jurassiccraft · 3 months
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happy pride to my favourite canon bisexual
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gnabnahc143 · 5 months
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Stray Kids - Venom
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allyallyorange · 1 year
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SKZ doodle dump!
I had fun picking reference images for these, and I have so many more references saved for later lol
Hope you like these doodles! Who’s your bias? Guess who’s mine!
More doodles coming eventually 💪✨
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mysteriousz · 8 months
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46/∞ SKZ | 거미줄 (Venom) video making film
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xxstar-girl · 6 months
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lee minho x spider-woman!reader
[01: call to duty📝]
[10 screenshots/words: 526]
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you’re sitting in the passenger seat of minho’s car as you both get closer to your aunts home. you couldn’t wait to see your aunt and brother, you missed them as you been away because of college.
you glance at minho as he drive and smile at him, “don’t you miss them too?”
he glances at you, “not really.” you frown a bit, “how come?” you ask.
he sighs, “i would rather spend my weekend with my cats.”
you roll your eyes at him, “then why did you come with?” you ask.
he sighs, “you think i was going to leave you coming home, alone? you’re wrong.”
“that’s why you’re my best friend.” you smile at him. minho returns the smile but it was a bit sad from your words. he likes you and didn’t have the intention of telling you at all and you had no idea.
➸ time skip
arms wrap around you and spin you around, “you’re finally back!” you giggle as ryujin lets you go. “i missed you so much.”
“i missed you too.” you say as you see jisung runs over to you and hugs you.
“and i’m just chopped liver.” minho mumbles as no one has greeted or hugged him.
jisung rolls his eyes as he lets you go from the hug and went towards him. “well, sorry, that i wanted to hug my sister first.” minho chuckles as they hug, putting their arms on each others shoulders, “can’t wait til you’re my brother in law.”
you and ryujin roll their eyes while minho pushes jisung, blushing. “shut up.”
the four walk into the house, it’s only the four of them as your aunt is working still. all four of you went into the kitchen to get snacks.
“but anyways, when are you going to be my brother in law min?” jisung asks again.
you push your brothers shoulder a bit, “ji, you know we don’t like each other like that.” he just rolls his eyes, “it’s nice to dream.”
your phone dings, you see it’s from the detective you’re working with. “i’ll be back.” you walk into the bathroom to answer his message.
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you sneak out the bathroom, texting jisung while doing so. you run between a few building and switch into your spider costume, a nice tight black with white spider web design around it. your wrists move forwards, spitting out webs so you can swing to where detective choi is at.
you land in front of san and jennie, “you made it.” detective kim says with a smile. you return the smile with a nod.
after about an hour, you did eventually catch the guy. you had him wrapped in the your webs, waiting for the authorities to get here. your phone dings and you see it’s minho.
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about ten minutes later, san and jennie both arrived with other cops with them. “you’re amazing spider-woman.” jennie smiles, patting your back.
you nod in return, “i have to head out now.” you tell the two and use your webs to bring yourself out of there, rushing back home while changing back into your normal clothing you had on.
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✩ TAGLIST: @itsvxlentine @skzswife @jyu-037
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kurithedweeb · 1 month
A scattering of DoS universe ideas:
Having quartz and glowstone available as building materials for things like statues and lamps and the Irene fountain has such sinister implications when you know they come from the Nether.
Phoenix Drop is regarded as a refuge for runaways and criminals which is how the people who live there end up as such a diverse and insanely loyal group. There's something about the understanding and acceptance you can find there despite your flaws and past that draws people in.
(inspired by @xyxofspades) Nana's real name is Shichi, she and her eleven siblings were named with numbers corresponding to the order of their birth and when she fled Tu'la and assumed the identity of Nana she picked a name related to the number seven as a reminder of home since she was the seventh child.
