#verse: born from the forest
edelweissmage · 1 year
@eritvita​ from here
If Vailintin could be truthful, they are also blushing. Roland is a big man, but  they’ve never once felt afraid of his strength. He’s so large and handsome, and Vailintin feels small and secure in his warm hands. A small bead of water--or perhaps sweat--trickles from Roland’s hair down his neck and further down his chest until Vailintin realizes they’re staring at his towel and their heart is thrumming in their ears.
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“No,” they rasp hoarsely, their own towel wound underneath their armpits, “it doesn’t.”
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darqx · 21 days
If you didnt come to party [get the hell out of this club]
In which there's some links to old art - I've been getting a number of asks that are already technically answered so that's just what I'm gonna be doing if i can even remember what RAD they originally came from lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Yes he can speak at least two demon languages (commons and a more specialised one).
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Not really cos the ichor will eventually disappear if it's not in contact with Rire for a while lol. You ever wonder how someone could mysteriously drown whilst not being around anything they could have drowned in? Yeah.
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I have drawn several such instances a long time ago. But it's not really Rire flirting with Ren it's more him being like...subtly condescending to Ren since Ren's submissive level is not very interesting to him |D
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I...think you may have possibly mistaken me saying Rire might cry if he was in severe pain to mean that's the only time he could cry XD; To answer your q, yes Rire can cry from emotions - the point is he would choose not to (esp in public) as that would be a weakness.
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🤔 You could probably get away with the same dress design but in black, tbh (if it was Lady Rire). Since the outfit design is 1930s/1940s based Rire's equivalent would be like...a 3 piece suit with a long overcoat/trench coat.
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Got you covered bro [from a suit meme I did before]
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Rire has a very long life span, but he's not immortal XD;
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Tbh I don't really have thoughts about any of other peoples headcanons. Like I'm generally quite neutral towards headcanons because I primarily deal with the canon; the extent of my thoughts would be like "hm i wonder how they came up with that" lol.
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This is actually in my FAQ :d but good of you to check for permission! If it's your own artwork then yes it is ok to make fanmerch of Rire. Similarly Gato allows fanmerch of her BTD and TPOF characs as long as it's your own art you are selling (and not like, our art/someone else's fanart that they didn't give permission to turn into merch).
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It would be in Cain's best interest not to.
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Cain is literally saying Olé Olé because i happened to be listening to this song at the time.
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I can barely keep up with my ask box as myself let alone do it while pretending to be a charac lol, so no 😅 You can find a bunch of the most common qs in the FAQ pages though.
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No and not really - though he is a bit more sensitive to light compared to a human as he has much better night vision than a human. He may also be able to see more colours than humans 🤔
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There is technically no "stereotypical" demon in my 'verse, there's a bunch of different species each with their own looks/powers, so if he was another species then he'd have their physical characteristics. Rire's species is considered "plain" because outwardly they can pass more easily as a human than say; Izm's species (who have a really noticeable Glasgow smile-esque mouth as one of their physical features).
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Yes he was born a demon...to his demon parents...|D;
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He's the king of his sector and his sector is pretty well-to-do, I think you can draw your own conclusions from that lol.
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Maybe, depends on what the human in question does with that.
Your second q has two answers depending on what context I answer them in, so I'll reply in the BTD context keeping in mind a charac like EP's Cain :d Basically yes Rire would be able to sense them like he does other demons. It's not a specific sense of "THIS CHARAC IS AN ANGEL" but more like "this charac is not human" and depending on what else he gets from it a "in your best interests to not engage".
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Something big with long black fur and yellow eyes, maybe like a Norwegian Forest Cat or a Maine Coon.
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flowerwrites06 · 11 months
forest bride — myg
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FOREST BRIDE | Min Yoongi | Oneshot | Requested by Anon
Original Request: hii i would like to request an arranged marriage au that turned out as a healthy relationship, unlike where oc came from y'know family full of mistreatment and favoritism. any member is fine! thank u! Plot: The business transaction of a marriage between two previous warring clans takes an unexpected turn. Pairing: Yoongi x OC (Name: Kiku) Genre: Historical Inspired | Arranged Marriage Rating: 18+ Word Count: 8.9k Warnings: emotionally distanced family dynamics, emotional abuse and bullying from family members, minor character death (mentioned), angst, explicit sexual content (unprotected, gentle). Author's Note: This was soo much fun to do! I hope you like reading it as much as I loved writing it! Thank you to the anon who requested this <3
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Kiku was a quiet daughter amongst children of four in the Moon Clan. She was in the middle of the line of birth, often keeping to herself while her father doted on her brothers and her mother babied Hanaka, her sister. Kaito, the oldest son of their family, was the only person who ever paid attention Kiku.
He taught her how to play the Koto when they were younger. The soft plucking of strings were the only sounds she made in her household. Her mother, Keiko complimented the sound with the assumption that it was Hanaka. When Kaito explained that it was Kiku, their mother pointed the lack of precision at the ends of each verse.
Kiku felt safe and comforted under the wing of Kaito.
But fate had other plans.
Kaito grew sick after a hunting wound turned gangrenous and the winter only worsened his condition. When he passed, Kiku felt the searing and back-breaking weight of her family's scrutiny.
Suddenly she was no longer Kaito's companion. She was a mouth they didn't want to feed.
On the fresh cusp of spring, her parents unceremoniously announced her arrangement to marry the chief of the Onyx clan. Their rival.
"Kaito said they were dangerous," Kiku said as she knelt on the ground of their main living area. Her parents stared down at her while Hanaka and their younger brother Haruki sat on the cushioned mat.
"Kaito isn't here. Don't name him when we haven't finished mourning, stupid girl," Keiko spoke through gritted teeth.
"You will marry Chief Min Yoongi and give this family an important alliance," Daiki said with a finality to his tone.
The Onyx Clan was notorious for raiding other clans, enslaving their high-born families and treating any foreign spouses like dirt. Preventing them from causing any problems in the Moon Clan was to keep them at bay with something that they didn't think was a risk.
Keiko would never send Hanaka to a place like that. Perhaps Kiku was prepared specifically for this very alliance, forcing themselves not to love her so they could make a difficult decision. Perhaps that was just her own heart trying to find a glimpse of love in a place that had none for her since the beginning.
Kiku lowered her head in a solemn acceptance, her dress still black and her heart still raw from mourning the only family member who loved her. "I will do as you wish."
The wedding flourished during a misty, cold morning just at the skirts of dawn where purple kissed the edges of the mountains. Kiku wore a white dress of pretty silk, embroidered in both ivory and crimson thread as if the cloth bled. A white veil laid over her head giving the world around her more of a misty vision.
They held the wedding in the central border between the Moon and Onyx Clan. There was a gentle plain where it was decorated with flowers, divided with wood and a tea set prepared on a small wooden table. Her father walked her over to the table.
Kiku forced herself not to look at her groom just yet. Instead staring at the teapot in front of them, spouting a plume of steam with the faint hint of jasmine and honey in her nose. Tea ceremonies during weddings were a common tradition amongst both clans. Thankfully, it was a tea that Kiku enjoyed but the symbol of it dawned on her like a heavy weight on her back.
Sharing tea with a man outside her family was a sign that she was now connected to him. Bonded to him. A man that Kiku hadn't even looked at yet. So she gained some bravery within herself and stared up.
Min Yoongi wasn't a large man but he was taller than her. In this vulnerable state, he looked like a looming statue. It wasn't necessarily his stature but his presence that created weight. His black eyes pierced deeply into her as if peeling off layers of every protective sense she had of herself.
A deep scar ran down his eye, making it a little greyer than the left eye. His lips were pursed and a little pink while his pitch black hair was long to the nape. Short hair was often a sign of a deadly warrior. Someone who killed many without mercy and had little honour. At least that was what her parents told her.
The esteemed monk stepped to the front of the altar and began to recite ancient chants of a bonding ritual. Kiku tried to focus on the words but she couldn't stop keeping Yoongi's gaze. His eyes softened just then when she wasn't loosening her gaze either. As if he was waiting for her to look at him.
For a brief moment, Kiku noticed something gentle behind that demeanour. Or perhaps it was yet again her mind tricking her into feeling something positive when her world was turning upside down and she couldn't do anything about it. Yoongi glanced briefly over to the monk as they stepped to the table.
He waved his hands as he spoke his chants before gesturing to a young boy.
It was the father's duty to pour the tea. So Daiki poured it with a solemn face, almost bored. The waft of jasmine and honey coated her nose, giving her some comfort.
The groom shared his tea with the bride first. Yoongi's hands were veined heavily as if he were training in the dark hours of the morning before coming here. He reached out carefully, slow enough so Kiku didn't feel shocked. He pulled at the fabric and revealed her face, the cold morning breeze kissing her heated up skin.
Yoongi picked the tea cup, softly placing the brim of the cup to her lips.
Kiku kept her eyes on him right until she felt the warm honey touch of the tea on her tongue. She slowly pressed her lips together as he pulled the cup away. Just as Yoongi's cup clinked down, she picked up her own cup.
Yoongi lowered his head a little, making it easy to her to gently tip the cup. He took a sip, his throat bobbed up and down before she placed it back on the table.
The ceremony had been sealed. Even as Kiku foolishly tried to look back and say goodbye to her family, her mother was already fixing Hanaka's hair and her father continued speaking to Haruki. Niether of them gave any indication that they wished for a goodbye so Kiku turned back without a word.
Yoongi held her hand, just barely brushing at first to ensure Kiku would respond.
Kiku curled her fingers around his, allowing him to fully intertwine together before making way to the horses.
Yoongi clasped her waist, pushing her up to sit on the horse. Then he sat behind her, grabbing the reins as the scent of rain wafted in Kiku's nose.
The air turned wet to the touch and she noticed the darkened splotches on the tree bark of a soft drizzle slowly turning to gentle rain.
"Are you sure you don't want to speak to them?" Yoongi uttered his first question as her husband and Kiku wasn't sure how to respond or feel.
Kiku glanced briefly at her family, seeing Haruki rubbing his brow in boredom while her mother was still having a conversation with Hanaka, touching her chin. Still none of them tried to look her away. "It's alright."
Yoongi didn't order the horse to move for a few minutes before a small hum vibrated through his chest, tingling her back. "Very well," he said. He made a clicking noise and the horse began to gallop at a steady pace.
The forest that was considered Moon Clan's territory was an identical stream of teal leaved trees and small wildflowers, clustered amongst light brown mushrooms and wet lands. Kiku enjoyed walking through them purely because it was peace outside of her household.
However, Onyx Clan's territory harboured something so different that it almost felt magical. There were still those collections of teal leaved trees that wafted a sweet scent. Other than that, she saw patches of yellow and pink flowers, flat mushrooms that blushed at the edges and pretty deep green vines that wrapped around dark tree bark.
The sun began peeking a sharp light at the edge of the mountains, making the distant rivers look like melted gold.
The Onyx Clan itself was a beautiful village, with calmly sleeping cows and horses in their stables. Night food stalls open for business as families were out to eat chilli noodles and honeycomb candy. Moon Clan was so used to clean diets and fresh fish that the deep, spiced notes of the stalls overwhelmed Kiku, reminding her even more than she wasn't in her old household anymore.
People of the Onyx Clan gave way when they noticed Yoongi riding into the village. Their faces filled with smiles and excited whispers as they noticed her white dress. A little girl waved shyly at her.
Kiku hesitated but waved back with a faint smile.
As they arrived to the main cluster of houses for the high-born Min family, Kiku saw a group of people waiting for them.
Yoongi jumped off the house with a thud before gently holding onto Kiku again and helping her onto the ground as well. A small set of stairs led up to the cluster of houses.
When they reached, the older woman in centre gave a kind smile. By the way she was dressed in a beautiful silk kimono and the way Yoongi bowed low when seeing her, Kiku knew she was the matriarch of the family. Seeing so much kindness after her grief was something Kiku hadn't prepared herself to expect. So for a moment, she felt lost and unable to respond. She managed to give a wide enough smile.
"Bloody hell, Yoongi, you scared the shit out of her," a young woman from the side chuckled. Not in mockery but just jovial nature.
"Yun," the older woman reprimanded with a serious expression. "Manners." She turned back to Kiku with a smile. "Sorry, my dear, I understand you're in a new place. And our clans haven't had the best relationship but you are family now." She reached out and touched her hand.
Kiku could've been moved to tears at a warm mother's touch but she kept herself strong.
"My name is Hwayoung," she said. "These are my daughters Nari and Yun. I have a son named Yeong but he's away on a trip and will return tomorrow."
Kiku nodded. "It's lovely to meet you."
Hwayoung's flickered to Yoongi. "Let's have dinner and then you both can go rest."
After their dinner concluded and Kiku's belly was warm, they convened back to their bed chambers.
Kiku was given night dresses and also new clothes for the next few days. Especially since her family didn't give her any dress to take except for one.
For a while, the room was left empty with just Kiku watching the fire flicker before skimming through the books laid upon the mantle. It was mostly war and history stories along with some manuals on mastering the sword. Kiku wished she had some books on the Koto to play and fill her days that didn't have to do with having Yoongi's children. But she wasn't sure.
Hwayoung and Yoongi's sisters seemed nice enough but there was no way of telling whether it was a momentary ruse. After all, they couldn't be rude to her in front of everyone. Although a part of Kiku wanted to believe that their kind faces were genuine.
The door then clicked open. Yoongi walked through, wearing a relaxed black silk shirt and his hair tousled as if he had just taken a bath. He closed the door behind him, expression taken aback for a moment as if he hadn't expected someone in his bed chambers before softening.
"Do you have everything you need?" Yoongi asked.
"Yes, thank you." Kiku walked forward to him as he sat at the edge of the bed. She didn't say anything yet but Yoongi's throat bobbed up and down.
Stammering, he said. "We can just sleep."
Kiku blinked curiously. Of all the things she expected, this wasn't one of them. It was relieving that he was kind but to completely let her adjust to the new place was not on the list of expectation. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure," Yoongi said, keeping his eyes on her. "It's been a long day. We should both rest."
Kiku intertwined her fingers together and nodded, feeling a strange warmth in her chest. "Alright. Good night."
In the morning, Kiku awoke to an empty space in her bed. When one of the maidservants entered to serve her, she explained that Yoongi went out to train early in the morning just before breakfast to keep him awake.
Kiku hoped she didn't look scared to deter him into performing any marital duties. Perhaps throughout the day, she could try to comfort him. She knew what she was getting into.
After taking a warm bath with the maidservant being surprisingly gentle and kind, Kiku was called into breakfast by Hwayoung.
The Min family gathered under a gazebo structure made from black wood. It was round and the food laid out smelled like home in a place that hadn't been her home for a full day yet. Baked fish, soups, rice, fruits for sweetness. It was a spread for something that usually rushed in her family. Or at least Kiku would have to eat quickly.
Kiku sat down next to Yoongi while Yun and Nari continued on their conversation. Yoongi's brother, Yeong came in from his trip and he looked a softer compared to his older brother and smiled often. Usually making jokes with his mother.
Yoongi ate fish and seemed to prefer the soups over rice.
While the others were deep in their conversation, Kiku leaned in slightly. "How was training?" she asked.
Yoongi looked up, again a little shocked but quickly softened. "It was good."
"Yoongi gets quite sore after his training, Kiku," Yun said with a small smirk. "Maybe later in the afternoon, you should give him a massage. Lord knows he needs a good one."
Yoongi glared for a moment but Kiku found it endearing.
"Yun," Hwayoung reprimanded but with a playful air this time rather than the disciplinary one of last night. "Kiku should not be forced to do anything she doesn't want to."
Kiku stammered. "I'm alright with it. I used to give shoulder massages to my brother all the time."
Yoongi cleared his throat. "It's really alright." He nodded.
Kiku smiled politely, lowering her head.
"Perhaps Kiku should come spend the day with us since brother insists on being boring," Yun said.
"I am new here," Kiku said.
"A tour then," Nari said.
Hwayoung perked up. "You can take her down to the markets and get some silks or jewellery. There's lots of music playing there too."
Kiku blinked curiously. "Would there be any Koto players?"
"You like the Koto?" Hwayoung asked.
"My brother taught me how to play." Kiku's heart clenched at the mention of him again. It had been so lovely to be in a place like this. How nice would it have been if their family all spoke so easily to one another.
"That's sweet. How is your brother now?"
"He's passed away," Kiku said.
"I'm sorry, my dear." Hwayoung's eyes turned sad. Both of empathy for her but something else. "I lost my husband a while ago as well. I understand it can feel empty." The table turned quiet for a few moments to remember their father
"Thank you." Kiku's words were simple but Hwayoung didn't fully realise just how much comforting words directed at her. Like a warm, tight hug that she could cry into.
Kiku spent her time walking around with Yun and Nari as they explained all the ins and outs of the clan's main village. They had three smaller towns that used the same supplies and answered to Yoongi as Chief but this was the clan that Yoongi's ancestors had built and it was beautiful.
Nari took her to the bookshop and silk store. Kiku bought herself a pretty purple silk dress while also getting books on poetry that she used to enjoy listening to. A poetess would visit their clan when they were younger and Kaito would work in the shadow puppet shows to re-enact them.
It was one of the few things Kiku was allowed to watch with the family while helping Kaito work with the puppets.
Then they went to the food stalls. Kiku ate spicy dumpling noodles with mushrooms foraged from the forest. Apparently they helped with childbearing as the old woman stated, clearly knowing that it was going to be her who bears the next Chief. Kiku hadn't quite let that sink in but even when she did think about it, it wasn't a horrible thought.
