the ring he gave Eddie the summer before… well before everything happened. Steve never thought he’d see this ring again.
He doesn’t flinch away when familiar arms wrap around his waits pull him back into a warm chest.
He doesn’t flinch when warm breath against the crook of his neck causes goosebumps to cover his skin.
He doesn’t flinch when lips graze his ear and soft curls brush his cheek lightly.
“Did you miss me much Stevie Baby?”
No pressure tags i just want to see what y’all are cooking up! (if you want to share!)
@theroundeviloftable @cheerscoops @someforeignband (HA i tag you back 🙂‍↕️)
And of course anyone I didn’t tag POST YOUR WORMS I WANT TO SEE THEM!!
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Prompt 31 of this OTP prompt list! I've got ideas for quite a few of them, but if there's one you're particularly eager to see, just lemme know ^_^ I wanna try to write a little Steddie everyday, whether that's a ficlet here or working on the Modern Steve in 80s Hawkins WIP lol
Prompt: “Why’d you— why’d you do that?” “B-Because I promised you I’d do anything to keep you safe.” 
When Steve had realized they were really going after Vecna this time, about to walk into his lair and fuck him up, he'd made a promise to himself. He was going to do everything in his power to keep everyone safe, especially Eddie and Dustin, especially when their final plan made those two the demobat distraction.
Steve has also learned over his past few Upside Down adventures to trust his gut. Going through some life-threatening scenarios tends to strengthen his intuition for danger and general Bad Events. So, when he's following Nancy and Robin to the Creel house and feels a horrible stirring in his stomach (something beyond anxiety and fear and stale bread sitting wrong), he stops.
"I'm going back," he says.
"What?" Nancy asks, spinning on her heel.
Robin, meanwhile, meets his gaze. A silent conversation passes between them through looks and half-gestures and a singular grunt from Robin at the end. Their entire conversation can be boiled down to, simply, "I've got a bad feeling."
Interestingly, going through Russian torture together makes people trust each other's bad feelings.
"Okay," Robin says, nodding once before looking at Nancy. "It's not like we need him anyway. I think we're pretty kick-ass on our own."
"But the plan," Nancy protests, her brows furrowing as Steve realizes she's more upset over the change in plan than she is his leaving them.
Steve places a hand on her shoulder, smiles reassuringly, and says, "Don't worry, Nance. You'll kick Creel's ass, I'll make sure Thing One and Thing Two don't get themselves killed, and we'll all go out for pizza when this is over."
Nancy stares at him for a few seconds before sighing. "Okay. Don't die."
"Wasn't planning on it."
Steve can see the trailer before he gets to it, and he can see the demobats creating a fucked up storm cloud as they stream off in one direction, and he can't hear any of the music that should be playing. The demobats seem determined to reach something that's running away, and Steve gets a sinking feeling in his chest.
He knows it isn't Dustin. Eddie wouldn't let Dustin put himself in danger like that unless it was over his dead body, and there's no way Dustin would let Eddie die unless he happened to be out of sight. Which it seems he is now, and Steve knows things must have Gone Bad to get to this point.
Steve shoots across the Upside Down, racing to reach the demobat swarm. Their screeching fills his ears, echoing and bouncing around his head as he gets closer, and he can start to hear Eddie screaming, too. The words are muffled and covered by the demobats, but he has no doubt Eddie is calling them some insulting name and embracing his Ozzie Moment.
When he's a few feet away from the edge of the swarm, Steve starts swinging with reckless abandon. He takes out demobats as quickly as he can, trying to ignore the grime and viscera that layers on top of itself and his skin as he goes. The demobats get more than a few bites in, and more than a few tails lash at his ankles and wrists and whatever else they can find, but Eddie's screams that grow increasingly more terrified spur Steve on.
After an eternity of faceless bats and black blood and his arms screaming from the exertion of constantly swinging his bat, Steve finally gets to the center of the storm. In the eye, he finds Eddie on the ground, a tail wrapped around his neck and demobats descending on his sides, and Steve sees red.
He doesn't actually process any of his actions. He only knows that one second he's watching Eddie become a demobat main course, and the next he's standing over Eddie, decapitating demobats, yanking them away, slamming them into the ground, swinging his bat at the ones that dare to get closer.
Adrenaline and desperation are the only things keeping Steve going for what could be seconds or hours or days; he really can't tell. His focus has tunneled to only allow his brain to think about protecting Eddie and killing flying demon rats. Even when he hears Eddie screaming his name and grabbing his leg, Steve can't spare a moment to think about him beyond "Eddie would be easier to protect if he didn't move around."
Steve doesn't kill the entire swarm. There are too many, and he's only one man. But he does hold them off until...until something calls them away. One second he's feeling overwhelmed--his heart beating out of his chest and his vision blurring red from the blood dripping down his forehead--and the next, the demobats are screeching one last time before shooting off into the sky.
He would pay attention to where they go, but Steve can only take long enough to confirm that they're gone before he's collapsing. He doesn't hit the ground. Instead, Steve hits Eddie, who had stood up at some point only to fall to his ass once more from Steve's unexpected weight.
Holy fuck, Steve just wants to nap. And he's halfway to closing his eyes and slipping into sweet, sweet oblivion when he hears Eddie, his voice absolutely wrecked from screaming and brimming with some emotion Steve can't place right now, ask him, "Why'd you---why'd you do that?! You could have died!"
"So could you," Steve manages, forcing his eyes to focus long enough on Eddie to realize he's literally being cradled in the guy's arms right now. It's surprisingly comfortable, and he can hear Eddie's rapid heartbeat from this position. "Besides, I promised to keep you safe."
"No, you didn't!" Eddie squawks, and Steve makes a mental note to mock him for it later. "I would've remembered that, Steve!"
Steve huffs a weak laugh, stifles a yawn, and lets his head fall onto Eddie's shoulder. He'll think about Eddie not calling him by some ridiculous nickname later. "To myself. Promised to keep everyone safe. 'specially you, Eds," he says, flashing a faint smile that's probably only more worrying because of the blood staining his teeth.
Eddie looks ready to say more, but Steve weakly and clumsily covers his mouth. "Just so you know, I'm passing out now," he says, his body and brain finally calling it a day once he gets the warning out.
Later, when he wakes up in the hospital, Steve will have to deal with several lectures from several people about how he shouldn't have been so reckless. He'll get to turn it around later by pointing out that Eddie would have definitely died without him.
