#ventus rex
This is my current fanfic list. My requests are open :)
I am new to posting fanfiction and taking requests, so there are a few rules I’d like to address.
I only write platonic fanfiction, that’s all I’m comfortable with.
Please do not ask me to write anything I am uncomfortable with!
I refuse to write smut, incest, or anything along the lines of these topics.
Characters I will write for are:
Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Ventus (Kingdom Hearts)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Most clone troopers, but I write well for Fives and Tup (Star Wars)
More will come to my list, but I am just starting out and am in need of more practice :)
(The poll below has one week until it goes down!)
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mimi-kazuki · 1 year
VRChat shenanigans ensue
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Meant to be read from right to left! --- BY SOME MIRACLE IVE FINISHED THIS COMIC
Sorry if some words are hard to read-- Full resolution will be on my deviantart as usual!
(ft. @roovenn's gamerverse Ventus)
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cloudofash · 7 months
Kingdom Hearts is Like a Chess Game...And It Explains the Characters' Story Arcs
If you've played the series up until KH3 you should know that the story of Kingdom Hearts and the characters within our current tale are likened to pieces on a chess board an ample amount of times, especially where Eraqus and Xehanort's chess-like game are a literal re-enactment of the events of the KH3 Keyblade Graveyard war between Light and Darkness.
Despite Kingdom Hearts' chess-like game being well...chess-like and and not an exact 1:1 of chess, we know at the very least that there is a "King" piece within the Kingdom Hearts' chess game. With the introduction of Verum Rex (Verum meaning true Rex meaning King) in KH3 as well as one of the secret endings with Yozora in Re:Mind being titled "Falsus Rex" (False King) entertains the idea that our KH chess game maintains the same (or similar) chess pieces that regular chess has. That is, a King piece, Queen piece, 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops and 8 Pawns.
This being said, I want to explore which Kingdom Hearts character is which chess piece.
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We know there is a Verum Rex/True King and a Falsus Rex/False King. Yozora is the True King of his Quadratum Universe. The Kingdom Hearts universe is the unreality-reality mirror to Quadratum, meaning that there must be a True King in the Kingdom Hearts universe as well. The true "King" of the KH Realm is most likely Riku, the Keyblade's original and true chosen and he looks nearly identical to Yozora as opposite Kings on a chessboard would. The False King, in this particular case, would be Sora since he wasn't the Keyblade's true chosen and only obtained the power because Riku fell to darkness and his heart's light passed the Keyblade to Sora making him the replacement/fake. However, I don't believe being a False King is Sora's true role in the Kingdom Hearts game of chess. I believe that if Riku's heart never fell to darkness, Sora would be a completely different chess piece that I will get to later.
The other pieces contain a Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights and 8 Pawns, giving us a 15 pieces (16 total if you include the King). Now in the Kingdom Hearts game of chess there are only 7 (original) Light Guardians, however in the final battle there are actually 10 Total Guardians: King Mickey, Sora, Aqua, Ventus, Axel, Kairi, (and Riku) are the original 7 and then Terra, Roxas and Xion join the fight after being saved. 12 if we count Donald and Goofy and 13 if we count Riku Replica, but it doesn't stop there. Namine made an appearance as well and helped shift the tide by finding Terra's Lingering Will and connecting him to the battle, and Master Yen Sid also joined the fight in the graveyard. The final piece and final character to help in the war is the light from the past, Ephemer.
In other words, we actually have all 16 chess pieces present in the Keyblade War (on both sides if we include Demyx, Vexen and the Xehanort Replicas as the final 3 to the 13 Darknesses). If we match the pieces with the characters I believe it goes something like this based not only on their role within the War but also their importance and contribution to the overall story. Please know that some of these positions can be debated:
Terra - Rook. Terra reconnecting with his Will and Body drastically alter the events of the Graveyard. TerraNort single-handedly defeated all of the Guardians and Terra's intervention stopped them from losing and altered the timeline altogether. Plus, Terra was also carrying the Heart of Master Eraqus who ultimately ended the war by stopping Xehanort. Considering Terra's value to the War, I can't view him as any piece less than a Rook.
Ephemer - Rook. Though he plays a minimal role in the entire Keyblade Graveyard war and no role at all in the entire Xehanort Saga, his small appearance is what saves the wielders from total demise yet again to the Giant Demon Tide. Since he saved Light from expiring at the part in time where they were destined to expire he is a crucial chess piece. And for those who know chess, the Rook piece is required for a "castling" a move that saves the King (or again, the False King) which is exactly, to me, what Ephemer did.
Namine - Bishop. Her action of calling Terra changed the tide drastically. However, I will place her position as debateable as there may be others who you could count as a Bishop.
