#very publique personal things
anon-skeleton · 1 year
Dark crash
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Es hijo de Noir (Hijo de Killer y Nightmare) y Alureon (Hijo de Geno y Error) (Ambos de @pepper-mint )
Tiene 14 años
Mide 1,44M
Es ciego, pero al igual que Noir, puede ver los sueños. La diferencia es que su presencia en algún sueño da como resultado que esté sea modificado de forma bizarra, con formas distorsionadas y con colores brillantes o muy apagados dependiendo la persona. Esto también le causa dolores de cabeza, por lo que es rara la vez en la que se meta a un sueño.
También es un chico introvertido y prefiere no interactuar con gente. Con la que más suele hablar es con su prima Noci ya que es quien suele ayudarlo con algunas cosas, viviendo estos 2 juntos.
Apesar de ser ciego sabe manejarse bien con sus otros sentidos, incluso pudiendo tener buena puntería al atacar algún objetivo que se este moviendo.
He is the son of Noir (Killer and Nightmare child) and Alureon (Geno and Error child) (Both by @pepper-mint )
He is 14 years old
He is 1,44M tall
He is blind, but, like Noir, he can see dreams. The difference is that his presence in a dream results in its being modified in a bizarre way, with distorted shapes and bright or very dull colors depending on the person. This also gives him headaches, so it's rarely the case that he slips into a dream.
He is also an introverted boy and prefers not to interact with people. The one he usually talks to the most is his cousin Noci since she is the one who usually helps him with some things, these 2 living together.
Despite being blind, he knows how to handle his other senses well, even being able to have a good aim when attacking a moving target.
Fue uno de los primeros fanchilds que hice pero que nunca publique y me daba cosa publicarlo, no fue hasta bastante tiempo que encontré su boceto en un cuaderno viejo y me dije a mi mismo "Dale chavon, no seas cagón y redibujalo así lo publicas" y aca andamos XD, well, bye
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tumblr is dead but i’m still living
so i have admired many famous people in my time, but virtually none of them have felt like ‘role models,’ even if i have found them cool and interesting.  i wrote about this last year, i think--how i have very few of them and how cristina is one of the only people i would consider a ‘role model’ or actual inspiration.  honestly there’s only two famous figures i’d place in that role, and they’re both VERY similar people which is fully understandable to me but still fuckin hilarious.
i know we’re all like ‘protect our favs uwu’ but out of all the favs i’ve had cristina is the only one who i feel the strong urge to protect.  this is why i don’t talk about the bad things she has done or has probably done, even though a lot of them really clash with my personal code of ethics. i don’t want like, people who don’t understand her to see that shit, although you can certainly find it online (or talk to me about it--english language reporting on argentina is pretty dismal, especially british sources, because there’s a lot of resentment for cristina’s wild and provocative nationalism about the falklands/malvinas. unlike mauricio who couldn’t give 1 flying fuck about that conflict lmao).
i think the drive to Protecc is because cristina and i have the Same Disorder(TM) and i feel like in some way in 2009 i must have picked up on that even though i had neither received a diagnosis (2012) or learned about hers (2017). in that way i feel incredibly deep empathy and compassion for her. i understand her vulnerabilities profoundly; very often, they are the same as my own. i understand her obsessiveness, her dependence on certain things for stability.  i understand the origins of a lot of her weird and awkward behaviors. it’s her business to choose not to take meds, but i can feel the chaos that i know is in her head (it’s in all of our heads with The Disorder(TM)) and feel bad because i know what that’s like.  
i also recognize the things about it that make her so epic, and in some way it explains some of her bad decisions.  it doesn’t excuse them, but her untreated grandiosity and feelings of untouchability probably have contributed to leading her to possibly do criminal shit--she felt like she could, and she indeed could, because she’s smart as tits and charismatic too, and she also figured she’d never get caught or that if she got caught it’d all be ok*.
(*with the way the judicial system in argentina is AND her cult of personality status in the country, if they do find proof beyond a reasonable doubt of any of her crimes, they may not even want to put her in jail because she’d become this like completely epic martyr for the cause/victim of the evil capitalists type-figure, and that is the LAST thing the rest of the politicians in the country want. this lady’s entire existence is this force of control and chaos even when she’s not doing anything; it’s remarkable)

there are def other Favs of mine who i must admit i don’t like to see criticized. but still, seeing criticisms of them that i feel are unfair doesn’t cause me pain the way it does when i see criticisms of cristina that i feel are unfair.  or, in truth, any criticism.  i wanna shake clarín and be like just leave her alone! there’s screaming inside her head 24/7 and she’ll never recover the stability she lost when néstor died!  in this she is unique and always will be.  i see myself in virtually no one, but I do see myself in her.
if she does deserve to go to jail, then i guess i have to hope she goes, and may she figure out how to keep her hair dyed with her prison bitches’ blood. but it would be quite hard to process.
(PS. the best way to deal with feeling sad about unfair criticism is to really intensely mock it with your most trusted pals)

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I fucking hate when people say, oh well they were molested as a child. Okay? So that makes it ok for them to do that to others later in life? What happened to seeking help?
Aside from the very obvious “your own trauma/mental struggles/etc. are not and will never be an acceptable excuse to abuse, harass, or otherwise ruin the life of another person”, I’d like to just debunk that argument right now and point out why the victim-to-perpetrator cycle is a pretty shitty thing to just assume as some sort of ‘standard norm’.
Highlights from the Institut Nationale De Santé Publique Du Québec (Quebec National Institute of Public Health):
There is relatively little evidence that the victim-to-perpetrator cycle is a major factor in sexual assault. Furthermore, the methodological limitations of existing studies curtail the significance of research findings.
There is a firmly held belief in the general population that most perpetrators of sexual assault experienced sexual abuse as children and, therefore, that males who were sexually abused in childhood are more likely to commit sexual assault when they grow up. However, apart from the fact that prevalence rates for sexual abuse in childhood are higher among perpetrators of sexual assault than among adult males in the general population, being sexually abused as a child does not seem to be either a necessary or a sufficient condition to sexually offend later on in life. The factors identified as increasing the risk that male victims of child sexual abuse will go on to commit sexual assault suggest that those individuals who do offend had, among other things, more problems in childhood and were unaware of the negative effects of the sexual abuse they had suffered. Nonetheless, these findings have implications for the prevention of sexually aggressive behaviour.
The notion of the “victim-to-perpetrator cycle” should be treated with caution because a child who has been sexually abused could be stigmatized if it is claimed that he or she may go on to become a perpetrator of sexual assault.
People do this kind of bullshit manipulation of scientific/statistical data all the fucking time to try and make their case-in-point via rewording or emphasizing the wrong thing(s), and as someone who writes these papers, it annoys the absolute fuck out of me.
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literaticat · 2 years
Does a writer have to become a public figure? Are they instantly one once they're published or only if they become successful and, if the latter, how successful? Isn't it easier for writers to still keep their privacy compared to actors though - by refusing to use photographs of themselves and/or even using a pen name? So even if a writer automatically becomes a public person (do they?) can't they hide their identity or remain out of the public eye much easier than an actor?
"I'm still a bit confused on this point. I've seen you and others mention a writer is a public figure, but also a writer can be anonymous. So which is it? Is this decided at an early stage when the writer decides whether or not to use their real name? So if they use their real name, they become a public figure and give up some degree of privacy? But if they use a pen name, their privacy should be respected? You've said "why should we know" but also "writers are public figures". Confusing issue!"
ETA: If you read this post and STILL have questions about Pen Names, etc - I refer you to the pinned FAQ, in which a link to MANY answers on the topic can be found. OK, on to the long part:
I guess I'm not sure what's so confusing, that multiple people keep asking? Like -- yeah, writing, like any art or piece of entertainment, is meant to be consumed by the public. If you write something that is for public consumption, and you are "the name" behind that thing -- then you are inherently a public figure.
Are you public like A FAMOUS ACTOR? Of course not. Most authors don't achieve a huge level of fame or glory, and most people don't know or care who authors are. Even if your books become wildly popular, the person that fans are interacting with is, on some level, a persona. Just like if you are a normal person on social media, you are probably curating what parts of your life you want people to see, you are putting up flattering pictures of yourself, or making it seem like you live a more glamorous life than you do, or only posting "witty" things and not boring things? Posting pics of your dogs, and not the trash pile next to your desk? Well, it's the same for being an author.
You can still absolutely have a private life -- but PART of your life -- THE AUTHOR PART -- is "public". You have a website, you have a "bio" (that can be as detailed or non-detailed as you want -- you are the one writing it!), you probably do some level of public appearances, sign books, whatever (during which you are as forthcoming or not about your private life as you want to be). You probably DON'T talk about personal details like your kids names ages and schools, or your home address, because like, you aren't a fool, there are crazy people out there, why would you mention that in an interview? You probably DO talk about things like "what inspired you to become a writer" or "what's your book about" -- because you are an author, promoting your books.
If you don't want to use your full legal name on your books -- don't! Many (most?) people do not. Pen names are very common, like common as dirt -- like literally NOT A BIG DEAL WHATSOEVER. Whether because you prefer a nickname, or because you are a trans person, or because you write in multiple genres and don't want to confuse your readership, or because you don't want your "day job" to be affected by your books, or because you have young kids and you don't want the other parents at school to know you write smut, or just because you don't like your name, or whatever. LOTS of authors write under "pen names" -- that doesn't mean they are anonymous, that just means they have a stage name, just like many actors have stage names.
They style themselves on their book jackets as January Q. Publique (author of historical romance) or J. Q. Jones (author of thrillers), rather than plain Jane Jones, soccer mom. Their agent and editor and whoever is aware that their name is Jane, calls them whatever name they wish to be called, and sends money either to Jane Jones (with your social) or to the business entity "January Q. Publique" or "J. Q. Jones" (with your EIN). Your contracts probably say something like "Jane Jones, D/B/A J. Q. Jones"
Again -- Using a pen-name is not BEING ANONYMOUS. It's just not. It is certainly putting a distance between the Jane who is running late for the PTA meeting and January, the "fancy author" on her way to a book signing -- but it isn't like you are literally a spy with a secret identity or something. You just have an author persona that is separate from your private life. This is normal.
(And yes - your privacy SHOULD be respected, and it usually very much is. Why would anyone dig around about the "true identity" of January? You aren't HIDING anything, actually, you are just presenting the version of yourself you wish people to see, and not presenting your personal family life, etc.)
TRUE anonymity -- like where you literally don't show a face or name or anything else -- would be hard -- because people LOVE uncovering secrets. So it is actually quite likely that if you say "NOBODY MAY EVER KNOW MY NAME OR FACE, I AM DARKNESS!!!!" people would take that as a challenge. Which is what has happened with the very famous cases of "anonymous" authors like Elena Ferrante that I wrote about earlier today.
