paunchsalazar · 10 months
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Fire Emblem Awakening fathers…
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starclast · 5 months
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voxmilia · 1 year
also shout out to my current severa, who went from lvl 10 merc to lvl 2-3 hero in like. 4 paralogues
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Version 8 Release
Creature Campaign (v8) Changelog
Added unique sprites for all gen 2 units as taguels/manaketes. Credit to Merrill for all non-Owain taguel sprites!
Unique taguel Lucina textures
Asset assignments so the kids will keep their voices when they transform (no voice filter unless they're Yarne, Nah, or Morgan though)
Optional alternate manakete Morgan sprites, one to match Tiki's outfit and one to match Nah's outfit. Alternate textures not included.
Updated UGGLR to match the expanded support options
Custom male manakete model (UGGLR only)
Removed Owain's inexplicable dark mage reclass
Various minor support fixes
53 new supports!!!
Since there are so many new supports, the list of what's been added will be under the cut
New Romantic Supports: F!Robin/Nah, Chrom/Virion, Lissa/Cordelia, Lissa/Cherche, Frederick/Libra, Virion/Sumia (no voicelines), Vaike/Kellam, Vaike/Sumia, (Vaike/Donnel have an S available that has not been written), Miriel/Tharja, Sumia/Say'ri, Sumia/Tiki, Kellam/Henry, Maribelle/Sully, Maribelle/Nowi, Maribelle/Cherche, Panne/Say'ri, Panne/Yen'fay, Nowi/Olivia, Cherche/Tiki, Emmeryn/Aversa, Lucina/Nah, Inigo/M!Morgan, Brady/Yarne, Kjelle/Nah, Cynthia/Noire, Cynthia/Nah, Severa/Nah, Gerome/Yarne, Yarne/Laurent, Noire/Nah
New Platonic Supports: Chrom&Emmeryn, Cherche&Emmeryn, Lissa&Lucina, Frederick&Lucina, Sumia&Severa, Libra&Nah
New PC Supports: Lucina&Libra, Owain&Cordelia, Owain&Olivia, Inigo&Nowi, Brady&Sumia, Cynthia&Panne, Cynthia&Tiki, Severa&Lissa, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Sully, Nah&Olivia
New Sibling Supports: Owain&Severa, Owain&Kjelle, Inigo&Nah, Cynthia&Yarne
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sieglinde-freud · 1 month
so the way endings in awakening work is a bit off if you have the gay mod because it reads single people normally, but married people have the man’s ending read, and then his wife just. attached. and so that alters which ending you see for both of them. unfortunately, that means if i have f/f pairs, which most of them were, i dont get to see any because none of them were read. and at least with the second gen, i did almost entirely f/f pairs, which dont show up, or m/m pairs, which had nothing written, so. everyone please give it up for gerome and cynthia, the only second gen ending i got to see!
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😭😭 good for them!!! anyways unorganized final thoughts under cut so i dont have to make a whole other post for it
awakening lunatic sucks! but project thabes makes it suck a little less. in all honesty i had a lot of fun, awakenings a good game to revisit, and finding a way to make it challenging while being able to use my favorite units (awakening second gen) ever was awesome. normally having all 13 (or 14 in this case, with both morgans) would break the game, but lunatic kept the enemies strong, so it didnt matter what my units had. i actually got overwhelmed a lot 😭 HUGE difficulty jump between hard and lunatic all i’m saying. and then the games like “hey now u have lunatic+ if that interests you” NOOOOO THANKS.
anyways. here are my top three guys according to the medal thingies at the end
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im so proud of them :3 of all the kids really but yeah these three were huge standouts. virion actually got a change in the mod where one of his subclasses was swapped for myrmidon, so yarne got to inherit astra which was actually insane? it procced ALL THE TIME so. that was crazy. chrom!inigo and fred!cynthia are always good thats not new but they were really clutch in the last few chapters. i had them both hopping around classes for most of the game bc thabes redoes skill progression so. IT TOOK CYNTHIA SO LONG TO LEARN LUNA. ITS FROM WYVERN LORD. GOD. she went through a LOT of classes yall dont even know. also honorable mention to marc and morgan, the best rallybots ever, and dancer lucina, who was outserving everyone she was in a scene with. my girl.
