#vetta borne
soundspotlights · 1 year
Song: Girls | Artist: Vetta Borne
Artist Genre: R&B / Soul
Release Date: March 20, 2020
Song Length: 3:24
Spotify Link | Apple Music Link | SoundCloud Link
Spotlight: Vetta Borne is living for the heartbreak heartache and i'm here for it. let that girl break your heart! maybe it won't hurt so bad if this is the soundtrack it's happening to. nothing like an upbeat breakup song to boost your mood.
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sparviero44 · 6 months
Morto David Soul, il detective Hutch della leggendaria serie tv “Starsky & Hutch”
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La coppia di detective è diventata un'icona della cultura popolare, e il successo dello show ha contribuito significativamente alla fama di Soul
David Soul, nato David Richard Solberg, è stato non solo un volto iconico della televisione, ma anche un talentuoso cantautore e regista nel corso della sua carriera. Oltre al suo ruolo indimenticabile in “Starsky & Hutch“, Soul ha recitato in altre produzioni di successo come Star Trek e “Una 44 Magnum per l’ispettore Callaghan” con Clint Eastwood. L’attore statunitense è deceduto giovedì 4 gennaio, lasciando un vuoto nel cuore dei suoi fan e nel mondo dello spettacolo. La moglie ha comunicato che Soul ha affrontato con coraggio la sua battaglia per la vita circondato dall’affetto della famiglia.
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La carriera di David Soul è stata versatile e apprezzata. Inizialmente, ha intrapreso la strada della musica folk, esibendosi insieme a grandi nomi come Frank Zappa e i Byrds. Tuttavia, è stato il passaggio alla recitazione che lo ha portato alla ribalta, con ruoli in telefilm di successo negli anni ’60 e ’70. Il clou della sua carriera è stato, senza dubbio, il ruolo di Hutch accanto a Paul Michael Glaser in “Starsky & Hutch“. La coppia di detective è diventata un’icona della cultura popolare, e il successo dello show ha contribuito significativamente alla fama di Soul.Negli anni successivi al successo televisivo, Soul ha continuato a stupire il pubblico tornando alla musica, raggiungendo la vetta delle classifiche con brani come “Don’t Give Up On Us” e “Silver Lady”. Nonostante le sfide personali, tra cui un periodo di incarcerazione negli anni ’80 per aggressione alla moglie di allora, Patti Carnel Sherman, Soul è riuscito a rialzarsi e a contribuire ancora al mondo dell’intrattenimento.
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David Soul, known for playing the iconic detective Kenneth Hutchinson of the duo Starsky and Hutch, has died at the age of 80. The American gossip magazine TMZ broke the news. He was born in Chicago but had English citizenship. In addition to the popular TV series also "Salem's Lot", "Star Trek" and the cult "A 44 Magnum for Inspector Callaghan" alongside Clint Eastwood.
How David Soul died
David Soul died on Thursday in a hospital in London following a battle with cancer. According to what was reported by TMZ, the actor had been suffering from it for some time as well as numerous health problems suffered in old age. In particular, David Soul suffered from chronic bronchopneumonia, due to more than 50 years as an avid smoker: "he smoked three packs of cigarettes a day", says the newspaper.
