#vera is very tired and on a roll
social-mockingbird · 2 years
It is late enough that I am willing to argue that when Oberon put the love potion on Titania’s eyes he turned her into a succubus no I will not explain myself
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The sakamaki finds their self staring at their S/O baby/kids photos or maybe vice Vera, pick you’re favourite!
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I'm picking both because I'm an indecisive lil'bitch, so this is part 1 with the Sakamakis seeing you as children. This took way longer than expected but I got bad writers block with Kanato, Laito, and Ayato in particular.
Part 2
TW: Some mildly degrading language, it comes with the DL terrotory, Laito calls reader a whore once.
Shu Sakamaki
Perhaps if you were less tired you would have heard the door creak open or felt the hallway's light hitting your eyes as he entered your room. While not requiring heat, it was a luxury Shu enjoyed indulging in it and you tended to give the best reactions to his cold fingers waking you.
This time though you looked exhausted, a long exam season having drained you more than he would have thought. Besides, it would be funniest if you had the energy to react well. So for now he was intent on joining you in dreamland. That was until his eyes strayed to your vanity where a book lay half open. A clearer look showed a small child grinning up at him, and the note "Sweet Pea's first contest" was scrawled on a slip of paper attached to the bottom left corner.
You were sat beside an older girl both in tutus your hair adorned with with a delicate tiara complimenting your light pink, glittery costume. It looked like you were matching the older girl who was dressed in the more traditional sugar plum fairy outfit. Flicking through the book it looked like you must still be a ballerina, he especially loved your first point shoe photo, you were beaming at yourself in a mirror while standing holding the bar.
The last photo was dated as being almost a year ago, you were stunning. On stage front and center leg held high being supported by your partner as you stared dainty upwards to the side, ironically you were also a sugar plum fairy. Except there was something much more ethereal compared to the first picture he saw, you must have been some prodigy to look this way. The spotlight had all of you glowing, the layers of tulle and jewels only accentuating your glow rather than causing it.
You also had a photo with a young girl after the show, a change in generations perhaps? But, you didn't look as happy. There was the arm of a man in the frame slightly, wearing some robe similar to Yui's dad. Flicking between the first and last photo there was a clear difference between your smile reaching your eyes. You looked so hollow compared to your younger self.
The noise of you stirring slightly and turning over is what brings him back to reality, looking at you now it would be a lie to say he ever saw you smile the way you do in these photos, a beaming toothy grin in an expression he could only call personified sunshine. Now, none of that was visible. What little joy was left in that photo of you and the child had been eradicated. You were paler, and more gaunt due to constant blood draining. You had bags heavy under your eyes and knots in your hair. Punctures littered your neck, painful angry marks unhealed and just left there to further your pain.
He never asked about your hobbies or life before the manor, he knew very little about your past what he had seen while at your least intruding to try minimize the harm his brother, no he was causing. He didn't like this feeling, a rolling unsettling feeling in his stomach. He couldn't look at you as he slunk away.
Reiji Sakamaki
"Seriously, must you be so rude to delay all of our journey home."
Pushing open the doors to the school library he met the sight of your head against a book out cold. Walking closer it was clear you had been studying for some time, a mixture of notes and books laid around you. Tutting, Reiji brushed some pencil shavings away noticing the golden chain wrapped around your fingers a small heart nestled in your palm.
Turning it over it fell open to reveal two halves, one empty the other revealing a young girl in the lap of two people, their heads were out of the frame. Picking up the locket to more closely examine it, the girl was holding a teddy bear with a big red bow matching the red dress she was in.
"They took that picture before they sent me off to the church"
Turning his head back to face her, she had sat up and wiped her eyes. Resting her head in her hand and looking at his hand with some far away look in her eyes.
"The church that supplies your sacrifices, cults are always going to exist but yours is less popular than you know. So they trick people or offer to buy their children flat out. Some of the girls had seen their parents trying to get them back, tricked into believing the church was a boarding school. I'm not sure what mine believed, I never saw them again. I don't have any other pictures of them."
"You don't believe in the Church? Yui seems rather devoted still, I know how you humans work and-"
"Yui was raised in the Church by a leading priest who at least pretended to love her, I was shipped off and locked in a building raised to be killed. If you want to view the world as one dimensional, I'd like to remind you that it goes both ways. So I know you vampires are so incapable of managing yourselves you lose all decorum when blood is involved and have seemingly failed to learn how to wipe your mouth." She was sneering, evidently it was harder to hold her tongue freshly woken up. All he could focus on was the swirling pain in your eyes, it was the closest he'd ever seen her get to tears, it took him aback.
The silence seemed to only further solidify your upset, shaking your head and grabbing the locket and your bag before walking out of the library. Reiji hung back for a moment, almost reflective before turning back to the table. The notes were insightful, she had interacted with the material rather than the girls in the school that begged him for help. He had to wonder if perhaps he was using a less than adequate sample population...
Walking out to return to the limo he had to begin considering appropriate response to this outburst.
Ayato Sakamaki
"Yo, you better hurry up Ore-sama waits for no-one!"
"I'm showering, you're the one that came into my room." Scowling the red head dropped down onto your bed only to feel something poking him. Lifting the mattress revealed a flat tin box you had hidden suspiciously. Nosey as he is, he immediately opened the box to be faced with a collection of different photos. Some were of you in some school uniform with some friends, you look around 13 in some of them. Other, newer, photos have you in some brick building with those other girls, as well as some of the previous brides, some wore crosses similar to Yui's but you weren't. You were sat on a window ledge a small cupcake in your lap with those other brides living here, your eyes had that same hollow look you get when he insults you. The worse one though was a picture of you as a toddler, sat on a woman's lap with a tiny paper hat on your head. You were grinning in front of a cake lit up with 3 candles.
How dare you. Being so happy and hiding these expressions from him but showing them to other people. As this is crossing his mind he hears the door creaking open as you enter still drying your hair before freezing.
"How did you get that." You were trembling, eyes fixed on the box still in his lap.
"How dare you hide things for Ore-sama! You are mine nobody else's you have to give me everything. And this," He held up the box, shaking it to punctuate his words. "This is proof you are hiding things from yours truly!"
Tossing the box into the fire in a fit of rage, watching you cry as you try to save some of the photos. He eventually pulled you away, drinking you near faint and watching as you stumble trying to run away when he let you go. Watching as the flames slowly cause the photos to curl in on your small round face while you wait to blow out your candles. As well as listening as you sobbed just outside the door.
Kanato Sakamaki
Kanato had demanded to see what was in your suitcase the moment you had passed the doors into this hellhole. Thankfully Reiji had insisted that it was improper and due to his short attention span the purple haired menace had mostly forgotten. As weeks passed it had completely slipped your mind as you were far too preoccupied trying not to die. While walking through the halls of the manor back to your room after school your mind drifted to Kanato's bizarre behavior.
Kanato, for some reason, followed you around more than the other girls here, you were unsure how to feel about him all in all. He had moments where he was incredibly sweet and nice only to change in an instance with no predictability into screaming, violent rages. He was bad news, with no motivation or willingness to try change or improve you had to live in constant tension over what mood he'd be in. No better example came to mind that what you faced upon opening your door.
Kanato sat at the foot of your bed, your suitcase open and a scattered collection of pictures of you around them. Your heart was in your throat, unable to see his face to know how to act or run. Your hands were clammy, those photos were important to you and while you wouldn't mind showing people Kanato was ultimately a risk, he could rip them up or hurt you for having them.
"Hey, you were a cute child strawberry." Kanato was half facing you now, focusing on the picture in his hand you in a princess bouncy castle at your cousin's 5th birthday. You loved that one, you had dressed up as Rapunzel, you had a lilac tea dress on and your mother had bought fake hair to braid in with yours to extend its length. Gently stepping closer you explained this to Kanato, and about her being your favorite as a child.
"You can sit closer, I want you to tell me more." He didn't sound angry, rare for when he made demands. and you want it to stay that way. Sitting closer he also shifts to have his right knee brushing your leg as he sat crossed legged. He had his arm holding himself up behind you. Sitting in that pose, if it weren't for the clothes, he looks like a normal teenager.
He kept you there for over an hour it felt good to get to talk about your life before being a sacrifice. It was the longest you had ever seen him lucid. You eventually nod off, vaguely comprehending fingers slowly running through your hair and a blanket being draped around you.
Laito Sakamaki
Laito strikes a balance between crazy and insane that while still very much not sane, he's better at hiding it. For the past few months while here you've seen him slowly tailor his behavior to somewhat better suit you. While still a complete perv, once he realized his attempts at flirting didn't work he changed tactics, a few times, until there was this uneasy understanding between you both. You weren't friends or anything but his worst behaviors were saved for when he was hungry for the most part, other than that he was mostly just an annoyance. An annoyance currently not letting you take your time with the Sunday crossword. "8 across is isthmi, strip of land connecting two large areas separated by a body of water."
"I knew that."
"Is that why you took so long to write it down?" I could only glare as he sat there one hand holding up his head on the opposite end of the sofa. Chewing my cheek to stop a sly remark I twirled my pen before filling in the answer. It's been a few days since he's drank, too many smart remarks could have bad results.
Between answering hints that I was taking too long to figure out, Laito was playing with the other pages of the newspaper, folding them into aeroplanes to send across the room. Fiddling with one of his most recent planes absentmindedly, he began to speak.
"The real question is why do you do these crosswords when you're so bad at them." He was grinning as he looked up to see my reaction. However, unlike my normal remarks my face must've fallen because he looked incredibly confused.
