#visitor management system for government
crystalandparrot · 4 months
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Rottmnt x Reader
Chapter 1
Please don’t steal or use ideas without permission :)
This is an AU! The reason will be explained in later chapters, but in this AU, the yokai and mutants are fully integrated with humans. The hidden city mainly consists of Yokai and mutants with the occasional human visitor or partner.
Donatello is an independent scientist who still goes by Othello Von Ryan. He found out through trial and error that he was not made for a group laboratory. Now Donatello mainly confides himself in his lab at the lair, he's expanded of course, a man of his caliber shouldn't have to deal with such a small area. He's made great strives in the scientific community, solving some of the world's leading problems. Having won numerous awards, he still finds himself unfulfilled somehow.
Michelangelo is a successful artist, both on paper and in the kitchen. He records himself on the internet, hoping to inspire young minds to fulfill their dreams, no matter how they may look. He prefers to try anything and everything he can, gaining many new skills and discovering new things about himself. Although his desserts were delicious, the feeling of being alone only left a sour taste in his mouth.
Neon Leon. Successful actor, known for being one of the first openly Yokai actor. He inspired other Yokai's and mutants to remove their disguises and embrace what makes them unique. Leon made the world laugh with his one liners and his comical timing. His range is crazy, going from musicals to action, his talent knows no bounds. Although he has romance on the screen, he couldn't hope for something a little more...real.
Raphael (and don't skin me for this), the sweet turtle, became a guidance counselor for trouble youths. You know those kids that throw chairs? Yeah, Raph helps them. More often than not, Raphael recommends the wrestling team, which Raph just so happens to coach. Raph's helped a lot of kids figure out how to reel in their anger and get to the root of their problems. Raph's even managed to give a few select students permission to cut class and go to the weight room if they felt too angry. But no matter how many people Raph's saved (and no matter how much Raph spoke in the third person), Raph couldn't help but feel like there was one more person he needed to help.
April O' Neal. Some say she's the greatest hands on reporter of all time. With Sunita as her partner and camerawoman, the two get dirty, discovering the real problems that people won't report. April's most successful and controversial paper, "Yokai, Mutants, and Humans, oh my!" gained incredible popularity after people read just how many Yokai and Mutants were feeling neglected. Due to April's paper, the government passed a law, allowing Yokai and Mutants to come up to the surface and reveal themselves with no prejudice. It's still an ongoing battle to give everyone the fairness they deserve, but April and Sunita O'Neil fight for justice.
(Y/n) (L/n). Oh wait! That's you! You're a kind hearted soul who's just gotten a job at the School's library. You must really love the Dewey Decimal System...oh you have a nickname for it? Wonderful...You're a creative soul with a passion for helping. You have a myriad of skills, all of which may not have helped in getting this job, but they might help in getting something else. Your day starts off, relatively normally...
Having just moved back to New York after living in the Hidden City for five years was...different, to say the least. Saying goodbye to the nice old tortoise Yokai you had been staying with, you headed out, bags in hand. "Bye, Mrs. Shapiro! Call me if you need someone to water your plants!" You said, waving to the wrinkly tortoise.
"Oh, goodbye dear. I'm gonna miss you. Oh! Drop by Erin's on your way out!" The tortoise Yokai, Mrs. Shapiro, waved a long clawed hand at the you.
You nod with a smile and shut the door behind you. Heading down the street, you waved to friendly Yokai and mutants that walked past. After seeing the street clear a bit, you pulled your phone and headphones out of your pocket. Popping in the earbuds, you played your favorite playlist you found on Spotify. It was titled, 'Jammy Jams', the description being 'Songs for elite music listeners'. The playlist and many more like it, all with a theme of some sort, Studying, Building, (crime fighting?) Jogging, all came from one account by the name of Othello.
As you scrolled through the playlist, you saw the little notification. 'Othello is listening to Weird Science'. With a shrug, you tapped the notification, the song blasting through your headphones as you matched where Othello was in the song. Definitely an oldie, but it fit him...or her...or them—it fit the vibe! As you continued scrolling, adding some of the songs to your own playlists, you didn't hear the three voices yelling nor the shocked gasps of the onlookers that quickly moved out of the way.
A sudden PUSH and you were on the ground, groaning next to a stranger as Technologic blasted through your headphones.
"C'mon, Dee! He's getting away!" A turtle Yokai with dark hair in a half up, half down bun, ran in place and pointed to the direction that they needed to go. He wore an orange mask, had stickers and paint all over his shell, and in his hands sat a Kusari-fundo.
"No, no, I'm fine, Michael." The turtle Yokai next to you, (Dee?), stood up so suddenly, you thought he teleported. He wore a purple mask that wrapped around his head, his-tech goggles sitting on top. On his arms were multiple hi-tech screens and buttons that wrapped around his arms on large bands. Looking on the ground, he spotted his phone and your own, both faced down. He quickly swiped one up, and tucked it in his pocket, "May this be a lesson never to text while running!" The turtle pointed up at the sky almost heroically.
"You crashed into me!" You said defensively.
The turtle Yokai made a noise of surprise and looked down at you, as if suddenly noticing you for the first time. "I was actually referring to me." He muttered, coughing awkwardly. Without warning, two metal arms came out of his...shell? It had to be a shell, right? But it was more purple and armor like. The cold metal of the arms shook you out of your thoughts as they lifted you onto your feet.
"Oh, uh, thanks." You said, now just as awkward as the Yokai in front of you. "Don't you have to—" you pointed your thumb behind you, where the other turtle was freaking out.
"Donnie!" The orange clad turtle whined.
"Right." With a bit of showmanship, the purple clad turtle picked up your unlocked phone off the ground and handed it to you. As you took it, you noticed how he made sure your fingers did not touch. "Adieu, madam." He gave a slight bow and left, joining his accomplice in their efforts.
You giggled as he left, the whole interaction being odd. You looked down at your phone, the screen dimming. You tapped it to ensure it stayed unlocked and reopened Spotify...except, why were the apps in a different format? And your headphones were cutting out, and the background is different, and...what's the use? You know the truth, you switched your phone.
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Cat’s 3K Series
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Part Two
The apartment didn’t have a security system.
It was how the hero preferred to live — like a normal person, not like a high valuable player in the game the government controlled. Being as independent, as vulnerable as they could. It was difficult to cut old bonds and drop them completely. The hero was still trying to figure that out but with time they had learnt that the agency wasn’t too keen on letting them go their own way.
Sending them unwanted visitors in suits, checking their health every month, testing their powers regularly were some of the nasty measures they’d taken. It was difficult for the hero to walk into the facilities without having to fight a panic attack. Most of the time they lost that fight (and their mind) in the bathrooms of these buildings.
Which was also why they were under psychiatric supervision and classified as “unstable.” Sometimes the hero thought this was a joke, intended to make them more compliant. But they didn’t find it amusing.
Step by step, they told themselves. One day, they could lead a normal life but until then, they needed to keep it together.
Instead of locking up the villain, the hero decided to handcuff them to their bed. Leaving them alone in a room was too dangerous, so the bed was the only thing the hero could think of. Tying them to something seemed to be a good idea. Bathroom and kitchen had too many utensils to break free. Living room had nothing they could tie them to.
A death glare was all they got in return. That, and blood running down the villain’s torso and into the hero’s fresh white sheets. They’d been injured before, the hero remembered. Who showed up to a fight with a bleeding side voluntarily?
