#victor dane au
victorluvsalice · 5 months
AU Thursday: How's "Londerland Bloodlines: Downtown Queensland" Going?
Been another fairly lengthy gap between updates -- our last being in August -- and just as that one hailed me starting Chapter 6, this one hails me ending it -- and thus COMPLETING THE FIRST DRAFT! *blows party horns* Yes, Alice has made it through the trials and tribulations of Downtown --
-->being attacked by the Sabbat the minute she first stepped foot down there and saved by Nines once again (though she didn't appreciate him just speeding off afterward)
-->being sent back to Santa Monica to investigate the Elizabeth Dane (with the inadvertent help of Officer Heinz)
-->meeting up with Victor again and taking him on as a roommate (and quickly growing to really like his company)
-->taking down a plaguebearer cult (which became VERY PERSONAL after no less than two people died from their disease right in front of her)
-->stealing a briefcase for good old Fat Larry (and helping to set off a gang war in the process)
-->helping Venus with her Russian Mafia problem (and accidentally freaking out Venus when she had to admit to being under twenty-one)
-->having the ABSOLUTE WORST NIGHT OF HER LIFE at Grout's little hellhole (seriously, it is so bad)
-->dealing with the local Nagaraja (and not the way you may think)
-->and then infiltrating the Museum Of Natural History almost perfectly -- only to discover the sarcophagus LaCroix wants was no longer inside (though a Beckett was)
I've left it with Alice -- having just discovered how fucking rich Victor is, and with Victor insisting he wants to get her something to show his appreciation for her -- letting Victor take her on a shopping spree for some new clothes before they head over to Hollywood. :D We'll let this sit while I deal with the December gift fics, then next year, it'll be time to start editing and posting! I hope you're all looking forward to it. :)
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nekoannie-chan · 10 months
Marvel Rare Pair Masterlist en español
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Versión en español/ Spanish version
Publico mis fanfics en español e inglés.
If you wanna read the English version here.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
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Todas mis entradas para Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Round 2 2023:
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Una celebración diferente.
Pareja: Wanda Maximoff y Clint Barton (Amistad).
Palabras: 545 palabras.
Clasificación: B.
Cuadro: B1 “Noche de todos los santos”.
Sinopsis: Wanda descubre como se celebra la noche de todos los santos con ayuda de Clint.
Advertencias: Celebración de la noche de todos los santos, dulces, disfraces, dulce o truco.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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Gesto cariñoso.
Pareja: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt (Amor).
Palabras: 606 palabras.
Clasificación: B.
Cuadro: B2 “Gesto cariñoso extraño”.
Sinopsis: Brock quiere demostrarle a Sinthea cuanto la ama.
Advertencias: Regalo raro, armas, Brock intentando ser romántico.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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Abriendo el corazón.
Pareja: Wanda Maximoff X Victor von Doom (Amor).
Palabras: 711 palabras.
Clasificación: B.
Cuadro: B3 “Universo Alternativo: Apocalipsis zombi”.
Sinopsis: Wanda y Victor hablan sobre algunas cosas que pasaron al inicio del apocalipsis.
Advertencias: Mención de muerte de personajes, apocalipsis zombi.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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Una (no tan) buena rebanada de pastel.
Pareja: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers (Amistad).
Palabras: 627 palabras.
Clasificación: B.
Cuadro: B4 “Compartiendo una rebanada de pastel realmente decadente”.
Sinopsis: Wanda y Steve querían platicar y disfrutar una rebanada de pastel.
Advertencias: rebanada de pastel horrible, rehúso de servicio de cafetería.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“¿Somos amigas?” 
“No lo creo”
Pareja: Ororo Munroe & Lorna Dane (Amistad).
Palabras: 574 palabras.
Clasificación: B.
Cuadro: B5 “Compañeras de habitación”.
Sinopsis: Lorna y Ororo tienen que compartir la habitación de Ororo, ¿cuál podría ser el problema?
Advertencias: Discusión, la escuela fue dañada, compartir habitación.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Animales de peluche”
Pareja: La pareja divina (Amor).
Palabras: 537 palabras.
Clasificación: B.
Cuadro: I1 “Peluche favorito”.
Sinopsis: Tandy y Tyrone hablan de recuerdos de su infancia.
Advertencias: Animales de peluche, fluff.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Encrucijada de hechicería”
Pareja: Morgan le Fay X Stephen Strange (Amor).
Palabras: 523 palabras.
Clasificación: B.
Cuadro: I2 “Blue collar warlock”.
Sinopsis: Desventajas de ser el Hechicero Supremo.
Advertencias: Final triste, amor prohibido.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Amor mientras miran las estrellas” Pareja: Crystal Amaquelin X Pietro Maximoff (Amor). Palabras: 554 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: I3 “Tirados en el campo, observando las estrellas”. Sinopsis: Una noche estrellada muy especial para Pietro y Crystal. Advertencias: Ver las estrellas, caminata en el bosque, declaración de amor, fluff.
También puedes leerla en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Contra el fantasma” Pareja: Reed Strucker X Caitlin Strucker (Amor). Palabras: 602 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: I4 “Cazafantasmas AU”. Sinopsis: Reed y Caitlin harán todo lo posible para salvar a sus hijos. Advertencias: Fantasmas, cazafantasmas. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Atrapados en lo desconocido” Pareja: Sue Storm X Victor von Doom (Amor). Palabras: 614 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: 5 “Encuentro aterrador: alguien con unos escalofriantes brazos largos que pueden alcanzarte donde sea.” Sinopsis: Sue y Victor encuentran un ser aterrador. Advertencias: Encuentro aterrador, terror. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Báculo develado” Pareja: Tina Minoru X Robert Minoru (Amor). Palabras: 540 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: N1 “Tarot: La sacerdotisa.” Sinopsis: Tina y Robert toman una importante decisión. Advertencias: Discusión, toma de decisiones. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Viejas mascotas” Pareja: Anna Marie D’Ancanto y James Howlett (Amistad). Palabras: 536 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: N2 “Mascotas.” Sinopsis: Rogue y Logan hablan acerca de sus mascotas. Advertencias: Mascotas, quizás un poco triste. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Enemigos del alma” Pareja: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt (Amor). Palabras: 561 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: N3 “Espacio libre.” Sinopsis: Es Brock contra su enemigo número uno. Advertencias: Mascotas. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Templo en el bosque” Pareja: Lorna Dane y Steve Rogers (Amistad). Palabras: 681 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: N4 “Dentro del bosque.” Sinopsis: Hay algo raro en el bosque. Advertencias: Bosque encantado, magia. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Infiltrado” Pareja: (No) Brock Rumlow X Jemma Simmons (Amor). Palabras: 548 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: N5 “Descubrir la identidad secreta de alguien.” Sinopsis: Jemma descubre un horrible secreto. Advertencias: Skrull, traición, corazón roto. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Edificio urbano” Pareja: Brock Rumlow y Jack Rollins (Amistad). Palabras: 531 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: G1 “Aterradora leyenda urbana.” Sinopsis: Las leyendas urbanas no son reales, ¿o sí? Advertencias: Leyenda urbana se vuelve realidad, edificio encantado. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Ahora es real.” Pareja: Thunderblink (Amor). Palabras: 505 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: G2 “La falsa pareja se vuelve real.” Sinopsis: Clarice y John finalmente admiten sus sentimientos. Advertencias: Amor, fluff, misión encubierta. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“No es una alianza” Pareja: Raven Darkholme & Erik Lensherr (Trabajo). Palabras: 519 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: G3 “Cambiaformas”. Sinopsis: ¿Podrán tener una alianza los mutantes y los cambiaformas? Advertencias: Cambiaformas, discusión. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“No puedo creerlo” Pareja: Eclaris (Amor). Palabras: 531 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: G4 “Enfrentando una traición.” Sinopsis: ¿Podrá Marcos perdonar a Lorna y proteger a su hija? Advertencias: Traición. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Regalo derretido” Pareja: Anna Marie D’Ancanto X Robert Drake (Amor). Palabras: 100 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: G5 “Helado derretido”. Sinopsis: Bobby quiso cocinar algo especial para Rogue. Advertencias: Helado derretido. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Escapando” Pareja: Thunderblink (Amor). Palabras: 519 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: O1 “Instinto de sobrevivencia”. Sinopsis: Clarice y John necesitarán usar sus habilidades para escapar del peligro. Advertencias: Escapar, Centinelas, Purificadores. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“No son fotos normales” Pareja: Ana/Satana Helstrom y Chris Yen (Amistad). Palabras: 560 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: O2 “Fotografías espeluznantes”. Sinopsis: Ana y Chris valúan unas cosas en una casa antigua. Advertencias: Encuentro aterrador, terror, fotografías espeluznantes. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Brillantina” Pareja: Deanoru (Amor). Palabras: 508 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: O3 “Lentejuelas/Brillantina.” Sinopsis: Karolina ama la brillantina, Nico no. Advertencias: Brillantina, fluff, femslash. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“No muertos” Pareja: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Amistad). Palabras: 541 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: O4 “Nigromante”. Sinopsis: Una nigromante no puede ser problema para Nico, ¿verdad? Advertencias: Nigromante, espíritus, hablar con la muerte. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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“Jardín” Pareja: Karolina Dean X Julie Power (Amor). Palabras: 100 palabras. Clasificación: B. Cuadro: O5 “Sorpresa”. Sinopsis: Julie quiere sorprender a Karolina. Advertencias: Jardín secreto, regalo secreto, femslash. También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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augment-techs · 10 months
Fanfic titles Prompt: “We both know I wrecked your car” + Calvin/Preston ninja steel~
Title: Dude, I Wrecked Your Car Rating: T Relationships: CalPresto; Victor Vincent/Monty; implied Hayley Foster/Sarah Thompson. Characters: Preston Tien; Calvin Maxwell; Hayley Foster; Dane Romera; Mick; Victor Vincent; Monty. Additional Tags: Meet-Cute?; Alternative Universe - Different First Meeting; This is Fluffy and Stupid; They're Both Himbos, Your Honor; Bisexual Calvin Maxwell; Gay Preston Tien; Coffee Shop AU; Stripper AU. Summary: Preston did not, in fact, know that the guy that was technically his neighbor (living right across the alley in the redbrick apartment complex adjacent to the grey stone apartment complex that Preston liked to imagine weren't very different internally from one another; though he suspected the redbrick had better plumbing while the grey had better air flow for summer and winter) had wrecked his car. "...But you don't drive," was the first thing the bar and birthday booked magician by night, coffee barista by day, managed to say to the shame faced blond that looked like he was about to cry. The other waved both hands at the damage done to Preston's cobalt 1998 Mitsubishi Minicab, illustrating the admittedly large dent in the passenger side door, as well as the splintering of the wood panel flatbed that had apparently been the victim of the truck rolling back into an adjacent steel light pole, "And this is why!"
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beebrainedstudios · 2 years
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The Pack (White Wolves of London- Victor Dane AU)
(Individual refs + details below the cut!)
