alena-draws · 3 years
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Sexy Yuuko for @velosarahptor . Yuuko is pretty sexy in every costum, but I personally like those bare midriff ones! Hope you like it! :D 
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yuemist · 3 years
How're you and Touuuya doing? :)
Hello there!
I would say Touya and I are doing well. :) While he and I are both quite busy juggling our own tasks and responsibilities, we still manage to make time for one another.
To me, this is one of the most important things in any kind of companionship. Quality time.
Thank you for your question! :)
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plounce · 4 years
HEE HEE NOOOOO but ykw. if you think it is. hell yeah dude. that’s way cooler to me than someone going “this is quackity lost in the nether” or whatever the youth say on my work that makes me shake my elderly accessories in crotchetyness
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clowite · 3 years
What's your favorite thing about each of your friends?
Everyone???? B-because, um, that's a lot of people!
But I'll try my best!
Syaoran-kun worries about everyone, even when nobody asks him to! He cares so deeply about everyone and everything. Every person he meets leaves a mark on him just as much as he leaves a mark on them.
Kurogane-san knows when to step in, but never treats anyone like a child. He lets people figure things out for themselves, but does his best to make sure nobody gets hurt. We have met deities who treat people with less respect than he does, even when he tries to be all gruff about it.
Fai-san has such ambition to try new things! Even before things happened in that world he came from, he was always living life as if there were always new things to explore, new things to fall in love with. New recipes to try, new technology to tinker with, new people to meet! There's always a new experience waiting to happen!
Moko-chan is so funny! Of course, um, Mokona-chan has many other qualities, like Moko-chan's 108 secret techniques, but those aren't secrets I can just write on my blog (even if they are super special)! When we first met- or, when I first woke up along the journey, I used to be worried that Moko-chan was pushing too hard on the jabs with Kurogane-san- but it turned out Moko-chan knew what Moko-chan was doing all along. Is that another technique! Oh, gosh.
Tomoyo-chan is so creative! I don't know how she does it! Every time I hear word of her, she's invented new things, or designed new outfits, or thought up elaborate schemes of weddings galore! It's embarrassing sometimes, having all that attention on me, but her creativity is a magic of its own!
Yuuko-san has such wit and intuition! Sometimes, I can't tell if I'm being taken advantage of in a situation, and I think of how Yuuko-san would do it. She always has quips to reply to people with, or knows what people want before they even ask for it, or knows just what to say. How can she know what balances out the universe from her shop? Was it a learned skill or is it a type of magic I don't know?
Watanuki-kun's best quality is..
Chii-chan was so.. umm.. innocent, but not naïve. She just assumed the best of everyone, like it was beyond her that someone wasn't a naturally good person.
Chitose-san is another creative type! Did you know Outo Country was apparently a virtual world? I didn't find out until much later. That's amazing, everything felt so real!
Yukito-kun is so.. tolerant. Um. There's a lot I could write here, but my favorite quality is how he can occupy Touya's time so he stops pestering me instead! I'm not going to terrorize Clow once I become High Priestess! But I might terrorize him just because I can!!!!
Masayoshi-kun was so kind. I didn't know him very much, but he stopped into the cafe a few times. He always had such nice things to say about all the other demon hunters, even if he doubted his own skills a lot. I think he was in a different country, too, but I don't remember..
Chu-nyan-chan had such a spark for a personality! She knew she was being treated unfairly, she knew she had to speak up, and it didn't matter if she was alone in her passion.
Ryuou-kun was so passionate. He seemed to act on impulse, but he went at it with his whole heart, even if it was just becoming someone's friend.
Yuzuriha-chan was similarly passionate. Um, I never admitted this before, but I'm glad we met in Outo Country. Later on, I had to use a gun, and I just tried to emulate how confident she was in using it, shooting at the demons. If I had known the demons of Outo weren't real, I may have taken up a weapon to learn to defend myself back then. I think Yuzuriha-chan would have been a great guide!
Um, speaking of guide..
Subaru-san was so gentle. I remember his voice in my dreams, back in that awful place. I think he helped wake me up- and I'm still nervous to think about what would have happened if I had just slept through it all.
I don't know Kamui-san very well, but he helped Fai-san and Kurogane-san. For that, I consider him a friend.
I've been told Fuuma-san has helped my friends out in the past, as well, but I don't know him well enough to have an opinion. I know one day he might come to Clow, and I'll be sure to greet him appropriately when he arrives.
Fai-kun tried so hard. I hear him sometimes, grieving. I don't know how to help, yet. I don't know if I'll ever be able to. I'm going to try my best, as I always do. He deserves it, if nothing else. They both do.
Did I forget anyone?
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flamingtoads · 5 years
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aurosoul · 5 years
velosarahptor replied to your photoset “current mood: sleepy-looking selfies taken while jogging cuz I’m tired...”
It's been so nice to see you around in town, again!
it’s been so nice to be back!! especially after being homesick for so long
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veliseraptor · 5 years
//steps out of dressing room// Ok now ONE OF US has GOT to change
this town ain’t big enough for more than one velociraptor-related pun on a name url
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Weird question, but what are we supposed to call you? I feel like Sarah is too personal and would be sort of awkward because we don't know you, but you're not Splash anymore and Trisarahtops isn't a name-name (unless it is now, in which case, Trisarahtops ahoy!)
I’m totally fine with Sarah! No need to worry. But if you want to call me by my username or any other dinosaur pun, go for it.
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kaldurrr · 6 years
velosarahptor replied to your post: dnd but the dm straight up forgets ur playing that...
oh me?
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so you too huh? you’re gonna act like this too huh? just abandoning an entire party full of nerds to go do other nerd shit huh?
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zelinxia · 7 years
I was talking to @velosarahptor about some ships and some things I’ve said are golden -
“Most of my otps have harrowing obstacles to go through before they are both okay to get together”
“Yuri on Ice: oh they kiss like eight months later then get engaged
Me: that was so...easy????”
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miketownsends · 7 years
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alena-draws · 3 years
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Request by @velosarahptor for an oc! Magical girl Jordan, here to wreck your day...or whatever she does :D I liked drawing her! 
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yuemist · 3 years
How is training with Sakura going?
Training with Sakura-chan has been going great! I’ve said this to Fai-kun already, but I am proud of her—as is Touya, though he would most likely hesitate to tell her this himself.
Both her herself and her magic... it’s all very strong! Not many can accomplish as much as she has already.
I can only hope I am half as good of a teacher as Sakura-chan is a student.
Thank you for the question!
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coconi · 7 years
I love how her staff looks kinda like a honey comb!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!!!! Yeah i’m thinking of refining the design and make it more comb-like as i go. I think she’d be good friends with bees :)
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lancelotapologist · 7 years
velosarahptor replied to your post “god okay so the place i work now is so fucking bizarre so like. i’m...”
What if this is how I greeted you in the morning. YOU'RE A BEAST!!!! HELL YEAH!!!
i would like you to start doing that asap. in fact i want you to wake me up that way. you’re my new alarm clock. i expect you monday morning at 6:30 sharp.
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saltghosts · 7 years
4C Grace and frankie
this took me way too long lmao
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send me a couple and a pose and I’ll draw it!
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