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like ok serving cunt on the back of the god youre about to kill? get it girl!
anyways so for second gen pairs i did: lucina/f!morgan, owain/m!morgan, inigo/laurent, yarne/brady, severa/kjelle, nah/noire, and cynthia/gerome and you know what. i think i have a great taste. a lot of these were born from being unable to do other pairings but thats ok. i liked how it turned out. though i was gonna do nah/noire anyways because they were actually like. an insane duo. honestly im surprised noire didnt get a medal thing bc i feel like her nostanking with nah backing her up got me out of so much shit. maybe its because i didnt see her ending… oh. oh wait thats probably it. well. anyways.
i think awakening is not a properly balanced game, nor are the maps made for a difficulty like this. towards the end game especially, the maps are just. flat. most of them anyways, and they just become really repetitive and bland and boring. and despite this being the game with the tactician character of all the time, they dont really allow you flexible strategies, because if youre not pair up stat stacking, you will die! and that sucks. mid game is alright, but the last arc is really weak and kinda dampered my whole experience. im glad i did it, but i wouldnt actually reccomend it to anyone unless you like to play like that (which is totally fine! its just not my thing). definitely requires some solid planning as well. all in all, not the worst fire emblem ive played but… well. im not doing it again. ok anyways heres inigo mouthing off at grima
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emblemxeno · 7 months
Welcome back! <3 What's your opinion on the second generation of Shepards? There are definitely some that could use some more development imo
Thanks for the welcome back!
(Sorry for the long post, I just kept writing and writing lol)
I agree with the sentiment to a certain extent. The second generation I feel are as well written as they could be (especially since time travel is a story tool I'm not fond of), but definitely benefitted from Future Past. Even though the Future Past kids aren't the same exact characters we have, they act as a 'what if' version so I count the development as one and the same.
However, to be a bit specific, one thing about them stood out, and it's indicative of a peculiar, unfortunate aspect of FE13's cast as a whole.
The boys are written with more taste, consistency, and sensitivity than the girls. Though outliers exist (like Lucina and Severa), the second gen girls are kind of cheap? They get more "humorous" supports (i put humorous in quotes cuz I don't find a lot of the jokes funny), and are treated less seriously as a whole.
Cynthia is like a sidekick or guinea pig more than an actual participant in the conversation sometimes (which I guess is funny in an ironic sort of way); Kjelle's supports are really vapid, offering nothing that her mom didn't, and delivered with a less entertaining speech pattern, and there's only a few things worse than being boring to me; Nah... is honestly kind of a mess, teetering between playing the mature straight man, and being the most childish and annoying creature ever (e.g. I hate a lot of Nowi's supports, but Nah's support with Laurent is singularly worse than all of them and is a contender for the worst one in the game); and F!Morgan, while her actions and dialogue are supposed to be cute, I find them to be kind of boundary pushing, alarming, or even downright mean sometimes.
Again, Lucina (some of the best supports in the game period, being varied, having great dialogue) and Severa (her self esteem issues recontextualize every support chain in an artful matter) avoid this, as does Noire for the most part (she's written pretty sincerely as comedic or melancholy when she needs to be), but the four ladies I mentioned beforehand can just be... bleh. Being honest, were it not for Future Past, Cynthia, Nah, and F!Morgan would've been several marks lower. Their peaks are lower than what Inigo, Yarne, Laurent, and Brady provide, and Owain's comedy lands a lot better than theirs as well.
Though, like I said earlier, this is indicative of a larger problem I have with Awakening's writing. Since the game was written with the prospect of being the last, the popular Japanese entertainment tropes were all thrown into the mix, and they tend to be at the expense of the women. Sumia's clumisness, Sully's experience with sexism being kind of surface level (i.e. not something that feels connected to the world of the game), Tharja being Yandere 101, Nowi in general, etc. A third of them comment on being a mess in the kitchen, they blush due to crass comments or outright weirdo requests 3x more often than the men, a good chunk of them are written to get pissed at a drop of a hat, and so on.
