#vkook x oc
gakikawakami · 1 month
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── ៸៸ greetings. As the title suggests, I'm looking for a legal taehyung fc to my jk one. I'm interested in a long-term partnership and discovering new interesting people to interact with on my discord. I'm also open to yoongi fcs if you're one and interested in the rest of this post.
I'm gaki kawakami. 23. cet. always ic. semi lit to lit. can be very lengthy detailed replies if available. a dom top but can switch if comfortable. I enjoy darker plots with heavy kinks, casual smuts and fluff here and there. I'd like to figure out the plot together which doesn't have to be extremely complicated as long as we're both having fun. also, I'm mainly seeking someone patient due to my busier work schedule.
𖦹 needs to be at least 20+ and a switch. lean is not needed but I do enjoy dom x dom if there's the option.
𖦹 should be alright with heavy kinks, possible gore and taboo themes such as stepcest, stalker fantasy, kidnapper fantasy, bodily fluids consumption and more.
𖦹 interested in getting to know each other outside the plot and perhaps ooc if we click. moving to discord since my dms here are often not sending me notifications.
More informations will be given in the dms if interested. Thank you dear stranger for reading my humble post.
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ryuzakiihyun · 17 days
I need friends/ rp buddies (legals only, 22+, mxm)
I'm trying this again because I need to get out of my mind and I really miss interacting with people,, amino is not doing it for me.
I really wish I had someone fun to talk with? Have small or bigger rps with, talking on daily, sending stuff to each other, etc. My oc is a baekhyun fc but you're able to be whoever you desire! Oc, kpop, anime, anything that makes you happy and I'd love for me and our ocs to meet and bond. We can also agree on a ship that we share, I'd love that.
I'd say that I'm very friendly and chill to be around (is that how the kids nowadays say it?) I'm mostly calm but I definitely know how to have fun and I enjoy flirting so if you're uncomfortable with that then don't interact with this. This might be a strange request but,, I don't handle well people that are extra childish or submissive? My ex partners slightly ruined this behaviour for me and it's quite triggering when people make me take care of them (without giving it back) and expect me to always take the leading dominant role (not only in an intimate setting.) I like the role but I prefer when people are more mature and don't mind taking care of me as well and being equals.
I've a whole oc description with my likes/ hobbies and I also communicate on discord! Read my previous posts to learn about my rp style.
I love goofy people, patient, soft, people that allow me to call them pretty and take care of them (if I'm comfort with it.) Also, big puppy boys,, my weakness.
So if you're also looking for a friend. Hit me up !
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Over The Odds | Happy Birthday pt.2
Pairing - jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader
Genre - angst, smut, fluff, established relationship, ceo!jungkook, ceo!reader, attorney!taehyung
Word Count - 3.5k
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The aftermath of Taehyung's confession
Warnings: swearing, drinking, smashed bottle (nobody gets hurt), very angry fighting, heavy angst
“…Surprise.” Jungkook bites, slugging back a whole flute of champagne in one breath, the apartment painfully quiet. Every pair of eyes in the room animatedly wide and zoned in on you and Taehyung, lips ajar and stunned.
Murmuring ensues, quiet to begin with when whispers tumble from your loved ones but the sound is nothing beyond white noise ringing your ears. What the fuck just happened? Hesitantly you take a step forward to your fiancé, blindly pushing yourself over the threshold of the elevator with a racing heart – but it’s too late, Jungkook’s lips are moving again before you reach him, his words barely audible.
“Get out.” His jaw is clenched, fierce gaze looking through you, past you, to the man you arrived with still standing in the golden elevator, your birthday present haphazardly thrown to the floor. “I can’t believe… just get out.” He repeats, exhaling slowly, evenly, as if to calm himself down.
“Guk I’m… I’m so fucking sorry.” Tae sighs, eyes brimming with heartache, “I promise—”
“Promise? You promise?! I’ve heard that before. Get the fuck out of my apartment.” Jungkook barks back and your heart has never beaten faster.
Glancing back at Taehyung you struggle to find the right words to say, he’s frozen in place in a choke hold of fear, his feline eyes shiny and swimming with regret. What can you say to either of them to make this better? What should you say? Is there a way to make this better? It’s unknown to you how much everybody heard of your conversation, but assuming from the way Jimin storms to your side with a purpose he’s never showcased before you figure the party heard… well, everything.
“It’s not what it looks like.” You mutter breathlessly, defending yourself with raised palms, still mentally digesting what your fiancé’s best friend just confessed to you. He loves you.
Kook calmly settles the empty flute of champagne on the nearest surface, a modest sized mirrored table adorned with concealed gifts and cards, all labelled for you. You anxiously watch the way his chest rises and falls underneath the taught black turtleneck he wears, paired with slacks and smart shoes of the same colour and an ash grey suit jacket. Jimin’s palm finds your shoulder, he’s gripping you harshly – maybe holding you back? You don’t know, you can’t think of anything other than the fact you’re standing quite literally between Jungkook and Taehyung right now.
