#vicki he's an idiot i'm sorry
heavenfelled · 1 year
@widowshill / victoria sent : i'd hate to see you getting into any trouble.
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𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𝐓𝐎 𝐀 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, but in fact stops just short, petulant. ' shame. 'm afraid that trouble's my favourite thing to get into, miss. ' and still, he tips his hat, much obliged to her concern ( a rare thing for the DEMONIC IN NATURE ). ' don't you go worryin' yourself over me now, alright? what's a ghost to a demon, hm? '
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manic-pixie-aquarius · 2 months
Soooo I haven't been active on here but here's a snippet of a short story I started writing last month! Idk, lemme know if any of you find it interesting bc I'm thinking of refining it and then putting it on Ao3
It's mostly from Mike's POV but switches to Will's at one point too. Takes place in a theoretical post-s5 Snow Ball? And this is post Mileven breaking up so Mike is reaaaally deep in his pining over Will and the painting hasn't been fully addressed yet bc things just got back to normal and everyone's tryna have fun
I must look like a sulking idiot sitting here at this empty table while all my friends are having fun, but I can’t bring myself to enjoy the moment, there is still a lot on my mind and I can’t believe everyone is acting like nothing happened. Max and Lucas are dancing together again and after the song ends El comes back to dance with Dustin. 
I feel eyes on me. 
“Don’t feel like dancing?” Will asks me. 
I look up, startled that I didn’t hear him coming. I just nod no. He takes a seat next to me. 
“Me neither” he says with a scoff. 
I smile, maybe for the first time tonight.
“I’m honestly too tired after all that setting up” he continues. 
“It looks nice” I say, taking in my surroundings as if I haven’t done so already multiple times tonight. It does look neat. 
Will smiles.  
“So, what about you? Why are you here? Dustin and Lucas seem to be having fun over-” he looks back to where they were dancing earlier but now Dustin and El are dancing alongside Lucas and Max.  “oh” he says, then gives me a reassuring look, “sorry.” 
I shake my head, “it’s okay.” 
Some girl approaches us and we both look up. 
“Um, excuse me I was wondering if you’d like to dance” she says reaching a hand out flirtatiously towards Will. 
“Oh! Uh, sure” he says, and gets up, and they slow dance to a slow song. 
Hey, if we can solve any problem 
Then why do we lose so many tears? 
Oh and so you go again 
When the leading man appears 
I do another scan of the room and everyone is dancing, some couples kissing, probably for the first time. Jonathan is very reluctantly dancing along to the song because Nancy has forced him to. Ew, romance. I have to focus on something else. I look to the punch table and see Robin and Vickie talking, laughing. Everyone is having a good time, its honestly sickening. I can’t help but look back at Will and suddenly the lack of emotion I’ve been dealing with all day turns into a pit at the center of my stomach as We Belong by Pat Benatar plays. I have to go. I get up and rush through the crowd and push the double door to the gym maybe a little bit too aggressively because some couple on the other side of the door have these offended faces and the guy says, “what the heck?!” and he has bright pink lipstick marks on his face. But then he sees the tears in my eyes and decides to leave it alone. I walk towards the bathroom. 
“Why didn’t you do something?” his girlfriend squeaks. 
“Did you see his face? Probably got rejected. Babe, you know how I feel about that, you rejected me a year before I got these sick guns” he says and flexes. I roll my eyes and then as soon as I get into the men’s bathroom, I cross my arms on the sink and put my head down and start to cry, hoping nobody else is in here. I hear a toilet flush and someone walks out of the stall, great. At least it’ll be a stranger and not one of my friends. 
“Wheeler?” I hear in a familiar voice. Steve. I try to stabilize myself before lifting my head. I look up to him and he says “ohh, shit.” 
To Be Continued...LOL (I have a lot more written and the next part is my favorite because it's Steve giving Mike advice but...you'll have to wait)
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rebouks · 1 year
I would really like to see Vicky's thought process throughout all this, like did she think she could strong arm Tristan into being a parent or did she genuinely hope that that the baby was tristan's?
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Basically.. Vicky got jealous of Tilda and how much time Triss was spending with her/how willing he was to help out, so she gets this bright idea that he'll do the same for her if she were pregnant, completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't even fkin like her skdjsjdksk..
She stops taking the pill and tries extra hard to be "nice" and get Triss in bed.. but we all saw how successful that was, except the woman has needs you know.. 🙄 so ofc she sleeps around a little on the side, no big deal she thinks..
But now she's pregnant, Triss isn't happy about it after all and instead of being nice to her, he flips out, tells her she'd be a terrible mother then fucks off to Oscar's and completely ignores her.. AND she doesn't even know who the father is
She convinces herself that it MUST be Tristen's, it HAS to be.. except it's not, and now he's left her..... and since he managed to escape her for a lil while, he's also clean which is DISASTROUS because now she can't even cajole him into sticking around 😩
What was she thinking?? Uh.. she wasn't! I'd like to say she had this whole scheme planned out or smth interesting up her sleeve but she's just a fkin idiot.. she doesn't even like or want kids and deep down she KNEW Triss didn't love her so this "plan" of hers was completely ridiculous... She's right in that he would've felt some kind of duty towards the kid if it was his though, but I rlly don't think he would've stayed with her.. I actually think if it were his he'd either wanna fight for sole custody (which he'd fail miserably at cos he's an unemployed addict and her parents are posh and wealthy enough for good lawyers 😞) OR he would've suggested adoption, which her parents wouldn't have agreed with either.. and she likes to stick on their side cos.. her allowance/inheritance u kno 🙄 so either way, the outcome would've been the same.. baby stuck being brought up by grandparents
She's far too petulant to admit that she was stupid though, so she'll run crying to her parents that Triss knocked her up and left her, they'll be manipulated into feeling sorry for her and I foresee that over time, she'll leave most if not all of the parenting up to them and carry on her own merry ways without any remorse or regret...... 😬
Although.. I think her parents might be a lil sus abt her story once the baby pops out cos @akitasimblr was right and the father issss...
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I'm ngl even I didn't know who the daddy was at first lmao.. but Triss got this sentiment so I think that answers our question (i also checked via mccc ahahakdksjd) 🙈
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What if Steve saw Eddie's performance in the Upside Down?
Nancy made sure that Steve stayed with Dustin and Eddie while they were the distractions because she knew why Steve needed to stay even if he didn't. Meanwhile, Vickie would be going with her and Robin. It had been Vickie who tracked them down, looking for revenge for a cousin she never got to know. Thanks to Chrissy's mother, they never got to know each other. Luckily, Vickie had been open to listening and never once believed that Robin would harbor a murderer. So, the three young women marched off to kill Vecna while the three young men stayed behind.
"It's a big step for woman kind everywhere. They're going off to war while the men folk stay behind," Eddie said cheerfully, and Steve gave him a look while they set up the trailer. "What? I mean it. I'm totally down for being the one barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Let the women be the badasses they always have been."
"Yeah. I wouldn't mind being Mr. Mom," Steve said. "I definitely love to cook. If I could find the right man or woman. . .I mean. . . Shit."
"You too, huh?" Eddie asked, his eyes twinkling. "Man, can I tell you something, and you promise not to laugh?"
"Yeah, of course," Steve said.
"I've always been a bit envious that women can grow an entire human inside of them. It's like fucking magic," Eddie said, pausing, and before he knew it, he was rambling. "I feel like we should be worshipping at their feet with all the shit they have to go through. I was young, but I remember when my mom was pregnant with my brother, and it was tough on her. It was a rough pregnancy, and my dad was a misogynistic piece of shit. The doctors didn't think they would make it. It was so bad. I was there in the delivery room after begging to be there. The look on her face. . .she was so determined to bring him into this world, and she did. She was a warrior. He died a few months later. My dad was supposed to be watching him. He left him on the changing table and stepped out. . .well, you can guess what happened. She never forgave him, and I didn't either. She died a year later, and her heart had given out. She tried man, really, she did."
Eddie sniffled as he worked on turning the trailer into a cage. Steve stared at him with big eyes, his heart hurting for him.
"I'm sorry, Eddie," Steve said softly.
"He was just starting to get his Munson curls. They were the cutest little things. I think that's why I've gotten attached to Dustin. He would have been Dustin's age right now, and sometimes I wonder if he would be anything like Dustin is now. I try not to compare him to a ghost, but it's hard," Eddie said. "I definitely think of him like a brother, though."
A loud sob came from his left, and before he knew it, Dustin was throwing himself into Eddie's arms. Steve let them have their moment as he finished up, smiling softly as a deep wave of affection hit his chest. Once they broke the hug, they got the amps hooked up on the roof, and then they climbed up with Eddie's guitar. Steve watched as he flipped the guitar around, a look of glee on his face. He ripped his necklace off, his face serious.
"Chrissy, this is for you," Eddie said.
Then he was playing, and Steve watched in amazement. If anything was magic, it was him. Steve’s mouth was open as he watched his fingers move across the guitar and the way he focused. . .the way he put everything into it, he was beautiful. The lightning flashed in the background, enveloped him like it was a radiant light and not shitty weather from another dimension. It was like Eddie owned this world, like he was their God. He threw his head back and exposed his throat, his hair cascading backward. Steve was watching threw heavy eyelids now, and his heart was pounding nearly as loudly as the music. Steve knew he was gaping like an idiot now. Eddie glanced briefly at him and winked. Steve closed his mouth, blushing. Suddenly, he felt like maybe he should throw his underwear at him. Weird. He felt an elbow dig into his side, and he looked over to find Dustin wiggling his eyebrows at him. Steve rolled his eyes.
"You know if he married you, he really would be my brother," Dustin whispered.
"That's illegal," Steve scoffed.
"So, is us harboring a fugitive," Dustin scowled at him. "Why would that stop you both?"
"And your mom never officially adopted me," Steve said rolling his eyes.
"Yet. She's still arguing about it with Sue," Dustin said. "I keep telling them they can both adopt you."
"Sue wants to adopt me, too?" Steve asked.
"Oh, yeah, it's a thing," Dustin said.
"Technically, I'm an adult," Steve said.
"You can adopt adults, Steve."
The bats started coming. They climbed down and rushed into the trailer. Eddie pulled them into a hug, jumping up and down.
