raindrop-stimmies · 2 months
Verizion stimboard!
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Scrabbled credits, my apologies
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Shiny terrakion in white 2 after 3,159 soft resets!
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thelovelyblark-barg · 7 months
God I forgot how much the gen 5 legendary music slaps
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dragunsblood · 1 month
Hi! I had a question about your pmd explorers patch-- did you happen to add any of the legendaries from later gens? If you did, I would love to know how and where to find them! Excellent job on the patch, I've been having a lot of fun with it! Thank you in advance! :)
cobalion - treeshroud forest floor 10, 20 terrakion - treeshroud forest floor 10, 20 verizion - treeshroud forest floor 10, 20 keldeo - treeshroud forest floor 10, 20 tornadus - sky stairway floor 10, 20 thunderus - sky stairway floor 10, 20 landorus - sky stairway floor 10, 20 reshiram - mt. blaze floor 10 zekrom - mt. thunder floor 10 meloetta - happy outlook floor 10 xerneas - shimmer hill floor 18 yveltal - midnight forest floor 25 zygarde - world abyss floor 10 tapu koko - marine resort floor 14 tapu lele - marine resort floor 15 tapu bulu - marine resort floor 16 tapu fini - marine resort floor 17 cosmog - magic alcove floor 10 sogaleo - magic alcove floor 10 lunala - magic alcove floor 10
genesect and type: null are in the game but i dont remember where i put them haha. all of these require the secret slab or mystery part
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rotomblr-polls · 8 months
Who's the best gen 5 legend?
(Ooc: Idk if i spelled Genesect correctly.)
Reblogs are appreciated.
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roxyco-deliverygirl · 9 months
So I said that the teal mask dlc was dumb for having version exclusives, but the indigo disk did it again and even worse.
So there's a past version of the Johto trio and a future version of the swords of Justice. Currently, there is no way to get the Suicune and Verizion paradox pokemon, the only way was the limited time raid. Which is really stupid, anyone who missed that event can't complete the pokedex. Second dumb thing about it is that you can only find 1 each of the other pokemon, so if I want Raiku and Entai, I have to either trade for them (which the only fair trade would be my Terakion an Cobalion, which I want to keep) or I would have to buy Scarlet and the dlc, complete the entire game and both dlc stories, including Perrin's pokedex quest so I can unlock Raiku and Entai, then send them to myself over pokemon home, which would be expensive and time consuming.
Version exclusives were OK when it was like, gameboy and ds games that were significantly cheaper but like, they've made it near enough impossible for me.
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maareyas · 1 year
Ok so Bittercold and Dark Matter. I am not over this.
(This became a sort of analysis of GTI's themes too LMAO)
My issue with Dark Matter is that there was little build up to it. I'm not talking about it's actual presence, but rather what it represents. "The negative feelings of all pokemon" then where was this negativity in the story?
I understand that the main theme of Super was connections and all. The protag duo helping and being helped by different pokemon are a consistent Thing in the plot. The climactic fight with Dark Matter involves pokemon coming together to stop its ascent.
But I ask again, where was the negativity that Dark Matter was apparently born from within the story? Krookodile?? The Partner having self-doubt?? Pancham and Shelmet being mean?? Nuzleaf and co??? These are all less "incidents of negativity the Dark Matter was born from" and more "general plot events/stuff the villains do".
So it feels like the concept of the Dark Matter feels like it came out of nowhere.
Compare it to how GTI handles the Bittercold. It's the manifestation of all pokemon's collective desire for the end of everything. The loss of hope for better circumstances. And is there narrative build up to this? As a matter of fact, yes!
From the beginning, it's established that the pokemon world in GTI is becoming more and more selfish/dangerous/distrustful etc etc. Gurdurr's and Verizion's arcs connect to this, with both of them choosing to close themselves off from the world. Dunsparce's arc too, to a lesser extent. His first few attempts to get "stronger" end in trouble, almost as if being discourages from having hope to achieving his dream. It isn't until they meet the Protag duo that they have their Character Development™
It all connects to the overall theme of "Believing in other people" and having hope in the face of uncertain circumstances and pessimistic fatalism--which is the opposite "side" in the story, represented by the Bittercold itself, as well as Kyurem and Munna's gang.