You’re what came between them, the reason they fell out.
“Yeah? And what exactly does it look like?” Jungkook quirks a single thick brow, inked fingers coming up to his chin where he drags them over his tensed jawline and pursed lips. It’s undeniable, he’s pissed.
You freeze in place, dumbfounded, “I-, he, nothing happened—"
“Party’s over everybody, thanks for coming. Feel free to take as much food and beer as you want with you.” He scoffs, snatching an open bottle of champagne from the countertop before making his way to your shared bedroom with lazy footsteps, raking the other hand through his hair as he does so.
“Taehyung you should go.” Jimin nods, and the attorney doesn’t need telling twice.
Tae carefully tosses your present into the apartment before smacking a button in the elevator with an angry balled fist, he’s shaking his head almost in disbelief when he disappears behind the doors. Voice wavering with emotions, his eyes fixed on you. “I’m sorry.”
“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” Jimin whispers while guests, loved ones, friends, your family seemingly all prepare to leave. “Y/N? Hey look at me.” Your best friend gently shakes your shoulders, forcing you out of shock. He’s wearing an all red suit with a black shirt beneath, his hair slicked back save for one loose strand that curls against his forehead. Maybe if you weren’t emotionally concussed right now you’d even compliment him on his appearance, he really made an effort tonight.
You feel like crying, everybody made an effort tonight. And for what? Front row seats of your engagement eroding before their very eyes.
“Hm? Oh. I… I don’t know.” You frown, shooting apologetic glances at the sea of well-dressed people exiting your apartment. “I don’t know what just happened, Tae-, he just...” Your voice cracks, chin quivering, reality coming down on you hard. Taehyung loves you.
Jimin nods, hanging onto every single word you struggle to get out, “I know…”
At this Yuri makes her way over cautiously, her voice whispered but oozing with arrogance, “I fucking knew there was something going on between you and—”
“Don’t fucking go there Yuri, can’t you see she’s upset?” Jimin warns her with a raised hand, cutting her off unapologetically. “Make sure everybody leaves quickly and apologise for the commotion.” His narrow eyes flicker to her for a moment, winning her to nod and head over to your parents who look just as stunned as you.
“I should go talk to Kook…” You swallow, undoubtedly nervous, “He’s probably… I-, how much did everybody hear? And just for the record nothing’s going on between me and Tae, I-, I didn’t know… how he, I didn’t know.” You stutter, blinking emotionlessly at Jimin who wordlessly seems to understand what you’re trying to say, his usually crescent-like eyes wider and swimming with sympathy.
“I know. We heard everything.” Your best friend nods, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. “Go. He’s probably feeling pretty betrayed by Taehyung right now, if he’s angry with you it’s misplaced because he knows you didn’t do anything wrong, we all know. I’ll help Yuri get everybody out.”
“Thanks Jimin…” You sigh with puffed cheeks, feeling the weight of the world atop of your shoulders. What the fuck just happened—
“I’ll leave the front door open in case you need to stay over, okay?”
You nod quickly, kicking off your heels before making your way over to the bedroom without sparing what remains of the party a second glance. The need to fix this taking ultimate priority, they'll understand.
When you open your bedroom door your eyes catch sight of your fiancé immediately, sitting on the bed with his back pressed against the tall headboard, legs stretched out in front of him. He’s taken his blazer, socks and shoes off, but still wears the black turtleneck and matching formal trousers.
Jungkook is too busy knocking back champagne from the bottle to notice you slip inside, the Adam’s apple in his throat bobbing over and over with each and every obscenely large gulp. You close the door behind you, leaning against it with pinched brows and an unsteady jaw.
His blackened hooded eyes land on you once he’s done drowning his sorrows, tossing the glass bottle to the ground which smashes on impact, the sound causing you to wince. You don’t know what to say, you don’t know what to think. He must be so upset right now, he looks beyond furious to say the least. And that’s when Jimin’s words resonate with you, when you see Jungkook tongue his cheek and scoff, looking away from you without a single word.
His anger is misplaced, you’ve done nothing wrong.
“Any reason you came home with Taehyung tonight? I thought you went to dinner with Yuri?” He’s gazing out the window, voice low and stained with disgust. “Actually I know you went to dinner with Yuri while I had the party set up. Yet you still came home with Tae.” An unamused huff escapes him, and that’s when he looks directly into your eyes with the fearsome profile you’ve ever seen him display, “I’m only going to ask you this once so tell me the truth, are you fucking him?”
