#violent svt
yesiluv · 2 years
I love it when SVT
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junkissed · 1 year
need to ride jun's abs so bad this isn't funny anymore . 💤
i soooo get you but also... what if you were riding jun's cock and right before you're about to cum he lifts your hips off of him and ruins your orgasm and instead makes you ride his abs and you have to cum from that before he'll let you have his cock again. honestly i think he would be just as into ab riding as you are, if not more (and trust me i am very into ab riding). it gives him a rush knowing you can easily get off merely by grinding against his stomach. he would hold onto your hips so tightly and drag your pussy back and forth, making sure your clit touches every single ridge of his toned abs. he would tense the muscles so it would give you something nice and hard to grind against and the entire time he would be praising you at how well you ride him (but also at the same time lowkey bragging about how good his abs are; we've seen his lives lolol and we know he loves to tease us about his abs). "does that feel good, sweetheart? which do you like more, riding my abs or riding my cock? silly question- i know it's a tough choice, baby. you want both. and i'll let you have both, if you keep being such a good girl and cum all over my abs. then you can have my cock, hm?" and then when you do finally cum, he'd make you move so you can see the trail of wetness you've left all over his body and he'd coo about how you're always so wet and beautiful and desperate for him. and only then he would let you ride his cock again
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vcrnons · 1 year
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WOOZI for romantic crown
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love-strike · 2 years
here's an extremely self indulgent sub!seungkwan thing i wrote while being sick this week (rip). enjoy!!! 🫶🏻
pairing: boo seungkwan x gender neutral reader
rating: explicit (18+)
word count: 600ish
warnings: subby seungkwan, smut, pet names (baby, good boy), handjob, oral sex
imagine laying in bed with seungkwan, who is tired and sore from the stressful day he had. you’re kissing him tenderly while rubbing his shoulders in an effort to relieve some of the tension in his body. he lets out a soft moan into your mouth when you massage the back of his neck. you break the kiss and smile at him.
“feels good?” you look at his dazed expression and continue rubbing his neck. he nods and his eyes flutter closed.
“mhm, it’s sore.”
you coo at him and pull his body closer to your own. your poor baby must be so exhausted, you think. seungkwan lazily wraps his arm around you while you place gentle kisses on his neck. when you move your head and begin to kiss his ear, he lets out another quiet sound and you feel something twitch against your leg. you hold back a giggle and teasingly nip at his ear.
“do you want me to touch you, baby?” you whisper in his ear. his body shudders a bit against you and he whispers back a yes please. you resume your kissing on his neck, reaching your hand between the both of you to feel how hard he is. once you notice that his boxers are wet with precum you feel your own arousal start to burn.
“you’re so hard for me, kwannie,” you tease as you reach your hand into his underwear to take out his erection. he’s so stiff that you wonder how long he’d been turned on during your make out session. you look at seungkwan to see his pretty blonde hair fanned out on the pillow, eyes tightly closed and slack-jawed.
“please, faster…” he moans out loud when you begin to move your hand up and down, spreading precum along his length.
“are you gonna be good for me?” you pause your movements. “are you gonna let me hear all your pretty moans?” you feel his cock throb even harder in your hand as he opens his eyes a bit to look at you and nod.
“i’ll be a good boy for you, i promise, baby,” seungkwan whines out, grabbing at your shoulders with unsteady hands. you decide to be nice and peck him on his pouty lips, resuming the movement of your hand. he becomes even louder when you speed up and you smile at the sound of his cute whining. after a minute or so a devious idea pops into your brain and you stop again.
seungkwan makes a small noise of annoyance before you suddenly make your way down his body to put your mouth on his leaking cock. his hips immediately twitch up into your mouth.
“oh! fuck…” he yelps in surprise, head falling back onto the pillow. with the way his chest is heaving and his length is throbbing in your mouth, you can tell he's about to finish. you take your mouth off him with a lewd pop.
“cum in my mouth, okay baby?” you tell him, emphasizing your words with a long lick from the base of his cock to the tip. seungkwan whimpers at your words and nods eagerly. you open your mouth widely and deep throat him, letting out a whine of your own when he hits the back of your throat. this pushes seungkwan over the edge and he cums immediately, hands twisting in the bedsheets below. you swallow around him, taking a few seconds before you pull off completely.
you pull him into a quick kiss before laying back down on the pillow beside him. he smiles shyly at you, eyes drowsy.
“love you,” he whispers to you.
“i love you too, now go to sleep,” you reply as you pull the covers over the both of you.
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tangylemonade · 1 year
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Tales of melancholic love
~ for Yoon Jeonghan
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soonsoons · 2 months
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bss (+chan) being normal as per usual
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shuahoonie · 1 year
warm on a cold night | kim mingyu
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pairing: non-idol!mingyu (svt) x female!reader
notes: college au! fluff, pet names, the great wall of mingyu, fake dating for convenience? maybe questionable relationships (aka mingyu what are we), a bit of angst— nothing too serious, alcohol consumption, a clingy and touchy mingyu. loosely based on the song warm on a cold night by HONNE
word count: 3.6k (a bit of a long one, sorry!)
summary: there was no denying that mingyu looked like he was carved out from the gods, that's why he keeps getting asked out.
yet every poor person's attempt of asking him out is often met with rejection. the reason? you two are *supposedly* dating (on the dl), he would say. the truth? you two aren’t.
part of the to x, with love mini series
shuahoonie's masterlist | to x, with love masterlist
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"kim mingyu, can you please enlighten me why the girls that i just passed by from the engineering department literally gave me the nastiest side eye?" you raised a brow at mingyu who was crouched over at the student lounges by the engineering department. you set the coffee and cake at the nearby empty table.
upon hearing your voice, mingyu looked like a child on christmas morning as soon as he saw you.
“baby!” mingyu came running, tackling you with a huge hug, abandoning the plates he had been working on. “i missed you!” he said, almost excruciatingly loud, turning a few heads over your way.
“yah,” you smacked the back of his head, causing him to groan and let go of the hug almost immediately. “i told you to quit calling me that!”
“you don’t like being called honey nor sweetheart either,” mingyu mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.
“it’s because my parents call me that,” you replied, getting sidetracked. “but that’s not the point—“
“would you rather i call you kitten, instead?” he asked in a suggestive tone, wriggling his eyebrows.
“why you—“ you were ready to let out a string of curses, a hand also ready to smack the living daylights out of him, before mingyu grabbed you from behind and wrapped both his arms around you— one to press over your mouth and one to stop your hand from hitting him.
“kitten, let’s not get violent.” mingyu said, trying to calm you down.
“yn, are you being held hostage by your own boyfriend?” jihoon asked in amusement as he passed by you two.
you pulled away mingyu’s hand that was pressed against your lips, “yes, but he’s not my boyfriend.”
mingyu, who still stood there behind you, rested his chin on top of your head and continued to wrap his arms around you.
“not according to the people from the music department,” jihoon replied with a smirk. “and this,” he gestured to the position that you two are in “is not helping.”
“uji, what are you doing in the engineering department anyway?” mingyu asked, “are you here to see me because you miss me?” he teased.
“no, because why would i even do that," jihoon looked disgusted upon hearing mingyu's comment, making mingyu pout. "besides, unlike some people, i don’t have to run from one end of the campus to the other just to see someone,” jihoon replied, the comment more so directed at you.
“i did not run on my way here,” you rolled your eyes, feeling defensive all of a sudden. “and i’m here because this 6 ft tall baby won’t stop blowing upmy phone, saying he wanted coffee.”
“and yet you’re here,” jihoon said in a teasing tone, enough to make you charge at him— you could’ve though, if wasn’t for mingyu who’s still latched to you.
“and my baby’s here with iced americano,” he said, letting go of you and grabbing the coffee instead. “and cake?” his eyes almost sparkled upon seeing the familiar takeout box from his favourite dessert place aka cheollie and jeonghan’s cafe. “oh, you truly love me.” mingyu chuckled softly.
you snorted. “yeah, right.” it’s always complicated with you two. you never knew where things crossed and you assumed neither did mingyu.
“okay, it seems like i’m intruding,” jihoon mumbled “i need to go, i have to meet vernon by the library soon— have fun you two.” jihoon said with a smile. “oh, and do not forget, we’re all meeting at seungcheol’s café on saturday. the man gets sulky whenever we don’t go all out on his birthday,” he added before he left you two alone.
“wait, i’ll come with you, uji!” you said to jihoon before turning to mingyu who was already pouting. “i need to go, gyu. good luck on your plates!” you smiled at him and gently tapped his cheek.
“you’re not staying with me?” mingyu was getting sulky “but you just got here.” he whined.
“i only came here because you kept calling my phone, you’re lucky i didn’t block your number.” you said, half-joking— on the latter part, of course!
“you’d never do it anyway.” mingyu said with a smug smile.
“only because you’ll tell my mom and i will never hear the end of it.” you sighed. “i swear she loves you more than me.”
"it's because she has taste," mingyu stuck his tongue out at you, making you roll your eyes "unlike her daughter who will purposely leave me alone to fend for myself."
"you are so dramatic, i swear to god," you grumbled loud enough for mingyu to hear. being the menace that he is, he threw a balled-up straw wrapper at you. "okay, i'm going, bye." you said in one breath and ran to catch up with jihoon, not even bothering to look back.
"without even a kiss or anything?!" mingyu yelled obnoxiously, urging you to run faster.
jihoon caught glimpse of you and stopped so you can catch up, and catch your breath. "you okay?" jihoon asked in amusement.
you nodded. "yeah, let's go. don't want to keep nonie waiting," you said in between breaths. "mingyu better bring me food later because he pulled me from having a main character moment from the cafe." you huffed.
"are you sure you and mingyu are just friends?" jihoon asked with a raised brow.
"uji, just because you wound up dating your best friend, that doesn't mean the rest of us would have to do it too," you said teasingly. it wasn't a joke per se. "except for jeonghan, because you know, he hates being one-upped."
jihoon rolled his eyes, but it was evident he was turning red. "we won't tease you— if that's why you are so secretive about it." jihoon commented "although, i have to be honest, you two are more clingier than me and my partner."
"that's because you detest any form of physical affection," you pointed out.
"might i remind you that you also used to hate that too," jihoon proclaimed "until mingyu practically latched on to you like glue."
you ignored jihoon’s comment, mostly because he was right, but you’re not willing to admit that just yet. "it wasn't like he made me uncomfortable or anything— and i did say yes to the whole ‘if anyone asks, can i tell them that we’re dating’ thing, since it was bothering him" you rambled "he just said people wouldn't take his rejections seriously so he had to show people that he wasn't interested."
"so, what, is this a complicated way of projecting that you two are fake dating?"
"i guess so," you sighed. "i mean, i guess it's working because no one really bothered him anymore,”
"and you're okay with that?" jihoon asked.
"i mean, i get the occasional side eye from people, which i, too, return because i hate losing" you joked, "and if it keeps mingyu happy, then..."
"ya!" jihoon flicked you on the forehead, making you yelp, "we've all been friends for ages and i know your secret feelings for mingyu, so i know this is secretly killing you."
"wow," you were trying to act appalled, when jihoon was exactly right. "i do not have secret feelings for mingyu.”
“repeat it five more times, it might come true,” jihoon teased. “i see the way you look at him,” he points out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i look at him the same way i look at you guys,” you replied as you and jihoon entered the library, spotting vernon slouching at one of the chairs— bored out of his mind.
“you look at us like we’re stupid,” jihoon rolled his eyes.
“exactly.” you beamed at him.
“yn,” vernon looked surprised upon seeing you with jihoon. “i thought you were with mingyu.”
“why would you think that?” you asked him with a raised brow.
“because he wouldn’t stop moaning about how much you kept ignoring his calls earlier,” vernon replied. “and i thought you finally gave in.”
“now, why on earth would you assume that i would give in.” you crossed your arms, slightly annoyed of the idea that is your current legacy— the girl who will always give in for kim mingyu.
“because it’s mingyu,” vernon smirked “you would’ve done anything for him.”
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seungcheol and jeonghan’s quaint café was already alive as soon as you got there. it was said to be an intimate get together but you didn’t expect the amount of people who gathered for seungcheol’s party.
“yn!” vernon waved at you as soon he saw you emit from the doors. “were you alone? did you drive?”
“i came here straight from work,” you explained “i was told that mingyu’s planning to get wasted so i brought my car, in case any of you needs a ride.”
vernon raised his brow. “any of us? or just mingyu?”
“yah!” you flicked his forehead in response, making vernon yelp. “you’ve been spending way too much time with uji.”
“but it’s true,” you heard vernon mumble to himself.
“i was also told that it was an intimate get together” you said as you scanned the place filled with a good mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces.
“yeah, but knowing cheol, he probably wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to celebrate his day with the people he knew,” vernon commented as you two made your way towards the crowd, aiming to find the table where the rest of your friends are hopefully staying.
"happy birthday, cheollie!" you beamed at seungcheol, who just finished checking up on soonyoung and seungkwan. you gave a big wave to soonie and kwannie, making a mental note to properly say hi later.
you handed him the perfectly wrapped present that you may or may not have spent ages on wrapping— you had to mentally put yourself on a pinterest lockdown. “it’s from me and gyu,” you smiled at him.
“thanks, yn,” seungcheol smiles. “you know, you didn’t have to get me anything though.” his smile falters and you did have a sense on where this is going. “you could’ve just greeted me at 12 am in the group chat, didn’t leave me on read.” cheol sulks.
you rolled your eyes at the most incredulous take you heard from your friend. “choi seungcheol, i swear to god— you are the only person i know that bullies people into greeting them happy birthday as soon as the clocks hit midnight.”
“it’s a special day!” seungcheol pouts.
“whatever,” you dismissed him jokingly, earning you a dramatic huff from cheol. “where’s joshua? i haven’t seen him in ages,” you asked, peering around the room.
“why are you looking for another man when your boyfriend’s here?” mingyu suddenly pops out of nowhere, handing you a drink. seungcheol went to make rounds again, checking up on his guests. meanwhile vernon joined soonyoung and seungkwan’s table— which was only a couple of steps away from you two.
“gyu, it’s literally just us here.” you rolled your eyes at him as you gladly accepted the cola. “i don’t think we need to keep acting here,”
“kitten, there’s people here that don’t know that.”
“exactly,” you pointed out. “there’s no reason for us to start acting like a couple if the people here don’t even care if we’re ‘seeing’ each other.”
“but i do,” mingyu mumbled— closer to a whisper. he feared that if he said it to your face— or if you heard it, you’d think differently of him.
but you did hear it. you weren’t sure if it was the mixed chatter that’s messing up your hearing, or if you were just hearing things that you wanted to hear. nonetheless, it had you flustered.
you cleared your throat. “i’ll be back, gyu. i wanna check the food platter,” you said quietly before leaving.
gyu gave a tight nod, which it didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the guys.
upon checking what cheol’s birthday spread, you felt a small tap on your shoulder. “pst!”
you were immediately filled with surprise and joy when you saw joshua standing behind you, smiling, and his arms spread out waiting for a hug.
“shua!” you almost shrieked, tackling him in a hug. “i missed you!”
joshua let out a small laugh. “i missed you too, ynnie.”
you quickly let go of the hug, remembering the text he sent you a few days ago and gave him a playful smack in the arm. “you know, you’re truly sick in the head for texting me that after you asked me for a favour.”
“i was just congratulating you for overcoming your pride and finally accepting the fact that you love mingyu,” joshua teased, nudging you playfully. “must you forget that i follow you on your private twitter?”
“literally shut the fuck up, shua,” you grumbled.
“wow,” joshua sighs, appalled “you kiss mingyu with that mouth?!”
“you annoying brat—“ you were about to smack him before joshua caught your hand, laughing at how flustered you were becoming.
across the room, mingyu was watching you and joshua. how playful you were around joshua. it’s not like he’s jealous or anything— because he’s not. or rather, he has no right to be.
seungkwan picked up on gyu’s slight change of behaviour and where his line of vision was projecting. “you know they’re just really close friends right?” seungkwan comments, trying to ease the conversation.
“hm?” mingyu pretended to not know what seungkwan was pertaining to.
of course, it didn’t work. it’s seungkwan we’re talking about here. he knows when things can get messy really fast and he knows when to stop it. the pointed look that seungkwan gave was also a telling sign that mingyu shouldn’t even bother to lie.
mingyu sighed before taking big gulps of his beer. “she’s allowed to like whomever,” mingyu finally says. “even if it’s my best friend, i’ll still support her.”
“oh, i cannot do this,” vernon muttered under his breath, leaving the table as soon as the words left mingyu’s mouth.
soonyoung was quietly listening to mingyu and seungkwan’s conversation. it was the quietest he has been all night, well, partly because he had already drank a bottle of soju. soonie was afraid that if he said something, it would incriminate you and your feelings for mingyu— and he’d rather not face your wrath.
“well, have you two talked about whatever happens if either of you wanted to date someone else?” seungkwan asked.
the question lingered around mingyu— it never crossed his mind. he had always assumed that you would always be there for him, which was extremely selfish considering you weren’t his to begin with.
mingyu’s silence was enough for seungkwan. he knew where mingyu’s feelings settled. quite, frankly, seungkwan knew where your feelings for mingyu too. but seungkwan knew better than to meddle, especially with unresolved feelings that involved two idiots.
mingyu watched you give joshua a small bag— a present, probably. joshua gave you a grateful smile and a big hug after, making you giggle at something he said. shua seemed happy around you and you were happy around him.
that hurt more than mingyu wanted to admit.
