airi-p4 · 4 months
I know it's not the same but take this humble Vipernette art @winter-petal
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lineith · 2 years
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My piece for the @lukacouffainezine A charity fanzine benefiting Musicians Without Borders.
A double spread featuring the blueberries 🫐 Closeups on my IG.
|Check my Miraculous Ladybug tag for redesigns and lukanette content| |DO NOT REPOST MY WORK|
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mc-lukanette · 10 months
"You want me to patrol?" Luka asked, staring down at the snake miraculous being held out to him.
Ladybug nodded. "Yeah! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be great at it!"
That wasn't what he'd been thinking about, actually. Taking the miraculous from her hand and putting it on - something she looked oddly pleased about - he pressed, "I don't mind, but why do you want me to do it?"
The miraculous shifted into its disguised state, a light coming off to bring Sass back into existence. The kwami reclined back like he was lounging in an invisible chair, then waved a paw and replied, "Public opinion."
Luka stared, still feeling lost.
Ladybug tilted her head in Sass's direction, continuing, "It's hard for snake heroes to gain any favor from the public. Real snakes are scary for people and no one can understand your power more than you can."
He vaguely understood that. To everyone else, the snake's powers weren't particularly flashy and the only one who got to experience the reset timelines was him. He'd never particularly considered how people thought about it as he didn't really care, but he acknowledged that the two were making sense.
"I care about all my heroes," Ladybug added, putting her hands on her hips, "and I want the public to care about them too. I'm sure all you need to do is go out there, put on a little snake charm, maybe tell a few stories about your timelines, and everyone will get that Viperion does great work just like everyone else, if not greater."
He couldn't be sure if she'd added on the end because she meant it, or because she could only gauge his success rather than his time and effort. The thought that she considered him a hard enough worker that he could outpace others made him smile.
"I'll do it. Thank you, Ladybug."
She beamed. "No, thank you." She took his wrist with the bangle in both hands and lifted it to her chest level, as if reciting a prayer to it. "I have my own things to do, but I know you'll do a good job with or without me!"
He nodded obediently. "Is there anything else I should know?"
"No! Or—" She paused, pursing her lips. It was the face of someone who felt like they were forgetting something. "Mm, not know, but..."
She pulled out her yoyo, popping it open and slipping her hand inside. Her tongue stuck out to the side as she searched for whatever she was looking for, at one point putting her whole forearm in. When the movement stopped, she lit up with a delighted, "Aha!" and lifted out a folded sheet of paper. She unfolded it to give it a quick check, then happily handed it over to him.
It was a map of Paris, lines snaking across with numbered indicators and circled locations. He would've assumed it was Ladybug's that she was letting him borrow if not for the "Property of Viperion" written in the corner, both 'i's dotted with hearts.
It was cute.
Ladybug sidled up next to him, pointing to the various parts of the map to explain, "This is the quickest way to get around the city while still making sure you're being thorough. The circled spots are where you can meet with a lot of people at once; great for public image. Even Chat doesn't know these."
"Really?" Despite the teasing tone in her voice, he knew she wasn't lying.
"He doesn't need it. He's a cat and people love cats." She rolled her eyes in faux exasperation, then nudged him with a playful smile. "We snakes and ladybugs have to stick together, right?"
He smiled back. He had no idea where this whole conversation of hers had come from, but he nodded and agreed, "Right."
And with that, she was ready to go, stepping away and waving him goodbye before heading off. Luka waved back, but felt eyes on him and turned his head to see Sass staring at him with a knowing expression.
He learned that day that Sass hissed when chuckling.
Patrolling was entirely different from fighting akuma, Viperion learned. There wasn't any real tension so long as he didn't find anything, and it felt like it served a nice role in getting him further acclimated to his hero self. He could jump and travel around easily enough when he was called upon, but it didn't escape him how his jumps grew more confident and his landings more solid as time went on.
Whenever he came across a circled area on the map, he would do as Ladybug had recommended and talk to the various civilians he'd find there. Unlike what he imagined would happen with Ladybug or Chat Noir, he had to check on them first rather than being called over for pictures or comments. It didn't bother him beyond the concern that he wasn't doing as much as Ladybug asked, but he couldn't verify until he went back to her.