Yen Sid - Bishop. He saves the wielders from the Heartless Army, ultimately saving Light from expiring making him a key player in the War. Without him they most likely would have lost the war or would have been severely weakened and incapable of winning the war.
Mickey - Knight. I give Mickey Knight status due to his Last Stand where he single-handedly pushed back all of the 13 Xehanort Replicas and saved everyone. It may not be timeline altering but it is still a contribution nonetheless.
Aqua - Knight. Debateable position, however Aqua took the lead at several points in the battle and barked battle instructions, almost acting like a military general. Thus I rank her above some of the others.
Roxas - Pawn. Originally a pawn to Org 13, although he went through an incredibly journey he ended up locked away back into Sora's heart and wasn't able to participate or contribute to the war or storyline until he received a Replica body and Sora's connection.
Xion - Pawn. She was used as the 13th Darkness until Sora connected with her and helped Axel remember her.
Ventus - Pawn. He contributed to the war as an Original of the 7 Lights, but he did not alter the timeline nor save the Lights from expiring, nor did he take any lead during the war thus can only be considered a Pawn piece. Not to mention, he took an enormous backseat as a character after being asleep for 11 years. As such he hasn't had much time to shine since his Union Cross days. That may change in the next Arc, especially since he has ties to the Lost Masters.
Axel/Lea - Pawn. A literal Pawn to Org 13 for most of his story until the end when he final joins the the Guardians of Light. In fact, Xemnas even makes a chess analogy when calling Axel a "pawn" during his fight against Isa and Xion.
Donald - Pawn (extension of Sora)
Goofy - Pawn (extension of Sora)
Riku Replica - Pawn (extension of Riku)
And I know many will not like this, but I place Kairi as a Pawn. The reason isn't to shoot the character down, but I believe within the story she is literally treated like a Pawn. Her entire story begins with Xehanort treating her like a Pawn to get to the Keyblade Wielder. Narratively she is only used to push the stories further, constantly getting kidnapped or harmed. Some of the other characters are debateable but I stand firmly in that Kairi is a Pawn piece and it explains why she feels lackluster. She is meant to be, it's simply her role in the KH Chess Game. This doesn’t mean she'll stay a Pawn, as the Lost Master's Arc is starting a "new" KH chess game and thus the roles of many of the chess pieces (sans Riku and Sora) will change. I believe she'll be a Bishop in the Lost Master's Arc but as of the Xehanort Saga Kairi is only a Pawn.
But if Kairi is not the Queen piece, as I'm sure many of you initially thought, then who is?
I'm sure you noticed I skipped a character. That's right: Sora. Sora is the Queen piece in this game. A Queen piece acting in the place of the King, a false king. If you know chess you know that the Queen piece can move in any direction she wants as many spaces which is exactly what Sora is and what he can do. Sora is ridiculously OP as a character to the point he is often considered the most powerful and it's the Queen piece that is the most powerful, not the King piece as some unfamiliar with chess may believe. Sora can move any which way he pleases, even traverse time, travels worlds through hearts and hearts through worlds and even moves between Realms to save Riku from Dark Aqua as a Queen piece would rush to the save the King piece. All of which is reminiscent of a Queen moving all around a board in any way.
Riku is the King piece which is why the battle in the Keyblade graveyard wasn't considered over until Riku was defeated or checkmate'd. After Riku was defeated by the Demon Tide Storm, Sora was instantly knocked off the board. Also again, he is a mirror of Yozora much like the White and Black Kings in chess mirror each other. And if we think about the King piece in chess, Riku makes the most sense. The King is the most important piece and often times Riku is the most important to the story (especially Dream Drop Distance and now post Re:Mind) hence his character development and getting more development than Sora in many ways. In the Keyblade Graveyard War, he IS the most important as its his sacrifice that changes the timeline altogether and saves Light from Expiring. Without his sacrifice, the 13 Darknesses would have won and Light would have remained expired. It doesn't get any more important than that. In addition, if the Crown Necklace theory is proven true and Sora acquired his crown necklace chain from Riku, that means Riku was the original bearer of the Crown and most likely descends from Ephemer's Royal Line (which is all but confirmed, he literally looks like Ephemer) making him make even more sense as the King Piece.
Sora and Riku are the only two who I believe will keep consistent Chess roles as the King and Queen pieces. That's what their relationship is to one another. The only change I can see is Riku and Sora themselves officially swapping roles, with Sora becoming the True King and Riku relinquishing his role as King to become Queen. Considering the way Riku rushes to save Sora and how he travels to all ends to do so (including traveling to an entirely new universe just to save him once more and traveling between dreams to become a Dream Eater to save Sora), it almost is like he is beginning to move all around the "board" and could very well be showing signs of becoming a Queen piece to protect Sora, who would then become the new King piece.
