#victor garber imagine
slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
-_- Still no Callaghan, but I offer a Freddy ask for you!
Imagine watching the Titanic with Freddy. He expects you to start crying and her prepares to do that cheesy arm stretch thing to comfort you. But then you start getting scared, Freddy realizes that chance to get close to you isn't going to work like he initially thought XD
Eeeee!! When you sent this I was watching Titanic Til Tok's (specifically Thomas Andrews a.k.a Victor Garber a.k.a Callahan movie ver.) on my phone and a Robert Englund interview on the TV as well so just-- perfect timing haha XD
!!! AND THIS!! Exactly right, haha XDD
You touch me charcoal nugget and you're gonna get a foot to the face I have to be ready to run if theirs a spontaneous tsunami in any moment that creates a Titanic-like destruction right here right now. You're not takin me down with you, no way. Back off. I'll use you as a floatation device if I must.
Freddy: c h i l l
Me: You chill.
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joyland2022 · 1 year
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imagine if this was the new victor garber...
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
okay. this isn’t a knock on victor, but halfway through I gotta say. I think he’s wasted on the role of frank. he’s doing a good performance, but when thinking of willie and booth and applegate, garber’s REALLY good at being able to capture a wide range of intensity that is especially highlighted when he does get to present a cheerful front, especially when there’s an element of malice and/or desperation baked into his character. weirdly enough I feel like I would’ve loved to see victor as charlie. like can you imagine ‘franklin shepard inc’. oh my god
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In the upscale Toronto strip club Exotica, dancer Christina is visited nightly by the obsessive Francis, a depressed tax auditor. Her ex-boyfriend, the club’s MC, Eric, still jealously pines for her even as he introduces her onstage, but Eric is having his own relationship problems with the club’s female owner. Thomas, a mysterious pet-shop owner, is about to become unexpectedly involved in their lives. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Francis: Bruce Greenwood Christina: Mia Kirshner Eric: Elias Koteas Thomas: Don McKellar Tracey Brown: Sarah Polley Zoe: Arsinée Khanjian Harold: Victor Garber Inspector: David Hemblen Customs Officer: Calvin Green Man in Taxi: Peter Krantz Scalper: Jack Blum Man at opera: Billy Merasty Doorman: Ken McDougall Man at Opera: Damon D’Oliveira …: Maury Chaykin …: C.J. Lusby …: Nadine Ramkisson Film Crew: Screenplay: Atom Egoyan Editor: Susan Shipton Producer: Camelia Frieberg Set Dresser: Linda Del Rosario Set Dresser: Richard Paris Costume Design: Linda Muir Director of Photography: Paul Sarossy Assistant Director: David Webb Production Manager: Sandra Cunningham Assistant Production Manager: Roberta Pazdro Production Coordinator: Roland Schlimme Second Assistant Director: Fergus Barnes Third Assistant Director: Michele Rakich Other: Simone Urdl Other: Hussain Amarshi Assistant Production Coordinator: Carolynne Bell Extras Casting: Scott Mansfield Camera Trainee: Joseph Micomonaco Other: Mark Willis Focus Puller: Paul Boucher Steadicam Operator: David Crone Gaffer: David Owen Electrician: George Kerr Script Supervisor: Joanne T. Harwood Grip: Harper Forbes Boom Operator: Peter Melnychuk Set Dresser: Garth Brunt Makeup Artist: Nicole Demers Hair Designer: Debra Johnson Original Music Composer: Mychael Danna Sound Designer: Steve Munro Movie Reviews: badelf: The best psychological drama I’ve seen in a long time. I can’t even remember anything that comes close. Filipe Manuel Neto: **Something abstract and disconnected, not worth seeing more than once in our life.** This is one of those films that puts such a huge barrier between the audience and the screen that it seems like we’re not even being taken into consideration by the producers. Despite the attempts, there is not a single sympathetic or palatable character, the script does not help and the feeling that hangs in the air is of a lack of connection and solidity in the final product that can only be explained if we think about the way the director wanted to be. abstract by force. Everything takes place around a chic striptease club, Exotica, in Toronto. There is a dancer who enchants not only a client who goes to see her every day, but also the presenter, who is her ex-boyfriend and one of the most possessive and unhappy people we can imagine. Add to this an animal trafficker with problems admitting homosexuality who is forced to participate in a revenge plan, and we have a film that we probably won’t want to see more than once. Atom Egoyan gives us firm direction, but a much less secure and solid script. I like the way it addresses loss, trauma, the feeling of denial of reality and grief. However, to believe that a woman would set up an elegant strip club and her daughter would have the courage to take over the “family business” is to completely ignore the realities of these commercial establishments, where legality and illegality sometimes go hand in hand. A real luxury house would never hold private sessions on tables in the main room for a low price, but in separate rooms for a much higher price, and real strippers don’t usually dance to the same music and use the same stage number constantly. There are also huge holes that the script never explains and that are left hanging. For example, why did Christina decide to become a stripper if it is clear, from the characters’ words, that that is not the place she deserved to be. Bruce Greenwood is the actor who deserves the most praise for his work here. He is the only one trying to break the ice and reach out to the public in some way, and that deserv...