Finally, I’m done with this illustration! I have been working on and off on this for a month or two now as I’ve been writing the Victor Dane AU (First chapter found here!); for everyone unaware, it’s a Vicious AU where the series takes place in the ADSOM universe, specifically in and around White London. These four are known as the Pack and are Victor’s closest allies (although two members are missing here- you’ll see them later). I’ve been having a lot of fun with the AU, but I wanted to have at least a rough idea of what everyone looked like, so this is concept art of sorts where I mostly solidified the designs from one of the AU’s arcs. It’s also my first time drawing Mitch and Dominic, and I’m very pleased with how they came out, especially Dominic and his grumpy expression. Anyways, individual pictures are below the cut, alongside a few facts about each character’s role in the AU and some of the details in their designs.
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- Mitch Turner is also known as the Raven (and later, the King’s Right Hand). Wickedly smart, surprisingly moral, and very very big, he’s been Victor’s closest ally every since the latter was thrown into prison following a deadly magical experiment. Mitch was worried his unusually bad luck would end up getting the ex-prince killed and tried to look out for him, but just as in canon, Victor proved to be perfectly capable of protecting himself on his own. A tentative friendship grew, and Mitch followed Victor into exile, crime, and eventually politics. No matter where the pair have ended up, Mitch has always been happy to help Victor maintain control of his subordinates by both providing extra muscle and acting as a mediator when things get too heated. He’s usually the one who does most of the actual ruling since Victor is often distracted by external threats to his territory/kingdom; Mitch typically keeps things running while Victor goes to deal with the threats. He also does an excellent job of caring for the rest of the Pack as they steadily join the group, first with Victor’s cousins (the members missing from the picture here), then Sydney, then Dominic.
- Design-wise, this is how I usually imagine Mitch, just in fantasy clothes since this is his ADSOM design. He’s a little duller than usual due to coming from the White World, but he’s still one of the more colorful members of the Pack. He has a lot of scars and a lot of tattoos under all of those clothes, but since the kingdom of Merit is north of White London, its usually too cold for anything less then three warm layers. His design also has a lot of conventions that are shared with the rest of the Pack shown here, such as the gold wolves’ teeth (a sign that they are close allies of the Wolf King), and the pointed triangle-stripe motif you can see on his shoulders and coat; this is known as a “hound’s fangs” pattern and is specific to the kingdom of Merit where Mitch and the rest of the group are from.
- Unlike a lot of the cast of the AU, Mitch has no magic. He’s not a Blackhearted (basically a magic EO) or a mage, but he doesn’t need any magic since he’s plenty strong on his own. Instead, his preferred weapons are his brain, his fists, a set of studded gloves that are essentially brass knuckles, and various other pieces of armor that allow him to put his strength to good use.
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- In this AU, Dominic is a very grouchy Antari who spends most of his time before meeting Victor running away from things. His entire life has been nothing but people hunting him down to kill him, enslave him, or drink his blood, and that has left him with a whole lot of emotional issues and lots of chronic pain from all of the injuries he’s received. His history has a lot in common with Holland’s actually, but where Holland had periods of time where he felt safe, Dominic had very little security after his eye went dark. However, after Victor rescues him from a deadly enemy, Dominic is surprised to find one king who wants to establish a mutual partnership instead of ownership (Victor knows better than to pick a fight with a skittish Antari), and he eventually allies himself with him so he can have a few other people watching his back, earning him the title of the King’s Shadow and the Fox. It certainly doesn’t hurt either that the agreement comes with help for his chronic pain. Over time, Dominic warms up to the Pack and becomes one of Victor’s most loyal supporters, helping him spy on enemies, and if need be, dispose of them before they cause any problems. He also looks after Sydney if no one else is around, and between him and Dol she’s one of the safest people in Merit.
- Design-wise, Dominic has a few things in common with Mitch, such as the White-world desaturation, the “hound’s fang” patterns, and the gold teeth decoration. However, where Mitch’s symbolic fangs are on the hood of his coat and his belt buckle, Dominic’s are threaded into his coat at the shoulders. He also has a golden fang ring that he uses to draw blood for spells like Holland does in ADSOM. I’m pretty pleased with how beat-up I managed to make him look; his hair is gray from stress, and he is by far the most scarred member of the Pack due to his history. He also has terrible posture and likes to slouch- when he’s not, he’s taller than Victor and nearly as tall as Mitch.
- Being an Antari, Dominic has the ability to use a lot of magic; though he’s initially fairly weak due to his condition, he recovers after joining the Pack and becomes one of its strongest members. While he’s most comfortable with using travel spells, he’s also a powerful fighter who’s very adept at using magic to alter the battlefield to give him an advantage, such as summoning shadows to blind the opponent or ice to trip them up. He usually wields several long knives, but he’s perfectly happy to petrify or freeze people too if need be- he’s more of a magician than a weapons specialist.
Sydney and Dol:
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- Sydney is one of the youngest members of Victor’s court and certainly the youngest member of the Pack, but regardless of her age, she has a lot of influence from having Mitch, Victor, and Dominic all wrapped around her fingers. She was rescued from the same threat that nearly killed Dominic, and after Victor found her she never really left, instead cementing herself as a useful ally and friend to the group. She’s essentially their second chance; if a party member dies, she can give them another shot by pulling the threads of their magic or life back together. However, this means that her gift puts a target on her back, and with little to no elemental magic to defend herself with, she relies on her wits and Dol to protect her. Dol has the same backstory as he does in canon- Sydney revived a dying dog she found and he was happily adopted. The wolfhound follows Sydney everywhere, which has given her the nickname Houndsmaster by most of Merit, although the pair are also called the Ghost and the Hound in some circles.
- Design-wise, Sydney shares traits with both Mitch and Dominic, such as the darker fur found on Mitch’s coat and the brighter red that Dominic wears; I wanted them to look like a group without being entirely identical. She also has a tiny bit of blue eyeshadow and hair pigment- according to ADSOM canon, White Londoners often wear a lot of makeup, and I thought that would probably be a trend in Merit as well since the kingdom is supposed to be a little more flippant and arts-focused. I also thought it’d be a cool nod towards all of the eyeshadow she had on when she met Victor in Vicious. As for the hair pigment, that is a massive hint towards who Victor’s other allies are if you’ve seen my ADSOM character designs before. For now, let’s just say it’s a trait she picked up from one of Victor’s cousins- she has a matching patch on the other side too. As for Dol, he’s a black Meritian wolfhound (basically an Irish wolfhound). I never really saw Dol as a Great Dane, he was always fluffy to me, so I went with this breed instead. His gold fang’s are located on his harness.
- In combat, Sydney is the weakest member of the group, so when danger strikes the entire Pack’s priority, including her’s, is to get her out of harm’s way. Usually Dol helps with this by either pulling her to safety or taking down enemies while she finds an exit. He’s tall enough to reach most people’s faces and will happily bite them if Sydney commands him to. As stated above, Sydney doesn’t have any extra magic outside of her Blackhearted ability (this is true for all Blackhearted, it has to do with how they actually get the new abilities), but she usually carries at least one knife on her. I also think she might end up with a crossbow at some point, but I’m still not entirely set on that yet.
So yeah, here’s a sneak peek into the AU and what’s coming up in it! I’ve been really busy recently with lots of projects, so it’s nice to get this done. I’m hoping to do more pics like this for the rest of the main cast. In the meantime, any questions you guys have I’d be happy to answer! I enjoy talking about my AUs and it helps me figure things out. I’m also working on Chapter 2 of White Wolves of London, which will feature a flashback from Victor’s princehood and our first look at Eli, the Blood Saint. It’ll also feature more stuff about Victor’s cousins too! See you guys then!
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writing-the-end · 3 years
LoL Chapter 26- Next Right Move
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
Where do the hermits go from here? All this knowledge, it bears so much weight. With their enemy being the leader of Lairyon himself, how can they possibly do anything now? Why should they?
The hermits wasted no time returning to Eremita. Running as far from Milliara as possible, into the safety of the Ashioll sea. Protected by the mysterious magic surrounding their home, the hermits are able to recuperate from the honor and horror they’ve witnessed. Exhausted from the Chimaera’s Championship, but terrified from what monstrosity Dolios put them through. The phoenix shaped chalice, the grand prize of gold and honor from the games sits discarded at the guild hall. Every night, a few hermits can be found huddled near a fireplace or drinking in someone’s house. 
The hermits left Eremita determined to find out who the dark mage was. They knew it was a Councilmember. They never expected it to be the magistrate himself. They never expected to win the Chimaera’s Championship, or stumble in on a plot much larger, much darker than they thought. And now here they are, narrowly escaped the dark mage’s wrath, with no clue what to do. 
This is bigger than the hermits. This is bigger than Gildara, or Danes, or anything they’ve ever faced before. This is beyond a scope they can even understand. Why is Dolios doing this? How far has his corruption spread? Who can stop Dolios, the Magistrate and leader of Lairyon? If the king is silent, and the Council is a part of his cabal, then no one is able to stop him. 
The hermits take the news in different ways- though no one celebrates their victory. Not after nearly dying in Dolios’s dungeons they only believed were rumors. The training field is empty, except for False. Anger burns through her pain, her kukri digging into the slime dummies she had Jevin make until the bodies rip in half. She decapitates one with a swift swing and turns around, ducking and rolling, before throwing molten blades into the chests of three more. The slime sizzles and burns, as hot as her anguish. 
At the sidelines, Wels watches as he buffs out the dents on his armor. He scrubs the metal till he can see his reflection in it, and then a little more. Trying to rub out the memories of the chess game, the dark magic that had trapped them in the sick game. 
Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango are together as always. But rather than trying to find trouble, all three sit on a haybale, just watching the animals of Zed’s farm. Tango twirls a stick full of leaves, much to the annoyance of the goat at his feet, eyes distant. Zedaph has been having a sleepover in their part of False’s forge, not wanting to leave his friend’s side. Not after knowing who killed their last guild. He doesn’t want to lose them as well. Impulse has no energy to be his bubbly, happy self. He feels like a cannon with a wet fuse, unable to light up and explode outward. Instead, he just mindlessly runs his fingers through the woolen fur of the sheep chewing on his clothes. 
Grian and Mumbo sit on the open windows of the angel’s house. Just watching the sun rise into an afternoon sun across the sea. They say nothing, a rare silence from Grian and even Mumbo. The two friends have nothing to say. They won the championship, but Grian still feels the horror of watching Mumbo forced to move like a chess piece. A pawn, set forward and open to attack. He knew he should have trusted TFC, but in the moment all he could think of was losing his best friend. 
Exiting his cave, TFC feels the oppressive mood in the air. He feels like he’s underground in Gildara again. That sense of hopelessness, that dampening weight on his shoulders. The guildmaster looks around, looks at his team, his island. A storm rolls in the distance, likely to come by evening and bless the island with life giving rain. But the hermits are like wilting flowers. Crumpled, lacking the color and life they normally carry with pride. Even the rainbow flags of the guild hall look muted. 