“yn,” joshua whispered as you were busy picking food. “how much are you willing to bet that mingyu’s jealous right now?” he asked upon catching a glimpse of mingyu, who was on his 3rd bottle of beer now and was watching them intently.
you snorted, not bothering to look at joshua. “at whom? is he eyeing on someone i didn’t know about?”
“why,” a twinkle formed in joshua’s eyes “are you jealous?”
“psh,” you didn’t even bother to look at him. joshua will read you right away. “why would i be? i’m not his girlfriend.”
“oh my god,” joshua laughed almost annoyingly that you’d rather take back the limited edition copy of the book that he asked you to get him— a favour for being a good friend, apparently. you knew damn well joshua was going to give that to someone else. “you are! oh, how cute.” he gushed.
“i am not,” you groaned, lying straight through your teeth.
“you should go back,” joshua laughs “as much as i have enjoyed seeing how you two really felt about each other, i don’t want to be the cause of whatever’s stopping you two from it.” with joshua’s ominous words and a small goodbye, he left.
“yn,” seungcheol suddenly crept behind you. “check up on, gyu. he’s drinking too much for someone who hasn’t eaten anything.”
“where did you even—“ your heart was racing, still startled at cheol.
“don’t ask questions and just go,” cheol said, pushing you towards mingyu.
you found mingyu absolutely buzzed beside seungkwan. mingyu rested his head on top of seungkwan’s shoulder, his eyes staring directly at you. seungkwan, on the other hand, was looking at you with pleading eyes— asking as if to save him from this misery.
“yah, kim mingyu,” you grabbed mingyu’s hand and attempted to pull him up from his chair “kwannie’s getting tired. leave him alone.”
“no, he’s not.” mingyu sulked. oh, he’s definitely drunk. “i don’t hear him complaining.”
“because seungkwannie’s too nice to say anything,” you replied, shooting seungkwan an apologetic smile. “get up, mingyu. let’s grab something for you to eat and maybe some water.”
“i don’t want to,” he moaned. mingyu straightened up his position and leaned his head back against the wall. “why are you here anyway? where’s joshua?” he asked, eyes closed.
seungkwan and soonyoung could sense tension between you and mingyu. the last thing they wanted was to witness what was about to unfold. “hyung,” seungkwan grabbed soonyoung’s arm. “let’s go grab something to drink.”
soonie, though nearly drunk, understood the situation and nodded.
as soon as the two left, you stood closer to mingyu, towering against him. “mingyu,” you patted his cheek softly, attempting to make him look at you. “c’mon.”
mingyu groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. it was ridiculous, you had no idea why he was acting like this. well, you had a hunch— joshua’s comment coming into mind— but it was ridiculous right? right?
mingyu eventually met your eyes— a bit red, probably from exhaustion. “where’s shua?” mingyu asked quietly.
you raised an eyebrow at him. “why? is there something you wanted to tell him?” you asked, sitting next to him.
mingyu turned his head against you, wondering why there’s a small smirk forming in your face.
“no,” mingyu huffed. “you looked like you were having tons of fun with him.”
“yeah, i was.” you replied casually, willing to play the game— willing to find out whether joshua’s hunch about mingyu being jealous was actually true. “joshua’s your friend, you know.”
“i know,” mingyu huffed, as if you were rubbing it to him. “so why are you here?” mingyu asked, sounding annoyed. almost.
“why? do you not want me here?”
“i do, but—“ mingyu ran a hand over his face out of frustration. come to think of it, he was slowly coming into his senses. wondering why he was acting like this. “you know what, you’re free to do whatever you want.”
“of course, i am.” you casually agreed.
“then why—“
you cut mingyu off and asked “gyu, why do you think i’m here?”
mingyu bit the inside of his cheeks before answering “to take care of me?”
“partly, yeah,” you laughed. “and it’s because i like spending time with you.”
mingyu’s sulky behaviour instantly dissipates, a large grin suddenly taking over his face. “you like spending time with me?” he asks, almost excitedly.
“there’s a lot of things i like about you, mingyu.” you answered, almost easily— not even knowing where this newfound confidence came from. “why do you think i keep doing things for you?”
“i thought you were just being overtly loyal to being my best friend,” he answered with a pout.
“gyu, i don’t think i could ever agree to do the things you asked me to if it were someone else.”
“you mean if joshua asked you to be his pretend girlfriend, you’d say no?” mingyu asked with a quirk brow.
“where is this jealousy from joshua coming from?!” you practically yelled, smacking his arm. “that’s your best friend, you brat.”
“yeah? so?” mingyu crossed his arms “he’s a nice guy— a gentleman, sweet. i wouldn’t be surprised if you liked him.”
“oh my god,” you groaned “kim mingyu, you are dense as fuck.”
“yah, why are you calling me stupid?” mingyu turns his body to fully face you.
“because i’ve been trying to tell you that i like you, stupid.” you said, irritated.
“you like me?” mingyu’s face lights up.
“yes, you weirdo.”
“if you like me then why are you calling me ‘weirdo’?!” mingyu pouts.
“because you’re weird! never had i seen someone react like this, even after they were told that someone likes them.”
“but you like meee,” mingyu practically sings. “i like you too, ynnie.” he said snuggling closer to you, resting his head on top of yours.
“oh, i know” you replied, unbothered by the look that mingyu gave you. “i knew the moment that shua hugged me and gave me his attention, i knew you were jealous.”
“you knew that i was jealous and you still didn’t do anything about it?”
“please,” you snorted “i was trying to prove the theory. i am, first and foremost, a research girly after all.”
“and what theory is that?” mingyu asked,
“that i was certain about my feelings about you,” you replied. “and that i just had to make sure you were too.”
“you did all that when i could’ve just kissed you?”mingyu baffles “you had me seeing red.”
“uh, not with beer-breath you’re not.” you said, crossing your arms. mingyu suddenly stands up, prompting you to ask “where are you going?”
“to ask cheol if he has any spare toiletries in his office,” mingyu answers in a hurry, making you laugh.
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hiya friends! sorry if this took a while! april has not been kind to a fourth-yr uni student, but at least, it's all over now! i can write (non-uni related works) as much as i want! 🤩
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woozten-x · 5 months
#. 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫 | 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐚
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[ ; m.list including other darl+ings! ]
─ Synopsis: Running away from your problems of being the child of a king, you end up stargazing with the God of War.
Underneath the stars, you found beauty within the deity however.
─ Pairing: Deity (God of War)!Joshua Hong x Royal!Gender-Neutral Reader
─ Genre: Fluff/Wholesome, Angst w. Comfort
─ Concepts: joshua is THE god of war!!, joshua lowk condescending and just kinda a smartass (i promise he's nice), reader is lowk whipped, stargazing concept!, conveyance of joshua's violent past, joshua is the angsty one not reader lol, reader comforting joshua<3
─ Count of Words: 1.9k
─ Inspiration of the work: Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun (Manga) + Running Through The Night by Seori + meme of "You're Staring" "You're Beautiful"
❒  a/n: ok so like i had this au in my drafts for SO long...But, the main story including this au with Joshua is taking forever and ive been incredibly lazy to write it LOL. so, ill be introducing this au of Joshua with a drabble / one-shot ! this gives some introduction of how he is like and what to expect of him during this au
other members will be having a fantasy au / based on mythical creatures? type of au. so, there will be other members of svt being a deity or some mythical creature! they will have their own story also.
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Fingers tap lightly against the wet surface, the grass cold against his fingertips and soil moist just underneath his nails. Thoughts raced through his head, his head tilted upwards to face the cloudy sky of the night; the moon and stars shrouded by the dark clouds, as both celestial spared no light from where he sat. The breeze carries through, the wind gently caressing his pale skin and stray strands of black hair is ruffled by the night’s wind.
His eyes fluttered close, a sigh leaving past his lips; a calm rise of his chest then a slow release of his breath, feeling relaxed. It was a quiet night, one where he could sleep easily for the night; or so he thought. Unfortunately for the God of War, he hears approaching footsteps from the distance and his eyes flutter open.
“Joshua, you are here!”
Annoyance expresses from his features, a visible frown appearing on his pink lips upon hearing your voice. Just when he was getting comfortable, you simply had to ruin it for the deity. You approach him, steps heavy along the steep path - “Ah...I didn’t think this would be so steep.” You complain, a huff leaving past your lips as you work your way towards him.
He watches from his spot, only watching how you slowly climb up the hill with a slight struggle. “Maybe you should work out more.” Joshua remarks, his words holding a dryness to them, but spiked with a drip of sarcasm. You loudly scoff, “I'd rather be stuck with one of my father’s lectures about royalty and expectations of being the next leader of the kingdom than physically work my ass off!”
Joshua tilts his head, leaning back on his hands and his legs extended out crossed over one another - “Ah, right. You humans with royal blood tend to be lazy…”
Once you reached him, you let out a sigh of relief before plopping down next to him. Joshua recoils slightly, seeming to adjust his position from where he sat and establish distance between your bodies; you noticed this, but you did not say anything. As you’ve learned, the deity was not fond of physical touch; whether it be accidental or intentional.
You glance at him, observing the way he sits a bit more upright; his body not poised, as before. “I assure you, royals are not lazy. Everyone is just always doing it for us, that’s why.” You say with a shrug, trying to save some bits of pride for being part of a royal family; although, you never wanted to become a royal, you still have a pride to protect!
“Cowards.” Joshua plainly states, a small smirk playing at his lips; oh, a given that he is trying to press one of your buttons. You roll your eyes, “For a God, you really are so mean!” You huff, deciding to act childish in hopes of changing the topic. Despite your childish complaint, Joshua hums in reply, glancing up at the sky once more. The night sky remains dark, empty of stars and only a void of complete darkness.
A silence overtakes the two of you, one that is heavy and you are sometimes unsure on how to speak to him. After all, he is a God, an infamous one at that; though his own reputation never scared you away, it only drew you closer to him like a reckless fool attracted to any signs of danger.
“Why are you here?” Joshua asks suddenly, showing hints of curiosity breaking through the aloof nature he had. You shrugged, “I have no idea.” You said, a lie leaving your lips; you do know why you are here. You have snuck away from the kingdom itself for a reason, and it was apparent to Joshua. His purple gaze had a slight glow, possibly from amusement, at your lie.
Joshua lets out a low hum, “You know how dangerous it is at night.”
Although his words seemed caring, it had no intention of sounding gentle or showing concern for your well-being; it was completely lacking any regards to your personal safety. You sigh, a heavy one that made your shoulders rise then fall - “I just couldn’t sleep that’s all.” You say, a half truth this time. Joshua looks towards you, “Being out here in the cold will help you sleep instead?” He questions, eyeing at you with skepticism.
Maybe as a God of War, he holds a strong sense of nosiness.
Rolling your eyes, you fall back on the soft grass, your back resting against the cold yet soft greenery. You place an arm over your eyes whilst Joshua watches your reaction carefully. With a momentary pause, you finally answered - “I wanted to get away from the kingdom.”
Joshua looks at you, his eyes softening and he slowly turns his head away - “I understand. I think.” He says, a tenderness replacing the tone he held before when you first arrived. “Was today not a good day?” He asks once more, glancing at the sky. Oddly enough, the clouds are beginning to drift apart, revealing the moon that hid behind it.
“It was not good nor was it bad. But, maybe I just felt overwhelmed.” You admit, removing your arm from your eyes. Beyond you, the stars hidden away were revealed and you sit up to point at the star littered sky - “The night is bright, after all!” You exclaim with a grin, a finger pointing towards the stars displayed. Joshua rolls his eyes, already staring at the stars.
“They are just stars.” Joshua said, detached from the sight he has been accustomed to for centuries. Nothing changes within the sky, but his gaze did not fall away; he was captivated and maybe those clouds had drifted him along, away from reality itself. You chuckle at his reply, looking at him to see his expression; as you’ve learned, Joshua is someone who expresses when he thinks no one is looking.
For a moment, the mask melts away and a longing expresses from his round eyes. His amethyst-like gaze only became dull, as those the jewelry embedded had lost its richness; the firm press of his lips, showing how deep in thought he was. Rarely you ever see this side of him, but when you do - an ache resonates in your heart, as he holds a burden of loneliness upon his shoulders.
After knowing Joshua, you learned that it was lonely being a God.
Joshua notices your staring, looking towards you with furrowed brows of confusion. The vulnerability is long gone, as he scowls - “What is it?”
You watched how his eyes hardened, his violet eyes holding a coldness that is always used to push you away. You smile at him, however.
“You are beautiful.”
Confusion expresses from his beautiful face again, but slowly dissipates into embarrassment. Joshua lets out a small laugh of disbelief, his head turning away to avoid looking at you directly; a hint of pink dusting his cheeks. “What are you talking about?” Joshua asks, his voice low…No, small like a mouse. It was endearing to see him so flustered, but you meant it.
“Way more beautiful than the stars above,” You add with a chuckle. You look away, giving him time to compose himself; you glance up at the stars again, sitting back on your hands with a stupid smile on your face. Joshua tenses slightly at your words, your words seeming to clear the haze in his mind; the usual haze he found comfort in, suddenly diminishing and bringing a realization that made his stomach churn.
He is unsure whether to feel disgusted by your words…Or accept it.
But, how could someone like him hold a beauty for anyone to admire?
“You always speak of nonsense.” Joshua says barely above a whisper, glancing down at his hands on his lap. The same hands that hold evidence of the violence he possesses deep within, he is not created to be admired or loved.
You shake your head, looking at him and ready to give your reply; but, you stopped. Anger…No, resentment flares within his eyes, creating an intense glow of violet. You’ve always seen the deity holding a look of arrogance or sometimes joy, but you have never seen this expression. Not even once.
To you, he looked like he was burning; flames of hatred burning him alive at that very moment, and he looked much brighter than the stars above. But, you realized those flames weren’t directed to your words - it was the flames that Joshua always held as the God of War, a showcase of a war that never ended for him.
Joshua, the God of War, hates himself.
Slowly, you reach out towards him, placing a hand on one of his hands. Underneath your touch, he shook and he looked towards you; looking frightened, as though he feared that with one touch you would burn away. But, you did not withdraw, instead you sat still with your hand over his. Your fingers curl around his, grasping onto him with a gentle squeeze surrounding them.
A gentleness that surprised him, one that made his own body tremble slightly; a swirl of emotions whirring inside, his own heart twisting painfully - seeming to punish him for the way things had turned out. Joshua wasn’t supposed to reveal this side to you, he is a God, he needs no pity from a human like you.
“Why?” He sputters out amongst his emotional turmoil, sounding hurt and…Heartbroken. The very question only made you squeeze his hand tighter, realizing the shatter of his own heart; the feared God with a reputation of being the source of chaos - was revealed to be a lonesome God, who was ruined by what he was.
Unexpectedly, tears stream down Joshua’s face, the warmth contrasting his cold skin and falling onto your hand as droplets of his own sorrow. Instantly, you raise your hand to place upon his cheek, your thumb wiping away his tears. Surprised, Joshua moves away from your touch and wipes them away with the back of his hand; he hasn’t cried for centuries, why now? He needed to get away.
Although, his mind tells him to, his own heart desperately craved the tenderness you gave him. The way you looked at him with concern, a look that seems to convey how much you cared for him; he didn’t understand.
Quietly, you watch how he takes shaky breaths, the tears continuing to fall from his delicate eyes - no matter how many times he wipes them away. Leaning forward, you wrap your arms around him, the warmth of your embrace only making him freeze. You held onto him tightly, fingers grasping onto the coat he wore, your head buried in the crook of his neck to hopefully take away his sadness.
His pain.
His hatred.
Gradually, his body relaxes into your touch, a hesitant hand rising to place on the back of your neck. The same hands that handled many things roughly, held a gentleness that contrasts the reputation he held as a God; his fingers warm against your skin, fingertips caressing the back of your neck.
Underneath the stars, Joshua holds onto you, welcoming you into his own embrace.
“Thank you.” Joshua whispers, his arms wrapping around you to alleviate the emotions embedded inside him. After so many centuries, he finally recalled the familiarity of acceptance from you.
For once, this type of warmth felt right.
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lovelyhan · 10 months
Maybe a SVT member and their partner are in a relationship where the rest of the members (and the world) thinks the SVT member is the lead in the relationship but in reality their partner is.
Like it’s really important for him to be seen as the lead so she let’s him be seen as it.
Partner is normally really relaxed about the teasing but one day he takes it too far where she whispered that if he keeps this up, he not gonna like where it’s heading.
He keeps pushing so the members learn who is really the lead.
Hahaha this was a lot more detailed then what I meant. I don’t really have a member in mind. I am gonna be happy with whoever you choose.
Sooo, have fun writing ✍️
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast also asked: Because I love you <3 Also going to try to switch it up lol.
Consider edging Mingyu. You know he'd get all whiney and desperately try to buck his hips up into you when you stay completely still on top of him. Massive hands needily grabbing at your hips. In an attempt to steady himself or encourage you to move, you're not sure.
It'd be so cute how teary-eyed he'd be. His big cock twitching inside of you incessantly but, he'd try his best to hold on. Because he wants to be good for you.