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The career of David Soul
David Soul became an absolute pop icon in the 70s thanks to Starsky and Hutch. He was the blond-haired, icy-eyed detective next to Detective Dave Starsky, played by Paul Michael Glaser. David Soul appeared in all 92 episodes of the series, spanning a four-season span from 1975 to 1979 and also directing some episodes. Other popular shows also include "Salem's Lot", the first miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King and directed by Tobe Hopper in which he played the protagonist Ben Mears and which in Italy was released with the title "The Last Days of Salem ", merged into a single 112-minute version. Before his great popularity with the series, he had gained recognition in the role of Agent Davis in the film A 44 Magnum for Inspector Callaghan. David Soul had also established himself as a singer by releasing five studio albums and seven collections between 1976 and 2020
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lunamagicablu · 1 year
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Sono un elfo e sono una piuma, un figlio dell'aria che ha per tetto l'azzurra bruma. Sono nel fienile e nelle cavità dei tronchi. Del bosco io sono respiro e bronchi. Sono invisibile eppure tanto vero. Sono la magia dell'Universo intero. Il sentiero perduto che s'infila Tra le stelle. Ho tutto in me e il sibilo del vento sottopelle. Alcun libro ho studiato perché la mia sensibilità è il mistero della Natura agli occhi tuoi velato. Sono nato sulla vetta dei monti, in cima agli alberi, o nel grembo del torrente. Mi trovi alle fonti e i sogni belli io porgo anche al fanciullo impenitente. Ho il musetto di un micio all'imboccatura del viale o sul davanzale di un giorno bigio. Porgendo il saluto a ogni gentile figura che verso casa vada con l'andatura insicura. Nelle notti ferrose o nel brusio dell'alba mi trovi. Sono nel verso di un cuculo o tra le bacche odorose. Sono sacro alle ortiche e ho le stelle per amiche. Delle fiabe e dell'infanzia io sono incanto e speranza. Non c'è orco, strega o pastore che con me non abbia parlato per ore. Sono semplice e sono divino. Sono vecchio e sono bambino. Non importa. Se hai l'anima saggia e buona, a me sempre del tuo cuore aprirai la porta. Ippolita Sicoli art by theannoyedpixie ************************ I'm an elf and I'm a feather, a child of the air whose roof is the blue mist. I'm in the barn and in log cavities. Of the forest I am breath and bronchi. I am invisible yet so true. I am the magic of the whole universe. The lost path that slips Among the stars. I have everything in me and the hiss of the wind under the skin. No book I studied because my sensitivity it is the mystery of Nature in your eyes veiled. I was born on the top of the mountains, up in the trees, or in the lap of the stream. Find me at the sources and I also offer beautiful dreams to the unrepentant boy. I have the face of a cat at the mouth of the avenue or on the windowsill of a gray day. Greetings to every kind figure let me go home with unsteady gait. On iron nights or in the buzz of dawn you find me. I'm in the direction of a cuckoo or among the fragrant berries. I am sacred to nettles and I have stars for friends. Of fairy tales and childhood I am enchantment and hope. There is no ogre, witch or shepherd that he hasn't talked to me for hours. I am simple and I am divine. I am old and I am a child. It does not matter. If you have a wise and good soul, to me always of your heart you will open the door. Ippolita Sicoli art by theannoyedpixie
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
tagged by @lycanthrology and @thebourneultimatum and @loverboy-ish I didnt do it at first but I was broken down over time and caved
Vortex by Nova Twins
Ocean Man by Ween
Night Time by Superorganism
Kissing Strangers by Vetta Borne
All I Ever Asked by Rachel Chinouriri
Road to Nowhere by Talking Heads
Monster Truck by Jazmin Bean
Anywhere on this Road by Lhasa de Sela
2am by Foals (<the only song I know that starts with. 2)
Im not tagging anyone bc 1) I’m shy 2) I waited too long and most people I know have already done it or been tagged by someone else. the cycle ends with me
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anyaexe · 1 year
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anya’s mixtape (001/?)
stuff you’d find on their spotify, if she didn’t pirate all her music.
dance wiv me - dizzee rascal, calvin harris & chrom3 / gangster time - interplanitary criminal & killa p / find my way home - sammy virji / like home - love remain / teenage dirtbag - wheatus / on & on - piri & tommy / where i’m from - digable planets / a detailed and poetic physical threat to the person who intentionally vandalized my 1994 dodge intrepid behind kate’s apartment - pet symmetry / sober feels - nia archives / ladbroke grove - aj tracey / jenny’s house - mustbejohn / friendly pressure (into the sunshine edit) - jhelisa & sunship / king - florence + the machine / megan fox - kezia / diamonds and guns - transplants / boys don’t cry - the cure / complicated - mura masa & nao / silly girl - descendents / neighbourhood - zed bias / space rider - shaun escoffery & mj cole / over you - ken@work / my friends over you - new found glory / girls - vetta borne / gabriel (live garage mix) - roy davis jr. & peven everett / tell me - tokyo prose / u belong 2 me - yu qt / this time of morning - mikey b & local / talk - gemi / whippet - conducta & sammy virji / body grove - architechts & nay nay / f.u.c.k - victoria monét / original nuttah 25 - shy fx & uk apache
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Pastor Fred Shuttlesworth (March 18, 1922 - October 5, 2011) was born in Mount Meigs, Alabama to Vetta Green and Alberta Robinson. His mother and stepfather, William Nathan Shuttlesworth, a farmer in Oxmore, Alabama raised him. He graduated from Rosedale High School and he married a nurse Ruby Keeler (1940). In 1943 he became a truck driver and studied mechanics in Mobile. He attended seminary at Cedar Grove Academy. In 1945, he delivered his first sermon. He pursued an AB at Selma University and Alabama State College. In 1950, he became pastor of First Baptist Church in Selma, and in 1953, he returned to Birmingham as pastor of Bethel Baptist Church.
