#verse. alex rider
nctanthca · 13 days
@leschanceux | For the spy bby
The Department was quiet and nearly empty at this point. Most had gone home for the night like Smithers and Mrs. Jones. Per normal however Mycroft was in his office which left Anthea alone at her desk. It was nearly silent in the old building which left Anthea very bored. It was a relief really when she heard Alex’s steps as he entered the area. A surprise of course, but a pleasant one.
“Can you tell your friend Kyra to stop playing with the power.”
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Closing the folder she had been looking at she looked up at the boy. “What brings you here this late?”
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lolli-says-stuff · 5 months
Marcus : But what about Alex ? 
Yassen: Don't worry about him. 
Yassen: I once watched him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened.
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weak-hero · 2 months
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strangesoulmates · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Alex Rider (TV 2020), Alex Rider - Anthony Horowitz Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Yassen Gregorovich/Alex Rider, Alex Rider & Alex Rider, Yassen Gregorovich & Alex Rider, Alex Rider & Ian Rider Characters: Alex Rider, Yassen Gregorovich, Ian Rider Additional Tags: Dimension Travel, Alex Rider Needs a Hug, Adult Alex Rider, Book Alex meets TV Alex, Protective Alex Rider, Protective Yassen Gregorovich, Protective Ian Rider, Book Alex gets some closure, Ian still dies, sorry Ian, Book Alex and Book Yassen adopt TV Alex, Fix-It of Sorts Summary:
Sixteen year old Alex Rider comes home to find a stranger on his couch. Based on the resemblance, Alex assumes it's his dead father, but the answer is even stranger - the man claims to be Alex from another universe. And his arrival brings a number of family secrets to light.
Thirty-three year old Alex Rider finds himself in a universe not his own after yet another accident on a mission. He needs to get home to his husband, but he knows what might be coming for this Alex, and wants to make sure what happened to him doesn't happen to anyone else. And he has questions for this Ian, ones he never had the chance to ask his own.
When his husband arrives, the two decide to tie up lose ends to leave this Alex better off before heading home. And when Ian dies in spite of their warnings, there's really only one thing to do - adopt the teenage Alex and protect him the way no one protected them.
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writeforfandoms · 2 months
The Name of the Wind 4
Find the series masterlist
Here we finally are continuing with this story! I'm trying to match up the timing on everything between these thee stories in the dragon riders 'verse. Yes, three. Our two special guests in this chapter will be leaving to their own story.
It'll be fun, I swear.
Warnings: Swearing, idiot in love, clueless reader, scheming riders, seriously the whole garrison is invested by now.
Word count: 1.8k
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Dinner seemed nothing special, in the way that you'd become accustomed to meals here. There was the usual assortment of foods at every table, riders and staff settling down to eat. 
Alejandro was at the table you'd unofficially labeled his - not in the center of the room quite, but still easy to get to. Some of the usual people were there already - Rodolfo and Marin both nodded to you. 
The two new people were there as well, seated side by side across from Alejandro.
“Our guests for tonight,” Alejandro told you, motioning you to sit next to him. “Alex and Frank.” 
You greeted them both, settling next to Alejandro. They'd both cleaned up since you saw them earlier, though Frank hadn't bothered to shave. You'd never seen them before, and you were curious as to how they got here, and how long they'd be here. 
“You must be new here.” Frank eyed you, openly appraising. 
“Yes,” you admitted, a little surprised. 
“New rider?”
“Not exactly,” you hedged, on the border of being uncomfortable, and not sure why. 
“She is a leather worker,” Alejandro answered smoothly, one knee pressing into yours under the table, his elbow gently jostling your arm. “Quite skilled, as well.” 
You warmed under both the praise and the touches, shoulders relaxing even as you leaned ever so slightly into his space. 
Frank held your gaze for a moment before he nodded. “Then we'll be seeing you around again.” 
“Are you here often?” You took a tray from Alejandro, serving yourself food even as you glanced at the two men. 
Alex shrugged, a secretive half-smile twitching his lips. “We come through every so often.”
You looked between the two, seeing clearly that this was some kind of joke. But Alejandro nudged your knee again under the table, and you didn't ask. 
The conversation moved on from there, Rodolfo chiming in with daily reports. Another rider came over to talk to Alejandro for a few minutes, mostly ignoring Alex and Frank. They seemed content to be ignored, talking quietly to each other. 
You squashed your curiosity back down and ate your dinner quietly. 
Frank and Alex stood to leave in tandem, and Alejandro nodded to them. 
“Who were they?” You asked very quietly once they'd left. 
Alejandro hummed for a moment, arms crossed loosely over his chest. “You will see them from time to time,” he said slowly. “But you cannot ask what they do, or where they go. It is confidential.” 
“Okay.” You could do that. No problem. 
Well. Okay. You'd have to remind yourself not to ask, but you'd manage. 
He looked down at you, amused. “You won't see them so often it will be a problem,” he assured you. “Don't fret.” 
You chuckled. “Sure,” you agreed easily. “If you say so.” 
Alejandro shook his head but smiled, getting to his feet. “I will see you tomorrow.”
“Good night.” You watched him and Rodolfo walk out together, shoulders nearly pressed together. 
The view was quite nice, after all. 