Steve will also have to deal with Eddie staying behind and shooting him the saddest puppy-eye pout he's ever seen. It will devolve into an argument about how Steve would do it again, how Eddie didn't enjoy thinking he was dead, and how they both think the other is incredibly stupid. That argument will end with a spur-of-the-moment and intense kiss that's interrupted by Steve's heart monitor going out of control, leaving them both blushing and overwhelmed as a nurse rushes in and...and holding hands with tiny, amazed smiles as they stare at each other after the nurse leaves.
But that's all in the future. For now, Steve lets his eyes slip shut, comfortable in Eddie's arms and reasonably assured that Eddie won't go risking his life when he has to make sure Steve gets out safe.
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estrellami-1 · 10 months
More Time (Please)
“Make him pay.”
Steve’s eyes widen in horror. “No,” he murmurs. “Please-”
He doesn’t know what he’s hoping for. That Eddie will say something else, maybe; that happens sometimes, right? People say things more than once. Surely this isn’t it, surely this isn’t the last time they’ll speak to each other—
Eddie’s eyes are widening, and Steve knows he feels the telltale burn of a soulmark, shearing the connection.
“Steve,” Robin calls, jogging back to tug on his arm. “We’ve gotta go, c’mon, it’s time.”
Numb, he lets himself be pulled away.
She glances at him, then back at Eddie a few times. “What was that about?”
He swallows the sob that wants to come out. “Our soulmarks.”
Her eyes widen. “Oh, Steve,” she murmurs.
He glances down at it. Still red. He knows it’s probably going to be the bats. He wishes any number of things, but is reminded of the story his grandma used to tell him. “There’s nothing we can do to change it,” he whispers along with the voice in his head, the same cadence as his grandma.
“Maybe,” she tries. “Maybe- you could go back now, just… yell something at him?”
“Don’t you think the soulmark would know?” He asks sadly. “You can’t cheat the system, Robs, not with this. Those are the last words I’ll ever hear him say.”
“I can’t lose you, Steve,” she whispers, and suddenly his eyes are filled with tears, and he attacks her in a hug, pulling her in until she squeaks.
“I love you, Robin,” he whispers.
“I love you. So much.”
“So much,” he agrees.
Up ahead, Nancy’s waiting on them. “Guys,” she calls. “We have to go. I know you’re scared, I am too, but we don’t have long.”
Steve takes a deep breath. “You’re right,” he agrees, and marches on, holding Robin’s hand tightly in his.
Neither of them try to let go until they have to.
Steve gets slammed against the wall by some vines, and they wind around him until he feels like he understands what asthma feels like, and then beyond that, cracking his ribs and bruising his throat, more, more, more, until suddenly they stop, release him, and he falls onto the wooden floor, scraping his hands and knees and earning a couple of splinters.
He hacks out a cough, stumbles back onto his feet, and follows Nancy and Robin into the belly of the beast.
They find Vecna right where they think they will and attack, and Steve thinks he’s screaming but the rushing of blood in his ears is louder than anything else, and he can’t hear himself, can’t check if he is, just keeps going, does what he can to help weaken Vecna, to help destroy him.
It’s over suddenly, Vecna dead, body riddled with bullets, and Steve glances down at his soulmark, hoping against all hope that it’s still red.
His heart drops through the floor when he sees grey instead.
He tears out of the house, sprints the entire way back, yelling for Eddie, but when he gets there he sees he really is too late.
Dustin’s sitting by his side, bottom lip quivering, tears streaming down his face, and Steve collapses next to him, flutters his hands around Eddie.
Ignoring the blood and gore, he looks almost peaceful, and Steve suddenly knows this is how he would look fifty years from then, dying from old age instead, in a world where their soulmarks gave them more time.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @muricel @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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gayofthefae · 1 month
So to recap: Vecna followed Will from the Wheeler house because the TV wasn't working when we first meet Ted and the lights flickered at the house blocks to miles before Will has a run in outside the lab so it didn't escape from the grounds, it followed him to the Wheelers' then back. And when he falls off his bike, the wheels slow to a stop as a clock gongs. When he gets in the gets in the house, he sees fog coming towards his lawn through which the demogorgon is coming, just like Max does, his phone call and exact breathing, timing and proximity to the demogorgon are identical with Joyce's phone calls at the end of the episode and electric zap when the demogorgon came closer to the phone. Will escaped to hide in a cupboard/storage space in the living room after being kidnapped directly by the demogorgon, then was caught and ran around the house to escape the demogorgon. He eventually hides in Castle Byers, where he sings to himself. The demogorgon gets to him only when he stops singing. He is not killed on the spot but rather taken to the library. While Barb has been discarded on the ground with nothing on or in her but general goo after having been successfully killed immediately, he is held on the wall with a vine deeply down his throat.
Within a month of his return, he has true sight and is able to shadow walk. He describes the mind flayer as "coming for him" but never says it's going to kill him. He later tells Owens that it wants to kill everyone else, but specifying "not me". Mike brings him out of his true sight repeatedly and is the only one to do so and the hand he touches is the one that taps Morse code. Will holds off the mind flayer progressively for a week until it overtakes him completely. Emotional memories and music help to coax him out of it momentarily and it is burned out of him.
After the mind flayer is out of him and the gate has been closed, he no longer has true sight or shadow walk, but he does have the ability to sense supernatural presences. Billy Hargrove, like Will, is a son of a homophobic abusive father named William who was born in late March. He is unable to hold off the mind flayer at all and it has full control over him whenever it chooses, as with the others. When the mind flayer targets El, it says it wants to kill everyone including her, her first, in fact. We later find out it is because she is now useless to him, he would have spared her in season 1 when she was still a prospective partner but now that she isn't, she's disposable. He takes her powers then tries to kill her, but an emotional memory breaks Billy free.
Will does not have his powers after the fat being closed and leaving Hawkins. Henry says about the other lab children "They're not gone. They're still with me. I'm here," tapping his temple. Henry and Will are the only two people to our knowledge to develop powers without lab intervention. Both Henry and Will are artists described by a parent as a "sensitive child". El cannot find Max in Max's own mind like she did possessed Billy or shock tortured Mama. When Will re-enters Hawkins with the gate open again, he can immediately sense Vecna's state: wounded but alive, and says that he's "not gonna stop until he's taken everything and everyone".