Time passed smoothly enough, Viperion mentally checking off the map's numbers as he went. Near the end of the patrolling path happened to be around Marinette's house too, so he was in a good mood.
He was within eyesight of the place when someone suddenly called out, "Hey, Viperion~!"
He almost faltered, looking out towards the familiar voice to see Marinette on her balcony and excitedly trying to wave him down. He smiled unconsciously, feeling the natural pull she always had on him that urged him closer, but snapped out of it when he remembered that he was Viperion at the moment. He was supposed to be a stranger to her.
Taking one more look at his map, he noted the circle - oddly enough - right around the bakery. He supposed it could've been referring to the park nearby, but regardless, he was meant to be talking to civilians and Marinette was indeed a civilian.
If it wasn't what Ladybug had in mind, he'd twist the rules just this once.
Giving Marinette a look to convey his intent, he waited for her to step back before leaping towards her, allowing him enough space on the balcony to safely land. It was equally helpful that some of the various things on the surface had been moved in such a way that he'd had a clear place to drop onto.
"Hey... citizen." Wow, that sounded bizarre. "Can I help you?"
She giggled - cute - and nodded at him. Beckoning to him, she stepped back towards the entrance to her bedroom. "Yeah. Come with me for a minute."
She was so forward about it that Viperion genuinely wondered if this was just something that happened with heroes, or only with Marinette specifically. Perhaps Ladybug had even been invited inside before?
He couldn't bring himself to refuse her, so he followed her down onto her bed, then down the stairs to the main part of her room. He watched her walk across and bend down to the chest near her chaise lounge, her hands fiddling with the latch to open it. She reached inside and pulled out something teal, but he couldn't quite see what it was with her body obscuring it.
Marinette, careful not to show him what was in her arms, walked over to a full-body mirror nearby. Finally turning to him, she held up the object and asked, "What do you think?"
Viperion's jaw dropped. There in her arms was a Viperion plush and, judging from his own reflection in the mirror, she'd even gotten the smaller details right. He got the distinct feeling that she had looked at him more than he'd looked at himself just to ensure that the plush was accurate.
"Wow, it's..." He approached, reaching out but not feeling able to touch the plush, as if he wasn't worthy of it. At Marinette's encouragement, he gingerly held one of the little arms and gave it a squish to test its softness. "This is incredible work."
"Thanks." She beamed, swaying her hips and looking pleased with herself. "I try to make one of everyone, but this one's my favorite."
He looked at her questioningly, touched yet confused, but she wasn't meeting his eyes anymore. Her gaze turning back at the chest, she gently placed the plush in his arms and returned to her collection to start pulling more of her work out.
Viperion glanced at the stuffed imitation of him, unsure of how to handle it but doing his best to give it support. Marinette must've seen him at some point while setting out plushies, given the otherwise random giggle she'd let out.
After roughly a minute, she'd finished, sitting in the middle of the two groups she'd set out and spreading her arms out above them. Indeed, there was a group of plush superheroes to one side of her and even a group of plush akuma to the other. If he really eyed their details, he could tell which had been made when she was just starting out and which she'd done recently once she had experience, but it was all equally impressive to him.
Bringing the plush with him, he sat down in front of her and let it sit on his lap. He couldn't care less what he'd looked like, too busy admiring her work. His face must've shown it without him saying anything, as she puffed her chest out like she was basking in the unspoken praise.
Then, his eyes locked on something purple, black, and out of place amongst the heroes. In any other circumstance, he probably wouldn't have focused or commented on it, but it was also of him: specifically, Silencer, his akumatized self who had relentlessly chased down Bob Roth and stolen the voices of multiple people, including Ladybug herself. Bitter memories rushed back to him of waking up after the fact and fearing what might've happened while he'd been under someone else's control, the worst being if he'd hurt Marinette in some way
"That's an akuma," he said flatly. His own tone caught him off guard, but Marinette either didn't notice or didn't mind his disdain for that particular plush.
She followed his gaze to the mini Silencer in question. Rather than realizing that she'd made a mistake, she smiled, picking up the plush and setting it on her lap. Hand resting on the soft helmet on its head, she looked at him and explained, "Yeah, but... he's a hero to me."
