Rhubarb ❤️✨
Ask me about my writing
Sorry for making you wait so long! I didn't see your ask until it was my bedtime, and today was a day at work. But I really had to think about this one anyway so there's that 😅
But thank you for the ask!! 💖
Rhubarb: a favourite snippet of dialogue.
It was so hard to pick just one 😭 I don't think I can pick just one favourite. But of the things I've written and posted (I don't want to spoil anything yet to come), one of my favourites is this bit from chapter 10 of Chords and Courtship. I worked so hard to get the dialogue in this scene right, and I'm really happy with how it captures then and the growing feelings between the two.
“Very little, I’m afraid,” she murmured. “I don’t have any musical training. A- someone taught me to play a short jig on the pianoforte. But I can’t read music. What does this mean?” she asked, pointing to the page.  
His heart fluttered when her eyes met his again. “That’s a chord.”  
“And a chord is?” Her eyes shimmered as she blinked up at him. She was sitting so close, he could count the freckles scattered across her face.
His breath caught in his throat. “A chord is three or more notes that are heard at once,” he murmured breathlessly.  
“And,” she bit her lip as she looked up at him, “what about when it is two notes?”
“That’s…” what was that called again? He had never forgotten a musical term since he was old enough to learn them. His ma often joked that his first word had been ‘clarsach.’ But with her sitting so close beside him, staring up at him with those blue eyes—made even bluer by her borrowed dress—and those rosebud lips and… and the way she was looking at his music with such reverence… He swallowed. “It’s called a- a…” did she realize how beguiling her smile was? Was his heart still beating? He couldn’t say if he was alive or- “It’s called a dyad.” His voice was nothing more than a croak. 
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flightfoot · 9 months
ML Fanfic recs for 2023: 2K - 5K Words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
An uncaffeinated Marinette makes for an easily misunderstood Marinette.
Luka’s a ghost. Naturally, he does some haunting. He didn’t expect to fall in love along the way.
Nathaniel keeps trying to confess his feelings to Ivan. Marc keeps trying to sabotage those attempts in order to confess his own feelings. Why does it seem like things never go right?
Cat Walker’s under orders to fight Ladybug. That doesn’t stop Adrien from helping his girlfriend.
Zoe and Kagami discuss the intricacies of relationships while being mildly inconvenienced by zombies.
Kagami awakens to find herself in a house with a zombie. This is less of a problem than you might think.
Sabine keeps having nightmares about Ladybug and Chat Noir killing Marinette. She has some basis to worry.
All this and more below the break!
They fill you with the faults they had. And add some extra, just for you by @unecoccinellenoire 
The thing is, Adrien Agreste isn’t a sentimonster. That’s the problem.
It’s left ambiguous exactly what’s happening, but... instead of the characters who’re canonically sentis being controlled, it looks like another method’s been used to keep them under their parents thumb. Basically, that what we thought were the kids amoks’ were actually used to brainwash more generally. Which leads to some complicated ethical questions for Adrien, since he now holds the rings. Especially since he can now use the rings on others the way they were used on him. 
what if we got married in the park by my house in the middle of the school year by @wooawi
Marinette comes up with an ingenious plan to take Adrien away from Gabriel's garbage parenting.
This was just fun. Of course Marinette’s immediate plan to get Adrien away from his garbage family is to make him part of her own. It’s hilarious and adorable and Adrien rocks the wedding dress!
Slip of the Tongue (And Not Enough Caffiene) by That_WildChild
Marinette is tired. Marinette is also uncaffeinated. This is not a good combination.
A sleepy Marinette accidentally suggests that she shares her bed with Ladybug. At least she's protecting her identity?
Pure Crack.
Ah, sweet, sweet crack! I giggled during the story. Marinette is “fucking Ladybug” indeed. At least her classmates are supportive! 
See This Chance by @19thsentry-blog
Luka died in 2016. Yep. Crushed by the Arc de Triumph when Mayura’s Robustus slammed into it. It was kind of a big deal, but once you’re dead, you’re dead—especially when there’s no Lucky Charm to bring you back.
Luka’s been dealing with it in the typical ways.
Written for FeLuka week 2023.
Yes, this is FeLuka. Not one of the typical ships I read, but I ain’t opposed to it, and this is a nice foray into the pairing. I love ghost AUs! Luka’s just fumbling around, unsure what to do with his incorporeal existence, until he starts haunting Felix. It’s an intriguing plot and I gotta admit, I wish it was longer so it could be fleshed out more, but what’s here is good.
Confession Plans of Questionable Sanity by yellow14
Nathanael Kurtzberg has a confession to make. He's in love with his big classmate Ivan. With the help of Marc, Marinette, Adrien and Nino, he's going to confess, using increasingly complicated schemes.
Marc meanwhile, is busy coming up with even more complicated schemes to sabotage those schemes so he can confess HIS feelings for his redheaded friend.
Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong with this, right?
Written for the March 2023 gift exchange on the Miraculous Fanworks Discord forum for CassieTheweirdWolf.
This fic’s just really funny. These kids love to make things waaaaay harder than they need to be. But hey, everything ends up working out in the end, even if it’s not the way they planned!
at our wedding by @anna-scribbles
“Chloé,” Adrien said slowly, “At our wedding, are we gonna have to…”
“No!” Chloé shook her head firmly. “We don’t have to kiss. We can do whatever we want. It’s our wedding.”
“Oh, good,” Adrien sighed.
“You have to kiss at a wedding,” Félix argued.
“I don’t have to do anything and you’re not the boss of me!” Chloé shouted.
“Yeah!” Adrien grinned. He grabbed Chloé’s hand again. “Yeah, it’s our wedding.”
Adrien and Chloé, wedding planning through the years.
Despite what the summary sounds like, this is NOT a Chloe/Adrien fic - this concentrates on their platonic relationship (and a bit with Felix, he shows up a few times) throughout the years. I especially liked seeing Chloe’s reaction to Adrien coming to school and making friends besides her, being jealous and feeling abandoned, and how she finally had a breakdown over Adrien somehow staying nice despite everything, while she... hasn’t. It’s a great character study!
Showing Love by @generalluxun
After the fiasco of Queen Wasp is over, Marinette knows what she had to do. If she just brings Chloé and her mother together, all will be fixed. A mother's love is just the thing to turn Chloé around, and it all must really just be a misunderstanding right?
Nothing else makes sense.
Marinette's mistake was forgetting that life never has to make sense, but she's Ladybug, and when one path closes she finds another.
I love Marinette really comprehending how little Audrey cares about Chloe here, and taking Chloe home with her to show her what a family should be like, reaching out to her even after everything. It’s just really nice.
the legend of the firefly by @agnes-writes
“She’s… beautiful.
If he were to describe her, he’d say that they bottled summer in her eyes, and painted the night sky in her hair. Her lips are curved into a wistful smile, eyes trailing the thicket of trees where Adrien stands.
Her gaze sets his heart stuttering in his chest as it softens, and Adrien almost believes that look is meant for him.”
OR: A pair of lovers create a romance that transcends time, and leaves a mark like no other.
This is an incredibly well-written folk tale, one that I highly recommend anyone who loves mythological, folktale, fantasy, etc AUs for Adrienette to read! It’s on the shorter side, but woven so perfectly that it packs an outsized punch, and feels like it belongs in one of those collections of folk tales and myths I read as a kid! 
