#Verse : Rose in Rage
dutybcrne · 5 months
Thinkings thinkings of Fatui!Kaeya have been reawakened in reviewing Arle's teasers/animations
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Whether it's Dad!Pierro or not; I do love the idea of him being left in the care of the Fatui/House of Hearth#//Tho timelines considered; he prolly would be in Pierro's personal care while Arle goes through her Traumatic Matricide Experience#//Doubt the man would want to leave him out of his sight; Khaenri'ahn/Alberich ties considered#//Or maybe he was raised/trained to fight under Signora. Or even for Columbina (her namesake's ties to Pierro's; considered)#//Tho also do LOVE the idea of Kae and Taru growin up together in the Fatui ranks and being the disastrous + shy boi duo#//Tho Kae'd prolly have less to hide/fear with them when it comes to his heritage. The strictness he'd be raised with though...#//Eh; Taru could bring him out of his shell even still jdbgfkf. If anyone can; he deffo could. His little wintry sunshine#//So maybe he'd grow into his peacock self a little more naturally; even if perhaps still out of necessity/for ease of his missions#//Less of a facade to hide his grief/missing pieces tho; more like the way Taru is charming & goofy to lower people's guards#//Still has his little habit of testing people deffo is Much worse and much more sadistic when it comes down to it#//Particularly towards fellow Fatui who disrespect him or their comrades; or just someone he ends up disliking in general#//Does 'test' new comrades; but is more willing to step in & help them if need be. Wants UTMOST trust; determination & loyalty in his men#//So will only ever take those who push to complete the mission at all costs; even themselves/willingly ask him for help when they need it#//Dislikes those who run; & LOATHES cowards who abandon comrades to save themselves; he WILL deliberately make sure they don't make it back#//Still employs his intel gathering methods as normal verse; but has preying mantis tendencies when it comes down to it nbcfjgf#//ESP if they try to take advantage of/blackmail him in some way. Or worse; those who betray him. He is meticulous & VERY ruthless abt it#//His signature is decapitation & an unmelting (Abyssal energy-laced) ice shard through the heart; around which he'd carve a stylized one#//If those informants keep being useful to him; they are safe; and treated so lovingly by him; spoiled rotten with gifts & favors aplenty#//Once they lose their usefulness...well; regrettably he cannot leave any loose ends. These become frozen as statues for him to keep#//'Precious mementos of lovers & conspirators'; he'd call them. He'd keep them in his private home in Snezhnaya#v; glacialis pavonis (fatui!kaeya)#//If he had to have a Harbinger title/name (maybe bumped up for when Scara erases himself); he'd prolly be l'Innamorato#//Fitting of his methods (is also the remaining role of Commedia dell'arte lololol). He is saccharine sweet; pretty & deadly as a belladonn#//Deffo would have tango-based motifs rather than waltz; would favor frost-laced roses. Might even leave those with his victims too#//Can you tell I listened to Rondo Across Countless Kalpas as I wrote this up jhbfjgkfhf#hc; kaeya#//I mean yeah lol. I have so many more thinkings abt this verse aaAAAA#//Am torn if I want his to use a Cryo Delusion; or have him with Cryo Vision and an Anemo Delusion. Do like that for Cryo Swirls#//Then his rage/scorn could be likened to a Blizzard. Do like that image. Deffo favors his Abyssal powers more tho; maybe THAT'd be better
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yorprincess · 2 years
Finding Loid || Twiloid
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The floor around her was both slick and sticky with blood, a contradiction that claws at her nose like an old lover as she marches resolutely through the building. Her red-soled shoes click down the tiled floor of the WISE safehouse. The only sound...the screams had long since died away, silenced by slit throats or by those who succumbed to blood loss.
But Thorn Princess wasn't satisfied. Not with the bodies. Not with the blood that drips from her dress, her cheek, and her stilettos gripped tightly in her fists. She cared not for her own blood that mingled with the others, a few bullets graze from shots that had been lucky. She would patch them later, but for now...
Frustration roiled within her. No one had answered her very simple demand. They all refused to answer, crying for death rather than giving away that information.
Where is Loid Forger?
She had lost track of how many safehouses she had raided, how many spies she had slaughtered since she had learned that her husband was alive and that his agency was keeping him from returning to her and Anya.
Anya, who waited with Bond and Franky - who she was still wary of, but trusted enough because he loved her daughter as if she were his own blood relative - at home, was innocent of all of her mother's dealings. To whom she had to return to in the morning. For Thorn Princess could only exist in the darkness, in the shadows. In the underbelly of society. Far, far away from her daughter's innocent smile and bright eyes.
Eyes that had become dim after her father was taken. A smile that wasn't nearly as bright as it had once been.
Shaking her head, Thorn Princess' red eyes scanned the room full of desks, reflexively wiping the blood from her golden weapons before sheathing them for the moment. She would need to wash them and her hands as soon as possible. There would be no clean-up crews for this location (just like the others). This was a reminder to WISE that she was serious.
And she couldn't help but wonder why the spy agency was allowing her to slaughter their agents like lambs. Wouldn't it be easier to simply hand Loid Forger back over to her?
Unless Loid really was...
Unless they wanted a purge of their agents...
Her fingers slid across documents on the desk before her, flipping through cipher after cipher. She didn't understand them, but there were patterns she had picked up on, and one of them, in particular, could lead to the location of the next safe house and maybe information regarding her husband.
Something caught her eye.
A note. A simple scrawl on a small piece of paper. No cipher and clear as day. Her breath stalled in her chest as she seized the note and read it over and over and over again, hope and dread filling her all at once.
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vampfrey · 1 year
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' i apologize for my sister's behavior. ' it seems that's all they've been doing lately, is apologizing for desdemona's actions. but what she's done for them - it's the least they can do. ' if there is anything i can do to clear up any potential hostile feelings - please do let me know. ' / @hiveruled
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peachdues · 11 months
another snippet from my upcoming Levi x Reader fic, Coalescence, a secret pregnancy AU first teased here.
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How the fuck could you be pregnant?
Levi’s mouth twisted down in a grimace. It wasn’t as though he didn’t know exactly how a woman came to be with child — in fact, he’d wager that he was incredibly well-versed in such activities.
Especially when it came to you.
The how in practice wasn’t what concerned him; it was the how in theory, that he couldn’t wrap his mind around.
You’d had an implant put in a year prior, right after the two of you had given into the raging desire that had been steadily mounting between you, finally boiling over after a heated exchange over your future with the Scouts.
The night in question had started with Levi in your face, berating you about duty and wasted potential. The Captain had been uncharacteristically flustered as you’d stared him down, hotly reminding him that he would have to drag you, kicking and screaming to the Commander’s office, pistol to your head, before you’d accept a position as squad leader.
It ended with you spread out on his desk, Levi’s face between your thighs, followed by his cock, as he’d pressed you into the wood and fucked every last pent up emotion he’d ever felt right into your pliant, heavenly body.
The way you’d whimpered his name, the way you’d tugged at the inky strands of his hair as he’d pounded into you, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips hard enough to bruise, had made him see white. It pained him to have to silence your whines, which had grown in vibrato the closer you came to your climax, by sliding two fingers into your mouth.
Whatever disappointment he’d felt had been fleeting however, as you’d moaned, tongue swirling around his digits as you’d watched him through half-lidded eyes.
It was then that Levi knew he was a goner.
You’d marched into his barracks not two days later, a fire in your eyes as you pinned him with a heated stare and told him you’d had an implant put into your arm, meant to keep any accidents from happening.
Levi hadn’t asked any further questions; not as he’d crossed the floor of his office and began tugging the straps of your ODM gear away from your body.