Hell, lots of the women in my 'Favorite' or 'Love' tiers on my list, also have 1 or 2 utterly terrible supports that really exemplify this. Lucina's support with F!Robin (when they're not parent and child) is godawful; Maribelle suffers when her subtle desire to be loved or charmed is brought to the forefront (e.g. her support with Virion is like Gray/Clair if Gray was also a noble, and her support with Gregor is very tepid and flavorless when she's usually very entertaining); Cherche and Olivia suffer when they have zero chemistry with their conversation partner; Cordelia suffers when she plays straight into the 'superior perfectionist' bit (Frederick, Donnel), using her conversation partner as a way to vent about Chrom (Frederick again, Henry, Gregor), and outright becomes a nagging mom/wife who cleans up her man with Gaius; and Panne suffers when the writers decide to ignore how her race was enslaved and hunted to near extinction in favor of other characters (often men) getting to play with her ears, cuddling with her fur, or calling her cute when she doesn't want them to.
Most damningly, F!Robin is several marks lower than her male counterpart despite being the same character in-story, because a good deal of her unique supports write her badly (Chrom, Lucina, Aversa, Yarne) or barely at all (Brady, Anna, Owain). Even supports that got a laugh out of me-which is a big accomplishment-like with Lon'qu, still aren't stellar cuz they play on her being almost a caricature; like she's "Robin but a woman (derogatory)" instead of just... a version of Robin.
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feaincorrectquotes · 1 year
Since Mobile tumblr can’t view the info page i’ll make it a post aswell 
Welcome to Fea incorrect quotes!
Here I post incorrect quotes and silly scenarios for my favorite game, Fire Emblem Awakening.
Here are a few general information to look forward to / be aware of.
.The pairings on this page are fixed and won’t shift unless I feel like it.
the pairings are as followed
First Gen Pairings
Chrom x F!Robin
Lissa x Lon'qu
Frederick x Sumia
Gaius x Cordelia
Henry x Olivia
Stahl x Tharja
Miriel x Donnel
Sully x Gregor
Panne x Libra
Ricken x Nowi
Kellam x Maribelle
Virion x Cherche
Second Gen Pairings
Lucina x Inigo
M!Morgan x Severa
F!Morgan x Gerome
Owain x Cynthia
Laurent x Noire
Brady x Kjelle
Yarne x Nah
. I don’t have pairngs for other characters currently, so feel free to send me some suggestions.
. Female Robin is my favorite Robin so don’t expect to see male Robin
. I love the idea of Twin Morgans, on the scenario of twin morgans Female morgan (the younger twin) will retain the name morgan while Male morgan (the older twin) will be named Marc. (Marc being Morgan’s Japanese name).
I hope you enjoy
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wizling · 2 years
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i've had a few new followers recently so, hi! this seemed like a fun way to let you know what to expect. if you've been here for a while, i hope you're all very impressed that i managed to restrain myself and only put cynigowain for three of these
the blank version is here!
very quick additional notes under cut;
lucina/laurent is their fast support and it's REALLY sweet. i tend to build physical lucinas so i pair her with gerome in game but i still love lucina/laurent.... and gerolucilaur is so good too
it was very in character for my first robin to throw fruit first and think of a reason later and i've had a soft sport for robin/lon'qu ever since. he's a good dad for a van/ven morgan!! maybe not the best, but if you're not doing apotheosis... it's fun. i love vantage/vengeance morgan. i love robin being a menace and a pest
i was neutral on sumidelia until i did their harvest scramble conversation and now i want sumia to take out a restraining order against her. if anyone ever speaks to you the way cordelia speaks to sumia they are not your friend
lissabelle IS good and as far as im concerned it is canon. the world isnt ready for my exalt brady manifesto.... but some day
cant explain this. i just think they're both nice
it's only controversial bc kjelle is in it lmao. for politeness' sake i won't say how i really feel
fredcherche GOOD fredcherche GOOD SUPPORT fredcherche allowing a recently divorced virion to crash on their sofa in their immaculate home because they both function better with a noble blue-haired disaster to fret about is essential
this is official art and i was thinking about redrawing it but it's just so good. it's so good. i want everyone to see this all the time
given that we're never given a specific time for when cynthia was inigo's first love i like to think it was very shortly after they first met when she did not notice his debilitating shyness and dragged him into her game with owain anyway
(11.2) i had inigo with pink hair at first but he looked too much like soleil and i had to abandon it... sad! anankos prefers brunettes i guess
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fefuckability · 1 year
The Awakening Bracket Qualifier! Starts July 26th at 3pm EDT
Here's how it's going to work:
There are going to be 7 qualifying polls (Four for the men, three for the women)
Pick your favorite from each poll
Polls will run for one week (I'd prefer 3 days but alas Tumblr doesn't offer the option yet)
The top 16 male characters and the top 16 female characters will qualify for the men's and women's brackets.