"That was ho - awesome!" Steve said, catching himself.
"What's hoawesome?" Dustin asked.
"Yes, Stevie, what is hoawesome?" Eddie asked, crossing his arms.
Suddenly, the bats started trying to get through the vents in the living room.
"Is this the only vent?!" Steve asked.
"My room!" Eddie yelled.
"Got it!" Steve yelled, grabbing his shield and running into Eddie's room.
Once they got the vents sealed, Eddie and Steve helped Dustin through the gate. They stood at the sheet and stared at each other. Eddie bowed, raising his hand to let Steve go first. He rolled his eyes and started climbing up. Eddie watched him with a grin, his eyes focused on his ass. He couldn't help but whistle.
"What was that?" Steve asked.
"Nothing," Eddie said quickly.
Once Steve made it through, Eddie started climbing up when he paused midway. He stared up at Steve, then looked down and looked back up as if he knew what he had to do. Steve glared at him. He knew that self sacrificing look.
"No you fucking don't!" Steve yelled out.
He jumped down and cut the sheet. Steve cursed as he watched him run out the door. He turned to Dustin.
"For the sake of our mother, stay here," Steve said. "I'll bring him back."
He jumped into the gate, did a flip, and then ran out the door. Eddie was peddling off onto a bike. He knew what that asshole was doing. He was trying to buy the others more time, but Steve couldn't let him do it alone. It wasn't because Steve wanted to be the hero. It was because he was afraid that Eddie might die trying to do it, and he couldn't let that happen. He grabbed a molotov out of his bag. When the bats drew closer to Eddie, they knocked him off his bike. He pulled the cloth out and wrapped it around his spear. He doused it in alcohol and lit the spear on fire. Steve saw them bite into Eddie, their tails wrapped around his throat. He hollered and started waving the spear at them, beating them off Eddie. Suddenly, they all dropped. Eddie stood up shakily, clutching his side.
"Thanks, Ste-"
Steve drew him into a furious kiss. Eddie clutched his waist as he deepened the kiss, not caring that he was bleeding all over Steve or the fact that that he was bleeding. All he cared about was Steve's mouth and slipping his tongue inside. Suddenly, a pair of hands were pulling him away from Steve.
"Hey!" Eddie yelped.
"It's you who's bleeding," Nancy said furiously.
"Jesus, Wheeler. If you didn't want me kissing Steve all you had to do was say something," Eddie said.
"I'm perfectly happy with you kissing, Steve," Nancy said. "I just don't want you to die while doing it."
"It would be so worth it," Eddie replied and then pointed excitedly. "Oh, hey!"
Meanwhile, Vickie and Robin stood behind her with worried looks as they held hands.
"Yeah, we had the same idea, except we did it without the blood," Vickie replied.
"Smart," Eddie said, nodding.
"Alright, let's get the fuck out of here," Steve said.
As they walked towards the gate, Eddie leaned heavily on Steve. He realized something.
"Hey, we match!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Yeah, I think I'd rather we have matching tattoos," Steve said.
"That can be arranged, big boy," Eddie said.
"By the way," Steve whispered in his ear. "Your performance. . .so hot."
"I fucking knew that's what you meant to say," Eddie said. "So, back to those matching tattoos. . ."
"I don't know, I have to ask my moms but they're not going to like that interdimensional bats gave me some piercings, I doubt that they're going to let me get inked with a metalhead that's wanted by the police," Steve hummed.
"That's not a no!"
The world had been saved, Max was alright, Hop was alive, Eddie had been cleared of all charges, and Steve had been properly bullied into a hospital bed by both of his moms.
"Hey, moms, I was just wondering, and you can say no if you want, but can I get a matching tattoo with Eddie?" Steve asked.
"Absolutely not," Sue said, fluffing his pillows. "We're happy you found Eddie, but you are not getting a tattoo."
"What if it gets infected and you die?" Claudia asked as she fussed with his blankets.
"Dad -," Steve started.
"You're new to having family that cares, son," Charles said, without looking up from his paper. "Let me tell you something, mothers are usually right about this. Better let them swaddle you. I'm pretty sure that's what Claudia is trying to do now."
Claudia dropped the blanket and gave him a look.
"They said no, Eddie," Steve said to the other bed in the room.
"I heard," Eddie pouted.
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kazhan-draws · 2 years
Hello, can I ask for 6 and 39 for either Bobadin or Mungrove for the otp relationship game?
Hiiiiii 😁👀🥰Thanks for the ask, I'm going to do both, because I obviously can't miss the opportunity to talk about Mungrove and Bobadin.
I'll go with Mungrove first and put the Bobadins in another post 😋
the questions if anyone wants to ask me more about ST ships
6. When did they realize they loved each other?  
Eddie realized he was in love with Billy after making him laugh with a stupid joke. It’s a mix of Eddie loving entertaining and getting the exact reaction he wanted out of Billy, knowing he can make Billy look and sound like that when few people can, how beautiful he thinks Billy is when he’s genuinely smiling and laughing, and how he kinda wants to do this forever. 
Billy realized he was in love with Eddie while Eddie was in the middle of ranting about something nerdy, getting all fired up and gesticulating dramatically about something Billy doesn’t give a shit about, but he’s still listening carefully because he loves watching Eddie move around, listening to him run his mouth non-stop, how passionate he gets about the things he loves, and those are all things that tend to annoy the shit out of Billy with anyone else, so maybe the explanation is simply that he’s in love with the guy.
More under the cut because I have Can't Shut Up About Those Two disease.
I like to think that Eddie’s the first one who realized he was in love with Billy, whether they’re together or not at the time, so he’s a few steps ahead when it comes to accepting it and working up the courage to say it. 
I also feel like he just Knows Billy loves him back, at some point. Obviously Billy doesn’t say anything, but it’s in the way he touches and looks at Eddie, it’s the small things he does for him, it’s the fact that Billy wouldn’t do a lot of things including allowing himself to be in a relationship with a man if he wasn’t head over heels for Eddie. 
I don’t think there’s a “oh” moment for Eddie where he realizes Billy loves him, it’s gradual, a steady thing he knows deep inside. 
As for when Billy realizes Eddie is in love with him… Well, Eddie has the tendency to say out loud whatever goes through his head when he’s getting a bit emotional or a lot into something, so. I think he’s very likely to just drop the L word out of nowhere. Like maybe they’re just chilling in Eddie’s bedroom and the light coming through the window hits Billy’s face just right and he’s all frowny and bitching about something but Eddie isn’t listening because he’s busy staring at the freckles on Billy’s face so he just. Says it.
Billy: I need to take a loud shit, put some music on Eddie: I’m like, so in love with you
Or something like that. So that’s when Billy *truly* realizes his idiot boyfriend loves him too, because he had a feeling, you know, Eddie kinda shows him every day, but hearing it is what truly cements it, even if Eddie really has the worst timing—then again, a very ill-timed love confession is just so Eddie, Billy can’t really be too mad about it. 
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
If we’re going with canon couples… I think Max and Lucas, eventually, but that’s only because there are no other canon couples they’d have any reason to spend time with, much less get along with. 
Like, I’m sorry, but I don’t see Eddie or Billy ever getting along with Nancy, so that’s a no for Nancy/Jonathan. I don’t think Eddie is a big fan of Mike, and Billy would definitely have a soft spot for El, but “she needs to dump the Wheeler Rat”. Eddie definitely adores Dustin, but Billy can only stand very, very small doses before he wants to strangle the kid, and with Suzie in Utah… anyway they definitely wouldn’t get along with her either.
It’s not like we have other canon couples close to their age, because Robin and whatshername—Vickie aren’t really a thing yet (and also 🙄) and even if they were, I just don’t see it.
So, yeah, Max and Lucas, it’s just in the sake of maintaining peace at first, but I’d like to think it could become a lot more genuine through the years.
Now fanon couple, there’s only one I see them really getting along with and that’s Jonathan and Argyle. Argyle is chill and funny, he’s a calming presence for Billy, he’s just effortlessly kind and accepting and very good at defusing a situation, so it’s basically impossible to get mad at the guy, even when Billy is in A Mood. It’s kind of dangerous to leave Argyle and Eddie alone though, because they always seem to have the best (worst) ideas together. 
It’s also very dangerous to let Eddie and Jonathan talk music, because they will argue constantly. Jonathan is a pretty chill dude until you start shit with the people he loves or put him in the same room with Eddie Munson. It’s friendly and teasing at first, and then there’s yelling and it’s time for Billy and Argyle to intervene before it gets ugly.
Billy likes Jonathan, because the guy doesn’t look like much, but there is a fire inside him. It’s hard to get him angry but he can be a total bitch and it amuses Billy a lot. Also they don’t talk about it, but hey, team shitty dads! 
Anyway, yeah, I think the four of them would be very fun to put in a room together and study. 
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oshieteacapella · 1 year
rwrb liveblog (1/2)
I wanted to read the book before watching the movie but I'm on chapter 6 and I need to watch Akshay Khanna now.
The first thing I wanna say... just with that Bad Reputation intro I would have been hooked, this one brought so many memories of watching early 00's movies as a young teen. BUT NOW WITH QUEER CHARACTERS. MY little bi self would have been so happy.
This is full of spoilers, btw. Oh, and full of mistakes, excuse my English.
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Was being pretty a requirement for the cast?? Because I would have made this woman my entire personality if I was a teenager. Not 10 minutes in and I'm in love with her.
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"Vicky. Classic."
I don't care what people say, since the moment Taylor appears on screen I've been with a silly smile. It's the eyelashes or maybe... and sorry to the readers because I haven't finished the book, but he actually seems pretty good as Alex to me, with the confidence and the underlying stress. He's stressing Henry, too, so that's good. He's so charming!
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I don't know who this is but he's so good at flirting, sir, you're making him blush! Also, dimples and I loved how he simply stared at Alex's ass when he walked away. Understandable, please continue.