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ellies-enrichment · 5 months
Ooooooooooooooh, that rough buddy. *Pats shoulder* BUT THOSE LYRICS ARE JUICY FOR YOUR BAD BLORBO MAN. 🤠😘👌🏻
Fitz IS v borkin. It's v sad. 🥺 And when I found out my first time through he was imagining Jemma to cope, I cried.
The "emote confirmed truth slay" got me crying AGAIN. 🤣🤣🤣 Your watch buddies are POPPIN OFF! 🤣🤠
And Coulson going FULL DAD MODE on Simmons and making sure she had at least one proper meal. That is his firstborn, and damn it, he's gonna make sure she's taken care of and doing okay! 😤
"May hates coffee" made me lose my ABSOLUTE MIND. The very first TV show I ever REALLY got into was Alias, and it's actually VERY similar to AoS, but not written as well (thanks JJ Abrams) and a little dated. But there was one part in s2??? where the SAME THING happened. One of the characters was hanging out with their friend and asked if they wanted a bite of their coffee ice cream, so the friend took a bite... And then a crazy fist fight/gun fight broke out because, "[NAME] DOESNT LIKE COFFEE ICE CREAM!" So I SCRUMPTED and almost choked on my dinner when Coulson said May doesn't like coffee. AoS scene inspired from Alias??? Meh, we'll never know. 🤔 *I sh*t on Alias a lot, but it's still one of my fave TV shows. First ever fave father-daughter pairing I encountered, and the chemistry between Jennifer Garner and Victor Garber is just ✨AMAZING✨.
I'm adding it to my list I need literally all the father daughter pairings i can get through hiatus (knowing they'll all be used for inspiration for other pairs)
s2 has been such a good vibe recently im intrigued, i love the chemistry between everyone, im still learning the names of the newer people but i love that one guy who keeps interacting with Fitz because my boy needs that :(( and he was imaginging Jemma to COPE ive sobbed too much over this show in the short amount of time ive been watching
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jimgandolfini · 9 months
hi ! i love your old man posting (came for succession, stayed for the fellow old man lover etc) even if i don't interract much with your posts. i've been meaning to ask this but the people need to know what he looks like like which actors kinda (i know it wouldn't be exact) only if you're comfortable saying of course !!!! btw the way you made the starter pack is so funny he's so universal. anyway i hope you get him and live my dream !!
Thank you, ily 🙏🙌
It’s funny you asked this because literally last week I was thinking it’s weird that I cannot think of one celebrity lookalike for him lmao. So i even put his photo into a celeb lookalike finder website.. I’m still not satisfied. I’m gonna ask my coworker who thinks he’s hot what she thinks. I’ll update if she comes up with something.
Anyway he does not look like any of these men individually but shares some kind of feature with each.
Blue eyes, short king, close haircut but *greg hirsch voice* nice head of hair there boss, obviously grey. He’s got a very short goatee, when he was my age he had a beard, and used to have a mustache..so I did some editing to help your imagination and mine lmao.
If you could combine Victor Garber + this very specific photo of Michael Cudlitz that might be most accurate. And the first two with my magic marker beard actually look a lot like this video interview we have of him when he was my age. 🙌
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ana-paolaga · 1 year
Lunes 20-Miércoles 22 de febrero 2023
Clase 11
“Conflict is what creates drama. The more conflict actors find, the more interesting the performance.”
