#vibrating with the force to break titanium right now
rex101111 · 1 year
there she is sequel there she is sequel tHERE SHE IS SEQUEL THERE SHE IS SEQUEL THERE SHE IS SEQUEL!!!!!!
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There is a puddle on the floor.
It’s right there, an oasis on the smooth concrete. Footprints spring from one side of it, as though whoever made them spawned fresh from the murky two-inch depths. As the ground shakes with each new trumpet of artillery, the puddle dances.
It’s like music. The pounding drumbeats, the screaming sirens, the quiet wail of an engine spooling up somewhere else; the cool damp that drips onto helmeted heads. There is mold in the corner of the room, a black stain bringing the closest thing to color for miles. The room smells of mildew and rot. It smells like a forgotten promise. It smells forlorn.
It smells like rain. The drips disturb the puddle once more, and it recoils from the sting of the impact. There is a puddle on the floor, roughly two inches deep, and there is no person there to witness it. There are casualties, soldiers, wives, husbands, children, sure—but there are no people. People do not have to hide in holes; people don’t live moment to moment under threat of instant annihilation. The next artillery strike shudders into the ground. Someone whimpers. More footsteps resonate through the room; heavy and large they come, one, two, like the footfalls of an angry god.
There is a puddle on the floor, and there is no longer a roof. Red light pours in through the gaping hole left by the angry metal fist, one cyclopean eye turned down at the pitiful display. There is a puddle on the floor, and there is a stampede through it, splashing chilly, muddy water as the surface breaks. There is a puddle on the floor, and it burns red under the singular weight of the mobile suit’s gaze. There is a puddle on the floor, and it vibrates finally, madly, with the force of one last impact. There is a puddle on the floor, scattered now for good as burning, twisted metal collapses through the crumbling remains of the roof, surface upon surface broken, drifting down into the deep waters below life as a single frightened pilot bleeds out in a titanium coffin.
There is no longer a puddle on the floor. And there is no person there to witness it.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Knife fight.”
Sorry I am a little late today, but story is still up, and I hope you like it. I enjoyed writing the action sequence. 
Adam knew what he was doing was reckless. He knew that he shouldn’t have left his sidearm back in the room no matter how much noise it would have made getting into the safe. 
He cursed himself for it.
But if anyone thought he wasn’t going to intervene, then they didn’t know him very well.
Upon seeing the three humans with their long knives surrounding the Tesraki, he took action, racing forward through the puddles, his jacket billowing out behind him. The dark figures were so busy on their hunt that they didn’t notice him until it was almost too late.
His foot splashed down in a puddle and the one at the back suddenly whirled, wildly swinging his knife. Admiral Vir stepped forward and to the right, the blade cutting past his stomach sending wind and rain rushing past him. He turned quickly on his left foot throwing all his energy into a tight punch to his left that connected with the man’s temple with a sickening thud. 
The placement of the punch was perfect, and the man fell to the ground knocked out cold knife spinning from his hand and onto the concrete.
Not once forgetting his lessons from basic training, or from the Drev clans, he turned back again, braced on his back human foot while rotating on his prosthetic. It was good he was fast because he came around just in time to catch the wrist of the second assailant sending the knife plumbing down towards his neck. He caught their wrist from the side yanking them to his right.
They stumbled forward, past him, even as he still controlled their knife hand.
As he dragged them forward, he used the combined momentum of their movement and his movement to send his weaker left fist snapping forward into their nose.
Their head snapped back and he rotated to his right, grabbing their wrist in a painful lock. They cried out in pain, and he was able to wrench the knife from their hand in a tight underground grip.
He swiped at them, and they just managed to back away from the glittering blade, pulling them outside of range for his arms.
But that was alright.
He took an advancing step on his left foot and then lashed out with his right.
The Steel eye prosthetic whirred to life with his heightened adrenaline. His heel made contact with the man’s chest with a loud crunch that sent them back, over a puddle and into the alley wall with a sharp thud. The man slipped to the ground unmoving and weaponless as Adam turned spinning the blade in his hand so that the blade was pointing up, and rocked back on his feet just in time for a silver blade to slice through the air past hic chest.
The tip of the blade cut a horizontal rip in the front of his jacket, and he kicked at his assailant’s knees as they jumped back.
His vision was focused, though he was working with his remaining human eye and no depth perception as he hadn’t had time to flip up his eyepatch. Even so he was focused remembering what his teachers had said about knife fights.
You are going to get cut, accept that as fact. Blade up, aim for the neck, inside of the thighs, and under the arms. Those are the major blood vessels .
The man transferred the knife into his right hand and came down with an overhand towards his neck. He blocked it with his wrist as he had been taught, deflecting the blade away, their wrists sliding over each other in the rain. He took the opportunity to make an underhand cut towards the man’s knife arm, but was blocked at the last moment. His right arm went wide as the man stabbed towards his middle. He danced to the side bringing his arms close into his body for protection, breaking up the fight and circling around to put himself between the attacker and the Tesraki.
Rain roared down from above thundering against his hat and coat and onto the pavement below. Water dripped off the knife blades in great streams.
His attacker came in again from the side and he blocked it, jabbing forward with his own knife. The man lept back and swiped up towards his neck. He ducked under the man’s arm and came up inside his guard. He couldn’t use the knife, but brought his elbow back with a snap into the guy’s head. He staggered to the side leaving his back open.
Adam leaped forward, but the man recovered just in time to turn and bat his arm aside bringing it back around with a sharp cutting motion from right to left. He felt a sharp searing pain across his upper right arm as metal bit into his skin, but he changed the direction of his knife as quickly as he could snapping it back and towards the junction of the man’s arm. Instead of stabbing, he managed a glazing cut over the man’s shoulder.
The man cut upward, Adam blocked down, used his right elbow to deflect a punch incoming from his right. A flurry of blows were exchanged after that. Elbows to arms, wrist to wrist. This man was good, but Adam could match him, neither of them were getting anywhere.
Eyes kept tight watch on the knives.
Adam noticed, and a risky plan jumped into his head.
Quickly, he dropped the knife towards his left hand.
The man’s eyes followed, his knife hand dropped in order to block the next attack. But even as that was happening, he began a tight rotation. Looking over his shoulder to aim. By the time the man realised it was a feint, it was too late to raise his weapon, and to late to attack as Adam performed a spinning round kick, right leg snapping up and around, planting an entire side of his steel and titanium foot right into the side of the man’s jaw.
The kick was explosive and the man’s knees immediately locked up as he fell to the ground.
Adam kicked the knife away from him. The inside of his left thigh, and what remained on his stump burned in agony. It was cold and he hasn't stretched before doing the round kick. He was pretty sure he had pulled something near a ver sensitive area, but had no time to dwell on that as he ran to collect the other knives and check to make sure the assailants were still out. He quickly initiated his panic button for Krill and Sunny, knowing he was going to get yelled at either way. But not caring just then as he initiated emergency contact with Tesraki police.
The line buzzed once before it was picked up.
“Emergency Services, what is your location.”
He gave her the coordinates from his GPS, “Please hurry. Someone was attacked by three humans, I managed to knock them out, but I don’t know how long that will last.”
“How many people are there sir.”
“There is me, one tesraki, and three assalants.”
He hurried over to where the Tesraki was still cowering in his pool of water, “it’s alright, you’re safe.”
“Is anyone hurt.”
“I uh…. The guys who attacked us are. Two of them are knocked out, one of those has a few cuts….. And I think I might have broken the other guy’s sternum, but I’m not sure.”
“And the Tesraki?”
He knelt down next to the Tesraki, “Are you hurt?”
The Tesraki shook his head, though he looked close to shock and he was shivering horribly, another thing that Tesraki and humans had in common.
“He says he’s not hurt but he looks like he’s going into shock.”
“Are you hurt?” The questioner asked.
“I uh…. I might have a few cuts, but I feel mostly fine. Could be the adrenaline though, I don’t know.”
“Alright sir, just stay on the phone with me until emergency services arrive.”
He nodded, then remembered she couldn’t see him, “Yeah, yeah of course.” His body, hyped up on adrenaline was just beginning to realize how close to death he had been, and his hands were beginning to shake badly.
He clenched his fists to stop them as his heart bean racing, crawling into his throat where it stayed, making him feel just a bit light headed. He hated knives, he hated knives so much and they scared him. Guns didn’t scare him nearly as much as anything with a blade.
Guns tended to blow holes in you, knives could eviscerate you, and, it was his opinion, that the worst way to die would be one where he had to see his own insides o the outside.
The shaking in his hands grew worse, but he fought it back, pulling the Tesraki from the pool of water before pulling off his jacket, and wrapping it around the little creature. By now the poor thing was shaking like an earthquake, and it’s eyes were wide and wild.
With their nearly two foot height difference he was forced to kneel down as he pulled the jacket tight around the small shoulders. It was so long on the little Tesraki that it nearly brushed the ground.
“You’re going to be ok, alright. I’m going to protect you.”
Rain drenched his whtie button-up, though white wasn’t the only thing he could see. A multitude of cuts coerced his shirt, bright red, almost black in the darkness. Where water caught the blood, it stained his shirt pink in great rivulets down to his pants, which were now also drenched.
He glanced over at the unconscious figures, heart beating nervously.
He pulled the collar up over the Tesraki, “Stay here.” before walking over and using the attackers own boot laces to tie their hands and their feet. He didn’t know how well it would work, but at least he would know if they were traying anything. The first man he had knocked out moaned just as he was finishing up the knot.
In the distance he heard sirens and saw bright white lights approaching
In the neon streets of the Tesraki homeworld, red and blue would hardly have been practical, but the bright white lights and the piercing sounds deafened him, and would have been painful to any tesraki.
Than done’ he quickly returned to where the Tesraki was still shivering inside his jacket.
His eyes were glassy and when urged to walk, he moved sluggishly.
So Adam picked the Tesraki up, his cuts too numb with adrenaline as he walked the two of them out and onto the street where they would better be spotted, “its alright, you’re safe now.” he said, feeling the words come out of his mouth as if from a distance, muffled, more like a vibration than an actual sound.
The hover cars pulled up a moment later as enforcement piled from the back of the van. He was only slightly surprised to see two Drev hop down from the back of the truck, but it made sense, if anyone was going to be able to deal with a human, it was going to be a Drev. No Tesraki would dare try something so stupid.
The medical services pulled up along side as Adam pointed the Drev into the nearby alley.
The back doors of the hover van were thrown open and two tesraki medical officers slipped out onto the wet pavement. He hurried over, depositing the shivering Tesraki in the back, “I think he’s going into shock or something.
His voice still sounded distant to him, though to everyone else his voice was strong,, steady and commanding.
The Tesraki looked on in awe at the blood soaked human, single sharp green eye hard, though concerned for the unnamed alien whose life he had saved.
Two Tesraki officers walked up, “What happened here.”
“I was out walking, heard a noise. Three assailants with kives were trying to attack this Tesraki here, so I had to intervene. Two of them are knocked out,and one of them is badly injured. I don’t think the Tesraki is hurt, but still the shock….”
“Did you speak with them.”
“No sir, I was to busy fighting them for that.”
The tesraki officer raised an eyebrow, “you took on three armed humans by yourself unarmed?”
Inside his head it was only just beginning to dawn on him how ludicrous that sounded. He was adam vir, the dorky little geek kid from Mid Mericanda, he didn’t take on armed assailants unarmed. It was almost laughable.
Of course this internal dialogue did not register to the tesraki, and all he saw was the hard cold eye that flicked towards him, and the cool voice that said, “I guess I did.” 
What Adam called shock, to the tesraki looked like cold hard badassery augmented by his missing eye, drenched shirt, and runnels  of blood which dipped in tie dye patterns down the front of his white shirt, turned partially translucent by the rain.
To the side one of the officers muttered something that roughly translated to, “holy shit”, before the group of Drev stepped from the alley dragging the three attackers. Eyes widened even more as more emergency and police vehicles arrived.