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surprise surprise <3 i'm sifting through my inbox for old requests that have been gathering dust since may!! i've been missing mingyu a lot these days so here's a quick drabble :3c
tags: f!reader, sub!mingyu, smut (MINORS DNI)
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"is it really such a big deal for you to be the one that calls the shots, gyu?"
a whine is caught in the back of your boyfriend's throat as you drag your finger across the swell of his adam's apple, pinning him in place with a disgruntled stare.
mingyu knows he's been a little...over the top today — making a show of bossing you around just to fool his friends into thinking he's the one that runs this relationship, or whatever bullshit patriarchal nonsense he's got brewing inside his head. normally, you would've played along with his need to be seen as anyone but the big pouty man-puppy he actually is.
however, after making a snide comment that made every one of the boys stare at you warily as if waiting for a violent reaction, you decide that you've had enough of mingyu's big scary dom roleplay.
"i'm better off making dinner for you in the kitchen, huh?" you narrow your eyes, forcing mingyu's chin up as you clench around his aching cock. "now what made you think that, gyu? did you really mean what you said? because i'll be really upset if you did."
"n-no, baby, i was just fooling around," mingyu pleads, large hands digging into your hips as he forces himself not to buck up into the warmth of your cunt. "you know the guys tease me enough as it is, so i was just trying to —"
"be a sexist little shit to your girlfriend?" you finish the rest of the sentence with a disappointed huff. "i know you were just trying to get the guys off your back, but i expected more from you, gyu.
"after all, we both know just how needy you are when i'm the one calling the shots."
he sniffles, tears glistening in his eyes. it's almost adorable. "i'm sorry, baby, i —"
the noise that rumbles in his chest is caught between a groan and a whimper when you lift yourself up on his lap before slamming back down with more force than you typically do. despite the frustration rolling off of you in waves, your boyfriend's big cock still does the job in stemming your irritation from his earlier antics, and with how eager mingyu is to be good for you, you suppose you can forgive him.
that doesn't mean you'll make things any easier for him though.
"if you're really sorry, you'll sit there like a good boy while i get myself off," you coo before establishing a languid pace — riding your boyfriend as you press your foreheads together while you drill every word into his head. "my puppy can do something as simple as that, right?"
"yes. i promise — i promise i'll be good," mingyu mewls adorably, the muscles of his thighs tensing from the sheer effort he's exerting to stay still. "f-fuck, your pussy's so warm, baby."
"i didn't give you permission to start running your mouth, now did i?"
it's hard to miss how his cock twitches inside you — clearly enjoying the way you put him in his place no matter how much he tells his friends otherwise. you simper before leaning down to nip at his lobe, purposely moaning into his ear as you repeatedly slam your hips back down on his.
"i'd tell you that your huge cock is all you're good for but i won't. you know why, gyu?" you whisper as you try not to lose yourself to the delicious stretch of his girth. "that's because i fucking love you. so i suggest — ah, fuck — for you to choose your words carefully next time. got it, puppy?"
despite sounding more and more breathless with each passing second, mingyu thinks it's hot that you're lecturing him while you fuck him into incoherence. he decides then and there that he doesn't give a shit if his friends find out how submissive he actually is — both in the bedroom and your relationship in general.
your big, beefy boyfriend is powerless against you after all.
"'m so close," mingyu sighs as you start kissing down his neck, nimble fingers gliding across his nipples for added stimulus. "wanna cum inside you, baby... can i?"
you don't respond right away — too caught up in chasing after your own pleasure to give him another thought. but mingyu doesn't mind because fuck. you look so sexy like this, tits bouncing with every downward stroke as his big cock batters your cunt.
but just when he's about to feel his orgasm boil over, you lift yourself off your boyfriend's cock. this earns you a desperate whine in protest from mingyu which you promptly shut up by tipping him backwards, forcing him flat on his back before positioning your sopping pussy over his face.
"you think you deserve it after that stunt you pulled?" you chuckle darkly, delighting in the way mingyu's big arms automatically wrap themselves around your thighs to hold you in place. "make me come on your face first, puppy. then i'll think about whether or not i want you to finish inside me tonight."
you'll let him. you'll always let him.
but the fun thing about being with mingyu is that he never really backs down from a challenge.
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sluttyminghao · 1 year
hi alicia !! this is my first time sending you an ask hehe but omg congrats on 7k !! that's so cool i really enjoy your work and i want you to know that you deserve these (almost) 7k followers and so much more <33
for the sleepover,, can i pls request svt's reactions when you keep sucking them off after they cum? thanks in advance if you end up writing this but if not then that's okay too :)) take care of yourself !!
ooh also i want to interact w you more often so i was wondering if i can be 🎐 anon?? heh >:3
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seungcheol: gets extremely twitchy and would pull you off his cock by your hair or shoulders, with an evil grin, and flips the table on you and makes you cum multiple times in overstimulation
jeonghan: just chuckles and lets you do whatever you want, because he knows as soon as you're done he's going to fuck you stupid and you won't be able to do anything about it
joshua: his whines grow higher in pitch and he becomes a whiny babbly mess, and when you make him cum again he trembles violently until he comes down from his high and fucks you stupid
junhui: would try to hide how good he feels but when you deepthroat him he just ends up fucking your throat until he cums down your throat a couple more times
soonyoung: "fuck fuck fuck" he would curse and curse until his throat is hoarse and then would tease the hell out of you for hours afterwards until you're begging
wonwoo: remains as stoic as he can, but the overstimulation would have him whining and biting his fist. when he can't take it anymore he would tie you up and make you cum until you can't take it anymore
jihoon: he wouldn't take this lightly. he's going to have you on your hands and knees so fast and spanking you until your ass is numb and red, before he fucks you senseless as punishment
seokmin: this man would be a whimpering mess and it would take him so long to recover, he'd just be thanking you profusely and wanting more and more
mingyu: if you thought he was loud before, you've got it wrong. this man when overstimulated is the loudest puppy ever, and hearing him moan your name like a mantra only keeps you committed to the bit
minghao: "so fuckin insatiable..." just babbles nonsense while you overstimulate him, and you don't think he's ever been this submissive before. he snaps out of it quickly though to give you the best head ever
seungkwan: whimpering like you wouldn't believe! he would be so whiny and has his hands in your hair and tugging harshly, would be so overstimulated he's on the verge of blacking out
vernon: starts out stoic, but as you suck and deepthroat him, he grows louder and by the time he's overstimulated he's trembling and just wanting to fuck himself into your mouth
chan: I feel like he starts to grow submissive, but would swing back to a hard dom stance and just ends up fucking your mouth and then fucking you stupid until neither of you can move
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1864reruns · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤˇ ˇᨳ꤬꣦𝆃 N،ON PLAYER CHAR،ACTER⸝⸝⁞.ຳ
꒰ 🎮 °᳝ꯥ‧ٓ⭝ masterlist . ˚◞♡ ﹫nonplayercharacter ▬▬▬
〢𓂅 chapter six, the yn investigation ━ .゚꙳ previous જ next ،ˊˎ- 𓂃 ִֶָ
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✹. ㅤSYNOPSISㅤ𖤐 ㅤㅤJeon Wonwoo does not often stream mmorpgs only due to the fact that he fears his chat wouldn't be nearly as entertained as they would be when he plays first person shooting games ❲like valorant❳ or fighting games ❲like valorant❳ or horror games ❲like val– fears to fathom❳. Of all the mmorpg's he could possibly make content out of, he chooses the most boring one– according to his friends– a game that was released in the early 2000's with its latest update happening a few years back to fix a shitty bug that was turning characters nude when they teleported. The reason he keeps streaming this mmorpg? There's a particular npc that his fans, and himself, adore.
✹. ㅤWARNING(s)ㅤ𖤐ㅤsexual comments,, taeyong&jaehyun but as a joke i swear,, one violent comment,, the gang get offtopic per usual, wonyn would be having fts dates alr if they werent like this
✹. ㅤAUTHOR NOTE(s)ㅤ𖤐 ㅤ hey....... hey........ i'm alive...... i literally have no excuses, i'm sorryy 😭😭 life has not been that hectic and i'm not ab ao3 writer with english as their second language; i just haven't been into svt recently, i usually fluctuate between anime and kpop (bitchless ass...) and it's just been anime's time to shine ig.. catch the two mistakes i messily cleaned up with mininal effort (drew that 'd' for five whole minutes) for a prize :3 also you guys are soo patient, thank you muahmuah
send an ask/comment to be a part of the taglist.
tag(s) 🎟 ⁺ ❳ㅤ𖤐  @mina-yoo334 @hidinjo @sp1ng @wonuulvr @kawaiimusiccollection @keilovr @strwbwoo @peachescreamandcrumble
2024 ©jwhoozi ㅤㅤㅤ━  do not repost / copy!
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yuyu1024 · 6 months
Gentle Kiss
Pairings: Wonwoo (SVT) × y/n
Genre/tags: secret but not so secret feelings, student dating
Warning: fluff, jealousy, minimal cursing [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.6k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: repost.
A/N - when i wrote this... I Had a dream and it gave me an imagine thingy thoughts in my brain.I have to type this as i could still remember it vaguely. i just....typed this in a rush
- Mentions of atz and svt members and this is just short sorry.
You and your friends are chatting while having a snack during your breaktime in between your practice for the school play for year end festival. When Mingyu, a classmate of yours who likes to tease you and your friends a lot, started bugging you again. Today you are his target.
Since this morning he kept tapping your shoulders, stealing your pen or notebook and then scaring you by hiding then jumping out of nowhere. All day. They are not harmful jokes but it gets to you every once in a while especially today because you don't like getting scared. And your teacher already gave you a warning for screaming so loud once.
"Stop it!" You say as you see him approaching again. "Bother the boys... not me..."
He just ignored what you said, smiling and then stole your half eating biscuit.
"Yah! Mingyu!"
You run after him. Not just because you want your biscuit back but also to get revenge. You had enough for the day. You are on fight mode now.
"If I catch you! I will seriously pinch you!" You cutely warned him. You can't really be violent with him. Just a pinch on his arm is enough for you as revenge. Though he is buff and for sure will not feel your attack since you are on a weaker side to.
"Catch me if you can!" He tease again, laughing and running away from you.
Then you see him eating the buscuit he stole. "Yah!! Mingyu!!" You scream.
Both of you are running around the gymnasium but then Mingyu stops as the main entrance opens and sees someone is coming. He thought it's one of your teachers again.
"Oh! Wonwoo it's just you." He sighs with relief.
"Yah!" You're catching your breathe as you grab onto Mingyu's uniform and pull him. "You're too much."
Mingyu looks down at you, laughing. "I was just helping you to relax." Then he eats the rest of the buscuit. "Plus... this is delicious... bring more tomorrow."
You glare at him and weakly punches him on his arm. "I hate you! You can just ask... and not make me run like that."
"Are you teasing y/n again." Wonwoo ask
"She's been so serious since this morning so... I had too."
"I hate you." You say and again weakly kicked him on his leg. He barely felt it.
Mingyu laughs at you, pats your head and winks. "I know."
Then you suddenly regret hitting him twice so you said sorry. "Whatever.... sorry for kicking and hitting you on your arm..."
Mingyu smiles and pinches your cheeks. "Me too." And then walks away like he did not do anything.
You roll your eyes at the situation. Sometimes you regret having a friend like him.
"Oh gosh." You mumble as you still try to catch your breath. "I should've not ran after him."
"I agree. You know you can't catch him." Wonwoo says
"I allowed him to get on my nerves today." You pout, disappointed at yourself. "Instead of resting during breaktime... now I'm more tired than ever..."
Your eyes are looking far away where Mingyu and the rest of your classmates are. When all of a sudden you felt Wonwoo touch your hand lightly.
It's so sudden that you could not react besides to blush and look at him.
"I'll ask Mingyu to stop teasing you..." he says quietly. "Besides, I get jealous when he gets all your attention just like that."
You blink like a million times, trying to process what he just said.
"I want your attention too." He adds, a small smile forming on his lips. "You have been avoiding me lately..."
"Me? Avoiding? N-no..."
"Are you sure?" He fully takes your hand now and let your fingers intertwine.
Your heart rate is raising. You can also feel your cheeks warm up. "I... promise... I'm not... I just..." you look down at your feet to hide your blushing. "I'm just processing... you asking me to be your girlfriend..."
"Is it that hard to believe?" He hold your chin up and make you look at him.
You nod.
He snorts a laugh and continues to slide his thumb over your lips. "You're so cute."
Then he tugs you closer to him, pulling you more away from the view of the people from afar.
"Wonwoo..." you quietly say his name as you follow him towards the quiet part of the gymnasium.
"I just want time with you..." He says as he leads you towards the hall where the open windows are. Where you could see the few of the university garden. "Also... here... you'll get fresh air." He makes you face the window and let the cool wind blow to your warm skin.
"Oh wow... that's refreshing..." you close your eyes, inhaling and exhaling. "Thank you."
"Your welcome." He answers while his arms snake around your waist to hug you from behind.
Wonwoo is the guy that's making you feel so special lately. It's not that recent only. Actually, you two have 'this' thing for years now. You don't know when exactly and how it started but you just know you guys like each other. Yet no one dared to say or do anything about it.
Besides, you don't want to assume and overthink about it because you know Wonwoo is a sweet and caring guy. He had always been like that to you. Simple things like carry your bag every now and then, eat lunch with you when your schedule meets, hold your hands or put his arm around you and so much more. People who aren't your friends already thinks you two are a couple even though your not. Because... You are not. Yet.
Though recently, Wonwoo have been very vocal and more expressive through actions about his feelings with you. It stated when you have become busy and closer to some of the boys from other departments for the school play. He didn't like how touchy are some of them (though there are no malice. It's just like the way Mingyu teases you).
"Do you feel much better now?" He asks, leaning his head to the side of your face to get a look at you.
"I do." You open your eyes and look back at him smiling. "Thank you." You softly answer
You two stare at each other for a minute before eventually twirling around so you are face to face with him.
"Why do you look at me like that? That stare of yours" You ask
"Because... I want to kiss you..." he says "but I'm trying not too..."
His honesty made you laugh. "Aren't you a little to... honest...?"
"I'm just saying what I feel right now... my heart is actually beating fast and..." you catch his eyes dart down to your lips, making you smile. "You are enjoying my agony." He adds.
"I'm not..." you caress his cheek and look at him with loving eyes.
"You are."
"No.. I promise.. I'm not..." you reassure him whilst you fix his collar.
Silence stretched between you two but that silence is not empty. You're both busy admiring each other like you've never seen each other for a month.
It's must be that love between you two.
"By the way... I saw the photobook..." he starts
"The one Mingi made for your class..."
"Oh." You got excited. "What to you think? Isn't cool? He asked me to take photos using a disposable film camera and... he used most of the shots... he said I have good eyes..." you boast
"Yeah... the photos you took are amazing... but..."
"But what?"
He sigh as he moves closer and cages you. "I saw the photos he took of you...you look beautiful in every photos... no doubt..."
"Does he like you?" He's frowning.
"Wonwoo... he does not like me..."
"Are you sure?" He looks seriously worried
"You're jealous of Mingyu... and now Mingi?" You try to losen up his frown by caressing his arm. "You know you don't have to be jealous... you know what my feelings are."
"I do. But... you won't give an answer still and its making me think--"
"Think what? That some guy would make me fall in love with them all of a sudden?" You say. "Wonwoo..." you lean in and hug him. Your head on his chest. "I like you..."
"I do to... I'm sorry. I can't help it..."
You look up to see his face. "If I let you kiss me... will that make you feel better?" You suddenly say making him pause. "I like you. Only you. Okay?"
"We can't kiss though... we're not yet... ahm..."
"Kiss me, Wonwoo. Then we can say we are official." You say smiling and then making him smile.
"Oh, fuck." He hiss under his breathe. Not being able to contain his happines.
"So?" You are waiting for him to react
"Are you sure?"
You nod.
Pulling you in, Wonwoo removed his eyeglass and begins to kiss you. Finally. Your lips touched each other. This is your first kiss ever not just as you two but as in EVER in your lives.
It started from a long and yet sweet smooch on the lips. But then you both felt that it was not enough.
You two have been containing this feeling for awhile now and this kiss just flourishes it all out. Feelings are bursting like flames.
You have no idea what to do nor know if Wonwoo have an idea too but you just opened your mouth and let him take the lead.
You are breathless the whole make out session. There are a few gentle touches here and there which is giving you butterflies. You can also sense how Wonwoo is controlling himself. He knows his bounderies and what you can and cannot do yet.
He is very gentle. Like his kisses.
This is a brand new feeling for the both of you and you are loving it.
"I love you..." Wonwoo exhales those words like he just came out of the water after holding his breathe for an amount of time.
"I love you too."
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waermeflasche · 1 month
It's been confirmed by SVT that there was a "physical confrontation" between Joost and a photographer. We don't know any more details yet so just -
Idk what y'all's parents were teaching you, but I was told and understood at kindergarten age that you cannot just hit people, even those who "provoke" you. You're the one who's in the wrong if you escalate to physical violence.
You people apparently: "Violence is never the answer, unless I like the person who's being violent!"
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horanghoe · 1 year
SBIADITO - Scarlet Fever 1/2
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Main Masterlist // SVT Masterlist
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Group: Seventeen
Members Mentioned: Hoshi//Soonyoung, S.Coups//Seungcheol, The8//Minghao, Han//Jeonghan
Pairing: Werewolf!Soonyoung x Reader (Fem Perspective)
Genre: Angst / Fuff / Heavy Smut / Werewolf!SVT, minors dni !!
