#violence rage murder
diversity win! the man who tried to wipe out the boiling isles is autistic!
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vee-lociraptor · 3 months
read something earlier that reminded me that john and arthur have the funniest dynamic of "gets even more eloquent with rage" vs "loses all coherent thought to rage"
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cherrytraveller · 11 months
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sorry that i've deprived you all of a wip preview, anyway; deity-fies your local bad future mystic magic nuke
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utilitycaster · 4 months
WAIT finishing up The Name and uhhhhhh more "entitled fans = kipperlily" validation re: the fact that two teachers are favoring and conspiring with the Rat Grinders and somehow that doesn't count, and also, THEY'RE TRYING TO DISSOLVE THE SCHOOL AND TELEPORT THE ENTIRE TOWN BECAUSE THEY'RE MAD SOMEONE ELSE IS MORE POPULAR AND YOU THINK THEY SHOULD BE REHABILITATED?
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pinbitch · 1 year
as an oldest sibling the way dean treats sam personally offends me and that was such an untapped vein when cain was introduced to the show. sam IS abel, an abel who heard the voice of the devil and was strong enough to resist. he’s everything cain would have wanted for his little brother. and dean just doesn’t know how good he has it
after dean knocked sam out at the end of s9, sam should have woken up to a black-eyed cain kneeling over him, dripping demon blood into his mouth just like azazel
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bitimdrake · 2 years
i can't remember if i've already made this post so sorry if i'm repeating myself, but that bit about treating pit madness (which is, to clarify for those unsure since i know it's hard to tell, not a real comics thing and only relevant in discussions of fanon) as absolutely separate from the person suffering from it (which is always jason, though again, not a remotely canon thing) has reminded me of my hyper specific yet horrifically common pit madness sub-pet peeve:
fics where Jason is one of the good guys again, for whatever that means, but he's still suffering from pit madness (which is made up fanon), which he is fully aware of and theoretically struggling against....while being a vigilante.
and no one. not a goddamn soul. brings up how this is obscenely, dangerously irresponsible.
the pit madness (of which there is no such thing) is treated as so absolutely separate from jason himself, so utterly external in its cause, that neither a single character in the narrative nor the narrative itself notices that jason actually has a lot of responsibility here.
that like. if he knows he has 'pit madness' (which is fanon). and he knows sometimes he goes into violent rages. and that in those violent rages he does bad stuff he doesn't like. and then he knowingly puts himself in situations that trigger that.
....he is in fact 100% to blame for everything he does while pit mad (not real). How little control he has in the moment doesn't change that in the slightest.
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xxx-anthrax-xxx · 8 months
@lizardhawthorne is a bitch this is a CALLOUT post her pussy stinks so bad DNI if you like its shenanigans
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merrysithmas · 3 months
i see a lot of people speculate that john lennon had bipolar disorder but i dont think this is true (i think this is maybe the unclinical laymen viewpoint) but i think he definitely had borderline personality disorder instead
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spiegelgestalt · 1 year
Kaori, you are the GOAT! I'm sorry I underestimated you
Kaori just killed Haruaki and Haru. She killed her fellow wolves! She looked at the rules - kill your family or perish and said: Okay the wolves perish.
And i just realized: Kaori cheated (or tried to cheat) Every! Single! Loop!
First Loop where her son was the wolf she tried to kill everyone else and herself once she realized it (eventhough she was just a human)
Second Loop she bolstered her sons vote by always voting the same as him (starting a voting block) and tried to leave a dying message. And it kinda worked
And now in the third loop she either agrees to not kill anyone or decides to kill her fellow wolves and herself.
She constantly pushes the rules and trys to break the game (to protect herself and her loved ones but mostly her loved ones). Haruaki take note: this is the kind of initiative i want to see from you!!
And even if she gets tricked into killing her sons- she never stops loving them and imo dies on her own terms
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yorprincess · 2 years
Finding Loid || Twiloid
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The floor around her was both slick and sticky with blood, a contradiction that claws at her nose like an old lover as she marches resolutely through the building. Her red-soled shoes click down the tiled floor of the WISE safehouse. The only sound...the screams had long since died away, silenced by slit throats or by those who succumbed to blood loss.
But Thorn Princess wasn't satisfied. Not with the bodies. Not with the blood that drips from her dress, her cheek, and her stilettos gripped tightly in her fists. She cared not for her own blood that mingled with the others, a few bullets graze from shots that had been lucky. She would patch them later, but for now...
Frustration roiled within her. No one had answered her very simple demand. They all refused to answer, crying for death rather than giving away that information.
Where is Loid Forger?
She had lost track of how many safehouses she had raided, how many spies she had slaughtered since she had learned that her husband was alive and that his agency was keeping him from returning to her and Anya.
Anya, who waited with Bond and Franky - who she was still wary of, but trusted enough because he loved her daughter as if she were his own blood relative - at home, was innocent of all of her mother's dealings. To whom she had to return to in the morning. For Thorn Princess could only exist in the darkness, in the shadows. In the underbelly of society. Far, far away from her daughter's innocent smile and bright eyes.
Eyes that had become dim after her father was taken. A smile that wasn't nearly as bright as it had once been.
Shaking her head, Thorn Princess' red eyes scanned the room full of desks, reflexively wiping the blood from her golden weapons before sheathing them for the moment. She would need to wash them and her hands as soon as possible. There would be no clean-up crews for this location (just like the others). This was a reminder to WISE that she was serious.
And she couldn't help but wonder why the spy agency was allowing her to slaughter their agents like lambs. Wouldn't it be easier to simply hand Loid Forger back over to her?
