#thomas andrews imagine
nobodybutapathetic · 1 year
Let’s Make Out Memories
pairing: Tom and Y/N
Warning: May include spice, making out and words that’ll make you blush (not THOSE words)
summary: Tom and Y/N filming the Yule ball scene in the Harry Potter 4th movie but then something spicy happens…
a/n: I’m truly sorry for being not active anymore. I just started taking breaks for the past few weeks and now, I feel motivated here on tumblr again. Anyways, I thank you @qrvmlfoy for choosing this since I convinced you to choose a oneshot for me to write. And for @slytherinqueenrose, I’m gonna write the rest of the other oneshot you requested, k? Love you all!
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“Draco won’t be having much screen time tho” Tom said to one of the directors.
“Yeah but he’d be seen in the background. Y/N can start practicing the dance with you now.” The director patted Tom’s shoulders as Tom just chuckles.
“Yeah okay. Y/N, mind if we take a quick practice? I mean, I already got my feet ready that it’s excited to burst out of these polished shoes.” Tom smiled which caused me to laugh awkwardly.
“Yeah totally. Okay, let’s go to the ballroom.” I chuckled which made him smirk and grab my hand.
He lead me to the big, mesmerizing ballroom which made me distracted a lot. Well, of course, no one knows when I’d step on his foot every time.
We started taking it slow, slow dancing. Which made the feeling so joyful. I haven’t felt this joy for a while since I’ve been busy filming with Tom.
Later then, he started twirling me around as if I was a princess and a ballerina at the same time.
“Tom, you’re gonna make me dizzy.” I whispered which made him laugh.
“You’re too irresistible, do you know that?” He whispered back, grabbing my waist with his right hand and his left hand grabbing my chin.
“Tom..” I mumbled but he just forms a grin.
“There’s loads of people here so.. Do you mind?” He signaled me to go to the toilet in the corner of the ball.
“Tom, we still have to film. Maybe later?” I tried to convince but he just pouts.
“You’re no fun” He whispered which I rolled my eyes at.
“Yeah whatever.” I went to Emma and Daniel who was busy practicing their lines.
“Gosh! Did you really have to pick me up and spin me?” I whispered-yelled to Tom.
“Well, don’t blame me. The director told.” He grabs a chocolate and munches it while fixing his bow tie.
“Typical Tom.” I rolled my eyes.
“Okay okay break time over! Back to dancing!” The director said.
Me and Tom came in position, hand in hand and my head on his shoulder.
The dance was again slow but then we started going in circles, him twirling me around and do some salsa.
To be honest, I loved this day. The way Tom would dance with me is enough to fill my heart with joy. This is what I always wanted. Happiness.
“Do you still wanna dance or?.. Go to the toilet?” He asked, smirking while whispering it to my ear.
“You know what? I feel bad for you so, I’m going to the toilet you’ve been begging to go.” I grabbed his hand and lead him to the bathroom.
His smirk grew wider before locking the bathroom door.
“Don’t go too far tho.” I placed my arms around his neck as he lowly laughs.
“I can’t promise or swear that.” He pulled me into a kiss which, I gladly did as well.
We both loved each other. Ever since the beginning and ever since we met. We knew we were a match.
He then started playing my mouth with his tongue. I was surprised on how he managed to fight the dominance between us but I didn’t mind.
He started pinning me against the wall, removing his white suit in a rush.
“Tom.. I told you not to take it too far..” I whispered, in between kisses.
“Darling. I just can’t resist you. I told you, you’re irresistible. You’re so goddamn perfect, Y/N. I love you a lot. And if you love me back, I love you even more.” He said before pulling out from the kiss and then started kissing my neck.
Before I could even moan out, someone came inside the bathroom.
“OH MY GOD- I AM SO SORRY.” Emma said before she immediately left.
“That was-“ I got cut off by Tom.
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novaxmuses · 7 months
“   So you want to go to a real party? ”
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If it was one thing Henrietta Andrews DIDN'T do it was attend parties. Perhaps a well mannered Dinner service or a Birthday Party for a friend. She had to keep up her image because she was a direct mirror of her father and his reputation. She had alot on her shoulders and alot to uphold when it came her last name. Of course her 'sister' of sorts was the bad influence, always dragging her to TRUE parties. The first class idea of a party was never Anastasia's idea of a real party. The last part Anastasia dragged her to she didn't remember due to the sheer amount of beer she consumed during those few fateful hours. Her eyes widened at those words as she puts her pencil down. Henri always wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps, becoming a shipbuilder and designer in her own right. Her interests were more interior design, which Thomas integrated some of her idea's into their newest ship which they were currently on. She was doing her trials and oftentimes the crew liked to get a bit rowdy in the crew quarters after hours.
"Ani do ya no' remember wha' happened last time?" she asks indignantly, her Irish accent lacing her words with a force.
"I canno' find myself down there 'gain. Da nearly took M'head off when he found out." She picked her pencil back up as if she was done with the conversation at hand.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 5 months
I’ve teased it. You’ve waited. I’ve procrastinated. You’ve probably forgotten all about it.
But now, finally, I’m here with my solarpunk resources masterpost!
YouTube Channels:
The Solarpunk Scene
Solarpunk Life
Solarpunk Station
Our Changing Climate
The Joy Report
How To Save A Planet
Demand Utopia
Solarpunk Presents
Outrage and Optimisim
From What If To What Next
Solarpunk Now
The Extinction Rebellion Podcast
The Landworkers' Radio
What Could Possibly Go Right?
Frontiers of Commoning
The War on Cars
The Rewild Podcast
Imagining Tomorrow
Books (Fiction):
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness The Dispossessed The Word for World is Forest
Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built A Prayer for the Crown-Shy
Phoebe Wagner: When We Hold Each Other Up
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation
Brenda J. Pierson: Wings of Renewal: A Solarpunk Dragon Anthology
Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro: Solarpunk: Ecological and Fantastical Stories in a Sustainable World
Justine Norton-Kertson: Bioluminescent: A Lunarpunk Anthology
Sim Kern: The Free People’s Village
Ruthanna Emrys: A Half-Built Garden
Sarina Ulibarri: Glass & Gardens
Books (Non-fiction):
Murray Bookchin: The Ecology of Freedom
George Monbiot: Feral
Miles Olson: Unlearn, Rewild
Mark Shepard: Restoration Agriculture
Kristin Ohlson: The Soil Will Save Us
Rowan Hooper: How To Spend A Trillion Dollars
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing: The Mushroom At The End of The World
Kimberly Nicholas: Under The Sky We Make
Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass
David Miller: Solved
Ayana Johnson, Katharine Wilkinson: All We Can Save
Jonathan Safran Foer: We Are The Weather
Colin Tudge: Six Steps Back To The Land
Edward Wilson: Half-Earth
Natalie Fee: How To Save The World For Free
Kaden Hogan: Humans of Climate Change
Rebecca Huntley: How To Talk About Climate Change In A Way That Makes A Difference
Christiana Figueres, Tom Rivett-Carnac: The Future We Choose
Jonathon Porritt: Hope In Hell
Paul Hawken: Regeneration
Mark Maslin: How To Save Our Planet
Katherine Hayhoe: Saving Us
Jimmy Dunson: Building Power While The Lights Are Out
Paul Raekstad, Sofa Saio Gradin: Prefigurative Politics
Andreas Malm: How To Blow Up A Pipeline
Phoebe Wagner, Bronte Christopher Wieland: Almanac For The Anthropocene
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
William MacAskill: What We Owe To The Future
Mikaela Loach: It's Not That Radical
Miles Richardson: Reconnection
David Harvey: Spaces of Hope Rebel Cities
Eric Holthaus: The Future Earth
Zahra Biabani: Climate Optimism
David Ehrenfeld: Becoming Good Ancestors
Stephen Gliessman: Agroecology
Chris Carlsson: Nowtopia
Jon Alexander: Citizens
Leah Thomas: The Intersectional Environmentalist
Greta Thunberg: The Climate Book
Jen Bendell, Rupert Read: Deep Adaptation
Seth Godin: The Carbon Almanac
Jane Goodall: The Book of Hope
Vandana Shiva: Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture
Amitav Ghosh: The Great Derangement
Minouche Shafik: What We Owe To Each Other
Dieter Helm: Net Zero
Chris Goodall: What We Need To Do Now
Aldo Leopold: A Sand County Almanac
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Stephanie Foote: The Cambridge Companion To The Environmental Humanities
Bella Lack: The Children of The Anthropocene
Hannah Ritchie: Not The End of The World
Chris Turner: How To Be A Climate Optimist
Kim Stanley Robinson: Ministry For The Future
Fiona Mathews, Tim Kendall: Black Ops & Beaver Bombing
Jeff Goodell: The Water Will Come
Lynne Jones: Sorry For The Inconvenience But This Is An Emergency
Helen Crist: Abundant Earth
Sam Bentley: Good News, Planet Earth!