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shinylitwick94 · 3 years
Finished reading “O Mistério da Estrada de Sintra”, by Eça de Queirós and Ramalho Ortigão.
This is one of those that has been sitting on the shelf for some ten years now, and I’m happy that I finally made room for it.
It’s fun and cheesy, and notable mostly for:
a) the fact that it was written by two of Portugal’s most well known 19th century authors working together;
b) being Portugal’s first important crime-mystery novel;
and c) the manner in which it was published.
The book consists of a series of anonymous letters by the various characters, written to the editor of a major newspaper, and describing the events of this crime that supposedly took place.
At the time it was actually published in that form, so readers would have been following along in the newspaper week by week as the story unfolded. And, since all characters are all anonymized, the idea is of course that this could very well be a real story taking place in their city right now. It’s that War of the Worlds vibe. This is probably my favorite aspect of the book.
Now the authors themselves years later thought this book rather silly, but nonetheless thought it important to have it published and wrote in the preface of a later edition the following (english google translation below)
O que pensamos hoje do romance que escrevemos há catorze anos?... Pensamos simplesmente –   louvores a Deus! –   que ele é execrável; e nenhum de nós, quer como romancista, quer como critico, deseja, nem ao seu pior inimigo, um livro igual. Porque nele há um pouco de tudo quanto um romancista lhe não deveria pôr e quase tudo quanto um crítico lhe deveria tirar
Poupemo-lo – para o não agravar fazendo-o em três volumes – à enumeração de todas as suas deformidades? Corramos um véu discreto sobre os seus mascarados de diversas alturas, sobre os seus médicos misteriosos, sobre os seus louros capitães ingleses, sobre as suas condessas fatais, sobre os seus tigres, sobre os seus elefantes, sobre os seus iates em que se arvoram, como pavilhões do ideal, lenços brancos de cambraia e renda, sobre os seus sinistros copos de ópio, sobre os seus cadáveres elegantes, sobre as suas toilettes   românticas, sobre os seus cavalos esporeados por cavaleiros de capas alvadias desaparecendo envoltos no pó das fantásticas aventuras pela Porcalhota fora!...
Todas estas coisas, aliás simpáticas, comoventes por vezes sempre sinceras, desgostam todavia velhos escritores, que há muito desviaram os seus olhos das perspectivas enevoadas da sentimentalidade, para estudarem pacientemente e humildemente as claras realidades da sua rua.
Como permitimos pois que se publique um livro que, sendo todo de imaginação, cismado e não observado, desmente toda a campanha que temos feito pela arte de análise e de certeza objectiva?
Consentimo-lo porque entendemos que nenhum trabalhador deve parecer envergonhar-se do seu trabalho.
Conta-se que Murat, sendo rei de Nápoles, mandara pendurar na sala do trono o seu antigo chicote de postilhão, e muitas vezes, apontando para o ceptro, mostrava depois o açoite, gostando de repetir:   Comecei por ali.  Esta gloriosa história confirma o nosso parecer, sem com isto querermos dizer que ela se aplique às nossas pessoas. Como trono temos ainda a mesma velha cadeira em que escrevíamos há quinze anos; não temos dossel que nos cubra; e as nossas cabeças, que embranquecem não se cingem por enquanto de coroa alguma, nem de louros, nem de Nápoles.
Para nossa modesta satisfação basta-nos não ter cessado de trabalhar um só dia desde aquele em que datámos este livro até o instante em que ele nos reaparece inesperadamente na sua terceira edição, com um petulante aninho de triunfo que, à fé de Deus, não lhe vai mal!
Então, como agora, escrevíamos honestamente, isto é, o melhor que podíamos desse amor da perfeição, que é a honradez dos artistas, veio talvez a simpatia do público ao livro da nossa mocidade.
English google translation
What do we think today of the novel we wrote fourteen years ago?... We simply think – praise to God! – that it is execrable; and none of us, either as a novelist or as a critic, wishes, not even on our worst enemy, an equal book. Because in it there's a little bit of everything a novelist shouldn't put in it and almost everything a critic should take from it.
Shall we spare it – so as not to aggravate it by making it in three volumes – the enumeration of all its deformities? Let us draw a discreet veil over its masked people in different heights, over its mysterious doctors, over its blond English captains, over its fatal countesses, over its tigers, over its elephants, over its yachts on which  fly, as pavilions of the ideal, white cambric and lace handkerchiefs, on its sinister glasses of opium, on its elegant corpses, on its romantic toilettes, on its horses spurred by knights in white capes disappearing wrapped in the dust of the fantastic adventures through the Nutty out!...
All these things, moreover pleasant, moving at times always sincere, nevertheless displease old writers, who have long since turned their eyes away from the cloudy prospects of sentimentality, to patiently and humbly study the clear realities of their street.
How do we allow it to be and publish a book that, being all of the imagination, brooded and not observed, refutes the entire campaign we have been doing for the art of analysis and objective certainty?
We allow it because we understand that no worker should appear to be ashamed of their work.
It is said that Murat, being King of Naples, had his old postilion whip hung in the throne room, and often, pointing to the scepter, would then show the whip, enjoying repeating: I started there. This glorious story confirms our opinion, without meaning that it applies to our persons. As a throne we still have the same old chair we used to write on fifteen years ago; we don't have a canopy that covers us; and our heads, which are whitening, do not, for the time being, girded with any crown, neither of laurels nor of Naples.
For our modest satisfaction, it is enough for us not to have stopped working for a single day from the time we dated this book to the moment when it unexpectedly reappears to us in its third edition, with a petulant year of triumph that, to the faith of God, does not not look bad on it!
Then, as now, we were  writing  honestly , that is, the best we could from that love of perfection, which is the honesty of artists, perhaps the public's sympathy came to the book of our youth.
I copied out the whole thing (and apologise for not taking the time to do a better translation) because this preface might actually be my favorite part of the whole book.
Yes the book is cheesy, and oversentimental and all of the other things its authors accuse it of being. Yet, people loved it, and they chose to let it be republished even though they no longer agreed with most of the things in it. I just find it nice and refreshingly healthy, especially coming from these sources.
Anyhow, it was a fun little read, that is probably more important for its context than its content, but I can certainly recommend it to someone who’s curious about portuguese literature.
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Top Lawyers In Canada
Pascale Fournier
Professor & study seat, legal pluralism and comparative legislation, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Ottawa, Ont. Fournier has achieved international recognition for her groundbreaking work on gender, religion, and the legislation, using fieldwork interviews with women from various countries to emphasize the intricate interplay between religious and secular law.  She's received numerous national and global awards and nominations in 2014.  Fournier became a fellow of the prestigious International Women's Forum because of her role as a pioneer in the legal profession; getting the Canada-Arab Chamber of Commerce Award for academic excellence and contribution to humankind.   Fournier represented the University of Ottawa as an effective leader at the Governor General's Canadian Leadership Conference and was unanimously appointed by the National Assembly of Quebec into the Quebec Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission. What voters had to say: Superb thoughts, according [to] Harvard's Prof. Kennedy.
Louise Arbour
Counsel, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Montreal, Que. An international lawyer who has just settled in Canada, Arbour has certainly earned a place on the Canadian Lawyer's Top 25 Most Influential record again this year.  She's a winner of the 2015 Simons Foundation Award, recognizing world leaders who form and create an environment for a much safer and more just world.  Arbour has spoken out against protracted use of solitary confinement and has been inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame.   She has been a Supreme Court of Canada judge, an global war crimes prosecutor, and a law school professor.  Her ability to pick things up quickly led her into various roles nationally and internationally.   Arbour says economic disparities between and within counties is that the number-one inexcusable human rights issue right now.  Constantly craving new and challenging surroundings, only last year she finally did something she hadn't ever done: joined a law firm in Montreal where she proceeds to struggle for human rights. What voters had to state:Her stunning contributions speak for themselves.  International celebrity.
Sheila Block
Partner, Torys LLP, Toronto, Ont. One of the sharpest litigators in the nation, Block has served as lead counsel on a newly dismissed $5-billion class action lawsuit against CIBC plus a $100-million lawsuit brought by approximately 8,000 residents of Barbados from Manulife.   She was also staunch counsel for former Manitoba associate chief justice Lori Douglas from the question of this judge's character in a scandal involving her deceased husband, one of his former customers, and salacious photographs of herself posted online.  Block also received an honorary LLD from the Law Society of Upper Canada this year.  An urge dedicated to teaching law in Canada and across the world, she's coached advocates for the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal in Rwanda and the Special Court in Sierra Leone. What voters had to say: Elle demontre son interet a la fois pour l'schooling du publique et des affaires.  (She has shown her fascination for the education of the public and business.)
Allison Dellandrea
Crown counsel, Ministry of the Attorney General,Toronto, Ont.   Dellandrea has been a key player in advancing the understanding of crimes against children by law enforcement officers, fellow attorneys, and the judiciary.  She had been included in a child sexual abuse case in March where Ontario's former deputy education minister Ben Levin pleaded guilty to child porn related fees.  The fees included making composed child porn, counseling a person to commit a sexual assault, and possession of child porn.  Dellandrea's role for a Crown includes function as instruction lead for Ontario's provincial strategy on Internet crimes against children.  She's a worthy pioneer in this area within the justice section. What voters had to say: Allison is a tireless source and is the penultimate legal head for a prosecutorial place on all things related to child exploitation and sexual assault offences.  For this challenging subject that inherently entails quite taxing emotional and legal problems, Allison always has the time to offer sound guidance to additional Crowns prosecuting these very tough and sensitive offences.  Her efforts have made a tangible difference in making our society safer.
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underleaves · 4 years
Happy new year/Bonne année ♥
I wish you all a happy new year! May 2020 be an indulgent year with all of you, may it be filled with small pleasures as great joys and may you stay healthy!
I wish you all a happy new year! May 2020 be an indulgent year with all of you, may it be filled with small pleasures as great joys and may you stay healthy!
For me it's time to take stock because the year has been full of events and taking a step back often helps me get back on the starting line in better shoes. If my little life doesn't interest you, you can skip the rest right away. If behind the drawings you are also interested in the artist and her moods, hang on tight because here we go.
- On a professional plan, it is confirmed, after 10 years of half paid strugglings, settling my services on professional rates has killed my activity as a naturalist illustrator. I have no more work and income since more than a year now. (Don't worry, I'm not in the street either, my love took over and our families are super supporting)
Paradoxically, I have never drawn (and especially enjoyed drawing) as many plants and animals since it's no longer for orders.
This "unemployment" nevertheless allowed me to devote all my time to my next comic "Plumes", which brings me to the next point.