TFC hates this feeling, this suspension. Waiting for something to break, something to happen. If it won’t happen, he’ll make it happen. TFC picks up a stone from the mouth of his cave home, feeling the weight of the stone as he wanders to Xisuma’s tower. It’s a good piece of granite, a nice heavy weight without being too strong or sharp. It’s perfect for his plan. He rests the stone in his dominant hand, looking up at Xisuma’s tower, the gleaming telescope at the peak of the building. 
And he throws the stone. It clatters against Xisuma’s windowsill, rattling the metal frame but not breaking the glass. The stone falls, and he does it again. And again. Halfway through reeling back for a third throw, the window finally opens. X ducks just in time to miss getting a rock to the head. “What in the name of the gods are you doing?”
“Group meeting. Round up the others.” TFC crosses his arms, looking up at the wizard in the tower. 
“What? Why?” Xisuma sighs, but pulls on his mask all the same. It’s too bright for him right now. 
“If no one else is going to change the world, then we will.” TFC growls, then walks away. He motions for team ZIT to follow, and even dares to get between False and her training to call her to the guild hall. The open air space, enclosed only by clawlike stones and a ring of younger oak trees beneath the massive, entangling branches of the centerpiece, quickly fills with hermits. Sitting at the tables, Cleo tries to ease some of the tension with her good mead. But even Cleo’s best brews taste like swill right now. 
The last to arrive was Grian. Iskall was practically dragging him by the cloak into the guild hall, across the wooden grains of the floor, across the twining knot of birch and dark oak. Once the architechs were seated, Iskall and Grian with their own mugs of mead, TFC looks at the guild before him. 
He sighs, shaking his head. “I know what we faced was grim. I couldn’t imagine what it felt like to be you guys, forced to be pawns in Dolios’s sick game.” TFC notices False’s hands ball into fists at the mention of his name. “Especially to be moved by me, I wish I could’ve thought of a better way to stop him. 
“But we went to Milliara to discover who the dark mage was. We did that, and more. Dolios thought he could scare us, silence us. Make us turn on each other, make us choose who was more important and who wasn’t. But we’re not just a guild- we’re a family. It was terrible, but we got through it only because we worked as a team.” 
Silence meets TFC’s words. None of the hermits answer him. Normally, he struggles to get his guild to stay quiet for more than a minute. He feels he would have better luck teaching toddlers than talking to this lot. And it makes TFC’s stomach burn like magma to be able to hear rustling leaves, the distant bleat of a sheep. 
“And he’s winning.” He growls, looking at them all. “Look at us! Silent, still! Wallowing in what’s happened while Dolios is continuing to steal magic for his own nefarious desires! He’s winning, because we are doing nothing!” 
“What can we do?” Jevin sneers, leaning back. “We’re nobodies. An outlaw guild of misfits. We don’t have the power like the king, the prestige like a legal guild.” 
“That’s exactly why we can do it! We have our freedom, our strength in being beyond all that. If no one else will stop Dolios, if no one else can stop Diolios, then we should. Look at us,” TFC waves around as hermits pick up their heads. “We’re victors of the Chimaera’s Championship. We have more power and strength in this one hall than most guilds have in their entire history. We have a variety of magic and the creative minds to wield powers. To weave unlike magics into something greater.” 
“Why us, though?” Even Xisuma is sitting up, though his voice still has a twinge of doubt and exasperation. 
“If we don’t, who will?” The guildmaster looks around, seeing a spark return to the crowd. Thank Artyne, they’re finally talking over him again. “We know who the dark mage is, we know how to break a crystal, we’re not afraid of breaking a few rules! We may not be the heroes Lairyon needs, but we’re the only ones who can do it.” 
The surge of pride and power shocks across the hermits. A coy grin parts Doc’s hybrid face, sharp teeth revealed and glinting in the hot summer sunlight. Ren’s tail is wagging so fast it’s smacking Stress and Joe with each hemisphere completed. And TFC knows he’s gotten them hooked when he sees angelic feathers plume out from a gremlin smirk on Grian’s face. 
TFC pulls out a map from the nook in a tree, brushing an acorn aside that was stashed along with it. Using now empty mugs from Iskall and Grian, he unfurls the map and gazes at the crescent shaped continent that is Lairyon. He pulls out a piece of charcoal, and sketches four marks on the map. One where Gildara was, a diamond shape that is matched with one in Milliara. But the one in Milliara is crossed out. Danes and their home island get swirls, neither crossed out. “We know of four events that for certain included dark magic. In Milliara, we were successful in breaking the crystal.” He taps on the x-marked diamond. “Unfortunately, we can’t be certain if those husk storms will reappear in Danes or here.” 
“We should gather information. Listen in to town gossip, meet with contacts, just try and find any stories that match what we saw.” Cleo hums, running her dead fingers along the map. “Go all across Lairyon, destroy any crystals and do our best to weaken Dolios.” 
“And try to find a way to stop his reign once and for all.” Doc adds, his voice growling. 
“We need every hermit in on this job.” TFC looks at the map, eyes alighting on Crystalla. Wels came back- it’s time for the other hermits to come home. “Joe, send a message to xB, Hypno, and Beef. Tell them that the Order of Hermits are fighting to take back Lairyon.”
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moontours · 3 years
YA Parent Trap AU: Tommy lives with Wanda and the rest of the Lensherr/Maximoff/Dane family, Billy lives with Vision. Vision is remarried to Virginia and also has Viv and Vin. Billy dyes his hair white while Tommy has to get an undercut. Billy has to learn how to incorporate all of Tommy’s mannerisms and speech patterns, Tommy has to learn about Billy’s nerd hobbies. They both actually do a pretty good job of pretending to be each other. But Viv eventually figures out Tommy isn’t Billy, and Luna works out that Billy isn’t Tommy. Jericho lives by Vision, and Tommy meets him while he’s getting a moment to himself to calm down from the weirdness, sees he’s into magic stuff (idk) like Wanda and automatically decides this random man he’s just met should be his step-dad. He’s right. Teddy is Tommy’s neighbor and friend and Billy instantly likes him! Except apparently Tommy’s got an undefined ~*thing*~ with this David guy that he neglected to mention to his twin and it’s stressing Billy out! David knows he’s not Tommy the entire time, he’s just an asshole. Teddy does not. Billy also has to deal with the fact that Wanda, the mother he loves and is so enjoying getting to know, is also suddenly engaged to some guy named Victor Von Doom!
That’s all I’ve got right now! I will never write this.
THIS IS SO PERFECT IM OBSESSED WITH THIS ALL OF IT BUT ESPECIALLY “david knows its not tommy the entire time hes just an asshole” AHHHH SOMEONE WRITE THE FIC PLEASE
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themarginalartist · 4 years
OCs I Have (Warning Long Post)
This is probably an incomplete list, and I certainly will make more characters, but this is what I could find rn
Also I apologize because I’m on mobile writing this. I’ll tag this as #long post
Legend of Zelda OCs:
Reggie sage of wind, rito
Azul sage of water, zora
Kaz sage of earth, kokiri
Sorrin sage of spirit, sheikah
Gloria sage of fire, gerudo
Link Sonata
Link Argos
Splintered soul characters:
Soul Shards:
Woods siblings:
Matthews kids:
Lightfoot twins: Eva and Talia
Mejias: Brandon and Riley
Heller High characters
Victor (Demon)
Lex (Demon)
Lila Adams (Human)
Max (Human)
Sam (Human)
Emily (Em for short) (Human)
King Neriphiem
Toon OCs
Their Creator (Has name just didn’t find it)
Sweet Dreams BatIM:
Tutu (and the Others)
Project Nightingale (Alice)
Project Hellhound (Boris)
Nutcracker characters:
Toy Kingdom:
ballet dancer (doll resident)
Annie (Raggedy Anne doll)
Barry (Teddy Bear)
King Vernon
Queen Johanna
Nutcracker solider female (unnamed)
Candy Kingdom:
Queen Clarissa
Prince Fredrick
Prince James
Prince Marcus
Candy kingdom resident
Kingdom of Animals/Wastelands:
Princess Tygr
Mouse Queen
Mouse King
Mouse scout
Kingdom of Flowers:
Luna (council member)
Great fairy council
Kingdom of Snow:
King Yorick
Queen Frida
Prince Loki
Guardian Ayune
Seven Sins Seven Virtues AU:
(Not all of them are OCs persay... But close enough)
Wally (Current Gluttony)
Grant (Greed)
Norman (Current Sloth)
Marzena (Previous Sloth)
Gordon (Previous Gluttony)
Ella (Pride)
Other important demons:
Persephone (Persi) (Lan’s second in command and daughter)
Loki (Lan’s son)
Second in commands:
Mary (Current Gluttony)
Alton (Previous Gluttony)
Kimon (Previous Sloth)
Roden (Pride)
Ozara (Greed)
Isleen (Current Sloth)
Wally’s kids:
Cerbie (Cerberus)
Nessie (Loch Ness Monster)
Manny (Minotaur)
Bluebell (Sheep)
Iris (Cow)
Unnamed bat
Wendy (Wendigo)
Henry (Patience)
Sammy (Humility)
Bertrum (Diligence)
Regan (Previous Kindness)
Hope (Previous Charity)
Anya (Previous Temperance)
Second in commands:
Dylan (Humility)
Lydia (Patience)
Other Angels:
Perina’s brother
Lindarnois (Linda) Norakath
Landon (Lan) Norakath
Unnamed stone creator
Unnamed wind creator
First creators:
Some Pokemon Grunt OC’s for Skull, Galactic, Magma, and Aqua (named but don’t have rn it’s somewhere)
Trick and Treat (Rise of the Guardians OCs, spirits of Halloween)
The keaton masked character
Terrifying christmas elf dude
Kaylia Nailo: unused DnD character
Reverence, Teifling DnD character
Alyona, cat Toonkind DnD character
Unnamed marker challenge ocs
Vampire character from inktober
Random party alien
“Discontinued” Robot/cyborg oc
Random witch oc
Gem oc think name is Azurite?
Elise Tierra (scrapped writing)
Idk what they were for:
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stilwaterskeeter · 5 years
Saints Row Monster AU
Because it’s FUCKIN HALLOWEEN!!! And supernatural/monsters/magic AUs are something I’m kind of notorious for making with all the fandoms and communities I find myself in.
This is obviously just a rough outline of ideas, like what kind of monsters/magic users everyone is and a few other details. As well as a list of ideas I almost used/scrapped for something I liked better in the end. This also stands to be mostly what I’ll pull ideas and concepts from for any art/writing I do for October, and like if anything on here gives you inspiriration for something then go nuts!! I highly support that shit!! I don’t own these concepts, I just like thinking of them and I like sharing my ideas with y’all. Anyways if you do get ideas from this though I would love to see it so definitely like tag me in it or somethin’!!
Anyways, Monster Rights babey!!