Timothy Beal: When Time Is Short
Andrew Boyd: I Want A Better Catastrophe
Kristen R. Ghodsee: Everyday Utopia
Elizabeth Cripps: What Climate Justice Means & Why We Should Care
Kylie Flanagan: Climate Resilience
Chris Johnstone, Joanna Macy: Active Hope
Mark Engler: This is an Uprising
Anne Therese Gennari: The Climate Optimist Handbook
Solarpunk Magazine
Positive News
Resurgence & Ecologist
Ethical Consumer
Films (Fiction):
How To Blow Up A Pipeline
The End We Start From
Woman At War
Black Panther
Star Trek
Films (Documentary):
2040: How We Can Save The Planet
The People vs Big Oil
Wild Isles
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
Generation Green New Deal
Planet Earth III
Video Games:
Terra Nil
Animal Crossing
Gilded Shadows
Anno 2070
Stardew Valley
Solarpunk Futures
Perfect Storm
Advocacy Groups:
A22 Network
Extinction Rebellion
Friends of The Earth
Green New Deal Rising
Buy Nothing
Too Good To Go
European Co-housing
UK Co-housing
US Co-housing
Brought By Bike (connects you with zero-carbon delivery goods)
ClimateBase (find a sustainable career)
Environmentjob (ditto)
Businesses (🤢):
Ethical Superstore
Fairtransport/Sail Cargo Alliance
Let me know if you think there’s anything I’ve missed!
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batboyblog · 2 months
The United States is experiencing scorching new levels of heat fueled by climate change this summer, with dozens of people dying in the West, millions sweating under heat advisories and nearly three-quarters of Americans saying the government must prioritize global warming.
But as the Republican Party opens its national convention in Milwaukee with a prime-time focus on energy on Monday night, the party has no plan to address climate change.
While many Republicans no longer deny the overwhelming scientific consensus that the planet is warming, party leaders do not see it as a problem that needs to be addressed.
“I don’t know that there is a Republican approach to climate change as an organizing issue,” said Thomas J. Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, a conservative research group focused on energy. “I don’t think President Trump sees reducing greenhouse gases, using the government to do so, as an imperative.”
When former President Donald J. Trump mentions climate change at all, it is mockingly.
“Can you imagine, this guy says global warming is the greatest threat to our country?” Mr. Trump said, referring to President Biden as he addressed a rally in Chesapeake, Va., last month, the hottest June in recorded history across the globe. “Global warming is fine. In fact, I heard it was going to be very warm today. It’s fine.”
He went on to dismiss the scientific evidence that melting ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland are causing seas to rise, threatening coastal communities around the world. He said it would result in “more waterfront property, if you’re lucky enough to own.” And he lapsed into familiar rants against windmills and electric vehicles.
At the televised debate with Mr. Biden in June, Mr. Trump was asked if he would take any action as president to slow the climate crisis. “I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely clean air, and we had it,” Mr. Trump responded, without answering the question.
Mr. Trump’s spokeswoman, Karoline Leavitt, later declined to clarify the former president’s position or discuss any actions he would take regarding climate change, saying only that he wants “energy dominance.”
The United States last year pumped more crude oil than any country in history and is now the world’s biggest exporter of natural gas.
A clear majority of Americans, 65 percent, wants the country to focus on increasing solar, wind and other renewable energy and not fossil fuels, according to a May survey by the Pew Research Center. But just 38 percent of Republicans surveyed said renewable energy should be prioritized, while 61 percent said the country should focus on developing more oil, gas and coal.
“Their No. 1 agenda is to continue producing fossil fuels,” said Andrew Dessler, a professor of atmospheric sciences and the director of the Texas Center for Climate Studies at Texas A&M University. “Once you understand their main goal is to entrench fossil fuels regardless of anything else, everything makes sense.”
The party platform, issued last week, makes no mention of climate change. Instead, it encourages more production of oil, gas and coal, the burning of which is dangerously driving up global temperatures. “We will DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” it says, referring to oil as “liquid gold.”
By contrast, Mr. Biden has taken the most aggressive action of any president to cut emissions from coal, oil and gas and encourage a transition to wind, solar and other carbon-free energy. He has directed every federal agency from the Agriculture Department to the Pentagon to consider how climate change is affecting their core missions.
If Mr. Biden has taken an all-of-government approach to fighting climate change, Mr. Trump and his allies would adopt the opposite: scrubbing “climate” from all federal functions and promoting fossil fuels.
Mr. Trump and his allies want to end federal subsidies for electric vehicles, battery development and the wind and solar industries, preferring instead to open up the Alaskan wilderness to oil drilling, encourage more offshore drilling and expand gas export terminals.
Project 2025, a lengthy manual filled with specific proposals for a next Republican administration, calls for erasing any mention of climate change across the government. While Mr. Trump has recently sought to distance himself from Project 2025, he has praised its architects at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research organization, and much of the plan was written by people who were top advisers during his first term and could serve in prominent roles if he wins in November.
When pressed to discuss climate change, some Republicans say the country should produce more natural gas and sell it to other countries as a cleaner replacement for coal.
While natural gas produces less carbon dioxide than coal when burned, it remains one of the sources of the greenhouse gases that are driving climate change. Scientists say that countries must stop burning coal, oil and gas to keep global warming to relatively safe levels. Last year, at the United Nations climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the United States and nearly 200 countries agreed to transition away from fossil fuels.
But if elected, Mr. Trump has indicated he would pull back from the global fight against climate change, as he did when he announced in 2017 that the United States would be the first and only country to withdraw from the Paris Agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. (The United States subsequently rejoined under Mr. Biden.)
And it’s possible he would go even further. Mr. Trump’s former aides said that if he wins in November, he would remove the country altogether from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the international body that works on climate policy and created the 2015 Paris deal.
When it comes to international relations, Project 2025 calls for an end to spending federal funds to help the world’s poorest countries transition to wind, solar and other renewable energy.
The blueprint also calls for erasing climate change as a national security concern, despite research showing rising sea levels, extreme weather and other consequences of global temperature rise are destabilizing areas of the world, affecting migration and threatening American military installations.
Federal research into climate change would slow or disappear under Project 2025, which recommends dismantling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which conducts some of the world’s leading climate research and is also responsible for weather forecasting and tracking the path of hurricanes and other storms.
NOAA, according to the authors of Project 2025, is “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. prosperity.” At the agency’s research operation, which include a network of research laboratories, an undersea research center, and several joint research institutes with universities, “the preponderance of its climate-change research should be disbanded,” the blueprint said.
Project 2025 also calls for the president to issue an executive order to “reshape” the program that convenes 13 federal agencies every four years to produce the National Climate Assessment, the country’s most authoritative analysis of climate knowledge. The report is required by Congress and details the impacts and risks of climate change to a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, health care and transportation. It is used by the public, researchers and officials around the country to inform decisions about strategies and spending.
Project 2025 also calls for the elimination of offices at the Department of Energy dedicated to developing wind, solar and other renewable energy.
Waleed Abdalati, a former NASA chief scientist who is now at the University of Colorado Boulder, said downgrading climate science would be a disservice to the nation. “That’s a loss of four years in pursuit of creative solutions,” he said.
As president, Mr. Trump tried to replace top officials with political appointees who denied the existence of climate change and put pressure on federal scientists to water down their conclusions. Scientists refused to change their findings and attempts by the Trump administration to bury climate research were also not successful.
“Thank God they didn’t know how to run a government,” Thomas Armstrong, who led the National Climate Assessment program under the Obama administration, said at the end of Mr. Trump’s presidency, adding, “It could have been a lot worse.”
Next time, they would know how to run the government, Mr. Trump’s former officials said. “The difference between the last time and this time is, Donald Trump was president for four years,” Mr. Pyle said. “He will be more prepared.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
danny ... finding out the boy in the picture ... is the v card thief !!!! Kicking my feet and giggling !!
The Taste of Temptation || DR3 {7}
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, smut, fluff, soft!danny WC: 2.5K F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight Snapshots: One || Two || Three || Four || Five Fic Playlist: Die A Happy Man - Thomas Rhett
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The colour behind your eyelids dimmed and you opened them wondering where the cloud had come from in the endless blue sky. You immediately sat up and looked around for Danny when you found the cloud in your day was actually Andrew towering over your sun lounger.
“Uh, hi,” you said as he smiled and leaned in to try to hug you. “Woah, what are you doing?”
“We haven’t seen each other in like five years.” His arms were still open expecting to embrace you.
“Exactly.” You grabbed your towel and wrapped it around your body after seeing his eyes roam the skin that was visible.
“Hey baby, is this guy bothering you?” Daniel arrived at your back, his hands cold on your shoulders from going to the lakeside cafe and getting some iced drinks. “Wait, I recognise you - you’re the perv from the picture.”
“What?” Andrew chuckled in confusion.
“You were checking her out at the bar last night.” Daniel opened his phone and shook his head as he saw the picture again, confirming it as he turned it around. “Seriously?”
Andrew laughed and looked at you with a smirk. “I thought it was you but I couldn’t see your face. That ass though, I’d recognise it anywhere.”
“Danny!” you gasped as you leapt to your feet, turning and planting your hands on his chest at the first sign of movement. “There’s a crowd, you know what Christian said.”
“You think I care, kitten?”
“I think he isn’t worth it.” You looked over your shoulder to see an incensing remark about to be sent Daniel’s way. “Andrew, please leave.”
“Andrew huh?” Daniel echoed before his arms curled around your waist and he stared him down from where he rested his chin on your shoulder. 
“She told you about me?” he asked with a cocky grin.
You sighed at the stand off you found yourself in the midst of and narrowed your eyes at Andrew hoping he would get the message to piss off but he wasn’t looking at you and seemed content to ruin your day. More and more cameras were coming out as the tension seemed to ripple across the surface of the lake. 
“Did she tell you I was her first?” he taunted with a smirk. 
“So? I’ll be her last,” Daniel laughed as his hand splayed low across your abdomen, his fingertips dancing across the top of your swimsuit bottoms and drawing Andrew’s eyes down to the movement. “That’s all that matters.”
“Drew, move it along,” your father stated as he arrived, soaking wet from leaving the lake to intervene when he noticed the three of you. 