The humans looked bad, one of them was covered in blood, the other was barely moving and the third was only just coming around.
He turned away from the sene trying to clear his head and his racing heart as he turned his head up towards the rain which pelted down onto his face in cold rivulets. 
Again no one saw his inner confusion or racing heart, but they saw the silhouette of a human backed against glowing neon and pouring rain, hands on hips face raised to the rain. He looked calm, almost tranquil despite what had happened, ignoring the blood that still seeped down his front.
He was just getting his heart to slow down when a voice echoed in from the rain.
He lifted his head just in time to see Sunny racing towards him, krill trailing after like some machabe balloon.
She raced forward grabbing him by the shoulders as she looked him over, “Adam what happened! Great Spirits, you’re a mess, who did this to you!”
He gave her a weak smile, which for those who didn’t know him almost looked nonchalant, though sunny knew was a bit shockey,, “Took care of them already.”
She turned her head towards the emergency vehicles, “WHY AREN’T YOU HELPING HIM, CAN'T YOU SEE HE’S BLEEDING.” 
He tried to wave her off, “Its ok Sunny, I’m ok, doesn’t even hurt.
That is when Krill came forward pushing Sunny to the side to examine his wounds, “Thats only because of the adrenaline.”
Turning to look at the emergency crews he pointed angrily and ended up comondeering one of the vans forcing Sunny to sit Adam down in the back of one. 
Adam Tried to undo the buttons of his shirt, but his hands were so numb, sluggish and shaky that Sunny finally got impatient and ripped the damn thing off with one sharp tug of her hand tossing the tattered remains onto the floor.
He frowned, “I almost had it.”
She growled.
Krill came in to take a closer look.
He had about five cuts in total. One across his chest, one on his arm, one on the right side of his ribs and the other low on his stomach. The one on his ribs and stomach were shallow, nothing to write home about and barely worth doctoring, while the gash on his chest and arm were going to require stitches.
Sunny forced him to lay back as Dr. Krill make quick work of the stitching.
He still LOOKED very calm, but Sunny knew Adam better than that.
He was overly talkative and sort of dorky when he was fine, but when he wasn’t fine he got eerily calm and collected, often harsh and stiff.
“Adam are you ok?” She wondered again quietly.
“Yeah…..” he said, turning to look her in the eye, “Just a bit shaky is all. Always happens to me after something like that.”
“Why didn’t you have your weapon on you. I told you to always….”
“Bring a weapon, I know.”
“You’re part of a Drev clan you should-”
“Should think more like a Drev, yes I know. I just didn’t want to wake you.”
“What were you doing out here anyway.” Dr. Krill interjected.
He sat up against Sunny’s protesting, “Believe it or not, I wasn’t looking for trouble. I went out to get some air and calm my brain. I was having trouble sleeping. I was just going to do a quick thirty minute walk when, I heard something going down and that is when I stopped to help.”
“You shouldn’t have stopped. You should have called someone.” Krill announced, “You should have at least contacted us immediately.”
Adam shot him a baleful look, “What, and let the Tesraki die while I stood by and did nothing. You know me better than that krill.”
Krill went silent, that was true. Adam may not have gone looking for trouble, but trouble found him, and he wasn’t about to let someone die if he could help it. Krill found it to be one of his most annoying qualities.
Adam, now beginning to come out of his battle haze, looked ovr towards the police vehicle, “I think we may have accidentally stumbled upon a lead in our case.”
Sunny glanced over to the three humans, “Them? You think-”
He nodded, “I think they may have something to do with our homicide.”
Sunny shook her head, “none of this is making sense.”
He sighed, “I know, but it's our best bet, and I have a hunch we are going to find three familiar names on my list.”
Krill shook his head, “This is all becoming very concerning.”
Adam nodded in response, “I agree.”
He groaned a little and rolled his shoulders, “Call back to the ship for reinforcements. We are not doing this on our own, and alert the GA and UNSC as soon as we can. I want a real investigator down here if we can manage it. I may find the idea of playing detective fun, but the reality of this requires specialists.”
Krill nodded in agreement
Sunny patted his shoulder.
“We will find out what is going on, hopefully before it’s too late.”
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It was serious, she said.
She didn’t know if she could fix it, she said.
Let’s backtrack a little. They hadn’t been able to find Key-Lock for a few days. She didn’t come to dinner, she didn’t join them for movie nights. Which was odd. She was usually attending, and loved being around them.
So, the tall, emerald-eyed automaton would go to her room. Thinking that she would probably be there, seeing as they couldn’t find her anywhere else. He’d knock. No reply. He would call her name. No reply. Now, this.. This worried him. 
So he had entered, only to find her collapsed on her bed, mouth open as if she had tried to reply, or scream. Her chassis was vibrating, steam constantly rising from her exhausts, every move she tried to make caused her joints to creak and whine. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t speak.
The Spine had run to her side, placing a hand on her chest, only to find her silver plating to be warm to the touch. And the temperature kept increasing. So, naturally, he had called for help.
This caused his human sibling to come running, eyes wide in distress as she walked in on the scene. Her breath was shaky as she started to examine the fragile ‘bot, swallowing hard as she looked up at her titanium brother.
“The Spine.. It’s her core. Her core is breaking.” She spoke, voice equally as panicked as the look in her pale eyes. She carefully unbuttoned the front of her dress, her expression turning from concerned to downright horrified. 
“It’s leaking... It’s leaking... Shit... Shit! Fuck!!” She stepped back. “The Spine, this is serious...” She spoke, voice cracking. “I don’t know if I can fix this!” She proceeded, causing the taller automaton to hold onto his younger sibling. 
“No.. No, Lyssa, there has to be something we can do..!” He spoke, watching the Walter Worker intently as she carefully placed a hand on the cheek of the smaller, silver automaton, who was now looking as terrified as the other two. “I have to shut her down...” She whispered, looking at The Spine, whose eyes had now widened. “I have to shut her down.. It’s leaking into her chassis. It’s already eating at her wires.” She would explain, quickly looking down at her.
“It’ll be okay, yeah? I’ll just... I’ll shut you down for a little bit, yeah?” She spoke, trying to reassure her, but to be honest? She wasn’t as sure of herself as she would like to appear. 
However.. Before she could even act on that notion, the leaking blue matter seemed to be insisting on finishing its job. 
The smaller automaton would gasp loudly, her chest shooting up as the core in her chest brightened, the sound of crackling electricity filling the room, bolts dancing across her plating, forcing the two others to step back. Those electric blue eyes would glow brightly, a beam of that same, blue light shooting out of her mouth that had opened in a silent scream.
And then.. Nothing. The light dimmed, the body of the silver lady still. Alyssa would slowly approach, arms carefully wrapping around herself as she looked at her sibling. 
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The Spine looked on in absolute shock. Steam coiled from his vents as he fell to his kneed next to the bed, a hand raising to carefully touch her cheek, before he shakily moved to cover his face. 
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This couldn’t be it. There had to be something that could be done.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 5 years
Cock Stuffed
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Reader and turtle of choice
Warning: Smutty, smut (obliviously)
Cock stuffed; that was the best way to put the way you were feeling right now. Filled to the brim, stretched to your limit, and completely at the mercy of the large mutant turtle you were sheathed on. Restrained on his lap you try to shift your weight to alleviate the pressure but he holds fast nipping at your throat growling deep in his chest. You weren’t going anywhere, not without his permission.
His large green hands were firmly clamped down on your backside holding you in place tilting his hips so the tip of his titanium hard cock was pressed to the deepest it could reach. He knew what this was doing to your body and reveled in the notion of you mindless and desperate because of him.
His green skin glistened with perspiration holding tightly to his control that only a ninja with years of practice could possess. The urge to rut into you was excruciating but he loved they way you looked at this moment, flushed, lips parted and moist from your tongue, you were absolutely breathtaking and you were his.
His mesmerizing eyes swirled with emotion and his lips curled up in a devilish grin seeing you teeter on the edge of pain and pleasure. No human could do this to you, only he and his beautifully endowed manhood could have you on the verge of a climax without any friction.
“How are you feeling?” his raspy voice cuts deep striking at the building pressure in your belly.
Before you can respond the mutant turtle somehow pulses his cock snuggly embedded and your head lulls back, your voice lost in the sudden sharp sensation of being over stretched. “Fuck.” You hiss through clenched teeth feeling your heart hammering against y our chest threatening to bust free if he didn’t start moving soon.
Your fingers dip into the dense muscles of his arm and you roll your hips hoping to urge him on, you were dying here.
“Please.” It’s almost a whisper, breathy and frantic leaning forward to ghost your lips over his taking in his scent.
Then he decides you’ve endured enough and with a feathered finesse his hands smoothly slip from your ass to your hips and lift you effortlessly. With the pressure relieved you gasp gifted with the slick glide of his heated flesh dragging in all the right places inside of you.
When the tip of his turgid length brushes at the roof of your canal stimulating that one special spot, your eyes snap open and every cell, every nerve ending comes to life erupting in a sensation that stole every ounce of breath in your lungs.
Your back arches and he nearly loses his grip on you as you thrash on his lap coming undone around him. His name rises to the heavens as they leave your lips sung only for him but meant for all to hear.
“That’s it, cum for me.” The turtle rumbles striking that spot again and again with each unrelenting down stroke of your hips guided by his own hands.
Your body was on fire, feeling as if every fiber of your sanity was being ripped apart and stitched back together again as he kept the brutal rhythm. You tried to scream to but nothing managed to make it out your mouth besides a whimper. You had never felt so alive and yet at the edge of death at the same time. You wanted to cry, to sing, to burst into fire all at once as he brought you higher and higher. How could he be this good, how did you manage to get this fucking lucky?
Through the haze of your fading orgasm you could tell he was holding back, his muscles coiled tight like a snake ready to strike. But when you heard his breath hitch, you knew something snapped inside him and curiously his scent changed in that same instant. A guttural growl rolled up his throat vibrating the plates of his plastron and made only one word come to mind, ‘feral’.
Then with the speed that was his hallmark you found yourself flat on your back pinned beneath his massive weight, his throbbing cock still sheathed to the hilt never missing a beat. Again he growls snapping his hips forward viciously making you see stars and you could have sworn you felt him get bigger? How was that possible? Your name leaves his lips but it scarcely sounds like him, his voice sharp and dangerous sending a crack of excitement straight to your over stimulated cunt. Your mutant turtle was on pure instinct now, to mate, to claim, to consume.
“You’re mine.” He whispered into your ear before his teeth clamped down of your pulse point and his inhuman pace continued. Over and over he pounds into you grunting and groaning out his pleasure holding your down with his teeth, growling like a fucking wild animal, daring you to move but you wouldn’t change where you were right now for the world.
His teeth sink deeper and you feel the flesh on your neck break under the pressure of his teeth. The warm flood of crimson seeps from the fresh open wound and his warm tongue laps it away before it could cool on your skin.
Your body rocks with each powerful drive of his hips as you claw at his shell trying to gain any kind of solid ground before you lose your mind completely. Coiled deep in your belly you can feel his coming fast and hard, even before it hits you you’re already shaking from the force of it. Then like the 4th of fucking July you break into a million pieces with every color of the rainbow. This time you scream, you cry out until your voice is raw and hoarse from overuse and somehow through the eruption of your climax you hear him follow you roaring into the crook of your neck his hips still pistoning unevenly against yours as he fills you in a new way .
You can feel it, every ounce of his beautiful release as it rushes into you, coating you in the hot thick torrent of his cum. Over filled you feel it rush out where you’re joined cooling on the blanket beneath you both.  
His breathing slows and his grip loosens giving you a reprieve from his strength knowing full well you would be sporting bruises where his fingers tips were just sunk deeply into your curves. Then his tongue swirls around one more time on your throat gathering the last of your spent life blood and lets your flesh go. Warm lips press to the wound and he huffs out a deep breath.