Qualifier 1 (Chrom, M!Robin, Virion, Frederick, Vaike, Gregor, Henry, Libra)
Qualifier 2 (Stahl, Kellam, Gaius, Lon'qu, Basilio, Walhart, Yen'fey, Priam)
Qualifier 3 (Owain, Inigo, Brady, Gerome, Yarne, Laurent)
Qualifier 4 (Validar, Cervantes, Excellus, Mustafa, Gangrel, Old Hubba, Farber)
Qualifier 5 (F!Robin, Lissa*, Emmeryn, Cherche, Sumia, Cordelia, Panne, Anna)
Qualifier 6 (Sully, Maribelle, Tharja, Miriel, Olivia, Say'ri, Tiki, Flavia, Naga)
Qualifier 7 (Lucina, Kjelle, Cynthia, Severa, Noire, Pheros, Raimi, Aversa, Phila)
Characters who are excluded from voting:
Anyone who obviously both looks and acts like a literal child. Some characters are borderline so discretion may be used
Palette swapped characters (e.g. Victor and Vincent)
Anyone who lacks either a portrait or a unique name
Characters who do not have a unique humanoid form (e.g. Grima, because they either look like a dragon or they just look like Robin)
Characters who are technically included in Awakening via Einherjar, but would fit better with another game's poll (e.g. Marth)
*Yes, I know Lissa is canonically 15 at the start of Awakening. However, there's a two year time skip and she's canonically at least 17, possibly 18 by the end of the game. Taking that into consideration I've decided to include her. Assume she's at her post-time skip age for the purposes of these polls.
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mxbrightsky · 2 years
I got bored and ranked the fire emblem awakening characters based on how well I think they'd take care of a goldfish.
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reasoning for each character below the cut
Henry: he loves animals
Panne: she would not want a fish to be kept in a tank
Cordelia: she's a perfectionist
Tiki: I feel like with her being thousands of years old she's got hobbies. Maybe she spent like a couple decades really into goldfish. You don't know.
Cherche: given how well she cares for Minerva I also think she'd care that well for other animals, but obviously fish are not her main concern
Frederick: he just keeps things neat and orderly in general
Miriel and Laurent: I feel like they're well researched enough to care about a properly maintained fish tank
Nah: she takes super good care of a goldfish because she wants to appear more grown up, and therefore would want to be responsible even if it's just for a fish
Brady: his whole thing is that he looks pretty rugged but is actually kind of a soft guy (i think, it's been a while, if im wrong shhhh) but anyway I think that makes taking care of goldfish kind of like a suitable thing to go with that
Emmeryn: she's compassionate and caring, she wants to take good care of the goldfish, but also she's got a lot to be doing she doesn't have all the time in the world to be a goldfish mom
Libra: he also falls under "caring and so probably would want to do right by the fish but ultimately has other priorities"
Robin: sort of the same reasoning as Miriel and Laurent but a rung lower because I feel like they wouldn't be as perfectionist about it, like they don't know EVERYTHING but they know enough
Morgan: inherited the fish from Robin and therefore know how to take care of it.
Chrom: he's trying his best
Kjelle: she's also trying her best
Ricken: same reasoning as Nah but I don't think that fish is his number one priority so not as much energy put into it as her
Kellam: I feel like Kellam is the kind of guy who can do many many things to a competent degree and you just never notice until it comes up
Donnel: he's a farmboy he's probably decent with animals but maybe doesn't have the funds for anything above and beyond
Say'ri and Yen'fay: I don't remember much about them because they really don't have much supports and their story arc was rushed. But they seem fish capable.
