#villareal household
maxispremades · 7 months
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Короткая история о том, что вышло из желания Мико пофлиртовать с Максом Виллареалем.
[расшифровка под катом]
Мико: Привет, Макс! Ты такой классный! Слышала, ты занимаешься бизнесом... Не хочешь стать спонсором для нашего благотворительного фонда? Макс: Чего-о? Ты с дуба рухнула, Мико? Какой еще благотворительный фонд? Разве так начинают общение на первом свидании? Мико: Из-за таких бездушных капиталистов, как ты, наша цивилизация движется прямиком к технологическому апокалипсису! Макс: Ты дура или прикалываешься? Мико: А ты мне нравишься! Такой темпераментный мужчина... Макс (мысленно): «Залипну-ка я в телефон — авось отстанет...»
*звонок от Вольфганга Манча с приглашением на свидание*
Мико (разговаривает по телефону): Слушаю вас... миссис Фэнг! Да-да, хорошо, завтра же! НЕТ. НЕ СЕГОДНЯ. НЕ СЕЙЧАС. ЗАВТРА. Что-то связь барахлит... До свидания, миссис Фэнг! Макс: Я рассчитывал на приятный вечер с красивой девушкой, а вместо этого трачу свое время на разговоры с полоумной активисткой! Пока, Мико. Это было отвратительно. Мико: Ну и м*дак же ты, Макс Виллареаль!..
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astoldbychae · 8 months
💌 Post 4 pictures from Pinterest that describe your OC. Send this to 3 other simmers to keep the chain going!
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Meanwhile He's over here beggin' and pleadin'...Tryna convince you that He's a reformed man. But THIS is what got his ass rollin in the deep. 😩
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tricoufamily · 9 months
get together is almost 10 years old hugo has been my favorite sim for almost 10 fucking years
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elmleif · 2 years
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Enjoying Winnie’s last few days as a toddler 🍼
Watching Winnie grow has been so bittersweet for Rosemary, she’s so proud of how smart and sweet of a baby she has been and cannot wait for all the experiences they’ll share throughout her childhood, but she’s also going to miss the baby stage so much. She can feel the baby fever creeping up on her hard.
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scorpiotrait · 2 years
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exhabigou · 2 years
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               this pesky puberty and high school crushes! trying to give up and forget ... but hugo learns the heart isn’t that easy to sway. 
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vinescreens · 10 days
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The Sims 4
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milkolya · 10 months
I WANNA MAKE STUFF!!!!!!!!!! i also want to play sims 4 forever. and ever and ever
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fallstaticexit · 22 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning
TW: Homophobia/ Homophobic Slur Used / Transcript / AN under the cut
AN: Thought I'd add a tiny tidbit of lore I decided to create for the Villareal's for this story. I've actually never played with this household before, so I when I read their bio I was like hmmm! Interesting!
Vanessa would be Jacques Villareal's eldest daughter from his first marriage. He would later have Hugo, Luna and Max from his second marriage to his wife that "suddenly disappeared.
Geoffrey: Nancy?
Nancy: [whimpers] Why the fuck did I do that...why the fuck did I do that...
[bathroom door swings open]
Nina: Nancy?
Nina: [knocks on stall door] Hey! You didn’t hear us calling you? Why you run off like that?
Dina: We saw you, you know. Bumping and grinding on Geoffrey. SO hot, right!
Nina: [giggles] Oh yeah, they were really getting into it! I had a feeling you were into him. That’s such a relief.
Dina: Seriously. People were...starting to talk, right, Nina?
Nina: Oh, totally. Everyone was calling you Angela 2.0. Ugh, that was such a fucking mess. She was like sooo obsessed with Vanessa, always hanging around her and touching her and being so freaking weird.
Dina: And poor Vanessa. Everyone was starting to get the wrong idea about her. She’s not like that, you know. She’s not a d***.
Nancy Narrates: [There is was. That word again....]
[Is that what they think? That I’m-]
Nancy: [whispers] I’m not like that either...
Nina: It just doesn’t always look that way, you know? Two girls hugging on each other, holding hands and sleeping in bed together? It’s weird, Nancy...
Dina: Right? [laughs] I’d die if a girl touched me like that! [shudders] So gross!
Nina: But if you say you’re not then we’ll believe you, I guess. Look, we’re going back to the party. Want us to wait for you?
Nancy: [shakes head] I’ll catch up later..
Nancy Narrates: [I’m not... like that...I’m not. I’m not like that. I’m not. I’m not a-]
Vanessa: [sniffles] Can we leave? Please? I don’t feel good. Maybe it’s my period or something...I just want to go home.
Nancy: Alright.
Vanessa: [whispers] Can I ask you something?