We will have to wait and see which way this chess game goes in KH4 and beyond to confirm or deny any of this theory.
Anyway, that's all I have I hope you all feel free to share your thoughts. If you have alternate Chess Rankings, please feel free to share!
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valorxdrive · 5 months
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Gotta speak my truth.
A reason why the passion has dwindled on this blog, why I've sought other avenues. It hasn't really been the drought of content as much as the issue in what's already here. In short, it's the new angle of SQ's direction with the KH series that leaves me uncertain.
It all begins with a game called KH3, moreso, how it really feels like it was a title that didn't care about itself in terms of a grand finale or the fans who wanted a solid conclusion before a new chapter.
I genuinely dislike it with a whole lot of my heart.
I'll dip into why down below! Stick around for the ride if ya like.
I've sat here across the years genuinely contemplating it. Seeing people heavily defend it (myself too at one point), though who abhorred it for seeing things sooner (or just took it too far.) Had discussion with friends and it truly clicked to me what bothered me so much with the KH3 title.
It genuinely does not give a fuck. In a bizarre way, this is the first time I've seen a video game, even with it's complicated history that's just so utterly prepared to be finished with itself.
What struck me the most about this is how done it was with dealing with Xehanort as an antagonist. Bringing no connection with him to the worlds, or to the main cast, how he was simply relegated to the hurdle that had to be surpassed. This in kind extends to the heroes dealing with him too, that remains connected. So that brings the question, what did warrant all of their attention?
Verum Rex and Union X. Two aspects which are vividly 'new'-, the more exciting, new grounds to no longer have to bring concerns with the current epic that was being made.
The way these things were shoo'd in at the expense of the characters and the wonder of the KH world really miffs me. So much of the actual effort was made in turning KH3 into a springboard FOR these concepts, the new beginning and it allows for the keyblade war to be entrenched in a piss poor execution.
Another aspect I'd love to really dive on, being a Sora blog, is Sora's particular journey. This holds a firm eye towards the Disney worlds and mixing it with the cast of characters in there, and the KH originals. You can entirely omit the Disney journey and have literally nothing change. From the moment you hop from Yen Sid's tower, to the moment you go and save Aqua, this part of the game from the story perspective is entirely pointless. To those who care about the story. To those who CARE about disney 1 for 1's (like singing Let it go in new graphics fml), who are more concerned about the shiny new Verum Rex (vs XIII reboot) or the perspective of the Union X things, it'd be a fine enough meal.
I want to actually dig into why however. It's a simple angle, they don't care about his current goals in lieu of bringing shiny new worlds in akin to jingling car keys. The goal of finding a means to bring Roxas back, and in order to draw back the Power of Waking that found itself lost in DDD.
Both of these don't require external adventures. It needs insight, it needs the retracting of old grounds, and I'm damn sure that the perspective of Disney was not going to allow for that. So on this front unless a heavy push was warranted, I genuinely wouldn't of seen it changing. How are you going to find clues for Roxas in Arendelle for example?
Unless Sora has more Heart related ventures after each world, what in the fuck was this roaming going to do to unlock the power of waking again? A journey to find something important in KH is usually coupled by heavy character development, a way they come to re-look at how they see the surrounding world, their situation and themselves. The fact that a completely unrelated situation from Sora, despite his caring nature was the trigger to unlocking this.
For Ventus's disembodied heart to say it was always there was a pitchfork through the heart of this.
The fact that they've always said that recovering this power was essential for saving Aqua, when you literally can hop in and kick her butt, prompt no connection of ripping corruption away or anything via the Power of Waking says more than enough. You genuinely see that by the end of a lot of main cast characters being nods to the audience, or bots made for exposition, they've outright abandoned these concepts before your eyes.
I genuinely could continue on but this has become bloated.
For the journey for the current cast, the premise of KH3 is perfect as an adventure and inevitable showdown, but the execution is atrocious (the raw lack of opposing parties facing each other, showcasing the threat of Xehanort set to end all reality), and would genuinely require an entire game overhaul. Again, the execution. This extends to so much of the story decisions, to a LOT of the gameplay (whole dif can of worms) on top of that. I've really needed to recognize this and really have my genuinely lens set on it, no other opinions diluting my opinion on the matter.
I can understand why people who KH3 has the laughing stock/joke of the series.
Recognizing this has felt refreshing to me. It gives me a more distinct image that down the line, I really don't mind taking a canon divergent perspective at all. The mythos of KH and so much it has built is a fever dream of the best proportions, I however, genuinely want to carry on that I tenderly love which has always been the try and true flame of this series. I won't let nostalgia blind me, nor the ~future excitement~ either.