“It’s public property, sir.” Daniel snorted at the switch in character while your dad found his phone with his belongings next to yours, already starting to dial a number. “Who are you calling?”
“Your father.” Andrew was gone before he could hit ‘call’ and he tossed it back on the sun lounger with a shake of his head. “That boy never knew when to walk away.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“It’s not a family reunion without some drama, last time it was Nessa and that boy - what’s his name? - I lose count,” he said with a roll of his eyes before pointing a finger at Daniel’s hand. “I know you’re marrying her, but she’s still my daughter, hands above the waist, son.”
His palms had warmed on your skin and they quickly shifted up to your ribs with a stiff nod. “Yes, sir.”
With your father heading back to the water, Daniel couldn’t resist whispering in your ear, “Imagine if he knew all the bad things I had done to his little girl.”
“I don’t think they are bad things,” you whispered back. “I think they are very, very good.”
“That’s because you are a filthy little minx, my kitten.”
You turned in his arms that remained firmly above your hips and bit your lip as you thought of all the filthy things you wanted him to do. “Wanna head back early?”
His smile turned to a chuckle and his head tilted slightly. “To an empty house? It would be very quiet.”
“Not for long, I’m sure you can change that.”
His hands started to drift to your ass and he swallowed as he watched your tongue wet your lips. “Just how will I do that?”
“I could tell you, or...I could show you.”
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“Any other ex-boyfriends I should know about, kitten?” Daniel asked on the drive home from the airport.
“Nope, funnily enough I wasn’t all that interested in dating and men before I met you.”
His eyes to you, quickly reading the honesty on your face before returning to the road. “Then how did Douche-Bag-Drew get a shot?”
You shrugged at the question and tucked your leg up on the seat to rest your chin on your knee as you watched the city come into view. “Naivety, YA books, I don’t know. I thought it was an experience you were meant to have before going off to college or uni. It wasn’t because I was ready or in love. Maybe that’s why it hurt so much, it was horrible.”
He reached across the seat and took your hand, bringing it to his lips so he could kiss your knuckles. “I’m sorry.”
Your brows pinched together in confusion at the apology. “Why?”
“Because you deserved better,” he said softly as he laced his fingers with yours and drove with one hand on the wheel. “I would have laid you down on a bed of rose petals and kissed every inch of your body. I would have made you comfortable and ready for me. I would have made sure you came before I even entered you, gentle and slow.”
His words were sweet and filthy, both making your chest swell with emotion and your pussy throb in reaction. “And that’s why I fell in love with you.”
You weren’t even home for 10 minutes before Daniel was out the door on an errand so you unpacked your bags before taking a shower after the flight left you feeling icky. You took your time assuming he would join you after hearing him pottering around in the apartment but after running out of things to wash and shave you turned the water off.  After towelling off, you stepped out of the bathroom and gasped at what you found waiting in the bedroom. 
Scented candles lit the room with the curtains drawn shut, the orange glow of each flame spilling across the quilt that was covered in red petals. The playlist you had made with love songs for your wedding was playing quietly from the speakers in the ceiling and Daniel hummed along as he entered the room with two wine stems filled with the special reserve wine of his you loved.
“Baby…” you choked as your eyes began to well with unshed tears and he handed you a glass.
“No bad things tonight, kitten,” he promised before sealing it with a searing kiss that almost made you forget you were holding a glass. You started to place it down on the drawers but he pulled back and lifted it up to your lips. “There’s no rush, love.”
The hint of cinnamon notes in the wine mixed with the rose petals on the bed and Daniel’s woody cologne drove your senses wild as you took a sip. This time he followed you as you placed the glass down, letting you set the pace as you took his hand and walked backwards to the bed. His arms curled around your waist and he picked you up to gently lay you down on the petals. They crushed beneath you and their scent grew stronger as Daniel started to kiss his way down your body.
“That tickles,” you giggled as he made it to your ankles before starting to make his way back. He smiled as he draped one leg over his shoulder and kissed your calf while his hand ran up and down your other leg, the contrast of his hard fingers stark against his soft lips. “I love your legs, kitten, they are stunning, especially when they are wrapped around me.”
Warmth prickled across your skin as his words filled your heart until you were certain it would burst with everything you were feeling. This was the side of Daniel only the people closest to him saw. Everyone else saw him as a comedian or their competition. Few saw the compassionate and caring man that was in front of you. There was a seriousness with his determination to make you feel the best you possibly could that he didn’t even have on the track. 
“Let me wrap them around your hips then,” you dared as you wriggled closer, but he just chuckled and shook his head.
“Not yet, I’m taking my time with you.” His hands caressed your thighs, his thumbs drawing soft circles that brought him closer to your core each time as he settled between them. His lips found each stretch mark and blemish, kissing them with sweet murmurs of your beauty and erasing every insecurity you had felt over the years. “I am the luckiest goddamn man in the world, kitten.” Your head fell back onto the quilt as his breath blew across your core and his palms reached the supple skin on your inner thighs, his thumbs spreading you open for him. “Only an idiot would let you go.”
You could only just think clearly enough to comprehend the shade thrown at Andrew but it was forgotten when his tongue teased your entrance, dipping inside to taste your essence before he hummed in contentment. He kept his promise and took his time, keeping you teetering on the edge of bliss until you were lightheaded from the shallow breaths you just managed to gasp. Only when you were begging him, your muscles constantly tense and shaking from how tightly wound up you were, did he press his tongue to your clit and give you the pressure needed for the orgasm to break free. 
The room reverberated your cries of pleasure and his tongue was there to lap at the fruits of his labour and elicit every last drop until he was drunk on your taste. Rising to his knees between your legs, you could see his jeans struggling to contain his erection and you begged him to hurry up and rid himself of the clothes he still wore. 
You tried to help, reaching for the zip as he unbuckled his belt, but he stood up out of your reach to pull his shirt over his head and then kick his jeans off.
You couldn’t believe this was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with, he was more than you ever imagined a husband to be when you cast your eyes over his body and watched him fist his cock in his hand. Somehow you had been lucky enough to find a man who would not only die to protect you, but make you feel alive with every breath he had left; a man who could go 300 km/h on the track but take his time loving you in bed. 
“Daniel, I love you,” you whispered as if it were a confession and not something you told him everyday - but this was different. He was giving you the experience you should have had the first time, when you lost your virginity too soon and to someone you didn’t love. “I’m ready.”
The weight of his body on yours was reassuring and comforting as he lined himself up, still content to take his time, easing slowly into you until you both moaned when your bodies were completely joined. Your breath mingled as he pressed his forehead to yours and felt your hands dance along his spine, his eyes staring into your soul as he started to leisurely roll his hips, deliberately unrushed despite the primal urge to chase his own release. 
You had never felt such a shattering release as you did when his hand travelled down your thigh, gripping the underside of your knee and pulling it so you could wrap your leg around his hip. There was something so intimate in the way his hand glided over your skin, finding the swell of your ass and caressing it with the same softness that sent goosebumps rising along your skin and your heart fluttering erratically. 
“Danny,” you moaned as you tried to tell him what was happening, but the words were lost as he felt it for himself, your core clenching around him before erupting in undulating waves that tipped him over the edge of his own self-control. 
Your name tumbled from his lips as you felt his cock pulse with his release, feeling the heat of his seed as it filled you and he dropped his head to your shoulder with a peppering of kisses. “Now I’m your first and last, kitten.”
Click here for the next part.
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calsrottencorpse · 6 days
would I hug, kiss on the cheek, kiss on the lips, or get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with criminals
got bored..👅
Eric Harris
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Ok.. realistically, I dont think he'd like me in the first place, but most people on here likely wouldn't either, but, if we ignore that, I'd give him a peck on the cheek, hes a cutie imo
Dylan Klebold
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..even with all things considered, id still kiss him on the lips. Even if yes, hes got a foot fetish, and also a bondage enjoyer, but I could care less about both, shrug. I also think he's pretty cute
Leighton Allen Labute (DollyFlesh)
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Believe it or not, I had no idea he was a criminal, at first I just thought he was another bobby lemon situation (funnily enough, they're both Canadian), but I looked him up and found out he was arrested for two accounts of murder and abuse (of animals). But anyways, what would I do? Nothing, at most maybe a hug.. but in all honesty I don't think I want to hug him, he's also not a looker, but i think thats because of his hair, it looks like a wig, specifically kinda like those wigs that George Washington and whoever wore but black
Elliot Rodgers
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He's cute, but I think he'd be insufferable, I don't know much about him, or his case, but from what I know, I really don't think I could deal with him, then again, I have known people who are likely worse, and I honestly have a high tolerance (in my opinion at least) but im getting off topic. I would at least kiss him on the cheek.. but I don't think he'd let me anyway...
Adam Lanza
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He freaks me out, he always looks shell-shocked, or like he just saw the worst thing imaginable. But he's not bad looking. But I'd probably only hug him..