Shaking your head at yourself, you cleared your place at the table and made your way back to your room. You had a little time before bed. Plenty of time to stuff your emotions back down. 
You were still trying not to find Alejandro attractive… but it wasn't easy. He made it very difficult, in fact. Especially when he sought you out at meal times, and took you on a flight, and promised he wouldn't let harm come to you… 
Really, how were you expected to not find him attractive? 
You squished your face in your pillow to squeal, just a little bit. 
The problem over the next few weeks wasn't work. It wasn't the dragons, as they had all learned that you were to be treated gently.
No. The problem was Alejandro. 
He ate most meals with you. He took you on two more flights. He made a point of seeing you at least once each day. 
He was distracting, but in the most pleasant way. Intriguing and courteous and funny. 
He was a major problem. 
You looked for him, almost automatically, every time you went to eat, or when you were in the dragons’ nesting area. Any time you heard his voice, you paused what you were doing to look. 
Honestly, it was a bit ridiculous. You were embarrassed at yourself. 
But you still looked. 
One night after dinner, Alejandro asked if you'd take a walk with him. You agreed, heart fluttering. 
“I will be gone a few days,” he said as the two of you strolled down empty hallways. “I need to go to the capital.” 
“Oh.” You couldn't help the way your heart sank with disappointment. 
“Rodolfo will be in charge while I'm gone,” he said, looking at you and away again. “It will only be a few days.” 
“I hope you have fun?” It came out for too much of a question, and you grimaced at yourself. 
He snorted. “I will not, but thank you. I dislike going, but I must sometimes.” 
“Why do you dislike it?”
He shrugged. “Politics,” he answered dryly. “There is an overabundance of people who feel far too self-important.”
You laughed, unable to hold it in. “I'm sorry,” you managed, still giggling. “But the look on your face.” 
He huffed, smiling. “It is never a hardship to make you laugh,” he murmured. “Is there anything you want from the capital?”
You blinked at him, taken completely by surprise. “I don't know.” 
He eyed you for a moment before he nodded, just once. “I will find you something, then.” 
You almost protested, except he turned to face you fully, two fingers under your chin tipping your face towards him. Your eyes went wide. 
“I will think of you,” he promised, low and quiet. “I need to go, because I need to wake early. I will see you in a few days.” He leaned in, and for a wild moment you thought he'd kiss you. Your heart leapt and then pounded, lips parting ever so slightly. 
But his lips landed on your cheek, soft and chaste. Your eyelids fluttered, a soft breath escaping you. 
The two of you stood perfectly still for one moment. Then Alejandro stepped back, his fingers falling from your skin. 
You watched him go, hand rising to touch the spot he'd just kissed. 
You hadn't imagined that. He had really kissed your cheek. 
Oh, you were way past trouble now. Now you were in deep. 
You meandered back to your room, completely distracted and oblivious to the world around you, replaying those precious moments over and over again to make sure you remembered them. 
You didn't sleep well, half-remembered dreams of flying then falling interrupting you through the night. 
You were surprised when Marin sat with you at breakfast. She asked about your day, and seemed genuinely interested. Which was… weird, but okay. 
But the weirdness didn't stop there. 
Various riders popped in to your workshop throughout the day. Some just asked how you were doing, while some asked about bringing you things for repairs. One even brought you a canteen of water, saying she'd noticed yours was empty. 
You were deeply, deeply confused. 
But you didn't actually object. 
Rodolfo gently herded you to the normal table at dinner, but he didn't try to make you talk. Just made sure you had food. 
Alejandro left for a few days and the whole garrison went extremely weird. 
Maybe they just needed some sleep. Or something. Maybe you needed sleep. 
Except the next day passed in much the same manner. You hadn't had so much conversation… basically ever. And with so many people! Even one of the kitchen staff found you to ask if you had enough scrap leather to make a holder for a knife. 
Which, of course, you did. Not that you'd tell her, the poor woman seemed easily flustered to begin with, but you weren't using scraps for this. 
You were also debating between telling Alejandro the entire garrison went nuts while he was gone, or never mentioning any of this again. 
You skipped breakfast the next day, sneaking some bread from the kitchen to tide you over until lunch. This, apparently, was a mistake, as what felt like half the garrison showed up at your workshop before lunch. Not all at once, thankfully, mostly alone with a few pairs or small groups showing up.
But still. Highly annoying while you were trying to work. 
You were gearing up around lunch time to yell at the group of three hovering outside your door when a dragon trumpeted outside. All three riders perked up, and the youngest (and boldest) of them darted inside to grab you. You barely had time to yelp before the three were half-dragging you off, your feet barely keeping up. 
Bright sunlight blinded you for a couple moments as they dragged you clear outside. But you felt the ground-shaking thump of a dragon landing. 
You didn't even have time to ask before the three abandoned you. You nearly stumbled, but managed not to. Huffing, you shaded your eyes to look. 
Your heart fluttered in your chest. 
Caba stopped just in front of you, rumbling a friendly greeting to you, head lowering to breathe hot air on top of your head. You couldn't help but laugh a little, reaching up to pat his snout. 
“You're here.” Alejandro sounded surprised but rallied quickly, throwing one leg over Caba's back and sliding down the big dragon's side. He landed easily, making you the teensiest bit jealous - you still nearly faceplanted every time. 