But that implant, however, apparently hadn’t been worth shit, because now, you were pregnant.
Pregnant, with his child.
And now, you were lying in an infirmary bed, unconscious and bloodied, because you’d been injured as you’d fought to defend Trost from the onslaught of Titans that slipped through the hole in Wall Rose.
While pregnant. With his baby.
Provided Levi could hold onto whatever vestiges of his sanity remained until you awoke, he was going to kick your ass.
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ascendingaeons · 6 months
Hymn to Sekhmet
by Joey Rivers (ascendingaeons)
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O Sekhmet, Great Eye of Ra, the First and the Last Healer and Destroyer, Mother and Daughter You Who accepted the Command of Ra, Your Father To cleanse the Two Lands of Isfet But Your nature was too mighty, Great of Strength as You Are Wanton and unrestrained, You ravaged Earth as a purifying flame And as Ra looked on and saw His Eye, He was stricken with pause By the Will of the Sun, Your Rage was quieted by a crimson brew And into transformative slumber You fell, Great Goddess And from Your great Rage, Het-Heru rose A new Eye was christened, of eros sublime And you, Great Mother, knew the sadness of regret
You, Great Goddess, know the measure of rage unbound And so You Stand, Great Mother of War, in defense and duty Of the Principles and Consequences of Ma’at Your Children are many, Great Lady of Life Diverse in their multitudes, empowered by their tribulation
Yours is the soldier, Your Mighty Sekhem made flesh and bone Entrenched in a maelstrom of fire and blood Returning home to a nation that does not understand him
Yours is the survivor, a living branch of Your burning Will triumphant Endeavoring to rise above the quagmire of loss and agony Through You their struggle is transmuted into the golden light of ka ascendant
Yours is the mother, she who knows sacrifice and sleepless nights A font unyielding of love and pride, of smiles and laughter perfected They who bear the weight of the world so a child can know childhood
Yours is the healer, an alchemist of the ontological persuasion He who is humbled by the frailty beholden to human experience He who ushers Your Sekhem through the riptide of transformative loss
Yours is the artist, through whose passions course Your Divine Fire Who walks the scales of inspiration and madness, knowing Creation unfiltered An alchemist versed in the milieus of perception
For You, Great Goddess, are the very Force of Change You are that which makes men tremble so Such an unnecessary fear, of wisdom and experience untouched Were I You, I would feel such sadness But how You smile, Great One! How You laugh! How You fight! You are not “she who cowers before Apep!” NO! You are the Great Lioness Who rends Chaos asunder! You fight and rage and bite and tear Passion and emotion alive and unrestrained!
You are Love, Great Goddess You are Fear, Great Goddess You are Devotion, Great Goddess You are Loss, Great Goddess You are Health, Great Goddess You are Sickness, Great Goddess This is why I call You the Mother of Life Your Ka is the very essence of experience! Your Sekhem is the very wind of change!
When I first called upon You, timid and unsure, I beheld Your Gaze, a window of fire open before my face And as quickly as You Saw me, You left And again when I called to You with offering of water and bread Exhausted by grief and devotion, tirelessly sung from a caregiver’s heart You came to me and my eyes were opened to You! As I lay without sleep, You stood at my bedside Stroking my back with strong hands of fire Whispering strength and courage into my ear As a sentinel You walked with me, a Mother Lioness guarding Her cub Such loyalty and tenderness You showed And my eyes were forever opened to Your nature
You are the very Force of Creation, the Monad of Being From which stems those primordial principalities Love and Fear, Physis and Logos, Known and Unknown Order and Disorder, Life and Death, Dynamism and Stasis
I offer henu to You, Great Goddess of Creation The endless potentiality and movement of the living cosmos The Fires Divine that Become living sinews and living earth
I offer henu to Your Husband Ptah, the Cosmic Smith Patron of artisans, of those who tirelessly toil In the pursuit of Bringing Into Being but a shard of the Sacred Unmanifest
I offer henu to Your Son, the Beautiful Nefertem The Ageless Lotus that rose from the Benben Stone The First Splendid Light to Shine in the churning Waters of Nun
It was You Who held my right hand as I accepted the mark of a healer And embraced me as a Mother would Her graduating son I offer You my pain, Great Goddess So that You may transmute it into Strength I offer You my fear, Great Goddess So that You may transmute it into Courage I offer You my uncertainty, Great Goddess So that You may transmute it into Wisdom
Into Your Belly I give of myself to unleash my greatest potential To burst from Your Bosom, shining and emboldened For there is nothing that is beyond Your Reach, Great Mother It is for me, now, to See that nothing is beyond my own
Dua Sekhmet! Dua Sekhmet! Dua Sekhmet!
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kale-theteaqueen · 11 months
✨ A03 Master List ✨
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The Masterlist is getting a bit long so I've decided to split off my appreciation week posts! Click the links indicated for those below.
✨ A Court of Thorns and Roses ✨
Lady Death and Her Kingdom -- Nessian in which Nesta sees the dead, multichapter fic, ongoing
And Now She Becomes Death -- Nessian, in which Hybern revenge kidnaps Nesta for beheading the king, multichapter fic, ongoing.
To Pay a Debt --Nessian, in which Nesta leaves Velaris after seeing that she hasn't been included in Feyre's paintings, but her mother has, multi chapter fic, completed.
The Whole Truth -- Nessian, in which Elain reveals that their father sold Nesta multiple times when they lived in the cabin, multi chapter fic, ongoing.
Burning From the Inside Out -- Nessian, in which it is revealed that Nesta has chronic pain/illness, multi chapter fic, completed.
The Hike, Alternatively -- Nessian, alternative take on the hike, in which Nesta attempts suicide, multichapter fic, completed.
Of Death and Resurrection, Nessian/Rhysta Brotp, in which Nesta sacrifices her life to save Feyre, but can't be fully killed due to her power, thus requiring Rhys to go into her mind to save her, multi chapter fic.
Of Open Wounds and Retribution, Nessian, set in the ODaR-verse in which Nesta meets Tomas Mandray at a peace summit between humans and fae, and the family discovers what he did to her, two shot, completed.
The Consequences of Normality, Nessian, in which Nesta tries to conform to IC expectations post-ACOSF, and Cassian realizes that he prioritizes them over her, three shot, completed.
Like Fire, She Raged -- Nessian (ish), In which Emerie calls out the IC for their treatment of Nesta/treatment of Illyrian females, two-shot, completed.
Three Little Words -- Nessian, in which Nesta asks Cassian if he loves her, because he didn't say it during ACOSF, one shot, completed.
Modern AUs
The Humble Art of Gift Giving -- Gift for ACOTAR Secret Santa, in which Nesta takes gift giving very, very seriously, and Cassian loves her all the more for it. One shot, completed.
Of Shadows and Light, Gwynriel, a sequel to Of Death and Resurrection that follows the development of Azriel and Gwyn's relationship, multi chapter fic, completed.
Character Appreciation Weeks
Nesta Appreciation Week
2024 Submissions
Cassian Appreciation Week
2024 Submissions
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imagines-babes · 1 year
Headcanons(q! Wilbur)
Hello, so this is qsmp! Wilbur headcanons. This was requested from my one of my wattpad reader. I’m not very good with headcanons but I hope you enjoy. This is over 1000 words also just a warning.
Wilbur list Masterlist
In the beginning
He sat right in front of you on the train. Everyone was talking and introduced themselves one by one. While he sat looking to the side to see outside the window. You didn't know why but you wanted to know more about him.
The first night, everyone gathers at the first house, Roiers, to have a party. Music was playing and everyone dance. You look to see where Wilbur was, he was in the corner. Your guess was his social battery went out. So you went to ask him if he want to go outside across the party. He nods. After that you both became friends.