"Oh? Strike a nerve little whore?~" He was all but purring, reveling in getting under my skin so effectively. All I could do in response is shake my head turning back to try focus on the crossword. About a minute of silence passed of pretending to focus on the page. Suddenly feeling breath near the back of my ear I flinch turning to see him hovering above me, arm on the headrest behind me and his other on the armrest caging me in. Panicking my breathing picked up as I tried to ensure as much distance between me and him as possible.
"Pictures," he mumbled. "The answer is pictures 4 down, you're not that bad...what are you thinking." He was staring straight at me, seeing straight through me. He reached back to his pocket before placing a familiar photo in front of me, the old crease down the center where I folded it in half to fit in my old uniform. It was a photo from the dormitories, I was 5 working on a crossword page torn from the paper while the older girls in the room were reading the paper and the younger ones played.
"I found it when going through your stuff to see what could be returned to you, can't have cellphones or anything useful for escape. Only to find this, some of those other girls are in the photo and just like every Sunday you ripped out the crossword page. Why?"
I didn't like this Laito, when he was just as sharp as his older brother's and not as easy to placate as the other two triplets. This Laito, who has now left me to share things I would've much rather keep private.
"Nowadays, the Church operates as a boarding school to draw in brides. You get there and you are cut off from the outside world, they tell us the girls run away when they're sent here. They wouldn't give us any real information, too many heretics in the world." Picking at the frayed edges of my hoodie's arm, I took a deep breath before continuing on. "I told the matron I liked crosswords, she did the weekly Sudoku, so since I was young I knew she thought I wouldn't break any rules. I would tear out the crossword page to do while the older girls read the paper to collect any news on disappearances and just on the greater world in general. I would return the paper and say I tore out the crossword to keep to see how my timing improved. Now it's just a habit that paper will never say anything about us or anything that can help right."
I saw him sit back out of the corner of my eye. Readying myself to be bitten or mocked I kept looking down.
"You still stick your tongue out when you focus, its cute."
Before I could even look up he was gone.
Subaru Sakamaki
Out of all the Sakamaki brothers, Subaru was by far the safest. His anger was predictable and mostly posed a risk to furniture over you, even his bites were gentle and so long as he didn't rush off he would seal the wound with what you had dubbed 'nasty healing spit'. So when he unofficial began acting as your bodyguard you didn't complain, or even acknowledge it out of fear he would stop and leave you to the bats.
The new routine was by far the most peaceful you had experienced in some time. You ate your breakfast on your balcony watching the sunset before the white haired shadow took his place brooding nearby. This 'morning' was no different, you set eating your breakfast as you looked through a small pile of photos that the computer club had salvaged from the remnants of your phone. As the sky faded from orange, to purple, to the dark blue of summer nights and stars began to appear in the sky you sat back, eying the door waiting for his appearance.
Your door opened, his figure being somewhat visible through the sheer curtains as he yawned. Once he pulled the curtain back to step outside he scowled seeing you waiting, but when did he not? He silently placed himself leaning against the door frame while you remained seated.
"You can sit closer you know. I don't bite, promise!" Grinning up at Subaru while his scowl worsened.
"You aren't going to last long if you have that attitude stupid."
"I thought we had an agreement, most liars don't call themselves liars."
"I'm a vampire, you shouldn't be so careless if you value your life."
Sighing and turning back to your pictures, you both continued to sit in silence. It took 5 minutes for Subaru to give in and move closer. You were still going through the photos not acknowledging his movement. If there's anything you've learnt it's that if you ever point out Subaru's behavior he runs away, ironic for such a fearsome creature. After he had some time to work up the courage he pointed to one in your hand.
"Who's that?"
The photo was of you wearing some roller skates at a roller disco party, you were 7 or 8. Your wrists covered in sparkly wrist bands and plasters covering your knees and palms from how much you had slipped practicing to avoid embarrassment.
"It's me at one of my friend's birthday party, About a year after this I first got sent to this boarding school linked to the Church. After a few years I was cut off from everyone and sent here. That was the last time I saw her actually, she moved away."
The albino nodded in understanding before once again entering into a lapse of silence. He kept looking back to that photo while you organized the rest of the pile, wrapping the photos in a piece of paper to prevent any sun or dust damage. Standing back up and collecting your belongings you looked to him expectantly. However, he just continued to stare off into the distance.
Weighing up your options and how much you currently valued your life, you leaned down to tap his shoulder. Aside from a minor jolt he seemed more receptive to you. Passing over the photo you were smiling.
"I don't want to look at this it makes me sad, but it seemed to catch your attention to here."
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fiapartridge · 6 months
he's a stranger! | mack + grace 🌷💌⭐️
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macklin x hughes!sister
summary: grace wants to bring macklin to the sacred lake house and her brother, jack is not having it.
fia's notes 💌: soooo much dialogue, like no mack in here SORRY this is like a siblings + trevor and cole imagine lol <3 enjoy!
not proofread
In the heart of Michigan’s summer magic, nestled among towering pines and tranquil waters of Lake Michigan, stood the sacred Hughes family lake house. Throughout the year, the Hughes siblings would be spread far apart in different stretches of the country, one of them not even residing in the country, but at this lake house and on this plot of land, none of that mattered. Because for two full months, the four of them were there together, and it was always better than the last.
“What do you mean you’re inviting him here?” Jack yelled from the living room as Grace rolled her eyes, stirring a pitcher of ice cold lemonade from the kitchen. She stood in a forest green triangle bikini top and jean shorts, fanning herself from the scorching hot summer heat that was seeping into the house.
“It means exactly that, Jack,” she shrugged, throwing the lemonade into the fridge and fetching a container of strawberries in return. “And you better not be mean to him!”
Jack scoffed, peeling himself off the couch, his bare chest exposed as he stumbled into the kitchen. “You haven’t even met the kid yet! What if he’s crazy? You’re just gonna invite some stranger into the house like it’s nothing?”
“He’s not a stranger, Jack. You’re being dramatic.”
“Yeah? Well, you’re being under-dramatic!”
Grace laughed, shaking her head as she cut the strawberries into halves. “Oh, wise words, Mr. Harvard.”
“Very funny. You know, these college dropout jokes are getting real old.”
“Can’t be a college dropout if you never went to college, Jack,” Luke butted in, stomping down the stairs as he opened the fridge and immediately grabbed the lemonade Grace had just made.
“Hey! I just made that!” Grace shouted, her small knife pointing in Luke’s direction.
With his hands up, Luke dropped the pitcher onto the counter. “Hey, no need for weapons!”
“Can you guys shut up?” Quinn complained, Trevor in tow, as they sat on the barstools at the kitchen island. “We can hear you guys fighting from the lake.”
“Oh, did someone make lemonade?” Trevor asked, ushering the pitcher towards his direction. “Grab me a cup, Grace?”
“You’re 23, grow the fuck up and get your own cup,” Grace scolded, her hands crossed over each other as Trevor stood up, a frown etched onto his face.
“Someone’s angry,” Trevor mumbled to Luke as he stretched for a cup at the top cabinet.
At that point, everyone was angry about something. Jack didn’t want Macklin to come, Grace wanted the complete opposite, Luke was deprived of the lemonade and was now watching Trevor sip it with ease, Quinn was tired of everyone’s bullshit, and Trevor got yelled at by the youngest Hughes, but truth-be-told, he was more scared of her than anyone else in the family—other than Ellen.
“Guys!’ Jack announced from his spot by the entryway of the kitchen. “Tell me I’m not crazy—”
“You’re crazy—”
“I haven’t even said anything yet, Luke,” Jack scolded as Luke shrugged his shoulders in response, diving into something on his phone. “Okay! Gracelynn here wants to bring a complete stranger to the lakehouse. That’s stupid, right?” he asked.
“Well, haven’t you done that, too? Like all of the girls you’ve brought here,” Cole added from the backdoor, fanning his red sunburn in search of the aloe vera that Grace restocks in the fridge every summer. 
“That doesn’t count.”
Grace scoffed, her back resting on the cool counter behind her. “Why not?”
“Because you’re a hypocrite! Macklin’s gonna come here and you guys are going to enjoy him—or at least pretend to.”
Luke stood up, his head pointing up from his phone. “We’re talking about Mack?”
“Yes?” Jack agreed confusingly, his brows furrowing at the younger boy.
“I thought this was some random dude! I’m on G’s side.”
“Oh, come on!” Jack groaned. “He is random!”
“Don’t act like you weren’t complimenting his puck protection like two weeks ago,” Luke scoffed, stealing a sip of lemonade from Trevor’s cup.
“Hah!” Grace jumped. “You like him! Admit it!”
“I don’t like him,” Jack huffed. “But... you can bring him if you want, I guess.”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Grace asked, her hand cupping her right ear. “I don’t think I caught that.”
“You can bring him,” he groaned, defeated.
Putting down her knife, Grace jumped up and down before running towards Jack and throwing her arms around the boy. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Mirroring her actions, he threw his arms around Grace. “He better not be a weirdo and murder us in our sleep.”
“He won’t! Well, I don’t think he will,” she smiled. “Also, you’re really sweaty.”
“Oh well, fuck you then.”
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nkirukaj · 7 days
vVv is for Voe (15)
Pairing: StaticBeau & RadioBeau
Warnings: Swearing; R4pe/Non-Con
Genre: Angst!
Word Count: 2.4K
15. Good Girl pt. 2
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Once again, Voe woke up at 5 AM, this time rolling out of the bed next to Alastor, slipping her clothes and shoes on, and making her way towards the door. She knew that leaving at this time was the best moment to get back to V-Tower without the Vees noticing she had been gone. She hoped that Vox hadn’t come into her room again that night. Or any of the Vees, for that matter. It would be very hard to explain where she had been and what/who she had been doing the night before, so she’d rather skip the process entirely. 