My nostalgia and my value as a fan is worth something to me. Nomura and co genuinely have to begin cooking again for me to gamble in that corner again.
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quidam-sirenae · 3 days
Viva la vida in Latin
Mundum Habui
Mares crescit, verbum dedi
Somno solo in mane nunc
Mundavi viam teneo tunc
Alea iacta est
Sentio in hostis timores
Inquit vulgi canant vox
Rex mortuus est, diu vivat rex
Clostum custodivi
Deinde muri claudat mihi
Et invenire sunt castrum stat
In columnae salis et Sabuloque.
Clocca audeant iurusulus,
Equites canant romanus
Ferrum scutum eritis vitrum,
Apostolus in novum agrum,
Enim causa nescio
Cum reliquat numquam
Non verbum verum
Quoque imperaveri tum.
Ventus scelus et ferus est
Quod in austium delet et
Res fractis sono cornoque
Non poterant existo ut credere.
Coniurati clamat
Caput meus in disco, at
Solum falsus et vacuus sum
Qui desideretne regnum.
+Non sanctum clamas cogito
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alphascorpiixx · 1 year
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[ID: Ventus and Roxas in the Verum Rex battle arena facing down two gigas. End ID]
Roxas and Ventus Week. Prompt: Fighting Spirit
I loved that part in Remind where Rox and Ven had a team attack (and with Xion) and I hope we get to see them fight together again!
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mambo68 · 1 year
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REX 7656.GYSEV Siemens Ventus.
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nothingavailable · 10 months
Here’s lore and world-building I’d like to put down for a possible reboot/rework/remake/retool/redux/rewrite of Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall involving other series.
Lord Fuse has a connection to the Nothing from The Neverending Story, MultiVersus and Fortnite, as do the Void from The Amazing World of Gumball, the Darkness from Learning with Pibby: Apocalypse and the Entity from Dead by Daylight. In terms of both skill and power he outranks, outmatches and outclasses the Meta-Nanites from Generator Rex, Aku from Samurai Jack, the Omnitrix from Ben 10, the Collector and Archivists from The Owl House, the Magic from Star vs. the Forces of Evil, the Calamity Gems from Amphibia and Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls at their absolute strongest, possibly being even more powerful. His powers here instead primarily revolve around various non-elemental and non-radioactive sources with the added abilities of immortality, extreme regeneration and complete control over his body, mind and sense of self.
Now here are battles I’m interested in seeing for multimedia crossovers:
Cube Queen & Herald (Fortnite) vs. Origin/Cube King (Fortnite)
Vilgax (Ben 10 Classic) vs. Megatron (Transformers: Animated)
Reindog (MultiVersus) vs. Strike (O.K. K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!)
Shiba Sintaro & Simone (Cannon Spike) vs. Strike (O.K. K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!)
Chizuru Urashima, Reiji Arisu, Xiaomu, Mii Koryuji & Kogoro Tenzai (Namco x Capcom & Project X Zone) vs. Strike (O.K. K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!)
York Neely, Miko Aiba, Troy, Lazarus, Anesha, Raizen & Augustine (Cross Edge) vs. Strike (O.K. K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!)
Ruby Heart, Amingo & SonSon III (Marvel vs. Capcom) vs. Strike (O.K. K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!)
Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Namine, Xion, Terra, Ventus & Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Strike (O.K. K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!)
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frickingnerd · 11 months
My Favorite Characters
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⋆˖⁺‧₊ ANIME ₊‧⁺˖⋆
A Condition Called Love
Saki Hananoi
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou
Mashirao Ojiro
Mirio Togata
Rody Soul
Keigo Takami
Koichi Haimawari
Oboro Shirakumo
Soga Kugisaki
Number Six
My Dress Up Darling
Marin Kitagawa
Wakana Gojo
Oshi No Ko
Aquamarine Hoshino
Sk8: The Infinity
Reki Kyan
Kojiro Nanjo
⋆˖⁺‧₊ CARTOONS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Adrien Agreste
Chat Noir
Luka Couffain
Felix Fathom
Pyrrha Nikos
Jaune Arc
Oscar Pine
Yang Xiao Long
Qrow Branwen
James Ironwood
The Owl House
⋆˖⁺‧₊ BOOKS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Anne Of Green Gables
Jerry Baynard
Diana Barry
Gilbert Blythe
Percy Jackson
Leo Valdez
Hazel Levesque
Luke Castellan
⋆˖⁺‧₊ VIDEOGAMES ₊‧⁺˖⋆
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim
Ei Sekigahara
Shu Amiguchi
Nenji Ogata
Iori Fuyusaka
Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice
Phoenix Wright
Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Kazuma Asogi
Ai: The Somnium Files
Moma Kumakura
Kizuna Chieda
Iris Sagan
Kuruto Ryuki
Nagito Komaeda
Kokichi Ouma
Kazuichi Soda
Doki Doki Literature Club
Rantaro Amami
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife
Zack Fair
Fire Emblem
Kingdom Hearts
Master Detective Archives
Yomi Hellsmile
Aphex Logan
Desuhiko Thunderbolt
Shinjiro Aragaki
Ryoji Mochizuki
Yosuke Hanamura
Goro Akechi
Ryuji Sakamoto
Project Edens Garden
Wolfgang Akire
Diana Venicia
Tales of Vesperia
Makise Kurisu
The Legend of Zelda
The World Ends With You
Nagi Usui
Shoka Sakurane
Rindo Kanade
Neku Sakuraba
Xenoblade Chronicles
Dana Iclucia
Yufa Gamberg
Zero Escape
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magpiejay1234 · 7 months
I can probably write entire novels out of Days like our lord, and master Kanemaki, but the latter half of Days is making me understand one of the core aspects of post-KH2 games, and even more prominently post-BBS stories have such messy payoffs is the whole Abrams-esque mystery box storytelling.
