#viktors sugar mommy
vendetta-if · 1 year
I just read Ch 4. Ok like hold on- I can't believe MC already aiming to be Santana's sugar mommy on their first meet! I'm lol-ing so hard reading MC's inner thought of wanting to give him a brand new BMW and new phone, and the police officer teasing Santana that we are his sugar mommy lmaooooooo hahahaha. Anyway, I'm curious, can we still give Santana things if we don't romance him? I want to spoil him so bad, but I want to go with Ash's route first, but I can't stand looking at Santana being stressed out :")
Aaghhh I wish Vendetta is reserve harem so I can take all 4 at the same time lol. XD Why are all your ROs so likeable? I never really care about Skylar, but then tadaa! we met and why is he so cute? He is such a sunshine, how can I dislike his himbo ass :( he is so annoyingly likeable :( I want to mess him up ;(
And Yvette, that woman is the worst lmaooooo I'm thinking "what tf is wrong with her" the whole time while reading her and MC's conversation. How on earth Viktor even ever loved her? Like how? Such a selfish woman like that? She truly doesn't deserve him. 🤮
Haha 😂 Santana triggers MC’s need to flex their money 💰😆 They’re broke af, lack sleep, and tired 😩 Right now, I’m not sure yet whether MC will be able to buy some stuff for Santana if you don’t romance them 🤔 Maybe if you go down their hangout route? But no promises yet.
Omg Vendetta harem would be chaotic af 😂 And, I’m glad you’re loving Skylar too! ☺️ They are indeed like a ray of sunshine (or a big golden retriever puppy 🥺).
Yvette is a pretty polarizing character so far. Some people really can’t forgive her while some are more understanding and willing to, which is why I’ve set up a myriad of responses and feelings that MC can have regarding her. As for Viktor… He might have just missed or purposefully ignore (wearing that rosy glasses and all 😔) It was all blissful time for the both of them.
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lightning-bringer · 2 years
This is for a friend but can you do hcs Renata Glasc X Fox! S/O? Like it looks similar to Ahri? Can you also make nsfw hcs as well? Thanks!
Okay so before I start I want to explain something. Usually I separate the SFW and NSFW parts of the request, to make it easy for people that just want to read one of them, but for this one I won’t because I think Renata’s relationship with a partner would be intrinsically a BDSM kind of relationship (dom x sub dynamics), and though not every aspect of BDSM is sexual, it’s still a NSFW topic. I will leave the actual sexual headcanons to the end, but I won’t disitnguishe between them
Okay so we know that canonically, Renata Glasc was kind of Viktor’s sugar mommy when he went back to Zaun, so that is exactly the relationship she’d have with her partner, but less business wise lol
They are a vastaya, and Renata would absolutely love to parade them around the Barons of Zaun, giving her SO any and all the money they want to pretty themselves up for her
She’d make sure they have everything they want, and if they were born in Ionia and not Zaun, and wanted or needed something from their homeland, Renata would make sure they have it
And Renata would absolutely - and I mean absolutely, for sure, no doubt, I’d bet money on this - be into collaring, SPECIALLY with a partner who has literal with fox ears
I believe she would be respectful if they didn’t want to do it, be it either arranged since the beginning of their relationship or something they decided they didn’t want anymore later on, but it would anger her a little, because it’s one of the things she wants and likes the most
Now, it’s not pet play, she would be clear about it, but the image of her partner walking beside her with a pretty collar, with a tag written “Glasc’s property” in it... She would feel SO good about it
Though no one would be allowed to threat them badly for being a vastaya. She will allow comments about how pretty her sub is, but that's it
Renata would be so nonchalant about the wildest kinds of PDA, she would nearly demand her SO sits on her lap while she's in a meeting as she strokes their fluffy tail and talk to a possible new business partner
(She would also absolutely and often demand to have her SO sit at her feet while she works, stroking their fluffy ears)
I already said she would give her SO anything they want, but she would also not let them any do any kind of "hard work"
Want to buy something? No need to get up someone will fetch it for you. Oh you want to visit a friend? The driver's gonna take you in a minute