Voe shakes her head; she has spent too much time lost in thought. If she was going to make it out of the Hotel before anyone noticed, she had to leave now.
“I should’ve known,”
Voe hears the voice from behind her and quickly spins around. Alastor was awake and slipping back into his clothes. Voe puts her hand on her forehead “You scared me,”
“And you surprised me,” he says, not facing her as he pulls up his trousers
“What are you talking about?”
“If you need something, I can provide it for you. Why are you going back to them? It’s getting quite tiring,”
Voe sighs “Alastor…”
“No, tell me. Do they own you?”
She looks away “No,”
“Are you in love with Vox?”
He spins around, anger obvious through his grin “Then what?” he spits venomously “What is it that makes you so keen on returning to them?”
“Why are you upset?” she asks
“Why do you keep going back there? And why do you keep coming back here just to disappoint them again?”
She tilts her head “Are you talking about yourself?”
“I’m not actually. I’m talking about everyone else. Charlie, Angel Dust, even…” he rolls his eyes “Lucifer”
“Oh, and you care about them now?”
He storms up to her, his antlers growing “Yes, I do, and I’m not going to let break their hearts over and over again. You’re not here the next morning when Charlie is disappointed because she feels like she's failed as a leader because you keep leaving to be with the people who have only made you look like a complete idiot on live television.”
She takes a step back, shocked by his words “Oh, and I bet you’re Mr. Perfect, aren’t you?”
“No, I’m not. And they know that. But you act like you are while consistently making the worst decisions possible!”
“Listen, I know I’m not perfect, okay? I’m just trying to survive without hating myself for the rest of eternity. But again, you don’t get that Mr. I’m better than everyone else,”
“Fine, if you leave…don’t come back. You are wasting everyone’s time,”
She laughs in disbelief “So Angel can leave and go work for the exact same people I do, and come back at night, and that’s fine,”
“Angel makes an effort. You’re here just to come and cry about your problems. Problems that you caused by the way, and you’ve done nothing of the sort to fix them,” he stiffens “You cannot stay here,”
“What?” she laughs
“You cannot stay here. Leave,”
“You can’t kick me out!”
“Fine,” he raises a brow “Should I go wake up Charlie?”
Voe looks defeated “No,”
“Vera, you need to leave,”
She looks up at his face, stepping forward and reaching for him. He steps back. “I want to be here,”
“I don’t think you do,”
She pulls back, now just as angry as him “So what about last night? I’m telling you I want to be here!”
“Last night was nothing,” he states coldly 
She scoffs and smiles “Nothing? Nothing,” he doesn’t answer and remains facing a different direction “Nothing!” she slams down her jacket
“You need to leave now,”
“I’m not leaving until you look at me,” she shakes her head “No,”
He doesn’t look at her “Get out,”
Voe storms up to Alastor, puts his arms around her waist, and turns his face to look at her “Last night, you told me I was yours. Tell me you didn’t mean that. Look me in the eyes and tell me!” she holds his face in place, so their eyes meet 
“I meant it. But I want to be yours, and you don't want that,” 
He looks her deep in the eyes “Please leave,”
Voe drops her arms, seeing the slight light of the sun in the window. She picks up her coat. “Fine,” and exits, not closing the door all the way
Voe didn’t know what she was feeling, something like her stomach and heart had been ripped out and switched. She felt like crying, screaming, and throwing up all at once. There was a knock on the door
“There will be a meeting in ten minutes, Mr. Vox needs you in the conference room,”
Voe doesn’t answer, and the assistant comes further into the room “I got it!” she yells at the woman. 
“Ok!” she scurries out of the room 
The meeting was just about some press conference coming up in a few weeks. They were droning on and on about how newer generations of sinners wanted more from the Vees as a brand, and all Voe could muster up were some sad meows. 
“These new sinners always want something new and something not ‘problematic,’ and I don't know what that means, but gotta give the consumers what they want,”
“Back in my day we just ignored them,” Val said, lighting up
Velvette looks up from her phone “But nowadays, they're on our ass for everything!” 
“Well, can’t lose our audience and will you shut the fuck up?!” he turns to Voe
She jolts up, not even realizing that she had been making noise “What?”
“We are having a discussion! Shh!” he puts his finger to his lips “Anyway, we have to decide what to say at the conference. Make sure it’s ‘nothing offensive’ they say. I don’t know what they mean by that,”
Voe goes back into her thoughts. What was she feeling right now? She was certain she had never felt this before. Feeling like she would be lonely forever and she would never find love. That had never actually been important to her, but for some reason, it was all she was thinking about. 
“No offense but, why am I here?”
Vox turns to her “The same reason why you betrayed us,”
She sits up “What?”
“What?” he mocks her “Don’t play fucking dumb Voe,”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,”
“Yeah, we know you don’t,” Velvette adds while scrolling
Val blows some pink smoke “You never do,” and the Vees laugh
Voe rolled her eyes at them and retreated into her thoughts. Her mind drifted to Alastor and how he looked that morning. Angry but also…hurt. She wondered if he had meant what he said about her not being allowed back to the Hotel. He wasn’t in charge of that, right? Whatever, she thought. It’s not like she needed them anyway. She had a home right here, and maybe it hadn’t felt like it in a while, but she could make it feel like home again.
Voe knocked on the door of the so-called supply closet’, waiting for an answer. She carried snacks like cookies, cakes, and some occasional fruits, and she felt like she was about to drop them. Bean opened the door and looked shocked to see Voe.
Voe smiled at her “Hi, I realized that I never introduced myself to you. My name is Voe, can I come in?”
“Okay,” she steps aside from the door, allowing the doe inside.
Voe sits on the floor in front of Bean’s TV and beckons the woman to join her. “Have you ever had real snacks since you got here?”
“Yeah! Carrots, celery, apple slices..”
“No like, real snacks,”
She shakes her head “Oh I’m not allowed to eat junk food,”
Voe takes a spoon and scoops out some peanut butter “Says who?”
“Uhh Vox and Val,” she answers “I have to look good for the camera!”
She scoots closer to Bean “You’re not going to gain weight from one day of snacks. Besides, is either one of them your dad?” she raises a brow
Bean thinks, “Well, I guess not,” 
“Here, try this,” she puts a small chocolate bar covered in peanut butter in Bean’s mouth 
“Oh! That’s really good!” She says and takes the spoon for herself
As the girls sit on the floor eating their snacks, Voe lies on the ground, stuffed. “So, anything happen with Vox?”
“He doesn’t really come in often,” she says, taking more snacks
Voe sits up “Why don’t you go to him?”
She shakes her head “He’s always busy. I don’t wanna interrupt that,” she turns to Voe “Do you have somebody that you really like?”
Voe scoffs “Uh, no,” she lies and has to wipe a tear from her eye
“Boo! So you’re like a lone wolf?” she shoves a cookie in her mouth
“I guess so,” 
Bean smiles “I don’t believe you,” she dusts off her hands “You like somebody, I know it,”
Voe laughs “If you say so,” she responds “But you and Vox though,”
“Nah, I don’t think there’s anything there, I think he’s with like another girl or something,”
Voe looks away, feeling guilty about being Vox’s ‘girlfriend’ “Yeah,” she says, “But I don’t think he really likes her,”
“I don’t know, he’s always talking about her,”
She’s intrigued “Really?”
“What does he say?”
“Just how pretty she is and stuff like that,”
Vox thought of her that way? And he thought enough to talk about her? “Would you hate her if you met her?”
She shakes her head “No. That’s not really my style,”
“So you’re a girl’s girl?”
Bean stares at her blankly “I don’t know what that is,”
“Anyway, I think if you like him you should tell him,”
“Really? I don’t know, I don’t wanna get hurt,”
She puts her hand on Bean’s shoulder “Better than never knowing what could be,”
“I suppose,” she licks her fingers
Voe sighs “I lied, I do like someone,”
“Ooooh,” Bean perks up
“Yeah, I’m not going to tell you who it is. It’s just started recently. I think, like this morning, actually,”
“Now I’m interested,” she sits up “Is it someone in here? Is it Papermint?”
Voe laughs a hearty laugh “No, they don’t work here,”
“Oh my gosh! Okay, I guess I have to make a list! Does this guy like….radio?” Bean wiggles her eyebrows
Voe’s face falls and turns a pinkish hue “What?”
“You like….Angel Dust!”
Voe exhales “Angel is gay. I don’t like gay men,”
“What does that have to do with looks?”
Voe shakes her head “It’s not Angel,”
Bean slumps “Oh,” she pouts “Ugh, I gotta make a list,”
Voe smirks “I like you, Bean,”
“Really? Why? You don’t know me,”
She shrugs “I don’t know, but you’re sweet,”
“I like you too,”
“Because when you come in here you don’t take anything from me,”
Voe tilts her head “What do you mean?”
She covers her mouth “Nothing, forget it. I like your company. You’re smart and nice,”
Voe chuckles “I haven’t heard anyone call me nice in a super long time,”
“Well, maybe they should start,”
A/N: The Non-Con starts here
Voe lay in her bed that night, her mind flashing back to the night before.
"This is what you wanted, wasn't it?"
“Alastor,” she moans quietly
“Oh fuck Vera,”
“You’re mine now…Mine,”
The thoughts had her cunt dripping like nobody’s business. She crossed her legs in the bed and began squeezing her thighs together, thinking of him, when the door creaked open. It was Vox again; she was wondering what he had come to berate her on now. She was mostly annoyed that he had interrupted her in the middle of her session and could not hide her annoyance when he spoke.