Kiku, Yun and Nari then made their way to the training grounds once their bellies were full and their cheeks hurt from laughing. Kiku hadn't laughed or smiled like this since Kaito made jokes to cheer her up. While they did bicker, Yun and Nari seemed like they were close and loving to one another.
Kiku wondered if Hanaka and her would have ever been like that if their mother didn't get involved so much.
At the centre of the training grounds, Kiku saw Yoongi training with his younger brother Yeong. He spoke instructions for Yeong to follow, keeping one hand behind his back as if to hinder himself from making any strong moves. Yeong kept his hands tight on the hilt of the sword, swinging right against Yoongi's parries as the clang of steel whistled in the air.
Kiku found herself seeing the concentrated scrunch of his dark brows, sharp jawline a little clenched as he parried another attack. His black hair was tied back with chunks of it falling over the frame of his face. "He does this every morning."
Yun hummed. "You like what you see?"
Kiku cleared her throat. "It's nice he's teaching his brother."
"Yeong should focus on his studies too but he keeps running to brother for more training," Nari said. "Yoongi never refuses. He likes training for no reason."
"Ever since father died, brother trains constantly. There's no war but he always says there might be danger," Yun said. "Even with your alliance, he's still weary." Nari quickly nudged her arm and for the first time, Yun felt a little uncomfortable.
Kiku pursed her lips together. She wondered if Yoongi was suspicious that her father would run an attack on them regardless of their alliance. While Kiku was a small risk to lose in the family, her father still may break the deal. She had little trust in her father and wouldn't be surprised if he wishes to prove some kind of point.
As she shifted in and out of her thoughts, Kiku saw Yoongi turn to notice them watching. Notice her watching. Kiku tried to look down at the wrapped silk dress in her arms, hoping it wouldn't look too suspicious. Yoongi turned to tell Yeong to take a break before making his way over to Kiku.
"Looks like your husband wishes to speak to you." Yun smirked, returning to her demeanour as if nothing happened. She pushed Nari towards Yeong to speak to him instead.
Yoongi raised his brow as his sisters rushed away. Beads of sweat had formed on his hairline as he met Kiku's gaze. "They didn't bother you too much?"
Kiku was shocked by what sounded like a genuine question. "No. They were lovely. They showed me around the main town."
"I can see that," Yoongi said before giving his sword away to a servant. "Come with me."
Kiku nodded and followed him out of the training grounds.
They moved from the training grounds back into the cluster of houses where the Min family resided. Yoongi escorted her to their personal house and Kiku wondered whether Yoongi wanted to pursue their marital duties now that he was given time.
It was strange but Kiku's heart pounded not quite out of fear or worry. It was simply curiosity and perhaps even a little excitement. Everything Yoongi had done so far was give her comfort.
As they entered the main house, a beautiful polished Koto stood in the living area.
Kiku's breath caught in her throat as she looked at the Koto which had beautiful ivory finishes and a soft chair to sit on while playing. "Is this for me?" she asked in a low tone.
"You said you used to play Koto. I figured you'd like to play in your free time," Yoongi said. "Your parents didn't pack much for your trip." He shrugged.
Kiku's lips parted as she reached out and touched the Koto. Memories of playing with her brother and learning every note with him burst in her like sweetness. Tears formed a thin gloss on her eyes, as she took a deep breath.
"Is it alright?" Yoongi asked.
"It's perfect," Kiku said. She turned and smiled. "Thank you. You didn't need to do that."
"It was nothing," Yoongi said. "It's your home now too."
Kiku nodded as her heart swelled.
"Also if my mother starts giving you too many lessons, I can get you a secret room."
Kiku let out a small chuckle. "It's okay. I'd like a lesson."
Yoongi pressed his lips together, a hint of a soft smile forming on his features which only made Kiku's heart warm.
Kiku's time in the Onyx Clan was far more pleasant and loving than she ever expected. Before she even realised, four months had passed. Kiku spent days with Yun and Nari, had meals with Hwayoung and then spent a quiet night with Yoongi. It was still innocent between the two of them but she enjoyed those quiet moments sharing things about their day. Yoongi still didn't speak on any personal things and Kiku didn't want to pry on how he got the scar on his eye or about his father's death. But it was still nice.
Kiku nearly forgot that she had another life prior to these few months. It was only when her younger brother, Haruki came to visit the clan. Discomfort returned to her chest, aching and making her twitch. She barely spoke to Haruki and every time they had a conversation, it was malicious. Haruki found joy in insulting her and demanding her to do things as a way to mimic their father.
Kiku reminded herself that she wasn't in that place anymore. This was her home too. She wore her new purple silk dress and pinned her hair up while the servants prepared a tea set on the floor table.
Haruki entered the private house as escorted by the servants. A childish grimace on his face as always but his chest puffed to look like father.
Kiku kept sited at the table.
Haruki stood over her for a few moments as if waiting for her to stand. "You wouldn't bother to see your brother at the border."
"You've come at a busy hour," Kiku said. Truthfully, she wanted to be in the warm comfort of her home to breathe easy and hide her shaking fingers. "What did you need?"
Haruki scoffed and sat down, tapping the side of the teacup. "Father's dead."
Kiku had little love for her father but she still sit in a moment of silence, unable to know what do with the news. "What happened?"
"We need more supplies," Haruki said, ignoring her question.
It was courtesy anyway so she didn't ask again. "The Moon clan has spare granaries for those occasions."
"We have an alliance." Haruki eyed her up and down. "I'd expect you to tend to it since you're clearly not tending to any children."
"What happened to the granaries, Haruki?" Kiku asked, emphasising his name.
Haruki pursed her lips, keeping his eyes on her gaze and waiting for her to look down. When she didn't, Haruki's face twitched. "We'd been using it."
"For what?"
"That's none of your concern," Haruki said.
"So not emergencies then," Kiku said.
"You can't speak to me that way." Haruki chuckled bitterly.
"I'm the Lady of this territory and your older sister, I can speak to you in whatever tone is necessary." Kiku narrowed her gaze. "What happened?"
Haruki tightened his jaw like a stubborn child. "We'd been taking from it for the banquets. Father and mother celebrated a lot because you were gone."
"And after brother's death," Kiku said.
"Don't talk about brother."
"He was my brother too. More a brother than you ever were."
Poison laced in his voice. "Kaito spent time with you because he felt bad for you. You were this pathetic thing crouching around everywhere. The only time people said anything nice about you was in order to fuck you. Don't pretend you were someone special to him or Yoongi." Haruki gestured to the door. "He's not even willing to put a baby in you." He chuckled.
"I don't appreciate being spoken for, Chief Min," Yoongi's deep voice shook through the room.
Haruki turned his head, expression turning sour.
Yoongi walked into the house, shadows forming harsh lines on his face as something dark flashes across his expression. For a moment, he looked like the exact nightmarish image of what the Moon clan thought of the Min family. Even barefooted steps added a heavy echo in the air that it sent chills down her own spine despite the fact she knew this demeanour wasn't for her intimidation. "You can have your supplies at the border."
Haruki deflated as if letting out a sigh of relief. "I should've gone to you first then, Chief. It seems I expected too much of my silly sister." He gave a triumphant smile to her.
"Of course, she made the mistake of thinking you were far too competent." Yoongi intertwined his fingers together, veined and hardened from training.
Haruki's expression turned again, cheeks reddening. "Excuse me?"
"Don't worry, I won't make that mistake." The corner of his mouth quirked up. "Perhaps we'll have a charity basket at the border."
Haruki stood to his feet quickly, shaking and trembling like a little boy. "You go too far."
"Do I? Because it seems as if you've come here asking for more than the agreed alliance and proceeding to disrespect my wife," Yoongi said. "The way I see it, giving you a charity basket is more mercy than you deserve currently. I suggest you take it quietly."
Haruki had all the inflated confidence their parents bloated into him from childhood. If he was even the slightest bit stupider, he would speak and in a brief second of that stupidity, he almost did. But then he glared at Kiku. "You'd let him talk to your family like that?"
Anger spread through her chest. Now he wanted to be family, when it benefited him. "If only you were true family then perhaps not."
Haruki grimaced, giving a softer glare to Yoongi before turning on his heel and stomping out of the house.
Kiku let out a deep, shaky breath as her spine began to ache from the tension. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her calm again, taking the scent of wood and warmth in her comfortable home. She heard Yoongi moving until she heard his hum right at her ear.
"Quite the unpleasant family you have," Yoongi mused.
Kiku couldn't help but let out a small, saddened chuckle. "Kaito was the only good one."
Yoongi turned and sat down next to her, shoulders pressed.
The heaviness gave Kiku a wave of comfort like the way his breath hit the back of his neck when they slept.
"If he comes again, I'll ask the guards to delegate him to me or my mother," Yoongi said. "There's no need for you to speak to them if you don't want to."
"You won't be burdened by them?" Kiku asked, turning her head and finding his face incredibly close.
"No one should speak like that to you especially not in our own house." Yoongi waved his hand.
Kiku smiled as her heart burst into little butterflies, creating a lump in her throat. She leaned in and pressed a small kiss on his cheek.
Yoongi turned his head just as Kiku was pulling away, their noses brushed against each other. Dark eyes pierced into her, keeping her still in her position even though her body ached for how close they were. Yoongi kissed her lips, shyly at first to help her adjust to the action.
The tantalizing warmth that passed through Kiku pushed her to lean into the kiss, cupping his cheek. Yoongi's hands held onto her lower back pulling her close until she was pressed flush against his chest.
His lips were hot against hers, keeping his grip on her firm but so soft and gentle. Yoongi only broke the kiss for a moment as Kiku caught a deep breath before pressing her lips again. She gripped onto the fabric of his shirt until Yoongi pulled her enough for her to straddle him completely.
Yoongi held her face in his hand, pausing their kiss again to move his lips down to her neck and jawline. Every ache that she felt from her encounter with Haruki melted away at his touch. He pulled at the pins of her hair, letting it fall down the trail of her back. His fingers traced the length of her spine, making her shiver. Tongue grazed over the soft spot on her neck as her hips began to sway against his own.
Yoongi let out a small groan, lifting his head up. His chest heaved in desperation, gripping onto her hair and keeping their foreheads pressed together.
Kiku reached in again but Yoongi kept her in place.
"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked in a rasped voice that made her tremble.
Kiku nodded. "I'm sure." She reached in and kissed him again, deeper and pleading to ensure he knew this was what she wanted.
But a knock on the door startled them.
Yoongi let out a small, frustrated sigh. "What is it?" he asked.
Kiku got off his lap slowly with a clear of her throat, trying to fix her hair as the door opened to a servant.
"Sorry, sire. Your mother needs your audience for something." The servant kept their head bowed as if already knowing the position he could've caught them in.
Yoongi turned and gave Kiku a soft look.
Kiku gave a reassuring smile, patting his arm before he got to his feet and walked away. Leaving her heart pounding manically.
Another week passed since their kiss. Yoongi wasn't distant necessarily but it did feel like nothing changed. Kiku wondered perhaps he didn't enjoy it. He was the Chief and had many choices of his own. Kiku was an alliance marriage. Any affection that they developed may have just been a spur of the moment as they lived under the same roof. Despite all the explanations she's made in her head, it still twinged something in Kiku. With the kindness received from Yoongis family, she imagined that something would be wrong. She traded a kinder family for a husband that didn't quite enjoy her affection. She'd take it though.
This morning, the family sat around the table for breakfast. Yoongi gave her a glance here and there but it was still distant. Kiku tried to smile back but he immediately looked away.
"So Kiku has been immensely calm these past few days," Yun said, a smirk playing on her lips. "Ma says it's often a sign of...something on the way." Her eyes flickered down to gesture to her stomach.
Kiku's cheeks burned, stammering. "No, it's not that." She shook her head. "I had my bleeding." She couldn't quite hide the slight disappointment in her tone. Kiku never thought about children especially with the experiences she had with her own family. But something about the silence from Yoongi made grasp at unnecessary desires of children or anything to melt off the ice between them.
Yun hummed, pouting. "That's a shame, I wanted nieces and nephews." She poked at her food, the light breeze making strands of her dark hair dance.
"Don't pressure them," Nari said, her tone serious. "They need to be relaxed when they do it."
"Girls, quiet." Hwayoung narrowed her gaze, letting out a defeated sigh. "Don't listen to them." She smiled. "These things take time."
Yoongi stayed silent and Kiku herself couldn't find anything to say but give a reassuring smile. Even though she worried Yoongi won't come near her a second time.
Kiku played her Koto in the afternoon while Yoongi was out supervising the patrol. Usually it would take him till evening to come back. But today he came in early, stomping and breathing out with frustration. A strange sight from someone who was so calm. Raven black hair glistened from sweat, patches of dust latched onto his skin and his jaw terribly tightened as if it might make break his teeth.
Strangely enough, it was relieving to see some emotion in Yoongi after all the distance. Kiku stood from the Koto. "What's wrong?" She asked gently.
"Your damn brother," he seethed. "His men attacked one of my scouts." Yoongi poured water into a goblet and chugged it.
Kiku's heart dropped. "What?"
"Apparently they'd been disturbing the peace. But they didn't plan for me to come." His scar looked deeper and darker when he was angry. "Mother was weary about them for a while but I didn't think they'd stoop to petty little violence."
Kiku lowered her head, almost in shame. Even though she felt more connected to Yoongi's family, her name and identity was still attached to the people she grew up with. It was embarrassing seeing others witness the pettiness that she endured her whole life. The same pettiness that Kaito hated. "I'm sorry," she said.
Yoongi stilled for a moment, dark brows furrowed as he turned to Kiku. "Why're you apologizing?"
Kiku stammered. "It's my family. They're like this, our parents made you all seem like monsters and Haruki would do anything to make himself feel like father would be proud." She shook her head.
"Well, that's their mistake, not yours." Yoongi spoke under her breath but Kiku clung to every word and kept it close to her chest.
She reached out and touched his arm. "Is there anything I can do?"
Yoongi stared at her deeply and so long that Kiku felt like layers of her soul were being peeled. Then he broke the gaze and tried to walk back to their bedroom. "No, it's okay."
Kiku's stomach clenched as once again, the ice began to form. But this time she wasn't going relent quietly. "Yoongi, you don't have to protect my feelings. If this is too much of a burden to you then I can leave."
Yoongi stopped, looking over his shoulder to her. The expression on his face, harsh. "What?"
Kiku dug her nails into her palms to give herself some form of strength. "I can handle my family, I've lived with them my whole life. But...I don't want you to be married to someone you don't truly want."
Yoongi's throat bobbed up and down. "Is that what you think?"
"I don't know," she spoke honestly. "I just know that you became distant after what happened and I—I'm unsure."
Yoongi fully turned his body around, stepping closer. "If you're unsure, then you talk to me."
"I can't speak my wishes so easily." Kiku's voice lowered as he moved closer until she could catch wafts of the forest from him. "It's not something I'm used to."
Yoongi's expression softened. He rubbed in between his brows. "I'm a little too used to my family just saying what they think." He looked up to her. "I'm sorry. I should've checked on you."
Kiki's stomach felt warm. staying silent for a moment just to ensure what she heard was right. Then she spoke in a small voice. "It's okay."
Yoongi took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers together turning her world into a burst of stars. "I will not make you go back to that place again." He muttered. "I want you here."
"You want me here?" She asked again, just to hear him say it so it could echo inside her whenever darker voices grew too loud.
"Right here. With me." Yoongi tightened his hold. "Will you do that?"
Kiku nodded, a burning behind her eyes. "I will, I promise." She smiled, touching his chest to make herself feel grounded again.
"We still need to deal with your stupid brother," Yoongi said. "He's quickly turning into a pest than an ally."
Kiku could spend years imagining Haruki as this invincible monster, similar to when they were children. But this was real now. Haruki wasn't Kaito. He was stupid and petty even when he tried to hurt her. There were a million ways to get rid of people like that. "I might have an idea."
As Kiku requested, Yoongi organized a meeting at the border between Onyx and Moon territory. A canopy was erected with a floor table where they all sat together. The edge of dawn painted the mountains and tree in a burnished gold and the scent of morning dew was the only comfort in Kiku's pool of anxiety.
She was prepared for this meeting and the decisions entailed but rarely had she spoken up to Haruki before. When Kiku tried, her mother or father would reprimand and punish her.
Even as Haruki walked to the canopy, she felt a prickle of being scolded in a few minutes. But she had push it down. She wasn't Haruki's sister here, she was a Lady of the Onyx Clan. The Chief's wife.
"This pompous meeting surely isn't about the little scuffle between scouts," Haruki said. "It's a bit of harmless fun."
Yoongi stayed silent.
"You brought your wife here too," Haruki looked Kiku up and down, making sure that he used a moniker disconnected to him.
"In regards to your previous demands, we're suggesting some changes in the alliance." Yoongi kept a calm tone even though Kiku saw the tightened grip of his hands.
Haruki chuckled. "If you don't want her anymore, just kick her out." He waved his hand. "One of your servants can have her."
Yoongi narrowed his gaze but kept his neutral expression. "As you commented on our child before, we had an idea on how to strength the bond between clans."
"And how is that?" he asked.
"Since you require our food supplies which we give to you out of kindness, we have a compromise," Yoongi said. "In exchange for our food, any child born from my wife will take the Chiefs title of the Moon clan."
Haruki's brows furrowed as his chest heaved. His glare turned to Kiku. "You put him up to this, didn't you, you bitch?"
"It was a joint decision," Kiku said, maintaining her calm demeanour. She was used to his insults. She wouldn't let it hurt her again.
"I won't agree to this, it's stupid." Haruki winced.