- On the artistic plan, 2019 it is: more than fifteen illustrations, 24 comic pages painted with watercolor (a collaboration with JackPot, began 6 years ago, and which was a challenge as informative as rewarding), 270 WIPs posted with my Patrons, 240 sketches/sketch pages, 34 pages (only, raaaah !!!) nude studies, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, 12 colored comic pages and 12 other pages sketched of "Plumes"!
All in just 9 months, because I spent three months in South Korea during spring, which brings me to the next point.
- On a personal plan, I finished draining up my savings in a new trimester of study of korean in Seoul and it was really the break I needed to complete my transition and start off on a new foot. I met adorable people there, I left behind me art and my feeling of permanent failure to invest myself in a learning that I love, and succeed by validating my achievements with a score of 87.8 / 100 in exams. The whole thing was toped by a great trip through Korea with my husband (of which we lost almost all the photos in a computer crash, sadness ...).
I had to let everything down for a few months to begin to realize that without being really depressive, I had been wading for 4 years in a depressed state stucked to my skin and that I refused to accept despite the fits of tears and the regular fights against the need to curl up on the floor while waiting for the day to finally end.
I guess that those who follow me for a long time must be surprised to read these lines because I have never been the type to spill over my life and even less on my problems. The fact is that I always considered that I wanted to share my creations and my cheerfulness and that the rest had nothing to do on the web, because there were already enough depressing things in everyone's daily life. But over the years, I realized that all the artists and / or friends that I admired from afar and who to my eyes had succeeded, were in fact often in financial issues, or on the verge of depression, or exhausted by this race for visibility on the net, or overwhelmed by their feeling of failure, or fighting the impostor syndrome (when not all at once) and to cope with so many other problems that I know too well. Seeing them openly talking about their problems helped me to step back from mine and realize that the artists who really succeed are ridiculously few and that they are not even happier. So I told myself that for once I was going to make an exception and drop the varnish, because I don't know ... first it feels good, and if it can help someone, like these other artists helped me, then it was worth it.
The parenthesis closed, I come back on my daily routine because there is no way I am ending on a negative note. SO :
I continue to jog 3 times a week and climb 2 times a week with my love. My climbing improvement also goes on (I managed to climb two 6c +! *A*).
I managed to get back into the habit of reading in the evening and I'm reading in English right now. I no longer have anxiety related sleep disorders and I fell good since I started painting Plumes and feel like I have a new job. Even if it yields me nothing, lalalaa ... XD;
I continue to learn Korean slowly on my breakfasts and weekends. I also continue to write and I still love it, even if I have too little time to dedicate to it.
I also regularly spend time for my indoor plants and in my garden, which makes me feel good.
I learned to manage my schedules better, to be more realistic about the time that each task takes me but also to take into account the nervous fatigue that goes with it in order to organize my weeks more effectively and to exclude unnecessary stress.
These are a lot of small victories or small achievements with which I am very satisfied into my lifestyle, because they do good for my mind as well as my body.
And my love offered me a set of study oil paints for Christmas, so I still have great artistic experiments waiting for me. ♥
My good resolutions for this year:  Spend 2020 as I finished 2019 and everything will be fine ~
Thank you to all who took the trouble and had the courage to read me until the end.
And thank you to all those who comment, reblog or like what I post on my various platforms, your support is precious to me and that is why I wish you all the happiness in the world for this new year. ♥
Je vous souhaite à tous une excellente année ! Que 2020 soit une année indulgente avec vous tous, qu’elle soit remplie de petits bonheurs comme de grandes joies et que vous y teniez la santé !
Pour moi il est temps de faire le bilan car l’année fut riche en évènements et prendre un peu de recul m’aide souvent à remettre les pieds sur la ligne de départ dans de meilleures baskets. Si ma petite vie ne vous intéresse pas, vous pouvez sauter le reste tout de suite. Si derrière les dessins vous vous intéressez aussi à l’artiste et êtes prêts à vous manger ses états d’âmes, accrochez-vous bien car c’est parti.
- Sur le plan professionnel, c’est confirmé, après 10 ans de galères payées au lance-pierre, me caler enfin sur les tarifs professionnels a tué mon activité d’illustratrice naturaliste. Je n’ai plus de travail de ce côté-là et c’est ceinture financièrement parlant depuis déjà plus d’un an. (Rassurez-vous, je ne suis pas sous les ponts non plus, ma moitié qui a pris le relai et nos familles sont super bienveillantes)
Paradoxalement, je n’ai jamais dessiné (et surtout pris plaisir à dessiner) autant de plantes et d’animaux que depuis que je le fais pour moi-même et non plus pour des commandes.
Ce « chômage » m’aura néanmoins permis de consacrer tout mon temps à ma bande-dessinée « Plumes » pour la mettre enfin à l’eau, ce qui m’amène au point suivant.
- Sur le plan artistique, 2019 c’est : plus d’une quinzaine d’illustrations, 24 planches de bande-dessinée mises en couleur à l’aquarelle (la collaboration avec JackPot, dans les cartons depuis 6 ans et qui fut un challenge aussi instructif que gratifiant), 270 aperçus de travaux en cours postés auprès de mes Tipeurs, 240 crayonnés/pages de crayonnés, 34 pages (seulement, raaaah!!!) de croquis d’étude de nu, et SURTOUT, 12 planches couleurs et 12 autres planches de BD crayonnées de « Plumes » !
Le tout sur 9 mois seulement, car j’ai passé trois mois en Corée du sud sur le printemps, ce qui m’amène au point suivant.
- Sur le plan personnel, j’ai achevé d’engloutir mes économies dans un nouveau trimestre d’étude du corée à Séoul et ce fut vraiment la pause dont j’avais besoin pour achever ma bascule et partir d’un nouveau pied. J’y ai rencontré des gens adorables, j’ai laissé derrière moi le dessin et mon sentiment d’échec permanent pour m’investir dans un apprentissage que j’adore, et y réussir en validant mes acquis avec une note de 87.8/100 aux examens. Le tout fut couronné par un super voyage à travers la Corée avec ma moitié (dont on a perdu quasiment toutes les photos suite à un crash PC, tristesse...).
Il m’aura fallu tout plaquer durant quelques mois pour commencer à réaliser que sans être vraiment dépressive, cela faisait 4 ans que je pataugeais dans un état dépressif qui me collait à la peau et que je refusais d’accepter malgré les crises de larmes et déprimes régulières à vouloir se rouler en boule sur le plancher en attendant que la journée s’achève enfin.
J’imagine que ceux qui me suivent de longue date doivent être surpris de lire ces lignes car je n’ai jamais été du genre à m’épancher sur ma vie et encore moins sur mes problèmes. Le fait est que j’ai toujours considéré que je voulais partager mes créations et ma bonne humeur et que le reste n’avait rien à faire sur la toile, car il y avait déjà bien assez de choses déprimantes dans le quotidien de chacun. Mais au fil des années, j’ai réalisé que toutes les artistes et/ou amies que j’admirais de loin et qui à mes yeux avaient réussi, étaient en fait souvent en galères financières, ou au bord de la dépression, ou épuisées par cette course à la visibilité sur le net, ou écrasées par leur sentiment d’échec, ou à lutter contre le syndrome de l’imposteur (quand ce n’était pas tout à la fois) et à faire face à tant d’autres problèmes que je connais bien. Les voir s’ouvrir publiquement de leurs problèmes m’a permis de prendre du recul sur les miens et de réaliser que les artistes qui réussissent vraiment sont ridiculement peu nombreux et qu’ils n’en sont même pas plus heureux pour autant. Donc je me suis dit que pour une fois j’allais faire exception et laisser tomber le vernis, parce que je ne sais pas… déjà ça fait du bien, et si ça peut aider quelqu’un, comme ces autres artistes m’ont aidé moi, alors ça en valait la peine.
La parenthèse fermée, je raccroche donc sur mon train-train parce qu’il n’est pas question de finir sur une note négative. DONC :
Je continue de courir 3 fois par semaine et de grimper 2 fois par semaine avec ma moitié. Ma progression en escalade se poursuit elle aussi (j’ai réussi à grimper deux 6c+ ! *A*).
J’ai réussi à réinstaller l’habitude de lire le soir et je lis en anglais en ce moment. Je n’ai plus de troubles du sommeil liés à mon anxiété et je me sens bien depuis que j’ai commencé à peindre les Plumes et que j’ai l’impression d’avoir un nouveau métier. Même s’il ne me rapporte rien, lalalaa… XD;
Je continue d’apprendre doucettement le coréen sur mes petits-dej et week-ends. Je continue aussi d’écrire et j’aime toujours autant ça, même si j’ai trop peu de temps à y dédier.
Je consacre aussi régulièrement du temps à mon jardin et à mes plantes d’intérieur, ce qui me fait un bien fou.
J’ai appris à mieux gérer mes emplois du temps, à être plus réaliste sur le temps que me prenait chaque tâche mais aussi à prendre en compte la fatigue nerveuse qui va avec afin d’organiser plus efficacement mes semaines et d’en exclure les stress inutiles.
Ce sont pleins de petites victoires ou de petits acquis dont je suis très satisfaite vis à vis de mon hygiène de vie, car ils font du bien autant à ma tête qu’à mon corps.
Et ma moitié m’a offert un méga set de peintures à l’huile d’étude pour noël, donc j’ai encore de chouettes expérimentations artistiques devant moi. ♥
Mes bonnes résolutions pour cette année : Poursuivre 2020 comme j’ai terminé 2019 et tout ira bien~
Merci à tous ceux qui ont pris la peine et eut le courage de me lire jusqu’au bout.
Et merci à tous ceux qui commentent, rebloguent ou likent ce que je poste sur mes diverses plateformes, votre soutien m’est précieux et c’est pour ça que je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde pour cette nouvelle année qui commence. ♥
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itshistoryyall · 4 years
The history of pandemics is, as I’m sure you can surmise, quite extensive. As far back as the history of humanity goes, pandemics, disease, and death has kept close proximity. We have always faced hardships, but the intriguing part, is how we have survived. It’s important to remember that during these tough times where it seems like we might be isolated, afraid, or scared. We, as a community, have always persevered, and this time is no different. We will pull-through, we will move forward, and we will survive. BUT, it’s very important that we start by passing on good, researched information, help out our neighbors, and keep in mind that this situation is above all, NOT about you.
Beginning in the 1300s with the bubonic plague, humanity started seeing an organized effort to quell emerging diseases. At first glance, I would be want to say that we, as modern humans, have not experienced a pandemic threat on this particular level, but that would not be entirely true. It’s more like true, but with an asterisk--more on that in a minute (I’ll be sure to put an asterisk so you know). The plague, I won’t spend too much time on because it could in it’s own right be an entire series of posts, but what’s important to know is that this is where we, as humans, assessed a threat and decided that there should be some sort of concerted effort to suss out tactics to stop its progression. So, we won’t talk about how it spread here, but more specifically about statistics. It is estimated that around 30-60% of the world’s population was decimated by “the black death,” and to put that in numbers, an of an estimated 475 million people, around 350-375 million were left at the start of the 14th century. 
