#viva piñata classic
brysbeddixt · 10 months
Real Viva Piñata bitches know you have to suffer through the Everpour 5000 to truly earn the One Pour Wonder
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typhzilla · 9 months
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a classic title, Viva Piñata For The Playstation 2
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transfire · 19 days
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pmdd so bad im booting up childhood classic and comfort game viva piñata
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theglittersalamango · 2 years
if a new viva piñata (5th or 3rd whatever) will ever be released (let's wait other 100 years lol) next time as public advertising event instead of the previous giant horstachio should be built a giant goobaa and a giant horstachio be obtainable in game when 100% complete the game both as previous games and events easter eggs, also a "this isn't viva piñata 3" in game funny meme quote message hidden somewhere but with jeli spawn rate of viva pinata ds version so game will always be stuck at 99,99% like on ds unless lucky, jeli obtainable only through other lucky players like 3rd wildcard trait because jeli spawn rate like wildcard in the 1st classic game not the 2nd tip
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izzydizzy13 · 2 years
ALRIGHT now that I have polls I wanna do something productive with it.
Blorbo Race!
Maybe the winners will compete, maybe they will not, but for right now the goal is to locate the ULTIMATE BLORBO in every fandom that I'm even vaguely knowledgeable about. I'll vote, too, so that I know what's going on.
I would start with a big fandom like Mario or Sonic, but there are SO many characters I don't even know them all and frankly I am Scared.
In celebration of finding this fandom at long last, howsabout we dooo... Viva Piñata Humans?
Round 1 of Viva Piñata Blorbo Race
Classic Edition
For anyone I missed... we have run out of answers unfortunately ahdbd- I will add the rest in the next poll ig, but I tried to put all of the most blorbo-y contestants to this first round. Gretchen is more of a Girlboss, and Professor Pester is in fact annoying. Dastardos isn't great either but he is a good sad little meow meow contestant, I guess.
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silvermuffins · 1 year
So. I didn't grow up watching much TV, because my parents canceled our cable when I was around 3 years old. But I'm gonna list off some of the shows I remember watching before and after then. This might get rambly. Idk. There were definitely not all on the same channel.
Batman: The Animated Series (and to a lesser extent its Superman and Justice League counterparts)
Dexter's Lab (there's DOOM and GLOOM while THINGS GO BOOOOM.... IN DECTER'S LAAAB!)
The Powerpuff Girls (Bubbles was my favorite)
Cow & Chicken (they were siblings)
Catdog (alone in the world is a little catdoooooog)
Courage the Cowardly Dog (I remember not watching this very often?)
Looney Toons and Tiny Toons (they're tiny! they're toony! they're all a little loony!)
Scooby-Doo (several different series? I remember the classic, one with Scrappy instead of Fred and Velma, and one where the whole gang was small children)
Animaniacs (BRING THIS BACK)
I M Weasel (and I R Baboon!)
Johnny Bravo (only vaguely remember this, but I remember the crossover with Scooby-Doo best)
Rugrats (I remember no details but I did watch the show before the movie)
Hey, Arnold (wasn't such a fan of this one)
Arthur (watched this one less and it might have been broadcast instead of cable)
Ed, Edd, and Eddy (barely, it was a latecomer and didnt appeal to me)
Sailor Moon (nearly forgot this one, tiny me loved it)
There was also Captain Planet, but I only remember watching that on a VHS we had, not on TV.
Shows like Recess and Dora the Explorer came a little later, after my family lost cable - I remember only seeing them when we went to a hotel or a friend's house or a relatives beach house. SpongeBob, too, I think I managed to miss out on that one pretty much entirely.
After that, on broadcast TV, here are some shows I remember-
Teletubbies (it was babyish even for me but I think I liked the shows on either side of it so I had to tolerate it)
Dragon Tales
Jackie Chan Adventures
Clifford the Big Red Dog (I think I remember this one?)
Zaboomafoo (not a cartoon, was the second-to-last show of the Saturday morning programming for kids)
Zoom (not a cartoon, was the last show of the Saturday morning programming for kids)
I stopped watching TV nearly entirely before some of the really awesome ones came out - you know, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, Avatar: The Last Airbender. Those mightve been cable so I wouldn't be seeing them anyway. I think Danny Phantom definitely was, but I remember binge watching that at a beach house. I've watched all three of those in their entirety since then.
I do remember watching Saturday morning cartoons for a while when I got a little older. The main ones I remember were Chaotic, Viva Piñata, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward.
I'm sure there were a bunch more that were on or that I saw, but those are things I remember.