"Very well," Yoongi said. "Then I suggest you get your defences ready."
"Your father must've told you how the Onyx Clan works." Yoongi began to muse and there was something... oddly satisfying about the tone. "My wolves haven't been out for a feed in a while."
"You'd attack your ally?" Haruki asked.
"Attacking my scout and disrespecting the Chiefs wife constitutes that you are breaking every rule in the alliance," Yoongi said and Haruki stayed quiet. "Giving you an alternate compromise is a mercy. I suggest you consider it. My soldiers won't care if you're a spoiled Chief who can't carry a sword properly."
Haruki grimaced, chin quivering in frustration. He looked over at Kiku, as if trying to get ready for another insult but he knew it was too late. Kiku was no longer the target to point insults at. One wrong move and Haruki loses his head along with the Moon Clan. This way they can keep their lives. Haruki was stupid but he was still too scared to die. "Fine. I accept your terms."
Yoongi hummed. "Thank you." He stood up and held onto Kiku's hand, helping her to her feet.
"What would've Kaito said about you turning your back on family?" Haruki asked, cutting into her in a place that ached like a thousand knives.
Kiku paused in place, gripping onto Yoongi's hand like her life depended on it as her heart panged in pain. Haruki knew nothing about what Kaito was like. It took her every strength and hope in her body not to throw scalding tea in his face for even insinuating that Kiku would do something to disappoint Kaito. Because Kaito wasn't like that. Kaito understood and listened. Haruki was a fool. Kiku straightened her posture, turned and looked Haruki straight in the eye. "Kaito wouldn't have caused a food shortage in the clan."
Haruki scoffed, pursing his lips together.
"Kaito did his duty, as I am. From where I'm looking, I'm not the one who made father die from disappointment." Kiku felt like a dam burst inside her as she let the words flow but seeing the Haruki's sour and pouty expression made it all worth it.
Kiku was able to breathe easy when they returned to their tent for the night. She walked over to her vanity and her maid immediately began taking pins out of her hair. She watched from the mirror as Yoongi unlatched his sword sheathe of his waist and began to pour himself a drink. The dark furrow of his brows prominent. Kiku raised a hand and smiled at the maid. "A moment, please."
The maid bowed and did as she asked, stepping out of the tent to give them privacy. Kiku took out the rest of the pins so her hair was fully open and relaxed. A dull throb formed on her scalp. She stood and made her way to Yoongi as he leaned forward on the table.
"He can be a lot to tolerate," Kiku said.
Yoongi took in a deep breath to calm himself down. "The way he talks to you, it's like you're complete strangers. Enemies, even."
Kiku swallowed the small lump in her throat. It was always normal to her, seeing the way family treated the one they didn't want with the exception of Kaito. But Yoongi valued family with his life. She could only imagine the kind of shock thrumming through him. "You have a good family. Some don't." She touched his arm. "But sometimes you find a better one."
Yoongi turned his head, his once sharp eyes now softened and sad. "If I've ever made you feel—"
"Not once." Kiku knew it like the breath she took. Yoongi and his family had been nothing but comforting and kind. She reached and pressed her forehead against his. It was almost involuntary but feeling him lean into it was the only answer she needed to keep still.
Yoongi turned his body slowly, letting their chest flush against one another before he leaned and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. His warm hand cupped her cheek softly like she was precious. He pulled away only to press kisses on her cheek and jawline, taking her into an embrace. He buried his face into the crook of her neck where the scent of jasmines wafted in his nose.
Kiku could fall asleep in this embrace. Her body and mind and every bruise in her heart soothed from the loving touch. She traced her fingers across the strands of his hair as if lulling the both of them to dreams. It was difficult to admit it in the past few months with the new changes and confusion. But today for the first time, she could surely say it.
Kiku felt loved.
The meeting had left Kiku and Yoongi tired for the evening. They rested their heads, nestled close as they tried to sleep. Tried was an effort Kiku persisted on as the hours went by. It wasn't quite a terrible night of troubling thoughts but an eagerness. She opened her eyes to see Yoongi with his eyes calmly closed, his lips a little puckered.
Kiku took a moment to watch him, reaching out a little to touch his cheek. He stirred slightly at her touch, but his eyes remained closed, his breathing steady and rhythmic. She pulled away with a defeated sigh, not wanting to wake him up. So she turned around and tried to drift off to sleep again.
It was only a few minutes later then she felt Yoongi shift, moving closer until his chest was pressed right against her back. His arm laid over her body, embracing her from behind. Kiku felt a wave of warmth and comfort wash over her as Yoongi tightened his hold.
"Can't sleep?" Yoongi asked.
Kiku hummed. "A little. It's okay, go back to sleep."
"I can be awake," Yoongis voice rasped as his face buried into the crook of her neck again. He began pressing kissing down the length of her shoulder. "Do you want me to be awake?"
Kiku smiled to herself, swaying her hips against him. "A little."
Yoongi chuckled lightly, the vibrations made her quiver in delight. He made Kiku lay on her back, climbing on top of her and sneaking between her legs. "Are you sure?" He whispered.
Kiku nodded. "I'm sure." She smiled against his lips before pressing a kiss on his bottom lip.
Yoongi kissed down the length of her neck, unravelling his night clothes and pushing up Kikus soft dress. He entered her gently, her snug walls hugging his tip before he kept pushing.
Kiku gripped onto his clothing as the sensation made her tremble under him. She swayed her hips with his movements, encouraging him to move faster. The ache was slight but the tingle of pleasure sent her into a slight dizziness. She wrapped her legs around his waist.
Yoongi brushed his fingers across her hairline, full of affection as he moved deeper inside her. He pressed sweet kisses at the corner of her lips.
Kiku smiled feverishly as the pleasure sent heat through her body, radiating like steam and intoxication.
Yoongi made sure he was slow, not just to be careful but to draw out this intimacy for as long as he could. The feeling of embrace brought back every slight desire he had in the past few months to hold or touch her. "Feel good?"
Kiku nodded, letting out a slight whimper as he continued to move at that tantalizing pace. "Good." She traced her thumb across his cheek. Strands of his hair falling over his face, curtaining over hers. Her core became slick with arousal, creating light squelch sounds as he thrusted into her with a new desperation.
His release clouded him, flooding him with an unbearable warmth until he grind himself into her. He muffled his moan against her neck.
Kiku felt his lower belly press on her sensitive spot, making her clench around him, pushing him further into his climax.
Yoongi lifted himself up, foreheads layered with sweat as they pressed against each other.
Kiku took his lips into a kiss, surging him to thrust into a steady pattern that made her lose breath. She gripped onto the side of his neck as moans broke through any form of whisper.
Yoongi quickened his pace following the pattern of her moans and the rolling of his own release. Then the sweet burst into a ricochet of pleasure and heat.
Kiku smiled, breathless as she relished in the warmth filling her. As Yoongi kept moving, he snuck his head in between her legs, targeting her sensitive spot and pushing her to the edge. Kiku's brows furrowed, aching to reach her own climax as she was full of him. Her breathing turned to quickened whimpers as she squirmed under his touch. Her back arched, head thrown back giving Yoongi the chance to kiss her neck and jawline.
Her climax bloomed, the heat of it shaking her limbs and forcing her legs to shut around him. Yoongi kissed her forehead, still rubbing on that spot until she twitched against it.
Kiku whimpered, pushing his hand away. A small laugh left his lips fuelling her with more delight. It was the most wonderful feeling she had to be embraced like this so warmly and the bliss of pleasure melting her body until she was meshed with the bed itself.
"You feel sleepier now?" Yoongi watched her with his own half-lidded, blissed eyes.
Kiku smiled as her breathing turned slow and calm. "Mhm." She traced her fingers down his cheek. "I think I've officially become your wife."
"Oh?" Yoongi's brow raised. "You weren't before?"
Kiku chuckled, slapping his chest playfully. "I mean we don't have anything to hide anymore."
Yoongi caged her in with his arms, making her feel safe and secure. "No, we don't."
Kiku blinked slowly, her finger moved gently to his scar. "Like this?"
Yoongi's expression softened into a mix of ruminating vulnerability and an old sadness that had been repeatedly reminisced. He lay down next to her, shoulders pressed flush. "My father and I go on small trips every now and then. He used to do it with every child, just to. . .talk, connect with nature and spend time." He waved his hand. "It was strange for Chiefs to do it but he said it was because he never got to speak to his own father. So, he wanted to make sure we weren't. . .without one." He let out a long breath.
"He sounds like a good father," Kiku said.
"He was." Yoongi's dark eyes melted and glossed from emotion. "One day though, bandits were prowling in the place my father and I camped. They attacked us. I got this from one of the bandits." He pointed to the scar. "Before my father told me to run while he fended them off. I called my mother and some guards to help but we were too late."
Kiku shifted and rubbed his chest. "Is that why you train so much?"
Yoongi nodded. "I want to make sure Yeong and the girls know how to defend themselves or others should the need arise." He took a deep breath, playing with Kiku's hair. "But I had a good family. We took care of each other, just like we'll take care of you."
Kiku smiled, resting her chin on his chest. "I'll take care of you all too. I still owe you a massage."
"You gave me a pretty good one a minute ago." Yoongi smirked.
Kiku chuckled. "A proper massage."
Kiku and Yoongi returned to the main houses early in the morning as the soft gold of dawn painted the forest. Hwayoung had lunch prepared with the rest of the family to welcome them home. Fresh steamed fish with tofu, rice porridge and some fresh fruits newly picked from the farms. Kiku ate happily, her appetite had grown in the months she was with this family but it made her all the more energetic and vibrant along with her excitement from the past night's events.
Something the family noticed more than Kiku realised.
Yun, in particular, stared the two of them a little too closely with a smirk. "So how was the trip, brother?" She asked in a sing-song voice.
Yoongi's eyes flickered up as he paused mid-bite. "As most political talks go with a spoiled brat of a Chief. He gave into the deal quickly," he spoke in a slightly formal tone.
Kiku quietly sipped on the last drops of her tea before he gently poured her another cup. She gave him a shy smile.
"I haven't heard much about the prospects of the Chiefs of the Moon clan but the younger son is usually unprepared," Hwayoung said thankfully to distract from what Yun actually wanted to ask.
Yeong stammered just as he took a bite of his food, looking at Hwayoung with a pout. "What'd I do?"
Hwayoung raised her hand. "I mean, generally. Not you."
Yoongi let out a small chuckle under his breath. "She means you."
Yeong sighed, pointing at him with his chopsticks. "I've beaten you in sword training before, I'll do it again."
"Did you do anything else in the trip?" Yun asked, with a wide grin, leaning forward in excitement. "You were both alone for the night. And Kiku's been. . .glowing."
Kiku's cheeks burned, clearing her throat. "I—I don't—"
"You need to stop obsessing over your brother's marriage, sweetheart, it's getting strange." Hwayoung patted the back of Yun's hand.
"It's only because you don't let me get married." Yun leaned back on her chair, folding her arms over her chest.
"Mother's protecting the men of the clan," Nari said, raising a brow.
Yun slapped Nari's arm as Yeong snorted.
"See how they bully me?" Yun asked Kiku.
Kiku chuckled, biting down her bottom lip and glancing at Yoongi. Often when she had terrible encounters with Haruki, she would get scolded by her family and live with the suffocating feeling of frustration in her chest.
Today was the first time, Kiku could cling to the happy moments and forget about Haruki or any of this harsh words. Her family threw her to the Onyx clan like a bait at the end of a fishing line but in their hatred for her, Kiku found love for her own. 
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calliesmemes · 4 months
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ASSORTED SENTENCE STARTERS pulled from various quotations I have seen on Pinterest while creating boards for my muses.
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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❛ Who’s a heretic now? ❜
❛ If I stay here, trouble will find me. ❜
❛ What’s it like to be so free? ❜
❛ I watched the whole world fall apart. ❜
❛ I am teaching myself how to be free. ❜
❛ The only solution is to stand and fight. ❜
❛ There’s something tragic about you. ❜
❛ You were never a saint. ❜
❛ To be a woman is to perform. ❜
❛ l speak in verses, prophecies, and curses. ❜
❛ Now I know what I was born for. ❜
❛ There’s a light in all of us, trying to get free. ❜
❛ There is nobody innocent here. ❜
❛ Look who’s digging their own grave. ❜
❛ Come a little closer, if you dare. ❜
❛ Family defines you, even if it demands sacrifice. ❜
❛ History does strange things to dead women. ❜
❛ I can’t believe the things I’ve done. ❜
❛ Hubris is a bitch. ❜
❛ It’s all in your head. ❜
❛ I keep my visions to myself. ❜
❛ We could be heroes. ❜
❛ Take my hand, and I’ll protect you. ❜
❛ Open your eyes. This is the revolution. ❜
❛ I am so much more than they told me I was. ❜
❛ Let me be your muse. ❜
❛ I’m not just a pretty girl. ❜
❛ Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back. ❜
❛ I wish I could be the perfect daughter. ❜
❛ I am not who I was before. ❜
❛ I won’t just be a puppet on a string. ❜
❛ If I can still breathe, I’m fine. ❜
❛ Straighten up, little soldier. ❜
❛ Am I a monster, or a victim myself? ❜
❛ This isn’t the way normal people live. ❜
❛ Your impression of me is wrong. ❜
❛ I wish I could let all this anger go. ❜
❛ I wasn’t born to be soft and quiet. ❜
❛ If I hadn’t fallen, I wouldn’t have met you. ❜
❛ Maybe there’s a hero in me after all. ❜
❛ I am happy anywhere that I can see the ocean. ❜
❛ They should be terrified of you. ❜
❛ I have seen the future. ❜
❛ Let go of the illusion that it could’ve been different. ❜
❛ My father is a good man. ❜
❛ I went to war with myself for you. ❜
❛ I care too much in a world that cares too little. ❜
❛ If it makes you happy, then it’s not a waste of time. ❜
❛ Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. ❜
❛ You make everyone around you feel seen. ❜
❛ If you feel nothing, then why are you shaking? ❜
❛ Let’s run somewhere far away. ❜
❛ You carry your last name like a burden. ❜
❛ You are at war, even in your dreams. ❜
❛ We met for a reason. ❜
❛ I designed my own catastrophe. ❜
❛ You and I are the same thing. ❜
❛ Never let another soul tell you what to fear. ❜
❛ I have always loved the sea. ❜
❛ I didn’t say I liked it — I said that it fascinated me. ❜
❛ You will never be forgiven. ❜
❛ No one ever really dies. ❜
❛ Your son is gone. ❜
❛ Death must exist for life to have meaning. ❜
❛ Your mouth is full of white lies. ❜
❛ Loving me is a death sentence. ❜
❛ There is a thunderstorm inside of you. ❜
❛ Beauty is a weapon. ❜
❛ You haven’t even seen my bad side yet. ❜
❛ How do I stop the guilt? ❜
❛ I am a victim of introspection. ❜
❛ Love is what gives me strength to survive. ❜
❛ There is nobody innocent here. ❜
❛ You’ve seen too much too young. ❜
❛ I am not of mortal men. ❜
❛ Tell me what it’s like to conquer. ❜
❛ I like who I’m becoming. A lot. ❜
❛ I don’t believe in promises anymore. ❜
❛ Parents kill more dreams than anybody. ❜
❛ You are woven into my veins. ❜
❛ You are a diamond. They can’t break you. ❜
❛ I must not hope. I must not cry. ❜
❛ It’s no wonder that you can’t sleep — you’re haunted. ❜
❛ You are made of destructive magic. ❜
❛ You are so unique. ❜
❛ I myself am a haunted house. ❜
❛ You comfort others with the words you want to hear. ❜
❛ You’ll find love, kid. It exists. ❜
❛ You talk like a book. ❜
❛ You are one of God’s few mistakes. ❜
❛ I’m not capable of saving you. ❜
❛ Curiosity often leads to trouble. ❜
❛ I have crossed oceans of time to find you. ❜
❛ I can do this. Even if I can’t, I have to. ❜
❛ I can’t go back there! ❜
❛ Forests have secrets. It’s practically what they’re for. ❜
❛ Can you remember who you were? ❜
❛ Are you proud of who you have become? ❜
❛ I see in you an old soul with young eyes. ❜
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
favourite poems of september
robin blaser the holy forest: collected poems of robin blaser: "[dear dusty moth]"
robin ekiss the mansion of happiness: "the bones of august"
e.e. cummings complete poems 1904-1962: "[anyone lived in a pretty how town]"
daisy fried econo motel, ocean city
david campos guilt shower and bad catholic
deborah a. miranda the zen of la llorona: "advice from la llorona"
v. penelope pelizzon blood memory
aimee nezhukumatathil invitation
jeffrey jullich portrait of colon dash paranthesis: "some materials may be inappropriate for children"
karina borowicz september tomatoes
patricia kirkpatrick survivor's guilt
kamau brathwaite born to slow horses: "i was wash-way in blood"
leslie adrienne miller the resurrection trade: "weaning"
allen edwin butt if briefly
gerrit lansing a february sheaf: selected writings, verse and prose: "how we sizzled in the pasture"
jayne cortez on the imperial highway: "in the morning"
stephen yenser preserves
ethan gilsdorf the imprint of september second
kathryn maris abc
paul zarzyski the antler tree
judith goldman vocoder: "rotten oasis"
tato laviera benedición: the complete poetry of tato laviera: "latero story"
tim seibles mosaic
ethan gilsdorf the imprint of september second
lucy wainger jiro dreams of sushi
robert duncan ground work: before the war: "a little language"
r.s. thomas the poems of r.s. thomas: "forest dwellers"
anthony wrynn saint john in the wilderness
reginald gibbons bear
walt whitman "are you the new person drawn toward me?"