Okay yeah so sounds like Will was taken into Vecna's mind before the upside down then either preserved for some reason or chosen as a target as a result of his ability to survive, chosen to survive by the time they got to the library, then never gone back on and that is only true of him. It was true of El in season 1 but isn't anymore.
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hbyrde36 · 6 months
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Times Like These (The Anniversary Edition)
CH 1 CH 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch5 Ch6 Ch7
Chapter 8: Master of Puppets
WC: 5053 | AO3 link
Eddie woke to the sound of a phone ringing in the distance and his head throbbing. 
He rolled over, cracking one sore and puffy eye open to find himself surrounded. The two boys were already up—Max and Erica too. A graveyard of empty cereal bowls lined the coffee table in front of them, while Saturday morning cartoons played quietly on the TV. 
Despite how miserable he felt, something about seeing these kids just… being kids, filled him with a surge of renewed affection for the little shits, and reminded him of all the countless reasons he had to not fuck this up again.
He drug himself up off the couch, grunting with the effort like a 90 year old man with aching bones and deteriorated joints, and made his way to the kitchen—called by the siren-smell of good strong coffee. Steve appeared in the doorway as he approached, watching the scene just as Eddie had with a fond look in his eyes. He held two mugs, handing one off with a lopsided grin. 
Eddie looked down at the drink, finding it pale with too much cream for most people’s preference, but exactly how he liked it, and could almost smell the tooth-rotting sweetness of the excessive amount of sugar. It was perfect. How did Steve know?
“I love seeing them like this.” Steve said quietly, taking a sip from his own cup. Eddie didn’t need to look to know his was black. Blasphemy. “They don’t get to do it enough.”
Eddie offered a sad smile, humming his agreement. He looked back over his shoulder at the kids, and could only imagine how three years of fighting interdimensional monsters had cut pretty severely into each of their childhoods. Steve’s too, really. They often got caught up in worrying about the younger teens but Steve would have been what, 16 or 17 when this started? 
Babies, all of them. 
He turned back to say as much, but Steve tipped his head towards the kitchen, beckoning Eddie to follow. 
“That was Joyce on the phone.” Steve began, standing close—too close for so early in the morning when Eddie’s defenses were down, speaking low to make sure no one else overheard, the rumbling tone of his voice threatening to set Eddie’s skin on fire. 
“Owens’ people are sending a car to pick them all up, today.”
“What about Hopper?” Eddie whispered.
Steve sighed. “Well, she had to tell the Doc a little about our situation to explain why she was contacting him.”
“How’d that go?”
“She said he was weirdly accepting of the whole time loop thing, almost like he wasn’t surprised? Which, I guess they do research all kinds of weird shit in those labs, and he’s worked with kids like El for years, so maybe it just wasn’t all that unexpected. He knew some things about Vecna—Henry, whatever. Once they got talking she decided to tell him about the ransom note too, figuring he might have the resources to get Hop out, and they certainly owe us at least this much. He said they would handle it.” 
He shrugged, clearly trying to appear unconcerned, but suddenly wouldn’t meet Eddie’s eyes. Eddie knew him too well by now to be fooled. Something was bothering him about all this, even if he was trying to pretend like he was fine. 
“It’s okay if you’re worried. I know you don’t exactly trust these people.” Eddie said.
Steve tried to turn away, but like muscle memory Eddie reached out to lay a hand on his upper arm, giving him a knowing look.
“It’s stupid.” Steve said.
Eddie tightened his grip around Steve’s bicep, squeezing reassuringly as he rubbed his thumb back and forth. “I’m sure it’s not.”
“First I was worried about her going out there, and now—I know she’s right, they probably have ways to get to him that are much safer than her and Murray just fucking off to Alaska to meet with god-knows-who, and I’m happy that it’ll keep her out of the line of fire…” 
“But?” Eddie prompted.
“But, if anyone can bring someone back from the presumed dead, it’s Joyce Byers. I don’t know how much you remember from back when Will went missing, but she never gave up. Not when they found a body in the quarry, or when the whole town treated her like she was crazy for believing her son was still alive. Against all odds she fought for him, went into the Upside Down and brought him home. I just… Hopper deserves that. Someone who cares enough to bring him home no matter what.”
This time Eddie couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his arms around Steve. At least now the other boy knew they’d been close before—friends. Friends could hug. 
As he had so many times before, he wished he could tell Steve that everything would be okay—but he just didn’t know, and he couldn’t bring himself to lie and offer false words of comfort. 
To his surprise Steve hugged him back, tentative at first, but he quickly melted into Eddie’s embrace as though he were starved for touch. It felt wonderful and devastating all at the same time to touch Steve like this—and to have Steve’s arms around him again too. It was a painful reminder of all that he’d lost, but still he refused to be the one to let go first. 
“Thank you.” Steve said, pulling back and roughly clearing his throat.
All at once Eddie realized how quiet it was. Steve’s headphones sat down around his neck, which wasn’t weird in itself, it was something Eddie had seen Max and Chrissy do whenever their ears needed a break too, but they never let the music stop. Steve's song wasn’t playing at all, and Eddie couldn’t handle watching him be taken like that again. 
He reached up, lifting the earpieces back over Steve's head, fingers itching to caress his cheek as they brushed by. He clenched his fist instead. 
“Your tape stopped.” Eddie said, breathless, his heart hammering inside his chest. 
Steve’s wide eyes never left his face as he nodded absently. There was a sudden tension in the air stretched perilously tight between them and Eddie had to force himself to take a step back before it snapped. 
Shaking himself, Steve finally looked down, popping the tape out of his walkman to flip it and begin again, the volume set as low as it could be, and still be heard. 
Eddie took a deep breath and tried to pull himself together. “So, what’s on the agenda today?” He asked, managing to sound almost normal. 
“The kids should probably go home or something, spend time with their families and stuff before things get worse. We’re still going to need to stock up on weapons, right? Even if El gets her powers back?” Steve asked.       
“Feel like doing some shopping today?”
Eddie shouldn’t have been surprised. It made sense for all the same reasons that it had in the last loop. The War Zone was closed on Sundays, and there hadn’t been a single murder yet in town to raise the alarms with the public or the Hawkins PD. Still, he felt a shiver make its way up his spine at the idea of the past repeating itself. Thinking not only of the store, but what happened after. 
He did his best to push those thoughts way, way down.
“Sure. I’ll let you break the news to your children.”
“Our children.” Steve corrected, grinning.
Eddie gulped, backing his way out of the room, stammering, “I-I’ll go tell Robin and Chrissy t-to get ready.”