“Hey,” he sang “What are you thinking about?”
Voe looks away and answers with an annoyed tone “Nothing,”
“Nothing huh?” he slid behind her and began massaging her shoulders
She pulls away “Weren’t you just degrading me?”
“You know that's just me talking dirty,” he whispers
“In a conference meeting?” she raised her eyebrow
“I can get dirty anywhere,” he whispers in her ear
“Whatever Vox,” she shrugs away
Vox grabs Voe’s waist, pulls her back to him, and begins to lick and bite her neck.
“Say my name, baby,” he whispers and lifts her shirt “Ooh, perky,” he says, grazing his fingers over her nipples
Voe moans involuntarily “Ignore that,”
“That mouth gets you into so much trouble,” he bites his lip, turns her around, and rams his lips into hers
She pushes him back “Vox, I’m not in the mood for this now,”
“Oh, but you were perfectly in the mood for Alastor,”
Voe’s heart fell into her stomach hearing that “What?”
“Huh? You lied to me, you told me you didn’t fuck him,” Vox yanks on her hair “That’s what you said right?”
“Ow ow ow! You’re hurting me!”
“You made me look fucking stupid!” he yells in her face
“You’re mine, and you will always be mine,” he forces her to look into his eyes “Do you understand?” his voice distorts as he hypnotizes her
Voe’s face falls slack as she looks into Vox’s eyes, and she nods. 
“Good girl,” he says, mashing his lips onto hers
When he finishes kissing her, he lays her down on her back, removing his and her clothes. Slowly, he slides himself inside of her, and his eyes roll into the back of his head. 
“You lied again, baby,” he comments, “You said you weren’t in the mood for this. But you’re dripping cunt tells me otherwise,” he pins her arms above her head and keeps his hypnosis going as he pumps in and out of her faster and harder. “Fuck you’re so hot,” he leans down, licking her entire body while he rams into her with complete force, no mercy attached. When he finishes inside of her, he drops her arms like trash and pulls out. Leaving her there with a single tear falling down her face and onto the mattress.
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agentelevatormusic · 7 months
Elevator Music Dossier
Dr. Vera Nair. 
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Elevator Music. Harvard, but only one person ever calls her this.  Doc, very common in the field. V., open to whoever. It just seems to roll off the tongue for some folks. She prefers Vera, if asked. 
Indira Varma.
Still, steady hands with beautiful long fingers and well-kept nails. Soft, curly hair. Toothy grin. Warm, intelligent whiskey brown eyes. Too often those eyes subtly reveal that Vera is somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away. Lost and lonely, more often than not. Good posture. The scent of disinfectant, books, and the slightest tinge of blood. 
Small color tattoo of a white-spotted fawn nestled in the snow beneath a branch and surrounded by pine needles and a few snow flowers on her left hip. Standard ear piercings.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 
45 / 07/17/1978. 
Cancer. Though Vera believes the whole thing is pseudoscientific hokum and will only indulge either someone she believes is genuinely not that bright or someone she cares about. There has been some overlap in the past. 
Suburbs of Hartford, Connecticut. House with a tire swing they never used and everything. 
Cis Female / She/Her.
Divorced. Widowed. Both are somewhat complicated.  
Intelligent. Resourceful. Compassionate. Capable.
Stubborn. Workaholic. Lonely. Perfectionist.  
Mentally notating songs. Taking inventory. Checking her medical kit again. Running a hand through her hair. A smoke somewhere quiet now and then. Overworking. Closing her eyes and hunting down the sparkle of a good memory, an hour or even just a minute, of a time she felt home. Nabbing snack items from the cafeteria. Coin tricks. Sleight of hand. String games. Focusing on her firm, reliable hands. Running through memorized texts and procedures she’s done a thousand times before. Adding new ones.
Violin, she’s been playing since she was four. Cooking, but never only for herself. Sewing. Loves embroidering pretty little things onto holes to make them new. Journaling, keeps ‘trash’ journals stuffed with found items mostly. Reading, so much reading. Studying, so engrained she does believe it to be a hobby. A bit of origami. Yoga, for exercise not for meditation. Swimming, for meditation not for exercise. Golf and chess are not hobbies. She detests both. But she is excellent at golf and middling at chess. 
MTF Chi-00 Physician and Surgeon.
Delta-14 Physician and Surgeon.
SCP-19-2001 under Delta-14
Board Certification in Internal Medicine from Harvard. Board Certification in Trauma Surgery from Johns Hopkins. Fifteen years of medicine for the Foundation. Constantly researching and mastering new skills. Continued training in sidearm and riflery, but Vera would be the first to admit that she is just proficient enough. Horsemanship. Climbing. Barber skills. Knowledge of codes and ciphers. 
I’m going for the minimalist approach here. Plenty of pieces missing. Have fun putting them together, if that’s something you aspire to!
[Elevator Music] grew up in a nice house just on the cusp of Hartford, Connecticut. She and her sister, older by only ten months, spent their days guarding their home from the fae and being hounded by anything and everything their beloved parents deemed important to their futures. Much to their parents’ delight, both girls attended Harvard University. [Elevator Music] for internal medicine and her sister for law. The family would gather often. 
After Harvard, [Elevator Music] felt compelled to move from Boston to Baltimore to take her education as an internist in a rather unexpected direction. She was accepted into the prestigious Johns Hopkins Trauma and Acute Care Surgery program and, true to form, continued to work herself to the bone. 
[Elevator Music] was recruited into the Foundation straight out of the program in early 2009. It was an offer she could not refuse, but she accepted it with grace. 
She met then Sergeant First Class [Dying Breed] within her first eighteen hours in the field. They married shortly after. However, although [Elevator Music] considered the two of them to be happy, they divorced suddenly in late 2014. 
After a much-needed leave, [Elevator Music] returned to the field with the Delta-14’s.
In 2017, [Elevator Music] married her closest friend, Senior Researcher Tom Dalton. It should be noted that Tom Dalton was also [Dying Breed]’s closest friend. Observers found the three to be amiable, all three close again, after some initial discomfort. [Elevator Music] and Tom continued to live in Baltimore together when not in the field or traveling, despite their mutual distaste for it.
In 2022, dangerous mismanagement at the Delta-14 camp led [Elevator Music] to call [Dying Breed] and the Xi-13 in for backup. The mission, SCP-19-2001, went impossibly wrong. Tom was killed before he even got to the surgical tent. [Elevator Music]’s first save, if you could call it a save, was [Dying Breed]. Hours of life saving surgery in slow motion. She just couldn’t let him die. And she didn’t. 
He took time off shortly after debriefing. 
So did [Elevator Music]. She had a small apartment and the painfully familiar shattered remains of her life to fit into a long-term storage unit once again. 
Friends would be nice. It’s deceptively simple. Vera considers most positively inclined people to be friendly acquaintances. The title of ‘friend’ is one even she might not realize how closely she’s guarding. She is a tough nut to crack. You’ll have to put in the time and effort, but the acorn within is kind and loyal to a fault. And makes damn good carbonara along the way. 
Fellow Musicians are welcome here. Vera might faint from extreme joy if there was anyone out there who could play music with her. Anything. Literally anything. Instruments, vocalists, improvised bongos if the bongoist can keep a beat. Honestly, even if your character can’t play. Listen outside her door sometime. Or ask to come in. She doesn’t mind.
Patients Who Need a Little Extra Care  aside from the regular physicals. This can be in the field, in the exam room, folks who trot on in hoping to help out a little and wind up talking. Plus those rare gems who will plot with me in advance to lie to their doctor against advice and want to learn the hard way how bad an idea that is. Alexa, cue Vera’s “Doctor Voice.”
Thrill Seekers who are a little too bored with life in the compound and a little too interested in uncovering what lies beneath the surface of the good doctor for reasons of their own. For some people, Vera will seem too good to be true. I want her to feel a bit of the heat now that she’s back from her year off. To have to really consider, once again, the value of keeping these memories and secrets locked away and what she should do if they got out.
Other Workaholics in need of a night out, a smoke, a home cooked meal, a poetry discussion, a blanket fort. Just get out there and connect!
Combat Medic, The Medic, Roadside Surgery, Post-Treatment Lollipop, Songs of Solace, Dark and Troubled Past, Death of the Hypotenuse  
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anime-kia · 1 year
You Can Do What?! (Part 1)
This is my gift to all of you. I'm gonna use one of my wash "day" routines though because some people have complicated routines and mines is very simple (and doesn't take a whole day) lol. Enjoy!
Warnings: Smut
Relationship: Helpful Erik x Reader
Ah wash day... Great fun, right?
The night before, you prepped your hair with a homemade deep conditioner: Two tablespoons of coconut oil, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of olive oil and half of a banana. For your scalp, you applied raw aloe vera and let it all sit underneath a plastic bag (which Erik laughed at you for) and your black satin bonnet. 
He always found a way to poke fun at your natural routine. 
Once you were too lazy to blend the banana out properly and you ended up with little banana seeds in your hair for almost two weeks. Then there was the time when you were upset and your rough hand caused aloe vera to break off into your hair. That took another two weeks to come out. He would either pluck them out and hold it up to your face while making a witty comment or he'd let you go out with the pieces in your hair if you were being stubborn. Erik being taller than you was both a blessing and a curse.
You woke up a little earlier to get wash day out of the way. You were hoping Erik would still be sleeping, but as you began shifting to get out of the bed, his strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back in. 
"Where you going?" He asked into your neck. His voice wasn't as raspy as usual and you could smell fresh mint as he spoke, so you'd assumed he'd been awake for some time.
