#venerate her
merp-blerp · 2 days
TW: Discussion of sexual assault and suicidal ideation
I've been seeing some debate about Calypso and whether or not she sexually assaulted Odysseus and I want to throw in my two cents.
I'll say straight out of the gate that I don't currently like her much. I feel pretty icky about her personally.
Comparing Ody's behavior in Epic prior to "Love in Paradise" vs during the song feels so... clearly different. He seems very traumatized by whatever has been happening on that isle. It almost feels out of character for him to consider dying instead of fighting to get home alive like he had been, but putting myself in his shoes I can see how he came to that through what's textually known. He has been trapped on that isle for 7 years—that's nearly a decade, with no way to get out, everyone he knows and loves dead or far away with no way to know where he is or if he's alive. While I obviously would never think that's a good decision, I can see how he got to the point of wanting to end it. And if he's been sexually assaulted like he was in The Odyssey, I understand it more due to how that can warp a person's mental health.
I've seen some say, "Calypso is just a sweetie who doesn't know how to love properly" (paraphrasing of an actual comment I've seen). Even if she really just doesn't know how to care for a mortal, as many of the gods seemingly don't, I think she understands her power over mortals with her "Bow down now to the immortal Calypso" comment. She also understands that Odysseus doesn't want her, with the first part of her response to Ody's threats being "Oh handsome, you may try". She knows that he may try to escape by killing her (even though she can't die). Honestly, why would she feel the need to trap him if she didn't know good and well that he would want to escape her? She knew what she was doing was something that would make him want to run. Calypso being a goddess automatically gives their dynamic a power imbalance of course. Even though the assault is only implied, the fact that she's trapping Ody against his will, super infatuated by him, and still says "Soon, into bed we'll climb and spend our time", makes me feel like the indication is clear. What's stopping her from trying to have "sex" with him (sex isn't sex without consent)? She's already ignored all his declines. She seems to think that forcing her "love" onto him will make him love her. Yes, she uses lovey-dovey language so I doubt it would've appeared violent, but sexual assault doesn't have to look violent and the perpetrator doesn't have to appear aggressive. It's telling that I've seen some say, "Save that energy for Antinous" because Antinous is much more obviously bad, but this kind of thing isn't always obvious. That kind of assault is still extremely traumatizing whether it's sugarcoated as if it's love or not. It's dismaying that some reactions to Calypso bypass her potential assaulting or "She's weird, but she seems to care for him!" And since the sexual part of the assault is technically subtext (for now, who knows about later), I'll say that even if Calypso didn't sexually harm him, she still forces physical and verbal intimacy onto him and traps him so he can't leave. We see that. That's still assault. The only reason why I don't feel similarly about Epic's version of Circe is that her intent wasn't to have sex with Ody but to distract and throw him off with talk of sex so she could stab him as he's vulnerable; Circe never wanted to have sex with Ody in actuality. Calypso's intent was romantic intimacy and she didn't care if Odysseus said no, she completely bypassed it. Calypso saying "You're mine, all mine" feels as threatening as Circe's "I've got you" was meant to be.
Anything can change between now and the next two sagas. It could either be fully confirmed or denied that sexual assault took place. I actually don't expect either, as I don't think Jay would go too deep into such a traumatic concept in Epic, but then again I also didn't expect suicidal ideation to be brought up at all and it absolutely shocked me when it was, so I could be wrong. But whether it's confirmed or not, I don't blame any Epic fans who don't like Calypso or even hate her over what she did and what it's implied she did. It's icky watching some fans tell others they shouldn't hate Calypso because of this or that as if this isn't a sensitive and complex topic. It's creepy. I don't think we should tell people not to hate a character associated with sexual assault. The sexual assault might be subtext, but subtext is important and sometimes is implemented intentionally. Not every part of a story is going to be given to you at face value. Just because "Epic didn't say that" doesn't mean that the implication doesn't matter. People interact with stories in different ways, so you can disagree with others—no one can take that from you, but you don't get to tell someone they can't feel a certain way about a character. I don't like saying this because I really shouldn't have to put it in this perspective for it to be understood, but I can't help but feel like if Calypso and Ody's genders were swapped some people would treat this implication differently. Sexually or not she hurts him.