Preface: This is mostly just like monster/supernatural concepts for characters, but if I think of like lore/story ideas relating to it all, then I’ll add it in, it’s just not much of a focus for this post
Saints Row 1:
Julius: Angel; driven by justice, determined to succeed where Ben failed
Troy: Werewolf
Johnny: Hellhound
Dex: Vampire
Lin: Fox Spirit
Aisha: Siren; like the singing mermaid type not the bird
Ben King: Fallen Angel; I don’t really have a given reaosn for this out side of it just fits to me, also the image of Ben with his massive fuckin wings during the scenes where Warren is giving him issues and stuff is...good. Also gives another thing Warren would probably look down on him for, since he fell he clearly isn’t fit to be their leader anymore /s
Tanya: Succubus
Warren: Werecoyote; is that a term? idk it is now
Big Tony: Minotaur
Donnie: Just a normal little dumb human with no magic
Joseph & Sharp: Gargoyles
Lopez Brothers: Werewolves
Luz: La Llorona
Victor: Cuco
Manuel Orejuela: Boto?; I really tried to find the name for this legend but I could not find what it’s called? It’s the one about the dolphins in the amazon turning into a handsome man/pretty woman to lure humans into the rivers?? you know
Tobias: Satyr
Laura: Witch; focuses mostly just in stuff like alchemy and potion making yknow
Mr. Wong: Mogwai
Chief Monroe: Black Knight; you know the haunted suit of armor
Jane Valderamma: Harpy
Saints Row 2:
Shaundi: Werehyena
Pierce: Siren; again the singing mermaid type, not the bird
Carlos: Jackalope
Maero & All the Brotherhood: Werewolves; I’m sorry but if you think otherwise you are just wrong. They’re entire thing is loyalty and wolves and sticking together like HELLO?
Becoming a werewolf (if not already one) is like part of the initiation to join the Brotherhood
Jessica: Born a human witch, turned into Werewolf by Maero (cause duh); she can still do some weak magic, but for the most part she’s no longer able to cast spells or anything
Matt: Werewolf on technicality; it’s pretty weak in him, he can’t transform or nothing, but he’s got like traits that still clearly show that he is a werewolf, like his teeth or his eyes or his appetite
Veteran Child: Faun
The General: Very powerful Warlock
Mr. Sunshine: Ton-Ton Macoute
Shogo: Kitsune; took after his mother with a slim chance, add it to the list of reasons his dad is disappointed in him for
Jyunichi: Shinigami
Kazuo: Mizuchi/Water Dragon
Dane Vogel: Faerie; he’s a diplomatic jerk who’s all about making deals and tricking people into his terms for his benefit, like c’mon
Saints Row the Third:
Loren: Vampire
Kiki & Viola DeWynter: Just regular ol’ Demons; everyone assumes succubi but no...just demons...
Angel: Werewolf
Kinzie: Banshee
Oleg: Yeti; duh?
Josh Birk: Human; he tries very hard to get a real vampire to turn him (not that any really do ever, I mean it’s not like they just go around all willy nilly turning people)
There’s probably a lot of controversy surrounding NyteBlayde about whether or not it’s harmful to real vampires or not. Most are at the very least, pretty reasonably upset to find that Josh Birk is not a vampire nor does he ever really turn irl despite his character.
Matt Miller: Vampire; loves NyteBlayde, thinks it’s actually really amazing story and show that has good social commentary “even if it’s unintentional”
Killbane: Earth Troll
Zimos: Incubus; as much as I hate even including him
Cyrus: Dragon
Kia: Ichneumon
STAG: Paramilitary unit made specifically to fight against the “dangerous” monsters/supernatural beings; dangerous being in quotes since yknow..
Jimmy Torbitson: Mad Scientist
Jenny Jaros: Nymph, probably like a Kissiae which is an ivy nymph
Genki: Chaos Demon, takes form as a Werecat because duh
Saints Row IV:
Asha: Hellhound
Scrapped Ideas:
Imp Johnny
Gorgon Kia
Satyr or Faun Carlos
Rock Golem Killbane
Ogre Killbane
Orc Cyrus
Satyr Pierce
Dragon Lin (ngl I’m still a little partial to this idea, but I couldn’t find any myths or anything that really fit her yknow?)
Chupacabra Lopez Brothers
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Ocean au (Pool of Blood part 2)
N/A: something to further this plot. A small one but the plot is kicking. I think.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
When one thing about magic, and it´s all possibilities, hardly one comes to the question "how magic breathes its first breath" because, for someone, magic is just there and will always be there, but, if you ask to Wanda Maximoff where magic start she´ll have a blast in telling all the theories she has.
Pietro knows about this. Her husband Victor knows about this and their kids know about this too. Yet, her theories and the many other wizards who delve into the subject hardly come into a consensus in regards to the question.
The best outcome that Scarlet Witch and Dr StrangeFate managed to offer to people if they really ask this question, is that this is a gift from Hecate, mother of magic, and how if you truly believe you can wielder its magic in all proprieties in your favour.
Like said before, is only a theory and no one is crazy enough to summon Hecate to make this question. Right now, Wanda´s mind is far further from the answer to this question as she´s watching her kids rehearsing for the big school play.
"Mom, you won´t do that, right?" Tommy asks pouty. "We´re just trees in this story"
"Yeah, mom, we´re just trees, dad we´re just tress" Billy agrees and Wanda and Victor smile as they show the cameras.
"Sorry, kiddo, we´ll take pictures like all the other parents, plus you two will be the cutest trees ever" And this prompts the twins to be embarrassed even more so when Wanda promised their uncle Pietro will be there to take pictures and be their fanboys. Is a nice gesture, but, they´ll still be embarrassed.
The crystal ball lights up and Tommy is the first to run to see it and waves as Dr StrangeFate is present with one cat and one dog on his lap, and Tommy says the dog looks mad at Dr StrangeFate.
"Hello, Wanda, I was doing some research and I was wondering if you know anything about Pool of Blood" is his straightforward question and Wanda frown as is visible something is up.
Her eyes land on the two animals on his lap and realization hits her. "No, I not, but, why you want to know?"
"As I said is research and nothing more. I thought you could have a leading clue about this phenomenon, but, is not important" and turns off the communication and everyone in this house, including the kids, can sense something is off.
"Dad, what´s a Pool of Blood?"
"Is a monstrosity that creates monsters"
Wanda has a bad feeling about this and she vows to call Columbina about what her animals are, but, at the moment. "Come on, little trees, you have to end the song, right?" and the boys whine together but continue to sing the lame song, in their humble opinion, for this school play.
The communication is cut short after all and Cosmo and Jupiter are not happy with Dr StrangeFate and the man knows he´s travelling in thin ice now, but, the Pool of Blood is malicious enough to cause harm and Wanda´s powers are a delicatessen for that thing.
"Let me be in her place, my powers won´t attract the attention of that thing and I know more magic than her" Dr StrangeFate speaks his case and Cosmo shakes his head as 4 eyes begin to emerge in his face and his body begins to grow.
Jupiter is nearby, walking on the corners, watching and waiting, he could end everything so easily, but, at the same time, is so rare to see Jupiter do something this drastic. Celestial mother loves monsters more than humans, but, she loves being a contradiction. Ironic, Jupiter´s patron is straightforward in his intentions.
"And what can you do to stop a Pool of Blood? How can you end it?" The dog asked bemused as the hot breath leaves his mouth. And Dr StrangeFate is left with his own mind and witts now.
"I could freeze the Pool and take it out"
"Can you freeze blood? Her blood?"
"....I´d not know"
The dog shakes his furry head and utters some Latin words, no, ancient words from other planet and time as Dr StrangeFate´s infinity stone is removed from him. "Remember, human, this power can be given and taken, and I´m her son, now, about our other plan...do you will help or not?"
"I obey Celestial Mother, her will is mine will" and this would be over if Cosmo didn´t set on fire one of Dr StrangeFate´s machines. The fire is blue and burns the machine in one go.
"Don´t go make questions your mind is not ready for the answer...and to resurrect the deads only brings problems" Cosmo replied shifting to his "normal" appearance and Jupiter still remains in silence, peering through the human´s soul. This one is different from universe 616.
"As for Columbina, you keep your mouth shut, got it?" Cosmo speaks still under the fire and Dr StrangeFate knows no blade or spell or even venom can take down Cosmo.
In the life of espionage, one thing you must always have in your mind is how to leave the scene and this is one of MJ´s best qualities if she can say so. And right now, the red hair and her assistant, Peni Parker, need to flee for their lives, but, of course, still in the characters, they are pretending to be. A lovely aunt and niece having fun in the glamorous part of New Gotham.
"I knew it! Coming to New Gotham is always bad news" MJ is complaining as she packs her package in the most calmly and aggressive way one can imagine while Peni, doing her package without caring about the order is just saying how New Gotham was not that bad.
"It has everything here. Nice buildings, nice people and...vampires" Peni states as she has her gun on position and MJ has only time to look Dark Claw and Spider-boy on their balcony.
"Are you going to shoot at me?" Dark Claw asked and the man´s voice is frightening on its own but as he stands up the effect increase 10 times more and MJ does not want Peni to die.
"I´d not know, vampire, you´re the one peeping on innocent women, not very heroic, is it?" Peni asked still with the gun in hands and she shoots Dark Claw, but, thanks to the healing factor, the wound heals the man right away.
MJ looks at Spider-boy who notices her peering gaze at him, hard to not notice, and speaks to calm down the situation, if is possible. "We mean no harm here, Dark Claw just want to be dramatic, in reality, we would like to ask if you would rather work for us...in the future"
MJ crosses her arms and exhales as her green eyes are far from pleased. "Do we really have a choice? If we say no...how can we know you´ll not throw us in jail....we´re far too valuable to you all to ever let us go" MJ states bemused.
"So, I guess, me and Peni have to stay on the JLX´s side, right?"
"Or else" Dark Claw speaks "you would rather face Kilmonger on your own, you think he wouldn´t use you two again?" and Peni and MJ exchanges looks as they really don´t want to tangle themselves between Wakanda and Kilmonger.
"Well, it seems Spider-boy puts the news nicely than you, Mr vampire" Peni states and an agreement is made, MJ may not like, but, this is the lesser of evils in her situtation. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Kurt Ryder is googling on the internet, yes sometimes even him has to rely on good and old Google, to get information about Kitty Pryde, and to his surprise, the internet has nothing useful to tell. Aside from some cat videos and some cat porn (no, Ryder does not need to know about Cats the hentai), he found next to nothing, except this one article.
"Brave little girls escape certain death by sheer luck" he reads the title and notices it has a photo of Kitty Pryde when she was younger, and a girl with green hair who is hugging Kitty (the said girl is smaller than Kitty) and continues to read "according to the police, the Ferris wheel went malfunction in the exact moment those two girls decided to join in and it was a miracle that they didn´t die, but, no one knows how the Ferris Wheel malfunction in the first place as...it was turn off in the first place, investigation will be issued and the Amusement Park Happy Land will be closed"
Kurt Ryder, if he was a less experient detective, could let this information go as it appears to be irrelevant, however, Kurt is an excellent detective and looking at the legend of the photo of the two girls he notices something crucial.