It can be quite claustrophobic honestly, so her partner would have to make it very clear when they want her (and ger money/power) to step away (but she wouldn't be very happy about it)
Renata would love to touch her partner's ears and tail, both in a sexual or non-sexual way. She'd make them wear shibari under their clothes quite often and she'd love to make beautiful designs on their back to make their tail shine even more
Renata is a very dominating woman, clearly, and that would also extend to sex so her SO would have to expect to be bossed around quite a lot lol
She likes to have full control and she's a sadist, but she's also generous and always rewards her partner with as many orgasm as they want if they behave properly
And with her fox vastaya partner... Renata would love to merciless tease their tail. Pull the base both to hurt and to pleasure them, then petting it so soothingly during aftercare
Oh there's that, she's the Queen of after cara, only the best salves and creams for rope or impact wounds, all the food anyone would possibly want, warm baths in huge bathtubs
Glasc also really likes branding so maybe she would ask her partner to get a few piercings in their fluffy ears, so she knows they have her mark there always
(When she's feeling particularly mean but not really sadistic she'd want to grind against her partner's tail until she comes and have them only watch, forbidden from touching themselves or her)
Renata would not be much into titles, but to be called Baroness in public and mistress in bed would be a huge turn on for her
And to have her tits played with it. They're huge. And she likes to have her partner sucking on them
All her partner would have to do is moan "I'm so sorry Mistress", twitch their adorable ears and lick her nipples and all wrong doings are forgiven
(Oh also Renata is into brats. Super into brats. Mostly if her partner, being a vastaya, uses magic to run away from her or deny her things. It gives her that much more satisfaction once she gets them)
She wouldn't mind be called Mommy when it comes to her being a literal sugar mommy but she'd make it clear that's not supposed to happen in bed, she doesn't like it
Also because she's older, she's very settled on what she likes and dislikes. She would be a demanding and not really into trying new things, but she's also very weak for her SO (which Renata would never admit), so all it takes is nice lingerie and a swipe of fluffy tail... and she'd relent
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thewingedwolf · 11 months
What makes you think Allison didn't know about Klaus being queer? If you're going by on-screen conversation, then Diego and Five don't actually know that he is. (Five blinked away before he revealed the gender of osso bucco guy and the talk with Diego was erased from the timeline.)
i mean mostly that none of them really know because they barely know each other lol. especially at that point in s2 - they’ve spent all of a week hanging out after having no contact for over a decade. it’s not that klaus is closeted or that they wouldn’t be accepting it’s that they just literally have never interacted with him in normal enough circumstances to know. also i forgot five blinked away lol but i think given that klaus pretty freely talks about being queer and he’s spent way more time with five and diego atp it makes sense they’d probably have an idea vs allison who he didn’t interact with nearly as much. also, imo, klaus and diego were probably close as kids. allison & luther obviously paired off, and it seems like ben, five, and viktor did as well (when five first jumps forward he calls for viktor, ben, and reginald in that order. it’s viktor he first trusts with the truth, it’s viktor that reminisces about five and ben first, viktor gets to say goodbye to ben before he dies in s2, just lots of things that make it seem like they were a trio), which leaves diego and klaus. and diego and klaus seem much closer in s1 than they do with the others, the same way that five is more willing to trust viktor in s1, and allison & luther are immediately close. they all seemed to latch back onto their favorite sibling growing up before spreading out a bit.
and from allison’s pov like - your drug addict brother comes over and tries to jack some of your dead dad’s stuff, gleefully raids through everyone’s stuff and steals your skirt from when you were 14, disappears for a few days and comes back wearing slightly more masc clothing but crying way more & attempting to be sober suddenly, then you all get shat out in the 60s - like that doesn’t really point one way or the other for klaus’ sexuality lol. him and allison barely interact and he had a sugar mommy not a sugar daddy.
