#veld dragoon
getvalentined · 4 months
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Okay so. Veld fights using his prosthetic. This is The Lore.
In this single scene, the arm he uses to cast switches mid-fight, starting with his left when he's fighting along the vertical axis and then switching to his right when his sprite turns to fight along the horizontal axis.
Because Before Crisis would flip sprites and portraits from left to right as needed, I would assume the point that we're looking at him from behind would be the most accurate, leading me to the assumption that it's his left—which is why I illustrate him that way.
The Madhouse trailer explicitly shows Veld's left hand, as it's the one he's using to hold his phone, and it appears to be normal.
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Studio Madhouse also portrays Veld with the wrong color eyes, portrays Two Guns as only using one gun, gives Rude the same skin tone as Elena's sister, and in Last Order they literally spell Tseng's name wrong. All this to say that, in my opinion, work created by Madhouse can't be considered canonical in pretty much any capacity—this is further validated by the fact that Last Order has literally been declared to be noncanon.
So, we'd probably wanna stick with the game itself as an indicator of canon. And according to the game...Veld's prosthetic literally switches sides mid-combat. Which is impossible.
I don't really have any intention of changing my personal portrayal unless I'm proven wrong when/if BC hits Ever Crisis, but I'm curious about the general fandom take on this.
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allthingsturk · 15 days
Soulmate au where soulmates share knowledge and skills.
The Turks have a job finding high ranking Shinra individuals' soulmates to make sure no information leaks.
Joining Shinra also involves tests to find out how much information/skills people have in a large variety of subjects.
There are always at least 3 soulmates in a grouping, a hold over of olden days when any bit of knowledge shared could help your group/pack survive.
(is this an excuse for Cid/Vincent/Veld and AZSGC yes, yes it is)
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thediktatortot · 5 months
I'm writing out my overarching headcanon about VIncent's life and how Gaia and it's people looked pre-SOLDIER program because I want too:
I'm of the mind that in Vincent's era, there was a lot of growth like we have in our own day and age, much like the 50s-70s, Midgar would have been a work in progress. Maybe only one or two upper plates would be finished and livable, but a sizable undercity was already underway to growth.
I believe that this would be when the beginning of the science department of Shinra would truly begin, so Shinra would have been using the Turks as more of their heavy hitters as SOLDIER was still a small budding program being thought up by Shinra's defense department.
Seeing as the war between Wutai and Shinra didn't happen until 1985, I'm going to go under the assumption that they were in a cold war with each other ever since the power company began building reactors, so the Turks would be much more utilized than they are now.
I have the headcanon that Vincent and Veld were partners or at least worked with each other when they were in the Turks and their missions would have looked like those of spies and government agents (with different rankings and capabilities. Not everyone would have the same job just like a normal government job.)
I also love the idea of their world having similar clothing styles and music to ours during those years, so Vincent and Veld would have been young adults in the 60's and 70's.
I also think that with what happened to Vincent (getting shot and killed by Hojo), he did actually die physically (lurcrecia even talks about how she can't stop the decaying when talking about Vincent in the tank in DoC) so there would be a loss of memory that Vincent would have from actually dying and being dead for however long.
Like sure, his memory loss could have been slowed by the Mako and experiments, but there would be SOME memory loss. So I think that the man we know now is not the whole Vincent he would have been. The reason I say that is because a lot of the memories he does have are from times at Shinra Manor and nothing really else. It's mostly from Shelke's POV that we get the remaining memories about Vincent's past, and that is from Lucrecia's POV of how she saw Vincent. So my HC is that Vincent has a lot more to him than he remembers about himself.
Anyway long-winded explanation of why I think Vincent Valentine has more than meets the eye and I can justify my more fun version of him XD
Back to it. Here's where my headcanons come in heavy:
I think Vincent's mother is a Wutainese woman, Grimiore having met her in his early years of exploration as a scientist, before things with Shinra started to get more competitive. I believe that when Vincent was a teenager, his mother left for Wutai due to the simmering tensions between the two powers, unable to take him with her as he had no citizenship there and I do not see him wanting to leave his home.
Vincent and Grimiore don't get a long for a while because Vincent thinks his father should have convinced her to stay. He joins the Turks at a young age, having met Veld (who I think is at least a decade older than Vincent) who worked with his father, not really knowing about the ins and outs of what a cold war meant or even who was the aggressor in the conflict. He knew his father worked for Shinra and they were bringing progress to their city and home, wanting to help any way he could.
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Could I please get Veld, preferably with some "coffee"? :)
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Nothing like a nice cup of "coffee" to help you forget your problems- er, get to work in the morning!
Thank you "anon", XD I needed this! I've never posted a picture of my man on here before, and it was about time that changed!