348 notes · View notes
white-wolf-buckaroo · 7 months
Chapter 1: Percy becomes supreme lord of the Bathroom
First official chapter for 'In his own twisted way', my daughter of ares fic! <3
Word count: 8800 ish words
Warnings: none I can think of (english is not my first language, though, don't kill me if there are any mistakes please)
Updates will be tuesdays! <3
Fic masterlist here!
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Olympians. The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece, powerful, strong, eternal, immortals, seen as myths and stories told throughout the centuries. However, they are no myths, but real, and they still exist to the date. Omnipotent. Immortal. Unreachable.
Or, maybe not so out of reach: they’ve watched generations of mortals roaming the earth, and they often walk among them, disguised as one of them. But still, gods and goddesses, strong and powerful, and a different race from the common humans. They have lived thousands of lives, interfering at will in mortal affairs, seeing the world as their battlefield, and the people living there as their pawns. Because the gods can’t break the holy rules, but mortals… that’s a loophole many, if not all of the gods and goddesses have used in their favour throughout history. And because they needed powerful weapons as their pawns to execute their demands, they created half-bloods. Demigods. Mortal descendants born out of their union with a mortal companion, capable of fighting in the divine realm of existence, while living in the mortal world.
And so, over the years, decades, and centuries, demigods were born into the mortal world, some even reaching Olympus, the glory, kleos, and becoming part of the mystery that surrounds the story of the gods.
Myths aside, half-bloods still exist. Half mortal, half god, all real. And even if it sounds like a privilege to be a part of the gods bloodline… well, not many demigods will agree with that. Not only because they are in constant danger, it’s scary, and most of the times it only got them killed in very nasty ways, but also because they didn’t really fit into the human world, and they had to live up to their parents expectations, all the time. To make them proud, to honour them, and to show off their power.
And all of that is pretty difficult to do when the gods turn out to be shitty parents who don’t really deserve all that self-sacrifice.
Emily wasn’t indifferent to all of that.
As one of camps’ longest all year-rounders, she was well versed in the art of being the child of an absent godly parent. She trained, she learned, and she fought for glory, yes, but most importantly, to be worthy of her father’s attention and love. At twelve years old, she was one of the best fighters of her cabin: the children of Ares. Only her older sister, Clarisse, reached her level of skill; they fought on many occasions, both in the arena and outside of it, always to prove that they were better than the other one.
But Emily didn’t really care about being better than Clarisse, not really. She only trained, and fought and worked so hard to be the top warrior of her cabin, if not camp, to make her father proud. And she hoped that, if she would actually make him proud, she would finally see him again.
Not that she hadn’t seen him since he had left her at camp half-blood, no. Every winter, during the winter solstice ceremony, she encountered him. But he kept to himself, every single time for the last years. He didn’t acknowledge her or any of her siblings, and when the presentations were over, he always ran out of the room before she or her brothers or sisters could try to talk to him.
That’s why she had hope that if she stood out, maybe he would love her again like he did in the past.
“Are you listening to me, or are you daydreaming again?”
Emily turned her gaze to her left, where Annabeth was looking over at her questioningly. They were laying on the grass in a clearing of the forest, the afternoon light giving a golden glow to the top of the trees surrounding them. They were done with training for that day, having had a friendly competition about who of them both would hit more bullseyes at archery practice; Emily won, like she usually did, although Annabeth was also very skilled – Ares’ kids usually had a better aim for throwing weapons, or something like that. It’s what Annabeth always said when Emily ended up with a higher score than her.
“I am listening to you” Emily shifted her gaze back up to the sky, watching a round and fluffy cloud fly by “But I was also thinking about dinner. I can do both”
“Sure. So what was I talking about?”
“Something boring about an architect you read a book about”
“That was five minutes ago!” Annabeth laughed, shaking her head “And it’s not boring”
“Why do you think I started daydreaming? To not fall asleep!”
“You’re incorrigible” she huffed, although she was also smiling slightly.
“But I’m still your best friend, so I must be doing something right”
“I guess” Annabeth shrugged, sticking her tongue out to Emily. They both giggled “I was talking about capture the flag”
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous” Emily scoffed, looking at her “You’ve won three times in a row. You’ll manage a fourth”
“No one has won four consecutive rounds in a very long time. Everyone is waiting to watch me fail”
“That’s not true. I want to see you succeed”
“Shouldn’t you be on your teams side?” she raised one of her eyebrows, sarcastically. Annabeth fought with the rest of the Athena cabin, and Emily with the Ares cabin. The other cabins allied to one or another of them, but the main rivals in battle where always Ares and Athena – seemed logic, considering they were both deities of war “Don’t tell me you’ll just give me your flag. I don’t want an easy win”
“Of course I won’t do that. I will fight, tooth and claw, to get my victory. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be happy if you win. You deserve it”
“Thanks, Emi”
“You welcome, Annie”
“Now… as I was saying a few minutes ago-“ she started talking about the architect again, and Emily groaned, sitting up “Hey, I’m trying to educate you. Better listen”
She wasn’t going to do that, not today. Fortunately, she found her escape: Luke was approaching the clearing where they lay, and he waved at her when he spotted Emily watching him.
He had arrived at camp with Annabeth five years ago, when Emily was seven. He was older than the girls, and he was like an older brother for the both of them; sure, they had their respective siblings at each of their cabins (Ares’, Athena’s and Hermes’), but the bond these three shared was genuine, and went beyond their heritage.
“It’s almost time for dinner!” he called out, a few steps away “Come on!”
They rose up, and met Luke halfway there. All three of them wore camps’ official orange t-shirt, like everyone else, and their summer camp necklace’s rested above the fabric, with the beads they earned at the end of each summer adding various pops of colour. However, they didn’t have identical pendants: Luke had five beads, like Annabeth, but she also had added her father’s college ring to the necklace after he sent it to her. Emily’s had not five, but six beads, and also a silver ring.
Ares had given it to her… a long time ago. When things had still been better between them.
“How’s my favourite duo doing?” although the three of them usually hang out together, there was always a duo in a trio “Heard you had fun at archery”
“I did. Annabeth not so much” Emily grinned at her friend, who rolled her eyes “Hey, let me have my win. If I competed against anyone from cabin seven I wouldn’t stand a chance”
They greeted some satyrs on their way to the dining area, and then separated to their respective tables: there were strict rules against sitting at another god’s table, so they were forced to eat with their siblings. Emily had a good relationship with most of her brothers and sisters, at least a cordial one; none of them were as close to her as Annabeth or Luke were, but they got along nicely. Then there were others, those of her siblings who stood more to Clarisse, her rival, who weren’t as nice to Emily. She wasn’t naturally prone to being mean to anyone, even if they weren’t friendly towards her, but after years of constant disrespect, Emily had had enough, and they knew that she could set her foot down if they caused her too much trouble.
Dinner went as usual, with camp being full of demigods, so the pavilion was bustling with voices and conversations, even if there were tables unoccupied, like the one’s for the children of the big three (who weren’t allowed to have children anymore, as they were too powerful), or the one dedicated to Artemis (which was only used by the goddess’ hunters if they ever visited camp… which usually never happened).
Chiron was also back at camp after being absent for some weeks at the end of the school year; Annabeth and Emily had been theorizing about the reasons for his departure, as he had never left camp for so long in the years they had been there.
“Do you think some demigod got into trouble on a quest and he has went out to help?”
“Well, maybe… but it has to be something important if Chiron himself had to go. He never leaves camp; he’s almost like… part of the décor or something”
“What if he left because… the quest he’s promising me is arriving?”
“You mean the one he’s been promising you for years? The one fated to a new demigod we haven’t even met yet?” Emily knew of her best friend’s aspirations, of her dreams. Annabeth was one of the strongest warriors at camp half-blood, head counselor at her cabin, and one of the smartest persons she knew. The only way left to prove herself, was to go on a quest, but Chiron had never allowed her to. She would only be able to when, according to the centaur, a demigod arrived who was fated to go on a quest not even Chiron could prevent – Annabeth had received that information under strict confidentiality, so of course only she and her best friends knew of it.
“Well, it could be. It’s been five years. How much longer can it take?”
“Keep studying the newbies, then. Maybe one of them will be the one”
But none of the new half-bloods at camp that summer seemed to be… something special – not that being literally children of Greek gods didn’t make them special. They just weren’t what Annabeth was waiting for.
That is, until one day, or specifically, one night, a new demigod made it to Long Island.
When Emily went to bed that evening, she didn’t expect to be woken up by a commotion before sunrise; it had been raining during the night, although it didn’t rain directly at camp because of the special weather conditions they had there, with the faint sound of water droplets echoed inside the cabins, almost soothing, until another sound joined its melody: frantic screaming, that came from someone running down the hill that led to Thalia’s tree.
Emily and her siblings made their way out of their cabin, like everyone else did, curious to know what had happened, and they saw Grover, dressed in a human attire, completely drenched from head to hooves. He ran to the big house, screaming and limping a bit, and soon after he got there, he walked out alongside Chiron, who dismissed everyone back to their beds, except the head counselors from each cabin.
At the Ares cabin, Clarisse was the head counselor. It wasn’t a title Emily really craved, but the power it held gave her sister some advantages, like right at that moment, being able to go alongside Chiron up the hill to see what had happened, while Emily had to stay behind. Annabeth was head counselor of her cabin, just as Luke was of his, so they both left as well, leaving her alone with a pout.
When Annabeth came back, though, she went straight to Emily, who was already waiting for her sitting in front of Athena’s cabin; there was no way in hell she would ask Clarisse about what had happened if she could just ask her best friend.
“He’s the one. He has to be”
Apparently, they had found an unconscious boy who looked around their age up at the hill. According to Grover, they were trying to make it to camp, when the Minotaur showed up, and attacked them; the boy, whose name was Percy, fought the monster, and he won.
Emily couldn’t deny that that was impressive. She had never fought monsters besides the ones she found at camp’s forests’ or the ones they sometimes brought in for training, but she knew it wasn’t an easy task, let alone if you didn’t have any experience.
“Grover said Percy’s mom was also with them” Annabeth grimaced “Grover believes that… the Minotaur killed her”
“Oh” Emily had lost her own mother when she was little, and she still remembered the pain of losing her and not having her there; she still felt it from time to time. Her thoughts went to Percy, as she knew it would be hard for him “Wait… he only believes the monster killed her? What do you mean?”
“They searched for her, but they didn’t find anything anywhere down the hill. Grover said that… he saw her vanish, like the monsters do when you kill them, just as when the Minotaur was trying to squish her”
“That’s not how humans die”
“I know” Annabeth bit her lip, deep in thought “So many questions and so little answers… But I have a strong feeling about this, Emi. He could be the demigod I was waiting for”
Said demigod spent the rest of the day, and the following night, sleeping in the infirmary. Annabeth, embracing her rebellious side, wanted to go see him herself that evening, and Emily tagged along, full of curiosity for the new boy.
“That’s him?”
“Is there anyone else unconscious here that I’m not seeing?” it was thundering above camp, the sounds of the storm muffling their voices.
“Hush, you” Emily frowned, watching the boy “Is he…?”
“Yeah, he’s drooling” Percy kind of blinked his eyes open then, catching a glimpse of Annabeth standing at his bedside; he asked her where he was, and the only thing she came up with saying was ‘you drool when you sleep’. He looked baffled at her, mumbling a ‘huh?’, and then he fell back into dreamland.
“That was a perfect meet cute moment you two had there, Annie”
“Now you, hush”
The next morning, after breakfast, Luke took both Annabeth and Emily to the side, and told them that he had met Percy.
“He’s staying with us until he gets claimed” that was standard protocol for newcomers who didn’t know who their godly parents were, as Hermes was, amongst other things, the god of travellers “He seemed… pretty rough. No one can blame him though; fighting the minotaur, losing his mom, and what he thought was his life… all of that in one night. It is tough, but so seems he”
“Did he really have the minotaur’s horn? I heard Chris talking about it” Luke answered yes to Emily’s question, and she whistled “Not bad for an untrained demigod”
They didn’t see Percy for the rest of the day, though, not even during the meals; he ate at his cabin after Luke went back after lunch or dinner with something for him. Apparently not even Grover could get him to talk much.
Emily imagined that if she had arrived at camp under the same circumstances as him, she probably wouldn’t act all that different; her case was also one of the rarest ones of them all, as not many of the demigods had been personally escorted by their godly parent to camp. She felt empathy for Percy, wishing he would settle in quickly.
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow” she told Annabeth, before they went to bed “You should come too. Get to know him if you think he’s the one”
“I’ll stick to my observations for now. You can debrief me later about what you think of him after you guys talk”
“Sure thing, ma’am, yes, ma’am”
Percy walked out of the Hermes cabin alongside Luke, Chris Rodriguez and other Hermes’ children the next morning, wearing his orange camp half-blood shirt and his (for now) bare necklace. Emily watched him from the entrance to the Ares cabin, and she made her way towards them when she spotted Clarisse walking in the same direction; she was accompanied by her most loyal supporters, which were some of hers and Emily’s siblings, and she had that smile on her face that Emily knew all too well. She was about to do something bad.
Clarisse bumped her shoulder against Percy’s on purpose, and when he exclaimed ‘hey!’, she shoved him on the chest, and he ended up on the ground. Emily reached them when Chris helped Percy up, while Clarisse was asking her audience if that was really the kid who had killed the minotaur.
“Look, you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes” she pretended to shove Percy again, and he jumped back, defensive. Clarisse only laughed, until she saw Emily appearing behind the rookie.
“Back off, Clarisse”
“Or what? Are you gonna call daddy to lecture me?” she mocked her, laughing again, accompanied by their siblings’ mocking snickers. 
“I’ll just win again next time we fight at the arena” this time it was Emily smiling victoriously “And I’ll ask Luke to join me. It’ll be fun, don’t you think?”
Clarisse only huffed, and she walked away followed by her congregation. Luke high-fived Emily, while the rest of the Hermes’ kids dispersed as well.
“Well she seems nice” said Percy sarcastically pointing at Clarisse’s back.
“Ares kids” Luke rested his hands on his hips, also looking back at the girl who had just left “They come by it, honestly. Except Emily, of course… unless you steal her dessert” he smiled at his friend, and she took that as the clue to introduce herself.
“I’m Emily, by the way” she waved at Percy, now feeling slightly awkward “As Luke said, I’m in cabin five. Ares”
“So that girl is your sister?”
“Technically half-sister, but yeah. She can be… a bit difficult if she wants to. Sorry for that”
“That’s a way of putting it nicely” Percy had met many, many bullies in the last few years; he had been at plenty of schools, and some of them he couldn’t even really recall, but he remembered every single bully “Why doesn’t she mess with you two?”
“She knows better”
“Luke’s the strongest swordsman at camp” explained Chris, who had sticked around “And Emily has been her rival since the know each other. Always competing to be the best of their cabin, at everything”
“So… you mean that they leave you alone because of glory?” Luke had been explaining the concept of what glory (or kleos, in Greek), meant to the heroes, that is, the demigods; if you had kleos, you had fame, and the people knew that you had done something to be respected “So if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn’t mess with me either?” Luke said ‘exactly’, although Emily knew better than that; she knew her sister better than Luke did: Clarisse would still mess with Percy even if he gained kleos, but maybe she just wouldn’t do it everywhere, at any hour, and all alone against him “And my dad’s got no choice but to claim me!”
“That’s something you can’t control” Emily looked Percy in the eyes, shaking her head “You can’t just… force the gods to do anything. Trust me. It doesn’t work like that”
“Well, yeah, but… it would make it harder for him to pretend I don’t exist and not claim me, right?”
He seemed to have a point.
As Percy’s current cabin counselor, Luke took it upon himself to introduce the new boy to all the activities at camp half-blood – this is, with Emily’s help, of course.
“A good source of glory are feats of skill. We just got to find out what you’re good at”
They took Percy to archery practice, where Apollo’s children excelled. When he ended up shooting his arrow at the opposite side where he had to, almost hitting a bunch of demigods standing there (now, laying on the ground to avoid the flying arrow), they figured he didn’t belong in cabin seven.
“Skill comes natural, yes, but training is also important” Emily showed Percy how to properly use the bow (especially to know how to not accidentally almost kill everyone around him), hitting almost perfectly the bullseye “Even if you’re not initially good at something, if you work on it, you’ll improve”
“How long have you been training?” Percy thought she looked his age, maybe a bit younger, but she couldn’t be older than twelve.
“Since I was six. That’s when I first got to camp, and I always stay for the full term, so I’ve gotten many more practice hours than the average summer campers”
“You’ve been living here since you were six?” he couldn’t believe it “For real?”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go, and there are monsters outside of camp, so I need the training”
“So you’ve never been outside of here in like… five years?”
“Six years, and no. Chiron sometimes takes us out on… field trips, I guess. And then there’s the winter solstice ceremony, and other gatherings half-bloods can attend”
They went to the strawberry fields, but Percy’s gardening didn’t improve the growth of plants in any special way, so he definitely wasn’t a Dionysus kid (for which Percy seemed very relieved about).
“So… Percy?”
“No, I mean, your name” Emily talked to him while they walked back to the more secluded part of the camp, on their way to the forges, where Hephaestus kids worked “I’ve never met a Percy. I remember that… when I was really little, at my mom’s, she would show me these movies and… I think there was one where there was a dog named Percy”
“I… uh…cool. But my mom told me that she named me after Perseus. You know, the hero who killed Medusa. There is a statue of him in the Met museum”
“I know who he is, don’t worry. He’s technically my uncle. Well, mine, and from most people here. Maybe yours too!”