You would visit him at his home. And smile. You help him make his home bigger maybe one block more higher. He didn't mind. He loved when you both would hang out. He's a good listener while you talked and verses.
One thing you both had in common was music. He said he loves music and it brought him peace. While you were crafting for a pickaxe you happened to search for an instrument for him. There was. So instead of making a new pickaxe. You made a guitar. So the next day, you went to his house noticing the rams on the stone. Knocking on his door with the guitar behind me. He opens it and smiles. You handed him the gift and he notice the gift smiling as he hugged you. This was a first for you both. You both never hugged before only a wave bye but it was nice.
He let you know that he would be going on a boat and to not worry about him. But you did worry. You worry very much about him. He notices your face as he hugs you then his hand on your cheek. 'Darling you don't have to worry I will be fine and I will send a letter alright.' You didn't reply you just stare at Wilbur as he stepped back from you giving him space.
Meeting Tallulah
You were doing your normal routine till you notice Wilbur and Fit at the adoption center. Waving at them you stayed with them. Heading inside it was abandoned. Never looked like this before. You fell off till you felt someone holding your hand. Looking down to see his hand holding yours. Then you looked at Wilbur smiling. Fit explain more till there was a noise about us and a ladder appeared. Going up the ladder to see an egg.
Wilbur had 3 names for the egg. The egg got to choose one now her name is Tallulah. Tallulah passed you and Wilbur a red rose. We thank her.
Helping Wilbur raise Tallulah is fun. She showed us she plays some instruments. He would show her more tricks. Staring at the both with a smile.
You would also take pictures of them together. And give Tallulah any instruments you craft and she is grateful for each and one of them. Wilbur would watch you both bound. His love for you just grew stronger.
when Wilbur is away on a trip, you would stay with Tallulah and take care of her. Tell her many things about her father that you knew. She would smile.
Most nights, he would rush inside looking for his guitar. You hand it to him, 'She is waiting for you.' You would say as he goes to her room hearing the guitar play. You walk in to see him on her bed as she stares at him. You would walk in sitting by her bed she places her head on your lap.
Bad was telling us how quackity and some others vandalize the outside of the house. With quackity saying he has been claiming Tallulah as his own. You saw Wilbur's rage. Telling bad thank you and he was off. Wilbur started to look at the front seeing it a mess. You would try and calm him but by the second it wasn't working you stop him before going inside. In the end, you both thought that it was best you just come back tomorrow.
Tallulah would ask why you didn't stay the night. You just tell her it's grown-up things. Sadly you just said we agreed to disagree on something. She understood while Wilbur stood by.
You would fish with Tallulah but Tallulah would fish better than you ever could. That's when Wilbur would stand behind you and show you how to fish. Tallulah would stare at you both seeing you both get along now.
Meeting Chayanne
When first meeting him, Wilbur didn’t know who he was. Phil welcome us and we talked till Chayanne woke up and started to attack Wilbur. You and Phil tried to call Chayanne but he tried to get where Wilbur was. Wilbur was already on top of the house. That is when he found out about that Chayanne is related to him. (but not honestly it’s very confusing) Wilbur lost it. That’s when the two started having a family rivalry. Saying who was better. Honestly, you excepted this to happen.
Wilbur would notice how Chayanne would take care of Tallulah as you made your way over to him. He breaks a stare to look at you. ‘Chayanne is such a big brother.’ All you did was nod in response.
When Wilbur was away, and you were a little busy Tallulah would go to Phil and play with Chayanne but the time you would finish. Tallulah would be asleep next to Chayanne. You held her up thanking Phil and telling Chayanne thank you as well. You teleport home putting Tallulah asleep.
One night, You were outside talking to Bad tell you heard crying from inside. Rushing inside you notice her moving around. You tried to wake her up it was a nightmare. She started to talk in her sleep. You try one more time as she looks at you and hugged you deeply crying into your arm. You tried and messaged Wilbur but it wasn’t working. Tallulah stayed in your arms as she went back to sleep.
Waking up one day to notice Tallulah handing a phone saying your name on it as you played a video. Saying all the eggs' names and how many lives they have. With them only having one more day till something happens. That same day happens to be Wilbur's last day. Turning over to notice Wilbur slowly waking up telling him about the video. He was sad he just got Tallulah and he didn’t want to lose her.
On Tallulah and his last day before they left for a while. You three would spend it together. Rather than just dwell on them leaving. It was productive fixing the outside of the house to her liking with her tortoise zoo in the fair right. Many would stop by and Wilbur changed with them as you stayed with Tallulah. At the end of the night, you three would be in Tallulah's room with Wilbur Gutair. Wilbur sang her favorite song, Dear Theodosia. Shortly you join in sitting on Tallulah's bed. She stares at her parents singing to her.
Wilbur left a book for you and her.
‘Dear y/n,
By the time you are reading this, I will be off doing something. I can’t tell you that yet but soon I will. When I leave chances are you are in the house alone if Our daughter was taken by her mother. I want to say thank you for helping me take care of her. I know you cared for her as much as I did. If I’m being honest I didn’t think I was ready to be a father. But I saw how you connected to her quickly. Shortly she connected with me. I didn’t want her to leave my side. When you were away mining she would tell me the adventure you would take her on. And how she was giving you some lesson for you to surprise me with. I’m sad I didn’t get to see you perform for me. But I hope when I come back you will be ready to play me any song. Even if it's a baby song. The reason I’m writing to you is because… wow I’m very nervous even if I’m writing it to you instead of saying it to your face. The reason I’m writing to you is because I don’t know how to explain my feelings face to face. I thought this letter would help. So y/n ever since the first week, I wanted to get to know you. More than your name or your favorite color. I wanted to know the real you. And I did you are the most kind, caring person I know. You help me with everything involving my first house to our first child. I hope you feel the same when I say I like you more than friends. When I come back I hope we can be more than friends. Darling, I am very much in love with you and I hope we talk soon.
- Wilbur Soot’
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esther-dot · 10 months
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Beauty and the Beast
Tokens of Life (give me) 9k WIP by @ihaveastorminme
Jon thought of his mother's family often. But he never heard a whisper from them. Not once. Until the day the northern wind howled through the ancestral halls of the dragon Queens, bringing with it snow and wolves’ cries at its tail. Five hundred different deities in that hall, and nobody whispered when she walked in, tall and forbidding, the skirts of her dress swirling about her like mist and snow glittering unmelted in her flame hair. She looked at him... and everything changed.
No Rose Without a Thorn 24k
Ten years ago, the Others were defeated, the Starks took back the North, the Targaryens reclaimed the Iron Throne, and the Old Gods transformed Sansa Stark into a dread and dangerous beast. Now, winter is coming, the beast remains, and the family would really like Sansa to be a full time human again.
The Beast, the Beauty, and the Bastard 3k
It is a reworking of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, but with a bit of a twist. Hope you enjoy!
Certain As the Sun 22k, incomplete
Sansa is bright, beautiful, and out of place in her little town. After her father is captured in a forgotten castle, she moves to take his place with the cursed prince.
Gifset by @dcbicki and Gifset by @yenstarkofrivia
From Tower to Tower 10k incomplete
Locked away in a tower for eighteen years by a witch claiming to be her Mother, long-haired Sansa seeks freedom and a chance to regain her crown as Princess of the kingdom. But the tower is high as she has no means to get down, aside from her incredibly long hair, and no guarantee of safety in the outside world she has been warned about. One night, when the witch is out, and a thief who climbs the tower seeking refuge happens upon her, she stuns herself by taking a chance and asking him to help her escape. Assuring him that she will have all charges against him dropped when he returns her to her rightful parents, she embarks on a series of first discoveries with her new bandit friend Jon.
