gal-palanaeum · 8 months
Voice by aluminumoxynitride
Rated General, 1500 words, Venli/Leshwi Venli and Leshwi have a heartfelt conversation before reaching the Listener camp.
It was the night before they were set to reach the Listener camp, and Venli couldn't sleep.
Timbre pulsed calming rhythms inside her, hoping to smooth her tangled thoughts, but it was a lost cause.  By the time Honor's moon rose Venli had had enough.  She mumbled an apology to her spren, then thrashed her way out of her bedroll and made her way to the cookfire.  It was the middle of the night; surely no one else would bother her there. 
The flames had burned down to embers, but Venli could see well enough in the blue moonlight.  A tall figure sat by the fire-- one of the other shanay-im.
No, she realized, attuning Surprise.  It was Leshwi.
Venli had rarely seen her Lady sit-- for the barber, and that was all-- and she'd never seen her sit like this, curled into herself like a rockbud in the sun, shoulders sloped and limbs held loose.  She was holding a bottle; Venli saw it glimmer in the dying firelight as she took a long pull.  She backed away, moving as silently as she could to Embarrassment's beat.
Not silently enough.  Leshwi glanced up.   For a moment Venli attuned Anxiety, waiting to be reprimanded, but the Fused merely waved her over.
May as well, Venli thought, and settled next to her on the stones.
"I keep wanting to burn it off," Leshwi said to Derision-- towards herself, Venli realized with a start as her powers translated each nuance of her voice and rhythm.  Leshwi's self-assurance was one of the few constants in Venli's life.  In a lot of ways, she'd built herself upon that rock.  Seeing Leshwi like this was unnerving.  Why did she have to do this now, the night before Venli's reckoning?
Timbre pulsed admonishment.  I know, Venli thought to Reconciliation.  She tugged awkwardly at a crease in her robe.  "The wine?"
Leshwi hummed to Mourning.  "It's instinct.  Seven thousand years of instinct.  Eventually I'll slip up.  I'll heal a scrape without thinking about it, or my body will fight off an illness on its own, or any number of little things, and one day I'll wake up and find I've lost the skies."
Venli attuned Mourning, humming with her.  Voidlight came directly from Odium, and Leshwi was almost certainly cut off.  What would it be like to have something for millennia and then lose it?  "We could find some way to get you more.  You'd only need a little bit."
She leaned back in her seat-- by the songs, it was strange to see her move like that, liquid and slow-- and drank again.  "Don't," she said to Command, but so, so tired.  "Not interested."
Venli felt her face grow warm, her pulse thrumming to Abashment.  "Sorry," she said, and stood to leave.
Leshwi held a hand out.  "Wait," she said to Reconciliation.  "Didn't mean it like that.  You just wanted to be helpful.  I put you on my staff to be helpful.  That's your whole…" she waved a hand vaguely.
"You wouldn't call me that if you were sober," Venli muttered, but she sat back down.
Leshwi hummed Derision in that self-deprecating way.  "'On my staff'?  I know I don't have a staff anymore, Venli, I'm not that drunk."
"I mean helpful," Venli said, the words bitter in her throat.  She saw listener warbands limping back from battle with a fraction of their numbers.  She saw a gemstone shattering on rain-soaked rock, and the change it brought.  She saw Demid's twisted corpse puppeted by a Fused, and her mother staring at her unseeing, and her own hands prying the Shardplate from Eshonai's broken body.  "I'm not.  That isn't me."
Leshwi considered this for a moment, then wordlessly passed her the bottle.
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pekgna · 1 year
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Happy Pride month! Be careful with passionspren, they're snitches! 🏳️‍🌈
From top to bottom, left to right: Venli, Moash; Kaladin, Leshwi, Elhokar; Rlain, Renarin, Adolin; Shallan, Jasnah, Wit; Mraize
π 🏳️‍🌈
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cosmereclysmic · 1 year
For all we go on about how flippin' tall Kaladin is, we (or maybe just I) tend to ignore that all the singers/listeners absolutely dwarf him.
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Kaladin should be more unnerved by them by virtue of him not being used to being surrounded by people taller than him lmao.
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spookiest-semic · 6 months
My worst (best) cosmere take is if stormlight has already focused so much on redemption and working towards being a better person, Vyre can be redeemed, and I hope he is.
