vervainvoyage · 1 year
Fellas is it gay to drag ones hand across someones thigh in casual conversation?
I'm trying to figure out if I'm too ace for her lesbian, or just too Polish for her Italian.
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vervainvoyage · 2 years
Ugh. The problem with companies choosing single-word titles for their stuff is that these things become unsearchable.
I wanted to see if anyone posted gifs from the Moss VR game because the little mouse is cute as heck. You can imagine how well searching for moss goes on tumblr.
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
I want to learn how to draw digitally a bit better (or at all), so obviously I'm making spooky birds. If there's anything wrong with the bird, assume it's intentional (please assume it's intentional O_O )
I think I need a bigger canvas size, though. This lineart is so jagged it's poking my eyes. How big do I need to go though???
Tumblr media
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
Public Service Announcement:
Today tumblr decided to switch to "best posts first" in my settings, all by itself. Which also broke endless scrolling- after a specific post, no more would load.
Thanks. Never do that again.
Everyone maybe should check their settings again, if like me you don't want any algorithms deciding what you should and shouldn't see.
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
Oh, I just realized that sniffing out bots in my followers is even easier than I thought. You see, it is possible that someone just joined tumblr and their blog is empty. But most of these bots don't hide their "following" list, and if that list is also full of empty blogs, that's 100% a bot. A new user has no reason to follow, and really no way to find, so many empty blogs. That's a bot web of connections if I've ever seen one.
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send this to the last 7 people in your notifications, anonymously or not.
Well hello there, friend ( ̄▽ ̄)
Lets see... 1. I used to be part of a few amateur theatre clubs. I believe they irreversibly influenced my personality, who's to say if that is a good thing
2. In co-op games I always play support roles, be it healers or various chain-reaction-enablers for the more complex systems. There's nothing that gives me more joy than keeping my team alive and the enemies under every single status effect imaginable
3. I'm pretty good at kraszanka/drapanka, the folk art of etching designs into dyed eggs for Easter holidays. It's an art form that exists for just one day and gets broken when the eggs are eaten, so there's no pressure to be too perfectionist about it, which is a problem I have with most normal art
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
Znalazłam zapiśnik z wierszami, które napisałam mając 14 lat. Aż muszę jeden tu zachować <3
Choć dostałam już tak dużo pragnę więcej, więcej jeszcze tych chwil, które we wspomnieniach płyną brylantowym deszczem
Choć to dawno już za nami pewnie nie raz mi się przyśni ścieżka w sadzie, bujne drzewa krople rubinowych wiśni
Choć wakacje się kończyły i już więdnąć przyszło kwiatom to wciąż w sadzie panowało lśniące, topazowe lato
Chociaż nadchodzący wrzesień kres położyć miał zabawie to do końca żywiliśmy szafirowe rybki marzeń
Choć znajomość tak urwana nieraz moje rzęsy zmoczy chętnie zachowam w pamięci takie szmaragdowe oczy
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
Oh, how I missed being so into a new story that I watch it curled up from emotion, grinning until my face hurts, kicking my feet in the air at every impressive moment.
It's so CUTE and FUNNY and my brain is going off like popcorn in a microwave
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vervainvoyage · 2 years
Finally watched Turning Red. Good movie, but what I'm stuck on is that this might be the final nail in the sign that labels me as some kind of asexual, because I couldn't relate to these girls at all. Is this what normal people feel like? Daily?? Sure the friendship and family stuff, yes, but freaking out about a guy? No, can't say I ever did that, no. Seems exhausting, why would I.
Even now my friends will be talking about some hot actors or whatever and I'll be there like "Yes, yes, he has... nice... (looks at prompt card).... hair."
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vervainvoyage · 11 months
I'll be changing my tumblr name soon, not yet decided to what but I'll definitely make the alert known. I'm just a bit over this one that I made over a decade ago. I'll put "formerly vetinarini" in my blog description for some time, and I won't be changing my icon yet, to make this less confusing.
Will also change my tags from "vetivibing" to something more fitting with my new name. Not that I had time to vibe to music recently... But I definitely will again!
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vervainvoyage · 11 months
I wonder what exactly is happening with tumblr sponsorships that I'm getting ads in korean? I've had polish and english- that's normal. German, occasionally. Some ukrainian too last year, that was an interesting novelty. But korean is a bit of a big leap? Literally the only reason I know this is korean is thanks to sfx in manhwa, there is no reason whatsoever to suspect me of knowing that language. Curious.
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
I'm not dead, I'm busy. Going to go quieter for a while until I'm done with the huge-ass work project. If I'm MIA it means the project is going badly; if I suddenly reblog 100 posts in a day it means the project is going considerably worse.
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
Seeing a string of 50+ single-fandom posts from an old mutual: oh thank fuck, you're still alive
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
I just want to say thank you to every scientist and doctor who made painkillers possible because
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
You know the feeling when you're so close to finishing a project, but your brain goes "no, actually, we're doing none of that" and starts bouncing off the walls? Yeah.
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vervainvoyage · 1 year
Oh whoops I just went on a book buying binge and now I own another 4 extra puzzle books. Journal 29 series, Cypher Files, and Trip 1907 series. I really really want to have Codex Enigmatum and Daedalian Depths but blasted things are not available where I live, and I'd have to order them English-languaged. It's not a huge problem, but still.
I need to make a wishlist one day, so whenever someone doesn't know what to buy me I can give them a whole list of foreign puzzle books that I can't be bothered to order myself.
And this whole binge was brought on by me trying to find a gift for my godson, and realizing that the little guy is really into sudoku so I might as well try to infect him with puzzle solving. I got him Dziennik Zagadkowa Podróż which is a story+puzzle book specifically for kids, and it looks very promising!
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