I'll not be climbin' up, I'll only be calling good morning 13k @violetcoloredglasses
Princess Sansa, the rightful queen, has been trapped in a tower by her usurping step-mother for nigh on three years now. Between the benevolent interference of a local woods-witch, the seemingly random appearance of a dashing young man on a horse, and a magical book that Sansa uses to turn a man into a crow, she may have found a way to change her stars.
flower shaped heart 25k, incomplete @missfaber
Alayne Stone has lived her whole life in her hidden tower, forbidden by Mother to leave. But she yearns for an adventure like the ones in the songs, so when a man named Jon Snow crashes into her tower and into her life, she seizes the chance. They travel to King's Landing where the floating lanterns shine each year on her nameday. The new world is exciting and frightening, but Jon Snow is there to guide her every step. He is not nearly as terrible as Mother said men are, though the rest of the world might be. Danger, betrayals, and lies form the steps of their journey as Alayne uncovers terrible secrets. corresponding moodboard
Let Down Your Red Hair .6k
A Jonsa Rapunzel story told in verse. With her father beheaded and her brother marching against the king, the last thing Sansa expects is for her hair to never stop growing. She is soon locked away in the tallest tower of the Red Keep, withdrawn from court as the War of the Five Kings rages on. Elsewhere, rumors of her magical hair have spread to the Wildlings, who see her fiery strands as their last hope against the coming winter.
Tangled edit by @kitten1618x, Tangled edit by @queen-sans-in-the-north, Tangled edit by @sardoniyx
Tangled gifset by @dcbicki
Sleeping Beauty
La Belle au bois dormant 4k
When The North celebrates the birth of Lady Sansa, all the realm is invited to celebrate with them. Each Lady of a Great House bestows a gift upon the little lady, including Cersei Lannister, whose presence at the celebration is both unexpected and unnerving.
Once upon a Dream 1k by @azulaahai
Sansa is under a curse - fallen into a magical sleep, she, according to the prophecy, can only be awoken by a kiss from a dragon. Arya rides south to ask for help from the dragon king Aegon, but the king’s grumpy half brother Jon might prove to be an obstacle.
Visions are Seldom All They Seem 14k
Sansa Stark is sure her life is a great song. She's a beautiful princess. She's been cursed. And the only way it will be broken is to sleep for a hundred years and be awoken by true love's kiss, given by a king's son. She's more then happy to prick her finger if it means getting her happily ever after with a handsome prince all the sooner. But a hundred years is a long time. To be fair to Sansa, Jon did not realize how long it would be either.
Sleeping Beauty Gifset
East of the Sun and West of the Moon
you are my sun, my moon (and all of my stars) 133k
When the white wolf came, the Lord of Winterfell had no choice but to give him his eldest daughter. Eddard Stark had grown up on legends of wolves, on the stories of bargains made by the First Men, on the knowledge of the price that he and his family might one day be forced to pay.  His father had explained the reason their house had taken a wolf as its heraldry and “Winter is Coming” as its motto, a reminder of a promise to honor, a recognition of a debt owed that would need, one day, to be paid. Ned had breathed a sigh of relief when his sister’s twentieth winter arrived and the beast had not. And he had watched the dawn sky for the first signs of the snow that would mark that his daughter, too, might also be spared, might escape the fate that had been handed down by their ancestors. But no man could be so lucky.  Sansa, too, had been born with the North in her blood, had been raised on the stories of white wolves, had lived her life with the knowledge that one might come for her.
this is the map of my heart, the landscape after cruelty 22k by @dialux
“I fell,” Sansa says softly. “I flew.” [When a strange, hooded man appears out of nowhere, demanding a woman in return for keeping the Others and dead out of Westeros, Sansa goes with him. It’s the best and worst decision of her life.]
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
Maroon is looking back on her relationship with Harry in a linear way. It was the surprise song 26 May, 2023, the first show after 20 May.
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Taylor wrote 10 of the final 30 Red TV tracks after Harry entered the chat in March. @taylor-on-your-dash has this Making of Red post which shows it was complete 4 months after they met, it's release was 7 months after 'The Very First Night'.
It is wild to me that people say Red can't be Haylor but 1989 was inspired by a '3 month relationship', yet Reputation is about Joe, who she started dating 5 months before it's release, Rep was mostly done by then. Rep's vault tracks will surprise some more than 1989's did!
All this is to say, we know Maroon is Haylor because it is not filled with All Too Well rage and the title references Red. The Lyric Video also includes a pink/maroon sunset, which similar to sunsets referenced in Cruel Summer, INTHAF and Slut!
When the morning came we were cleaning incense off your vinyl shelf 'Cause we lost track of time again Laughing with my feet in your lap Like you were my closest friend "How'd we end up on the floor anyway?" You say "Your roommate's cheap-ass screw-top rosé, that's how" I see you every day now
The first verse remembers the start
Harry's unreleased track, Hunger, is similar in meaning to Maroon. It opens with a similar line "Candles burned down to the floor." New Years Day also includes Candle wax on the hardwood floors.' Finally, Taylor included the incense in the lyric and music videos for Lavender Haze.
The first verse is very 1989 feeling, they sound young, hanging out and enjoying each others company. The room mate is most likely Ben Winston, he stayed with Ben while dating Taylor and renovating his current house. some of the This is Us Harry scenes were shot there.
And I chose you The one I was dancin' with In New York, no shoes Looked up at the sky and it was
Harry and Taylor danced with no shoes in New York after 1D's first Madison Square Garden performance 4 December 2012. Taylor is looking up to the sky in the photo of Harry lifting her.
Harry also mentioned barefeet in the leaked Trouble "And we could take this anywhere / Cause were we’re going / We don’t need no shoes" Trouble was leaked 20 April 22, 6 months before Midnights.
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The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon
This verse remembers a passionate fight, like the album Red Taylor described the emotions from that period as red, and later on Lover as Golden. The wine stained dress or shirt here is also in:
Olivia “This isn't the stain of a red wine, I'm bleeding love”
Clean “you're still all over me like a wine stained dress i can't wear anymore"
Blood rushing to cheeks is blushing, in Gold Rush Taylor also referenced this "I don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush"
The mark on Taylors collarbone may be the possible hickey here, from the night before she left the Virgin isles.
Rust growing between telephones indicates they stopped calling, Harry also references this in From the Dining Table “Even my phone misses your call, by the way”
When the silence came, we were shaking blind and hazy How the hell did we lose sight of us again? Sobbin' with your head in your hands Ain't that the way shit always ends? You were standin' hollow-eyed in the hallway Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us I feel you no matter what The rubies that I gave up
This verse is the aftermath of the fight in the one before, with apology flowers, not talking and paying for it.
Harry cries with his head in his hands
Now that we don't talk and Afterglow "I lived like an island, punished you in silence" also refer to silence/not speaking
'The rubies I gave up' to me is treasure, rubies being the red theme. To me this is in the Pay for it' Haylor theme, however Taylor has referred to her friends as Junior Jewels in YBTM, she may have she lost friends in the break up.
Standin Hollow-eyed in the Hallway refers to the Hallway theme
The carnations not roses means they were plagued by things going wrong. Harry referenced the Carnations in the Satellite MV:
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And I wake with your memory over me That's a real fucking legacy, legacy (it was maroon)x2
The outtro is after some time has passed, she wakes from an adult dream remembering her lost muse. Taylor and Harry have a surprising number of songs about this:
Wildest Dreams (Even if it's just in your wildest dreams, ah-ah, ha (ha-ah, ha) / Wildest dreams, ah-ah, ha / You'll see me in hindsight / Tangled up with you all night
Ready for it...? In the middle of the night, in my dreams (my dreams) You should see the things we do (we do), baby (baby, mmm, eh)
Little Freak - "You bring blue lights to dreams" and "A wet dream just dangling"
Cruel Summer "Fever dream high in the quiet of the night / You know that I caught it"
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tomorrowxtogether · 6 months
In the name of youth! TXT dreams of tomorrow
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TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s teasers that were released prior to dropping their new album entitled minisode 3: TOMORROW traces along the team’s past.