“It still feels kinda weird to me, all of this” he lowered his voice as they kept talking, seriousness invading his expression “I’ve only ever had my mom. Where was my dad when we needed him? The rest of the gods? All you people?”
“Those are the questions most demigods ask themselves once they get here” Luke piped up from a few feet away, looking sadly at him “Why didn’t they tell me sooner? Why wasn’t my dad with us? Why does it have to be me?” his words resonated with Percy’s feelings deeply “But now you’re not by yourself anymore. You have us. And who cares where our parents may be, as long as we have each other”
“Thanks… I guess”
They didn’t have much success at the forges. Percy started out well… until he accidentally threw a burning piece of metal over to a pile of fabric, that burst into flames. Luke sneakily got the three of them out of there before it got worse, and before anyone could notice they were gone, pretending that they didn’t have anything to do with that.
“So… not Hephaestus, apparently” Percy made a face, defeated. They were at the dining hall again, eating at their respective tables, so Emily was now at the Ares table, and him, Luke and Chris at Hermes’ “Is there a Greek god of disappointment? Maybe someone should ask him if he’s missing a kid”
“We’re gonna find the thing that you’re good at. I know it”
Percy heard some invisible bells chiming, and suddenly everyone from the Hermes tables was standing up, grabbing their plates.
“It’s our turn” said Luke “Burnt offerings. The gods like the smell, so it gets their attention before you say a prayer”
“They like the smell of burnt Mac and Cheese?”
“They like the smell of begging”
Luke explained to Percy that in order to get the deities’ attention, he had to burn what he would miss the most, because that way they would know that he meant what he was about to say, and they would listen.
Emily was still watching them from her own table, when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.
“Don’t turn around” a voice whispered. It was Annabeth. She was invisible using the magical Yankees hat her mother, Athena, had gifted her “What do you think of him?”
That’s how things were between Emily and Annabeth: together they shared brains and strength, and they relied on each other for everything. In cases like this, particularly, Annabeth studied from afar, contemplating the facts, while Emily ‘got her hands dirty’, studying up close.
“He isn’t sure where he fits into all of this” Emily mumbled, pretending she chewed on some bread. She wasn’t in the mood for someone questioning her for talking alone out loud “He doesn’t know if this is really his place”
“It is. He wouldn’t have been able to cross the barrier if it wasn’t”
“That’s not what I mean. He’s… insecure. And angry. At his dad, and everyone who never told him about any of this. And he’s also grieving his mom, which doesn’t make the rest any easier”
“I’ll keep an eye on him”
Emily had practice for capture the flag in the afternoon, so she didn’t see Percy anymore until dinner, where he didn’t look any better than during lunch. He disappeared early after the offerings, and she shared a look with Luke when he caught her watching their table.
The Ares cabin had two tables at the dining hall, and Emily never sat with Clarisse; they were like two different teams under the same roof. When they weren’t fighting, both sisters ignored each other, but that doesn’t mean that Emily wasn’t alert for any suspicious moves on her part, like that evening, when Clarisse and two of their siblings were also watching Percy with too much interest.
She knew that Annabeth was also keeping an eye on the boy, so she hoped that if Clarisse was pretending to do what she liked to call her “initiation ceremony” to Percy, Annabeth would be able to prevent her sister from dunking Percy’s head in a toilet before it was too late.
Emily would also try to avoid that, of course. She snuck out of her cabin, like she had done hundreds, if not thousands of times before, and she searched for Clarisse and her minions, who hadn’t even returned to their cabin after dinner even though it was pitch black outside. Percy was also nowhere in sight, and she started to become worried, making her way to the bathhouse, when a loud noise coming from said place alerted her senses.
Hiding behind a nearby tree, accompanied by the owls’ hooting and the faint sound of crickets chirping, Emily saw how her sister and two more of Ares’ children ran back outside, completely drenched in water, anger written all over their face. When they were far enough, Annabeth removed her baseball cap, standing outside of the bathhouse, and she looked around until she spotted Emily.
“How did you know I was here?” she asked her friend, making her way over to join her.
“You’re my best friend. I just did” that was fair enough.
They entered together the bathhouse, where the floor was now flooded, and some faucets were spilling even more water non-stop. A door to one of the toilets’ was completely destroyed, and the wood that was once said door floated now around in the water, in dozens of pieces. Percy stood in the middle of it all, not a single drop of water on him, looking completely clueless. He spotted the two girls at the door when he turned around, both with their arms crossed, mirroring each other perfectly.
“I can explain” he said, warily. Although, he really couldn’t.
“No you can’t”
“…okay. I can’t” he looked at Emily, who he knew, of course, and then at Annabeth. She looked familiar “Wait. I know you”
“No, you don’t”
“Yeah, I do. You were there… that night in the infirmary” Emily hid her smile, remembering how those two had had their meet cute moment “Weren’t you?”
“Yes” this time, she went with the truth “I’m Annabeth”
“Are you stalking me, Annabeth?”
“Okay… Wait, Emily, were you stalking me too?”
“Yes” she shrugged, smiling slightly. She had done it for Annabeth, though, and at that precise moment, because she knew her sister had been up to something, but she didn’t owe him any explanation.
“We were waiting to see if something like this would happen” Emily pointed at the chaos that was now the bathhouse, reassembling a pond.
“So I’d know if you could help me” followed Annabeth.
“With what?” Percy wasn’t understanding much.
“Win capture the flag”
The three of them made their way back to the cabins after that brief conversation, without giving Percy any more explanations, so that they wouldn’t get caught in the flooded bathroom and be blamed for it. Annabeth entered her cabin the first, at the side of the Goddesses cabins, while Percy and Emily made their way to the opposite array of buildings, of the male Gods.
“What did Annabeth mean with ‘Capture the flag’?”
“It’s a game. Ask Luke, he’ll explain everything” Emily only smiled at him, thinking his confused frown looked funny.
“Oh… okay” he remained silent for a few seconds “Look… I didn’t mean to attack your siblings. I’m sorry for that” Percy whispered his apology to her, so to not be heard by anyone; it was past curfew so they shouldn’t be roaming the woods at that hour “Although I’m not really sure I was the one who… actually did that. The water just… disappeared inside the pipeline, and then it shot back up hitting Clarisse and the others”
“The water protected you from them” she bit her lip, thoughtful “I’m sorry that they ambushed you”
“It’s okay… It seems like bullies tend to like me. I’m used to it”
“Well, I’m glad that this time they got what they deserved. I don’t like meanies either” she smiled at Percy, now standing in front of the entrance to her cabin “Goodnight, supreme lord of the bathroom”
Emily took a long time to get asleep that night, analysing what she had witnessed; Percy didn’t seem to fit any particular trait of any of the gods, he wasn’t skilled in any specific task, and he wasn’t as mischievous as most Hermes’ children were.
There was a possibility she didn’t dare to think of: the big three. It couldn’t even be possible… right? They had made a pact to not have any more children after the incident (which was, the second world war), because they were too powerful; that kind of demigods couldn’t be controlled. And there were many other gods, minor ones, who could have fathered Percy.
It was the facts though, like all the fuss they had made about Percy getting to camp, the trouble Grover and him had faced, his victory against the minotaur, and that strange yet very revealing experience in the bathhouse, that made Emily doubt if he could be a forbidden child.
Feeling tense and uneasy, she finally fell asleep, off to dreamland: she was laying under the stars on the grass, watching the archer, the ursa major, and other constellations she knew by heart. She wasn’t alone, though. She didn’t need to look to know who it was: his hand, big and calloused, was pointing up to the sky above them, and although he was explaining something to her, she was more concentrated in the movement of his hand and the flex of his fingers. On one of said fingers was the same ring she carried on her necklace, glistening under the moonlight.
She felt safe in that dream, and a warmth washing over her, soothing her like a balm. She wasn’t really understanding anything he was telling her, his voice muffled as if they were far away from one another, although she could feel him right by her side. Her uneasiness slightly vanished, even if it was just for a few seconds, and she felt reassured by him. When she turned to look at his face, the warmth disappeared, and she woke up.
Emily fought to not open her eyes, clinging to the dream; it was a memory of what seemed another lifetime she deeply missed. She didn’t have time to mourn the past, though: today was the day of capture the flag.
Joining her siblings for one last morning practice, Emily temporarily forgot about her doubts concerning Percy, and focused on training: the Ares cabin had teamed up with Demeter, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Dionysus for this game, while Athena, Apollo and Hermes formed the other team. Although Emily’s team had more cabins, the two bigger cabins were the seventh (this is, Apollo), and the eleventh (Luke’s cabin, Hermes).
There were only two children of Mr. D, and Demeter’s offsprings weren’t very into combat, although they liked to fight the Apollo children for using arrows, which were made out of wood (which came from trees, and they refused to participate in any activity that encouraged the senseless slaughter of their arboreal friends!).
Aphrodite’s children weren’t bad at fighting if they wanted to, but they lacked of… the bloodlust Ares’ children had. Emily was friends with their head counselor, Silena Beauregard, as they had spent much time together at the Pegasi stables, of which Silena was in charge of. The Hephaestus demigods were built big and strong, so they were useful for combat, but their best virtue was the weapons they crafted and provided for the game.
One of their strongest weapons wasn’t made by them, though: Clarisse, leader of their team, owned an electric spear, gifted to her by Ares himself. It was her most prized possession, and she liked to show if off every chance she got, using it with her characteristic brute force.
Emily had her own weapon gifted to her by their father, an enchanted throwing knife which disguised as a bracelet, but it wasn’t as flashy or grandiose as Clarisse’s spear. She hated that spear.
Capture the flag would begin after lunch, so after grabbing a quick bite, and burning some of the food, Emily still had some little time to spare. She looked for Grover, and found him in the forest near the lake.
“I need to talk to you”
“Oh, sure, hi” he looked around them, seeming nervous. Although Emily wasn’t as aggressive as most of her siblings, she could be intense, and rather direct. She had often given Grover many jump scares “What’s up?”
“It’s about Percy” his face went serious “Annabeth and I… we are suspecting something. About his parentage”
“I don’t think I can help you with that” he said, shaking his head fast “No, I don’t…”
“You’re also suspecting something, aren’t you?” Grover’s face turned red; she had caught him. Emily smiled, walking closer to him, while Grover walked backwards, distancing himself slowly “I’m not saying you know anything, but… you know him better than we do. You guys were best friends at his school, right? Did anything happen there? Something… suspicious, that could make you think of a specific god?”
“I really can’t talk to you about this” he thought that Emily had been influenced too much by Annabeth, as she had her same ways of relentlessly asking questions, which combined with her resilience, made her implacable. And he would get in trouble if he said anything. Fortunately, the sound of a conch shell in the distance saved him “Oh, look, the game is starting. I would have loved to keep talking to you, but I really need to go now”
“You’re not even competing” she frowned.
“Yeah, sure, but this place is about to become a warzone, and no satyr wants to be around when that happens”
Fair enough, she let him go; she couldn’t be late anyways, so she ran back to her cabin, and quickly put on her armour, before going to the weaponry to grab everything she needed. Her preferred weapons were her throwing knife and a dagger she had had since she was six, which she always carried with her. For capture the flag she stuck to the standard sword and shield, although she was always tempted by the spears. She liked them, it was part of the typical Greek arsenal for battle… but the spears were also Clarisse’s thing, and she didn’t want to be compared to her sister.
Chiron had started to gather both teams at a cliff where the river split the forest in two sides, and fell down the mountain in a waterfall. Most of Emily’s team members were already there, wearing red striped armours like hers, and at the other side of the river, she saw Luke standing alongside the rest of his siblings and teammates, and also Percy; the blue eyed boy wore a blue striped armour over his orange shirt, with a blue crested helmet on his head. His weapons were a shield, and something small he was holding in his hand Emily couldn’t really make out from that far away. On Emily’s side was the red flag they had to defend, and on Percy’s and Luke’s side, the blue flag her team had to snatch to win.
The captains arrived, Clarisse and Annabeth on their respective sides, and Chiron, wearing his favourite tweed jacket and a cream coloured cape over it, greeted everyone cheerfully.
“Welcome, demigods!” he seemed delighted, and he sounded excited “A new game of capture the flag is ahead! As always, the rules are simple: the first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor. As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected” those rules had to be installed after some unfortunate events Emily had been glad to not have experienced “Any magical items you may possess, are permitted as well. Every camper who is not injured has to play. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged” those had also been things Emily was glad she hadn’t experienced “Let the games begin!”
After the conch shell blew again, the red team erupted in angry battle cries, banging their shields and various weapons in chaotic rhythms. The blue team let out a collective shout, hitting their shield in unison. Both teams had twenty minutes before the conch sounded a final time, and then it would be game on.
Emily winked at Annabeth, who winked back at her playfully before completely assuming her role as captain once more. Let the best one win.
Clarisse designated different troops for the game, and sent them scattered throughout the forest to attack the blue team and defend their flag. Emily was running off with her squadron, when she caught out of the corner of her eye how Clarisse and two of their siblings separated from their group, heading to a completely different direction.
“Emily, c’mon!”
Sighing, she followed her troop, hoping for the best.
She had her hands full soon anyways. Clarisse didn’t want Emily protecting the teams flag because of her friendship with Annabeth, so she was assigned to holding back the opposite team so that they wouldn’t actually get to the flag; Clarisse wasn’t Emily’s greatest fan, but she knew to not underestimate her. So she was quickly busy fighting Annabeth’s teammates: Emily wasn’t alone of course, as she had four of her siblings and four other demigods to help out. They won the first round, but the next battalion was commanded by Luke himself, and that would be tougher. Much more.
Luke went straight to her; he knew she would be the most difficult one to disarm, so he took it upon himself to fight her. He circled Emily, sword raised defensively, and she mirrored his movements. Luke’s first strike was easy to stop, and with practiced skill she raised her own sword, metal clashing against metal. As Luke pressed forward, Emily countered swift strikes of her own, until one of Luke’s brothers, Chris, joined him and attacked Emily from the other side. She raised her shield defensively, and Luke took his chance to hit her sword again, this time making her lose her grip.
Emily shoved Chris with force, using her shield to add strength to the hit, and when he tripped, she disarmed him as well. Luke attacked again, but Emily jumped to the side in time to avoid the hit of his sword; her own sword was laying on the ground, and she quickly retrieved it using her shield once again to block Luke’s strikes.
“Do you give up?”
The two clashed relentlessly, swords meeting in a flurry of strikes and parries. Emily’s determination fueled her every move, strong and skilled, but Luke knew her weak spots like no one else, and so he used them against her. He sent Emily’s sword back clattering to the ground hitting her on the arm, and he dodged her dagger when she threw it at him furiously.
“You Ares kids have a temper!”
“Don’t provoke it then!”
Cornered against a tree, Emily charged against him, letting out an angry scream. Luke managed to get out of the way before she hit him, causing her to stumble forward. She recovered fast, doing a somersault, but when she faced Luke again, he had his sword raised just below her chin – He had the upper hand now.
“Are we done now?”
 “Nuhuh, but I don’t want to embarrass you in front of your friends. I know you need the validation” she let go of her shield, signalling her surrender. She would never admit a defeat out loud, though. Her genes, Ares’ genes, wouldn’t let her.
Luke helped her up, while the rest of her team also recovered. Chris told Luke something about having to move quickly to get the flag before Clarisse showed up, but Luke seemed chill about it.
“Are you so self-confident that you think she won’t manage to kick your ass if she gets her hands on you?” Emily raised her eyebrows at her friend, surprised. Luke only smirked, shaking his head no.
“I’m not that crazy, no. But we suspect that she’s got her own quest going on beside capturing the flag. I’ve spotted her going up the hill in the opposite direction around fifteen minutes ago”
“What quest are you talking about?” she didn’t need to think much to guess it herself “She’s going after Percy?”
“Annabeth’s got a plan, don’t worry. He’ll be fine”
“I hope you’re right”
When Luke and his troop left to go find the red flag, Emily decided she would also leave; they had already been defeated anyways, so she couldn’t prevent Luke from getting her team’s flag, and so she went after Clarisse. The bad feeling she’d had at the beginning of the game seemed to have been right.
Emily ran through the forest, up the hill like Luke had told her, and after some time moving in the opposite direction of where most of the action was happening, she began to hear faint sounds of metal clashing against metal, and the familiar sizzle sound of an electric spear she knew all too well.
To some extent, Emily could understand Clarisse, which was probably one of the main reasons they didn’t get along well. Both of them had been ignored by their father for years now, and not a single thing they did to make him proud seemed to catch his eye. Not a single one. They both lived at camp the whole year, and they trained nearly every single say, trying to always become stronger, faster, and greater. Their mutual competition also helped, she had to admit – they always pushed each other, and it improved their skills. They were their best opponent.
That’s why, when a twelve year old with absolute no preparation got to camp, defeating the Minotaur all by himself, Emily had also had her suspicions. He couldn’t have done it alone, right? Turns out he could, and he did. And instead of being impressed by him and wanting to get to know him more to discover the reason for his spectacular victory, like Emily did, Clarisse could only focus on the fact that some little dumb twelve year old, untrained and unclaimed, had raised more attention to himself in a few days, than she had managed to get in years of being at camp pushing herself to extreme limits to excel.
And it killed Clarisse. She fought so hard to get scraps of her father’s attention, and he never showed her any kind of affection. In her mind, she thought that it was her fault, though, and that if she worked harder for him, he would love her – Emily felt the same way; that’s what she understood so well about her sister. Clarisse’s hard work had barely granted her anything since getting to camp, and Percy was receiving all the glory she deserved and dreamed of, and that he didn’t even seem to want. It wasn’t fair.