Word Count: Just over 17K
T/W’s: Heavy smut with frequent mention of Werewolf features & lore. This is purely fiction and not intended to harm. If you don’t like Werewolf!au’s, please scroll on, with peace and love!! 
(Pls dm me if you would like a trigger warning added ♡)
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Banner, Header & Divider Art: @classicscreations
MTG Discord Furries /jk/: @slightlymore // @raibebe // @starlitmark// @just-come-baek
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Wow. So I think it's fair to say I never ever ever thought in my time here writing that a werewolf series would even be in my league, but here we are, wahahaha... This beast took me over 3 months to fully draft, write and edit. (There's already an Epilogue of the original series, (Spider Boy Is A Dog In This One) in the works, along with an edit of the OGS!)... So please stick around for more ;) Asks welcome!!
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Music to listen to while reading ♡  (in no particular order)
None currently on the OP's mind - please feel free to recommend some via my ask inbox ;)
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In the dark, familiar belly of your home; your breath stilled.
Soonyoung was having a nightmare again. 
You could hear him struggling. Again. 
Through your link. Through the pain. 
Through the walls. 
With a soft exhale, you padded across the living room to approach the space leading to his doorway. 
You had been camping out in your own living room for near enough eight long and silently dragged-out hours. 
Listening with an aching ear to your Mate’s irregular breathing and the violent fluctuations of his heart rates through the thick, distant walls. Attending to his moans of discomfort; the duvet being thrown off his body, on, then off again. Pressing him with water, or food, whenever able.
He was in deep, deep Fever.
And you couldn’t stand to be away from him any longer.
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“What is it? What’s wrong with him, Jeonghan? What is it you’re not telling me?!”
Jeonghan had sighed, with a withdrawn look seeping even further across his face than when the two of them had entered your home. 
Jeonghan looked to his left side, whining softly. His hands twisted together as older brother Seungcheol shared that pained, unspoken expression with him. You instead turned to whisper-yell towards Jeonghan; your closest confidant and the second half of the hierarchy.
“I’ve never witnessed anyone in this family even catch a cold, let alone anyone get so sick that they become bedridden Han?!” 
You spared a glare towards Seungcheol, only to be met with the crown of his head.
They were avoiding your eyes. 
And it was rightfully making you aggressive and irate.
The two Alphas had come to check on their brother per request. To protect their adopted sister - you - again, per request. And yet, the two Alphas sat, withdrawn, in the middle of your home, with nothing to offer but side eyes and uncomfortable expressions.
The sanctity of your high rise was being mitigated by Soonyoung’s sudden illness and the Alpha brothers' sudden beckoning. The two men could smell the stress coming off of you in hot waves.
“Why is nobody answering me?!” You finally yelled, tugging your silk nightgown closer against your body, heart rate rising with a sudden pump of adrenaline. You knew better than to shout at your leaders. Yet you were pressed into a corner, and desperate for a response. 
“You came here because I asked for your help - and yet you have nothing to say?! There was no point in you coming all this way just to sit in silence, so you may as well leave!”
A sharp warning of a growl and a ticked jaw from eldest brother Seungcheol made you turn on your heels quickly, out towards the window. You puffed out your cheeks like a kid being scolded, hugging yourself tightly with a pumping heart and an instant strike of guilt. Soonyoung wasn’t here to negotiate the social politics of Wolves, and you were out of fucks to give. A dangerous combo.
You weren’t about to apologise, but your gut told you it was wrong; so if you had to stand your ground with a prickle of desperate sadness striking up your throat, you would do so with your back turned. 
For a Wolf, turning your back signified trust. 
But it also flagged up the indirect demand for space. 
A moment to gather yourself. A minute to bite your tongue and feel it bleed in an effort not to speak out against the pack’s rigid hierarchy.
The soft breeze billowed your unfamiliarly distressed scent out then back into your very own home as they stayed silent. 
Respectful of your body language; even if you didn’t know what it was you were demanding, they remained stoic.
Your fingers and palms danced at your face, dappling away the tears on your sore cheeks, sniffling against your shaking knuckles. All the while trying to breathe through the sudden heavy lump surfacing in your throat. 
You heard a rustle in the distance; digging your nails into the soft flesh of your bicep - the noise had come from your Mates' room; anxious to your body no doubt stirring him with your chemically pungent grief, only a few metres away.
Jeonghan and Seungcheol had heard it too. Exchanging a look that confirmed they would need to comfort you while their brother was displaced.
They often forgot you were born human. 
That being an Omega who needed guidance was not something that came instinctively to you. That your metamorphosis of lifestyles and sacrifice of power and anonymity would be life-long. 
They would do well to remember it.
You whimpered, defeated, with your chin tucked in and lip wobbling in grief.
“I just want to know what’s wrong with my husband…..”
Your soft peal of grief touched Jeonghan. He knew it well. 
His own Mate had been turned, Human to Wolf.  Memories of his wedding flashed behind his eyes at the endearing way you referred to Soonyoung - as your 'husband’ - recalling memories of your wedding, also. He remembered the way he cried in joy for his brother. For you. 
Although Mated for life, the wolves had gone through an unnecessary human wedding process for their loved ones, upon their request. They never regretted it once; this seemed to just be yet another building block in the path to a healthy life bond.
Jeonghan considered the kindred connection between you both. He stood for a moment, adjusting his suit, attire out of place for the morning hour, the fabric still tinged with his Mate's citrus scent. Then, he approached you, meeting your side at the window.
His palm reached to your furthest shoulder, pulling you towards him until you crumbled against his side. Tucking your scalp against his Adam's apple. Embracing you, despite your tense demeanour. Taking a moment to connect and intake a heavy amount of air; before releasing with an angelic-sounding sigh.
“You’re okay, pup.” Jeonghan whispered soothingly, “You’re okay.” 
A smile breached his face, expression placating entirely; matching your fearful teary eyes in the windows’ reflection.
“We know you’re scared. But we’re here for you, Y/N, as much as we’re here our brother. You’re okay, pup. We’re here now. Take a breath. Nothing is going to suddenly change. No one else is going to invade your space - not even within the next few days - not without our permission, first.”
The insinuation of ‘our permission’ was that the two oldest Alphas were now protecting you both. It made your heart weep, happily.
“Me and Cheol are here - your brothers are here, Y/N. And Soonyoung doesn’t need to be removed. You’ll stay together, for now… So take a deep breath. For me, please?”
His voice calmed your nerves an unreasonable amount.
You pressed your palm against Jeonghan’s rib cage; body reacting to the proximity of another man, another Wolf, another Alpha via its own whims; such a feeling was unfamiliar, strange.
While you were smart enough to realise that Jeonghan was exerting a considerable amount of force on you emotionally to control you; you were not knowledgeable enough quite yet to realise how desperately you needed to let your walls down for them.
It was a generous attempt at contorting your grief into comfort, and Jeonghan was particularly skilled at manipulating emotions in others…
But you were even more stubborn. 
The two of you now glared at each other like siblings about to spark a brawl, inches away from each other's faces.
So much so, that the tugging on either side was tangible to even Seungcheol who sat behind you both. The elder rolled his eyes with a slight sigh. 
‘She’s not going to curb, Han. Not while she’s this distraught. Step down, before you waste your energy - or better yet, start a fight on her turf - brother.’ Seungcheol murmured mentally through the link, bypassing you entirely.
Jeonghan’s cheek muscle twitched in response. You were capable of more than Seungcheol yet knew.
“Breathe, pup. Before you pass out.” Jeonghan growled, ever so delicately.
You readied your mouth, ready to speak back, before -
“Do it. Now. I won’t ask you again.” Jeonghan grit his jaw; enacting harsh love without a second thought. Before releasing a sad sigh that sagged his upper body down into a weak curve. “Break the tension, pup… We’re not here to fight.”
Jeonghan’s eyes flashed a bright tulip yellow; the type of power that forced a clap of white noise into your brain - showing that to all company present in the room,  through his true power, the sixth sense tug and pull was merely child's play to him - you were finally compelled to do as you were instructed, as much as he hated to use it on you.
Your lungs heaved a deep, sudden inhale
“You cheap shot fuck.” You bit back, hitting Jeonghan in the chest with weak fists. The sudden intake of oxygen made you dizzy; your body entirely at will to the Alpha that held you steady.
“Atta girl.” He purred, gripping your elbow as you padded on the balls of your feet, knees buckling ever so slightly under the weight of his exerted link. “Just - take a second to get your brain back - then we’ll explain what’s going on as best as we can. How does that sound, hmm, our fierce little newly-turned? Some answers might help settle your nerves a bit; whenever you’re ready.”
You wanted to argue with him. Truly, you did.
But after so many hours of feeling disconnected from another Alpha - Soonyoung or otherwise; journeying through stress and fear alone - you finally felt safe with the two of them directing you.
Even if it killed a huge part of you to admit that.
And whether you realised it or not; their presence eased this new part of you, to a noticeable degree.
After a few spare seconds of considering their words, you finally averted your eyes, frowning and exhaling in defeat. Breathing again, the tension of your shoulder muscles began to release, and you nodded to the Alphas mentally. ‘Go ahead’.
“Good job,” Jeonghan hummed, solely to you. “You’re in our care now, Y/N. You’re safe. I promise.”
Jeonghan’s lips pressed against your forehead in a platonic kiss, before his grip slacked, allowing you to pull away. 
You chose to stay close to him though. Heart pattering loudly to every Wolf in the room. Standing there, covered in only your thin night clothes.
‘Just follow Cheol’s lead.’ Jeonghan prompted internally, soft in tone. ‘And all will be okay, in the end.’
You felt strangely…vulnerable.
Shifting on your feet to cautiously glance at them both under your eyelashes. They didn’t seem mad. Nor upset. But you still felt awful.
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Soonyoung had originally gone to sleep early complaining of common illness symptoms; something Wolves could sleep off in a matter of hours. This time, however, was different. Something felt wrong.
It was nearly 3 am when you called them. Terrified as to why Soonyoung was sweating and moaning as his muscles cramped and rippled in agonising pain, calling out to you to 'Call my older brothers!' through the link in his sleep. 
They had sped to you immediately from the other side of the city and made it to you by half past the hour. Sending Minghao to sit with you in the lounge - living only a few floors below and already unsettled by the ‘bad vibes’ he had caught through deep sleep - until Jeonghan and Seungcheol got there; the three brothers closing Soonyoung away and in his room, alone, as a ‘precaution’. 
When they arrived; Minghao was sent away. Despite his insistence to stay by your side; they seemed set to speak to you alone. You were left waiting alone on the couch for the better part of an hour as they stayed with your Mate, deadly silent, in his room. 
You ended up pacing quick lengths across the suite window view as the sun began to rise - until they exited, without words, to take a seat on your couch, with a look someone only gave when they had bad news to share. They had the look of bereavement that you never wanted to live down.
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“We thought he would have told you by now,” Seungcheol spoke aloud after some time. His voice as steady and clear as ever. “We didn’t realise he had left it this long -”
“Thought he would have told me what, exactly?” You shot back, bitterly. 
A squeeze from Jeonghan’s hand reminded you that they were on your side. Peaking a glance up at his forgiving expression. Though well renowned for being something of a tease, Jeonghan’s yellow eyes held a good ounce of compassion inside of them. There were some selfless ions inside that body of his. But even they dressed in sheep's clothing.
You sighed through your nose on a pressed exhale, shifting on your toes.
“Told me…. what?” You tried once more.”Soonyoung should have told me what, exactly, Cheol?” 
It sounded a little better - more respectful. Your shift in tone made Jeonghan chuckle, releasing your arm as you turned to see Seungcheol. A faint smile eased onto the elder's face. Jeonghan’s opposite arm rejoined your shoulder, facing forward this time.
A beat of silence passed before Seungcheol thanked you quietly, dipping his head at your correction - a sign to say he had accepted the otherwise shaky attempt at repairing your composure, with great fondness and tolerance.
You bowed your head back. 
It was enough for the Alphas. And they weren’t about to ask you for anything more. Even in your own home, you were still sometimes a little lost in their world. Just thankful for their patience in teaching you their ways.
The older Alphas' gaze was intense when he opened his mouth and finally began to speak, capturing your attention completely.
“Soonyoung suffers from a pretty rare genetic disease. He was the only one who caught it in our generation and we’ve only been able to track it back roughly nine generations - to no cure known. That may seem like a lot of lifetimes to a human, but our lineage is aeons-old. He just happened to draw the short straw in the gene pool, I’m afraid.” 
Seungcheol watched your face contort. Stuck somewhere between being confused and afraid. His expression softened, along with his tone.
“Our little Soonyoungie has always suffered from Scarlet Fever,” Jeonghan noted. “Sometimes…. Well, some phases can become worse than others…” He trailed off slightly, eyes unfocused as memories flashed behind his eyes.
“I’m imagining you’re aware of our cycles by now, Y/N? And how it follows the Moon’s cycles, bi-monthly?” Seungcheol continued where his brother had left off, the two of them working like Cheshire cats in tandem with each other.
You nodded, looking down bashfully as your own memories of Heats and ruts passed in your mind's eye. You returned eye contact gradually, to then allow the Wolf to continue.
He was patient because he knew you learned these things pretty fast.
“And I’m safely presuming that your people have, in the past, told you tales of our vicious, beastly turns on new moons, and the like? Young, fair maidens come to mind?” Seungcheol's question was pinched and drenched in sarcasm, despite his efforts to conceal his disdain. 
Your head dipped again into a nod, somewhat ashamed. You were more Wolf now than ever, but you knew the damage of the folklore humans had spread for centuries would forever stain the real love of these gentle beasts.
“Yeah, they did…” You nodded again. “I never knew they could be so wrong, though, Cheol.” Your words had weight to them. Raising your head as Seungcheol scoffed in agreement. Jeonghan smiled to himself just out of sight, then hummed again pleased, pushing forward. 
“The stronger the cycle, the stronger our Omega’s Heats, our own ruts, hormones, hunger, thirst, intuition, senses, everything - EVERYTHING - becomes. Just for our Soonyoungie… It can become so strong, that it inhibits him from socialising -”
“With humans,” Seungcheol interjected with a sore expression and tone.
“Right,” Jeonghan nodded with a sharp sigh. “It prevents him from socialising with humans - in our newly mixed world. Otherwise, things… Well, he can become very dangerous, little sis. It’s not something we can prevent, or protect people from. Especially when the Scarlet hits suddenly. He can lash out, and get confused like a rabid animal. It’s - it’s not fun to see.”
“He’s a danger to society when in deep fever, Y/N.” The leader spoke in a stern and deeply impactful tone. 
Or, maybe, it was just the words' meanings that carried a message to you like a scream in the night. 
“He has gravely injured people in the past, and I have no doubt he would have killed many more without our family sticking close by.”
“All to no fault of his own, that is,” Jeonghan added, again very tenderly. His brother hummed in solemn agreement. “He suffers from it as much if not more than, the people around him. It’s in his body, after all...”
“It���s important for you to know about all of this, in case of any incidents where you may be alone together again in the future Y/N. You may need to spot the signs for its progression, as he spots you for your early Heats.”
Seungcheol rounded his speech off remarkably delicately given his usual stern and unbending nature, and you would have been amused, were it not for the long beats of silence that followed afterwards.
“I’m sorry, on behalf of all of us; you should’ve been warned sooner. But it was Soonyoung’s story to tell, and I can see now what not telling you could’ve done. The danger we could’ve put you in. The fear and pain keeping such a secret could have caused. I’m sorry, Y/N. On behalf of the family.” 
Seungcheol dipped his head solemnly, followed by a slight bow from his brother.
It was rare to get such an apology; so it struck even more anxiety in your heart as to what exactly the fever could do, to warrant such an action.
You returned the Alpha’s small bow, a show of respect and understanding, but your brow still creased, working quickly to gather the breadcrumbs in your mind. 
Somehow, they had managed to warn you about Scarlet Fever; yet gave absolutely no reasons as to why it was inherently a bad disease to have. It didn’t take you long to realise that they were both incredibly clueless.
“Dangerous?” You mumbled aloud after a short while, troubled by the thought of your bubbly and sweet caring Soonyoung causing anyone harm outside his job of protecting the pack and his family. 
“I realise it’s his line of work to get into brawls, but… He’s maimed people because of this?” You questioned tentatively, “Purposefully? Because he’s what - lost control of himself? That doesn’t make any sense, Hannie. That’s not like him at all. Even you can see that - right?”
Jeonghan hummed ly. He could see your pain, clear as day.
“When the pull of the moon is too strong, out and about on the streets of the city, you may not know friend from foe. Scarlet makes it very hard to suppress the instincts of an average Wolf, let alone an Alpha.”
Jeonghan puffed a huge exhale, clearing his throat.
“You may mistake someone waving at a friend as an attempt to throw something at you, or take another being’s scent - friend or foe - and lose yourself trying to chase and track it. Could end up in a different District following an otherwise fruitless path.”
“Could end up in another city,” Seungcheol mumbled, eyes distant this time. 
Jeonghan nodded, then continued.
“It might be hard to think of Soonyoungie like this… but, it has happened before. He’s ventured too far from home. Sure, maimed people, if you want to call it that. We wouldn’t lie to you for fun, Y/N. We’re just looking out for you as an extension of our younger brother.”
You met Jeonghan’s forgiving eyes with your own, searching them for any space of a lie, before dipping your head in defeat. You could see no deception. Sense nothing but the truth from the two of them. Smell nothing but familial, platonic love in their presence trying to comfort you.