Adrien’s a god, gifting prosperity to those under his protection, but never interacting with them... until a farm girl catches his eye.
The Cat’s Out of the Purse by The_Rabbit42
Adrien just took the ring off to be safe.
Plagg just got bored and wanted to annoy Tikki.
Rose just opened her purse and SURPRISE!
Ladybug just wants to get the ring back to her partner.
This was a fun fic, never seen Rose and Plagg interact like this before! It’s a treat getting more Rose and Plagg focus in general of course, but I really like their relationship here. Plagg’s really good with his wielders in general, and I love how he emphasizes that while he needs to get back to Chat Noir, while Rose is transformed with him, she’s as much her own wielder as he is. It reminds me of how he acted with Zoe, Plagg’s just a treasure XD
home is where the fight is by @rosie-b
Nadja Chamack’s voice greeted Adrien as he sat up straight, wiping his clammy hands on his pants and ignoring the black kwami floating by his shoulder.
“—shocked to see our heroine fall in battle today, taking a direct hit from the akuma just as she detransformed. Parisians are torn between blaming Hawk Moth and Cat Walker for their roles in this tragedy, which ultimately revealed the civilian identity of Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Adrien turned off the TV and lowered his head as his vision blurred.
Written for Ladrien June Day 7: Injured
I adore this fic! Which shouldn’t be a a surprise, it’s no secret that I love Sentiadrien Enemies AU. Adrien’s so worried about Marinette getting hurt, and wishes that he could help keep her safer, could tell her what’s really going on or get rid of the ring or something, but he can’t. Still, he IS able to find clever ways around some of his father’s more problematic orders. Loopholes for the win!
Attack of the Crystal Zombies by @trainsinanime
Kagami had spent more and more time hanging out with Zoé, talking about things like families, expectations and crushes on Marinette. It was only natural, probably, that she would help Zoé practice flirting. That was definitely a great idea.
Granted, the deadly Akuma battle around them was a bit of an issue…
Quality Zoegami fic here! I loved how Kagami kept thinking she was bad at flirting, but it was sure working on Zoe XD. The akuma attack going on around them, interweaving with their conversation, added a bit of spice to the whole affair!
Closure by @bisexually-finger-guns
After the events of “Trust”, Alya tries to find closure.
I love this. A lot of the time, only the effects of Lila’s lies and manipulation on Marinette is explored, with the feelings of the people she tried to trick and use, with the Miracuclass and Alya in particular, ignored, downplayed, or even used to just rail at the kids for being gullible.
Not so here. Alya gets to go to a school counselor and talk about her feelings about Lila manipulating her, using her. Ladybug even gives her the Fox Miraculous to try a Burn-letter therapy technique on, telling an illusion of Lila everything she wants to say to her in order to get some closure. 
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite! by 55Anon
In which Hawkmoth is defeated by a strike.
So basically, Parisians get pissed at Hawkmoth and decide that hey, maybe they can’t stop him themselves, and they can’t just stay entirely positive at all times, but they sure as hell can direct every bit of their hatred and anger at him so that if he akumatizes one of them, they make a beeline for his lair. Hawkmoth didn’t stand a chance against the contempt of Paris!
All Of Them? Every Single One? by @liiinerle
It turns out that Marinette loves a lot more people than she'd initially thought.
This is hilarious and adorable. Tikki lays out how Marinette has a crush on basically every girl she’s met - and even girls she doesn’t know are girls yet XD. 
Anchor by @liiinerle
“Marinette. Please take that sabre out of your neck.”
“Right. Thanks. I forgot it was there.” She grabbed hold of the guard and pulled; the blade slid out like it had only been run through butter. After dropping it on the floor, she picked up one of the teacups and picked up a biscuit from a tin she’d brought in; she placed the biscuit on the saucer plate and handed the whole thing to Kagami, who could only really resign herself to accepting it.
Marinette has raised Kagami from the dead, and also happens to be dead herself. It turns out some bad choices were made in the past. But that doesn't mean they'll lead to bad outcomes for them now.
I love this, Marinette’s incredibly blase about being a zombie - which makes sense, given how long she’s had to get used to the idea. And she’s waited so long, tried so hard to bring Kagami back as well, though if she didn’t WANT to be back, she’d accede to that request. Luckily, Kagami doesn’t seem to mind as long as she’s with Marinette XD.
safe and sound by Lady_Bryght
A crazed fan is stalking Adrien with violent intentions, and Ladybug is determined to protect him. When the school goes on lockdown and Marinette can't transform, she does her best to keep him safe without the use of a miraculous.
So this is a bit of a suspenseful thriller with a twist ending - well, sort of an ending, it’s a oneshot so far with an ambiguous ending that reveals what’s going on, but not how things actually resolve. It’s the sort of story where, after you see the ending, you look back through the story for foreshadowing. Can’t really go much more in detail, without spoiling the twist.
Worth Your Time by @pearl484-blog
After the events of the Season 4 finale, Adrien leaves a series of voicemails for Felix after learning he is missing. Just because Felix is out of sight, doesn't mean he's out of mind for his cousin.
Entry for Adrien AUGreste prompt: Rings
I’d honestly forgotten about Adrien being told by Amelie that Felix was missing, and how that might have affected him. He doesn’t know that Felix is okay - he just knows that Felix disappeared after giving the Miraculous to Monarch, and that not even his mom (supposedly) knows where he is. So naturally, he fears the worst, and after awhile of leaving voicemails and not getting replies, he almost starts using the voicemails as a diary of sorts about the various events of season 5 - up until Emotion that is, for obvious reasons.
the less I seek my source for some definitive by katrinette
When the akuma manages to smash a hole in the hull of the colony ship that's supposed to be unbreakable, Ladybug has to take drastic action to keep everyone safe.
This is an interesting sci-fi AU! Ladybug and Chat Noir pilot the last few fighter ships of their colony ship, the only defense against the akumas that keep on appearing and attacking the ship. But when one of the akumas smashes a hole in the ship, well Ladybug is willing to go to extreme measures to make sure everyone doesn’t die from the depressurization - measures that do not include any regard for her own safety, much to Chat’s displeasure.
Guilty by Association by @rosie-b
Marinette respected Adrien’s strength and courage more and more every day. No matter how many times people threw nasty words or literal tomatoes at him; no matter how many companies refused to work with him anymore; no matter how clear it was becoming that he would never be forgiven for his father’s crimes, he chose to greet new people with a smile and hope that this time, someone would recognize the kind heart hidden behind his hated name.
She wished she’d had the chance to meet him before she’d accidentally ruined his life.
Written for the Ml Writers Guild September event 'back to school'
I love how Marinette keeps reaching out to Adrien, trying to protect him, even if it doesn’t always work. To let him know that she’s in his corner at least. Hawk Moth had to be taken down, but the consequences for Adrien... she never wanted anyone to get hurt in the process. 
The Supreme Movers by PearlO_O
Continuation of Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir.
Adrien and Marinette battle with the emotional aftermath of meeting their alternate selves.