“I am,” you agreed, a little perplexed but mostly just happy to see him. “How was your trip?”
He waved a hand, dismissing the question. “Uneventful. Not worth it, as usual.” He paused a moment before he smiled. “But I did find this.” 
He produced a flower from nowhere, petals marbled pink and white. 
“Oh, it's beautiful.” You smiled, leaning closer to see if the flower had any fragrance. It did, and it smelled wonderful too. 
“It's for you.” Alejandro took one of your hands, curling your fingers delicately around the stem.
Your eyes blew wide and you jerked your gaze from the flower to him. He just smiled at you, warm and soft and so pleased. 
Excited not-exactly-whispering behind you made both of you turn to look. Alejandro's smile dropped and he huffed softly. 
“Excuse me, I have some riders to speak with,” he growled, much less happy now. But he paused and cupped your cheek, leaning in close to whisper, “I'll see you later.” And then he strode off, like a man on a warpath.
You dropped your gaze back to your flower and hid your smile behind it, inexplicably giddy.
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
if anyone actually reads all this, I’ll be impressed
Tv show themes through the years playlist
I colored the ones I cared most about in each section if none are colored it means I care about the things in that section equally.
Star Wars:
Original Trilogy 
The sequels are alright but I pretty much only care about HUX and Kylux
Rouge One
Star Wars Legends
Star wars Infinites
Star Wars as written by William Shakespeare 
Star Wars Clone Wars
The Bad Batch
Star Wars Rebels
Obi-Wan Kenobi Series 
Star Wars Visions 
Tales of the Jedi 
Tales of the Empire
Anything Lego Star Wars 
the movies (I’m not caught up yet) 
Falcon and the winter soldier 
Loki (not caught up) 
Wanda Vision
Avengers Assemble (literally so weird and silly) (not finished with season 5 cause it’s ass)
spider verse
Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies
Andrew Garfield, Spider-Man movies
Bye Bye Biride
Christmas Carol
Little mermaid
Wizard of OZ
Anything goes
Sponge Bob
Beauty and the Beast
Guys and Dolls
The guy who didn’t like musicals
ride the cyclone
Les Mis
The lighting thief (not finished)
into the woods
Zac McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders!!!! (Literally the best game)
Twisted Wonderland (read through book 6)
Ultimate Shark Simulator
Hogwarts Mystery (not caught up)
KOTOR (not caught up)
Star Wars Asault Team
MHA (stopped watching mid season 4 only really care about Iida)
Angels of death 
Darling in the franxx (only really care about Goro)
Saki k (haven’t seen season 2)
Minecraft SMPs:
Dream SMP (not caught up)
Empires SMP
X Life 
After Life 
New Life 
Pirates (not caught up) 
Trafic Light/Life Series (I only watch Jimmy, Joel, and Martin’s POVs)
2000s Kids shows:
MLP G3 and Friendship is Magic
Wild Kratts 
TMNT 2012
Odd Squad 
imagination movers
Dinosaur Train
Lego Friends (The og version)
Monster High
Ever After High
Avatar the Last Air Bender 
Sofia the first
Elena of Avalore
dinosaur train
Weird Sci-fi and Fantasy Shows:
Doctor Who (only on the 4th Doctor) 
Read All About it 
H2O Just Add Water 
Wolf Blood 
Fragle Rock
Mako Mermaids (only watched season 1)
Alien Surfer Girls/Lightning Point
Thunder Stone 
Girl From Tomorrow 
Ocean Girl 
Sparticle Mystery 
Elephant Princess (featuring Liam Hemsworth) 
Eerie Indiana 
Girl’s World
House of Anubis 
A girl named Jo (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Blue Water High (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
The Prisoner 
Spell Binder 
Just Add Magic 
Maddigan’s Quest 
The Next Step (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Return to Jupiter 
Rocket’s Island 
Silver Sun (not caught up) 
Disney Plus Telenovelas: 
Soy Luna 
Misc fandoms and shows:
Harry Potter (not caught up, I do not support J.K. Rowling or read the books) 
The Tick (og cartoon version) 
The Outsiders (movie, book, and 90s Tv series) 
Alex Rider (the show not the books) 
Wild at Heart (never finished) 
White Collar 
National Treasure Edge of History 
The Lodge
Gilligan’s Island
NCIS New Orleans
Hell of a Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Heart Stopper
OFMD (not caught up)
Julie and the Phantoms 
Disney in general 
Tinker bell
Book series: 
Percy Jackson (currently only read the lightning thief)
The Final Six 
Thea Sisters (when I was little) 
Chronicles of Narnia
Wizard of Oz
The black stallion
Series of unfortunate events
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peupeugunn · 1 year
alex rider has no chill. he's never been chill about anything in his entire life, whether it's book!verse or show!verse
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arsonistsfirefly · 11 months
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original psd
If it doesn't say written by Carlos in the blog description it's not me.
