#vivienne... (through tears) vivienne it doesn't have to be like this please...........
berrymeter 2 years
took a minute to think about dragon age & my blood pressure has successfully risen again. imagine if they wrote the games good
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viviennes-tears 1 year
He will wait a lifetime for her (Sylki drabble)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.聽
A/N: This is the first prompt request for the short October 2023 run, so thank you to anonymous for messaging me privately, I hope you like it.
If you are interested in requesting please read the rules (pinned to my profile) first before submitting your prompt request. Thank you 馃槉 x
Prompt by Anonymous on Wattpad: Hi could you please write Sylki fluff when they reunite
Summary: Loki finds Sylvie working in McDonald's, joining her on her lunch break, spending time with her after searching聽for her for so long.
Warnings: None
Loki's eyes instantly began to tear up upon seeing Sylvie after all this time. He never expected to find her working at McDonald's of all places, being the first face the customers see, the red and white striped uniform with a name tag pinned to her chest made her look almost human. Far from the leathers and cape he was used to.
Mobius pat's Loki on his back for support, in return Loki slightly nodded his head in gesture of thanks, then he took a deep breath before slowly and purposely approaching the service counter. Sylvie's smile slipped from her lips as he approached after her last customer she served stepped aside waiting for their order.
"Hi." Loki says softly, his eyes still teary and hopeful too. He hopes she doesn't run, if she did, he knows it would hurt him deeply.
Sylvie looks over his shoulder at Mobius, who just gives her a small wave and smile, before he takes a seat at one of the nearby tables. Then Sylvie's gaze is back on Loki. "I'm just going on my break!" Sylvie announces to the other employees, as she grabs her knee length cardigan, which causes Loki to sigh heavily thinking she's going to duck out on him. Instead Sylvie grabs some food, bags it up and fills up two cups of Coke, then she bumps into his arm on her way out as if inviting him to follow her.
Loki didn't have to be asked twice, but he had to check in with Mobius first, he looked towards him with puppy dog eyes. Mobius mouthed, "go get her." Loki smiled at that before he left the fast food restaurant to catch up with Sylvie in the parking lot.
He found Sylvie sitting on the back of a green truck with the brown paper bag beside her as she began to unpack one of the boxes, before she held it out to Loki once he was close enough, and he graciously accepted it. He hesitated a moment before he sat down on the back of the truck too, the brown paper bag with the big yellow m on the side was all that separated them. He carefully watched Sylvie as she opened a second box that she'd taken out of the bag. Watching her take the first bite, before he opened the box she handed him, and he too then began to eat.
They ate in silence. A silence that was a little awkward initially, but it soon turned into a peaceful moment between the pair. The slight breeze past their faces and through their hair, the air cool and the sky a little cloudy, yet not dark. It was decent enough.
It took Loki half way through his Big Mac to move the brown paper bag out of the way, placing it further back, catching Sylvie's gaze briefly in the process. He then scooted closer towards her, their shoulders then touched, and he gave her a soft smile. Deep down he knows she's worried about what he will say about being pushed through the Time Door, except for the time being he didn't want to talk about it, nor about what she did to Kang. He just wanted to enjoy this moment, being able to spend time with her, with his Sylvie. Even if it will take time for her to get where he is emotionally and physically, he will wait, he will wait a lifetime for her.
Tags list: @muwuzic @jennyggggrrr
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Loki Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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lifeonawhim 1 year
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I'll look after you.(Tasm! Peter parker)
Pairing: tasm! Peter Parker脳 oc/reader? (You have a name- Vivienne)
Warnings: none, this is fluff.
Word count: 3-4k? (Idfk how to see the word limit) This one's long is all I can tell you. I hope you stick around.
Y/f/m- your favourite movie
Summary: After a really bad day at school, all you wanted was to throw away your books and never come out of your bed but spiderman is always there to save the day.
An: I wrote this for my bestfriend and it's the first time I'm publishing my work. I'm sick and i haven't proofread this and i profusely apologise for any errors you may find.
You were pretty sure your eyes were puffy and red and your makeup was smudged from all the crying you did in the school washroom. Today was just not your day, you thought as you sluggishly walked your way up to your apartment. Your stupid, middle aged English teacher had given you shit for no apparent reason other than taking out her own frustrations, you had a ton of homework from all the AP classes you had decided to take, which you were soon realising were a really, REALLY bad idea and you had to prepare for your first day at your internship at Oscorp, an internship you had fought way too hard for. And on top of all this, you had forgotten to bring lunch and Peter wasn't at school either to make it all better.
You had called him a couple of times but his phone went straight to voicemail and the texts you sent him were also unanswered. You had started to overthink and felt like one of those typical clingy girlfriends, which you knew wasn't the case, your boyfriend loved you to pieces but God, you couldn't seem to help it.
To really top it all off, it had started to rain really bad and you had forgotten to get an umbrella with you.
So here you were, walking with water all inside your boots, sniffling and suppressing your tears until you reached home.
Ofcourse, you thought.
As you stumbled inside your home, you barely got to your room before you burst into tears, again.
"Vi?" You heard a soft voice say from behind you, as you flinched and dropped your books. Peter was trying to get inside your house, through the window, all bruised and battered.
You immediately rushed towards him and wiped away your tears, helping him inside.
"Peter, what the hell? Where were you? Are you ok? I mean no, that's stupid. You're obviously NOT okay" you fumbled as you spoke. You started to rush towards your washroom, to get him a first aid kit when he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you towards him.