It’s important not to blame the animals for the spread of the plague though, they may have started it, but uninformed humans made it the pandemic that it was (three times in history, I might add). The plague was thought to have been potentially airborne and close contact mixed with poor health conditions, malnutrition, and a general lack of knowledge for personal hygiene and the healthcare practices that we have today were simply a recipe for disaster. This disease spread rapidly from person to person, and ended up taking out over half of Europe’s population. It seems like a silly thing to compare that to what’s happening in our current day situation, but I would like to draw the parallel of what dangers an uninformed public can pose. The idea of quarantine began here in 1377, and though it was the right decision, the spread of the disease was not halted because of a lack of modern medical knowledge.
We don’t see a real protocol for quarantine until the mid 1600s when England passed a number of bills that standardized the process for disinfecting and cleaning people and ships suspected of being infected with the plague. Around this time, cases of smallpox and yellow fever were starting to pop up in America, and the implementation of regulations for dealing with the spread of disease was the responsibility of the state. We didn’t see national involvement in disease prevention until the late 1700s. If you’d like to know how old news anti-vaccers are, then you can look back to the beginnings of inoculations for smallpox that began in the late 1600s around 1691. It was highly controversial to inoculate people and was more acceptable to mandate a quarantine for those suspected of having the disease.
When cholera began spreading across the world in the 18th century, quarantine practices were also scoffed at and for the most part considered unnecessary by most people. The resulting spread was exponential. The death rate was well over 1 million people and plenty of others had contracted cholera before the pandemic calmed down around 6 years after the initial outbreak thanks to a literal act of God, meaning, a severely cold winter killed off most of the mosquitoes that were carrying and transmitting cholera to humans and worsening the impact and spread. By the early 1900s an international Sanitary Conference was held where new articles were signed that reinvented methods of prevention of the spread of disease, and it couldn’t have come soon enough because a few years later (7 to be exact), a tremendous influenza epidemic hit the world hard. Known as Spanish Influenza, the world’s first introduction to the flu was not a pleasant experience.
The influenza pandemic came in three waves between 1918-1919, and was a disease that was completely unknown to professionals. The Office International d’Hygiène Publique (predecessor of the World Health Organization or WHO), located in Paris, France was all but useless in the immediate need for action to stop the spread of flu. As the world was suffering at the throes of the First World War, too little and too late was done to prevent the spread, but to no avail. Attempts were made to close public gathering places, schools, sporting events, and entertainment venues. Even Yale closed all on-campus meetings, but the extremely contagious virus was too widely spread for these uncoordinated and poorly-timed measures to prevent mass spread. Here we see the efforts of health experts encouraging people to self-quarantine and use social distancing measures, but by the time this was implemented, influenza had reached every part of the world and had progressed to a point where these measures were all but useless. What’s important about this history lesson is that these things would have helped had they been a preventative measure.
Influenza is unique in this time period because we also have our first instance of the impact that mass media would have on the outcome and public information about this virus. In Italy, newspapers were prevented from publishing the death count on a daily basis in order to keep the mass acute anxiety that was having an extreme impact on public morale and panic levels. However, war-torn nations were experiencing problems with accuracy and clarity of information regarding prevention of spread because of the censorship of media outlets at the time which worsened the impact of the pandemic as much as the war effort itself.
In 1933 the pathogen that causes influenza was found and we were able to start treating influenza, and creating a vaccine. Around 1940, the CDC was founded and established in Atlanta, Georgia as a base for all operations regarding the control and prevention of the spread of infectious diseases, and it was in direct relation to the spread of malaria in the 1940s. The CDC added a plague department in 1947 as well as an  Epidemiology Division and Veterinary Diseases Division. In 1951, the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) and Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETP) were established that now have international models based off of the American programs. The Venereal Disease Division was establishes in 1957, and in 1963 the Immunization program was established. The CDC has been widely influential in a number of preventative and creative approaches to preventing the spread of disease and abuse of medications in order to prevent immunity of viruses and bacteria to treatment. This organization is a world leader when it comes to establishing standards for handling anything from research to protocols for worldwide pandemics. If there was ever a time to trust the nerds it’s now.
And that brings us to today. So, what are we supposed to be listening to now? The professionals. The ones who have brought us from malaria to COVID-19, the place that has kept us informed about influenza since 1946, and the place that is the ONLY reason that penicillin still works as an antibiotic, the one-and-only, Center for Disease Control. This virus and its prevention has suffered from a large amount of disinformation and “fake news.” I would like to encourage everyone to take power over your own learning, to learn from the unintelligent and unfortunate dead, and to re-post only articles and information that you know to be true. Now, more than ever before is a time to learn from our own naive history, to realize that we have made these mistakes before, and to LISTEN to the pleas of our healthcare experts and government officials. These measures might seem superfluous, but they’re preventative and we need this virus to slow down or face the consequences a la Cholera. This is not something to not take seriously and now is not the time to be selfish. Help your fellow man. Stay home, even if you’re well, and remember that you’re saving lives--you hero, you ;)
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”--George Santayana
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bystreetlight · 4 years
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2019 in review! HAS TO BE DONE!!!
1. What did you do in 2019 that you hadn’t done before? Got my eyebrows feathered, started doing pilates, volunteered at Open House Melbourne, bought a house plant…
2. Did anyone close to you give birth? My sister in law had another lovely baby in October!
3. Did anyone close to you die? Thankfully no.
4. Did you travel? Where did you go? Best holiday memory? Yes! Went to Europe for 3 weeks in April - Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and UK. The whole trip was incredible but the highlight was probably the sauna in Finland when it was -3 and jumping in the Baltic Sea afterwards…the coldest thing I’ve ever done hahahah ❄☃.
5. Best thing you bought? AirPods 😥
6. Where did most of your money go? The Scandi trip cost a bit…other than that, all the usual places - the bank to pay off the mortgage, Uniqlo.com, Publique croissants…
7. What do you wish you had done more of? Sleeping in. I think I slept past 7am like 5 times this year.
8. What do you wish you had done less of? Putting off exercising. Sleeping through Liverpool games when they were on at terrible times.
9. What kept you sane? As in previous years, obsessively making To Do lists and plans and keeping to them. Also living at the end of the tram line and therefore getting a seat on the tram every morning.
10. What drove you mad? The fact that I kept breaking my nails in painful and careless ways. I feel like I had shitty nails all year.
11. What made you celebrate? LIVERPOOL WINNING THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!!! ❤❤❤
12. What made you sad? Not getting a job I applied for that I really really wanted. And when Rafa had to pull out of playing doubles with Roger at the Laver Cup.
13. How was your birthday this year and how old did you turn? No one at work remembered it was my birthday and I was torn between being upset and relieved. Went to Rumi for dinner and it was about 42 degrees, which was unpleasant, but the food was excellent! I turned 35.
14. What political issue stirred you the most this year? Barrie Cassidy leaving Insiders 😪
15. Were you in love in 2019? Of course!
16. What would you like to have in 2020 that you didn’t have this year? A new job. Blonder hair.
17. What date(s) from 2019 will be etched in your memory and why? 1st of June - the Champions League final! Probably the best moment of the year!
18. What song will remind you of 2019? That fucking Dance Monkey song. I couldn’t escape it!!!
19. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? My new year’s resolution was to make a will, and it had to be put on hold until my sister in law had her baby and then the year just ran out! I’m going to carry it over for 2020.
20. Did you suffer illness or injury? I fell down the stairs at home TWICE, smashing my hand the first time and then getting the biggest bruise I’ve ever had on my bum the second time. Other than that, it’s been an OK year health-wise!
21. Compared to this time last year, are you: i. happier or sadder? Sadder on a global level. About the same (i.e. very happy) on a personal level! ii. thinner or fatter? Fatter. Giving up my gym membership may have had something to do with that… iii. richer or poorer? Richer? I guess?
22. How will you be spending Christmas? Going to Portarlington for 2 weeks on the 22nd, so Christmas will be a no-fuss beach Christmas this year! Hoping for some nice weather! 🤞🏼👙☀⛱🌊🌴🏄🏼‍♀️
24. What was your favourite TV program? FLEABAG, Killing Eve, rewatching The Bridge, season 2 of Succession.
25. What was the best book you read? Boy Swallows Universe.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery? Bad Bunny.
27. What did you want and get? AirPods. An incredible overseas holiday.
28. What did you want and not get? A change of government.
29. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019? Simple? I’ve stopped buying a lot of ‘on trend’ stuff and just trying to stick to the classics.
30. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Loyle Carner, Jodie Comer, Kalyn Ponga, Virgil van Dijk.
31. Biggest achievement this year? Learning the words to Como Un Bebe despite not speaking Spanish. Getting snowed on in Finland and not giving up on the holiday then and there lol.
32. Biggest disappointment this year? When Angie picked Carlin on the Bachelorette.
33. What is the one thing that would have made you more satisfied? If I’d got the job I went for :(
34. Best new person you met this year? Baby Alexander!
35. A valuable life lesson you learnt this year? Hold on to the handrail on the stairs at home.
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bombardthehq · 5 years
by Robert Filmer
published 1680 (written by 1640), read 15/09/19 - ???
Filmer was, by all accounts, the most popular and influential political theorist in England in the 17th century. The seminal works of many major contributors to the political theory of that century - particularly Locke - were responses to Patriarcha. But he is not read today, really by anyone. He was the principle theorist of a tendency which would, by the next century, no longer exist anywhere: of absolutism, and in particular, that Kings ruled by divine right. Most courses of political science or political philosophy in universities do not even mention Filmer: the only reading list that I found him on was an infographic originating from /pol/ which was structured from most socially acceptable (things like Hayek and Burke) to least (things like Hitler and Kaczynski): under the section ‘Reactionary Right’, Patriarcha appears at the very bottom.
I began reading out of curiosity but it became clear that it was both a relatively complex text and one that is both downstream and upstream of things important to us: thinkers like Tacitus and Machiavelli, and the theory of Sovereignity respectively. So, notes. I always say I’ll try to keep my notes brief and never do, how about this time I promise to be thorough?
Chapter I: That the First Kings were the Fathers of their Families
Filmer opens by talking about an idea which contemporary political theorists believed in, which is that humans are “naturally endowed and born” with “freedom from subjection”, and that forms of rule only have power over them because they give them that power.