Box Verse [DC]
@arsonistsfirefly - Luna Lynns/Firefly (OC) - She/Her
@fire-lane (nsfw) - Luna's IC NSFW blog
@lullabyofafirefly - Luna's Para rp blog (unfinished/wip)
@thebestgirljane - Jane - Sideblog to luna's blog
@janusflipped - Two-Face/Judge/Harvey - He/It | He/Her | He/Him
@cracked-n-masked - ic vent (can't find ic)
@thedarkestknights - Bruce Wayne/Batman - He/Him
@strangepsychiatry - Hugo Strange - He/Him
@allriderphantasm - Robbie Reyes/All Rider (DC AU) - He/Him
@foreverpuzzling - Edward Nygma/The Riddler - He/She
@a-goldentouch - Otto Midas (DC Kid oc 16 yrs old) - He/Him
Earth 3 - DC
@hello-mrpresident - Lex Luthor - He/Him
@the-lexicon-of-luthor - Semi-ic Notes blog
@ultra-rage - Lee-El (Luthor El)/Superboy (sideblog to hello-mrpresident) - He/Him
@resultingcyanide - IC vent (can't find ic)
@theowlsclaws - Dick Grayson/Talon - He/Him
@thedeadpoolunofficial - Wade Wilson/Deadpool - He/They/It (Eventually She/It/He)
@deadpoolunofficial - Inactive sideblog (DO NOT FOLLOW or TAG)
@wlfspxder2099 - Miguel O'hara/Spiderman 2099 - He/Him
Original OC
@wonderful-dreamland - Yume/Reality Witch (fandomless oc) - She/her
@quantumgunner - Christie Quinn/Quantum Gunner (DC oc) - She/her
@conqueredapophis - Eon Amorea (fandomless oc) - He/It/They
@areyou-really-alice - Alex Liddell (Multifandom oc) - He/They
@chironschariot - Cronus Serket/Cerulean Cronus - Indie. HS Au - He/Her
@greasedupclown - Cronus Ampora - Slightly Dep. Homestuck AU - He/It
@deepwaterstriker - Dexter Ampora - Indie. Hs descendant AU - He/They/She
Bayonetta - Indie Rp blog - She/It
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artistfingers · 1 year
What was the biggest inspo for things that bleed?
Oh, anon. I am so glad you asked.
Hands down, our first and biggest inspiration was the fic series Of Madness and Mammals by Brairwitched. Specifically, we cite the fic Dysthymia in the first chapter of Things That Bleed.
Mammals is the very fic series I'd landed on after my AR novel reread—back when it was still updating, mind you!—and I was pretty much losing my mind just rattling the bars of my cage all alone. It was very, very much Mammals that gave me the setting and framework for my initial TTB proposal: that Alex, while on the run with Yassen someplace through the US, should run into SCP!Danny.
So I inflicted it upon Kei and Kkachi. They actually both read Mammals before any canon AR content, so a lot of our early TTB brainstorming referenced Mammals before we overhauled it and took a closer look at the books themselves, as well as the Alex Rider show. (...and then decided we have selective hearing and did our own thing HJKAGSD)
I asked Kei and Kkachi if they wanted to pitch in on answering this ask, so here's a little more from them!
@dp-belongs-in-a-hoodie said:
This fic was also inspired by Shadow of a Doubt! The whole "Danny on the run from a dark and traumatic past, helped out by unlikely strangers" is a genre that I honestly can't get enough of. The secrets!!!! A boy clearly haunted and rough around the edges but still gentle and kind. What's not to love??
We were also "inspired" I guess you could say, by my own fic Something's Wrong With Danny Fenton! At least in the sense that we used many of my hcs that I established for it! It gave us a really good jumping off point for pushing Danny even further into the the horror territory needed for a fic like this that crosses over into the SCP!verse.
@kkachis said:
devil and the deep blue sea inspired some of the more granular and darker elements in the alex rider part of TTB! some parts and characters of TTB are heavily influenced by the tone, manipulative strategies, and political machinations that you can observe in DatDBS. we won't claim to be as good as pongnosis at manipulating those threads, nor will an endgame like DatDBS be our end goal, but as the story develops and as we uncover more of alex's past, you'll be able to see more of its influence seeping through.
Thank you for reading and asking, anon! (o゜▽゜)o☆
for anyone who's curious, you can find TTB over on Ao3 and @thingsthatbleedfic 🖤
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hello-mrpresident · 6 months
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original psd
If it doesn't say written by Carlos in the blog description it's not me.