Normally I don't like taking lore from The Odyssey and automatically applying it to Epic, as Epic has changed a lot of rules from The Odyssey because Jay wants to tell this story his own story. For example, I personally choose not to assume Eury and Ody are brothers-in-law in Epic like they are in The Odyssey because that hasn't been stated in Epic so far. But to me, the implications of Ody's sexual assault are there enough for me personally to think that it might take place in both stories. Jay seems to want Epic to be accessible to many people, so it doesn't surprise me that this element of The Odyssey was brought up in a more subtextual/"hinted at" way.
Calypso is a very interesting character, maybe the most out of all the Epic antagonists so far for me, but we don't have to think of her as not doing anything wrong in order to enjoy that character, her songs, her cute physical character design, or Barbara Wangui's beautiful voice.
[The remainder of this post contains potential spoilers for the unreleased (to date) Vengeance Saga under the cut]
Another defense of Calypso I've seen is that in the snippets for "I'm Not Sorry for Loving You", Ody says he loves Calypso, but not in the way she wants him to. This could mean they're friends and therefore doubt about the sexual assault could be cast.
It's hard to assess this because the saga's not out yet, but it's worth remembering that abuse can come out of care, in a complicated way. You can care for someone so much you end up hurting them, usually out of wanting to control them. Calypso seems to fit that concept. And most Epic snippets don't give full context, naturally, so who knows why Ody says this at the moment. Maybe he means it, or maybe he's bluffing to guarantee he'll get what he wants (which is to be set free in this instance), like when meeting Athena, or to appease a god, like when "apologizing" to Poseidon in "Ruthlessness". And of course, victims don't have to hate their perpetrators if they choose not to. Odysseus can care about Calypso and she can still have hurt him really badly. Both of these things can be true.
The way I read it, Calypso doesn't love Odysseus like she thinks she does. She's infatuated by him and cares for him enough to not be obviously cold like all the other obstacles Ody faced initially are. She declares that she loves him as soon as he wakes up on her isle without knowing him at all. She didn't even know his name. The washed-up person on her isle could've been anyone and she likely would've "loved" them. Calypso only loves Ody because he stops her loneliness, not for who he is. When she begins to state that she loves him she doesn't even know him. Over the 7 years, she seems to have potentially gotten to know him a bit, saying "I know your life's been hard", but Odysseus himself asserts that she doesn't really know what he's been through. You can call someone (against their will, let me remind you) "my dear, my love for life" all you want, but that doesn't mean you love them. Ody's her first companion in years if not ever, of course she cares for him on a basic level. She won't kill him or let him jump off a cliff. But she doesn't love him or treat him like a human and obey his boundaries and wants. She treats him like an object or pet she owns and has to guard.
In "I'm Not Sorry For Loving You" Calypso says that Ody is all she's ever known because she was abandoned. It's understandable that she would latch onto a living creature after being alone for so long. But that's not necessarily love, at least not to me. If I love someone I wouldn't bypass their refusal to do something. And I wouldn't trap them with me and not let them go, even when they're about to jump off a cliff because they see no way out. I'm not sure if Calypso means to bring malice, she at least says she "bring(s) no pain", but she does regardless or if she intends to. Calypso hasn't had anyone in her company, let alone someone to love, for so long, maybe in her whole life. That's why she doesn't know what love is, so of course when she catches fickle feelings for Odysseus she assumes that's love and has no clue what to do with her "love", as she admits in "I'm Not Sorry For Loving You". Calypso's actions are understandable, but that doesn't mean they're excusable or not abusive. What she does to him is understandable, but selfish and only serves herself, which isn't what you do to someone you love. Note that the way I use understandable here does not equate to forgivable, it just means conceivable. And her apology to him really waters down the magnitude of her actions, saying she "pushed" him, "came on too strong", and that her love might've been "too much" for Ody.
I apologize for this being such a long rant, but I wanted to cover all the excuses for Calypso I'd seen and speak my mind on why I think they're misguided at best.
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bitzi-bee · 5 months
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Has anyone seen her braincell?
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gazkamurocho · 1 month
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Just uploaded 2 new Goromi artworks on my Patreon ❤❤❤
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allpiesforourown · 13 days
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crisdrawsandcries · 1 year
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I finished 'Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know'
and I wanted to draw my fave~~~
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alicelufenia · 9 months
Why I still swear by romancing Minthara in act 1 even though there's a way to recruit her otherwise.
