#vedic gods
rrcraft-and-lore · 2 months
You know the Norse 9 realms perhaps. Yggdrasil, the world tree. But the idea of a world tree, cosmic tree, exists in many cultures/mythos. But what of the Vedic 14 realms? The Lokas.
Let's discuss.
As said, there are 14 worlds/realms 7 higher ones 7 lower ones.
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We're not using Terrance Howard math here.
Okay. These are the Vedic lokas (because there is a more commonly accepted number in Hinduism - nuance moment: commonly accepted, doesn't mean it's believed in totality by everyone).
K, back to the 14 first.
The higher 7 lokas are said to be the heavens, inhabited by the gods and celestial beings more affiliated/closer to "truth" - in vedic and hindu terms, this is idea of divine truth, waking up to the realizations of the universe - maya (the grand illusion), think more awakened, fully formed, wise, have achieved some form of spiritual liberation from ego and the like). And to counter - the 7 lower are often thought of as "hells" - not exactly fire and brimstone but where you suffer the consequences of bad karma, having to live out/purify yourself.
In some iterations, yes, hellish beings to use that phrase, and demons (of a like) can occupy those lower lokas.
As mentioned earlier, in Hinduism, one of the most common take on the lokas is the: Trailokya.
Or three lokas, three spheres, planes of existence, three worlds, often considered: Earth (Bhuloka), Heaven (Svarga), Hell (Naraka), or - Earth (Bhuloka), Heaven (Svarga), and the Netherworld (Patala).
This is just a primer - because of the birth of Buddhism and it's spread, the idea of lokas spread as well to cultures that later adopted Buddhism. So there is a Tibetan Buddhist take on lokas, a Chinese Buddhist one, Vietnamese, and there is even a Jainism interpretation/belief on lokas.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 7 months
I think I need to make it clear for many Vaishnav (looking especially at you, ISKON) Hindu extremists (and even many Shaivites) that ya'll can have your sects and your beliefs as Vishnu or Shiva as your supreme lords. I don't have an issue with that.
But when you try to say that this is the ONLY truth about the Vedic religion (I'm not using Hinduism here because it doesn't sum up the pantheon as much as the ''Vedic" word does, despite the term being associated with the Vedas, and yes we need to come up with a better word that comprises this entire pantheon as a whole), that's when I have a problem, because that is definitely NOT the entire pantheon.
Do not spread the beliefs of your sect as the ONLY canon belief and don't speak for the people who don't fall under this category. I have seen this in all of social media and it pains me how much of a linear pantheon this once oh-so flexible culture has become.
Yes the concept of Prajapati and the Supreme being has existed since the Vedas. But when you say that Vishnu and Shiva are somehow superior to other gods as the ONLY CANONICAL BELIEF, that just flips me off, and I'm gonna call it out.
How dare you forget the four Vedas, that had no mention of such an idea? This might tick some people off but Indra, Agni, Rudra (which later became synonymous with Shiva, but is a whole different deity), Mitra, Varuna, Vayu and a few other Gods were just as much powerful as Vishnu or Shiva, if not more. This is ANOTHER canonical truth that these extremists (again, somehow mostly Vaishnav) are denying.
Ancient pantheons weren't some linear path with just one canon event. These were their own multiverses of a plethora of VARIOUS canon events, myths and legends. So stop making the Vedic religion a linear, rigid pantheon. Remember? It's not an organized religion. There can be SEVERAL canonical truths. Like I definitely understand that a religion/culture changes overtime. It evolves. Fine. Vishnu is the supreme God now, fine. But you can't deny the history. The Vedas that didn't canonize this. Are you gonna say that these Vedas, that came BEFORE this Vishnu/Shiva being the considered the supreme lord(s), were wrong? I hope not lol.
Besides, I'm not even gonna get into ISKON. They have regarded anyone that's not Vishnu as a demigod, which is ABSOLUTELY VILE AND DISRESPECTFUL. Do they even KNOW what a demigod is??? FUCK NO. They don't. They just like to use that word to inferiorize other deities, due to their unhealthy and toxic obsession with Vishnu, who doesn't deserve it. On top of that they have claimed that worshipping such gods will not lead you to eternal peace, or that it's somehow wrong. Ah yes. Gotta love gatekeeping and toxic cult fan behavior. Call me rude but if you disrespect a GOD (yes, Indra, Mitra, Varuna and others are ALSO GODS, FYI) is WILD, and they should be called out for it. (Some Shaivites have done the same in case of Shiva, and they need to be similarly called out.)