The first one, “TXT minisode 3: TOMORROW Concept Trailer Teaser” in which the members appear donning crowns is a nod to their debut song “CROWN”, while the photos and concept clips of the other three versions “Light”, “Ethereal”, and “Romantic” overlap with the many moments since their debut up till the present. “Light” in which the members look like young princes amid nature that they have all to themselves reminds us of the group’s early years, when they landed on the music scene as fresh, mysterious young boys up to their “Blue Hour” period. The members look like fallen angel-turn-rockers in “Ethereal” which reminds us of the rock number “0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori” where the members emulated young boys who got lost along the way. In “Romantic” the rose from the music video of “Good Boy Gone Bad,” which is a song about a boy’s overwhelming emotions over breaking up with his lover, makes another appearance except it has now withered and dried up. It’s indeed a “Deja Vu” much like the lead single off minisode 3: TOMORROW. The same events are repeated, but they’re not quite the same. TOMORROW X TOGETHER dance in the “minisode 3: TOMORROW Concept Trailer” just like they did in the “Blue Hour” music video. But instead of in a beautiful plain in “Blue Hour” they dance in a wasted forest with overpasses running through, trees strewn about. Things in the present have gone miserably wrong, unlike in the past. They are in the real world; the members jumped in willingly in the last album The Name Chapter: FREEFALL. Here, nobody believes that they were once young princes. 
“I’ve fun away countless times” in “Deja Vu” recalls the lyrics that asks us to run away with them in “Run Away,” that they want to run away in “CROWN,” and that they are running away in a gray car in “LO$ER=LO♡ER.” “Before our dusty crown” is reminiscent of “CROWN” and “A big crown on my, they aren’t hideous horns anymore,” and of the relationship between horns and a crown. “Deja Vu” is a culmination of TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s past. All of their pasts made TOMORROW X TOGETHER who they are here, in the real world. Just like in the opening of “CROWN,” there’s a Morse Code in the second track of the album that comes before “Deja Vu”: ‘- --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .—’. This signal that marked the team's appearance is still being sent out today. However, the signals in “Deja Vu” are “Morse Codes from the ruins” The boys have come to the present from the past, from fantasy to reality, but their present, right here is in ruins. The brutal reality of the present demolishes all the good times, just like the waves erode the sand. The beat and melody of “Deja Vu” continue, like Morse Codes sent from the past reaching us in the present. However, just like TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s past that is reflected in “Deja Vu”, the past that remains in their memories stops them from accepting reality just as it is. They want to keep believing that they were young princes, even if nobody would believe them. And reality is here to aggressively eliminate this wish. This is how they become overcome with an emotion that is neither just sadness nor rage. While “Deja Vu” is a mix of lazy trap and emo-rock, it is more of a combination of complex feelings than a simple mash up of genres. The slow buildup of pent-up emotions along with the beat erupts in the latter half of the second verse in an emo-rock sound with guitars and drums at the fore. It seems like we are severed from our past, but the past can also be the driver that awakens our emotions that have been suppressed by reality. It can create the miracle of tomorrow like in “Miracle,” the track that follows “Deja Vu.” The emotions that are repressed in “Deja Vu” climaxes in the second half of the second verse, then transforms into a bright explosive rock sound in “Miracle” - “tomorrow is visible when your eyes are closed.” We’re not sure if this miracle of tomorrow will ever come true. But like in the last track “Quarter Life,” save for the acoustic rendition of “Deja Vu,” “Deja Vu (Anemoia Remix),” they are in fact stumbling through a dark time, just “a quarter way into a long, long tunnel,” which is quite a far way from nine and three quarters. The adults say, “you only get these beautiful days of youth now,” failing to understand the younger generation, but the boys want to shout out “which way do we go”?! TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s past journey that has been compiled into minisode 3: TOMORROW flips the young people’s relationship with the past and the present, their dreams and reality. Adults in the real world say that young princes don’t exist, that we need to live in the real world. But minisode 3: TOMORROW tells us that all our dreams and love of the past is the way to a “tomorrow” that transcends reality. Young boys who are born in the age of hip hop meets rock to leap into tomorrow. 
Once you’ve listened to the whole album, go back to the first track “I'll See You There Tomorrow” and give it another listen. While you may not know which way to go and things may feel bleak, “Quarter Life” tells you to tells you to wander a little, work your way through it, then “I'll See You There Tomorrow” tells the young child who told me “see you again tomorrow” when “I wanted to run away,” and says “I believe that we are meant to be, it’s okay if you’re late, I will always wait for you tomorrow.”  In this moment, “I'll See You There Tomorrow” becomes the last moment when TOMORROW X TOGETHER passes through the dark reality and reaches “tomorrow” together, while showing us a glimpse into TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s future as the first track of the album. Reality is depressing, miserable. But future TOMORROW X TOGETHER invites themselves in the present, and the child that says “see you again tomorrow” to the beyond. The explosive voice from "Deja Vu” expresses the overwhelming emotion of tomorrow’s arrival without too much strain, accompanied by electronic sounds. 
TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s journey has been moving through the dreamy past and the present reality, and towards the future. minisode 3: TOMORROW encompasses the past, present and future all in one album to show us that the young boys are about to embark on a new journey. It seems like they have made it through a quarter of their lives in reality, but in the far future, they may be completely different luminous people. Like the message of the fourth concept trailer “Promise,” reaching what is “beyond” together is all a part of the youthful days shared by TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s generation. 
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dmagedgoods · 5 months
Devil May Care
Rating: General
Relationships: Raphael/Male Durge (my character Cian) Summary: The glorious hero failing? Dying because of a foolish mistake? Destroying his plan by losing his life so recklessly? Raphael won't allow it. (I’m always open for Raphael prompts btw, it just may take me a little time to answer them. ❤) Tags of importance: obsession, local devil struggles with feelings AO3 ~ You have been less predictable than most of your kind. The rich spectrum of mortal emotion is a palette of many hues. Adept and well-versed in its heady heights and delicious depths, I employ both to my advantage. They are, after all, of inestimable value in my daily business; however, in a primarily – one could say – academic sense; by no means from first-hand experience, naturally. But now I am astonished, little mouse, at finding myself invested in your fate, beyond those distant contemplations, fury bright and fierce in my chest. You stand amidst the gore, skin sickly pale against the ruthless red drenching your robes and the very earth around you. – A single pure white rose in a field of thorny brambles. Your innocence is deceptive, and illusion your design. But your subterfuge won’t save you now against the vigor of your enemies. You have miscalculated, and you pay the price, your companions vanquished, alive but spent, and fear written plainly on your pain-twisted features. You suck in a slow and shaky breath while I watch, at the edge of the chaos. I savor you, how your lips part around the barely muttered words of your last hopeless spells, the multitude of emotions passing across your desperate face. Is this how you plan to escape the claws, little mouse? Stealing away from this plane of existence? The anger burns higher, floods my veins. It seems there is only so much time left for me to enjoy you before you ruin my flawless plan with your incompetence. I am drinking in the sight of you, trembling with the heat of my rage and something indefinable, much colder underneath, when finally, you collapse and lie in a motionless heap among the dry, brown grass. The air goes still. Something overcomes me at the sight, and I struggle not to bare my teeth. With a flick of my fingers, your last two attackers burn to ash. Immediately, the wizard is at your side. “Give him room.” I approach, slowly. It is meant as a command rather than a threat, but my words fly with far more intensity than intended. If my thoughts weren’t utterly consumed by the figure lying on the ground before me, I might be concerned by the suddenness of my own outburst. “Would you be so kind?” With an arch of my brow the request imparts an order. The useless mage finally flinches back from where he is crouched at your side, but I can feel the vampling’s red glare on me from some distance behind where he too lies wounded, all your companions drained of all power to regenerate or heal. I lower myself to take a closer look at you. You are shivering. Sweat pours down your face in saline rivulets. The hollows of your eyes appear too deep, your skin waxy, your scent earthen and sweltering. I can feel the hostile magic still raging through your body. “You won’t escape me like that.” My voice seems to cut through the haze in your mind. Your long lashes flutter. Then your eyes meet mine, glazed and feverish. When I cup your damp chin you startle, sucking in a jagged, pitiful gasp. I swallow hard, ignoring your pained little whimper. Pathetic. A few infernal words and my own power cleanses you of the destructive influence of the magic your opponents infused into your blood. Perhaps unconsciously, you lean into my touch before your gaze clears. “Raphael?” A feeling rises in me, and I find myself suddenly consumed by an irresistible need to hide you away from all eyes, friend and foe alike. It’s agonizing and unwelcome, this foreign, ridiculous urge.