Olivia: she is also trying her best
Stahl: regular guy. regular bowl
Gregor: I don't think he'd care about fish but he'd at least be positive towards them
Noire and Yarne: I don't think they can emotionally handle the responsibility of taking care of a fish /j
Flavia and Basilio: I don't think they'd care about fish either, but I think it would be funny if like, being the reigning Khan of Ferox also means you have to take care of some special goldfish. just in this alternate universe where everyone, singularly, owns a goldfish.
Gaius: he would win a fish at some kind of fair, and he would be upset he didn't get candy instead.
Lon'qu, Gerome, and Sully: I just don't think they'd care about fish. Gerome you could maybe make an argument for considering he cares about Minerva and I ranked Cherche high for that, but to me I don't think he cares about any animal other than Minerva.
Anna: she is selling goldfish in individual bowls
Lucina: this one is a joke based on her support line with whoever her mother is and how she canonically has bad fashion sense. so she'd decorate a fish tank with that bad fashion sense.
Inigo: he would somehow use fish to try to pick up ladies.
Severa: tries to make the fish tank incredibly aesthetically pleasing in order to one-up her mom but accidentally makes the fish tank unlivable by an actual fish.
Cynthia, Vaike, Lissa, Virion, Maribelle, Nowi, Owain, and Sumia: I know they all have different styles but like I feel like for all of them their placement in that tier is self explanatory.
Tharja: she is using that fish as an ingredient to a hex.
Priam: he eats it
Aversa: she gave the fish's soul up to grima
Gangrel: he'd kill the fish and blame it on Ylisse
Walhart: he thinks fish are beneath him
I am open to civilized debate on any of these rankings you think should be different
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quietsun5268 · 1 year
Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Fathers for Inigo based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?
(Sorry for taking too long everybody I've been very busy with life for a few months. But then I thought why not finish this to get it over with. Still Busy after this.)
Most Child units inherit the hair color from their fathers (with the exception of Female Morgan, who inherited her mother's hair color, and Lucina). But some parents are more fitting for some child units then others based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc. I'm not looking for who would make the kid stronger. Just a parent who would make sense for the Child Units.
Recap: Brady Severa Cynthia Laurent Noire Yarne Gerome Nah Kjelle Lucina Owain
Here's what I've gathered about Inigo
1.) Inigo's Class is a Mercenary which he could've gotten from Gregor or Donnel.
2.) Inigo being a flirt makes him similar to Virion and maybe Gaius. But it's revealed that in the past Olivia told him to speak to girls if he wanted to become less shy, which is how he became a flirt. Although Virion is shown to be quite shy in his S Support with Sully.
3.) As stated above, he was shy in the past, which is something from Olivia. But depending on the perspective that shyness could also maybe come from Chrom (who has the fewest marriage options in the game due to being socially awkward), Lon'qu (who is more afraid of women then shy, but this could have ironic layers like if Olivia had Lon'qu!Inigo talk girls in order not only have him get over his shyness but also prevent him possibly being afraid of women like his father, which worked), or Virion (like I said above he's shown to be quite shy in his S Support with Sully.)
4.) Inigo is shown to look like Chrom but in Henry's ending with Olivia it's mentioned that Inigo inherited Henry's smile
5.) Each version of his name (English: Inigo, Japanese: Azur) and aliases (English: Laslow, Japanese: Lazward) seems to have a meaning of blue or names are similar to a variation of blues (Inigo-Indigo, Azur-Azure, Laslow-Lazuli, Lazward-lazurite) (Lazward is also a Persian word for blue). While it could be a reference for his blue armor, it could be a reference for blue hair he inherited from his father if it's either Chrom, Virion, or Robin (if you give him blue hair). Although Indigo is considered a purplish blue color, so Donnel could be an option since Donnel has purple hair. Plus Inigo's name could be a reference to his outfit (Which is blue).
6.) Speaking of names, Indigo isn't the only one with a color-based name. Chrom is based on Chroma, meaning color. Lucina is based on the word Luminescent, a measurement of the color spectrum.
7.) Inigo could fit the family theme of Chrom's family if he's his son. Blue hair (like Chrom and Lucina), and blue clothes (like Chrom and Lucina). Plus Inigo, Lucina, and Owain have birthdays relating to Marth. Inigo is born August 7th, the day Fire Emblem 1 was remade.
