#vfd sugar bowl generation
inner-egg-pong · 2 months
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this might be the denouements and the parents might be vfd
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sbg members headcanon regarding tattoos
has the tattoo because it was still a thing in vfd at the time:
monty (hides it with multi-colorful socks with snakes on them)
sally and gustav (hides it with neutral color socks)
snicket siblings (sometimes they hide it, sometimes they don't)
denouement triplets (pre-canon, dewey hides his with blue socks, ernest hides his with green socks, and frank dies his with red socks. by canon, they wear white socks)
josephine (hides it with dark color socks or tights. during canon, her long mourning dress helps also)
raymond 'q' quagmire (hides it with white or grey socks)
olaf (pre-opera night, he used to hide it with socks of different patterns and color combinations; he liked purple zigzags socks the most. post-opera night, he switched between white or black socks. learning the true players of the opera night had olaf forgoing socks)
beatrice (hides it with socks/tights or makeup; it depends on what she's wearing)
bertrand (hides it with socks or makeup; it depends on what he's wearing)
r (hides it with socks/tights or makeup; it depends on what she's wearing)
doesn't have tattoo for they were recruited after tattoo ban:
gregor and ike + hector (they were the first recruits to be taken after the tattoo ban. gregor would have gotten the tattoo if his parents didn't get him back [via ishmael helping out/owning d anwhistle a favor] after his first recruit lead to the real h anwhistle's death)
the future joan quagmire and her sisters alex and lindsey (they were recruited during high school because the triplets were nosy about a group of students)
esme (she got recruited in middle school because she got nosy over one of her teachers; her favorite teacher in fact)
fernald (lump sbg member born after tattoo ban; fernald for a time like the idea of having the tattoo, but by the present canon events fernald is GLAD that he doesn't)
doesn't have the tattoo, but should:
georgina orwell (doesn't see herself as part of the sbg; like that stop others saying she is. anyway, georgina when recruited did got the tattoo on her ankle. however, her parents managed to take her back during the schism, and georgina before her second recruitment removed her tattoo when she was studying to become an optometrist. the organization didn't bother to ask her to get the tattoo again on a different spot of her own free choice.)
miranda, n, and olivia (they were taken at a time when the tattoo wasn't ban. their mother having to take over caligari carnival so sudden over her brother's death -he was the previous owner- made a deal with the organization to give her children directly)
larry (was taken at the same time as r on account of getting pick up while r's recruiters snatch her up. no one really knows how larry got gloss over, but he's not complaining)
haruki [murakami] (was recruited at a time when the tattoo wasn't ban. however, the japanese branch of vfd play loose with the tattoo rules and allow exemptions if argue well. his parents won their argument)
shouldn't have the tattoo, but does:
widdershins (he joined after tattoo ban was enacted, and many saw his ankle tattoo free. as such, when his associates saw his tattooed ankle one summer day, it became a mystery that needed to be solve. hides it with navy or black shocks, or bandages he wrap around his ankle)
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a thing i noticed while rewatching asoue.
ok so. there's this consistent theme of count olaf not being able to work with other villains, right? and that was always implied to be because he's bad at teamwork (a traditional bad guy trait), and just kind of left at that.
olaf being bad at teamwork makes perfect sense for his character. he's extremely self-centered, and never really had that "other people exist in the same way as me" realization that most people go through during their childhood. in other words, he completely lacks any sense of sonder, which is why he won't hesitate to leave someone the second they deviate from his plan.
but ohh no, that's not all.
see, another thing i noticed is that the reoccuring reason for other villains ditching olaf/olaf ditching other villains is a lack of understanding.
esmé and olaf never worked well together, because their motives were so different; esmé just wanted her sugar bowl back, meanwhile what olaf was seeking was much more complex: both a material good (the baudelaire fortune), but also a symbolic, indirect revenge on beatrice baudelaire for her involvement in his father's death. the reason the two couldn't work together was because they couldn't understand each other's perspectives.
it's even more interesting of a pattern when it comes to olaf and carmelita: in my head, it seems like olaf genuinely was reminded of a younger version of himself at first, but got irritated when she was too much like a younger version of himself (no experiance of the real word, spoiled rotten), from before his father died. in other words, a version of himself that was still in that place of privilege that he'd lost with his father. so olaf wasn't just annoyed with carmelita's entitlement, her presence and personality reminded him of what he'd lost and how that loss had changed him.
overall, i think a lot of olaf's actions have this theme of not having a lot, or having lost a lot. his house, his outfits, all of it indicates that at this point in his life, he's at his lowest. his dad's status implies he grew up in a place of privilege, but his life quickly went downhill afterwards.