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*BI PANIC* also, his Spanish is not very good so it's really funny, not so much the pronunciation but the grammar, and you can't have a character whose whole identity is being divided by both his backgrounds (and family fights) make that mistake when the guy in front of them speaks Spanish, it is as simple as ask "hey, how can I make this tiny dialogue better". THAT'S what I WAS thinking as a Spanish speaker, but now seeing it as he has to represent all the Latino people that don't speak Spanish and are still Latinos but maybe feel like they are in between- I think it's cute he doesn't speak Spanish well, it makes him more real, so I'm super okay with this. Basically, he can do whatever and I'm going to be "eyelashes!!!" with dreamy eyes and forgive him. This man can sell me on gringo international agreements, great choice for the cast.
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It was cute, but I've read this part already and it was so massive. I wanted more from this scene, but seeing them in bed talking was a nice domestic touch. But- It was the opportunity to show how uncool Alex can be. Pretty bird, great acting.
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Oh. His heart is broken.
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So we finally remembered that she was supposed to be Hermione Granger? Cool, because I've missed the % and numbers.
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Is it weird if I love her and she's super cool but I also feel like they made her lack some of her biggest traits and characteristics but also- she's super cool as she is? I think she's the one that's making me separate what I've read so far from the book and the movie as too different stories because I want to appreciate Amy in all her glory in both worlds.
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Totally cool, no one noticed, wow amazing books.
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OMG THE LOOK HENRY GIVES ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw, from this point onwards I don't know what happens in the book so I will enjoy it. I need to fan myself.
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They are so real for that. He didn't know he was into guys before Henry (bc he's a smart idiot, but that's not the point), but this moment is a struggle and a conversation to have and not simply knowing what to do magically... he is someone who hasn't seen gay characters in media and we learn so much about relationships in those. Nice touch. Also... I didn't need nor wanted to know that much about English boarding schools, but whatevs.
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THE HAND PUSH. OMG. This was so nice, the intimacy, the importance for both. Queer stories are full of dirty, quick, painful, shameful first times, this is nice and romantic and you know what? It's lovely that the new youth can have this rep. Maybe not the best and not ideal and we can find so many buts... but this was lovely.
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First: Uma Thurman is amazing, please be my president. Second: this is the part in the movie where, as a teen, I would have been 101% on his side going all "Please, mom-lady, listen to him!" but now I'm 50-50, I guess I'm getting old. Also, respect that lady, she became a president! This is still rare!
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I miss the divorced parents, but I guess this is nice...
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This is so nice. Coming out, even if your parents are cool with it, is always hard. And it's a nice nod to the binder.
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This scene.
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This whole scene.
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SO important and yet, so funny too.
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The football moves, that's how you impress a Latino dad.
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This scene is healing so many dad-children stories. I know I'm seeing this not as someone from the USA, so it's different, but as a Latino-American person, the lack of parental (father) involvement is SO real we are full of memes. So is nice to see a dad cooking and accepting his child. Can we also talk about that green bow? lettuce or cabbage? next to Alex's head. I NEED it.
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Isn't it nice when you and your partner are on the same page? Not that these two know anything about that because Alex's in the summer of their love and Henry is having a crisis over royalty affairs. I love Alex's plan of creating a crisis inside the monarchy to get back from years of colonialism.
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I'm sure her dress is expensive as fuck but I NEED it, too.
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So drarry coded. Also, I've been calling everyone pretty but not him and he fucking is. If Taylor has the eyelashes, Nicholas has that mole. Alex can sing Cielito lindo to him, I hope there are fanfics that mention it from now on.
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The British? stealing someone else's possessions?? Unrealistic. (I'm talking about the hoodie, btw).
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I giggled. C'mon, this is cute, I won't accept anyone saying it isn't.
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
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alright. for the past week or so i've been thinking a lot about the ST fandom space on tumblr, and i'm gonna be so blatantly honest--the "hive mind" that we all talk about and love, especially when it comes to byler, is starting to feel like a bad thing. i feel like we've built up a lot of unrealistic expectations for what season five is going to look like, and for lack of better available phrasing... i really wish that that mindset had never formed.
(to be clear--i am including myself in this criticism!! i am not excluded from what i am saying in the slightest. just to make sure none of you think i'm saying i'm exempt from it or that i think i'm better than anyone, because i am NOT)
anyways, i made this tier-list to be as show-accurate as possible in terms of each character's relevance. stranger things is an ensemble show, but not every character is going to be given the same amount of screen time or have the same amount of attention paid to their storylines, and i think that the division between primary, secondary, and tertiary protagonists in the show is often misconstrued in ways that lead people to believe that a lack of focus on a character's story is some sort of bigoted failing on the writers' part.
(this is not about lucas, erica, or patrick. every single criticism of the way their storylines have been handled by the writers, especially with the treatment of lucas and erica, is absolutely true. this show has a racism problem, fucking acknowledge it).
anyways, to the best of my ability, i've put the protagonists and antagonists in order of their importance/prevalence to the main story*. they have separate tiers, because i don't feel they're fully comparable.
this has nothing to do with what characters i like the most, or how well i think that their stories were written/pulled off--this is simply my own examination of how each character feeds into the fundamentals of what stranger things is. this does not take theories or speculation into account--this is SOLELY based strictly on the text.
i'm not including edward, rosemary, or any other speculative theory-based characters, because 1. i'm trying to be unbiased and don't want to favor specific theories over some i haven't heard of, and 2. they are moreso subtext than text at the moment. no i'm not counting newspapers or set design as text. sorry if that comes across as rude.
owens is in his own category because i cannot for the life of me figure out whether or not he's actually a good guy. chrissy, patrick, and fred are also in their own category because they're not necessarily protagonists, but they're certainly not antagonists--they're more devices in the story than anything else.
there's definitely room for improvement, and i'm very much open to criticism on how i've structured this--but please for the love of god just keep it constructive, don't call me an idiot or be condescending because i didn't take your theories into account when putting this together. i'm just one dude!!!
anyways. the biggest reason i made this is because i am firmly of the opinion that vickie being under-developed compared to other main ships is NOT lesbophobic, it's simply the fact that robin is not a primary protagonist and is therefore not going to be paid the same amount of screen time as certain other characters. it sucks that vickie is a carbon-copy of robin, and it sucks that she's barely gotten any characterization, especially since amy mcnulty is an incredible actor, but it isn't subtle or unintentional homophobia. it's the fact that robin (and by extension, her love interest) is not as important to the story as ships including one or multiple of the primary protagonists.
*flayed!billy (ST3) and billy hargrove (ST2) are noted as different characters and have different places in the tier-list, as are henry, vecna, the mindflayer, and the meatflayer.
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barbwritesstuff · 3 years
i was wondering what the alternative to terry dying was and i am so upset that i found it😭
but i came across it because i did the possession route (meaning nobody’s voting mc for alpha and it went to addie) so i also got the bit where vicky can be critically injured. new question please tell me she’s going to be okay i’m literally sobbing
to make it worse, addie didn’t want the hunter so there was no one to save ed and he ALSO got critically injured??? and now i’m sobbing even more!! oh my god wait do the others have a variation like this as well, like, marco and carrie?
ok aside from the heartache i’ve been caused (actually, including it. i love the angst i can’t lie) chapter 12 is incredible. the fighting is written so well and i love how much i can feel the anger towards the end, even when i’m replaying it for the 5th time. also i just love that the big fight between blackwell and mc is in the bridal shop, i don’t know but i just love that sort of thing. sorry i rambled, but i really love your story. i think my favourite thing about it and your writing is how well the all emotions come out throughout it, whether it’s anger or panic or laughter or whatever i feel it completely, i’m literally oohing and ahing and my phone like an idiot.
This message made me so happy. Thank you so much, anon. I'm really glad you liked the update.
I've put a lot of thought into the mechanics behind the fight scene. To peel back the curtain a wee bit: characters (including ROs) can die but you'll get the option to take damage to protect them. Be careful though, because the MC can also die.
I haven't finishing writing all the different scenes with all the different characters so it will get harder (though still not impossible) to keep everyone safe in the coming update.
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kattsukki · 3 years
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Your Voice is Enough to Make Me Fall In Love
Dee Shvagenbagen x gn!Reader
Requested by: @orxgami-rose
Warnings: none!
Sypnosis: Your only source of communicating with your soulmate is through a pair of earphones that was given to you on your birthday.
Kat: To one of my fav moots, I'm so sorry this took so long. I hope you still liked it!
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The rules your parents told you were simple when it came to the seemingly "magical" pair of earphones they've gifted you on your birthday.
"The pair will light up and produce a beeping noise whenever your soulmate has it on."
"You may not reveal major facts about you as it will only sound like static on the other line, you'll have to find eachother on your own."
As your mother said, the noise went off and you put it on. "Hello?" There it is, the second he heard your voice, a rush of anxiousness hit him. He says a quick 'hi' back before you carry on. "Can I ask your name?"
"Dee. You?" You told him your first but as soon as you said your last name, static interrupts.
"Oh, hah. Guess you can't say your last name. But anyway, It's nice to meet you!" Dee smiles, letting out a slight laugh. "You too"...
Fast forward to one year later, you've grown fond of each other. Talking almost every day, updating on everyday events, etc. But unfortunately, you both still have yet to meet.
On one of your daily calls with Dee, doing homework. Your thoughts have begun to think about questions related to you two like—
"Dee, what do you think'll happen when we see each other? Does something let you know that it's me? Like in case one of us doesn't have our earphones." You tap your pen a few times on your table, pretty curious to as what he'd answer.
"Dunno, mom and dad never told me, maybe we'd know somehow?" He isn't so sure either, but he knows that he just hopes to meet you soon.
And eventually that time came.
Face to face with each other. Eyes locked and wide. You're astonished. You've finally met him.
You don't even know how you managed to know it was him, you just somehow had a feeling that it was him.
You take your pair out of your bag and put it on, it beeping and lighting up. Pulling the microphone of it up to your mouth and say something, making sure it was really him, "Dee? It's you... right?..."
His eyes widen even more, he nods. The utter shock just hits you, you can't believe it. He's here. He's right infront of you.
Before he could let out a word, you run into his arms as he catches you. Hugging you tight, he lifts your chin to look at him directly and he goes in for a kiss.
Dee may not be into PDA much, but he could let it slide today.
Walking to his house, hand in hand.
"So how come you're here? Do you live near?" He asks. "Well, somewhat, I'm supposed to be visiting some relatives in this town." He nods, sliding his keys in the door knob.
