#vegan fta
janebdean-blog · 5 months
“Often, when people say, “I could never go vegan” so emphatically with such narrow-mindedness they mean “I don’t want to go vegan now, and I hope I never change my mind on that”. This is not the thought of a confident person who has reflected on the merits of all philosophies and eventually has chosen the better-fitting one, but the thought of an insecure person with a fear of change. That is precisely the type of person who would benefit from a friendly conversation with a vegan outreacher, so it may be worth not giving up so soon.”
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mewinabubble · 2 years
Every year a #vegan family member gets left out, silenced, belittled, interrogated, shunned, bullied, and forgotten for #thanksgiving 🦃 ask yourself what is more important: family or dead animals? You can celebrate the holiday without supporting animal abuse... But can you really celebrate knowing someone in your family is depressed, and alone just because they decided to stick to their morals? If you have a vegan in your family consider showing them how much you love them ( if you even do) by having a vegan holiday this year. Holidays are so important to have a break from all the stress in the year... and for a vegan, that stress comes 24/7. Around the holidays, it's even worse. If you love your vegan daughter, if you love your vegan son, your vegan grandchild, or your vegan mother or father... Please show them that you see them, you see their pain, you see what they stand for, and you see how hard they're trying to make this world a better place. Don't be the reason they fight battles... Be #family. #mewinabubble #art #selflove #holidays #christmas #veganart #artofcompassionproject #veganthanksgiving #turkey #meatlover #anime #love
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briansfancies · 2 years
These people are open to changing. Turning pre-vegans into vegans isn't possible by staying home. Please join us during International Cube Day on November 5, 2022 to give a voice to the voiceless.
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EXCLUSIVE VEGAN FTA INVESTIGATION: What happens to vegans when they end up in care homes!? 👀
Jordi Casamitjana investigates the issue of whether elderly vegans in need of care can continue to follow their vegan lifestyle in a nursing or care home. 🌱
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santilawson · 1 year
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uswheatexpert · 1 year
What are the health benefits of vital wheat gluten?
Vital wheat gluten is a popular ingredient that is often used in baking and cooking to improve the texture and structure of baked goods. It is made from wheat flour that has been hydrated to activate the gluten, then processed to remove the starch and other components, leaving behind a high-protein powder that is nearly pure gluten.
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One of the main health benefits of vital wheat gluten is its high protein content. Gluten is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body needs but cannot produce on its own. This makes it a good choice for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, or for anyone looking to increase their protein intake.
In addition to its protein content, vital wheat gluten is also low in fat and carbohydrates, making it a good choice for people who are watching their calorie intake or trying to manage their blood sugar levels. It is also a good source of minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, which are important for overall health.
Another potential health benefit of vital wheat gluten is its ability to improve digestive health. Some research suggests that gluten may help to promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve digestion. However, more research is needed in this area to fully understand the impact of gluten on the gut microbiome.
Vital wheat gluten may also be beneficial for people with certain health conditions, such as celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. While these conditions are caused by an intolerance or sensitivity to gluten, some people with these conditions may still be able to tolerate small amounts of gluten in the form of vital wheat gluten. However, it is important for anyone with these conditions to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating vital wheat gluten into their diet.
Despite its potential health benefits, it is important to note that vital wheat gluten is not suitable for everyone. Some people may be allergic to gluten, and for these individuals, consuming vital wheat gluten can cause a range of symptoms, including digestive upset, skin rashes, and headaches. Additionally, some people may experience digestive discomfort or bloating when consuming foods that contain vital wheat gluten, even if they do not have a gluten allergy or sensitivity.
In conclusion, while vital wheat gluten may have some potential health benefits, it is important to consider individual needs and health status when incorporating it into a diet. For those who are able to tolerate gluten, vital wheat gluten can be a good source of protein and other important nutrients. However, anyone with a gluten allergy or sensitivity should avoid it, and it is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) actively seeks to bring down trade barriers or change policies that may prevent an overseas customer from choosing U.S. wheat. In most cases, these barriers violate a country’s commitments under the World Trade Organization (WTO) or a free trade agreement (FTA).
Every year, USW submits a report to the U.S. Trade Representative detailing these barriers. View the full report here.
The sections below discuss several categories related to trade barriers and provide specific trade barrier examples alphabetically by country.
To learn more about US Wheat market visit:
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ughfrey · 4 years
calling all animal lovers!!!
hi!! I just signed up to be an animal protector with animal equality UK, so I decided to set up my own dedicated blog to start writing official content to help their cause. 
the @ is @animalprotector so pls head over there & give me a follow - first post will come in the next few days!
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belongstolove · 2 years
Look at this... 👀
Look at this... 👀 https://pin.it/49hRUz9
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stevesphotos · 7 years
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9/6/2014: Animal sanctuary shindig
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vivianzapata · 6 years
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mewinabubble · 3 years
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#gottasaveemall - #Miltank 🐄
If #pokemon were real animals in our world… this is how we would make them suffer.
#cows are mammals just like humans, and just like us, they only lactate and produce milk if they are pregnant and getting ready to feed their babies from their breasts.
The industries hide this fact from you. They’ve made you believe that cows just magically produce milk for humans to consume… but this is the conditioning we’ve received. Female cows are constantly “artificially inseminated”(r@ped) on dairy farms so they can continuously stay impregnated to keep the production of milk flowing.
The farmers immediately steal the baby away from the mother so the calf wont drink any of the milk intended for them. If the baby calf is a female, she will be put into a tiny crate, and fed formula until she gets old enough to continue the same slave cycle as her mother… if the baby is a boy, he will be murdered because the industry can’t profit off of males, or he will be sold off to another farm to be killed for veal meat… i have a theory as to why #nintendo made #shinymiltank blue. It’s to represent the baby boys who are stripped of their life just for being born into a dairy farm. Miltank probably knew this, and evolved in such a way to where they only lay female eggs in the game… they couldn’t bare the thought of losing their children anymore.
After only a few years of constantly being impregnated and giving birth, the cows become “spent”, which means their bodies literally become worn out, and give up… and when they can no longer produce milk, they are also murdered, and used in low quality meat.
I have another theory… that’s why miltank wear the black hood. They are constantly in mourning of their lost children… and the spot on their forehead is where the captive bolt gun penetrates their skull, and finally takes their life away… even though this has proved ineffective due to the thickness of their skull. Many cows often suffer an immensely painful and frightening death before because of this… because there is no such thing as humane slaughter. Please always #choosevegan 🌱
#mewinabubble #vegan #veganart #veganfta #ポケットモンスター
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briansfancies · 1 year
“You drew penises??”
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EXCLUSIVE VEGAN FTA INVESTIGATION: What happens to vegans when they end up in care homes!?
In this article, I investigate the issue of whether elderly vegans in need of care can continue to follow their vegan lifestyle in a nursing or care home.
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santilawson · 1 year
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briansfancies · 2 years
People say the darndest things!
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briansfancies · 2 years
“Are you starting a cult or something??”
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