Zianna Ro'Meave is related to Ivy and Lily. I need some distance between Zane and Aaron for Juror Aaron reasons, so Lily is Ivy's cousin on one side of the family and Zianna is Ivy's cousin on the other side. They were very close when they were young and see each other as sisters, even calling each other sisters. In Tu'la, it's not uncommon for families to have full-blooded siblings who range in age from as little as 9 or 10 months apart to 25 years between the eldest and youngest, so some people do sometimes believe they're blood sisters. This is inspired by a post I saw a while back about Garroth knowing the Tu'lan language because Zianna was from Tu'la and taught the boys the language when they were young, which I adore but have no clue who wrote it. Jacob thinks of Zane as a cousin or uncle, which is why he trusted him enough to take the amulet.
There's a Nether portal under the central cathedral in O'khasis. Part of the High Priest's duties is maintaining both the portal and the wards around it that only allow entry to someone who's had the proper blessings performed on them. Zane negotiated with Shad to be brought back as a Shadow Knight in the event of his death before he set his great plan in motion as a failsafe. I'm thinking Shad probably tried to kill him and Zane unveiled himself with some flirty charismatic line about being the mortal face of Irene and only in the embrace of a lover (his own lovers, but really playing up the being Irene's vassal/vessel part) can he unveil himself and be seen as his true self.
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minhanniejoong · 17 days
Venom 🐍
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shadowqnights · 9 months
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some more of my mcd designs + their chibis!
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theknucklehead · 3 months
Here are some of Filia's alts
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Fionna from Adventure Time (or Finn with Jake as Samson)
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Steven Universe (also Stevonnie)
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Rei Miyamoto from Highschool of the Dead
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Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill
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Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid
And while I'm on the topic, I do like that Filia and Samson have the same kind of relationship that Eddie and Venom have from the Sony movies.
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kpop---scenarios · 2 months
does venom chan like y/n 🤔
"Y/N is one of my best friends. I've known her for a long time. I have love for her for sure... am I in love with her?" He sighs. "Am I...in love...with her? I don't know. Shit."
- Venom Chan.
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crumblestew · 2 years
I wanna hear about your PDh rewrite
whats like, the plot your going for
I’d like to preface this by saying I’m a super busy student in my A-Level year so I’m not actually making it. But I can make comics and explain the plot theoretically on tumblr :D
First of all it’s Katemau centric because I’m a useless bisexual.
Now more importantly, there’s two main schools in this, Phoenix Drop High and O’Kasis Academy. It’s also sort of following MCD in a more direct way? I’ll run down all the main cast
Aphmau Floraz - Age 16. She has been homeschooled her whole life and is super stoked to be attending high school. Attends PDH and gets up to general protag shenanigans.
Aaron Lycan - Age 18. Aaron is not a love interest! He’s still FC but they meet online while she’s at PDH and not before. They’re nerdy gamer friends and I <3 them. Platonic nerd aarmau for the soul
Katelyn Adhikari - Age 16. APH’S LOVE INTEREST!!! Katelyn used to attend O’Kasis Academy where she was captain of the girl’s football (soccer) team and also on the student council, run by Zane. Some shit goes down and it all ends with Zane getting Jeffery expelled and triggering a series of events that makes Katelyn want to leave. She now attends PDH and is on the football team there. She’s also Ivy’s ex :0
Nana Ishida - Age 15. Nana is a member of the baking club!! She wants to go to a technical college to become a patisserie chef and she often struggles with not being as academic as some of her friends. Lucinda is always around to give her a pep talk if she’s really struggling :,). She’s also dating Danté. She likes anime but she goes by her own name not Kawaii-Chan. Liking anime is what she bonds with Aphmau over
Danté Captain - Age 15. Danté is not gross in my rewrite, and is much more like his MCD counterpart!! After a messy breakup with Nicole, he was a bit sceptical about dating someone. However, he bonded with Nana over failing a maths test and they really hit it off. He’s really good at boxing but so far he’s never beaten Gene
Lucinda Claire - Age 16. Lucinda is an icon. She’s still a witch and she’s part of like. The main girl four (Aphmau, Katelyn, Nana and Lucinda). She’s been friends with Nana for years and the two are a very chaotic team. Teachers are warned to sit them across the room from each other when they first start, and they turn everything into a competition. Lucinda also knows how to comfort someone after a breakup or smthn, but does not do well with her own.