“There are two options for us to consider as a family here. You could either stay here with Soonyoung, and we will leave him in your care with some guidance,” Jeonghan started, voice low and somehow even more delicate than before.
“Or you can stay with one of us for a while, and we’ll send one of his brothers’ to watch over him in a few hours. Either way, we won’t press you for an answer right now, and the final decision is yours to make.” Seungcheol rounded off with a smile. And surprisingly to you, a low growl.
What would otherwise indicate aggression was almost like a purr from the older Alpha. 
And as you and Seungcheol watched each others’ faces for confirmation, you faintly heard Soonyoungs’ pulse on a steady beat. Your gut churned at the thought of leaving him there alone for a week; confused and in pain. If you knew anything about your Mate, you knew that in some way or another, he would search for you, and potentially harm himself in doing so if you left the high-rise to stay with his brothers. 
So, before you knew it, you had barked out an answer. 
“I’ll stay!” A strong growl released from the back of your throat and over your tongue as you yapped, making Jeonghan laugh heartily at your side.
You made a shocking squeaking sound at the back of your voice box that caused your tongue to recoil into the back of your throat, before apologising quickly with a bowed head.
It had been over three years since your turning, but you were still adapting to the changes. 
As usual, neither of them minded. 
“Cute, pup.” Jeonghan snickered, knocking you gently with his hip.
After all, you were an adopted younger sister to them now. And they only wanted you and Soonyoung to remain safe, happy, and well looked after under their care.
“Of course,” Seungcheol chuckled. He reached for your palm, providing a tight squeeze in reassurance, before letting go. “You can stay with him as long as you’d like. But we’ll stop by occasionally to check on the two of you. I do have some bad news, though. Would you like to hear it?”
What a silly question, you thought, but nodded a solid yes regardless. Does anybody ever really feel prepared for bad news? Not in your opinion. But you supposed it was kinder to ask for permission than to throw it upon someone unknowingly.
“Unfortunately - “ Seungcheol hummed, disdain on his quipped sigh. Lip quirked down from his sun-through-the-clouds, break of a smile; fluidly moving into his more familiar and earnest expression at breakneck speed.
Despite what some members had shared with you about their brothers' stiffness, you truly enjoyed being witness to the occasional breaks that Seungcheol shared with you. His heavy warm hugs, gummy smiles, and occasionally an airy high-pitched laugh that lit up any space. It was an honour that you made him feel safe as a part of their adopted family. 
But sometimes; it was equally as warming to know that the person carrying that serious, stern voice, was perfectly willing and actually able to take on incredible feats to protect his family. 
Like he was doing right now. 
He was guiding you to make a decision, via a gentle push. Matching your energy and soothing your Wolf; whether you realised it or not. It was what he was born to do. And he pulled it off extremely well.
“Suppressants won’t help much with the Scarlet Fever symptoms.” 
Seungcheol cleared his throat, noticing your dazed expression and offering you a mutually shared nod, before continuing.
"in fact, they pretty much do nothing at all to curb the amount of hormones being pumped through his body right now. They may possibly help if the Scarlet triggers his rut, but more often than not, he’s simply in flu-like pain. Human drugs are not nearly strong enough to ease the symptoms, as our immune systems burn out the medication before it can even hit our abdomen… I’m sorry Y/N, It might be challenging, but we’re here if you need anything. All twelve of us, I mean.”
Your brow creased, body tensing as you sensed that this conversation was about to come to an end. “And if he goes into Heat? Act as normal, or?”
Jeonghan laughed like chiming bells at his brother's expression of sudden distaste, making you smile faintly before Seungcheol nodded at you. He didn’t even bother to correct your mistake of confusing Heat with rut, simply choosing to move on with a sheepish look on his face.
“Treat the rut as normal. But if anything gets dangerous - if he doesn’t know how to stop, or if he’s injuring himself in an effort to get off - we’re only a very loud shout away. You know that, right, Y/N?”
He looked up expectantly. You quickly nodded, though more reserved than before and with a tucked chin. 
“These walls are thick, but nothing can truly ever be hidden from us - as a pack, or as a family unit. Chances are we’ll sense something before you tell us, anyways. We’re just that damn clingy.” Jeonghan eye-smiled down towards you with another hip tap. “Good or bad, that is.”
Seungcheol gave one last reassurance attempt.
“Look, it’s… unlikely that he will try to hurt you. It’s unlikely that he’ll even acknowledge your presence. You’re just another Wolf to him when he’s in a deep state of fever, I'm afraid.”
Seungcheol shifted in his seat before rising.
Such a subtle movement into your space made your whole body twitch backwards; the sandwiching between the two pressing males made you feel mute, and impacted upon. It was a vulnerability to be standing between two Alphas like this. Suffocating in the wrong scenario. And both you and Jeonghan could feel it.
Jeonghan continued - with cautious eyes towards his brother that told him to stop moving, immediately from where he had stood - drawing away your attention to a more familiar and safe sight. 
His hushed gentle voice eased you once again.
“He’s never signified to any of us that he even knows who we are. I’d even give it a good 99% chance he would affiliate your presence with safety, and family, but not do much beyond seek comfort. I’d consider even some basic acknowledgement as a good few steps forward.”
It was no secret to the family whose affection you preferred when facing challenges.
None of them blamed you; Jeonghan had imprinted his protection upon you since your first meeting - scared, newly turned in his brother’s arms - in their communal elevator. It touched him greatly.
The same with Minghao. You, a newly turned, had been thrown into his office and into a literal pack of wolves the day you met his brother. You were one savvy female among… idiots. And so he also watched over you as an older brother.
They both felt compelled to you and you to them, in a bond only a wolf could ever feel.
Accidents of the purest kind, that never went unnoticed by others.
Seungcheol nodded with a newly stringent tone entering his voice. Almost like he was pleading for you not to push.
“Right - but there’s always room for error. And we’ve never seen him go through the cycle with a Mate - with you, Y/N. Unfortunately for us, those fairytales were written and shared for a reason, and this is a live trial. There’s always a chance that somebody could take something too far, or for him to lash out.”
“Or a chance that it will all go absolutely swimmingly,” Jeonghan drawled with a sarcastic thin-lipped and squinted smile at his brother. You couldn’t help but laugh at his defensive side; ever the witty protector. “Right, brother?”
Seungcheol’s expression pinched with distaste before mocking his brother; then pushing out his last few points.
He realised you likely needed some time alone; space to process and freedom to hide in your safety net of a den. He was eager to leave, but only when he knew you felt secure.
“As I said; it’s unlikely anything bad will happen. But you need to bare it in mind before choosing to spend the next three or four days with him. It might sound like a short amount of time, but he's been known to cry for hours on end. To scream in pain. Starve himself to the point of exhaustion… You'll have to stay strong, Y/N. For your husband. For the family. Just as much as you would for yourself.”
Seungcheol’s tone faded as you withdrew into yourself, avoidant to their eyes and non-respondent. Fumbling with your satin shirt hem as the wind blew through the window and lifted the long sheer curtain around your feet, fabric brushing against your shins.
The jokes felt bittersweet now that you were to be left alone with your Mate, who lay tacky and feeble and in significant pain in your sole care.
“Just being by his side will be treatment enough, I imagine.” Jeonghan smiled down at you, providing one last shoulder squeeze before pulling his body away from you completely. “Shout us if you need anything beautiful. Even if it’s just to talk.”
They had left you unattended, to nurse away your remaining fear and thoughts shortly after. 
Leaving you with the rising sun crawling its way over the city in a burning orange display, until the nearing full moon sat tauntingly low in the distant sky. Skulking away under the earth until it could rise again.
You had eight hours until the red moon would rise and claw its upward ascent until it sat upon its cruel throne once again.
Eight hours of bated breath and loneliness.
Oh, what you wouldn’t do to shoot the cruel thing from where it hung.
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Edging around the hallway, you could hear faint whimpering and huffs coming from your Mate’s room. 
You shuffled against the carpet with dreadfully heavy feet. Still not totally convinced that you should even be going anywhere near him beyond absolute necessities.
You knew not to call out for him. 
Knew that this deep into such a restless sleep; this deep into his fever; that would do more harm than good anyways. 
The poor guy was already disorientated; so calling into the night as he tossed and turned as some kind of awfully heavenly ghoul would likely be nothing short of torture.
Pausing at his bedroom doorway, you cracked open the door. And took a moment to absorb his state. 
His room smelt like a den in Heat; only, without the intoxicating sweetness. 
Sweat covered his body as he writhed in his sheets - Soonyoung’s white hair lay in contrast to the flush of his beautiful naturally honey-toned skin - the wolf having to pause occasionally to groan and whine at the deep throbbing of his bones.
Given what you were told; sneaking into a Wolf’s den as an idiot maiden with nothing but a deadly curiosity was sort of only going to give you one of two outcomes. 
This was either going to end relatively badly - null response falling into this category also - or it could all go surprisingly… Well.
Maybe you were just selfish. But you could tell something was off.
The pack - the Wolf family - always seemed fearful of Soonyoung. As if he could fly off the handle at any given moment. But that didn’t make any sense. That wasn’t the Mate you knew him to be. Or the one you knew he had the potential to become. 
So all this fear - in your entirely selfish and willfully naive opinion -  was entirely unfounded. And just plain wrong.
But maybe, you thought, maybe he just loved you so much that no matter what the situation; he would never take it out on you. 
You quickly shook that thought out of your head. 
Not everyone can be the chosen one. People fight, it’s in their nature. So is being fearful of the unknown. Of which; the Wolves were guilty.
Pushing forward with a heavy chest and a huge puff of a sigh; you entered the Wolf's den.
Usually, Soonyoung could hear your heartbeat in another room, across a field, or even a few floors below. 
But by now, he was too far enraptured in his fever to even notice your close proximity.
Or at least, that’s what you had thought. 
Soonyoung had heard you coming. He just didn’t have the motor skills to show that he knew it was you entering his den like he usually would. His voice was gone, and beyond the pain, he could do little but call for you with animalistic whines. His eyes were pressed shut with a throbbing skull overwhelming his thoughts.
Standing at the edge of fate; you considered just how much it pained you to exist like this; unable to help your Mate, your friend, while he suffered great bone-aching amounts of pain.
You had even avoided Minghao and Jeonghan's calls within the sunlit period. Pretending to be occupied as knuckles rasped at your door - only to hear Jeonghan’s sigh and a “We’re worried about you, Y/N. I know you can hear me, just - text one of us, whenever you’re ready. We’ll stop by in the next few days if we don’t hear anything pup. Rest well. Good luck.” 
You mostly found yourself staring out into space in the time left alone. Eyes wide and dissociating your vision to outside the large windows of the open living space area, until the sun had begun its descent. Only moving for water and some food, scrolling endlessly on your phone between trips to tend to Soonyoung. 
The hours never seemed to end.
With the percussion of your Mate's erratic and unusual heartbeat setting a comforting backdrop of noise, you had considered throughout the day the Alphas’ words and their implications. 
In their words, you were a bodyguard for a week. Able to swap out your shift at the castle’s front doors should you ever need to.
You had considered the idea of your life partner not knowing who you were. It had probably happened, and it was probably terrible. But you couldn’t lessen the pull of your gut to follow those fears down a very dark and anxiety-inducing rabbit hole.
And as the sun began to set across the far corner of the horizon, you toyed with the emotions that such anxieties would impose upon your life.
What if he were to get stuck? In his fever? In his rut? Would you be able to live like this?
But despite what your mind told you, the warnings the Alphas had placed upon you; you followed that part of you that strung to him like the fabled red string of fate. 
Bound to each other no matter which way you ran.
His body reacted to you. Even now.
“I’m sorry, baby,” You whispered through a sniffle as you entered, moving fluidly to kneel and slide along on his mattress to sit beside him. “I just needed to check on you. To make sure that you’re okay.” You padded your nose before reaching across his back to smooth over the dishevelled duvet on his ribs; alerting him of your presence. “Or, as good as you can be right now…”
Upon sudden touch, Soonyoung stirred slowly.
One eye peered over his puffy cheek until he could see you. His gaze was sharp, and so unfamiliar that it hurt to look at him. Tears welled in your eyes as an offended expression and a low, consistent growl rattled the mattress beneath him. 
But you had to fight it. Fight against the voices that told you what you knew to not be true. He wouldn’t hurt you… not even like this. 
You just had to prove that to yourself, first. Then you could believe it.
You reached to brush a cold knuckle to the hot skin of his exposed shoulder, testing the water. 
He seemed totally unwilling for you to be there. 
Teeth bared, body rigid and eyes dry; left open long enough that you could feel the ghost of a sympathetic pain in the back of your own head.
But you pressed on. Gingerly toying with the hair on the nape of his neck before pressing as he usually would love you to do against the pressure points on his scalp that could massage his brain.
The sensation of your nails scraping against his sensitive scalp struck a shiver up his spine. A sense of deja vu for a memory he couldn’t quite find. And his growls edged into something more relieved than before.
“Hi baby, it's just me,” You sniffled, laughing bashfully as his cold expression met your own. “It’s just me.”
He seemed unsure. 
You realised how heavily his brain was intensely fogged over; as his brows folded low, eyes sharply focused on far too many things than usually would be comfortable. 
Even though the sun was setting, it was still currently light out; making reflections even harsher to his sensitive eyes. 
His irises were impossibly pinched. And his usually dark brown eyes were replaced with a striking Scarlet red, coupled with a slightly deepened purple ring around the edge. 
What would usually signify your bond gave you a sickly anxiety you struggled to swallow.
“I just wanted to check in on you, was all…” 
You averted your eyes, not willing to tempt fate, even if it was to stare at your Mate’s beauty. Direct eye contact could someday cost you your life. Soonyoung had taught you that. 
“See if you wanted to clean up a bit… Have a drink, eat some food? Maybe stretch a bit?”
A rattling, coarse growl struck up Soonyoung’s throat. 
What he had intended to signify familiarity; became totally misplaced and more threatening than something he would ever direct towards you usually. Enough to make you flinch.
The force of the growl made him hack a dry cough, curling into himself with short wheezing pants. Soonyoung whined loudly in frustration at his own body betraying him. 
He just wanted to reach you. But it was so damn hard.
You smoothed over his hair, shushing him until he settled.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re alright. Don’t push yourself.”
He pressed his face into the duvet with an expression that you had only ever seen on an overheated canine. His chest rattled as his anger pressed another shaking growl through his gut.
You smiled with a demure scoff toward yourself. Totally falling for the faux aggression and admitting to yourself the truth of what his brothers had explained to you.
“Yeah, I know Soonie. I’m sorry, love. I know it hurts. That you probably just want to be left alone, to sleep... Probably don’t even know who I am, or why I’m even here. I’m sorry I can’t take your place love… I would if I could, you know.” 
You fiddled with your unity ring, as you wiped gently at your cheeks.
“Well, hey. I just - I just needed to be one hundred percent sure… You know, before I considered a life where we become severed for several days at a time, or be cautious around you... That’s quite a big thing, you know. In sickness or in health. I just - just… yeah…”
Something sorrowful washed over you.
And you scrunched your face behind your spare hand with a broken inhale at the sudden rush of sadness.
“I miss you Soon… I miss you so fucking much. Even if it’s only been a day…”
He could feel you tugging at the link. 
So sadly that it pushed him to move against his sore limbs.
Soonyoung huffed with a deep, yet hushed growl as his instincts pulled him towards you like the rope around the hull of a downed ship. 
His voice was too hoarse to speak, but he was still there, with you. And he would kill himself to show it. 
He would haul himself through the hot coals of hell until he was nought but dust and bones to breach that gap between you both. If only you would ask; like you were currently.
You were trying to get him to respond like a kid pulling at the fin of a beached whale. 
Sure, there were a million better ways to do it. 
You hadn’t even tried to speak to him through the link. 
But he didn’t blame you. Not at all.
He could sense your fear. Smell your anxiety and deep sadness settling in the room like a light mist. Taste it like brine on his tongue.
Soonyoung rose on heavy arms; back muscles flexing against deep-set scars in an impressive effort to reach you. Groaning at the sensation of his heavy head being lifted; stars bursting behind his eyes.
Once up, he turned on his hips to drop his head onto your shoulder and body weight onto your back with a deep growl that made you strike a shiver; the sound rumbling across the back of your rib cage and into your jaw.
You were unsure if it was actually your own scent that drew him near, or simply that of a female Wolf, but as his dopey smile spread across his face and a sheepish grin pressed into your skin in your peripheral vision, you felt a little more secure. 
And you returned his lopsided smile anxiously.
“You stink, Soonyoung,” You whispered, laughing weakly at his low whine as he shuffled closer. Wiping your nose and your eyes harshly. His heavy body rested on your back, arms wrapping around the soft of your belly to pull you backwards. 
He buried his face into the junction of your neck as he held you. Whines impossibly high-pitched and needy.
And he held you tight. Tight enough to make you frown. Lip wobbling and tears spilling down your cheek.
It seemed like… he knew. But you weren’t convinced that he could tell you apart from just anyone that could walk in here.
“Do you even know who I am?” You choked.
Soonyoung whined after some seconds - initially whimpering at the pain he felt leaving you so isolated and vulnerable - but further crying out against that notion ever being a possibility.
You felt his nose prodding at your cheek until you turned to look at him. His eyes met your own, as striking as ever. 