She couldn't keep saying things like that to him without elaboration. He could only take so much without letting his civilian self show.
Thankfully, she elaborated this time, "People at my school get akumatized all the time; sometimes right in front of me. I have to run away from them as fast as I can, because even if they're not after me, I'm still another potential target for them." She turned the plush so she could look at its face, her eyes going soft as she continued, "Silencer was the first time someone got akumatized to protect me; when I felt honored to be protected. He didn't want my attention either, he wanted to get revenge because of what Bob Roth did."
Viperion hadn't known that. He'd had a brief discussion with Marinette about something he'd apparently said, but he'd been needed on stage and couldn't finish any sort of conversation with her. It warmed him greatly, knowing that she appreciated him even as an akuma.
"Sure, he was still another one of Hawk Moth's akuma, so Ladybug had to take care of him," she acknowledged, "but I think he's a little misunderstood, like you."
"Like me?"
She nodded, bringing back her point from earlier. "That's why the Viperion plush is my favorite. You're the least popular out of everyone, but I bet you do so much work during your Second Chances. Even though you should be getting more credit for it, no one notices until you're going around—" She gestured between them, indicating their current situation. "—like this."
He grew quiet, already seeing the connection. His heart sank at the thought.
"...It's relatable," she whispered with a sad smile, her fingertips trailing across the top ridge of the plush Silencer's helmet, "not being noticed for what you can do, people seeing you at your surface level..."
Shifting, Viperion held his plush self to his chest and moved within arm's reach of her. With his free hand, he reached out, cupping her cheek to tilt her face up to him.
Quietly, but firmly, he told her, "For what it's worth, I think you deserve to be noticed for all of you, not just the part that people decide to see."
It was definitely pushing the boundaries of what he should be "allowed" to do as a hero, but at its core, Viperion thought that that's what a hero was meant to do. Saving Paris was only the surface level of what people saw heroism as: the deeper, more important part was to care for the emotional well-being of the civilians.
He'd already gone through akumatization once and he'd never wish such an experience on Marinette. Keeping her happy was a top priority for him, both before and now, regardless of how she felt about him.
Her mouth curving back into the smile he'd missed in its short time away, Marinette reached up and placed her hand over his. "Thank you. Sorry if I brought the mood down."
"This is my job—" It wasn't, not in the way she'd be thinking of anyway. "—and it's not much compared to what you did. Thanks for appreciating me."
She nodded, eyes shining with her own gratefulness. There seemed to be more that she wanted to say, but she dropped his hand and shook her head to rid herself of it. Regretfully, she admitted, "I shouldn't keep you any longer."
He nearly blurted out that she could keep him forever if she wanted, but he held back. Equally as regretful as her, he returned the Viperion plush to her waiting hands.
Marinette took it, taking the plush in her free hand and scooting out of the way. The movement left a Marinette-sized space where she'd been, which is where she decided to set the plush down. Putting the Silencer plush back where he was before, she also took the Ladybug plush and let it settle next to the Viperion one.
It left the two as the only ones in the once-empty spot.
"They look good together," she commented, looking over her shoulder at him.
He stared, not sure how to feel about his crush having an opinion on his relationship with someone else, but he didn't express it. She clearly thought highly of his partnership with Ladybug in a way no one else did, which he considered a positive.
"...Yeah." He grinned at her. "I think so too."
"So?" Ladybug clasped her hands together, curiosity in her eyes. "How'd it go?"
"I got to talk to people," Luka replied vaguely as he handed the miraculous back to her. His visit with Marinette had made everything else fuzzy by comparison. "There was no trouble, but there was only one person who wanted to see Viperion."
"I'm sure that'll change!" she assured, her blinding confidence thoroughly astounding him. Leaning in and grasping his shoulders, she insisted, "You deserve to be appreciated, whether that's as a civilian, a hero, or an akuma."
He went to thank her, practically overflowing with all the affection he'd received at that point, but he paused when her words truly registered with him.
Ladybug, however, didn't give him a chance to respond. She stepped away, stashing the snake miraculous into her yoyo and making her escape back out into the city with her usual wave of good-bye.