Glam answers, "Dee, oh who's this?" He asks with his classic smile.
"They're my soulmate dad, I met them just now." You waved at him with a polite smile, "it's nice to meet you!"
"How wonderful! I'll go get your mother and heavy, they have to meet you." He leaves to go to some other room. Dee gets in and you follow, sitting beside him on the couch.
Heavy then proceeds to burst into the room, "DAD SAID YOU FOUND YOUR SOULMATE, IS IT TRUE?!?" The moment he saw you his eyes lit up, he's only ever heard of you through the wall when you and Dee talk. Letting out a small laugh of amusement, "Hi Heavy." He jumps in for a hug and you comply, in which Dee rolls his eyes at.
"Sorry about my brother, get off them idiot." "No it's alright, I like him! Anyway, where's your mom?"
Just as you mentioned her, Vicky walks in, beer can in hand. "Oi Dee, your dad said something about you finding your soulmate?"
"Mhm, they're right here."
She walks up to you to get a better look, "hmm... okay, they're cute, I like em." She pats you on the head, letting you know she approves. "Alright, I gotta go out, have fun." And with that she leaves.
Sitting for awhile more as you both scroll on your phones, "It's nice that they approve of me." He lets out an inaudible 'mhm' then suddenly pushes your head to rest on his shoulder.
"I thought you didn't like much PDA?"
"Shut up... you're an exception..."
"What was that?~" you say in a teasing manner.
"I said shut up."
"I love ya too~" you say, but not without a kiss on the cheek.
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kiruamon · 2 years
Part 6
Today he absolutely had to do something about his problem, Damien decided for himself after he had a good night's sleep and a full stomach. After their shared breakfast, the residents of the small apartment hurried through the rooms in a big commotion to get ready for the upcoming school day. "Has anyone seen my jacket?" shouted Amira. "Behind the sofa. I think," it called back rather cheerfully from the bathroom, from which some ominous flashes of light appeared. "Was that the hair dryer?" asked Brian, not too surprised. "'Sorry! I'll fix it later! Promise," Vicky replied from the bathroom. "Found my jacket!" announced Amira. "Where was it?" wanted Oz to know, who just for the third time made sure he hadn't forgotten any of the school books he needed for today. "In the oven." What a bunch of messy idiots, the young heir to the throne thought as he listened to the mindless chatter from the edge of the bed. He would not spend another night here. But for that, he had to get out of here first. And… where to go then? Maybe to school, he mused. If he found that stupid mirror again and just hit it enough, maybe it would transform him back? At least with broken machines it often helped to give them a good punch to get them going again.
Yes. Yes, that was indeed a good plan! Damien was convinced it would work. But Spooky High was a hell of a long way from here. At least in his current form. Why hadn't he been able to transform into something cooler? An eagle with mighty wings? Or something that at least had longer legs and wasn't so tiny! It upset him so much to think that he should be something as uncool as a hedgehog! That was so not rad or metal at all! The little nerd snapped him out of his thoughts. The shadowy monster stared at him with his head tilted slightly to the side. " You will have to stay alone for a couple of hours… I'm really s-sorry, but we have to go to school," the noob explained to him as if he were a empty-headed toddler. But wait. Was the other really going to leave him here? How was he supposed to get to his destination then? No way! "You're not leaving me here!" Damien immediately shouted angrily and walked restlessly along the edge of the bed, looking for a way to get down from there.
"O-oh, wait, I'll help you," at least the noob understood it this time. Damien allowed himself to be picked up, although not very willingly - and only with his spikes raised in tension - and set down on the ground by the other without struggling any further this time. "Finally you got it," he puffed quietly to himself and hurriedly walked over to the beige shoulder bag in which the nerd had so carefully packed all his school supplies. "Where are you going?" the latter asked him in puzzlement, which Damien paid no further attention to for the moment. Instead, he somehow tried to get into the open bag, which he just couldn't seem to succeed in doing. "You can't go in there," the voice in his head sounded almost amused. Oh sure he could! Just wait and see! Damien tried to bury his tiny claws in the fabric to climb up it. But this new body was definitely not made for that kind of activity. He kept slipping off with his hind legs. Darn it! Did he really have to? But that was so… Graaaaaah! Gritting his teeth, he almost cursed himself for even considering this option. But at the moment, just about any means was fine with him. So he turned around and tried to put on his best begging face, like Scott did when he wanted his school lunch leftovers. "I'm telling you I really can't… I mean… " Come on! Damien stepped it up a notch and let out a pitiful whimper. If anyone ever found out, he would first get rid of all the witnesses and then kill himself out of pure shame! "But… the school is… oh… dang… " " Fine. You can come with me." Jackpot! "But you really need to stay in the bag. It's… not exactly safe at school. Especially for such a small animal." Yeah yeah, whatever! "Better hurry up and stop fussing!" demanded Damien impatiently.
Oz once again rearranged the books in his bag a bit. So that he could be sure that the little hedgehog could safely sit on them and he himself wouldn't have to worry about the little animal being squeezed in between his school stuff. "This should do it," impatiently the spiky animal scurried next to him as if it could hardly wait to come along. Quite strange, considering how little of a clinger the little one had been so far. But maybe he just didn't like being alone? Carefully, Oz grabbed the small guy and gently placed him in his shoulder bag. "Ooooz! We have to go, the bus is coming!" "I'm on my way."
It had taken until the third period for Damien to finally find an opportunity to escape the awfully overprotective looks of his self-appointed overseer. The shadowy nerd had just been called to the blackboard by the teacher. The perfect opportunity to finally sneak away! Damien popped his head out from between the flap and the bag and, mustering all his remaining strength, began to free himself from his prison.
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It wasn't quite so simple. "Coooooome on! A LaVey wouldn't let a stupid bag stop him for sure!" he grumbled lowly as he pushed first his head and then the rest of his body out and a step further towards his sweet freedom. Only for him to land ungraceful on the ground as soon as his upper body started to tip over. Thankfully the fall hadn't been particularly high and quickly he scrambled to his four legs, shook himself briefly once and looked around searchingly. "Okay. So far so good." The first step was done! So on to the second. As stealthily as possible, Damien hurried under the rows of desks and past all sorts of pairs of feet toward the classroom door, which was… argh! Damn, it was closed! "Teacher! I have to go to the bathroom!" Ah! "Perfect timing!" he muttered. Damien waited his chance until the door opened, then dashed forward after the hurrying student out of the classroom. Hehe, he was really a hot shot! Everything went smoothly.
Oh Fuck! Nothing went smoothly! Up until the schoolyard, everything had just gone great and Damien had made his way through the tall grass towards the bathrooms with confidence. But then things had taken a turn for the worse. Starting with the fact that he was almost hit by a gigantic soccer ball, which flew past him like a cannonball! And then these fucking idiots, who almost trampled him to death shortly after, because they were chasing after this stupid ball! Damien had tried to get out of the danger zone as fast as possible. Exhaustedly panting and quite out of breath, he had finally reached the place where yesterday the greatest drama of his life so far had taken place. But as small as he was, everything looked strangely alien to the hellish prince. It was hard for him to orientate himself, but this was the place, wasn't it? Except that the fucking mirror was nowhere to be seen! There was not even the tiniest hint of the cursed artefact anywhere!
And to make matters even worse, the sky began darkening! "Don't tell me it's seriously starting to rain now!" he groaned, exhausted and at the end of his patience, and glanced up at the gloomy sky. Only that it was actually not so gloomy. It wasn't a cloud blocking out the sun, he realized, blinking in wonder. A shadow lay over him and… became larger and larger and… oh shit! The eyes of the usually bold prince widened in horror as he recognized the ominous figure of a raven, which landed in front of him with mighty wing beats. The pitch black creature, looked at him with dark cold eyes as if judging whether he would make an easy meal. "You're fucking kidding me, dude," Damien half-whispered in disbelief. His fur began to prickle with uneasiness. This wasn't good at all…
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"F-Fuck off! You… you oversized roast chicken!" he shouted at the bird angrily and with a hint of fear in his voice. As if in response, the feathered animal in front of him cawed loudly. A gust of wind triggered by the - from Damien's point of view - huge wings, blew grains of sand and dust into his face and made him stagger back. Startled, the prince realized that the raven had taken to the air again, but instead of flying away, it was rushing towards him at an incredible speed! Running away was not an option. He could not escape the creature's sharp claws that way. And far and wide there was no cover for him. What should he do… oh damn, no idea if this went well! Damien did what seemed to him the only way to get out of this story in one piece. Maybe. He crouched himself as good as he could, raised his pointed spines and hoped that they would somehow help him against the claws or the hard beak of this beast. But, if he was honest… he already saw himself ending up as a hedgehog ragout. He was far too young and handsome to die! And then in such an unspectacular way! No wild explosions. No fire. No spectators to make sure that his story would be told thousands of years from now! Nobody would know how he ended!
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"S-Shoo! L-l-leave him alone! T-this isn't food!" What? Damien's head shot up. At first he wasn't sure what he was looking at. Some dark mass, no… no, feet, legs, a yellow cardigan, and two wildly flailing arms trying to scare away the upset cawing and flapping bird! Damien could hardly believe that the nerd, of all monsters, had rushed to his help. His rescuer's voice trembled and his legs shook as if he were standing on a rickety old hanging bridge that someone had set into violent vibration. And still the shy nerd lashed out at the stubborn raven, who didn't seem to accept so easily why he should give up his prey now. "I-I… I t-t-told you to g-go away!" Suddenly the animal staggered in the air for a moment, even though Damien's classmate hadn't touched it, but the raven caught itself again shortly after and this time actually fly away. Apparently it had finally given up. In disbelief, Damien blinked up at the monster in front of him, which, leaning slightly forward, took a deep and exhausted-sounding breath before slowly turning his face to him.
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The black hair still all tousled from the rough confrontation with the puffed-up fowl, Oz crouched down in front of him. "Whew… that was a close one." His skittish classmate smiled apologetically at him. "I-I'm s-sorry that… that I didn't get here faster… " Damien could hardly believe that this fool in front of him was just seriously apologizing to him, even though he himself had been the one to make a run for it on his own. Such a… little fool…. "You must have been pretty scared… are… you okay?"
