#veep season six
emmanelson · 1 year
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Community as some of my favorite Veep quotes part one
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stewy · 2 months
nooo don't flanderize your characters you're such a good show haha
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mariacallous · 2 months
Jake Tapper looked as flummoxed as everyone else. After a week spent trying to figure out the whys and hows of the assassination attempt against former US president Donald Trump, the CNN anchor was now facing something far more perplexing: why a British pop singer was calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “brat.” As his panel on The Lead tried to explain, he eventually put it together: We’re all brat. “I will aspire to be brat,” Tapper concluded.
So say we all, apparently.
What’s happened in the week since President Joe Biden announced he would not be seeking reelection and tapped his veep, Harris, as his pick for the nomination, the meme-ification of the presidential election in the US has gone from a cautious yellow to a neon, slimelike “Let’s go” green.
Shortly after Biden made his announcement on Sunday, British pop star Charli XCX posted on X that “kamala IS brat” and solidified something that had been percolating for weeks. The internet that had seemed to either feel “meh” about Biden or had been spending its time on the Trump Train or spinning up conspiracies suddenly snapped to attention. The Harris HQ Instagram account embraced the meme. Gays on Fire Island had “Kamala” shirts in the Brat album cover’s lime green before sundown on Sunday.
Brat Summer, though, extends beyond this moment. Like Hot Girl Summer, the meme that sprung up in 2019 around Megan Thee Stallion’s song of the same name, Brat Summer has moved past Charli XCX’s album Brat to become an embodiment of the vibe of the season in 2024. For Charli, it’s about—and this is what Tapper was trying to understand—being a little messy, a little volatile, a little vulnerable. But also honest. It’s about crying in the club, but also about crying over the state of the world in a ridiculous outfit with the top down. It is, in its way, anti-defeatist.
This is the idea of Brat Summer that has been at the edges since Brat dropped in mid-June, and it was woven into the politics of 2024 weeks before Biden announced he was out of the running. Ryan Long, a 22-year-old college student, made a fancam of Harris’ now infamous “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” remarks overlaid with the green Brat cover back in early July. It now has more than 4 million views on X and landed Long in TechCrunch, which quoted him as saying “because of her Venn diagrams quote, Kamala goes viral on gay Twitter every couple of months. She has turned into this, like, psuedo-gay icon.”
Because this can make heads spin in the over-40 crowd (see above), the internet has since been inundated with stories on how Harris’ campaign is embracing the memes and explaining, Hey, this Brat thing is far more introspective than you might expect. All of this is valuable reader service for anyone who might think introspection wasn’t possible in pop music and/or anyone who had never heard Robyn.
Brat Summer, though, is about more than Charli’s idea of brat. Skip past the fancams and Venn diagrams and you’ll remember that Brat broke out in a year saturated with female pop stars. Sabrina Carpenter has everyone singing “Espresso.” Chappell Roan got so big in the last six months that her concert crowds now spill over into adjacent gas stations. After telling the crowd at this summer’s Gov Ball that she turned down an opportunity to play a Pride event at the White House, the Harris campaign is using Roan’s song “Femininominon” as a rallying cry on TikTok. Harris sits atop Beyoncé’s Renaissance horse in one meme, and rumor has it that Queen Bey has given the veep permission to use her song “Freedom” on the campaign trail.
But in five or 10 years, when this week in Brat Summer is remembered, these individual memes may not come to mind. Instead, it’ll be seen as the time when something broke open. When the vibe on the internet shifted from conspiracy theories and chatter about Silicon Valley bigwigs getting behind Trump to one of pure energy. Conspiracy theories still abound, but so do a bunch of activated Swifties. Under different circumstances this week’s memes would’ve been about Deadpool & Wolverine, or Comic-Con International, or, hell, the Summer Olympics. Instead, social media feeds are awash in a sea of green.