8.) Inigo can be similar to both Virion and Vaike with their… boasting.
9.) If Chrom marries Olivia, Inigo is the only one of Chrom's non-Lucina children to inherit the Mark of Naga
10.) Lucina's support with her sibling also fit the most with Inigo, due to the sibling personality traits (Insecurity, self doubt, fear of bugs, swordsmanship, comparing themselves to Chrom and Lucina). In case you're confused about the fear of bugs thing, Spring Inigo (or Festival Flower Inigo) makes a reference to that in Fire Emblem Heroes
11.) As stated above, Inigo has a fear of bugs, but Lon'qu likes bugs. In Summer Scramble DLC, he reveals to Gaius that he liked to catch them as a kid and finds them fascinating. Lissa also catches him catching butterflies in one of their support conversations.
12.) Although it was thanks to Olivis's advice that Inigo became a flirt, Inigo is like Virion in other ways. Both are unsuccessful womanizers with a flowery manner who do have a noble heart, but both of them are aware and willing to look foolish to others for surprisingly big-hearted reasons despite their own inner turmoil - Inigo being a ridiculously cheerful flirt to distract himself and keep up others' spirits, while Virion lets others think of his abandonment of his people as cowardice, despite doing so to prevent their own loyalty to him costing their lives. It gives layers to Virion and Inigo's B-support.
13.) Inigo tends to mask his troubles behind cheerful, optimistic demeanor. He could've gotten that from Henry. Henry, in the "Future Past" DLC, notes that they both tend to bottle up their pain behind their smiles.
14.) In almost all of Inigo's support with his father. They always compare him to Lucina. It would make sense if it was Chrom who says that if he's Inigo's father.
(?) If Henry is Inigo's father, he's the only one out of all of Inigo's possible fathers who makes no mention of Lucina in their father-son support.
(?) In "The Future's Past, Part 2", if Male Robin is his father, it ends up making him be the strategist of the group make him look like he's taking after his father.
(?) If Olivia marries Henry, and If Inigo/Laslow marries Peri. Well… I guess both dancing and shyness aren't the only thing Inigo has inherited from Olivia. Both of them clearly have a type, since both Henry and Peri are similar.
(?) In Inigo's Harvest Scramble conversation with Owain, Inigo mentions that he killed so many living people that the act barely phases him anymore. Plus in the Awakening DLC Death's Embrace, he mentions hardly feeling anything while fighting real people anymore. He also has an easier time coping with death and horror in general. It could be a inherited from Henry thing or a development thing considering the circumstances.
(?) In Fates, Owain's (or Odin's) secondary class line is Samurai which is closest this game has to Myrmidons. Severa's (or Selena's) secondary class line is Sky Knight because she could reclass to Pegasus Knight in Awakening and because she's gotten over the issues she had with Cordelia, so now she can honor her mother. Where am I going with this? Well Inigo's (or Laslow's) secondary class line is the Ninja, which could be promoted to Master Ninja, the closest thing in Fates to the Assassin class. Because as stated above he has killed so many living people it doesn't phase him anymore. But you can also say he inherited the option to the the closest thing to be an Assassin (Master Ninja) in Fates from a father who has an option to be an Assassin, like Gaius, Lon'qu, Avatar (Robin), Stahl, Vaike, Kellam, Gregor, or Henry
Who do you think is the child's units mostly likely, maybe, and least likely parents based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc?
I'm not sure if I got everything. There's always a chance I'm missing something but I'm willing to listen to any input and reasons why you think whatever Father is suitable for Inigo.
Who's the Most Likely Father for Inigo based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/w4nWrRWlxyA
Who's the Least Likely Father for Inigo based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlDXjzye
Reddit (you can click here if you want to see what other people think in the comments but know that the polls aren't in Reddit)
Do you guys want me to do Morgan next? (Not sure if I should make a separate pages for Male and Female Morgan or place them all in one) Or do you want me to move on with another Fire Emblem topic? Like either Who Would Be The Most Likely Mothers or Fathers for the Fire Emblem Fates Children Units? Or Which Ending is a Happy Ending for (Insert Name Here) in Fire Emblem Three Houses?