This was an excellent follow-up to the Paris Special! To be clear, the Adrien and Marinette here are Claw Noir and Shady Bug, not the ones from the show we’ve been following all this time. I really liked Adrien and Marinette reflecting and recontextualizing how their parents have been acting in more positive ways, and getting more positive responses in turn, along with them reassessing how they’ve been acting and reaching out to Alya and Nino. There’s this theme of “it doesn’t matter who we were or what mistakes we made, but who we want to be and that we keep moving forward”.
Keep Me Safe Inside by RoFair
Adrien Agreste, formally known as Claw Noir attempts to get to know the girl he admires behind the mask of the reformed Shadybug. He has a plan, but it is derailed by a blonde bully.
I love how smitten Adrien is with Marinette! He might have a lot of bravado as Claw Noir, but he’s kinda shy as a civilian. Of course, that all goes out the window when Marinette needs help - like when she’s being bullied and is nearing a breakdown.
delicate in every way but one by katrinette
When Marinette finds a wanted ad that provokes just enough questions in her mind that she can't help answering it, the reward is sweeter than she could have imagined.
I love the little bit of worldbuilding we get here about vampire society, and Adrien’s usual awkward adorableness in asking Marinette for a certain necessary favor. It’s always neat to see such familiar characterization in a supernatural setting like this.
Lost Feather by @a-flaming-idiot
Sabine has always liked and respected Ladybug and Chat Noir. They've always been wonderful heroes and inspirations to all of Paris and she wouldn't trade them for the world. But that isn't to say she didn't begin to get worried when the heroes of Paris made it their mission to destroy all sentimonsters in their path. Though she knew they never would, it was hard to not worry for the safety of her daughter.
I liked this glimpse of what might happen if Marinette was a sentimonster as well! Poor Sabine, of course she’d have nightmares about the Heroes of Paris killing her daughter. While she likes and respects the Heroes and understands why they’ve been killing sentimonsters, given that the ones Shadow Moth spawns often don’t even seem sentient and are wreaking havoc, she’s still afraid for Marinette, that Ladybug might purify her Amok without ever considering that Marinette might be an actual person.
Partners in [Chaos] by @aidanchaser
Griffe Noire's needs no excuse to crash a fashion show competition, but when he sees the baker from his favorite bakery is involved, he decides to shift from spreading destruction to a different sort of chaos. He's not ready for her to see through him better than he knows himself.
Remixed from Partners in Clown by MiaBrown
I love Adrien’s portrayal here, how he lies to himself about how bad the cracks are getting, while also relishing them in a way, feeling like he’s living because of the self-harm he’s inflicting every time he unleashes a Cataclysm, it fits with his portrayal in the special. I like Marinette here too, you can see a bit of her vulnerabilities in this piece, though it’s not in her POV so she’s out of focus.
Perfect by @deinde_prandium
It’s Adrien and Marinette’s wedding day! On site to ensure the event goes perfectly is their friend and famed wedding planner Kagami Tsuguri, and so far all has been going according to plan. There's just one problem: no one ever told her about Adrien, Marinette, and their struggles with automatic doors. Add to this the fact that Marinette’s determination to play matchmaker between her and a certain wedding singer…
Needless to say, Kagami is not pleased.
This is mostly a Kagami-centric fic, with a touch of Lukagami at the end. I loved the callback to Adrienette’s automatic door troubles, and Kagami and Luka being sneaky XD. 
Patrolling with a friend for Christmas by @seasofsilver
Adrien just wanted to gift his Lady some time off and hang out more with Marinette during the festive season - it didn't exactly go to plan, but somehow ended up... better?
This was adorable! Chat Noir tries to give Ladybug a break by recruiting Multimouse to replace her on patrols for a bit, and Ladybug returns the favor by recruiting Aspik to replace Chat. Yep, it’s Snekmouse!
Far-Fetched Plans by @cravingcraze
“While that’s true, and I was going to bring that up, I wanted to talk about… when Wishmaker hit you,” he sat up and looked at Felix with… concern? Why was he concerned for him?
“You only care about my secret identity,” Felix deflected. No, there was no way fucking Viperion, Luka Couffaine of all people was worried about him.
(It was hard to imagine anyone working with Ladybug worried about him.)
So this is an intriguing prospect. Gabriel’s forcing Felix to work with him to try and get Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s Miraculous, something Felix isn’t thrilled about. But Luka finds out Felix’s secret identity, and decides to try and help him to break free.
Life with a Stolen Slime by RustyAce
Sharp, dagger-like stabs from his stomach made the small creature whimper as they curled into himself. Hunger. A frequent state he should be used to by now, but a painful one nonetheless. His gelatinous form was nearly a ball as he tried to self soothe himself, with just portions of slime forming ears and a tail that stuck out of his main body. Usually this worked, but the slime made a distressed moan as they pressed their forehead against his glass prison.
Oh, how he wished he could escape this jar he was in. The humans never came often enough to give him enough food, or even to let him out to stretch his legs. No, instead they carefully opened the jar’s lid just enough to slip some disgusting trash into it with some forceps. They, it seemed, did not appreciate his surprisingly sharp bites or scratches when they first brought him here. A shame.
The slime let out a small sigh, their eyes closing in an attempt to fall asleep to ignore his hunger. Perhaps if he fell asleep, he would wake up to them bringing him food.
So this fic is based off the Reverse world presented in the Paris special. Claw Noir’s a small cat-slime that’s being held captive in a jar, until Marinette eventually rescues him and puts him in a bigger container and feeds him better food at least. It’s cute, and it makes me curious about the setting of this story (like where he came from and why humans were keeping him captive, along with how Marinette stumbled across him), and where the story might go from here (this is a oneshot, but I’d love to see this explored more, if you can’t tell).
Changeling by @unecoccinellenoire
Gabriel makes the Wish believing that he regretted everything with Adrien. The results suggest that he in fact regrets Adrien
So this is interesting. It’s giving a glimpse into a universe where Gabriel and Emilie never found the Peacock Miraculous, and they (along with Amelie and Colt) just adopted. Which unfortunately meant that Adrien and Felix as we know them never existed, and Gabriel finds that he misses his original son, which is especially acute when interacting with his new adopted son and knowing how much he’s NOT Adrien.
Here for now, but I can see the better days by @nirby-wirby
Now, laying on his bed with only the soft light of a bedside lamp illuminating the room, he felt guilt eating at him from inside his chest. His miraculous burned on his finger, a reminder of what he’d given up. Of what had somehow led to his father helping Ladybug and dying in the process. The guilt was suffocating, building more and more until he felt like all that was left of him was guilt.
———— Or: Adrien deals with the grief and guilt of losing his father with some help. Set post-s5 finale and written for the ML Secret Santa Exchange of 2023
I love the support Adrien gets here, both from Nathalie in a more motherly role, and from his friends. He even tells Nathalie his secret identity, which gets her thinking about how badly Adrien got screwed over. Especially with him feeling guilty over Gabriel’s fate, when she knows he has no reason to.
Under the Umbrella by @fruitdragon1a
Almost everyone has a soulmate. What are Adrien and Marinette supposed to do when they meet theirs?
ML Secret Santa gift for Mei! Merry Christmas!
Thank you to Now Loading and Rewan Demontay for beta reading this fic!
So this is a version of soulmarks I haven’t seen before. Around age six, soulmates get a soulmark that shows what their soulmate is thinking when they first meet them. Though I guess it doesn’t register while transformed, since it only counts for this one when Adrien and Marinette meet as civilians, and not when they first meet as superheroes.