You averted your gaze quickly, until he whined in succession, squeezing you with all his might to just look at him, unable to communicate with broken lips formed into a pout and a lost voice.
As you looked back up, your heart skipped a beat.
Soonyoung may be in a deep, deep fever, but he was still yours. 
Yours to love. Yours to hold. 
With his chin resting on your shoulder, burning red eyes coupling his usually dopey smile, and his arms heavy on your waist, you released the pent-up emotions in your chest. Sobbing into your firmly swiping fist as he held you tightly. 
Soonyoung began to hum softly. A random tune to soothe you both. Gravely but deep and rumbled due to his vocal cords in this state. Gentle bass like a purring cat. Swaying you in his arms in a gentle rocking motion.
His hot skin rippled under your fingertips as you brushed over his arm. Self-soothing by reminding yourself he was still there, right there with you.
Soonyoung moved his heavy forearm particularly ungracefully into your own. One palm pressed into your stomach to keep you close; while the other pressed into your palm to open. 
Patiently; you allowed him to fumble his hand until he met your ring, twisting it against your knuckle and growling against your cheek with a puff of air and some grunts. It was the best he could do to confirm he truly knew it was you. 
And it worked. The action made you smile, tears welling as you leaned your cheek against his hair, face pressed down into your collarbone.
He squeezed you impossibly close. Able to crush you if he so wished; but gentle as ever.
He was practically purring for you.
It was safe here, and you knew it.
Knew it despite what the leaders had advised.
“Thank you, Soonie, I just …” You bit your inner cheek, sighing. “I just had to make sure…” 
Soonyoung chuffed quietly as he nuzzled you. Not letting go and consistently growling until your heart rate settled and the tears were mostly gone.
He followed his nose against your skin until he reached the back of your neck, the top of your spine almost being burrowed into as you removed your hands to swipe at the tears on your face.
But you didn’t mind. Even while being set on fire, he just wanted to be near you. To hold you. 
Unconsciously his hands searched for your own again, in the dimming light of the sun on his bed sheets. 
You pressed your fingers between his, guiding his arms in a cross over your belly until he held you even closer against him on his own accord, sitting with his knees on either side of you.
“You okay, big guy? My big puppy? You seem content enough just to hold me, hmm?"
Soonyoung’s response washed over your scalp like a blanket being pulled over your head. The low consistent hum of almost a purr pressed against the back of your rib cage and vibrated your stomach pleasantly.
"I'm sorry I left you in here all alone - it's what I was told to do. But I knew it was wrong. Should've trusted my gut, hmm?"
He nuzzled against your hairline, following his nose until you shivered with a muted putter of a sigh. That was a ‘yes, I’m great, don't worry, you're here now’ on his behalf.
“It’s almost night time again.” You spoke absently with a wide yawn. Smacking your lips and not even expecting an answer at this point as you were expectedly met with a rumbling growl and consistent PDA to the back of your neck.
“There’s not much point in washing any of your stuff, but… we should definitely get you washed. Hmm, Soonie?” 
Soonyoung seemed to answer. But you couldn’t quite make it out. Chuffing against your cheek before relenting his attention and resting his head on your shoulder.
“You really do stink.” You smiled. Side-eyeing your Mate as he huffed with an annoyed expression. Letting yourself giggle as he pouted.
“I’ll even go make you a bubble bath, Soon. I would just appreciate it if you could try and gather some strength to help me get you across the hall if you can. That okay, my big puppy?”
Soonyoung growled deeply before pausing, opening his eyes a mere slit to simply look at you. He was deeply touched, even in this state.
Yes, he nodded.
Yes, I would do anything for you.
Yes, I would go through hell if only you asked it of me.
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You wiped the tiger-shaped soapy soft sponge directly behind Soonyoung’s ear; gliding it down his shoulder blade, before coming back to his chin to slide it down his chest.
At first, you had simply ignored the way his groans of discomfort had melted into twitches in response to your lazy, hot touch. The patterns you drew on his body with soft humming and an otherwise empty brain. 
You were treating his open-mouthed and airy moans as a symptom of a usual rut like the others advised might happen.
But before long, the continuous slow torture of the soft gliding sponge against Soonyoung’s skin became a test against your will to stay in control of your body and the way it reacted to him.
Soonyoung released a long, loud, rippling growl, before panting softly, head falling to the side away from you. Canines peeking from under his lips and skin hot to the touch. He rolled the muscles in his shoulders and his neck away from you until your mouth watered.
The bastard knew the effect he had on you.
Even kneeling behind his broad shoulders next to the bath, you could see your Mate’s hard-on poking up from the bubbly surface. 
By now, it was throbbing just as hard as you imagined it might be after a suddenly induced rut.
But you still couldn’t help but tease.
“Soonyoung!” You gasped with a giggle. You relished his embarrassed whine as you kissed his temple.
“Even with Scarlet giving you the worst fever like ever, you’re insatiable, aren’t you Soonie? Hmm, my needy little puppy?” 
Soonyoung whined again, but louder this time. He was so obviously found out and badly affected by your words. He shied away from you; pouting and folding his knee up to cover himself. 
You simply giggled, continuing your sponge pattern over his skin. 
He was struggling to control himself. And knew you couldn’t be teasing him deliberately… right? 
But as your pillowy lips pressed to his drying hair and ear, he was starting to get antsy.
“You can go ahead, you know. I know it hurts. I won’t stop you, baby. Go on. Go ahead. It might even help you relax a little bit.” 
Soonyoung moaned softly at your kiss to his temple, easing his knee to the bottom of the tub as his eyes widened into slithers, starting to slowly open.
“Never know - might help you sleep later.”
By now, with the heat of the bath, mixed with your very discreet smell of attraction, his very sudden rush of hormones starting to cloud the room, and your body being so close to him in your burrowing night clothes; Soonyoung was fully panting.
Panting in an effort not to consume you whole, or jump your bones.
Intoxicated by your presence.
With Soonyoungs sweet scent adding to the fog of the bathroom, your poor fan was working overtime to clear it. 
But mostly, it was just pushing hot heavy air around and pooling out of the glass bathroom door and into your suite.
You swiped directly behind his ear again, pressing down his neck in a slow but steady pressure until you reached his shoulder blades. Moving forward to press open kisses and a flat tongue to his ear.
Soonyoung moaned long, and low. Eyes pressed shut and head back.
You strayed your sponge down the crease of his abdomen, circling up and around his nipples in a slow drag before pulling back behind his shoulder.
"Go on, baby. Know you need it. Know you want it."
You could tell he wanted it. Almost unable to breathe anything but his libido signals at this point. And other than verbal response; he was fully able to advocate for himself. 
Soonyoung’s body shuddered, jaw slack into a moan as you peered over his pecks in curiosity.
He had indeed begun pumping himself beneath the water. 
His hand went white from tension as his leg muscle tensed, bucking up out of the soapy surface. Biting painfully at his inner gums to stay quiet. Grunting through nasal exhales, he began panting again with long, ear-aching whines.
But his whines were pained more than anything. Frustrated. Unable to move his aching arms at the pace he would have liked. Battling his stiff joints to scale to direct pleasure.
“Easy baby, you’re going to hurt yourself.” You mumbled against his hair as he turned to lean into you in a daze.
"Let me, Soonyoung."
Making a quick tsk sound, you knocked his hand out of the way. Shuffling further down the side of the tub with loosely rolled up sleeves to move until your chest met his shoulder.
"The shit I do for you…" You grumbled with a hefty amount of amusement. He would give his life up for you if you asked. You just felt the need to tease. "You're lucky I love you, honest to the Gods…"
Truthfully, he looked desperate. Panting with red eyes piercing through you in the fog, begging for a release.
You stuttered for a mere second as Soonyoung’s thick musk hit your nasal cavities; but unbeknownst to you, the Wolf took notice. Nuzzling at the collar of your silk shirt to waft your own scent directly into his brain, growling softly with sharp canines pressing to the thin of your skin. Pressing kitten licks to your collarbone.
A soft growl rattled past his grit teeth as you peeled away his hand. Before he licked his gums and nuzzled your collarbone at the sensation of your soft palms linking together to massage his length in a firm but gentle pressure.
“You big baby.” You laughed gently, the twitching in his legs telling you this wasn’t going to last nearly as long as normal. He whined and huffed, wet hands pulling at the sleeves of your silk shirt until you released a hand for him to manoeuvre.
He threw the given arm behind his head before dropping his nose against your collarbone, grumbling as you pulled your fingers through his already drying short hair. Running your nails over his ears and jaw in long scratches.
You continued to cradle his head against your chest, pulling a few last times before his panting peaked, stomach tensing before groaning loudly into your tacky skin. 
Hot strips of white and warm spurting cum slipped across the top of the bath; causing you to stop breathing through your nose and in through your mouth in quick succession. 
He usually held a decent load - but that was a lot. Beyond the usual rut amount. AKA, a fuck ton of semen.
And it was a sinful scene that you had naturally begun reacting to. Thighs pressing together and cunt slicked within seconds. 
Soonyoung pulled his leg up to roll closer to you. Burying his face into you with a heavy groan.
“Feeling any better?” You whispered through a shaky laugh, dousing your hand with nearby soap before flicking it in the water. 
Your Mate nodded weakly, shuffling to sit up and press his lips to your own. You held his strong muscles up in the right direction as he keened for you.
The kiss started out gentle.
It did, truly.
But before long he had your cunt pulsating around the air in the way he wantingly sucked at your lip as he pulled away. His wet hand reached up to secure your neck in place with one solid, wide, strong palm. His thumb pressed up against your jaw. Spit drooling between your chins.
And as his tongue swiped up against your palette, completely overpowering you in the sloppy kiss; you knew you were fucked. 
Moaning into the broken kiss before pulling back, almost stumbling back on your ass to quickly move away from him. 
Gasping breaths and shaking your head with a choked sound of a shock to try and clear your brain.
But it was far too late to try and hide what your body had begun to beg for. 
Or rather - there was no point in stopping what had already started to spin into motion. 
Within moments, he was rock hard again. 
Tongue pressed to the side of his mouth, sharp eyes staring into your own and softly growling. 
You scoffed. “Seriously?! That was meant to relax you, not get you - or I guess, both of us - in the mood to fuck, Soonyoung! Seriously!! You should be in bed!!!"
You were met with another moody growl, sighing as you rolled up your newly wet sleeves.
“Come on, up, out. I’ll have to help you shower. And we’re doing it cold. Near ice cold, so you can try warming up in bed while you sleep again. Cock soft, head empty this time, please. Come on, help me, please. Get up.”
Soonyoungs upper left corner of his lip curled into a non-threatening and no-noise snarl as you gripped under his nearest armpit, using your strength to heave him up until he could take over. His feet squeaked against the porcelain bath before soapy liquid hit the floor and he managed to haul himself out.
You almost helped him with your eyes shut, just trying your absolute hardest to ignore him. His overwhelming, choking and dizzying scent. His unusually sharp gaze. His hot skin you were just aching to melt against. 
As you reached past him to get a towel, Soonyoung scoffed to himself. 
You were far too obvious. Having danced around him like a scene a mime would put on to make a Werewolf laugh, this entire time.
You used those clothes to burrow in. So they had a smell to them you would never be able to get rid of. Similar to your duvet, or mattress. Or his underwear. Or the slick stains on your thighs. The pre-cum on his shorts.
It was just something innate. Primal.
They gave your untouchable Wolf senses an anchor to ground you; only challenged by the pack's Alpha in a usual family dynamic or your Mate. Both of which combined happened to be staring you down like a four-course meal as you paused for air.
The scent of your wet cunt against your nesting clothes struck some primal part in him. 
Something that urged him to soothe you. 
To Claim you. 
To fuck you so deep and fill you so full with his cum and his scent, that you would want nothing else in the world but to fall asleep in his arms. 
Not have to rely on your own scent or your own items of clothing to feel safe again.
And more importantly; to paint you so full with so much cum that his scent would stick to you for weeks.
The thought - and the current visuals - made his gums and his cock throb with a carnal fervour.
He hadn’t seen those clothes in such a long time. You had never worn them outside of your room, as that was… kind of the point of the whole arrangement. Your private comfort area stayed isolated from everyone, oftentimes even Soonyoung. So in essence it acted like a den. Somewhere to go when the world demanded too much of you; as it usually does an Omega. Especially a female one.
And you really, in honesty, rarely ever needed time away from your Mate.
But he supposed it comforted you as you had camped out and waited for him in the lounge until late evening. 
He had been checking for you too, in his moments of peace. Knew the effort you were making to worry for him. He thought it only kind to return the favour, as your body was cluing him in to-do. 
The Alpha in him very rarely ruled the scene. Found no want nor need to impose himself upon you. 
But in your nesting clothes. Weathered with such fatigue. Still, the smell of fear and sadness clinging to your skin. Caring for him so well, as he should do for you. 
It was time.
“Soonyoung -” You huffed, sighing as he moved like you were afraid he was going about to do. 
His sharper-than-usual nails dug into your hips as he spun you to face the mirror. Hot breath hitting your cheek as he nuzzled behind your ear, boner pressing against your ass as you huffed in a faux-irritated way. He lay his tongue flat against your pulse, dragging up into your hairline then back again.
“You’re getting water all over the floor -” You groaned with closed eyes and grit teeth. Stubborn with resistance to his laments at your skin. Even you were able to pick up on your own arousal in the air now.
The two of you were going to scent this entire floor if you weren’t careful.
Somewhat haphazardly, his palms pressed into yours on the sides of the sink. His hips fell like a heavy weight as he pinned you against the marble. Between his teeth was your Mating Mark, a sharp tooth making you twitch as he chuckled in a low baritone growl. You whined without noise, lips parted with a gasp.
“I can smell you too, flower. Don’t ever forget that.” He spoke in a raspy voice against your cheek, voice hoarse and skin on fire against you in the bathroom fog. His broken lips dragged a new texture across your hot skin. “Thanks for the help. Now please, let me return the favour.” 
You choked a moan at the sudden open kiss at your collarbone. One hand moved to grasp at your breast over the top with wet soapy hands. The other keeping your hand pinned.
You keened over, choking again at how suddenly tender the area was.
“Soonyoung, please hear me out - I don’t think this is a good idea! You’re not even meant to be out of bed yet -”
“Look up, pup. Look at me.”
Your tongue grew heavy in your mouth. Lips pliant and eyes dragging up as an instant haze tugged over your brain.
He was commanding your body, and it made you shake with desire.
But you wouldn’t give up that easily.
“Soonyoung -” 
You moaned airily before gritting your teeth in defiance. His hands pinched your nipples between his sliding fingers, rolling over your shirt with a chuckle. “- you’re going to get me into so much trouble, you horny little shit -”
He smiled with a pointed-canine grin against your neck. A hoarse laugh pulled a loud bouncing growl forward until it racked your brain.
"I don't give a fuck, precious. I'm the only person you ever need to answer to. Or to seek comfort from. Not any other dogs. And certainly not my brothers."
Soonyoung moved his hand to pinch your chin and tilt backwards to look at him. Lip curled in a gentle peel of a snarl.
“Look at me, flower. Or I'll eat you alive.”
Before licking directly into your ear and grinding up against your core. Your leg jolted with another choked moan. 
But you closed your eyes firmly, shaking your head.
By now; you were soaking wet. Both from him physically and… from him physically  
Actually, in every sense. 
And you surprisingly had very little want to fight it.
The past day had made you feel so bitterly alone. Lost, and afraid in his world. 
You just wanted some guidance again. To be held. And he was more than happy to provide. He just had to convince you the jump was worth the fall.
Soonyoung hummed.
“You’ve shown me so much love this past day or so, my beautiful Mate."
His growl vibrated into his hum, hips gliding back and up again until you couldn’t help but take over. 
"You’ve done so well for me. Been so good to my family intruding all over your home and in your den."
His wet cock pressed perfectly into the curve of your body, ass and cunt, as he thrust up against your clothes. 
"Listened for me even when you felt so alone.”
You mewled pathetically; cunt so suddenly ready to be stuffed full that it sent you for a spin.
You stilled abruptly in your movements only once Soonyoung had chuckled into your hair, finally having caught you. 
His hips had stopped moving long ago.
“Look. At. Me. My pretty Omega.”
Soonyoung’s words made your entire body shake.
And you hadn’t whined this needily in a long, long time. Maybe ever.
Your lip started to wobble until you finally allowed yourself to succumb to him. 
Eyes blinking open and meeting him in the mirror. 
Soonyoung hummed a beautiful and pleased vocation from the back of his bass vocal cords, lips pressed to a kiss on top of your skin.
Your pearl pink silk nightwear was covered in his wet soapy handprints as your breasts lay perk and your hair became dishevelled in his musings. Stuck to your tacky bodies. 
Your knees had begun to tremble as he bit higher up on your neck in faux threat; moving to press sharp points into your flesh and wet the skin; only to retract and move them further and deeper once again.
“I would love to cover you in my scent, you know, pup. If you would let me.”
You choked a sob as his fingers pressed into the sides of your throat. You gripped at his forearms; not holding him to you but not entirely pulling the pressure away.
"I want to leave so many Claim marks on you that another Wolf wouldn’t even think about looking in your direction without my permission.”
Soonyoung gently thrust his hips upwards, pushing the edge of the sink further into your bone as he moved to the other side of your neck. Growling at his own words and working himself up in the process, eyes slit thin in the foggy reflection. 