A loud, surprised, no, appalled humourless laugh rumbles your chest, piercing the air. “No! I’m not doing anything with Taehyung!” You’re shaking your head, frowning, mouth open and adrenaline coursing your veins, “He was downstairs when I got in the building so I invited him upstairs, hoping to fix whatever happened between you two. Do you really think I’d cheat on you?”
There’s a pause, one that chips away at your heart currently plummeting into your stomach.
“Oh my god…” You whisper, “You don’t believe me do you?”
Jungkook swallows, wetting his lips before his features soften, “I do believe you… I- I just had to ask.“ His head kicks back onto the headboard, eyes fluttering shut. “I know you wouldn’t do something like that. I-, I just…” He sighs, “I don’t know what to think of the situation anymore.”
“Why are you so mad at me?” You bravely speak up, feeling betrayed in your own right, “Taehyung is the one who said… those things, I-, it’s not like I feel the same way.”
“Well he wouldn’t know that, would he?” Jungkook laughs, snapping his eyes back to you with a forced, blatantly obvious fake smile, pointing at you with his inked hand, “You didn’t exactly shut him down, did you? In fact Y/N you didn’t say a fucking word!”
You scoff, "What could I have possibly said to him in that moment?"
"Well you could've told him what you just told me, that you don't feel the same way... But you didn't."
“Because I was in shock!” You yell, beyond the definition of offended at this point, is he really this mad at you for being surprised? “You think when I got home tonight I was expecting him to start reeling off all those things?! No! I had no idea about any of it! I was completely blindsided!”
“Blindsided?!” He shouts back, brows raised when he crosses his legs on the bed and sits up more, “I heard everything! You practically forced that confession out of him! He asked you to stop and you kept going because you said, and I quote: I love you both! I’m here for you both! I do love you Taehyung!” He’s throwing his arms around at this point, emphasising his words.
“That’s not fair.” You bite, running your fingers through your hair while you try to calm down, “I was asking him to tell me what happened because he’s my friend. And you know full well I didn’t mean it like that! He’s just my friend.”
“Yeah? Do you tell all your friends that I haven’t been anywhere near you in weeks or just him?” He asks, chest heaving up and down under the taught material of his sweater. “If memory serves me right you were the one who asked me to stop telling him about our sex life, but it’s fine for you to tell him everything the second we start having problems?! It’s fine for you to tell Taehyung you love him?! It’s fine for him to put his hands on you?! Imagine, fucking imagine if I acted like that with Yuri, put yourself in my shoes!"
“The only reason you care so much about shit like that is because you knew how he felt! I didn’t! A little heads up would’ve been nice by the way!” You’re vibrating with anger by this point, whether its misguided or not you’re unsure because your fiancé does have a valid point. You would feel pretty shitty if he behaved like that with Yuri, but you’re too caught up in the argument to act rationally.
Jungkook snickers sinisterly, sighing in frustration when he stands from the bed, being careful not to step on the shattered glass. “The reason I care so much about shit like that is because you’re mine. I don’t want another man’s hands anywhere near you, especially not my best fucking friend!” He points to the door behind you, still keeping his distance.
You don’t fold, equally just as mad as him, “Why are we having problems then? If you love me so much why haven’t you touched me in weeks? It’s because of him, isn’t it? You’re the one letting his feelings get between us, you’re the one reacting this way! If you’d just told me—”
“HE'S MY BEST FRIEND Y/N!” He roars, his scream borderline deafening and truly frightening. “I promised him I wouldn’t tell you because he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable! And I didn’t want you to feel that way either! So can you see why I’m pissed off that he went behind my back and told you anyway!” You’ve never seen Jungkook this angry, he’s physically trembling with rage, “And yeah, I’m pissed off at you for not shutting it down straight away too!” He scoffs, “We’re getting married Y/N! If another woman confessed their feelings for me I would shut that shit down on the fucking spot! No hesitation!”
“I didn’t hesitate! I told you I was in shock! I didn’t expect him to say anything like that he was just dropping off a present for my birthday!” Truthfully you don’t know how it escalated to this, the two of you have never argued like this before.
Your fiancé edges closer, until he’s arms-length away from you and you catch a whiff of alcohol on his breath, “A present?! He got you a present?” He’s frantic, pushing past you with force to open the bedroom door, “Let’s go see what he got you then! Shall we? Would be rude of you to not open your gifts, wouldn’t it?!”
“Kook stop!” You chase after him, Jimin and Yuri are still in the kitchen area cleaning up but Jungkook doesn’t falter, unbothered by their presence. He marches straight over to the dry cleaning bag and holds it up in the air, undeniably pissed off.
“Jungkook… Stop! This is nonsense!”
“So you do know how to shut someone down after all. Pity that you couldn’t do it half an hour ago.” He barks, “Open it.” He throws it to you, and Jimin makes his way round the kitchen counter cautiously, nervous eyes flickering between you and supposedly the love of your life. Yuri halts her own movements, wide-eyed and stunned as she watches the scene in front of her unfold.