I am no stranger to desiring you, perhaps beyond what you are strictly worth for my plan, and as much as I attempt to distance myself from this need, I’m incessantly aware of its presence. But this is not desire. At least not in the way I’m accustomed to experiencing it. No, what tears at me and clouds my senses is something else, nameless because I deny it the solidity of a name, unacceptable because in conflict with my very nature. I take a slow, even breath, getting hold of myself before I can do something rash. Another flick of my fingers makes a potion appear. I uncork it and bring it to your lips. “Drink.” You do, your body language uncharacteristically submissive, docile like a mindless doll. It displeases me to see you like this, robbed of your gleam, of your value to me. In a few heartbeats, the liquid will take effect. I raise my eyes and examine your worthless companions for a long moment. They will make it back to your camp. With that, I turn away, ready to vanish from this place and leave behind me the brief but frankly alarming lapse in control I have experienced at your hands. Your voice stops me. It is disgustingly weak. “I … thank you.” With a wide gesture of my arms and a cold smile on my lips, I turn towards you once more: “The list of your debts is growing, little mouse. You can thank me when I come to collect.”
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yorprincess · 2 years
tender touches
send me  ‘ tender touches ‘ and i’ll generate a number for my muse’s reaction to yours…
7. kissing mine softly on the lips. 
The kitchen was one of the few rooms in the Forger apartment that all three members shared. They each had their own individual space within the confins of their rooms, that they could flitter between when invited though they generally kept a respectful distance. By it's very nature, this wasn't the case with the kitchen.
After taking some secret cooking lessons and managing to learn one dish that wouldn't make her family sick, Loid had invited her to cook dinner with him on days when they were home at a reasonable hour. She has jumped at the chance to learn and to pull her own weight, though he would always say she was doing more than enough without taking care of the meals. Yor desperately wanted to believe that, that he wasn't just saying that to pacify her, but it was hard. Expectation after expectation of what a good wife and mother was weighed heavily upon her and her mind couldn't rest unless she at least attempted to be more like a normal wife.
The only thing was that the kitchen wasn't the biggest. It was large enough for her and Loid to stand side by side with enough room to pass each other, but if they needed to get something from a respective cabinet, they could get closer than usual.
Which was how they ended up in this position in the first place.
She had been washing dishes while he searched for something in the nearby cabinet: the paprika. "Oh! I think it might be in this cabinet!" Yor announced, pulling her hands from the sudsy water and pointing to one nearby. "I might have put it behind the bay leaves, I think?" She took a step towards it and began to search before cheering. "Here!" Spinning on her heels, she turned to face him - only to find him way too close.
Loid smiled at her, warm and content. "Thank you, Yor," he said, his voice that soft timber she knew so well.
"Yo-" she began but was cut off by him leaning down and pressing his lips to hers.
She froze.
The contact only lasted for a fraction of a second, but it was long enough for her to register it. She blinked, and he had already pulled away, taking the paprika container from her hand and turning towards the stove once more as if he hadn't done anything out of the ordinary.
What in the world? She thought, her still soapy hand coming to her mouth -
"Mama! Mama, wake up!"
Yor's eyes snapped open, instantly awake and alert. Her ruby red eyes scanned the unfamiliar room, though she was relieved to see Anya and Bond were safe and unharmed.
So where were they...
It clicked a second later.
Oh. Right. They were in Wisbeck, staying in a hotel Mr. McMahon had reserved for her so she could investigate a clue to Loid's whereabouts. She, Anya and Bond had arrived the night prior...
No wonder dreams of her husband were returning. Figments of fantasy with no reality to ground them. After all, her husband didn't love her. He may adore Anya and care about Yor as much as their agreement permitted, but he still left them.
For what reason, she was determined to find out.
Shaking her head, she smiled sleepily at her little girl. "Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep okay?"
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aegor-bamfsteel · 1 year
"All?" he mocked. "Tell me, little bird, what kind of god makes a monster like the Imp, or a halfwit like Lady Tanda's daughter? If there are gods, they made sheep so wolves could eat mutton, and they made the weak for the strong to play with."- Sansa(ACOK IV). How on earth Hound considered a hero?
If I remember correctly, that’s not one of the quotes people use when talking about how heroic the Hound is (although tbh he doesn’t say many positive things). Sansa a few chapters later shows him (politely, fearfully) where he can shove his nihilistic strongman philosophy:
She had forgotten the other verses. When her voice trailed off, she feared he might kill her, but after a moment the Hound took the blade from her throat, never speaking.
Some instinct made her lift her hand and cup his cheek with her fingers. The room was too dark for her to see him, but she could feel the stickiness of the blood, and a wetness that was not blood. "Little bird," he said once more, hisvoice raw and harsh as steel on stone. Then he rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of retreating footsteps.When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. —ACOK Sansa VII
So let’s get this straight: strong bitter Hound who says the weak are there to serve the strong holds a knife to a girl’s throat for a song…and she sings for mercy, holds his face, and he’s so shamed by what he was going to do he leaves her alone to never see her again. Hound has been mocking Sansa’s “soft” “bird” songs since she met him, and she, afraid for her life, proves to him and everyone reading that yes, those “weak” qualities are stronger than hatred and brute force. This is actually one of the best pieces of evidence that GRRM isn’t grimdark…not that a grown man broke into a girl’s bedroom and threatened her with a knife to sing (that’s sadly expected), but that girl, in a “voice that sounded small and tremulous to her own ears”, sang about mercy and peace…and she wins, he doesn’t hurt her anymore. It’s not so much Beauty and the Beast as it is Snow White and the Huntsman, in which Snow’s innocence means the Huntsman can’t bring himself to kill her; except Sansa singing and putting a hand on his face takes a more active role. She asked the Mother earlier to ease the rage inside him, and she (or She?) did.
No, the Hound isn’t a hero, but more importantly, his entire mindset in that quote is wrong. And Sansa—one of the series’ main heroes—shows us in the same book why. I can’t imagine reading Sansa’s Blackwater chapters and how she represents a core theme of the novels—that compassion, peace, and mercy are actually stronger than hatred, war, and revenge—and not understand she’s going to be one of Westeros’ future leaders by the end.
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coralinnii · 2 years
I have one essay report and a big work project left and I'll be stress-free...for like a week before classes start again. Instead of finishing those last responsibilities, I've been putting Cell Block Tango on repeat because Youtube algorithm decided I needed scary hot women murderers...and it's not wrong.