Box Verse [DC]
@arsonistsfirefly - Luna Lynns/Firefly (OC) - She/Her
@fire-lane (nsfw) - Luna's IC NSFW blog
@lullabyofafirefly - Luna's Para rp blog (unfinished/wip)
@thebestgirljane - Jane - Sideblog to luna's blog
@janusflipped - Two-Face/Judge/Harvey - He/It | He/Her | He/Him
@cracked-n-masked - ic vent (can't find ic)
@thedarkestknights - Bruce Wayne/Batman - He/Him
@strangepsychiatry - Hugo Strange - He/Him
@allriderphantasm - Robbie Reyes/All Rider (DC AU) - He/Him
@foreverpuzzling - Edward Nygma/The Riddler - He/She
@a-goldentouch - Otto Midas (DC Kid oc 16 yrs old) - He/Him
Earth 3 - DC
@hello-mrpresident - Lex Luthor - He/Him
@the-lexicon-of-luthor - Semi-ic Notes blog
@ultra-rage - Lee-El (Luthor El)/Superboy (sideblog to hello-mrpresident) - He/Him
@resultingcyanide - IC vent (can't find ic)
@theowlsclaws - Dick Grayson/Talon - He/Him
@thedeadpoolunofficial - Wade Wilson/Deadpool - He/They/It (Eventually She/It/He)
@deadpoolunofficial - Inactive sideblog (DO NOT FOLLOW or TAG)
@wlfspxder2099 - Miguel O'hara/Spiderman 2099 - He/Him
Original OC
@wonderful-dreamland - Yume/Reality Witch (fandomless oc) - She/her
@quantumgunner - Christie Quinn/Quantum Gunner (DC oc) - She/her
@conqueredapophis - Eon Amorea (fandomless oc) - He/It/They
@areyou-really-alice - Alex Liddell (Multifandom oc) - He/They
@chironschariot - Cronus Serket/Cerulean Cronus - Indie. HS Au - He/Her
@greasedupclown - Cronus Ampora - Slightly Dep. Homestuck AU - He/It
@deepwaterstriker - Dexter Ampora - Indie. HS descendant AU - He/They/She
@theimperialdominance - Phobos Peixes (Darkleer) - Indie. HS Bloodswap AU
@orphanersdualscars - Duncan Ampora/Orphaner Dualscar - Indie. HS AU - Him/Him
@punkedupclowns - Kurloz Makara - Indie. HS AU - He/They/It
@prosaicpedagogy - Kankri Vantas - Indie. HS AU - He/Him
Bayonetta - Indie Rp blog - She/It
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Sleepy Hollow au where Alex is a brujo but doesn't quite know it (or admit to himself) and his family moves to New England for his parents' work. He's not thrilled since he's going from a very mixed race society (Mexico still owns Texas) to a very conservative one.
At least, he thinks it's conservative, but then he thinks they're bat shit crazy due to their superstitions.
Autumn descends, and t night, wolves sing loudly in the woods. Then it's not just the wolves, but the dogs in the village. Alex hears a horseman riding down the streets and over the nearby bridge. He's used to a noisy neighborhood, but this is something else. The whole town swears they don't hear anything, but they outright threaten him to stay inside at night. Shudder the windows and blow out any flames.
It's Alex, so he doesn't. The horseman comes around like clockwork, probably a delivery person of some kind, bringing the papers from New York or Philadelphia, or doing the late night work of some other business. Goodness knows the silversmith stays up at all hours, so he's probably the one paying the obnoxious rider...
Alex sees the dog first. A smallish hound that sees him right back. It bays up at the moon, and through the shadows, a large horse's silhouette joins the dog's. Alex knows a male rider when he sees one, but the headless horseman legend might not be a legend after all.
The rider and dog run off, but Alex finds them night after night. He even manages to get way too close and learns that the dog is dead - cloudy blue eyes, half its jaw missing, and somehow still walking and running with a compound fracture sticking out of its legs.
It's when the horseman lifts the dog to carry it that Alex sees the glint of a ring on his pinkie.
Another night, push comes to shove, and Alex wrestles that ring off the zombie's hand and flees. All he has to go on is a gold signet ring, the curvaceous H stamped on it, and the almost worn away engraving inside:
act ii, sc iii XXXVI - XLIX
He has no idea what it means. He's assume it's a Bible verse except his sister has been making trips to the nearby cities to see the plays. She collects the scripts and tells him it's a citation from a play. But which one?
Alex runs out of time trying to figure it out, because the next night, an incessant knocking rattles the house door in its frame before being knocked down entirely.
To both Alex's and June's surprise, the horseman holds out his hand. Alex sets the ring on his dead palm, and he...leaves. For having no brain, the body is oddly sentient.
"Did you see his clothes?" June asks.
"What? No, I'm busy looking for his eyes."
"It's a stage costume. He's wearing a stage costume. It's too colorful."
Long story short, June and Alex search through records to find an actor who died with an H last name. Instead they find Arthur, an actor with a son named Henry. They died in the same week.
"Which one is it?"
"Henry. It must be Henry," June insisted.
"A father would wear his son's ring," Alex reasoned. "He's looking for something every night."
Either way, Alex must find out how they died, and why one of them is riding. The real question, is who is the horseman searching for every night? The search is getting more and more invasive. The townspeople aren't able to turn a blind eye anymore, and things are getting violent.
And yet, the horseman never harms Alex.
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nctanthca · 2 months
@leschanceux | The GovernementTM taking over The DepartmentTM
It had been a while since Anthea had been to The Department. The good news was their location at least no longer had asbestos. The bad news was it was still a shit location. She supposed that was what happened when you worked for a secret government organisation. The pay wasn’t all that great either.
Anthea had sent an email off to Mrs. Jones earlier in the day to inform her they were coming. She was sending off a quick text as they pulled up. “Ready?” She asked Mycroft distractedly as the driver got out to open the doors for them.
0 notes
lolli-says-stuff · 8 months
Alex: am I straight?
The entire Sagitta squad: uh no.
Yassen: you’re as gay as a maypole
Alex: I meant my parking.
Marcus: still no.