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jiveyuncle · 2 years
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Fanfic: See This Chance by 19thsentry on Ao3 - Ch6 Selfish
Summary: “Luka died in 2016. Yep. Crushed by the Arc de Triumph when Mayura’s Robustus slammed into it. It was kind of a big deal, but once you’re dead, you’re dead—especially when there’s no Lucky Charm to bring you back.
Luka’s been dealing with it in the typical ways.”
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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The MWG January event was to recommend and review our favorite fics that we read in 2022! To make things a little bit more interesting and fun, we treated it a bit like an awards ceremony or spotify wrapped. The next few categories will be focused on the premise of fic, rather than length! Hope you enjoy!
Here are the MWG nominations for best alternate universe fics!
bite me. by Scarlet_Sea
djwifi // au // supernatural creatures // fluff // hurt comfort
blue crayons by @talkstoself
lovesquare // mental health issues // aged-up // au // single parent marinette
day 15: comedy by @empressofall
lovesquare // au // marvelous mrs maisel // humor
do your lips still remember my name? by @hanaasbananas
lovesquare // au // historical // reincarnation // romance // angst with a happy ending // hurt/comfort
final girl by @picayunearts
lovesquare // au // canon-divergent // guardian marinette // ladybug alya // identity reveals
miraculous dupont by @agrestebug
lovesquare // au // drama // romance // canon reimagined
love is blind by @jennagrinsoverml
lovesquare // au // reality tv // identity reveals // slow burn // romance // fluff // humor
lucky us by @geek-fashionista
lovesquare // au // epistolary(emails) // pen-pals // aged-up
mad about you by @hanaasbananas
lovesquare // au // historical // knight/prince // drama // romance // identity reveals
take me out by @mexicancat-girl
marigami // au // assassins // aged-up // enemies to lovers
the adventures of panthera noire by @justanotherpersonsuniverse
julerose // au // black cat juleka // identity reveals // hurt/comfort // fluff
the night we met by @19thsentry-blog
feluka // au // aged-up // roommates // hurt/comfort // angst // grief
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by reiaji
lovesquare // au // fairy tale // secret relationship // mutual pining
wishes and wands (and other miraculous adventures) by @marimeetsmischief
lovesquare // au // fairy tale // fantasy // rivals to lovers // fluff // humor
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airi-p4 · 1 year
Treasure chest of memories (Guardian Luka AU) - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 __________________________________
Well... Remember this? (Super old Wip ask I got from @19thsentry-blog ) ^^;
It’s one of my Guardian Luka AU fics that I had planned since ages ago... 
Good news it that I’m posting Chapter 1 and 2 (open ending unless I figure out how the story continues). Bad news is that I don’t plan to turn into a comic anymore.
I hope it makes sense... Enjoy? 
Guardian Luka AU
Luka recalls why he left Paris when he became the Guardian of the Miraculous and Marinette lost her memories. Now, eight years later, he receives a wedding invitation from his sister Juleka and he can't ignore it.
But she's going to be there... Right?
Warning: ANGST
Chapter 1
Luka didn't regret becoming the guardian of the Miraculous. Marinette had verbally begged him not to take that weight and responsibility, but her heart song was desperately asking for help- for someone to lift that burden from her shoulders. To finally rest.
And Luka couldn't ignore that calling.
He loved her. He knew he always would. And seeing how healthier she looked after the Miraculous box was passed to him (and forgetting about everything), Luka was convinced he did the right thing.
But he couldn't stay nearby, he decided. With her memories of him (and everyone else) gone, no more walls were going to be there for her and Adrien to be together. His role was over. If Marinette was happy, so would he. He had to move on with his new life.
So he left Paris.
No previous warning. No goodbyes. No hints about his whereabouts.
Because in truth, he had secretly set his destination after the celestial guardian appeared in front of him: The Temple of the Miraculous. Su-Han had disliked and disapproved of him at first, but after a few years of training under his teachings, Luka had finally been acknowledged and trusted as an official Guardian of the Miraculous.
He got rid of his old worn-out clothes when he moved to China and, from then on, he wore Chinese-styled clothes instead: the honorary Guardian's Uniform- courtesy of his master.
Tight to his body, a red Chinese-style short tunic with black and golden details, along with a pair of linen pants that left his ankles exposed, his flat shoes following the same black color of his pants and some of the patterns as his tunic.
His attire wasn't his only change of looks. His once long hair was now short. His blue dye was gone and only his original black color remained on his hair- the same black that used to cover his now unpolished nails.
All traces of his past self seemed to be gone and he looked like a new person.
But no, he was the same. A pretender. Because his memories, unlike the one from the previous guardian, remained intact- always in his mind. And even if he didn't regret his choice, there were times he wished he could contact his past: his family, his friends… Marinette. She was the reason he decided to throw his previous life away and choose the one of jewels and Magic Gods instead.
All for her happiness. For all her nightmares to be gone for good.
Despite Su-Han's strict rules, he had never been able to throw away her guitar pick gift either, and had secretly hid it inside the Miraculous box with the kwamis' help.
As a certified Guardian, Luka had taken both Sass and Tikki as his companions, the rest of the kwamis secured in the pirate treasure chest shaped Miraculous box he was in charge of. He liked to let them out from time to time, and they were happy to help him craft musical instruments with him. When it came to the Miraculous, he was more cautious than his predecessor had been- secrets are secrets for a reason, and failing that rule had almost cost Ladybug her life during the final battle against Shadow Moth. (Well, it did, but thankfully Viperion was there to fix it- and to finally see and understand the truth Marinette had been hiding from him).
'Made for each other'
These words resonated in his head. All signs were there to convince him there would never be a place for Luka in his ex-girlfriend's heart. He had never stood a chance, right? She would be happy with her 'soulmate'. He had always been her second choice, anyway, memories or not.
But then… Why was he hesitating? 8 years had passed and now a wedding invitation from his sister reached him, taking away all his determination to never return to Paris.
How could he miss an event this important? His mother and sister would chase him and toss him from the Liberty into the Seine if he skipped it. But there… she was most likely going to be there too.
The song in his head. The girl with no memories. The girl from his dreams and his nightmares.
The love he could never forget…
Love- that strictly forbidden feeling for Guardians...
With Kalkki's help, he teleported himself to Paris that morning, a few hours prior to the Wedding. He was going to briefly greet his family, watch the vows from afar and leave- that was the plan. It was going to be a few hours and disappear as soon as he could. Avoid Marinette, avoid everyone else. A lighting speed visit.
But plans can fail, right? Especially when a certain red kwami couldn't stay still and flew away amid the Wedding after party. Luka knew she missed her previous wielder… but he had warned her! And Tikki was supposed to be serious about responsibilities! She was supposed to have learned something from her past mistakes! And Sass, as the leader of the magical box, wasn't supposed to encourage her to spy on their previous master. But she didn't seem to reason, Luka realized when he couldn't find the red kwami in his bag.
"Tikki?" He called, searching secretly, Sass doing also the same.
"I found her." the snake kwami said, and signaled behind him.
Luka let a relieved deep sigh "Thank God, Tikk-" and turned to spot the immobile red kwami embraced by thin fingers.
Now it was his turn to freeze.