None of this, of course, is a sign that Harris has the youth vote locked, or has reclaimed an internet constituency that had grown bored with Biden. Embracing the memes doesn’t always work—just ask the UK’s Labour party. In the irony-pilled, burned out internet of 2024, the embrace of a little bit of attitude feels like a release valve opening. It could all fizzle out by fall (and backlash already feels like it’s brewing), but this week brat burned bright.
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alicepao13 · 5 months
Hudson and Rex S06E15
So, as I’m sure a lot of people have already figured out, we just watched the intended season finale. CityTV, you better hope I never get to cross that ocean. I mean, every season finale aside from the two where Peter Mitchell was in charge (coincidence?) were run of the mill episodes which could have fit anywhere in the season. Maybe it will be fitting for this season to start and end with viewers wondering what they watched. But I’m getting ahead of myself here and I might be wrong. Let’s focus on 15 which may very well be the best episode of the season for me, probably tied with S06E04.
The spoiled scene with Charlie and Sarah’s mentioned anniversary. Rex totally wants to stay with Jesse after their “celebration”. I’m trying to figure whether Jesse is pretending to be naive or is actually being naive about it. Or if the whole response is the writers being unable to outright say that Charlie and Sarah really spent their anniversary having sex all night.
Speaking of, two years, Charlie Hudson? What are you waiting for, an epiphany to hit you in the head? Oh, wait.
What do you mean, we didn’t save the day? There’s a dead woman? Huh? 
Nice bomb explosion by the way.
“My bosses are gonna hate this but tell me more”. lol Jesse
How did we end up as security detail for the woman who might become prime minister?
Look, I like when there’s a case where they’re toying with supernatural elements. That’s why I loved Castle so much. And Jesse is always eager to believe. Charlie on the other hand looks like he’s got tons to say on the subject. Rex too. Apparently he doesn’t believe in time travel either.
Any so called time traveler should come back to the present with the numbers for the lottery. That would be ample proof for me :P
Can I say how much I like the camera work on this one? Good directing by John Vatcher.
Rex is getting so many pats in this episode. Deserved.
This campaign manager is on par with the Veep campaign managers. And by that I mean he’s ruthless and self-centered and I want to punch him.
That food now possibly has dog hair in it.
I come from a country where it’s pretty normal to put a musical montage right in the middle of an episode (even a dance number), so I’m not going to say anything about the needless song.
Thunk! There goes Charlie. Again. I’ll spare y’all the concussion speech. Besides, time moves in mysterious ways in this show, maybe it’s already been six months since episode 11.
Seriously, why do you tell Rex to chase a lead if you can’t survive being ten feet away from him?
I can’t remember the last time any of my shows put a bomb vest on one of the main characters. The latest that I remember was FBI but it was on a minor character. That had been a great episode too.
I haven’t yet decided whether that bomb vest looks too amateurish. To be fair, given who the culprit was, it shouldn’t look professional.
Sarah finding Charlie as he has a bomb vest on is like, the best thing that has happened lately on this show. Her look. His look as he realizes that he’s got his entire family now in this (and the mantra of no, no, no that must be playing in his head, I’m filling the blanks, don’t mind me). The slight zooming in of the camera in both of their shots, denoting the direness of the situation.
I was almost waiting for Charlie to say “this isn’t as enjoyable as it was last night” as Sarah was touching him while she’s checking the bomb vest. It writes itself, come on.
In my last review post I wrote that I was hoping the earphones would serve for Charlie to call Sarah and tell her goodbye or something like that. This certainly exceeded my expectations.
We’re a bit late for love confessions under duress but when Charlie was asked about whether Sarah was his wife and he replied “Not yet”, that was a nice moment. At least we know where his head is at.
Their silent communication. They’re so in sync.
Elsewhere, Joe and Jesse are quietly trying to figure out a way to save innocent people and somehow not get their friend blown up.
Superintendent Joe Donovan making airplane noises. I laughed so much.