— Michael Shurtleff
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En un comienzo, se discutió un poco sobre nuestra experiencia con el proyecto parcial y la obra carnada. La maestra nos felicitó por haber realizado nuestro trabajo y por haber mostrado mucha creatividad al momento de realizar los moodboards. Asimismo, también mencionó que hubo algunas confusiones con las instrucciones, ya que algunos compañeros revolvieron el concepto del tema con anécdota y argumento; algo que no se presentó en mi caso. Asimismo, a pesar de haber recibido una muy buena nota, decidí prestar atención a los comentarios de la maestra, ya que sentí que me podrían servir para las futuras actividades.
  ʚ ♡ ɞ
Por otra parte, realizamos comparaciones respecto a nuestras respuestas artísticas. Algo que me resultó muy curioso fue mi paleta de colores, ya que muchos de mis compañeros optaron por usar el color rojo y otros tonos oscuros, mientras que yo me guié por colores como la mezclilla, naranja, amarillo, entre otros. Mi razón de haber escogido el naranja se debió a que me imagine el carro de Rey de ese color. Asimismo, mucha gente agregó al payaso y a un jaguar dentro de su moodboard; en mi caso, yo sólo agregué al payaso. De igual manera, discutimos un poco sobre cómo podríamos agregar la presencia del jaguar en una puesta en escena, por lo que muchos mencionaron que el rugido de dicho animal, su silueta o sombra sería algo útil y creativo para no poner de lado ese aspecto muy importante.
Por otra parte leímos un poco el libro De familias y Otras Catástrofes: seis obras de teatro de Barbara Colio en donde logré destacar las siguientes ideas:
El detonador de la acción dramática es el encuentro que nos marca de una u otra manera
El ausente puede ser el padre 
La ausencia debe ser un puente a la ausencia presente 
Las miradas deben ser guardar como imágenes
En carnada el nombre de los hijos no importa debido a que importa más la representación y caracterización  interna 
El payaso es la voz poética y la conciencia de Rey
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Clase 12
“Theater demands different muscles and different aspects of one's personality.”
— Victor Garber
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A lo largo de esta clase se habló sobre la actuación y sus tonos. Asimismo definimos que un tono de actuación se refiere a la manera en la que se interpreta un papel. 
 ʚ ♡ ɞ
Tono trágico:
Existe una presencia sobrehumana que está siguiendo al personaje como un doble conductor
El destino puede ser una presencia sobrehumana
El actor no necesita exagerar su forma de hablar y expresarse 
La presencia siempre es más fuerte que el hombre y se puede experimentar 
Puede ser tangible o intangible, buena o malvada
Tono Dramático:
Deben ser respetados los límites del ego humano
La cuestión es completamente diferente 
Uno debe conservarse absolutamente dentro los límites de su ego humano, no se necesita imaginar ninguna clase de doble conductor o aparición 
Se crea el personaje a partir de las circunstancias dadas y no dadas 
No se debe de imaginar alguna clase de doble conductor
Tono cómico:
El actor es uno mismo al representar el personaje 
Hay un rasgo psicológico predominante en cada personaje; no cae en un estereotipo pero sí encontrar ese riesgo caracterizante
Debe de haber veracidad interior
Menor intento de resultar gracioso; solo así causará risa
Radiaciones de felicidad y energía 
El esfuerzo puede distraer la actuación 
Evitar el ritmo rápido todo el tiempo, ya que se vuelve monótono. Para evitarlo, el actor debe tener un ritmo rápido con pausas. 
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80s4life · 3 years
If We Go Down, We Go Down Together
Word Count: 1,762
Status: Suggested!
Ask: hello !! idk if u still do these but could we get a Mr. Andrews x reader fic ? 👁👁 i’ve been obsessed with titanic since forever and i’ve always been in love with Mr. Andrews. could it also be about him being protective over the reader ?? tysm and i love ur work btw. so talented omg
@: a wonderful anon that will forever be mysterious!
A/N: I absolutely love Mr. Andrews! He was such a sweetheart and an honorable man, even in the time of death, knowing his creation was destroyed. And thank you so much for all the compliments, ya’ll are too kind to me!
Side-Note: I’m so sorry for this! I realized afterwards that you probably wanted a heartwarming imagine, and I completely screwed with it! Mr. Andrews isn’t completely overprotective in this, kind of softly claiming you as his? Hope you enjoy anyway?