Both have their strong narrative beats, to be sure: taking pity on an enemy Vs two broken people putting each other back together.
I just really like the emotional climax the latter reaches, especially if you continue her romance.
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mixelation · 10 months
The idea of Tori being a guest on Itachis ABNU team is so funny to me for some reason. Itachi should be used to having Tori as a teammate but I imagine his ABNU team respects and listens to him a lot more than Tori and Deidara do. I also like her being on Kakashis team because I like when Tori interacts with him... he somehow feels like the straight man (in the comedic sense).. the normal one...
itachi is control freak and therefore a very strict captain who does not tolerate backtalk or minor disobedience. he keeps turning to say something to tori and being like "......oh no" because he has a completely different dynamic with her and she's going to throw off the entire team. why did hokage-sama do this to him. also: they both assume it will be easy to turn off the "we are dating" act because they're "fake" but deeply unfortunately they do, in fact, like each other more than they like other people and it's Noticeable*
i imagine anbu mode!kakashi as a lot more serious than plainclothes!kakashi, but his relationship with tori is more of a sibling vibe, it's more like "my older sibling is very serious, guess i should be too" except tori doesn't have older siblings so she's like. confused
*they don't give off "in love" vibes but it's VERY obvious they know each other out of uniform lmao
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laniidae-passerine · 3 months
obsessed with how, even now, people are scrambling amongst all the contradictory evidence to find the good guy in all of this, as if it’s not antithetical to the story being told. there is not a ‘good’ one amongst them. all of them are fragments of trauma and fury and kindness and hope and pity and love bundled together to make the shape of men. if you are looking for a good man, a kind man, a brave victim, a valiant survivor, then you have to turn to another tale. for you will not find one in this room full of monsters.
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hypothetical-library · 9 months
biblical shit/jesus stuff off the top of my head of kiriona gaia/gideon nav in no order:
survives the massacre of innocents
killed (stabbed!) and comes back later
there is a rock and a tomb and it is rolled away
crown of thorns/finger bones
child of god with a woman who chooses to have this child to save the world
returns with wounds still open
returns not to be a part of the world but to sit at the right hand of the father
brought back by this father
not to be that person but jesus of nazareth and gideon nav both named for places they are not truly of
denied/betrayed by one of their closest companions (judas/peter; harrow)
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tweedfrog · 13 days
Looking up Joan of Arc and its actually crazy that she's venerated by the church that put her on trial and the country that subsidised the trial and stacked it with pro-english clerics like WHAT
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haemosexuality · 2 months
11 yr old cousin has recently developed a strong hatred for furries (and also for literally everything else, because thats what being 11 is like) and so i started acting furry-esque whenever im around him
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waterlilyvioletfog · 3 months
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I’m in love with her btw
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dragoncharming · 6 months
i am feeling some kind of way about how Everyone is in yin hanjiang's personal space. like we all know about wenren è wiping his sweat and inspecting his meridians constantly but shu yanyan and baili qingmiao:
Ch 6
Shu Yanyan walked out of a corner. Leaning against Yin Hanjiang’s shoulder, she said,
Ch 7
Baili Qingmiao huddled close to Yin Hanjiang, feeling like she was a tiny bird beneath the vast heavens, her feathers nearly blown off by the snow, whimpering and shivering in the Thousand Mile Ice Plains.
She quietly moved behind Yin Hanjiang’s back, poking out a head to watch Wenren È.
syy immediately thinks about him knocking her teeth out and she still does this anyway. bc it's been 80 years and at this point she knows he does not care. he has cultivated himself into a sword, his body is an object for a purpose. this is all irrelevant.
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apollos-boyfriend · 9 months
everyone in this game is WAY too normal about paimon. unidentified fucking thing that has the literal cosmos floating around her 24/7 and also seems to be at the same power-level as the traveler (ex not being affected by powerful magics when everyone else is). like i know they live in a world full of magic and godly bullshit but NO ONE bats an eye at her?? hoyoverse this is a bit past my suspension of disbelief kings
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sasanyaustala · 3 months
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It's my birthday today🥳 here are my fav recent pieces
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almoststedytimetravel · 9 months
I think Azura should be a little bumbling and awkward, as a treat.
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