also, allison is deeply annoyed with him for the first half of the season. grateful he got ray out of jail but whereas she’s hesitant of luther bc of her complicated feelings for him, she seems genuinely annoyed whenever klaus is around. she likely has some sympathy for luther and his inability to fit in while klaus has (supposedly) not had that issue, he’s even been rich the whole time. but she visibly reacts when he uses male pronouns to describe a lover and instantly starts taking him more seriously - granted, in her allison way of Making Everyone Get Along by just enabling him lol so they spend the rest of the episode drinking. but still. she shows a marked change in sympathy post kitchen talk in ep 5 and imo it’s not just because he relapsed, but because of why he relapsed.
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Renata Glasc was Viktor's patron in Zaun???
"You forget whose money made you what you are, Viktor"
this could pottentially add a lot of flavour to future fics...
(at 47 seconds:)
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gorawe114 · 2 years
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i am absolutely losing my shit over this. renata is literally viktor's sugar mommy. i love league of legends lore
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sup-honey · 2 years
You forget whose money made you what you are...
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Forget about sugar baby Jayce!
Viktor is canonically Renata's sugar baby, there's no way around it.
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kiriuozoru · 2 years
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"You forgot whose money made you who you are, Viktor." 
Big Sugar Mommy Vibes
This is the first piece of a 3 part illustration series, this one is still pretty SFW, but the next ones won’t be.... They will be available on my Patreon Fully Uncensored c:
Stay Tuned...!
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arcanescribbles · 2 years
hey have u heard,,, that renata is viktor's sugar mommy,,, because let me tell you the art that i've seen has me,,,
listen i've been emotionally compromised
i need the rosary
and the holy water
im losing my shIT OVER HERE
dude i am PUMPED for this because they're setting up his season two arc and it's making me so excited i'm jizzing my pants rn but also DOMMY MOMMY?
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storiumemporium · 2 years
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My Fic OCs
I have enough of them now, so I may as well make a list for those OC ask prompts. I'll edit this post as I write more. "Appearances" links are to the AO3 posts.
Adrian [Demon] (he/him) Fallen angel and Brizeth's employee at an unnamed company on earth. Jaded and grumpy, secretly a huge nerd. 100% Sugar Daddy. Appearances: [On Earth (As It Is in Heaven)]
Commander Ahlex Redgate [human] (he/him) A Commander aboard an OSC military vessel. Space farm boy with the personality of Clark Kent. Too smart to be a Himbo. Appearances: [A Man in Uniform]
Brizeth (Bridgette) [Succubus] (she/they) Superior of both Adrian and Hector on earth. High ranking sex demon in hell. David's Master & Sugar Mommy. One Woman Bukkake. Colovan's sister. Appearances: [Deal]
Charis [human] (She/her) A potter by trade & the human wife of Lysosi & Tasha. Simps her big deified snake wives. Praise kink all day long. Appearances: [Dark Water]
Colovan (Colin) [Incubus] (he/it) Also answers to: Dumb Fuckslut/Fucktoy, Dummy, Baby Girl, and Pretty Girl. Frat-house mascot and resident outlet for sexual frustrations. Has never went to oovoo javer. Brizeth's brother. Appearances: none yet
David [human] (he/him) Brizeth's Thrall and the owner of DJ's Games & Collectables. Just kinda rolling with it at this point. Appearances: [Deal]
Gage [robot] (they/them) Cinnamon Roll with Baggage. Hypersexual bb with self-worth issues. Smol bean that deserves a big handsome boyfriend to pamper them for life. And they were roommates. Appearances: [A Man in Uniform]
Hector [Angel] (he/him) Brizeth's employee at an unnamed company on earth. Diet Tsundere. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. Poor baby just wants to be loved. Appearances: [On Earth (As It Is in Heaven)]
