#videbimus lumen
pallasgroup · 11 months
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In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen.
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immortalconclusions · 2 years
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In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen
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nithishag · 10 months
York University — Glendon
Established in 1966, York University — Glendon is a prestigious university located in Toronto, Canada.The university’s motto is “In lumine tuo videbimus lumen,” which translates to “In your light, we shall see light.”
York University — Glendon offers 25 undergraduate programs and 9 postgraduate programs. Home to 1,500 international students, York University — Glendon has a total student population of 5,000. It has 45,000+ alumni spread across the globe. More than 1,000 staff and faculties, 7 departments, and numerous aspiring students have contributed to making York University — Glendon a modern-day giant in the field of education and research! The acceptance rate for York University — Glendon is approximately 35%.
York University — Glendon is built around an inclusive culture focusing on diversity, inclusion, and equitable learning opportunities. Its network of like-minded individuals who can support each other no matter where they are has helped make the world a much better place to live in.
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edulearnweb · 2 years
Presbyterian Boys' Secondary School: History, Programmes and More
Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School: History, Programmes and More
Presbyterian Boys’ Secondary School is a secondary boarding school for boys, in Legon, Accra, Ghana. It was founded in 1938, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church of the Gold Coast. Historic Statistics and Data of Presec Legon Senior High School Address: Westland Blvd Rd, Madina Motto: In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen (Latin) Founded: 1938 Number of students: 3,000 Founder: Presbyterian…
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aeide-thea · 4 years
finally looked at the email reply i didn’t want to look at and my reward is… i get to send another email 🙃
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marta-bee · 3 years
Of all the things to get obsessed over in the new Spider-Man trailer
I’ve spent the last half hour or so taking screenshots of Doctor Strange’s hoodie. It has what I think is a Latin phrase (the -bimus suffix is a common conjugation in Latin), and I think it’s “videbimus lumen,” which is the second half of a kind of quasi-motto from Columbia University: “In lumine tuo videbimus lumen,” or roughly, “In [God’s] light we see the light.” As I recall it’s a quote from the Psalms.
Which is a pretty cool detail to suggest he’s an alum from Columbia. He does seem the type. And I was feeling all clever for having spotted it, until I recognized the several blaring Columbia crowns on the sweatshirt.
Ah, well. So much for cleverness. But I do love the Columbia connection, much as I love the juxtaposition of such a traditional icon (even on sweats) at the same time he’s holding a mug printed with “For fox’s sake.”  There’s something ... fishy, yes, but probably very interesting and most importantly fun going on with this man.
(It’s also a very fitting reference for a man who’s both a scientist and a mystic, but unpacking that requires more brainpower than I can muster when dealing with a fit of mid-night insomnia.)
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weyhillandwharf · 5 years
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In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen - Columbia University. Our patented collar detail speaks volumes. 📖🖊🍁 (at Columbia University in the City of New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VatzxDb46/?igshid=129upoq0lnsqc
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alcoholunderstands · 5 years
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In lumine tuo videbimus lumen
In your light we will see the light
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emaadsidiki · 2 years
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Columbia University ♕
In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen ✨ In Thy light shall we see light
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rh35211 · 3 years
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in lumine tuo videbimus lumen
in your light we will see the light
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jasmint-greentea · 3 years
Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen
In your light we see light - Psalms 36:9 I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. - C.S. Lewis, Weight of Glory
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In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen || alix
Xander: College...the one place Xander had never expected to find himself. Shit, the only fathomable reason to ever go would have been the parties and he could get invited to those without putting himself through the torture of being a student. But it'd been about ten days since his own personal Hell on Earth had begun. His "people" were tired of him ruining any good marks he managed to have to his name with his antics and apparently Hollyweed had been the last straw. It was time to reinvent himself or lose his final standing and despite his fuck it all attitude, acting was something he actually cared about so this time, when someone said jump he was forced to ask how high. Apparently, Columbia had been how high. A late admission to an already decided class, he was sure a few strings had to have been pulled and a few palms greased to get him there and while everything that made him /him/ made him want to act out, rebel and let loss in the grandest of ways - he refrained for now. In one of the last conversations he had gotten to have with his mother, she had made him promise to take this seriously, that if there was ever going to be just one thing he took serious in life, let it be this. For her.
So, that's why he was entering the library instead of finding mischief to get up to. Why he'd been to every class on time in the past eleven days. Why no required reading had gone unread and no assignments had gone un-submitted. /For her/. He may have been behaving but that didn't mean he looked any less disheveled or like complete and utter shit - like he'd been up all night, hitting party after party. Raising hell and forgoing sleep. The latter was true at least. Losing a parent, the closest and only person that truly mattered to him, that truly cared about him no matter what shit he got up-to, can do that to a person. He was just going to have to keep his head down and fake it until he could make it. People were trying to befriend him left and right, who knew how many were actually sincere in his attempts but so far he'd just kept himself focused on getting used to being a college student. If he decided to make friends, that could come later. He just..wasn't ready for people quite yet.
A familiar face threw a wrench in that quite quickly however, the sight of his dear community service buddy (a term she would probably deny ) tucked away by herself at a table, school books and papers strewn around in a way that seemed more 'keep away' than someone studying with the aid of all the mess. He wasn't ready for people quite yet but...she was different. Had been so since the first moment he had met her and spent the next 300 hours trying ( and failing ) to get on her good side. He'd never earned her number but in those six weeks he dared to say he'd earned a begrudging smile or two - a snicker at the most. Deserting the path towards the table he had mentally picked out for himself, he came up on her, dropping his bag down to the ground as he grabbed a chair and turned it, dropping down with a grin on his face, arms folding over the back of it. "My, my. Does the admissions board know they've got a convicted bad girl in their student pool?" He asked, voice a stage whisper as he leaned forward a bit.