“Did I hurt you?” there is hesitance in his voice worried he did irreversible damage to your relationship.  
“Beautifully so.”
His eyes meet yours and the sex weak smile you gave him let him know you enjoyed every minute of what had just transpired. Another heavy sigh he tries to pull from of your body but you legs hold him fast keeping his hips flush with yours refusing to give up the feeling of being cock stuffed.
“A few more minutes please.” You whisper before claiming his lips.
@blossom-skies @imthegreenfairy88 @nerdydirtydonnie @darksaphire2002 @southernblossoms @waterstar2016
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impalaanddemons · 6 years
Idk why, but lately I've been thirsting for Q (tng) and it would be nice if you could do a smutty drabble please.👅💦💦 Thanks hope you have a Happy New Year🎊🎉
Okay. Things got .. out of hand while writing this, so you’re getting this 2k word monster. I hope you find the time to enjoy it. Usual disclaimer: Smut is not necessarily my forte. You have been warned.
In which you have fierce sex with a god
„He’s hot“ you said and your friends broke into a fit of giggles absolutely not appropriate for starfleets finest engineers.As was your monthly secretive best-friends-since-academy meeting down in engineering, second door left to the warp core. Your best friend Kieran actually had stashed away enough moonshine down there to be tried for breaking at least a dozen regulations at once.But today you did not care. You were just having fun with some friends. Drinking, laughing - and talking about that hot guy you had seen in engineering just a few minutes before you had caught up with the others.„Ooooh, look who’s in love.“ Maria was teasing you endlessly. Had been for years. You shoved her gently with one fist, laughing along.Someone joked about something - you didn’t really hear, but muttered something about looking for a bathroom into your drink and excused yourself from the room.
„Now, are we being naughty, Lieutenant?“ a voice snarled from the darkness that had fell upon engineering. You stopped dead in your tracks, a pearl of sweat forming on your forehead. Shit.„Just checking the tertiary power grid for the nacelles, Sir. There was a slight power fluctuation earlier.“„And lying comes to you so easily.“ the voice sounded almost appreciative.Sure that the voice came from behind your back you turned around carefully.There he was. The hot guy from before. Only now did you notice the captains pipes on his shoulders.With a smile as confident as you could muster you faced him.„Sir, I wasn’t aware there was another Captain on board.“„Oh, is there?“ he chuckled. The sound traveled down your spine with a shiver.He stepped over from where he was standing, his hands behind his back, a smile spread over his lips that made something inside you stir.„Secret meetings? Little stashes of real alcohol? How exciting.“ he grinned now, eyeing you from head to toe. For a second you felt like an insect on a dissecting table. You forced a breath down your lungs and straightened your posture.„I don’t know of any meetings, Sir.“ you’d rather be dead then a snitch.He leant down to you and grinned a toothy grin. A wolf baring its teeth at you. Your breath caught as his face brushed past yours and the low timbre of his voice whispered at your ear. „Liar.“The whisper struck a chord in your soul, its vibration was a flutter in your stomach.„You’re no captain.“ you concluded flatly and his voice laughed again. Again close to your ear. Close enough for you to feel his breath on your skin.It was either getting seriously warm in engineering, or you were developing a fever right now.„You’re smart for a mammal.“ it sounded like an honest compliment.You wanted to be offended - you really did. But another part of you betrayed that pride as your eyes wandered over his blacks curls, the tall frame. Your fingers twitched as you suppressed he urge to run your fingers over his features: His jawline, those lips curled into a treacherous smirk.„Exciting.“ he continued talking, a seemingly endless array of words flowing from his mouth. „You’re so much more … rebellious then your boring old capitane.“ He closed what little distance was left between the two of you but you refused to yield even an inch of space to him.„Does he approve of this kind of behavior?“ he cocked his head. „Does he … know your little secret?“He grabbed your chin between his fingers and you could feel that they would leave an impression on your skin.„Will he be angry with you if I tell him? Get all .. fatherly?“„Shut up.“ you muttered - you felt uncomfortably hot in your uniform now, but couldn’t decide wether you were angry and ready to punch him or just very very … excited.„Mon cher!“ he exclaimed, the tune of his voice full of hurt feelings.„You won’t dare.“ you hissed in return - more because of your temperament then out of conviction.„You obviously don’t know who you’re talking to.“ he said stressing the word ‚obviously‘.It was hard focusing on being angry. You bristled with anger for a moment and, pressing your jaws shut, felt your muscles work against the firm grip of his fingers.„Then who does me the honor … Captain?“ you pulled your lips into the loveliest smile you could muster. It was a smile able to erode titanium.„So fiery. I didn’t know humans could do that any more.“ he etched closer to your face. You could feel the heat emanating from his skin and a smell of something that appeared distinctively electric.„Good god.“ you whispered. It wasn’t that you had intended to voice that thought, it had just slipped out of your mouth before you could help it.He raised his eyebrows in amusement and mockery.„Perfect, my love.“You grumbled in response and closed the small gap that had remained between the two of you, pressing your mouth on his.
He seemed surprised for a split second. It was a pleasant expression on his face and one he obviously didn’t show all too often. But the surprise faded fast and relinquished it’s place to something more sinister.You looked surprised too - but not for the kiss itself, but for how the touch of your lips on his felt like the spark of a flame licking at your nerves. He did not hesitate much to return your motion - a fierce kiss that made the hairs on your arms stand up. He never let go of your chin but pressed his lips on yours as if trying to leave his mark on you. When the kiss finally broke you gasped for air. The sensation of his skin on yours was still painfully real and intense and made you want more of this, of him, whatever he was.
„Of course I had a couple of millennia to try this and that.“ he whispered, obviously conscious of the effect he had on you.„And we Q usually don’t dabble in … biology.“ he continued and you felt your body get cold and hot all at the same time.He laughed as he saw how realization hit you.„Yes. The one and only.“ the omnipotent muttered and this time he was the one to initiate the kiss.„Oh my god.“ you mumbled, breaking the connection, staring at him in disbelief.„How very attentive of you.“ his fingers traveled away from your chin and down your neck and where they went they left the heat of glowing embers. The feeling of his touch on your skin traveled over your skin, through nerves and muscles down into the core of your being.You fought with two of the fundamental f’s in human nature but the dice had already been tossed and counted minutes ago.You caught his lips again, ready to dance if the self proclaimed god was, and he reciprocated in delight.This time you did not fight back the urge to slide with your fingers along his neck and gently run them through his black hair. You felt the muscles in his shoulders move as he pushed closer and although he was not human your reaction to him definitely was.„Someone’s going to see us.“ you muttered.His lips and teeth traveled down your neck, following his inquisitive hands and lighting a trail of fire on the way. You groaned involuntarily.You heard the snap of fingers next and then the deep hum and the red light of the warp core nearby.Your lips formed a surprised „Oh“ but you could read in his wicked grin that this was the reaction he had aimed for.„Don’t worry, little human.“ he said as his fingers pulled down the zipper of your uniform.„This warp core is completely harmless compared to what you are playing with.“ his confidence would’ve been sickening, if it weren’t for his fingers trailing the length of your side and then grabbing you and lifting you up to place you on the main console.Another kiss in which you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him close. His hands on your shoulders, your sides, one closing around a breast and playing with an already hard nipple. You wrapped your legs around him to pull him close and through the uniform felt that, god or not, his human form reacted in the usual form, pressing hard against the fabric of your most sensitive parts.„Not very godlike,“ you mumbled at his ear and gently bit his earlobe. He tasted human but the spark and the sensation of energy that followed made you groan.„I haven’t even begun.“ he answered and with another snap of his fingers your uniform was gone. The console was cold and then became quickly wet and slick where you sat. And while the fingers of one hand closed around a breast again, his other hand moved south. The tip of his index trailing a line down your side and over to your thigh. Gently and slowly and followed by the fire and the light that seemed to be wherever he touched you he began to caress the sensitive spot between your legs. You could already feel the contraction of your climax. You could feel his fingers manipulating you so perfectly that you bent backwards on the console, displaying for him what was his right now. It was a pure flow of energy and heat that washed over you and carried you over to that edge. Promising. Luring you in. Showing you a glimpse of bliss and eternity. Just one stroke more. One more squeeze of his fingers around your nipple.And when you thought you wouldn’t be able to take it anymore without losing yourself he changed the position of his hands and pushed a finger into you.You groaned now shamelessly. You opened your eyes and stared at the warp core. Lifted your head back to watch him, your own breath hitched. He smiled and something uneasy stirred in you for a second but did not stand a chance against the onslaught of feelings.He pushed a second finger into you and you groaned again, your fingers grasping the panel you were sitting on hard, your legs spread for him.„Not yet.“ he stated and although you were sure this was the last moment, the final second of standing on the edge before being pushed over nothing happened. You remained there and it drove all conscious thought from your mind.„Say pretty please.“ he coaxed now.He bent his fingers gently, continued rubbing with his thumb the part of you were all the fire and energy started. Another finger slipped into you and you groaned now at the feeling of being stretched and stroked and you whimpered, your head falling back again.„Please“, you groaned as he pushed his fingers harder into you now, simulating what would surely follow next.„God, Q, please.“ you collected what sensible thought you found left in your mind.
He chuckled. He didn’t need to leave you to get rid of his clothes. There were just his fingers now teasing you relentlessly and his body suddenly not clothed any more. You would’ve barely noticed if it wasn’t for him being so dangerously close now.For all the tiny sparks on your skin as he leant over you and really touched you with his body for the first time.There was nothing that could’ve prepared you for the moment his fingers left you and he pushed into you with his full length.Your feeling of self and distinctiveness from him and the universe was pulverized. There was nothing that remained but the force with which he pushed into you and the knowledge of  his self taking over yours. You ran on a high impossible to describe and it coaxed you and taunted you. It was sex and it was relentless and it was more than that - it was the union with something distinctively not human, something merging with you for a moment and showing you the wonders of an indefinite mind.And then he finally let you come. It felt like an eternity and it washed over you and through you. You were sure that the sound you made would’ve been heard on the bridge but for a blissful second you didn’t care.All you cared for were his lips wet and hot on your skin and him inside you and around you, touching you more intimately than any other human ever could.It took minutes before you realized that you still lay sprawled on the console while the omnipotent was already dressed again, leaning nonchalanty at the console next to you and smiling one of his more unnerving smiles.
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jesterbelly · 6 years
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A bit of a writing exercise to keep practicing, but also to just write a story entirely based around a rampaging vacuum machine.  Also takes place in a completely robotified world, with robotic heroes (such as Jett) saving the citizens of Robotica from giant vacuum robots sent in to hoover everyone up. It's goofy, and only focused on a vacuum peril scene, while trying a little tiny bit of world building on the side.  Thanks to Toxygen for their inspiration for the idea, and also doing a final proofreading pass to fix any errors they caught as well as adding bits to the story.  Read after the break!
[Content-warning:  vacuum peril, robots]
“Jett, we need you!”
The sentinel droid was quick to make the call, just as the Vac Bot planted all three clawed legs into the ground at Robotica's City Square.  Its perfect tripod was formed, and from the top of the beast a hatch SHOOOMED open, its rubber funnel mouth shooting straight up and out.  A long, thick rubber neck connected the funnel to the mechanical body.  The funnel's wide base slammed down on the ground, with each pair of eyes lighting up on its sides as a loud WHIRRING filled the area.
As if opening a ready maw the funnel flared wide and the tough rubber vibrated with the force of the air rushing in.  The citizens of Robotica didn't have much time to scramble to safety.  Some were able to reach a hiding spot but most had to find something to hold onto.  The sentinel droid wasn't as lucky.  Having focused first on calling for help, they scrambled to grab and claw at the city streets as the suction carried them close to the large machine.
Others watched the scene in dismay. All they could do was find something to anchor to as the winds pulled at their android bodies.  Many wore jumpsuits that fluttered in the intense wind, and those  with more traditional armors like metal, plastic, or rubber didn't find themselves any more aerodynamic.  They were just as easily pulled closer.