Luka was certain that he'd heard properly: she'd said akuma. He supposed it could just be a coincidence that Marinette and Ladybug had both happened to reference his akumatized self, but Ladybug's expression had hinted to him that it was more than that. It had been strange to him that Marinette's balcony had been open for him, and even more so that Marinette happened to be there like she was waiting for him. If both she and Ladybug had wanted him to feel appreciated (mission accomplished on that one, obviously), then it was possible that they'd teamed up to give him a double dose of gratitude.
Or at least, that must've been the reason, because the only other option was—
Just like that, Luka blushed a deep shade of red, the memory of Marinette placing the Ladybug and Viperion plushies together burning itself permanently into his mind.
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stardust-blossom · 11 months
Hey guys
today i was bored until i thought about something
Instead of the LS involving Adrien and Marinette, Instead, it's involving Luka and Mari.
I mean instead of Marichat, There's Vipernette
Instead of Ladrien, There's Lukabug
Instead of Adrienette, There's Lukanete
And last, but not least
Instead of Ladynoir, There's Viperbug.
(I'll also include bonus ships like Vipermouse, Lukamouse)
I think i have some spare time in my hands so i'll try to post it next week
Monday = Vipernette
Tuesday = Lukabug
Wednesday = Lukanette
Thursday = Viperbug
(BONUS) Friday = Vipermouse
(BONUS 2) Saturday = Lukamouse
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bearfoottruck · 2 months
So, I updated my fics earlier than usual today because 1. I got laid off after Wednesday, so I have more free time, and 2. I'm going to see Metallica at Gillette Stadium later tonight, so I wanna get these out of the way before I go.
Anyways, the big update I have for today is a birthday gift for @starlight-vixen-emiko, titled A Fine and Natural Sight (Fanfiction, AO3). Also, A Dark Birthday has reached its conclusion. Other than that, I have the usual updates for Wir sind Menschen, Terror At the Olympic Games, and of course, Gonna Kiss You On the Boulevard (Fanfiction, AO3).
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LBSC Smooch Roulette
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This is just a fun little prompt challenge we put together! There's no length limit and no deadline, so you can come back to this any time you want! Art and writing are both welcome. Please tag @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers in your Lukanette posts for this challenge, so we can reblog your post here and add it to our master list. We also have an AO3 collection here where you can add your works if you prefer to post there. We hope you all have a blast playing Smooch Roulette!
You're welcome to join our LBSC discord server for more Lukanette events or just to hang out and chat. (If the link expires or you have any issues, feel free to drop us an ask and we'll send you a fresh one.)
How it works:
We have our prompts divided into three categories. The first is a type of kiss, the second is a location, and the third is an identity pairing. For this challenge, you will choose one item from each category (or from as many or as few categories as you like; we're flexible). You can either choose from the list yourself, or you can let fate decide:
Here's an online random number generator you can use. Remember to set your max number according to the instructions below.
Step 1. Type of Kiss. Generate a random number between 1 and 71. Step 2. Location of Kisses. Generate a random number between 1 and 65. Step 3. Identity of Kissees. Generate a random number between 1 and 18. Step 4. Find your numbers in the chart above to assemble your prompt. For example, if your numbers are 2, 3, and 5, your prompt will be "palm kiss," "by the Seine," "Viperion x Marinette." So your challenge would be to write or draw a Vipernette palm kiss where some part of the story/scene takes place by the Seine.
Bonus: For an extra challenge, you can roll your random number generator again to select an AU (1-6) and/or mood (1-5) for your prompt!
This is meant to be fun and inspiring! If you don't like your first random prompt, generate another! If you don't feel like dealing with a category, skip it. We want you to challenge yourself, but enjoy yourself as well, and if that means you need to bend the guidelines a little bit, go for it!
This is a Lukanette blog and a Lukanette event, so while Lukanette does not need to be the main ship, it needs to at least be included or referenced and considered endgame (in other words, they don’t have to be together by the end of your work, but the intent is that they’re headed in that direction). The decision about what qualifies for reblog rests solely with the LBSC moderators. If a piece hasn’t been reblogged within a couple of days, either the mods felt the piece didn’t meet the criteria or it was simply missed; you are welcome to reach out in the asks to inquire which. There are plenty of other spaces out there for other ships and OT3s, and people are welcome to use the challenge rules and prompts to write for their own ships! They just won’t be reblogged to the LBSC blog, and we ask that you please not use the event tag (a modified form is fine - “InsertAlternateShipName smooch roulette challenge” instead of “LBSC smooch roulette,” for example).