They are holding hands as they’re walking to their doom! Oh, by the way, interesting music choice. I wonder if it’s score created for the show or non-original music. I’ve certainly not heard it before on the show.
Goodbye kiss! I love it here. And look at the shot of Charlie and Rex leaving as Sarah is staying behind.
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Me: no way it’s the convict. Five minutes later: it’s the fucking convict!!! Ten minutes later: it’s not the convict???
Ha, Charlie using the mute button which is pretty convenient but almost no one uses on calls. 
Okay, they fooled me with the bomber. But the takedown went pretty much as I expected. Nice communication with Rex through hand signals, again. Although the detonator flying off the lady’s hand… anything could have happened.
Rex’s influence to the system will be more K9s lol. They may also have ensured unlimited funding for the SJPD.
Can the time traveling guy tell us if Charlie is going to propose anytime soon? Or is the “not yet” considered a non-proposal proposal?
This is the first time I’m hearing about the so called Alice in wonderland syndrome.
“Everybody needs a Rex”. Ah, yes. Our catchphrase.
Charlie, put the phone down. When is that man clocking out? Who’s going to make sure Rex is getting adequate rest? I need to talk to his superior. Joe!
Well, I kept saying that I wanted Charlie and Sarah to be in danger again together since they hadn’t after they had become a couple, and I got my wish, thank you, show. We could have had an aftermath scene with them but I’m not going to complain about it in an otherwise good episode.
Promo: I’m beyond frustrated that they keep shuffling the episodes and they wouldn’t even give it a rest when they got the season finale or the 100th episode on their hands. Today’s (yesterday’s) episode would have been a better 100th episode than The Rookie’s for sure (which is embarrassing for The Rookie). But instead we get to watch it as episode 99 and have a run of the mill case for the 100th, which, unless it ends up in a huge celebration scene, is going to fall flat. We basically end off exactly as we started, expect I now know this is 100% CityTV’s fault.
Speaking of, is CityTV even going to acknowledge that it’s the 100th episode? Is anyone? I’m obviously not expecting the magnitude of promotion ABC gave The Rookie or 911 this season (and that was a lot) but something that shows they’re not completely neglecting Hudson and Rex. It doesn’t seem like we’re getting renewal news anytime soon, so I’d settle for them celebrating the episodes they already filmed. There are quite a few production companies involved too, this does not only fall on CityTV. If Shaftesbury wants to celebrate this milestone, I won’t say no.
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lies · 1 year
The Diplomat: Predictions for S2 (and S3)
Heavy spoilers for season 1 after the cut. Also, brief mention of some leaked photos from season 2 filming that contain a significant season 2 spoiler.
Unless otherwise noted, this is all just me speculating based on rewatching season 1 of The Diplomat multiple times, because I love it. I don't actually know anything.
As I mentioned in a previous post, Ronnie is dead from the Grove car bombing. I loved Ronnie's character, and would have loved to see them in season 2. But at this point they do more for the story dead than alive. sigh
As also previously mentioned, Hal and Stuart are alive but injured. This is partially confirmed by recent leaked photos from the Season 2 production, which show Kate and Hal leaving an event with a bunch of people dressed in black (Ronnie's funeral/memorial?) with Hal having visible injuries to his face but looking otherwise okay.
No sign of Stuart in those photos, though. Stuart was a few feet closer to the blast than Hal was, going by the freeze-frame of the car bombing effects shot. So it would make sense for him to have been hurt worse than Hal. I think he's alive, though. Debora Cahn & Co. know what they're doing, and Stuart is a top-tier part of what makes the show great. No way they'd kill him off.