"I want nothing more than to fuck you so completely full until your brain starts fucking melting, sweetheart. How does that sound, hmm?"
He held you until you fell apart in his arms like you had always wanted him to do. He pressed the length of his cock up and against your core again. Making you sob out a moan.
“I could fuck you into the type of submission and bond; the likes of which you've never felt before, my love. A connection that most other Wolves spend centuries trying to reach. Remember we spoke about that, before? Remember how much you begged to be bonded, out on our stupid little fucking business trip? Remember how much you had keened for it before I said we should stop?"
He was talking about… a specific time. 
A specific time and place where he had blown your back, soul and brains out then told you via pillow talk about the inner workings of higher mating and what it took to get there. 
You nodded eagerly. "Yes," You moaned breathily, "Yes, God yes I remember -" You sobbed as you began to get dizzy, core soaking the fabric pressed up against your lips and thighs; soiling the expensive silk clothes in your scent. " - we were so close but you pulled away too soon…"
“Good. I'm talking about that connection, pup. It wasn't the right time, back then… We weren’t ready yet, love." Soonyoung hummed gently in fond memory of the night. “I think it's time. You're ready. I'd be honoured, if you'll let me guide you…”
He growled lovingly, pushing forward.
“What do you think then, pup? Would you like that? To have my cum spread all over your belly? Stuffed up so full inside your cunt you'll be leaking for hours? You just need to say the words, gorgeous, and I'd do anything for you, angel… anything you ask for. Anything at all."
The rasp in his voice struck deep in your essence, and despite yourself, a long, deep whimper escaped your lips. Struggling to battle his aura as your thighs pressed together. Head full of nothing but the thought of his canines catching on your scar.
“But - Soonyoung - you’re still weak - ahhh-” A moan interrupted your arguments as he sucked in an unfamiliar place behind your ear, making your body tremble.
He seemed to be searching for something. His smile told you that he had found it.
“You need to rest -” 
He didn’t seem to be listening. Growling deeply as he caught the skin between his sucking lips, lazily placing a bruise into your skin.
“Would you like that pup? For me to Mark you again? I can smell it on you, you know. You want to give in, but it's unfamiliar. An Alpha’s powers. You're nervous.”
His confession shocked you for a moment. Squeezing up under your jaw until your cunt clenched and you saw stars.
"I could take over? Make the decisions you're too afraid to make. Cut the shit you don't have the energy to refuse. It's what we were made to do, Y/N. The power bred into me. I just need to hear you say the words, my love. Then I’m all yours."
He released the pressure on your throat to gasp breaths and hold his strong forearm, in a complete and utter rush to lock eyes with him behind you - 
You were an idiot.
Not only was he not going to hurt you, but he had also spoken before many times about how he tried his best not to exert his powers onto your conscience. 
He knew the control he could exert over you.
Knew the risks involved.
Fantasised about them greatly.
You whined in a desperate panic before chuffing needily at the gentle hushing and peppered kisses on your cheek. 
He kissed you sloppily at this angle, but you didn't care. 
Just so obviously desperate and hungry for his reassurance in this state.
His body was hot. So hot against your exposed neck, thighs, back, arms and even against your pyjamas.
And you were unable to form a single thought until he licked the shell of your ear, edging you towards the point of no return. Coaxing you there as he pressed your palm firmly into the sink. Cheek against yours. 
He nuzzled you before relenting his kisses to watch you in the mirror, awaiting your response. Skin to skin once more. His growl rippled over your back, fuzzing over your brain.
'Answer me, angel.' Your evolving and sifting yellow eyes met his bright red ones. His tone became instantly a thousand times softer than mere moments ago, as soon as he saw you."Do you want it, or not?"
Almost immediately, your head began to spin. You were starting to feel the sudden guttural pull of your Mate looking at you with pure want. 
Your Alpha was seeing you for all that you were, all that you would ever be. And beyond anything, he was finally forcing his power upon you. He had a question and intended to receive an answer. It was a foreign feeling, but one that sparked a fire in your gut that made you moan wantonly.
You became lost in his eyes until your head became entirely blank and foggy and slow like traipsing through the mud. 
The Wolf in you pushed you to nod with a high nasal pitch of a plea, head rolling back to meet your cheeks together in submission. 
'Easy, pretty girl. I've got you.'
He shushed you, growling feebly in response to your eyes meeting him with a deep belly whine in the mirror; struggling to give in.
'Lean into me, pup, if you need grounding. I'm here, and I’ve got you. Lean in.'
His irises relaxed only once yours had expanded, starting to shift into the still unfamiliar colour of honey yellow that met his softened gaze.
'Soonyoung, it hurts my head!' You whimpered loudly. Soonyoung growled softly through open lips, peppering slowly over your exposed skin.
"Breathe, angel. Let me lead. I've got you."
It had been a while since you had submitted to him fully.
But God did it feel good.
An instant tension set into your skull; in your jaw and in your brain. Fuzzing up the hairs on the back of your neck and over your scalp until you shivered, eyes flashing stars as they moved and evolved.
“Good job. You’re so good for me baby.”
It wasn’t that the trust wasn’t there, but your meeting had been one of sudden fate. Your love was a growing one, that you expanded upon daily. And he never saw a need to exert his power onto you unless you benefited from it, or asked. 
Your jaw opened and shut in an effort to speak but right now you couldn't muster the words; pleading with your body while being gently pushed along by his guidance. 
A burst of gold sprang into one of your eyes, a bright daisy mixing with deep wood before disappearing. 
New signs were appearing. 
Something was bubbling in your wolf blood.
It made your connection twang enough for Soonyoung to nuzzle your shoulder. 
'That's it. Lean into it. You’ve got it beautiful. Can you feel it? It's stronger than ever this time.'
Your legs trembled as he licked and bit at the skin on your hairline, whining as your pulse beat against his lips. 
“Answer when you’re ready - lean into the pull, my brave Mate…”
It was your turn to pant, your stomach twisting as you gushed with sudden arousal, skin hot to the touch. 
"Do you want this? To become Claimed completely?"
Your bones began to shake as your eyes and head struck a tension headache, mind swimming in his demand until finally - you answered.
“Soonyoung - please -” You cried out, pressing back against him anxiously.
Soonyoung immediately rippled a protective growl. Confirming he was there non-verbally. Pressing his hot torso against your back and your cheek against his. Eyes soft and watching you carefully in the mirror.
"You're okay, sweet dove, I've got you. You're okay…" 
He whispered affirmations into your ear space so they echoed in your brain. Ready to cut the pull and save you from the crash if you gave the signal to stop. 
But your next cries confirmed what he knew to be true.
"Please, yes I want that - want you to make me come so so bad, I just - just make it stop Soonie, I want you so bad it aches, my head, it - feels like you're pulling me apart - I want it, please -”
“Easy pup." Soonyoung rattled against your temple, voice softer than before. Pressing a soft kiss on your cheek. "I’ll ease it - just don’t fight the pull. You'll only end up hurting yourself more if you do."
He moved to look behind you for a moment; pulling the waistband of your trousers until they caught at your knees.
With steady movements, he aligned himself with you. Knowing your body and anticipating the acceptance even before any prep.
Such was the influence of the Scarlet; forcing the two of you into a temporary Heat, pulling the energy of the upcoming one backwards so you would be allowed a much longer break. But God it was so much stronger than your usual symptoms.
“Can you feel just how deep it hits, Y/N?” A deep raspy growl spoke directly into your brain, making you whimper. Body heat back against your skin in an instant.
With heavy eyelids you inhaled sharply, nodding as your irises expanded. You were melting like old and slightly clunky kinetic sand towards his pull, panting deeply as your thighs shook against him. 
Trying to lean into it, but struggling greatly.
Something was pulling your soul towards him like a hunger you had never experienced.
“The Scarlet is pulling your Heat forward, pup. My body is… our souls are matching each other. Wherever my cycle is… you’re meeting me halfway."
Soonyoung kissed your shoulder delicately.
"Wanna fuck you till you can’t move baby. I know you were awake all day and night, hmm? Watching out for me. Poor pup, all alone. Scared of being left alone in the world.”
He nuzzled you, eyes bearing through your mind in the foggy reflection.
“I could hear those thoughts, you know. So loud and frightened. Pretty flower, I would never let that happen to you. You have me for eternity.”
In your overwhelmed state, you couldn’t help but immediately wash over with emotions. 
And Soonyoung moved his free hand to wipe the stray tear from your cheek.
“I would never let that happen to you, Y/N. I would never leave you so suddenly. I knew the Scarlet was coming. I just needed to see it out. To see how we would work. Thank you, for your love. For everything.”
He whispered. Just for you. Wrapping his arms around you to hold you tight. And he held you there until you eased. Intertwining his hands over yours as they met the sink again.
“Do you want this, Y/N? To be paired, again? To be Claimed entirely? Marked by me so that you never feel alone?"
At your pitiful whimpers, Soonyoung pressed his cheek against yours, growling affectionately. He could feel your pent-up energy ready to burst.
"You'll never need to feel that isolated again, angel. But you’ll also never be apart from me. You know the risks. We’ve been through it before. So - do you want it, Omega? Want to become a part of each other so that we never have to be apart again?"
Softer this time, he closed his eyes. 
"I'd give you my everything, love. Even my life, if you asked for it. I'm yours after this, as much as you become mine. This is your last chance to pull away. The last time I'll ask…"
Without even a few seconds of a pause, you nodded hard, fast, and multiple times, releasing pitiful moans as your head flopped back against his shoulders, pleading against his lips in hushed unintelligible whispers. 
After a gentlemanly kiss and some shushing, Soonyoung moved to nuzzle again at the base of your spine, resting against yours as he took a deep inhaling breath.
“I love you, my precious Omega. Breathe for me, baby. The stretch might hurt a bit.”
Upon his instruction, you met his inhale, attempting to follow his exhale before letting out a cry and crumbling into his hold against him. Moaning loudly, shaking even more so.
You were immediately overcome by the stretch of him entering you; along with something unintelligible sparking under your spine and up into your scalp until you folded with a slack jaw and loose numb lips.
Upon entering you, Soonyoung sunk his teeth into your soft, tacky and salty skin. 
Right up and in; against the spot behind your ear that had made you tremble; until his gums were pillowed; biting down hard enough into your neck that your muscle tensed to curl up into his hold and press his nose into your hair. 
A wicked embrace. Full of pain and desire.
Your pulse thrummed against his tongue enough for him to moan loudly. 
And his cock throbbed heathenly at the way you melded into his arms with such brainless gasps and cut-short gulps of breath and mouthed words to explain how the poison struck a match of buzzing meadows across your skin on the downward plunge of your lungs first being set alight like a burning forest fire, then gasping for clean, crisp air.
But he didn’t need your words.
And as if a second Claim Mark wasn’t enough, the head of his cock pushing past your entrance and spreading your walls even further than usual, matched with the fog of hormones and the sudden wave of Heat striking up inside of you, made you orgasm instantly.
Your back had arched in a sharp backward curve into his chest; gripping at the hand spread flat and wide over your throat; cunt pulsating as stars passed behind your eyes in this sledgehammer of a sudden incline and breach of ecstasy burning the muscles in your thighs until they gave way. 
Soonyoung released the power in his jaw as your body liquefied into his hands. The removal of his canines in your pressure points released your neck and shoulder muscles; gravity pulled your head and chest to fold forward. 
His forearm levered under your chest; and controlled your body weight to stay hovering just above the solid counter sink with care. 
He held you as you shook and airily moaned. Your cunt pulsating around his cock in a vice-like pulsation that had your body hot and ready for more.
Soonyoung released your weight only when you dragged your burning elbows into yourself and pressed down against the counter to heave your torso back up; headspace elsewhere as he peered over you.
From the edge of your hairline, a long strip of blood smoothed down the expanse of your back. 
It folded into your spine and descended fast enough for Soonyoung to quickly grab a towel - the one you had discarded on the side of the sink after his move to pin you - to stop the flow from meeting your conjoined bodies.
He used the towel to press at the wound after wiping the trail clean up your spine in one solid motion; causing you to shiver as he held you up via pinned hips. 
All as he sat snug to the hilt inside of you.
The sight of blood had bewitched him, if even for a second. 
Mouth dry and breath caught in fascination.
Your heart leapt in your chest at the scene before you and the sudden asphyxiating vulnerability you had begun to process once up and looking back at him.
Washing with bashfulness; you scrunched your shoulder up and against your cheek. Moaning in embarrassment at the buzzing tingles of ecstasy sparking up your neck and into your cheek muscles.
His fingers pressed into your warm skin over the towel; while the unfamiliar pout and coyness caused Soonyoung to laugh at you benevolently.
He released the hand holding your chest to shake his head playfully. Resting against the counter to smile down at you. Peppering the opposite shoulder with kisses. Brushing his thumb up and down against the back of your neck where it was trapped; just to feel you shiver and whine. 
“What’s wrong, angel?” Soonyoung’s smile pressed into the skin on your shoulder as he pushed a mocking tone. “Does something hurt?”
“Nghh - Soon -” You moaned shyly as he pressed down forcefully at the wound. You couldn’t help but grind down on him at the spark that struck through you - the fucker did that on purpose - before moaning quietly. 
The fucker was deliberately teasing you, but you had no will to bite back like usual. And that only made his eyes crease further in amusement.
“Yeah - yeah it - it does - hurting - ngh -” 
But you both knew it didn’t really hurt. It was pleasantly numb despite the pinch and you were just bashful in the spotlight of sudden vulnerability, more than anything else. 
'Need you - it hurts - please, Soonyoung.' 
You whined suddenly, loud and needily  in the echoing link.
You were satiated only by his cheek meeting your own, and being held against his chest in a solid purr of an embrace. He pressed his lips all over your free ear, pacifying you.
“Show me, angel.” Soonyoung soothed you, kissing at your ear and grumbling against your cheek dotingly. “I need to see it, to close it, love.”
You moaned at the tingling spreading into your scalp; the shifting of his hips pushing your blood at a faster beat in your chest and out of the wound every time his cock throbbed inside of you.
“Can you show me, please, beautiful? Need to see ~”
With a muted whine and a nod, you released your shoulder very slowly. You prevented the new blood flow from being pushed out every other second by your anxiously beating heart via your palm atop Soonyoung’s hand pressing down tighter and tighter over the towel on your skin. 
He grumbled at the contact; gently twitching his knuckles under your fingers.
You pulled your eyes away with a swimming mind to ease the pressure pulling in opposite directions over your head.
“Thank you, gorgeous.” He purred through open lips, pressing a chaste, open kiss to the shoulder behind the towel, before guiding your dizzy head up and away by a pinched chin as he peeled away the fabric. 
You whimpered feebly, palms pressing down into the counter to ease your nerves.
It was unusually tender. Somewhat awkwardly angled. But it had hit the mark. And it was a clean bite, too.
He hummed softly at the sight once the towel was removed. 
“I see…” Soonyoung mumbled absently. “Relax baby, I’ve got it.”
He moved past you to turn on the tap and dampen the edge of the towel; switching between dabbing at your skin and rinsing the cloth with warm water until he could lick and suck at the skin with the iron taste removed as much as possible.
He didn't mind blood in his line of work. He often came home stinking of it.
He also didn't mind it to protect you; in fact, it was a byproduct that inflated his ego.
But any blood coming from your body made his knees weak, in a rush to protect you.
There was no need for soap or disinfectant as his mouth provided all the goods; meaning he could close an open wound immediately if he wanted.
But Soonyoung held a particular distaste for any spec of your blood on his tongue - for the above reasons - and tried his absolute doggy darn best to avoid it.
“You’re all worked up - that’s why it’s bleeding so quick and heavy - my pretty dove."
The new pet name rolled from his throat with a vibration that made you moan.
"All that adrenaline - it's gone and mixed with the poison in your veins. That’s why it’s best not to fight it… Don’t want you getting hurt, or panicked… Easy, let me…” 
Soonyoung’s voice trailed off as he cleaned the mark, moving to concentrate on clotting the wound with his saliva.
His tongue spread flat and wide up behind your ear. Completely consuming you in affection. Licking and sucking at your ears as he went, growling against your efforts to gain some sort of friction on his heavy cock.
You whined softly, closing your eyes to the overwhelming buzzing atop your shoulder. What had started on the surface, ebbed into a lack of sensation across your one bicep and shoulder blade; even aching up into your jaw. His saliva mixed with the poison and acted as a natural numbing cream and it was starting to make you feel equally unbelievably horny and anxious.
The feeling of relinquishing control and being unable to move in his protective grip made your lip wobble in a voiceless battle.
A hugely unfamiliar grumble of a growl struck up Soonyoung’s chest as he chose not to let you go, holding you to him in an unusually possessive way once the bite was sealed.
Your heartbeat spiked, the Wolf in you fighting your human aspect, and Soonyoung pulled out and away immediately, releasing you.
“Easy, easy pup, you can let go. Go on, go out, you're free to go -”
He anticipated it before it even hit you. 
Struggling slightly on strong arms: he reached to pull the door open. 
"Easy Y/N, you're okay."
Allowing the fog to release and you  stumble out desperately, silk pants bundling your knees until you fell against the soft carpet of the entry hall. Panting heavily with shaking legs and unmatched eyes as you spun to peer up at your Mate at the door, his eyes a beacon amongst the blurred view.
“Soonyoung -” Your face read as a pure shock. Voice practically a moan, confusion evident as your mind caught up with your fight or flight response that threw you out of the room and onto the floor. 