First half of Days works well since the mystery of Xion is not the core plot, and it is drowned by many other mysteries. There is a plot irrespective of the mystery arc. This is also why S1-S2 of ARC-V work better than S3.
Once the mystery arc becomes the plot, as it happens in Days/Coded/BBS (the latter trio as I like to call them), the overarching narrative starts to hang. However, unlike the even later ones, there is still a main plot ongoing.
Dark Road sort of gets away by playing the mystery arcs for mostly laughs, and KH3 mostly gets away with this by being a long boss rush, so the mysteries are mostly set-up for later games. Original chi also sort gets away with this, since it was written without the context of MoM being the next Big Bad, though without fully scrubbing that possibility.
I guess this is partly why I'm optimistic about MoM arc, Nomura has a clear vision here like he did in the original trio, and even if the arc overall falls short due to Nomura's low-writing quality, it is not going to be the end of the series. While there will inevitably be dropped plot-lines that will be expanded the likely reboot (this is Square after all).
Of course, one more thing we need to discuss is the problem of DLC. KH4 will very likely have two batches of DLC at least, possibly released in one year, or possibly released in two years.
Since there isn't going to be the usual Org. battles, this makes one wonder how they will deal with this, KH1's optional bosses were mostly Disney/FF characters, Heartless, and the usual next game promo. Additionally, since KH4 is not the conclusion of anything, we can't really expect an expanded final boss either.
So, with also the idea of Supergroupies artwork characters being possible side party members in various worlds, or various quests of Quadratum, best option would be more optional side-quests with more characters, but that's not quite Nomura's style, and it will take away from KH5's ideas.
Another issue I guess will be how they justify Sora's power reset in KH6. In the hypothetical Verum Rex spin-off(s), and KH5, they can just have Sora dying again for Strelitzia's return to life, but beyond that they will need to find some other gimmick.
We already messed around Riku, and Kairi through all the numbered titles, and besides Donald & Goofy & Jiminy, Sora doesn't have any strong relationships with any of the recurring cast members not named Naminé. KH3 sort of reestablishes connections with Roxas, and Lea, but within the context of MoM arc, those pale in importance to Ventus, due to his direct connection to MoM.
Easiest way to achieve this narratively would be doing the DDD situation again with MoM, and Foretellers that remain loyal to him becoming close to victory to force Sora's Level to reboot to 1 in KH6, but that would be incredibly cheap, and quite contrived narratively, especially considering the 13 lights vs. 7 darknesses thing we are now doing.
This is kind of important, since DDD, and CoM's plots largely exist for this power reset.