That’s why she embraced her darker side, and sought the next best thing after glory: revenge.
Emily got to the top of the hill in time to see Percy running away from her sister and two of her siblings, who went right after him. They would corner Percy from different sides, like hunters with their prey.
She couldn’t just shout out for Percy, as it would reveal her position to her siblings, so Emily ran behind them (lamenting the fact that she had just made it up the hill, and that she now had to run all the way back down with sore legs), trying to figure out their moves: Clarisse was running down in a straight line, not really following Percy, but getting ahead of him, probably to corral him further down the mountain. Her siblings were the ones directly on his toes, and while one of them followed his same footsteps, the other calculated where he would end up passing through, and threw himself at him, sending the boy to the ground.
Percy rolled down to the shore line between bushes and trees, landing on the hard and sharp soil gravel by the lake. Emily’s siblings caught up to him, and Percy stood up quickly, almost tripping while walking backwards to put a distance between him and them, with his sword up; he didn’t go far, though, as Clarisse was waiting for him with her spear pointing at him, ready to fight.
Emily was about to intervene, when a hand on her shoulder stopped her – an invisible hand.
“Annabeth, we have to help him” Emily protested, watching Clarisse laugh at Percy before launching herself at him, almost impaling him like a human kebab “He’s got no chance against them”
“He defeated the minotaur, right?” Annabeth was still invisible, but she could feel, and hear her right beside her. She probably had been watching Percy this whole time, waiting for a fight like this to happen “And he did that thing in the bathhouse. Just… wait and see how it goes”
“Are you sure?”
“Crystal. Trust me on this”
I was hard to look at, though. Emily’s siblings wouldn’t give Percy any respite, however, he managed to grab the electric spear at one point, both him and Clarisse grabbing it now from opposite sites, and he used it to temporarily block her. He landed some good hits on the other two Ares’ demigods, but then Clarisse got Percy to let go of her weapon. Percy rolled on the ground and got his shield back, and after a few seconds where his three rivals reconsidered their options, they attacked him again.
Percy wasn’t trained, but he had a natural talent and he defended himself good, to the point where he blocked Clarisse’s strike, managing to grab the end of her spear again, this time with the same arm he held the shield. After hits, grunts and metal clashes, Percy took the others down, and with both of her siblings on the ground, Clarisse desperately tried to free her weapon from Percy’s grip rolling on the soil, making him trip and fall a few feet away. Alongside the sound of his fall, pants and groans, there was the sound of something hard and metallic breaking apart and a large amount of energy being released all at once
Emily held her breath, just as Annabeth. Percy was alright, and so was Clarisse, but her spear… the electric spear her father had gifted her, which was the only thing she had ever received from him, was now split in two, broken. Both girls held their breath while watching Clarisse assess the damage, seeing the lower half of her favourite weapon in her hands, severed from the half in Percy’s hands.
Clarisse's scream tore through the air like a raw, primal cry of anguish and fury. It echoed off the trees, resonating with the intensity of her emotions as she beheld the shattered remnants of her beloved weapon, devastation on her face.
She charged against Percy, seeing completely red, and Emily couldn’t take it anymore. She jumped forward, just in time to stop Clarisse from grabbing Percy by the straps of his breastplate, who stepped back in terror.
Before Clarisse could lunge at her sister for getting in her way, the conch shell blew, and a second after, Luke and his soldiers ran to the shore holding victoriously the red team’s flag. Annabeth had won.
“The game is over, Clarisse” Emily looked at her sister warily. She was unpredictable when she got angry and hurt, which Emily knew “Leave him”
The older girl only huffed, and walked away with her two companions, holding the remnants of her spear in both hands.
Percy fell to the ground on his knees, panting heavily. The rush of adrenaline was wearing off, and his emotions started rise up him as he caught up with what had just happened – amongst other things, he had nearly died.
“Not bad, hero”
He turned to his right, where there was… nothing. At least, until Annabeth took her Yankees cap off; she walked over to him, and he looked baffled at her.
“Were you here the whole time?” she confirmed it “You were here the whole time and you didn’t help me?” he got the same answer “Why?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes, and extended her hand out for him to grab. She helped him up, and only then did he look at Emily.
“Thanks for… saving me” he panted, still breathing heavily. His heart was beating a hundred miles per hour, and his blood rang inside his ears “She was going to kill me”
“Listen, Percy…” Annabeth got him to look at her again. She looked him in the eyes, intense gaze studying his blue iris’s, which looked back at her holding onto every word she said “I’m sorry”
Annabeth shoved him in the chest, causing him to stumble and to fall into the lake.
“Annabeth!” Emily looked at her friend in alarm, completely taken aback for what she had just done.
“What is wrong with you?!” shouted Percy, now completely soaked. His cries and Emily’s got everyone’s attention, and the celebration of the blue team’s victory was cut short when every soldier turned to them, watching what was happening.
Percy stood up inside the water, but Annabeth didn’t answer him nor Emily. She only watched him, first with interest, and then with amazement. Emily followed her gaze, and she understood what she was looking at: Percy’s injuries, cuts and blood… were disappearing. He felt how his skin healed, and he watched every scrape vanish before his eyes.
What was happening? How was he healing?
“I don’t understand” he muttered.
The answer came in the shape of a trident.
“Your dad’s calling”
A blue trident floating over Percy’s head. He had been claimed.
Emily, Annabeth, Luke and every single other living being who was there looked at the boy in wonder, in utter silence, the greatness of this once in a lifetime moment embarking their souls. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing: a son of the big three. A forbidden child of the sea god. A demigod singular amongst heroes.
“Percy Jackson” Chiron’s voice resonated through the forest, carrying an intensity that was only possessed by those who had lived thousands of years “You have been claimed by Poseidon. Earthshaker. Stormbringer. Percy Jackson… Son of the Sea God”
Taglist of the fic: @strawberryys-stuff @ladysybilchronicles @kyuupidwrites @nhloversblog @beansficreblogs @priyajoyy @zeeader @lightsgore
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dalekofchaos · 6 months
Elsa Was Happy and Free in Arendelle
There have been a lot of people claiming that Elsa hated being queen, and that she was unhappy in Arendelle. I am here to provide evidence to show that this is not true and is not the reason why Elsa left her life in Arendelle at the end of Frozen 2.
The evidence is the words from the song writers for Frozen 1 and 2. Here is a link to the interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S14k8w72urQ, go to 10:52. If you don’t want to watch it, this is what is said.
“This Voice is calling her, and Elsa is so resistant. She is so grateful to be queen, she is so happy to be here. That is really important. And Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck really put in a lot of work to make sure we knew Elsa was happy where she was.” (Kristen Anderson-Lopez)
There is more, but you get the point. Elsa was very happy with her life in Arendelle. The reason she left, outside of the voice, is because she has a destiny and purpose she needs to fulfill. Elsa is now staying in the forest, not because she is finally free, but because she has something to do there that only she can do.
A lot of people like to use two sentences from “Into the Unknown”, to show Elsa did not like or belonged in Arendelle. These verses are, “Who knows deep down, I’m not where I’m meant to be”, “Every day’s a little harder as I feel my power grow”.
Both these verses are meant to point to Elsa questioning why she was born with powers, and not that she hates her life in Arendelle or does not belong there. If you were born with immense powers, would you not wonder why? Also, the second verse of her powers growing, originally was “As I feel YOUR power grow”, indicating the voice’s power was growing and luring her. Why they changed it, I don’t know, but the credits version of “Into the Unknown”, has these lyrics, which is interesting. But Elsa is fully in control of her powers, and even if they are still growing, she is not a danger to Arendelle, and does belong there.
More examples is the rest of “Into the Unknown”, where Elsa is very resistant to the voice calling her. She says, “Everyone I ever loved is here with in these walls”. There is also what she says in “Some things never change”, were she mentions that she feels change is coming, but these days are precious.
People then tend to use the books that came after Frozen 2 as evidence that Elsa loved the forest more and that she did not like her life in Arendelle.
Two things. The books are not canon, so you can not trust them. And, if you do want to use the books, then you have to also use what was written before Frozen 2. Here is an amazing post that shows all the examples of how Elsa loved her life in Arendelle, plus showing how Anna did not want to be queen, and in fact did not even like being a princess, in all the post Frozen books and comics. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frozen/comments/eviecu/mega_post_proof_that_elsa_never_want_to_leave/
I think this post really shows why Frozen 2’s ending does not work. It completely changed the characters’ wants and likes. Anna never wanted to be queen, and she would never like to do it. All post Frozen 2 material are trying to change that and push the Frozen 2 ending, even if it does not make sense for the characters and what had been established before.
As for Elsa leaving. She left because she had a greater purpose, but the biggest problem, was that the Directors and Writers failed to give her a purpose. No one knows what the Fifth Spirit is, or what Elsa does in the forest. People give suggestions, but nothing is good enough that she had to give up her throne and live in the Forest 24/7.
Now, before you point out that what Elsa does in the Forest is going to be revealed in Frozen 3 or 4, you have to remember that Frozen 3 / 4 was never planned to happen. The Directors confirmed that Frozen 2 was meant to be the ending. They said something like “That story is done. However, we also felt like the first film was the final, so who knows”. In short, Frozen 2 was meant to be the ending, but they still gave hope for another. But that does not change the fact that Disney was very ready to leave Elsa in the Forest to do nothing for the rest of her life.
Lastly, people are probably going to use Elsa’s satisfied smile at the end of Frozen 2.
For me, this was a very forced happy ending. The sisters had fought tooth and nail to stay with each other, only to be forced apart because of destiny. But Anna and Elsa are smiling happily and at peace in the end. The deleted scenes showed that their separation was a tearful one, and I don’t know why that was not in the movie. Now it just looks like the sisters don’t care about each other.
Other than that, just because Elsa is happy in this moment, does not mean she was never happy in Arendelle. The ending of Frozen, and all of Frozen Fever and Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, shows how unbelievable happy Elsa is as queen of Arendelle. She was forced to be apart from her sister and her people, because of her powers. After struggling for 13 years, feeling alone and afraid. Then her worst nightmares happen but she manages to get through them and is reunited with the people she loves and cares about. Elsa wanted to be in Arendelle and to be its queen.
Part of the reason why F2's ending doesn't work is because Elsa and Anna being happy to live apart is very OOC, especially when you take into account the events of the previous films and also the fact that they fought tooth and nail to stay together, like you said. You're right. The original ending was supposed to be bittersweet, but the directors didn't want to have a sad ending because kids would've left the theater disappointed, so they forced happy smiley faces on Elsa and Anna. It doesn't feel earned or consistent with their characters at all.
Elsa only stayed in the forest because she felt that she was the only one who could fulfill a certain destiny. If that's the case, then that gives us hope that whenever she fulfills that destiny, she'll be done with her duties in the forest. Then she'll move back to Arendelle for F3 and F4 and both sisters can be queens.
In conclusion. Elsa loved her life in Arendelle and loved being queen. She simply has a mission to fulfill in the Forest, and hopefully Frozen 3 or 4 tells us what that is.
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olympeline · 26 days
(Part 5 of my USUK Catch the Queen AU! This is so much fun to write, good God)
I called Alfred’s recovery miraculous last time and yeah, that’s definitely the right word for how he rallies after Arthur’s spell. Alfred isn’t just healthy again: he’s glowing with health and vigour. Unnatural strength and vitality. Suddenly he can run and run without getting tired and lift horses over his head one-handed. In this AU, Arthur’s magic is the source of Alfred’s super strength. And Alfred couldn’t be happier! Arthur is at a loss because he doesn’t know why his spell did that. It was only supposed to heal. But Alfred tells him he loves the way he is now, so not to worry! Arthur helped him so he mustn’t be uneasy or, Spades forbid, guilty about Alfred’s new power. Now he can be an even better knight and hero! It’s perfect! The grown ups accept this unexplained recovery when they decide they can’t explain it, and even start talking about letting Alfred go back to school and starting squire prep again. Mattie is going to visit soon and then he can meet Arthur and they can all be friends together! Life couldn’t be better for Alfred.
So, now I’ve said that, of course something has to go wrong. 😁 In this case it’s Arthur. Arthur is what goes wrong. As Alfred blooms, Arthur fades. Remember that tearing feeling I mentioned last time when Arthur did his spell? Yeah, that’s a problem. Arthur’s magic is powerful but still just like the rest of him: young, still forming. The spell was too much for him and he used too much of himself doing it. His own vital energy or whatever you want to call it. That’s why Alfred got the super strength side-effect: his body sucked up too much of Arthur’s power. Adult Arthur could have hit the brakes before it happened but his young self’s control of his power was unwieldy. Now Arthur has a gaping “rip” in his soul. One that keeps bleeding his magic power. Like a wound that’s too deep to close without stitches. And since magic is an essential part of a person on the same level as a vital organ in this verse? Uh oh, spaghetti-ohs! Arthur is in trouble.
He diminishes quickly. First just feeling tired, then cold and weak, then he starts coughing and can’t stop. Alfred notices and forces his friend to stop sleeping in the forest now Winter is nearing. Every night he wedges a whole closet against the door and lets Arthur curl up in his bed out of the cold. Gives him warm cloaks, boots lined with fur, more food, and medicine for bad chests. None of it helps. One night Arthur - getting listless and as pale as Alfred used to be - coughs into his hand and it comes away red and sticky. Alfred is terrified and begs Arthur to go to the doctor with him in the morning. But Arthur won’t. Weak as he’s becoming, he’s still determined never to be found out. Never to be caught and forced to go back. He tells Alfred he’ll never forgive him and hate him forever if Alfred turns him in. Alfred, frustration born of fear boiling over, demands to know why. Demands Arthur tell him just what’s so bad about his past that he won’t even tell his best friend? Arthur says it’s none of his business and they have their first really bad argument. Starting with words and then Alfred pins Arthur when he tries to get up and leave. But Arthur’s struggling brings on another bloody coughing fit. Horrified, Alfred tries to help him by loosening Arthur’s shirt and accidentally tears it in his panic.
Revealing Arthur’s Royal Mark of Spades.
Dun-dun-duuuun! Alfred is stunned. Totally dumbfoundedly stupefied. Everyone in the Four Kingdoms, from beggar to lord, knows what that Mark means. Alfred had heard the rumours that the young Queen of Spades had vanished. That no one had seen Queen…Queen Arthur (!!!!) for months, and the court was lying about him being sent away to spend time with an elite magic instructor. Alfred heard but didn’t pay the scuttlebutt much mind. It was all just Boring Grown Up Stuff unrelated to him.
WELL, apparently it wasn’t - actually - because apparently the missing Queen of Spades had been Alfred’s Arthur all along!
Alfred is so shocked he just sits there, staring, and forgets to even help his friend through his coughing fit. When it tapers off and Arthur can look up, he realises what’s happened and turns white as the sheets below them. Tries to cover himself with trembling hands, but that ship has sailed. Shakes his head and tells Alfred weakly that it isn’t real! The Mark’s a fake, a-and he’s not…he’s not…
He can’t even finish. It’s hopeless. He can tell by the way Alfred is looking at him.
Arthur’s secret is out.
(To be continued! Tune in next time for more cardverse babby USUK drama 🫣)
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briar-ffxiv · 5 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Briar (the) Redfeather Nicknames: 'Rose', 'Little Fox', 'Wildling' Age: Early 20s in ARR, probably nearing 30 by Dawntrail (depending on timeline) Nameday: 21st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (not that he knows exactly. He just knows the month) Race: Half-Elezen/Half-Hyur (Padjal bloodline through Hyur) Gender: Non-binary, masculine leaning (born male, prefers he/they) Orientation: Demiromantic Greysexyal Profession: Healer, Shepherd, Warrior of Light(depending on the 'verse)
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: strawberry blonde, almost rose gold with lighter gold highlights due to the sun. He has 3A curls, although when kept short the curls are less noticeable. Eyes: warm moss-green flecked with gold Skin: naturally quite pale, faint golden tan from the sun and tons of freckles everywhere. Tattoos/scars: no tattoos. Leaf birthmark on his right shoulderblade. Plenty of scars, including the slice from a spear on his left cheek, burn scars on his left shoulder and back, and rather heavily scarred palms and undersides of his fingers due to a nasty injury to his hands
— F A M I L Y
Parents: His mother was named Saule (Willow) and her family was from Dravania, but sought shelter in the Black Shroud when Saule was very small. His father was known as Ciro, officially U-Ciro-Tek before he was disgraced and exiled from being a Padjal. Siblings: Briar was an only child, as was his mother. Grandparents: Briar knows nothing about Ciro's parents, other than they died some years before he was born. Saule's father died before he was born. His grandmother died when he was under two so he has no memories of her. In-laws and Other: As far as Briar knows, his only living blood relative is E-Rani-Tek, Ciro's older brother and a Padjali pariah. Pets: Briar has a terrible habit of adopting many a creature, although if they are wild-born his goal is always to return them to the wild. Currently, he has a small herd of sheep, a flock of chickens, three Chocobo (one grown, two chicks), a dog named Jack, and a unicorn friend named Whinny. (And a lot of little forest friends that take care of themselves but visit often.)