The Grace Penn thing will blow up and Kate will be named to replace her relatively early in S2. I'm basing this on my sense that the show is going to have a three-season structure where S1 = Kate as UK ambassador, S2 = Kate as Veep, and S3 = Kate as President. I'll talk about the presidency part below, but in terms of veep it would be anticlimatic at this point not to have the Grace Penn thing happen soon. They've established that it will happen, that it could happen at any time, and that it is likely to happen in the next six months. Having it happen any later than 6 months would feel like a bait and switch. Having it happen in 6 months would feel flat. We want to see Kate thrown into the deep end. That's what they did in S1, and they're going to keep doing it in S2. They'll raise the stakes, and having Kate thrust into the vice presidency does that.
So Kate will go to DC. Stuart will go with her. Hal might go with her, but he might also be pressed into service as Kate's replacement for ambassador to the UK. This means a few things: a) It keeps Mrs. Munning, Pensy, and Winfield House in the show, yay! I mean, I can imagine scenarios in which they have Pensy and Mrs. Munning go to DC with Kate, but those don't really pass the smell test. b) It keeps Dennison in the show, which obviously needs to happen. c) It means Sec of State Gannon is out, since Gannon hates Hal and Rayburn promised Gannon he'd never hire Hal again. So push will come to shove, and I'm sorry, Gannon, but you don't have Hal's plot armor. So Gannon goes, though he could still show up as a Rayburn rival, and a S3 Kate rival, assuming she does ascend to the presidency and we see her subsequent election campaign in the second half of S3, which I think is likely.
Eidra goes to DC. It's a positive career move for her (assuming she gets a sufficiently high-powered role), and Kate's going to want her around. With Kate's newfound sway as a vice president taking the lead on foreign policy, she's going to want a trusted ally at the CIA. So more Stuart+Eidra relationship, yay!
Again on the subject of major players we will not be losing, Trowbridge (at least for a time) will continue as Prime Minister. There will be lots of fun intrigue in S2 about Kate and Dennison looking for evidence to tie him to Lenkov.
It makes me sad to predict it, but Rayburn is definitely going to die at or around the end of S2. They've telegraphed it enough times ("My cardiologist is sure I'm gonna die on his watch", "Just knock off that 'I resign' shit. It really pisses me off. I don't have that kind of time."), and again, how do they raise the stakes? Rayburn's heart is Chekhov's gun, and it absolutely is going off around the S2/S3 transition. (Unless they try to do a slow-burn and stretch it out for more seasons. But this is a Netflix show. If they're not planning for three-and-out they're not paying attention. And again, Cahn & Co. obviously know what they're doing.)
When they finally get the goods on Trowbridge, he'll be out as PM and Dennison will take his place. So the long-distance Special Relationship will continue and escalate in S3. It is to swoon. 🙂
I think that's it for specific predictions. In general I think the show's main dramatic arc will continue to be Kate gaining influence by convincing people of her abilities. This will happen through her “catching fire” as VP in S2, as Billie hopes, and then as President in S3, such that we'll recapitulate Stuart's journey from "it sounded delusional" to "then I met you and it sounded, frankly, more delusional" to "but now I'm getting the idea." Except now it will be everyone in the world going through that same process.
A lot of these predictions, maybe most of them, will turn out to be wrong. But I know the show will continue to be amazing: superbly written, cast, acted, and produced. I can't wait to see it.
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nimuetheseawitch · 6 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @hero-in-waiting
Last song I listened to: Thrift Shop. For the aesthetics. You know why.
Currently watching: My partner and I are currently rewatching Mad Men and watching Bob's Burgers for the first time. We also have a ton of shows on hold, like Doctor Who and Veep and our constant Stargate rewatch. I am currently rewatching Killjoys, mostly for gif reasons. Also occasionally watching The X-Files or rewatching The Good Place. Oh, and I'm rewatching Bomb Girls with some friends.
Currently obsessed with: Top Gun. So much Top Gun. We've passed the six month mark and are still going strong. More recently, Stardew Valley. And The Magnus Archives (I'm on Season 3!). Also, the trillium that's blooming in the forest behind my house.