Because Marinette was standing there.
More beautiful than ever.
And with Tikki on the palm of her hand.
His breathing stopped.
"Is this yours?" Her now more mature voice asked, looking up at him while he lowered his face.
The guardian nodded and straightened his hand so she could give the kwami back. He didn't dare to speak, probably couldn't, even if he tried.
"Red…" she whispered.
Luka kept his gaze away, avoiding her eyes. But unexpectedly, after she placed Tikki on Luka's hand, she didn't seem convinced to let her go. "I know this red… My missing Red… from my lost memories..." she said, rubbing her finger over Tikki's black dot on her head. "Tikki…" she mumbled.
And the word was enough to alert Luka. His heart skipped a beat.  
"But I still need my…" she continued, after an acknowledging sigh. And it was then when Luka focused his terrified gaze on her sad eyes, before they lightened the next second, the moment they met with his.
"Blue," she gasped. "My missing blue"
Luka gasped, forgetting how to breathe, mouth half opened, until his steadiness broke as soon as a familiar word left her lips.
His fears unfurled in his heart.
This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't even possible.
“Finally… I found it...” a tear escaped the corner of her eyes. “The treasure chest of my dreams. The one that holds my happiness...”
And there he was- immobile, as if made of stone, in front of the girl he could never stop dreaming about. The chapter of love he never closed, opened widely once again. The badly stitched band-aid ripped in a moment. A loud heartbeat, more alive than ever …
And the most beautiful song in the world back in his head. His strength and his weakness.
His melody.
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quickspinner · 2 years
Meme’ing on along
I blame @19thsentry-blog for tagging me in this. Also I called in reinforcement to help me pick fics because I am indecisive as hell. 😂
Rules: Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or a few), and share it! Then tag people!
You know I gotta make @verfound and @livrever suffer along with me, aaaand how about @haphira​ and @nerdypanda3126 too 😁
Okay here we go. I’m gonna start off with a Dragon Age fic just for the hell of it and the rest will be mlb.
To Those Who Wait | 4,638 words | Oneshot | Dragon Age Inquisition (Cullavellan)
“You won’t,” Cullen told her, taking her hand again. He was finding it hard to stop touching her, making sure she was real, though he certainly didn’t want to pressure her with his presence. She hadn’t pulled away yet. “Mia–I told her, about you. About–my feelings for you.” Maker’s breath, he hadn’t meant to bring that up so soon, but she didn’t look away when he said it, nor pull away her hand. He took heart from that. “You don’t have anything to worry about as far as that.”
Her smile grew, just slightly. “That’s good,” was all she said, but his pulse jumped.
“You must be tired,” he said quickly, before he could do anything foolish. “And I’m filthy. I’ll leave you to rest and…I’ll see you at dinner, then?”
She nodded, and he thought he saw a faint color grow on her cheeks.
Snake in the Silk | 3,932 words | Series: I’ll Never Not Know You: First Meetings | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
“This is the weirdest fucking day,” he muttered under his breath, carefully moving more underthings aside and trying not too hard to think about what other kinds of things a lady might keep in her underwear drawer. Ugh, why did the damn drawer have to be so deep—wait, was that—
Luka picked up a distractingly pretty blue pair decorated with black ribbons, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the familiar tip of Sass’s tail sticking out. “Got you, you little shit.”
Killer Combo | 60,783 words | Oneshot | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
Luka snorted, folding his arms. “Color me shocked. If only someone had warned you—oh wait. I did. Repeatedly.”
Jean pressed his lips together for a moment, clearly trying to keep his temper. “I’m sorry,” he said at last. “We should have listened to you. We should have trusted you. Casey’s been miserable ever since. We’re truly, honestly sorry.”
"Good,” Luka grit out. “Thank you.”
“So you’ll play with us?” Jean asked, motioning vaguely towards the state, and Luka scoffed.
“No. Now get out of my face. I don’t want to see any of you and if I catch you even near my sister again, I got no problem going to jail for a night, you understand?”
Plausible Deniability | 4,679 words | Oneshot | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
The piping voice fell into place right about when he woke up enough to remember the night before. Luka groaned and pulled his covers over his head, wishing he could just curl up and die. He really did want to go back in time and kick drunk Luka’s ass. What had he been thinking, getting that drunk and letting Marinette bring him home alone?
Pink Frosting | 4,679 words | Series: Pink Frosting (Derbynette) | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
“I love it,” Luka said, taking the helmet and inspecting it. “Roller derby’s got a reputation for being sassy and aggressive and yet you’re bringing your own sweetness into it. I really love it.” He gave the helmet back and Marinette put it back on her desk. “So how do you actually play? I really don’t know much.”
He sat back and listened to her go on about bouts and jams and jammers and blockers , trying to follow but mostly just enjoying how excited she was. By the time she finally wound down, it was time for him to leave, but he was happy to see her enthusiasm restored.
“You’re really going to come to the bout?” Marinette asked, big blue eyes turned up to him as he stood to go.
“Absolutely. And I won’t have a single bandaid in my pockets, I promise.” He winked, and she laughed, and the sound followed him down the stairs and kept him smiling even as the bakery faded from sight behind him.
Triple Threat | 12,249 words | Oneshot | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
Viperion looked at her sharply but was blinded by the light of her power activating. He took a step back as she glowed brightly, and when he could see again, his partner was gone. He looked down to see the Multimice grinning up at him. One of them waved him down. Viperion knelt and put his hand down. One of the Multimice climbed onto his palm and he lifted her to his face. “I’ll stay with you,” she said cheerfully, hands on her hips. “Wouldn’t want you to get lonely.”
Viperion chuckled. “Welcome aboard.” He brought his hand up to his shoulder and the Multimouse hopped up.
Under the moon, by the sea... | 3,965 words | Oneshot | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
The movie was just as cheesy and silly as Marinette remembered, and Luka’s whispered asides had Marinette burying her face in his shoulder to muffle her laughter. Fortunately, the theater was not exactly packed, and no one made any effort to shush them. They both doubled over with barely suppressed laughter as Jagged threw himself dramatically into a mudslide down a cliff in the rain after his crocodile co-star, only to land up to his ears in a lake of muddy water at the bottom.
“Back before the age of green screens,” Luka snickered in her ear. “How many times do you think they had to do that take?”
The image of Jagged flinging himself repeatedly into the mud because the first take hadn’t been rock ‘n roll enough sent them both into another fit of giggles.
Pink Envelopes |  5,050 words | Series: I’ll Never Not Know You: First Meetings | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
Luka tried to remind himself as he walked to the T&S Bakery that he knew absolutely nothing about his mystery neighbor, and he shouldn’t be nervous. If he was lucky, he’d make a new friend. If he wasn’t, he’d buy them a coffee, make awkward small talk for half an hour, and go home and hide under his covers until he didn’t feel like dying of embarrassment anymore for being so incredibly wrong and his next hit song would be about shattered illusions and the stupidity of self-indulgent fantasies and he’d have to laugh awkwardly in interviews while trying desperately to avoid telling the truth of his inspiration.
Luka took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, acknowledging the thought and letting it go with his breath like his therapist had taught him. 
He shrugged his shoulders slightly to resettle his leather jacket, and then pushed open the door. 