i think that that's, to some degree, the reason he hates displays of wealth or wellness so much. even on a moral basis: he openly criticizes members of vfd for their perceived moral pureness or goody two shoes attitudes, because he sees it as dishonest. he's seen the bad side of vfd, and no longer has any sympathy for the "good" side. but beyond that, i think he envies their morality, since it's something he never had despite being raised the same way.
i also think that maybe olaf feels like he was never given a fair chance to do the right thing, since he was approached by the man with the beard but no hair and the woman with the hair but no beard right after his father's death, when he was emotionally vulnerable and easy to manipulate. he thinks that this means that he had no real choice, and is therefore not responsible for his actions.
but vfd members that have been through similar tragedies (the snicket siblings, larry, monty, josephine, etc) and still continue to do the right thing constantly remind olaf that the problem is his own nature (irresponsible, emotional, irrational, morally bankrupt) making him easy to manipulate, not just the circumstances of his life. their very existance proves that he had just as much of a fair chance as anyone else; that's why he hates them so much. he doesn't want to be responsible for his actions.
uhhh this got very off-track, and turned into me just analyzing count olaf's character, but oh well-
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snicketsquadron · 1 year
Schism Headcanons
The Netflix adaptation in general was making the story more streamlined and trim, such as using Larry and Jacqueline as story glue characters to use across books, as opposed to doing things like Hal reappearing in book 12. So it makes sense from that perspective that they would fuse together the schism that split VFD with the sugar bowl theft and the murder of Olaf’s parents that split the friend group of that generation.
I get it, but I prefer the books’ account. Especially as several facts (including one’s still carried over in the Netflix series) don’t make a lot of sense unless some amount of fragmentation is already occurring. In the books, Kit says the schism happened when she was four, and the young volunteers are already being forced to move between multiple headquarters regularly (Unauthorized Autobiography). And why would the Baudelaire’s believe Lemony was dead (as indicated by their naming intentions) before Violet was ever born, if there weren’t already problems? The schism gets talked about as if it was one singular event, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense either. The ATWQ books take place post-schism, and there are still VFD-organized trainings and apprenticeships and systems, they’re just continuing to crack and corrupt with multiple internal conflicts. (Lemony “almost gets kicked out” of VFD for his speech, Gifford and Ghede should have helped Kit but don’t), but at the same time, Olaf and Beatrice are still allies and working together. I think VFD members talk about the schism the way people talk about historical events such as “The Cold War” or “The Jazz Age”. In an American classroom (or on Wikipedia) the “Civil Rights Movement” refers to a specific time period of American History from 1954 to 1968. The movement itself wasn’t just one event- it was multiple actions on behalf of multiple activists with multiple sources of opposition, working together or separately, and visible as one thing only in hindsight. And furthermore, calling it “The Civil Rights Movement”, while useful as a shorthand and academic term, obscures the fact that there are many civil rights movements in many places and many times, and one could argue a continuous narrative starting in the beginning of recorded history to the present day. And to think of the schism in similar terms- that it wasn’t any one split, but a series of internal conflicts that ultimately shredded VFD as an organization- also lines up with Lemony’s speech about VFD as an organization and his own principles. The idea that VFD in this particular iteration, with these initials and these tattoos and these headquarters, is being lost. But that the general concept of good people banding together to fight fires has happened always and will continue to occur naturally and take many forms across history.
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cygninae · 8 months
So this is really random, and no one asked for this, but have my nationality headcanons for a whole load of asoue/atwq characters.?? No real explanation for these hcs, it's just how I imagine the characters ! :) (might throw in some extra hcs along the way because why not.)
P.S I'm quite fascinated by the history of the colonisation of America and the patterns of immigration that occurred thereafter, which is partially why I'm making this post. However, I'm not American and have never received actual American education so I'm sorry if I am miseducated in any regard.
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Sugar bowl gen
Esmé Squalor is British/Syrian
HC: she is a first generation immigrant to the USA when the events of the books take place. Her mother was Syrian and her father British. She has a twin brother who disagreed with her involvement in VFD and left the USA to go back to England once they were of age. She hasn't seen him since they were teenagers.
Jerome Squalor is British-American
HC: His parents immigrated to the USA from England before he was born.
Bertrand Baudelaire is French
HC: He is a first-generation immigrant and went to the USA on his own after the death of his parents.
Beatrice Baudelaire is American
HC: By the time she was born, her family had been in the USA for many generations. Some British and Irish ancestry.
The Snicket siblings are Chinese-American
HC: the Snicket siblings are second-generation immigrants to the USA. Both of their parents were Chinese.
Mrs (headcanoned first name Marzia) Quagmire is Italian-American
HC: she is a second generation immigrant. She grew up in a household that primarily spoke Italian.
Mr (headcanoned first name William) Quagmire is American
HC: like Bea, his family had been in the USA for many generations before his birth. British and Dutch ancestry.