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cashewally-sarcastic · 10 months
Venti, for the longest time, thinks seeing brief after images of his bestie is like a sign he needs help. So around the time of the Archon War, hes vibing with Morax. Deca is screaming at him to get away because Deca hates. No. LOATHS. Rex Lapis. Ventus is like "i have no clue who this is but he is friendly to my bro so hes good". Then. Then a certain god of dust passes away,,,, and then you know how i said you need a strong bond and a lot of godly power? Local girlboss is like "shut the fuck up bitches and give me the spiritual mic." And crashes her own funeral. The only con to all this is the fact both Barbatos and Morax recognize a certain apparition right next to her (btw im adding you have to hold hands to become visible)
Guizhong being a chaotic ghost and showing up to her own funeral is girlboss behavior I love her so much
(Passive aggressive hand holding is funny to me I love the idea)
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rausule · 1 year
Romile o romula , Oorsprong van die Latynse taal Die eerstes kom van Evito af met die ekspedisies van die Romeine Latyn beteken ontdekkingsreisiger en dan het hulle 'n taal van Afrika-Europese wortels gedeel genaamd "Latyn, Valentino hier lê ons die bakstene van die beskawing  lt. Laat.”, waarop sommige ander tale wat deur naburige bevolkings gepraat is, 'n invloed gehad het, soos Etruskies, Oskaans, Umbries en die Grieks van die kolonies Magna Graecia. Latyn was dus oorspronklik die taal wat deur die
klein gemeenskap van herders wat lewe aan daardie dorpie gegee het en aansienlik verskil het van die idiome van die inwoners van die ander Lazio-dorpies. Soos alle tale het dit stadig ontwikkel en leksikaal en grammatikaal georganiseer. Van die Afrika-Europese wortel het hierdie taal fundamentele elemente behou soos die hoeveelheid vokale (kort of lank), die struktuur van die verbuigings, die ablaut. 2 Verder was ’n leksikale erfenis deel van die Afrika-Europese matriks wat woorde ingesluit het wat tot die mees uiteenlopende velde behoort, van dié wat atmosferiese verskynsels aandui (dies, nox, ventus) tot dié wat verwantskap aandui (pater, mater, frater), van die terme wat eie is aan godsdiens of van politiek (deus, rex) tot dié van familie en sosiale organisasie (dominus, sepelire) na dié wat verwys na fisiese of intellektuele aspekte (os, pes, genus, vivo, memini).
Dr De Beer
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elysiummfrp · 1 year
Activity Check 2 Results
Aloha Vacationers! Here we are, the results of our SECOND activity check!
Below the cut is the list of every muse who failed our Activity Check. Those who have failed have been given a temporary role of shame in the server – it won’t keep you from anything, but does designate you as having failed for ease of Moderation to locate accounts after the reapplication window. Nobody has enough fails to be full dropped immediately at this time – instead, every listed character has been placed on a 4 day hold. To rejoin and remove that role, just message the TICKETMASTER account, a mod, or the tumblr masterlist, and you will not be dropped!
After 4 days, your character will be kicked from the server and removed from the masterlist. To rejoin then, you must resubmit your entire application. Former members are welcome to rejoin any time, even when the application window is closed.
Thank you everyone for your continued interest in Elysium!
Guzma (Thysto)
Buddy Armstrong (Finch)
Susie (Johann)
Tim Drake (Stan)
Ralsei (Howl/Ezlo/Bones)
Tomix Danao (Birb)
Malenia (Soot)
Naven Nuknuk (Lunamor)
Zora Salazar (Lunamor)
Sephiroth (Soot)
Fandaniel (Mads)
Yusei Null (Mocha)
Rex Salazar (Birb)
Kratos (Stan)
King of all Cosmos (Benen)
Ventus (Hinn)
Ray (Lunamor)
Crow (Lunamor)
Aquaries Val’Amoldo (Robin)
Dash Mayday (Benen)
Kazmir Drosta (Robin)
The Spy (RED) (Birb)
Sal Fischer (Leona)
Ash (Birb)
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darthhope999 · 2 years
WOW (World of Wolves) Jobs and classes
*May change later*
Medical: Shard (head neurologist), Leafblizzrd (resident), Rex (pediatrician), Seiko (cardiologist), Rune (resident), Nero (med student), Soha (general practitioner), Gem (Pathologist)
Leadership: Blizzard (CEO of a coaching and tutoring company), Avira (CEO of a large company), Malu (CEO of a cleaning and delivery service), Nardi (co-owns with Malu), Icicle (hotel supervisor)
Kids: Rushwind (runs a daycare center), Keno (runs an orphanage *not a very good one*)
School: Arctic (high school), Glacier (high school), Clover (intermediate school), Ivy (intermediate school), Moonfur (high school), Firefur (high school), Forest (intermediate school), Timber (intermediate school), Rocky (high school), Max (intermediate school), Red (high school), Ace (high school), Aqua (high school), Blaze (high school) Amber (high school), Winter (high school), Telo, (high school), Birch (high school), Aspen (high school), Ash (high school), Scorch (high school), Oscuro (high school), Magma (high school), Mist (high school), Soot (high school), Alamatar (high school)
Food: Rusty (runs a family restaurant), Dawn (co-owns the restaurant with Rusty)