Looking at the stain in the sheets, they cursed in their mind. At least that gave them time to think of something to say.
“Like this position?” the hero asked, pressing their hips deeper into the villain’s. But even the hero themselves heard how thin their voice had become. How their throat had been sewn together. Doing this was illegal already but sending the agency wrong information? Telling them the villain had escaped?
It fried their brain, making it impossible to even think straight. Old panic resurfaced but they put on a tired smirk.
“I’d rather drop dead,” the villain said. For a moment, the hero thought they could detect a bit of the same anxiety the hero felt in the eyes of their enemy. But they found nothing to be there.
Whatever they felt was hidden behind a grim face and a dismissive tone.
The hero slept on the couch that night.
A dreamless night turned into a nightmare when they woke up, finding their bones aching and their muscles burning. Their back cracked. Sighing softly from the relieving pain, they stretched their limbs, only to be greeted with more hurt and without the usually already lacking comfort.
Waking up after a fight was the worst. They felt horrible. Looked horrible. Probably smelled horrible. It was like waking up with a hangover. They swallowed the soreness of their throat and sat up on the couch. With sleepy eyes, they scanned their living room and shockingly, discovered that they could look into their bedroom from here. A soft blush spread over their cheeks. They’d been so exhausted that they hadn’t realised the open door.
Which meant the villain had probably watched them change last night. Oh god.
And as their eyes adjusted to the brightness, they stared at the bed. At the empty bed.
The hero got up immediately, managed to jump over the couch and stumble into their bedroom. Creased sheets were full of blood and there the handcuffs were hanging — innocently, evidently.
“Fucking…” With whatever detective skills they had left, the hero observed the scene and found little droplets of blood here and there on the floor.
They followed them back into the living room and onto the patio. With further inspection, the hero realised the door had been opened. Maybe that was responsible for their sore throat. Impressive, how the villain had managed to sneak past them.
Then again, the hero had been really exhausted.
Once they stepped outside, their heart made a jump when they realised the villain hadn’t come far. They were lying just around the corner, still breathing but obviously completely out of it, thanks to the blood loss. Sighing once again, the hero let themselves fall next to them, pushing them until they turned around on their back.
The wound was nasty. Dirty and probably nearly infected. Red and swollen, dirt around and in it. Really fucking nasty. Enough to make the hero feel weird.
“You stupid fucking—” The hero’s breath hitched when they realised the villain wasn’t responding. Wasn’t even awake.
Hospital wasn’t an option, agency wasn’t an option, letting them die in their garden wasn’t an option. God fucking dammit.
Somehow, they picked up — or better, tried to pick up— their enemy and dragged them back into the apartment. It was nearly midday already and the hero had the never ending feeling that people had seen them there and contacted police already.
But they blocked those thoughts. It wouldn’t help them.
Once inside, they tore the clothes off the villain and started to clean up the big wound with water and alcohol. They discovered that it was a clean shot right through the villain and thanks to the tech the hero had at hand, they found out no organs were damaged. Thank god.
The hero remembered the moment their finger had dug into the villain, twisting and curling, making them scream. Unstable. Maybe the agency was right.
Seeing them like this, bloody and nearly broken made the hero more than uneasy. At times, the villain seemed untouchable. With their cool mindset and actions, they were closer to an efficient machine but this right here was so human, so illogical and painful, enough of it to make the hero feel something.
Defining that something was impossible. Or maybe the hero was afraid of it. They had no fucking clue.
“Okay, listen. You gotta wake up, dipshit,” the hero said. “I won’t have a dead villain in my home, got it?”
The hero tapped the villain’s cheek gently. When that didn’t help, they shook their shoulders.
And when that didn’t help, the hero swallowed and slapped them across the face. They’d closed their eyes but when a groan and a weak curse came from the other, the hero opened their eyes, somewhat content that their enemy was awake.
Frowning, the villain let out another grumble of their throat and stared at their enemy angrily. They needed a second to realise how much they were in pain.
“Don’t get up,” the hero warned when the villain tried exactly that. They pushed their shoulder back down but held their head in place with one hand. They handed the villain a few pills. “Painkillers.”
The villain stared at them suspiciously.
“Oh, come on. I saved you, why would I kill you now?” That seemed logical to the villain and after a few more seconds of hesitation, they swallowed the pills without a problem. The hero lay their head gently down again, finally being able to breathe in and out.
“Sorry but your cute ass has to stay with me for a while.” Why was their voice shaking? “No escape attempts for now.”
The villain huffed and closed their eyes.
“Fucking hate you.”
“I don’t know how to treat wounds, so you gotta talk me through it,” the hero said. They stared at the patio, at the sunny day. Everything was peaceful. Even their heart calmed down.
“Am no expert either.”
“Still,” the hero said. “If they find you, it’s over.”
“What are you talking about?” The villain’s eyes were still closed and the dried blood was still where it had been yesterday. The villain was cute. Pretty, even. They could’ve been drenched in blood or dirt and the hero would’ve been stuck with that opinion.
Sometimes they were a fucking loser in their own eyes.
“Who beat you up like that?” the hero asked, avoiding the question. The villain’s gaze only darkened.
“You, who the fuck else?”
“No, you were already injured when we started fighting,” the hero said.
“You’re not my priority.” Hearing that was weirdly affecting the hero. Their eyes fell to the villain’s wrists. There were red marks imprinted from the handcuffs.
“Fine, asshole,” the hero said. “An answer for an ask. I’m talking about the agency. They’re a bunch of assholes who have the public on their side. They love to use people, love to use heroes and experiment on people. I took you home with me because you were too injured to be left alone. I didn’t want them to find you. They’re dangerous.”
The hero stared at them, eyes narrowed. As if all of this was a trick. But then eventually, they spoke.
“I’m not telling you shit about me.” After that, they tried to escape three more times but the hero managed to drag them inside over and over again until they learnt their lesson.
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
Hundreds of new mining claims have been staked within the community of Amargosa Valley, Nevada, on thousands of acres directly adjacent to Death Valley National Park.
These new mining claims, documented here for the first time, are staked above groundwater aquifers that feed the springs at Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park and provide drinking water to the Timbisha Shoshone Reservation. Furnace Creek hosts the park’s visitor center, hotels and other tourist amenities.
“We are extremely concerned about this dramatic rise in mining activity directly adjacent to Death Valley National Park,” said Mason Voehl, executive director of the Amargosa Conservancy. “These claims were filed right next to people’s homes and businesses, and mining there would threaten the groundwater that communities and the environment rely on for survival.”
The new claims were filed by Canadian-based Rover Critical Minerals and follow a year of controversy over claims filed near Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge just a few miles away. The company's proposed mining project in that area sparked a lawsuit that led to the withdrawal of project approval and prompted efforts to secure a mineral withdrawal within the Amargosa Valley area.
Local governments, including the towns of Beatty and Amargosa Valley, have expressed support for pausing new mining claims in the area so that a mineral withdrawal planning process can be undertaken. The Timbisha Shoshone Tribe has also supported that proposal.
“Our national parks were set aside for future generations to experience abundant wildlife and iconic landscapes and learn from our rich cultural stories. These new mining claims are encroaching on our ability to tell that shared story across the California desert,” said Luke Basulto, California Desert program manager at the National Parks Conservation Association. “We have a fleeting opportunity to protect this place — Congress and the administration can act now to save Death Valley National Park, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge and the rare waters that sustain them.”