"No, no, no ,not that fast. You aren't going anywhere." Peter said in a stern voice. His gaze washed over your face and his frown soon turned into what could only be called a look of heartbreak. For some reason, this just made more tears pool into your eyes.
"Vivi, baby. What's wrong?" His own voice broke as he asked you in a voice so soft that you. just.couldnt.help.it.
You burst into tears. Yep. This is it, you thought as you quickly tried to turn away and put your palms on your eyes, as if you could will yourself to just hold it together, if only for your sweet boyfriend's sake.
Peter wrapped his arms around you, successfully trapping you and kissed the crown of your head softly. " I'm so, so, so sorry about whatever happened that made you feel this way, Vi." He whispered against your hair.
You sniffled and quickly wiped your face over the sleeves of your sweater. Hold it in, Vivienne. He doesn't need this right now, you thought to yourself. With as much life as you could muster up, you turned around. " Hey, hey. I'm fine. Ok? I'm fine. I just had a rough day at school, nothing I can't handle myself. Now let's get all cleaned up, Parker", you said as you once again started your way towards the first aid. Peter frowned and for a split second you almost thought he believed it. Almost.
He rushed infront of you and cradled your face gently with both of his hands. "Don't. Please don't pretend like you're fine when you so clearly aren't, Vivienne." He kissed your nose and rested his forehead against yours. "Please don't shut me out, baby." He whispered as he leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss so tender that once fucking again, you teared up.
You couldn't help it. He was so.fucking.sweet.
A choked sob made it's way up your throat as you sagged against him. " I just had a really bad day, ok? I have so much to get done and then I have to prepare for my internship too and Pete, I really don't think I can do this, hell I don't even know how I got the internship. It's just so.. hard." Your voice broke to an almost inaudible whimper as you said the last word.
Peter's arms tightened around you as he kissed the top of your head repeatedly. "Baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you out today but let me take care of you now" Peter said as he intertwined your fingers together and took you towards your bedroom. He gently sat you down on your bed and disappeared for a moment in your bathroom.
He came out and gently started removing your soaked clothes. Once you were out of your clothes, he took you by the hand once again and guided you towards your bathtub. You saw now that he had started a bath for you and your heart ached.
He gently guided you towards the bathtub and got your loofah as he slowly started washing you down. "You're the strongest, smartest and the most charming person I know, Vivienne. There's no way that Oscorp would've chosen you if they didn't think you were the best and you know it." Peter said as he moved on to your hair, softly untangling it. You just looked at him.
Peter Benjamin Parker, your beautiful, kind and loving boyfriend.
Wordlessly you grabbed his hand and urged him to join you in the bathtub. Peter kissed your hand and was quick to strip down. He let you guide him to the tub and you wrapped you legs around his waist. You reached up to kiss his collarbone and neck as his fingers traced comforting patterns over your shoulder. You brought your hands up to trace the bruises he's gotten from whatever monster he was out there, fighting. You knew he'd tell you about it, just not right now.
This close to him, you could see his face littered with previous scars that were yet to heal. You sighed shakily. Every one of those scars was yet another time when he could've been easily snatched from your arms. You fretted over him alot each time he'd stumble to you, tired from the violence he had to deal with earlier. You hated it, hated how everytime he was away, in yet another fight, you'd pray to any god listening to ensure his safety. He hated worrying you too, you knew that so you tried to hide each time your lip quivered when you saw him flinch as you bandaged the evidence of his fights.
You remembered a particularly nasty scar once. You'd screamed at him for getting himself hurt so much . You knew it was selfish of you, to beg him to not go out there again and you also knew it was pointless. He desperately clung to you and told you that part of why he was so hellbent on protecting the city was also to ensure that you never had to come across anything he did. He'd pick up the suit to make sure you could sleep away, knowing you were safe as long as he was out there.
Some of the scars on his body were there so that others didn't have them and you loved and hated him for it.
You were drawn out of your reverie as Peter wrapped his hands around your torso and carried you out to your bedroom.
He dressed you in one of the many sweatshirts he'd left at your place earlier and fluffy socks. He gently laid you down on the bed and brushed your hair as he tried his best to braid it softly, he wasn't good at it but he'd try for your sake since he knew how much you hated getting hair all over your face in your sleep.
"I'll be right back, baby." Peter whispered as he exited the room before you had a chance to protest.
He came in the room with some food and water for you and turned on your television.
"You wanna watch a movie before bed?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. You hesitated a bit, not sure if you were up for it. "Come on sweetheart, I'll let you pick. We can have the hundredth rerun of y/f/m" he said with a soft smile.
Your face broke into a brilliant smile as you nodded. He put on the movie and climbed into bed. Once he was satisfied that you were fed and hydrated, he switched off the tv and cuddled close to you.
You put your head on Peter's chest and he leaned down to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
You were almost asleep, listening to the rhythmic sound of Peter's steady heartbeat when you heard a whisper.
"You're the absolute light of my life, Vivienne Black. You're the only thing that helps me keep fighting when every single bone in my body is shouting otherwise. I love you, you're my best friend." Peter said in a voice so low you would've missed it, had it not been for your closeness.
He'd assumed you had fallen asleep.
He often had a habit of expressing his love for you at the end of everyday when you were in his arms and he thought you were asleep. You never replied, just thanked all the gods for your wonderful boy.
"I love you too, spidershit" you whispered with your eyes closed.
As long as you had your Peter with you, you knew you'd be alright.
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