He became a leading civil rights figure, challenging segregation in the school system and Jim Crow policies in public accommodations. He formed the civil rights organization Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. He became a participant in the Montgomery Improvement Association’s Montgomery Bus Boycott. His role in the boycott angered members of the Ku Klux Klan who dynamited his house.
He continued to civil rights crusade. In 1957 police brutally beat and hospitalized him for attempting to enroll his daughter in an all-white school. He continued as a leader in the Black freedom struggle by co-founding the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957 with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bayard Rustin. He joined younger activists in sit-ins to desegregated lunch counters and he assisted the Congress of Racial Equality in organizing freedom rides throughout the South.
In 1963 he participated in a civil rights campaign in that city’s Kelley Ingram Park. Sheriff Eugene “Bull” Conner ordered the fire department to turn water cannons on him and the other protesters. The reverend was injured and hospitalized.
He become the pastor of Great New Light Baptist Church in Cincinnati. He continued his activism by founding in 1988 the Shuttlesworth Housing Foundation, an organization that assisted low-income families in purchasing homes. Birmingham’s International Airport was renamed in his honor as the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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inviaggiocondante · 1 year
Inferno XXVIII
Impegni rispettati. La giornata si chiude mentre rimugino sul XXVIII canto. Qui entrano in gioco i servi più fedeli del male.. coloro che 'dividono'.
Dia-ballein.. "mettersi in mezzo".. Seperare... l'uomo da Dio, gli uomini fra loro, la vita di noi tutti tra desideri bassi e aspirazioni alte...
Due punti:
1) le ferite, i corpi straziati.. ribaltamento dell'iconografia dei martiri cristiani... lì dove sono segno di Testimonianza.. un indicare una 'Vetta' per la quale si può sopportare di tutto.. qui in questa bolgia diventano punizione eterna.. il tempo di guarire e nuovamente viene straziato, senza alcun senso. Un dolore per il dolore.
2) la vicenda di Bertran de Born.. la testa mozzata.. la testa lontana dal cuore.. la seperazione - ancora! - fra pensiero e cuore... ."ed erano due in uno e uno in due". L'Unità è andata. LA divisione per eccellenza.. quella NELLA persona: i risultati? Discordia e lotta, in sé e fuori. Nella società.
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yoomira · 1 year
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lovestereo · 3 years
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soundspotlights · 1 year
playlist of the month: january 2023
length: 37m42s
songs: Blue by V.C.R; Lovely by Mills; Friendly by Blow Pop; foolish by Elah Hale; Only One by Blake Ruby; Ice by alali; CRISIS by Sam Ezeh; Golden Mirror by KAINA; Gold by Austin Millz, Aluna; Parallel Parking by Arden Jones; DiCaprio(Love Me All the Time) by Juice; Girls by Vetta Borne
spotify link
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years
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Here we will be sharing the best live session videos we’ve discovered on YouTube in the last few days. We hope you find your new favourite band/artist! 
Julia Holter performing ‘Another Dream’ live for Audiotree.
Garbage performing at home for World Cafe sessions.
Vetta Borne performing ‘Kissing Strangers’ live for Triple J’s Like A Version.
Billie Eilish performing ‘Your Power’ live for Vevo.
Kylie V performing live at home for KEXP.
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yeosangkng · 4 years
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shnnn · 3 years
instant, sexy as fuck classic.
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ravenplaylist · 3 years
January 14, 2021 - Girls by Vetta Borne
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cruelrhythm · 4 years
i think about you all the time.
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Who's been forcin' that mouth to keep it?
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