The claims have not yet been registered in the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Minerals and Land Record System. But in recent field reconnaissance, local residents encountered hundreds of claim markers staked in the ground, with numbers indicated on the claim notices as high as 387. These claims appear to be blanketing an area of approximately 8,000 acres on the border of Nevada and California, just 1 mile away from the park.
Drilling and mining in the area could harm springs and groundwater wells in Death Valley and impair Timbisha Shoshone Tribal water rights. While new mine claims do not guarantee full-scale mining operations, lax regulation means that exploratory drilling alone, with limited regulatory requirements, can have an impact on scarce groundwater sources and natural resources.
“These new mining claims are a real escalation against our efforts to save Ash Meadows and the Amargosa River Basin,” said Patrick Donnelly, Great Basin director at the Center for Biological Diversity and a longtime resident of the area. “Now one of our country’s most beloved national parks and a sovereign Native American nation are also under attack. We need immediate action to pause further expansion of the mining industry in this sensitive region.”
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scotianostra · 11 months
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Flora Clift Stevenson the social reformer and suffragette was born on 30th October 1839.
Born into a merchant family in Glasgow the youngest of 11 children. Her father was a wealthy Glasgow industrialist; when he retired the family moved to Edinburgh, and Flora spent most of her adult life living at 13 Randolph Crescent in the West End with her 3 sisters. The Stevenson sisters were all active in the mid-nineteenth century Scottish women’s movement. They all supported women’s suffrage, and were founding members of the Edinburgh Ladies’ Educational Association which was founded in 1868 to campaign for higher education for women. Flora was also committed to improving education for society’s poorest children; as a child she started a class in her home to teach messenger girls basic reading, writing, and maths skills.
In 1863 Flora joined the Edinburgh Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor as a district visitor, investigating the circumstances of charity claimants and assessing whether or not they were ‘deserving’ of support. She also joined the committee of the United Industrial Schools of Edinburgh, a voluntary body that organised schools for poor children. Flora believed that compulsory school attendance was central to improving the lives of poor children in big cities.
In 1873 Flora was elected to the newly formed school board for Edinburgh. School boards were the first public bodies in Scotland which were open to women. As a result of her experience she was placed on the destitute children’s committee, where she was responsible for a scheme that gave food and clothes to poor children on the condition that they attended school. She also persuaded the school board to set up a day school for truants and juvenile delinquents, which was the first of its kind under the control of a school board. Flora’s expertise in this area was well respected; she served on several committees advising the government.
Flora’s belief in women’s rights carried over into her educational philosophy. She believed that girls and boys should be treated the same in education, and argued against the school board’s policy of giving girls 5 hours less teaching than boys every week so they could practice needlework. She believed that boys should be taught household management as well as girls, and that unmarried female teachers should receive equal pay.
Flora’s dedication to Edinburgh’s education system was respected and acknowledged. In 1899 a new primary school in Craigleith was named after her, and in 1900 she was unanimously elected to the Chair of the Edinburgh school board. In 1903 she was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Edinburgh, and two years later she was given the Freedom of the City in recognition of her service to Edinburgh’s philanthropic institutions and the school board. When she died in September 1905, thousands of schoolchildren lined the route of her funeral. She is buried with her family in Dean Cemetery in Edinburgh.
In August 2021 The Royal Bank of Scotland issued a new £50 note with Flora Stevenson on it.
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elsa16744 · 2 months
Best Practices for Data Lifecycle Management to Enhance Security
Securing all communication and data transfer channels in your business requires thorough planning, skilled cybersecurity professionals, and long-term risk mitigation strategies. Implementing global data safety standards is crucial for protecting clients’ sensitive information. This post outlines the best practices for data lifecycle management to enhance security and ensure smooth operations.
Understanding Data Lifecycle Management
Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) involves the complete process from data source identification to deletion, including streaming, storage, cleansing, sorting, transforming, loading, analytics, visualization, and security. Regular backups, cloud platforms, and process automation are vital to prevent data loss and database inconsistencies.
While some small and medium-sized businesses may host their data on-site, this approach can expose their business intelligence (BI) assets to physical damages, fire hazards, or theft. Therefore, companies looking for scalability and virtualized computing often turn to data governance consulting services to avoid these risks.
Defining Data Governance
Data governance within DLM involves technologies related to employee identification, user rights management, cybersecurity measures, and robust accountability standards. Effective data governance can combat corporate espionage attempts and streamline database modifications and intel sharing.
Examples of data governance include encryption and biometric authorization interfaces. End-to-end encryption makes unauthorized eavesdropping more difficult, while biometric scans such as retina or thumb impressions enhance security. Firewalls also play a critical role in distinguishing legitimate traffic from malicious visitors.
Best Practices in Data Lifecycle Management Security
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Cybercriminals frequently target user entry points, database updates, and data transmission channels. Relying solely on passwords leaves your organization vulnerable. Multiple authorization mechanisms, such as 2FA, significantly reduce these risks. 2FA often requires a one-time password (OTP) for any significant changes, adding an extra layer of security. Various 2FA options can confuse unauthorized individuals, enhancing your organization’s resilience against security threats.
Version Control, Changelog, and File History Version control and changelogs are crucial practices adopted by experienced data lifecycle managers. Changelogs list all significant edits and removals in project documentation, while version control groups these changes, marking milestones in a continuous improvement strategy. These tools help detect conflicts and resolve issues quickly, ensuring data integrity. File history, a faster alternative to full-disk cloning, duplicates files and metadata in separate regions to mitigate localized data corruption risks.
Encryption, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Antimalware VPNs protect employees, IT resources, and business communications from online trackers. They enable secure access to core databases and applications, maintaining privacy even on public WiFi networks. Encrypting communication channels and following safety guidelines such as periodic malware scans are essential for cybersecurity. Encouraging stakeholders to use these measures ensures robust protection.
Security Challenges in Data Lifecycle Management
Employee Education Educating employees about the latest cybersecurity implementations is essential for effective DLM. Regular training programs ensure that new hires and experienced executives understand and adopt best practices.
Voluntary Compliance Balancing convenience and security is a common challenge. While employees may complete security training, consistent daily adoption of guidelines is uncertain. Poorly implemented governance systems can frustrate employees, leading to resistance.
Productivity Loss Comprehensive antimalware scans, software upgrades, hardware repairs, and backups can impact productivity. Although cybersecurity is essential, it requires significant computing and human resources. Delays in critical operations may occur if security measures encounter problems.
Talent and Technology Costs Recruiting and developing an in-house cybersecurity team is challenging and expensive. Cutting-edge data protection technologies also come at a high cost. Businesses must optimize costs, possibly through outsourcing DLM tasks or reducing the scope of business intelligence. Efficient compression algorithms and hybrid cloud solutions can help manage storage costs.
The Ponemon Institute found that 67% of organizations are concerned about insider threats. Similar concerns are prevalent worldwide. IBM estimates that the average cost of data breaches will reach 4.2 million USD in 2023. The risks of data loss, unauthorized access, and insecure PII processing are rising. Stakeholders demand compliance with data protection norms and will penalize failures in governance.
Implementing best practices in data lifecycle management, such as end-to-end encryption, version control systems, 2FA, VPNs, antimalware tools, and employee education, can significantly enhance security. Data protection officers and DLM managers can learn from expert guidance, cybersecurity journals, and industry peers’ insights to navigate complex challenges. Adhering to privacy and governance directives offers legal, financial, social, and strategic advantages, boosting long-term resilience against the evolving threats of the information age. Utilizing data governance consulting services can further ensure your company is protected against these threats.