No pressure: @marley-manson, @aberwolf, @massharp1971, and anyone who wants to, feel free to tag me so I see it and know more about what's going on with you :)
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"Slow Horses,” Apple's TV highly acclaimed espionage drama returns for season three.
#GaryOldman returns to lead the Slough House team for a third season of #AppleTVPlus's #SlowHorses.
Slow Horses is a darkly humorous espionage drama that follows a dysfunctional team of British intelligence agents who serve in a dumping ground department of MI5 known un-affectionately as Slough House.
Slough House is an administrative purgatory for MI5 service rejects who have bungled their job but have not been sacked. Those consigned there are known as "slow horses”
In season three, a romantic liaison in Istanbul threatens to expose a buried MI5 secret in London. When Jackson Lamb and his team of misfits are dragged into the fight, they find themselves caught in a conspiracy that threatens the future not just of Slough House but of MI5 itself.
Oldman stars as Jackson Lamb, the brilliant but misanthropic leader of the spies, who end up in Slough House due to their career-ending mistakes as they frequently find themselves blundering around the smoke and mirrors of the espionage world.
The ensemble cast also includes Kristin Scott Thomas, Jack Lowden, Saskia Reeves, Rosalind Eleazar, Christopher Chung, Freddie Fox, Chris Reilly, Samuel West, Sophie Okonedo, Aimee-Ffion Edwards, Kadiff Kirwan and Jonathan Pryce.
Ṣọpẹ́ Dìrísù joins the season three cast as Sean Donovan, the former head of security at the British embassy in Istanbul, along with Katherine Waterston who plays Alison Dunn, an MI5 agent who uncovers a dark secret at the heart of the agency.
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Adapted from Real Tigers, the third novel in the Mick Herron spy series, the six-episode third season of Slow Horses season three will begin streaming via Apple TV+ on Wednesday 29th November.
Slow Horses is produced for Apple TV+ by See-Saw Films and adapted for television by Will Smith (Veep).
Jamie Laurenson, Hakan Kousetta, lain Canning, Emile Sherman, Douglas Urbanski, Gail Mutrux, Will Smith, Jane Robertson and Graham Yost are executive producers on the series. Season three is directed by Saul Metzstein.
Apple TV+ previously announced a fourth season is set to be adapted from the fourth novel, Spook Street.
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#SlowHorses #espionagedrama #SloughHouse #Britishintelligence #agents #MI5 #AppleTV #JacksonLamb
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jacketrepresents · 10 months
i have been Tagged by @dare-g - thanks :D
last song i listened to: nick cave’s performance of a rainy night in soho at shane macgowan’s funeral
last movie i watched: the talented mr. ripley - what a picture! for some reason i didn’t think i would like it at first, on some level i am suspicious of matt damon even though by now i’ve really liked him in a few things. and i was totally wrong, very cool movie. in a way…. we are all the talented mr. ripley #godbless
currently watching: six feet under with my mom, we always have some network tv show we’re working on, usually one she wants to revisit that i’ve never seen before. this one isn’t really my thing but that’s life. frances conroy slays though & my late uncle plays a homophobic deacon in a couple episodes, i always love seeing him pop up in things :)
other things i’ve watched this year: oh god, so much. as far as tv goes, my favorites have been peep show, veep, succession season 4 (the prior two are both succession writers’ projects as well lol) and a rewatch of (most of) search party. vis à vis movies… oh man. i’ll do an end of year list soon (the year is ending soon????) because there have been so many i’ve absolutely loved
currently reading: well. not much. :/ though for some reason the past few years i’ve found that i’m able to focus on reading better when i’m away from this house (who knows what’s going on there) so hopefully i can get a book or two in when i’m dog sitting in a couple weeks, fingers crossed!