In conclusion, worship whoever tf you want, but remember that theologically, and even historically, there can be more than one canonical story. It really depends on which sect/region you belong to. You CAN be a polytheist. Idk why Hindus these days are inadvertently trying to appeal to the monotheistic pantheons so much, to the point that they have an internal dislike for polytheism, which they're not aware of, but it shows when they speak up.
This pantheon (like every other pagan pantheon back in the day) is very broad. Remember that. And it's very flexible. So let it be like that, and stop gatekeeping it and having a war between who supreme Lord is. I'll stop my yapping here. But I hope people understand this. Cuz damn.
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marsprincess889 · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: This is based solely on my research and the patterns that I saw. I can't promise that I'm gonna be sure in all the coorelations, but I'm going to attribute each nakshatra a goddess that I think fits it the closest. If you're dissapointed, to make up for it, I'm going to list some other deities in the end that I think also fit the nakshatra. Don't come for me if you think I'm wrong, be respectful in the comments if you think so and have fun 🤍
For Bharani I chose a goddess that I love personally and while I definitely see her connection to Bharani, I still hesistated when putting her here. Not much research was needed while writing as I had already researched almost everything that I could find about her and knew tons. Without further ado, let's start.
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Pantheon: Norse
Name meaning: Lady, mistress
Associations: Love, sexuality, beauty, fate, death, war, magic, cats, gold and amber.
Symbols: Cats, swines, falcons, amber and gold, daisies, swords, romantic music, strawberries, aurora borealis(northern lights)
Freya is a strong, powerful Norse goddess of love, sex, war and death. She has a chariot pulled by gray cats, a loyal boar_ Hildisvíni, that she rides on when in battle, a cloak made of falcon feathers that allows her to shapeshift and the most beautiful piece of jewelry in the world: her necklace Brisingamen.
Her brother is Freyr (lord), god of fertility, agriculture and male virility. Her family comes from the tribe of gods called the Vanir. They're peaceful gods, connected to all civilised earthly matters. The other tribe- Aesir, are said to live in Asgard, away from them. A war broke out between the two tribes. Eventually, a peace negotiation was settled: Freya and Freyr would go to the Aesir as a gesture and would live with them. Despite being Vanir, Freya is debatably the highest standing Norse goddess, comparable in power only to Frigg- the queen of the gods. Some sources say that she taught the Aesir the magical art of seidr, the act of seeing and influencing the future.
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Unfortunately, there are not many sources available that would desctibe Freya in greater detail, and this is true for all norse gods. Despite this, some key details about her have been preserved, enough for me to coorelate her to Bharani.
Despite being a love goddess and having a husband, she's very independent, having an iron will and being particular about her preferences. Like the Greek Aphrodite and Roman Venus, her origins are associated with the sea, but in a different way. She's not born from sea, but her father is the god of the sea, oceans and commerce- Njord. Despite this venus associations, she's also a maiden goddess (not unlike Persephone) associated with death and war.
It is known that viking warriors who died in battle had the privillege of entering Valhalla- a kind of heaven presided over by Odin, the chief Norse god. While that's true for half of the warriors, the other half went with Freya in Fólkvangr, where lies her hall- Sessrúmnir. Moreover, it was Freya who had the first pick, Odin had to be content being second.
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Her husband, Odr, was frequently away. Missing him, she would cry tears that would turn gold when falling on the ground, and amber if they fell into the sea. She loved her husband, but also had untamed sexuality that was notorious. It was rare in those times as a woman to express yourself sexually and to do so with so much passion and courage, so, it's no wonder why this goddess survived as an important figure for many women.
There's a myth about Freya and her desire being so strong, it causing her pain. The desire was for a necklace made by the dwarves. It was of gold and amber and immidiately captivated her. She went to acquire it but the only price the dwarves would offer was her spending one night with each of them. Feeling like she had no choice, Freya agreed. When her husband found out about her betrayal, he left her and went to the sea. Freya cried and cried but he was nowhere to be seen. After some time, she learned he that he turned into a sea monster and went to him, still loving him unconditionally. Somebody saw the monster and killed Odr, not knowing it was him. Furious, Freya demanded a place for him with the Gods, so they could be together and she got her permit, so that they were reunited in the end.
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Freya's names and epithets: Gefn (the giver), Hörn (flaxen_reference to her hair), Mardöll (sea shaker), Sýr (sow), Valfreyja (lady of the slain).