Hey Gorgeous | 36,703 | Series: I’ll Never Not Know You: First Meetings | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
See?” he said softly, showing it to her. It was intimate, even a little sexy, but not at all explicit, soft with the morning light, her hair mussed and spread across the pillow, his cheek leaning on her temple, both wearing still sleepy expressions of contentment. The dark mark on Luka’s collarbone, visible just over the curve of her shoulder, and his eyes looking right at the camera, intense where hers were soft, made her body warm. “Can I keep it?” he begged. Marinette pursed her lips, considered the worst case scenario, and decided she wouldn’t die of embarrassment if, say, her parents saw it. It looked kind of like a sexy perfume ad, actually.
“Y-you c-can keep it,” she sighed. “B-but j-just for us.”
“Promise,” he said, saving the photo. Then he kissed her neck in a spot he knew was ticklish, making her scrunch her shoulder up.
“L-luka,” she laughed, and he leaned further and kissed her cheek.
“Can I keep these too?” he grinned, handing her the phone.
Indelible | 48,577 words (and counting) | Multichap | Miraculous Ladybug (Lukanette)
Luka had to admit there was something admirable about the level of audacity necessary to turn your worst trait into your brand.
Jagged might be an artist and he might be the greatest rock ‘n roll star of his generation, but a “pure” artist? Not even close. It was moments like this morning when he was reminded that Jagged was a businessman as well as an artist, and that all his lip-service to the purity of the emotion he put into his work was—well. It wasn’t all bullshit. Jagged’s songs were emotional, it was something Luka had always admired about his work, but he’d walked away from the meeting this morning feeling like Jagged’s tears must be shaped like tiny dollar signs.
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sfigatino · 2 years
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And that didn't seem fair either.
Based off chapter of The Night We Met by @19thsentry-blog! If you haven’t read it, go read it right now it’s so good and there’s tons of other stuff in that universe and it’s very Feluka and- okay, I’ll stop now, but seriously go read it.
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leafweaverryn · 2 years
Rules: Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or a few), and share it! Then tag people! (If you don't have 10, that's okee! Just post what you can! <3)
@writerriderdirtythirties tagged me, so it's my turn to unleash chaos and havoc!
@keentrigger, @asadweeghostie, @purrfectlypunny, @19thsentry-blog, @grimalkinsquill, @valiantlyjollynightmare
rolled mine using a discord bot! reader beware, most of my works are explicit. and a lot of my works are multi-chapter, so snippets are taken from chapter 1.
petit pain dans le four - (E, lukadrinette)
“Take one step, I dare you!” Chat Blanc roared at him before the snake could speak.
Viperion lifted his hands to try to calm him down. “Adrien, breathe, it's okay… You don’t have to hurt her… Please don’t hurt her…”
A rolling hiss burbled in Blanc’s throat. “How did you do it? How did you escape the time loop?!”
He gave a soft huff, grinning back at the white cat. “What? You thought I wouldn’t have bumped into this problem myself, after using the Snake Miraculous for years?” Viperion shook his head. “Time loops are easy to break out of. You just have to know the right moment. I’ve had practice, and Bunnyx has given me special training for it. All you have to do is know you’re in the loop and know what needs to change to create a ripple effect through the loop to break it.”
Chat Blanc blinked, relaxing his grip on Marinette. “Wait, really?”
Their boyfriend gave him a stern look through his eyebrows and mask, as if he were looking up at the corrupted hero through glasses. 
“Oh, right, sorry…” Blanc glared at him again, and the woman in his grip struggled against him. His eyes narrowed on Viperion. “I won’t do it, Luka! I won’t give up my Miraculous! Nothing you can say or do will make me surrender it!”
Kittens for Christmas - (E, lukadrinette)
"Go find somewhere else to sleep," Marinette whispered to her kwami. "Please…"
Sass whined, but obeyed. He gave her chin a gentle bonk and unraveled his tail, floating away to phase through a wall and disappear.
Chat Blanc visibly relaxed. He padded closer to her, near enough that he sat down on the floor beside her chair, making himself comfortable. His head went onto her lap, his eyes closing as he sighed heavily. The tears continued to fall silently, even as she combed her fingers through his hair in gentle strokes. He didn't purr. She tried to coax him, rubbing behind his ears and under his chin, but he didn't make a sound.
“Would you like me to sing to you?” Marinette offered, her hand not stopping, not going still for too long. She rubbed behind his ear, knowing that’s what her Chat preferred.
Swinging from the Gallows Pole - (T, felinette)
“You got a fine widow,” the hangman purred. “She brought a little silver, your cousin brought a little gold… But nothing would bring me more joy than to see you swinging from the gallows pole.”
Felix stared him down, saying nothing and only raising his chin in mute defiance.
For every heartbeat Felix said nothing, the hangman’s smirk twisted into a scowl. The blond huffed a wry smile. He’s used to begging and pleading. Last minute bribes and empty promises. Flattery and tears. Not today, sir. To prove his point, Felix turned away from him, facing the crowd. Not from me.  
His heart dropped. 
On the distant horizon, on the blue sea beyond the fort parapets and battlements were the black and green sails of the Liberty.
Luka… Felix closed his eyes. He’s leaving me… He huffed, smiling through his cracking heart. Any pirate who falls behind… stays behind…
From Ballroom to Bedroom - (E, lukadrinette)
“You were gonna ask me something, weren’t you?” Marinette asked in a whisper. “Before Alya interrupted us, you were going to ask me something. Please ask me…”
He smiled that shy half-smile that the photographers and paparazzi rarely saw as he nodded. “Yeah…” Adrien glanced over her shoulder as Luka came up to them. “Listen, I know this is sudden and we haven’t really introduced ourselves and all, but um… we were looking for… we were hoping, um…”
Luka chuckled, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. “What my tongue-tied boyfriend is trying to ask is if you would be willing to join us for a more… intimate, private dance in our hotel room.”
“You don’t have to say yes!” Adrien stammered. “If you say no, we totally understand. No harm, no foul, right? You just, um, you seemed really comfortable between us and -”
“Yes,” Marinette said before he could stutter himself further into a hole. She gave Luka’s hand a squeeze and smiled at Adrien. “You have no idea how much I was hoping that’s what you were going to ask me… and my answer is hell yes. A hundred thousand percent yes. I am totally okay with having a threesome with you two.”
By the Numbers - (E, lukanette)
The Miracle Box Bakery and Cafe was rather busy at three in the afternoon, so much so that Luka had to park several blocks down the street. But as he walked by the windows and through the door, he smiled at the quaint interior and displays of baked goods. The pictures didn’t do it justice, and as his gaze landed on the sole owner and employee, Luka decided very quickly that he’d need to talk to Felix about their freelance photographer.
She wasn’t just pretty.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was breathtakingly beautiful.
He stood among the throng of customers like a pilgrim having arrived at Mecca for the first time, awestruck. The photo of her was in black and white, grainy from zoom with a cheap camera. In the flesh and blood, she was bright and colorful, her smile like blooming peach blossoms that lit up the room with an eternal glow. He could write songs about the blues of her eyes or the music in her voice as she spoke with other customers. One said something that made her giggle, and he honest to God thought he was going to faint from the bell-like chime of her laughter.
Five minutes in and his mind was already made up.
Luka was going to do anything and everything he could to spare this woman and her sanctuary of confectionery delights from the jaws of the tax man.