​most all characters tagged actively work to better themselves not despite of past mistakes or to make it better in some way but because they want to be better people
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thestormlightnetwork · 9 months
stormlight characters as taylor swift eras:
Kaladin— red
Shallan— midnights
Adolin— 1989
Renarin— folklore
Jasnah— reputation
Wit— he doesn't like taylor swift because he likes to be different and quirky, and he's not like all those other men on Roshar, he can read. and he wears his hair in a messy bun and he likes pizza and big comfy sweaters— *gets shot in the head*
Navani— speak now
Raboniel— evermore
Leshwi— 1989
Eshonai— fearless
Venli— red
Lift— debut
Szeth— folklore
Rysn— speak now
Zahel— 1989
Thaidakar— fearless
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yennefer · 1 year
god i wish this book had more of leshwi in it, i love her sm 😭
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lostandbackagain · 7 months
I may look normal on the outside but on the inside I'm putting leshwi in so many situations
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onlycosmere · 8 months
Falling Lore: In Rhythm of War Chapter 53, when Venli mentions that Leshwi seems to respect Kaladin, Leshwi hums to a rhythm that feels familiar to Venli, but she can’t identify it. What was that rhythm? And why did Venli’s powers fail to identify it?
Brandon Sanderson: So, this is at the point where Venli is not quite aware of the old… Both of them, what’s going on with them, is: there are rhythms of Roshar, and there are rhythms of Odium. And what’s going on is: Venli sometimes… Normally, when you become a Regal, you have all the rhythms of Roshar overwritten with the rhythms of Odium, and you can no longer use the pure rhythms of Roshar.
And what’s going on here is: Venli used to know all of those rhythms by heart, and they’ve been stolen from her. And Leshwi is humming to one of those, instead. Not intentionally; kind of accidentally, because, again, they’ve been stolen from Leshwi, as well. And this just is an indication (and you’ll see them all around) that sometimes they’ll use the wrong rhythms, or the rhythms they’re not supposed to be able to use.
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cosmerelists · 9 months
My Top 10 Favorite Cosmere Characters
Today is my birthday, so it's time for a purely self-indulgent birthday list! I thought I'd just share my own personal Top 10 Cosmere characters, which will just prove once and for all that I am SUCH a Stormlight girlie.
[Spoilers for Stormlight, Mistborn Era 1 & Era 2 and Shadows for Silence]
#10: TenSoon
I think I almost like TenSoon better in Era 2, when he's, like, an immortal quasi-divine figure who also happens to be a big, fluffy puppy. I like it when characters from different eras interact, so I was quite taken by having Wax meet TenSoon. I was also a fan of TenSoon back in the original series though, especially as his loyalty to Vin developed. And I'm one for a tragic sacrifice, so the kandra trying to kill themselves to avoid getting taken over by Ruin--that was a powerful moment (and I'm big fan of the fact that they did not, in fact, die. It was still a heroic sacrifice!).
#9: Silence
It's hard to say how much my love for Silence is part & parcel with my love for Threnody which, for whatever reason, is my favorite Cosmere planet. I like how Silence interacts with Threnody--the sheer horror and fatalism of living right on the edge of that forest, being a mother and a bounty hunter, keeping your dead grandmother in a back room...
#8: Adolin
I think Adolin is one of those characters I like because of his relationships with other characters. Especially Maya--I really love the relationship Adolin has with his sword, and when he and Maya fight back to back using the kata...that's one of my favorite scenes. I think he and Shallan are cute, and that he and Kaladin are cute, and that the three of them are a triad in their hearts. Also, and this will be a theme throughout this list, I love competent fighters and good fight sequences, so Adolin's duels really put him near the top for me.
#7: Navani
Rhythm of War really made me love Navani, I think. And not only because of that unhealthy yet somehow alluring relationship she had with Raboniel. We'll see throughout this list that I just like really competent characters, and Navani is such a smart and cool inventor of stuff, from watches to pain management devices to flying ships. And knowing what she went through with Gavilar and how she was made to think she wasn't smart or worthwhile only to have Dalinar and Raboniel recognize that yes she was smart and good at things and now she's cracked the code to make god-killing weapons and has bonded the Sibling and she's just so cool.
#6: Sazed
Honestly, I really love Sazed both before and after his ascension. I heard that people aren't always fans of Harmony, but I find him just as fascinating, if not more so--the idea of trying to balance such discordant shards in one being. But Sazed is, I think, my favorite character from the Mistborn Era 1 books. He is so sincere and smart and competent and deals with so much shit all the time. And I think he's doing his best.
#5: Jasnah
Like, Jasnah is just cool. She's so polished. So competent. So deadly. So smart. I think seeing Jasnah through Shallan's eyes for so long really made me respect and fear her as much as a reader can respect/fear a book character. That moment that she and Dalinar bonded over the book after Gavilar's death--very sweet. Kinda disappoited that we didn't get much with Jasnah & Elhokar--hard to remember they're siblings sometimes. In conclusion, I am both excited and scared to get more of her tragic backstory soon.