The sentinel was the only one in the square not currently anchored.  He slipped closer and closer to the vacuum's funnel, and just then, as their robotic feet lifted up and toward the throat of the funnel, and their fingertips just barely held to a nearby curb in the street, a flash shot out from the nearby alleyway.
A streak combining of energy, fire, and roaring engine plucked the sentinel away before they flew into the vacuum.  There, in the arms of a robotic lady clad in titanium armor, patterned in the style of a blue and orange jumpsuit, the sentinel knew he was safe.
“Jett!  By golly you're just in-”
“Can it, Stanley!” Jett barked. Her powerful jet engine, blasting from out of her shoulder blades, was enough to keep her airborne and carry another android.  She wasn't sure how much it could help resisting the Vac Bot at the same time, and was quick to find a landing place behind a section of fence.
Even as far away as the two landed from the vacuum beast, its pull easily reached them.  They both braced against the fence as they were sucked into it, the chains rattling and heaving in toward the center of the city square.  It was uncomfortable, yet the best place to rest her jet engine, as steam bellowed from her shoulder blades and swirled into the vortex of air.
An internal warning beep faded in her head, and she could again focus.  To the left of the two, another droid clung to the fence from the other side, their legs kicking back into the air as their cloth jumpsuits fluttered in the wind.  They were one of the rubber droid models, the most common and lightweight in the city.  As a result, vacuums were the weapon of choice against such a population.
The android's panicked stare didn't pierce Jett's confidence as she ordered to Stanley, “Alright, I'm going to see what I can do.  You rescue who you can.”
“Rescue?” the sentinel gulped. Cowards, as always.
Jett grabbed him by the collar with her right and left hand. The toes of her robotic feet clenching to the fence, she used all her might to easily toss Stanley to the side of the fence.  He swung around the edge, grasping hold as the winds carried him, and didn't need any more orders to know to start climbing over to the droid in trouble.  Stanley would be fine.  
Jett boosted herself up to the top of the fence, resisting every urge to flip over.  The Vac Bot wasn't relenting, but the citizens were doing their best to keep from flying inside.  Her eyes darted across the city square to look for who to help first.  In most cases, droids were in good spots to get away or hang on long enough.  Jett smirked, ready to make a quip, but bit her robotic lips as the worse case scenario happened.
A nearby bus stop splintered apart. The robots who had taken shelter there tumbled toward the Vac Bot instantly as the debris flew right into its funnel.  One bot managed to hang onto some remnants of the station in time, with another sentinel bot edging its way closer to help.  One less bot to worry about, but two more were going to be much more of a problem.
They tugged, and grappled, and yanked at each other, as if fighting one another instead of fighting against what was sucking them closer by the second.  Their robotic bodies clanged under their suits, and they easily bounced off each other in the scramble, finally realizing what they should have been worrying about in the first place.  They called out for help as their bodies lifted up, the winds wrapping and pulling over their metallic bodies. As Stanley had before, they grasped at the ground to no avail.
One robot, the male, with a stronger upper frame covered by rubbery vest, tumbled by a bench bolted down to the street.  He quickly grasped to the frame, fingertips bending some of the tough steel with the power only a robot could.  The lady bot, a wider, more rounder and bouncy frame, hit the back of the bench and struggled to keep behind it.  The winds easily yanked her up over it, and in her confusion she desperately grasped at the male bot until finally getting a solid hold on his rubbery feet.
Jett sighed.  Everyone else seemed fine except for these two hanging on in a mechanical chain of panicked parts.  It should be easy enough.  Zip in, zip out, beat that vacuum up.  She never fought a vacuum so large before, and the power it had was enough to give her pause.  Who sent this monstrosity? And for what nefarious purpose?
She didn't have time to pause.  The air cried out around her and quickly she realized the vacuum was powering up.  Her legs were kicking up behind her, forcing her to brace harder against the fence.  She gave out a strained exclamation as the vacuum force pulled her over the fence, her legs pointing right at the direction of the Vac Bot.  Stanley was having a hard time pulling the other robot around the fence, and if they were having trouble, this couple by the bench must have been going through a nightmare of a time.
“Wish me luck!” Jett smiled and let go, not sure if that reached anybot's ears.  Her jet pack revved up as the winds carried her.  She soared over the couple but didn't care.  The Vac Bot's funnel grew larger behind her at such an astonishing rate.  She got this.  She always had this.  She was so sure, as the jet pack's energy burst out of her.  She had this.
She didn't have this, it turned out.
If robots could go pale, the energy would have drained from Jett's face.  She was sure this was enough force, but she hardly moved.  Her jet pack was working, she was sure. She could feel the heat and energy and force screaming behind her, but she barely budged. She wasn't getting any farther away from the sucking gullet trying its best to inhale her. The wind remained relentless around her body, her plated, stylized hair rattling against her face and scalp.  This wasn't just any kind of wind, though.  It was a powerful suction, drawing in all of her energy from her jet pack as it rushed right inside the rubbery throat of the vacuum threat.
“Ah crap ah crap ah crap!” Jett laughed to hide her frustration.  The suction felt strong enough to rip her limbs off as the funnel loomed behind her, growing wider by the second as she slipped further and further back.  She had to be at one hundred percent now.  The heat alone at her backside terrified her.  She was going to fly apart, she thought.  Bolts and springs were going to explode out of her.  It took her everything to jet at full power, and yet she was slipping inside this vacuum's mouth. Her cocky expression and mannerisms were broken in that moment, as she realized just what kind of peril she was in. It seemed as though Jett was better at saving others than herself.
Her hands braced at the sides, feeling the insides of the rubber hose at the back of the funnel's mouth. The suction was incredible, and the winds inside this space roared more intensely than her own jet engine's.  Her fingertips slipped along the hose as she slid deeper, inching backwards and the frame of the world in her view got rounder and smaller.
How embarrassing to be defeated so easily.  She'd owe quite an explanation to the commander.
As if the words were being carried along in the wind, Jett's ears picked up on a transmission.  “Jett, now's your chance!”  The words came from Stanley, then a flash followed.  In that moment she could see Stanley through the inside of the hose.  Other robots held his ankles as he faced toward the mighty Vac Bot, with a full Zapper Cannon in his arms.  A burst of electricity sparked from the cannon and shook the vacuum at its core. It weakened in that moment, with Jett still operating at one hundred percent.
Jett burst out of the funnel, the suction still nipping at her backside, but the vacuum couldn't pull her back.  A familiar beeping and buzzing filled her mind.  She kept focus on her goal despite this.  “Hang on!” she cried out. Without saying another word she yanked the arms of the male robot from his hold, almost shattering the bench.  The female bot clenched to his toes as tight as she could, keeping that chain formed to keep from being pulled apart by the velocity.  With Jett's patented toss, she launched the pair toward a group of androids sheltered by a wall, and they were quick to pull them in.
“J~*buzz*~tt!” was the only thing Jett could make out in her mind as the beeping intensified, then at its most pounding sensation, immediately ceased.  Static filled her vision.  Error messages cascaded across her HUD.  A shock struck at her shoulders, and the ground smacked her in her face as she collided with the curb.  She came to a skidding stop.
She then started to skid back from where she came.  She laid there, rolling and sliding motionless, with steam jetting from her body in all directions, the steam swirling back into the funnel of the Vac Bot.  The whirring had died down but it hadn't stopped.
Her diagnostics kicked in and her vision shortly returned. Steadily, Jett's circuits sparked to life. Jett had taken many a blow by villains in the past, but who knew she would do the most catastrophic damage to herself?  Her fingers ratcheted about and then clenched to the first things they could, that being the same bench the robot couple held to that had nearly been ripped from its bolting.  The metal creaked as Jett was being pulled back toward the vacuum once more, the sense of panic slowly creeping up on her. Still, she deluded herself somehow winning against this hurricane-force suction, and being praised as a hero. Her toes grasped and reached for the ground, and after barely making contact, lifted up and locked toward the back of the vacuum's throat. Both hands clenched to the arm rest of the bench as it heaved and twisted with an incredible strain.  Busted from earlier, it was just a mess of metal now only held down by a couple devastated bolts.
“J-Jett!  Come in!”  Stanley's voice crackled over the static at the back of her mind.
“Yeah, is everyone safe?”
“Yes!  Jett, everyone's safe but you!  What do we do?”
Jett laughed, a bolt ripping from the bench and pinging her in the face.  No wonder this city was always under attack.  No one knew how to tie their own shoes.  “Call for backup, Stanley! Please!” she scolded, a hint of unease in her voice.  The bench stretched with more metallic groaning, her hands slipping to the ends of the armrest.  Her legs kicked up, now feeling her feet barely touching against the rubbery funnel.
The air vibrated around her whole body.  The wind twisted and tugged as the vacuum's power steadily returned after the attack from earlier.  The suction was unbearable now that she could feel her knees grazing the bottom lip of the funnel, her legs locked in the jet-stream of air getting sucked into the back of it.  Another bolt ripped out and flew by her.  Her anchor, what was once the park bench, all but had the appearance of a bulky metal rope at this point.
The funnel lips were entering Jett's peripheral vision.  Another bolt pinged by.  The screeching metal was the final warning that her last lifeline from getting sucked in was about to go.  Her last hope was that gravity would be stronger than the horizontal force for just a moment as she let go of the bench. She dropped down instantly, while the vacuum's suction was quick to slurp her almost entirely into the funnel, with Jett releasing a panicked squeal in response.  Her fingers grasped tightly into the dense rubber of the funnel, and her body smacked against the bottom of the funnel and hose.
She expected the metal bench to rip off and fly towards her.  What she didn't expect was for the high pitched cry to escape her lips as the twisted metal just barely missed her.  What remained of the bench flew out of sight and down the throat of the vacuum.  With that out of the way, all the vacuum had to focus on was sucking her in.
“No no no!” she cried out as the vacuum pulled around her body tighter than ever. Her eyes darted around the funnel, the sense of panic now gripping her by the shoulders much like the suction. She briefly attempted to pull her legs up from out of the throat of the robotic beast, even managing to get her toes hooked over the part where the back of the funnel connected to the main hose.  She thought, in that moment, she had enough purchase to spring her way out of the vacuum's “mouth”.
She leapt but lost even more velocity in the process, ending up worse off than she already was. Instead, her legs just straightened out again in the suction. She even felt her soles smack against the top of the hose, with her legs being slurped right back in, carried by the focused winds.  Jett reached for funnel's lips yet again, but only panicked whimpers came out of her own as they couldn't get any grip.  Like a hand had reached out and grabbed her torso to drag her back, she was sliding deeper into the vacuum's funnel.
Jett's hands slapped, and clawed, and pushed into the thick rubber for any hope to hang on.  Thinking quickly, as quickly as Jett's brain could process, she was able to suppress some of the panic that was overcoming her.  She jutted her arms to the side, locking elbows and bracing the entire length of her arms against the throat of the machine.  She could feel it work as well as it could, and it “working” was enough to make things feel worse.
“Help!” Jett hollered, sure that no one would hear over the roar of the winds and motor deafening her sensors.  She hoped, for just a moment, that she would Stanley in view, and maybe help would be on the way.  It was more robots, for sure, but all as helplessly trying to hang on and keep from being sucked in.
Jett wanted to slap herself if it didn't mean she'd go flying right in.  She was supposed to bring hope to others, and she wouldn't be doing anyone any favors if she were to get sucked in.  She had to get this together and quick.  She could sense a wave of confidence coming on, and focused all her energies into her jet pack for one last attempt. A wide smirk on her face, she thought she was about to tear out of this vacuum and that it would be payback time. She could see herself tearing the vacuum to shreds, saving civilian bots from the rubble while smiling for the cameras.