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Banjo kazooie mountain Easter egg comparison
While playing today I've found that the Easter egg exist even in the piñartic, but the mountain is completely mirrored (banjo and kazooie swapped position, the mountain shape too)
The mountain is hidden in the right-up angle of piñartic angle, it appear to be more far than the classic one that more easily visible and bigger because more near
🎉 Click on picture for better quality 🎉
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thekittyokat · 4 years
i heard we're reviving viva piñata? wtf count me in
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shittydirkdail · 2 years
have you ever played the xbox 360 CLASSIC viva pinata: trouble in paradise? i just think you would like the galagoogoos
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I haven't played Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise, but I have seen the Viva Piñata episode featuring one named Les. I feel your frustration, lil' dude. Easily the smartest one on the show.
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zinan1019 · 4 years
I have been a long time fan of RARE as a game developer. I have played almost every major game they have made. From Banjo Kazooie all the way to Viva Piñata. It seems that since Microsoft has taken over RARE has yet to make any proper sequels to games that were popular back in the 360 era. Viva Piñata has had one new game come out outside of the xbox 360 and it was for the DS. I think RARE should go all out and bring back a few of their old IPs. Sony brought back Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank so why not bring back Banjo or some Piñatas or some Conker. In an era where the next generation is bringing back some of the classics this would be the perfect time to do exactly that! The only major project RARE has been working on is Sea of Thieves which is a good game but looking back at how much of a heavy hitter RARE used to be in the past compared to now, they are being severely under utilized.
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nervousandstoned · 5 years
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THOMAS: ??? 
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THOMAS: What the...?
THOMAS: Oh wait! I totally forgot I nngh- AH SHIT- made an ask blog! 
THOMAS: I really like the series! It’s a horror-romance rpg. Kissy Kissy, Bang Bang! IV is supposed to be the most intense game in the franchise.
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THOMAS: In the newest game, you play as Yuki Yamamoto, bi-gender dumbass who is in love with this guy named Kenneth Miller- but someone else is in love with Kenneth and that someone kidnaps you and locks you in her cabin out in the middle of the woods with like three- shit- three other characters and you have to escape before she catches you! I don’t know the full story since the game just- ah SHIT- came out, but it’s my favorite game franchise.
THOMAS: It’s the first game they’ve released with an LGBT+ protagonist, and the youtubers and game reviewers who- SHITBALLS- got it pre-release said it was really inclusive and awesome! Sadly... I will not be able to purchase it though :(
THOMAS: And yes, I do happen to play video games a lot. Usually horror games, but I own all the Viva Piñata games, I have Minecraft so I can- (squeak) - COCK- play it with my brother, and Overwatch. I’m a Junkrat main!
THOMAS: Anyways... Hey, I have an ask blog and they’re wondering how your day at the mall has been!
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THOMAS: No... They haven’t, Tweek. I think the blog just started working right before I came in here- shit! And I think it only follows me around.
TWEEK: mMMM... Alright I believe you, Thomas...
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MARJORINE: We’ve been having an alright day! I originally came to pick up a new set of drumsticks from the store Kenny works at.
KENNY: Yeah, because you snapped your drumsticks in half by playing your set too hard during our last rehearsal.
MARJORINE: You can’t expect me to not get excited! The song is a headbanger, honey. I just... I can’t help but get super into it! Anyway... Kenny had just gotten off work and Tweek got here half an hour ago to get new dice and such for our superhero game!
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THOMAS: Well, you see... It’s actually not too complicated.
THOMAS: Marjorine, Tweek, and Kenny are all in a band. Everyone in town knows who they are... However, I- FUCK- guess I befriended them all in different ways outside o-of the uh... Band thing they have going.
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[Thomas has blocked out any background noise while he answers the question]
MARJORINE: What if HE shows up to the game, guys? And if HE shows up, what if HE brings his gross boyfriend? I can tolerate Corey. He’s Thomas’s brother, he’s a good kid! but... Not him. He brings out the worst in him.
THOMAS: Marjorine and I actually met at the library through a Dungeons and Dragons club that Kyle had started-(squeak)- in middle school, before she came out as a girl. She wanted to be a classic human paladin and I was a cool homebrew faun bard. She- shitfuckass- and I went out for a bit until she came out, then we kinda just went our separate ways since I’m gay. Although, we’re- COCK!- definitely still friends.
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KENNY: I doubt they’re gonna be there, sugar. Besides- if he is, Kyle, Scott, and I will keep them in check. Plus, if Thomas is coming, we’ll have him as backup too. There’s no way they’ll fuck us over if we have four of us who know how to kick ass.