The last ones means which character ending (single or paired) has the character accomplish their goals. Because in some paired endings it seem like it's happy for one of the two characters instead of both of them. I've give you an example: Ingrid & Sylvain
"As Margrave Gautier, Sylvain devoted his life to improving relations with the people of Sreng. Under his leadership, nobles were persuaded that Relics and Crests were not necessary as they'd previously thought. Though he went down in history as an extraordinary lord, he could not have done so without the constant support and counsel of his wife, Ingrid, whose wisdom and tenacity ensured that the people would prosper. Sylvain was ever loyal to his beloved wife. The couple had many children, and while not one of them bore a Crest, they were all equally and wholeheartedly loved."
Sylvain accomplished a goal but Ingrid's goal is to be a Knight but her and Sylvain's ending makes no mention of it happening.
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knuckle · 2 years
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starclast · 5 months
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Um clearly if FEA doesn't have that mechanic we need to think about it ourselves. Obviously anyone noble can't cook worth a dang, so I think we can safely sort Virion into the lower tiers. Can you see him cooking I can't. I think Chrom can cook campfire food, probably, and I think Frederick can cook...? Cherche seems self-sufficient enough... and I have no justification for this but I feel like Maribelle could girlboss her way into a good meal, if not a GREAT one. IDK why. I just feel it. In my bones.
Okay, we actually do have SOME information about who can and (more often) CAN'T cook from supports. Let's see what I can remember/find reasonably quickly.
Chrom sucks at cooking. In his A support with Vaike he makes goulash so bad that Vaike falls off his chair and goes unconscious. (Chrom then declares himself winner by knockout. I love him.) Also, his Dragalia Lost appearance had him saying "I'm useless as a chef. Even among my family, my cooking's reputation is less than stellar." This seems to imply that Emmeryn and Lissa (maybe Lucina and Owain, too?) are also not great at cooking, but that Chrom is particularly awful.
Sumia's food CAN turn out amazing, but she's pretty bad at the actual process. Chrom thinks her rhubarb pie is the best he's ever had, even though he normally hates rhubarb, but it took her 15 tries to get it right. Similarly, Gaius loves the honey cake she makes him in their S support, but then she admits it took her 23 tries. So... her heavenly cooking comes with a high price, apparently.
Sully is bad at cooking. "Yeah, maybe I can't cook, or clean, and I burn all the laundry" (per her S support with Chrom), but it's also brought up in Kjelle's supports with her father. Yeah, turns out Kjelle can't cook, either.
And actually, Kjelle's supports with her father actually do indicate something about the cooking skills of her potential fathers... See, most of them just get a line about giving her some pointers... EXCEPT for Chrom and Robin, who get an additional line of "I'm no whiz in the kitchen, but I've made my fair share of campfire breakfasts." So presumably, most of the guys in the Shepherds at least decent at cooking. Chrom "winner by knockout" Ylisse and Robin "I've only poisoned myself twice" Reflet are outliers.
Because speaking of Robin, yeah... "I've only poisoned myself twice" is from Donnel's supports, but we also see from Panne's supports that she is the only one willing to touch Robin's carrot stew. (Taguel notably have a different diet than humans do, and eat things like firefruit, which causes human skin to "blister and itch for days on end" according to her supports with Stahl.) In the Nowi/Robin supports, Frederick instructs Robin with field cooking (so we can probably assume Frederick is good at at least that sort of thing), and Robin and Nowi end up making something together that appears unappetizing but apparently tastes pretty good... but, um... Well... Nowi's a manakete, and Robin has fell dragon power even in their human body, so... Mm... Nah likes Robin's cooking, too (although to be fair, she was used to eating bitter leaves and plant roots in the bad timeline). Forgive me if I suspect it might be another Panne situation? F!Robin's C support with Severa does show her getting a good result, but Robin also says that her cooking usually turns out "tasting like mud... Or burned mud." Severa gets mad at what she sees as false modesty, but... Severa IS Severa, and also I don't think ANY of the future children were eating gourmet under Grima's reign, so... I'm inclined to think Robin's cooking is decent at its absolute best, on an exceptionally lucky day.