There was no revving of her engines. No sudden burst of power as she leapt out of the sucking maw.  Just the putter of her engines, and smoke puffing out from her shoulders. Her eyes widened at this, with the rest of her lackadaisical fantasies of escape being sucked away, much like she was about to be.
While braced against the funnel, she was drawn to the center of the hole entering the hose.  Her whole body below her armpits was caught in the slipstream of air rushing down the hose.  She kicked her legs about in a panic but the suction pulled her straight immediately.  She sometimes felt her soles smack against the top of the hose, and tips of her toes poke into the bottom.  They'd just slip right back to pointing back into the darkness.
She clung to the insides of the throat, her eyes closed tightly shut as she focused all her strength into her grip in a last ditch attempt to resist. After much struggle, her arms sparked for a moment and her strength gave, Jett letting out a panicked yelp in response.  It was slow, but steady, that she couldn't brace anymore, with her whole body quickly sliding into the hose.  Knowing she couldn't hang on anymore, the best Jett could do was attempt to clog herself in there.  Arms and legs braced against any direction they could to slow the decent down the throat, a continual string of panicked cries and stutters of “No!” soon following. Jett wanted to cry at this point. Despite how many times she'd fought vacuum suction, it never got any less frightening, and she certainly had never faced a foe this strong before.  Even in moments where she felt secured, the rubber vibrated around her, heaved in, helped push her down, and surely she would slip a bit before bracing again.
From the outside of the vacuum's hose one would be able to see hands and other bracing extremities push in and out through the rubber, but the deeper she went, and certainly those impressions gave the looks she was sliding deeper, it was clear the vacuum was winning. At this point, she was nothing to the world but a bulge in the throat of the vacuum.
EMERGENCY was the word that blinded her vision through her sensors as the world went to static.  She kept fighting, as she always did, while her bracing turned to sliding, which turned to bouncing, down the rest of the vacuum's throat, shrieking all the while, and she landed right in the middle of all the other junk and robotics sucked into the beast.
Rubber surrounded Jett.  She pushed the debris aside and instinctively started punching, but instead, it felt like she was just hitting a rubbery pudding, accommodating every blow.  “Guys, don't give up!” she belted out.  She froze.  Who was going to listen, here?
The stomach undulated around her. Collected parts and robots tossed around, some disappearing down different chutes and sucked into other sections.  Jett was overcome with a feeling of isolation, as if the vacuum was sorting her.  She kept punching.
Her fists did nothing.  A sensation of sinking and constriction came over her know as the walls seemed to be closing in.  Folds in the stretchy stomach kneaded and guided her. She was slipping.  The walls closing in.  Something tugged at her legs and her feet slipped from view.  Her eyes widened and static filled them as her night vision failed to boot up.  She pushed all around her, the rubber constricting her movements more than ever.
She felt the need to gasp for air. She wanted to laugh at that thought while she pushed back against the tightening rubber walls.
The sound of the vacuum's revving motor was the last thing in Jett's sensors before she powered down.
Outside its own belly, the vacuum roared out in victory as it knew it had accomplished the impossible. In its mind, for as much as it could know about winning and victory, the device was content and reached its programming goals.  Its master would be so happy to know the last line of defense was captured.  But that last line wasn't the last, as about fifteen more sentinels had gathered with weaponry all their own, and commenced blasting the vacuum to bits.
Only a day passed before Jett was back up and running.  No new reports of rampaging vacuums had come in during the time it took for Jett's repairs.
The rebooting process was always a pain, but Jett endured.  The wiring and diagnostics surging through her were more than welcomed compared to the darkness she had just experienced.  Jett sighed, comforted with the sleek architecture of home base and the recovery ward.   Stanley was there, greeting her with a smile, and a welcomed comment about the need for a jet-pack upgrade.  The debriefing would be laborious, as it always was, but Jett was confident she'd look pretty cool during the first half.
Jett smiled, “We need to get you a better code-name, Stanley.”
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spidxysense · 7 years
Different | 03
Summary: You weren’t like them. You didn’t submit yourself to experiments, unlike them, you didn’t have a choice in becoming what you were. Now, years later Mr. Stark has sent you over to Queens to watch over one of his newest proteges in order to get your mind off of your sister.
Word Count: 3,247
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader/Spiderman x Reader
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
A/N: Alright, I said I’d make this longer but honestly, I wanted to finish it early for you guys so I decided that 3,000 would be my average word count. Hope you guys like it. You all super effing rock btw for getting my other chapters to 200+ which is like so friggin amazing! Sorry about the action scenes, I am just shit at writing those. I might not update for the rest of the week though, because I really need to finish writing for my other fan account, but I’ll be sure to work on the next chapter when I get some time. Thanks for all the love and feedback, I love you guys!
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You reach the abandoned gas station just in time to see Spiderman fling himself off the building towards a moving truck that the villain, who Michelle insisted on calling Vulture after you briefed her on what you were doing, just took over. Instead of joining the good fight in the truck, you decided to stay on top of the truck, waiting for a chance to ambush Vulture. You reach in you leg strap pocket and take out the tiny black metallic ball, a device you designed back when you stayed at the Stark compound. You press both sides of the sphere and it automatically unfolds into a tiny version of Ironman except this was painted black.
“Trail Spiderman. Connect AV comms.” You speak into your watch as the iron bot nods and flies to the entrance of the truck.
You sit there for hours when to your surprise, two green circular glowing eyes meet your own. It flies up into the air, taking you by the hands, and without you noticing it, he knocks one of the cubes he attached to the truck earlier, making the entryway into the truck completely disappear, and locking Peter inside.
You struggle to break free from his grasp, without your hands, you could create dark energy to escape your current predicament. As soon as you're dropped, you land head first into a tree branch and drop onto the floor beneath a tree, you stand up quickly, looking around you, you no longer have sight of the highway, instead you're surrounded by trees, and the waiting Vulture ready to attack.
You tread carefully, and then all at once, you fly your hands in his direction, covering his metallic wings. He chuckles before slowly reaching up to press a button near his covered mouth and high pitched sonic screams engulf your ear, making you lose focus and successfully releasing his wings. You cover your ears, and press as hard as you can, when you see him approaching your kneeling figure in the dirt.
You wince at the continuous high pitched screams, "What do you want?!" You shut your eyes tight.
He kneels down next to you on one knee, slowly pressing the button once again to make the noise stop; he grabs the back of his mask, pulling it free from his head and chuckles, "What do I want?" He looks up, scratching his chin, "I want you and your little Spider boyfriend to stop meddling in my business. You better hope to God I don't find out who you are unless you want me killing you right where you stand." He stands up, puts his helmet back on and starts to walk away, "Just know that the only reason I'm keeping you alive is so you relay this to that Spider freak." That's where he leaves you, grabbing the mulch filled dirt in pain.
You didn't have a choice, in your current state using your dark energy wasn't an option, so you started on your journey back to the hotel. You arrive just shy of five in the morning, you knock on the door quietly with your head, unable to conjure up the strength to even lift your hands.
Michelle opens the door, looking above your head, but looks down in horror when you collapse on her, "Oh my God! Y/N?! What happened to you?!" She pulls you inside.
"Jesus Christ, you're bleeding out on the bed." She sighs.
You blinding look around, everything turning blurry, "I-I don't know w-why I'm bleeding."
She grabs the closest ice pack and presses it to the side of your head, "Yeah? Well you are, your jaw is bruised too. You lip is cut open." She tilts your head to the side, "Your head is busted slightly, and it looks like you collided with something sharp looking at this gnarly scar stemming from wound." She sighs, "You look pretty fucking beat up Y/N."
You laugh hollowly, “Yeah, well I was pretty fucking beat.” You try to sit up, before she's pushing you back down, "I have to get to my computer-"
"God dammit Y/N, are you really willing to risk your own life for whatever phantom you're chasing with Peter? You've done your job! Now let the adults handle it!" She holds you down, and presses the ice pack harsher on your wound, making you wince, "You don’t need to do their job. He doesn't even know who you are under that mask."
You open your eyes, finally seeing her, "He...doesn't need to." You breathe out, "We need..." you gasp out in pain, "to save everybody." You lose consciousness.
By the time you wake up, it's around two in the afternoon. You look around before a wincing pain from the side of your head feels like it’s slapped you across the face, when you touch it, it starts to ache even more, but at least the blood's stopped. You look at Michelle’s bed; your decathlon jacket is placed on her bed. Upon realizing why you were here, you get up, and walk into the bathroom, looking at the mirror, "I look like shit." You sigh, before getting into the shower. You stretch your sore muscles upon coming out of the shower and you find MJ’s note, explaining where they were. You got dressed and you walked towards the Championship venue, which according to Michelle's note is directly across the Washington monument, you walk in slowly and Mr. Goldstein is the first to greet you.
"Y/N!" He grasps your shoulders, "I heard what happened with the stairs. Next time, make sure that the ice bucket isn't leaking melted water when going up the stairs alright?"
You nod slowly, "Yeah, sorry. That was on me." You look at the team, the MC announces that it's the final round, "Mr. Goldstein, could I may be participate?"
He smiles brightly, "O-of course! Hold on." He moves toward the stage, "Flash! Flash! Get off the stage! Y/N's taking your place!"
Flash gapes at him as Mr. Goldstein pushes you forward onto the stage where you take over Flash's seat after he storms off stage.
"Alright! This is the final question which will determine out winner!" He looks to the left and then to the right at your team, "This metal alloy is an extremely stable molecular structure which prevents it from being further molded even if the temperature is high enough to keep it in its liquefied form. In its solid form, it is described as a dark, shiny gray like high-grade steel or titanium, in this state, it is indestructible, and when molded to a sharp edge, it can penetrate lesser material with minimal force."
You ding the bell quickly, "Midtown Science!" The MC calls out.
You look at the MC, then to your teammates, which makes you realize, Peter wasn't here, "A-Adamantium."
A loud buzz breaks the tension in the room and balloons and confetti are being released, "And Midtown High takes the win with A-adamantium!" The MC copied your stuttering.
Cheers are surrounding you and hugs are thrown your way, you catch Flash taking the trophy straight out of the MC’s hands, but you remember; Peter isn’t here, he’s supposed to be here. He was supposed to be here way earlier than when you made it back, but he wasn’t.
A hand wrapping around your wrist and pulling you out of the venue is what gets your attention; it was Michelle, “They want to go see the Washington Monument.” She sighs, “Besides, nobody’s here.” She points out, “Are you…?” She points to her head with a little twirling gesture, “Y’know, are you like fine up there? I mean you lost a lot of blood.”
You furrow your eyebrows and blink in quick successions, there was nobody around anymore, “Yeah, I’m fine, um right, sorry I was thinking-“
“About Peter?” She gives you a smug smile, “Don’t worry about him... He’s Spiderman.” She waves as you two continue to walk toward the monument having been left behind by the team.
You walk into the monument having watched the hilarious exchange between Mr. Goldberg, Michelle, and her resistance to “go inside a monument built by slaves”. You stop by the metal detectors and look over at the Midtown Decathlon team waiting for the elevator to take them up as you dump your bag onto the basket that would scan for any weapons, once you get to the other side a security guard approaches you.
“Hope you don’t mind waiting for more people.” He begins walking back to his post, “It’s been a pretty slow day for tourists.” You look at your watch, it was already past three.
“It’s fine.” You keep turning to look back just in case Peter comes running through the entrance, but he doesn’t.
Suddenly, you felt the floor shake and the walls vibrate with a violet light shining through the cracks of the closed elevator doors; you looked around as the ceiling begins to crumble. You frantically turn in every possible angle, trying to find an exit point but all you see is a child whose body is trapped under the fallen piecing of the ceiling crying out for his mom and a hysterical woman trying to push back the security guards and in a moment of impulsiveness, you run and use your powers to lift the large rubble and broken pieces off to help the kid and as you carry him to transport him to his mother, you hear the tiniest of thank you’s in your very ear. However, just as you hand him off to his mother you hear the screams for help from the elevator, it doesn’t take you too long to look over the still closed doors, but that was all it took before the ceiling of the lobby completely falls apart and blocks the entrance.