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sonnynewts · 8 months
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mmmslow day. post vinveld birds
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phantasmacabre · 9 months
Last one for @vincentvalentineweek 2023! Though I'm sure I'll have many more Vincent-Centric fics in the pipeline soon enough (maybe I already do 😏)
Special thanks to @case-of-traxits for beta reading ! ♥️
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No whump for this one! Just cute old men in love
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moostelid · 5 months
Tseng is in hell.
Not only is his mentor much younger than he’s supposed to be, but he somehow managed to drag his presumed dead (emphasis on dead; this man should dead) partner back with him.
Shoved into a director’s position until the matter is solved, Tseng has to deal with his boss wreaking havoc.
He had thought reigning in Rude and Reno was troublesome, but these two are just pure nightmare fuel.
It also doesn’t help that Valentine seems to have come back wrong. (Surely Veld would have mentioned if his partner had always been a shape-shifting vampire thing—right?)
Vincent is a time traveler and Veld has been de-aged by at least 20 years. It’s Hojo’s fault, and they’ve decided to make it everyone else’s problem.
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ceaselxss · 6 months
Verse | Main | 7/7r Set within the main game. Essentially this covers from Zack’s death until Meteorfall. This verse is a mix of OG and Remake, using expanded world building and lore from the Remake continuity.
Verse | Another | 7r For anything distinctly set in the Remake continuity that clashes with my main lore.
Verse | Second | Crisis Core/Before Crisis Covers almost everything prior to the first verse. While Tseng was still Second in command, while there were far more Turks and while Veld was still around - and also the few years while Tseng was the head of the Turks but also Veld was still around. For ease this is simply labelled as a Crisis Core verse. Tseng in this verse is more childish, more playful and generally happier. Most of his significant trauma happens at the end of this verse, so he’s unshaped by that throughout the earlier parts of the timeline.
Verse | Thereafter | Advent Children/Post Advent Children Everything post Meteorfall, including the novel. Will be labelled Advent Children but also covers the timeline of Dirge of Cerberus. This verse covers a range of change in Tseng, from the initial conflict within the Turks as the truth about Veld comes to light, to the slowly recovering mental health in the years that follow; alongside the stresses of Rufus's illness, and a deep depression post Advent Children due to the loss of his arm as a result of his torture at the hands of the Remnants. For the most part, he avoids the former Turks but does occasionally work with them or find time for drinks. He's no less busy now that barely nothing remains of ShinRa, sadly.
Verse | A Lifetime Ago | Rookie Covers from about the age of 17 to 22 A Tseng that doesn't know yet what it means to be a Turk; may also be referred to as Gun. This is an angry bastard.
Verse | Imperial | XIV (This verse presumes an Imperial Rufus, in a position of nobility or royalty, and is preferably set before the current Garlean civil war) Tseng Goe Zhao (Censor, Primus Frumentarius) Doman conscript to Garlean Citizen, Tseng’s job is one of subterfuge and intelligence. He is able to be stationed throughout Eorzea and Othard and blend in seamlessly, posing as whatever is necessary. He is an Au Ra by birth, but his work requires a certain amount of disguise and so he leans upon glamours and fantasia to keep his cover. (I’m not assigning him a specific job, as I don’t like either of the gun jobs for him and my Tseng’s other battle skills lend to both Dragoon and Ninja. He’s just good at weapons, as with his canon)
Verse | Unrest | XV Beneath General Glauca, Tseng is stationed in Lucis as part of the Kingsglaive. He struggles with the gifted power, but as an expert marksman he makes up for the shortcoming. While his loyalty to the Empire is… Strained, he dislikes Lucis more and his time as a Glaive only worsened that. With Insomnia’s fall and Glauca’s death, there was no longer much use for Tseng’s skills as a spy and he was reassigned back into the Imperial Military - which is something he is particularly annoyed about.
Verse | Traitor | Wutai Spy When Tseng initially joined ShinRa, it was at the behest of his Father. He was to infiltrate the company and send information back to the Wutai military - which he did well enough. He spent years as a double agent but… Wutai lost. And with Tseng in a precarious position with a lot of access to company secrets, it was incredibly unsafe for him to withdraw - fully aware of how ShinRa treats threats to their security. And so he stays, attempting to undermine ShinRa where he can. This Tseng still cares for the Turks very deeply, but is far less loyal to Rufus. His dislike for the company is far deeper. (Note - While Tseng is aware of the existence of other traitors within the company, he does not attempt to connect with them. They are a liability and extra risk)
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theultimate-hope · 4 years
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The turks apologizing for failing a mission. Tseng is overthinking it again
Based on this:
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askvincentvalentine · 4 years
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Questions taken and extras posted on Patreon.
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getvalentined · 5 months
Oh wise and ancient elder of Veld fandom, I have a question for you. Do you know where the last name Dragoon came from? (I want to post a picture of Veld and that's his last name to me, but I don't want to be using it publicly if the OG inventor wants to keep it for themselves.)
