#vigilant cleric
loyalborn · 6 months
@vigilant-cleric // cont.
Pale, fiery eyes watched him closely. Haarlep took the drink without a word and lifted it to their lips. They were listening to him, they really were, but the foul taste of the beer had them spitting it back into the tankard. Wine was their main drink, more so than water, so the bitter taste had their nose crinkled and their lips curled in disgust. They moved the offending drink away from them.
Sipping their own goblet of wine, they refocused on what the mortal was telling them. The idea of going so long without intimate touches was foreign to them. Ever since they reached adulthood, sex had become a regular part of their life. The main part, really.
Haarlep let the question roll around in their brain. "A bit of both, I suppose," they answered honestly. "And, no - my nature doesn't change whether I'm in the Hells or not." They set the goblet down and ran the pad of one finger around the rim. "My kind, we need to have sex. Just like food and water, sexual energy keeps us alive." It was a bit odd explaining it to someone, something they had been taught about themself at a very young age. "We feed off orgasms, whether it's our own, with another participant, of course, or someone else's." They shrugged. "A man could lay over me and fuck his hand and his orgasm would feed me. But if I do it all alone, nothing." A pause. "I enjoy sex, too."
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warwaited · 6 months
"You're right. You should have." Customarily brusque. Her palms alight, and as he gets himself properly upright she presses her burning hands to his chest. The flame hurts, like it tends to, but fills him with the energy to live as well. She'd explained the first time. Suffer the burn of failure, receive the vitality to avoid a second appearance of it.
His wounds tended, for now, she steps away, examining the blade of the Tooth. She looks... pleased. Deeply satisfied. The blood of devils catches the light, and Rakatak shows it her teeth. "The last time this weapon tasted an infernal was long before I wielded it. I hope it has retained its enjoyment of biting through other places' soldiers." Briefly, it seems she might not have caught Ashen's reaction to the appearance of the cambion, but... no such luck. After carefully wiping the blade's face clean and flicking a finger against it, she looks back at him.
"...if being flat-footed when against devils is going to present a lasting challenge, it would do well for you to tell me now. I adapted this time, but I prefer to be ready more than quick."
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estarion · 7 months
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( Already, he can tell—whatever’s about to leave @vigilant-cleric’s mouth is going to make his whole week. He is tingly. Cozy. Ready to be thrilled. )
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yourfavoritetiefling · 4 months
Benny: Damn that rut, I am horny.
Other muses: *Getting depressed about it*
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bloodyarn · 4 months
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@vigilant-cleric I hate this guy in particular
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holyendurance · 7 months
starter for @vigilant-cleric | from [X]
With the attackers all killed or fled, attention now turned to tending the wounded and making a defensible camp. Mercifully, there were no dead to bury. Rama had only been passing by when he'd heard the ruckus and found a group of tieflings under ambush, but had wasted no time leaping in to help fend the goblins off. Leaving so soon after, when his skills would be of greatest use, seemed unthinkable. Another mercy was having a second cleric at hand - one of Helm, by the stranger's garb.
Some of the tiefling children, though, remained fearful despite their mended injuries, especially as the sun set. From what Rama could see, many of the adults were exhaustedly wary as well, in a constant bracing for new misfortunes. The young girl clinging to his robes stared at her parents, perhaps afraid they might vanish or die if she looked away, while Rama healed a cut on her arm. Resting his free hand gently on her upper back, he asked if she'd like to hear a song that always helped him calm down. Though she didn't look toward him, she nodded.
Rama started fairly soft, but the song grew a bit in volume as he realized those nearby were listening. Though the lyrics were in High Calidrian Alzhedo, the melody did come across as a smooth, warm lullaby. Perhaps it was mere wishful thinking, but the sharpest edge of tension in the air seemed to fade by the end. The girl, at least, was watching him while he wiped blood from her healed arm.
After sending her off to her parents, Rama noticed the other cleric nearby and offered a smile. "All are healing well and fast, friend, thanks to your help."
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fortunefeather · 4 months
The moment of solemness gave way to soft, tired laughter as the other cleric gave a line that Age'ian himself would have likely spoken had the situation been switched. Though the tiefling wore a soft smile, his pale eyes still held that deep sorrow of homesickness.
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"How right you are... Though part of my worries stem from the fact that my past might come searching for me. Not in a threatening way, of course, but... I worry for when it finds me. How it will react seeing what I have become..."
{ @vigilant-cleric from here }
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tarathemagnificent · 6 months
"Paladins of Tara? Clerics of Tara? ... Should I add a shrine to Tara in Baldur's Gate's Tabernacle? What would that shrine even look like?"
"Why a statue of yours truly, of course." She frowned and then pinned her ears back. "But that would mean being near that harlot, Mystra. I should have my own temple."
"Or if my shrine must be near hers I demand my statue be demeaning hers in some way."
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selunaris · 6 months
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@vigilant-cleric asked: ❛  that feels good, doesn't it?  ❜ (fuck it they're going to Shar's temple. i had to. LOOOL)
She was sure she could feel the goddess of loss watching them upon her altar, watching with disdain and perhaps pondering which curses to lay upon them. Most especially her, a cleric of her sister. And yet, that danger only seemed to thrill Luna more.
Folded over the dark altar, her fingers clutched at the far edge of the stone, chest flat against its cold surface, whilst her legs were spread wide for her fellow cleric behind her worshipping her. Hands gripped her hips tightly, bruising in the most delightful of ways, as Ashen's hips repeatedly met her backside with each thrust, each plunge of his cock into her.
Could Shar hear the obscene sounds wet arousal with each thrust? Did she hear Luna's whimpering moans, pathetic and soft as she lost herself to pleasure, or Ashen's groans behind her? Her head tipped back slightly then, catching a glimpse of the giant Shar statue before them and for a moment she was sure she felt that presence there.
