#villager trading hall
bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
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Wooo trading halls are one tricky thing to get good screenshots of dflkjh. But here's my librarian hall! I wanted an excuse to use a different copper stage that wasn't the fully aged one. Highly inspired by a Mythical Sausage video on trading halls.
Screenshot of only the modules from a creative testing world under the cut!
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sunset-smp · 1 year
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@groveofgreen's Villager Trading Hall
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musicfreegaming · 14 days
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Colorful Trading Hall - Tinker World (014)
We got the villagers into the trading hall. Now it's time clean up the area so it looks a lot less like a cave. It's a lot more colorful than I typically do but I like it. I used a lot of crimson and warped stem for the ceilings and glazed terracotta for the floors.
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Watch the episode on YouTube!
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otherside-wanderer · 6 months
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Villager Trading Hall (WIP) in our newest survival world - designed and built by @indigoforiver
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isa-ah · 27 days
so reworked villager breeding- is it based on where the villager is FROM (ie their skin) or where the villager IS?
only swamp villagers sell mending. so do i need to breed two villagers in a swamp and then take it home to get mending? or can i simply take a plains villager into the swamp and lock in the trade while its there to take home?
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
For HTP, are there villagers or piglins in Hels?
yes to both! villagers are very rare tho, only the best and well-equipped communities can have them (like hels tek, thru their sponsorship from alisker, uses them in an iron farm). it’s a little like the passive mob situation; all the villagers near spawn were cleared out long ago, only a few remaining that are fiercely protected bc hels players will try to steal them or just kill them out of spite. ofc there are more villages out there in hels, it’s an infinite world, but any hels player who went far enough to find them prob wouldn’t even try to bring any back.
piglins are a little more common bc they still spawn naturally but it takes a lot to protect a trading set-up or gold farm. hels tek installed a piglin bartering system for alisker, which he can protect bc he’s got a lot of manpower and no one in new helington would cross him. but for random hels players out on their own, they’d hardly have time to finish the project before someone else would come along and destroy it for fun.
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stars-and-darkness · 1 month
crimes against villager-kind are not going smoothly
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dispotatorulzz · 2 months
Today I learnt that I'd be a really bad Tzimisce when it comes to The Ghouls
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brainbesplit · 7 months
the minecraft community is liek "what? 24 bread for an emerald? preposterous! slavery is the only solution" and then when mojang makes slavery harder they're like "so unbelievably annoying i hate mojang i hope mr antisemitic racist come sback to save me from Bad Company"
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countthelions · 4 months
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found a village today!! had some beautiful sights to it
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loving-jack-kelly · 6 months
one time i watched a really interesting video essay about the colonialist ideas that can be taken from the Minecraft villager system if you think about it and now every time I dig a big hole to trap my trading villagers in I think about it. i still dig my villager pit though.
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etoilesbienne · 1 year
okay wait but all ik about spreen is the first week shenanigans before he got pseudo exile. like the reason roier is a pathetic little meow meow. what has happened since all of. That with him ?
he's literally been living in the woods and going out of his way to be the worst father to his egg
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musicfreegaming · 16 days
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Villager Moving Bonus Episode! - Tinker World (013)
I accidentally left my villager breeder running while I was AFK and I now have a zillion villagers in my trading area. In this bonus episode, I decided to move my existing villagers into a new trading hall.
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otherside-wanderer · 6 months
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Update on @indigoforiver's Villager Trading Hall (WIP) - not pictured are dozens more villagers. We now have every enchanted book that's up for trade as well as diamond tools, weapons, and armor. Thank you, Indigo!
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wittymumbledon · 10 months
a poem to a librarian villager
we are but two clowns enclosed in a standoff. one encased in wood, the other in a hovering ring of dirt. Quick Charge I. Unbreaking II. Infinity.
Looting I. Bane of Arthropods III. Multishot.
Infinity. Multishot.
Depth Strider I. The light of hope fades like sunlight in the ocean.
Smite II. The ferocity with which I wish to murder every villager I see.
Channeling. I force the anger into breaking and placing, sinking into the routine.
Frost Walker II. My feet are cold.
Sharpness I. There is a dull ache in the top of my skull.
Piercing II. The computer screen stabs at my eyes.
Efficiency I. There is still much time before my axe gives in. before I have to use my fists.
Bane of Arthropods III. The exhaustion creeps up my back. the aching stretches up my back like a spider. Infinity. The grind that never ends.
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silverskulltula · 10 months
bedrock villager mechanics fucking suuuuuuuck
I have a trading hall/iron farm full of librarians sitting immobile in 1x2 nooks and shuffled them around without realizing that it would mess up the link to their lecterns. instead of linking to the closest lectern like I assumed, the librarians would only link to the work stations in a very specific order no matter where the lectern was. so I could put a lectern across the room next to a villager I wanted to link it to but a villager on another level would link to it instead because they were always the next one "in the order" no matter where I put the goddamn lectern. I have no idea what determines the order that villagers of the same job will link to work stations and frankly I'm so fucking frustrated by villager mechanics that I don't want to learn a single thing more about them. my solution was to put down a lectern, see which fuckhead emitted green sparkles and linked to it, and then move the lectern to the block immediately in front of them so that they'd be able to work on it, and repeat this where's waldo-esque torture for around 30 librarians spread across two floors. the iron golems FINALLY started flowing again once I got all the bastards properly linked and they were able to touch the workstations they linked to. THANKFULLY the trading hall is full, I have all the trades I'll ever need, and I have no reason to ever move the villagers or work stations ever again.
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