Andrew Blaze
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I feel like out of all of these people, she'd be the only one I'd get along with, even if just a little bit. Mainly because we share similar interests, but she also just seems like she'd be the only one who I wouldn't feel like I would get murdered, doxxed or threatened every day if i stopped being friends with them. Kiss on the lips, or perhaps freaky tiem👅👅
Ted Bundy
Pekka-eric Auvinen
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As much as I love him and his case, I don't think I'd get freaky, hell, I probably wouldn't kiss him on the lips, even if i want to, he intimidates me lowkey. At most a hug, or if I feel braver, kiss on the cheek
Artyom Anoufriev
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i know just about jack shit about him and Nikita, so forgive me for not saying much, but I think id just give him a hug
Nikita Lytkin
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Don't know much about him like I said earlier. Maybe a side hug, I feel like he spells horrible, I would probably try not to breathe though my nose around him
Jeffery Dahmer
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I can't help but think of my half-brother who is also named Jeffrey, and gay. Maybe I'll give a hug .. he intimidates me, but he also seems chill
Brandon Hole
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Only giving him a hug, funky looking dude, his head looks like an upside down pear that's starting to bruise. Probably smells. We share a few similar interests, I guess
Dylann Roof
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I know a dude or two at my school who look like him and are completely insufferable. Don't know much about his case to be honest, but i think I'd give him a kiss on the cheek, he kinda cute.. kinda
Thomas Matthew Crooks
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Oh.. it's freaky time for sure vro👅👅 (thats mostly a joke)
These are all the people I can think of currently👅
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Hm... if this was earlier on when I first joined the tcc, I'd say freaky time, but I think i'll just give him a kiss on the cheek
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That one scene where he gets on his knees with the shotgun in-between his legs while he conceals it... ughdjsj I converted from Cal to Andre.. I love Andre.. I don't think i have to say my answer atp
Alex (Elephant)
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I didn't really get much from elephant when I watched it, I was very confused, started to understand and got confused again. But this is about Alex, not the movie he's in. He's good looking for sure, but I think I'll just kiss him on the cheek
Eric (Elephant)
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hmmm..also kiss on the cheek
Dylan and Eric in Zero Hour
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Sorta random but when I was trying to find the actors names, on the IMB page it says that Eric and Dylan themselves played as themselves😭😭🙏 like ah yes, they brought them back to life just to film this!! Anyways, they're both fine, though still probably just gonna kiss them on the cheek / lips
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
favourite poems of august
marge piercy circles on the water: selected poems of marge piercy: "for the young who want to"
marilyn chin fruit études
lisa olstein radio crackling, radio gone: "the hypnotist's daughter"
elizabeth willis address: "the witch"
jana prikryl the after party: "to tell of bodies changed"
diane seuss backyard song
alison c. rollings original [sin]
gerard malanga cornelius...cornelius gurlitt
todd boss rocket
beyza ozer to summarise a galaxy
john foy night vision: "woods"
clodagh beresford dunne ford galaxy
dorianne laux smoke: "heart"
anthony madrid like a cloud above the ravine
pascale petit swamp deer
frank o'hara maurice ravel
adonis selected poems: "desert" (tr. khaled mattawa)
sonja johanson three deer in oquossoc
melissa stein terrible blooms: "lemon and cedar"
w. s. di piero having my cards read
thomas hoagland bible study
peter campion big avalanche ravine
alberto ríos the smallest muscle in the human body: "rabbits and fire"
lena khalaf tuffaha water & salt: "mountain, stone"
josephine miles desert
jeanne murray walker invocation to convince a baby already more than twelve days overdue to come out of the womb
andrew hudgins the imagined copperhead
robert carr stargazing while sedated
mary ruefle among the musk ox people: poems: "blood soup"
jack collom red car goes by: selected poems 1955-2000: "bald eagle count"
mahmoud darwish to a young poet (tr. fady joudah)
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book--brackets · 2 months
The Wicked + the Divine by Kieron Gillan (2014-2019)
Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critical tongue-attractors like Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to create a world where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. But remember: just because you’re immortal, doesn’t mean you’re going to live forever.
The Checquy Files by Daniel O'Malley (2012-2022)
"The body you are wearing used to be mine." So begins the letter Myfanwy Thomas is holding when she awakes in a London park surrounded by bodies all wearing latex gloves. With no recollection of who she is, Myfanwy must follow the instructions her former self left behind to discover her identity and track down the agents who want to destroy her.
She soon learns that she is a Rook, a high-ranking member of a secret organization called the Chequy that battles the many supernatural forces at work in Britain. She also discovers that she possesses a rare, potentially deadly supernatural ability of her own.
In her quest to uncover which member of the Chequy betrayed her and why, Myfanwy encounters a person with four bodies, an aristocratic woman who can enter her dreams, a secret training facility where children are transformed into deadly fighters, and a conspiracy more vast than she ever could have imagined.
Tea Dragon by K. O'Neill (2017-2021)
From the award-winning author of Princess Princess Ever After comes THE TEA DRAGON SOCIETY, the beloved and charming all-ages book that follows the story of Greta, a blacksmith apprentice, and the people she meets as she becomes entwined in the enchanting world of tea dragons. After discovering a lost tea dragon in the marketplace, Greta learns about the dying art form of tea dragon care-taking from the kind tea shop owners, Hesekiel and Erik. As she befriends them and their shy ward, Minette, Greta sees how the craft enriches their lives--and eventually her own. 
The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper (1965-1977)
When the Dark comes rising, six shall turn it back, three from the circle, three from the track; wood, bronze, iron; water, fire, stone; five will return, and one go alone.” 
With these mysterious words, Will Stanton discovers on his 11th birthday that he is no mere boy. He is the Sign-Seeker, last of the immortal Old Ones, destined to battle the powers of evil that trouble the land. His task is monumental: he must find and guard the six great Signs of the Light, which, when joined, will create a force strong enough to match and perhaps overcome that of the Dark. Embarking on this endeavor is dangerous as well as deeply rewarding; Will must work within a continuum of time and space much broader than he ever imagined.
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter (1979)
In The Bloody Chamber - which includes the story that is the basis of Neil Jordan's 1984 movie The Company of Wolves - Carter spins subversively dark and sensual versions of familiar fairy tales and legends like "Little Red Riding Hood," "Bluebeard," "Puss in Boots," and "Beauty and the Beast," giving them exhilarating new life in a style steeped in the romantic trappings of the gothic tradition.
Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews (2013-2022)
On the outside, Dina Demille is the epitome of normal. She runs a quaint Victorian Bed and Breakfast in a small Texas town, owns a Shih Tzu named Beast, and is a perfect neighbor, whose biggest problem should be what to serve her guests for breakfast. But Dina is...different: Her broom is a deadly weapon; her Inn is magic and thinks for itself. Meant to be a lodging for otherworldly visitors, the only permanent guest is a retired Galactic aristocrat who can’t leave the grounds because she’s responsible for the deaths of millions and someone might shoot her on sight. Under the circumstances, "normal" is a bit of a stretch for Dina.
And now, something with wicked claws and deepwater teeth has begun to hunt at night...Feeling responsible for her neighbors, Dina decides to get involved. Before long, she has to juggle dealing with the annoyingly attractive, ex-military, new neighbor, Sean Evans—an alpha-strain werewolf—and the equally arresting cosmic vampire soldier, Arland, while trying to keep her inn and its guests safe. But the enemy she’s facing is unlike anything she’s ever encountered before. It’s smart, vicious, and lethal, and putting herself between this creature and her neighbors might just cost her everything.
The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley (2005-2012)
For Sabrina and Daphne Grimm, life has not been a fairy tale. After the mysterious disappearance of their parents, the sisters are sent to live with their grandmother--a woman they believed was dead! Granny Relda reveals that the girls have two famous ancestors, the Brothers Grimm, whose classic book of fairy tales is actually a collection of case files of magical mischief. Now the girls must take on the family responsibility of being fairy tale detectives.
Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta (2008-2012)
Finnikin of the Rock and his guardian, Sir Topher, have not been home to their beloved Lumatere for ten years. Not since the dark days when the royal family was murdered and the kingdom put under a terrible curse. But then Finnikin is summoned to meet Evanjalin, a young woman with an incredible claim: the heir to the throne of Lumatere, Prince Balthazar, is alive.
Evanjalin is determined to return home and she is the only one who can lead them to the heir. As they journey together, Finnikin is affected by her arrogance . . . and her hope. He begins to believe he will see his childhood friend, Prince Balthazar, again. And that their cursed people will be able to enter Lumatere and be reunited with those trapped inside. He even believes he will find his imprisoned father.
But Evanjalin is not what she seems. And the truth will test not only Finnikin's faith in her . . . but in himself.
Damar by Robin McKinley (1982-1984)
Harry Crewe is an orphan girl who comes to live in Damar, the desert country shared by the Homelanders and the secretive, magical Hillfolk. Her life is quiet and ordinary-until the night she is kidnapped by Corlath, the Hillfolk King, who takes her deep into the desert. She does not know the Hillfolk language; she does not know why she has been chosen. But Corlath does. Harry is to be trained in the arts of war until she is a match for any of his men. Does she have the courage to accept her true fate?
The Chronicles of the Black Company by Glen Cook (1984-2000)
Some feel the Lady, newly risen from centuries in thrall, stands between humankind and evil. Some feel she is evil itself. The hard-bitten men of the Black Company take their pay and do what they must, burying their doubts with their dead. 
Until the prophesy: The White Rose has been reborn, somewhere, to embody good once more. There must be a way for the Black Company to find her... 
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pale-opal · 2 months
Hear Me Out:
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I know that image and what I'm about to say has a chance of being incredibly niche, because I have no idea how much overlap there is between the Homestuck and Mega Man fandoms. But if there's anything I've learned from the internet, it's that no matter what fandom you're in, it's almost guaranteed that someone in said fandom has read Homestuck before. So I think someone out there will understand the rant I'm about to go on. But for everyone who hasn't read Homestuck before, here's a quick explanation: Homestuck is a webcomic that was written and published by a man named Andrew Hussie. It ran from 2009-2016. It follows the misadventures of four kids as they play a game called Sburb with the help of twelve other kids known as "trolls." Together, they go on a quest to complete the game, as the initiation of it has caused the world to end (so even if they wanted to quit, they couldn't. Whoops). It is currently available to read on mspaintadventures.com, however I do NOT recommend reading it if you are a minor, or if you have sensitivity to content that contains violence, strong language, etc. - There were also two (technically one?) epilogues produced afterward, as well as a sequel called "Homestuck^2". - The disclaimer above applies to those works as well.