"Kitty Pryde and Lorna Dane Pryde. Two lucky survivors."
On a secret lair, a villain that the JLX hopes is really retired and will never come back to the good old days, is watching a fascinating video on the big screen thanks to his secretary/ sometimes lover provide for him. Magneto is watching a green-haired woman using her power to help someone, Magneto has no idea who is this person, but, it appears she is taking him out of the prison.
"Interesting" Magneto states. "Oracle once told me I have a lost daughter...could this be my lost daughter" and smiles proudly as the video ends with the green-haired woman taking the unknown person away.
Meanwhile, Irene has a small smile on her face. Oh, her old prophecies are coming together.
The cellphone rings loudly and Kitty answers and is no surprise to know is Jubilee as the TV is showing the news of a person is missing in the Arkhan, but, the twist in the news is that such person was actually not who he claimed to be, which means, the police make a mistake and the system arrested an innocent. And this happened in Jump City.
"Hello, Jubs" Kitty speaks still peering at the news and is impressed by Kurt and Peter´s professionalism even through Kurt confessed to Kitty, once thanks to a nice mood and delicious food, that sometimes is a pain work with Peter (and Kitty wonder if Peter thinks the same)
"Kitty, your sister was here!" and is all Jubile needs to say about the situation and Kitty can picture the image just fine.
"And let me guess? You want me to do something?"
"No, I want you to help me with a case, your sister unmask a crook system here but has no intention of helping..."
She takes the cellphone out to mutters tiredly the name Lorna and that´s the mood for this situation. "Ok, but, I´ll need a favour too if Kurt Ryder asks about me...tell him I´m a sexologist"
"Do I want to know?"
"Then ok, I´ll cover for you"
"Then...guess I´ll go to Jump City"
Sometime later, Cosmo arrives with Jupiter on his back and meet Kitty eating popcorn and greeting them, however, the cat and dog have a concern expression on their furry faces. "Someone watch Cats the movie?" and Kitty is the only to chuckle as Jupiter is not happy. "What happened?"
"Kitty, you need to gather the gang to a new heist. This time...you need to steal a Pool of Blood!"
"....sounds crazy, I´m in"
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upperstories · 5 years
(soft headcanons meme) Quasimodo
I already did Quasimodo in a previous ask… but I wanna keep posting soft headcanons for my boy. Let’s go with a Modern!AU Quasimodo!
In this AU, Quasimodo is a mechanical engineering student at NDU (Notre Dame University), and who also lives with his single father, Claude, and his 3 strange yet lovable pets (a hamster named Hugo, a great dane named Victor, and a blue macaw named Laverne). 
Due to Quasi’s numerous physical disabilities (multiple sclerosis, asthma due to a disfigured ribcage, cleft foot, scarring tissue across his face, and multiple bone displacements), Claude is knee-deep in debt with medical bills and is threatening to take Quasi out of school so they can afford to pay everything. Quasi comes to a consensus with Frollo that if he can find ways to pay for the medical bills, Claude will continue paying for school. Frollo agrees, leaving Quasi with multiple odd jobs on top of school. But Quasi pushes through it: the sooner he can get out of school, the sooner he can get a well-paying job, and the sooner he can get away from his oppressive “family”. 
And then along the way, he accidentally makes friends with an gorgeous, kind-hearted girl named Esmerelda, and her annoying, attractive (and ANNOYINGLY ATTRACTIVE…) boyfriend, Phoebus. 
what they smell like
Sandlewood, fresh laundry, and Earl Grey tea. Esmerelda introduced him to burning incense, and Quasi much prefers the natural fragrance to his old man’s air fresheners. He can only keep them in his room, or else they’ll get thrown out. His father always asks Quasi to take a shower every time he burns one, but the smell never comes off. 
what their favorite smells in the world are
Freshly cut grass, Chai Tea, and curry. He hates his three parttime jobs, but working as grounds-keeper’s assistant and mowing the school lawn is the least boring one he has, given it gives him time to enjoy being outside in the sunlight. Phoebus got him hooked on chai tea lattes, and Esmerelda got him hooked on Indian take out. 
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in
An oversized t-shirt with Bob Ross on it, and Kingdom Hearts themed boxer shorts. Phoebus made fun of him for the boxers the first night they all hung out together, but then he saw how much Quasi and Esmerelda bonded over the old game and got a pair for himself. 
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
This AU has OT3 action between Quasi/Esmerelda/Phoebus so… ;)
Esmerelda is the lead singer and college drop-out in an indie band with Clopin and a couple other fellow college drop-outs. They perform at various garage venues, which is where Fraternity Leader and star pupil Phoebus and Esmerelda met. Quasi works as a grounds-keeper at the school and has spoken with Esmerelda on occassion, but keeps at arm’s distance because he has trouble connecting with people. Until one night, where he sneaks out to go to a dance, and accidentally stumbles into the women’s bathroom in an attempt to escape the chaos. 
Where he finds the two of them kissing. And very, very drunk. 
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
Long story short, Clopin is the best wingman. 
When Quasimodo’s late-night rendesvous with Phoebus and Esmerelda start becoming a regular thing, Clopin is the first one to make an excuse for Quasimodo is Frollo ever gets wise to their act. 
a song that reminds me of them
Sleeping With a Friend by Neon Trees ;)
what position they sleep in
At first, Quasi insists that he sleep separate from the duo, as Frollo has always told Quasi that the boy’s asthma makes him snore loud enough to wake the dead. But after Esme and Phoebus’s insistance, Quasi always ends up sleeping between the both of them. He hardly snores at all anymore. 
their favorite drink
Quasi: A tie between tea and Aztec Hot Chocolate
Phoebus: Chai Tea Latte
Esmerelda: Leechee Boba
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marvelzombiespromos · 6 years
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Once they fought to protect a world that hated and feared them, now they're just fighting to not be dinner.  The X-Men have always adapted to the dangers at their door, and although the X Mansion could not withstand the encroaching hoard, those who called it home survived -- for the most part.  Now that they stand among the estimated 10% of healthy people on Earth, the mutants from the house that Xavier built can count themselves in a different, possibly more grim minority.
Victor Borkowski
Sean Cassidy
Lorna Dane
Bobby Drake
Jean Grey
Remy LeBeau
Hank McCoy
Idie Okonkwo
Kitty Pryde
Piotr Rasputin
Kurt Wagner
Warren Worthington
And many more . . .
Marvel Zombies RP is a Marvel Comics AU roleplay established 1 April 2017. We look forward to surviving with you.
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: Meet Smiler Alton (Modern Human AU)
Okay, the roller coaster OC has somehow become, at least for now, a permanent resident of my brain (and at least one Sims save file). I mentioned back when I first introduced Smiler Always to the Chill Save that I actually had three distinct Smiler variants for different universes, so let’s actually talk about those variants, shall we? Let’s start with the one that’s the most fleshed out -- a humanized Smiler OC for a modern day AU with Victor and Alice:
-->Full name is Smiler Jason Alton -- obviously the last name is from Alton Towers, but the middle name is completely random. I just wanted the “J” middle initial. It felt right somehow.
-->Birthday is May 31st (the day The Smiler coaster FINALLY opened after numerous delays), though the year obviously will vary depending on the exact year of the AU.
-->Height is 5′10″ -- I like this as it puts them exactly halfway between Alice (5′5″ in my head) and Victor (6′3″).
-->Nonbinary, as previously stated for the Sims version -- they were assigned male at birth, but switched to “they/them” pronouns as a preteen as they came to feel that they didn’t really fit in that box.
-->Panromantic pansexual -- no gender preferences or anything here, they just know who they like, and they like a lot of people. XD
-->Their appearance basically corresponds with the “regular form” of my Sim Smiler Always, with the obvious caveat that, for them, the bright yellow eyes are contacts. Their real eye color is a pale blue.
-->First name on their birth certificate? Marmaduke. I don’t know the in-universe reason yet, but out-of-universe, I was trying to come up with a name that invoked the Marmaliser/marmalisation process key to the ride’s theming (the Marmaliser is in fact the big spidery thing the ride loops through), and “Marmaduke” was the first thing that popped into my head. I was like “seriously, brain? -- let’s keep it, gives them a good reason to always go by Smiler.” Which, incidentally, they started going by at a VERY young age, like five. Because they are NOT a comic strip Great Dane, thank you very much.
-->They’re adopted! Their birth mother gave them up in the hospital, stating she was not ready to be a mom, and Smiler was happily quickly matched with a waiting couple, Matthew and Carol Alton. AKA, the couple from the Smiler Shop TV video, only a little less creepy. XD (Look, it’s one of my favorite Smiler-related videos, and the shocking height difference between them always amazes and amuses me, let me have my fun.)
-->Matthew and Carol were part of the Advocates cult when they were younger, but ended up leaving and blowing the whistle on the whole organization when they discovered that their leader, Dr. Kelman, was performing illegal brain surgery on some members and just -- shoving his failures in the basement of his house. They still strongly believe in the message of the Advocates, though, which is that happiness for everyone should be maximized whenever possible. They’ve imparted this belief to their child -- it’s a good part of the reason why they ended up choosing the name “Smiler.”
-->As a result of this upbringing, Smiler has developed an interest in psychology, and is majoring in it in college -- they don’t know if they’re gonna go all the way to psychologist/psychiatrist, but they want to know how people tick so they can do SOMETHING to help make them happier. They also developed an interest in various mind-manipulation techniques, including hypnosis. . .
-->and they’re REALLY fuckin’ good at it. Like, they seem to have a natural knack. Smiler happily hones their craft on friends as a teen, then -- once of legal age, probably twenty or so -- makes some files and posts them on a website for people who might be feeling down and wouldn’t mind some hypnosis to cheer them up. Well, hypnosis with a “medical experiment” theme -- the idea is that the files follow the “marmalisation” process from the coaster’s theming (getting a dose of joy serum (Inoculator), being tickled (Tickler), being disorientated by a bright flashing light (Flasher), getting dosed with giggler gas (Giggler), and finally a focus back on the hypnosis part (Hypnotizer)). There’s a few variations, including one that goes in the order the elements are presented on the actual ride (Flasher, Tickler, Giggler, Inoculator, Hypnotizer), and a few that leave out elements someone might be uncomfortable with (like a non-Flasher version for people who either dislike flashing lights, or can’t watch them without harm). All of them are clearly labeled, say what’s in them, and don’t have any weird post-hypnotics, because being open and honest is important for happiness too! And yes, the logo for the site is the Smiler logo. XD
-->As for how they meet Victor and Alice in this kind of verse. . .well, Victor ends up stumbling across Smiler’s site during his web browsing one day. He’s intrigued by the descriptions of the files, but too shy to use them -- until one extremely stressful day makes him go “they’re promising to make you happy” and gets him to try one. He ends up really liking the experience, and starts going back to the site regularly to help with his stress and anxiety, leaving a few nice comments on the videos.