Hulo [Shadow Person] (he/they) The spirit that haunts Willow's bedroom. Yandere dangerously close to being able to interact with the material plane. Appearances: [Orange Blossoms]
Lysosi [Naga/Lamia] (she/her) Beeg snek lady. Wife of Tasha and Charis. Eldest and most dominant of the three. Most likely to eat you in the fun way. All bark and no bite. Appearances: [Dark Water]
Marius [human] (he/him) Philon's boyfriend. Sex worker and loves it. A Flirt™. Loves his boyfriend very much. Would have an Animal Crossing town full of bull characters. Appearances: [Off Script]
Nicole (Nikki) [human] (she/her) Ren's girlfriend. Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets. Don't ask what her favorite kind of shark is, you will get an entire essay. Appearances: [King of the Rock]
Nina [human] (she/her) Werewolf hunter. The fun kind of sadist. Her knife & gun collection would make a Texan weep. Appearances: none yet
Philon [Minotaur] (he/him) Marius' boyfriend. Also known as Ferox. Still feels guilty over some of his kinks. Flower crowns and bloody knuckles aesthetic. Appearances: [Off Script]
Ren [Merman] (he/him) Nicole's boyfriend. Once got black-out drunk and woke up tangled in discarded nets. That one surfer guy vine incarnate. Appearances: [King of the Rock]
Tasha [Naga/Lamia] (she/her) Also beeg snek lady. Wife of Lysosi and Charis. Most likely to eat you in the Not Fun way. Will bite and you will not see it coming. Appearances: [Dark Water]
Viktor [Werewolf] (he/him) Cocky bastard who needs to get pegged taken down a peg. The dog that runs full speed into furniture and then jumps on like nothing happened. Strong silent type that'll moan like a bitch if you pull his hair. Appearances: none yet
Willow [human] (she/her) Gardener & florist. Only kind of shoes she owns are hiking boots. The friend who always has snacks and drinks. Knows how to pirate movies. Appearances: [Orange Blossoms]
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omoghouls · 2 years
Viktor has a canon sugar mommy
Good for him
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stuckstucktrolls · 3 years
Angel and demon AU versions of my characters
It’s long but I’ll put a readmore and try to write a line or two about each character in this AU, and sort in by the subheadings in my bio area. I decided to only do fantrolls, ayakashi and my D&D characters. If you want to see any of my others, send asks about them.
Prokyn - Either human, but a serial killer, or a low level demon who isn’t very ambitious but enjoys his work. If human, wouldn’t really care if he found out.
Soyura - Guardian angel, watches over Ektogi. Also helps people in her community with minor issues like colds and stuff and says she just knows a bit about herbs and stuff, but has minor healing powers.
Ektogi - Human, sometimes jokes that Soyura is an angel but doesn’t actually know that she’s not human.
Veridi - Human, still a make up youtuber and just trying to get by. Would be surprised if she found out angels and demons were real.
Skorfa - Human, knows about the deal with angels/demons existing but tries to avoid things and focus on her roller derby career.
Proxus - Fallen angel but only because he fell in love with humanity and that wasn’t allowed. Feels extremely anxious if he’s ever alone.
Raluka - Half fallen angel, raised in a religious orphanage. Doesn’t know what she is or who her father was. Considered becoming a nun but decided against it. Not particularly religious at this point but knows at least demons exist and decided to fight them.
Viktor - Ralu’s father, fallen angel, still fights demons but is otherwise very un-angelic.
Heloda - Human. Probably wouldn’t believe in the whole supernatural goings on unless something big happened to her. But if she did, she’d probably try to to get a supernatural sugar daddy/mommy so she could have cool powers.
Cerami - Aside from them being human or a low level angel I have no idea what they’d be doing in this AU. Probably still making ceramics.
Teagan - Human. Was taken in by a fallen angel that he befriended, Akhena. She confers some amount of her power to him, and in exchange she gets a boost in power from his soul.