Okay. Now that I've explained what Homestuck is, let's get into why I put these four Doctors in the squares that I did.
Dr. Cossack: Has read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - He just seems like the kind of man who casually knows a lot about a lot of things. - A "nerd," if you will. - I can see him reading this in college and subsequently getting totally invested. - He relates to John Egbert (one of the four kids I mentioned earlier) on a personal level. - He did not like the epilogues. - He likes Homestuck^2, though. Dr. Light: Has Read Homestuck, Doesn't Know What Homestuck Is - I imagine that Light was introduced to Homestuck through Cossack while they were in college. - Like, what if Light got sick at some point, and Cossack came over and showed him this random webcomic he found in an attempt to make him feel better, only for Light to wake up the next day, convinced the whole thing was a fever dream? - Cut to many years later, after the birth of Proto Man. - Light and Cossack are having a conversation on the phone: - Cossack: "Hey, Thomas. Do you remember Homestuck?" - Light: "...Homestuck?" - Cossack: "You know, that webcomic I showed you when you got the flu back in college?" - Light: "I'm not sure I-" - Cossack: "The one with the little gray people?" - Light: "Little gray- wait. Wait, that was real?!" - He has not read the epilogues or Homestuck^2. Dr. LaLinde: Has Not Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - I think that Dr. Cossack would go on many coffee-fueled 2 a.m. rants to her during last-minute attempts to finish projects on time when the two of them were in college. - LaLinde would always listen respectfully, and as a result knows the entire lore behind Homestuck despite never reading it. - One day, she decided to give it a go. Here's how that went: - LaLinde: "Okay, let's see here- what? Eight thousand (8000) pages? Where am I going to find the time to read all of that?" - And so, she has to this day never read the darn thing. Dr. Wily: Has Not Read Homestuck, Does Not Know What Homestuck Is - The reasoning behind this is simple: he just couldn't get into it. - Dr. Cossack tried several times while they were in college to convince him to read it, but it sounded really convoluted to him. - Dr. Light tried to get him to read it before the whole "Dr. Wily becomes evil and takes over the world" thing after he remembered what it was. - That didn't work either. - Plus, the whole thing just seemed too long. - He eventually just forgot it existed once Light stopped trying to get him to read it. But here's something else about the Doctors: they all had kids. Kids who all grew up with different levels of parental involvement. Kids who would've probably heard their parents talk about this strange little webcomic at one time or another. Which brings me to my next point:
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Blues: Has Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - I imagine that he heard the aforementioned phone call between Light and Cossack, and asked Dr. Light about what they were talking about. - Light straight up tells him that he's not allowed to read it. - Blues accepts this. - Cut to Blues' life after he runs away from home. He's at the library. - He's also in the midst of his "I hate my dad" arc, and as a result is more than willing to go and read this comic Dr. Light told him was off-limits. - He spends a whole day reading the webcomic, its epilogues, and its sequel. - He is there from the time the library opens to the time it closes. - And once everything is said and done, he is a changed man. - His favorite character is Dave Strider. - He also used to like Dirk Strider and Jane Crocker, but then he read the epilogues. Bass: Has Read Homestuck, Doesn't Know What Homestuck is - Bass was just minding his business, until he finds Proto Man broke into his house... again. - I like to think Blues breaks into Wily Fortress sometimes, just because he can. As a treat. - And to visit any Wilybots he's friends with. - He goes to confront Blues, only to find him in the midst of his third reread of Homestuck. - He asks what he's doing. - Blues tells him to pull up a chair. - He starts the reread over so that Bass can understand what's going on. - Bass, too, ends up a changed man. Even if he has no idea what he just read. - His favorite character is Karkat Vantas. - He made a trollsona (basically a troll OC), but has never told a living soul about it. - Also, he will never admit it, but "[S] Game Over" messed him up on an emotional level (if you don't know what "[S] Game Over" is, don't worry about it. Don't look it up. It's okay. Just forget I said anything). Tempo: Has Not Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - Quake Woman has not read Homestuck for the same reason her mother hasn't read it: She's simply too busy. - Blues tries to convince her to read it, though. - But here's the thing: Vesper Woman HAS read it... but she just thought it was just alright. This leads to conversation like this happening: - Vesper: "Don't listen to him, Tempo. It's okay at best." - Blues: "..." - Blues: "...would you like to elaborate on that?" - They get into arguments about different aspects of the plot a LOT. - Tempo just listens quietly while she works. - Out of curiosity, she ended up looking it up one day when she had free time, and ended up stumbling across Hiveswap instead. - Hiveswap is a spin-off game that takes place in Homestuck's universe. The first Act was released in 2017, and the second was released in 2020. - I will admit that I haven't played Hiveswap, so I'm not sure if the disclaimer I provided for Homestuck applies here. Kalinka Cossack: Has Never Read Homestuck, Does Not Know What Homestuck Is - My reasoning behind this is even more simple than Dr. Wily's: - Dr. Cossack does not let her know that Homestuck exists in an effort to keep her innocence in tact. - That's it. That's the reasoning. You can all go home n-. - ...wait. Is that ANOTHER image down there?
You see, there's one more set of characters that I want to discuss in this long, long post. Characters that wouldn't be influenced by their parents, meaning that whether or not they've read Homestuck would be more up to happenstance:
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...I can explain.
Zero: Has Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - Part of the reason I put him here is because he ended up being the opposite of what Wily wanted him to be. He wanted a ruthless killing machine, and instead he got someone who helps save the world on multiple occasions. So why not have him be the opposite of his creator in Homestuck knowledge as well? - (Although if you think about it, Zero is technically a ruthless killing machine, but that's not what we're here to talk about). - Another other part of the reasoning is that I thought it was funny. - Zero had trouble getting invested until Act 5. - After he reached that point, he was locked in. - He sees a little bit of himself in Rose Lalonde and Dirk Strider. - He has never read the epilogues, or the sequel. Once he saw the Snapchat bonus content, he thought that was it. - Zero successfully got Iris into the comic as well. - Her favorite character was also Rose. - I like to think he and Layer also became friends after realizing they were both Homestuck fans.
Axl: Has Read Homestuck, Doesn't Know What Homestuck Is - He found a dub of the series on YouTube on day while watching random videos. - He was invested almost immediately. - Axl would talk about it with the other Red Alert members a lot - especially to Red and Tornado. - But there was one problem: He didn't know the name of it. It just completely slipped his mind at one point, and he wasn't able to get it back. This led to stuff like this: - Axl: "And THEN John and his friends are losing to the Condescence, but-" - Red: "That's nice and all, but what's this webcomic you read called?" - Axl: "Uh... I dunno. I can't remember." - Red: "Are you sure you didn't just make it up?" - Axl: "Wha- Yes! Yes, I'm sure!" - Red: "...sure thing, little buddy." - After joining the Maverick Hunters, Axl casually brings up the plot of this comic he can't remember the name of. Zero soon says this: - Zero: "...are you talking about Homestuck?" - Axl: "That's what it's called?!" - He made a trollsona like Bass did, but is a lot less shy about sharing it. - His favorite character is Roxy Lalonde. - Axl got Palette into it as well. X: Has Not Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - He heard Zero talk about it with Iris a lot, but it sounded a bit too violent for his tastes. - He did play the Pesterquest visual novel, though. - Yes, the disclaimer does apply for this visual novel. - I like to think that at some point in X7, X complains about Zero and Axl's interest in "overly violent media" and asks if Zero has started "corrupting the youth." - He is promptly told to shut up. - X is more open to the idea of reading Homestuck by the time X8 comes around though. But it isn't until Axl is recovering from the game's ending that he actually starts considering it, since he knows it'll make Axl happy. - Speaking of which: will Capcom ever give us X9? - I just want to know if Axl is really okay, or if Lumine messed him up somehow. - It's been almost 20 years since the game released. 20 years is a long time to leave part of a video game franchise on a cliffhanger (but then again, Mega Man Legends fans have been waiting for 24 years...) Sigma: Has Not Read Homestuck, Does Not Know What Homestuck Is - The reason Sigma is in this category is very easy to explain: - He deserves nothing that could give him any semblance of happiness. - Also, I hate him.
Alright, rant over.
The inspiration for this post, as well as the original template, can be found here.
...now you can all go home.
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ririchonne · 4 months
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I’ve just (re)watched The Mist by Frank Darabont. I think I had never seen it entirely...
Knowing now that Thomas Jane was supposed to play Rick Grimes, I’m glad he hadn’t been available. Andrew Lincoln was really made for this role.
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We would have never had Richonne but RickAndrea sure would have been a thing on the show too. Laurie Holden (Andrea) is also in that movie (Carole and Dale too) and I could see her and Thomas Jane’s Rick together.
Glad Andrew’s nailed the 2nd part of his audition.
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I mean look at this cutie pie (who had ripped someone throat with his teeth)🫠!
Side note: Can you imagine Jon Berthal (he auditioned for both roles)as Rick? 👀
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Rick: They are coming!More
Michonne: Of them!? Then we go!
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nobodybutapathetic · 1 year
Wait- Isn’t It Supposed To Be The Teacher? (!SPECIAL!)