-->And then, while at college, he meets Alice (I haven’t decided how yet, possibly they just bump into each other one day) and they end up hitting it off and starting a relationship after a few months. Victor, feeling vaguely guilty about enjoying the files, tells Alice about the site and his regular visits -- Alice is a bit confused, but assures him she isn’t about to stop him doing something he enjoys -- especially if it helps with his stress levels, because ye gods man.
-->Victor and Alice’s backstories, btw:
Victor: Victoria and Emily are both alive in this verse; what would have been the events of Corpse Bride take place in their senior year of high school; his parents pushed him into dating Victoria but fortunately he liked her, he met Emily who got the wrong idea about how serious they were and accused him of cheating after spotting him with Victoria; things got resolved after they all had to team up to stop Emily’s bastard ex Barkis victimizing Victoria; they all agree to just be friends afterward; eventually Victoria and Emily get together instead after Emily realizes she’s only biromantic and not interested in men sexually; they are all still friends but Victor does have some lingering worries about relationships after all this
Alice: Shares her name with the historical Alice and adopted the Wonderland books as her own as a kid; still lost her family to a house fire set by Bumby, who was able to cover his tracks (possibly with some bribes to the police); still spent ten years catatonic in Rutledge, though at least it wasn’t QUITE as horrible a place because it wasn’t a Victorian asylum (still underfunded and containing people like Pris Witless and the Monroe twins, though); ended up in Bumby’s halfway home and discovered his actual business; still pushed him in front of a train and managed not to get caught because he’d disabled the security cameras on the platform for his own shady business deals; now living with her old Nanny while she works to get her life properly back together, including catching up on high school and maybe getting an associate’s degree
-->Anyway, Alice and Smiler end up in a class together at college, where she immediately suspects they’re the person from Victor’s favorite site by their name -- but it’s not until Victor bumps into Smiler while coming to greet her afterward, only to freeze when Smiler replies to his apology with it’s all fine, that she knows. She encourages Victor to tell Smiler in person how their site has helped him -- Victor’s shy about it at first, but eventually does so, and Smiler’s thrilled.
-->The three end up becoming friends after this, and after a while Smiler offers to hypnotize Victor in person. Victor, embarrassed, is forced to admit that sometimes he gets kind of turned on by the files, but Smiler assures him that that’s fine, we’re all friends, we get it, and Alice says that, again, his kinks are his kinks even if she doesn’t always get them. So he agrees, and they have a hypnosis session. . .
-->Cue for Smiler the awkward realization that they’re developing romantic feelings for Victor, and Alice the awkward realization that her asexuality has an exception and it’s apparently Victor in trance.
-->Fortunately, the three immediately realize they need to talk to each other, and they regroup over pizza the next day. Alice, who has noticed how close Smiler and Victor have been getting, promptly tells the pair that she has no problem with them being in a threesome, even if she personally has no romantic feelings for Smiler. (”No offense.” “None taken! I’m not for everyone.”) And after it comes out that they really all have compatible kinks centering around Victor being hypnotized. . .
-->Cue happy threesome having happy threesome times! They eventually get a house together and it’s all good.
-->Bonus idea I don’t know if I’m gonna use -- my initial thought for a pet for Smiler was a tarantula named Marmalade, for the Marmalizer structure. I personally don’t like spiders, but it felt right. Might actually bring the frog from Sims 4 into it too, if I can think of a name.
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nekoannie-chan · 10 months
Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Round 2 2023 Masterlist
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English version/ Versión en inglés
I publish my works in Spanish and English.
Aquí puedes leer la versión en español.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Main masterlist.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
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All my entries for @marvelrarepairbingo​ @marvelrarepairs​ Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Round 2 2023:
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A different celebration.
Ship: Wanda Maximoff & Clint Barton (Friendship).
Word count: 595 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: B1 “All Hallow’s Eve”.
Summary: Wanda discovers how All Hallow's Eve is celebrated with Clint's help.
Warnings/Tags: All Hallow’s Eve celebration, candies, costumes, trick-or-treat.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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Affectionate gesture
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt (Love).
Word count: 636 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: B2 “Weird Affectionate Gesture”.
Summary: Brock wants to show Sinthea how much he loves her.
Warnings/Tags: Weird present, guns, Brock tries to being romantic.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too. 
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Opening the heart.
Ship: Wanda Maximoff X Victor von Doom (Love).
Word count: 736 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: B3 “Zombie Apocalypse AU”.
Summary: Wanda and Victor talk about some stuff that happened at the beginning of the apocalypse.
Warnings/Tags: Mention of characters’ death, zombie apocalypse.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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A (not) good cake slice.
Ship: Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers (Friendship).
Word count: 632 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: B4 “Sharing a really decadent piece of cake”.
Summary: Wanda and Steve wanted to talk and enjoy a slice of cake.
Warnings/Tags: horrible piece of cake, refuse the service in a cafeteria.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Are we friends?”
 ”I don’t think so”
Ship: Ororo Munroe & Lorna Dane (Friendship).
Word count: 562 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: B5 “Roommates”.
Summary: Lorna and Ororo have to share Ororo’s bedroom, what could be the problem?
Warnings/Tags: Arguing, the school was damage, sharing a bedroom.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Stuffed animals”
Ship: The divine pairing (Love).
Word count: 532 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: I1 “Favorite stuffed animal”.
Summary: Tandy and Tyrone talk about childhood memories.
Warnings/Tags: Stuffed animals, fluff.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Bewitched crossroads”
Ship: Morgan le Fay X Stephen Strange (Love).
Word count: 502 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: I2 “Blue collar warlock”.
Summary: Disadvantages of being the Supreme Sorcerer.
Warnings/Tags: Sad ending, forbidden love.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too. 
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“Stargazing love”
Ship: Crystal Amaquelin X Pietro Maximoff (Love).
Word count: 542 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: I3 “Lying in a field stargazing”.
Summary: A special starry night for Pietro and Crystal.
Warnings/Tags: Stargazing, walking in the woods, love declaration, fluff.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Against the ghost”
Ship: Reed Strucker X Caitlin Strucker (Love).
Word count:
Rating: Teen.
Square: I4 “Ghostbusters AU”.
Summary: Reed and Caitlin will save their children, no matters what.
Warnings/Tags: Ghost, ghostbusters.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Trapped in the unknown”
Ship: Sue Storm X Victor von Doom (Love).
Word count: 618 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: I5 “Scary encounter: someone with creepy long arms than can reach you anywhere”.
Summary: Sue and Victor found a very scary being.
Warnings/Tags: Scary encounter, horror.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Staff unveiled”
Ship: Tina Minoru X Robert Minoru (Love).
Word count: 528 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: N1 “Tarot: the high priestess”.
Summary: Tina and Robert make an important decision.
Warnings/Tags: Argue, decisions.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Old pets”
Ship: Anna Marie D’Ancanto & James Howlett (Friendship).
Word count: 549 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: N2 “Pets”.
Summary: Rogue and Logan talked about their pets.
Warnings/Tags: Pets, little sad maybe.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Soul enemies”
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt (Love).
Word count: 564 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: N3 “Free”.
Summary: Is Brock against his number one enemy.
Warnings/Tags: Pets.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Temple in the forest”
Ship: Lorna Dane & Steve Rogers (Friendship).
Word count: 681 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: N4 “Into the forest”.
Summary: There’s something strange in the forest.
Warnings/Tags: Enchanted forest, magic.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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Ship: (Not) Brock Rumlow X Jemma Simmons (Love).
Word count: 538 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: N5 “Discovering someone’s secret identity”.
Summary: Jemma discovers a horrible secret.
Warnings/Tags: Skrull, betrayal, heartbroken.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Urban building”
Ship: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rollins (Friendship).
Word count: 530 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: G1 “Scary urban legend”.
Summary: Urban legends aren’t real, are they?
Warnings/Tags: Urban legends come true, enchanted building.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Now is real”
Ship: Thunderblink (Love).
Word count: 502 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: G2 “Pretend couple becomes real”.
Summary: Clarice and John finally admit their feelings.
Warnings/Tags: Love, fluff, undercover mission.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Not an alliance”
Ship: Raven Darkholme & Erik Lensherr (Work).
Word count: 511 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: G3 “Shapeshifters”.
Summary: Can mutants have an alliance with shapeshifters?
Warnings/Tags: Shapeshifters, argue.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“I can’t believe it”
Ship: Eclaris (Love).
Word count: 540 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: G4 “Dealing with a betrayal”.
Summary: Can Marcos forgive Lorna and protect their child?
Warnings/Tags: Betrayal.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Melted gift”
Ship: Anna Marie D’Ancanto X Robert Drake (Love).
Word count: 100 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: G5 “Melted ice cream”.
Summary: Bobby cook something special for Rogue.
Warnings/Tags: Melted ice cream.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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Ship: Thunderblink (Love).
Word count: 521 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: O1 “Survival instinct”.
Summary: Clarice and John need to use their abilities to escape from danger.
Warnings/Tags: Escaping, Sentinels, Purifiers.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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“Not normal photos”
Ship: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship).
Word count: 564 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: O2 “Spooky photographs”.
Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house.
Warnings/Tags: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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Ship: Deanoru (Love).
Word count: 507 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: O3 “Sequins/Glitter”.
Summary: Karolina loves glitter, Nico doesn’t.
Warnings/Tags: Glitter, fluff, femslash.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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Ship: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Friendhship).
Word count: 542 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: O4 “Necromancer”.
Summary: A necromancer can’t be a problem for Nico, right?
Warnings/Tags: Necromancer, spirits, talking to the dead.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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Ship: Karolina Dean X Julie Power (Love).
Word count: 100 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: O5 “Surprise”.
Summary: Julie wanna surprise Karolina.
Warnings/Tags: Secret garden, secret gift, femslash.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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gaysupersoldiers · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Young Avengers, House of M, Marvel, The Runaways Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan Characters: Teddy Altman, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Lorna Dane, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Jonas (Vision), Victor Mancha, Chase Stein, Molly Hayes, Nico Minoru, Erik Lehnsherr, Kate Bishop, Cassie Lang, America Chavez Additional Tags: Criminal AU, FBI AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Temporary Amnesia Summary:
Agent Theodore Altman has been chasing an unknown criminal for most of his professional career. He feels like he's closing in on the culprit when things go horribly wrong.
Months later, he is being wooed by a mysterious man who seems familiar. The only problem is that Teddy can't remember the last five years of his life.
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beebrainedstudios · 2 years
Black Heart Scarring Darker Still (White Wolves of London Pt. 1)
Finally, a Vicious fic! I have several in the works but this is the first I’ve finished, and unsurprisingly it’s for a Shades of Magic crossover. I’ve been playing around with this concept for a few days and it’s a lot of fun, especially in regard to how I though it might cross over with the Shades of Magic storyline. We don’t quite get there in this fic since it’s basically a prologue, but as a little hint- I’ve been calling this the Victor Dane AU.  Questions about this AU are welcome as I continue to flesh it out. Enjoy!
