#they all share a single brain cell
soonsoons · 2 months
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bss (+chan) being normal as per usual
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jumpingtoconclusions · 7 months
The skywalkers might be exceptionally talented individuals whose actions influenced decades of history of an entire galaxy, but they’re also dumb as fuck.
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rottingrat-jpg · 8 months
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Woooooo doodle of this thing
He's so silli like wtf why he so tooth like
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fizzytoo · 8 months
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childotkw · 9 months
In your Harry Potter multiverse theory, you mentioned that Hadrian could fly to another universe. Actually, i realized that this event could work just like in the spiderman movie. The whole world is discovering that Hadrian is Harry Potter , and he is getting tired of all the difficulties, so he turns to a ritual. Of course, in this scenario, there could be many inconsistencies and illogical elements because i wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea of Hadrian facing criticism just because he is Harry Potter. However, these are all just products of imagination. Imagine that the ritual resulted in unexpected consequences, and everything started flying to other universes. Of course, including Hadrian as well. It would be a lot of chaos and bloody events. Even just seeing Canon Voldemort's reaction would be thrilling! A handsome and attractive Hadrian? im sorry, i guess i shouldn't read too many comics. But i should find a writer who can bring this idea to life in a short document! (i still couldn't find it)
Tbh, that does sound like something Hadrian might attempt if he was desperate and upset enough. It's his brand of stupid recklessness 😂
It could be something that could be woven into Shadowed Smiles though...a ritual or spell goes wrong and starts yeeting different AU versions of Harry into the one universe - but what threatens to collapse it all isn't that there's too many versions of one soul running around, it's that some of these Harrys have a very upset Dark Lord trying to track their Harry down and it's like a tug-of-war with the fabric of reality.
You'd have canon Harry, Hadrian, ybtm!Harry, RhDM!Harriet, maybe a Harry that is Death, a Dark Lord!Harry whose Tom is the 'good guy', etc.
It'd be fucking chaos 😂
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quasiimodo · 1 year
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Chapter Three: Pyramid-Life Crisis
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elliesmith33 · 1 year
Anyone else burst out laughing at the cliffhanger??
We were not surprised.
Yet it was still disappointing.
That’s fusebox for you.
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dreamlandforever · 10 months
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 21 - Hammock
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 900
XXI. Hammock | Stiles Does not Break a Bone in This One
“That is not how you use a hammock, Stiles.” Derek reprimanded, as he saw his boyfriend being spun like a burrito by Isaac and Scott. He knew the only way this could end was with one, or the three of them badly injured, especially if the one injured was his boyfriend, but the trio just laughed at him.
“You are not the hammock police, Derbear.” Stiles screamed, while spinning widely. 
Derek rolled his eyes at him, making sure he was in the direct line of sight of his beta and co-Alpha. “There’s no way the hammock can…”
Before he could even finish his sentence there was a loud thud. Derek closed his eyes counting to ten.
“If Stiles is harmed in any way…” He began, but both the wolves started running before he was done. He sighed once, before opening his eyes again. “Stiles?” He asked tentatively. 
“I’m good, Der.” He said simply, already standing up. “Did you break something?” He yelled after where Derek assumed the other two had run to. 
“No!” He heard Scott’s faint answer. 
Derek turned back to Stiles and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Scott caught me before I dropped to the floor. Isaac pulled both of us up.” Stiles offered simply, while making sure his leg still worked and trying to tie the hammock back up.
“Hell no” Derek said, taking the thing away from Stiles and carrying it back inside. “I knew this was a bad idea, and this is why.” He was proud of Scott, both for being fast enough to catch Stiles and for even having that instinct in the first place. He shouldn’t be that surprised, Stiles and Scott spent most of their time together and were rather protective of the other, but still, they shenanigans usually involved the two of them getting caught, so he didn’t have that much faith on either of their go-to reactions. But if Scott’s was to keep Stiles safe, maybe he was Derek’s new favorite.
“Der, I didn’t even get hurt! It was fun! We knew that was going to happen, it’s physics. But if they go faster next time, we’ll be fine!” Stiles tried to reason, following him to the kitchen.
“Stiles, do you even hear yourself? No, you are not going faster, being held by two werewolves. You’re going to break something. It might even be something important.” Derek countered, throwing the hammock in the trash, where he should have placed it the moment Erica showed up with it.