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Pairing: Tom Felton x Y/N Warning: Slight language usage Summary: You were just at school, doing your casual things until the principal called you and, something unexpected happens..
A/N: This was based on my dream that I had today. I was so happy to have this dream (I will change it a bit on this imagine) since today I had the most difficult exam ever. It really calmed my mind. Anyways, love you all! (Thank you so much @slytherinqueenrose for telling me to do this. At first, I was embarrassed to write something like this based on any of my dreams but, you convinced me to. Love you so much dear.)
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I was just sketching, doing literally something that’ll cure my boredom.
I was at class, well, English class. It’s okay but, essays? Never gonna be on my yes list.
I sighed, looking at the window next to me. The sky was so dark, clouds all together, meaning it would rain.
Honestly, I was assigned to sit next to the window. Rain isn’t bad but, whenever it does rain, the water would most likely go to my hair. So, I always had to use the toilet or either bring extra clothes just in case.
“Y/N, got anything to say?” My teacher asked with a brow raised. All the students then looked at me when the teacher talked.
I’m so fucking annoyed by these eyes. Like, am I the eye candy to them? As if.
“Um. I must say, you must’ve chosen the wrong person. I have nothing to say.” I said, hoping she’d skip to ask another one of my classmates.
“Perhaps you weren’t paying ATTENTION in class. How many times do I have to say stay focused!?” My teacher yelled. I’m so tired of these ongoing days where I have to suffer hearing lots of complaints.
“We’ll see about that.” I mumbled and she just sighed.
A few minutes passed then, the class bell rang. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my whole entire life. I mean, who wouldn’t like the sound of the bell? Well, probably because of how much LOUD it is that it’ll make our ears bleed but, the meaning counts!
I decided to stay inside class since it’s break period now and, suddenly, the Vice principal came inside. He looked like he was confused or in a hurry but, I didn’t mind at all.
He then came up to me, me being scared but calm in front of him.
“Y/N, I want you to go to the canteen right away! Now! While there’s still time!” He grabbed me, pushing my sketchbook and pencils to the ground.
“While there’s still ti-“ I was about to ask before the principal cut me off.
“No talking! Just hurry up and go!” He pushed me outside the door, me confused but, I ran anyway.
My canteen isn’t exactly the canteen you’d expect. We had to buy our food outside. Which is considered as the canteen. But as my surprise, it was raining! Fuck it was heavy.
The sky is dark indigo blue. It’s almost as blue as a blueberry.
“Y/N, come on!” My friend yelled, still running but then taking the lead.
“Wait- WHAT’S HAPPENING?!” I yelled.
The sight of students running. Will they all disappear. Probably they will. As for Y/N, she’d probably be safe. But how would anyone know if she will? The running doesn’t stop at all. Plus, it’s raining. Anyone could slip off to their death.
Y/N kept running and running and RUNNING. She doesn’t even know what was happening. Poor thing. Although, once she reached the end of the canteen, her friends were only there. Well, some of them.
“There’s literally no one here!” I yelled, really worried.
“I know. Not even the principal. We must go and start searching for them.” My friend suggested which I nodded at.
We both ran outside the school, hoping that we’d find someone but, seems like our expectations were really that high.
“Have you seen anyone yet?” My friend asked, panting.
“No. You?” I asked back.
“Bad luck.” She frowned. I suddenly heard a beep sound coming from my phone which was really unusual.
“What are you waiting for? Check it out!” My friend grabbed my phone from my jacket pocket.
“Alright alright! Jeez..” As soon as I took my phone and checked the text, my eyes widened.
“What happened to you? Did someone break your phone or something? If so, don’t blame it on me! It’s your problem.” My friend huffed until I shook her to check the text as well.
Vice Principal: Greetings to all students of Y/S (Your School). A very good afternoon to you all. We are sorry for the late inconvenience and that we are delaying the face to face interaction at school and start doing it online. We all humbly request you to join at around 5:40 exact and your assigned teacher will be waiting for you as you start joining. Thank you all for your cooperation.
Warm regards, Vice principal Vincent.
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” My friend yelled. I immediately covered her mouth with my hand.
“Well, they could’ve informed directly rather than texting because I swear this just wasted our time with running. Besides, it’s literally 4:30 right now and I don’t know if we’ll make it on time.” I told, she just clicked her tongue and removed my hand from her mouth.
“Y/N! We’re literally in front of a barn now and, I don’t even know what we’re doing in front of its entrance!” My friend said, I just rolled my eyes at her.
“Seriously, I told you that we have to just go back to our homes like nothing ever happened, okay? Well, maybe not the FACT THAT THEY LEFT US WITH SOME OF OUR FRIENDS. Yet, we have to accept it.” I said, patting her back before leaving.
I prepared my laptop and stationeries for the assigned subject. I sound like a whole entire nerd but, hey. I just wanna be seen good this time.
“You can do this, Y/N.” I gave a quick pep talk to myself then joined the classroom.
Everyone wasn’t there. Well.. Except for me and.. TOM FELTON?!
My heart was pounding. I swear to god, I’ve been having a crush on him for the past few years and, I didn’t seem to not be surprised at the moment. I feel like my face is a total tomato right now.
He seemed not to notice me since he was looking at a paper. His blonde hair was so fluffy and kinda messy, his eyes can’t be ignored even if he wears his glasses. He also had Willow next to him!
Suddenly, my friends joined and he looked at the students then smiled. Hate to say but, I felt kinda jealous that he noticed them rather than noticing me but, I don’t wanna be a pick me girl right now.
But anyways, let’s just try not to ignore the fact that HIS SMILE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING EVER EXISTED.
Though, my friends seemed to freak out as well. Their faces were HELLA red.
“Wait- isn’t it supposed to be the teacher?-“ I asked. God I didn’t even know I had the guts to ask that stupid question!
“Well, you probably got the wrong code or you’re in the wrong server.” He said.
“What are your names anyways?” He asked.
“I’m Y/N and these are Y/F 1, Y/F 2 and Y/F 3. You must be Tom Felton, yes?” I said, trying so hard not to squeal.
“Nice names. And, you’re really a good guesser.” He winked. I AM DYING-
“How’d you even get inside and get the code anyway?” He asked
“The vice principle sent the code that he probably guessed. He sent it to everyone. Well- probably not everyone but us.” I said, he hummed.
“Why are you even on google meet?” I asked.
“I decided to join random servers to surprise people but instead, I accidentally made a server.” He said, whilst cleaning his glasses.
“I see..” I said.
We spent the past few hours talking about our lives and other things. Then, my friends left except for me since Tom told me to stay for a bit.
“So um.. You told me you excelled in Y/FS (your favorite subject) am I right?” He asked, while holding up Willow.
“Yes. Yes I did. It’s quite easy to be honest but for the rest, well, it’s hard to explain..” I said, flustered.
“Understandable.” He smiled.
“I have to go now. Well, may fate make us meet again? And, if you wanna chat, you can either go to my social medias and text me there. Make sure your username is the same as your name, ‘ight?” He smiled once again but this time, it was filled with joy.
“Yeah uhm. Sure. Goodbye!” I waved until the meeting was ended.
I sighed. Today was a good day yeah but, I wonder when we’ll meet.
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thatscarletflycatcher · 6 months
@miraculoushedgehog replied to your post: I need this info on 81’ Thomas 😂
In Sense and Sensibility 1981, the servants of Barton cottage are not ones coming with the Dashwoods from Norland; whether sir John sent them or they are just a fixture of the place, the series doesn't tell us, but they do get a grand introduction:
Thomas, who is doing some gardening as he awaits the Dashwoodses, with as much or more enthusiasm as Mr Collins' noticing Lady Catherine's carriage, tells the maid when he sees the carriage:
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Darcy cannot fix the hour or the spot? Skill issue. This man certainly can, as he ran inside, put on a coat and proceeded to greet them:
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What a meet cute! Ma Dashwood is not at all displeased:
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She has not withdrawn her hand! she smiles at him!
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I know who this woman was voting for on that tournament.
Once she moves past him, he pointedly looks at her as she makes her way to the front door, and then adds:
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He introduces Susan, and then:
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He's taken with her!
You'd say, Scarlet, you are reading too much into this! these are just some perfunctory introductory lines!
Well, you are wrong, because this sequence hasn't ended yet! I'm tempted to think this is the servant character with the most lines in any Austen adaptation. Which reinforces my theory that this is done ON PURPOSE :P
He shows her the different rooms, and then:
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He smiles at her approval, and clearly attempts to prolong their conversation with:
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Realizing perhaps this is pushing his luck, as she doesn't answer, he adds:
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This is not the last time we see him in this very episode, as he comes in to assuage Lady Middleton's fears that her son might be injured, and informing all that only his cucumber frame has been destroyed, showing with that his great presence of mind.
Episode 2. Tom, who introduced himself last episode as doing gardening and odd jobs, has been ascended to doorman:
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After we meet Willoughby, the same way Andrew Davies treated us to some wet shirt Edward, we are treated to some Tom doing physical labour, clearly highlighting how romance is blossoming in parallel between so similar a mother and a daughter:
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He stops to listen to Marianne and Willoughby sing a song:
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The face of a man in love!
The Queen Maab scene follows this one, and then, as Marianne and Willoughby are singing again another day, what do we see first as background to their singing?
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Ma Dashwood! Carrying flowers! This is such an obvious yet subtle romantic parallel. This is the kind of soft romantic storytelling I'm here for.
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That's Willoughby's carriage as he's brought back Marianne from Allenham. Would Thomas be complete if he didn't love horses?