With nobody around left to see you use your powers, you run to the elevator doors and pull them open with a great deal of concentration which has your already injured head pounding against you skull. You gasp into your mouth when you hear the screams clearer, with slow steps, you find yourself inside the elevator shaft, right where it would stop and you look up, you see the elevator but it’s already ready far up with a large hole on the floor, you spot a couple of sparks coming from the sides as the elevator seems to move, they must be moving inside or at least trying to get out of it.
You look to the blocked entrance and back up at the elevator, it would be the easiest thing to just lift the rubble with what little energy you had left and all you had to do was step out of the elevator. It’s the easiest choice, and to someone that wants to survive, it should be the only choice, but it’s not what you needed to do, not what you wanted (indent) to do. This was your life, and just like you told Peter back at that lake, somebody had to save the day. You completely understood what you would be risking, but it seems that trying at all is all the more better than leaving these people to die. This was your responsibility, this was the responsibility you shared with all the heroes out in the world, with Ironman, Captain America, your sister, and Peter, and knowing that you didn’t even need to hesitate or second guess your decision made it all the more clearer that you’d willingly die for these people if it meant saving them.
You close your eyes and form a familiar hand position near your stomach, you think of your sister, and of your brother. You were not going to die with the same sacrifice of saving the world as him, but you were going to willingly sacrifice everything for these people, and you were fine with that. You think back on how your sister made larger energy projections from bunching it up in her hands before aiming it, so you imitate her hands as you push your hands and arms towards the now falling elevator. You scream out in pain as you feel the blood spurting out your nose, but you don’t look away from the elevator, you push back harder, until you realize the weight is slowly being lifted. You watch it move up, until it stops on what you guess would be the floor everybody else had evacuated to, and then it’s falling completely. You stare at it dumbfounded with a lingering pain in your head and muscles, you feel your heart pound in your chest as if it was treasuring your last moment alive, like your heart would willingly stop if you asked it to, but you push through, you look down at the ground and smile, looking back up and releasing dark energy extending from your fingertips, you scream when you catch it and start extending the energy matter to push it up from where it already nearly touched your head. You push it up high enough before you spot large pipes surrounding it. With the quickest motion, you move one hand in the direction of the leftmost pipe, moving it along so it runs along on the left side of the bottom of the elevator which has you gasping in pain; you move onto the other sides, it has you sighing when you succeed in stopping the elevator. You drop to your knees, and slump, but when you look up something tiny and metallic catches your eye, it looks like a tiny metallic spider.
You hear distant screaming, but you never feel him plop down on the ground next to you. You shut your eyes in anticipation for Spiderman himself hanging upside-down, with your arms feeling slightly numb, you muster up enough strength to bring the jacket over your nose and wipe it, and when you turn to look behind you, he’s there.
He gives you a tiny salute, “H-hello-Ehem.” He clears his throat in order to deepen his voice, “Hello Ma’am. Do you need help getting up?”
You look back at him with a tired smile which probably shocks him.
“Oh my God.” The white part of his eyes retracts, “Holy shit what happened to you?” He touches your face softly, tracing your jaw before letting it linger on the bruise; he turns your head slightly to look at the side of your head.
You twitch slightly from his grasp before removing your head completely from his touch, “I’m fine.” You stand up slowly, with wobbly feet, “Is everyone safe?”
He tilts his head, “Is everyone saf-?” His voice gets louder, “How about you?! Were you safe?! What if you died here?”
You smile a tired smile and say the one thing that shocks him, “What if everyone else died up there?” You look back at him and remember that he doesn’t even know you survived, “This black plasma thing helped me.” You look up at the still elevator, “Got that thing to stay up there and to be honest, the black energy didn’t look like something you could conjure up from mixing chemicals.”
He looks around, “Black energy?” He mumbles, “So she must have saved you…” He trails off.
He suddenly stops speaking, and then looks directly at you without moving, “This tiny voice in my suit says I should kiss you.” He points at his head and pulls his mask off up to the nose, “And for once in my damn life, I’m not going to think about the consequences.” He pulls you in to kiss him.
You break apart first, clearing your throat, “I-I can’t. I’m sorry.” You look down.
He chuckles to himself, “It’s alright, even if that was an option. Some crazy girl with powers is in love with me.” He sighs, “You just remind me of someone I really want to protect.” He pulls his mask back on just as the authorities manage to dig all the rubble out of the way, and find you, Spiderman already gone. You follow one of the medics who has placed and orange blanket around your shoulders, where she leads you to the nearby ambulance and properly treats your wounds.
“Y/N!” You hear the panic filled voice feet away before you’re being embraced by your best friend.
You close your eyes and laugh softly, “I can hear your heart MJ, and it’s beating so fast.”
She pulls away, crouching so you’re looking her in the eye, “That’s all thanks to you, you self-righteous, hero driven idiot!” She wipes her tears quickly, “What if you died in there?”
“I didn’t.”
“Oh God, you’re still an idiot.” She sobs.
You look for Spiderman, or Peter, given that he disappeared before the authorities found you and you realize the sun is no longer up which has you looking at your watch, showing you that it was already past six. Upon looking back up, you meet eyes with Peter who’s suddenly appeared, he’s looking at you, but with a face that looks as if he were contemplating something. He pulls his hoodie over his head and sticks his hands in his hoodie pockets and starts to approach you, which Michelle takes as a sign to leave.
He stops in front of you, “So Mr. Goldberg told me you fell down the stairs.”
You sigh and shrug, “I’m more interested in why you’re talking to me, Peter.” You look him squarely in the eye, “Last I remember, you pretty much broke my heart, so don’t take it personally if I tell you that you aren’t allowed to care about me.”
“But I do.” His answer is instant, he paces back and forth a few times before finally stopping, “Look, I’m sorry I told you that we couldn’t be toge-“
You jump up to stand directly in front of him, “Could you please not mention that bullshit again?” You cut him off, “I feel like that’s been ringing in my ears all this time, and I am so tired of it.”
He freezes which you take as an opportunity to continue, “We’re not perfect okay? We’re gonna keep secrets, everybody has them, and honestly whatever you’re keeping from me that has you thinking this way, I don’t care, Peter.” You grab his hands, “I have told myself time and time again that I shouldn’t even like you this much but even when I try, I feel myself loosening my grip. There are so many things I’m unsure of in this world, but I know that feeling this way isn’t one of them. So I don’t care if we can’t be together, Peter. I want to be, and I don’t know what bogus shit you were giving me with having to protect me, but I can put up a damn fight so you don’t have to protect me.” You pull him closer by the collar, “You’re all I want, Peter. No amount of “I can’t’s” can change that, and if you tell me you don’t feel the same then you’re a goddamn liar Peter Parker.” You kiss him, it takes a few seconds but he kisses back.
It’s only cut short by a slow clapping, which turns out the be Michelle, “About. Damn. Time you two.” She gives you a wink before going back to talk with Mr. Goldstein. You wanted to believe this would last, but you knew better, something was going to happen; you could feel it.
This time, Peter kisses you first.
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oliviarthomasba2a · 6 years
Story Ideas: Social Pressures & Expectations
 As part of my submission, I have to write a screenplay from my own 5-8 minute short film. The concept for this must in some way link to Jekyll and Hyde. 
I’ve had various ideas surrounding different themes of the novella, one of which is social pressures and expectations. 
Within the novella a big theme was the ways in which the Victorian gentlemen were expected to behave in a particular way - their status and name meant everything to them. These people lived in a particularly repressive time, where it was frowned upon and often illegal to do various things that are considered ‘normal’ now. In fact, I feel that this theme is one that could have prevented the final outcome and they could have helped Jekyll earlier if only they were willing to intervene and see him - however, the invasion of other’s affairs and ‘gossiping’ was simply not done! Therefore no one stepped in and would rather ignore it. Even Utterson, who had an obsession over the situation and Hyde stood back many times in fear or ‘seeing something he shouldn’t’.
In the final chapter of the book in particualr, the silence from the men may indicate not a failure of words but, as in other instances, a refusal to use them. A fear of standing out and not conforming. 
Throughout, the gentlemen; Enfield and Utterson, are too reserved and decorous men and wish to deny the inner darker elements of humanity. This silence reflects the repressive tendencies of Stevenson’s time. Victorian society refused to allow the discussion of many issues.
In chapter 6, Lanyon decides that some knowledge is not worth the cost of obtaining or possessing it:
“I sometimes think if we knew all, we should be more glad to get away.” 
Like Utterson and Enfield, he prefers silence to the exposure of dark truths. The task of exposing these truths must fall to Henry Jekyll himself, in the final chapter of the novel. As the only character to have embraced the darker side of the world, Jekyll remains the only one willing to speak of it. These men all wish to remain trapped in the walls and social norms and expectations of society refusing to believe in other ways or explanations that they do not understand or know is ‘wrong’. This can be seen as a reflection of Victorian society and the gentlemen of the time, who would rather remain in blissful ignorance and not kick up a fuss then explore and wish to expose the truth that may cause a disturbance of some kind - their status and names are more important to them.
I feel that in many ways this pressure from society and the need to conform is still very real in this day and age. As a young female, I feel that there is a large social pressure in the way that I should look and be. The ever-growing influence from the media is a large contributor to this. 
Media has created a look and their own perception of what beauty is and if you don’t conform to this, then you aren’t beautiful. We’re force fed everyday people’s perceptions of what someone should look like whether it's the size of their waist or their complexion. 
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Michel Maffesoli (1996) theorises that humans are tribal and social beings, who long for ‘a sense of belonging’; therefore if others believe that they should look and be a certain way in order to be accepted then they’ll do this in an effort to conform and be liked. 
Shame culture is one we touched on in a lecture, again linking to this age of media and social sites. Since everyone has some sort of access to the internet and online mediums, people have been given a voice, a platform to speak their minds. This is a great thing, particularly for people who didn’t feel that could express themselves in such ways and perhaps felt too shy or looked don’t upon to do so in person. However this security of being behind your screen, guarded by this invisible wall that protects you, people have become too confident in speaking their views. In an attempt to be liked and self-gratified, people may enjoy shaming others when someone’s view may not sit on the side with the majority. This shame and pressure can force people to change and become someone they’re not in order to be accepted and liked - because it’s what the majority think and believe.  
During my travels over the Christmas holidays, I watched a film on the plane that I found really interesting. The film ‘Chak De! India’ (2007) is about the Indian Woman’s national field hockey team. This initially sparked my interest because I am a hockey player and haven't really seen a film that portrays the sport, unlike other popular spots like football. 
However, this film is filled with the concepts of social pressures and the feeling of being forced to conform, but also the breaking of these pressures and challenging the ‘norm’ - specifically in relation to the stereotypes and expectations of women.
It explores themes such as feminism and sexism, the legacy of the partition of India, racial and religious bigotry, and ethnic and regional prejudice.
The film presents a poorly put together group of women who are ‘India’s best hockey players’, there isn’t a lot of belief in them to accomplish anything - even the committee are spending their share of fundings on the men’s team who have greater support. 
Throughout there is a general lack of support and beliefe to the team, one of the girl’s fathers, families, boyfriend and husband not believing that this is ‘proper’ for Indian women. It is mentioned several times that the women shouldn’t ‘be running around in short skirts, but cooking and being with the children at home’. These are very traditional views of women in the 21st century, however, it is still very common for different cultures and countries like India. 
Of course, the women do very well in the end and prove the country and their families that women can play sports as good as and even better then men - they are worth and can do more than the traditional views and expectations. 
I’m very interested in using this theme which is strongly seen in the novella, but also one that many people can relate to, it is a timeless theme that is seen throughout the ages, from the Victorian era to today, and no doubt in the future as well.
1. Futuristic setting - Progression of changing and ‘making’ yourself better through enhancement and tech. 
This idea came to me after reading an article about a man who planted a Bluetooth compass into his chest so that he could; like birds, have a ‘natural’ sense of direction, always knowing where north is.