Now, let me go back to the Stahl/Panne supports for a second, because I think that Stahl is likely pretty good at cooking. Fitting for a guy who loves eating, right? Although it's a little weird, because I'm pretty sure they added that as his gimmick at the last second. If you read all his supports, eating is never really brought up, and in fact his gimmick appears instead to be... being so average that it's remarkable. If that's the case, perhaps his meals are also average when you look at the whole camp? But in his supports with Panne he specifically brings her a special dinner because Lissa was making "some kind of weird stew" (another point in favor of her not cooking well? although compare Tharja's line in her C support with Lon'qu about Lissa maybe making more little honey cakes for the war council she's hosting. Maybe Lissa is better at baking generally, or maybe she's better when it comes to sweets specifically?). Now, the cottage cheese and squid dish Stahl brings Panne doesn't sound, uh, super great for humans... but the "carrot dumpling wrapped in a flaky pastry crust" sounds pretty delicious and I kind of want one, too...
Severa claims that she burns everything she tries to cook in her supports with her father, but that's probably just her insecurity flaring up (she goes on to say she must be a disappointment compared to her mother... and yeah, I'm sure Cordelia's cooking is as excellent as her reputation for perfection would suggest). But in her supports with M!Morgan, she manages to cook a pretty good stew. Morgan's only complaint is that it tastes like she was just going through the motions with it, not really putting any feeling into her cooking. But hey, compared to SOME of the Shepherds, I think she's doing an amazing job! Morgan even asks for seconds! (Also, if she S supports Morgan then she makes the same stew and Morgan raves about it. Clearly, Severa putting her love into her cooking makes it outstanding).
... Okay so that's all I've got off the top of my head (I say as if I didn't already spend hours looking up supports...) but if anyone has anything else to add let me know. I'm too tired to read the full support list for every single character right now.
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fireemblemshowdown · 1 year
Fire Emblem Awakening Round One
To kick off the Awakening match-ups, I thought a fun start would be parents vs their kids! As for characters without children, I just put together ones that I thought would at least put up a decent fight against each other.
F!Robin vs M!Robin
M!Morgan vs F!Morgan
Chrom vs Lucina
Lissa vs Owain
Olivia vs Inigo
Cordelia vs Severa
Sumia vs Cynthia
Tharja vs Noire
Panne vs Yarne
Nowi vs Nah
Sully vs Kjelle
Miriel vs Laurent
Maribelle vs Brady
Cherche vs Gerome
Virion vs Vaike
Gaius vs Lon'qu
Donnel vs Ricken
Kellam vs Gregor
Libra vs Henry
Frederick vs Stahl
Say'ri vs Yen'fay
Anna vs Tiki
Basilio vs Flavia
Gangrel vs Emmeryn
Walhart vs Priam
Aversa vs Phila
Naga vs Grima
Validar vs "Marth"
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oh since you answered for the fates kids i’ve been meaning to ask! do you have any preferred parents for the awakening kids? sorry to bother you ^-^
ty for asking. love talking abt this
lucina - male robin, olivia, cordelia, libra, and gaius
owain - maribelle and donnel. conceptually i like owain and nah as siblings but. nowi. u know?
inigo - chrom, cherche, panne, and sumia
brady - lissa, donnel, and ricken
kjelle - stahl or kellam if i'm actually playing awakening. sumia, female robin, and cherche in practice
cynthia - gaius is my go to dad for cynthia if i'm playing the game. otherwise it's sully, cherche, or panne
severa - libra, lon'qu, chrom, male robin, or kellam
gerome - i did gregor and cherche's supports and now i love gregor as gerome's dad so. gregor, lon'qu, vaike, robin (either), frederick, virion, olivia, sully, or sumia
morgan - libra, vaike, frederick, chrom (female morgan only!), yen'fay, anna, cherche, cordelia, miriel, sully (male morgan only!), lon'qu, and tiki
yarne - kellam is literally my go to dad for yarne. him and panne have such good supports i love them <3 but i am also fond of frederick, libra, olivia, and sumia
laurent - vaike. like almost exclusively. but i also am fond of stahl as laurent's dad or kellam or libra! male robin as well.
noire - preface: fuck tharja! but libra and stahl as noire's dad's <3
nah - IN THEORY: lissa, ricken, or donnel. i just think brunette and blonde nah rules.
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