“Y/N…” Jimin whispers, “Are—”
“Stay out of this Jimin.” Jungkook spits, popping open another bottle of champagne with his teeth before spitting the cork onto the ground. His eyes are trained to you when he raises the bottle in a feigned toast, guzzling more champagne. “Open it now.”
You’re shaking your head, clutching your gift with quivering hands. Jungkook has never acted like this before, usually he’s cool and collected and in control of his emotions. Tonight must’ve caused something inside him to snap, because he’s looking at you so unphased, so recklessly, as though he doesn’t give a single fuck that you’re upset right now. It’s clear he’s upset too, but things will only escalate further if you don’t be the bigger person and step back from this.
You need to calm down. He needs to calm down.
“Y/N are you okay?” Jimin asks you quietly, not sparing Jungkook a second look.
“Stay out of this Jim—”
“I wasn’t asking you.” Your best friend spits with a fiery side-eye, venom hanging from his every word before he watches you carefully and his features soften. “Do you want to come to my place?”
You exhale, angry, hurt, confused, still mentally processing what Taehyung confessed to you. “Actually can you two give us some privacy please?” You swallow, embarrassed that your two closest friends must’ve heard your screaming match in the bedroom. “I’ll text you soon, I promise.”
Jimin straightens, “You sure?”
You nod in response, and thankfully they leave straight away. It’s just you and Jungkook now, surrounded by party decorations that somehow seem morbid now, both feeling the same things but for very different reasons.
The atmosphere is tense, cold and unfamiliar. Not to mention silent. Your fiancé is sitting atop the kitchen counter by this point, still nursing the champagne bottle that’s quickly emptying into his throat. His profile unreadable, lost in thought.
“Did you…” He begins, brows furrowed with something emotional and heavy, “Honestly have no idea about his feelings?”
The question catches you off-guard, you’re holding onto the present gifted to you from the man in question wearing a small frown. Did a part of you know all along? Perhaps you’ve been too occupied by the hardships of life to really notice anything else, but Yuri certainly noticed. So it must have been obvious, right? All the times you assumed he was just being friendly, had there been an ulterior motive? Within the blink of an eye you’re replaying every encounter with Taehyung over and over, searching for the signs.
“I-, I don’t know.” You admit honestly, “I always thought he was just being nice… I didn’t expect-, well... No, I guess I had no idea about how he really felt until tonight.” You feel like a fool, so caught up in the downward spiralling of your own world to not recognise something so dire right in front of you all this time.
“You know I've been thinking… With work been so busy for us both right now, and your sister and Charlie, now this shit…” Jungkook sighs, gnawing his lower lip anxiously, “I can’t help but think-, no, nevermind. Forget it.” He sighs again, quickly reattaching his lips to the champagne.
You peer up at him curiously, vaguely panicked, “What about it?”
“Forget it.” He repeats, tonguing his cheek, physically incapable of looking at you. “It’s just cause I’m pissed off right now, I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“Jungkook…” You freeze, “What are you talking about? What have you been thinking about?”
There’s a brief pause when he slips off the countertop and finds his shoes, leaving you cemented in place with a racing heart. When Kook turns to you, his features are contorted with pain, and raw emotions that you can’t decipher. He looks hurt, drained even, and his voice is equally as tired when it rolls off his tongue.
“I want to postpone the wedding.”
"What?!" Your breath quickens, heart shattering into a million pieces at the drop of a hat, tears pricking your eyes that are gazing at him with so much desperation that he has to look away, pressing the elevator button. "Is this because of what Taehyung said?! Because I don't feel that way for him! Jungkook, I—"
"It's not because of what he said Y/N, but what you didn't say."
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vanciels · 4 years
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#2OULDUO: When you turn nineteen the system gives you the mark that tells you who will be your soulmate, you could not be less excited about it. Until the expected day arrives and against all odds you end up with twin brands and you have no idea what to do with two soulmates when you never wanted one in the first place.
masterlist. | next.