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ComicListThis Week:
Alligator Loki #1 (Cover A Bob Quinn), $5.99
Alligator Loki #1 (Cover B Skottie Young), AR
Alligator Loki #1 (Cover C Doaly), AR
Astonishing Iceman #2 (Cover A Jesus Saiz), $3.99
Astonishing Iceman #2 (Cover B Junggeun Yoon), AR
Astonishing Iceman #2 (Cover C Ejiwa Edge Ebenebe), AR
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover A Daniel Acuna), $4.99
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover B Alex Ross Avengers Connecting Variant Part C), AR
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover C Alex Ross Avengers Connecting Sketch Virgin Variant Part C), AR
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover D Leinil Francis Yu), AR
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover E Leinil Francis Yu Virgin Variant), AR
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover F Sean Galloway Saturday Morning Variant), AR
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover G Leo Romero Avengers 60th Anniversary Variant), AR
Avengers Inc. #1 (Cover H Erica D’Urso), AR
Bishop War College TP, $17.99
Captain America Cold War TP, $19.99
Captain America Lives Omnibus HC (Alex Ross Book Market Cover), $75.00
Captain America Lives Omnibus HC (John Cassaday Direct Market Cover), $75.00
Captain Marvel Dark Tempest #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike McKone), $3.99
Captain Marvel Dark Tempest #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Mateus Manhanini), AR
Captain Marvel Game On TP, $13.99
Captain Marvel The Saga Of Monica Rambeau TP, $34.99
Children Of The Vault #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Yanick Paquette), $3.99
Children Of The Vault #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Mahmud Asrar), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $6.99
Daredevil #1 (Cover B Alex Lozano Foil Variant), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover C Ejikure), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover D Ejikure Virgin Variant), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover E Blank Variant), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover F Frank Miller), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover G Frank Miller Virgin Variant), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover H Pepe Larraz), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover I Whilce Portacio Bullseye Variant), AR
Daredevil #1 (Cover J Aaron Kuder), AR
Death Of The Venomverse #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Bjorn Barends), $4.99
Death Of The Venomverse #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover B Ryan Stegman), AR
Ghost Rider #18 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99
Ghost Rider #18 (Cover B Declan Shalvey), AR
Ghost Rider #18 (Cover C Nic Klein Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Incredible Hulk #4 (Cover A Nic Klein), $3.99
Incredible Hulk #4 (Cover B Frank Manapul), AR
Incredible Hulk #4 (Cover C C.F. Villa Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Marvel Studios’ Dr Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness The Art Of The Movie HC, $60.00
Marvel-Verse Kraven The Hunter TP, $9.99
Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover A Dike Ruan), $3.99
Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover B Romy Jones), AR
Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover C Mike McKone), AR
Miles Morales Spider-Man #10 (Cover D Federico Vicentini Design Variant), AR
Moon Knight Volume 4 Road To Ruin TP, $19.99
Red Goblin #8 (Cover A InHyuk Lee), $3.99
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #0 (Cover A Juan Ferreyra), $9.99
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #0 (Cover C Greg Land), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #38 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $4.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #38 (Cover B Chris Sprouse Return Of The Jedi 40th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #38 (Cover C E.M. Gist Padme Clone Wars 15th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #38 (Cover D Casanovas Droids Connecting Variant), AR
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #1 (Cover A Lee Garbett), $4.99
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #1 (Cover B Lee Garbett), AR
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #1 (Cover C Taurin Clarke), AR
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #1 (Cover D Taurin Clarke Virgin Variant), AR
Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi #1 (Cover E Photo Variant), AR
Star Wars Sana Starros TP, $17.99
Venom #25 (Cover A Bryan Hitch), $7.99
Venom #25 (Cover B Federico Vicentini Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Venom #25 (Cover C Hicham Habchi), AR
Venom #25 (Cover D John Romita Jr.. & John Romita Sr.), AR
Venom #25 (Cover E John Romita Jr.. & John Romita Sr. Virgin Variant), AR
Venom #25 (Cover F Skottie Young), AR
Venom #25 (Cover G Ken Lashley Foil Variant), AR
Venom #25 (Cover H CAFU), AR
Venom Annual #1 (Cover A Ben Harvey), $4.99
Venom Annual #1 (Cover B Tony Daniel), AR
Venom Epic Collection The Madness TP, $44.99
Werewolf By Night #1 (Cover A Corin Howell), $5.99
Werewolf By Night #1 (Cover B Adam Hughes), AR
Werewolf By Night #1 (Cover C Adam Hughes Virgin Variant), AR
Werewolf By Night #1 (Cover D Bill Sienkiewicz Hidden Gem Black & White Variant), AR
Werewolf By Night #1 (Cover E Corin Howell Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
Werewolf By Night #1 (Cover F David Yardin), AR
What If Dark Spider-Gwen #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Greg Land), $4.99
What If Dark Spider-Gwen #1 (2nd Printing Cover B Rose Besch), AR
Wolverine Omnibus Volume 4 HC (Adam Kubert Book Market Cover), $125.00
Wolverine Omnibus Volume 4 HC (Andy Kubert Direct Market Cover), $125.00
Wolverine Omnibus Volume 4 HC (Mark Texeira Direct Market Cover), $125.00
X-Force #44 (Cover A Daniel Acuna), $3.99
X-Force #44 (Cover B Ian Bertram), AR
X-Men #25 (2nd Printing Cover A Joshua Cassara), $5.99
X-Men Epic Collection Proteus TP, $44.99
X-Men Hellfire Gala 2023 #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Phil Noto), $8.99
X-Men Hellfire Gala 2023 #1 (2nd Printing Cover B J. Scott Campbell), AR
X-Men Red #15 (Cover A Stefano Caselli), $3.99
X-Men Red #15 (Cover B Jeff Dekal), AR
X-Men Red #15 (Cover C Nicoletta Baldari), AR
Alex Ross Marvel Comics Super Villains Poster Book SC, $29.99
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strangesoulmates · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering where would you recommend beginning for someone who wants get into the Alex Rider fandom? It sounds like something I would enjoy and I really want to read your upcoming works based on it, but I am not sure if I should start with the books or tv show?