Predictably, the kids fought back, having no interest in being separated now. As before, they all decided to go to Mike’s together, and it wasn’t until Steve picked up the phone to call and let Nancy know the plan that Eddie realized she and Mike hadn’t come back this morning the way they did last time. Funny how some things changed while others stayed the same, without obvious rhyme or reason. 
The trip to The War Zone went smoothly and pretty much as Eddie recalled. He’d racked his brain on the drive there, wondering if there was anything they could have used more or less of. Fire seemed to be the most effective weapon against the creatures of the Upside Down, so the molotov cocktails were still a good choice. 
If only they could source an actual flamethrower. 
Ultimately he didn't think any different number or type of weapons would be what turned the tides. This thing would come down to a battle of wills, he’d bet his life on it. 
Nancy got quiet as they were unloading the supplies after returning from the store, and Eddie could almost hear the gears turning over in her mind. It was no surprise to him when she eventually spoke up. 
“I want to go look for Fred.” She began, holding up a hand before anyone could argue. “And I know what you’re going to say. If we couldn’t find him last time what’s the point—but you said his body turned up in the trees behind his house right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie replied. “Sometime overnight or early in the morning they found him.”
“Okay so, that’s a clue we didn’t have before, and a place I’m sure I wouldn’t have looked.”
“How about this—the three of us,” Robin jumped in, indicating Nancy, Chrissy, and herself, “can go for a fun-filled hike in the woods, and we’ll leave you two here to hold down the fort in case Joyce or Eleven calls.” 
She met Eddie’s gaze, winking at him like she was doing him a favor. He grit his teeth and scowled. How she’d caught on already that there was anything going on between him and Steve, he had no idea.
…Not that there was anything going on since he was doing everything in his power to stay far far away from that possibility right now.
Steve didn't seem to notice their little exchange, thankfully, and was only watching the three girls with obvious concern. “If that's what you want to do. Just… be safe, okay?”
“Always.” Robin said, giving Steve a pat on the shoulder before getting back into the car with Nancy and Chrissy. 
The anxiety Eddie had already been soaking in all day reached a critical level as he and Steve were left home alone together, and more than once he found himself obsessively staring at the spot on the kitchen floor where he’d first held Steve, as he fell apart after Vecna had so ruthlessly attacked him on this same afternoon in another life.   
He had to find some way to distract himself or he was going to lose it.
There was only one surefire way to settle at least some of his nerves, but Eddie was too afraid to go outside and smoke—afraid to let Steve out of his sight for even a second actually, and so when he wandered away from him—for the dozenth time—to the living room, Eddie had no choice but to follow. As he did he recalled the bag of tapes he knew was stashed in the entertainment center—bingo.
He moved to the cabinet and pulled it out, digging for the only decent film among the bunch, not caring that he’d just watched The Goonies a week ago. Ironically, he thought the familiarity of it might even offer him some comfort. He glanced back over his shoulder to ask Steve if he minded, only to find him with his headphones off and silent, again. 
“Dude, how many times—” Eddie stomped across the room, his concerned frustration at Steve's carelessness spilling over to rage. 
How hard was it to keep a fucking tape going? 
He reached for the walkman clipped to the other boy’s waistband and yanked it off him—huffing as he popped the tape out, flipped it over, and shoved it back in, jamming his finger into the play button so hard he almost broke the damn thing, before shoving it back into Steve’s hands. 
“It needs to be playing to work, asshole, and you really need to start keeping those on your ears more.” He flicked the hanging cord of the headphones as he leveled Steve with a hard glare. 
“It’s–they–they’re uncomfortable.” Steve mumbled in half-hearted defense of himself.
It occurred to Eddie suddenly that this had never been a problem for Steve before. He’d never forgotten to keep his tape running, and never once had he complained about having to wear the headphones. 
He narrowed his eyes. “Really, Harrington? Because I’m finding it hard to believe that you can’t deal with a little mild discomfort to keep that fucking monster at bay after all the other shit you’ve endured.”
“Okay, fine. Just… listen, If Vecna doesn’t attack me before we go after him, how can we be sure I’ll be on his radar—that he’ll take me as bait?”
“Wait, were you–were you leaving the music off on purpose so he could get to you? What the fuck, Steve?!” Eddie shouted.
“What was your plan then, huh? To make Chrissy play the lure? How is that fair?!” Steve yelled right back. 
Eddie honestly hadn’t thought it through that far yet, and maybe Steve had a point. He certainly didn’t relish the idea of poor Chrissy being put on the chopping block again, but this certainly wasn’t the answer.
“It’s not fair to you either!” Eddie growled. “It’s not fair, period!”
“I can handle it!” Steve bellowed, smacking himself in the center of his chest. “And if it’s gotta be someone—why not me, huh? At least I have experience with this stuff! At least El knows me a little! If this whole thing winds up hinging on her piggybacking in someone's brain again, isn’t it better—easier if it’s someone she knows?!”
Again Eddie was brought up short. He shook his head—he couldn’t argue with the bulk of Steve’s logic, but–
“You don’t know what you're signing yourself up for! You have no idea what he’s capable of! Steve, don’t do this to–”
“Why does it matter so much to you if he takes me anyway?!”
Eddie recoiled, feeling the force of Steve’s words like a slap in the face.  “What? What do you mean why? Steve, you’re my—” He snapped his mouth shut, fighting to retain control of himself even as he spiraled further into panic. 
“We’re friends. I care about you.”
Right in front of his eyes, Steve’s face hardened into a cruel mask. 
“Friends,” Steve mocked with a bark of laughter, mouth twisting into an unfriendly smile. “We’re not friends, not really—you do realize that right? If you hadn’t gotten yourself caught up in all this, I would have never said two words to you. Why would I?”
All the blood drained from Eddie’s face. It felt like he’d been kicked off the edge of a cliff. 
It wasn’t anything he hadn’t thought of himself. A nagging fear in the back of his mind, that any feelings Steve was developing for him were circumstantial at best, nothing that would stand up to any sort of test—that it wasn’t real. That Steve had only clung to him because he was there—convenient and willing. 
He’d thought, after the kiss– 
Well, he’d started to hope he was wrong. Almost believed it when Robin gave him so much shit for doubting Steve when they’d spoken in the woods. But here it was in front of him. Proof that he’d been right to worry. 