Often Hobbes and Rousseau are contrasted on a certain point about human nature: Hobbes believed that civilization was a necessary imposition because of the disastrous anarchy of man’s natural condition, while Rousseau believed (something like) man’s natural condition being good and peaceful and civilization creating problems, although he still affirmed the necessity of civilization in some sense. Anyway, both of these thinkers were later than Filmer, and both take as their beginning the very point that Filmer notes here, which Rousseau makes when he writes that “man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”
Filmer says that this is a new idea, and not something originating from the bible or the early church fathers, and hints that it was devised by the Jesuits!
He gives a logical conclusion to the idea: that if the people gave the Prince his power, they can take it away. He considers this a dangerous idea.
In fact, Filmer rejects the very idea that Kings are subject to the laws of their country, and when other theorists (he names ‘Buchanan’ and ‘Parsons’ - two names I’ve never heard) criticize the sovereign for breaking the law he considers it an error.
Equality is mentioned (just like that!) in connection to natural liberty, when he mentions their position as “the natural liberty and equality of mankind.”
Anyway, he comes around to saying, its time someone takes this seditious idea of natural liberty to task! (An early appearance of the ‘say what you’re going to say in the introduction’, by the way!)
Filmer enumerates a number of ‘cautions’ he’s giving himself for the discourse.
First he spends a paragraph going over how it isnt for him, nor anyone else, to pry or meddle into the affairs of the state, “the profound secrets of government”, which he refers to as arcana imperii. “An implicite Faith is given to the meanest Artificer in his own Craft,” he writes - true enough! - and so even more faith ought be given to the sovereign, who is “hourly versed in managing Publique Affairs.”
Arcana imperii (literally ‘mysterious power’, more semantically ‘state secrets’) is an expression from Tacitus which has gone on to have a certain currency in political theory (see here), apparently appearing as recently as Agamben, and having been appropriated earlier than Filmer, by “Botero and Clapmar” (who?). In Tacitus, arcana denotes secrets which ought to be kept secret.
The end of this paragraph is confusing to me, so I’ll note its location (here). The gist is that people ought to obey the sovereign, and he relates this to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s...”
In a sentence which goes “...knowledge of those points wherein a Sovereign may Command...”, he has a footnote - attatched to the word may ! - which leads to a paragraph weighing rule and tyranny. For Filmer, a King who rules by his own laws becomes a tyrant, "yet where he sees the Laws Rigorous or Doubtful, he may mitigate and interpret.” I’m going to note the location of this footnote too (here), because it is actualy a very clear and very early exposition of the Non-Derivative Power of sovereignity, and states precisely what Carl Schmitt means by “the leader keeps the law”.
His second caution is that he isn’t going to dispute the “laws or liberties”, only inquire wether they came from Natural Liberty or from “the Grace and bounty of Princes.” Obviously, Filmer will come down on the latter position: that any liberty one has is the benevolant gift of the Sovereign.
He says that the greatest liberty in the world is to live under a monarchy, and that anything else is Slavery, “a liberty only to destroy liberty” - although this whole paragraph is actually plainly an apology for writing a political text, which was surely somewhat dangerous back then, and while this is the official ideology that everyone had to believe (even Rousseau makes the same gestures, framing his dialogues by saying ‘this is all what I would say if I didnt live under a benevolant rulership...’), its actually clearly a bit more extreme than even Filmer is willing to commit to.
His third caution is that he isn’t disparaging the people he criticizes, simply adding on where there are gaps in their thought, and so on. “A Dwarf,” he writes, “sometimes sees what a Giant looks over.” He briefly summarises his idea about the cause of their error: that in order to ensure the authority of the Pope, they placed the People above the King. I’m not sure if thats how Buchanan saw it! Anyway, this is how he explains that the two major factions at the time were the “Royalists” and the “Patriots” - the error, for Filmer, is that people had come to believe that one could be loyal to ones country while traitorous to the King. (True enough - isn’t patriotism always a kind of category error?)
Cautions set aside, he begins the critique proper. He starts by quoting Cardinal Bellarmine (now a saint!), which we’ll reproduce:
Secular or Civil Power is instituted by Men; It is in the People, unless they bestow it on a Prince. This Power is immediately in the whole Multitude, as in the Subject of it; for this Power is in the Divine Law, but the Divine Law hath given this Power to no particular Man— If the Positive Law be taken away, there is left no Reason, why amongst a Multitude (who are Equal) one rather than another should bear Rule over the rest?— Power is given by the Multitude to one man, or to more by the same Law of Nature; for the Commonwealth cannot exercise this Power, therefore it is bound to bestow it upon some One Man, or some Few— It depends upon the Consent of the Multitude to ordain over themselves a King, or Consul, or other Magistrates; and if there be a lawful Cause, the Multitude may change the Kingdom into an Aristocracy or Democracy.
Filmer comments that this is the strongest defence for Natural Liberty that he’s ever seen, and thats why he selects it for critiism: after all, as he said earlier, its usually never a position argued for but simply taken for granted. Filmer now begins a fairly fascinating sequence of deducing things ‘backwards’ from this quote and examining what it presupposes, in a way that very closely reflects the way I approach argument (this is the reason I decided to take notes on this text)
“First,” Filmer writes, “He saith, that by the law of God, Power is immediately in the People”, and therefore the political system that God gave the world is Democracy! because Democracy has no meaning but power belonging to the people. Therefore, not just Aristocracies, but also Monarchies are against God’s will, who rightly gave the people Democracy. (This is a sort of reductio ad absurdum, I think - today it seems quite a natural thing to say!)
We want to object to Filmer here by saying that the Bellarmine does not necessarily refer to Democracy (of course, he explicitly refers to Democracy as something other than the ‘Power and Law of the Multitude’), but its not quite as easy to dismiss as one would think initially. Bellarmine does not argue for a kind of Hobbesian state of nature here, because in Hobbes’ anarchy there are surely no Powers, nor a Law. For Bellarmine, God gave men powers and laws. I would like to look more into what Bellarmine meant by this, that he perhaps thought of a prepolitical power, prelegal law... but there is surely some basis for Filmer equating it with Democracy. That said, it does not necessarily follow that investing those powers and laws in a form of government should be against God’s will.
Second, Filmer says, the only Power that men have in Democracy is to give their power to someone else, and therefore they really do not have any power. (Ho hum!)
“Thirdly,” Filmer writes, Bellarmine says “that if there be a lawful Cause, the Multitude may change the Kingdom.” Filmer asks: who will be the judge of wether something is lawful or not? It would be the Multitude. Filmer considers this “pestilent and dangerous.” (Again, surely quite natural today.)
Now Filmer quotes Bellarmine making what he feels is his only argument for the existence of Natural Liberty. Bellarmine writes: “That God hath given or ordained Power, is evident by Scripture; But God hath given it to no particular Person, because by nature all Men are Equal; therefore he hath given Power to the People or Multitude.”
Filmer now pulls out another quote from Bellarmine to refute the position just quoted, which he is proud as punch about, calling it out right before he does it and also including it in the chapter summary at the beginning (”Bellarmine’s Argument answered out of Bellarmine himself”).
The promised passage goes like this: “If many men had been together created out of the Earth, they all ought to have been Princes over their Posterity.”
Take that, shitlibs! Absolutists: 1 Republicans: 0! See you in hell Milton!
Anyway, Filmer takes this to be true: that Adam, and the succeeding patriarchs, had authority over their children: “by right of father-hood”, they had “royalty over the children”, in fact.
So children are subject to their parents, and parenthood is the “fountain of regal authority”, and this authority was bestowed by God himself. The argument promised in the chapter title begins to take shape: the first Kings were Fathers of their Families.
God also specifically assigned it to the eldest parents, which I think becomes important later.
He ‘saith’: Adam had dominion over the whole world, a Right granted him by God, and that Right was passed down to the Patriarchs. He gives what this Right is specifically, using biblical examples of authority: Dominion over Life and Death, the ability to make War, and to Conclude peace. (All of this is quite fundamental to later theories of sovereignity, especially critical ones: biopower! necropolitics! Indeed, Filmer refers to them as the “chiefest marks of Sovereignity”)
Although his history is Biblical and not the kind of historic epistemology we tend to use, as far as we’re concerned, Filmer’s argument is correct. At least for some parts of the world. I need to read more about stone & bronze age sovereignities globally but my reading on ancient Greece absolutely confirms this: the first forms of authority in that part of the world that we have record of was that exercised by a familial Patriarch who governed over a small kinship villages, setting the law (which is spoken of in terms of having ‘power over life and death’), and declared wars. There would eventually become a ruler who was largely symbolic but who, for this or that reason (not even political reasons, but often reasons related to the development of the productive forces or of national security) would appropriate more and more power from the Patriarchs while the social groups based on kinship ties would lose coherence.
Filmer’s argument here is not quite a naturalistic fallacy because he does not argue directly that it is right because it was so. Rather he uses history here to say that liberty is not natural to men, which he feels most Republican theories of government presuppose. Monarchy is argued to be good only indirectly, so the fallacy only happens ‘between the lines’ of the page.
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bloggingmind · 5 years
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Social bookmarking sites were originally set up to support your preferred address save the nice website, which will be easier for you to open the site in the future. In its development, the social bookmarking websites commonly used optimization SEO and also to human beings. Well, what I have written here is how the traffic on social bookmarking SEO a place no effect. We keep the right URL The URL of the blog or website or on our blog postings on Websites Social bookmarking social, in the hope that other users of his interest in the URL we ship and visit our website social bookmarking social media. In addition, social bookmarking sites also usually get traffic from search engines. I, therefore, believe that the possibility of Websites Social bookmarking traffic fairly potential and needs.
3. On the websites of the social media
Many people say that now is the time of the mass media and this is very true. The growth of the media user only in Indonesia is experiencing a very significant increase. In addition to the development of smartphones in Indonesia was very fast. Most users smartphone invoices must be on the websites of the social media, at least one of the websites of social media. And of course, this is a large transport sufficient potential for us the owners of blogs and websites. Companies that are not very popular in the media had no problem with it the attention of other users of social media. It is therefore that many companies have registered higher profits as soon as the optimization of social media for your business. Some of the media often used to trafficking in human beings is Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus and PINTEREST. In reality, still, some media may be used, but my experience is based, the 6 mentioned above are the most popular social media websites.
4. Over the course of the forum
Discussion forum web pages are often used by the vendors of the Internet as a means to make the traffic on blog/website Center. There are many sites allow links within the forum threads or the signatures of the members. This is certainly must be.  One thing that we have in mind is the preservation of a good name in the Forum rules read before we continue. We can not create or subprocess useless, its reputation Pinzgau. Tome advantage link forum signatures with the best equipment meet advantage of the equipment in conjunction with a sensible thread forum. There are some forums do not allow links within the thread not to break the rules. Some forums, I recommend to trafficking in human beings and backlinks are entrepreneurs, resources and information., bersosial.com, forum.kompas.com, DetikForum, kaskus.co.id, and others. There are many forums that we can use to make an illegal referral, but I will focus on some of the most important forum potentials for your business.