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magical-xirl-4 · 2 years
I have an older Ladybug doll atm but my plans are getting a newer one as well as Marinette, Luka and Viperion so I can make Lukanette, Vipernette and ViperBug a reality. And probably a Lady Noire one so I can also make LukaNoire happen 😆
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ladyfreya123 · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Airi!!! 💙💙💙 Here’s my gift for you! You know you’re my best best best friend and you deserve the best gift I could make. Thank you for always being there, always supporting me, and cheering me up! You are like a little fairy who brings to everyone sparks of smile when they need it. Thank you for making the cutest art with a lot of your heart in it. Thank you for your heartwarming comics and fanfics that always brighten our days. And most of all, thank you for being there! ILY 💙💙💙
And there’s also a little bonus under the cut 😚
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lllluka · 3 years
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Here ya go! I tried to fix up those lukanette doodles I did (The whole set is 7 if you include the ones I've already posted before. so yeah. rlly went full brainrot and just did 7 lukanettes in a day for christmas so that was. huh)
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airi-p4 · 2 years
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Ok- so this is actually one alternate prompt @blacklicoriceaddict asked for my 700 followers requests and I liked it so much I ended up drawing it (here’s the previous Vipernette request I did).
This prompt is also the one that inspired THIS WIP + Finished Vipernette art -  With the FANTASTIC context addition by @nobodyfamousposts​ (so it’s kinda a redraw?)
I wasn’t supposed to get carried away with it but I kinda did (I regret nothing)
This is the last one of my 700 followers requests.  I hope you enjoyed them 💙
Full pic and close up under the cut:
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mc-lukanette · 2 years
Marinette couldn't help being concerned whenever she saw Viperion fight akuma on TV. Given all the times they'd spoken to each other, she knew well enough that what she saw was only a fraction of what he actually experienced.
So naturally, when he showed up on her balcony looking like he'd kicked a puppy, she was worried sick.
"Viperion!" She jumped up from her bed to hurry onto her balcony, leaning every possible way to look him over without touching. "Are you okay? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?!"
"I'm fine," he assured, though his tone didn't match it, "but..."
His hands went up to grab at the jacket he had on - the one she'd made for him - and slowly remove it, holding it out to her with a look of shame on his face.
Marinette paused, confusion overriding the concern. She stared at the jacket, trying to decipher what he was trying to tell her, then glanced back up at him. "What is it?"
"I'm sorry." He turned it slightly, holding it with one hand so he could point with the other. "I wasn't fast enough to stop it."
She grew even more puzzled now that she knew that there was apparently nothing wrong with Viperion himself. She squinted at the jacket, needing a few seconds to finally notice what he must've been talking about.
His magic bodysuit didn't show the same of course, but there was a notable rip in the jacket. All things considered, she would've called it absolutely tiny for the kind of work he did, yet he looked as if it'd been torn beyond repair.
"Can you fix it?" He frowned regretfully. "I hate that I have to ask so soon. I couldn't keep it safe."
Marinette opened her mouth, then exhaled instead of speaking. A small smile came to her face, realizing that she wasn't the only one who reacted like this when things happened.
"Come on in," she said, gesturing to beckon him inside. She dropped back down onto her bed, then walked down the stairs to get to her computer chair.
She heard his footsteps up above, then behind her as she slid over to her sewing supplies. She looked over her shoulder, hand extended towards him, and he was still pouting as he gave her the jacket back.
"It's just a little tear," she pointed out, bringing her fingertips to the rip to show that she couldn't even shove them through. "It's not a big deal. Besides, isn't it the akuma's fault?"
"I could've been more careful," he argued. "I thought I could keep it from getting torn up."
Gosh, it was like looking in a mirror. Marinette shook her head in disbelief, trying to bite back a smile as she reminded herself that this was incredibly soul-crushing for him.
She set the jacket down on the table so she could face him fully with freed hands. "I'm just happy that you like it enough to wear it around."