currently listening to: i have been in screamales mode since the breakup a couple days ago
currently working on: a final paper about nēhiyawēwin, the Plains Cree language, which has been very interesting to learn about
current obsession: an end to western hegemony within our lifetime
i never know whether to tag or not to tag with these things so feel free to do it or not!!! but here goes @wickedbitchin @digital-bitch @dinosaurbitingyoubitingyou @unrealityofhere @gaspard-de-la-nuit @polarorangedry @lesbianjonimitchell @lamplightjuniper @multisockdrifting @indominusalex
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buzzdixonwriter · 2 years
Movies You Don’t Think Of As Christmas Movies (revised and updated for 2022)
Yeah, yeah, It's A Wonderful White Christmas Carol Story On 34th Street instantly springs to mind whenever somebody says "Christmas Movie" but here are a few you should give thought to as alternative programming for the season.
 L.A. Confidential
 The movie opens with a renegade LA cop going through his naughty list then spreading a little holiday cheer in a liquor store before answering the musical question, “Does the LAPD knows how to throw a Christmas party or what?”
 Die Hard / Lethal Weapon / Gremlins
 Oh, yeah, like you didn’t see these coming…
 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
 The only James Bond movie with a Christmas song.
 Hell’s Heroes
 Hell's Heroes is the first sound version of The Three Godfathers, most famously filmed in 1948 with John Wayne.  Based on the novel by Peter B. Kyne, Three Godfathers has been filmed officially six times (2 silent versions, 3 talkies, 1 TV movie) and unofficially more than can be counted (see below).  Hell's Heroes is my favorite take on the tale, a story of three doomed desperadoes who sacrifice themselves to bring an infant to safety across the trackless desert. 
 Tokyo Godfathers
 So how in the world does a novel set in the American West translate into an animated feature set in 21st century Tokyo?  Very well, thank you.  The time and setting and characters have changed but it remains essentially the same story:  The desperate, the doomed, and the damned prove their humanity by saving an infant on Christmas Eve.  Highly recommended.
 The Junky’s Christmas
 Now, I know what you're thinking: You're thinking "Buzz has finally lost his pea-pickin' mind.  A story about a petty criminal drug addict trying to score a fix is his idea of a Christmas story?!?!?"
As a failed veep candidate would say:  "Hew betcha."  'Cuz The Junky's Christmas is William S. Burrough's meditation on the act of compassion even when it runs contrary to one's own self-interest.  It's the story of a jonesin' user who has the choice of feeding his addiction or helping a total stranger who needs his fix even more than he does.  Read the original short story, then watch the marvelous animated puppet film.
 Christmas On Mars
 No, this is the film where I finally lose my pea-pickin' mind.  Christmas On Mars is an indie sci-fi feature by the Oklahoma alt rock band, The Flaming Lips.  It's a clever, well made, intelligent, thoughtful, and ultimately uplifting tale of human colonists on Mars just trying to get through their daily routines without collapsing into despair and depression.
I recommend Christmas On Mars highly, but if you are among my many friends who are easily offended (and remember, if I think something might be a little iffy you can guess how far on beyond zebra it must be) take heed:  The aliens are modeled on something that's incredibly NSFW.  Santa Claus Conquers The Martiansthis ain't...
 A story of two transgender Hollywood street hustlers on Christmas Eve, with everything you could want in a holiday film:  Inventively obscene language, rampant prostitution, startling displays of nudity, and horrifying-yet-hilarious street violence.
And compassion.
And loyalty.
And love.
For several characters, their Christmas ends in heartbreaking despair brought about by their own weaknesses and failings, yet in the end Tangerine focuses on the two hustlers mutual support providing them joy and peace that none of the others can know.
 © Buzz Dixon
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mklopez · 4 months
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tvsotherworlds · 4 months
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beanoa · 1 year
hello I have not had a show give me brain worms in far too long I am taking requests but since there are Too Many Shows I have some ideal criteria:
- a backlog. I am not looking to watch another great first season. Three seasons at least, and if you can point me in the direction of something with seven seasons of 22 episodes each, I will kiss you on the forehead.