We get to see the effects/source of the Bittercold ourselves because we got dialogue like this:
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(screenshot courtesy of @rutabga)
AND because characters losing hope/being unwilling to trust others happens several times in the story. Even during the climax.
In other words, the feelings that makes up that the Bittercold is composed of is present throughout the story. So when the Bittercold itself was actually introduced, it made sense for when it was explained what it truly was.
THIS is the build up I was looking for with Dark Matter.
The final stretch of the Player being supported by the voices of the Partner and other pokemon in Paradise/Post Town hits SO much harder compared to Super because of this, despite having less people.
And you know what else? The Bittercold itself could be considered a narrative foil to the Partner. Partner's goal is to make a pokemon Paradise and help others--the ideological opposite of the Bittercold (or rather, what it represents). AND IT'S GOOD!! it gives the Partner so much more Narrative Depth and I love it.
Even the concept of it specifically being ice and found within a glacier dome is sorta neat? A "cold" person is someone who remains closed off from others. It's literally ice. It's found in the heart of a glacier that's isolated from the rest of the world by 1.) A castle (and Kyurem) 2.) A HUGE DOME 3.) "uncrossable" crevasses--once again tying into the idea of staying isolated from the rest of the world.
In conclusion: Dark Matter/the stuff it represents doesn't have much of a presence in the narrative and thus makes Super's narrative as a whole weaker. Meanwhile, I hate the Bittercold as a boss fight but goddamn is it great as a symbolic entity and ties together the themes of the game.
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xamaxenta · 2 years
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aspens-orchard · 2 years
Theory on Walking Wake and Iron Leaves
So Suicune was created with the other two when the tower burned down and Ho-oh resurrected the trapped animals as the legendary Trio. Walking Wake being from the past could imply that there was inspiration for the legendary Trio, which with that logic we may get a past Raikou and past Entei for when the two dlc waves are released. It would be fitting, too, because the three swords of justice could be released with them. The thing for the swords could be that they stayed swords of justice until they died, and their bodies were used as a model to create new swords of justice to keep the peace.
I wouldn't be surprised if we got, say, Walking Wake (Suicune) right now, Walking Eruption (Entei) for wave one dlc, and Walking Storm (Raikou) for wave two dlc, as well as Iron Leaves (Verizion) right now, Iron Leader (Cobalion) for wave one dlc, and Iron Protector (Terakion) for wave two dlc
And then possibly if they add more paradox legendaries, Roaring Beauty (Ho-oh) and Iron Student or Iron Sword (Keldeo) as pokemon you can battle in the dlc
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mmeveronica · 2 years
Do you think there are people in pokémon named after legendaries?
Like is it common for people in Kalos to be named Xerneas? Is there some guy in Johto named Ho-oh? Are there people in Unova named after Keldeo and Verizion?
How awkward would it be to be someone named after a legendary and then come across some 10 year old with the freaking pokémon you're named after?
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clovemon · 2 years
furthermore why didn't verizion change at all in the future wrong answers only
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vcrdant · 2 years
verizion, what were the other swords like?
"You wish to know about my comrades? My dear, such things are ancient history. I cannot fathom why you would possibly want to know about four old broads from an era long gone. But... I suppose if you're insistent about it, I can indulge you..."
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"Keldeo was our leader in those days. She was at the heart and soul of everything we did. A bit hotheaded for her own good, but her heart was always in the right place. She adored children. Always taking in the little ones when they had nowhere else to go. Humans and pokémon both. She raised a king once, you know—in those days, being born in the royal line wasn't a guarantee you'd end up ruling. Isshurem always chose who would take up the crown. And it happened that time that he saw something in Kel's boy that he didn't see in the princes of that generation. Goodness, it was all she would talk about for years—
"Then Terrakion. I'll tell you, that woman was always a headache for me. I swear, whenever we had a duty, she was always off gallivanting 'round somewhere, drinking herself silly or trying to impress the ladies. Oftentimes both. She loved games, too. Didn't matter what sort; she was always eager to take on a friendly challenge. It seemed like life was a sort of game to her, and she was enjoying every minute of us. Still, she was always reliable when it came down to it. She was the toughest of us, and she used that to save our hides on more than one occasion. ...You know, she swore me to secrecy about this, but I suppose it can't hurt anyone now, can it? She had a bit of a thing for Meloetta. Never could work up the guts to confess, though, no matter how many times I tried to make her!