Lilvie - Demon. Uses her popularity on the internet to her advantage but mostly is dicking around. Kind of likes her job. Might be a sucubus/incubus type but doesn’t flaunt that side of herself online beyond some of her wardrobe choices.
Lyssav - Minor demon who does not enjoy his job and just wants to find a hot boyfriend on Earth. Or another demon. Or a fallen angel.
Vohert - Human, and would refuse to believe what’s going on despite being religious, just because it doesn’t fit his views of how all that works.
Akhena - Fallen angel who befriended a human, Teagan. She fell because she was too inquisitive and questioned too much. She and Teagan are both curious people, and would love to find various answers in life. Teagan has already promised that when he dies, if they don’t find a way to stop it, she can keep his soul so they never have to be apart.
Noodle - Either a high level angel or demon, could go either way. In any case, uses subtlety and stealth to counter the opposing side. Can’t stand fallen angels (if a demon, this only applies to fallen angels who won’t swear themselves to Hell).
Dirius - Human, demon hunter who is semi retired and lives out in the woods. Lost a lot of friends and loved ones in the fight. Would defend himself or others if there were demons around, but wants to rest and not deal with that shit.
Circin - Fallen angel who is trying to make up for it, but not sure how and severely tempted to just remain fallen and act on his worse instincts.
Levian - Some type of major angel, but comes to Earth occasionally as the most chill dude on the planet.
Most of the Ayakashi would be demons, aside from Suzu (angel) and Nami (half demon). However, unlike most demons, they’ve formed a bit of a family and mostly look out for each other instead of being concerned about Hell at large.
Suzu isn’t hostile to them and is in fact friends with Takumi, but she can only remain so as long as they remain within certain boundaries and follow certain rules. In exchange, most other demons are either destroyed or must follow the same rules.
Matasuke is a demon of greed and Makoto a demon of lust and they have a very happy home life and business together.
D&D characters
Raivo and Quicksilver probably both half demons but go totally different ways in how they feel about it and deal with those feelings, though neither of them feels like they have any allegiance to Hell.
Neilos - Half angel, knows what he is but not why he’s allowed to exist. Assumes it’s somehow part of The Plan.
To’rei - Human. Knows about the angels and demons, doesn’t actively fight demons but is definitely on the side of heaven. Grew up in a cult of what may or may not have been demon worshipers, but escaped as a teen.
Isttrin - Human? His mother grew up in the same cult as To’rei and left due to internal politics but was actually still a believer, low key. Taught him a lot of the same beliefs with the intent of returning when the political stuff settled. Isttrin moved out before that and tries not to think about religion.
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pawpunkao3 · 3 years
What are some of your favorite fics?