"Wash day." You responded, pointing to your bonnet which was halfway off of your head and the plastic bag underneath had untied itself at some point during the night.  
"Lemme help you." He said, placing a kiss against your neck.
"What? No." You chuckled, as he turned you around to be face to face with him. 
His eyes were serious, "Why not?"
"Cuz no one touches my hair but me."
"But what about that time you was taking your braids out. I helped." 
Your eyebrows raised, "Hell naw, you almost cut my hair!"
"But I didn't." He retaliates. "Come on bae, this is different."
You pull out of his grasp and get out of the bed, "Nah, you might use Nair in my hair instead of shampoo."
 He gets up and follows you to the bathroom, "I ain't dumb, baby girl. Besides, how you think I be maintaining my dreads?"
Your arms fold against your chest as you scoff, "You go to that expensive Nigerian hairdresser in the city." 
"Aight, but- I'm at your place almost everyday and you always doing something to your hair. You think I don't watch you sometimes?" 
You open the vanity and take out a denman brush and four hair ties. "Well, if you watch me so much then tell me what I'd be doing next?"
"You gonna wash that shit out ya hair." He shrugged. 
He wasn't completely wrong, but not completely right either. "Not co-"
He holds his hand up, "But, first you gonna put on your playlist- Lofi hip hop." His eyebrow raises, "Right?"
"...Right." You stood corrected.
Erik was always the type who took studying very seriously. Sure he'd goof around, but when it was time to have the knowledge and information, he could provide it, regardless if it was studying for tests or studying a person's behaviour. You were no exception, Erik knew you better than you knew yourself (is what you believed at times).
"So let me help you then. I hear you letting out these hefty ass sighs when you think I'm not around."
You roll your eyes, "That's cuz my arms get tired. Sighing helps."
"How bout you relax, let me help you so you don't gotta be sounding like Chewbacca." 
"Boy, fuck you." You shake your head, hiding a laugh.
"Shiiiid, we can do that later." He smirks with lustful eyes.
You slap his chest as you pass by him, turning on the shower. "You know what?" You exit the bathroom leaving him with a big smile on his face.
"What you doing now?" He asks, still chuckling.
When you come back, you're dressed in a pair of old shorts and sports bra. "So your horny ass doesn't get any ideas."
"Hold up, you was about to get naked?" 
"Yes, but I forgot your mind thinks about pussy ninety-nine point nine percent of the time." Before he could protest you stop him, "I'd rather not have nut in my hair." Your comment makes him burst into another fit of laughter.
"Well I ain't showering in my drawls." He says, stripping out of his clothes, his morning wood present.
You stare at him with disgust and point at the tent in his boxers, "This is what I'm talkin' about!"
"I swear I won't try nothing." 
You raise your eyebrow.
"I swear on T'Challa's life."
You frowned at him, "You almost killed him, Erik."
"But I didn't." He quips with a smirk.
"You're stupid." You shake your head and step into the shower, adjusting the temperature because it had gotten cold. He follows you in (naked) and let's you throw the plastic bag and bonnet out of the shower. His hands find their way around your hips, "If you try anything, I'll cut your dreads off in your sleep."
He lets go of you, "Damn girl, was it really that serious?"
"It's always that serious." You hand him your favourite shampoo and conditioner, "After you wash my deep conditioner out, use this."
"I know what I'm doing, (y/n)." He takes the top section of your hair, gently unraveling it from it's twist. 
"Uh-huh. We'll see about that."
He delicately rinses the section out, making sure to remove any banana seeds or aloe vera pieces (making a mental note to make fun of that later). He opens the bottle of shampoo, squeezing more than a dime size amount into his palm (because we all know that "dime-size" shit does not work) and works it into your hair starting from the ends, working his way up to your roots.
"Make sure you don't put it on my scalp though, becau-" You try to warn him, but he stops you.
"I know what I'm doing, I promise."
You sigh, "Alright. But if you try anything I swear to God-"
"Relax." He pats your bum, "I got this. Trust me." 
After he completes the section, he washes it out, getting all the suds out and grabs the conditioner. The water begins to get cold, so you adjust it again. He tells you to close your eyes, but you already did, even before the solution started to cascade down your forehead. He works the conditioner into your hair just like he did with the shampoo and twists it, attempting to make a bantu knot to keep it out the way. Of course it didn't stay so you hand him one of the hair ties and he ties it around your hair.
So far, you're quite impressed. You haven't said much, only when you thought he was about to do something incorrect, but you did trust Erik. The only reason you were so antsy with him being in your hair is due to childhood trauma of jealous hair dressers or you just being a young dumb kid who played with scissors. Let's not even talk about your straight hair phase during the ninth grade. You worked too hard for the condition of your hair to let anyone mess that up now. 
When he finished the last section, he suggested a quickie, but you were adamant about not getting semen in your hair. He promised that he would avoid your it, but you were still skeptical. His hands have been roaming all over your body ever since, getting you hot.
"Come on baby girl, we gon' be standing here doing nothing."
You were glaring at him, "I already told yo-"
"Just the tip."
"As if you know what that means." You roll your eyes.
He knows you're right, just the tip does not exist in his book. "Then just a quickie. Nothing more, nothing less." He caresses your hips.
"Fine, but that's it cuz you still gotta comb my hair out." You pull off your shorts.
"I gotcha, don't worry." He turns you around and lifts you up. Your legs wrap around his waist as he slides his fingers down in between your folds. His deft fingers work into your core, pumping in and out at a slow pace.
"A quickie, Erik." You remind him with panting breaths.
"Yeah, yeah." He slides his fingers out and lifts them in front of your mouth. "Taste."
And so you do. He watches you suck his digits, but you recoiled at the chemical taste of your shampoo and conditioner. "Eugh! Erik, you still got some on your fingers!"
"Oh shit, my bad." He runs his fingers under the falling water. "Try again?"
"No, just stick it in." You demand.
He presses your back against the cold tile, causing your body to shudder as he guides himself into your core. You both let out a moan and you close your eyes as he rocks his hips into yours. Your nails dig into his back as he thrusts into you, getting deeper each time. 
"Ohhh, Erik." You sigh. 
Your lips meet his in a passionate kiss, as he pumps into you. You were sure this looked very steamy and romantic, sexy enough for TV or a movie even.
"You like that, huh?" 
"Mhmmm, ohhh."
It was all great until the water suddenly went extremely cold, you yelp loudly and he lets out an animalistic sound due to the water directly hitting him. He almost loses his footing, and you have another mini heart attack, prepared for your life to end.
"Oh my God!" You cling onto his body extremely tight, feeling your heart beating in your throat.
"It's aight, I gotchu." He pants and adjusts the water back to a warm setting. "Fuck, you need to switch apartments, this shit is whack. Can't even fuck in the shower in peace." 
You try to get off, but he holds you in place. His dick throbs inside of you, and it feels harder than before.
"Where you going?"
"Nah, I almost met the Lord. Put me down, Erik."
"Hold up, we ain't even finished."
"N- Ohhhhh!" You bury your face into his neck as he thrusts into your at an incredibly ridiculous speed, "Fuuuhhh, Erik!" Your nails dug into his biceps.
"J-just a b-bit more." He grunts, hitting you deep in your most sensitive spot. 
You already hit your climax, coating him with your warm fluids. He then slows down and with three deep thrusts he pulls out and sets you down, releasing onto your stomach.
"Whew, shit." He sighs, content plastered on his face. "Now let's hurry up, cuz if ya shower do that again, your landlord is getting shot." You almost forgot that there was still conditioner in your hair. You were ready to get out, legs shaky with that post-sex feeling.
"Don't shoot my landlord, Erik." You laughed at him. He smiled, but he was very serious. 
He started to comb out the knots from your hair, ends to roots, like he wasn't just all up in your guts. Erik made sex seem like nothing, but then there was you, barely able to last two rounds with him. Tapping out was never an option, you'd be too weak to do that by time he was done with you. 
He had fantastic dick. Period. 
"So you still gon' cut my dreads?" He asks, washing out the conditioner from your hair. 
"Mmh... I dunno."
He twists the section back up, and pulls the hair tie off of his wrist, wrapping it around your hair. "But you know if you cut my hair I might not be able to dick you down like that. You know the story of Samson?" 
You scoffed, "Erik, do not use an Israelite warrior to justify your dick." 
"But it's true." He begins on the next section.
"Whatever, E." You laugh.
By time he's done all four sections, his hands are running through your scalp giving you the best massage you could ever ask for. Moans escaped your lips unintentionally.
"Aye, you gotta stop making them sounds, shorty."
"What are you talking about?"
"You moaning and shit, making my dick hard again." 
"Boy, if you don't get ya horny ass on." You slap his chest, turn off the pipe right before the water got cold again and step out of the shower.
He follows you out, "So no round two?"
You roll your eyes at him through the mirror as you fix a towel turban around your wet hair, "I gotta do my hair, you're delaying me!"
"Aight shit, my bad." He holds his hands up in defence. 
"Horny ass..." You mumble under your breath, grabbing your towel. 
So that was part one! I hope you enjoyed!
I know everyone's hair care routine is different and mine is usually very simple. I switch it up a bit here and there. Oh yeah, that deep conditioner ingredient mix I listed at the very beginning is what I actually use (when I'm in the mood to make it) and it works very well. I'm one of the lucky gals whose hair/scalp doesn't mind coconut oil, and my hair loves bananas too.
Happy Holidays! Thanks for reading! 