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How could anyone be so kind-hearted? "I would have been fine on my own," Damien muttered, not particularly convinced by his own words. With small steps, he approached his saver. "You didn't have to look for me. You know, I left because I wanted to. But you… you're so… so… ", Damien failed to get angry. Or throw any of his insults at him. Not when this naive fool was fighting a fucking killer raven just for him. Or throwing him those encouraging little smiles with his eyes as if to tell him that everything was going to be okay, even though he himself looked like he could use someone to give him an uplifting pat on the back. "You can barely take care of yourself. And then you try to protect someone else, of all people… " Damien swallowed slightly, barely able to believe what he was about to say. "You know, I think you need someone to look out for you a lot more than I do. So, I guess I'll take care of that for a while, whether you like it or not."
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This time Damien flattened his spikes before soft, and so not at all suited for fighting, hands wrapped around his tiny body. "Oh thanks. You don't seem to be hurt. Such a relief," echoed the soft voice with honest relief in his head. "Of course I'm not. I'm pretty tough," Damien mumbled softly. "It's going to take more than a puffed-up fowl like that to beat me." Oh well. "But I guess for such a beanpole you didn't do too badly either~," a small smile flitted across his lips, even though Damien knew the other didn't understand a word of what he'd told him. Oz's thumb stroked gently across his cheek, which didn't feel too bad. Damien felt his heart slowly calming down after that frightening encounter.
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For the first time, the transformed prince now took the time to look more closely at the kind-hearted monster in front of him. Oz was definitely his complete opposite. His dark skin felt cool and soft. He came across as lanky and not the least bit strong. He dutifully went to class and listened to their teachers. His voice stuttered as soon as he got nervous and was sometimes so quiet that even though it went right into his own head, it could be hard to understand. But at the same time it was as kind and gentle as each of his touches. Even now, the smooth hands held him just tight enough for Damien to have a secure hold without the risk of falling. And then there were Oz's eyes, constantly searching his gaze. Bright white, they clearly reflected every single emotion. Even without a mouth, it wasn't that hard to read them. In fact, Damien had practice at that anyway. After all, unlike his pa, his dad had very similar facial expressions to Oz. And maybe… just maybe, today had awakened a tiny bit of interest in him for this lovable fool who was so different from himself.
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To be continued.
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brokenbackmolars · 2 years
No One Knows Me (Kas! Steddie) chapter 2, part 2
When Steve returned to the room from getting his mother, he decided it wasn't safe enough to have Eddie here. He knew Eddie would hate his decision, but it was probably the best one.
      "Absolutely not. There are plenty of better places for me to hide than the back room of Family Video." Eddie scoffed. Steve gave a small smile.
       "Oh c'mon, it's the only good place for you to hide that I have easy access to." Steve insists. Eddie rolls his eyes.
        "Safe as it is, Robin is there. And unless you are 100% positive this won't freak her out, then I'm not going." Eddie states, crossing his arms. Steve sighs, sitting down next to him.
         "I promise you that Robin will be cool with this. She'll probably be a little shocked at first, but I trust Robin, and I think you should as well." Steve smiles. Eddie sighs, and chuckles.
           "You are one convincing idiot, Steve Harrington."
        They went to Family Video the next day. Steve's job started at 8, and thankfully Eddie was up and ready. He was in the same clothes as yesterday, but his hair was now down, per usual. 
         "C'mon, Robin typically gets here a little late, now that I don't drive her anymore and she has to bike." He explained to Eddie in whispers. He was crouched down, leading Eddie to the back.
          "Well thankfully my mother was willing to drive me today." Robin said, poking out from one of the rows. She went wide-eyed at Eddie.
          "You're alive?" She asked, her voice high with shock.
          Eddie shrugged. "I'm 99% sure the closest I am to counting as being alive is basically being a vampire, but yeah. I'm technically alive." He smiled. Steve chuckled nervously.
            "We realized my house isn't the best place to keep Eddie, so I chose to bring him here. He's willing to count stock in the back for free, so that's a bonus." Steve shrugged, standing up. Eddie shot up as well.
            "I mean, if you guys need me to, I'd be willing to. I'm still apparently a wanted criminal, as Steve told me. but I doubt the cops will come looking here."
             Robin cocked her head. "Did Steve also mention how the cops mostly believe you killed yourself as the final sacrifice to the Devil, and that you sacrificing yourself causing the earthquake, temporarily connecting Hawkins with Hell itself?" She asked cautiously. Eddie looked concerned by her comment.
              "Steve seemed to have forgotten." He shrugged.
     Robin came in to the back at around 11 to help Eddie. Robin was nice, Eddie decided, if a little odd. But she was kind, and helpful. But it was something Steve had made an offhand comment about during his explanation of Hawkins post Eddie's death that made Ed think about Robin not too differently, but still different.
      The comment was a joke about how Steve was planning Robin and Vickie's wedding.Wedding. Two girls. Robin was a lesbian.
       It didn't shock Eddie, but what did shock Eddie was how okay Steve was with it. Steve, at least when he still went to school with Eddie, was notoriously homophobic. He had probably changed, or maybe he saw it differently with Robin being a lesbian versus a if Robin was a gay man. That was the only convincing option. 
  "Okay so um, here's a blanket, pillow, comforter. It isn't much, sorry." Steve smiled. It was about 8 pm, and Steve and Robin were leaving for the day. Eddie was staying, and was going to sleep in the dark, windowless backroom. 
    Eddie smiled, taking the items and beginning to set up a makeshift bed. Steve gave him a bit more instructions, and then some food. "So, uh, I'll come back tomorrow, probably." Steve smiled.
    That's when they heard the door to Family Video open.
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lauwrite1225 · 4 years
Somebody to die for.
Finan x OC; The Old Guard inspired Alternative Universe
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Summary : Victoria’s life is rather simple until she has a car accident from which she ends up miraculously unscathed. A series of weird events animates her daily life, everything seemingly bringing her to a strange man. Until this very man knocks at her door.
Spotify Playlist • Masterlist
A/N : Happy Finan Friday dear readers!! Last chapter I have never had so much comments on this fic! Thank you so much!! And I guess I should add more people pointing a gun at Vicky? Lmaoo
Warnings : blood and death (it's back dudes)
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Chapter 5 : I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice
Victoria gasps when she sees the man, his threatening eyes studying her briefly, searching for a weapon.
“Victoria?” Finan calls her from the entrance, alarmed by her sudden silence. 
She’s petrified, swallowing hard as her gaze jumps from the gun to the man’s face. She opens her mouth to warn Finan but the man moves quickly, his free hand grabbing her wrist and pulling her against him and instead she lets out a frightened scream. Her back hits the man’s chest and she shivers when she feels the edge of the silencer on his gun on her temple. In a second, Finan appears in the doorway, his eyes widening at the situation. Her gaze locks with Finan’s, her breath shaking in fear while she can feel the man’s breath against the side of her face.
“Don’t move or I'll shoot her.” He barks while the sound of steps coming from behind the Irishman resounds, and Vicky can barely distinguish two other armed men. Finan tilts his head slightly while raising his hands in a sign of peace, just enough to make her understand he has the control over the situation. She would have gladly replied that it looks far from it as they are encircled by three men with guns and are both unarmed. “Good.” The man mutters. 
But Finan doesn’t stay still, instead he turns around and in a swift move he punches one of the two men behind him in the face. He stumbles back, his gun falling on the floor. The other immediately shoots Finan in the shoulder, making him grunt in pain and fall on the floor head first. Vicky gasps his name as she sees the blood spreading around Finan, motionless. The punched man rubs his nose in pain, crouching to take back his gun that had been dropped on the floor. “Fucking idiot.” He grumbles but before his fingers could reach the weapon, Finan’s hand has grabbed it.
The man makes a noise of surprise, about to step back, but the Irishman rolls on his back, holding the weapon above him. He pulls the trigger and the second after, the man’s face is ornamented by two holes, falling dead onto the ground. Victoria wants to scream, but it’s strangled in her throat as her eyes try to follow Finan’s movements. The man holding her tosses her to the side to attack Finan, making her stumble until she grabs the edge of the counter. She tries to calm her breath while she hears the sounds of the fight, other shooting muffled by silencers. When she eventually dares to look at what is happening, there's only Finan and one last man. The stranger shoots in her friend’s direction while he stands up after stabbing another with his Opinel, but Finan avoids the shot and instead of ending its course in his body, it pierces Victoria’s. 
She cries out in pain, her hands letting go of the counter to press again the wound on her flank, sitting heavily on the floor. The pain is sharp and resounds in her whole body. She pants in panic at all the blood slipping through her fingers, her vision blurred by tears. She barely hears Finan calling her when he kneels in front of her, so his hand cups the side of her face to have her attention. 
“Calm down, it’s goin’ to heal.” He reassures her, his eyes trying to keep holding hers as she tries to calm the jerky rhythm of the rise and fall of her chest. His thumb brushes her cheek gently and she feels the bullet slowly leaving her body by itself until she can feel the cold metal piece in her hand. The pain disappears as well and she starts to breathe more calmly, looking down at her wound and noticing there’s no more blood coming out of it. When she looks up to Finan, he is smiling. “See? As if nothin’ happened.”
Vicky doesn’t answer, her mouth agape as she finds her composure again but when her eyes fall on the three dead men she feels weak again and Finan has to catch her before she falls. She grabs his shoulder, sobbing in his neck while he rubs her back. She can’t look away from the men, their face pale as they were laying in huge puddles of blood. She can’t even feel relieved that she is safe, all she can think of is those lifeless men. 
“We have to leave.” He says softly, but non less urging. 
Victoria pushes aways from him immediately, her hands resting on his shoulders, his sweatshirt pierced multiple times and stained with red. “What? No! No, we’ve got to call the police… To find out why they were here!” She exclaims, gesturing toward the men and her head shaking as she tries to explain her opinion. 
But she’s stopped in her rambling by Finan’s hands clasping at each side of her face, forcing her to look at him another time. She swallows when sees how serious his eyes are this time and she understands that whatever could be her opinion, she’ll have to follow him anyway. “And ya’ll tell them ya did this all by yourself?” Finan raises his eyebrow interrogatively and she only looks down resignedly. “They were well trained men, Victoria, it’s not just burglars.”