Non Hermitcraft:
Sweetsilversub, Yuuri on Ice, about Viktor and Yuuri entering a dom/sub relationship
Unwanted Free Ugly Troll, Homestuck, about Dave adopting Karkat and Sollux as pets
Bound X, Magnus Chase series, about Magnus and Alex being magically bound together until they admit their feelings
Herding Cats, Homestuck, about Nepeta trying to get every troll into a relationship
Minecraft Manhunt, but Dream gets Gangbanged, Dream, exactly what it says on the tin
Whipped into Shape, Legally Blonde, Elle helps Emmet recover from an eating disorder
She Took the Ring of Me, Twelfth Night, Viola and Orsino and Sebastian and Olivia’s cracky double wedding
Hood and Jesses, Good Omens, Aziraphale and Crowley do petplay
Flowers, Etho tries so confess to Beef using flowers but almost fails because Beef is a fool
My Dearest, Joe writes a letter to Cleo from prison
No Rest for the Wicked, Cleo tries to get False to sleep (for once)
Cradle Song, Joe and Cleo act as parental figures for Jrumbot and are soff
Remember Me When You’re Famous, Etho and Beef reunite and fall in love after a long time apart
There is no end, no limit, measure, bound in that words death, Tango tortures the hermits in decked out (non-graphic)
Reach Out and Touch, the Hermits add a sex achievement modpack, and Grian wants every achievement
Garden of Ash, Joe is sent to slay Cleo, but falls for her instead
Standing on the Corner, Grian gets fucked by EVERYONE
If You’ll Have Me, Mumbo gives Tango a blowjob and fluff ensues
As You Command, Impulse uses a zoucher to dom Zed
Movie Night, Joe is a simp for Cleo and she returns the feelings
Game Night, Cleo hits on Joe while they play D&D
My Own Fics:
Making it Up, Stress mommy doms Tango
The Zombie’s Beating Heart, a fairytale thing with Joe and Cleo
No Resistance, False gets banged by the MR
Lend Me Some Sugar, Neighbor, Stress moves in across from the NHO and Bdubs has a crush
Because You’re My Friend, Joe goes on a quest to get Cleo pain pills and also he simps
Iskallman! To the... Rescue? Iskall mistakes False and Xisuma fuckin’ for Xisuma attacking False, hilarity ensues
The Kitten Booth, Scar raises money for an animal shelter and Cub is smitten
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venranae · 2 years
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In hindsight, it had been incredibly arrogant of them to have come.
The children are playing in an open area of the square, chasing one another. Ivan stops in front of him, grinning, out of breath. “Dad, can we go meet Mommy?” Zabuza ruffles his son’s hair, stands and follows behind them, watching the triplets loop around each other in their practiced dance, speaking their own language in their own little orbit it seems. Dagny’s small fingers looped around his are icy; she points out the intricate spires of the Kremlin and he has to smile softly at her enthusiasm. Zabuza grips her hand tighter as he watches the triplets weave through the sparse crowd towards their mother, walking not far behind. All at once, someone barrels into him, knocking his shoulder back slightly as his focus had been trained on the kids. He blinks at the stranger for only a second, but it is all it takes. When his gaze falls back ahead of him, the children are nowhere to be seen. His palm is regaining its familiar warmth at the absence of Dagny’s touch.
He can’t breathe. His head whips around in the growing crowd around them--where had all these people come from? Panicked, he begins to walk forward, slowly breaking into a sprint. “Vix!” his first attempt, chokes noiseless from his throat. In the second, the fear, panic, terror is evident in his voice. She turns, raising an eyebrow, but seeing his face, his frenetic movements, she knows something’s wrong. “The kids!” he cries, terrified, apologetic. She looks down and sees he’s alone. The ice cream in her hands falls to the pavement. She begins pushing through the people to get a good look around. Though it was never ideal to make a scene outside their normal circles, the two of them begin apparating about the square, but mysteriously the children seem to have vanished into thin air.
“Dagny!” “Ivan!”
“Kiriko!” “Viktor”
They desperately call their names, but it is useless. They split to cover more ground and then, faint, but clear enough to her ears, Vix hears Ivan calling her in that worried tone of his. She whips around, eyes darting about the square. A glimpse of Kiri’s dark hair. “Kiriko,” she breathes. Vix is pushing through the crowd, desperately trying not to lose sight of the small head bobbing further down. Finally, there is space enough for her to see all four of them, but she cannot make herself move. Her hands clench into fists at her side. She wants to scream, but nothing comes out, she can’t call to them, to Zabuza, to anyone. Run, move, go to them, save them. Vix’s mouth sputters open and closed.
They are laughing, enjoying their newfound treats. Their parents had told them to be wary of strangers, but surely that didn’t apply when this man before them was the spitting image of their mother:  his angled cheekbones the same ones Kiri and Viktor bore; the same deep, almond eyes as Ivy; the very same dimples as Dagny when he smiled at the four of them so warmly. Valentin looks up and meets Vix’s eyes, and a cruel, knowing smile twists his features. A nightmare, this was just a nightmare.