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anniekoh · 2 months
multiculturalism vs multiracial organizing & solidarity
Two from Novara Media
We Can’t Dismantle Capitalism Without Antiracist Solidarity: Cross-community organising is key.
by Sonali Bhattacharyya, Novara Media (9 August 2021)
My dad was a lecturer and a trade unionist, my mum a social worker, both from India via what is now Bangladesh. They saw no distinction between the racist abuse they experienced and that experienced by their colleagues who originated from Pakistan or the Caribbean. In their eyes, they were all being exploited under the same unjust system.
If you look at photos of iconic acts of resistance from that era – protests against the violent racism that led to the murder of Altab Ali, the police brutality faced by visitors to the Mangrove, or the picket lines in support of the strikers at Grunwick – you’ll see the working class in all its diversity.
How State-Sanctioned Multiculturalism Killed Radical Anti-Racism in Britain: Enter the rainbow nation.
by Ilyas Nagdee & Azfar Shafi, Novara Media (21 June 2022)
In this way, antiracism from above became entangled with the British state rather than presenting an opposition to it. Multiculturalism served as a means for the state to manage the contradictions of governing a racist society without meaningfully addressing them – instead enveloping them a dense vocabulary of ‘culture’, ‘ethnicity’, ‘diversity’, ‘identity’ and so on.
At worst, multiculturalism provided an alibi for racist state agencies. This contradiction was laid bare in a pamphlet by the National Convention of Black Teachers on policing and race training, highlighting how between 1981 and 1984: “[The] police training establishment implemented a number of new programmes. So that cadets, recruits and officers may now be taught multi-agency policing methods in the morning and commando work in the afternoon: multiculturalism in one course and the use of plastic bullets in the next: concepts of American-imported racism-awareness on the one hand and Northern Ireland style repression on the other.”
As multiculturalism was elevated to an ideology of governance, racism itself was emptied of its ideological substance. This was underlined by the response to policing following the 1981 uprisings, whereby the question of state racism which the police were enforcing became recast as a matter of racial attitudes among the police. More broadly, structural racism was refashioned as an issue of managing racist attitudes and interpersonal hostility. This in turn held the door open for apolitical and procedural ‘solutions’ to racism – such as the new racism awareness trainings prescribed by professional antiracists.
After the 1981 uprisings, such professionals were drawn from the ranks of organisations like the Racism Awareness Programme Unit (RAPU) to help in smoothing out the hard edges of the police force. Nearly 40 years later, their US counterparts were soothing the hearts of white America, as Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility shot to the top of bestseller lists at the height of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. Labour leader Keir Starmer’s warmest gesture towards the protests was to prescribe unconscious bias training for his MPs. And before the dust had settled, race consultants on both sides of the Atlantic were polishing up their portfolios and waxing lyrical about their ‘anti-oppression workshops’ and ‘antiracist dinner parties’, like shameless antiracist ambulance chasers.
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satyr-gardens · 5 months
{A.N.N Interview with Cadmus Dolore}
Interviewer: Welcome to Astral News Network, Mr. Cadmus Dolore, Founder and CEO of Dolore Inc., a pioneer in the interplanetary tech industry.
Cadmus Dolore: A pleasure, I'm sure. I love your avatar. It's very in style.
Interviewer: Thank you! For our readers, I am wearing one of Dolore Inc's hard light displays, which is required for any visitors on the asteroid Cadia.
Cadmus Dolore: Sorry to correct you, but Cadia has been deemed a planet by the scientific community. And yes, Cadia is a renowned shopping destination planet, designed to cater to all sorts of clientele anonymously.
Interviewer: Right, my apologies. That brings me to our next question. Cadia is located in a region of space considered too dangerous for galactic laws to apply. How do you manage to keep the crime rate so low?
Cadmus Dolore: Well, that’s simple, really. My company prizes our customers' anonymity on Cadia as sacred, and we've noticed that allowing an anonymous shopping system helps reduce crime rates to an all-time low. And although violent crime is rare on Cadia, it is dealt with swiftly by shutting off life support to the more aggressive individuals.
Interviewer: Okay, so you have high-priority security systems on Cadia. That’s good to hear. I guess my next question is about your acquisition of the asteroid—planet! I heard it was a rather difficult takeover?
Cadmus Dolore: Oh, no, nothing like that. In fact, it was quite simple. You see, most people use Dolore Tech, whether it's as simple as your translator or as complicated as your ship's navigation system. Most people can't seem to get rid of us.
Interviewer: So, are you saying that Dolore Tech facilitated your takeover of what was it called before... 'Red's Pirate Trade Outpost'?
Cadmus Dolore: Hostile takeover, by the stars, what unpleasant words. It was simply a push for Red to reevaluate his failing business.
Interviewer: Yes, I heard rumors that Cadia's orbit was altered quite a bit just before your takeover, Mr. Dolore. Some are saying that you somehow caused this. Would you like to address these rumors?
Cadmus Dolore: Cadia's orbit was already out of sync with Helios 12, the star in this particular solar system, before our takeover. As you might be aware, Cadia has an artificial gyro core. After an investigation, it turns out Red simply refused to take proper care of the core. Now that we have the planet, we are actively correcting the orbit and, from what I hear, things are going swimmingly. I wouldn’t put any stock in rumors that say we sabotaged the gyro core beforehand; it’s simply ridiculous.
Interviewer: Very interesting. I have heard that you are correcting the orbit with the help of... indentured labor?
Cadmus Dolore: Well, yes. We import non-dangerous convicts to help keep Cadia running. They get valuable work experience, and we don’t think that because you've run afoul of the law or our billing department, you should waste your days sitting in a cell on a prison planet, wasting whatever government's taxpayer’s money.
Interviewer: That sounds very productive! Now, Mr. Dolore, are there any shops or parts of Cadia you'd like to recommend?
Cadmus Dolore: Oh, yes! Most of the shops on Cadia run on a limited-time basis for obvious reasons. However, if you want somewhere to experience rare and intergalactic foods, drinks, and entertainment, look no further than the Eros Complex. It has everything you could want or need for any vice you have.
Interviewer: Sounds fun! I'll be sure to visit it myself. Thank you so much for this interview, Mr. Dolore.
Cadmus Dolore: Of course, it was my pleasure.
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proctur2024 · 8 months
Evolution of Technology and Its Impact on EdTech
In today's digital age, technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, transforming various aspects of our lives, including education. With the advent of EdTech (Educational Technology), traditional educational paradigms are being reshaped, leading to more interactive, accessible, and personalized learning experiences.
Evolution of Technology: A Brief Overview
The evolution of technology has been marked by significant milestones, from the invention of the printing press to the rise of the internet and beyond. Each technological advancement has revolutionized how information is accessed, shared, and utilized, paving the way for transformative changes in education. From chalkboards to interactive whiteboards, from textbooks to digital learning platforms, technology has played a pivotal role in shaping modern education.
Integration of Technology in Education: The Rise of EdTech
As technology continues to advance rapidly, it's crucial for us to stay ahead in the ever-evolving EdTech industry. With this in mind, we've developed an incredibly advanced EdTech software Proctur that offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the needs of schools, teachers, and parents. We understand the importance of having everyone on the same page, and our platform ensures 100% transparency by bringing schools, teachers, and parents together onto a single unified platform.
Here's a glimpse of the key features our EdTech software offers:
1.User Role Management :Customize user access and ensure data security with ease using our User Role Management feature within our School ERP—empowering efficient administration and peace of mind.