If you read my post about Bharani, it should not be a surprise that I coorelated Freya to this nakshatra. She rules over love, sex and death, all things Bharani. When reading about Freya and Freyr being twins, Yama (Bharani's god) and his twin sister_ Yami came to mind, especially considering that Yami was said to be free and unrestrained, just like Freya. This is also true for real life Bharani natives, because Bharani is a natural place for females, women tend to find themselves comfortable in these energies while males act restrained.
Freya's desire for her necklace and it causing her problems is also very Bharani, as explored in my Bharani post. The theme of her crying because of her love and ultimately love conquering everything is also closely connected to this nakshatra.
I also avoided choosing either Aphrodite or Persephone, because they're so polarized from each other. I do think Bharani is more Persephone, but I don't think that either of them represent Bharani completely. I see Bharani as having traits of both: Ruling over love/ sexuality but also being a maiden. Freya seemed perfect. I debated whether she was better suited for Purva Phalguni or not, but the death association made Bharani the better choice.
I'm well aware that some people think that she and Frigg are the same Goddess and they're definitely similar and there's a great possibility that they originated from the same goddess. I really don't think they're the same though. To me Freya is fire, Frigg is ice, Freya's the mistress, Frigg is the wife. Freya is the maiden, Frigg is the mother, and so on...
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Deities that I attribute to Bharani other than Freya:
Persephone- Greek goddess of vegetation, spring and the underworld, "Queen of the Dead"
Bhairavi- Indian goddess, "awe-inspiring" "formidable".
Hel- Norse goddess of the dead, who's half dead, half a beautiful young girl
Inanna- Sumerian goddess very similar to Freya. Also a love/sexuality goddess and also a maiden. "Queen of the Heaven", she also decended into the underworld.
Gwenhwyfar- Queen Guinevere, Welsh goddess of sovereignity and the Earth, representing the land itself. (This one I hesitated to put but the vibes are matching, to me at least).
EDIT: So, obviously, Hades, Pluto or whatever god of death any culture has is also coorelated to Bharani, ig I forgot about them cause Bharani is so female-centered lol.
So that's it! I hope fellow Bharanis and everyone else found this entertaining and insightful. You're welcome to research all these goddesses if you wish and let me know if u think I'm right. Being my moon nakshatra, Bharani was extra pressure, but what's done is done. LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS, PLEASE 🤍
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vedicinsights · 5 days
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When Rahu or Ketu is placed in Aquarius in the 5th or 9th house, and the Rahu or Ketu Mahadasha is in effect, the native’s belief system or morals may undergo significant changes. This is because the nodes are unconventional planets, and Aquarius is a revolutionary and eccentric sign, causing these planets to behave unusually in this position. The 5th house represents our belief system, while the 9th house signifies morals and higher learning.
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saviourmachine23 · 7 months
The One Piece characters as their VEDIC ASTROLOGY SIGNS THO!!!
Luffy - Aries
Zoro - Libra
Sanji - Aquarius
Nami - Gemini
Robin - Capricorn
Chopper - Sagittarius
Usopp - Pisces
Brook - Pisces
Jimbei - Pisces
Franky - Aquarius
Law - Virgo
It just makes more sense to me idk why.
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lilmeawmeawblog · 1 year
"Work alone is your privilege, never the fruits thereof. Never let the fruits of action be your motive; and never cease to work. Work in the name of the Lord, abandoning selfish desires. Be not affected by success or failure. This equipoise is called Yoga"
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--- Bhagavad Gita
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cleapallea · 2 months
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I am planning to learn Vedic astrology once I have enough knowledge of Western astrology, and since this is a lifetime learning experience, I know I need equal effort, hard work, and time. While they say people with good analysis, memorization of functions, rules, etc., and knowledge of mathematical and calculation aspects are likely to learn about it,  I have no problem with that, except for one thing: sometimes I give up when I see there is no purpose at all. So, thanks to God, please lend me the strength to continue this thing.
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tara-girl · 9 months
A Tale of Curse on Astrology Knowledge and Astrologers
When God Shiva and Goddess Parvati decided to marry. All gods came to bless the couple, except Saturn 🪐.
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Now, Goddess Parvati was offended by absence of Saturn and told God Shiva this action of Saturn is disrespectful and he should at once come and amend this mistake. God Shiva knew well that by not coming to the wedding, Saturn has in-fact done the couple a favour.