Fandom: Titanic 1997
Relationship: Mr. Thomas Andrews x Reader
Summary: It was the ship of dreams; the unsinkable, grand ship that would take people all the way to America, the country of opportunities. Personally, it was the ship of endless possibilities, falling even harder for a man you’d want to spend the rest of your life with. But, will fate allow that? Will you be able to have your happily ever after?
Warnings: angsty, fluff-ish, impending doom, surprise ending (it’s not gonna be what you think...I think?), fight to live, depression, multiple deaths, threats, sexist remarks (only one- it’s the 1900s)
Masterlist Titanic Masterlist
Taglist: @snapessecretdiary​ @tangledcopperstrands​
{gif is not mine, credits go to @badge1995​}
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Rocking on your chair in the drawing room, you look up and around you fearfully. It had been smooth sailing so far. Blood running cold, the thought scares you upright, quickly gathering up your recent sketches, putting them in a folder and grabbing your knit sweater, just catching the start of people filing into the hall. This is absurd. 
Ignoring the confused murmurs and initial shock of what was still unknown, you book it to staff quarters, making your way up to the wheelhouse. Once there, you are met with serious faces of distraught, hopelessness, and some of determination. 
Walking passed them with a kind, sympathetic demeanor, you lightly squeeze the shoulder of the young wheel boy. He wasn’t much older than 20, still embracing younger puppy-like features. Just to the right, you briskly open the double doors, being met with the familiar founders and shareholders that each took their part in making this extraordinary franchise.
Mr. Ismay, frustrated, addresses Captain Smith just as they make their way into the room you’d just entered, “This is most unfortunate, Captain.”
As more of the main staff file in, Mr. Andrews uncoils the blueprint of the Titanic, uncertainty laced in his voice as he recalls, “Water fourteen feet above the keel in ten minutes...in the forepeak, all three holds and boiler room six.”
“Can we get underway, dammit?” Ismay asks, annoyance caught between the gaps of his question.
“That’s five compartments. She can float with four compartments breached, but not five. Not five. As she goes down, the water will spill... over the tops of bulkheads at E deck, one to the next, back and back. There’s no stopping it.”
“The pumps,” Captain Smith tries.
“The pumps buy you time, but only minutes,” Mr. Andrews looks around the room, his eyes catching yours adoringly. His eyes water at the sight of you, his next sentence coming as a painful stab to the heart, “As of now, no matter what we do...Titanic will flounder.”
A wave of sadness overcomes the room, even as Mr. Ismay continues his onslaught in futile interrogation. You were hopeless. How were you supposed to rise up from this?
“Captain Smith...” you start, afraid to continue, “She...She hit, Sir?” You catch sight of your fiance, sadness laced in between the creases of his brows and forehead. You walk up to him, grabbing his hand tightly within your own, interlocking the fingers.
“I-I-I’m afraid so, young Y/N,” he says bewildered and ashamed, realizing now that many of these passengers are going to die, and, unlike him, they can range far younger than even you.
“We are back at full speed, Sir,” announces an attentive Officer Murdoch, “As well as a signal. There is one of the twin ships about four hours away.”
“We don’t have four hours,” Thomas pipes up, dropping his head in the crook of your collar bone, settling there for a moment as he tries to gather himself. “Two at most,” he assumes, voice muffled as his emotions overcome him.
Captain Smith tries to ignore the reminder, motioning for the staff to follow him, getting to work in emergency mode. 
Trying your best to ease Thomas’ tension, you know he’s about to break any moment, trying to prevent it by petting his head and hugging him. “Don’t be discouraged Love, we can still save people,” you whisper, still hopeful.
“But not all, Y/N. Not all,” he whimpers, nuzzling his head further into your neck.
Taking his face in your hands, you adjust his gaze to match yours, “You can never save everyone, but at least you can save some. That’s the difference that makes the biggest effect. You believe me, don’t you Thomas?”
“Of course I do,” he smiles sadly, fiddling with one of your hands.
“Then let’s go make it.”
It takes a moment for your words to resonate with him, but when it does, he instantly changes perspective, determination flashing in his eyes as he meets your gaze again. “It’s now or never.”
You smile, “Quite a hit or miss.”
He giggles, pausing for a moment before pecking your lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you return the gesture, detaching your hand from his as you both take your leave to opposite sides of the ship, going to help as best you can.