THOMAS: I met Kenny through Kyle. He uh.... He introduced me to Kenny when I invited him and his family over for Hanukkah back in the fifth grade. He’d brought Kenny and Kenny’s siblings along with his family since Kenny had been spending the holidays with- shit- them that year due to some issues back home. 
THOMAS: ... Kenny’s the whole reason I actually came out to my mom if I’m being completely honest. He’s awesome.
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TWEEK: Make that five, Ken. Let’s not aargh- forget you’ve been teaching me self defense... And I know how to box.
KENNY: Oh yeah, you’re right, huh?
TWEEK: Yeah.
TWEEK: Anyway, Thomas, you got anything in mind for your character?
THOMAS: And then there’s Tweek. Man, uh, I actually met Tweek when he and Craig were a thing. After they split up, I dated Craig for a while, and then Tweek. Then Tweek and I separated again and he went back out with Craig up until last year. I... I actually fuck- I actually uhm... I never stopped having major feelings for him, if I’m being totally honest.
THOMAS: But I’d never have a chance with him now that he’s fully dedicated and in a relationship with Marjorine and (squeak squeak) Kenny. Plus, unfortunately, we just stressed each-other out 24-FUCKINGCOCKASS-7...
TWEEK: Thomas?
THOMAS: Huh? Wha-...?
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TWEEK: I asked if you had anything in mind for your character, man. Since, ya know, Kyle used to yap all about our superhero game and franchise bullshit all the time to you when we were younger.
THOMAS: Oh- uh, yeah, I kinda do. I have a bunch of doodles and notes in my sketchbook out in my truck.
TWEEK: That’s good. Anyway, uh. We’re gonna meet up at my ngh- parents’ coffee shop tonight for the superhero roleplay. Bring dice and that sketchbook of yours. I think we’re expecting a total of 11 people tonight, counting ourselves.
TWEEK: Are you okay with that? You don’t personally know three of them, but they’re all super cool.
THOMAS: O-oh, yeah that’s just fine! I’ll uh... I’ll see you there at...?”
TWEEK: Aah-! Just be there by 4 o’clock, okay? I’ll- 
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THOMAS: What the fuck-?
KENNY: Guys, what the hell are you standing around for?! Get under something!
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THOMAS: I can’t either!!
KENNY: Wait- what the fuck- is that a light?!
THOMAS: L...light?
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[... ... ...]
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trubbishrubbish · 5 years
*music note*
The number to the left refers to where it’s in my playlist.
572. Blue Sky Palace - Kirby and the Rainbow Curse.
This is the song for the level select of the sky world in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. One of my favorite type of themes in game music is taking one song and reusing and changing it to fit the setting and mood of different environments in the game. Banjo-Kazooie is a prime example of this. As for the song itself, It’s sounds heavenly and ethereal, which fits the sky world.
2071. Get A Grip On Yourself - Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
This song plays during the emotional overload sections of the Mood Matrix, it’s hectic, emotional, and intense. Which fits how the emotions of the witness your analyzing are running out of control. It also sound like a  virtual world being corrupted by a virus and everything is spiraling into chaos, like how the world today spirals into chaos with each passing day.
2023. Forest [Super Mario Bros. 1] - Super Mario Maker 2
The thing that excited me the most about Super Mario Maker 2 wasn’t all the new stuff they added, it was getting to hear the new music that was made for the brand new level themes. I love these de-mixes because it calls back to a classic time while putting a fresh spin on it. The jungle theme was a highlight for me, it’s jamming and full of energy and sounds exactly like how it would have been if a jungle theme was included in the original Super Mario Bros.
194. Red Hot Skull (Red Mountain) - Sonic Adventure.
This song plays when you enter the volcanic mountains of stage 8 and explore the lava filled caverns. The jarring tone shift between the fun, jazzy nature of the first half of Red Mountain to literal hell that is the second half is really unique. The screams that play during the song sounds a sinner being burned alive and the intense hard rock makes you almost forget your playing a game about a hedgehog. But if Hell sounds this epic than it I probably want to hang out in it too.
1486. Limeoceros Romance Dance - Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
This is a little awkward because this song is only 20 seconds long and it’s literately just construction noises. That’s it. It fits the Limeocerous species of being strong, powerful creatures that a construction site would find very helpful in using but don’t forget that these are “Romance” dances. Meaning that this the music the Limeocerous play before they mate. I guess the sounds of nuts and bots being tightened and screwed in does set the mood for a night of tightening and screwing in.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
Since I’m pretty sure all the announcements are done at E3, here’s two things I was hoping to see:
A remaster or new Viva Piñata. 