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Coming soon~
Here is a list of fanfic we want to post soon here. Hope some of those is of your interest. <3 Also if you should be interest in one and want to be tagged, please write in the comment or ask me. ~ Kibo
One Piece/ The Moonshine pirate
Two cousins made the promise to become famous pirates, like their fathers. After a few years they meet again and that meant: Searching for new crew members! Follow as Suki finds and experience new adventures with them. Later there will be a few meetings with certain pirates and see how they got to know each other. The Moonshine pirates through the desert, forests and much more?(Pairing: Luffy x Oc/ Zoro x Oc/ Law x Oc/ Ace x Oc/ Usopp x Oc || Don’t want to spoiler you with the names of the Oc’s ~)
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BTS/ Bangtan’s seven
This is for all who knows Ocean’s eleven. This is a BTS version of it./ Finally, Namjoon is free again and he is looking for revenge on who has betrayed him. With an old friend and the best team in Korea.(Pairing: Namjin/ Taekook/ Yoonmin/ Hoseok x Oc)
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BTS/ Hard Way To Success
This is about a girlgroup which called S.O.S and how they success being a Kpop bandgroup together. How they meet, they hardship and music. How they meet BTS and how they fall in love with them. (Pairing: Jungkook x Oc/ Hoseok x Oc/ Jimin x Oc/ Seokjin x Oc)
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Seducers Ch. 3 [M]
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Y/N is a siren who preys on sailors using her sweet songs. The catch is a curse is put amongst her species that if a man escapes her songs, she will die. Sailors usually lust for a woman’s touch arising from the long travels on sea, so it wasn’t hard for her. However, a smart young sailor named Kim Taehyung and his crew escapes an attack targeted on their ship. She follows them to no end, resisting her doomed fate, but finds herself in a complicated situation once she reaches the ship.
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Characters: Sirens, rest of BTS
Genre: fantasy, fluff, smut, angst
Warnings: alcohol use, violence, blood talk, lots of dirty smut lolol (when I wrote this I didn’t mean for this to sound so girls vs. boys but it turned out that way, so I’m sorry if you get offended by this. It’s just the nature of the story and the historical myth that its based off of. I have no bad intentions whatsoever).
Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | - (Fic In Progress)
Chapter 3 (NOT EDITED: Tae offers a deal, learn more about Y/N & Taekook’s history, SMUT. **Contains some mild religious jokes).
Taehyung closes the door behind him and walks over by your bed. You scooch against the headboard, trying to keep your distance from him. You don’t know what you would do if he comes closer. 
“If you try to hurt any one of my friends, especially Taehyung hyung, I will come for you.” Jungkook’s threat rings louder in your head.
“A-Are you crying?” Taehyung says with eyes wide. He tries to reach for your face to wipe a tear that falls from your cheek but your words freeze him.
“Don’t! Stay back. I don’t know what I would do if you come any closer.”
“Still hungry, huh?” he chuckles with half a smile. 
“Yes, very.” You bite your bottom lip and furrow your eyebrows at the temptation. He then takes a chair and sits on it by your legs. He rests his arm on your bed as he talks to you.
“You know, they told us that sirens don’t cry.”
“Of course we cry. I don’t know what they told you but we have feelings.”
“Well, they told us you guys don’t cry because you’re always underwater.” 
He gives you a small smile and you can’t help but chuckle at the bad joke. The past couple of days have been so stressful that you notice yourself smiling for the first time. He places his head on top of his arm that rests on the bed and looks at you from below.
“Even though you tried to kill me, I still can’t help but think you’re beautiful.” 
You find yourself blushing at his comment. You’ve heard it a million times before from sailors. But when they say it, they’re usually under a spell and most of the time, they don’t know what they’re saying. Plus the fact that they’ve drunk their minds away. However this time, Taehyung said it fully conscious and fully in control of his thoughts. The genuine compliment leaves you speechless and even more so that you just finished crying.
“A-As a siren, I’m just meant to attract you.” 
“So what? Then I’m attracted.” He points his elbow on the bed and rests his head on his hand. His half-lidded eyes stare at you silently, just taking in the sight of you.
“Why are you here?” you ask, trying to lead the conversation elsewhere. His change in demeanor is suspicious after having been so aggressive towards you in your past encounters.
“Well, I came here to apologize for my behavior. As a stupid human, I didn’t know sirens had feelings so...I’m sorry for hurting your feelings.” 
Again, another human boy has left you stunned. 
They’re so...forgiving?
“Well...I’m sorry for trying to kill you,” you say quietly. Throughout the day, you’ve heard the humans apologize to you, however, you feel like it’s time for the siren who caused this whole situation to say sorry. 
The corners of his lips curve up slightly higher and he keeps looking at you with half-lidded eyes as if that’s really all he wants to respond with. It’s interesting how he looks like he’s captivated even though you haven’t sang a song.
“So why is it that we hate each other even though we haven’t met each other?” he questioned.
“I-I don’t know.” 
His words make you think as you’ve never really thought about it that way before. Why is it like that? “I’ve never really met a human before...they were always drunk with alcohol or with my spell.”
“That’s a shame...maybe getting to know us will change your mind about what humans really are instead of what they’re supposed to be.”
“...I guess the same goes for you,” you blink at him as he smirks.
“So what else did they tell you about humans?”
“Well...Crystal always told us that you guys are vile, evil, corrupt, immoral, selfish, jealous, heartless, sinful, and all other bad stuff.” You sway your head side to side as you list all the descriptions.