Reaching the left side of the ship, you are met with many fearful expressions, anxious looks, and distraught. Swarms of passengers butt and shove around, unsure of what their fates have in their favor. Saying your “excuse me’s” and “may I get through’s,” you reach the sturdy fencing, instantly getting ahold of the ropes to help lower people and boats. 
“Women and children! Only women and children at this time!” yells Officer Lowe.
Hesitation halts you for a moment, looking over to Lowe, “We can’t section the people! It’ll cause further alarm! We won’t be able to stop them once they get antsy Harold!”
“It was Captain’s orders, we’ll be punished if we disobey,” he looks over helplessly, offering a hand to an older woman boarding the longboat.
Looking at him, you can see his own apprehension, “Harold, we need to do this right.”
Properly facing you, he sighs and nods dutifully. Together, you load as many people that could fit then load them swiftly and systematically. However, the more people you helped escape, the more that came flooding in. The people were hysterical, more so as the ship began to shake and quiver. 
Startled, you try to find the source, noticing the ship starting to lift. “Shit!” yells a passenger, holding on to the nearest pole. More slurs and screams were met with his, the ship starting to lift up higher and higher to the point that you begged for the strongest upper-body strength available.
Just as the ship stands straight up, the front of the Titanic snaps off, sending the back crashing back into the ocean properly. The passengers that hadn’t fallen swarm the boats again, this time threatening to throw staff workers over.
Stumbling back, you catch yourself from slipping, trying to reason with the people, too caught up in your own fear. But the passengers keep pushing, Officer Murdoch pulling a gun as he reaches your side.
“Stand back! Stand back I tell you, or I’ll shoot!” Murdoch yells, the people only taking  few steps away.
“No...” you look at him, “No...This isn’t right. No, your scaring them. Stop!” you warn, tears forming in your eyes.
Officer Murdoch ignores you, unfortunately, uncertainty fueling his actions. Rather, he shoves you into the crowd, “If you cannot work with us, you minus well join them. We wouldn’t have been in this mess if you’d done your job successfully; better yet, if you’d done your designated job: stayed home and done the wifely duties!”
Stopping all movement, shock courses through your veins as you stare at the man. He’s just scared, you try to reason, but the pain is still there. Shaking your head, you rush through the crowd, letting some of the tears fall as you enter the interior of the ship once more, making your way down the grand staircase.
Too caught up in a swarm of emotions, you bump into a young auburn-haired girl, apologizing briefly before continuing. You are halted within the first few steps however, the girl holding your elbow hostage, “I know you,” she starts.
“I would assume so,” you sniffle.
“You’re Mr. Andrews’ fiance; you helped build this ship, correct?”
“Yes Ma’am,” you flinch.
“Then please, for the love of humanity, you must know what’s happening?”
Staring at her guiltily, you consider not answering.
“Please,” she begs, “Mr. Andrews had told me about the boats, I just need you to confirm my suspicions.
“The Titanic hit, Miss. We are trying our best to alleviate the issue, but-” you inhale sharply, tear welling up in your eyes again. “-But she will sink. And if you truly know the problem with the boats, you do know there’s not enough for everyone?”
Her eyes widen, then her body goes slack, standing openly with her arms at her sides. Nodding weakly, her blue orbs encompass yours, pulling you in for a hug in thanks.
Returning the compassion, you pull away quickly, “You said you’ve talked to Mr. Andrews?”
“Yes, I just saw him in the other room- The First Class Smoking Room,” she recalls as quickly as possible, “I’m sure that’s where you’d been looking for?”
“Yes, thank you so much. Please, get to safety. I truly mean it,” you beg, already speeding off into the direction of your beloved, the ship already beginning to sink lopsidedly.
“Thomas!” you yell, running through room after room, just barely missing his silent, remorseful form draped in front of a mantle. “Thomas!” you cry, tears finally cascading freely.
“Y/N!” he gasps, pulling your body into his instantly. “I couldn’t save them, Love, I can’t.”
“I know Sweetheart, I know,” you sob, pressing his head as tightly to your body as possible.
Slowly, your bodies droop to the floor, still holding each other close as the Titanic creaks and moans. “We tried, My Love. We truly did,” Thomas tries, stroking your hair as you lay your heads in the crooks of each other’s necks. 