Episode 3: We open with some Thomas working in the background:
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So that we not forget his real relevance in this story's subtext.
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Ma Dashwood not even trying to be subtle.
Another Tom cameo:
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And another:
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Ma Dashwood's reaction upon hearing that Mrs Jennings has invited Elinor and Marianne to go to London with her:
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It is worth mentioning that in this adaptation, there's no Margaret. Ma Dashwood is not sick. There's absolutely no reason for her not to be invited, so why didn't Mrs Jennings invite her? Well, of course, because with her nose for romance she's sniffed her secret out! Ma Dashwood does then demolish all Elinor's objections, is truly overjoyed at the idea of being left behind, and explicitly mentions her having Tom and Susan with her as a reason for Elinor and Marianne to go with a clean conscience.
Ma Dashwood's face after her daughters leave the room:
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During episodes 4-5, the series of course focuses on our main heroines in London and Cleveland, leaving us to imagine the full blossoming of this romance happening at Barton cottage, and all the angst and heartbreak that their class separation imposes on these middle aged lovers. Ma Dashwood may be a romantic, but she understands that her daughters come first.
As soon as we return to Barton in episode 6, so returns our favorite gardener-doorman-oodjobman Tom! Without seeing him, Ma Dashwood recognizes his way of shutting the front door, and calls his name, and then smiles at his answering:
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♪ So this is love... ♫ (notice Elinor drawing Edward's portrait)
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(Then we get the "Thomas tells them Mr Ferrars is married" scene)
Then this scene follows:
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It's a really clever piece of writing, where the writers both show us the grown intimacy, respect and appreciation between them, and give us a nice metaphor, where the flowers of the hedgerow, that represent Tom, are picked by Ma Dashwood, beautiful in her eyes, and made fit for polite society. Alas, the crucial question remains: how can they love be, without ruining Marianne and Elinor's prospects?
As we all know, Edward comes and proposes to Elinor, and marries her. We are then treated to a visit of colonel Brandon, where Ma Dashwood sees how much Marianne's feelings and attitudes towards the colonel have changed.
The last line and frame of the adaptation belongs to Ma Dashwood:
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That would, to any distracted viewer, seem very odd. Why that? And why that line? But for the attentive viewer who has been able to piece together the little drama behind the curtains, it's patently clear: she has realized that Marianne will marry Brandon, and once that happens, she will be free to have her own second happily ever after herself, with Tom, the gardener of her heart.
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remussl0vers · 3 months
requesting guide
updated: 17.06.23
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please make sure to read this before requesting anything — i'm hoping that you'll respect my boundaries on what am i comfortable with and with not writing.
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I tend to curse often in my fics, and are usually comfortable with covering more serious topics, so make sure to check the content warning before hand. I always write warnings when I believe they're needed, but do let me know if you think something should be added!
also senders may request as many as they want <3
I tend to write oneshots over 1000 words, so if you want feel free to specify if you want a long or short story.
sensitive / triggering topics
smut / spice
most tropes ( best at friends to lovers )
I'm pretty comfortable with writing sensitive topics as well as angst ( anyone who's read my works before will know that they're the things I write best ) however, if I'm not comfortable with the topic as a whole I will DM you, or possibly put it off for a while.
*If you have a writing prompt from somewhere as well, feel free to send it through !!
male reader / ftm
gender neutral
original character
I do not write female readers / characters anymore. If there aren't specified pronouns then I will write it as a male character.
There are also some characters I only feel comfortable writing for with a male reader/character and vice versa, which I'll note who.
love interests
polyamorous ships ; depends on the character
support of homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, racism, sexism, pedophilia, incest ; if they're mentioned in a request in terms of the character being bullied / abused ( in the past ) then i may write it but NOT explicitly, only a mention
a pairing against a character's canon sexuality
female reader
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charles rowland
edwin payne
niko sasaki ( not romantic )
crystal palace ( not romantic )
ben beast
harry hook
carlos de vil
mal bertha
evie grimhilde
anthony lockwood
lucy carlyle
george karim
quill kipps ( friends / family only )
remus lupin
sirius black
regulus black
james potter
lily evans ( not romantic )
evan rosier
barty crouch jr
marlene mckinnon ( not romantic )
dorcas meadows ( not romantic )
pandora lovegood ( not romantic )
mary mcdonald ( not romantic )
peter parker / spiderman ( tom and andrew )
loki laufeyson
kate bishop
yelena belova ( not romantic )
steve rogers
bucky barnes
pietro maximoff
wanda maximoff
valkyrie ( not romantic )
natasha romanoff
tony stark ( not romantic )
gwen stacy ( emma stone )
gwen stacy ( atsv )
*marvel and particularly the mcu is a fandom i'm more comfortable with than most, so if there is a character not listed, then i may or may not write for them
prince caspian
peter pevensie
edmund pevensie ( only during dawn treader )
kaz brekker
inej ghafa
jesper fahey
wylan van eck
nina zenik
alina starkov
nikolai lantsov
genya safin ( not romantic )
matthias helvar
steve harrington
jonathon byers
max mayfield
robin buckley ( not romantic )
stiles stilinski ( *i will take most/all dylan obrien characters )
isaac lahey
scott mccall
liam dunbar ( not romantic )
allison argent
malia tate
lydia martin ( not romantic )
kira yukimura
derek hale
finnick odair
peeta mellark
katniss everdeen
logan howlett
charles xavier ( james mcavoy )
jean grey
erik lehnsherr ( not romantic )
wade wilson / deadpool
kitty pryde
bobby drake
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the-chosen-fanfiction · 11 months
Andrew | Beautiful You | Romantic
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Requested: Yes
In spite of your low self-esteem, Andrew reassures you that you are just as beautiful as those you compare yourself to, and to him, even more so.
Thomas is not exactly subtle. Whereas he has been staring at Ramah for the past twenty minutes across camp, you have found him out the second he set eyes on her, and are now observing the strange scene by looking up from your sewing every so often.
Matthew tries to be more discreet, but your keen eye has spotted him as well. His gaze is fixated upon Mary, watching her carefully, eagerly drinking in every detail of her.
The two women do not seem to mind it. At least, they don’t seem to be sensing a pair of eyes scrutinising them. 
You don’t feel a pair of eyes on you, either. 
But why would you? It’s not like you’d ever be half as beautiful as Mary or Ramah. Their hair shines, their faces brighten up under any circumstances. Even when tired, they are rays of sunshine, vessels of pure beauty, and you… You are just you. 
Plain, simple, unassuming. With (h/c) hair you wished to be more healthy. And you are certain your (e/c) eyes don’t sparkle as vividly as Tamar’s dark ones. Of course the bachelors around camp will not even consider you a potential marriage candidate. Not when the other three women around your own age here are way more attractive than you are.
You are sunken away in thought as you are suddenly roughly disturbed from your focused state when you accidentally poke your finger with the needle you are holding. Yelping, you immediately bring it to your lips to take up the small droplet of blood that immediately appears. 
Footsteps approach you from behind, and before you can even withdraw your index finger from your mouth, Thomas’ voice rings inside your ears. 
“Hey, (Y/n), could you maybe help me with… Are you okay?” 
You slowly take your hand away from your face and hum, eyeing him expectantly as he gives you a strange look. 
“Well then. Okay, could you maybe help me with trying to ask for Ramah’s hand? I-I mean not like that! I am just… I am trying to… Do you know… Does she… Ever mention me?”
One of your eyebrows rises higher on your face. Thomas awkwardly grins as he gives you a hopeful look, anxiously awaiting your answer. 
“She does, but… What would you need my help for? I do not know the kind of man her father is, so I’m not sure of what use I’d be and–”
“Kafni is fully aware that I intend to marry his daughter one day.” Thomas interrupts you, “It’s just… I want to do something special for her, you know? Ah… Let me rephrase. Imagine being a bachelorette waiting for a potential love interest to ask for her hand…” – Not that difficult to imagine, you bitterly think to yourself – “What would you like him to do? What would make you more interested in marrying a man?”
You put down your sewing work and purse your lips, humming in thought. “Let’s see,” you muse, “Ah… I never really considered anyone being interested in me that way, but… I think I would be interested in being with a man who is Godly, respectful, kind and caring, and most of all he’d have to accept me as I am. I wouldn’t want him to do anything specific, but…”
Pausing, you take a deep breath, suddenly feeling emotional as your throat feels tighter. 
“But the only thing I’d ask for is for him to accept me for who I am, flaws and all.”
Thomas thinks for a moment, gazes over at Ramah, and then shrugs. “Not exactly the kind of answer I was looking for, but thank you anyways, (Y/n).”
You give him a grimace of a smile as he stalks off before even giving you the chance to react. You’re certain he didn’t mean anything negative with it, but it leaves you feeling even more lonely than you are, a pit growing in your stomach. 
Suddenly, you are yearning for some time alone.
Putting down your work, you stand and stretch your sore limbs before heading for the women’s tent, grabbing your shoulder bag containing a few belongings. 
“Where are you going?” Tamar asks as she looks up from her chores, “Is something going on?”
With a small shake of your head, you smile at her. “No, nothing is going on. I just need some time to myself.”
“Where will you be heading?”
You sigh, but there is no hint of annoyance in the sound. “Just to the nearby lake, I think. I need to sort out my thoughts.”
“I know that look. You seem troubled.”
You halt in your step and momentarily consider opening up to her. Tamar seems concerned enough to inquire about it, so why not? She is your friend after all, but you’re not sure if she would understand completely.