— S K I L L S
Abilities: Despite normally not eating meat, Briar is a skilled archer, hunter, and tracker. He is an avid gardener. He has a knack for animal handling. He has a decent, if untrained, singing voice. He knows a lot about herbal medicine and non-magical healing. He rides quite well. Hobbies: Briar loves a good book, particularly romance. He loves beekeeping. He is quite skilled in many kinds of fibre arts, including weaving, spinning, and sewing. He likes to draw as well.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Briar is a very kind person. He always gives the benefit of the doubt. He does his best to settle things without violence if he can. He forgives often and tries to be empathetic to everyone he meets. Most Negative Trait: Briar can definitely be naive. He forgives when he shouldn't. He has a very hard time understanding why anyone would be cruel. Sometimes he simply doesn't get it and it puts him at a disadvantage with people more than willing to take advantage of that.
— L I K E S
Colours: Blues, greens, golds. Smells: Fresh-cut wood. The smell of rain on grass. Hay. The smell of clean, well-oiled leather. Honey. Textures: Silky fabric. Soft wool. Supple leather. Smooth wood. Drinks: Various teas, often floral varieties. Soft spot for juices. Loves the rare treat of hot chocolate.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: He doesn't. Drinks: He is not against a glass of something fairly light in safe company but left to his own devices, Briar doesn't really have the urge to drink. Drugs: He doesn't. Mount Insurance: He would have no idea what that is, but he does have a unicorn he rides in the Black Shroud, but normally prefers his own feet. (Once he's officially in the steppes, I might get him an actual house.) Been Arrested: Detained by Wood Wailers more than once, but not officially arrested.
(( Art is by @shadesofblades / @coffeehands! ))
Tagged by: @thefrostflower @tripl3cast @sundered-souls - thank you all! <3
Tagging: @shieke @valdiis @shadesofblades @midnightmagicks @bloodredhands @prettygayway @avaritia-ffxiv @calico-heart @thefrostflower @starrysnowdrop @ahollowgrave @naejlas-axe @cadrenebula @skyysinger & anyone else that wants to do it!
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hannahhook7744 · 4 months
Dragon Hall hc please ?
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Harry Hook got kicked out of their shortly after Uma switched schools. Gil shortly followed. Dr. Facilier has never been more relieved because he HATED having to deal with all of Hooks kids at once (Harriet and Harry attended the school. CJ was enrolled but only showed up half the time. The other half, she's at the witch school with Zevon).
They have a dragon statue (because it's cool and also, they're terrified of Maleficent).
The graveyard is not as fake as some of the isle claims. Because, as other people have pointed out, the isle doesn't have a lot of free land and you bury the dead where you can.
Unfortunately, this does mean that some of Dragon Hall's former students and teachers have ended up buried there.
Many tombstones now have sayings on them rather than the names of the deceased. Because there has been some people trying to hide just how real the graveyard is.
The school colors are forest green and a purpleish-grey.
They follow the A-F grading system.
Very few of the students care about their grades at all. Yen Sid became a teacher there partially to help encourage students to get better grades.
If Dr. Facilier catches students skipping at his arcade or shop, they are temporarily banned and basically used as free labor to clean the school. This has reduced the kids skipping somewhat (but not completely. Some just got smarter at it).
The food isn't very great. Obviously.
It is VERY easy to get lost in the catacombs and dungeons.
As stated in the books, it is for all ages. Because of this, the other two schools were actually made (because no one is willing to teach all of the kids and they don't have the room for it).
The first of these schools was Serprent Prep. Hence the rivalry between them and Dragon Hall. Even though there wasn't nearly as many students then as there are now.
It was formed in year zero of the isle because contrary to popular belief, there WERE a few children already born/at school age when the isle formed).
The school is mostly made of stone.
All of the furniture is worn out.
The school is very filthy and covered in moss/plants/bits of mold.
You will DEFINITELY be getting jumped at this school but to be fair, you will get jumped on the isle in general so...
Furniture has been broken during fights.
Captain Hook has been mentioned to have kept Harry's best report card.
Learning disabilities and just, most disabilities, are not really acknowledged much because the staff aren't very well versed in it. So there are no aids/help for this.
Tutors are barely a thing there.
The classes aren't the best.
No one is sure the faculty chambers actually exist.
As stated in canon: 1. Dragon Hall is actually an old tomb re-purposed to act as a school. It's unknown how far it actually goes downward, but there is a statue of Maleficent's dragon form on the landing between the 2nd and 3rd basements.
2. There is barely any light and the lockers are haphazardly lined against the walls.
3. There is a forbidden library referred to as the Athenaeum of Evil which serves as storage for now-defunct information; Dr. Facilier is the only one with the key, and he has a spider the size of a cauldron guarding it.
Because of this, it sucks to be a student with arachnophobia there.
There are clubs at the school. Most are student founded.
There is graffiti everywhere.
Dragon Hall has the best school nurse on the isle. Probably because Dr. Facilier's kidd go there and he actually cares about them for the most part. Unlike other schools.
People have argued about whether the spider is the mascot or if a dragon is. Out of Mal and Maleficent's earshot, of course.
Dr. Facilier's shop and Arcade aren't located too far from the school.
Rumors say, Dr. Facilier can IN FACT be in three places at once (other rumors say, that it's because of secret passages but that cannot be confirmed nor denied).
The plumbing often breaks but it gets fixed somewhat quickly because, again, Dr. Facilier is the headmaster and his kids go there.
All of the de Vils have attended Dragon Hall. Some have had better times than others.
Diego and his band keep breaking into the school to practice: Dr. Facilier is not amused by this.
Frollo has tried to burn it down numerous times but he's done that with every school.
The bell tower is nearby.
If there is someone on the isle Dr. Facilier hates more than Maleficent, it's Frollo. But is that really a surprise?
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askauradonprep · 2 months
Hertz family
Red and her siblings in the main timeline where she was born on the Isle and there is no Merlin academy (Merlin verse Red is an only child).
She has three older siblings. Quinn, King and Quinlin.
Now, my version of the Queen of Hearts is honestly not AS different from ROR as it could be. She owns a hair salon on the opposite side of the Isle from the Tremaines. She also still has her card army so if anyone does anything to annoy her, well....off with their head. She puts the heads on wooden stakes outside her home on the outskirts of town. There's so many, it's been dubbed 'The Queen's Forest'. It is generally advisable not to be IN the Queen's Forest, lest you be ADDED to the Queen's Forest. She doesn't like to be disturbed.
Her children are pretty much left at home because nobody else is worthy of interacting with the royal children. Except other royals but the evil royals have lost so much of their edge that the Queen of Hearts doesn't really want them to stink up her kids either. So, honestly, Red's life isn't all THAT different. She still sneaks out, defies and argues with her mom all the time. Yet, it's Red's continued defiance that pushes the Queen of Hearts to pay the most attention to her and try to bring her into line (maybe she sees some of herself in Red, maybe she just wants the satisfaction of forcing her to obey, who can say?)
Quinn, her oldest sister, is EXACTLY like her mother. She's imperious, snobby, and has an awful temper. She will not interact with anyone but other royalty. She's left 'to rule' their little territory when her mom is at the salon and has most definitely started to add to the Queen's Forest. She doesn't understand why Red has to act up and she's definitely absorbed her mom's philosophy - love ain't it. The sad part? She will NEVER be enough for her mother. Her hair is blonde and her eyes are blue, like her father's - and like Alice. And her mother will NEVER forgive her for that. She gets dismissed and put down for everything she does while RED gets their mother's attention. She is MAD.
King and Quinlan are the middle siblings. King is Quinn's younger twin and therefore has always been in her shadow. He tends to believe she's more important than she's often treated as and he's kinda like a sadistic version of the King of Hearts. He might not be the one doing a lot of the violence but he LOVES to watch Quinn work. The Queen of Hearts doesn't pay much attention to him, but she thinks he's at risk of becoming 'soft' because of his caring about his sister. She might need to make them compete over something they both care about to hammer that lesson home.
Quinlin as the other middle child, pretty much does whatever. If mom's too busy worrying about King and fighting with Red and pressing Quinn to do things, she can pretty much get away with anything. She gets to leave the castle the most because her mom makes her help with the hair salon. Somebody has to help and that someone is her child who doesn't otherwise do anything. On the bright side, it means she gets to see more of the Isle. On the other side, well....it's the Isle and mom only wants her as a worker. Par for the course, she guesses.
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Hi, I'm wondering if you've watched/read The Hunger Games and if so, what do you think it would be like in the world of Avatar? (I mean the district of the characters, who would be from the Capitol and who would be in the arena, etc.) I just came back from the movie The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and Spider reminds me a lot of the character of Sejanus lol
Hello! I'm not the biggest Hunger Games fan to be honest. I think it just got over hyped for me. The series was everywhere back when I was in middle school. I read the first two book but I think they might have been above my reading level at the time so i didn't understand them very well back then. I saw movies one through three but I just didn't care enough to see Mockingjay part 2 so to this day I never have. None of this to say I disliked the series. I find a lot about it very interesting actually. And also while watching explainer videos on the Hunger Games series to refresh my memory on what happens to answer your ask, it kinda made me want to try reading the series again. Or at least watch all the movies. So thanks for possibly sparking a side obsession anon, lol.
Anyway I've got tones of ideas for this Au.
To start off with lets break down all the parent.
First off Quaritch and Paz are both from district 7. Quaritch came from a more wealthy carpentry family and Paz comes from the poorest section of district 7 the Yard. Quaritch was reaped for the Hunger Games when he was 15 and was an absolute monster, zeroing in on an ax placed in the cornucopia and immediately using it to butcher the careers. It was one of the fastest, most brutal Hunger Games on record.
His parents where so disgusted with him afterwards that they disowned him. Not that he cared. He had a sweet set up in the victors village. No neighbors, just complete and utter peace (accept for the constant memories of the hellish things he'd done that plagued his every sleepless night) He was forced to become a mentor after that. He did his best every year to try and help his charges survive. They just never did.
After some years of mentoring he met Paz Socorro. She was the daughter of two criminals who where long since passed leaving her an orphan of the yard. She didn't cry or scream like many other did when she was reaped. The seventeen year old held her head high, marched onto the stage and with a biting smirk said "this fucking sucks." Paz was charismatic as hell during her interview charming the Capital with her surprising wit and beauty for someone as low born as her. Quaritch was very impressed by not only this but her physical prowess as well. She was surprisingly strong, agile as hell, and well versed in poisonous flora and fauna. But only in front of him. During training she was weak and helpless, "pathetically" watching everyone else unable to do anything but look pretty for the cameras. She purposely tanks her training score (an act that drives Quaritch insane). No one sees her as a threat in the slightest. During the games she simply runs away, not bothering to take a single thing from the cornucopia. Instead she hides. She's so well hidden that even the camera have trouble finding her sometimes. She sneaks around her forest arena stealing useful objects off of dead bodies, watching her opponents from the shadows as they pick each other off. She analyzes her surrounding for things that can be useful as well. edible plants, drinkable water. And a nest of extremely venomous mutant spiders that she's very familiar with from back home. Luckily she also knows what plants they hate and makes a repellent so the spiders won't bite her. But they will attack the group of careers that are hunting her down before they start killing each other. She purposely leaves her tracks all the way to the spiders nest, disturbing them so they attack, doing most of her dirty work for her. For the last remaining tribute that only narrowly avoided the archaeid trap Paz brutally bludgeoned him to death with a large rock thus winning the games.
She moved into the victors village after that. President Snow tried to force Paz into prostitution much like Johanna Mason in the series but here she could basically just laugh in his face and tell him to fuck off. She was beloved by the Capital and had no family or friends that he could hold hostage or kill out of revenge. He had no power over her. And so Snow left waiting for the day when he could seek revenge against the woman the defied him. Paz lived alone for a long time. Her and Quaritch never really talked much until it had been a full ten years since her Hunger Games. Then she went up to him one day while he was woodworking in his backyard and in a voice that was surprisingly soft for such a brash woman asked, "does it ever get easier. living with the..."
"no." Quaritch answered. they started spending more time together after that slowly but surely building a bond neither ever believed themselves capable of after everything they'd been through.
Tonowari and Ronal are obviously from district 4 and competed in the games in different years, Tonowari at 15, Ronal at 17. They both managed to win in their respective games because the arena was aquatic themed in those years, giving them the advantage.
Next Grace, Jake, and Neytiri are all from district 11
Grace was 15 when she was in the Hunger Games, getting by in a similar way to Paz using her mind more than sheer force, setting deadly traps all over the arena that eventually lead to her victory. She became a mentor after that. She was there for Jake when he volunteered at 16. Jake comes from a wealthy family in the Estates in district 11. His father was a peacekeeper. Jake never planned on volunteering for the games and hoped his name would never be drawn but he alway tried to prepare for the possibility, keeping physically fit, training with his father's guns, and any other weapon he could get his hands on. If nothing else Jake could always become a peacekeeper like his father and excelle through the ranks with his skill. His twin brother Tom was never interested in such things. Said the odds where to low to worry about either of them ever being reaped. So it came as quite the shock to him when his name was called. Jake knew his brother would never be able to survive and so he volunteered to go instead. And the Capital loved him for it. Jake was great on camera, he earned a 7 training score, and got a lot of sponsors. He was able to win but the final fight was brutal. He delivered the finishing blow to career from district 2, right as the other guy stabbed a knife right through Jake's low back severing his spinal cord and instantly paralyzing him.
Neytiri was reaped and won at age 15, two year after Jake. Her older sister Sylwanin had been reaped and killed in the games a few year before and it had devastated her. She was terrifed of being reaped herself one day but couldn't let that fear take over her life. And so she trained. Her parents were extremely supportive not wanting to lose another child. Her father helping her make her bow, and would help her train in the dead of night, keeping watch for peacekeepers. Her mother taught her all about deadly flora and fauna. She was well prepared when they called her name. Neytiri amazed all of Panem with her ability with a bow and arrow, her animal like veracity, surprising stealth and impressive nature knowledge. She let most of the tributes pick each other off, carving out her own little territory to hide in the meantime, killing anyone that came close. In the end when there were only a few left she snuck up on them in the dead of night and went beast mode (I'm pretty much thinking about that scene from Way of Water)
When Neytiri got to the victors village Jake was immediately enamored by her. Neytiri wanted nothing to do with him. But much like Quaritch and Paz, Jake and Neytiri found it hard to relate to other after everything they'd been through and took solace in each other.
So fast forward some years to the kids.
A few months after Neytiri had Neteyam, Grace gave birth as well, but then seemingly died weeks later under mysterious circumstances, leaving her daughter Kiri an orphan. Jake and Neytiri had loved their mentor like a second mother so, didn't hesitate to adopt Kiri.
Given some of the names in the Hunger Games series, I'm going to say in this A.U Spider name is actually Spider, named after the thing that kept his mother alive. And while Spider was dearly loved by his parents, secretly Quaritch and especially Paz freaked out over his birth. They had agreed not to have kids not because they didn't want them, but because they didn't want them used against them. Paz always feared that Snow would come and harm or kill her only son in retribution for her defiance so many years ago. Quaritch just didn't want to see his only child die in the games. And so from the moment he could walk Spider is prepared for the games. His parents drill into his head to never volunteer but he is ready if worse comes to worse.
The Sully's do the same with there kids. So when Neteyam gets reaped at age 14 the family is gutted but knows he has what it takes to survive. Neytiri goes to the capital with him as his mentor. And the citizens of the Capital are obsessed. They love the "legacy champion" and eat up every moment that mother and son are together. Which gives Snow ideas. Neteyam wins but he's different when he comes back, traumatized by the games, but still manages to put on a brave face for his younger siblings.
The next year Kiri is reaped. Neytiri and Jake have to fight to not have break down on camera. It's like they're cursed or something with how many family members have been selected for the games.
Over in district 7 Spider is also reaped for the games. Quaritch actually did have to restrain Paz from freaking out, covering her mouth to stop her from accusing Snow of rigging the raffle. Quaritch goes with Spider as his mentor just like Neytiri is Kiri mentor. The Capital goes absolutely feral for this match up. Quaritch and Neytiri are squaring up every chance they get. Meanwhile Spider and Kiri become fast friends. They sneak out at night to see each other, spend all of their time in training together. During interviews they gush about their friendship, and if the people of the Capital where feral before, they were absolutely crazy for this relationship.
The two stick to each other like glue in the games, never going after anybody, just hiding, talking, making the best out of there very bad situation. Spider promises that if it comes down to the two of them that he'll eat poison berries so she could live. Kiri refuses insisting that she'll be the one to die not him. Finally it gets down to the two of them and they decided, fuck it. If they both ate the berries then no one would win and that would surely piss off the powers that be. So they traverse back to the cornucopia find their camera, intertwine their arms and pop the poison into each others months. The game masters quickly announce that they both win and Spider and Kiri spit out the poison before it can do them harm.
Their parents are pissed that their kids would roll the dice like that but are also relieved that they're alive. Snow is livid that he was outsmarted by a couple of teenagers. And the Capital is completely off it's shits with how much they loved the out come (like have ever seen footage of Philadelphia Eagles fans going crazy after their superbowl win? (if not your in for a wild google search) the Capital basically does this over Spider and Kiri)
Fast forward to the next Hunger Games. The 75th Hunger games. Where the twist is that previous winners will be the ones being reaped like in the book, but other victors, or the family members of the ones being reaped can volenteer to go in there place.
So the line up goes:
In district 4 Tonowari gets reaped but his son Aonung volunteers to go in his place, wanting to prove he's a mighty warrior. Ronal volunteers as the female tribute to protect her son.
In district 7 Paz is the only living female tribute so she knew she was going no matter what. Spider's name is called in the reaping. The family anticipated this and agreed that Quaritch wouldn't volunteer to go in his son's place. They've got bigger plans and need him on the outside.
In district 11 Kiri is reaped again but Neytiri volunteers in her place. Jake is also reaped but Lo'ak volunteers, like Aonung wanting to prove himself, especially compared to his siblings.