“Honestly,” Steve went on, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “I’ve only been pretending to be nice to you so you’ll help us. Why else would I ever want to be associated with Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson?”
“Wh–what are you saying?”
Eddie’s eyes grew wet, hot tears threatening to fall. Oh god, what an idiot he’d been. 
“Poor thing,” Steve cooed at him, all pouting lips and false sympathy. “You should know, when you told me you were gay?” He paused, shuddering. “I was completely repulsed. I had to pretend otherwise of course, so you’d cooperate, but it made me sick having to lay next to you night after night.”
“Wait, I didn’t…” Eddie breathed, a barely audible whisper. “But, that didn’t happen this time.”
Something was very, very wrong here. 
He started to slowly back up, eyes darting between the doorway to the kitchen and the hall leading to the front door, trying to calculate his best move.  
“You’re not Steve.”
“Not quite.” The thing that wasn’t Steve smirked, folding his hands together locked behind his back. “Hello, Eddie. We meet at last.”
He was still wearing Steve’s face, but the voice coming out of his throat was becoming something deeper, darker, and far more dangerous.
Any relief Eddie felt for the fact that it hadn’t really been Steve saying those awful things to him was overshadowed by the terror of meeting his enemy in person for the first time, and in his own domain no less.
“Fuck you.” Eddie spat, projecting a bravery he absolutely did not feel. 
Steve—Vecna began to pace a slow circle around him. “I don’t know how you’ve managed this trick, sending yourself back in time over and over again, but it’s no matter. I’ve seen what’s in your head now. I know what you and Eleven and all your little friends have planned. It won’t work.”
A guitar riff Eddie would never forget, even if he lived a thousand lifetimes, began to fill the air around him. Someone, somewhere was playing Master of Puppets for him—trying to pull him out of this place. Trying to save him. Hope blossomed in his chest as he thought about what Chrissy had described seeing the first time he’d successfully pulled her out of her trance, and searched around frantically for any signs of an opening or portal. 
Either unable to hear the music or uncaring that Eddie was in the process of being rescued, Vecna kept taunting him. 
“Of course, you already know that, having failed so many times before. I wonder why it is you even continue to try and fight the inevitable. This is your fate, Eddie, and his.” The monster gestured to himself, to the suit of familiar skin he wore, drawing Eddie’s attention back. 
The eyes—Steve’s beautiful hazel eyes that Vecna had stolen to use against him rolled back and began to bleed. With a loud crack his jaw dislocated, hanging loose, mouth gaping open in a silent scream. Another snap and his arm bent back the wrong way, broken.
Eddie choked back a sob, his heart shattering into even smaller pieces as he witnessed first hand what he already knew Steve had gone through, knowing he'd never be able to scrub the image from his mind. 
“The sooner you accept that, the sooner your suffering will come to an end.” The words spilled forth from the gaping maw that Steve’s mouth had become.
Eddie cried out, screaming his pain wordlessly.
The music picked up suddenly, getting louder as the song reached its middle, giving Eddie the strength to look away—and finally he spotted it, a faint glow like the promise of sunshine coming in through an open window, emanating from somewhere behind Vecna, through the doorway to the kitchen. 
He took a few stumbling steps back, the disfigured visage of Vecna-Steve following his every move, and faked a run for the front door, pivoting at the last second to switch direction down the hallway, entering the kitchen from its other side and dove into the hazy mirage head first without hesitation. 
Eddie came-to with a shuddering gasp. He was on the floor, headphones shoved over his head and Metallica blasting in his ears. Strong arms circled him from behind, rocking him gently as a soft voice mumbled the same three words over and over again. 
“Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay.”
“Stevie?” Eddie wheezed, out of breath and a little disoriented from his sudden fall back to reality. Which was saying something, considering he’d died and come back as many times as he had. He reached up, hesitantly pulling the headphones down around his neck. 
“Oh my god.” Steve let out a rush of breath, sounding relieved as he slid himself around to Eddie’s side, still cradling him in his arms. He looked Eddie up and down, as if assessing him for physical damage, a haunted look in his eyes.
“You’re okay?” Steve said. Part statement, part question.  
When he didn't answer right away Steve pursed his lips, concern evident on his face as he raised a hand up to gently brush the tears from Eddie’s wet cheeks. He hadn’t even known he was crying.
Eddie blinked up at him, caught between wanting to bury himself in the other boy’s chest, and the instinct to shove him away. He had Vecna’s vicious words stuck in his head now, replaying over and over again.
He knew it wasn’t real. Steve hadn’t said those things, would never have said those things. They weren’t his thoughts or feelings even if they were said with his voice. Eddie knew all of that, but still it was enough to taint what little comfort he might have allowed himself to take from Steve’s embrace.
That bastard had stolen Steve's face and used Eddie’s own insecurities against him, and it’d worked like a fucking charm. 
He sat up slowly, pushing Steve away with a firm hand on his chest. Steve frowned, actually tried to push back for a moment, to keep holding Eddie, before realizing what he was doing and backed off to give him space.  
“Is that… that was Vecna, right?” Steve asked. 
“Yeah, it was him.” Eddie pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes hard enough to see stars. If only it would erase the image of Steve’s broken form from his mind.   
“I’m so sorry.”
Eddie dropped his hands from his face abruptly to stare at the other boy. “What do you have to be sorry for?” He asked, incredulous.
“You tried to tell me how bad it was and I–I argued with you. That was the most terrifying few minutes of my life, and I was going to force you to watch that—again! How many times did you have to watch it happen to Chrissy? To me? I’m such an asshole” Steve closed his eyes, sniffling as he shook his head. “I’d still rather it be me than you, or Chrissy, or any of the kids, but it was… selfish of me to put you in the position to have to save me again on purpose. So, I’m sorry” 
“It’s not—you’re not selfish, and you’re not an asshole either.” Eddie sighed heavily. “And I hate to admit it, but you may have had a point. We can’t bait Vecna with something he doesn’t want, someone he isn’t actively after. I guess now that someone’s gonna be me.”
“How will that work? You’re just as much of a stranger to El as Chrissy is.”
Eddie tightened his jaw, readying himself for another fight, but Steve quickly raised his hands in surrender. “I'm not–I'm not trying to—I'm just raising a concern.”
“I’m not letting anyone else go through that if we don’t have to, ok? We’ll ask El about it when we can, and go from there.”
Steve nodded reluctantly. “Okay.”