Count Olaf is German-American
HC: Olaf is a second or third generation immigrant. His family were very wealthy but went to ruin and ran away to the USA. He still insists on keeping his ancestral title despite this.
Montgomery Montgomery is Pakistani-American
HC: Monty is a second-gen immigrant. He had three siblings who all moved across the USA once of age, but he made an effort to keep in touch with them and their extended family in Pakistan.
Ellington Feint is Chinese-American
HC: Ellington is a second-gen immigrant. Her father was American with British ancestry and her mother was a first-gen Chinese immigrant.
Captain (headcanoned first name Rory) Widdershins is Irish-American
HC: a third-gen immigrant who grew up very disconnected from his heritage due to being in the foster system.
Fernald "Widdershins" is Moroccan/American
HC: him and his sister Fiona (and theorised sister Friday) had an American mother and Moroccan father. Their father left before they were born and mother left when Fiona was young, so they were raised by Widdershins. They know very little about their heritage.
Moxie Mallahan is American
HC: her family had been in the USA for many generations before her birth. Distant British and Dutch ancestry.
Arthur Poe is American
HC: Poe and his wife both had generations of family in the USA. He has some Dutch ancestry.
Josephine Anwhistle is American
HC: her family had also been in the USA for many generations. She had distant Irish ancestry. She made effort to reconnect with her ancestry in some regards.
Ike Anwhistle is American
HC: Ike, too, had family for generations in the USA. Canonically in the books, he is the second cousin of one of the Baudelaire parents (I hc him on Bea's side of the family) so in my headcanon, his ancestry is British/Irish. His brother, Gregor, is obviously the same.
The Denouement triplets are American
HC: the triplets are third-generation immigrants with British and Dutch ancestry. Mother's side British and father's side Dutch. There had been plans to raise the triplets in England, but a mysterious friend of their mother convinced them to stay in the USA for reasons unknown...
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Unfortunate Gen
The Baudelaire children are French-American
HC: Bea is American and Bertrand French, as stated above. They grew up speaking both languages fluently.
The Quagmire triplets are Italian-American
HC: their mother is Italian and their father American. Their mother and her parents made sure they grew up speaking Italian.
Fiona Widdershins is American/Moroccan
HC: As stated with Fernald above, her biological father was Moroccan, although her and Fernald never knew him nor that they were Moroccan.
Carmelita Spats is Dutch-American
HC: Carmelita is a fourth-generation immigrant and she has little connection to her ancestry due to not being in contact with her family anymore.
Beatrice Baudelaire II is Chinese-American
HC: as Kit is her mother, she has her ancestry, of course. I am personally a fan of the theory that Olaf is her father, not Dewey, so in this post, we'll say that his ancestry plays here too...
Ben (Violet's friend) is American
HC: Ben is American with British and Native American ancestry.
Well, I've probably missed about a million characters, but there it is ! This is a super random post but I just felt like I might as well post some headcanons for the hell of it. Always love to hear other people's headcanons for Snicketverse characters. Thanks if you read all the way to the end, I love you
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asouefanworkevent · 2 years
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woevember is coming!
what is it?
woevember is an asoue fanwork event week, that will take place from november 13th through november 19th, 2022. each day of that week is dedicated to a different group of characters from a series of unfortunate events and all the wrong questions.
what do i do?
the character groups will be revealed now, so everyone has time to make something. between now and the week of november 13th, you’ll create fanworks about the characters, and then post it on the corresponding day during november 13th - 19th!
don’t forget to tag this tumblr (asouefanworkevent) in the post so i can find it and reblog it, and tag the post with #woevember !
what do you mean by fanwork?
everything! fanfic and fanart are of course allowed, but also edits, gifs, analysis posts, even just headcanons!! super short fics!! your sketchiest drawings!! i want people to be encouraged to and be able to create even something small that didn’t exist before for the snicketverse, and share it with other people!
are there any rules?
to keep the event open and comfortable for everyone, no explicit content. also, this should go without saying, but in case it doesn’t, sibling romance and age gaps are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
do i have to make something for every day?
only if you want to! feel free to just make something for one day if you want :) the point of having a different character group for each day is so everyone’s favorite character (or a character you like or find interesting) will hopefully come up at some point, so everyone’s covered, and you can at least make something for one of the days.
what are the prompts?
i tried to get a good mix of characters we already love a lot, and characters who you might not have thought about before!
november 13th – sugar bowl gen siblings
the best siblings. the worst siblings. they’re going through a lot, at all times. "the schism has turned many brothers into enemies."
character options include: snickets, denouements, anwhistles, calibans, sebalds
november 14th – firestarters
what makes a “firestarter”? (besides needing to find seven broad categories in which to fit many, many characters.)