Education: Shadow (college history), Koda (elementary school), Snowstorm (college biology), Jade (college physics), Onyx (college PE and self defense), Astro (kindergarten), Moonlight (college psychology), Thunder (college mathematics) Caedus (college history), Benalis (college philosophy), Oan (college english), Amethyst (college mathematics), Enyo (college algebra), Astri (college english), Hawfly (preschool), Saghir (college librarian), Shaer (high school librarian), Ghost (college biology), Risha (kindergarten),
Therapy: Ajax (child psychiatrist), Everest (psychiatrist), Fidelis (psychiatrist), Kira (psychiatrist), Kino (psychiatrist specializing in marriage and couples counseling), Yanshe (psychiatrist)
Science: Echo (biology), Anthea (statistician), Adderstrike (chemist)
Self defense: Maverick, Blurr, Reaper, Roman, Fenrir, Wyvern, Saber, Venator, Naro, Sphinx, Talahib, Zion
Law: Tucker (detective), Silvershape (lawyer), Daisy (lawyer), Ember (police), Pine (lawyer), Verum (lawyer), Marer (police), Donner (detective), Warqua (police), Kiun (detective)
Fire: Dusk, Aztec, Felix, Ocizor, Ardur, Tabriy
Freelance: Maelstrom (private detective), Null (gun for hire)
Other: Spiritus (airport manager), Seatus (Employee at a thrift store)
Employee: Atomic (works under Rushwind), Cyclone (works under Rusty), Lightningstrike (works under Rusty), Conan (works under Rushwind) Falcon (works under Rushwind) Turbo (works for a human company), Cobalt (works under Rusty), Trial (works under Keno as security), Balto (works under Keno), Mylo (works under Keno as a medic), Asher (works under Blizzard as the head of the children department), Kiko (works under Blizzard), Tempest (works under Avira as head of the north end of the company), Umber (works under Avira as head of the east end of the company), Emerald (works under Rusty), Talon (works under Avira as a “messenger”) Cora (works under Avira as head of the south end), Ventus (works under Cora), Terra (works under Cora), Rivus (works under Cora), Salm (works under Cora), Silverstripe (works under Avira as head of the west end of the company), Hielo (works under Silverstripe), Krystal (works under Silverstripe), Daemon (works under Silverstripe), Hakim (works under Tempest), Autumn (works under Rushwind), Greystone (works under Blizzard), Jardi (works under Rusty), Eden (works under Umber), Fjar (works under Umber), Fundin (works under Malu), Allra (works under Malu), Raiden (works under Malu), Khar (works under Malu), Sapphire (works under Malu), Azazel (works under Rusty), Fearou (works under Rushwind).
Unemployed: Boulder, Haya, Ardun, Akira
Living arrangements
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion Re: Kingdom Hearts
I touched upon this recently but I think it warrants its own post.
While I firmly believe that the three fatal strikes for the franchise were the Xehanort revival/Organization XIII/X-Blade and Keyblade War direction in Dream Drop Distance, the introduction of the Master of Masters and the Foretellers and the expansion of the Keyblade War era in the X side series, and everything about Verum Rex, Yozora and Quadratum in Kingdom Hearts III, I still consider Birth By Sleep to be the game where Kingdom Hearts definitively jumped the shark.
Mostly ‘cause of Blank Points and all that led to it that was scattered throughout the game, but not JUST that - there’s also the fact that this game solidified the Tetsuya Nomura-Masaru Oka partnership and birthed the notion of the Dark Seeker Saga, and last but not least of all, the goddamn Keyblade Jedi Order. That was so retconny, so blatantly derivative of Star Wars, so out of tone with what the series was from the start, and made everything about the Keyblade War, the X-Blade, the Mark of Mastery exam, the “bequeathing” nonsense, the omnipresence of Yen Sid as a Big Good in big, epic Keyblade-related affairs, and ultimately “the Lost Masters”, the Book of Prophecies, the Black Box, the Master of Masters, the Dandelions, time traveling Keyblades, Project X, the 13 Darknesses, and all that relates to Quadratum possible to happen in this series’ narrative.
‘Cause the thing is, you did not need that as an addition to the story. A small and secret union of Chosen Keybearers as watchful guardians of the worlds, with Master Eraqus, Master Xehanort, Terra, Aqua, Ventus and Vanitas as characters in it, could have easily still existed and served their role in a KH prequel story without Nomura going so hard on the Jedi-esque angle. Rewrite the Mark of Mastery so that it’s not some necessary, traditional, sacred rite of passage for a Keybearer. Write out the bequeathing ritual since the Keyblade choses its master without any such ritual. Make the X-Blade consistent and understandable or else don’t have it at all. And for the love of all light, keep the Keyblade War as just a legend and source of Kairi’s grandmother’s fairy tale, with the only evidence that points towards the truth of its occurance being the Keyblade Graveyard. 
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dnmeinster · 5 years
Sorting Through Kingdom Hearts III Part 4 - See You In Shibuya
Link to Part 1
Link to Part 2
Link to Part 3
Kingdom Hearts III almost gives us a happy ending.  Almost.