Four Little Somethings - (T, feluka)
"Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon," Felix read out loud. 
His boyfriend could hardly contain his giddy grin. "Mmhm. I know romance and fantasy aren't your usual genres, but I thought you might like it."
"What is it about?" the blond asked as he flipped it over. He didn't know why he was looking. Backs of the books never had synopses anymore, and in my opinion, that marked the beginning of civilization's downfall… That and the loss of the slutty oil painting covers.
Luka's grin grew. His accent started to slip again, as if his voice knew he was going home, and that there was no longer a need for him to speak like a Frenchman. "It's about a British army nurse who travels to Scotland and steps through a stone circle that sends her back in time. There she meets and falls in love with a Scottish highlander."
He smiled through his blush. "Ah yes, another bodice ripper…"
"You'd be surprised, actually. This one goes pretty deep into history and gets more points right than other books and movies." His voice lowered to a grumble. "Don't even get me started on Braveheart… "  
Of Gowns and Gloves - (E, marigami)
Kagami cleared her throat as warning, shifting her weight on her feet a little more to open her legs and give her wife more room under her. Marinette had come racing and breathless to her minutes ago, begging for Kagami to hide her because she had stirred the bee’s nest and angered Chloe by insulting her golden dress. Lacking anywhere else for her to go, Kagami had lifted her skirts to let Marinette hide within her own creation. Champagne glass in hand, the fencer was left to stand in place, waiting and watching the others meander and mingle, trickling in and out of the dining hall to retrieve plates of canapes and fresh glasses of champagne. She was also grateful for her heels, which gave her an extra few inches. Her legs were spread to accommodate the young woman hiding under the layers of satin and cotton. 
Five more minutes, Kagami thought. We’ll wait five more minutes. Once we’re sure that Chloe has either calmed down or left the building, I can call a car and we can… somehow get to it without being spotted. Can I even walk with her between my legs like this?
She lifted her chin and tapped her foot three times to warn Marinette as Chloe came stomping towards her.
“Where is she?” Chloe demanded.
It took Kagami a moment to reign in the everything that wanted to gush out reflexively in response. Did I not once tell her to never touch me, never speak to me, never even look at me ever again? And now she’s somehow developed the audacious balls to come at me and demand that I oust my wife?!
Kagami rolled her tongue in her mouth to swallow back the building venom she wanted so very badly to spit. 
“She who?” Kagami asked in her fake-calmest voice she could muster. 
The Star-Pilot's Kiss - (E, lukanette)
Luka leveled a hard look at Alya, his face serious. “Keep her safe.” He grabbed his guitar bag and started to walk away.
“Where are you going?!” Alya shouted since Marinette was lost for words.
The musician didn’t reply, giving them only a smile as he walked towards one of the beams of light sweeping over the streets. He didn’t look back again as Marinette screamed his name, as Alya grabbed her by her arms, as Alya dragged her into the café. She struggled to free herself of her friend’s grasp as they ducked under the window, sitting up enough to watch. A beam of light hit Luka and turned red suddenly. An invisible force grabbed him and slowly lifted him off the ground. 
Marinette shrugged off her friend and broke free, sprinting for the door.
“Girl, where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” Alya hissed.
The fashion designer stopped at the door to glare at her friend. “I’m not letting aliens abduct the first decent date I’ve had!” 
The Sea Dragon's Pearl (E, marigami)
“If you pull me up, I’ll gut you before you lay a hand on me,” the woman snarled back.
“Sure, you might kill one of us. But all of us?” Skinner tutted. “Besides, it wouldn’t be very ladylike or honorable,” he sneered the words, “for a woman to dirty her hands with killing, now would it? High time you learn your place! And it’s either on land or in the galley!”
“So that’s what this is about… You scoundrels can’t handle a woman in command?!”
“Oh, not only that, princess,” he hummed. “How much do you think she would pay to have you back in one piece? You may be a bitch, but you’re worth as much as a queen! And even if your mother doesn’t pay us, we still have her ship! Her cargo! Regardless, we’ll be living like kings by the week’s end!” 
The other sailors cheered.
Skinner held his sword to the rope. “Make your choice! Live or die!”
Kagami drew her own little tanto. “Let the sea decide my fate!”
She slashed the rope above her head before he could have the satisfaction of doing it.
pleurer en toi - (T, feluka)
Through closed eyes, he saw lightning.
Through the pounding of his heart and the screaming of his tears, he heard thunder.
But the patter on the roof next to him wasn’t rain.
It was boots.
Argos’s heart raced in panic, but he couldn’t move. Every limb of his body was heavy like lead, and isn’t this what I wanted? For someone to finish the job?
They wouldn’t.
They’re heroes.
I need a villain.
I need Monarch.
I need -
Whoever it was let out a soft grunt as they sat on the rooftop by Argos’s head. Hands grabbed him by his arms and moved him.
“C’mere, baby bird… Up you go…”  
whew... only broke the editor once, that feels like an accomplishment. thank you for reading!
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womanaction · 2 years
tagged by @juliaspiegel
rules: make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
(I went with the first songs that popped in my head so…enjoy)
w - wicked game - chris isaak
o - omg - usher
m - mine - taylor swift
a - adia - sarah mclachlan
n - no - meghan trainor
a - art of breaking - thousand foot krutch
c - creep - tlc
t - teasing to please - cute is what we aim for
i - island in the sun - weezer
o - often - the weeknd
n - nearness of you - norah jones
@mearcatsreturns @19thsentry-blog @microsuedemouse @colemckenzies @kiran-wears-science-blues @lesbianfunkykong @macgayver @coraxes @juniperhillpatient @pastelcreeper @kendallroysweightedblanket
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grimalkinsquill · 2 years
Snatching this from @feather-dancer
Rules: List five things you never get tired of writing. It can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. Then tag five people!
“Lied, like a liar.”
Alchemy as a metaphor for other stuff (gender, experiences, growth, etc). The more esoteric you make it, the more I will chew on it with glee.
Wolves as a symbol for someone’s uncapped potential, if they didn’t try to domesticate themselves.
Martial/Caster Battle Couples.
Taking a singular noun and cracking it open and shuffling it about until it is Unfolded and Sharp.
Tagging: @eurydice-khthonios @morallygreyrobot @sallertiacallidus @leafweaverryn @19thsentry-blog
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(Hi it’s me) 👽 Strangest fic you’ve ever written?
Hi!!! 💖���💖
Oh, you went for the hard one, didn't you? 😂 I really hope these are the kinds of answers you were looking for because strange is such a broad word!
If we're going with strange as in weird... I was one where Luka and Juleka were baking a cake and accidentally created a cake batter monster. It isn't one I ever posted, I think I got about five hundred words in and then abandoned it. To this day, I still don't know what possessed me to write it 😂
If we're going with strange as in, what's strange for me to write, I have a scary ghost story WIP that I started writing. And the reason that's strange is because I don't do scary. So it's strange that it even made it into the hoard in the first place.
Send me an ask about my writing
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flightfoot · 9 months
Do you have any Felix fic recs?
I Won't Let You by @generalluxun
After Gabriel's defeat, two individuals not party to the celebration run into each other, and find each other.