“Why were they here then?” She asks even if she doubts him having the answer already. 
“I don’t know, but we’ll find out.” He assures her, his palms sliding to her shoulders. “But now, I give ya ten minutes to take your things and we get the fuck out of here, alright?”
Victoria takes a deep breath and nods. Finan stands up, stretching his hand out to pull her up. She walks out of the kitchen, her legs shaking and trying to keep her away from the dead to avoid increasing her sick feeling. Once she’s in her bedroom she’s petrified again, not knowing what to do, images of the fight troubling her mind. She shakes them off by a quick movement of her head and grabs a bag, stuffing clothes in it randomly. She also puts all the cash she has, guessing it could always be useful. As she does it, she doesn’t notice the tears streaming down her face. What she has been expecting to happen only in years is now happening: she’s leaving everything behind.
She can’t even think of the consequences properly, Finan coming in with one of the small guns stuck in his trousers. “I’d gladly accept a clean sweater.” He says, the lightness of the sentence not matching his tone. She points to a drawer and he steps towards it, removing his dirty hoodie and t-shirt in the process.
“Where are we going?” She asks, holding her now closed bag against her as if she’s a child hugging her teddy bear to find reassurance.
He briefly turns around, and she can notice there’s no mark of the bullets he took during the fight on his skin. “I don’t know.” He puts on the new sweater. “The farthest away possible for the moment.” His hand grabs her shoulder and after a light squeeze he pushes her forward. “Now we go.” 
She takes her coat in the living room, looking around one last time, this isn't how she thought things would go. She pinches her lips tightly to not let out a sob and she walks to a shelf to take a photo album, the one her mother gifted her for her eighteenth birthday with pictures of her since she was a baby. She turns around, Finan waiting for her in the entrance with an apologetic expression. She swallows, trying to look stronger than she's actually feeling and joins him after a few determined steps.
“We can go.” She declares. 
Finan's car isn't parked far, and in less than ten minutes they are on the road, taking the direction to where Finan has been sleeping for the past weeks. From time to time she looks at him, his fingers drumming nervously on the steering wheel while she is feeling drained of energy, so much so that she only realises she fell asleep when she hears the slamming of the car's door, startling her.
“Hey! Easy, t'is me.” Finan says raising a hand peacefully as she abruptly moves back instinctively. 
“S… Sorry.” She mutters, looking down. 
And they take the road again, a heavy silence reigning in the car. It's past midnight now and Victoria simply tries to not think too much, focussing on the streetlights. If she trusts the signs they cross, they are driving North in Sheffield's direction. She doubts Finan has any particular intention to go there, all he wants is to go the furthest away possible from London. When she rests her eyes on him, she can't help the thrill that runs along her spine, he has killed them in cold-blood, not even thinking twice. She knows he is a warrior, he has killed countless men and until now it never really bothered her. But seeing it, it's something else.
She looks to her hands, there's still blood on them, her own. She knows she couldn't have died, but it totally disappeared from her mind when she felt the gun against her temple, fear taking control. She has always made herself minor wounds, nothing serious and seeing she was healing faster than anyone felt more like a good trick than something life changing. But now, after taking a bullet, she realises the real burden of immortality: there's no end. And weirdly, when it's that end that scares people, Victoria wishes she had one. Something to give her a reason to enjoy her life. 
“Are ya alright?” Finan asks her when they stop at an old rest stop, Victoria coming back from the toilets with her hands now cleaned of all the blood.
“I don't know.” She sighs desperately, leaning against the car next to him. She frowns when she notices he is lighting a cigarette before bringing it to his mouth. “You smoke?”
He shrugs, breathing out the smoke. “When I'm nervous.” He admits and raises his eyebrows when Vicky gives him a disapproving look. “What? It's not like it's goin' to kill me.” He wryly replies. 
She rolls her eyes, grimacing at the tobacco smell tickling her nostrils. Finan searches something in his pocket, catching her attention. He hands her a folded paper, stained with blood, but when she opens it, most of the information is still readable. She widens her eyes when she recognizes a picture of her, her number, her address, and in fact all the most important information regarding her life. 
“T'was in one of them's pocket.” Finan explains after a long exhale. 
She raises frightened eyes at him, her fingers flexing on the paper. “They were searching for me?” She asks, though the answer was obvious. Finan nods and points a finger to a particular sentence : ‘Immortal.’
“They knew.” A long silence carries away his words, Vicky not realising she’s holding her breath until he moves to crush his cigarette in the ashtray further.
“How’s that possible? I… I spoke of it to no one!” She exclaims in panic, fearing Finan could blame it on her but he simply rubs his eyes with his thumb and index. 
“I’ve got no ideas, Victoria.” He sighs and opens the car to sit on the driver’s seat sideways, his face buried between his palms.
Vicky’s stomach squeezes as she reads the paper again, some information is related to her family and friends and she suddenly fears for them. If there’s others, she has left her phone in her apartment and Finan threw his in a trash in her street, the only things that could permit them to find her again. So what if they try to seek information through them? And she doubts whoever they are that they’ll be kind to them.
“They are all in danger… My family… Rebecca.” She whispers, new tears forming in the corner of her eyes. “We have to warn them! Or take them with us…”
“No we won’t.” Finan replies, stretching his legs and before she can protest, he continues. “They’ll soon enough report your disappearance, they’ll be interrogated by the police and under their protection.” He says, confident. “They’ll be safe.” She knows Finan is probably right, nothing will happen to them, so she nods silently. “Well, we should sleep a little. We’ll take back the road in the mornin’.” He says after yawning. 
Sleeping in the car is far from being comfortable, but they manage to find a way to, Vicky laying on the backseats and Finan on the front passenger leaned seat. However, she can’t find sleep, tossing over and over again, trying to stay covered by the coat Finan has lent her as a blanket. When she closes her eyes, she sees the fight again, her heart racing and her guts twisting. So she just stops to try and stares at an invisible point in the car. She wonders how everyone will react when they’ll learn she disappeared, by noon she guesses a neighbor will have found the opened door of her flat and the three men. She supposes Rebecca will immediately think it is Finan who’s responsible, though she doesn’t even know his name. She’ll feel responsible for being the one organizing their meeting. And her parents, they’ll be devastated. 
She feels terribly bad to be the reason for their pain, to not be able to just send them a message, just to tell them that she’s fine and will be. She’s been such a hard child and teen, too stubborn to listen to her parents. She wasn’t Charles, nor Rebecca, a calm and studious person and still isn’t. She has never felt like she could be a source of pride for them, only a source of worry. And once more, she’s going to be the reason for their troubles. 
She can’t prevent the way her throat tightens and the tear that trickles down her cheek in silence. But one is joined by another and she now can’t prevent the hiccup of pain that escapes her as she sobs. She’s tired of crying, her eyes swollen and aching but she has nothing else to do. Until a hand reaches out to hers through the dark, taking it with such kindness that it stops her cries for a brief instant. She wipes her eyes with her other hand and then meets Finan’s gaze. He is still laying on the passenger’s seat, quite awkwardly so his left hand could hold hers. She can’t read his expression, his face lightened by the road’s light further, he isn’t sorry, nor sad. He stares at her so softly, she finds it reassuring and doesn’t even think of her anger towards him anymore. 
“I know the feelin’, when you lose everythin’.” His thumb rubs her fingers tenderly, making her melt, her eyelids suddenly heavier. “But it will be alright, Vicky.” He promises her, holding her gaze once more and she can see how confident he is.
It’s also the first time that he says her nickname, she doesn’t object, and even if she did, she’s too sleepy to protest. So she smiles tiredly, tightening her grip around his hand, and whispers: “Thank you.”
A/N : Finan with a gun: H O T
Tag :​ @for-bebbanburg ​ ​ @naps4bats ​ ​ @osferth ​ @maggiescarborough ​ @finansarms ​ @dumbledoreisnotmyhubby
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Dancing In The Dark or Jealous Rage
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage contains potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content.
Summary: Kirby goes with the girls out to a night club while Roddy is away, jealous escapades ensue after he gets back and hears about her antics.
Kirby's POV:
I woke up the following morning (The 24th) alone, no sign of Rod, I was confused until I saw the clothes laid out and a note on top of my leather jacket.
'I've gone to do some work in Pennsylvania. Don't worry, I'll be back later this week. Love You, Mo Chridhe. Roddy.'
"Mo Chridhe, that's, that is Scots for … yeah, Scots Gaelic for my heart … Aww, Roderick you romantic eejit."
I went about my usual morning routine and the rest of the day was thoroughly uneventful, but the night, oh the night was fun, or at least it was when it started.
Billie had suggested we go out for drinks and have a good time, and so we did.
About three Espresso Martinis in I started to loosen up.
"So," Vickie inquired, "How's Piper?"
"I'm not sayin' nothin'"
"Oh, c'mon Kirbs," Sam begged, "Tell us."
"No, mind your own business."
"Kirbs, ya gotta tell us at some point." Holly added, the alcohol making her New Jersey accent thicker.
"Alright, fine, but don't tell anyone." I warned
They nodded in agreement and let me continue.
"When we came back to New York, we started dating and one thing led to another and we 'made love' but regardless of all that, I think he's the one."
"So, you'll marry him?"
"If he asks, Vic, if he asks."
Holly butted in, "I need to get you around other men, you know, to see if Piper's the real deal."
She took me by the arm and dragged me, drink in hand, over to a gaggle of men, all of whom looked like they were either construction workers or American football players. Holly let go of my arm and sat on one of the guys laps, whispering something I couldn't hear before getting up and walking off.
I felt like a piece of meat being thrown to a pack of tigers, it didn't take long for one of them to take the drink from my hand, place it on the table and lead me to the dancefloor.
Now, you must know, I'm not one for dancing, I'll sway to a relaxed beat or head bang along to some rock but, dancing with someone who I don't know in a provocative way isn't my thing, but without hesitation this guy started hitting on me and trying to get up close and personal.
It took all of my mental strength not to sucker punch the guy in the face and walk back to the hotel, I held out for as long as I could. hours passed without me realising and I had gotten quite tipsy, Vickie walked me back to the hotel and dumped me on the bed in the pitch black of the room, closing the door behind her and her footsteps quickly faded out of hearing range.
