#viva chile
ponikopuffy · 3 months
touhou x 31 minutos porque si
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hisandsnakes · 8 months
Sharing a thought about what’s happening in the world right now and Pedro Pascal :
I’m struggling to think about anything else lately, knowing other human beings are still being massacred with our governments approuval, it’s just overwhelming.
And as i was scrolling on PedroTok a few days ago, i realised that he didnt speak up about it, any of it.
Now people can do whatever they want, but Pedro has always been an activist, always vocal about injustice and for minorities, AND WE LOVE HIM FOR THAT, that’s why him not speaking up right now doesn’t sit right with me idk…
As an activist, a chileno, a refugee (btw they fled a dictator who was partly armed by Israël), i think he should say something, or at least sign that letter for a cease fire like Oscar Isaac and others did.
Anyway i would love to hear your thoughts on that.
(Sorry this is not a fun topic but as a Pedro Pascal fan i can’t get this out of my head)
EDIT : he has spoken out about it since then and has shared multiple stories to spread awareness
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jet-set-go-go · 8 days
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Viva chile conchetumadre happy pride month
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pascalypse · 9 months
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Happy Chilean Independence Day, to all our Chilean friends.
Long live Chile! 🇨🇱
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y-eojiin · 7 months
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𝓗 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺
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sjfx-sugx · 9 months
Dibujo de Fiestas Patrias 😼🇨🇱 jsksks
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Se suponía que lo iba a terminar el 18 para subirlo pero me atrasé así que lo subí hoy día, 😼🇨🇱✨️
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err0rm4sk · 10 months
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So, did you guys know that I'm actually half chilean?? Now you know!😚 and when i saw doug i literally screamed "COME COMPLETO C*LIAO" LMFAO sorry🌭
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punchholesinthesky · 9 months
It amuses me a bit when i see ppl talking about spooky season coming, cause I'm Chilean, and September means Fiestas Patrias 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱
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chilegp · 4 months
sleepover weekend!
If I went to Chile what would you recommend doing/seeing/eating?? (all i know is Torres del Paine)
ok so first of all i’m the biggest hater but the biggest lover of my country so fuck the capital but the rest is very cool
i like the south better than anything else, chiloe is THE PRETTIEST FR you have to take a ferry to get on it but it’s amazing 😭
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on the food… i would recommend completos (hotdogs but much better), empanada de pino (beef), pastel de choclo (corn pie), and sopaipillas (fried dough) SO GOOD
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i hate but love chile so much i do recommend it on winter though do not DO NOT come on summer 🙏🙏🙏 hot as fuck
sleepover asks!
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dantealegria · 2 years
if we had won, there would have been dancing on the streets. there would have been music, and art, and singing and chanting, clapping hands and hugging the neighbors. instead, where i live, it's dead silent. a supposed majority won this poll and everything is quiet. i've been caught up on the silence since yesterday night, all of me still hoping that it's a bad dream and that all the love and art that built the campaign for the apruebo will burst out at any moment. they say the only people celebrating are the narcs and the fascists, and still my neighborhood is silent. three years we fought, three years of marching, voting, of endless anticipation. what about our dead? what about our neighbors who were left blind or paralyzed? what about all the ones still unjustly imprisoned? what about everyone already suffering from the climate crisis? it's a tale as old as time, but we fought with love, and they fought with lies, to a national scale. we are not "a thin stripe of land". we are a rich territory of magic and uniqueness at the end of the earth. indigenous lands have been violated for centuries and the constitution that defended them has been rejected. all they did was lying and spreading misinformation and they made fear win again, like it's the 70s once more. every time my mother, a survivor of the dictatorship (the one that you gringos orchestrated, don't you ever fucking forget, we're all still here, in the land you believe to be your playground), would say that she was fearful of the right's campaign of terror working, i would say, sincerely without a doubt, "it's okay. the times have changed. the people know now. the fascists live in a bubble. that's why they're so convinced that they're going to win". then what the fuck is this? how could they have won again? what was it all for? is it really two steps forward and one step back, or have we gone back to the 80s? all out of fear? because the handful of families that own the country said so? if the pandemic hadn't come, the battle would have continued instead of fizzling out. i can only wish that my hope returns eventually because for the first time in years, i have none. i feel hollow. hollowed out and meaningless. i want to die. i want to kill. i feel nothing. we're not surviving this one. we had the chance to vote for a fair country and it's gone. the people who need the healthcare now, the ones who need their pension, the ones who need their lands, our rights, our education, our nature, our future. all that hope for nothing. everything the same as always, then? the system built on inequality and suffering of many for the profit of the few? all in exchange of lives and a nature that is collapsing, all for the sake of money? i feel hollow. i can't believe any of this. it's all been demolished in a day. it's meaningless. it's all meaningless. there might be ways out, but today i can see none, and this quiet despair might be the most malicious thing i've felt in ages.
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orangelovesyou · 1 year
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ghostatrandom · 1 year
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Shout out to the one and only CONEJO CUENTÍN that allowed me to become a menace in two languages thank you bro
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e-nderpearl · 9 months
He tomado cantidades industriales de alcohol.
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Con un paio di amici abbiamo scritto un articolo sulla ricorrenza di oggi. 50 anni fa, uno dei momenti più felici della storia democratica del Cile veniva bruscamente interrotto e macchiato di sangue. 50 anni fa moriva Salvador Allende e iniziava il terrore fascista di Augusto Pinochet.
"Da un giorno all’altro, il vociare si fa silenzio. Passioni, sentimenti, dibattiti: tutto è ammutolito da un colpo di Stato che farà del Cile, così come accadeva al resto del Sud-America, uno dei teatri dove forze intestine e potenze straniere hanno scritto una delle pagine più sanguinose della Guerra Fredda. Un silenzio fisico, tangibile, fatto dei corpi delle decine di migliaia di cittadini cileni “scomparsi” durante la vigliacca dittatura di Augusto Pinochet. Un silenzio assordante, che in parte ancora perdura, tra corpi che non sono mai stati restituiti alle famiglie e misteri che ancora restano irrisolti."
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y-eojiin · 7 months
ヽ ⭐ ◠⁠
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𝓘'𝘮 𝘢 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳, 𝓘 𝘨𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥
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tjeromebaker · 11 months
#Mondayblogs: I Live In Chile: A 5-Star #BookReview by Janice Ross
I Live In Chile “I Live In Chile” is another wonderful read by Thomas Jerome Baker. Time and again, I’ve said that I love to learn about different cultures. In the case of Thomas’ newest release, I received all that I crave and then some. Most importantly, it’s not about statistics, instead I Live In Chile focuses on the day-to-day lives of Chileans. You will find yourself learning about…
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