Unless Loid really was...
Unless they wanted a purge of their agents...
Her fingers slid across documents on the desk before her, flipping through cipher after cipher. She didn't understand them, but there were patterns she had picked up on, and one of them, in particular, could lead to the location of the next safe house and maybe information regarding her husband.
Something caught her eye.
A note. A simple scrawl on a small piece of paper. No cipher and clear as day. Her breath stalled in her chest as she seized the note and read it over and over and over again, hope and dread filling her all at once.
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pierswife · 1 year
Amanda: Look, I know we don't always see eye-to-eye--
Piers: That's 'cuz you're too short to do so
Amanda: ... Now you listen here yOU FUCK--
Amanda: Look, I respect you, but I hate with every inch of my body.
Piers: That's not a lotta inches, mate.
Amanda: I'll fucking kill you--
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Hard not to relate to Hannibal Lecter, honestly, I mean, I, too, craved to drown the other kids and stab them repeatedly for making fun of me. I, too, imagined the slow painful death of the adults who were cruel to me. I, too, had an inexorable urge to sink my teeth into the flesh of all who dared to look down on me and hold them there until my thirst for violence was sated with blood.
On the other hand. I don’t think I could murder someone for being a bad waiter. The social anxiety, you know?
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gotta-pet-em-all · 7 months
Hello - I've seen that you've talked with Zelda in the past, and you seem to be very friendly with each other. I'm not sure if you are aware of what has been occurring for the past few days, but if you need me to elaborate, I shall. I decided that I could perhaps gain what appears to me a more neutral perspective on things.
You are friends with Zelda. Do you have advice on what I could do to achieve the same?
~Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule
I'm going to be honest with you. I don't like you. And I don't expect this will ever change. Everything I say to you in good faith is not for your sake, but Zelda's.
So. Don't take it out on her. If I make you mad, take it out on me, send pelipper, harass my inbox, spread rumors, I don't give a shit! But I'm sick and fucking tired of watching you hurt your daughter.
I am not a neutral perspective. The only reason I tried not to interact with you is because I knew Zelda would be hurt if I told you how I really feel about you. Because that feeling is mainly immeasurable graphic violence.
You want to fix your relationship with your daughter? First of all. You need to accept that you fucked up. I may not know how royalty works, but I do know that Zelda's terrified you won't love her if she doesn't live up to some unreachable standard. Tell her you're proud of her. Love her even if she fails. Love her especially when she fails. That's when she needs it the most.
Don't ever darken my fucking inbox again. I can't make any promises as to what I'll do to you. Consider yourself warned.
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cryoweaving · 1 year
late night word vomit about the caiying character arc in fontaine bc i will make it happen there.
caiying accompanies you to fontaine for a commission for one of her embroidery pieces for a close family friend and you both have a relatively wonderful adventure where she confesses she's always wanted to go adventuring. anyway, it's all just set up by reinforcing that caiying is a nice person and she frets over you just about the entire trip there. she can't fight so the only alternative is to be support or help with your wounds after battles.
of course the first detour or little mission you have there that you must complete before you can finish the fontaine story is helping caiying deliver her embroidery piece to this family friend. it's just the usual running to find this person around fontaine and the convo between caiying and them is all good from the outside, but when she hands the embroidery over ... they pause. it just looks a regular depiction of some nature scenery but it can possibly be misconstrued to have some deeper meaning but caiying profusely apologizes if it came across that way. they relax afterwards and you part ways with this individual for a while.
i'm sure fucked up shit will be happening in fontaine but i don't read spoilers but i don't need to. caiying is just acting oddly while you all are dealing with shit in fontaine. even when you have breaks, you find she is writing letters or talking to people or is out and about more than she should be. she assures you she just has business to take care of - no big deal. of course, you trust her -- how can you not ? she's so sweet and speaks in a way that disarms almost everyone.
so how is it that you're standing there, watching this person you thought you knew exact revenge without any oversight from anyone else ? it's disturbing to hear caiying recount how she's been waiting for this moment -- to kill someone who has ruined her entire life -- for over ten years now, how she has laid out this plan to corner them for years and years, feigned appreciation and closeness with the person destroyed her mother's family because she knew she didn't have any usable evidence, and she gets to have it now.
" i disturb the water to catch the fish i so desire " -- she's led them here one step at a time, pretending to be unknowing and innocent.
fontaine is the nation of justice but caiying confesses she's not much of a believer anyway and would rather take care of things on herself; nobody and nothing will uphold justice for her after all.
she promises to send them off cleanly, make sure they are given proper funeral rites and not touch their other family members at the very least. and it's over in a moment -- with the simple flick of her wrist and the sharp ice ends her entire rage. and you see how stunned she is, how relieved she is, how heavy it feels to do this. and you realize you didn't know her all that much as you originally thought you did.
i'd like to leave the choice to turn her in or not up to the player. either way i think in game it'd trigger an update to voice lines -- deliveries become a little more mellow afterwards and some lines are just changed entirely.
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llycaons · 10 months
'this is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation' sounds like the kind of exaggerated, colorful complaint that I associate with like, modern-day internet humor, but when hear see it in context it's completely different. jack's voice is breaking, he's holding back tears. the pain in his delivery of that line is starkly audible. this is at the end of nearly two decades of seeing ennis only a few times a year, and just hearing that ennis has to cancel their next meeting. he's at the end of his rope, and he's ready to break down. as much attention as "I wish I knew how to quit you" got, I think this is the line that stays with me for the sheer emotion in its delivery
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reminder to myself that “i need to fucking kill someone” is not a normal way to express a positive emotion
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