5. Guest post on other blogs
There are many other blogs give the opportunity to articles/content and provide a link to your blog. Of course goods/content in the blog, publiques must be completed in accordance with the criteria, explain. We use our center connections in the department writer some blogs allow their authors to publish the links in the article. Side Effects SEO, trade with the adoption of this blog is so much, especially if escribimos an article in a blog is famous. In reality, many other paths the visitors on our place. But the five ways that I have very good, if we optimize. I focus on these four forms because in addition to direct traffic, the four types of effects shown with good SEO I have mentioned in my blog. Good SEO will certainly enable our place to traffic in human beings, free of charge, from search engines such as Google.
Increase of air traffic a website/blog with payment
For those of you who do not want to wait to begin the process of optimizing a motorway, then one can be designed to make the traffic your blog or website of your company. Advertising in some media can deliver, a very good effect on the increase in traffic, but ultimately not too wasteful, helps us to choose a means that is truly effective and in accordance with the objective of the Center. Here are some ways to increase the number of visitors blog/website of payment:
1. Posted in Announcements of the websites of social media
Facebook is the more efficient use of media to others, since the social media these conversions in a very good show. We have a choice on Facebook Advertising receiver, better adaptation to the category we do affect the validity of the Notices install. Based on my experience, advertising on Facebook Ads is quite easy to do. We may want to spend a lot of budget by means of a notice, and we define the public objective to be adjusted to our business.
2. Install notices of the CFP
Google Adwords is a popular provider Advertising CFP media today. The company is owned by Google already has a network of advertisers (advertising) and publisher with a large number of many people all over the world including Indonesia. The advantage of Google Adwords is the notices, diving on their websites, publishers are notices with the articles. I personally have never heard of Google Adwords announced, but there are many testimonies of his public Istas say are satisfied with the service of Google Adwords and have a positive impact on your business. And for those of you that you want to enforce traffic potential his place center, no harm in Google Adwords.
We do not need all the strategies of marketing traffic to our place. We understand to our place first, so that we know what strategy is effective to increase the volume of traffic visitors to our blog/website. Sometimes so free is more efficient, but in many cases, the counts are quickly and effectively in the generation of illegal potential for your blog or site center. We also need to focus our attention on the issues relating to the quality of our websites, such as content quality, monitoring systems, the speed of the load and others. I hope this article will help you.
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sleekhaze · 5 years
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Pictures from Racked
Hi guys! Today I’m writing this editorial post about someone that matters in the fashion industry. If you are into fashion, then you know her or heard of her. She is such an outstanding woman, and you shall have every reason to love Shiona Turini and her great unique sense of fashion after reading this post.
Hello ! L’article éditorial d’aujourd’hui est destiné à une personne qui compte beaucoup dans l’industrie de la mode. Si vous aussi vous êtes branché mode autant que moi, alors, vous la connaissez. C’est une femme qui sait se démarquer et vous aurez toutes les raisons d’aimer Shiona Turini et son sens incroyable et unique de la mode après avoir lu cet article.
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Picture from ModeHunter
To introduce you who is really is, keep in mind that this woman is a real life Fashion swiss knife. Shiona Turini embodies several roles and is many thing at the same time such as a creative consultant, freelance fashion editor and stylist. We can learn from her the example of never limiting herself to do just one job and always owing herself the possibility to evolve and touch everything in her career. This black queen was born and raised on the island of Bermuda.
Pour vous présenter le personnage, retenez que cette femme est un réel couteau suisse de la mode. Shiona Turini incarne plusieurs rôles et est beaucoup de choses à la fois. De consultante à éditrice de mode et styliste en freelance. Nous pouvons apprendre d’elle une leçon importante : ne jamais se limiter à faire une chose et de toujours se donner la possibilité d’évoluer et de toucher à tout dans sa carrière.
D’origine bermudienne, elle est née et a grandit aux Bermudes avant de poursuivre ses études aux Etats-Unis et s’installer à New-York.
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Picture from her Instagram page
It’s fair to say that madame Turini has a very interesting and bold resume filled with experiences all as significant and audacious as each other. After getting her Bachelor of Arts degree in mass communication/media studies at the Hampton University, Shiona began her career in the fashion industry in may 2003 at Yves Saint Laurent as the public relations coordinator under the tutelage of designer Tom Ford. She stayed there for three years then in september 2006 she has become the accessories editor at W Magazine. In december 2009, she has become accessories director for Teen Vogue. Leaving the accessories field, in may 2012 she was the fashion market and beauty director at CR Fashion Book. Then in august 2013 she became fashion market director at Cosmopolitan magazine, in january 2015 she is consultant for Salvatore Ferragamo and I could go on and on and on because this is not even the half of jobs and work she has done until today. See? I wasn’t really lying or exagerating when I said her resume is BOLD. You can find in full details her career story on her own website and her LinkedIN profil.
Il est légitime d’affirmer que madame Turini possède un CV très intéressant et rempli d’expériences toutes autant signifiantes et audacieuses les unes que les autres. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme en Bachelor des Arts en communication de masse/études des médias à l’Université Hampton, Shiona a commencé sa carrière dans l’industrie de la mode en mai 2003 en tant que coordinatrice des relations publiques chez Yves Saint Laurent sous la tutelle du créateur Tom Ford. Elle y reste trois ans, puis en septembre 2006 elle est devenue l'éditeur d'accessoires chez W Magazine. En décembre 2009, elle est devenue directrice d’accessoires pour Teen Vogue. C’est en quittant le domaine des accessoires que en mai 2012 elle devenue directrice du marché de la mode et de la beauté à CR Fashion Book. Puis, en août 2013 elle devient directrice du marché de la mode pour le magazine féminin Cosmopolitan, en janvier 2015 elle est consultante pour Salvatore Ferragamo et je pourrais encore continuer à lister car ceci n’est même pas la moitié du travail qu’elle a effectué et des métiers qu’elle a exercé jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Vous trouverez en détail l’historique de sa carrière sur son site internet et son profil LinkedIN.
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Picture from her Instagram page
I feel like that since the begenning of her journey every opportunity that has come to her way has been a stepping stone. I mean, if you study closely her resume, you can notice that every developped and earned skills has brought her to somewhere even amazing. At this point, she is the one to define what really has been her stepping stone. 
J’ai comme l’impression que dès le début de son parcours professionnel, ces opportunités ont été un tremplin pour sa carrière. Je veux dire par là que si vous regardez attentivement son CV, vous pouvez remarquer que toutes compétences développées et acquises l’ont emmener sur un chemin encore plus incroyable. A ce stade, elle est la seule qui peut déterminer ce qui a réellement été son tremplin.
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Picture from her Instagram page
We don’t know much about Shiona Turini’s private life than what she shows but we do know that she is very very close to her fashion and artist soulmate Solange Knowles.
On ne connait pas plus de la vie privée de Shiona Turini que ce qu’elle montre mais ce que nous savons est que c’est une personne très proche de son acolyte modeuse et artiste qui n’est autre que Solange Knowles. Rien que ça. 
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I do believe that these two were meant to be! (Picture from her Instagram page)
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Get away to Cuba (Picture from her Instagram page)
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Guys... This is the ultimate ladies squad here. (Picture from her Instagram page)
If there is one thing about Shiona that is more bold than her resume is definitely her style. She is all about everything that is tailored, layered, long, colorful and flare (which compliment very well her vixen curvy body) and it has become her signature look and style and we are here for it!
Si il y a une chose à propos de Shiona qui est encore plus audacieux que son CV, c’est définitivement son style. Elle aime tout ce qui est mesure, long, évasé et la superposition de différentes matières.
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Picture from Ambitieuse Paris
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Picture from Style du Monde
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I loved this look at New York Fashion week. On her tee-shirt/dress is the names of young black men that have been killed by police brutality in America. With this look, Turini just prove us that her creativity in fashion is limitless. Hands down to this message. #SayTheirName #BLACKLIVESMATTER.
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madamedupigeonsalon · 4 years
Psychologie - Est ce que l’homosexualité est un choix?
D’apres la vidéo ci dessus, on entend que les homosexuels peuvent choisir leur séxualité. Une affirmation absurde qui relève le niveau d’intelligence d’Eric Zemmour. Apres tout, est ce qu’on demande à un hétérosexuel s’il a choisit sa sexualité?  On a tous et toutes, des premieres fois et on a tous eu des rapports sexuelles (enfin pas pour les plus jeunes qui lisent ce texte) mais il faut bien séparer les choses, oui notre sexualité nous appartient mais les homosexuels ne planifient pas leur vie et encore moins la sexualité. Je pense qu’il parle en désordre sans vraiment savoir ce dont il parle. Peut être devrait il prendre les choses en mains, enfin, je veux dire il faut qu’il prenne sa vie en mains...pour avoir des propos à la television et de telles ampleurs. 
C’est deja un sujet compliqué (pas tabou) mais le sujet est toujours un problème parce qu’il y a des paradoxes dans la vie mais surtout dans le sexe. Et puis, comment peut on parler à la place des concernes? Surtout avec certitude? Il dit que c’est une partie de notre cerveau reptilien “notre cerveau animal” qui est animé par le désir. Et donc? Son argument est pauvre d’exemples et très mal expliqué. Je contredis ce qu’il dit quand je cite ma professeur de psychologie d’université qui disait que les homosexuels n’existeraient pas si le lobe frontal était retiré de leurs cerveaux. Alors, souvent on pense à soi meme, mais, il faut voir au de la de soi meme ! C’est aussi simple que bonjour ! On dot arrêter de se faire des films et rendre à Cesar ce qui est à César (cette dernière phrase n’est pas très original mais vous comprenez le propos.) 
Avec de telles propos, on peut être craintive du regard des autres dans la société. Bah oui, si lui pense comme ça , d’autres aussi alors que c’est faux ! C’est un travail a plusieurs, chacune de nos cotes mais collectivement aussi pour avancer dans la société ! C’est beaucoup de boulot...c’est sur que c’est pas mécanique mais il faut se lancer. Pour rester dans le sujet, être homosexuel n’est pas un choix mais c’est quelque chose dans nos genes. On est homosexuel et non, on le devient pas ! 
Il ya quelque chose de fort dans la sexualité, on peut avoir un désir naissant a partir d’une photo ou d’un film... l’ambiance peut être un facteur determinant aussi , un parfum ou une cigarette ...un petit moment qui peut nous transporter. On peut faire l’amour avec de la musique en fond, cela peut nous mettre dans un certain état. Notre sexualité est fluide, je connais des gens qui étaient hétérosexuels et qui aujourd'hui sont homosexuels. Je considère que les gens qui ne veulent pas s’ouvrir au monde et les gens autour d’eux, après tout ca va mais je pense qu’ils n’ont pas beaucoup d’imagination. Evidemment, il y a pas mal de personnes qui se découvrent à 15 ou 16 ans mais pour d’autres cela prend du temps. Ensuite, je pense qu’on a dépassé l’age moyenâgeux “l’homosexualité est une maladie” meme si Eric Zemmour est absolument resté à cette époque.