“I’ll be fine,” you reassure her, “Thank you. I’ll see you later.” Tamar remains unconvinced as you leave the shade of the tent, stepping out into the scorching sun. 
Holding onto the strap of your bag, you head for the body of water you know to be nearby. 
You had seen Andrew and John head out for it yesterday evening in the hopes of catching a few fish for dinner tonight in the shallow parts of the water, although the latter of the two had returned to camp with no catch and an upset stomach about an hour ago, complaining about feeling under the weather. 
The lake seems deserted for as far as you can look and is only a few minutes away. Part of it is around a bend, but there grows little to no foliage there, leaving you to take a seat with your back to camp, finding some coverage underneath a small tree. 
You sigh and look out over the water, drinking in the feeling of serenity and solemnity. You’re just far enough away from the encampment to not hear any sounds from it, leaving you to your thoughts alone. 
They soon drift to the future. Where would the ministry take you? Where would life after the ministry take you? 
Thomas and Ramah would likely be married. Perhaps something would blossom between Mary and Matthew. Tamar would not have any trouble finding a spouse, either.
You’d be the only bachelorette left without a husband. Not that you needed one, but it hurt regardless. 
You’d have to become more pretty, like they were. 
The sun reflects on the water and makes it so that trying to use it as a mirror is futile. From your bag, you take a polished shard of glass you usually use to see your reflection and hold it in front of your face, inspecting your own features in the harsh light of the nearing noon.
Your (s/c) skin lacks radiance, you establish. With your index finger, you point at a few blemishes here and there. It’s dry and flaky from the damage long walks in bright sunlight has brought along. Your lips are chapped in spite of you usually rubbing them with some oil every night before bed. The (h/c) hair that frames your face doesn’t shine like Mary’s luscious locks do, nor do you have the sweet freckles Ramah has, nor the beautiful allure that Tamar possesses. 
A tear rolls down your cheek and you don’t even bother wiping it away. How will you ever be enough? All the bachelors around camp must have crushes on these three women. There is no way that you can compare, even though it is not meant as a competition.
You sniffle, tucking some hair behind your ear in the hopes of making it look better, but the insecurities take the better of you. With a blurring vision, you wrap your free hand over your mouth and stifle the small sob that threatens to escape.
“Hey, are you alright?”
Andrew, carrying the net he has just cleaned over his arm, startles you greatly. Your eyes widen as you instinctively shy away from the sound of his voice, your heart skipping a beat. 
“Are you okay?” he repeats his question when you do not answer. It takes you a second to gather yourself, wiping dry your cheeks with the back of your hand. Andrew, however, has seen more than enough to know that you are crying. His brow is furrowed in worry, although this goes unnoticed by you.
Your cheeks are flushed with embarrassment as Andrew drops the net onto the ground and takes a seat next to you, the concern not leaving his face. “Hey now, (Y/n). You’re clearly upset about something. Did something happen?”
Sniffling, you shake your head. “It’s nothing, Andrew,” you hiccup, “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’ll just need some time by myself.”
The younger son of Jonah does not seem to move to get up again, instead leaning closer to you. “If anyone hurt you, just let me know so I can go and–”
“It’s okay.” you cut him off, “Really.”
Andrew doubtfully sighs. “I will not force you to answer, but know that you can go to Jesus with everything, too. I am sure He will know a way to help you.”
You scoff involuntarily and close your eyes in immediate shame. “I don’t think that He can help me. Plus, I don’t want to trouble Him with my insignificant issues.”
“If they are so insignificant, why are you here all by yourself, crying your heart out?”
Swallowing away the lump in your throat, you exhale. “Because it is significant to me, and me alone. I don’t want to inconvenience other people with my nonsense.”
“You can always inconvenience me with anything, (Y/n),” Andrew emphasises, causing your heart to pleasantly jump inside your chest. “If you need anyone to speak to, you know where to find me–”
“Do you think I’m ugly?”
The question leaves your lips before you can realise it has formed there and your neck and throat immediately turn crimson in humiliation. New tears well up inside your eyes, and they soon roll down your face.
Andrew stares at you dumbfoundedly. “What? I-I mean, what are you talking about? Where does that come from?!”
“You aren’t denying it.” you whimper. 
He shakes his head frantically, and if you hadn’t been so dismayed in this moment, you’d have found the movement of his curls humorous. 
“What? No! Not at all, (Y/n)! I-I think you’re gorgeous!” Andrew's cheeks turn pink and he clears his throat. “But– Where are you getting the idea that you aren’t?”
Your face pales. Did you just hear him correctly, or is he just saying what he’d think would comfort you? 
“W-Well, Tamar is always stunning in her gowns and alluring beauty. Ramah is bubbly and beautiful and has caught the eye of Thomas. Mary is so sweet and caring, so it is no surprise that Matthew is totally infatuated with her, but… No one is looking at me! There is no way that I can ever be as appealing as they are, and it is making me feel… Like I’m not worth it.”
Andrew’s jaw drops. 
“(Y/n), you are worth it!”
You inhale sharply. “Thank you, Andrew, it’s kind of you to try and make me feel better, but I know that you’re just saying it because you think it is what I want to hear, but I know that I am not half as beautiful as–”
“I mean it, (Y/n)!” Andrew counters with a tone to his voice that is almost pleading. You finally dare to look back up at him, his dark eyes filled with genuinity. “I think you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met.”
You gulp. 
“Any man would be so lucky to marry you. You’re a wonderful woman who pursues Adonai so eagerly. You’re friendly, generous, selfless, admirable. You are beautiful on the inside and on the outside.”
Processing what he is truly saying, you chew the inside of your cheek, your heart hammering inside your chest. “That is one of the nicest things someone has ever said to me.”
Andrew smiles at you - delightfully so - and your stomach swirls with sudden butterflies. 
Could he be… 
His eyes sparkle as he looks at you. You think back on the brief conversation you had with Thomas, about what you’d look for in a potential partner. 
Godly. Kind. And the way he is making sure that you are alright is more than enough evidence to prove that he is sweet and caring. 
And he accepts you just the way you are.
“Andrew,” you croak, voice heavy with emotion. “I… Thank you.” 
The former fisherman hums, smiling a bit, but his face twists as if he is thinking about something.
“I would… I would be very stupid if I were to pass up on this opportunity to ask you if you would be interested in arranging a marriage between you and I… I-If you’d have me, that is.”
Your heart skips a beat. “Are you… Are you serious right now?!”
How could a handsome man like Andrew ever fall for someone like you? Sudden uncertainty tugs at your heartstrings. What if this was some kind of twisted joke he was pulling on you?
No, Andrew would not do that. 
“Of course I am serious.” he whispers. “It would be such an honour to have a woman like you at my side for the rest of my life.”
A large grin breaks out over your face. “Then yes! Yes, please!”
Relief floods Andrew’s features. “Oh, that is wonderful! Thank you for trusting me with this, (Y/n)! I must… I must admit that I’ve been in love with you for a while now.” He averts his gaze, shyly looking away. “For quite some time, actually.” The words make your heart soar and you put your hand on his, smiling broadly. 
“Thank you, too,” you respond, “For seeing in me what I didn’t see in me.”
Andrew smiles softly, brushing some hair out of your face. “I’ll repeat it from now until our final days, (Y/n), that you are the most magnificent woman I’ve ever met.”
Blushing, you lean into his touch as he gently cups your cheek, remaining like that for a few long seconds. 
“Shall we sit here for a while longer?” you suggest after a minute or so. Andrew smiles, scooting closer to you so that his leg brushes against yours. 
“Yes,” he says, looking out over the lake. “You and I, let us sit for a while longer.”
He takes your hand into his and squeezes.
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kenmarlenn · 2 months
@peachyfnaf @foxboidrew hi, this is how I imagine Andrew and Puppet’s talk will go, with her relating to him regarding some level of guilt and villainy in her backstory, bye
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Cillian Murphy strolled to the stage at the Golden Globes with dark red lipstick smeared all over his nose, and the collar of his Saint Laurent tuxedo shirt up, with no bow tie, looking like he'd rolled over from a massive one at Saltburn.
This was not the Cillian Murphy that the internet had been poking fun of for the last six months for his clear disdain for press attention. This was awards season Cillian Murphy. A different beast altogether. It had, in all honesty, been difficult to imagine him getting up on stage and saying "thank you to the Hollywood Foreign press" and all that. It didn't seem to be in his nature. But we should have known that the destroyer of worlds would rise to the occasion.
Picking up the award for best actor in a drama film, he showed the charisma that has gotten him through two decades in Hollywood. He had jokes (about Christopher Nolan having no chairs for actors on set), modesty ("One of the most beautiful and vulnerable things about being an actor is you can't do it on your own") and he thanked all the requisite power players: Universal Pictures, Oppenheimer producer Emma Thomas, his team.
He kicked things off extremely charmingly, by addressing the elephant in the room. “First question, do I have lipstick all over my nose?” And then when everyone shouted “yes!”: “I'm just gonna leave it.”
“I knew that the first time I walked on a Christopher Nolan set that it was different,” he said. “I could tell by the level of rigour, the level of focus, the level of dedication, the complete lack of seating options for any actors. I knew that I was in the hands of a visionary director."
He went on to shout out, by name, his castmates: Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr. and Gary Oldman. “Thank you for carrying and holding me through this movie.” He called his fellow nominees “legends” even the non-Irish ones (nodding to fellow countrymen Andrew Scott and Barry Keoghan). Then, he ended with a shout-out for his family.
It was a precisely measured and perfectly delivered awards speech. Afterwards, one thing became clear: He's ready for his Oscars moment.'
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