The next day (25th January 1984) was much like the previous, get up, morning routine, grab some coffee, wait to see if I had any matches booked, hear nothing from Damien, go out with the girls that night for some 'fun' but to me that 'fun' was ever so slightly turning into heart-breaking torture.
Any time I danced with these random guys in clubs, I wanted to be able to slow dance with Rod, to hold him close to me as the music played in the background. I didn't get as drunk as the night before and got back slightly earlier, trying to call Roddy to hear his voice, but he didn't pick up. I went to sleep alone again and had a nightmare once again.
I woke up on the morning of the Twenty-Sixth to the sound of the door opening and closing, hearing a distinctly Scottish voice whisper out the phrase 'Mo Chridhe'.
"Rod, is that you?"
"I didn't mean to wake ya, it's just, well," His voice faltered, as if he didn't know what to say, "Billie stopped me in the hall and told me everything." He sounded hurt.
"I tried to call ya. I tried to be the first to let you know what we had done." I got up and took my sweat-stained shirt off, tossing it to the floor and heading to the bathroom, still half asleep.
"Ya did? Ya went out and danced with strangers two nights in a row while I was gone and thought a phone call could patch things up?"
That set me off, I rushed out of the bathroom to confront him, "I fucking hated doing it! Both times! I wanted to reel back and sucker punch those bastards in the face! Roderick Piper, would you fucking listen to me! I am your girlfriend! I am YOUR fucking woman! Would you just fu-"
A rough but passionate kiss broke the stingingly lonely silence from him, his hands caressing my arms and holding me close. I hadn't realised I was crying until then, I hadn't realised he had let a few tears slip himself until he pulled away and wiped his eyes.
"I'm sorry I ever brought it up. I know ya wouldn't do anything without a good reason and I'm so, so sorry I left without telling ya before I did."
I sat myself down on the edge of the bed, wiping the tears from my eyes and feeling Rod put his arm over my shoulder.
"Schultz told me to buy you roses, ya know. An' I told him I didn't think ya liked roses, I told him that I thought ya would like chrysanthemums instead."
I let out a small 'uh huh' and Rod continued.
"I also told him that when we got back I was gonna take you out for some blueberry waffles and a hazelnut cappuccino, cause I know how ya like those an' we could be together and just relax an-"
"Yes, baby?"
"Can you dance?"
"I'm not a great dancer, why?"
"Well, can you just sway to the rhythm of a song?"
"With you, absolutely."
"Thank you, f'anwylyd."
"Anytime, mo chridhe."
He kissed my cheek and my temple, whispering out a gentle 'I'm sorry' before using his other hand to make me face him and kissing me gently but lovingly. He got up, pulling me off the bed and turning the clock radio on and increasing the volume.
"And now, a big hit from last year, this is Big Country with 'In A Big Country'."
'I've never seen you look like this without a reason'
Rod twirled me around in his arms, a smirk already on his face.
'Another promise fallen through'
I could hear Rod mumbling the words in unison with the radio.
'Another season passes by you'
He twirled me back around, stepping closer and intertwining his fingers with mine and curving his other arm around my back.
'I never took the smile away from anybody's face'
Rod had stopped mumbling the words and started humming along.
'And that's a desperate way to look'
The sweet smile on Roddy's face made me smile lovingly in return.
'For someone who is still a child'
He cleared his throat, spinning me away from him before pulling me close to his chest.
"In a big country dreams stay with you" Rod sang in unison with the radio.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside" I joined in.
'Stay alive, here we go'
"I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered" We sang in unison with the radio.
"But you can't stay here with every single hope you had shattered"
"I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert"
'But I can live and breathe'
Rod misstepped and fell backwards onto the bed with me landing on his lap.
'And see the sun in wintertime'
"Are ya alright Roddy?"
'In a big country dreams stay with you'
"I'm fine, sweetheart, are you okay?"
'Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside'
"I'm okay. Everything's fine in the world again."
'Stay alive'
I stood up and helped Roddy off the bed, turning the radio down slightly and humming before singing along.
"In a big country dreams stay with you"
Rod soon joined in, going back to a simple two step and trying not to stumble again.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside"
"Stay alive"
"So take that look out of here it doesn't fit you"
"Because it's happened doesn't mean you've been discarded"
"Pull up your head off the floor, come up screaming"
A knock at the door quickly silenced the two of us and Rod turned the radio off completely, giving me a quick kiss on the lips and walking over to answer the door. Upon seeing the frame of the guy leaning against the wall, I sighed heavily and Rod looked between me and this nobody.
"Hey, I was told this was Miss Kay's room, who are you, her brother?"
"Wrong, Idiot. I'm her husband."
I wanted to interrupt Roddy but held my tongue, trusting that he knew what he was doing.
"Yeah, right, small fry, and I'm the Pope, move outta the way." the guy's mood shifted from confusion to anger.
"No really," Roddy pressed, his voice getting more gravelly with rage, "I'm her husband ya slovenly low life, now fuck off before I hurt ya."
The guy got further into Roddy's face, "What are you gonna do, limp dick."
Rod smirked, "Limp dick, huh," He mocked before poking the guy in the eyes, "Bye-Bye, asshole," He finished, slamming the door in the guy's face.
We could both hear the sound of the guy saying 'fuck that' and running down the hall.
"'I'm her husband'?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Well I'm not gonna say 'She's my girlfriend'. Being your husband has more impact."
"Ya could've just called me over and kissed me, Roddy."
"Who was that guy?"
"Some fuck from one of the nights you weren't here. Ugly motherfucker too, surprised he knew where to find me…" I trailed off, knowing exactly who had told him where I was, "That little Greek bitch."
I stormed my way up to the door, only being stopped by Roddy mere seconds before I could leave the room.
"Woah, woah. Calm down there, Giantess. We don't want a massacre now, do we?"
I breathed out a heavy sigh and Rod pulled me into a hug.
"C'mere baby girl," He rubbed his hand up and down my back to soothe me, "Calm down baby, I know it may be aggravating to have someone ya trust try to split up a good thing, but just calm down."
"But she told them where we, or at least I am, Rod. I can't trust her after that. Especially after her trying to set me up with one of the ugliest motherfuckers I've ever seen."
"What about me?" He said pulling away and sitting on the edge of the bed
"Well, you're," I stopped, searching my mind for the right words, "Well, you're just, you are so handsome. You've got the most amazing blue-hazel eyes, and your hair is such a rich brown, and you're built, y'know, your musculature makes you look strong but not intimidating, however that may just be a giant to normal person thing. Oh, and your voice is calming to me, except when you're cutting a promo. I mean I would object to your choice in shirts, but only because the idea of other women seeing how muscular you are through the way your shirts cling to your body gets me a little pissed off."
"I make you get jealous, really?" he teased.
"Don't you dare." I warned, trying to stop him from aggravating me further.
"Does the idea of women fantasising about me gets you riled up with fury?"
"Rod, don't do this."
"Does the idea of me posing with another woman in my arms anger you?"
"Roddy, shut up."
"How about the idea of me kissing another woman while drunk?"
"Roderick. You shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you."
"What if I laid on the beach with just a towel coverin' my crotch, in full view of a bunch of ladies, how does that make you feel."
"I warned you, three times now, don't you go getting me angry, boyo. You'll see how vengeful I can be, Roddy," I pondered for a moment before changing into a knee-length amber coloured dress along with my spiked black heels, my leather jacket and a thin layer of apricot scented lip gloss and headed out, "Bye Roderick."
"Wait no, baby, come back."
I closed the door and fast-walked down the corridor, heading towards the stairwell, hearing Roddy open the door just as I started down the stairs.
He caught up with me about five minutes later, while I was waiting outside, handing me my wallet and pressing a kiss to my cheek, before whispering in my ear.
"I'm sorry I got you jealous, now can we please go out to somewhere, nice."
"If you're so sorry, you won't try that trick again, right?"
"Oh absolutely, I don't want you to do that again."
I kissed him and started walking down the street, Piper's hand just above my ass and his plethora of sweet nothings once again flowing from his lips. We headed out for the evening and by the time we got back to the hotel, a now drunk Roddy laid down and passed out before I even got the chance to kiss him goodnight.
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gfanz4ever · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
You know, a lot of other fandoms I know would have just demonized Vicky, or claimed she was "getting in the way" of Ches and Glam being together, or just plain decided she wasn't right for Glam because he has more in common with Ches.
I love--with all my heart--the fact that we instead looked at the three of them and went "Aw, look, they're all married to each other :D "
318 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 19:42:56 GMT
I think what really sets Ghosts apart is how the Idiots (sorry, but they started it lol) really turn these characters into people.
All of their prior projects--even Bill!--you really just feel like they're playing Characters. They do it all so wonderfully, don't get me wrong, but all of the roles are Wacky in some way. Caligula has his "Better than meeeee?!" schtick, Shakespeare peddles veg in a tomato suit, and Yonderland is almost overflowed with whimsy and crazy, colourful characters (Bombero comes to mind first and foremost). These are just some examples, but you get it.
Which is why Ghosts really stands out to me. Everyone still has their quirks, but at the end of the day they're still grounded and real. They have regrets, they miss people they remember, and even the arguments they get into are very real and relatable (who hasn't argued with a sibling over what to watch on tv??).
No approach is better than the other, I'm just glad I figured out what makes this show so unique to me.
453 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 06:56:28 GMT
Plot Twist
The Captain's name is actually William William Henry Stephen Hen
546 notes • Posted 2021-08-11 05:04:44 GMT
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The comedic timing on this scene was perfect
752 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 05:29:32 GMT
you KICK sir humphrey? you play keepy-uppies with his head like the football?! oh! oh! jail for thomas! ghost jail for thomas for One Million Years!
970 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 23:32:56 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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with Che ‘Taza’ Romero.
Request: not sure it works as a request but i have an idea i def wanna shoot at you - reader pretending to be grumpy at something silly Taza did and him using it as an excuse to smother her in kisses in front of the club? i swear im weak for your writing and that man
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 400.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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You are drinking a coffee reading the newspaper, sitting in front of EZ at the table. Waiting for Creeper in Vicki's house, the eldest are playing poker behind your back. You weren't listening, until Coco said something dirty about one of the girls there, and the others agreed about it. Turning at the men putting an arm above the backrest of your chair, you raise an eyebrow with an incredulous gesture on. Actually, your attention is mainly focused on the older one. The one with whom you have a secret relationship. Or something like it.