#4: Leshwi
Listen, I like cool fight sequences and enemies who bear a deep respect for each and duel a lot but never from a place of hatred. So, I was basically made to like Leshwi and how she interacts with Kaladin. But I also just like Leshwi's interactions with everyone. Leshwi and Moash? Awesome. "Hey you killed me once. Respect." Leshwi and Venli? Heck yeah. "I am slowly feeling you out and trying to see where your loyalties lie because they might intersect with mine." Once I am thrilled that Lewshi is joining the Listeners now. I want her to form a Radiant bond SO BAD.
#3: Steris
I seem to recall Brandon Sanderson talking about Steris as a character you don't like at first, but later you grow to love her. But if I remember correctly, I feel like I always liked Steris? Like yes, the marriage contract was a lot, but it was also so thorough and honest (and, honestly, funny). And then she just grew on me from there. As someone who makes a lot of lists, I also feel a kinship with Steris.
#2: Shallan
The first two times I read through the Stormlight Archives, I was all about Kaladin. But the third time, I really started to realize just how much I like the Shallan chapters. I think Shallan is a great character with a great arc--and I love the way she sort of grows into herself and her powers. Plus, I enjoy the slow reveal of how much she's already done--she already has a shardblade. And two spren bonds. And many murders under her belt. Quite the resume. And I really love Veil and Radiant, but especially Veil. The scene during the Oathbringer climax where she holds hand with her alters while constantly creating other alters to let them be killed legitimately makes me cry. She holds back a whole army by herself! She's amazing!
#1: Kaladin
Kaladin was my favorite character pretty much from the very moment I started reading Cosmere books (I started with Way of Kings), and he has never been dethroned in my heart. First, there's the simple fact that I love good fight scenes and fantasy heroics and people who gain the power they need at the very last second...and Kaladin does those things like every other chapter. But also, Kaladin is just such a good character. I love how he's not just a shallow fantasy hero--he has depression, and invents therapy, and struggles with guilt, and doesn't always make good choices. Sometimes the Kaladin chapters are tough--Rhythm of War was downright painful sometimes with just how much Kaladin was suffering--but even so. I will always look forward to the Kaladin parts the most, and like many, I deem Kaladin my #1 Cosmere Blorbo.
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knightsgaydiant · 2 years
Leshwi is such a fascinating character because on the one hand, I feel like I have no idea what her deal is. But on the other hand, I do know she has chemistry with every single character she comes into contact with. Every. Single. One.
Kaladin- obviously, got that warrior’s bond, Moash- absolutely, Raboniel- fuck yeah, who doesn’t love a little homoerotic rivalry?, Venli- for sure, Lezian- why the fuck not
What is Leshwi’s deal??? And why is everyone (including me) in love with her???
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gal-palanaeum · 8 months
Hypnotic, takin over me by Hazekiller16
Rated General, 350 words, Venli/Leshwi Venli is in love and very afraid of that fact.
Venli follows Leshwi through the city, wondering how she can look so calm after a battle. She barely made it through the battle of Thaylen Field and she had not even been fighting! And yet here Leshwi is, moments after a battle, looking perfect. Perfectly fine, she means! She would never call one of the Gods perfect!
Leshwi stops and stares at her, waiting for some kind of response. “Did you not hear me, Voice?” Leshwi asks.
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blindradiant · 4 months
For the 'I will write a kiss' ask game: Kaladin/Leshwi, either #22 or #29!
Kaladin/Leshwi, as a promise, 400 words, rated teen
Kaladin was there when Leshwi regained consciousness. He hadn’t known how long Urithiru’s awakening would affect the Heavenly Ones after they were removed from the power suppression field. The other Radiants had become responsive almost immediately, but he had no way of knowing if Fused were different. Fortunately, the group he and his Windrunners had brought through the Oathgate began stirring as soon as they emerged at Narak.
Kaladin had just laid Leshwi down when she opened her eyes and met his. “Stormblessed,” she rasped, her voice weak. “What happened?”
“Urithiru is...awake again,” Kaladin said, fumbling for the right words to describe something he still barely understood. “The Fused were cut off from their powers, and fell unconscious. I gathered some of my Windrunners, and we brought you and some other Heavenly Ones through the Oathgate to Narak.”
Leshwi nodded and sat up, looking around as if searching for something. “Is Venli here?” At Kaladin’s frown, she added, “She is a Listener femalen. She was a member of my staff temporarily serving Raboniel.”
Kaladin felt his expression clear, and he nodded. “She came through the Oathgate with us. She should be nearby. She said something about making preparations.”
Leshwi pushed herself to her feet, but didn’t turn away from Kaladin. She held his eyes, humming to a soft, contemplative Rhythm. “Thank you, Stormblessed,” she said, that same Rhythm pulsing through her words. “You have aided me more than you know.”
Kaladin bit back his objections and simply nodded. “Will we see each other again?”