The article discusses how “Liviu Babitz, 38, claims that this chip gives him a ‘new human sense.”
’The electronic chip is attached to the skin with two titanium bars, and includes a compass chip with a Bluetooth connection.The chip vibrates every time Mr Babitz faces north, transforming his body into a functioning navigational system.
People who make these adjustments are referred to as ‘biohackers’. This lead me to look into this ‘biohacking’ trend more:
This BBC article looks into this ‘race of people’ further.
“Biohackers want to make their bodies and brains function better by "hacking" their biology.”
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Within it talks about Rich Lee, a man who has made various modifications to his body in order to become ‘better’ and ‘more advanced’. He describes himself as being ‘biologically fluid’. 
"I want to see a biologically fluid society where people can just augment these things." 
Luke Robert Mason, director of the Virtual Futures organisation, says there is a great deal of excitement around biohacking but "we are a long way from radically altering the human body in the sorts of ways they evangelise".
"What we see today are the first steps by a brave group of pioneers. Today's reality is a lot more experimental (and painful) than is often communicated to the public.
Another example was a young girl called Corina Ingram-Noehr. She discovered biohacking when recovering from a serious concussion that left struggling to speak. Her boss recommended trying medium chain triglycerides (MCT) oil, which helped her "head turn on" and acted as something of a gateway drug for biohacking.
"It opened the floodgates and I was like, 'If this works, this one little thing works so well - like, what else can I do?' "Biohacking for me is taking control of your own biology. It's taking shortcuts to get to a place that you want to be - so shortcutting your health. That's kind of how I think of it at least."
I found her story particularly interesting as her engagement came through originally needed and good intentions from a medical point of view, but this leads her to think ‘what else can I do?’. Something like this speaks to me in terms of storytelling as someone who could take things too far and begin with good and innocent intentions but becomes blinded by their need for more.
Concept 1:
A futuristic setting where a biohacker’s business has taken off and it’s become the ‘norm’ for humans to keep getting ‘upgrades’. If you don’t have the latest tech and enhancements (like the lastest phone or keeping up with the latest trends in our time) you’ll be looked down upon and seen as lesser - society has new views and a perception of what’s cool, right and beautiful. People feel forced and a need to keep buying these in order to conform.
Eventually, it’s clear that people are becoming less and less human and more machine. What’s thought of as an improvement is actually causing us to lose our individuality and unique qualities as humans. For example a new medicine or chip that helps people to stop feeling pain or upset - this seems great, however, people lose the ability to sympathise, grieve and show they care. Dealing with these pains and emotions are part of what makes us stronger and connect with others. People are becoming mindless machines and can be controlled in the end
This story can go one of two ways:
1. Single person: We follow the path of a boy who is one of the first biohackers. He has flaws and no friends, however by one day changing something (like having the navigation compass in his chest) suddenly people like him and think this is cool. This leads him to continue with this and implant more and more into him in order to be liked by others, however he soon, but too late realises that he’s lost who he is and what’s really important. 
2. Society: Follow single person who is feeling forced to conform by the large consumerism society that is feeding and growing off this need to buy the latest upgrades and tech.  
A young boy lives in a junkyard in a futuristic, steampunk setting. He lives and travels with his lovable robot companion, Widgit. This boy has nothing and scavenges - he lives in a world where biohackers are on the rise and society is obsessed with body and human enhancements. 
 and the stream punk guy has nothing and lives in a junkyard place with widgit and invents and then starts improving himself and soon he has adorers and a nice place but loses happiness and widgit and so he loses who he is and eventually improves himself too much he destroys himself xxx 
The human body may be weaker physically than the mechanic, but it can do many things that machines can’t. When you tip over the edge, you lose your human side, including the ability to love, lose and empathise. 
Widgit is more human than the modified humans are, because he has the ability to care.
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caspian-skye · 4 years
The Apoptosis Project Ch.3, Social Facilitation
While Lazula and Snow perform as well as expected, Caspian has difficulty during Sentinel’s Final Entrance Exam.
Not a second after her feet touched ground, the Holosphere dissolved around Snow. She paused for a few seconds, taking in her surroundings. She had landed in the middle of a deciduous forest. The leaves above were speckled with the first hints of Early Autumn. In the sky above, holospheres still descended, drifting leisurely to the ground like snowfall.
Snow's head snapped to the left. Down a slight incline, toward where the trees opened to a decrepit model of an abandoned city. She began to sprint, elbows locked at a perfect right angle, pumping to shoulder level in front. Her eyes were fixed toward the city, locked on their destination despite the bobbing of her head.
Gunshots rang out in the forest behind her. From her side, a young man's shout. Yet she kept running. Her focus was finally broken by a violent clamor, a cracking and crunching of branches above. A shadow dropped from the canopy, scattering leaves and causing the ground beneath Snow's boots to tremor.
Snow skidded to a stop, reaching for the weapon at her belt. She stared down the animatronic Beringel, watching as it let out a ferocious scream. It pounded on its titanium-plated chest, and leapt at the white-haired huntress in training. At the last moment before a two-fisted pound split the dirt at her feet, Snow pivoted to the side.
As she turned, she pulled a silver handle from her belt. A straight, single-edge blade sprung forth from within, glowing with the pale blue of hard-light dust. She struck four times. Each slash was measured, lashing at the animatronic's vulnerable skin of a black, leathery cloth. She would turn her body and move her feet with each attack, a dance of aggression and grace in perfect balance. She ducked around the monster's swings for several seconds, slashing with her weapon's blade whenever she found an opening. An overhead strike was blocked by the creature. Snow's eyes flicked to the side, where another punch neared. She flipped backward and under it where she stood, landing on her feet and springing back toward the machine without missing a beat.
As she swung upward into the animatronic's underarm, glowing lines traced from the tip of her sword, forming the outline of an axe's head. A horrible metallic scraping filled the air, and sparks flung in all directions as Snow ripped her axe through the machine's shoulder socket. Its arm fell to the forest floor. Another axe swing, and it fell.
Snow began to sprint again, feeling a pulse of vibration from her holoband.
Lazula thrust Impetus through the chest of an oncoming Beowolf, sinking her weapon through to its golden crossguard. The guard was spread like a set of lustrous wings, one half curving in toward the broad, silver blade, and the other half perpendicular to it. A cobalt blue core ran down the middle of her blade, surrounded, like most of Lazula's attire, by gold.
Feeling the familiar pulse of vibration from her holoband, an indication she had defeated the animatronic and gained points, she flung the imitation beast from Impetus, and into another coming from her right side. The two collided with a crumbling wall, and were crushed beneath the rubble.
Another set of claws scratching on pavement, this time from Lazula's right. She blocked a swipe with Aegis, propelling the attack backward. She ducked down and twirled, sweeping the beast's feet out from under it. She leapt upward, leaving both her and her foe in the air before planting the heel of her boot in the creature's gut, and slamming it back to the pavement. It made a harsh cracking sound as it landed, and Lazula disposed of it with one final stab.
She turned on the balls of her feet, raising Aegis just in time to block the lightning-fast strike of a serpentine animatronic. The fangs, each the length of her forearm, hooked over the top of her shield. Lazula wrenched her arm upward to impale the roof of the snake's mouth with her shield's spikes. One of the snake's heads recoiled and the other lashed at her. She braced herself and raised her shield again. This time, she bashed forward, taking the entire impact into her arm.
Lazula activated her semblance: kinetic energy manipulation. Absorbing the impact, she turned her body and swung with Impetus. The animatronic's energy was channeled into her swing and amplified, easily bisecting her foe. A gale of wind ripped down the nearby alleyway with her swing, knocking a fire escape to the ground with an ear-splitting tumult, and knocking a Beowolf animatronic at the end of the alley to its back.
A white-haired girl, dressed in white and a delicate blue, drove her gleaming sword into its chest. Lazula watched it arch its back, and go limp. She sheathed Impetus, breathing out a muted smile as the dust settled, her eyes meeting with the colorless pair down the alley.
"So, I guess this makes us partners?" Lazula called.
Snow nodded, and walked toward Lazula.
Caspian jogged through the forest, one eye on the path ahead, and one on the screen he held in front of him. The only sounds in the thick pine woods were his feet on the ground, his breath, and the torrent of thoughts plaguing him. He flicked from the singles list, on which he was one of a handful who had not yet scored any points, to the doubles. Lazula, apparently, had paired with Snow. They were comfortably ahead of the second-place pair, little surprise to Caspian. He scanned the list, then flipped back to the singles bracket.
A quick moment of relief. Lilly, on pace to pass the exam, had not yet found a partner. If he could just find her, Sentinel Academy wouldn't be too bad. His mind began to slip to other scenarios. Rowan, Ichigo, and Laurel were all at varying positions in the singles list. It was still early in the exam, of course, but knowing the possibility of teaming with a friend existed, however small, gave him some peace of mind. Then, there was that squirrel faunus from the airship. Caspian never caught her name, but her brilliant smile had caught him off guard. She seemed nice, and was, well, really cute, Caspian thought.
What sounded like an Ursa's roar shook the faunus from Caspian's mind. He planted his feet in place and turned to the sound. From within a cluster of boulders, a huge black bear, with spines of titanium armor on face, arms, shoulders, and back, broke out on all fours. Pines and dirt tore up from the forest floor with each stride.
Caspian knew the beast was just an animatronic, programmed to sense aura and stop attacking before any real damage could be done. But still. The hulking black monster stood several feet taller than he, even running on four legs. Its snarls, claws, and teeth seemed real enough.
He reached behind his right shoulder, and unsheathed a thin, black cutlass with a trailing point, both edges of the blade gleaming with cobalt luster. As Caspian pulled the weapon from his back, he flipped a switch at the handle. The blade separated and folded in on itself to form an oversized handgun. Under Caspian's thumb, an oblong tract of steel rotated into place, finishing his weapon's transformation. "Undertow" was carved out of it, glowing blue from within like much of the muzzle.
He aimed between the animatronic's eyes. His finger began to tug on the trigger, but he halted, looking to the side.
Brown waves of aura crackling around her powerful legs like lightning, the squirrel faunus from the ship sprinted in. Her aura spread to her fist, and she snapped the animatronic's head to the side with a careening blow. The titanium plates covering the imitation Ursa's head cracked, and the branches of surrounding trees rippled in every direction with the shockwave.
She stood over the animatronic, shaking out her fist. Her scarf settled at her back, and her head turned. Her eyes met Caspian's.
"Oh, sorry! Was this one yours?" the girl asked. Caspian could hear footsteps.
"Oh- uh, it's okay. It's... still early," Caspian assuaged. His eyes fell to his Holoscreen, a dark blue "0" still beside his name. "But if we're partners, i-it won't matter, right?"
Her tail drooped a bit, as did Caspian's hopes. A girl with magenta hair strode into view, finally catching up with her partner.
"Ah, got it. No worries!" Caspian promised. He fidgeted with his Holoband, and began to turn around. He forced a smile. "I should be going now, good luck!"
"Good luuuuck!" she called after him.
Rain began to fall. Caspian could hear it on the canopy above, and every few seconds an intrepid drop would break through to land on him. The holosphere he had dropped in had prevented any view of the outside, and his father had been rather secretive about the layout, so as not to give his children an advantage. So, when he broke out into a clearing at the base of a jagged precipice, he was caught by surprise.
He could hear a peculiar scraping noise from above, and he looked to its source. A colossal arachnid, with a pair of mantis-like arms and white spires jutting out from its abdomen, clambered across the rock face, what Caspian guessed to be nearly a hundred feet up. "An Aracylla," Caspian thought, remembering his father's tales of the creatures from the lonesome woods of Northern Mistral. "This thing has to be worth at least forty points!"
The machine lost its footing for a second, sending a cascade of stones the size of Caspian's head to the ground nearby.