Steve searched through his closet and dug up his old walkman for Eddie to use since he’d given his own up for Chrissy. There was nothing wrong with it, just an outdated model. A new pair of batteries and he was all set.
They made Eddie’s tape in relative silence, save for the music itself which they kept turned low to save his head—a side effect of the Vecna attack being a massive fucking headache.
The girls returned a few hours later, looking completely dejected and exhausted. They still hadn’t been able to find Fred.
Nancy didn’t stay long, wanting to get back to her own house to keep an eye on the kids, and it wasn’t until she left that the other two noticed the change in Eddie, and what he now wore over his head. 
Chrissy came up to him first, throwing her arms around his shoulders and resting her cheek on his chest. “Oh no, Eddie, you too?”
He hugged her back, and as bad as the day had been, he couldn’t help smiling to himself a little. He’d been so sure that he had ruined any chance of friendship with her this time around, but the easy affection gave him hope that it wasn’t a lost cause just yet. 
“I’m okay, Chris.” He assured her as they separated. “Harrington had my back.”
In a bid for normalcy, and while they had nothing better to do, Steve ordered some takeout for all of them to share while Eddie put his movie on—hours later than intended, but better late than never. 
He tried to enjoy it—the food, the conversation, hanging out with these people he’d come to care for like family—but his heart was in the past. Instead of the TV screen in front of him he saw Steve fighting off a grin as he’d watched Eddie flutter around the kitchen cooking for them. In place of the drink in his hand, he felt the warm press of Steve’s palm in his, remembering the way he’d laced their fingers together and held on all the way upstairs that night. 
Giggles coming from the other side of the room were what brought Eddie back to the present, and he glanced over to see that Chrissy and Robin had drifted awfully close to one another on the couch they shared, even resting their heads together as he watched.  
Not thinking he nudged Steve's shoulder with his own to point it out, wondering when they themselves had gotten this close, and tilted his head in the girls direction. 
Steve glanced over, smiling at first but then his body went visibly tense, eyes guarded as he looked back at Eddie.
“You don’t have to worry I–” Eddie only barely managed to stop himself from coming out, though he wasn’t sure why, and changed course mid sentence. “I'm cool with—Robin. I just think it’s sweet that they’re getting close again.”
Steve took him at his word, relaxing immediately. “Again?” He whispered back excitedly.
Eddie nodded and went back to watching the girls, glad that this particular thing was a staple of the loops. 
Once the credits rolled and the girls made their way up to bed, Eddie helped Steve clean up, picking up trash and carrying their few dishes to the sink. He fled as soon as they were done, saying a quick goodnight before rushing to the downstairs bathroom to change and laying himself down on the couch, the big one this time. Dustin had been right, it was a lot more comfortable. 
He assumed he’d gotten away with it, that Steve had already gone up the stairs, but less than a minute later Steve came striding into the room carrying two blankets. He tossed one to Eddie before wrapping the other around himself, and settled down on the other couch. 
“What are you doing?”
They both sat up, staring daggers at each other from across the room.
Steve broke the standoff first. “I don’t think you should be alone. What if something happens, or your tape runs out? Since you seem to have something against sleeping in a bed with me again, I figured I'd just join you down here. It’s fine.”
“Fuck’s sake.” Eddie grumbled. 
So much for keeping this one boundary, but he’d manage somehow. He suspected Steve still felt like he must have done something wrong before, and Eddie couldn’t live with him feeling guilty over something that wasn’t his fault. And, he supposed, there was no use in both of them sleeping on couches when there was a perfectly good bed upstairs.
Eddie reluctantly got up, flinging a throw pillow at Steve’s smug face as he did. “Come on then, big boy. Lead the way.”
In the familiar comfort of Steve's room, Eddie laid on his back and stared up at the ceiling, hugging his side of the bed to keep as much space as possible between them. He was exhausted from the attack, from the day in general, but his heart pounded as he found himself surrounded by all things Steve. His scent on the sheets, his pillow under Eddie’s head, his clothes strewn about the room.
He breathed it all in deep, and, still keeping his eyes pointed forward, finally dared to ask the question.
“How did you know what song to play for me?”
Steve shifted around, turning on his side to face him. 
“It was the tape from your Walkman. The kids took it out last night after they made Chrissy’s and left it sitting out on the table. It was a lucky guess, really. I just hoped that whatever you had been listening to last would work.”
Eddie’s breath caught in his throat. He’d survived by simple chance and dumb luck, and sure he was old hat at dying by now, but it didn't make the idea any less scary. He turned too, meeting Steve's eyes through the dark. 
“Thank you, that was… good thinking.”
“I was so afraid it wouldn’t work. One second we were screaming at each other and then you went so still. Your eyes rolled back and–” Steve’s voice cracked, unable to finish.
“I know.” Eddie whispered. And he did know, far too well, what it was like to feel so powerless.
He started to reach out, wanting so badly to cup Steve’s cheek or pull him close, but let his hand drop to the bed between them mid-motion. Steve slid his own hand closer, inch by inch until their pinkies touched, and then oh-so-slowly, he tucked his whole hand under Eddie's, entwining their fingers and gripping him tight. 
“I don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t worked.”
Eddie swallowed a whine, praying Steve couldn't hear it, and squeezed back. He didn’t have the strength to pull away, though he knew with every touch came the potential to break him beyond repair. 
Chapter 9
Special thanks to @penny00dreadful for being the best beta, friend and cheerleader.
Reblogs are always appreciated and if you want to be tagged, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to do so 💜
Taglist: @hitlikehammers @pearynice @cranberrymoons @thoroughlycollected @blubblesandink @finntheehumaneater @brbsoulnomming @estrellami-1 @hellion-child @manda-panda-monium @spicysix @kikidoesfanfic @dreamwatch @lawrencebshoggoth @stillfullofshit @lil-gremlin-things @mamafaithful @klausinamarink @starlight-archer
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
Be My Queen
Chapter 3
Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: phase two is on. Time to distract Vecna.
Chapter warnings: non-con touching and kissing, violence, trauma, Vecna being a creep. There's a mention of going further than kissing.
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With Lucas and Max, I walk around with a lantern in hand looking at the blue lights we spread around until one starts flickering. I take a deep breath and look around at both Max and Lucas, I've never seen them so scared before. I try to smile at them to assure them everything is fine, but I'm afraid they see right through it.
I take another breath and turn away from them, but towards the blue light in the living room.
"Hello?" I call.
The light flickers harder, somehow, so I try again.