- a great couple. I have given up pretending I am not a romantic, almost all of my favorite favorite shows have a couple that I am rooting for. Bonus points if they don’t get together until season 4 or 5. I will hear arguments for shows that don’t have great couples if you can convince me the show is better than black sails or the expanse (which both have great couples but the couples weren’t WHY I was watching the show, you know?)
- it’s good. It can be buffy-style-good (aka campy) or barry-style-good (aka prestige) but I am not looking for a laundry show. I have legends of tomorrow and supernatural and you to watch while I do other things. This is a show to watch watch. I will “push through” up to six episodes if it has a rocky start but I don’t want to push thru full seasons. Ideally if it’s old school episodic it has some overarching theme (again buffy is our gold standard) but I don’t mind purely episodic!!! (I should also catch up on Barry)
Bonus points if it is gay, scifi/fantasy, and/or objectively horny.
Some additional info, I have started and NOT been sucked in by these beloved classics (I am willing to hear the case for them!!! I admit I may have been in the wrong mood!!! Most of these were years ago!! I didn’t get sucked into veep the first time I started it!!!!) - sopranos, west wing, xfiles, breaking bad.
I also don’t ever really get into animated shows or anything that is completely bleak or humorless.
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safflowerseason · 2 years
Love BMTL, you're a brilliant fic writer <3. In the BMTL world how did Amy tell Dan she was pregnant with Cassie? Was he the first person she told once she knew? What was his immediate reaction?
Hi! BMTL actually takes into account seasons 1-6 of Veep--I started the fic during the hiatus between seasons 6 and 7--so the scene at the end of the S6 finale is part of BMTL-Dan-and-Amy's history. A lot about that scene doesn't make sense in the context of S7, considering how drastically the show rebooted itself and ended up treating Amy's pregnancy. There's also quite a bit of...distance between the Dan in that scene (and S6 more generally) and the Dan in BMTL. S6 Dan, with his jokes about Amy not having a vagina and only having sex once a year (a line that originally written into the pregnancy reveal scene), doesn't really resemble BMTL-Dan, who watches The Lion King with his daughter and begrudgingly babysits Sophie's kids. But I've always felt (and hoped) that the characters in BMTL resemble more their Iannucci versions, especially Dan.
I do have the "prequel" to BMTL vaguely sketched out in my brain, basically the alternate-universe version to Veep S7 and Selina's last presidential campaign...it's safe to say that while Dan's immediate "fuck, I thought everything was starting to turn around" reaction to Amy's pregnancy exists in both universes, his behavior (and Amy's) in the weeks and months after is significantly different. I think a lot of viewers' issues with the Dan/Amy abortion storyline had less to do with the fact of the abortion and more to do with the fact that both characters (but especially Dan) were written to act in ways that literally make no sense, even with the heightened Arrested Development vibe that the show was going for in that last season. In contrast, the BMTL equivalent of Veep S7 would see Dan and Amy dealing with the pregnancy in a way that actually makes sense for two human beings with a complicated emotional relationship and who don't like talking or thinking about feelings. They struggle to figure out what they mean to each other, what they want from each other, and how the impending baby will or will not change their relationship. As suggested by the S6 scene as written, Amy is especially preoccupied with trying to keep Dan at a safe distance, while Dan has grasped the magnitude of what's about to change in their lives but isn't quite sure what he wants to do about it. It's definitely still a messy and really rough, intense time for both Dan and Amy, with a lot of horrible fights, just without the twisted emotional abuse of S7.
Thanks so much for the BMTL question! They provide inspiration to get started on the next chapter 😉
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bcs + veep
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swingingmetothemoon · 4 years
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Out of all the episodes I've seen so far, this is the one that really makes you feel for Selina.
Like she just got kicked off the white house and couldn't run again until four years passed. Litterally her helicopter had to land for gas or something so close to where she started flying it's kinda embarrassing just to watch it.
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