(Start/Finish: December 24, 2018) 
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
oooh please tell us ab your clone oc!! i just saw ur post ab making his ct number I’d love to hear more!
of course!! i now have 3 oc's to share and i was going to post about all of them anyway, so here they are!!
the helmet drawings still need to be colored but everything else about them is done :) hopefully the pictures are visible, i have a very light hand when drawing
CT-2808: “Getaway” 
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Medic of the 989th Battalion
The running joke is that if you injure yourself doing something stupid, you better “get away” 
His CT number is the last digit of the kudo count of my four favorite fics i’ve written (one from each fandom that has been a principle one of mine at some point: marvel, agent carter, star wars, and the x files!)
Asexual, willing to date but doesn’t see the point in it because they’re at war
Has a tattoo on the back of his right shoulder that says “the best of times, the worst of crimes” in aurebesh 
Won’t tell anyone the story behind it - Ricochet is the only one who knows because he was there for it all
Has a fairly simple helmet design, a few accents around the bottom half of the helmet, along with the medic symbol at the top
Impulsive only when drunk 
Big fan of karaoke night at 79’s
Likes fruity drinks, his brothers tease him for it
Loyal, compassionate, and kind
Dry humor when you least expect it
Has a candy connection on Coruscant, has a stash to give to his brothers when they’re recovering from particularly dangerous wounds
CT-2714: “Ricochet”
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ARC Trooper of the 989th Battalion
His CT number is the last digit of the kudo count of my second four favorite fics i’ve written (from the same four fandoms!)
In the nicest way possible, this man is a little bit of a slut (but we love him for it)
Talks a big game about himself, but secretly is a big softie when it comes to love 
Likes to paint his nails when they’re on leave
Can outdrink every other trooper in the battalion
Preferred weapon is two pistols
Kama is teal with white swirl patterns, color scheme matches the armor of the battalion
The best person to have with you in case of a crisis, he can always come up with some kind of solution
Has a bad habit of ending up in the medbay with random injuries
Sleeps like the dead, not even a droid attack can wake him up
Gets his name from the way his mind moves between thoughts, is likely a bit ADHD 
Scared of needles, Getaway keeps trying to convince him to get a tattoo
Jedi General Vera Callisto 
i didn't like the star wars picrews i found, so i used a random one i did like, here's vera in some civvie clothes :)
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Human, with dark brown hair and purple eyes 
Grew up with Obi Wan, helped train Anakin
Originally from Alderaan
Studied under Plo Koon, friends with the Wolfpack because of this
Wields two green lightsabers 
Powerful warrior, but would rather spend her days in the Jedi Archives
Served as a General in charge of the Coruscant Guard until the 989th was formed, and then her service was required on the front lines
Makes friends with every clone she meets instantly, she likes to give the men in her battalion little trinkets from markets if she gets to travel
Compassionate, kind, caring, and tired of the war 
Likes to paint her nails with Ricochet 
all her troops are trying to set her up with one of the bartender’s at 79’s
They’re kind of convinced that the no attachments thing just means you can’t have children and she’s tired of correcting them at this point, so she just rolls with it.
okay, maybe she actually does think the bartender at 79’s is cute, but don’t say anything!!!
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
going to the beach with matty and the boys!!
Ohhh yes, I've thought about this! Even more when they posted G and Matty's pic the other day 🤭
Maybe you guys are somewhere around the world, very warm, and even thought the hotel has a pool... Matty wants to be an explorer for the day, trying to find a secret/private beach. The whole group walking behind him, carrying all the heavy stuff (chairs, bags with snacks, a parasol, etc).
You all walk a long way, until G is tired and just convince Matty to stay there. Your bf protests but agrees, but no one waits for his answer running towards the water.
The day is full of jokes, games, and challenges inside the sea...also I imagine Hann's kid visiting with Carly, so you just sit with him making castles with sand and him laughing destroying them; you fake being upset about it, so he gives you a hug to cheer you up.
When I go to the beach here, we play A LOT of games...so I can imagine playing this one game you have to divide the group into two teams, and it's VERY competitive. Matty and Ross bickering about the rules, and G cheating to win 😅😅 Hann being the sweetest saying there's a tie.
Probably all the guys end up with red faces, very sunburned, because they refuse to stop for a minute and put sunscreen on. So when you return to your rooms, you have to deal with a whining Matthew begging for the aloe vera cool gel... you roll your eyes at him, but end up helping him.
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soclonely · 2 years
what about…the clones as people you’d see in the airport at 3pm on a tuesday*?
*assuming non-holiday week
This is ironic because next Tuesday I will be at the airport at 3pm on a work trip! Are you secretly my boss? 👀 If so, I deserve a raise!
Rex- Carrying coffee around for hours. Has probably hit starbucks 4 different times already and their wait time for their flight is only 2 hours
Echo- An oddly specific one. Blonde haired, messy bunned girl wearing a white t-shirt, black athetic shorts OR grey sweatpants, wearing birkenstocks, carrying a vera bradley backpack and a rolling bag, with her travel pillow hanging around her neck. I see them every time! Just pure absolute comfort
Fives- that one asshole sleeping on the ground with their legs sticking out and their hood up.
Jesse- Deer in headlights, first time traveler who has a PAPER TICKET with them. Bless these adults
Kix- The person whose phone is cranked up and they are talking and laughing loudly on it as they wander
Tup- no hesitation business traveler who has no problem running you over on the moving sidewalk to get to the business lounge.
Dogma- mentions to the clerk they have preboarding like 5 different times and asks to make sure they will be first to let on
Hardcase- the bachelorette party coming back from an extended weekend in Miami.. literally the worst flight experience of my life
Coric- The person running across 4 terminals with all of their belongings to catch their next flight because they thought flying into atlanta with only an hour between flights was plenty of time
Bly- the annoying couple walking in front of you slowly with their wheelie bags and holding onto one another. If you miss your flight because of them its totally okay to steal their wedding rings.
99- the airport worker in the golf cart. idk why, but hes always there
Cody- Flight attendants/pilots that are quickly shuffling around the airport to their next flight. they travel in a fucking pack
Waxer/Boil- Mom with a toddler who cannot keep them entertained. pushing them around the airport in a stroller, giving them constant snacks and toys, and having to watch them pick it up everytime their child throws it and cackles
Wolffe- The very tired customer service rep at the flight desk.
Boost/Sinker- Same as Kix BUT sitting next to you at the gate while waiting for your flight
Hunter- The dad who thought it would be cheaper to take a family trip in the middle of the week so him, his wife, and their five kids are going through checklists, looking at pamphlets, and talking while they wait to board.
Wrecker- The loud kid asking everyone questions and running all over the terminal while their parents just ignore it.
Tech- The dude sitting right in the middle of the outlet area near your gate and hogging the whole fucking table. I hate these guys
Crosshair- The group of people who bought plane tickets, but did not reserve their seats so they are now asking everyone at the gate if they will trade so they can sit next to their friends. No maam I paid an extra few $$ to pick my seat I will not trade you.
Omega- The influencer. Look, I love Omega but there is some serious influencer vibes there. selfies all over the airport
Howzer- the security guard that keeps following me around. I know I didnt do anything illegal but seeing the same one over and over again keeps making me second guess myself. like i dunno AM i actually smuggling drugs?
Fox- The group of guys sitting at the airport bar!
Gregor- The man with literally all the snacks. Seeing him at every convenience store in the airport (thats me)
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evilwriter37 · 2 years
for the get to know me ask game, any that you fancy out of cactus, sage, ivy, chamomile, or aloe vera?
Cactus: Something you're currently learning about?
Uhhhhhh... nothing, really, right now. I don't have the spoons to do much learning save for the essays I see on here.
Sage: What medium of art is the most touching to you? Why do you think that is?
This is such a hard question, holy crap! Ummm... I'm very torn between writing and music. I'll pick writing since I'm mostly a writer. The idea that language can make people feel things about worlds they've never been to, or situations they've never been in, really hits me, you know? I have the power to make people feel emotions based on my writing.
Ivy: What are your "tells" for your emotions and moods? How can someone tell you're happy, annoyed, upset, or tired?
Happy: happy stimming like flapping
Annoyed: eye rolling. Yeah, I do that a lot.
Upset/tired (putting them together because their tells are often the same): upset stimming like nail picking/biting, skin picking, rocking back and forth, tapping my fingers, distressed flapping but only with my sleeves pulled down over my hands
Chamomile: What kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
Artwork! Artwork is an absolutely wonderful gift!
Aloe Vera: What something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
I want to sit beside my partner and metamour with hot chocolate and watch the snow fall outside as it grows dark. Luckily, that will be my experience next fall/winter!
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orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
i answered orchid already but i'll do the others!
cactus: i'm taking an earth science course rn (which i don't like very much but hey trying new things) and started reading a new astronomy book, it goes more in depth than the last one i read and i like it :)
camellia: my anxiety has improved a lot from when i was younger, i think the 3 years of therapy helped with that somewhat. mostly just lots of time and practice i think. i moved so not a lot is the same and i only have one or two of the friends from then but i have gained a few more friends. my interests have a changed a bunch but i still write and read when i can.
ivy: when i'm overwhelmed (sensory or otherwise) i either get upset and snappy or very quiet and withdrawn. it really depends which. when annoyed i sigh heavily and roll my eyes and yeah i probably talk under my breath a lot too. i get hyper when im excited and i pace and shake my hands and talk to myself a lot :]
aloe: uh maybe like public transit or something? it isn't really a thing where i live which sucks becuase driving here is awful and i do not want to learn to drive. other than that perhabs getting my own place one day, i think that would be nice.
taro: about my cat or other stray cats or wolf 359 or vacation plans. a lot of things tbh <_>
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doctorveranair · 6 months
Dr. Vera Nair. 