(BTW, the title’s from Metallica’s The Unforgiven II.)
Warnings for hypothermia, mild profanity, and brief allusions to death, murder, and injury!
10 Years Before the Danes’ Ascension to the Maktahn Throne. Merit, North of Makt.
The wind howled outside the gates of Wrighton. 
Winter had struck the Northern Kingdoms hard, even harder than usual, bringing with it snow, hail, and a persistent chill that had swept like a wraith throughout the land. It was the first thing Victor noticed as he was shoved to the ground outside the city gates; the wind was howling, drowning out the sounds of the world with its bitter piercing cry. It threw icy flakes like daggers at his eyes, his hair, his skin, striking whatever wasn’t hidden behind cloth, metal, and leather with bracing cold. The air was a blow in itself, stronger even than the hand at his back that had forced him through the streets, from the palace to the outer walls, a warmth that dissipated with a final shove that pushed him into the snowy mud. Victor cursed at the biting wet that soaked eagerly into his pants and sleeves, the cold kissing the skin underneath with all the gentleness of a wolf’s teeth before it was wicked away. The pain flickered at the edges of his magic, taunting, but the power in his veins was still drunk on poison, and he couldn’t summon it to help. 
The king cleared his throat, quieting the outrage of the court. Victor raised one brow at the sound, but didn’t look up to meet his gaze, evidently preoccupied with something caught under one of his nails.
“Victor Vale, the crown has sentenced you to exile for the murder of Court Mage Angie Knight and violation of the codes of magic. Do you have anything you wish to address before the throne?”
Victor’s eyes flicked up, a flash of blue lightning before they once again fell to his fingers. He seemed completely unconcerned with the trial, as if it was just another court proceeding that he’d seen a dozen times, not his own crimes being laid bare on the stand. The statement hadn’t rattled him at all, even as the word murder bounced around the room, passed between attendants in whispered breaths. The prince himself, a murderer, and evidently a guiltless one at that.
“It wasn’t a murder.”
The king leaned forward in his seat, eyes narrowed, while the queen barely hid her disgusted expression behind her hand. “A death is a death, Vale. That is the only truth we care about in this throne room.”
The other man could have said many things then, mentioned the bodies the royals had buried themselves, many of which he’d seen himself, but he chose not to. Victor was already bored with the trial, and he had somewhere to be before dark. 
“And an accident is an accident, my liege, but we all know you know that too. Magic is magic. Death is death. But unless you intend to bore me to death, I suggest you move on with this.”
“That’s all you have to say before you leave this kingdom? The one you betrayed, the one you failed?”
Hypocrite, Victor thought to himself. “I’ll be back eventually.”
The king sputtered, red as yew berries, before flicking one hand at the guards still lingering along the wall. “Get him out of here.” He muttered, his voice muffled by the gasps and shouts of the audience, all shocked by the audacity of the former prince’s claim. He had to raise his voice to be heard again by the man being dragged out, but Victor still heard him loud and clear. He wanted to remember that voice, those words, if only to punish him for them later.
“You’d better hope not, Vale, or I’ll gut you in this throne room myself.”
Snow crunched beneath the guard’s feet as he wordlessly walked back towards the city. There was no ceremony now, no words of scorn or apology- nothing at all. All of that had been reserved for the court, for the crown’s second recital of his offenses and his own characteristically cold response. Now there was only the shriek of a White world’s winter. For the barest moment, Victor, as he pushed himself shakily to his feet, was thankful that his parents had raided his wardrobe before casting him out. A dark tailcoat fronted by two rows of silver buttons, gray woolen pants, leather boots and leather gloves and a half-cloak the color of old blood; they’d sent a guard to his cell with the change of clothes before his second sentencing, and while they were insufficient to protect him from the cold for long, they’d at least ensure that he wouldn’t immediately succumb before he found who he was looking for.
Not that his parents knew about that part, anyways.
No, the warmth was not a gift, not a final act of love from his parents, Victor thought grimly as the gate behind him slammed shut, his own feet finally shifting into a slow trudge through the snow, away from Wrighton. He didn’t look back. He and his parents had been past the point of niceties for a long time. It was an attempt, likely in vain, to stave off any more embarrassment on their account. They’d sentenced Merit’s prince- their son- to exile, and the last thing they’d wanted was for him to show up to court and be marched through the street in prison clothes. Victor was still a Vale by blood if not by title anymore, and they’d never want to be associated with the man that had first surfaced from the dungeons, gaunt and in desperate need of both a mirror and a haircut. They’d wanted a ceremonial dagger, polished and impractically perfect, but he’d been a knife freshly-used, bloodstained and sharp and chipped in places. Victor wasn’t going to complain about their vanity, though- he would have been a liar if he’d said he hadn’t been relieved at the sight of his old clothes and the prospect of a little self-care. Just a little, to get ready for the crowds. For his parents. For Eli.
And yet, the only one he’d actually wanted to show up hadn’t even bothered.
Crows, Eli was going to suffer someday.
As angry as the thought of his friend made him, he had bigger problems than a self-righteous healer to worry about. Victor pulled up the hood of his cloak and squinted through the snow, his eyes roving for a moment before catching on a dark blurry line a mile or two away, nearly hidden behind the hills and the ice-fogged air. Wrighton sat squarely in a large valley, surrounded on nearly all sides by rolling tundra and the foothills of two mountain ranges that surrounded Merit’s capital like the arms of an embrace. Victor couldn’t see the stony peaks through the blustering wind, but he’d seen them in the summer and knew their direction well enough to orient himself. He wasn’t heading directly for them anyways- the mountain paths would have been locked in this time of year by ice and snow, impassable to all but the wild creatures that stalked among the cliffs. He’d heard that they’d once been open year-round before the Split, guarded by wind, stone, and water mages who’d cleared the trails for travelers on behalf of all the Northern Kingdoms’ rulers, ensuring trade with the South and each other never ceased. But ever since the Red World had thrown up the gates, there hadn’t been enough magic in White to warrant such a luxury.
Victor cursed as his foot caught on some hidden stone, nearly sending him to the ground. There was no time to ruminate on the past failings of the worlds. It would be dark soon, and he couldn’t afford to spend a night exposed. Right now, he could still see the treeline, but in an hour or two that would change, and if he got lost he’d freeze to death before he ever found his way back. Maybe they meant it that way, Victor’s thoughts hissed, somewhat dazed. Maybe they wanted me to freeze.
He wouldn’t- Victor Vale was not a fucking quitter.
Victor set off for the forest, gritting his teeth at the ache that was slowly starting to bleed into his legs. For two years, the bounds of his life had been marked by stone walls four strides apart- three if he was really stepping out- and those limits had worn down his endurance. He’d never been an athlete, but he definitely wasn’t built for plowing through calf-deep snow in the dwindling light of a winter day, especially after imprisonment and a recent poisoning. His magic, which was usually all he needed to quiet any pain, was sloshing around inside him like dregs in a wine glass, muddled by the inky vile liquid that had been forced down his throat before his sentencing- a precaution against his powers. It was a standard part of the procedure that Victor had been made aware of beforehand, but he hadn’t expected it to be so debilitating. His thoughts swam, brittle and faded, held together only by his will and singular goal to reach the trees. The prickling energy that sang beneath his skin like lightning in a bottle was notably absent, the threads of his power unmoored and drifting. His stomach hurt, pounding dully in time with his heart, and there was a thick, gluey taste in his mouth left over from the drug. Between its after effects and the sharp stinging cold that was nipping at his fingertips, Victor was stumbling like a drunkard through the tundra, half-certain that he wasn’t going to make it even as his stubborn will pushed him onward with a wrathful thought for every step.
You will not die, not here, not now. You are going to live. You are going to flood your enemies with the pain of centuries. You will rule your kingdom. You will find Eli. You will, you will, you will…
The sun sank further and further in the sky, marked by the faintest glow of light that managed to break through the snowstorm. Soon, it was perched atop one of the mountain ridges, looking down onto the valley with the dullest interest, evidently unwilling to put more effort into warming the earth than its current meager state. The mountains before it had slowly slipped into view as Victor approached the end of the eastern ridge, near the tip of the valley where the peaks met and fell into nothing. They were pale, less shapes of their own than specters that blocked the light, and he could feel the rising chill as the sun sank behind them. Around him, the tundra dulled, the faint tones of yellow and blue that shined palely in the snow fading into gray, leaving the tundra a plain of ash rather than ice. The sky dimmed until it was a charcoal gray studded with lighter clouds- it wouldn’t grow fully black with all the snow in the air, which trapped the last dregs of light in its mirrored flakes. It, like everything else in White, could only manage a half-hearted attempt. 
The trees were close now, only another hill away, so Victor tucked his head down further and pushed, pushed again, willing frozen muscles that were burning with exhaustion to just keep going. His shirt was soaked with melted snow and sweat, the lukewarm water quickly freezing again in a constant cycle that left him shaking and stiff. His fingers had gone past cold into numbness, and he knew he only had a little longer before he’d start to feel warm again- a death knell. For not the first time, he wished he’d been born a fire mage- the element was common and somewhat weakened by the state of the world’s magic, but even a candle’s flame would have been helpful right now. His own threads, strengthened by the rune at his back, couldn’t help him now. Pain couldn’t help him now, not when there was nobody to ruin. And it didn’t even matter what kind of power coursed through his body if there was poison getting in the way. 
Victor felt a snarl escape between his teeth as the ground shifted beneath him, the upward ice-slicked plain finally leveling out. The sun was gone, had been for the past several minutes, but the snow and clouds together reflected light, just enough to see by. In the eerily bright half-light of the storm, he could see the ground gradually falling in front of him to merge with a row of snow-dusted pines a few yards away. A faint glow of relief filled Victor’s chest, and he took a precious second to dust the snow off his cloak.
Something wrong stopped him, and his eyes fell to his gloved fingers, noting the quick, stiff jerk of his limbs that drained all of the brief relief away. 
His hands weren’t shaking. 
A single thought echoed in his head, smoothed out from the rest of the swirling voices. Pure reason, and beneath that, panic.
Trees. Now. 
Victor lunged for the pines as the slick ice slipped beneath his boots, sending him head-over-heels down the slope and into the snow for the second time that day. He shoved himself stiffly to his knees, ignoring the way his fingers refused to curl, the way his mind was rapidly beginning to blur, the way his chest had started to thaw out. He only kept moving, limping into the woods with only a face to drive him on. Everything else- the ice against his skin, his thoughts, the sounds of the taiga- had faded into nothing like the sunlight. That face, that goal. He had to, he needed to find his friend.