Enfin, pour terminer, nos vies sexuelles est privée. C’est pas un étalage publique. D’autre part, on a pas à prouver quoi que ce soit à n’importe qui ! Je trouve ça rédhibitoire. 
Pour conclure, les propos d’Eric Zemmour ne tienne pas debout , peut on considère que les bisexuelles n’ont pas de sexualité?Non , c’est une sexualité cumulative c’est a dire qu’on aime et les garçons et les fille. La sexualité est personnelle et c’est un désir qui se construit tout le long de notre vie. C’est pas parce qu’on aime le cul qu’on a un problème et vice versa ce n’est pas un problème si on n’aime pas le cul. Mais l’importance c’est de s’écouter , de prendre son temps et d’être optimiste envers l’avenir. Parler sur l’évolution de sa sexualité est important pour soi et pour les autres. 
Psychology - Is homosexuality a choice?
From the video above, it is understood that homosexuals can choose their sextuality. An absurd statement that raises the level of intelligence of Eric Zemmour. After all, is a heterosexual asked if he has chosen his sexuality? We all have, first time and we all had sex (well not for the youngest who read this text) but we must separate things, yes our sexuality is ours but homosexuals do not plan their lives and even less sexuality. I think he's talking in disorder without really knowing what he's talking about. Maybe he should take things in his hands, well, I mean he has to take his life in his own hands ... to have talk on television and such magnitudes.
It is already a complicated subject (not taboo) but the subject is always a problem because there are paradoxes in life but especially in sex. And then, how can we speak instead of the concerned? Especially with certainty? He says it's a part of our reptilian brain "our animal brain" that's driven by desire. And so? His argument is poor in examples and very poorly explained. I contradict what he says when I quote my professor of university psychology who said that homosexuals would not exist if the frontal lobe was removed from their brains. So, often you think of yourself, but, you have to see your own self! It's as easy as hello! We have to stop making films and give Cesar what is Caesar (this last sentence is not very original but you understand the point.)
With such words, one can be afraid of the eyes of others in society. Well yes, if he thinks like that, others too when it's wrong! It is a job for many, each of our ratings but also collectively to move forward in society! It's a lot of work ... it's sure it's not mechanical but you have to get started. To stay in the subject, being homosexual is not a choice but it is something in our genes. We are homosexual and no, we do not become!
There is something strong about sexuality, you can have an incipient desire from a photo or a film ... the atmosphere can be a decisive factor too, a perfume or a cigarette ... a little moment that can transport us. We can make love with music in the background, it can put us in a certain state. Our sexuality is fluid, I know people who were heterosexual and who today are homosexuals. I consider people who do not want to open up to the world and people around them, after all it goes but I think they do not have much imagination. Obviously, there are a lot of people who discover themselves at 15 or 16 years old but for others it takes time. Then, I think that we passed the middle age "homosexuality is a disease" even if Eric Zemmour remained absolutely at that time.
Finally, finally, our sex lives are private. It's not a public display. On the other hand, we do not have to prove anything to anyone! I find it crippling.
To conclude, the words of Eric Zemmour do not stand up, can we consider that bisexuals have no sexuality? No, it is a sexuality cumulative that is to say that we love and boys and girls . Sexuality is personal and it is a desire that is built throughout our life. It's not because we love the ass that we have a problem and vice versa it is not a problem if we do not like the ass. But the importance is to listen, to take your time and to be optimistic about the future. Talking about the evolution of one's sexuality is important for oneself and for others.
Kevin Ngirimcuti 
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[ H E A D C A N O N 1# ] Dating Shiki Senri would be like... #MaiLee
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• Senri is pretty possessive, he don't like that someone else than him, could touch what belongs to him.
• (this idea belongs to Sarah) After his model career, Senri could be a photographer ! He loves taking picture about everything and more specifically his beloved one ! He posts the "public" picture on his public Instagram / Tumblr / we heart it / Pinterest account and the private account, he posts the private pictures of his family/wife (or girlfriend) or just sentimental pictures to him. Because he doesn't want that his "fans" walk into his personal life.
• He's the type of guy who could totally watch Netflix & Chill with the beloved one.
• Senri is entirely someone who would  taste everything that his beloved one would cook to him, even if isn't pretty good, he'll say what's wrong if he doesn't like it, in a gentle way.
• Senri loves hugs... But doesn't know how to give them! He loves being hugged, because his life was full of terrors and sadness... No one really cares of him until the Academy !
• He's sad when his beloved one is heartbroken, anxious or whatever bad feelings she could have... He'll do anything which can make her better !
• Senri would do anything for the person that he loves. No matter if he's in danger or not.
• He's loves tenderness but also wildness... He's not really shy when it's about "NSFW things"... Giving love is so important.
• When he's angry, Senri is cold. Cold as fuck. He totally know which words hurts, how to use them.
• But he's very sad when there's a problem in his couple...
[ French / Français ]
• Senri est vraiment possessif, il n'aime pas que quelqu'un d'autre que lui, puisse toucher à sa bien-aimée.
• (Cette idée appartient à Sarah) Après sa carrière de model, Senri pourrait être photographe ! Il aime prendre des photos sur tout et n'importe quoi ! Mais plus particulièrement sa bien-aimée... Il pourrait poster les photos "publiques" sur ses réseaux sociaux publiques, et les photos privées ou sentimentales, sur des comptes privées. Il ne veux pas que des fans entrent dans sa vie privée.
• C'est totalement le type de gars qui serait devant Netflix avec sa copine, à se détendre.
• Senri est entièrement du genre à goûter tout de la cuisine de sa bien-aimée. Eh si ce n'est pas très bon, il diras ce qu'il n'aime pas dedans.
• Senri aimes les câlins. Mais ne sais jamais comment en donner ! Il aime être enlacé, parce que sa vie était pleine de terreur et de tristesse avant l'Académie !
• Il est tellement triste quand sa bien-aimée est brisée, anxieuse ou n'importe quel sentiment négatif qu'elle pourrait avoir ! Il fera n'importe quoi pour l'améliorer!
• Senri ferait n'importe quoi pour la personne qu'il aime. Qu'il soit en danger ou pas.
• Il aime la tendresse et la sauvagerie, les moments "NSFW" sont toujours différents et il aime donner de l'amour à sa partenaire !
• Quand il est énervé, Senri est froid. Froid comme l'Enfer.
• Mais il est aussi triste qu'il y ait une dispute dans son couple.
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rickormortis · 4 years
Top Lawyers In Canada In 2019
Sheila Block
Partner, Torys LLP, Toronto, Ont. One of the sharpest litigators in the nation, Block has served as lead counsel on a newly dismissed $5-billion class action lawsuit against CIBC and a $100-million suit brought by roughly 8,000 inhabitants of Barbados against Manulife.  She was also staunch counsel for former Manitoba associate chief justice Lori Douglas from the inquiry of this judge's role in a scandal involving her husband, one of his former customers, and salacious photographs of herself submitted on the internet.  Block additionally received an honorary LLD from the Law Society of Upper Canada this past year.  An advocate dedicated to teaching law in Canada and around the globe, she has coached advocates for the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal in Rwanda and the Special Court in Sierra Leone. What voters had to say: Elle demontre son interet a la fois pour l'schooling du publique et des affaires.  (She has demonstrated her fascination for the instruction of the public and company.)
Mark Tamminga
Partner, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, Hamilton, Ont. Tamminga has committed his career to automating lawful practices.  His information technology focus started in 1986 while he was still a law student and was given the job of systemizing the manufacturing environment for mortgage files.  Since that time, Tamminga's capability for legal technology has just grown with Gowlings LLP.  Three decades back, he had been called Gowlings' Innovation Initiatives leader.  He's responsible for automating the Gowlings recovery solutions clinic.  He has designed and built a number of additional practice systems in the areas of debt collection, loan placement, and civil litigation.  His role has demanded re-thinking that the thornier aspects of large firm operations: managing cultural change, inducing client-side believing, and building the reimbursement mechanisms, which induce new behavior. Exactly what the panel had to say: Tamminga has shown actual vision in handling tough issues that many law firms aren't quite prepared to take on.
Murray Klippenstein
Creator, Klippensteins Barristers & Solicitors, Toronto, Ont. Back to the second year on the Top 25, Klippenstein's continuing representation of 13 members of this indigenous Mayan Q'eqchi' inhabitants from El Estor, Guatemala, continues to make waves.  Three associated lawsuits are before the Ontario courts against Canadian mining company Hudbay Minerals within the brutal killing of Adolfo Ich and the gang rape of 11 girls from Lote Ocho.  In a precedent-setting judgment in July of 2013, an Ontario court decided that lawsuits could proceed to trial in Canada over the objections of Hudbay Minerals.  At home he's also taking on the big guys in a situation against Encana Corp. which 's challenging the law and practice of hydraulic fracking at Canada. What voters had to say: Kudos for standing up for, upholding Canadian values, where we function.
Fred Headon
Assistant general counsel, labor and employment law, Air Canada, Montreal, Que.  As chairman of the Canadian Bar Association's Futures Initiative, Headon has contributed over 25 presentations to lawyers, law students, professors, librarians, law firm staff, and labs in Toronto to Buenos Aires, Victoria to Halifax, in person and online.  The Futures report was released in August 2014 and its recommendations put Headon squarely in the middle of several important discussions on subjects essential to the profession.  He continues to direct the Futures steering committee as it now turns its guidelines into actions.  Headon is an essential part of the debate on the future of this profession and he was the very first in-house counselor to become the president of the CBA. What Republicans needed to say: Brings energy and decency and the smarts to what he does.
Allison Dellandrea
Crown counsel, Ministry of the Attorney General,Toronto, Ont.   Dellandrea was a key participant in advancing the understanding of crimes against children by law enforcement officials, fellow attorneys, and the judiciary.  She had been included in a child sexual abuse case in March where Ontario's former deputy education minister Ben Levin pleaded guilty to child pornography related charges.  The fees included making composed child porn, counseling a individual to commit a sexual assault, and possession of child porn.  Dellandrea's role for a Crown includes function as education lead for Ontario's provincial plan on Internet crimes against children.  She's an instrumental leader in this area within the justice department. What Republicans needed to say: Allison is a tireless source and is the penultimate legal mind to get a prosecutorial place on all things associated with child abuse and sexual assault offences.  For this difficult subject that inherently involves quite reckless emotional and legal problems, Allison always has the time to provide sound guidance to additional Crowns prosecuting these very difficult and sensitive offences.  Her efforts have made a concrete difference in making our society safer.