Before you could fumble an apology, he understood.
"Shh, it’s okay my pretty Omega. Take a breath. You're safe."
Your pulse was pounding and the sudden feelings caused you to go into overdrive. He purred at the desperation in your voice.
“Are you okay?” He huffed in deep worry. Deep, hoarse. His Wolf was clearly fighting to move, but he was still in control.
“I’m -” You thought for a moment, before gathering yourself. Nodding. “Yes. Just - I - that was a lot… I’m sorry, I was fighting it Soonyoung, I-I wasn't ready, I -” 
“Would you like to try that again, after you’ve calmed down some more, pretty dove?” He stopped your rambling again, in an unusually calm voice. "We moved too fast - it spooked you too much, is all."
You paused momentarily. “The - I - but you’ve already Marked me once Soonyoung, are you not tired? Do you not get any kind of rebound from moving so fast?” Even in the fog, you could see his eyes pinch.
“No.” He answered simply. “Just a hunger to Mark every inch of you until there’s no clean skin left.” His voice was low, coarse and drawn out. 
Soonyoung was clearly holding back, but it was making your heart patter with even more anticipation. You pulled your knees to your chest in a loose attempt to cover your modesty. But the scene was tinged with the smell of sex and the sound of your anxiously bated breath, so there was little point in hiding yourself.
“The chemicals in my body are endless. They only ease after the urge is satiated. And you know how that goes.”
Despite the tone, you cracked a smile at his cheek pulling up. A canine snug over his lip in a smile. “Yeah, I do.” You whispered, shying from his gaze. “It never ends.”
Soonyoung had matured a huge amount since you had first cornered him to finally claim you, to tie you onto his life bond with pure instinct and little brain involved. The decision was final, fated. And you could never see a life without him in it, even on your worst days.
The strengthening of the bond would mean giving up your whole self. After so many years of isolation as a human female in a world of very real threats, you knew the decision should be a weighted and worrying one. But the prospect only brought you a sense of peace.
“Would you like to try that again Y/N? In a short while, after you've got your breath back?”
Looking at the large windows in your lounge, you took a minute and thought about it again. A little longer this time. Considering him with an innocent and somewhat blank face - the face of someone who totally wasn’t considering the implications of giving up their total anonymity to their partner. 
“We can wait. It’s a big decision.”
Before something struck in your gut. 
Soonyoung was gently pushing you for an answer. 
He could hear your anxious thoughts like distant ghostly whispers. Inaudible, but inescapable. 
Telling him to pull you towards him like the singing of angels in the absolute knowledge of God’s choir; a responsibility that weighed heavy on his soft and dog-eared heart that beat empathetically for only you.
“No, no, it’s okay… I know my answer. Yes, I would. I want it. I would want you to  - do, whatever it was you needed to do, in order for us to be matched up for good.” Your cheeks heated up after that last one. “It’s been on my mind since you taught me about it.”
Underneath his shadow at the foot of the door, your thighs rubbed unconsciously together. The new indents on your neck were framed by your hair, and highlighted by the dim yellow eyes that looked up at him for reassurance. 
Soonyoung smiled softly, nodding with a loving haze pulled over his features. Resting his head and body weight against the door as he smiled down at you.
You were ready, but your nerves were tangible. The scent lay sour on his tongue.
“Go to your den, my brave little Turned-Lupine. You're still far too highly strung to think clearly. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. Wait for me there. Then, if you change your mind, we can stop. Or we can carry on. Whatever you want, I'll follow. It’s your decision in the end, Y/N. I promise.”
Soonyoung’s instructions were soft in delivery but final. And the use of such an official legal title made you shy.
You nodded, curling in on yourself before he eased you with a smile, "Go on, pup. Go calm down. I’ll be with you in a minute. I’m sorry for pushing it - the link. We’ll go a little slower next time." 
He waited for your timid nod of confirmation before pulling the bathroom door closed and moving fluidly into the space behind the darkly tinted glass door.
“Wait, Soonyoung -” You called out softly, tenor weak as you felt him move away.
It was still all too much… But you didn't want to be left all alone again.
He re-opened the door enough to see his upper body. Smile soft, eyes small against his cheeks.
“What is it, love?”
You - you weren’t sure.
You just knew you didn’t want to let him go.
"I don't - just - don't go…"
Soonyoung’s expression softened greatly. 
You were tugging at the bond again, very very desperately. So lost in the changing of tides. So desperately afraid to ask for guidance. 
“Go on, Y/N. I’ll be with you shortly. I’ll be there. I promise. I won’t be going anywhere else but with you, in that den, once I'm done here. Okay?”
Soonyoung watched as you battled with yourself greatly. Fiddling with the ankle hem of your trousers and worrying your lips. Your brows creased and your eyes were drawn to the floor.
But he was patient. Eventually, you nodded with a pout. Soonyoung mirrored you; nodding back gently.
“Alright. I’ll be going now. See you soon love ~"
You smiled with a returning wave as he closed the door. No doubt returning to the scene of original sin to let off some more ‘steam’ to control himself better. 
You didn’t blame him. In fact, you were starting to feel the same way. Maybe even somewhat jealous.
On the floor, with the morning light hitting the windows, you quickly scrambled to gather your thoughts. 
They rushed into your brain, harsh enough to grant a small ache behind your eye.
The truth was; you were a grown woman. An Alpha’s Mate. You trusted him with your life. And yet you felt silly at the virtually butterfly-inducing anxiety imagery of him coming into your safe space after what had just happened.
And the lies lay multiple. Thin and sparse and barely backed up by anything you had seen. He wasn’t about to hurt you. The guy loves you, you reasoned internally.
With a putter of a puff-cheeked sigh, you hauled up on heavy arms to tug the trousers back up around your ankles, to your thigh, to your waist.
It was a little silly; given there were wet handprints layered over every high point of your ass. But it was enough to get you going; shuffling towards your room. 
Soonyoung’s grunts and quieted moans made you warm from head to toe.
“Den - right - got it!” You whispered to yourself. 
A small yelp escaped you as you got up way too fast; stumbling towards your room to get just past Soonyoung’s heavy groaning breathing made you even more insane than before the whole thing had started.
You approached the door of your den; and ran into it. Collapsing onto the bed with a quick yell into the cushions before composing yourself.
"This is gonna be one hell of a night, me. Get it together girl. You got this."
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“Y/N. Can I come in?” 
What a silly question. It was his home. But as he waited patiently for an answer, you hummed a noise of approval, picking at the button on your duvet.
Soonyoung opened the door before closing it behind him softly.
It had been a long time since he had been in here. Your place of rest. Your sanctity. Your burrow. You slept together often - but it was important you had somewhere to go when you needed to be alone. And he never tried to enter this space, should it be tinted by him. Today was different.
“Wow - It’s pretty in here, pup!”
Soonyoung noted how much you had cosied up the place. Mesh curtains aligned the walls. The window was blocked completely. Instead, the light came from fairy lights scattered randomly across the room. Soft music came from a nightlight speaker hidden behind some pillows, muffling any harsh sounds. The blue water light flowed across the ceiling, calming and serene.
You shuffled, releasing your grip on your knees as he waited for you to acclimate to his pressing aura inside of your gentle-edged bubble.
“Thank you.” You mumbled finally, releasing your pent-inhale and watching the patterns with him for a moment.
After a while, your hand reached out. Linking your fingers into his. Pulling your Mates attention towards you on the mattress. 
He followed his eyes, up your arms towards your face with a hum. Until he stood above you, red eyes bearing into your own.
“You look better already…" You mumbled.
A small smile came from Soonyoung. 
You loved it when he smiled. His round cheeks brightened up any rainy day.
"Do you feel any better, Soon?"
“Thank you, sweetheart. The fever may come back, after the rut.” He whispered back bluntly, hand straying to thumb at your cheeks. “But the more you’re near me, the better, me thinks.”
“Oh…” You mumbled bashfully. “Then, Soonyoung?”
Soonyoung’s irises pinched as he inhaled deeply, nodding at you to go ahead and ask your question. At this level, your nose picked up the sweet smell of his rut before he had even made it to the bed. 
Right now, your mouth was watering. And when you looked back up, he was met with yellow eyes and the most submissive expression he had ever seen from you in the years you had known each other.
“I - I do want you to fuck me, Soonyoung. As my life partner. As an Alpha - my Alpha…"
Those words were foreign and weighted in your usually independent mouth. But they were genuine.
"You've been so patient with me. Please, Mark me. I’m ready. I - I need you, Soonyoung. Really, really, really, really badly.” 
And so at the break in your weak pleading voice, Soonyoung’s stomach erupted into a growl you could feel spike the hair on the back of your neck. You took a deep breath before the match struck, and you were both pulled to each other.
You’re not sure if you met Soonyoung’s mouth halfway or if he totally overpowered you as he clashed your gums with his, but in a flash, you were laying flat on your back with his body weight hot and pressed against you, throbbing hard cock pressed into your thigh and hip and abs pressuring your nipples even through your shirt.
Upon impact, he ate up your whines, rib cage vibrating against his. He weighed you into the bed; like a large weighted blanket of pure love placating your thirst and hunger and lust; all in the safety of your private room.
Your den was going to be left with the scent of him, and the thought made you drool.
The kiss was nothing but pure sin. 
Hot and heavy lust that sucked your tongue between his teeth, leaving you breathless and gyrating under the weight of his abdomen for any friction whatsoever. Your thighs wriggled free under his legs until they hit the floor alongside his own, Soonyoung kneeling on the bed.
A long line of saliva dropped between your lips and into your open mouth as he pulled away, face hovering over yours. Soonyoung gripped your cheeks; curling his lip to snarl directly down upon you, commanding a direct “Open up”. 
With an entirely submissive moan, you opened your lips, tongue welcoming the spit of your mixed saliva into the back of your throat with a gulp against your palette. You choked lightly before swallowing, moaning and performing intensely for the red eyes watching you with possession before Soonyoung moved you both in a jolt.
Soonyoung used his grip on your face and an arm under your ribs to tug your entire body onto the bed, following immediately after. 
His sharp teeth met the flesh of your left breast as he pressed his thighs onto your legs, pushing your breast up and out of your silk shirt with almost closed eyes.
He was acting and moving on pure instinct. 
Licking and nipping messily at your nipples until you gained the will to move, your own sharper nails grabbing at his scalp.
Soonyoung stiffened. Coming to a sudden, complete stop. It was momentary, but it felt like hours with the way you strained to look down at him. He had a scowl on his face and it made your legs shake in anticipation.
But it was a test. 
You should be laying down. Trusting him to move for the both of you. This could take some time, he realised as you pressed up on your elbows to prompt him.
He considered you as your heart beat frantically against his lips. Not yet eased. 
Still trying to put up a fight with your new body. Battling the poison in your blood and yet desperate to fulfil your desires. 
One could not complete without the other subsiding. You needed to pick a path or be encouraged. The poison would dissipate after eventually being fought for a long period; or consume your biology entirely if you just let it.
He would guide you to the edge. But then it was up to you to choose if you truly wanted to fall.
And as your heart pumped your blood even faster into your body in an attempt to rise, to challenge him and speak - Soonyoung had sunk his sharp and long canines into the thin skin between your breast and your heart, moaning in a deep baritone hum at your cries.
That close to your heart, the poison in his gums made you writhe underneath him. 
The familiar pain melted into that slow and consistent thrumming full-body pleasure. 
He held your wrists firmly against the duvet, unable to control your legs kicking up the sheets beside his hips and thrashing your head while your heart pumped the poison into your limbs.
“It hurts so - fuck - so good Soonyoung, please, please, I need a release, please, please please please, fuck!”
The poison set your veins on fire. Sparkles and cracks hitting along each inch of your body as you cried out, moaning and whimpering, writhing for something, anything to get you off.
As soon as it hit your brain, Soonyoung let go of you.
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Well would you look at that: 13/April/2023
156 notes · View notes
slytherinshua · 1 year
okay like.... its giving mer-prince...
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whenever i stumble upon this jeonghan again i die... very violently. @fairyhaos fantasy fics with svt 😔 nymph shua, mer-prince jeonghan, who's next?
71 notes · View notes
daegutowns · 7 months
svt as camp half-blood demigods
tags: camp half blood au, greek demigods
cabin one: zeus seungcheol
of course, cheol is the son of the king of olympus. he has a presence that commands respect, and sometimes, he radiates the aura of a king too. as one of the senior campers, he deals with a great deal of responsibility while using the respect to direct younger campers in a meaningful way. he likes to give tours to the newcomers, since it makes them less scared to talk to him in the future. his best field is swordfighting, and he’s always bought over for capture the flag. 
cabin three: poseidon joshua 
there was no one quite as poseidon’s kid as josh. he’s known around camp half-blood for his suave charms, as smooth as the sea and smelling like sea breeze. the aphrodite kids like to mess with him because he always takes their jokes in stride, being respectful yet mischievous enough to hit them back with something playfully. he enjoys talking with the naiads by the lake and surfing in the sound whenever the tide is right. he swims daily and always wears a seashell on his camp necklace. he excels in swordfighting and likes feeding the pegasi. (they always have something interesting to say to him about something.) 
cabin four: demeter vernon 
one with nature is vernon. you can usually find him out in the strawberry fields with the satyrs and nymphs. he’s interested in hearing their stories and hearing the nymph gossip (which runs deep and is very layered with hundreds of years of history). his cabin is filled with pots of plants and seeds that are awaiting planting. he’s not a fan of a lot of violent activities, but he excels in the more crafty and nifty stuff. he’d like to call himself more of a behind-the-scenes guy and leaves the fighting to the other cabins. 
cabin five: ares  jun 
truly, there is no one who expected jun to be an ares kid. he’s a soft character when you first meet him, but he gets more lively later on. people say he should’ve ended up in a different cabin, but jun likes the liveliness and energy that the ares cabin brings. physically, he’s inclined more towards many different types of fighting. he’s good with the bow and arrow and also with the sword. he’s more of a jack of all trades when it comes to that stuff, which makes him kind of popular within the ares cabin. his easy going nature makes him more popular outside of his half-siblings. 
cabin six: athena wonwoo, woozi, mingyu  
even before he was claimed, the hermes kids were pushing wonwoo to stay with the athena kids. it was so obvious, even from the start. he’s bookish and a good strategic mind. he’s always calculating some strategy to help defeat the other team in capture the flag. he gets very into it, and he’s versatile enough to be defending the flag or capturing the other team’s flag. he’s usually seen tutoring the other kids in greek mythology. 
many people speculated where woozi was going to go. his music writing skills pointed him towards the apollo kids… his physical prowess pointing him to the ares kids… his demeanor pointing him towards the empty hades cabin… but ultimately, he ended up in athena’s cabin. he fights with a shortsword and is often seen hanging around the apollo kids. he’s a good recruiter to get them to join them in capture the flag. 
mingyu was someone everyone expected to either be claimed by ares or aphrodite. (and trust me, aphrodite wished she had mingyu as her son, much to the smugness of athena.) but, mingyu was in peak form when he worked using his head, and he has a lot of talent in many different areas. it made him the perfect athena child, so be physically and mentally competent. most people don’t expect it from him, so he uses it to his own advantage. 
cabin seven: apollo deekay, dino
deekay is a literal ball of sunshine. this was another one that everyone could see from a mile away. he radiates happiness and glows with the sunlight. you can usually find him on the volleyball court with his half-siblings, challenging others to a friendly match. he likes kayaking and his favorite role in capture the flag is border patrol. he’s not much for the fighting scene, being a healer-type instead of the bow-and-arrows-type of apollo kid. 
if there was anyone no one knew was going to be an apollo kid, it was dino. he spent a lot of time in the hermes cabin unclaimed before moving to the apollo cabin, so he was used to their presence. even after getting claimed, he finds himself hanging out with them a lot. he’s talented in swordfighting, which is more unusual compared to his half-siblings, but they’re very supportive of his uniqueness. 
cabin ten: aphrodite  seungkwan 
the it-boy of the aphrodite cabin is none other than seungkwan. he’s a good gossip and mediator of conversation, making him popular amongst his half-siblings and around the camp. he’s basically their spokesperson, though he isn’t the head counselor. he’s really into the skincare aspect of beauty, and his goal is to make his own skincare line for demigods. he has big dreams ahead of him. 
cabin eleven: hermes  jeonghan 
of course the son of the god of pranks and tricksters would be jeonghan. stolen from the camp store? been there, done that. broke into a building? also done before. he’s the head counselor of their cabin because he’s responsible enough to not get caught with his pranks unlike some of his other siblings. he’s handy with a blade and easily underestimated due to his thin frame. however, he’s incredibly athletic and known for his prowess in climbing the lava wall. 
cabin twelve: dionysus  hoshi, myungho 
now this is a combination of siblings no one really expected. 
really going with dionysus being the god of parties, hoshi is outgoing and peppy. a lot of people thought he would be in cabin five with jun, but he’s definitely dionysus’s kid. it’s weird seeing your dad as “mr. d” and hearing less than great stories about him, but hoshi always takes it with stride. he’s the head counselor and always looking to make things more fun with a good can of diet coke. 
no one really expected myungho to be a dionysus kid, but he’s just like his dad in the way that the strawberries go crazy around him. everyone’s sure that he would have the same effect on grapes, but no one’s allowed to test it out because zeus hates mr.d right now. he’s pretty mellow, but he makes a mean kombucha. 
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