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But Goddess Parvati was adamant, she insisted "No, Saturn must come and give blessing to the couple".
Immediately, receiving command from the Shakti i.e Goddess Parvati , Saturn appeared at the wedding and put his gaze on Great Shiva. Well, Saturn is all about experience. Whenever Saturn sets its gaze, it sets you to experience and act in a way what you actually are. As Lord Shiva is pure consciousness in itself. He immediately experienced his pure consciousness nature and went into Samadhi.
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Shiva stayed in Samadhi for 7 and 1/2 (7.5) years. Goddess Parvati was angry over the situation, she has to remain alone in this duration.
Aggravated over this, She cursed Astrology that there will not be any person who will learn this knowledge 100% accurate, there will always be an intuition attached with it. She also cursed that those make their livings by Astrology that they would always be miserable beggars.
I would like to end this post with the suggestion that don't fret too much over it, in god's curses there is always a hidden blessing.
Om Namah Shivay 🙏🏻
Comment, let me know your views on this.
Source of the Story: Aghora III: The Law of Karma
Pic credit: Google
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sanskriticollection · 20 days
Hello friends 👋
Today it's Bail Pola
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On this day, we celebrate a festival dedicated to the bulls and oxen 🐂 by being thankful for their contributions to agricultural fields.
On this day, bulls are given bath from their horn to the tails. Then their horns are colored. After which, the rope in their neck are replaced with Decorative bells.
Bulls are given rest on this day and they are worshipped.
And So, Happy Bail Pola to you all ☺ 🐂
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moonlightserenities · 7 months
Atma Karaka
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The meaning of Atma-Karaka is soul-signification and relates to the planet with the highest degree in any sign of the sidereal zodiac.
Each planet is a karaka or signification of certain matters, which in the chart has a powerful influence. The planet is known as the Atma-karaka or soul signification in this life. It is the signification of the higher self on an inner level and is the underlying reason why we attracted to specific influences and its dependence on it.
The Planets main function in sign and house reveals the necessities to bring those planetary seeds and fertile grounds into the infrastructure and fruits, of what truly is needed to happen in the individual person as the process of the soul evolutional development.
 If Mercury for example is the highest degree in a chart, communication, writing and learning are the evolutional faculties.
If Venus has the highest degree in the chart, it will declare that the impact of creativity through art or music is not anymore just a reflection of the artist mood and adoration, but needing to come to a sound faculty of therapeutic or healing abilities.
In the Vedic literature, it states that the soul of God (Brahman) appears as Atma (soul) in the individual body of a person. Kosas are considered as the layers of life and act like layers of an onion with the reality of ‘Atma’ buried in the centre of the onion, so that by peeling away the layers of kosas with devotion, which is merging with the central core, Atma will results in once true liberation.
People identify themselves with obscuring the Brahman with the ego or layers of shadows. The psyche and shadow refers to the forces in an individual that influence behavior, thought and personality and represents the conscious mind; the personal unconscious contains memories including those that have been suppressed; the collective unconscious is a collection of psychological inheritance containing all the knowledge and experience we share.
Atmakaraka and the Moon are very sensitive and need to be analyzed very carefully, if for example the atmakaraka (soul signification) happens to be posited in the house of children (5th) with the Moon, the child is deprived of mother’s milk.
In conjunction with the nodes Rahu or Ketu it some tragic circumstance, will be the story in once life.
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rrcraft-and-lore · 4 months
The Monkey King - Sun Wukong who first appears in Chinese stories (Journey to the West) during the Ming Dynasty period 1368 to 1644 CE, well after the introduction of Buddhism to China in about 206-220 CE.
But, was he inspired by another Monkey hero/character of myth?
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The prevailing and dominant theory among Asian scholars is ...yeah, likely.
That character, Hanuman, king of the monkeys (the monkey people -Vanaras- of Vedic myth!).
The story follows a Buddhist monk who is accompanied by Sun Wukong and others to travel west to India to obtain sacred Buddhist sutras. Many of their powers and personality traits are similar as well.
We know that Vedic god such as Indra have made their way as far as Japan to take root and be worshipped because of the spread of Buddhism.
As I've talked about before and is shown in texts such as the journey's of Ibn Battuta / Ibn Fadlan, storytelling was a weapon and powerful tool for idea transfer--propagation. Philosophy was huge in the old world - and places such as Nalanda - the first residential university in the world - invited scholars from all over such as Greeks from the west, and the Japanese. Buddhism became a vehicle for trading things such as: martial arts information, medicine, sciences, and of course, myths and stories.