The citizens of the Capitol feel like they're getting a five course meal. The drama, the family dynamics, the tragedy about to unfold all from beloved past champions. It's all too much, especially since Snow insists that they all bring their whole families, to be paraded around in extravagant outfits at lavashish parties before the absolute slaughter fest.
What the kids don't know is that all the parents are in on a rebellion plan. Jake was the first to be contacted by a mystery person from district 13. It took awhile to convince him that it was real but once he was he started recruiting others, first Ronal and Tonowari, then Paz who convinced Quaritch. Aonung and Lo'ak volunteering threw a couple wrenches into their plan but they were able to pivot.
The moms are tasked with putting on a show, teaming up to not only protect their sons, but two tributes from district 3 Norm and Trudy who are in on the rebellion and are the ones who will destroy the forcefield so they can all be rescued. The mom's hunt down anyone who's both not in on the rebellion, and eager to actually participate in the games.
This is about where I'm going to end it since I don't really know the details of the final book, i just know how it ends. I don't really have an idea of who would be captured following the escape and who would get out of the arena safely. I was building to Grace basically being the Coin in this A.U but not evil in the end, because Grace would never suggest a Hunger Games with Capital children. But yeah sorry if the ending is a little lackluster here. Please share with me your thoughts or ideas of where to take this A.U. I'm really excited to hear what you all think and hope you enjoyed! 💙
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vv-ispy · 5 months
Thinking of an immortal Amos but with Yae vibes. She's bored. She's disconnected. Her lover doesn't get her. She loves him. She wanders the tower while he's locks himself away occupied, and when she sees him he gives gifts upon gifts but never reacts to her thoughts and wants.
She's been alive for too long. Everyone she knows and loves growing up is dead. New people born and die. No one knows her. She's the human lover of the tyrant who does nothing against the tyrant. When's the last time she held her bow?
She's bored. She doesn't bother getting to know these new humans. They look at her the same. They're fun while they're alive. They all regard her with the same suspision, one who betrayed humanity for the riches of a god. Why not toy with those assumptions. No one believes she too longs for the seas and skies
A bard walks in and he has a dream. His determined eyes says he'll cast the tyrant down. How funny, from such a young boy. He'll see her as the enemy, as they all do. He'll try and he'll fail and he'll believe she helped strike his rebellion down. Maybe she will. She's bored, she's been alive with the tyrant for too long, no one will accept her, she may as well have some fun with this wanna-be rebel
He sings of skies and flight and she's amused. Only the young can dream like that, she's old and weary. She's bored, but she's still the lover of the tyrant and that gives her some power. So she has the guards look the other way when he sings, and echos his words to the nobles to watch how they yearn.
The little guy's fearless, maybe even overconfident. She picks up and draws her bow on him once or twice for show (never to hurt him, she doesn't want to lose this toy yet) to see how he'll react. She can see how he hates her. He doesn't know she's keeping him and his tunes of dissent safe. She laughs in approval at his refusal to back down and he takes it as mockery
He sings of skies and seas and she's reminded. Reminded of how she too misses a life beyond the barrier, the tower, where she's also free. Her lover is busy banning another tune. She hums it as she walks through the halls. She braids her hair as the rebels do, feathers hanging off that strand. Her lover's too busy and full of assumptions to know what it means. That bard still hates her, thinks she's making a mockery of his cause.
It's been so long and this is the most fun she's had in centuries. She finds herself dreaming again of the world beyond. Instead, she sneaks out of the tower and follows her heart, winding down a back alley where the bard quietly sings to a small creature hiding in his scarf from the bitter winds (she's never been affected by the winds from her lover, the role comes with its occational benefits).
She sings with this boy hundreds of years younger than her. She hums one of the banned tunes he wrote, and adds a clumsy verse about the seas and forests to compliment his skies. Eloquent and clever, he makes known unsaid in no uncertain terms that she will never be trusted. She can see in his eyes that he believes he'll be executed in hours (though will fight to the bitter end), caught by the one closest to the tyrant himself, and she can't help one more jab at him — who does he think is behind the guards never looking his way, always leaving him a route for escape? What, did he truly think dozens of his tunes were banned under the tyrannt's gaze but he was always so lucky to get away at the last moment? Interesting little thing, to believe he did it unhelped
The next time she sees him is months later. More songs are banned, some words are banned, unrest is brewing and this time he seeked her out. She is bored and disillusioned and no longer believes her lover to be capable of love. So she follows him whereever he takes her, and leaks vital information about the security of the tower. He asks her what her lover is like and she tells him all she knows and feels. She can tell in these months apart he's given her too a lot more thought, drew his own conclusions between the stories about her and her own words and dreams.
And offers her a part in their rebellion
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flowerwrites06 · 1 year
forest bride — myg (teaser)
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This fic has been released, click the title below to check it out!
FOREST BRIDE | Min Yoongi | Oneshot | Requested by Anon
Original Request: hii i would like to request an arranged marriage au that turned out as a healthy relationship, unlike where oc came from y'know family full of mistreatment and favoritism. any member is fine! thank u! Plot: The business transaction of a marriage between two previous warring clans takes an unexpected turn. Pairing: Yoongi x OC (Name: Kiku) Genre: Historical Inspired | Arranged Marriage Rating: 18+ Word Count: 400+ (teaser wc) Warnings: emotionally distanced family dynamics, minor character death, angst, sexual content. Author's Note: i'm enjoying writing this! always a fan of arranged marriage au
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Kiku was a quiet daughter amongst children of four in the Moon Clan. She was in the middle of the line of birth, often keeping to herself while her father doted on her brothers while her mother babied Hanaka, her sister. Kaito, the oldest son of their family was the only person who ever paid attention Kiku.
He taught her how to play the Koto when they were younger. The soft plucking of strings were the only sounds she made in her household. Her mother, Keiko complimented the sound with the assumption that it was Hanaka. When Kaito explained that it was Kiku, their mother pointed the lack of precision at the ends of each verse.
Kiku felt safe and comforted under the wing of Kaito.
But fate had other plans.
Kaito grew sick after a hunting wound turned gangrenous and the winter only worsened his condition. When he passed, Kiku felt the searing and back-breaking weight of her family’s scrutiny.
Suddenly she was no longer Kaito’s companion. She was a mouth they didn’t want to feed.
On the fresh cusp of spring, her parents unceremoniously announced her arrangement to marry the chief of the Onyx clan. Their rival.
“Kaito said they were dangerous,” Kiku said as she knelt on the ground of their main living area. Her parents stared down at her while Hanaka and their younger brother Haruki sat on the cushioned mat.
“Kaito isn’t here. Don’t name him when we haven’t finished mourning, stupid girl,” Keiko spoke through gritted teeth.
“You will marry Chief Min Yoongi and give this family an important alliance,” Daiki said with a finality to his tone.
The Onyx Clan was notorious for raiding other clans, enslaving their high-born families and treating any foreign spouses like dirt. Preventing them from causing any problems in the Moon Clan was to keep them at bay with something that they didn’t think was a risk.
Keiko would never send Hanaka to a place like that. Perhaps Kiku was prepared specifically for this very alliance, forcing themselves not to love her so they could make a difficult decision. Perhaps that was just her own heart trying to find a glimpse of love in a place that had none for her since the beginning.
Kiku lowered her head in a solemn acceptance, her dress still black and her heart still raw from mourning the only family member who loved her. “I will do as you wish.” 
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pagan-stitches · 8 days
The Tain is an EP by The Decemberists released in 2004 by Acuarela Discos and in 2005 by Kill Rock Stars. The single 18-plus minute track, in five parts, is named after the Irish mythological epic Táin Bó Cúailnge, often simply called The Táin.
The Táin or less commonly as The Cattle Raid of Cooley, is an epic from Irish mythology. It is often called "the Irish Iliad", although like most other early Irish literature, the Táin is written in prosimetrum, i.e. prose with periodic additions of verse composed by the characters. The Táin tells of a war against Ulster by Queen Medb of Connacht and her husband King Ailill, who intend to steal the stud bull Donn Cuailnge.
Video directed by Andy Smetanka
[part 1]
Here upon this pillow
Made of reed and willow
You're a fickle little twister
Are you sweet on your sister?
Your fallow won't leave you alone
And granted for their pleasure
Possessions laid to measure
She's a salty little pisser
With your cock in her kisser
But now she's a will of her own
Damn your ankles and eyes wide
From you fingernails to your ponytails too
King of the insects and the m-5
Over Charlemagne in a motorcade too
And baby needs a new prize
Baby needs a new and shiny prize
In this place called heavenly
You were born here
This place called heavenly
You were born here
You were born here
And now all the marchers descend from high
I will dedicate all of my awakenings to this
And damn all the angles that oppress my sight
I will bleed your heart through a samovar soon
Baby needs a new prize
Baby needs a new and shiny prize
In this place called heavenly
You were born here
This place called heavenly
You were born here
You were born here
You were born here
They settled dust in your hair
To watch you shake and shout it out
With our armaments bared
We shed our bags and travel-alls
From the lee of the wall
He comes in the chang and chariot
And all his eunuchs in thrall
Can scarce lift his line and lariat
Here come loose the hounds
To blow me down
[Chorus Of Waifs]
Blow me down
On this stretch of ground
I'll lay me down
[Chorus Of Waifs]
Lay me down
To sleep
And now stricken with pangs
That tear at our backs like thistle down
The mirror's soft silver tain
Reflects our last and birthing hour
Here come loose the hounds
To blow me down
[Chorus Of Waifs]
Blow me down
On this stretch of ground
I'll lay me down
[Chorus Of Waifs]
Lay me down
Here come loose the hounds
To blow me down
[Chorus Of Waifs]
Blow me down
On this stretch of ground
I'll lay me down
[Chorus Of Waifs]
Lay me down
To sleep
O the wind is blowing, it hurts your skin
As you climb up hillside, forest and fen
Your arms full of lullabies, orchids and wine
Your memories wrapped within paper and twine
The room that you lie in is dusty and hard
Sleeping soft babies on piles of yards
Of gingham, taffeta, cotton and silk
Your dry hungry mouths cry for your mother's milk
When the dawn comes to greet you, you'll rise with clothes on
And advance with the others, singing old songs
Of cattle and maidens and withered old queens
Let the music carry you on
The room that you lie in is dusty and hard
Sleeping soft babies on piles of yards
Of gingham, taffeta, cotton and silk
Your dry hungry mouths cry for your mother's milk
Darling dear what have you done?
Your clothes are torn, your make-up runs
I ran through brambles, blooming thistle
I washed my face in the river when you whistled me on
Darling dear, what have you done?
Your hands and face are smeared with blood
The chaplain came and called me out
To beat and to butcher his mother's sow
But darling dear, they found him dead
This morning on the riverbed
But hush now darling, don't you cry
Your reward's in the sweet by-and-by
Hush now baby, don't you cry
Your reward's in the sweet by-and-by
And now we've seen your powers
Softly stretch the hours
You're a fickle little twister
Are you sweet on your sister?
As now you go wandering home
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reijnders · 2 months
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IPA and gloss under the cut, as well as explanation of the writing system for those not in the know.
In the modern day of the Starflight setting, the widespread culture commonly known by the dominant language of the region (twac̊in̊), or the name tewenic is considered to be shared across many hundreds of miles of land, and by various major ethnic groups on the continent of Șotuŧahtěnu. However, the coastal regions before the arrival of H̊lanueli people from the north is considered the birthplace of much of this culture; the general religious template, languages, staple foods, and much more all stem from this ancient scrubland. There, stories of the gods were revered, but not often recorded in verse. Exploration of art via wordcraft was often left to their western neighbors, or the southern desert nomads that eventually were assimilated into the sedentary settlements of the Tewenic. Their writing system is one of the few things that was adapted from outside cultures, coming from the exploring sailors that first brought H̊lanueli traders(along with their own of course) to the central coasts. Thus, not much can be found in terms of poet being a scholarly position until we get much closer to a time where connection across the world is readily available. Poems such as these, poems of a more personal nature are often all that can be found, with few exceptions for written versions of older prayers, which tended to be standardized for memorization.
The native religion is polytheistic, with a pantheon of 17(so far) gods that have to do with various forms of water. Sometimes this is as simple as gods for bodies of water that can be encountered across the continent, and gods that bring said waters down from the sky or mountains, and sometimes they are the embodiment of the fear of being at sea during a storm, or a god that protects children swimming in the shallows. While seen as having mythical, awesome powers, these gods are also regarded as beings closer to as nonchalant bystanders to the affairs of mortals, rather than active participants in the shaping of their world. The gods act because it is in their nature, not because they are inherently good or evil. Sanadec brings freshwater down from the rivers because that is what she does, and she is flighty and thoughtless because the rivers themselves wander and twist aimlessly through the forests. Han̊ brings earthquakes and tsunamis because she knows nothing else. Some gods are more popular(Le, Yin, Dalse in particular, representatives of fishing/fertility, storms/change, and dreams respectively in particular) and are prayed to more often, but overall, these prayers translate better as forceful commands. Prayer should be strong enough to turn the god’s head and convince them that your voice is not just another crash of the waves.
The sea itself is one of the most important objects in this religion, though reverence of it varies in interpretation. Focusing on the central coasts, where this poem originates, the sea is seen as a binding force. You are born from its waters, and when you die, you are returned to them. Basically, everything culturally significant happens centered around some type of water, but as a region very dependent on the ocean for primary trade routes, a source of seawater can be found communally in many residential areas. The sea is neither good nor bad, not a blessing or a place to be feared. It’s all of those things, but it also just Is. It’s a fact of existence, and one that everyone there owes their lives to, in a sense.
The poem, written by an unknown author in the northwestern peninsula of modern day Ac̊ah̊i, was found on a fragment of parchment in the storage section of a long-ruined temple, presumably because whoever had received it called those walls home. The most popular consensus is that the poem is a request to see each other, as lovers, which would tie in closely with the theory of the recipient being a temple dweller. Its possible that the author was originally from one of the more extant nomadic tribes from the desert that is central to the continent and wishes to view the ocean with their lover as a sort of religious pilgrimage. On the whole, most scholars agree that it has a very positive interpretation, a textual reminiscence of their marriage, and a promise of lighter days to come.
However, there are some that have a…less joyful interpretation of the text. For centuries, traditional burials along the coast have involved sea burials, where the body is brought out a distance from the shore, and practiced divers take turns excavating a pit for it to be buried beneath the waves. It’s an arduous process, and one not always afforded to  everyone. To be taken to the sea after death was, at some points in history, a rare privilege. These opposing scholars are of the belief that the poem was written on the author’s deathbed, and delivered after their passing, as a sort of last will and testament for their lover. This interpretation doesn’t hold up nearly as well as the former, but it is interesting to think about. The naming of the god Yin is the main cause of controversy among scholars of either school, due to the contradicting nature of the god itself. Where those who see the poem as a happier one, Yin is just used as a fanciful way of mentioning the windstorms known to that coastline, and perhaps as a tie-in to the recipient’s temple residence. Others believe that Yin was mentioned more for his association with change, with the writer’s death being the largest change the recipient must deal with, and anger as well, perhaps at an unjust death come too soon.
The grammar of this poem is of interest as well. Starting from the beginning, the pronouns caen̊ and ni (1S and 2S respectively) are both formal pronouns, specifically those used between individuals of similar perceived social class. In this case, it can be interpreted as two adults. Having the formality included with the future tense verb—indicated by the particle c-y—solidifies that this first line should be interpreted as a request, rather than a demand. In the third line, the pronoun acyi(3PL and formal) is an exclusive one, and rather than being directed at someone of similar rank, it is for someone perceived to be above the speaker, in this case deifying the waves and, of course, the god Yin. Technically, this pronoun clusivity distinction is not grammatically necessary, and instead is an artifact of the time. A taboo on associating oneself or mortal others with the being of the divine, even from a standpoint of simple words. To use a regular third person plural, even one that is still directed upwards socially—in this case cael—would be akin to bringing that which is divine down to the level of mortality, or worse still, uplifting the mundane to the status of godhood. In line four, we see the verb for ‘to do’ used as an indication that something was completed, further secured by the noun phrase nende nuyude, ‘long time’, where the word ‘ago’ is implied by nature of the sentence. Finally, the last line switches from the formal 1S caen̊, to the informal pronoun ca, indicating a more intimate closeness between writer and reader in the moments described.
Șotuŧahtěnu /ɬɒtəθahtɛ˧˥nə/ - The Jěyotuy word for the planet's largest continent.
H̊lanueli /xlænweli/ - began as a name for the northern people, most likely a mixture of groups from Sallóxe-speaking villages that were traded scrubland vegetables for fish from the open ocean. Comes from the word h̊lanen, meaning ‘stew’, thus calling them stew-eaters; the relatively colder climate lent to more hot and hearty meals than the hurricane-prone south.
nende /nen:dʲe/ - Time, moment, or an "hour" in their timekeeping system, which equates to roughly 48 minutes in Earth time.
nuyu /n:uju/ - An adjective meaning long or extending.
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The writing system for the Twac̊in̊ language is shared by several languages in the area and is referred to as the C̊iyahe alphabet (read more here). Its usage in modern forms of the language consists of four vowel glyphs(a, i, u, and e), three diphthongs(ae, ua, and ue), eleven consonants, and 9 consonant cluster glyphs. In the Latin alphabet, the clusters, diphthongs, and the letter tw are represented by digraphs, but this is not the case in the native alphabet. Below is a chart of all the characters, their romanization, and potential pronunciations in the standard modern dialect of spoken Twac̊in̊.
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