"Vecna..? Uh..." I shake my head, correcting myself "Henry? Are.. are you here?"
All of a sudden the light in the living room stops whatever movement and I instantly look behind me confused, but before any, of us, could say or do something the light in the lantern in my hand quivers.
I start to walk around, not sure why, but when I turn back around towards the kids, I find them in a freeze-like state.
"Don't worry about them, my love"
A voice comes from behind me and it stops me. Completely.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting"
I slowly turn around, but behind me I don't find the monster Max described, instead in front of me there's the blonde man from my vision.
He must sense my confusion and walks towards me, I take a step back. Just like he did with the girl, he keeps walking not noticing, nor caring, that he's scaring me.
"I didn't want you to see me like that, my angel." He says once he's in front of me.
I don't know what to say, I'm completely frozen, too scared to do anything other than look at him.
He softly smiles, even though his smile isn't comforting at all, and takes the lantern from my hand. I didn't realise I was still holding it.
After he places the lantern on the ground, he takes my hand and I instinctively flinch, but he just holds my hand a bit tighter.
"There's no need to be afraid." He gets even closer "we're finally together"
I take a shaky breath.
"I... uh... I'm sorry, but.. but I think there's been a misunderstanding... I'm not.." I start, with a broken voice, looking down at my feet.
He puts a finger under my chin, lifting my face to look him in the eyes.
"I know what you're thinking, I know how this must be confusing for you." He says moving one hand to gently cup my cheek, he again ignores me flinching at the contact "let me explain, okay?"
"Y-yes.." I don't know what else to say, the only thing I can think about is that I have to keep him occupied as much as possible.
"They took you away from me." He starts "that day... I wanted to run after you, but it was as if you disappeared. She must've sent you here, just like she did with me... but with new memories."
"Who?" The more he talks the more confused I get.
"Eleven. She did this." He states.
"El..? She's... no.." I shake my head and try to get free from his hold on my cheek, but he suddenly grabs my chin tightly.
"Why do you still defend her?" He asks, his calm voice feeling completely out of place compared to his demeanour "she tried to keep us apart, she still is. But don't worry, one more soul and everything will be perfect. As it should, my queen"
"I don't know you." I say shaking "I... I'm not who you think I am. I'm sorry.."
"No, no, angel, don't say that. I'll help you remember, I promise you"
That promise sounds more like a threat.
I shake my head, to pull away, with my free hand I try to push him away, but he's stronger than me.
"Sshh, my love, there's nothing to be scared of." He shushes me as I walk backwards to put some distance, but of course, he doesn't let go and simply follows me, managing to cage me against the wall.
"I'm... I-I'm not.. her" I insist.
He doesn't answer, he just starts getting closer to my face, his hand goes back to holding my face gently, using his thumb to caress my cheek. The gesture would've been sweet if it was someone else doing it.
I turn my face away from his, but that doesn't stop him. He slowly starts leaving small pecks on my cheek, then those same pecks turn into full kisses that he leaves from my cheek to my neck.
I wait a moment before forcefully pushing him off of me and putting some distance between us.
"I told you, I'm not her" I repeat backing away.
"Don't make things complicated, my angel. You know I don't like it" he warns me.
"I don't know who that girl was, but I can assure you... she didn't feel the same way either," I shout at him.
His eyes turn dark, suddenly, and a devilish smirk appears on his lips. He raises his arm up and with a quick motion he pulls me back to him, I stumble and he catches me. He's holding me by my waist, as close to him as possible.
"You think you can beat me, my love?" He asks in a whisper against my ear "you think your friends are gonna survive? I will win, Y/n, and I will have you"
With that, he pulls back to look at my terrified face.
"I always loved how beautiful you look when you're scared," he says before pulling me in for a kiss.
With all my strength I push against his chest, but he doesn't stop. His kiss is rough and desperate, it's needy, he's been waiting for a long time, I see.
I keep pushing and punching his chest, he doesn't even bulge, he just pulls me closer, moving his mouth against mine and grinding his hips against me.
That's when I feel it.
My eyes widen.
I freeze.
I forcefully turn my face away, he lets me so he can go back to kiss my neck and whisper.
"Can't you feel what you do to me? How desperate I get for you, my queen? Let me have you... and I'll be yours" he growls.
"Let me go!" I exclaim falling to the ground to free myself from his grasp.
I get up and start to run.
I open a door, thinking it leads outside, but I find myself in Hawkins lab's hallways.
"No, no, no. Fuck!"
I just keep running.
"You can't escape me" I hear him say. I turn around, expecting to see him behind me, but there's nothing there.
When I find two big doors I push them open and enter.
It's the room with the rainbow fantasy on the walls, the one where I saw him killing that kid...
I turn around to get out of there, but Henry's blocking my only way out.
"Stop it. Please." I try to beg.
"Everything is about to get into places, my sweetness." He, again, stalks towards me, making me back away until my back is against the wall and all I can do now is cry.
He wipes away a few tears with his thumb, another sweet gesture that now feels worse than a stabbing.
"Don't cry." He leans closer "I'm here."
He then kisses me again, more gently this time. I don't have much of a choice, but to let him and hope that the others would end him quickly.
I also try to kiss him back, please him somehow, but when I feel his hands travelling down pulling at my shirt, I freeze, again.
He wants to take my shirt off.
"No... no, please I.." I attempt to stop him.
He completely ignores me and simply tugs at my shirt harder.
All of a sudden he disappears from before me. I look around, confused. I find Henry in the air fighting to get free from some outside force.
I turn my head to the opposite side and the relief I feel seeing El with her arm raised, holding Henry up, is unspeakable.
"Oh my god," I exclaim.
El throws him against the opposite wall breaking it and sending him god knows where.
We run to each other and we hug.
"How? You... how?" I ask once we pulled away.
"I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer" she simply says.
"Are you here?" I still can't believe it.
"I am," she says holding my hand.
"Oh god... what happened to your hair?"
"Long story" she answers.
I hug her again to me.
After a moment we hear steps coming from where Henry was thrown and we hear rustling and clattering sounds.
The one appearing from the ruins isn't the handsome blonde man anymore, but the veiny monster Max described.
My breath gets caught in my throat at the sight.
"Oh, shit" I breathe out.
"Stay away!" El screams and once again sends him away with her powers. "Run"
We run out the doors, finding ourselves not in the Lab anymore.
A crimson fog surrounds us, this must be where Max found herself while running from Vecna... yes, I can even see the fragmented house. We're inside his mind.