“Dude, but…”
“Do not dude me, especially right now.” Derek countered, his anger filtering through. He took a deep breath and counted to ten once again, ready to fight Stiles on this. When no answer came, he turned to face Stiles once again, but the man was just looking at him weirdly. Before he could even ask what was wrong, Stiles was hugging him tight, burrowing his head in Derek’s neck. Derek immediately hugged him back, scenting Stiles a little, just to make sure himself that the man really was fine.
“I’m sorry I worried you, Derek. We were really just having fun.” Stiles held a little tighter, before letting his arms just find a place around Derek’s hips to rest comfortably.
Derek smiled against Stiles’ hair. “I know.” He said softly. Because he did. That didn’t mean he didn’t worry about his boyfriend, and how often he got himself into trouble. “But maybe have fun in a way that doesn’t end with you breaking a bone?” 
“Yeah, after you take me out for dinner. I was supposed to get pizza with Isaac and Scott, but I don’t think they are coming back soon.” Stiles said simply, smiling up at Derek.
Derek let out a soft laugh, hugging Stiles to his chest with one arm. “Sure thing. Do you want to go to that Thai place you like?” 
“Oh, yes, please!”
“Stiles, this is not a reward for doing stupid shit.”
“Of course not! It’s a reward for not getting killed.”
“No, it isn’t!” 
“Can’t hear you! First one to the Camaro gets to drive!” Stiles shouted as he made a run for the elevator, laughing happily. He doesn’t make it first, but he gets a kiss and Thai food, so he still counts it as a win. 
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sleepy-bebby · 2 years
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kimteume · 11 months
TikTok update from Jeongwoo
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dreamofbecoming · 5 months
just realized my love of stobin probably stems from whatever made the ten/donna dynamic hit like that for baby me
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makerofmadness · 2 years
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Kingdom-only fans this is what you're missing out on
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Hiccup's real accomplishment wasn't, in fact, the unprecedented training of a night fury and the way he changed the entire archipelago, but the fact that he was able to survive three movies, eight seasons of a show, 10 comics of varying lengths, and 3 or 4 specials being followed around by the five BIGGEST dumbasses in the entire archipelago.
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 years
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I was going through my stuff earlier today trying to find important treasures to share (per request), then got distracted and took a photo of these Summer GraffArt acrylic stands from 2020 instead.
I just want to manifest them both looking all pasty and cute on a beach in the movie, is that too much to ask?
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marshiestars · 1 year
Sans: hey, bill, i’ve been wonderin’: what do you think about?
Sans: what would happen if you microwaved a microwave. i know it would explode, but, like, how much?
Alastor: Oh! Um... I’d rather not say. It’s a little embarrassing.
Sans: yeah, can’t be any worse than what we just said.
Alastor: No.
Alastor: ...Nashville hot chicken...
Sans: . . .
Bill: . . .
Sans: ...y’know what? i get it.
Bill: SAME.
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if i give imelda's lines another read i will convince myself some of her lines actually once belonged to young!sharp lmao; mc has a taste for sassy people!
me too; not me writing fanfic in tags noooooo
#днявочка#днявочка: hlegacy#eng tag#ZERO JOKES.#sometimes i sit back and think about#damn wright tag#damn wright#yeah so#after spending a lot of time around the both of them--sharp and imelda--she'll start to think they're legilimenses or share brain cells#because sometimes they're using same words same phrasing same attitude same THIS:#“I refuse to downplay my talents to coddle someone else's fragile ego.”#wright's too polite to ask them this but she thinks they're kindred spirits and mutually appreciate each other's passions for their crafts#then she gets drunk again and goes on a long ramble about it#bc they're her favourite people and they're fun and all but how so! *the ramble becomes progressively awkward as it goes*#sirona:#imelda:#the entirety of the inn:#wright: wot#imelda: i will remember every single detail of this#wright: AND.#imelda: do you even remember what you've just said#wright: NO?#imelda: lol good for you i mean bad pray sharp would not hear any of this oh wait we're in the three broomsticks julia you're done for#*the next day*#“i do not know what i was thinking”#“you're failing at it at increasingly fast rates; what is the deal with you? again?”#“again what. i didnt mean to get drunk in the inn. you know. the privacy of the mind is non-existent there.”#“*the deepest sigh possible* you. spirits. fill the gap.”#“oh. oooh. um. reasons. no reasons. im 16. yeah. that's the one”#“ok you run along now but next time you're anywhere near the bottle you'd do better to avoid even glancing in its direction”
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