Dennis Edney and Nate Whitling
Defence adviser, Edmonton, Alta. In a rare move, Edney and Whitling have been termed as Best 25 honourees as a team.  Both have spent over a decade recommending for Omar Khadr, nearly universally on a pro bono basis.  From Guantanamo Bay to the Supreme Court of Canada (three times), the unlikely duo have fought for Khadr to get him released from prison (victory in May), have him treated as a child soldier, and continue to battle for his legal rights at home and abroad.  It's been what the Globe and Mail called waging a war of legal attrition against the authorities, that has always done everything to paint Khadr as a dangerous terrorist who should be held behind bars.  Edney, a former soccer player who only started practising law in 40, has become the public and press face of the continuing legal conflicts, even taking Khadr into his own home after he was recently released on bail.   Whitling, a Harvard law graduate and former SCC clerk, is a much quieter and reserved drive behind the scenes. What Republicans needed to say: Dennis has gone above and beyond the call of duty in his defence of Omar Khadr.  The nobility of the profession depends on lawyers like Dennis as we are occasionally called upon to defend unpopular entities or people -- but individuals who are no less deserving of natural justice and procedural fairness.   Whitling is an intelligent and highly effective advocate who stays out of the limelight.  He's a excellent lawyer.  Exceptionally intelligent and excellent to work with.
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vraiesmeufs · 7 years
Saint Placide, 16h.
Je vais chercher Farah à la sortie des cours. Je la vois au loin, souriante, elle me propose d’aller faire un tour au jardin du Luxembourg qui se trouve juste à côté. On marche, il fait chaud, on se pose sur un banc.
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Farah est en L2 droit et sciences politiques à l’institut catholique de Paris. “Je m’y sens bien parce qu’on n’est pas une pormo monstrueuse de 500/600 personnes, on est tout juste 150 donc c’est cool pour débattre en amphi entre étudiants ou avec le prof. Après je suis dans un institut privé et je suis maghrébine, donc par moment c’est un peu difficile de ne pas sauter sur les premiers qui déblatèrent des absurdités. Plusieurs fois, en cours, je me suis retrouvée face à des profs tenant des propos limites, sur la colonisation algérienne par exemple ou sur la femme.”
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J’en profite pour lui demander ce qu’elle a pensé de ces élections. “C’était un peu n’importe quoi. Entre la banalisation du FN, les gens qui critiquent fort en rabaissant ceux qui votent Macron, on s’y perdait. Sans te mentir, je ne me suis retrouvée dans aucun des candidats et j’ai trouvé ça dommage pour les premières présidentielles où je pouvais voter. J’ai trouvé cette période très insupportable à voir les beaux grands penseurs de ce monde sur les réseaux écrire des pavés ou édicter une sorte de parole divine de la politique alors qu’ils ne savent pas de quoi ils parlent. Moi même au bout de 2 ans de droit et de sciences politiques, je ne comprends pas tous les rouages, c’est bien plus compliqué que ce que l'on pense.
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On parle ensuite de son idée dans la représentation de la femme aujourd’hui. “C’est un énorme bazar. Entre les filles qui insultent les autres filles de putes à tout va où à l’extrême celles qui se mettent à poil sur la voie publique pour se faire entendre, on s’y retrouve mal. Les réseaux sociaux impactent beaucoup notre image : je vois beaucoup de mecs insulter de putes des filles, mes copines ou parfois moi-même sous une photo où on peut apercevoir nos formes. Mais pourquoi ? Des filles mêmes vont s”insulter ? Il y a un slutshame perpétuel qui se base sur l’apparence. Et je ne parle même pas des “une fille qui couche c’est une pute”, “si t’as couché avec plus de 3 mecs, t’es une pute”…. A écouter les réseaux, une fille bien ne boit pas, ne fume pas, ne sort pas, ne parle à aucun gars, n’a jamais eu de relations sexuelles. Aujourd’hui, se faire mentionner pour se manger des “salopes”, “chiennes” sur Twitter c’est devenu banal. Un jour, suite à un “débat” sur le viol, sujet sur lequel, en principe, il y a 0 débat, un mec m’a dit “toi vu ta photo de profil, je te viole” et ça m’avait choqué de lire ça.”
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La discussion porte ensuite sur les différences entre notre génération et la génération juste en dessous. On parle de cette nouvelle génération, biberonnée aux réseaux sociaux et sexualisée dès le plus jeune âge, qui grandit peut être trop vite. “Aujourd’hui des filles qui sont super jeunes vont être très sexualisées, de par les photos qu’elles peuvent poster où des choses qu’elles peuvent dire. Je ne dis pas qu’il faut s’habiller de telle ou telle manière mais je trouve qu'il faut une certaine maturité pour “survivre” aux réseaux sociaux. Internet regorge de malades, de mauvaises personnes et ce n’est pas pour rien que bon nombre de filles et de garçons se sont foutus en l’air pour des réseaux sociaux et qu’on a ce qu’on appelle le cyberbullying. Personnellement, quand je suis née, Internet n’existait pas, puis plus tard ado, mes parents me contrôlaient pas mal : à 21h, ils me prenaient mon téléphone… Je les trouvais lourds mais aujourd’hui je suis bien contente. L’apparition de Snapchat a changé beaucoup de choses, il y a quelque chose de très malsain avec les nudes. Combien de filles se sont retrouvées humiliées car elles ont envoyé des nudes à des mecs en qui elles avaient confiance et que ces derniers les ont publiées ? Après, je ne crache pas sur les réseaux sociaux, moi même je les utilise très souvent, c’est ma petite addiction, mais je pense qu’il faut être conscient.”
On parle ensuite de son rapport au maquillage : “Au collège, je n’avais pas le droit au make up sauf pour les sorties mais j’en mettais très peu. Je suis bien contente car comme je ne mettais pas de vraiment de produit pour le teint, j’ai pu laisser longtemps ma peau respirer et grandir et je n’en mets d’ailleurs toujours pas aujourd’hui. J’ai vraiment commencé à me maquiller au lycée, je mets des trucs de base (mascara, blush, poudre…). Je me passionne à mes heures perdues pour le maquillage des yeux, j’adore y aller sur les jolies couleurs et j’aime bien quand ça brille, mais je n’en fais pas vraiment une priorité. Je peux être facilement agacée par les filles qui disent “moi je ne peux pas sortir sans mettre ceci cela…”, je trouve ça tellement dommage de fixer son identité à travers son make up. Démaquillée, je suis Farah et maquillée, je suis Farah.”
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Enfin je lui demande qu’est ce qu’une vraie meuf pour elle. “Une meuf qui s’assume sans chercher à répondre à un modèle précis, hors du moule qu’on essaie de nous ériger sans cesse avec les Kylie Jenner etc. Une vraie meuf, c’est une fille qui n’a pas de clones ou de copies conformes.”
ENGLISH VERSION (translated by Elea)
Saint Placide, 4pm.
I picked up Farah after her lectures. I her see away, smiling, offering me to go walk in jardin du Luxembourg who is just a foot by. We walk, the weather is hot, we sit on a bench.
Farah is in second year of law and political science at the catholic institute in Paris. « I feel good there because we are not a class of 500/600 students, we are just 150 so it’s really nice to talk over in the classrooms with the other students or the professor himself. I am in a private institution and I am Maghrebi, so sometimes it’s hard not to jump onto the first one who says nonsense. Sometimes, in class, I had to face my own professors saying things a little bit out of border on the Algerian colonisation for example or on women. »
I also asks her what did she think about the elections. « It was really nonsense. With the banalisation of the FN and people that were abasing the one’s who were voting for Macron, I was loosing myself. Without lying, I didn’t identify to one of the candidates and I found that shameful because these were the first presidential’s elections where I could vote. I found that amount of time unbearable seeing the big minds of this world writing books on social medias or pretend to have a godlike opinion even though they don’t even know what they are talking about. Even after 2 years of law and political sciences, I don’t understand every part of it, it’s more complicated than it seems. »
We discuss after of her idea of the representation of the women today. « It’s a big mess. Between girls that insults other girls of whores for nothing or girls that are almost bare on public way to express themselves, I can’t find myself. Social medias have a big impact on our image : I see a lot of guys saying to girls that they are whores, my friends or even sometimes on a picture where we can see our curves. But why ? Even girls go offend others ? There’s a constant slutshaming based on appearance. And don’t even start me on the « A girl who has sex is a slut », « If you had sex with more than 3 guys you’re a slut ». Following social medias, a nice girl doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t go out, doesn’t talk to any guy and never had sex. Today, being mentioned on Twitter to be treated of « sluts », « bitch » is kind of normal. One day, after a debate on rape, normally there’s actually no debate on this subject, a guy told me « Since I saw your profile picture, I’d rape you » and reading this really left me speechless. »
The discussion then drifts with the differences between our generation and the generation just after ours. We tale about this new generation, into social medias since birth and sexualized since the youngest age, that grows up a little too fast. « Today very young girls are going to be sexualized, by the photos that they can post or even by things they could say. I’m not saying you have to dress this or another way but I think that you need an pretty big amount of maturity to « survive » to social medias. Internet is overcrowding with weirdoes, really bad people and it’s not for nothing that a big amount of boys and girls took their lives for social medias and also what we call cyberbullying exists. Personally, when I was born, Internet didn’t even exist, but later when I was a teen, my parents managed me a lot with this : At 9pm, they use to take my phone… I used to find them really annoying but today I’m glad they did it. Snapchat’s emergence changed a lot of things, there’s something I find really unhealthy with what we call nudes. How many girls were humiliated because guys they trusted posted these nudes ? I’m not disowning social medias, I use them a lot, it’s my small addiction, but I think we need to be aware of this. »
We then talk about her relationship with makeup : « In middle school, I wasn’t aloud to wear any makeup except for when i was going out but I didn’t put much of it. And I’m glad I didn’t because I didn’t put anything on my face, I left my skin bare breathing and blossoming for a long time and I still don’t put anything on today. I really started wearing makeup in highschool, I put basic stuff (mascara, blush, powder… ). I spend my time off doing eye makeup, I love doing nice colors and I like it when it sparkles, but I don’t use it as a priority. I can easily be annoyed by girls that say « I can’t even go out without putting this or that… », I think it’s such a shame to determine your identity through makeup. Without makeup, I am Farah and with makeup, I am Farah. »
I finally ask her what is being a vraie meuf (real girl) to her. « A girl that assumes herself without trying to fit into a specific mould, when you stand out we constantly try to control us with Kylie Jenners etc. A real girl is a girl who doesn’t have any clones or copies. »
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