First of all, I am super excited that you are thinking about joining us! And hella flattered that my upcoming writing is at least part of the reason.
That's a good question, and after sleeping on it my answer is going to be the really helpful "it depends." And I think it does. Because while I love them both, the vibes are different, for lack of a better way to put it.
For the books, they're very much action-adventure based middle-grade fiction. And the first few def reflect that? I'm in the middle of a reread myself, and I will say that the emphasis is very much on the action and the peril and Horowitz writes that very well in the first few. The emotional exploration comes later. Think Bond but written for ten year olds (while making fun of the genre a tiny bit at least at first).
The TV show has Alex a little older (16ish instead of 14) and it clearly intended for an older audience. Someone involved in the show (either the director or one of the writers, I don't remember which) said it was "more bourne than bond" which I agree with. Very like, atmospheric and an emphasis on the "real world" consequences of it all. More character driven, rather than action driven is probably the best way to put it.
From a "I want to understand what the fuck you're talking about" perspective, most of my fics are going to be TV-Verse based, at least at first since I don't want to write book verse until I finish that reread. And I'm also kind of petrified that they're going to cancel the show even though I adore it so much so more viewers would be good.
But let's get some other opinions! Alex Rider friends, what do you all think?
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arshipweek · 1 year
AR Ship Week - Fanwork Recs in 2023
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This is the second weekly post in the lead up to Alex Rider Ship Week.  Only 3 weeks to go!
This week we’ve got a selection of shippy fanwork recs submitted by members of the fandom, two years after our previous rec post in 2021.
**Please note that I haven’t listed all the details for the fics so take care to read the tags on AO3 before diving in!
An Uncivil Contract by fredbasset Yassen and Alex are very well written in this period fic. The plot twist is great. I can’t get enough of it. 
There's Something About The Way You Are by countessrivers Very intense, twistedly hot and excellent writing. Alex's rather unusual turn ons feel spot on and Yassen indulges him perfectly 
The Boyfriend by Suzie_Shooter  An interesting view on Yassen being Helen Rider’s boyfriend with a sprinkle of canon.
Lionceau by Too_Many_Rooks This is one of the fics that really got me in this fandom and made me want to stay, I'm a big fan of reverse verses and role reversals and this one hit all the right spots. The inherent madness to Alex's character adds a dash of adrenaline while reading and I cannot wait to get back to this fic when it isn't so fresh in my mind to rediscover it entirely!
Paying the Price by Suzie_Shooter Love this sequel. The dynamic between Yassen and Alex is beautifully written.
Pillars of Sand by Nanimok This one-shot of an aged-up Alex in university is both a unique and bittersweet one; he’s not completely in dire straits or sucked into a hopeless future, yet at the same time, he hasn’t escaped MI6’s grasp, either. I adore Kyra in this, mostly because we haven’t seen much of her in fics as a side character to Yalex driven stories, but also because there’s hints of her push and pull with Alex the way I’m highly anticipating Series 3 will. I love the touches of humor, but most of all, the Yalex! Yassen gentleness, the way he wants Alex to find peace in a way he never could, the way he actually tells Alex as much instead of keeping it to himself, closed off and private. The Yassen we get to see has communication open with Alex and it’s obvious they care for one another… and this tenderness amidst all of Alex’s internal struggle was such a breath of fresh air, for both me, the reader, and for Alex whose safe place at the end of the days lies in Yassen. Nanimok captures their dynamic in this AU brilliantly and somehow makes Yassen’s brief appearances feel so impactful; I can’t help but draw parallels between what we’re experiencing from Alex’s limited POV with Alex himself because that’s what the writing in this fic invokes for me.
Run With Me by Polarnacht Alex being afraid for Yassen is just perfect. Angry car sex is a bonus!
The Call of Blood by TheOtherBlue Very hot Vamp!Yassen AU with sensual blood drinking, a little danger and sexy times.
Don't Need A Gun by BoldAsBrass A very sensual seduction of Alex.
Stalking His Dreams by Rirren A great exploration of Alex dreaming/hallucinating about Yassen after season 1 and very hot. I love the blurring of reality and fantasy/dreams and the way it makes you wonder what really happened.
Estrov Tattoo Parlour by Too_Many_Rooks I love tattoo parlor AUs and damn does this one deliver. From Yassen's complex back story to Alex's tortured life in the present day, I couldn't get enough! Especially with the detail in Yassen's tattoo at the end, a must-read!