“I love you, Thomas,” you choke, water crashing through the doors on the opposite side of the room. “I want you to know that there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you.”
“I love you, too Y/N. Don’t you cry, there’s a special place for us up above, My Love. We are soulmates.”
The water starts to climb towards your feet, enabling more helpless whimpers and tears. Thomas caresses your face, “Don’t pay it any mind. We will be together very soon.”
Sharing a passionate kiss, you wrap your arms around Thomas tightly, as does he, latching onto your back and hips. Together, you close your eyes just as you feel the first splashes of freezing water on your shins; the rest of the world disappearing in a painful darkness as the rest of the Titanic is fully submerged by the Atlantic Ocean. April 15th, 1912, 2:20 a.m.
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alex-aquarus · 2 years
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sonjabysonjamorgan · 4 years
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cnnejxjxnwndnjcksmwmwkdjcjeban this is like a suite life of zach and cody one hour christmas special. and he wins without the donor anyways!
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Legends of Tomorrow Preferences - Cuddling with the Legends.
Leonard: Cuddling with Len would be amazing. Normally he would be a very broody person, but when you're together he becomes very soft. He would love to rest his chin on your head and intertwine his fingers with yours. He loves to steal kisses when you're in bed together, while he has his arms safely around you. He would do everything to make you feel at ease. Ray: Cuddling with Ray would be like cuddling with a teddy bear. He would always hold you in his arms and although he's very muscular, he always manages to feel very soft. You love to lay on his big torso and you like to fall asleep on it. And he would let you most of the time. He would love to mumble about his work and his suit, while letting his nose go through your hair and pampering you with kisses. In his arms you'd feel really safe. Rip: Cuddling with Rip would be something to get used to. You both have to find a way to lay down good. To really get into cuddly mode. But when that happens, you'd feel entirely at ease. Your favorite position would be on the couch. Your legs would be intertwined with his and you'd always have a blanket laying on top of you. He'd always have his hands on your waist, as an insecurance that you won't leave. And you'd love to listen to his time traveling stories while you're cuddling. Jax: Jax wouldn't be a person to sit still for long. And cuddling isn't something he does often, because you keep trading places. But sometimes, just sometimes, you'd get into a spot and you would stay there for god knows how long. He would try his best to stay still. And you'd love those precious moments. Mick: When you're cuddling with Mick, usually you would lay your head on his lap, while he's sitting up,  and you'd stare into his eyes. And he does this thing where he erases your hair from your forehead and kisses it lightly. And you love him for being so gentle and kind with you. When you're in bed he loves to hold you really close, like you're the light of his life. Mr. Stein: Mr. Stein loves to hold you close. You would sit on the couch with him, his arms around you. You both would be drinking white wine. And while he's talking, you'd close your eyes and listen. This scenario would happen very often and it would be a precious time for the both of you. Like an escape from work. Carter: Carter is a very careful with you. He carries you around like you can break into pieces at any second. And he does the same when you're cuddling. Sometimes you have to tell him to hold you closer, because he is just too afraid something would happen to you if he’d hold you close. And when nobody is around, he would open his wings and he would use them as a blanket and it would be the nicest thing ever. It would we be the warmest and softest hug you can imagine. Nate: Cuddling with Nate usually turns into something other than just cuddling. You love to cuddle with him, while he sometimes like to take it a step futher and most of the time you have to tell him 'no'. When you do, he usually gives up and puts his strong arms around you. He would rock you and tell you how beautiful you are. All he wants is to keep you as close as possible in that moment. Sara: Cuddling with Sara doesn't happen often. Most of the time she wants to cuddle when she doesn't feel right. She would lay on top of you, her head on your chest and she would talk a lot. And you'd love to listen, while you play with her hair. It happens the other way around too, but not as much as when Sara needs you. Another thing Sara loves to do is trace your body with her fingers and it would always tickle and she would love to do it, sometimes just to annoy you a little. Kendra: Kendra and you love to cuddle in bed. Normally that's the only place you cuddle, since there's privacy there. You are always spooning, you being the big spoon normally. She has a great responsibility out in the world and while you're cuddling, she just wants to be with you. In that moment you're the bigger person. You would pull her closer and rest your head on your shoulder. Sometimes give her a little kiss while she calmes down after a day full of fighting. Amaya: Amaya doesn't want to cuddle a lot, but when she does it's usually late at night when you both can't sleep. You'd find your favorite couch and you would lay there together in the dark. She wouldn't say anything, knowing she likes to be quiet. But you would make sure she knows you're there and you are willing to listen. You would squeeze her hand for example or kiss her on the cheek. That way she knows that she's safe.