Harvard, but only one person ever uses it. Doc, very common in the field. V., open to whoever. It just seems to roll off the tongue for some folks. She prefers Vera, if asked. 
Indira Varma.
Still, steady hands with beautiful long fingers and well-kept nails. Soft, curly hair. Toothy grin. Warm, intelligent whiskey brown eyes. Too often those eyes subtly reveal that Vera is somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away. Lost and lonely, more often than not. Good posture. The scent of disinfectant, books, hot cocoa, and the slightest tinge of blood. 
Small color tattoo of a white-spotted fawn nestled in the snow beneath a branch and surrounded by pine needles and a few snow flowers on her left hip. Standard ear piercings.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 
45 / 07/17/1978. 
Cancer. Though Vera believes the whole thing is pseudoscientific hokum and will only indulge either someone she believes is genuinely not that bright or someone she cares about. There has been some overlap in the past. 
Suburbs of Hartford, Connecticut. House with a tire swing they never used and everything. 
Mother (dec.), Father (dec.), Sister Ella Nair (TBI. Lives in a permanent care facility.), Ex-Husband (High-Ranking Officer. Still close.), Current Husband Tom Dalton (Senior Researcher. Can be living or deceased depending on what the writing calls for. A marriage open to exploration is also acceptable if we talk it through first.)
Cis Female / She/Her.
Divorced. Either married or widowed. 
Intelligent. Resourceful. Compassionate. Capable.
Stubborn. Workaholic. Lonely. Perfectionist.  
Mentally notating songs. Taking inventory. Checking her medical kit again. Running a hand through her hair. A smoke somewhere quiet now and then. Overworking. Closing her eyes and hunting down the sparkle of a good memory, an hour or even just a minute, of a time she felt home. Nabbing snack items from the cafeteria. Coin tricks. Sleight of hand. String games. Focusing on her firm, reliable hands. Running through memorized texts and procedures she’s done a thousand times before. Adding new ones.
Violin, she’s been playing since she was four. Cooking, but never only for herself. Sewing. Loves embroidering pretty little things onto holes to make them new. Journaling, keeps ‘trash’ journals stuffed with found items mostly. Reading, so much reading. Studying, so engrained she does believe it to be a hobby. A bit of origami. Yoga, for exercise not for meditation. Swimming, for meditation not for exercise. Golf and chess are not hobbies. She detests both. But she is excellent at golf and middling at chess. 
Dependent what we’re writing.
Trauma Surgeon.
Delta-14 ‘Winter Wonderland’ Physician and Surgeon.
Medical Liaison for the Foundation. 
SCP-19-2001 under Delta-14
Board Certification in Internal Medicine from Harvard. Board Certification in Trauma Surgery from Johns Hopkins. Fifteen years of medicine for the Foundation. Constantly researching and mastering new skills. Continued training in sidearm and riflery, but Vera would be the first to admit that she is only just proficient enough. In general, Vera is a non-combatant. Survivalism. Horsemanship. Climbing. Barber skills. Knowledge of codes and ciphers. Speaks Spanish.
I’m going for the minimalist approach here. Plenty of pieces missing. Something to unravel like a good mystery as we write! Certain aspects are Verse Flexible.
Vera grew up in a nice house just on the cusp of Hartford, Connecticut. She and her sister, older by only ten months, spent their days guarding their home from the fae and being hounded by anything and everything their beloved parents deemed important to their futures. Much to their rather controlling parents’ delight, both girls attended Harvard University. Vera for internal medicine and her sister for law.
Around graduation, Vera witnessed the car accident that killed her parents and left her sister with a severe traumatic brain injury.  Vera housed Ella in a specialized nursing home in Baltimore while she continued her education within the Johns Hopkins Trauma and Acute Care Surgery program, all while drowning in debt.
Dr. Nair was recruited into the Foundation straight out of the program in early 2009. It was an offer she could not refuse, but she accepted it with grace. 
She met then Owain Winters during her first day in the field. They married shortly after. However, although Vera considered the two of them to be happy, they divorced suddenly in late 2014. 
After a much-needed leave, Vera returned to the field with the Delta-14.
In 2017, Vera married longtime friend Senior Researcher Tom Dalton. Vera and Tom continued to live in Baltimore together when not in the field or traveling, despite their mutual distaste for it, to be close to Ella. 
In 2022, dangerous mismanagement at the Delta-14 camp led Dr. Nair to call her ex-husband’s unit for backup. The mission went impossibly wrong. Tom was either killed or nearly killed.
Dr. Nair took time off either to care for her husband or to mourn him. When she was called back into the field, likely our starting point, we’ll place her based on our story preferences. She could be back with Tom and the Delta-14 or acting in some other capacity, punished for whistle-blowing! Who knows?
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jayke0 · 1 year
Private Show
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Pairing: Blue Jones x fem reader
Summary: kinktober day 10, Stripping
Rating: 18+
Warnings/content: stripping, chubby reader, very brief nipple play, kinda ooc Blue at the start ig, mentions of him being a terrible person, degrading, name calling, lmk if there's anything else i should add :).
Word count: 1,449
Credit: @automnepoet for proofreading ily.
You'd only been working at the club for about a week, but you could already tell that Blue has his eyes on you.
The other girls had mixed reactions, some of them were relieved that you were his new target, and some of them were jealous that you're taking all their attention away; but you couldn't care less about their feelings, because you love the way he looks at you.
He'd seemed to be watching you closely for the past few days, making sure you're a good worker and such, and after he'd seen how much money you'd made him it'd only been a matter of time before he's ordered you to meet in his office for some "business", as he called it.
"Hello, Blue." You give him your best smile as you enter the office, the strong smell of cigar smoke filling your nostrils and making you cough a little bit.
"Hello, Babydoll." He always has a tone that makes you shiver, the way his words just roll off his tongue in a sultry way makes your thighs squeeze together, and you're pretty sure he's noticed it. "Sit down, sweetheart, you don't have to stand around like that, you ain't in trouble." He gestures towards the wooden chair in front of his desk as he takes his glasses off and sets them next to his papers.
"Can I ask why I'm in here then, Blue?" Your head tilts to the side as you rest your tired legs, folding one over the other to make your skirt rise just a little. You note how his eyes briefly flick to your thighs and it makes you inwardly chuckle; he seems to love your thighs, or atleast what's between them. Maybe it's because you're bigger than the other girls, more meat to stare at and fantasize about groping. The way your tits spill from your bra always has the front row drooling, and there's even a few that get off to your tummy alone.
"Well, I'm sure the other girls have told you, but usually I get all my girls to give some kinda… performance for me and Vera once they've started, company policy and all." His fingers trace the corners of the pages, rings glinting in the dim lights. "But you, oh my, I've already seen what you can do," he rises from his seat, making it creak in the process. ", and I want more of a 'private performance', you think you can do that for me, honey?" You watch him walk around his desk and approach you, hand reaching out to touch your cheek as you feel the cold metal on your flushed skin.
He'd not ventured this close to you before, seemingly saving himself from touching you for… well, whatever this scenario is. You can smell his strong aftershave and the cigars lingering on his blazer, the way he's looking down at you making you chew the inside of your cheek.
"Of course, anything for you."
" 'Atta girl."
As you push yourself up from the chair, Blue seats himself in the more comfortable armchair that's diagonal to his desk and reaches behind himself to close the final blind in the office.
"You sure you don't want me to get changed into something nicer? I mean.. these are just my scullery clothes." You tug at the bottom of your skirt, the strong smell of bleach wafting up.
A simple shake of his head reassures you. "I gotta be honest, Babydoll, those clothes are always what work me up the most, dunno why." He says quizzically as he rests his hand on his knee crossed over his lap. "Besides, you'll have plenty of other opportunities to dress up for me, honey."
God, that fucking name; "honey". If only it hadn't been taken by one of the other girls, because you'd love for him to use it all the time.
"Alright, Blue." Another smile breaks across your face as you eye him up, watching how he adjusts his sitting position and arches his back slightly, fuck you love it when he does that too.
Slowly, your hands slide down over your chest, eyes boring into the man's as your fingers simply play with the buttons on your shirt at first, twisting and flicking them as you walk closer to him until you're right in front of him. Your fingers carefully undo the buttons to reveal your cleavage, thanks to the push up bras that you all have to wear.
His tongue pokes out and runs across his bottom lip, his chin resting in his other hand while he watches your fingers intently.
"Your nails look good, nice 'n pretty."
"Thank you." You modestly reply before sliding your hands down further to the hem of your shirt. You skillfully pull it off in one go and toss it towards his desk to make it easier to find later, observing how he already seems to be drooling over the sight of your chest bulging from your bra.
"Touch me, Blue, I know you want too, you're usually all handsy with everyone else." You say as you take his hands and make him place them on your tummy, fingertips brushing the underside of your boobs.
"Just been wanting to save it for now, sweetheart." He replies back as his fingers glide up your tummy and over your chest. His large hands squeeze your flesh, and he capably finds your nipples through the fabric with his thumbs, rubbing in circles that make you moan.
"Yeah, you like that, honey? Bet you'd love for me to play with your tits more, wouldn't you?" He says, but pulls his hands away and gestures for you to continue, "carry on."
A small whine leaves your lips before you continue, hoping that he's not going to just blue-ball you and leave you wet and naked. You unclasp your bra to reveal more of your chest, parts that he hadn't seen yet, including your hardening nipples.
"Shit, that's good, keep going Babydoll." You notice him shuffle in his seat and vaguely eye the growing outline of his cock in his slacks, which makes you squeeze your thighs together again.
"D'you like how excited I get for you? It's ok, you can say it."
Did he just read your fucking mind?
"Yes, I do."