The product of that procrastination is now an AU of my Villain/ess AU, where the villain/ess!readers still ended up being villains. An AU-ception
I will start on my writing list eventually. This was just a stress relief
One villain/ess!reader doesn't get a verse cuz someone's gotta be Roxie. Also, I don't know Hungarian so I used my native language (which may also suck since I haven't practiced in years).
Seeing that this is a parody of Cell Block Tango, all the warnings for this cover are the same for the original song (violence, infidelity, etc) so read at your own risk.
~ Enjoy ~
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And now, the six merry villains of the Twisted Wonderland Dungeons
In their rendition of the Story Book Tango
Yawn, seven, squish, uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit
Yawn, seven, squish, uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit
Yawn, seven, squish, uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit
He had it comin'
He had it comin'
He only had himself to blame
If you'd have been there
If you'd have seen it
I betcha you would have done the same
Yawn, seven, squish, uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit
Yawn, seven, squish, uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit
You know how people have these little habits that get you down?
Like, Leona
Leona, he liked to sigh when he's sleepy
No, not sigh, yawn
So I walk into our room this one day
And I'm really irritated
And I'm looking for a little bit o' sympathy
And there's Leona, lyin' on the bed, on his lazy ass and sighing
No, not sighing
So, I said to him, I said "You yawn near me one more time"
And he did
So I took the rifle from our armory
And I fired two warning shots
Into his head
He had it comin'
He had it comin'
He only had himself to blame
If you'd have been there
If you'd have heard it
I betcha you would have done the same
I met Malleus from Briar Valley about two years ago
And he told me he was single
And we hit it off right away
So, we started meeting together
He'd go to his castle, he'd come back to me
I'd give him a rose, we'd have dinner
And then I found out
"Single" he told me
Single, my ass
Not only was he meant for some girl
Oh no, he was one of 7 suitors
One of those harems, you know?
So that night when he came home from his castle
I gave him a rose, as usual
You know, some guys just can't hold their poison thorns
He had it comin' (yawn, seven, squish, uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit)
He had it comin'
He took a flower (yawn, seven, squish, uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit)
In its prime
And then he used it (yawn)
And he abused it (seven)
It was a murder (squish)
But not a crime
(Uh-uh, Monstro, Schoenheit)
So I'm standing in the kitchen
Tasting some cherry tarts for a party (uh-uh)
Minding my own business (Monstro)
In storms my husband Riddle in a furious rage (Schoenheit)
"You been breaking the rules!," he says (yawn)
He was crazy (seven)
And he kept on screamin' (uh-uh)
"You been breaking the rules!"
And then he ran into his scepter 
He ran into his scepter 42 times
If you'd have been there
If you'd have seen it
I betcha you would have done the same!
Kenapa aku di sini?
Mereka kata pencintaku menolong aku dan membunuh Tunku Kalim bersama-sama
Bukan! Aku tak bersalah
Kenapa negara Scalding Sands lihat aku seorang pembunuh? 
Aku menjelaskan kepada polis tapi mereka tak faham
Yeah, but did you do it?
Uh-uh, not guilty!
My partner, Azul and I had these businesses
And the tweels, Jade and Floyd traveled round with us (he only had himself to blame)
Now, for the last day in our business trip (if you'd have been there)
We opened twenty businesses in a row
Food, suits, rings, tea, dresses, lounges, night brothels (if you'd have been there)
Show acts, theaters
One right after the other (if you'd have seen it)
So this one night before we leave, we're down at the Monstro Lounge (I betcha)
The four of us, boozin' (you would have done the same)
Havin' a few laughs
And we ran out of ice
So I go out to get some (he had it comin')
I come back, checked the stores
And there's Azul and the tweels (he had it comin')
In business seventeen (he took a flower)
The brothel
Well, I was in such a state of shock
I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing
It wasn't until later
When I was washing the blood off my hands
I even knew they were dead
They had it comin' (they had it comin')
They had it comin' (they had it comin')
They had it comin' all along (they had it comin' all along)
I didn't do it (she didn't do it)
But if I'd done it (but if she'd done it)
How could you tell me that I was wrong?
They had it comin' (they had it comin')
They had it comin' (they had it comin')
They had it comin' all along (they took a flower in its prime)
I didn't do it (and then they used it)
But if I'd done it
How could you tell me that I was wrong?
I admired Vil Schoenheit
More than I can possibly say (he had it comin')
He was a real beautiful guy
A masterpiece, a queen
But he was always trying to find his fairest self (he only had himself to blame)
He'd go out every night looking for that self
And on the way
He found Rook (if you'd have been there)
Neige and the dwarfs (if you'd have seen it)
I guess you could say we broke up
Because of different perspectives (I betcha you would have done the same)
He sees himself as the fairest of them all
And I saw him as was
The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
They had it comin' (they had it comin')
They had it comin' (they had it comin')
They had it comin' all along (they had it comin' all along)
'Cause if they used us ('cause if they used us)
And they abused us (and they abused us)
How could you tell us that we were wrong?
He had it comin' (he had it comin')
He had it comin' (he had it comin')
He only had himself to blame (he only had himself to blame)
If you'd have been there (if you'd have been there)
If you'd have seen it (if you'd have seen it)
I betcha you would have done the same
You yawn near me one more time! Single my ass
42 times! Negara Scalding Sands lihatku
Business seventeen, the brothel
Different perspectives
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BG3 Appreci-May-tion: Songbird's Sanguine Sunset
Original Event here put on by @thedreamlessnights here @bg3-apprecimaytion
Prompt: "Voice" Inspired by: Blood of the Songbird by @songbirdoftherogue AO3 Link to Works
Inspired by the work above, a bit of a stroll down memory lane to happier times for Theo and Astarion. After the jump!
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Songbird's Sanguine Sunset My Works
This fucking song is never going to work
The raging flames of the campfire cast flickering shadows over Theodore’s dusty rose skin, the heat barely penetrating the fog of frustration clouding his mind. He furiously scribbled with his quill, desperately trying to break through the oppressive barrier stifling his creativity.
What were the lyrics again? 
Moonlit tresses and candlelight kiss, 
Searing looks and promised bliss, 
I’ll take those lips and break them free, 
Because when I see you, you see me
That was the good part, Theodore mused, eyeing the nearly depleted quill. He had already broken three to get this far.
The companions had retired for the night, leaving the camp cloaked in a serene, almost haunting stillness. All Theodore could think about was another night like this one, but steeped in a deeper, more profound quiet. The soft kiss on his neck as he leaned against a tree, arms enfolding him like wings, and the sharp, delicious bite that followed. A searing heat rushed through him, not from the fire, but from the memory of that night.
Burning, yearning, and breaking open something he didn’t even know he needed.
He ran his fingers over his violin, feeling its smooth surface as an extension of himself. The heat of that memory had cost him several nights of good sleep. 
What did it mean? Did it mean anything at all?
His fingers found the strings, taut and firm, but his mind drifted, lost in the haze between creation and inspiration. He envisioned perfect pale planes of skin beneath his touch, and soft sighs in his ear—“Darling”—that still made him catch his breath.
Astarion might not be there, but Theodore could almost feel his presence. The quiet breathing, the tantalising scent, and the caress of white curls against his neck were vivid in his mind as he leaned against the tree, far from prying eyes.
I need to fix it, it's not enough. It has to be perfect
But nothing could be as perfect as that moment was, could it? Didn’t mean he couldn't try.
The sound of scribbling filled the patch of grass where Theodore sat, the nib scratching the parchment.