Keening under his touch, that was when Ashen's words reached her, inner walls tightening around him briefly.
"Y-yes!" She stuttered out, higher pitched as he filled her once more, fingers reaching to tangle in her loose blonde hair. "F-feels so good, Ashen... please..."
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in-maidjan · 1 year
me when i think about how im going to hash out the consequences of the no good very bad abomination party at the imperial palace involving a powerful tevinter mage who managed to flee, a corrupt court enchanter turned demon, and an equally corrupt duke who was murdered in front of his son who was hiding from said abominations
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sleetkissed · 4 months
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Ashen doesn't seem particularly bothered by his bingo card.
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     ❝ You are not my type. ❞     Esteri said confidently without looking down on the sheet, but eventually taking a second to let pale eyes drift over it. Why would a Helmite even have a chance   ?   Ridiculous.
  The diagonals.
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     ❝ Maybe you are my type. A little. ❞
𝗕𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝘂𝐧𝘁𝐞𝗿:
won: 5 lost: 0
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Geist of the Lonely Vigil
The flicker of candlelight and the echo of hymns told the villagers that the monastery wasn't truly abandoned.
Artist: Ryan Yee TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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warwaited · 6 months
"come sit with me."
With camp made for the evening, Rakatak was expecting to have a pretty quiet night. For obvious reasons, the others are happy enough to leave her to herself when it isn't necessary to make contact, and she's grown used to being a bit more solitary. Nevertheless, when Ashen tosses the words across himself as he's on the way to the fire, she raises a brow before pushing herself up to follow.
"Something requiring my attention? Hopefully not another... group-sundering revelation in tune with the last few. I think I have had the amount of intra-group strife I desire for the next few days."
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estarion · 6 months
How did the magistrate remain so calm in the courtroom? He had a great sense of TRIAL and error.
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Were this indeed a courtroom setting, and he retained any authority at all, Magistrate Ancunín would have furiously dropped down the gavel and sentenced this man to, at minimum, a half-day in the stocks. But this is not that.
It's not even merely ‘this man’—it’s Ashen. Whose moustache needs trimming. Who smells like whatever he had for dinner. Whose father’s father’s father had yet to plant a single seed of himself into the crops of his lineage, back when Astarion sat at the height of his glory. Ashen, who probably would not live long enough to see his return to such. Whatever in the hells that would end up looking like. Sigh.
“Oh, more, more.” Why is he simply lounging alongside him by the fire and encouraging this foolishness? More to the point—why is he grinning softly at it? It wasn’t even funny! “Tell me the one about the Flaming Fist who attempted a five-finger discount, next?”
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yourfavoritetiefling · 4 months
@vigilant-cleric wants to see the cleric cry:
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
   𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .   unprompted interactions ────────────────────────
    𝐀 𝐪𝘂𝐢𝐞𝘁 𝐞𝘃𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝘆 𝘀𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝗿𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝘁𝘀 𝘀𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝘁𝐡𝐞𝐢𝗿 𝐥𝐚𝖟𝘆, 𝘁𝗿𝐚𝐧𝐪𝘂𝐢𝐥𝐢𝖟𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝘀𝐨𝐧𝐠𝘀 𝐢𝐧𝘁𝐨 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝘁.     Bernard settled next to Ashen hours ago. Where mundane topics like the day's hardships  &  strategies for next steps eventually lead to more complicated territories. A road down the cleric's somewhat shared past, unbeknownst to the tiefling himself. Other than seeing Ashen as a fellow Helmite, a brother, so to speak, he offered wisdom. Naturally so, for his expertise in handling even fates of the most troubled individuals.
He felt like a loser most of the time, all camouflaged behind a boasting personality, an easy smile that betrayed little of the man's pain. Never worked off, all scrunched up behind his chest. 
The priest spoke truth, and it hurt. It hurt like shit. Why did he have to lose   ?   Why not love  &  love  &  never lose. Back in the days   —   that crucial day   —   Bernard would never have guessed to be faced with the ugly faces of his fellow Elturians. Racism was wide-spread  &  oh so normalized after the city ascended again from Avernus. He fought against these prejudices, not giving them a chance to doubt his  &  his remaining family's existence. A proud soldier, helping, defending every citizen. One of the good tieflings, he even often heard them murmur.
It wasn't enough, apparently. His sister wasn't one of the good tieflings, in their eyes. She was no criminal, she was just living like every other god-damn fool in that godforsaken city. Why should she have tried harder, to appeal to others   ?   She was enough.
And he was too late. Too nervous, vision too clouded by tears to make even a simple healing spell work   —   A child could have managed that.
And he loved her with every fiber of his being. They managed to survive Avernus together. Avernus. Only for her to fall victim to some drunken, racist ruffians.
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    ❝ I know it's better. ❞     Bernard huffed.    ❝ That doesn't make the world more fair. Why did I have to lose her   ?   She was innocent. Never hurt a fly. I needed more time to love her. I wasn't done loving her. ❞     The cleric's voice went lower, his usually so bright eyes darken, as they turned to the ground, fighting against the sentiment. Tears swell up, two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose   —   Don't fucking cry now.
     ❝ These bastards can thank Helm himself, they didn't get butchered like the swines they are on that day . . . I don't care for better, Ashen. I care for justice  &  fairness. As far as I know, they never faced consequences for their wrongs. ❞
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bloodyarn · 6 months
💋 for the OC art thing!!
𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐚𝗿𝘁 𝐚𝘀𝐤 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞
❥ source
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💋 Draw your OC in formal wear
An excuse to give her a ponytail is always appreciated uwu
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