For a split second, all of our heroes are hanging out on the beaches of the Destiny Islands, including both Sora and Kairi, who are sitting together on that well-known tree branch.  As they lean in close to each other, suddenly Sora disappears.  Um...WHAT?
Why did he disappear?  Where did he go?  Was he ever really there to begin with?  And what about Kairi?  Was she really there?
What follows is mostly speculation, but then again, most of the others posts have been just that, though with better evidence.
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Let's start with Kairi.  Was she really on Destiny Islands along with everyone else?  We see her murdered in the Keyblade Graveyard, because unfortunately the series has turned her into the perpetual victim.  But, as we already know, the dead don't necessarily stay dead in Kingdom Hearts.  Literally all the Guardians of Light are returned to life in this game.  Including her.
So Kairi already died once and came back.  Did she do it again?
Yes, of course, but with Sora's help.  After Master Xehanort is defeated, Sora goes off to rescue Kairi.  We'll get to the details of that in a moment, but Kairi's appearance can only mean that Sora was successful.
What else indicates that Kairi was sufficiently rescued?  Namine.  Her revival in Hollow Bastion is shown, and she is with every else on Destiny Islands.  As we know, her heart resided within Kairi since the end of KH2.  It only briefly left when Kairi died the first time.  Where did it go?  The Final World.
"I was in Kairi’s heart, but then we were struck by a powerful darkness...and I woke up here.”
When Kairi died the second time, Namine's heart once again returned to the Final World.  And what happened?  Exactly what Namine described the first time:
“Kairi is where I came from.  So when she’s safe again, Kairi is where I’ll return.”
So, once Sora rescued Kairi (again), Namine's heart returned to Kairi (again) and then her heart was placed into a replica.  Namine's existence confirms that Kairi survived.  But what did it cost Sora?
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Young Master Xehanort warns Sora about diving into the abyss, presumably where he has to go to save Kairi:
"That heartless you’ve been fighting.  It’s not like other heartless.  It exists to usher hearts down to the depths of darkness.  If you chase it, you will condemn your heart to that same abyss...What do you think the power of waking is?  It’s for traversing hearts to reach worlds, not for traversing worlds to reach hearts.  There’s a high price to pay for wielding such power foolishly...There’s no saving you.  You’ve paid the price, and it lies at the bottom of the abyss.”
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But Sora goes there anyway and apparently sacrifices himself to bring Kairi back to the World of Light.  And that image of him right before the credits roll is probably Kairi's imagination.  Sigh.
We don't have any clue to where Sora might have gone to until the secret movie after the credits.  Sora is looking pretty realistic (with fingernails!) and, as the world around him is revealed, we see that it's Shibuya from the World Ends With You.  The best hanging thread from Dream Drop Distance has finally been pulled.  Neku telling Sora “See you in Shibuya” was not just a pleasantry.
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So, it's likely that Sora died, but instead of being sent to The Final World, this time he enters the Reaper's game.  (Could it be because of Luxord's card?)  We might not be getting a direct TWEWY sequel, but this is the next best thing.
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Speaking of, the secret movie also includes Riku ending up in another world not dissimilar to our own.  It's the world of Ventus Rex, aka FF Versus XIII.  Nomura might be cramming both games Square won't let him make into KH3.5.  I'm excited for it!
Joining both of them in the secret movie is the Master of Masters, whose apprentices appear in the post-credit epilogue.  It seems that they're setting up a Sora vs. Apprentices future.  Why?  Well, guess you'll have to play Union Cross or watch one of those Youtube summaries if you want a clue.  I really don't like how they're tying the mobile game into the main series, given how unbearable I felt playing it was when it came out.  But maybe they'll at least give us another movie or release a PS4 version.
Where does the Kingdom Hearts series go from here?  Well, we know there's Final Mix DLC coming.  And the secret movie hints at where 3.5 or 4 will take us.  It seems certain that the Master of Masters will be the primary antagonist going forward, along with at least some of his apprentices.  And we're not done with many of the Organization's original members, especially Xigbar.  Plus, the Book of Prophecies will undoubtedly come into play, and maybe we'll have boss battles with Maleficent and Pete again when it does.
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It could be a while until we get our next KH game, be it a Ventus Rex/TWEWY mash up or an Unchained Key/Union Cross HD upgrade.  But it's a safe bet that KH4 will be a PS5/next gen game.  Hopefully it won't take 13 years to release.  And maybe we'll get Star Wars or MCU worlds this time!  (Or even Avatar or something now that the Fox merger is complete.)
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I've got one more post left, sorting through Nomura's recent interviews and what I got right and wrong in my previous essays.  See you then.
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