Laurance Zvahl - Age 17. Laurance captains the guys football (again, soccer) team and he is super messy lol. Ask him about his middle school emo phase and you are DEAD (not really, he’ll just laugh it off, then ask that you don’t mention it). Not much has changed here, but again he’s not a love interest for Aphmau really? I don’t like love triangle stuff too much so I wanna make it more slow burn adjacent. He was adopted by Hayden when he was super young and if you hurt Cadenza he will hate you forever. He did also used to roll with Gene and co
Gene Captain (18), Sasha Smyth (17), and Zenix Martinez-Jones (15) are the shadow knights still!!! They’re sort of Gene’s weird loner group, not much has changed here. Gene wants to be a boxer, Sasha gets away with everything because of her 4.0 and Zenix wears trousers 5 sizes too big for him. They’re silly.
Ivy Vernon (16) and Janus Argan (17) are kinda background antagonists for a bit??? Ivy is Katelyn’s ex and the head of the OKA girls hockey team. She’s an absolute menace . Janus is Zane’s close friend and always wants the best for him. He ends up with Zane. Janus is on the American football team.
Travis Valkrum - Age 16. I almost forgot about Travis because I do not like him at all. No Travlyn here whatsoever lmao. I will lean into the sweetheart thing he had going on in pdh!! Basically a ray of sunshine, and things pickup lines are so suave and cool. He’s really interested in classical music.
THE ROMEAVE BROTHERS: here is where we get really messy and find some main conflict
Garroth Ro’Meave - Age 18. Also no longer a love interest. Garroth Ro’Meave has a heart of gold and is always trying his best. He absolutely loves sports and board games. He could not stand his father and ran away from home in the summer between Junior and Senior year. He enrolled himself at PDH and cannot legally be made to return home, and this sets up a lot of the conflict. Garté is a very famous businessman and politician and the tabloids are finding it hard to avoid discussing the family drama, especially with Vylad being public news. Garrance is also endgame
Zane Ro’Meave - Age 16. Debate team. Anyone who knows me knows I love Zane, and I am so normal about him in this. He’s the student council head (the SC is the Jury, idk if I made that clear) at O’Kasis academy until Garté gets really antsy to get Garroth back. Garté basically forcefully transfers Zane to PDH and says he can’t go back to O’Kasis Academy until Garroth comes home. Character development and chaos ensues, while he’s finally forced to face everyone he’s hurt and his feelings about his dad. Much less importantly, Zane gets a boyfriend by the end. It’s Janus (as in the silver death), who’s been his friend the whole time.
Vylad Ro’Meave Fletcher - Age 15. Sick of her husband, Zianna had an affair with another guy. Garté didn’t like how dissimilar Vylad looked to him and forced her to get a DNA test. He basically forced Zianna to give Vylad up, and he’s currently staying in a foster home. It’s public knowledge that he is a Ro’Meave, but it’s just not really talked about in a serious context (kinda Boris Johnson’s kids). Suddenly he’s at the same school as his two older brothers and getting to reconnect with them, and it’s all a lot at once. He’s also the person who convinced Sylvanna that Aphmau should come to PDH on an open day.
It’d be kinda Sex Education vibes??? More than one main character and it focuses on all their conflicts, but the overarching story is Katemau and the conflict between Zane and Garroth, both of which would come to a peak on the night of the winter dance :)
IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!!! If you have any questions or characters you’re curious about hmu
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mashmouths · 2 months
girl what the fuck are they doing in the mcu
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h0rsehead · 2 months
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Comfort characters
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luwupo · 2 years
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leem1nheow · 2 years
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kungfuwushuworld · 1 year
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Cool Kung Fu Cinema T-Shirts
Up to 35% off sitewide! $16 tees and more.
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