"Then keep going, maybe you'll get to finish me off too."
Fuck, that should not make you as wet as it does.
You nod eagerly and step even closer to him, only to turn your back to him and bend over to casually pull your skirt over the plump flesh of your ass and down your thighs to your feet, kicking it away. Your back stays facing him for a bit as you tease him with your underwear, before you turn to face him again; and boy if the sight of his face doesn't make you squirm.
He's staring at you in awe, his chest rising and falling quicker as you clock how his slacks are now twitching with his eager cock, begging to just be pressed against you. It all admittedly goes straight to your ego, and the pooling arousal in your underwear, which you're sure he got a glimpse of.
"You really are perfect, y'know that? You're just... wow." His eyes follow how your hips sway a bit. "Do that for me again, but without the underwear." His finger hooks under the waistband before he releases it to make it ping back against your skin with a snap.
Your hips rock forward embarrassingly, so you hurriedly start pulling your underwear off in hopes he won't mock you for being easy… but of course, this is Blue Jones you're fucking with.
"Oh, you like being ordered around huh? You always seem so independent." The nicer facade seems to be crumbling away as he grasps your hips and brings you between his legs. "Wonder what the others will think when they find out that their beloved little Babydoll is Blue Jones' new fuck toy."
That makes you audibly gasp, which in turn has the man chuckling.
"I knew you were a damn whore, just a dumb bitch begging to get fucked, is that want you've wanted, sweetheart?"
The sweet tone is now tasting a lot more bittersweet, and you are savouring it all.
"Yeah, it is baby," you whimper, "but only you, I only want you to fuck me."
Blue groans. "Well, I can't promise you that, Babydoll, but I can certainly make a start of it." He pulls you into his lap and you feel his hard cock pressing against you through his clothes.
"But first, lemme do something about that pool between your legs, honey."
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Prompts by: @/flightlessangelwings
Tagging people: @cowboymarcs @sad1st1c-wh0re @poopoobuttsy @boredzillenial @mllover260 @simpforbritgents @saevenswelt @partssoldseparately @keira-kaz2y5 @theincredibleinkspitter @l-lune @red-hydra @queerponcho @summonthesoups @motleyfolk @steven-grants-world @ominoose @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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evelynhug0 · 1 year
cactus, abelia, daffodil, mahonia, chia, camellia, ivy, chamomile, palm tree, aloe vera, nutmeg & taro
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
I'm still learning a lot of work stuff as I'm in a field that is quite new to me.
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
Not really but I feel kind of naked when I am not wearing any rings.
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
I have a brother (and 3 step siblings but they don't "count" hahaha) and we're very different. He is way more extroverted and we also have different views on a lot of things, for example relationships or politics.
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
The French Riviera is a big source of inspiration to me and makes me wanna write stories set in my favorite cities (for example Nice). The story I am planning to write next will take place in the South of France.
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
"Fleeeeeeisch!" (yeah it obviously doesn't make sense haha)
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
I was a bit shy sometimes and I was trying very hard to be a good student (which I was when I was a child). I liked doing creative things like writing and drawing, spending time with friends and family... I didn't dare express my opinon or stand up for myself. This has changed. I'm more vocal about what I want/need/think/believe but I am sadly way more anxious than I was when I was a child. I do think I have changed a lot, yes.
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
Happy: I smile, talk a lot, walk around like an excited puppy and do little dances 🤣
Annoyed: Death stare, deep sighs, eye rolling
Upset: Pouty lips, I throw my head back and look away (idk how to describe it) and my tone gets passive aggressive 😂
Tired: I get quiet af
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
useful stuff for my flat/every day life, money/gift cards, more personal stuff like photos/photo books/DIY things, stickers, cool pens...
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
I don't think so tbh.
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
Having someone to come home to 😭
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
It's not very decorated, sadly. It's a bit of a mess lately (so the style would be 'freestyle' lmao) but there are many vintage style posters and drawings I want to hang on my walls.
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
I'd tell them about my new job :)
Thank you for sending all of these!
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐜𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐬𝐭 (𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭)
Kiyoshi ♡
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Other names:
Dolphin (Floyd)
Monsieur Chase (Rook)
Aura quartz (Slyvan)
Hierophant (Xenon)
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
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Eye colour: Cool black
Hair colour: Cool black with one cherry red streak
Race: Human
Uniform: He finds his tie quite stuffy, but wears his uniform prim and proper anyway. Riddle would have his head if he didn't. He wears his assigned black clover marking on his left cheek under his eye as he should, as well as black shoes and gloves.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3A (Student no. 23)
Best subject: Defense Magic
Club: Football Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Exploring, playing football, mystery books and movies
Dislikes: Selfish people who break the peace, being limited, the heavy expectations on him
Favorite Food: Salmon roll
Least Favorite Food: Tomato
Hobby: Reading mystery books (whodunnit ones especially)
Talent: Saying the right thing
Unique Magic: Shuffle deck - He can gain visions of an object's history upon touching it. He can also choose how far back he would like to look into.
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I originally planned to put both him and Mayumi into RSA, but forgot about it when I made them on the SD picrew. I looked through my list of RSA dorm concepts when I remembered and decided that they fit better in NRC anyway. Yay!
He fits perfectly in Heartslabyul asjsjksjskjsk He'd get along so well with Cater and Trey, they can be tired third years together.
I wanted his twst version to have some colour in his hair for some reason, but I didn't like the red gradient option. So a red streak of hair it is! It makes him look all the more endearing. <3
Its cute to think about him being in the same class as Rook, Leona, and Zoya (who is a third year now according to my NRC and RSA ocs timeline). 3A is an athletic class that's for sure.
I think he ended up having the most vulnerable dislikes category out of all my twstified ocs. Poor guy.
He always seems to know exactly what to say when comforting someone or getting a professor to let him off the hook. Others would call him silver tongued, but his talents doesn't always work. Sometimes he stumbles over his words or can't think of anything to say even. But that's endearing too, so maybe his talent is something else entirely.
Heartslabyul's flamingoes seem to enjoy playing tag with him, hance Rook's special nickname for him.
Mayumi ♡
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Other names:
Nurse shark (Floyd)
Mademoiselle Aloe (Rook)
Clear quartz (Slyvan)
Magician (Xenon)
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Dorm: Pomefiore
Unnamed mother
Unnamed younger brother
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Eye colour: Taupe brown
Hair colour: Taupe brown
Race: Human
Uniform: All parts of her uniform are worn neatly in place, with white tights and black flats to complete the elegant look.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3D (Student no. 19)
Best subject: Magical Potions
Club: Mountain Lovers Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Her potted plants, coffee, neutral colours
Dislikes: People who don't contribute to society, people who do nothing but cause others trouble, video games
Favorite Food: Chicken noodle soup
Least Favorite Food: Energy drinks
Hobby: Knitting
Talent: Taking care of people
Unique Magic: Pain for gain - She can transfer the wounds of other people onto her body and vice versa.
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She was giving me shark vibes so I looked up "types of sharks" and found out that nurse sharks are a thing. I couldn't resist.
Rook calls her Mademoiselle Aloe because she has an aloe vera plant that she loves deeply. Its very useful for making skincare gels and healing salves. Its name is "Carla", and she brags about it often. Her dorm members call her a plant mom for it.
She's one of her dorm's dolls to experiment on. <3 Basically, her dorm members like to do her makeup because her taupe brown eyes and hair work with any colours and they love her for it.
She joined the Mountain Lovers Club because she found hiking and foraging to be the most meaningful activities a club could offer her. The members are nice too.
She doesn't like video games because she thinks they're a waste of peoples' time. She doesn't get along well with Ignihyde students either, if you couldn't guess.
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mirossitto · 2 years
At least she’s always there
I love my sister. Parents envy our relationship and hope that their kids will have the same bond, while other kids that rarely associate with their siblings struggle to understand the structure of our relationship. What parents don’t understand is that I’ve been through everything with my sister. One of my earliest memories was her being sent to the hospital because of her body’s failure to produce enough white blood cells. This caused her body to bruise easily to the point when she would get a purple circle on any part of her body that felt the slightest bit of contact with anything. I couldn’t hug her and I felt fear wash over me of what would happen to her. This was the first I ever feared losing to someone. I just remember seeing her tired body rest on the hospital bed watching Blues Clues and forcing out a smile as if to tell me she was going to be ok. We have always tried to look out for each other and remind one another that we’re never alone. Not long after her hospital visit, our parents started fighting. They would put us to bed and close the door as if it would muffled their yelling downstairs. My sister and I would sit on the top steps unable to make out the words being screamed but the noise caused us to embrace each other as our tears rolled down each other’s backs. When our parents first got divorced, my dad had the majority of custody. My sister was the only other female present in my life and vis vera. I found myself trying to take care of her when our dad was tired from working to raise two girls. Our mom would be more present in our lives when the custody was split 50/50, but we hated the dump that she had rented and expected us to call home half the time. We would tell each other everything because there was no one else we could tell that would care. Our parents always had very strong opinions they tried to influence us with, mainly regarding the other parent, so my sister and I helped each other navigate what to do in these situations by sharing each parents side with each other. Though we have always been there for each other, we are very different people. Some might even say complete opposites, but I think the best duos are able to bring unique perspectives to the same situation, so I’m grateful for our differences and the influence that we have on each other. I love my sister because she isn’t afraid to speak her mind and will always give me the love that I failed to feel from my parents that’s hate for each other felt triumphant against their love for their daughters. I would do almost anything for my sister because we are not just bonded by blood but the trauma that others tend not to understand. My sister is not just someone I am close to, but my better half. Through the ups and downs, she will always be there for me and I would do the same for her.
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