“Ouch. Funny, they say the same things about you. Yet here we are. Working together and apologizing to each other,” he sighs.
“Yeah...I guess we are,” you chuckle at him as he climbs on top of your bed at the bottom of your feet.
“Hey! Stop!” You gulp down another round of temptation and clench your fists within the bedsheets. 
“Your friend Jungkook is going to kill me if I so much as put a scratch on you, and I bet the others would join in too.”
Taehyung laughs so hard his eyes disappear, “Who? That baby boy? He’s just really protective of me. He likes to think he’s older than me but really, he’s the one who needs protecting.”
“However your friendship works, I’m going to get killed either way.”
“Well, you can’t really reach me from here when you’re cuffed over there.”
“You’re right. I can just sing to you to get you over here.”
“Touché,” he smirks.
“Speaking of singing, why are your songs so captivating?”
“Well...my kind feels for a type of man. We feel what a man longs for the most that he thinks would bring him happiness in his life. Yours was love. And I specialize in exactly those types of songs. That’s why I followed you.”
“Did you feel that I’m heartbroken?”
“Yes, I did.” He pouts as he looks down and plays with the sheet of your bed.
“Mmm, I felt like I was in love again, you know. When you were singing.”
“I know...my songs are meant to give you a moment of heaven. We sirens bring heaven to you, even if it’s just for a moment. That’s why it’s easy for you to give yourselves to us.”
He shoots his eyes up at you. “Can you bring me heaven one more time?”
“...What?” You look at him confused.
“Can you sing for me again?”
“A-Are you ok in the head? I could kill you.” Any other time you would do it in a snap, but when your prey is asking for it, it doesn’t exactly feel right.
Taehyung gives you a peculiar smile you didn’t catch before. It was unique. His lips shape itself like a box when he shows all his teeth. You thought it was almost cute.
“I guess I’m not ok huh? Well...you know, as a heartbroken man, I haven’t exactly been the happiest. When I heard your song this morning, even though I acted like a lunatic on the outside, it’s the happiest I’ve been in a while in the inside. I felt that moment in heaven you were talking about...before the attack, I drown myself in alcohol to numb the pain, but it doesn’t quite replace it.”
“Taehyung.” Your stern voice matching your expression. “You know it’s only a fleeting moment of happiness. Remember what you did afterwards?” You warn him. You can’t believe that you’re actually warning your prey. This boy has a death wish and it feels so natural for anyone to prevent him from making it come true.
“Yeah, I cried like a wimp. After you stopped singing, I felt my heart being broken over and over again. And over and over and over again. That moment in heaven fell down to a moment of hell. It hurt so much I couldn’t stop crying. You felt that too?”
“Yeah, I did. Whatever yearning or pain a man has, I feel it. Especially yours.”
“Is there a song that won’t make me act so...crazy?”
“Um...there’s all types of songs that would make you act certain ways. I can make someone act on a full spectrum, from softly to aggressively. There’s songs that will captivate you only slightly to songs that would completely make you blank out.”
“Is that how you got me into bed with you?” You kicked his knee and scoffed at his question.
“Excuse me sailor, but I only tempt men. You’re the one who listens to the songs and gives yourself to them.”
“Well if that’s true, why were you tempting me in the first place then?” You didn’t expect that question to come out at all. He’s a witty one. It shouldn’t surprise you since he’s the one who managed to escape hundreds of sirens, including you, who already had him in your clutches.
You find yourself again blushing at his statement. Your reputation wasn’t a demure one like Isa’s and usually you don’t have trouble talking about sex at all. In fact, it’s only second nature to you because it’s part of a siren’s hunting habit and you talk about it in class in front of other sirens. However, when Taehyung asked you, you find yourself being the exact opposite. You didn’t exactly have this kind of talk before with a partner because of course, they’re dead before they could.
“I-I...” You sigh at the awkwardness. “I like prepping my men...it makes them sweeter,” you managed to puff out as you avoid his gaze. You find yourself weirdly embarrassed at your sexual slash eating habits.
“We taste sweeter when we’re aroused?” he looks at you curiously.
“Hm. Sweeter huh?” he raises a brow at you and you can’t help but predict that the next words that will come out of his mouth will be mischievous ones.
“Tell you what, if you sing for me, I’ll let you have a bite.” He then grabs the hem of his shirt and lifts it up. You see the soft skin of his abdomen peek through until he completely takes it off past his head. His blonde hair falls gently on his striking eyes and the remnants from the moonlight through the window pastes itself on his chest.
“Are you crazy?!” You push your feet at the bed, making you move up against the headboard. With the blanket, you cover your nose as the act of taking off his shirt caused a whiff of his scent to invade your nostrils. He smells so sweet it’s making you crazy.