character options include: olaf, esme, the bald man, fernald, the henchperson, the white-faced women, the man with a beard but no hair, the woman with hair but no beard (also related characters, like ernest, georgina, olivia)
november 15th – the city
there is so much in The City! and so much with a deep vfd history, that every aspect of the city must’ve crossed paths with vfd or the baudelaire’s story at some point, in some way.
character options include: jerome, eleanora, geraldine, esme squalor’s fanclub, honestly anyone you would like to stick in a specifically City location
location options include: the punctilio, the banking district, the herpetological society, the hemlock tearoom and stationery shop, the taxi, the opera, the fountain of victorious finance, 667 dark avenue, veblen hall, orion observatory
november 16th – unseen characters
there’s plenty of characters we hear about in the series, but never actually really see. give us your takes on them!
character options include: lemony's editor, the snicket parents, olaf's parents, haruki, the baudelaire's uncle elwyn, madame dilustro, gina sue, whoever beatrice and bertrand invited to their dinner parties besides mr. poe, moxie's mother, ellington's mother, violet's friend ben, lemony's friend playing the sonata on the pipe organ in the cathedral of the alleged virgin
november 17th – stain’d-by-the-sea
what becomes of stain’d-by-the-sea and all the people still living there, after lemony leaves? what happens to wade academy? what happens to ellington?
character options include: moxie, pip, squeak, jake, cleo, kellar, ornette, lizzie, ellington, prosper lost, stew, the mitchums, the talkie brothers, any character from 13SI (theodora can also be included here)
november 18th – the unfortunate generation
what are they up to, post-canon? or what were they up to, pre-canon?
character options include: violet, klaus, sunny, duncan, isadora, quigley, fiona, carmelita, friday, the second beatrice
november 19th – free space!
is there a character you want to make something for that didn’t necessarily fit in these categories? (and my deepest apologies for who didn’t. the duchess? miranda? ishmael? the islanders? widdershins? hector? the village of fowl devotees? jacquelyn? larry? phil? beatrice and bertrand, technically????) is there a character you wanted to do but you didn’t like the group they were in? (you’d rather talk about esme outside of her relation to the firestarters?) do you want to do something centered on a ship? (lemony/beatrice/bertrand? dewey/bertrand? kit/beatrice? violet/isadora? jacques/jerome? olivia/jacques? beatrice/bertrand? monty/gustav? sally/r?) put it here!
can i do ships for other days?
you absolutely can! i’m just giving options in the free space.
can i include other characters that aren’t a part of the group set for each day?
yes, as long as the major focus of the work is still on the designated group! for example, for sugar bowl gen siblings, you could definitely make something about, say, beatrice interacting with the snicket siblings, as long as the focus of the work is still on the snicket siblings. or, for stain’d-by-the-sea, you could definitely write about those characters interacting with vfd characters, or the unfortunate gen, or even mr. poe, as long as the focus of the work is still on the stain’d-by-the-sea characters.
if you have any questions about anything, feel free to drop me an ask or a message!
happy creating and i hope to see lots of you november 13th - 19th!!
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gellavonhamster · 2 years
Tagged by @virginian-wolfsnake (thank you! ❤)
Fanfic Writer 20 Questions
1. how many fics do you have on ao3?
53. This number is misleading, however, because I have a lot of works posted in two languages - Russian and English. If we subtract translations but count all my ASOUE one-shots separately (in Russian I have most of them posted as a single multi-chapter fic), it makes... hang on lemme count... 41. It is not everything I’ve ever written - there were other fics, published in archives or blogs that either don’t exist anymore or that I abandoned long ago. 
2. what is your ao3 word count?
169,322. Again, part of this are translations - no idea what part.
3. how many fandoms do you write for and what are they?
I haven’t written anything for the last year and a half, not counting translations of two older fics, unfortunately (one day! Hopefully, one day I will write again!), but my most recent main fandoms were ASOUE and Dracula, plus one work written for Frontier and Dark each.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. give me one good honest kiss (113) - a series of vignettes about the romantic, platonic, and semi-platonic kisses shared among the Polycula™, my main contribution to the Dracula fandom. I think it deserves that, honestly. Maybe I could’ve come up with more interesting circumstances for some of the pairings - there were those in case of which I knew precisely what I want to write and those that I felt I just have to write something for - but overall I’m pleased with it and I’m glad if other people are too.
2. Вспомнить всё (Total Recall, 95) - this is one of the first fics I posted on ao3 and one of those that only exist in Russian. It’s a humorous Teen Wolf story about Derek Hale waking up hungover and finding out, horrified, that his pack of high schoolers threw him a birthday party the day before. I don’t think about this story much these days - I am long over Teen Wolf - but I think it turned out okay for the 2015 me and still is funny, and readers seem to agree.