“Z-Z-Za-z-Zab...” Talk, dammit, say anything! His talons snake around Viktor’s shoulder, lifting the boy onto his hip. All at once three others appear, too quick for his usual goons, too precise.... they make a series of signs and the children are asleep, pliable. She tries to make a sign, a signal, but she can’t feel her limbs, can’t make her fingers move. This weakness still after everything.... Valentin lifts Viktor’s hand and waves it at Vix. Save them save them save them. The last thing she registers before she blacks out is Zabuza’s dark energy speeding past her as the group disappears.
Zabuza is pacing vigorously back in forth in their hotel room. “I was watching them, Dagny was holding my hand, the triplets were still within reach, I.... I don’t know what happened. I swear, I was watching them. I was watching them.” He fists his hands through his hair, doing his best to remain calm, calculating, but he is spiraling because it’s his fault. He had taken his eyes away, he was likely the reason they were in danger, he had lost their trail. Some expert jonin he turned out to be if he failed when it mattered most. They could be anywhere in this vast, unknown fucking country and the more time that ticks away, the more panicked he becomes. “Those were definitely hunter-nin....but what are they doing here..”
Zabuza brings a hand to his chin. “Even if someone were tracking me down, there would be no reason it would lead them here of all places...” He thinks back through every movement they’d made in the last few years for some mistake, some slip-up, something he is clearly missing. The U.S. was too far for even the most determined avenger to come looking for him. Despite living in the Tower, he never made it into the tabloids like his more notorious roommates. There was no way anyone would have known about the kids, about Vix or--.
He halts and glances at Vix who has been silent and eerily still, staring at her hands. “How are you so calm right now?” Zabuza snaps, not meaning to. Vix chews her lip for a moment and avoids his gaze. “I...” she sighs. None of this was supposed to happen. Her past was supposed to be long buried, but she had led her family right into the devil’s hands. If anything happened to them, it would be no one’s fault but her own. She meets her husband’s eyes, apologetic.  “I know where they are.”
They had ridden in silence for the last hour. Vix had stepped out to make a few calls and when she returned to the room, she had a car loaded up with their gear, presumably a delivery from one of Tony’s suits. In the dim glow of the dashboard, he sees she is scowling deeply, clenching and unclenching her fists on the steering wheel. Zabuza trusted her completely, but seeing her purposeful composure was making him uneasy. Whatever plan she had, whatever she was thinking, she was keeping it to herself.
Gently, he takes one of her hands in his and traces his thumb along her knuckles. Vix casts him a sidelong glance, but her expression remains unchanged. “They’re going to be okay,” she reassures. “I know,” he replies. She intertwines her fingers over his on the gear shift, “That bastard has no idea what he’s done,” she growls under her breath. Her eyes are murderous as she shifts gears and weaves faster through the city traffic. “No,” Zabuza can feel the hairs on the back of neck standing on end, that familiar bloodlust, barely kept in check, settling in his veins. “No, I don’t think they do.”
Having parked the car on some back road, they continue the rest of the way on foot. They reach a clearing and Vix slides her duffel to the ground and begins rummaging through it. Zabuza meanwhile is staring at the enormous compound in the distance, perplexed. “Vix....where are we?” She is wrapping bandages about her hands and grimaces at the mansion. “Home.” Zabuza furrows his brow. “Home?” He turns to look at her, incredulous. “Your home?” She pulls the wraps tightly around her wrist and tears the tape with her teeth. “Yep.” He knew she came from money but this...is a level he had not considered. “As in you grew up here.” Vix sighs as she ties her curls up into a ponytail. “Yes.” “Just casually running around a palace.” She tightens her sword sheaths around her chest and scoffs. “Running. You don’t even know.” Zabuza folds his arms and shakes his head. She can sense he is about to ask more questions that she does not want to answer.