“Can we start out with songs that won’t captivate me as much?” He starts slowly crawling towards you.
“Excuse me. I haven’t exactly said yes.” Your angry tone of voice muffled by the blanket. “Your friends would kill me if I sing.”
“Who? Jungkook? Don’t worry about him. He’s just cute,” he dismisses.
“You don’t know what you’re asking, it will hurt,” you warn panicking. You start breaking in sweat as you see the skin of his shoulders coming towards you.
“You might not know this but I’ve been stabbed before. So deep in my chest I almost died. What are cute little fangs going to do?” You recall Jungkook’s story and didn’t imagine you would hear about it again so soon.
He slowly starts to pull the covers away from you and you can’t help but gulp at the sight of him completely wanting you. You find yourself being weirded out by your shy behavior. Sexual engagements aren’t usually a problem for you and you were never timid. Is it because he’s fully in his senses? Is it because he’s asking for it instead of you captivating him to do it? You don’t know but it wasn’t like any of your sexual encounters before.
When you saw a neck vein shift from him crawling towards you, you put your hand on his forehead as you try to stop from shaking. The strongest urge to submit to your primal instincts splashes all over you.
You stare him down as you bite your bottom lip and your eyes plead for him to obey. You must have looked like you were suffering since it moves him to retract himself and sit at the bottom of the bed. 
“Oh.....I-I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.” He put his shirt back on and climbs down your bed. “But i-if you change your mind, you know I’m just around.” He doesn’t look at you but he rubs the back of his neck.
“Good night, Y/N.” 
The moment he shuts the door, you let out a big relief through an exhale. If you had sunk in your teeth in his skin, you don’t know if you could stop sucking even if he pleads out for help. Last night you wanted to do exactly that and satisfy your hunger but, now you find yourself “saving him” from his foolish death wish. 
Not only that, but his six friends have their knives behind your back ready to jab if you as so much so touch a strand of his hair. To make it worse, he wants to give himself to you and you don’t think you can tame your hunger any longer.
Oh boy. It’s going to be a long two weeks.
"Y/N!!! Y/N!!! WAKE UP PLEASE!!” 
You hear a voice get louder as someone runs frantically to your door and crashes it open. You feel the hush of wind reach your hair as you turn towards the door.
You prop yourself on your elbow and you see Jin’s face with a panicked expression. His hair tousles in every direction possible. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask in a blurry daze.
“Jimin! They were changing one of the sails because it had a big hole from the fight. His leg got caught and he fell down. He’s not waking up Y/N! And he’s bleeding from the head! Didn’t you say you can heal people?!” He says in between breaths and you observe the extreme horror in his face.
“Unshackle me.” He frantically reaches for his pocket, gets on your bed, and unshackles you without a single thought. You run up the stairs to the deck as Jin follows you from behind.
You see the boys all huddle around Jimin and Yoongi on the floorboards. Yoongi is sitting down propping his bloody head on his leg as he holds the back of Jimin’s head. You crouch down to the ground to look at him closely. Jimin’s face is pale and sunken with streaks of blood running down his forehead to his nose. You see Yoongi pressing a piece of cloth against his head to attempt to stop the bleeding. You can’t help but hear Yoongi’s breath hike up, trying not to sob.
"He’s still alive. I can still feel what he longs for in life,” Yoongi looks at you with teary eyes but says nothing.
“I need to get him into the ocean.” You look up at the boys with distressed expressions.
“No.” Yoongi breathes out faster than the wind. His intimidating vibe radiates from him as he sits in silence, caressing Jimin’s head. His refusal doesn’t surprise you since he’s shown the most aggressive attitude towards you from the very beginning. He doesn’t trust you one bit.
“Fine...get me a tub of water. Fresh ocean water.”
Namjoon nods his head and the rest of the boys scurry to a side of the deck where the buckets are, holding one per person. You then see them run towards the balcony of the ship to use the pulley system and get some fresh ocean water.
“Let’s get him in the captain’s tub,” Namjoon says as he crouches down to take Jimin’s legs. Yoongi then clings his arms under Jimin’s armpits and props his head up against his torso, staining his shirt with blood.
You watch the boys run to fill the captain’s tub as Jimin lays in it. The captain’s bathroom is humongous with gorgeous golden details that line its edges. The tub is in the middle of the bathroom so all six boys are able to huddle around.
Once the tub is filled to the brim, you climb over it and your tail reappears. You slowly and carefully submerge Jimin’s head under the water. His face is still as lifeless as it was and you unhinge his jaw. You kiss him opening your mouth, making sure you take every corner of his lips.
After continuously taking his lips in yours, you feel movement from under you and you withdraw your head to look at him. He slowly starts opening his eyes and a smile grows on your face. You caress his cheeks and place your hands under his jaw, gently pulling him up to the surface.