Leshwi’s Rhythm shifted to something more solemn. “I am not a Nightform Regal. I cannot see the future. I can promise that if our paths do cross again, I will seek you out.”
Kaladin nodded again. An uncertain promise was the best he could hope for when nothing in the war was certain. “Thank you,” he said.
Leshwi held his eyes for a protracted moment, then stepped forward and brushed her lips against his forehead, exactly where his slave brands had been. She withdrew, humming a triumphant Rhythm. “Let that stand as a mark of my promise,” she said. Without another word or a single glance backward, she gracefully turned and Lashed herself into the air.
Kaladin watched her go, a hand raised to the place on his forehead where Leshwi’s lips had touched his skin. He didn’t look back toward the ground until she was out of sight.
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peachdoxie · 2 months
Tbh I have no idea what to think about Venli first using Cohesion in Rhythm of War, with the stones seeming to recognize Voidlight and calling her "shaper" while showing the ancient Dawnsingers shaping stone. Venli then questions if the listeners ever bonded (Radiant) spren, which she thought she never happened, but possibly did (as Leshwi seems to imply later). Why do the stones know Voidlight and how did the Dawnsingers shape stone? Bruh what is happening.
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cosmereplay · 4 months
Kaladin and Leshwi for the kiss meme with #8 if possible?
I will write a kiss… 8. ...in secrecy.
Kaleshwi, rated General, 500 words, RoW spoilers
Kaladin furrowed his brow as he walked directly to the Oathgate, following the path that the rebel Fused had taken not long ago, headed to Narak. He was dirty and he was exhausted, but he had something he needed to say, and this was his only chance. Soldiers parted for him, and no one questioned him when he said he’d be going through the Oathgate by himself. Summoning his Sylblade, he pushed it into the mechanism, then walked, turning the mechanism. When he stopped, Syl took her usual form again and flew out immediately.  He stepped through a few anticipationspren onto the Narak platform. The sun was shining, and a low haze covered the chasms around the city.  “They’re this way!” Syl exclaimed, emerging from behind a building.  Kaladin took to the sky and followed her. *** “Hey! Over here!”  Leshwi looked up to see a familiar blue figure. “Me?” she asked. “I didn’t say anything,” Venli said to Curiosity. The blue figure flew closer and gave a shushing motion, then pointed up. Leshwi hummed to Craving, then turned to Venli. “I wish to get a broader vantage,” she said, and floated upwards, excruciatingly aware of how little Voidlight she had left. At some point she would run out, so she would have to make sure every moment counted. She had a feeling this would be worth it. She floated upwards, following the streak of blue until they emerged above the haze surrounding the Shattered Plains. As she suspected, Stormblessed was there. It was strange to see him without a spear. “Do you wish to spar one last time?” she called out to Craving.   Kaladin smiled. “In a way,” he called back, then floated closer. “There’s something humans do to say goodbye, if they…to show they have a special relationship. And I wish to offer it to you.” She blinked. A gift of some kind? An offer of kindness? It was certainly more than she deserved. But of course she would accept, out of respect for him. She nodded. Stormblessed floated even closer and slowly reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder, another on the side of her head. He was very close now, and a part of her stayed on guard should he pull a dagger on her. She kept an eye on his spren, floating nearby.  He sensed her tension. “I swear, I won’t hurt you,” he said. For a moment, they simply floated there, and Leshwi found herself watching him again, following the contours of his nose and the way his hair fell in waves at the sides of his face, since he had no marbling to memorize. She wished to remember him. “I will miss our duels,” she said softly. “I am glad I failed to kill you.” He smiled. “Dying at your hand would have been an honour, though it would mean I couldn’t do this.” He closed the distance between them, drawing her face forward and leaning in until he pressed his lips to hers. Their breath mingled, warm in defiance of the cool air above the Plains.  She closed her eyes, memorizing the sensations he was offering her. This depth of trust between them would have been unimaginable a year ago, and she thought she could understand his gift. Something deep within her thrummed to one of the ancient Rhythms of Roshar, and she reached for it, pulling it up from among deeply buried memories.  In a moment, she remembered, and with joy she hummed the Rhythm, offering a gift back to him. The Rhythm of Victory.
From the I Will Write a Kiss ask game
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knight-of-skyloft · 1 year
Look I know Venli getting both parents back is a bit excessive but I can't get over the sheer comic potential of her dad wandering across the listener camp and Venli's like "so here's Thude's pet chasmfiend and here is our new next door neighbor Leshwi (I know she's one of our evil gods but dw she's chill) and also we're all neshua kadal now ☺️" and her dad is like "...what"
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Me seeing memes on pinterest: why would anyone ship kaladin with this fused that appeared like twice
Me after reading one chapter from venli's pov that enclouded leshwi: oh.
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