However, as with stories, people usually altered/coopted elements and molded them to better suit their cultures and fancy. That's a thing as old as time. I've shared how the panchatantra stories and jatka tales are thought to be the inspiration for nearly 30-50 percent of all nursery rhymes, ballads, "fairy tales".
Anyways back to this theory - Chinese Indologist Professor Liu Anwu of Peking University has dedicated chapters to the comparisons (in one of his works) to further break down this theory focusing on consistent and or similar depictions of beats in Journey to the West that of Rama's story in Ramayama and the Buddhist sutras.
Even though today the story of Sun Wukong is a wholly Chinese story - it's important to note the power of oral storytelling and how it travelled evolved over thousands of years, and, just as important, the vehicles it used to do so. Not just storytellers and philosophers and travelers but religion! Philosophy!
This is a theme heavily commented on and shown in Tales of Tremaine, which is my love letter and sort of self PhD. in comparative storytelling, mythology, and story foundry through an Asiatic lens (hence a silk road analog) stretching along a similar route the silk road did from damn near as far as you can east (complete with the oceanic routes) to as west as old venezia, portugal, and spain.
Also note: this is the most popular theory atm, but the operative word is theory. Experts likely far better than you, Internet, so chill before you comment, are still debating this. I know last week some of you were doctors in sociopolitical relations, the music industry before that, and then you were leading virologists before that. Spare us simpler folks from your mighty genius just now and sit down.
The point here is the beauty of stories and their ability to travel and morph and comment on themes/points ideologies important to cultures while being entertaining and showing that humans like certain universal moments, beats, archetypes, tropes, and progressions in tales.
Now, is that because we've naturally been predisposed liking them, or the opposite in that everyone went, yo, i dig this, took it home and someone else went, this is cool but needs to be more US (insert culture) and retold it. And thus...timemachine noises speed up. Here we are today?
You might not know that about 35,000 Chinese words ( I said this instead of Mandarin because they don't just show up in one language) are derived from Sanskrit as well as Pali (a Middle Indo-Aryan Liturgical Language -- meaning language of sacredness/religious use, in this case connected to sacred Buddhist texts). It is important to make the distinction, because, Internet!
Sanskrit did not SHAPE the Chinese languages. They evolved on their own. This is just a commentary on how words/stories shaped over travel in this case strongly through the spread of Buddhism.
Religion was the mover.
Back from quick bathroom break. Going to add again - INSPIRED is the keyword here.
Sun Wukong is his own mythos/character. Influence doesn't nor can claim dominion over everything in a later tale. Sun Wukong has gone on himself to inspire legends and characters Outside of China - re: most famously and legendary?
Son Goku - who is openly a Sun Wukong inspired character.
...hell, tbh, he might be the most famous monkey inspired super powered character now. Dude makes soccer stadiums air his fights. @_@.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 11 months
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And they were roommates-
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nogetron · 10 months
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Indra, the Hindu god of lightning. In vedic mythology Indra was the king of the gods, considered to be the most influential among them. Born from the divine union between the skyfather Dyāus and the earthmother Prithvi, Indra’s rivalry with his father reached a fever pitch as when Indra learned of Dyāus assaulting his sister, Indra ripped Dyāus down from the skies and killed him in a righteous fury, ending the sky god. However the most famous of Indra’s rivalries was with the dark god Vritra. After Vritra stole and imprisoned all the water on earth, Indra confronted the serpent in battle. Their duel ended with Indra striking down Vritra.
Indra is one of the many examples of the Indo-European thunderer, overturning Varuna as the chief god. Much of Vedic mythology closely resembles Proto-indo-european myth, with Indra the thunderer, Dyāus the skyfather, and Prithvi the earthmother. However in modern Hinduism Indra’s position as the king of the devas has become less important with the oncoming of the trimutri. Despite this Indra still holds a significant place in the hearts of many Hindus as a great hero.
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sixthwater · 11 months
“They think they’re this sign but that’s only because tropical is so popular, they’re ACTUALLY-“
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jitendras-stuff · 4 months
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anshukanchan · 4 months
#vedas #vedic #vedicastrology #vedicastrologer #vedicknowledge #sanatandharma #bhagavadgita #वेद #शास्त्र #scripture #lotus #incarnation
#KabirParmatma_Prakat Diwas
#KabirPrakatDiwas #KabirisGod #kabir #god #GodKabirPrakatDiwas
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