3. A Simple Life (84) - in which Beatrice, Bertrand, and Lemony contemplate the possibility of having children, with flash forwards of Lemony thinking about the Baudelaire children years later. I did some things I really like in it, such as Beatrice telling Lemony they need three children and Lemony assuming she means volunteers for some VFD plot, and Lemony dreaming of Theodora after Bertrand’s death, but in general it’s not my favourite ASOUE fic that I’ve written - though, of course, I am happy that people like it.
4. Here's Looking at You, Kid (80) - B/B/L and kids again, this time with more focus on Violet being Lemony’s biological daughter. This was written for the Sugar Bowl Tournament, and I still feel like it might be obvious from the text that I was in a bit of a hurry when writing it and especially translating it into English, but apparently it’s not as bad as I thought when I posted it. Not my favourite among my ASOUE fics either, though.
5. Souvenirs (69 nice) - a Dracula fic, a short and extremely self-indulgent Quincey/Jack one. I am quite fond of this silly piece of fluff, so I’m definitely not complaining it made it into the top five.
5. do you respond to comments? why/why not?
I always try to, even if most often it doesn’t get more creative than ‘Thank you so much!”, though it, of course, depends on the comment - if a reader is asking questions or commenting on specific parts, I am happy to carry on a conversation. I’ve received comments that are just emoji or keysmashes - I don’t reply to those, because I don’t know how, but I am grateful for them as well. I really appreciate feedback, and I know from experience that commenting on fic may be challenging, especially in a foreign language, so I want people to know that their comments make me happy. 
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Of those that are on ao3 (I’ve honestly forgotten most of my older fics), that must be give me one good honest kiss - the last of the vignettes it is composed of ends with the mention of canonical character death. I rarely write angst, I’m more of a bittersweet-but-hopeful ending kind of writer.
7. do you write crossovers?
Usually, no. In my teenage years, when I often wrote for various fic fests, I sometimes wrote crossover drabbles if some prompt gave me an idea, but never a proper long (or at least longish) story. The only one I have on ao3 is Herr Lucifer, Beware, Beware, a crossover of Dracula and Carmilla - it just feels so tempting and natural to imagine all classic Gothic novels taking place in the same universe.
8. have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Hmmm. It wasn’t exactly hate, but I remember posting two ficlets for a Russian novel called The Gray House (“Дом, в котором...”) in the blog community dedicated to this book, and the first comment I received was so rude, condescending, and picking on the weirdest things (like pointing out some absolutely normal words and claiming that they’re too archaic) that I was kinda taken aback, didn’t know how to respond (and whether I should), and in the end just deleted that post. Mind you, those were far from being my first fics (though I was much younger then), they weren’t much different in style from my other works that all were generally well liked, and I got positive feedback on them when I posted them on my own blog. Don’t know what was wrong. Then again, that fandom as such had unpleasant vibes - lots of people thinking themselves Very Special.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I wish! But no, I don’t think I’m skilled enough. I’ve only written one fic that might be qualified as smut (Terpsichore, B/B/L again), and it was hard to write even though it is very tame by smut standards.
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
In a way, yeah. Long ago, in Harry Potter fandom, a reader told me someone took one of my short fics and sort of expanded it to make a longer text, while leaving my sentences unchanged. The site I posted fanfiction on back then (hogwarts.net, a Russian HP fic archive, no idea if it’s still functioning) had a forum, one of the topics on which was for informing the moderators about plagiarism. I wrote about that situation there, and I don’t remember how it all ended, but I believe they took down the plagiarized one.
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I translate my own fic, but I never had it translated by someone else.
12. have you ever co-written a fic?
I vaguely remember there being attempts back when I was still is school, but nothing came out of it.
13. what’s your all-time favourite ship?
These change as time passes, of course, but right now, although ASOUE doesn’t occupy as much of my mind as it used to (while still being very dear to me!), I must say it’s still Beatrice/Bertrand/Lemony. It just makes everything about canon a little bit happier and simultaneously even more devastating, you know?
14. what’s a wip that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will?
I don’t really have any - I don’t write that much to begin with, and when I start writing something once in blue moon, I usually finish it before starting something else. At most I have some ideas that I carry in my brain but cannot make myself start working on in earnest. Right now, the most concrete of these must be Charles/Jerome in book!verse instead of Netflix!verse, but I am not sure I can make it interesting enough.
15. what are your writing strengths?
Ha, I don’t even know, it’s probably for the readers to decide. Dialogue, perhaps? I’ve often found myself smugly satisfied with the lines I came up with for different characters. In case of ASOUE specifically, I also think I’m pretty good at incorporating references to other books into my stories the way it is done in canon.
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
PLOT. I can’t develop plot for shit, and I treasure the few works where I managed to construct some semblance of it. All I can really write is characters Talking about Stuff and Feeling Things.