Duty Of Care by Suzie_Shooter Goodness, Suzie’s writing is always a bullseye straight into my heart. This Yalex fic plays a lot with Yassen and Alex’s dynamic, especially in its exploration of one of my favorite tropes/conflicts for this fandom: Alex’s incredibly complex feelings about Yassen the assassin and having to come to terms with what that truly means. The way Alex ultimately chooses to lie to MI6, the large part he plays in awkwardly accompanying Yassen’s recovery from injury, the sugary sweetness of Alex’s concern conveyed through the get-well-gift-basket even though he’s no clue the first thing Yassen does or doesn’t like. On our assassin’s end, I absolutely adore the rare and arguably one in a blue moon injured/whumped!Yassen, bloodied and battered. He’s so not okay and I’m quite fond of seeing Alex as the caretaker and more competent one of the dynamic, albeit temporarily. We love to seen tens of hundreds of iterations of the two of them meeting for the first time since Yassen’s [fanfic] survival of Eagle Strike and how that conversation might go—in this fic, it was succinct, honest, and apologetic, and an extra kudos from me about Alex sounding quite amenable to the potential of working together with Yassen! There’s Suzie’s usual beats of humor weaved in between the banter that always makes the dialogue between the two amusing and highly enjoyable, and a plot that somehow makes your stomach twist and turn like a rollercoaster or as I like to think: it’s always fun to try to guess where things are going and even more fun to see Suzie’s execution of the amalgamation of action, common loved themes such as Alex feeling unmoored since Ian’s death, the most evocative emotion, and a unique flavor of Yalex that you can check out in all her other works!!
Safe Houses by fredbassett An incredibly funny series of Alex corrupting Yassen's safe houses and his heart. Their chemistry throughout each single fic is off the charts.
Perform Under Pressure by Polarnacht A great one-shot of Alex being so fixated with Yassen, his stare is enough to get him through a very usual performance. 
Striking the Chords and Blowing the Flute by countessrivers This fic is very, very hot, with some great dubious consent and power imbalance. 
Wintermute by wewillalwaysenduphere I absolutely love cyberpunk romances and the film noir aspect to this fic makes it even better. The author's sense of detail with the setting and attributes of each character, coupled with the mysterious past of both Yassen and Alex is excellent, chef's kiss!
Quietly into the Night by loony_lucifer (LoonyLucifer) This is an older fic, but very, very good. A fourteen-year-old Alex is forced to join Yassen and the criminal he's helping to escape on a road trip. There's some great tension as Alex at times doesn't seem to realise the nature of the danger he's in and fascinating Yassen/Alex scenes.
Lonesome Pines by Suzie_Shooter I like the Christmas rom-com / thriller vibe to the story, it was both very dreary plot-wise and gleeful trope-wise with the bodies coming up and Yalex bickering about it, something I look forward to reading again next Christmas!
The Fictitious Fiancée Affair by Suzie_Shooter An amazing take of fake dating with a bit of Angst, great plot and many feelings - and the ending Yassen and Alex deserve.
A pathway into his very soul by Myulalie Amazing Siberia and royal sex, that’s all you need to know.  
The Full Boyfriend Experience by BoldAsBrass Yassen captures Alex and wants him to be his boyfriend. This fic is incredibly hot and also hilarious, with some lovely descriptions and very witty dialogue.
Blowing in the wind by kelkblr Great mission fic, very immersive with a possessive Yassen and a happy ending.
To The Sea by Suzie_Shooter A wonderful roadtrip of healing and finding each other among the jumbled up pieces of their lives.
pebbles in a stream by ireliss A beautiful tragedy of misunderstandings and missed connections.
The Art of Drowning by kelkblr This is very dark but I love the older and tired versions of Yassen and Alex in here, both traumatised by their lives and finding some kind of understanding in each other.
Smut it up before September ends by Myulalie Excellent collection of short smutty one shots.
The Well of Silence by Polarnacht A great exploration of sensory deprivation trope, very sensual and warm, with just a bit of despair and humor.
Target Practice by RavenJames A beautiful, bittersweet fic with a very grey Yassen and a sexually charged atmosphere between Yassen and Alex. 
Fake It Till You Make It by Polarnacht The title pretty much sums it all up - Alex and Yassen are made to act as boyfriends until they realize the pretense isn’t in the picture anymore.
The Final Mission by OctarineTheColorofMagic Great fic about betrayal and finding a safe heaven in an unlikely place or rather with an unlikely person.
True Love's Kiss by Polarnacht An amazing one-shot of Yassen finding a way to make Alex hold on and survive by true love’s kiss.
Dancing by Polarnacht A perfect series to get sucked into Alex and Yassen story.
A Matter of Time by Polarnacht This fic has such a fascinating premise, with Yassen returning to the past and being offered his past self for the night... Includes both hot sex and some great Yassen character study. Yassen/Yasha
The Darkest Places in Hell by fredbasset Dark but not between the pairings with a lot of comfort. I enjoyed the relationships between all of them, Tom/Alex, Yassen & Alex & Tom and the hints of Yassen/OC were amazing, the OC is very fleshed out and intriguing. Tom/Alex
Only Once in Paris by Zombieheroine Really wonderful thoughtful fic that explores Yassen's relationship with sex really interestingly. John/Yassen
under observation by galaxylentil The fic does a lot with a small number of words, and really fleshes out the clone's characterisation. I love the little cameo by Julius at the end. Sasha/Alex
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