"Now, Cobalion—you wouldn't think it from the way we acted back then, but she was the one I was closest to. We were inducted into the Swords right around the same time—Kel and Terra were a bit older than us, you see. Quite honestly, we loathed each other at first. Far too different. Cobalion was always... how should I put this? Very by the books. Everything she did, it had to be perfectly structured, down to the very last. No room for improvisation and certainly not for mistakes. I thought she lacked any sort of grace, honestly, and I'm fairly sure she thought I was too careless. We butt heads quite a lot those early years. It wasn't until a particularly messy mishap—well, let's just say that somebody's questionably-timed earthquake caused a cave in and left Cobalion and I stranded together for several days. The trouble we went through to get back out, let me tell you... but, regardless, we found ourselves understanding one another much better after that incident. We did still have our share of arguments, but they were never spiteful. We challenged one another to see things differently. Our different fighting styles complimented one another quite nicely, too, once we had learned how to work together. Her steadiness... I came to find it quite comforting, to tell the truth. She was my anchor...
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"Aha. Listen to me, reminiscing like an old woman. I think that's enough for now, wouldn't you say?"
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eikotheblue · 2 years
The Mobile App: What’s something you have that just never works properly but you still use it?
Staff: Is there any advice you wish you’d listened to, but never did?
Shitposting: What is something that you do purely for fun?
What’s something you have that just never works properly but you still use it? My body the syncplay feature on my jellyfin server.
Staff: Is there any advice you wish you’d listened to, but never did? Hmmm. There's a very large category of, like, life advice (ranging in complexity from very simple stuff like "get enough sleep" to bigger things like "it's actually really really important to prioritize your self-care and personal growth, even if you don't think you deserve it" that I was very skeptical about and had to learn (or am in the process of learning) the hard way. Does that count?
Shitposting: What is something that you do purely for fun? Without splitting hairs on "purely"; consuming fiction and talking about it!
(Verizion lost 1.097 billion dollars ask meme)
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xanthicantag · 27 days
I'd like to thank verizion for this unofficial bonus day off
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bb-academy-theater · 5 months
The BB Theater Team presents: "MELOETTAAA!!!"
A show about survival and freedom, the cast brings back an old classic play about the struggles of pokemon and people back when unova was plagued with war from both of the ancient princes.
Cast & Roles:
Meloetta: Cass
Verizion: Maxima
Terrakion: Jaxson
Cobalion: Ace
Prince Idealis: Justin
Prince: Veritas: Cass
Victini: Maxima
Reshiram: Ace
Zekrom: Jaxson
Wild Pokemon: Cinno the Minccino, Cast the Sawk, Crew the Throh, Merit the Riolu, Sierra the Fletchinder, Beebus the Venonat
Set Design & Backdrops: Kaon the Archaludon, Crew the Throh, Ace, Effects the Vivillon, Stagelights the Lampent
Producer: Cass
Director: Maxima
Choreographer: Justin
Writer: Cass
Costume Design: Jaxson
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pokephiles · 9 months
Fuck it. Another post. Here's my Fuck It Bucket List, organized by generation and priority.