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purpleyin · 7 years
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I don’t know why but all the time I was watching S2 of Agent Carter recently, Enver Gjokaj as Daniel Sousa just kept reminding me of Victor Garber.
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princesssarisa · 3 years
In their interviews about the 1997 Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderella, Whoopi Goldberg and Victor Garber have said that they imagined Queen Constantina as a Cinderella-like person herself, who rose from rags to riches when she and King Maximilian fell in love. I can't help but imagine what that whole backstory was like!
I'd like to think it mirrored an actual fairy tale that's similar to Cinderella but not identical. If I had to choose a story to base this imaginary prequel on, I'd pick Donkeyskin/All-Kinds-of-Fur. It's similar to Cinderella, but not identical, and the heroine's cunning and self-reliance would be well-suited to the funny, strong-willed personality of Goldberg's Queen. Her long, elegant list of names (Constantina Charlotte Ermentrude Guinevere Maisie Marguerite Anne) also makes me think she must have been of royal birth and only temporarily fallen into rags, which is just want happens in the Donkeyskin/All-Kinds-of-Fur story.
I wouldn't be so family-unfriendly as to include the traditional incest element in this prequel. Instead, I'll imagine that Princess Constantina was either betrothed to a bridegroom she hated (a la Princess Furball) or else there was a Cap o'Rushes/King Lear-type scenario – the old king asked his three daughters how much they loved him, young Constantina said she loved him "the way meat loves salt," and he took this as an insult and banished her. Either way, she ran away disguised in ugly rags, calling herself "Maisie," and eventually found work as a kitchen maid in another kingdom's castle, where Prince Maximilian lived. She probably also had some help from a fairy godmother (maybe the very same one who would later help Cinderella – after all, Cinderella's fairy godmother does mention that she's over 600 years old), who gave her three ballgowns and three nutshells to hide them in. Speaking of three nutshells, maybe Prince Max and Maisie met in a way similar to Three Wishes for Cinderella's heroine and her prince. During a hunt, Prince Max was about to shoot a deer when Maisie threw something at him to stop him, and they bickered a little bit, but then Max realized the girl was homeless and showed her his inner kindness by offering her a job at the castle.
I can just imagine the serious, slightly uptight Prince Max and the scrappy, funny Maisie (remember, these are a teenage Victor Garber and Whoopi Goldberg) gradually forming an unlikely friendship as she worked as a scullery maid. I imagine that she secretly realized her romantic feelings for him much sooner than he realized his own feelings for her. But then, as in All-Kinds-of-Fur, there were three balls, and Maisie wore one of her secret gowns to each of them. I imagine her also wearing a veil over her face, a la Three Wishes for Cinderella, and behaving with the princess-like dignity she was raised to display, which she usually ignored. So Prince Max became enamored with the elegant Princess Constantina, never suspecting that she was scrappy Maisie from the kitchen. But after the third ball, as in All-Kinds-of-Fur, she made some soup for him and slipped a jeweled ring into the bowl, and he recognized the ring as having been on the princess's finger at the ball. When the truth was finally revealed, he realized that Maisie was his true love even before he saw her in finery. Thus she became Princess Constantina again, and later Queen Constantina, though her husband still calls her Maisie when they're alone.
I have no idea if this scenario fits with the backstory Goldberg and Garber imagined for their characters or if they imagined completely different details. I like it, though.
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yallemagne · 3 years
Things That Happened In Godspell 1973
This will cover the opening, Prepare Ye, and God Save The People. Most of this can be found in clips on Youtube, but still.
I highly recommend watching the whole thing for yourself if you’re interested, it’s such a positive movie.
Opening shot, Judas/the Baptist is humming on the Brooklyn Bridge and dragging behind him a cart. He’s handsome and I love him
The Tower of Babble is replaced with city chaos, you view the lives of the disciples before they meet Judas/the Baptist and Jesus. I really liked it... it’s like you replace all their takes on God with just their droll day to day, the stress they are going through. It also makes the transition of them all into disciples more,,, joyous. 