In the Shadows by @19thsentry-blog
On one side is Luka, 140-year-old Snake Miraculous holder and keeper of the Guardian's secrets, on the other is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a relatively newly minted hero of Paris and Guardian of the Miracle Box. Each is looking to fulfill their promises to their now gone mentors to reunite the Kwamis and keep them safe. Sounds simple--until you throw in a rocky start, the Atlantic Ocean, Félix Graham de Vanily, and a whole host of secrets…and suddenly simple becomes complicated (story of Marinette's life, right?).
Succession Planning by @unecoccinellenoire
Félix has absolutely no interest in talking to anyone working for his cousin's father, but Nathalie Sancoeur is determined to make her request.
to assess the equation of you by @marinetteplztakeabreak
“I’m not a wanted fugitive,” she said, dryly. “You could change that.” She wasn’t sure if he was joking. Wasn’t sure if she wanted him to be joking. She stared for a long second, as if she could read more into his intent in the pupils of his eyes. They stayed there for a long second, unblinking. OR: Félix and Kagami try to talk about that after credits scene in Pretension
Found by @trishacollins
Chat Noir and Ladybug need to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, one of those ends is Felix.
fruit filled garden maze by mooniecat3
A look into Félix' home-life in childhood.
Trapped by @trishacollins
Felix asks to visit Adrien earlier, worried that his twin isn't responding to him on their bond. Gabriel catches him snooping and makes some assumptions about why. It gets worse from there.
La nuit, tous les chats sont gris by @ninadove
In which the Cat Miraculous grants Adrien much needed freedom — even if he's not the one wielding it.
Felix is Fine by SortaArtsy
Felix wakes up sick, but is determined to keep it under wraps. Kagami refuses to be fooled. Feligami fluff. Implied past trauma/ abuse, though nothing explicit. Set post S5 so there are SOME SPOILERS!
Betcha On Land (They Understand) by @redundant-lava
As a young merman, Felix is fascinated by all things human. His father, the king of the ocean, has forbidden him from going to the surface, and Felix of course obeys. But when Felix accidentally crosses paths with a human princess, his whole world is turned upside down. What can he do to see her again? How can he escape his father’s control? (A Feligami Little Mermaid AU)
Eat, Pray, Duck by @trishacollins
Gabriel Agreste split his twin sons apart when his wife died, keeping one with him and sending one to London with his sister. Unfortunately, the Supreme was not willing to let this be. He wanted a matched set. Felix is a weapon, a servant of the Supreme. On a mission to retrieve the stolen Miraculous. In a world that has outlawed kindness, sometimes the most dangerous person is the one who chooses it anyway.
Boulangerella by @aidanchaser
Once upon a time, magic was wild. The two princes of the kingdom have been tasked with choosing their brides by the end of their 21st birthday celebrations. Crown Prince Adrien Agreste will have to choose between a woman who can protect his kingdom, a woman offering the power to wake his sleeping mother, and the woman he has loved and admired for the past year. Then there's also the seamstress that he is suddenly falling for. By the time he realizes he doesn't have the power to choose at all, it may be too late.
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jiveyuncle · 2 years
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I demand everyone go read this fic rn. The emotional roller coaster I went on reading this is insane. Nat, bless thee.
Fanfic: See This Chance by 19thsentry on Ao3 - Ch5 Moon
Summary: “Luka died in 2016. Yep. Crushed by the Arc de Triumph when Mayura’s Robustus slammed into it. It was kind of a big deal, but once you’re dead, you’re dead—especially when there’s no Lucky Charm to bring you back.
Luka’s been dealing with it in the typical ways.”
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nerdypanda3126 · 2 years
I am here to politely ask for deets on the Vipernette Moment WIP. Vipernette owns my heart and soul. I can't help it.
Oh man me too for sure 😁
This is part of my Moments series which are really just soft moments of rest.
“Ready, buddy?” he whispered. When Sass nodded back, he said the quiet words to transform, thankful he was in a different room from Marinette so the flash of magic wouldn’t bother her. He’d be taking the balcony exit—an extra precaution that Marinette had insisted on when they’d gotten the apartment together, but Luka was glad for it now. There were more than enough reasons to be cautious now. 
Before he left, though, he walked to the bedroom door to check on her. She was still fast asleep, on her back, the just-visible 16-week bump of her stomach rising and falling evenly. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight. They hadn’t been married long, and already they were starting their family together. He was a father. The love of his life was having his child. 
He was drawn to her side and knelt beside her, stroking her hair back from her face as he slid his other palm under the swell of her stomach. There wouldn’t be movement he could feel for months still according to Marinette, but he liked to imagine that the little life under his hand could feel his touch and know how loved they already were. 
As if to reinforce the point, he bent to press a kiss to Marinette’s forehead. She was starting to run hot in her sleep and her forehead was clammy under his lips. He lingered for a moment, pressing his forehead to hers, hoping she knew how much he loved her, too. 
When he pulled back, her gorgeous blue eyes had opened and she yawned before she wove her fingers through his over her stomach. 
“You woke him up,” she said, smiling in a bleary, wistful way. 
“Her,” he corrected, grinning. 
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trixxiephantomhive · 2 years
Throwing Myself into this one, ( @quickspinner and @19thsentry-blog peaked my interest and I’ll get to tagging others)
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Mine aren’t that cryptic so here we go
Dear, Diary
When your enemy is your friends friend
Dinner with the stones, but this time Luka’s deaf
Random Scene
The Felinette things
Valentine’s Day!
When the stars fall silent
One Angry Fret Board
“One last dance with Mary Jane, one last chance to kill the pain”
New Title:
Lukanette Parents
A hungover heart: a tale of three dumbasses
Felix things bc why not
Kwami Shit
One shots from hell
Three dumbasses something else
Jet Lag June
Evil Luka season five
Luka’s Song
Death note x Miraculous rough draft
British/Wonderland/Lesbian Cult
Lemon rat
That’s all! @verfound (only cuz it’s fun to tag you)
Ask away friends.
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quickspinner · 2 years
Tag 3 People You Want To Get To Know Better
@19thsentry-blog tagged me so here we go!
Currently Reading: I hadn't read anything new in a while but I actually just finished Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce. It was okay, but I always approach prequel books with a sense of caution...somehow they never line up with the assumptions I build in my head. I think the last one before that was Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, which I very much enjoyed.
Favorite color: Purple! Mostly the darker shades.
Last Song:
Last Movie: Cars, this morning when my youngest climbed into my bed, knowing that he could get me to agree to put on a movie for him so I could keep sleeping. He still yells "You can do it Lightning McQueen!" during the races even though he has watched it a million times. 😆 The last new movie I watched...I think The Sea Beast on Netflix? I don't watch new stuff that often but that's the most recent one I can remember.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All of the above! I like spicy but could probably live without it. But if I had to choose between sweets and french fries, I'd have a really hard time.
Currently working on: My fic for the LBSC secret admirer exchange, about which I can reveal nothing. Muahaha. Also Indelible and Guard My Heart. If by "working" we mean "thinking." 😂
Bonus: I will try just about any craft once and am addicted to far too many. Related: I am a compulsive gift giver and when I see a thing a friend would love I have to make it whether they want me to or not. Most of them are gracious enough to pretend they appreciate it. 😁
I no-pressure tag @blueberry-macaron , @inkmousey , @writerriderdirtythirties
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