Caspian pulled Undertow from his back, and lined up a shot toward one of the grotesque animation's legs. The bullet of pure dust met its mark, and the spider lost its footing once more. Caspian's satisfied smirk dropped, and his eyes widened.
Instead of a clumsy fall to the ground below, the machine found its footing, let out a horrific screech, and pounced.
Caspian yelled with fright and dove to the ground, and felt the animatronic land behind him with a thunderous slam. He turned over, and was able to shoot out a couple of eyes before it sprang toward him. Caspian raised his armguard in an attempt to block a strike from the creature's mantis claws, but the lash propelled his arm back into his brow. He punched outward at the next strike, allowing him just enough time to slash once with Undertow and flip onto his feet. He reversed his grip, and sent the tip of his weapon through one of the Aracylla's many eyes. The beast recoiled in simulated agony, leaving an opening for Caspian to jump in and strike the delicate link between leg and body. With little resistance, the joint gave way and the creature screeched, front leg falling to the ground.
A shotgun blast rang through Caspian's ears, causing him to jump. The creature tensed up, before knocking Caspian aside and turning around on its remaining legs. It lurched forward to strike, but was met with a second blast. Barely visible under his foe's legs, Caspian saw a combat boot stomp on one clawed foot. A swing of something steel, and the leg separated from body.
With one final clash of steel on armor, the Aracylla's legs drew in toward its body, and began to curl.
"Hey, nicely done!" Caspian called.
A man appeared from behind the animatronic's body. Lean, several inches taller than Caspian, even with his slouch. The bridge of his long nose was pierced twice by a set of black triangle studs, the same piercings decorating his ears. His hair was shaved at the sides, spiked in front and tied into a ponytail in back. A wolf's tail flicked from behind him.
The man slung a heavy looking bat over his shoulder, and sunk his other hand into the pocket of his studded black jacket. He strolled around the disabled machine, and looked at Caspian with cold, dark eyes. He wasn't a cute girl, Caspian analyzed. Nor was he a girl at all. ...Nor was he particularly cute. But he took the animatronic down with relative ease, and looked tough.
"It doesn't look like you have a partner..." Caspian hinted.
"I don't. What's your name?" the man asked in reply.
"Caspian, and you?"
He projected the entrance exam's rankings from his school-issue Holoband, and scanned them, starting at the top. The longer he looked, the disdain etched upon his face mounted. "Caspian Skye?" he finally asked, looking up.
"Y-Yeah, that's me!"
The man switched off his Holoband, and turned around. "Good luck," he bid with a dismissing wave.
"Hey, wait!" Caspian pleaded. "The first person you lock eyes with is the one you partner with! Didn't you hear the Headmistress?"
"...Unless you have a compelling personal reason for not being able to work well with said partner," the faunus reminded curtly.
Caspian's shoulders sunk. "Do you... not trust humans? I know faunus are equal on paper now, but it's easier to change laws than people's minds."
"I'm not crazy about them, no." He turned back to Caspian. "There are plenty of faunus I don't care for either."
"Then... what's your reason?" Caspian asked.
"My 'compelling reason' is that you have zero points. Goodbye."
Caspian froze where he stood, pangs of indignation and embarrassment saturating his mind. He watched he wolf faunus disappear into the trees, never once turning over his shoulder. He noticed a hum from above him, and aimed Undertow to it's source.
It was a drone, displaying on its side the logo of Port Cyrreine's major television station. Caspian grit his teeth. His weapon's trigger begged to be pulled, but Caspian noticed a slight tremor to his hand.
With a defeated look, he sheathed his weapon.
The Headmaster had returned to his office to view the Final Entrance Examination. He sat at his desk with Headmistress Skye, watching the grid of screens displaying before him. Every minute, one would switch to focus on an applicant, or display a particularly active area of the testing grounds. The two murmured back and forth, the Headmaster occasionally entering in notes or tidbits of data into his computer.
The elevator door opened behind the two.
"I see Cas is having some rotten luck today, poor kid," a man's voice commented. It was not especially deep, but carried an inexplicable suave huskiness.
The Headmaster merely gave a nod and a grunt as reply.
"But, I'm guessing that isn't why you called me here," the voice prompted.
The Headmaster finally turned around to the source of the voice. It was a man about a decade younger than Headmaster and mistress, dressed in dark khaki pants, navy tie, and sky blue button-down with sleeves rolled to his elbows. His chocolate brown hair was swept back behind his ears. Though it looked to be recovering from being recently tied back, it had begun to spread out across his shoulders. A swath of stubble framed his agreeable face.
"I'll start with the good news, Douglas," Headmaster Skye addressed. "Lazula and Snow have teamed up, and are on pace to pass the exam."
"Good. And no surprise there," Douglas answered. He cracked a wry smile. "...And the bad news is why you called me directly to your office? Snow was expecting me down in the stands, you know."
"Exactly. I'm not sure what it is, but I have a bad feeling about today," the Headmaster explained.
Douglas's smile faded. He lowered his voice, though the three were very much alone. "Is it your semblance?"
The Headmaster nodded once, stitching his fingers together. "While I can't be sure, it's a possibility. Griswold has sent organds to help with security-"
"I've deployed my huntsmen as well, and have safety measures prepared," the Headmaster assured. "If the Red Claw plans to mount another attack like the one last night, the Entrance Examination will be a difficult target. But still, I needed you here, out of harms' way."
"How sweet of you," Douglas teased. His voice hardened. "But your own children are out there."
"My children are armed, and skilled in combat," the Headmaster reminded. He turned back to the screens, their glow reflecting in his glasses. "We'll just have to see how this plays out."
0 notes
aurora-the-kunoichi · 5 years
Nocturnal Visit
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Let’s try this again, Tumblr’s stupid ass flagged our shit.
I have gotten permission from the artist and the receiver of the artwork to post this beautiful piece so I can post the story I wrote for it.
The original artwork was flagged by tumblr so it was cut down and the full version is in the link below.
This artwork is by @theorangesaturday​ for an art trade for @naturigurl​ with her OC Leena and Raphael.
Link to full version
Raphael sat on the fire escape peering into the warmly lit apartment unbeknownst to Leena. She was fresh out of the shower and her lustrous skin still glistened from the residual moister. He could hear the music playing inside, the base of the current song sending its pulsating vibrations through the glass of the large window. Her slim frame was still wrapped up in the oversized towel as she danced around the space of her bedroom and when her fingers gave way sending the damp towel to the floor Raph felt his chest tighten with a low rumbling growl. His patience had grown thin.
Leena was getting ready for bed, dancing to her bluetooth speaker when she felt the atmosphere change in the room. Her hips stopped moving with the rhythm of the song and her heart beat rose steadily, she was no longer alone.
Feather light she felt it, a large three fingered hand encircling her waist pulling her back to an all familiar weathered plastron. His warm breath came next cascading down her drying skin sending a shiver down her spine quickly igniting a fire in her belly.
“I didn’t think you’d make it tonight.” Leena smiled as the brute’s mouth descended to where her neck met shoulder laving at the moist flesh eagerly.
“Patrol ended early, wanted to surprise ya.”
Before she could respond his hips urged her forward towards her turned down bed. When her knees came in contact with the bed frame Raphael’s hands gripped her waist lifting her up onto the bed.
Leena allowed the giant mutant to manipulate her body positioning her on her hands and knees at the edge of her bed. She was more than willing to submit to his will and from the scent he was giving off she knew what was on the brute’s mind.
When the heat of his massive body disappeared she whimpered at the loss and pushed back hoping to find him again. Her back side found nothing but when she heard him chuckle low and the sound of his belt buckle being undone she suddenly felt the heat rise in her own body very, very quickly.
“Impatient aren’t we? Maybe I like the view, I could sit here and stare at that ass all fuckin day.” Raphael husked a few feet from her keeping just out of Leena’s peripheral vision.
Leena knew the game though, knew he didn’t have the best restraint when it came to his unchecked libido. Bracing her weight on one hand her fingers inched down her stomach and slipped between her slick folds finding the hidden jewel within her sex. Her finger encircled the tiny nub of flesh and moaned shifting her hips so the lumbering turtle could get a better view.
A sly smile spread over her lips when she heard Raphael growl and move forward. His heavy hand pressed down on her back urging the top part of her body to the cool sheets beneath her and his other hand kept her hips high up in the air.
“That’s not playin fair and you know it.” He rumbled before sinking his white teeth into the apple of her ass, slapping the other round cheek with an open palm.
“Owwwwhoahhh fuuuckkk!” Leena absorbed the playful smack and tried to sound hurt when his talented mouth moved to quickly to register and felt his broad tongue find the swollen folds between her thighs.
“What was that Leena? I couldn’t understand you?” Before she could make her quip Raphael dove back in quickly working her into a moaning frenzy.
“R-Raph….god…..fuc…” her voice was a whimper as his mouth ground into her cunt pressing her further into the bed.
“God can’t help you now.” Raphael laughed as his lips brushed against her glistening folds. “But Raphael can..” his hot mouth found purchase once again and isolated the hidden bud sucking it in between his teeth.
As he worked the sensitive bud he could feel her thighs begin to tremble, her climax was fast approaching and he was ready for it. Her lips started a slow near inaudible chant of his name , over and over, getting louder until the tight coil in her core snapped.  
With an impressive shout Leena cried out pushing back into his mouth as she came, flooding the brute’s tongue with her warm release.  If his hands weren’t planted firmly on her thighs she would have surly toppled to the bed from the force of her orgasm.
As she came down she felt the heavy weight of the red terrapin as he crawled onto the bed assisting her wobbly hips to the bed below. He moved up to cover her with his colossal body and his hand rested on her  right cheek pushing it away spreading her for the heavy weight of his titanium length. His hips shifted coating the tip of his bulbous head with her previous release and slowly eased himself into the tight sheath of her cunt.
Like each time he took her the sheer size of Raphael stretched her delightfully wide. She could feel the lip of the head and every bulging vein as he slid inside her bottoming out with a deep grunt. Leena’s fingers clutched the sheet below her feeling her body adjust to the size of him relaxing around the hard shaft embedded as deep as it could go. She felt Raph’s hand gather the dreads that sat upon her head and pulled back making her look into his green eyes.
“I’m not done with you yet Leena, I think you have one more of those delectable screams just dying to get out.” His eyes sparkled with mischief as he gave the first tentative thrust nipping at the back of her neck and started to work up into a steady rhythm.
With each resounding snap of his powerful hips the bed rocked beneath them, creaking as he moved within her. She gasped out each time the tip of him connected with the back of her sheath and he followed with his own groan of excitement.
“I fucking love the way you feel,” Raphael whispered into her ear with a particular brutal thrust. His hand spread her cheeks apart and watched as his thick length slide in and out slick from her arousal. The sight alone made the roar of his climax race faster through his veins, his hips starting to move on their own accord barreling forward into her willing body. The resonating crack of skin on skin echoed in the room drowning out their vocalizations of their impending climaxes.
Raphael could feel the ripples of her inner walls begin to flutter constricting the passageway making him work that much harder. He could hear her breathing coming in faster and faster as the pitch of her moans grew more frantic.
“R-raph.” She started as her fingers gripped the sheets below her tighter finally feeling the thread of her sanity snap spiraling her into wave after wave of her erupting end.
“That’s it Leena, cum for Raphael.” Harder he pounded feeling the fire of his release break free as she screamed out his name in a triumphant shout. Her body went ridged beneath him, every muscle in her body tensing as she rode out her bliss into oblivion. Leaning forward Raphael sunk his teeth into her neck holding her in place as he emptied every ounce of his warm seed into her womb growling as he kept his hips moving assisting in the process.
Once he was sure he had deposited every drop, his mouth released with a pop and licked where the new mark was beginning to form. He felt her slowly relax under him coming down from her high and let out a long heavy sigh.
“You’re not leaving are you?” she yawned turning just enough to look up into his green eyes.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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