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Back when I still had a Xbox 360, this one was of my favorite games. It was fun raising and unlocking new Piñatas(though I needed a guide for a lot of it). I didn’t get to play the sequel, Trouble in Paradise, so a remake of that too would be appreciated. A remaster/new game would probably only be for the Xbox One, though, which I don’t have(though I might be wrong).
Amusing story about me, every time I see that Fortnite llama in news/tweets, I keep thinking it’s this game coming back for a second. XD;
And/or a possible remaster/remake of Whiplash.
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Not sure how many people remember this one. It’s about a weasel and rabbit chained together trying to escape an animal testing facility, with Redmond the weasel using Spanx the rabbit, who was made indestructible from the testing, as a bludgeon/flail to cause as much damage to the facility on the way out as possible. While it could get a little repetitive, I thought it was a fun, silly game.
 I was hoping it’s be added to the PS4′s PS2 Classics before they stopped doing that, but no dice. Maybe the team remaking Destroy All Humans could do this one eventually?
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vgprintads · 5 years
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Do you hear banjos?
Rareware. A name that brings a tear to many a 90′s kids’ eye. 
Founded in 1982 as Ultimate Play the Game by arcade converters and brothers, Chris and Tim Stamper, they began as another one of many small indie devs focused on the ZX Spectrum. During this time, the developed classics like Jetpac and Atic Atac, as well as the ‘Sabre Wulf’ series.
Fast forward to the NES era, the company evolved into Rareware and began developing titles for various publishers, such as Electronic Arts, Mattel, Tradewest, and even Acclaim’s infamous LJN label. During this time, they achieved further commercial and critical acclaim with the notoriously difficult Battletoads--and subsequent sequels--and their own Mortal Kombat rival, Killer Instinct.
But, arguably, it was only when they had forged their partnership with Nintendo had they earned their prestige among gamers. Between the SNES and N64, they would refurbish Nintendo’s Donkey Kong brand into its own distinct franchise, help lay the groundwork for console first-person shooters with GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark take the piss out of itself and the mascot platformer with Conker’s Bad Fur Day, and of course, bring us freaking Banjo-Kazooie.
So after all that, fans were shocked--even distraught--at Microsoft’s acquisition of the company in 2002, ending its golden era. A few new IPs like Kameo and Viva Piñata would come out during this time, as well as a few lesser-known GBA titles and new installments/ports on Rare’s key franchises, but with lukewarm reception. These days, the company has remained low-key, their name attached to only a paltry number of recent titles, as their legacy has been picked up by different studios or through spiritual sequels.
What is the future for this once prestigious company? We don’t know for certain. There’s a glimmer of hope that with surprise Xbox Live support coming to the Switch, there’s a chance that the stars may align and we’ll get a one last return to what many fans would perceive as the natural order.
But until then, we have this month’s theme. Join me as we dig into Rare’s catalog, from the classics to the forgotten gems; from the bears and birds to the fairies and ghoulies. It’s time to get moving.
April is.... RARE MONTH!
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theglittersalamango · 3 years
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Update about the viva piñata site pages into my personal site hosted on neocities from last post, I've made a section dedicated to fun virtual fan-gardens taking inspiration from pocket paradise version of the game, sky view and piñometers diary section from the classic/tip game
For making it I've used css grid and made the measures based on piñometers, the cells are 100 in total, they are 100x100 pixel (more canon was 10 pixel probably but was too tiny for pics) each in 10 columns and 10 rows by 10 cells, also added some animations so the images have more life (the photo isn't animated but the buzzlegum go in round and the hootyfruity jump)
This in the photo is the jardiniero/main garden (still kinda empty I can still fill a lot of grid cells) but I'm planning to make more, a lot of them in various themes
(there might be some weird look on pc as i can code just from mobile and can't have pc pages preview, I'm currently trying to study viewport and media query for make the site responsive on most devices and screens)
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tomtardis · 3 years
Xbox Games Streaming Service Goes Retor
Xbox Games Streaming Service Goes Retor
The Xbox Cloud Gaming service adds 16 classic games to its service, following a retro gaming trend.The Xbox Cloud Gaming service lets you stream and play certain games on your Android device.There will be more Xbox and Xbox 360 games added to this service in the future.These are the games that are going to be added: Viva Piñata: TIP (touch controls enabled)Viva Piñata (touch controls enabled)The…
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