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2. Visitor Management : Transform school safety and efficiency with our innovative Visitor Management system! Elevate security while simplifying check-ins for a smarter school experience.
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3.Zoom Integration: Facilitate interactive live classes seamlessly with Proctur's ERP Zoom integration feature for enhanced educational engagement.
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Bus Tracking System:
We understand the importance of student safety, which is why our software includes a bus tracking system that allows parents to track the whereabouts of their child's school bus in real-time.
At our core, we believe in creating a supportive and inclusive educational ecosystem where every stakeholder – schools, teachers, and parents – plays a vital role in shaping the future of our students.
EdTech Market Size: A Global Perspective:
The global EdTech market has experienced exponential growth in recent years, driven by increasing digitalization, rising demand for online education, and advancements in technology. According to market research reports, the Indian EdTech market size was valued at over $20 billion in 2022, and it is projected to continue its upward trajectory in the coming years.
EdTech Market in India: Trends and Opportunities
In India, the EdTech sector has witnessed remarkable growth fueled by factors such as a large young population, increasing internet penetration, and government initiatives promoting digital education. The market size of EdTech in India is estimated to be around $4.3 billion in 2022, with notable players offering a diverse range of solutions catering to different segments of the education ecosystem.
In conclusion, as technology continues to revolutionize the education sector, Proctur, as showcased on their website proctur.com, exemplifies how advanced EdTech solutions can streamline education management processes and foster transparency between schools, teachers, and parents. Through Proctur's innovative approach to education management, schools can efficiently manage their resources, track student progress, and enhance parent engagement. With Proctur leading the way, the future of education management looks brighter than ever before.
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Datadex: Mivus
Planetary Data:
Orbital Distance: 1.2 AU Orbital Period: 1.33 Earth Years Day Length: 30 Earth Hours Radius: 6,276 km Surface Gravity: 0.85 g Surface Temperature: 26 °C No. of Moons: 1
Category: Homeworld Species: Velumian and Quvian Capital: Camionira Population: 5.1 billion
Mivus is a planet of extremes. Its mountainous surface has spots of greenery that range from lush jungles to sparse desert shrub-land, all surrounding its relatively small, but bounteous oceans. These green patches are interrupted in some areas by stretches of blackened and somewhat muddy-looking terrain from the planet’s semi-annual eruptions. Many of its beaches have dark, volcanic sand, as Mivus has continuously been actively volcanic since its formation.
As the birthplace of both the velumian and quvian races, once again the planet showcases extremes. The velumians were guided into the upper elevations of the world via evolution, and at present numerous clans make their homes in the caves that snake through mountains and cliff faces or in cities sitting atop the plateaus. Quvians evolved in the lower elevations and have remained there for the most part. Their tribes live in the valleys and underpasses, relying on the bounties of foothills and beaches for their livelihoods. The two races have peaceful relations and communal settlements are not unheard of.
In addition to being home to the velumians and quvians, Mivus is also home to a host of other smaller, but no less significant organisms. Soot frogs come out to play after eruptions, commonly found at the edges of lava flows where they hide amongst the fresh rock. The vibrant kazui firebirds roost in canopies all over the planet, providing early warning calls before eruptions. The most well known creature from the planet, however, is the flamewalker salamander. A well-loved snack of velumians, the little critters are abundant on Mivus’ surface and have been brought to many neighboring systems due to sheer demand.
Aside from its fascinating range of fauna, the planet is well known for its volcanic and tectonic activity, making it a popular spot of study for geologists, volcanologists and the like. Mivus’ governing body is usually courteous of such requests, but they have always reserved the right to deny or restrict access to areas of their planet if said areas are of cultural, environmental, and/or historical significance. Some governments and even entire races have been barred from sending scientists to Mivus due to violations of these rules.
It should probably be said that for the reckless and inconsiderate, Mivus is a near endless supply of bureaucratic red tape. As the homeworld of not one, but two, non-allied races, its governing body takes protection of both their people and assets very seriously. Visitors to Mivus can expect a thorough but efficient background check of their person, transport, and cargo, but the planets’ denizens are well-versed in making other races feel incredibly welcomed once they pass these check-ins. 
Once one manages to get past the mild tedium of arrival, Mivus quickly becomes a wonderful place to explore. Its capital, Camionira, is a beautiful city with even more stunning views. With the bulk of the settlement built atop a plateau and numerous sub-levels carved into the rock below, Camionira is a prime example of its inhabitants’ ingenuity and collaborative natures. Host to the planet’s primary spaceport, the capital has been designed with ease of access in mind to account for the hundreds of visitors it receives on a daily basis. Finding where one needs to go is almost never a problem, especially because its citizens are typically willing to offer assistance. 
This friendliness and willingness to interact with and support others is often credited to come from lessons learned during a troubled period in Mivus’ history. Roughly 300 years ago, the majority of the planet’s velumian clans were at war with each other for reasons no one can quite remember. These velumians suffered for the grudges of their ancestors and some only made it worse by enlisting their quvian neighbors as assassins and spies. When all was said and done - treaties made, the dead honored, and repentance performed to the planet itself - the clans and tribes involved agreed that in order to coexist with each other and their planet, they would never again take up arms against each other without due cause.
It is this agreement and how it carried over to dealings with other races once they became space-faring that has proved most interesting. Mivus is a truly neutral party that will not take part or choose to support any particular side in interplanetary or galactic conflicts unless they have truly no other choice. This pacifistic attitude doesn’t make either of its races very popular amongst more war-mongering races or their governments, least of all the Alliance. They have tried on numerous occasions to hound at least one of the two native races into supporting their conflicts, but these attempts are always met with a well-rehearsed list of reasons why it isn’t possible. With their home system so close to the edge of Alliance space, the Mivans cannot afford to not be prepared for such situations.
However, despite this, Mivus has entered into alliances with other non-allied races before. In these treaties, it has been clearly established that neither of its races wishes to be ammunition for any conflicts their allies get involved in. As they see things, upholding peace and cooperation is extremely important and those who wish to work with them must understand that. When sufficiently motivated to a cause, however, the people of Mivus are a force to be reckoned with.
Back to the Datadex Datadex Entry: Velumians Datadex Entry: Quvians
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shinetechsoftware · 1 year
Why Choose Drupal Over the Other CMSs
Drupal is a free and open-source web content management system (CMS) written in PHP and distributed under the  General Public License. Drupal provides an open-source back-end framework for at least 14% of the top 10,000 websites worldwide and 1.2% of the top 10 million websites—from personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites. Systems also use Drupal for knowledge management and business collaboration.
As of March 2022, the Drupal community had more than 1.39 million members, including 124,000 users actively contributing, resulting in more than 48,300 free modules that extend and customize Drupal functionality, over 3,000 free themes that change the look and feel of Drupal, and at least 1,400 free distributions that allow users to quickly and easily set up a complex, use-specific Drupal in fewer steps.
So, what factors make Drupal so unique in the market of CMSs and become the preferred choice of most users?
1. Multilingual Platform
The ultimate goal of every website is to grow globally. Multilingual platforms are a stepping stone; you can do this effortlessly with Drupal. When your website interacts with visitors in their native language, it creates a pull for them and keeps them stuck for longer. Also, Drupal will dramatically increase their chances of interacting with the website.
With its unwavering support for multilingual websites, Drupal is the ultimate CMS for building websites that support multiple languages. It allows you to choose from more than 100 languages according to your target geographic area. No matter where your target audience lives, you can effortlessly connect with them through a website built with Drupal.