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I think that unless it’s a language that the author speaks very well, in order for it to be done well, one really needs to consult the speakers of that language, because machine translation is not reliable enough for this. It can add to the atmosphere of the fic, but if it’s incorrect, it might ruin the impression for the readers who speak that language, especially native speakers. Tbh I don’t think there’s anything wrong with just mentioning within the text that some lines or other are spoken in another language.
18. what is the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Unless we count stories about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends I wrote as a wee kid (up to making my primary school classmates stage a play I wrote), my first fandom was a Russian YA book series Tanya Grotter (a parody of Harry Potter, yes) by Dmitri Yemets. I was 13 when I found the forum dedicated to these books and their adjacent series, Mefodiy Buslaev, opened the fanfiction section and discovered that wow, you can write stories based on the stories you love and share them with the people on the internet! And immediately proceeded to write a multi-chapter fic and then a bunch of one-shots. They were, well, what you’d expect of a 13–14-year-old human being, but they were a start, and through them I made friends, some of which I still keep in touch with today.
19. what’s your favourite fic that you have ever written?
Oooh, that must be cold weapons, I think. My Suicide Squad fic with which I tricked myself into seriously shipping Boomerang/Katana, under the condition that it’s the kind of slow-burn I have for them in my head. It’s the longest thing I’ve ever written, apart from some early stories I wrote as a young teen, and it took me the longest to write. As I’ve already said, I always struggle with plots, and this one has a plot, even if not a very complex one, and in general, I put a lot of effort into this story - and I’m proud of it. (I was sooo big-brained in my DCEU era, where did it all go?) 
20. who do you tag?
@afterthegreatunknown, @catwingsathena, @patron-saints - if you would like to answer, of course!
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“But then, when I am cold and duck into a teashop where the owner is expecting me, I have only to reach for the sugar bowl before my grief returns, and I find myself crying so loudly that other customers ask me if I could possibly lower my sobs.”
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meetmeinthe-cosmos · 2 years
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i think i'd go back in time
to the night we first met,
just to live it all again.
Sugar Bowl Gen as Quotes I Found on Insta/Internet
Part 2/?
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just-an-enby-lemon · 4 years
I have a whole list of silly hcs but rigth now the number one is that Lemony just can’t drive. And I’m not saying a Kit level of “not driving”  is worse. He doesn’t even know the difference between the brake and the gas pedal or how the hell someone should hold a steering. Jacques, Kit and even Beatrice tried to teach him at some point but everyone just kindda gave up on him. 
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Sugar Bowl Gen At Lunch
Lemony: Woah, that's what you're eating?
Olaf: Yeah, so what?
Lemony: I'm just saying, that's a lot pasta for no veggies
Olaf: So what? You're not in charge of what I eat!
Lemony: You're right.
Lemony: Beatrice! Come here.
Beatrice: Olaf, is that seriously what you're eating?
Olaf, sighing to the waiter: I'll also take some broccoli please.
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City’s Opera after the fire that occurred after a certain opera night, from City’s Archives. Date unknown.
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afterthegreatunknown · 8 months
Anwhistle Family Breakdown
(Or, a self-reference post to help me keep track of the OCs I created for the Anwhistle Family, alongside the Canonical Anwhistle Family, and Others)
Golden (Quiet) Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle By Blood
A: the A stands for Aengus. The eldest of his siblings, Aengus is well-respected within VFD. But well-respected doesn’t mean Aengus is well-liked. Whistling Song Specialty: Rocky Road to Dublin
S: the S stands for Seachnall. The Black Sheep of his family (and VFD) through actions that weren’t approved of. If given the choice, he would do it again. Whistling Song Specialty: Maggie Mae
U: the U stands for Una. A lovely woman who many men wanted to marry, Una has high standards that only one man met; someone her family disapproved of. Whistling Song Specialty: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Anwhistle by Marriage
E, or Q: the E stands for Enrique, with the Q standing for his nickname of Quique. An immigrant from Mexico, Enrique risked the Anwhistle Family’s ire for his love for Una, and thought it worth marrying her.
A: the A here stands for Audrey. A fierce woman who supported Seachnall’s actions. She called out the Anwhistles and other families (mainly Baudelaires, Denouements, and Snickets) as cowards and hypocrites over it.
(Original) Schism Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle by Adoption
F: the F stands for Francisca. A woman who adores opera, she is Aengus’ daughter. She marries C (Clovis) Baudelaire, who she less than adores. Whistling Song Specialty (being adopted doesn’t mean she can’t whistle): Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1
Anwhistle by Birth
I: the I stands for Ira. The first son of Seachnall and Audrey. Ira is a polite-speaking marine biologist with goals that aim high. Whistling Song Specialty: Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 (New World Symphony), Fourth Movement.