I don't know precisely which of us it was, but it's from my first online RP group. I think Liz (crankyoldman on AO3) was the first to use it, as I'm like 99.999% sure she's the first person in western fandom to write him at all, but it might have been Drak (drakonlily on AO3), who is now Liz's spouse but was not at the time we were initially RPing together. Neither of them are really in the fandom anymore (they both fell out of public fandom in general for quite a while during college/university/grad school, came back to jump into FF15 with both feet, and are now pretty exclusively in the FF14 scene), but none of us ever really cared about the proliferation of that particular headcanon.
What's funny is that I actually use a different surname for Veld (Augustine!) to differentiate between work relating back to that group and work that's strictly my own, but at this point it's kind of irrelevant because the "Dragoon" surname is so ubiquitous. I tend to tag my work featuring the character with "Veld of the Turks" at this point.
You're absolutely welcome to use it, and people will presumably know what you're talking about, but it is utterly and completely nonexistent in the source material! It came entirely from a bunch of queer folks in their late teens and early twenties RPing/writing/drawing a sad old man online in the mid-aughts, but because we were the only ones doing anything with the character it just kinda became accepted as "correct."
(tmk Drak is also largely responsible for "Sinclair" being Reno's accepted fanon surname, but there's no canon on that either and she kinda regrets its proliferation; I originally used it as Zack's surname in like 2003, before I even knew Drak, but when Zack got a canon surname she fleetingly snagged it for use on Reno and it just...spread through the fandom from there by vectors unknown.)
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allthingsturk · 22 days
Shinra Conversations ch. 3
Vincent: I’m invoking the “no judgement” clause of our friendship.
Veld: My god, what have you done?
Veld: I’m going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on. No more lies.
Tseng: I’m always straight.
Reno: Oh, man! That’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told!
Rufus: I’ve never been on a Guys’ Night Out before. Was that last bit supposed to happen?
Legend: What bit was that?
Rufus:The bit where the bar was set on fire.
Legend: Not usually.
Vincent: isn’t it strange that we pay money to see other humans?
Veld: are you talking about prostitution, the movies, or airplane tickets?
Cid: …glasses.
Tseng: Nobody’s killing that idiot but me.
Reno: Aww, you do care!
Veld: You think I enjoy being a father figure to all of you?
Tseng: …
Reno: …
Cissnei: …
Veld: Ok, fine. It’s like crack to me.
Rude: …
Rufus: …
All the TURKs(lets just be honest): …
Veld: I wasn’t injured, I was lightly stabbed.
Tseng: You were stabbed?!
Veld: Lightly stabbed. I didn’t want to frighten you.
Cid: *wears T-shirt saying “I’m Cid fucking Highwind”*
Vincent: *wears T-shirt saying: “I’m fucking Cid highwind”*
 Aerith: I made this friendship bracelet for you.                
Tseng: You know, I’m not really a jewellery person.        
Aerith: You don’t have to wear it.                
Tseng:   No, I’m going to wear it forever. Back off.      
Reno: I’m going to Moggel Mart, ya want anything?
Veld: I want my family back.
Vincent: I would like my humanity.
Reno: Yeaahhhh, I’ve got like twelve dollars. 
“I’ll have you know that my trust issues and my daddy issues are completely different topics.”
     —   Rufus Shinra
(Vincent points at Hojo)
Vincent: Please keep this man away from me, he murdered me.
Reno: How are you here? You’re dead!
Veld: Dead? Why doesn’t anyone ever tell me these things?
Legend: Yeah. That went well.
Tseng: You call this going well?
Legend: We completed the mission, didn’t we?
Tseng: Yes, but…
Legend: Then I call it a win. What’s the problem?
Tseng: Should I start with the part where we’re stranded in the middle of nowhere or the part where you have no clothes?
Vincent: Veld. I heard you were dead. Guess I was wrong
Veld: Valentine. I heard you sucked. Guess I was right.
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thediktatortot · 11 months
I need to find more Final Fantasy 7 friends, it's been YEARS since I participated in that fandom at all.
Any Vincent Valentine lovers? Reno lovers? What about Turk enjoyers? I love anything of the following:
Vincent Valentine, Reno (Sinclair), Veld Dragoon, Hojo.
Vincent / Reno, Veld or Hojo
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evertomorrowart · 4 years
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Every single Before Crisis Turk, part 1
Veld Dragoon, Tseng, Reno, Rude, Shotgun (Freyra), Rod (Alvis), Shuriken (Cissnei), Legend (Claude), Martial Arts (F)(Judet), Katana (Balto)
Part 2
If you enjoy my writing or art, support me with Ko-Fi
Or purchase my first book, Victorious Cross
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exsiliumductoris · 4 years
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Veld reviewing possible Turk candidates and rookies. 
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phantasmacabre · 9 months
My fic for @vincentvalentineweek 2023 prompts fruit, garland, spirits
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