I feel El grabbing my hand.
"You have no idea how happy I am to see you" I chuckle, breathless.
"Me too. Are you okay?" El asks.
"Yeah... I mean... everything is even crazier than I expected" I say, still catching my breath "the others should be able to kill him soon, though. How did you know?"
"Brenner" she simply says.
"What? Wasn't he dead?" I ask shocked.
"He survived. He and Owen told me something was coming and... they helped me get my powers back." She explains, sensing her nervousness I squeeze her hand reassuringly.
"Well, at least he did one thing right..." I comment, making El chuckle slightly, still out of breath.
Suddenly I feel something wrapping around my leg, squeezing tightly and just as suddenly I'm dragged away from El.
"Y/n!" She screams.
I struggle to get my leg free, but it keeps dragging me until another pair of vines grab my arm and lift me and tie me against a spire-like rock. The impact makes me hit my head against the hard rock and my head starts to feel a little dizzy, my sight gets blurry, but I can still see Vecna's figure approaching.
Before he gets too close, he's being held back. He looks behind him, furious.
I can't see much, both because of the fog and the hit. I can hear El fighting him.
All I hear is her screaming and Vecna threatening to make her watch him kill all of our friends.
Then pause.
Now, he's in front of me again.
"All you had to do was to give in to me, my love. But don't worry, I'm not mad. I'll help you remember" he says holding his hand... or what he calls a hand, up to my face.
I feel more vines wrapping around my neck, squeezing. I can't breathe.
I try to refocus my sight and turn my head around, looking for El. When I finally spot her she's tied against the door.
"You still want to save her?" He asks in disbelief and sighs "look at me, my angel."
I don't.
I do keep struggling to get free, though.
"I said. Look. At. Me." He commands.
The vines around the neck are gone, but the freedom doesn't last long because his hand is squeezing it instead and I have no other choice, but to look at him.
"There. You're so beautiful." He says, admiring every centimetre of my face, but without releasing my neck. "You know... I've been thinking about something. You forgot about me, she made you forget about me, so I thought I should leave something to remind you of me."
I don't have time to process what he means because his movement is quick and in a matter of seconds I find myself on the ground pressing my hands against my neck feeling a crucial pain.
I look down at my hands, covered in blood, I'm shaking.
Vecna's standing right next to me and I crawl away, or at least I try to.
"This way, if you ever decide to run and hide, you'll have a reminder, that I will always find you" he explains.
"I said stay away from her!"
I turn my head, not without a grimace of pain, and I see El standing up straight, breathing heavily, her nose bleeding badly.
She lifts her arm and pushes Vecna against the same door she was tied to.
She screamed at the top of her lungs, using her power against him.
Suddenly I see him starting to vanish before I reopen my eyes finding the ceiling of the Creel's house instead, I try to catch my breath.
I realise I'm laying on the ground after I see Max kneeling beside me.
"Y/n!" She exclaims.
"What the hell is happening?" I hear a familiar voice, but it's not Lucas', nor Erica's.
"Are you okay? What... what happened?" This is Lucas. He's kneeling too, helping me sit up.
"You got a bandage?" Max asks alarmed and Lucas stands up, probably looking for the said bandage.
I frown, confused.
Why would she need a bandage?
Then I feel the pain in my neck. I lift a hand to touch it and flinch. I realise I'm bleeding.
"Shit" I hiss.
I look around for Lucas and I see none other than Jason standing there, with a terrified face.
"What... what the hell?" He asks again.
"We already explain, dickhead. So you either got something to help us stop the bleeding or you better get out" Max snaps.
"I can't find anything! Shit!" Lucas screams from another room.
"So?" Max insists, irritated.
"Yeah... I got something" Jason calmly says, I feel him walking closer to us and handing something to Max.
She holds the tissue against my neck and I flinch again.
"I'm sorry" She softly says.
"Thanks" I breathlessly reply.
"What happened?" I ask just as Lucas walks back in and kneels in front of me.
"You tell us" Lucas almost scoffs "one moment you're standing and the next you lie on the ground... we... we tried to make you listen to the tape Eddie gave you, but it didn't work... and then you start bleeding... we thought we lost you..." he cries and I hold my hand out for him to grab it.
"I'm okay... I... thanks for taking care of me" I tell him and then I smile at Max, using my other hand to replace hers against my neck. "Where's Erica?"
"She went to find help" it's Jason the one to answer.
"Alright... and what... what are you doing here?" I say, with some trouble due to my injury. "Hunting witches?"
"I... I'm sorry."
That's surprising.
"I arrived here, thinking they were doing some ritual using you and..."
"He gave Lucas a black eye" Max cuts him off, glaring at him.
"Yeah... I'm really sorry."
I look at Max with a questioning look then I look back at Jason.
"And... why do you... believe us now?" I ask.
"I... I guess I couldn't believe they would make something like this to you. I saw at school how they look up to you so... this was strange, I admit. Then they explained." He explains pointing at Lucas and Max.
"Well, she explained." Lucas corrects him.
"I stole your gun" Max adds.
"That's a good way of convincing people to listen to you," I say, I try to chuckle but the pain is too much. "Fuck"
"Hey hey hey, take it easy" Max reassures me rubbing my back.
"What happened?" Lucas asks again.
"I... well... he... he started to explain... uh... that I was there, but then El sent me here with new memories for some reason, says I was to be his... his queen. Started to chase me... holding me... when he was about to..."I stop myself taking a deep (and painful) breath "El arrived."
"El?" Max and Lucas say in unison.
"Yeah... I... I don't know how exactly... but she was actually there. They started to fight... but at some point, he got me tied up and... he wanted to leave me a reminder..." and I point at my neck "next thing I know is El fighting against him and him vanishing."
"Maybe they did it" Max suggests and Lucas nods.
"The ambulance is here!" Another familiar voice, I turn seeing Andy standing there.
The basketball team is helping us... fuck, now this is crazy.
Behind him I see Erica running to us, pushing Andy aside in the process.
"They're here... is she..." she breathlessly looks at me. "Oh thank god"
I weakly wave at her.
"Can you stand up?" Max asks and I nod.
I try to push myself up, but as soon as I'm standing my legs give away and I almost fall, but Jason is quick to grab me.
"Let me help," he asks.
I nod and let him lead me outside.
I don't get to see the ambulance because as soon as we got out of the house I feel myself fainting.
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