Judas the Baptist shows randomly everywhere, announced with the sounding of a shofar.  
Lynne, a college student, shoves her face into a copy machine, and when she looks up, she spots him.  
Gilmer, a model, sees him in the elevator with her. He winks  
Katie, a diner waitress, spots him across a street playing the shofar.  
He replaces the ringmaster in a circus display Robin is looking at and winks.  
He shows up in the backseat of Jeffrey’s taxi, Jerry, a parking attendant, spots him too.  
He temporarily replaces Joanne’s ballet dance partner and kisses her on the cheek. Her face is bemused and intrigued.
The shofar drowns out the music Merrell, a garment trader, was listening to, blasting even when he removes his earbud.
Joanne looks oddly pleased by Baptist’s interruption and distressed when he leaves. Yes bb, I understand completely 
He baptizes them all in Bethesda Fountain! 
Gilmer is late and unsure when she reaches the fountain, Baptist picks her up and spins her around before setting her in the water, it’s adorable 
Baptist just fuckin’ shoves Jeffrey’s head underwater
Oh god, is that Jesus?
Jerry and Baptist get in a water fight, Jerry loses
Baptist screams about his boyfriend
Jesus!!! Baptist looks gayly at this underdressed man. I imagine I had the same expression for this whole damn movie
Seeing your soulmate for the first time:
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Realizing it’s him:
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“I need rather be baptized by you,” he says with the most overwhelming look of adoration, hhhh.
What an impressive quick-change, Jesus! 
It’s uncertain when the Baptist becomes Judas, I chose to view them as the same entity so— 
Judas looks at Jesus with love in his eyes hhhh as they pull the cart,,, the disciples join them in song 
They are so fucking happy, I love them 
Victor Garber, please stop being so cute 
Everyone is cute honestly hhhhh 
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sunmoonchanlix · 3 years
How good is your gay radar over all ? Like maybe there were western actors/singer/celebrities who you knew were queer way before their coming outs and then you the were like “oh wow that is no suprise at all” And were there times where you were sure they are gay but eventually that people had boring straight life? Lol
I'd say the gaydar's pretty good at long range distance! It's short range I have a problem with when dudes flirt but I mistake it for common pleasantries and go about my day and replay it later in my head.😓
It's been awhile since I got excited about Western celebrities lol, but here is a SMALL sample of names I can imagine at the top of my head of LGBTQ celebs I knew were 🌈 before officially coming out. I excluded folks like Billy Eichner who made no secret of it when they started their career:
Elliot Page (I didn't know he would transition), Kristen Stewart, Janelle Monae, Jim Parsons, DJ Qualls, Ben Platt, Brandon Flynn, Luke Macfarlane, Zachary Quinto, Richard Madden, Rick Cosnett, Keiynan Lonsdale, Victor Garber, Luke Evans, Lee Pace, Tuc Watkins, Da Brat, Daya, Alia Shawkat, Sarah Paulson, Jane Lynch, Jodie Foster, Michelle Rodriguez, Emma Corrin, Kehlani, David Archuleta, Clay Aiken, Walk the Moon's singer Nicholas Petricca, Colton Underwood (lol), politican Aaron Schock (lol).... and others I'm blanking on.
Genuinely Surprised:
Matt Bomer, Niecy Nash, Wentworth Miller, Ben Whishaw, Jojo Siwa
It's hard to say if I've come across a celebrity who I assumed was gay but then later turned out to have a "straight life" because then I would assume they signed on for a "lavender marriage" which is so disappointing and just so depressing to think about. Some of them are probably living in lavender marriages with or without children, or may be bearding a fake relationship which are all NOT COOL with me... and some may just be bisexual/pansexual which is totally COOL WITH ME (like Harry Styles I assume): John Travolta, Kevin Jonas, Jeremy Renner, Darren Criss, Harry Styles, Rami Malek, Shawn Mendes, Tyler Perry, JC Chasez, Seann William Scott, Zac Efron
Thanks for the Ask!
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frmulcahy · 4 years
I was listening to the OG Broadway Sweeney Todd soundtrack and I was like “hey why does Anthony sound so familiar” and I look down and it’s Victor Garber and now all I can imagine is fucking clown jesus singin in the middle of this bloodbath of a show I’m crying
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