“Why 'you looking at me like that?” He uses a high-pitched tone trying to sound offended, and moving his hands to uphold his innocence.
Turning away again, you ignore his excuses under the incessant look of the other members, confused of why he is giving you so many explanations. You continue ignoring him, until the man tosses his cards on the table to get up and walk towards you. From behind, he gently grabs your throat and the back of your head to make you look up. But when you're about to utter a gripe, he gives you a short kiss. Frowning, you try to complain again, being silenced by his lips. Trying it another time, you get the same result.
The crew is staring at you in silence, seeing the Apache earn your forgiveness. But they are still confused about the fact that you are together. That you are in a relationship. He finally makes you giggle, smiling at that gesture with the same love he smiles at you when you wake up in his bed.
“Did we miss something, brother?” Bishop asks, palming Tranq's chest, sitting by his side.
“Nah. You already know she's a pendeja”. Taza replies, keeping his eyes fixed on yours.
“Tú eres el único pendejo”. (You are the idiot one).
“Yeah, you drive me crazy, chamaca”.
“That's not my fault, but senility”.
“Uh, cheap shot”. Tranq laughs loudly, infecting the others and the girls around, including Vicki.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Move that pretty ass over here!”
Creeper's voice pushes you out of Taza's enchanting, having a last sip of your coffee as the prospect gets up too.
“We will talk about my… dementia later”.
“For sure, Romero”.
Wearing the green shirt of the scrapyard, you turn at Bishop.
“Make sure he takes his pills”. You joke about him.
“This shit is weird, but I approve it”. El Presidente makes a toast with his mug, nodding with pursed lips.
193 notes · View notes
with Che ‘Taza’ Romero.
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Warnings: nsfw, smut.
Word count: about 1.7k
Aurora says: This is just something I needed to write, that's all. This writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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One of his hands roams your thigh, while the other arm has wrapped your waist. Sitting on his lap, you're enjoying another long talk about funny stories that happened in different runs with the crew. The yard is starting to get emptied deep in the night, until left the original Mayans and some of Vicki's girls. You are a little bit drunk as a skunk, just like Taza who is enraptured on the way his fingertips get slided over your bare skin.
“Hey, Vice”.
A mexican girl interrupts Bishop's story, walking towards the sitted group, swaggering her body and trying to be sensual. You are about to laugh, Angel and Coco too.
“I thought I could give you a… ‘goodbye’ before leaving”. She says, stopping some inches away from your position.
Now, you are laughing, getting up to roll to Bishop's lap. Che frowns at you, before leading his angry orbs to the other girl.
“No, thank you… I prefer to waste my time trying to fuck her, instead of fucking you”.
Silence. He is drunk, but he's talking seriously.
“C'mon, kid, get that dick”. El Presidente breaks into laughs, pushing you away from him back to the Vice, as if you were a ball and they were playing.
The people left in the yard start to sing in chorus, making you flush, puckering your lips at the oldest man there.
“What? My mother didn't raise a liar”.
“Do I look like a drunk-one-night-stand for your pleasure, Che?”
“I didn't say that”.
Rolling your eyes, you already know that your night has ended. Staggering a little, you go to the inside of the clubhouse, looking for your bag and your leather jacket to leave for your house. If you are so close to him is not to get the ‘Apache D’. Not at all. You have true feelings for him and, if this kind of relationship is enough for you, now you are pissed off by knowing that he just wants a night with you. As if you were a trophy for him.
“You are not leaving”.
You hear his voice behind you, upset and with a light tone of sarcasm in it.
“Yeah, I'm fucking leaving, Che. I don' wanna see your fucking face right now��.
Turning around, you try to pass him away, but he takes you off the keys of your car.
“You can't be this dummy, can you?” He says narrowing his eyes, and stretching the hand over his head to pull the keys away from you. “I don't want just a… whatever night you said. I'm too drunk to repeat again your tongue twister, Mary Poppins”.
“I'm gonna punch you in the face”.
“Respect your elders, chamaca”. He tries to look offended, surrounding your waist with his free arm. “C'mon… (Y/N). Why is this hard to believe that I love you, ah? I'm nuts about you”.
“Do you even know what you are saying?”
“Kinda like. I heard that from the prospect, and I wanted to use it with you, 'cause you like squirrels”.
You can't help but chuckle, while Taza takes off your bag and also grabs your jacket.
“Stay with me, please…” He whispers, pulling himself away to place your things on a sofa. “Look, I'm a traditional man. I will bring you breakfast at bed, even having a hangover”.
“Yeah, you're a fuddy-duddy”.
“The fuck is that?” He laughs loud, putting his hands on you again to embrace your body against him.
“Nothing, forget it”. You reply almost hiccuping, noticing that he is leading you backwards to the dorms hallway.
“Look at you, so drunk to drive”.
“Yeah, what a shame”. You laugh reaching his dorm, opening the door behind you to tuck you in.
As soon as he closes it, his mouth meets yours, devouring it lustfully while your hands travel to the folds of his kutte to take it off. Leaving a trail of clothes to the bed, he urges you to lie down over it, settling himself between your legs. Drawing a way down from your jaw to your breasts, his tongue finds one of your nipples, tasting it as if it was the best thing he has ever tried. Your gasps break the silence installed inside the room, stirring under his touches in the meantime that his free hand paws your abdomen, running it down to your center. Slamming two curved fingers into you, making you arch your back, you can't help but close your eyes and moan loud. Probably, the crew has heard you, but you don't care.
“Shit, baby girl… you're fucking drenched”.
He purrs against your nipple, speeding up the moves of his wrist, hitting your pussy with his palm and provoking a dirty sound rhythm your begs. And when you think he can't worship your body better, he bows until his lips strongly suck your throbbing clit.
“Oh, fuck!” You cry out with a sob, putting your legs over his back.
His warm breath bristles your whole anatomy, determinate to make you cum in his mouth, adhered to your sensible skin. Adding a third finger without expecting, Taza makes your thighs vibrate on his shoulders, fixing his eyes on yours, rolled back to your head. Your vocals getting louder, flood the room and half-part of the hallway, not wanting to contain yourself after so much time desiring it. His tongue licks your entrance, over his fingers, drinking your juices and tasting them, until he feels your wet pussy twitching under every stroke his lips make.
“Cum for me, chamaca, I wanna hear you screaming my name”. He demands among your legs, before catching again your clit with his lips.
The sensation of sucking the air out of your lungs so desperate, that provokes a lash of heat hits your backbone leaving a trail that flows into your belly. Tangling your hands on the gray hair, you can't help but press his face more closer to your center. Pulling out his hand from you, Taza nails both on your hips, putting his arms under your legs. His tongue moving faster itself among your lips, tasting on purpose every inch of you, you find the purest orgasm, crying out his first name; so uninhibited that it ends up ripping you throat.
You can feel his chuckles making your skin vibrate, going up until finding your lips. Getting more comfortable between your shaky legs, the Mayan kisses you, tucking his tongue inside your mouth to let you taste your own flavor mixed with the tequila you two have drunk. And it's really delicious, feeling his waist slightly swinging against your throbbing and satisfied center, but wanting a little more. Sliding down a hand between both, he guides the head of his cock straight to your pussy, not giving you a breath; when he's already thrusting it to your limits.
“Fuck, Che”.
You whisper running out of air onto his lips.
“I'm going to do it every night, mi amor”. He replies, noticing how deep his voice sounds right now, enchanting completely your brain. “Feels good, ah?”
You just nod with your throat totally dry, gulping and intertwining your legs with his.
“You will enjoy it much more, you will see…” He says then, with his mouth over your ear, biting your lobe before starting to swing his hips.
Every move is accurate, hitting your g-spot with no mercy, looking for your pleasure totally enraptured in the way you have to grunt his name. One of his arms is placed under your body, holding you tightly, while his right hand is wrapping your neck making some pressure over your skin. His pace is fast and constant, not giving you the chance to mold your walls to his thickness, in the meantime that Che drags his teeth on your collarbone until biting you. Your nails tour his back, almost scratching it superficially, begging for more as he pounds you against the mattress.
Grabbing your wrists with his right hand, to fix them on the pillow over your head, he speeds up as much as he can, giving to your body a reason to squirm because of his anxious lunges. Feeling how warm your soaked pussy, it's driving him crazy. And maybe the alcohol plays a part of it, but it's insane the way he has to mark you everywhere, anyhow possible, as if he was needed for making everyone know that you're only his. Only for him.
“Fuck… I'm close again”. You sob, with his teeth nailed on your neck and his tongue doing some circular moves.
He knows it. He can feel it, that's why he hasn't slowed down his pace. Che wants to put you in your sweetest dreams after being fully pleased. Wrapping his waist with one of your legs, you try to push him a little more into you, burying deep his cock in your wetness. A knot growing up inside your belly, leaving your mind blank, blows up your senses. Loosening the grip on your wrists, you clings your arms around him. Your moans echo matching his, as your core continues engulfing his hardness until you feel his heat filling you up, drowning a hoarse howl in the gap of your shoulder.
Taza holds his body against you, pressed strongly, emptying himself inside you. Mixing your ecstasies and melting yourselves in one. Collapsing onto your chest, he hugs you with a sigh stuck in his vocal chords, drawing the same relaxed smile on his lips that you have. Pulling himself out, feeling his seed spilling by your thighs, he lies down trying to catch back his air. After some seconds and leaving a soft kiss on your cheek, the man gets up without a word wearing his boxers to step out of the room. You can't even move a single inch, resting your hands on your belly, until he comes back. Helping you to clean up all the mess with a warm wet towel, Taza falls down on the bed, holding you onto him and filling your face with sleepy kisses that make you laugh.
“Congratulations, you had the whole Apache pack”.
Your laughs become loud, stirring softly under his arms.
“You idiot…”
“Ranch included”. He tosses in, adding more gasoline to the fire.
Now, you can't stop laughing, infecting him and shaking your head.
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