2. Security Function
In this internet-driven world, people share much personal information online, including bank details, credit card details, and other credentials. What followed was a sharp increase in cybercrime cases. There’s no doubt that today’s consumers follow the best online security practices to protect themselves from online fraud and data breaches, but they also expect top-notch security from the sites they trust.
Therefore, website owners must focus on intelligent web security practices. After all, a cyber attack can get their business into trouble. Once they lose the trust of their customers, no matter what they try, there is no way to get it back.
Drupal is one of the most secure CMSs in the history of the world. It offers unparalleled security features to defend against cyber-attacks and protect customer data. Regular security updates, two-factor authentication, user access control, and database encryption are some of the security features offered by Drupal.
3. Great for SEO
A website’s overall search engine ranking depends on the effectiveness of the SEO practices. If a website owner takes SEO seriously, the website can land on the first page of search engines. As a result, the website will experience exponential visitor numbers and sales growth. Realizing the importance of SEO, most CMSs have started to provide users with multiple SEO tools with the promise of improving website rankings.
If you’re looking for a powerful and versatile content management system that will help your website rank higher in search engine results pages, Drupal is an excellent option. Thanks to its well-optimized codebase and many SEO features, Drupal is one of the best CMSs for SEO. Keyword research, keyword management, content auto-linking, and link management are some of its notable SEO features.
Drupal is a popular content management (CMS) system platform worldwide. If you need an open-source and user-friendly CMS to meet your business needs, Drupal is your first choice. From the perspective of security, Drupal has a dedicated security team to review and respond to the kernel, third-party modules, and themes; Drupal’s modules and themes will be covered by Drupal’s internal security program to ensure that malicious codes are removed. In addition, for ongoing maintenance, and long-term development projects, Drupal development is a lower-cost option. Once the main functions are completed, subsequent expansion and customization will not cost more.
If you want to integrate third-party services into your Drupal site, Shinetech will be your excellent partner. Shinetech developers have rich experience in Drupal development and can help you with the operation and maintenance of your existing Drupal site. The custom development team can also expand network functions by installing existing plug-ins or custom-developing your Drupal plug-ins.
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harumiflag · 2 years
Panasonic in HARUMI FLAG, Tokyo, 2020
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Harumi Flag, a new urban development project located in the Harumi 5-Chome District, has been launched. This development is touted as one of the legacies of the Tokyo 2020 Games.
This 18-hectare area will hold 5,632 privately-owned and rental apartments in 23 buildings. It will accommodate a total of 12,000 residents by 2024.
Energy Management
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, in partnership with ten private companies, is planning to redevelop the buildings that hosted the Olympic Village of the 2020 Games into an urban town called HARUMI FLAG. The new town will incorporate residential condominiums, child care facilities, and senior housing to accommodate a wide variety of people’s lifestyles and needs.
The town will use hydrogen as its primary power source, though conventional grid-supplied electricity can be used to supplement it. The area will also use solar generation and power storage systems in common-use spaces in 21 high rises that are now under construction.
In addition to providing hydrogen, HARUMI FLAG will also utilize an area energy management system** to monitor and control electricity consumption in each of the town’s residential blocks. Data from each block will be analyzed by the energy management system to lower reliance on conventional grid-supplied power and to help predict peak demand. By using these solutions, HARUMI FLAG will become an innovative model for sustainable development.
Security & Disaster Prevention
HARUMI FLAG is the name of the game in the snazzy new town being developed by a handful of well-heeled developers. This 13.9 hectare urban village will rewrite the rules of urban renewal and make Tokyo a more livable city for all. Panasonic is proud to be a part of this bold initiative that promises a new era in city planning and management.
Aside from the requisite security and surveillance, the real show stoppers are a handful of innovative features and technologies that will leave a lasting impression on visitors of all ages. Among these is the aforementioned 750 network-connected cameras which send pictures and videos to a specialized emergency response center. Other gizmos include a virtual reality experience which will give the residents a sense of what's in store when they move into their new home in 2024. Moreover, the aforementioned technology is matched with a smart phone enabled security system that will notify users via text message and email as soon as a break-in is detected.
Public Area Lighting
HARUMI FLAG is the first town in Japan with a full-scale hydrogen energy infrastructure system that includes a station, pipelines and hydrogen fuel cell generators. A group of private companies, leveraging the expertise and funds of the Tokyo government, is engaged in unified development and operation of this 18-hectare area.
Panasonic is a key player in this project, offering a comprehensive package of urban development solutions including Hydrogen Power Generation, Energy Management and Security & Disaster Prevention. 750 network-connected cameras are also deployed in town areas and common-use spaces to ensure security for residents. Finally, the HARUMI FLAG sales center features a cutting-edge VR (virtual reality) display that demonstrates how to make the most of a small screen in a large space using a high-brightness laser display. It is a highly entertaining experience. It’s also a smart way to get a glimpse of a future town in the making. The technology is a product of the long and close partnership between Panasonic and the Tokyo metropolitan government.
Virtual Reality Experience
Virtual reality (VR) is computer technology that makes you feel like you are in another place. The software produces images, sounds and other sensations to create a world that appears to be real, but it's all a simulation. Check their site to know more details HARUMI FLAG/晴海フラッグ
A VR system typically requires a headset, a computer, and a device that creates a 3D environment. It may also have sensors that can collect stimuli response information and send it back to the VR system to improve the experience.
A number of industries are benefiting from VR technology, including science and medicine, entertainment, education and real estate. A VR system could allow a doctor to practice procedures with virtual patients without putting them at risk, for example, or architects can show detailed plans in 3D before a building is built.
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letitbreatherp · 2 years
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🌿 FINAL FACTION REVEAL The Risen faith group claims a visionary of their community foresaw the horrors of the CBI outbreak. Whether truth or fabrication, by the time the CBI had begun to circulate in the news and media, Ascension had already begun construction out in the southern end of the Atchafalaya Wildlife Refuge. Among the natural resources of the river basin, the spiderweb network of homes in the trees proved a haven during both outbreak day and the government’s bombing of cities. Suspended above direct reach of infected and marauding hostiles, with set entry points controlled by devoted members, the settlement is strictly and safely managed. Ladders and pulley systems ensure tightly controlled traffic and limited outside visitors. Until the founding of Barge Town, and the occupation of Butte La Rose, Acension remained isolated from large groups of people. The faction has grown slowly over the years, preferring a wholesome and moderately-sized community of trusted members. The treetop survivors are slow with outsiders and quick to defend their own. In truth, Ascension functions more as a family than a standard group of survivors. Ascension has expanded to smaller outpost stations spread around the swamp. The reclusive community occasionally trades along the I-10 off Whiskey Bay with Barge Town, and tirelessly works to stamp out wickedness such as the hunters operating from The Lodge.
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luxtiousreview · 8 months
Luxtious Review | A Modern Platform or Scam?
The little-known brokerage company Luxtious, which does not have many reviews online, is based in the Comoros Islands and is under the control of the local regulator. However, this information still requires thorough verification, so it should not be taken at face value just yet. This is an online broker where traders have access to various types of accounts to choose from, a modern platform, and other options. Our main task is to study the firm and find potential signs of a scam. If you’re interested, join us.