Lugia, Meganium, Arbok
TOP PRIORITY (Limited to 3 per gen)
Gen 1
Charizard, Rapidash, Lapras
Gen 2
Typhlosion, Umbreon, Suicune
Gen 3
Blaziken, Flygon, Latios/Latias
Gen 4
Floatzel, Lopunny, Lucario
Gen 5
Serperior, Scolipede, Mienshao
Gen 6
Goodra, Noivern, Sylveon
Gen 7
Primarina, Decidueye, Salazzle
Gen 8
Inteleon, Obstagoon, Thievul
Gen 9
Farigiraf, Koraidon, Quaquaval
Gen 1
Pidgeot, Raichu, Sandslash, Nidoqueen, Ninetales, Persian, Arcanine, Machoke, Dewgong, Rhydon, Scyther, Kangaskhan, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Articuno, Dragonair, Dragonite, Mewtwo
Gen 2
Feraligatr, Furret, Ampharos, Politoed, Espeon, Girafarig, Scizor, Ursaring, Houndoom, Stantler, Miltank, Entei, Raikou, Tyranitar, Ho-Oh
Gen 3
Grovyle, Sceptile, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Breloom, Aggron, Grumpig, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Armaldo, Milotic, Tropius, Absol, Salamence, Rayquaza
Gen 4
Empoleon, Luxray, Rampardos, Garchomp, Toxicroak, Weavile, Togekiss, Leafeon, Glaceon, Frosslass, Giratina, Cresselia, Arceus
Gen 5
Samurott, Liepard, Unfezant, Zebstrika, Audino, Whimsicott, Krookodile, Archeops, Zoroark, Sawsbuck, Haxorus, Beartic, Braviary, Mandibuzz, Cobalion, Verizion, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo
Gen 6
Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja, Talonflame, Pyroar, Gogoat, Furfrou, Aurorus, Xerneas, Yveltal
Gen 7
Incineroar, Toucannon, Oricorio, Lycanroc, Mudsdale, Lurantis, Passimian, Silvally, Komo'o, Solgaleo, Lunala, Zeraora
Gen 8
Rillaboom, Cinderace, Corviknight, Boltund, Toxtricity, Grapploct, Dragapult, Zacian, Zamazenta, Urshifu, Glastrier, Spectrier, Wyrdeer, Sneasler
Gen 9
Meowscarada, Skeledirge, Oinkologne, Armarouge, Ceruledge, Espartha, Bombirdier, Finizen, Palafin, Cyclizar, Slither Wing, Miraidon, Walking Wake, Fezandipiti
Gen 1
Venusaur, Blastoise, Butterfree, Beedrill, Pikachu, Nidoking, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Vileplume, Golduck, Poliwrath, Alakazam, Machamp, Tentacruel, Golem, Dodrio, Gengar, Marowak, Hitmonchan, Lickitung, Chansey, Seadra, Seaking, Electabuzz, Magmar, Tauros, Gyarados, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Zapdos, Moltres
Gen 2
Noctowl, Ariados, Crobat, Lanturn, Bellossom, Azumarill, Jumpluff, Quagsire, Slowking, Granbull, Heracross, Delibird, Mantine, Kingdra, Donphan, Smeargle
Gen 3
Shiftry, Delcatty, Mawile, Manectric, Illumise, Wailord, Walrein, Gorebyss, Kyogre, Groudon, Deoxys
Gen 4
Torterra, Infernape, Staraptor, Bibarel, Roserade, Mothim, Vespiquen, Gastrodon, Honchkrow, Lumineon, Gallade, Dusknoir, Dialga, Palkia, Darkrai, Shaymin
Gen 5
Emboar, Stoutland, Musharna, Swoobat, Excadrill, Throh, Sawk, Leavanny, Scrafty, Carracosta, Cinccino, Swanna, Eelektross, Fraxure, Bisharp, Bouffalant, Volcarona
Gen 6
Vivillon, Florges, Pangoro, Meowstic, Dragalge, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Zygarde 10%
Gen 7
Ribombee, Bewear, Tsareena, Golisopod, Hakamo'o
Gen 8
Greedent, Dubwool, Appletun, Sandaconda, Centiskorch, Hatterene, Frosmoth, Ursaluna
Gen 9
Pawmot, Dachsbun, Arboliva, Kilowattrel, Cetitan, Clodsire, Great Tusk, Scream Tail, Chien-Pao, Roaring Moon, Iron Leaves
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