#velma hbo
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geekgirles · 2 years
Thinking about how the only way a sex-related joke in a Scooby-Doo adult show wouldn't be juvenile and lazy is if the gang (adults, please) were investigating the case, heard some noises, and, thinking it's the monster, went to see what's going on, only to find two of their suspects getting freaky with each other, which would ultimately give them alibis, and I can't decide which would be funnier:
Should Velma cover Shaggy and Scooby's eyes while Daphne covers Fred's (despite all of them being, y'know, adults in an adult show), or Scooby covering Shaggy's while everyone else looks on, disturbed.
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cheezewhis · 2 years
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the-scooby-gang · 8 months
Velma by Me!
A question for the Desi Scooby Fans
Hi guys! In my quest to rewrite the horror show that was HBO Velma, I decide to also redesign the characters, making some changes, mostly to their wardrobe, sometimes to their appearance. I will be keeping the changes in ethnicities while adding accordingly to the demands (my demands. I’m the one demanding) like making Shaggy Afro-Brazilian.
Now this brings me to my current query:
Is this design correct for Velma
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I wanted to bring more influence from India into her design, but I’m also not Desi myself (I’m Brazilian) and India is a very big place with vastly different habits and traditions depending on where you are. Being half American would also add in ways I can’t even fathom.
If you guys could send me information (or direct me to somewhere where I can learn more) about how a Desi-American Lesbian girl would act, dress in her day to day, also reliable information about what religion she would practice and how it all would shape how she sees, interprets and interacts with the world I would be eternally grateful
Yours Truly,
The Scooby Gang (Gih. That’s me)
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Me walking up to the HBO Velma’s writer’s room:
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highly-important · 2 years
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I don't know. I want to keep it short. I really wanted to like this show. I really like the art style, I love Scooby Doo iterations.
But ugh. I thought this show was so grim. Why is everyone so mean? Why is everyone so quippy?
It felt like what a right-winger thinks wokeness is. Like, there is all this commentary on race, and gender, and sexuality, but in the end it really just enforces the kinds of ideas its pretending to speak out against because it can't really imagine anything else.
And I think its super frustrating because I am sure Mindy Kaling is going to do interviews saying its the misogynists or racists who don't like her show, because it takes away from real criticisms of how "Velma" depicts race, gender, and sexuality. Its insulting to the target audience.
The first example of that is how the show opens with a bunch of naked teenage girls making meta-commentary about how TV shows use sex to pull in an audience. But this self-awareness doesn't really absolve the show from what its doing. And it doesn't help that after this, Velma (and Daphne) are the only capable woman surrounded by vapid, slutty, stupid women.
And the racial-blind casting is cool, but it doesn't absolve a show from having to have consciousness around racial issues. Mindy Kaling has shown a pattern for internalized racism: and "Velma" exhibits her usual jokes about Indian stereotypes. Especially all the jokes about body hair. Or the fact that Velma fetishes a white man while seeing obvious romantic advances from a Black man as laughable. And could they not see how making Shaggy a Black man might lean into some stereotypes?
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I think the show also has issues with internalized patriarchy as well. Fred is having issues because he's a late-bloomer who can't live up to his dad's ideals of masculinity. But then half the jokes about Fred are about how he's pathetic because he's not masculine enough. There is even a joke about how, because he hasn't gone all the way with daphne, that he must be gay. Fred isn't a critique of masculinity, he's a re-enforcement of patriarchal beliefs. And its not better if his character turns out to be gay.
I'd also say the plot with Velma and Norville, rather than being a criticism of the “nice guy” mythology, just re-enforces every incel belief about women “using” men for favors.
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Even Velma and Daphne kissing seemed like it was just to set up a joke about Norville seeing it and hating romcoms. The quips and the meta-commentary just really rob this show of anything sincere.
I do really like the art style, though.
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jay-wasstuff · 2 years
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Cause how she fucked them up this bad??
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beguilingcorpse · 2 years
the new velma show upsets me because i truly believe in my heart and my soul that glenn howerton could be a great fred. maybe even the Second Generation Fred, once frank welker retires from the role. which is why i'm so mad that he was cast in the shitty mindy kaling velma show and not something, like, good
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How and why is Adora in Velma?
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pxper-cranes · 2 years
No but like actually you should all watch Be Cool Scooby Doo. I was apprehensive at first because of the visuals but with only 5 episodes in it's already proven to be the best demonstration of the gang actually as friends that I think ive seen in any rendition. theyre literally just little guys who are besties and its really cool.
also the comedy is pretty much always on point. like im genuinely laughing with this show more often than not, mostly from daphne being completely unhinged but the others are really good too.
if you can watch it on HBO Max or Binge instead of the Velma series just to rub it in their faces I would much encourage you to do so as well.
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HBO Max's "Velma" has a kiss between Velma and Daphne. It's not a romantic or earned one or anything like that, it's there to tick off a box, and includes a camera-pan to remind us that this show's version of Shaggy is a loser incel who deeply loves Velma even though she has no interest in him. That's the joke, now you know and don't need to watch it. There is no love here, much less love winning.
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 2 years
The adult Scooby Doo show they should have made
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cheezewhis · 2 years
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Has anyone done this yet.
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legosloth16 · 2 years
How the actual fuck did the abomination that is the Velma series manage to get Frank Welker, Stephen Root, Ming-Na Wen, and fucking Weird Al to voice act in it
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the-scooby-gang · 6 months
What do you mean by poc people complaining about white supremacy just to complain?
As I want to clarify I’m not trying to argue or start a fight I’m asking out of genuine curiosity because I don’t go looking for people complaining about white supremacy and as a poc person myself I’m just curious on what you mean? And please don’t take this as anything hostile this line just genuinely confused me I’m not trying to be hostile
Hi! I can clarify it for you.
What I wrote was:
[…] but this whole show is written in the most lazy way possible with jokes that would fit perfectly in a edgy early 2000s show, where characters become those straw men versions of liberals conservatives IMAGINE exists.
Where people of color complain all the time about white supremacy a but don’t go deeper into it, just complain for the sake of complaining;
This may be an error of punctuation on my part but that was an exemple of the kind of straw men caricature the show was portraying their poc characters as.
Velma brings up very real issues as throw away phrases… and they are never brought back again. She just says it as a rebuttal and nothing more.
Right after that paragraph I add a expansion on that thought:
Where they (the poc characters) bring genuine arguments people make but with zero nuance or thought behind them, instead the writers put what THEY imagine it is about and, 99.9% of the time, they attribute it to people being “tOo sEnSiTiVe” and “tRiGgErEd SnOwFlAkEs”
Those are exemples. On that whole section of the post (the second of all section) all the paragraphs that start with “Where…” are exemples and expansions on those examples.
Hope this clarifies it!
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malewifemanhunter · 2 years
only the glenn whimpering part
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