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First Impression of Luxtious.com
The first impression of the official website is mixed. On one hand, it’s an informative resource with standard sections at the top of the page, where you can learn more about the firm, its advantages, and trading conditions. On the other hand, much of the text is meaningless and does not provide any benefit to the visitor. Luxtious uses clichéd motivational phrases with a touch of philosophy, thereby trying to awaken in users the desire to quickly open a brokerage account, replenish the deposit, and start working. It looks extremely funny and unsuccessful.
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Upon opening the official website, we immediately see a pleasant-looking woman and the main offer from the broker to start trading with leverage of 1:200. Then, you can see rocket images, platform screenshots, and that’s it. The graphic design ends there. So in this respect, Luxtious did not surprise.
The site is only in English. Users can familiarize themselves with features and advantages, study legal documents, and other information. The company does not tell much about itself, for example, the foundation date and business model are unknown. To make a brief conclusion, Luxtious has presented traders with a typical, boring, and template site. The only joy is brought by the beautiful girl on the main page.
Account Opening on Luxtious.com
Cooperation with the firm begins with the account registration process. Luxtious offers a rather large form for filling in personal data at the moment of creating a personal account. Users need to specify not only contacts, name, and password but also date of birth, full residential address, including zip code, account currency (EUR/USD), and a promo code (if available). It’s also necessary to agree to the terms and that you are over 18 years old and are not a US citizen.
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However, the system does not let us proceed further. After entering all the data and submitting the application, a window pops up with the text: “Request Failed”. What does it mean? Is it impossible to create an account? It turns out that currently, free registration in Luxtious is impossible. To resolve this issue, one could try contacting the managers.
It’s unlikely that a verified and popular broker would have such a situation. You could return in a week, two, or even three, and we are sure that this error will remain relevant. Apparently, the firm accepts new clients only after communicating with them via phone/email or some other method. And by the way, a demo account in Luxtious is absent.
Those wishing to trade in Luxtious must understand that the company requires mandatory identity verification according to the AML&KYC policy. Clients must provide several documents:
Proof of identity, for example, a government-issued ID, passport, or driver’s license.
Proof of residence. This can be a bank statement, residential certificate, government-issued lease contracts, or utility bill not older than 6 months.
Also a photo/scan of the credit/debit card used for depositing. Documents are accepted via email to technical support, or they can be uploaded in the personal account. Without KYC, using Luxtious services is not possible.
Trading Software
Since we could not register a personal account due to an error, reviewing the trading terminal is not possible. The only option left is to believe how Luxtious describes its terminal.
Although Luxtious claims to have a mobile application for Android/iOS, as well as support for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, we don’t think this is true. Download links are available only to registered users. Access to WebTrader is also not possible without an account, and the name of the software is not provided. However, let’s assume that the terminal indeed supports all types of devices.
How Can I Trade With Luxtious?
We are looking at an ordinary CFD broker, so trading here is limited to Contracts for Difference. The available asset classes for clients include over 60 currency pairs, commodities (coffee, gas, and others), stocks, metals (gold, silver, and others), indices (FTSE 100, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and so on), and cryptocurrencies.
The offered possibilities depend on the account type. Next, we will look more closely at the tariff lineup in Luxtious and determine whether the conditions here are favorable or not.
All Info About Accounts
The broker offers 6 types of accounts, as well as an Islamic account available to all clients. The minimum deposit is very high. $2,500 is not a common practice among well-known and established brokerage firms. It is often scammers who set such high thresholds for the minimum deposit. Owners of the first tariff at $2,500 receive from Luxtious basic access to the market, platform, one-click trading, and daily analysis. The set of features is meager and does not provide any advantages to the trader.
Market Analysis and Education With Luxtious.com
The broker has free widgets that are supposed to help traders in their daily trading. These include contract expirations, an economic calendar, news, and trading hours. If the last three widgets can indeed benefit clients, it’s unclear why traders would need the first widget. What’s the point of contract expiration if Luxtious offers to trade only CFDs, and there are no futures here?
Moreover, it’s difficult to understand how the company tries to compete with other brokerage firms. After all, there are no educational courses, ready-made technical analysis, and other free opportunities here.
Deposit, Withdrawal, and Fees
According to the official website, money can be transferred in three ways: bank, credit/debit cards, or cryptocurrency. The last method has its specifics: a cryptocurrency transaction cannot be canceled, and it’s impossible to get a chargeback. Moreover, digital currency allows the payment recipient to remain anonymous.
Luxtious does not charge a fee for replenishment but reserves the right to charge a fixed fee for fund withdrawals, a minimum of $10. Processing withdrawal requests takes a long time – from 1 to 5 working days.
Is Luxtious Dangerous?
The trading conditions look absurd, and commissions and spreads are unknown. Moreover, problems with account registration are unlikely to be a normal occurrence. However, it’s too early to definitely speak of a fraudulent nature. For that, it’s necessary to check the operation period, licenses, and legal data of Luxtious.
How Long Does The Broker Work?
The foundation date is unknown. Such information is not provided on the official website. When was the platform launched? The website’s domain was registered on October 20, 2023, and social media appeared in 2024. Moreover, there are few reviews online, which only started appearing relatively recently. All this confirms that Luxtious has not been operating for long. The broker began serving clients less than a year ago.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Flora Clift Stevenson the  social reformer and suffragette was born on 30th October 1839.
Born into a merchant family in Glasgow the youngest of 11 children. Her father was a wealthy Glasgow industrialist; when he retired the family moved to Edinburgh, and Flora spent most of her adult life living at 13 Randolph Crescent in the West End with her 3 sisters. The Stevenson sisters were all active in the mid-nineteenth century Scottish women’s movement. They all supported women’s suffrage, and were founding members of the Edinburgh Ladies’ Educational Association which was founded in 1868 to campaign for higher education for women. Flora was also committed to improving education for society’s poorest children; as a child she started a class in her home to teach messenger girls basic reading, writing, and maths skills.
In 1863 Flora joined the Edinburgh Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor as a district visitor, investigating the circumstances of charity claimants and assessing whether or not they were ‘deserving’ of support. She also joined the committee of the United Industrial Schools of Edinburgh, a voluntary body that organised schools for poor children. Flora believed that compulsory school attendance was central to improving the lives of poor children in big cities.
In 1873 Flora was elected to the newly formed school board for Edinburgh. School boards were the first public bodies in Scotland which were open to women. As a result of her experience she was placed on the destitute children’s committee, where she was responsible for a scheme that gave food and clothes to poor children on the condition that they attended school. She also persuaded the school board to set up a day school for truants and juvenile delinquents, which was the first of its kind under the control of a school board. Flora’s expertise in this area was well respected; she served on several committees advising the government.
Flora’s belief in women’s rights carried over into her educational philosophy. She believed that girls and boys should be treated the same in education, and argued against the school board’s policy of giving girls 5 hours less teaching than boys every week so they could practice needlework. She believed that boys should be taught household management as well as girls, and that unmarried female teachers should receive equal pay.
Flora’s dedication to Edinburgh’s education system was respected and acknowledged. In 1899 a new primary school in Craigleith was named after her, and in 1900 she was unanimously elected to the Chair of the Edinburgh school board. In 1903 she was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Edinburgh, and two years later she was given the Freedom of the City in recognition of her service to Edinburgh’s philanthropic institutions and the school board. When she died in September 1905, thousands of schoolchildren lined the route of her funeral. She is buried with her family in Dean Cemetery in Edinburgh.
In August 2021 The Royal Bank of Scotland issued a new £50 note with Flora Stevenson on it.