“Michi.” He turns and she kisses him, earnest, grounding. She pulls away and traces her thumb along his cheek. In all honesty, she had no idea what would happen once inside, and she needed to know they had at least had this last reprieve. She had already left him without saying goodbye once. Vix nods determinedly, “Let’s go get our babies.”
“Is there a reason a rich family needs this much security?” Zabuza rests Kubikiribōchō on his shoulder as it reforms. Vix searches one of the fallen guards and finds the key card she was looking for. “It’s not really about the money.” Zabuza laughs as he follows her lead to avoid the cameras. “What, have you got hidden treasure in the basement?” Vix sprints and kicks off the wall, leaping towards an unsuspecting guard and flipping him onto the ground with ease. He slumps, unconscious, and she blows a stray curl out of her face. “Um, well you know the Tartaglia Organization?” Zabuza looks beyond surprised. He elbows a guard in the face as he rounds the corner and stabs a kunai into his gut. He substitutes behind their partner, cracks their neck, then deftly signs a water prison to trap the rest. “How do you know the Tartaglia Organization?” he counters. Vix twirls and cuts a guard down with her katana before kicking another into a large mirror. She slides across the floor to grasp their gun before they can pick it back up and fires two shots.
She scans the key card and two enormous metal doors slide open to reveal a lavish staircase. “Well,” As the duo make it to the top, Vix’s arms drop to her sides and Zabuza’s mouth falls open as they look up at an enormous portrait. The father is seated, his wife and child, accessories standing at his side. A ring with the distinct insignia of the organization rests on his finger. The mother bears an alarming resemblance to his own wife, and though she is much smaller, the child is undoubtedly her. Vix inhales shakily, “our family founded it.”
Zabuza’s brow knits tightly as he struggles to make sense of what he was seeing. He steeples his hands at his lips, as a sudden clarity washes over him. “You,” he begins slowly. “grew up in--no,” he closes his eyes and begins again, “are the heiress to one of the largest crime syndicates in the world....and you never thought that was significant to mention !?” he hisses. He cocks his head to look at her, awaiting whatever sugar-sweet explanation she would concoct for him this time. But she is simply staring at the portrait still, breathing heavy, trembling.
Zabuza places a hand gently on her shoulder. “Hey.” No reaction. He moves in front of her and leans down to her eye level. She blinks at him. She is terrified, a fear in her eyes the likes of which he has never seen from her. Zabuza takes her face gently in his hands. “I can take care of this if you need to go. You just tell me what to expect, where to find the kids. You don’t have to do this, love.” Tears dip onto her cheeks and she bites her lip, shaking her head softly.
She had spent countless years running from, agonizing over her time in this very place. She had escaped, made a life for herself, full of all the light and love she didn’t believe existed. Yet here she was, frozen with fear, made small, insignificant, at the very sight of them. Her fists clench at her sides. She was stronger than this. Dagny and the triplets’ laughter echo in her mind. Their children needed her to be stronger than this. Vix swallows hard and lifts her chin with a bit more determination. “It has to be me.”
She pulls out a scrap of paper and draws a rough map of the house on it. “You look for the kids. He’ll be keeping them on one of the upper levels, but as we’ve seen, there’ll be much more than the usual goons. Avoid the cameras. Keep them quick and quiet. Should be easy enough for you, silent killer.” Zabuza smirks. He feels a sense of pride watching her steel herself and give him orders. Vix checks her watch uneasily. “I’d say we have about two hours.” “Hm.” Zabuza sets his own watch. “There’s a dumbwaiter on the second floor that connects straight to the top. There’s a um...” She hesitates for a long moment and he glances at her concerned. “A um...hidden level.” She points to a spot off the main lines of the map. “Here.”
“He knows we’ll be coming, but the longer we avoid attention, the less time he has to potentially move the kids.” Zabuza nods. “And you?”  Vix clenches her teeth and glares up at the portrait. “Cut the head off the snake and the body will die.”
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