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artistsonthelam · 5 years
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“In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen.” 💡 At the Columbia reunion Saturday during the Starlight Celebration portion of the night.
(Edit: Thank you for RTing me, CC!)
// (c) Jenny Lam 2019
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aeide-thea · 4 years
…online classes for the REST OF THE SEMESTER now, you guys, i’m gonna fuckin dieeeeeee
like maybe this is a justifiably cautious response but at what psychological cost!!!
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xssixnland · 7 years
Essién Dağ Özkan.
• Nombre y Apellidos : Essien Dağ Özkan. • Edad : 28 años. ( Nacido el año 1989. ) • Nacionalidad : Sirio y Francés. • Asignatura que imparte : Ciencias del Deporte. • Fraternidad : Ninguna.
• Historia y Prueba de Rol :
Las manos del moreno se movían temblorosas bajo la mesa de la estancia, todo su esfuerzo y toda la dedicación que había dedicado a sus estudios llegaban a su fin tras aquella reunión. De normal el muchacho no solía vestir de forma elegante, es más siempre vestía de forma cómoda ; el chándal era la ropa más abundante en su armario. Pero aquella ocasión requería elegancia, así que esa misma mañana, antes de salir de su apartamento, rebuscó en el armario y sacó dos prendas que su tío Mohamed le había dejado : una camisa de color azul cielo, la cual resaltaba los músculos de sus brazos y unos pantalones de pana de color marrón.
Los ojos de Essién echaron una mirada a todo su alrededor y lo único que podía encontrar eran estanterías llenas de libros y más libros. Lo único que ocupaba espació en aquel despacho a parte de todas aquellas estanterías era una mesa elegante justo al centro de la habitación, acompañada por un sillón de piel y varias sillas, una de las cuales estaba ocupada por él.
La puerta que se encontraba justo detrás de el muchacho se abrió y un hombre de pelo canoso, gesto serió y de baja estatura, entro por la puerta. Automáticamente Essién se levantó de su asiento y se acercó al señor para estrecharle la mano, el señor estrecho la mano del muchacho y tras ello se dirigió a su sillón de piel que se encontraba justo detrás del escritorio. Essién se sentó en la silla que había estado esperando todo aquel tiempo y espero con gesto nervioso a que aquél señor empezara a hablar.
— Dígame señor… — el canoso observó el currículum estudiantil del muchacho y tras ello dijo. — Dağ, ¿porqué cree que merece un puesto como profesor en nuestra universidad? Sus notas no han sido las mejores que he visto, e incluso llegó a dejar sus estudios, ¿no cree que hay otras personas que merecen más su plaza?
— Verá, señor… — Essién carraspeó su garganta, el sudor seguía cayendo por su frente, todo aquello era tan incómodo. — yo no sé que no fui el estudiante más brillante, y ni siquiera sé si lograré ser el mejor profesor que esos estudiantes pueden tener, pero sé que me lo merezco señor. Verá yo nací en Siria, desde pequeño he sufrido lo peor de la guerra, mis padres no podían proporcionar nos comida a mí y al resto de mis hermanos y tuvimos que inmigrar a Francia, a París. Mi padre empezó a trabajar en una fábrica de azulejos con un sueldo de trescientos euros al mes, con ese sueldo tenía que alimentarnos a mí y a mis otros siete hermanos. Mis hermanos mayores dejaron sus estudios y se metieron en el mundo de la venta de drogas por los barrios marginales de la ciudad. El más mayor de ellos, Ayoub fue asesinado y mi madre cayó en depresión, yo quería continuar con mis estudios pero no podía, mi madre necesitaba mi ayuda. — los recuerdos inundaron la mente del muchacho, no le gustaba recordarlo. — El caso es que me puse a trabajar en un gimnasio y a los diecisiete años retome los estudios para intentar conseguir la vida que yo quería, una vida dedicada al deporte. Me di cuenta de que era aquello lo que yo quería. Después de todo lo he conseguido, señor director, creo que merezco la plaza, merezco una vida feliz.
El despacho quedó en completo silencio, Essién bajo la mirada y el director siguió observando el currículum del moreno. Tras unos minutos muy incómodos el canoso se levantó de su sillón de terciopelo y se dirigió hacía la puerta. ¿Qué estaba ocurriendo? Después de todo tal vez se quedaba sin plaza, debería volver a París. Era lo que menos deseaba en el mundo, el estaba realmente bien viviendo en Nueva York, era la ciudad perfecta para construir una nueva vida. El director se giró y miró a Essién y antes de salir por la puerta habló.
— Señor Dağ, bienvenido a Colombia, la plaza es tuya. — tras ello salió del despacho y dejo a Essién solo. Una sonrisa se dibujó en el rostro del moreno, por fin podía empezar de cero. —
• Personalidad : Essién es un chico serio y callado, no le gusta mucho relacionarse con la gente, aunque es un amante del sexo y las mujeres. Puede llegar a ser agresivo si se meten con él.
• Fc : Theo.C.
“In lumine tuo videbimus lumen.”
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aeide-thea · 4 years
lmao despite being a person with a grossly extensive vocabulary and a fondness for the greco-roman i sure am strongly biased against language that's unnecessarily abstruse, like, i'm reading this article on jews in ptolemaic egypt that starts a paragraph with the sentence 'the evidence for the development of the alexandrian community is exiguous' and i just went, look, my guy, i know what 'exiguous' means but honestly what's wrong with, like, 'slim' or 'scant' or 'minimal' or something, simplicity is Good and you'd avoid the weird assonance moment?
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