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tamanna31 · 5 days
Interactive Kiosk Market - Structure, Size, Trends, Analysis and Outlook 2022-2030
Interactive Kiosk Industry Overview
The global interactive kiosk market size was valued at USD 28.45 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2022 to 2030. 
Due to the high development in payment and security technologies, the market has witnessed rapid growth over the past few years. Many of the self-service kiosk manufacturers will continue to extract these technologies’ maximum potential and are expected to include them as an indispensable component of their product offering. Interactive kiosks help prevent long queues at public places, such as inquiry counters at railway stations, banks, and malls and check-in counters at airports. At places, such as hospitals and government offices, they help reduce the paperwork associated with visitor data collection and enhance visitors’ experiences.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Interactive Kiosk Market
An increase in product adoption in the BFSI and retail segments is expected to be a major growth driver for the market. Some of the major manufacturers are already working on developing and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technology in interactive kiosks. For instance, ViaTouch Media has introduced AI-based kiosks, which enable shoppers to examine the products before making a purchase. As products are removed from the retailer’s shelf, a video screen above displays product information to the customer. The growing problems due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have increased the adoption of self-checkout kiosks to avoid human interaction. As self-checkout kiosks ensure social distancing in stores, they pave the way for a little human interaction.
Looking forward to driving the adoption of and advantages offered by interactive kiosks to customers, the vendors operating in the market have launched various advanced solutions and technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the R&D spending and innovation by the vendors. For instance, kiosk systems with temperature sensors, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-dispensing kiosks, smart kiosks that collect swab samples for COVID-19 tests, and mobile testing kiosks are some of the latest solutions launched by the vendors operating in the market. The vendors are expected to continue focusing on product innovation and development to gain a significant share in the years to come.
Interactive Kiosk Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global interactive kiosk market report on the basis of component, type, end use, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Others (iOS, Others)
Integration & Deployment
Managed Services
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
Retail Self-Checkout Kiosks
Self-Service Kiosks
Vending Kiosks
End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Food & Beverage
Travel & Tourism
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global hybrid printing technologies market size was estimated at USD 4.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2024 to 2030.
The global 4D printing market size was estimated at USD 156.8 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is characterized by the presence of a few players accounting for significant industry share. New product launches and technology partnerships are some of the major strategies adopted by key companies to strengthen their market position. Key industry players are also heavily investing in research & development projects and focusing on establishing production infrastructure to develop and offer differentiated and cost-effective self-service solutions. The Meridian, Advanced Kiosk, and Kiosk Information System have a strong market presence due to the availability of a strong R&D department and production facilities. The companies mainly focus on product innovation and effective distribution through a strong network of partners in multiple countries, such as the U.S., Germany, India, and Brazil. Some of the key players in the global interactive kiosk market include:
NCR Corp.
Diebold Nixdorf AG
ZEBRA Technologies Corp.
Advanced Kiosks
Embross Group
Order a free sample PDF of the Interactive Kiosk Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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standspro1 · 7 days
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Fruit Logistica 2025: An exhibition for the fruit and vegetable industry
Fruit Logistica will return for its entire vegetable and fruit business in 2025. It is expected that Fruit Logistica 2025 will be held at Messe Berlin, Germany, between February 5 and 7, 2025. The event invites all businesses and brands, big and small, belonging to the vegetable and fruit family, to attend this exciting event. The most important product categories will be showcased at Fruit Logistica 2025 Berlin. The show will also provide an array of organic and fresh fruits, products, and other services offered by the top experts in this area.
Fruit Logistica 2025 in Berlin will be organized into thematic sections, which will focus on the most important topics in the industry and host several interesting events that will support the institutions’ efforts, including technological systems, equipment, and other services.
The Fruit Logistica exhibit features fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and organic foods.
Essential Things about Fruit Logistica 2025
It is expected that Fruit Logistica Berlin 2025 will include a separate department dedicated to displaying new technology, including the latest packaging and processing machinery and logistic services. International companies are part of LOGISTICA Seeds, which covers the entire green aspect, from the seed to the selling point. This makes the fair a perfect gathering place for businesses and professionals to showcase their services and products, establish business relations, and stay updated with the most recent trends in the field.
More than 3,200 businesses from around the globe are expected to attend and tour Fruit Logistica 2025. The attendees are served a range of organic products along with vegetables and fruits, such as frozen vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, nuts, herbs, and flowers.
Benefits of attending Fruit Logistica 2025:
At the Fruit Logistica 2025 Berlin, the products will be offered with more options than before. Fruit Logistica covers all aspects of fresh fruit and vegetables and information on the most recent technologies, products, and services. It’s an ideal opportunity for professionals to network, exchange ideas, and conduct business. More than 80,000 people from over 140 countries attend the fair annually.
It is essential to attend Fruit Logistica 2025 because:
Meeting and interacting with national and international business visitors from all walks of life
Fruit Logistica Berlin 2025 shows the entire chain
Establishing new business relationships and opening new doors to opportunities
Learn business strategies from over 40,000 professional visitors
If you’re planning to take part in Fruit Logistica 2025, make us your exhibitor partner to ensure the success of your event. We are an exhibition stand builder in Berlin who can help you create a fantastic display stand for Fruit Logistica 2025 Berlin. Contact us to get the best presence at the show!
Organiser: FRUIT LOGISTICA is organized by Messe Berlin GmbH, a leading event management company known for hosting major trade fairs and exhibitions in Germany.
Exhibitor Profile: FRUIT LOGISTICA attracts exhibitors from various sectors of the fresh produce industry, including:
Producers and Growers: Fruit and vegetable producers, growers, and farmers showcasing their fresh produce, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and nuts, from around the world.
Packaging and Handling Equipment Manufacturers: Suppliers of packaging materials, machinery, equipment, and technologies for the handling, storage, and transportation of fresh produce.
Logistics and Cold Chain Providers: Logistics companies, transportation providers, cold storage facilities, and refrigeration equipment suppliers specializing in the transportation and storage of perishable goods.
Trade Associations and Exporters: National and international trade associations, government agencies, and exporters promoting their country’s fresh produce, fostering international trade partnerships and collaborations.
Technology and Innovation Solutions: Providers of technology solutions, software platforms, digital tools, and agritech innovations for the fresh produce industry, including crop monitoring, traceability, and quality control systems.
Why Attend the Show:
Global Marketplace: FRUIT LOGISTICA is the leading international trade fair for the fresh produce industry, providing a global marketplace for buyers and sellers to meet, network, and do business.
Product Showcase: Explore a diverse range of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and nuts from around the world, gaining insights into the latest varieties, flavors, and packaging innovations.
Business Opportunities: Discover new suppliers, partners, and business opportunities, expanding your network and exploring potential collaborations and trade agreements with exhibitors and industry stakeholders.
Market Insights: Gain valuable market insights into global trends, consumer preferences, and emerging opportunities in the fresh produce market, helping businesses make informed decisions and strategic investments.
Networking and Knowledge Exchange: Connect with industry professionals, experts, and thought leaders, attending seminars, workshops, and networking events to exchange ideas, best practices, and industry insights.
Organiser Website Link for More Info: For more information about FRUIT LOGISTICA 2025, including registration details, exhibitor information, and the event program, please visit the official website: FRUIT LOGISTICA
In summary, FRUIT LOGISTICA 2025 is a must-attend event for professionals and businesses in the fresh produce industry, offering valuable networking opportunities, product showcases, business opportunities, market insights, and knowledge exchange for all attendees.
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