Caressing fingers, set apart,
Eclipsing the darkness of our hearts,
The sting of a smirk, a pleasured cry,
I’d give  up the moon just to hear you sigh
That was something, there was something there. Could he rework it? 
Fuck! It still wasn’t perfect.
The chorus, at least he could work on the godsdamn chorus.
Theodore scribbled down the half broken verse and moved on to the chorus, leaning his head with a thunk against the tree trunk. The cool bark sent a shiver down his spine, like a quiet sentinel there, that watched  him as he tried to quiet his mind and kept the fire inside from burning him into nothing but ash.
His mind pulled him down into that creative miasma that always came up when he thought of Astarion. This time to a night by his tent, looking at a fractured mirror; it’s polished glint reflecting light onto his crimson eyes as Astarion caught Theodore watching him.
“Looking at something?” Whatever Theodore had seen in Astarion’s face when he turned around had captured him just as much as his own reflection in the mirrored glass.
“I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. What you see.”
Theodore sighed deeply, closing his eyes as he put the quill down. He let himself feel, singing quietly into the night, the melody a soft symphony.
A piercing gaze, sets me ablaze
Sleep’s just a wanderer’s dream
A touch that burns, puts into a craze
I knew you were more than you seemed
Scars lie, but they will leave you be
I’ll keep you, without a plea
I’ll take those lips and break them free, 
Because when I see you, you see me
Theodore carried the last note through the still night air, hearing only the rustle of a small animal in the underbrush.
That’s not half bad
Theodore finally put nib to paper and then another snap and a very loud curse that would have made even Karlach blush. How he'd find another quill in the middle of nowhere, Theodore had no idea, but he’d never stop looking until he made it just perfect for him.
Astarion had been in the underbrush for at least half an hour, a smug smile playing on his lips as he thought of the delicious tiefling. That night, finally getting to touch and to taste even deeper than his first bite. Theodore’s perfect waist and the way his soft skin felt under Astarion’s kisses down his vermillion ridged back and every shiver left in their wake.
At least I haven’t lost my touch out in this howling wasteland. And considering their little romp had inspired that song?
Well, well, it looks like everything's falling into place. And with such a sweet treat too.
I might actually enjoy it this time. 
Astarion ignored the fact that he hadn’t left in the night but stayed until morning, caressing Theodore’s thigh in the dirt of all places. He had planned a romantic setup with a blanket and wine, but those still lay abandoned in the forest.
A subtle smirk formed on his lips. Sometimes you just get carried away, don't you?
Astarion lay back down, considering whatever fresh hell they were going to stumble into again the next day. His face contorted into a sneer just thinking about it. His mind wandered again, back to the gorgeous bard. Theodore had made such delightful music that night.
Astarion’s hands wandered on their own, searching for a small piece of memory. He pulled out a silver polished grooming mirror, its precious crack in the corner.
Precious, and fragile, Astarion pondered, but this time all he could think of was Theodore’s face in the mirror.
In the morning, Theodore would find three new quills by his bedroll.
He never knew who put them there.
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avampyone · 22 days
Prompt #3: Of Love and Duty
Characters: The De'Fleur family - Arazul, Cecilia, Sabine and Jacques.
Synopsis: Arazul struggles with the weight of responsibility of being the eldest son.
Setting: Sharlayan - De'Fleur Estate at Journey's End
Warning on implied death.
The parted curtains flowed with a luxurious drape like waterfalls of silky crimson to line the window panels, showing off a view of the cool weather outside. A gentle flurry of snow fell from the skies at a pace that was entirely unhurried, so soft and small that one may have mistaken them for the petals of a flowers of spring colored in pure white.
 Arazul’s deep sky-blue eyes narrowed to watch them unblinking to watch one by one as those gentle fluffs landed on the stone cobbled of the walkway below to be absorbed far too quickly on its unforgiving surface– Like a life plucked from existence far too soon. In his mind’s eyes, the patient he had seen at dawn – life fading from their eyes.
Lowering the teacup painted delicately with a menagerie of gold flowers and curling vines along the surface, the doctor shook his head lightly of his deep thoughts in time to perk his ears up to look towards the blonde-haired girl settled nearby the fire. Only having seen twenty summers, his sister Cecilia joyfully read out her poem to her family for that evening’s entertainment. The last few verses spoken –
“...And love was like a tempest that captured the hearts of all people in its furious grasp. Unrelenting and unescapable, one could only hope to remain steady on the ground once the storm’s rage had subsided. Or remain swallowed up in its thrall.”
Noting how Cecilia spoke all of this with a particularly soft affection in her tone, Arazul’s brow rose but his full lips perked into a small smile and an approving nod to what she had written. Their mum, Sabine, clapped happily from the velveteen chaise she had settled herself upon, “How wonderful, Cecilia! The way you speak of love shall surely attract a marriage partner one day. If only you could call it something a bit more...pleasant? Maybe like a flower...”
“Oh no! That is certainly the best way to describe it. Is not love such that sweeps everyone off their feet?!”
Sucking in a deep breathe to steel his patience, Arazul all too quickly turned his attention back to the window and lifted his teacup to take a light sip of the Earl Grey that did well to soothe his temperament, “Hn, I rather think it to be as fleeting as that snow out there. If it exists at all. It is only pleasant to think of when one considers it in terms of romance. To weather the storm and endure…I do not believe there is one who would out of love.” His hands were warmed by the steamy glass of tea he held, but nothing apart from a cold logic left his lips in a tone equally devoid of feeling.
Cecilia rolled her eyes at her brother with a pout forming to her lips when she huffed and looked back towards the roar of the flames. She shut her leather-bound poetry book shut with a pronounced thud and held out her hands closer to feel the flowing warmth, “...You are never any fun, brother. To think I should know of such more than you? Even when more than half the Studium is in love with you!”
Both mum and daughter couldn’t help but giggle alongside one another at the thought while Arazul brushed his long blonde ponytail back over his shoulder with a light shrug to his shoulder of acknowledgement to that, “Of course they are, it’s an easy task indeed to be in love with all the eligible bachelors. I am not the only one who- “
All fell to silence when the tall form of their father, Jacques, stepped through the opening dusting off his hat to settle on the mantle along his black cloak, “Arazul, may I have a word?” It was all he said before he headed back into his office. Sabine and Cecilia looked all too puzzled at the suddenness of this all before Arazul settled his teacup carefully onto the tray nearby.
He strode along to join him mere moments later. Jacques’ office was not so much unlike his own, a desk littered with the notes of various patients and their ailments, medical equipment, and an alchemist’s alembic. Even now the taller man focused on drawing something on the chalk board – a variety of different herbs and their properties, how they change when synthesized. There was a clear obsession with the way that he worked.
“There has been talk in the city amongst our friends. They say that you have been seen on a few occasions – Rumors that you take many bed partners and are nothing more than a rake. You may do as you please with discretion, but I warn you never to disgrace our family name. You’re the eldest son – To be a successful doctor and to have an heir. That’s all that is asked of you.”
Arazul was quiet for a long moment with his brows furrowed and pale eyes that burned with an undercurrent of seething frustration – To feel like his efforts are never seen, “That’s all!? You can spare me your lecture then. Who I bring to my bed is my business. I would not pour many hours of my time into study if I cared nothing of the family name...and believe me, you’ll have your damned heir one day.” He stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him with no care of anything else he had to say.
The long ponytail swayed behind him as Arazul rushed his way to the front door, ignoring any pleas from his mum who desired to know what was amiss. He doubted he could say anything now without words dripping with the venom of anger. With the bated breath he finally released, he felt a little better the moment the chilly air hit his features – He rushed off towards the fencing club, his weary depths gleaming with hope. Perhaps he would feel himself again after several rounds.
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