G: the G stands for Gale. The second son of Seachnall and Audrey, Gale is a jack-of-all-traits who loves film-making. Whistling Song Specialty: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Fourth Movement (Ode To Joy)
Z: Also known to some as O, which stands for Ocho (Eight). The only child of Una and Enrique, Z tried his best to protect his childhood friend, who still lives in Village of Fowl Devotee, and his family safe from VFD, but failed. It’s a failure that sends Z to his deathbed. Whistling Song Specialty: Étude Op. 10, No. 3 (Tristesse)
Anwhistle by Marriage
B: the B stands for Belladonna. A formidable woman who lives up to the flower she’s name after in order to do the right thing. B, despite Gale’s many warnings, always tries to to vindicate Seachnall’s actions (which she believed as correct) to certain VFD Families, to usually no results.
D: Formerly known as D. Snicket. D’s loyalty to VFD, for they helped her and her siblings escape their terrible guardian, pales in comparison to her loyalty for the family she started with Z, as well as the Snickets. D will do anything to keep her family safe, and most importantly, alive.
Proven False Rumor Anwhistle
‘H’ Anwhistle: Now, Seachnall prior to his marriage to Audrey, was something of a flirt and womanizer. After marrying, Seachnall stopped his Casanova ways and remained true to Audrey. Due to Seachnall’s Black Sheep status and that some VFD families were still polite and friendly to him (mainly the Quagmires, Widdershins, and Montgomery Family), a cruel rumor spread that Seachnall cheated on Audrey, and 'H' is his lovechild. The rumor was proven false because Audrey found the culprit who started it, and Audrey got him to confess publicly after threatening to expose his own affair to his wife.
Sugar Bowl Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle by Birth
Gregor Anwhistle: the oldest son of Z and D Anwhistle, Gregor is an almost soft and baritone-ish speaking man that takes people by surprise when revealing his volatile nature. 100% judge Seachnall’s actions that lead to him becoming the Black Sheep, even though Gregor admits he would have done the same. Whistling Song Specialty: Bourrèe Fantasque
Helen Anwhistle: the Original H. Anwhistle, daughter of Z and D Anwhistle. Helen died at the age of three in her VFD recruitment. In a universe where she lived, Helen wins the heart of a non-hesitating submarine captain. Also, in this universe, Helen’s Whistling Song Specialty is The Garland Waltz from Tchaikovsky‘s The Sleeping Beauty ballet.
Isaac ‘Ike’ Anwhistle: The youngest son of Z and D. Anwhistle, Ike was a curious child growing up, and his curiosity transformed into (reckless) bravery. Ike is one the few people who doesn’t extend the ire/ban of Seachnall’s onto his descendant. Whistling Song Specialty: Beethoven's Fourth Quartet (Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 4)
F: the F here stands for Felix. The son of Gale and Belladonna Anwhistle, Felix is a traveler, going everywhere and anywhere. While having a decent relationship with Ike, Felix moved his family to New England to escape the ire/judgement of the other Anwhistles/certain VFD Families. Whistling Song Specialty: Piano Sonata No. 14 (Moonlight Sonata).
Anwhistle by Complications
Hector: the son of Victor Cuervo (Z’s childhood friend) and María Carmen Aguilar. Legally name Hector Aguilar, his informal full name is Hector Cuervo-Aguilar (Land of District law states only one surname can be on a birth certificate, and Aguilar was chosen). In a universe where he wasn’t recruited, Hector still gets roped up into the canonical unfortunate events. Whistling Song Specialty (because he too, can whistle): La Llorona
Anwhistle by Marriage
Josephine: Formerly Josephine Gonzalez-Swayer. Despite her bravery and fearless nature, Josephine is above all else, a cautious woman. Josephine always prioritizes safety first. Such safety is why she convinced Ike to allow and accept Felix and his family’s move to New England.
M: the M stands for Miriam. An adventurous woman who joined Felix on his travels. They later married in their time in Greece (Miriam’s suggestion). Miriam likes Ike and Josephine, for they treat Felix as his own person, and not as an extension of Seachnall’s actions.
Anwhistle Relatives
Beatrice Baudelaire: the daughter of Clovis and Francisca Baudelaire nee Anwhistle, she is the second cousin to Gregor and Ike through Francisca (being Z’s first cousin). Clovis and Francisca Baudelaire love their daughter, but not one another, and the two had one too many verbal fights at home that has Beatrice being ashamed of being a Baudelaire, especially as a child. Beatrice as such enjoyed visting Gregor and Ike’s home, taking those visits as a temporary sanctuary from her parents. Whistling Song Specialty: Mozart's Fourteenth Symphony (Symphony No. 14)
Jacques, Kit, and Lemony Snicket: the children of E and Jacob Snicket, they are the first cousins to Gregor and Ike through E. Snicket (being D Anwhistle’s sister). Jacques and Kit have little memories of Helen to where they forgot about her existence. Lemony in contrast, never have memories of Helen, thinking the Anwhistle Siblings are Gregor and Ike (and later Hector). Gregor prefers the company of his cousin Jacques, while Ike prefers the company of his cousin Kit. Lemony is equality like by them. Whistling Song Specialty: None.That said, Jacques can whistle.