The wind was quieter here, blocked by a fortress of branches and piles of snow. Trees soared above him like spearpoints, their needles coated with the same white powder that crunched crisply beneath his boots. It sounded nice, in a way, like the gravel shifting beneath his back when he and Eli used to lie down in the palace gardens, trying to imagine what plants looked like in full bloom. They’d laughed a lot on those days, even more when Angie was around, and crows did he miss both of them right now. His feet slid to a halt as he tried to drag up the memories, quieting the rustling sound beneath near-forgotten conversations. Angie and her laugh, so different from the choked gasp that had been her last breath, and Eli and his smile, so unlike the grimace across his face as he’d drawn back on his bowstring-
His gaze slid around the forest, unable to find anything but the same tall trees, straight as arrows piercing the sky. They reminded Victor of Eli, his best friend and only his best friend and maybe also his enemy, but he was too tired to remember why they’d started hating each other.
Which friend was he looking for again?
Pain suddenly blossomed under his skin, above his heart, in his side, beside his spine, echoes of arrows, harsh against the backdrop of the warming cold. His knees ached terribly, his hair was frozen into spikes, and his entire body felt too cold and too numb and too hot all at once. He wanted to lie down in the snow, like he had before with Eli, and bury himself in it until he was hidden from view. Until there were no arrows, no bodies, just himself and the cold drawing out all of the liquid fire that had curled inside his ribs.
A chuckle rocked Victor’s body, shaking him harder than the missing shivers, and with a final grunt he slid down into the snow, pawing at the clasp of his cloak.
Maybe I am a fire mage, maybe, maybe I…
“Shit, Vic, what are you doing!?”
Footsteps thudded behind him, drawing closer, and somehow between one and the next Victor was sprawled on his back in the white ice, terribly warm and desperately trying to tear off his cloak for a little air. He’d never been so hot in his life, he felt like he was going to melt into a pale puddle right there on the ground, so when someone slid next to him and snatched his hands away from his cloak’s pin, he hissed in rage. “Let g-go!” His voice shuddered terribly- surely from the heat at this point, a far more pressing issue than the stranger. He tried to pull his hands back, but the newcomer’s grip was a vise around each wrist, stronger than the shackles he’d worn a day before, or had it been two?
Crows, it was too hot.
“No, Vic, no, you’re going to freeze if you pull that off! Just calm down, stop fighting, just stop-”
The man overhead was massive and wrapped in a thick fur hood and cloak; he looked more bear than human, but Victor swore he’d heard that voice before somewhere. It wasn’t Eli- he sounded like sugar most of the time, a contrast to the bitterness he hid inside- but it suddenly occurred to him that Eli wasn’t there, he was back in Wrighton, no doubt savoring Victor’s exile like the smug bastard he was. But if Eli was in Wrighton, and he’d been looking for a friend, he remembered that much, then who…
“Of course it’s me, you asked me to wait for you!”
All of it came rushing back, the planning, Mitch’s own release a week prior, their time together in the dungeon. Victor remembered Mitch, each thought slowly sharpening the man overhead into focus- tattooed, imposing, and a full head taller than anybody else Victor had ever seen. A man with a body meant for the barracks if there ever was one and a mind far stronger than his muscles. Mitch’s gaze was simultaneously calculating and concerned for Victor’s state. The paler man swallowed down a sudden urge to chide Mitch for the worry. Such care would be a weakness for anyone else, but Mitch was tough enough to handle it and he had been Victor’s ally, and certainly the closest thing he had to a friend- a non-backstabbing, unmalicious one- since they’d met. 
Usually, the pair worked well in tandem, two bones in a joint working in unison, but now there was something out-of-sync. Unlike Victor, Mitch was obviously freezing, shivering like a leaf as he struggled to get something soft and fuzzy wrapped around the other man’s narrow shoulders. Meanwhile, Victor was burning up, and, reminded of his state, Victor began to snap at him again, this time with all the force of the domineering personality he’d been known for back home. “Stop it! I-It’s too hot!” He swatted at Mitch’s hands like an angry cat, but between Mitch’s size and his own stiffness, it was like beating a stick against a stone wall- pointless. There was nothing he could do before he was swathed in fur blankets and suspended in the other’s arms.
Victor didn’t let it stop him.
“Mitch, y-y-you absolute g-git, get m-me out of this before I s-stab you with my c-cloak pin.”
Mitch for his part seemed equally undeterred, all of his focus set on marching back the way he came through the woods with Victor in tow. Victor’s blows, if they could even be called blows, couldn’t even catch his attention.
“No Vic, you’ll die if I do that now. You’re freezing to death.”
“N-no I’m not, I’m o-overheating-”
“Vic, I s-swear on every snow-forsaken tree in this forest that you, in fact, are not melting or burning up or whatever else your overdramatic tail has come up with. You are freezing,” He emphasized the last word as he pulled the edge of the blanket higher on Victor’s chest, his own teeth chattering faintly. “End of story, and you know that feeling hot d-during the winter means you’re actually frozen. You know that, so stop wriggling.”
Victor paused, considering, still unconvinced by his own lack of shivers and the fire within his chest. Anyone worth their salt in the North knew the symptoms of cold exposure, but his mind was conveniently refusing to yield most of that information, still focused on the lingering thoughts of fire and confusion from earlier. Considering that he’d had a lapse of clarity so strong he’d thought he still liked Eli a minute ago, he arguably wasn’t in a position to trust his judgment. Another minute passed as he considered whether or not even considering his own mental state qualified as sound logic, before he finally gave up with a huff and settled down, satisfied to at least test Mitch’s theory for curiosity’s sake. It wasn’t like testing theories had ever hurt him before. 
“I-if I die, it’s on y-you.”
“Guard’s honor Victor, you are absolutely dying of cold right now.”
Another huff. “You die o-once, y-you’ve died a thou-thousand times.”
“Shut up and warm up. Now.”
An hour or so later, the world was still cloaked in shades of gray, with the dark trees and pale snow standing in stark contrast in the misty air. Victor squinted at it and the few flakes that made it past the foliage through the sparks of a fire, his mind caught somewhere else as he dreamed about the future, shivering all the while.
A few minutes after his discovery, Mitch had arrived at a pre-made camp, the one he’d promised to make and wait at for Victor’s arrival. He’d propped Victor against a tree and they’d gone about the tricky business of warming someone away from the brink of death. Now, Victor was in drier, warmer clothes and in several layers of blankets, and between them and the crackling heat of the flames, he was much warmer. Technically- he still felt like a block of ice.
The plan was to move out at dawn when the weather warmed; Mitch assured him that he’d left everything they’d need to escape Merit in a nearby town, but it was too dark and too cold to try and make it there tonight. Victor had agreed with Mitch’s plan without complaint- he felt much better, especially in terms of his mental function, but he wasn’t going to risk exposure again for the sake of a few saved hours.
“What about Makt?”
Victor shook his head tiredly, trying to will his muscles to still and his teeth to stop chattering. Freezing to death had definitely been unpleasant, but the symptoms of recovery were making it very hard to be grateful for the rescue. 
“No, it’s too far away to be worth it, and t-there’s enough unrest there as it is. Too much competition. We’re better suited staying c-c-close to Merit.”
Mitched hummed his acknowledgement, leaning forward to stir the fire’s cinders with a stick. Like Victor, he’d warmed up since reaching the campsite, and was no longer shivering from the cold. He’d taken off his cloak and coat before rolling his sleeves to his elbows, trying to avoid anything igniting as he tended to the fire. Under the fabric, there’d only been skin and ink. There were no spell marks on his arms, no runes or brands, only several dark tattoos curved into different shapes. Victor had noticed in prison- it was one of the first things he’d noticed, something that had clued him in to the fact that Mitch was more than he seemed. He’d had no trace of magic lingering in his wake, never tried summoning a spell as a means of escape or victory in a fight. Mitch didn’t have any magic, and unlike most of the White world, he’d chosen to accept that, refusing to mark his skin with runes or brands that promised a modicum of power. Instead, he’d decorated himself with ink for no more reason than he liked the look, and to Victor, that was a sign of strength. A willingness to work with the cards life dealt you instead of demanding more.
Not that he was going to judge those who did- he had his own rune to bear.
After a few more prods from the stick, a dazzling cloud of sparks rose from the flames with a sharp crack, the fire’s protest to the intrusion, and Victor watched each one rise, trying to find a pattern to the flight of the swirling lights. 
“We’ll start at Esquire.”
Mitch’s brows cut sharp arcs across his face, surprise leaking through his voice. “Why there?” Esquire was a city-state that sat just past the mountains and the valley’s end. It was acceptable as any place in the North, but there wasn’t much to distinguish it from anywhere else. Just a large city with its own monarchs and  a criminal underbelly that Victor seemingly wanted to burrow into.
Victor met Mitch’s gaze through the haze of the flames, blue eyes bright as the floating cinders. “It’s close and it’s small. When t-the time comes, it will be easy to seize, and t-then we can expand from there. Get more territory, get m-more men, and then… he looked up towards the sky, searching through the darkness that could have been pines or could have been sky, watching as each spark rose until it faded into oblivion. He watched it and imagined the same light disappearing in a pair of warm brown eyes- the same eyes that had flashed with anger as they’d watched three arrows pierce through Victor’s flesh. 
He would smother that light.
He would ruin it.
And he would kill Eli Ever if it was the last thing he ever did.
“Then we t-take the throne.”
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Ballerina Vfhd Fr Streaming Vf En Complet 2016 Illimité
Ballerina Vfhd Fr Streaming Vf En Complet 2016 Illimité
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[Vfhd@fr] » Ballerina Film avec sous-titres français » Ballerina
Ballerina (2016) [Vfhd@fr] Streaming complet vf Avec sous-titres anglais et français
Notes de film: 7.2/10 1,313 röster
Date de sortie: 2016-12-14
Production: Main Journey / Caramel Films / Quad Productions /
Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballerina
Genres: AnimationAventureComédieFamilial
Félicie est une jeune orpheline bretonne qui n’a qu’une passion : la danse. Avec son meilleur ami Victor qui aimerait devenir un grand inventeur, ils mettent au point un plan rocambolesque pour s’échapper de l’Orphelinat, direction Paris, ville lumière et sa Tour Eiffel en construction ! Félicie devra se battre comme jamais, se dépasser et apprendre de ses erreurs pour réaliser son rêve le plus fou : devenir danseuse étoile à l’Opéra de Paris…
Ballerina [Vfhd@fr] Streaming complet vf Avec sous-titres anglais et français
Titre du film: Ballerina Popularité: 24.684 Durée: 90 Minutes Slogan: Une étoile va naître
Streaming en HD
Ballerina streaming complet film vf avec sous-titres français gratuitement. Regardez un film en ligne ou regardez les meilleures vidéos HD 1080p gratuites sur votre ordinateur de bureau, ordinateur portable, ordinateur portable, tablette, iPhone, iPad, Mac Pro et plus encore.
Ballerina – Acteurs et actrices
Elle Fanning Félicie Milliner (voice)
Dane DeHaan Victor (voice)
Carly Rae Jepsen Odette (voice)
Maddie Ziegler Camille Le Haut (voice)
Mel Brooks Mustachioed Creep (voice)
Julie Khaner Regine Le Haut (voice)
Terrence Scammell Merante (voice)
Joe Sheridan Director of Opera (voice)
Ballerina Bande annonce
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Ballerina (2016)
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