#vide0 n4sty
moony-myles · 1 year
Queer Coding in Re-Animator!
A mini list of my favourite works that examine Re-Animator through the ways in which it is queer coded!
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"Refuse of God's Failures" and Transness in Bride of Re-Animator - Logan Ashley Kisner. Gayly Dreadful.
A short piece that talks about how Bride of Re-Animator exhibits symbolism of the trans community through themes of body modification and creation.
Queering the Slasher : Re-Animator - vide0 n4sty. youtube.
A video essay which analyzes Herbert West in specific as an example of a queer character in horror. As well as how the Re-Animator films are queer coded overall.
Made to be Monsters ; 'Re-Animator' - Logan Ashley Kisner. An Injustice!
Another piece by Kisner, this work is longer and goes into more detail about the queer coding of both the first and second films. Specifically they again talk about trans coding and symbolism that can be found in the movies, though this time more through the lens of Herbert being a trans man rather than relating it to the Bride.
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vide0n4sty · 1 year
hi vide0 n4sty! i cited your reanimator video in a research paper for school and had to call you n4sty, vide0
oh fuck yeah, thank you so much for telling me!! :)
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talbot-larry · 2 years
I just watched a 40 minute video essay on Malignant
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still obsessed with queercoding in horror, how so many people can connect to the monster on such a person level that they can look at the thing killing people, often times cishet white able bodied people, and claim it as their own. vide0 n4sty on youtube made a series that talks about this idea so much more elequantly than i ever could, and i seriously recommend it if you like horror and video essays!
the monster, a human/superhuman killer or outright monster, is something that disrupts an idealic suburban life. Sometimes it terrorizes teens who are just starting to figure themselves and their sexualities out, sometimes its lurking within the house, waiting to dig up things left burried, and other times its an invading force, unstoppable in its spread and drive. and yeah you, the white cishet audience, aren’t supposed to side with the monster. But there is always a part of the audience who isn’t The Audience. Who won’t connect with the heros, who mourns silently at the back of the theater when the credits role and the monster is defeated and everything returns to Normal.
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vide0n4sty · 4 years
wanna see a pretencious brit talk about american nostalgia? have i got the video for you!!
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vide0n4sty · 4 years
i wrote an eight thousand word essay about how gay outlast: whistleblower is and then i spent a month making a video essay for it. plz watch n share thx xo
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vide0n4sty · 4 years
quarantine is making me sad so i made a video about my city in my kitchden
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vide0n4sty · 3 years
i promise im going to stop talking about malignant soon but it just genuinely feels like this was a horror movie made for me specifically. it’s got all my beats! grungy vhs aesthetics. insane colour grading and colourful lighting. a killer who looks like the lost member of slipknot. an absurd amount of blood and gore. an operatic score. women screaming. GOTHIC DOUBLING??? this was a vide0 n4sty (tm) movie and i will never stop talking about it
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vide0n4sty · 4 years
hello! i’m ray or, as i’m better known on the internet sphere, vide0 n4sty! i’m a queer nonbinary postgrad who likes to write rambling video essays about horror movies (sometimes games), often in regards to homoerotic subtext in slasher movies, queer theory and the ways marginalised audiences may interact with horror fandom, especially gay people and women.
i really REALLY love what i do, and being able to bring my level of academia to an everyday audience is incredibly rewarding. the feedback i’ve had so far has made me so happy and i love the little community of watchers i have so far. 
HOWEVER i’m still only reaching a small audience due to the subject matter of my academia and just how much youtube restricts LGBT-related content to potential watchers. additionally, because of the scale of my channel, my work doesn’t get suggested to viewers of similar academia and my inability to really grow is somewhat frustrating.
so! during this pride month aaaand on the lead up to my birthday (the 27th) i would really like for my channel to grow, so i might dedicate more time to making my essays truly great and reach a broader audience.
additionally, I HAVE A PATREON so if you’d like to support me even further, i would really appreciate it!
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vide0n4sty · 4 years
aperfecttimeforscreaming replied to your link: vide0 n4sty
every horror movie is gay if you want it to be...
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