Next Generation Anwhistles
Gideon Anwhistle: the first son of Felix and Miriam, he’s a sixteen-year-old who looks very polite, especially with his hexagon glasses, though he has a hidden anger that shows itself on occasion. Gideon has an interest in the paleontology field: paleobotany, the study of plant fossils. Whistling Song Specialty: Rhapsody in Blue
Elijah Anwhistle: the second son of Felix and Miriam, he’s a fourteen-year-old who sometimes let curiosity get the better of him. Elijah excels in sports (mainly swimming, canoeing, tennis, and baseball), but his real interest is art. Specifically, the traditional mediums of color pencils, markers, and inks. Whistling Song Specialty: Helter Skelter
Clementine ‘Clem’ Anwhistle: the last child of Felix and Miriam, as well as their only daughter. An energetic ten-year-old who loves creating buildings and decorating room interiors, be it on paper or on the computer due to having games that allows Clem do what her heart wants to make. Whistling Song Specialty: Walking on Sunshine
Regarding Beatrice and Lemony’s Engagement...
When Beatrice and Lemony announced their eventual short-live engagement, some people within the Anwhistle Family and Baudelaire Family wondered if it was legal. After all, Beatrice is a second cousin through the Anwhistles through her adopted mother F, and Lemony is a first cousin through the Anwhistles through D. and E being sisters.
Turns out Beatrice and Lemony before dating (hell, even before they asked each other on their first date), did their research.
By the Land of District’s law that the City follows, Beatrice and Lemony are able to date and marry. Beatrice’s relationship to the Anwhistle Family is a second cousin, meaning they don’t share a direct relative. While Lemony’s relation to the Anwhistles is a first cousin, because Beatrice has no Snicket relation through blood or adoption, the law doesn’t consider their relationship as incest in any way or form.
(Violet in TBB being force to married Olaf despite it being incest through adoption was through a loophole of the law of a minor being able to marry via permission from a guardian [or parent].)
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Snicketverse generations aesthetics
Ok, so this is kinda simplified, but consider this: 
Sugar Bowl Generation: Victorian & Edwardian era’s + 20s-30s aesthetics (with a dash of the 40s/50s because of Lemony) + Hollywood golden years glamour + steampunk
Unfortunate generation: Edwardian kids + 60s-80s aesthetics + hipster aesthetic + steampunk
Stain’d Gang: 40s noir aesthetics + kinda dieselpunk
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
⭐ important asoue quotes 📖
have you ever wanted a list of quotes from A Series of Unfortunate Events about subjects like -- 
-beatrice! -the baudelaire parents! -the opera! -the sugar bowl! -individual vfd character details! -lemony’s life! -stuff about violet, klaus, and sunny! -general vfd shenanigans! -narrative and character beats i myself thought were interesting, such as the appearances of ‘what can i do’ before olaf himself says it and the baudelaires feeling like they’re becoming villains!
that list exists now!! compiled from quotes i flagged during my last read of the series, this is a 66-page googledoc of (fully cited and organized!!) book quotes for hopefully your every need.
this is just from the thirteen books of a series of unfortunate events, this does not include the unauthorized autobiography or all the wrong questions. this now includes unauthorized autobiography quotes! (no atwq quotes yet, though.) i have done my best but it is very likely i have missed things!! if you find something you think should be in a section, feel free to let me know.
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So I was thinking about netflix asoue again today and like. Esmé's defence that she should keep the sugar bowl is that it's a part of her tea set
Which is true! It is! But like. Isn't that weird? Because it implies she already had the tea set, and just used the pre-existing sugar bowl to store the special sugar
Meaning she was trusted that much within VFD. In the books I believe she says she was friends with Fernald's mother, who it is believed worked on the project. So. It's highly likely this woman trusted Esmé so much that she gave her sole access to the immunising sugar, to do with as she saw fit
Which makes Beatrice stealing it even sadder. Because yes, she had a point, that leaving it all in one place isn't necessarily the best idea. But also... Esmé was trusted with that task. It was her job. And, however noble Beatrice’s intentions, if she hadn't stolen it, Olaf's father wouldn't have died, the schism wouldn't have reached their generation of Volunteers and the entire squad might have still been together. But, even worse than that... the vaccine sugar wouldn't have been lost. By stealing it, Beatrice ultimately doomed it, and now it's sat gathering dust in Dewey's forgotten library
And now I'm sad
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