"I don't regret that," he said immediately, hands on his hips, "but I don't want to take up your time with a basic fix job."
"You can come whenever you want, even if it's not ripped."
His face colored. She tilted her head at the reaction before it registered what she'd really said. Suddenly, her face mirrored his.
She went to clarify, but he spoke first, asking, "Really?"
"Really?" she echoed, noticing that his expression had brightened. He looked surprised and even a bit... hopeful?
"Even if I'm not coming for the jacket?" he wondered.
"Of...of course," she replied tentatively. When he beamed at her in response, she wondered, "Does something so simple make you that happy?"
"You already gave me a jacket, and now you're even letting me - a superhero - into your world like you really want me here. If that's simple, then I like simple."
"Yeah, but—like you said, you're a superhero!" She waved a hand dismissively. "Why would you want to come here when you're - you know - superheroing?"
He frowned. "Why not?"
She swallowed at everything that must have to have gone unsaid in such a question. Viperion said it with such intensity that she knew he meant it; he saw no reason not to come visit her.
"Then... okay." She nodded, turning back to work on the jacket as an excuse not to look at his warm smile. "You can come any time you want, as long as my parents don't see you. They'll ask a lot of embarrassing questions."
"Oh, I'll be careful then," he promised. "And... thank you, Marinette."
"H-hm?" She'd barely put in a stitch by the time he'd said that. "I'm not even done yet?"
"No. I mean, for everything."
She blushed, fingers twitching before she put down the jacket again. Getting up from her chair, she faced him only in the process of turning around to walk past him. "I-I'm going to get some drinks and snacks for us."
Their smiles matched as she headed downstairs.
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stardust-blossom · 4 months
Poll time!
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shuuenka · 3 years
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have a smol vipernette doodle 
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lukanette-side-blog · 3 years
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So I tried to make a comic with ibis paint x. And drawing with your finger is so hard. So, this isn't what I expected but atleast I didn't make Luka look very weird like in my previous digital drawings.
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heyitsbugette · 3 years
Lukanette pre-reveal prompt AU
Ladybug wasn't the one to give Luka the snake miraculous, but master Fu himself. So, she doesn't know his identity. However, she's falling in love with him slowly.
Luka on the other hand has the biggest crush on Marinette, but he isn't as close with her because he is shy, as he communicates better with music. He wants to talk with our little baker girl, but it's hard for him.
When Ladybug confessed her feelings for his hero persona, it's up to him to reject her gently. Giving away little clues by accident, and mouth slips on his behalf, as he is nervous to hurt his friend and partner... give away his crush on Marinette Dupain Cheng.
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nerdypanda3126 · 2 years
I am here to politely ask for deets on the Vipernette Moment WIP. Vipernette owns my heart and soul. I can't help it.
Oh man me too for sure 😁
This is part of my Moments series which are really just soft moments of rest.
“Ready, buddy?” he whispered. When Sass nodded back, he said the quiet words to transform, thankful he was in a different room from Marinette so the flash of magic wouldn’t bother her. He’d be taking the balcony exit—an extra precaution that Marinette had insisted on when they’d gotten the apartment together, but Luka was glad for it now. There were more than enough reasons to be cautious now. 
Before he left, though, he walked to the bedroom door to check on her. She was still fast asleep, on her back, the just-visible 16-week bump of her stomach rising and falling evenly. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight. They hadn’t been married long, and already they were starting their family together. He was a father. The love of his life was having his child. 
He was drawn to her side and knelt beside her, stroking her hair back from her face as he slid his other palm under the swell of her stomach. There wouldn’t be movement he could feel for months still according to Marinette, but he liked to imagine that the little life under his hand could feel his touch and know how loved they already were. 
As if to reinforce the point, he bent to press a kiss to Marinette’s forehead. She was starting to run hot in her sleep and her forehead was clammy under his lips. He lingered for a moment, pressing his forehead to hers, hoping she knew how much he loved her, too. 
When he pulled back, her gorgeous blue eyes had opened and she yawned before she wove her fingers through his over her stomach. 
“You woke him up,” she said, smiling in a bleary, wistful way. 
“Her,” he corrected, grinning. 
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