hazbinrarepairs · 2 months
Rarepair Quiz Part.7
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no one understands the kind of whiplash you get when you listen to the penumbra podcast after wolf 359 and then get to the season 2 3-parter "Juno Steel and the Promised Land" unless you just so happen to be one of the poor souls who did just that
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chloros1s · 1 year
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hehe velentier spam
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onewhoturns · 2 years
Hey :)
If you see anyone with the PayPal gregorio antollo, it’s a scam. One post is talking about a sick sister, it’s got pics of brain scans, another is about a sick dog (golden retriever).
Hopefully y’all are searching up the people that are asking you for money and you can find this post in that search. If they made the blog the same day they asked for money, and spent 15 minutes making all the posts on their blog, I think that’s sus.
If you want more info, here’s the post of a blog that deleted as soon as I asked if he was legit or a scam. (Or, rather, a post about the post)
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fenrhi · 6 months
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Velenti real ‼️
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cosmicpines · 11 months
For the audio drama asks : no.5 trope you like in audio dramas/or trope specific to audio dramas
thanks for asking!!
Trope you like in audio dramas/or trope specific to audio dramas: For tropes I like, I'm a huge fan of anything with "person gets A Little Too Interested in the supernatural Thing happening to them and ends up transformed into something supernatural" or So like, Jon from Magnus Archives (I quite literally rewound and relistened to the little "Elias... am I still human?" exchange like five times the first time I heard it), Leon Stamadis from Greater Boston (already im breaking the definition of the trope but look its the Vibe), Anna Limon from Mabel (I have complicated emotions about Mabel but good lord i devoured the first season), anyone fold-afflicted in Midst (especially super into what happens to REDACTED. tragically that episode is no longer up but if anyone wants to talk about the unreleased midst episodes message me immediately i love midst). Old Gods of Appalachia doesn't quite have this but it has tons of stories very adjacent that fit. (very fond of the Paradise story with Jack and Tommy Adkins "ah dammit im fond of this one". I just generally love Jack lmao)
I was thinking of something specific to audio dramas and the only thing I can think of is Zach Velenti having a cameo??
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captain-caspian-62 · 4 years
Bruh every time I hear Zack Velenti I know it’s gonna be good
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listeing to the Brimstone Valley Mall podcast and noise that came out of my mouth when I heard Zach Velenti asdffbghtmjyutjhregfwwvernhtmjy
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iloveyoulikeamoth · 3 years
thinkin about the time that i was at sargecon and got put in a game with zach velenti, didnt realize it was zach velenti, talked his ear off about stellar firma(we were in a space themed game) until the GM was tired of hearing me talk about stellar firma and was like "hey zach werent you in a podcast?" and then we proceeded to have a conversation about murderous space robots. what a lovely time
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Trust No One - Chapter 8 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/XAM7SxSMz6 Rayonne Calantin's life may not be fair, or easy, but at least she had one. Being a half-breed, she was lucky she wasn't dead yet. Ray was perfectly fine in her small farming town of Velenti. So of course, someone had to ruin it. Ever since the royal court and King Chadara came to make an announcement, her life has gone to hell.
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outlawsandcircles · 5 years
It Was Isobel!!!
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Wow, another intense episode with an even bigger reveal. I never would have guessed that Isobel killed Rosa, but it makes since now that Rosa may have been afraid of her. I still believe it has to be an accident, because none of them are really malicious. I feel bad for Isobel and her marriage falling apart. The idea that Max and Liz had an actual relationship seems more plausible now that it’s come out that Isobel made Liz leave because Max was going to tell her their secret. He wouldn’t have told her unless they were really close, not just lab partners. This whole thing with Kyle’s father and Rosa is crazy, does this mean that kyle and Liz are technically step siblings. If her mother had an affair with Velenti what does that make Kyle and Liz? I really liked the scenes between Kyle and Alex and knowing they were like brothers at one point. Once again Max’s man pain is killing me. I don’t know what it is, but I’m just so protective of him. The next episode looks like we will finally get to see exactly what happens that faithful night. Fingers crossed this doesn’t make echo a distant memory. I just don’t see how Liz can forgive max for this, but I so desperately want her too.
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mploria · 6 years
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Day 3 Velentie's Day Funny Cards 
Who are you a fan from?? 
Can we get 506+ notes on this post? Let's crush last time's record :) 
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chloros1s · 2 years
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Velentier Mastriffe
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corinthbayrpg · 3 years
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Due to inactivity, or for personal reasons, please unfollow:
Ezekiel Graves
Galen Velentis
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rabdoidal · 7 years
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