Nancy: [softly] Mhm.
Vanessa: Was that your first kiss?
Nancy: [hesitates] No. Was it yours?
Vanessa: No.
Vanessa: [sleepily] Nancy?
Nancy: Yes?
Vanessa: I think you should be with Geoffrey.
Nancy Narrates: [If this is what it takes to be a normal girl-]
Geoffrey: [breathlessly] W- What did you say?
Nancy: I said, I think I have a crush on you and I want to be with you.
Geoffrey: W-with me? Really? You want me?
Nancy: [softly] I want you so much.: W-with me? Really? You want me?
Nancy Narrates: [Then shouldn’t I at least try]
Winter 1991 - The Students of Paradise prepare to leave their cozy, luxury dorms to visit their families for winter break.
Bob: Pipe down, Little Guy! I’m surprised he’s made it this far inside the dorms without getting caught.
Geoffrey: [chuckles] Just a few more hours and he’ll be able to run around my family’s cabin in Granite Falls.
Cassie: I didn’t see you pack a bag, Nance. Are you going home for winter break?
Nancy: Um. No, I’m going to stay. The holidays are kind of rough back home...
Geoffrey: I told her my mom would love for her to come visit. She’s dying to see Nancy again now that we’re going steady.
Nancy: Guess I didn’t want to be a bother, that’s all.
Geoffrey: You could never be a bother. Not to me.
Bob: [chuckles] Man, how are you two lovebirds going to survive being apart the whole break?
Dina: So, I’m visiting Don’s family back in Tartosa while you skanks freeze your asses off. Sucks being single.
Nina: [rolls eyes] Yeah, thanks for leaving me to deal with our crazy mother. What are you doing for break, VV?
Vanessa: Hmm..
Nina: Hellooo? Earth to VV? I said, what are the Villareal’s planning for holiday break?
Vanessa: [sighs] My dad is spending it with his new wife. I’m staying here.
Dina: You’re spending Christmas all alone? That sucks..
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kiisuuumii · 29 days
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Laura Villareal, from "What Regenerates in a Household," featured in Leaning toward Light
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akitasimblr · 21 days
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generation rosary pea | rosamund harper | from the beginning »»
rosamund grew up in a financially struggling household with a doting mother who believed a deep breath and a piece of cake could fix everything. offspring of a first relationship, rosamund loves her renewed family, her brothers and sister and step-father… but she always felt different, you know? maybe it's her villareal's bloodline speaking, but rosamund is pretty sure that money is actually the answer. rosamund is gonna pursue fame and the adoration that comes with it. yes, she can agree that money can’t buy happiness but it can buy security. and she wants it. and if she wants it, she got it. is rosamund going to live the life of the rich and famous? or her fame ambitions will be scattered along the way? only time will tell.
🌼 previous | next 🌼
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maxispremades · 8 months
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Теперь все 5 625 863 подписчика Луны Виллареаль знают о том, что их любимая блогерка — без пяти минут законная жена 💍
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puppycheesecake · 9 months
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You can't give me a Sim household with a dead/missing wife and expect me not to make her.
Anyway, meet Mia Villareal.
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memoirsofasim · 1 month
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Played my pre-made save on the weekend. It always brings me so much joy scrolling through the households I've already played and see how much the families have grown. 🤗 This is my first post of the Villareal's. I didn't take many shots though and it's the end of summer so I'll be moving on to a different family next. Little update on them below.
Jacques has retired and is pretty fit for an elder so I think he will be around for a little longer. He is currently chasing and wooing Judith Ward.
Hugo has graduated high school early and is contemplating university, he wants to become a chef. Luna is the cheerleading captain and started her own exclusive club called The Diamonds - members include Sofia Bjergsen, Billy Jang, Cassandra Goth. Max is now a teen and still as evil as ever. He dropped out of high school and is working as a manual labourer.
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elmleif · 2 years
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It's Winnie's first Winterfest so Rosemary and Sebastian went all out with the decorations and gifts. She's spending Winterfest Eve with Max so Rosemary & Seb got to spend some quality time together wrapping and decorating.
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scorpiotrait · 2 years
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Maria: I’m just saying, you could do ANYTHING else -- hell, you’re a spellcaster, your options are even broader than mine! but you’re choosing to just... do the default thing and have a baby? Narcissa: i’m fully capable of making my own choices outside of the “default,” thank you very much! i fully understand if it’s not for you, but for many people parenting is what they WANT to do, and it just so happens that i would LOVE to raise a child and take care of them and watch them grow. if you think so little of me then i don’t think this is going to work. Maria: Cici, please-- Narcissa: please what? please lower my standards to accept someone who doesn’t respect what i want to do with my life?
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