“Jimin!” Yoongi exclaims.
“What happened?” The wet boy looks around at the other boys, clearly clueless about the fall that almost took his life.
“You fell from the sails, you fucking idiot!” Yoongi scolds him harshly.
“What would we do if I didn’t know our siren could heal, hm?” Jin scolds him as if he did something wrong. Jimin then looks at you from the opposite side of the tub.
“Why’d you kiss me?” Jimin asked.
“That’s how I heal. I needed to be in my siren form to be able to do it and I also needed ocean water for it to work,” you state.
“So that’s how it felt like waking up to a siren underwater. I thought it only happened in fairytales.” You chuckle at his comment as Yoongi hits his shoulder.
“You know you could’ve fucking died! I watched you fucking fall from up there! We changed these sails a hundred fucking times! Don’t act like a fucking amateur! I really fucking thought you fucking died you fucking shithead!” 
“Excuse his potty mouth. He curses like a real sailor when he’s angry,” Hoseok laughs and every boy laughs with him, except Yoongi who’s still clearly upset at what happened.
“All right, all right, let’s get them some towels,” Namjoon says.
It was a sunny day. After the morning incident, the rest of the day was pretty calm. Jungkook allows you to roam around the deck and the halls of the ship unshackled since you saved Jimin’s life. But only on the condition that he follows you around wherever you go.
You did the usual hunting and the boys tended to their duties around the ship to make sure it sails smoothly. Namjoon was apparently born on the same ship you are riding and he knows every crevice by memory. It makes sense to you that he’s now navigating the ship to its course.
Before you knew it, nighttime fell upon the ship. In the middle of Jungkook touring you around and teaching you what different rooms are called, you happen to pass upon Taehyung sitting in the middle of a living room, drinking rum with his leg up the couch’s arm. Jungkook approaches him from behind and you follow.
“Hey, you planning to drink your life away there?” He lightly pats his arm to catch his attention.
“Arghgh, get the fuck out, Jungkook,” he says casually as he swats his hand in the air. Jungkook playfully dodges his light attacks and chuckles.
“Now, if Yoongi hyung curses like a sailor, thiiis guy drinks like one,” he looks at you as he rubs his shoulders. “Fulfilling one stereotype at a time.”
“Oh Y/N’s here?” he turns and sees you.
“Hey.” You say.
“Hey.” he stands up and rubs his neck.
Jungkook looks from left to right.
“...The fuck is up with you two?”
You didn’t exactly picture being awkward in front of him after last night but you found yourself being exactly that when the time came. You haven’t really thought about it all day but flashbacks came running through your mind now that he’s right there in front of you. You can’t help but notice that he might also be thinking about the strange exchange from last night judging by his behavior.
“Heh, nothing...just...you know, she toyed with my mind yesterday,” Taehyung attempts to save the conversation.
“Ahhh that. Yeah, siren. I don’t know about your kind but humans apologize when they do something bad, like you did. Taehyung hyung cried like a baby,” Jungkook chuckles.
“Sorry...’bout that. I was just demonstrating what I could do...” you muttered even though you’re really just playing it out for Jungkook and doing anything he says would make him less suspicious that Taehyung came by your room right after he walked out.
“Don’t worry about it...let’s just move on,” he continues to rub his neck.
“You know, I didn’t think a siren could say sorry to his prey,” Jungkook chuckles as he takes the bottle of rum and drinks directly out of it. “After she saved Jimin hyung, she’s more human than I thought.”
“We really lucked out with this one. Or else Jimin would’ve been done for,” Taehyung gestures to you.
“As long as she keeps her mouth shut, she’s not bad.”
“Hey!” you scold.
“I mean as long as you don’t sing, siren.” Jungkook rolls his eyes at you. 
“Didn’t think sirens could get offended either, huh?” Taehyung jokes.
“Yeeeah, they kept saying they have no feelings. Wonder what else they said that weren’t true.” Jungkook swings another chug in his mouth.
“There are lots, I noticed,” you said eyeing them both.
“Well we don’t exactly learn about them in school or anything. We just hear rumors around town. I mean, you’re not exactly an animal either to be put in animal books,” Jungkook states.
“What do you guys learn in school?” You ask. Since you teach a class back at home, you’re curious how it’s different from humans.
“Really nothing,” Jungkook and Taehyung say in sync, looking at each other laughing, as they clink their rum together. Taehyung finishes his from his glass and Jungkook chugs his bottle in big gulps.
“You see, Jungkook and I met under the eyes of God,” Taehyung says as he looks at Jungkook and Jungkook can’t help but spit out his drink to laugh until he’s wheezing.
Jungkook roars like it was the funniest joke on earth. He plummets to the couch next to Taehyung and grabs his abdomen. His eyes crinkle that it pushes out some tears of joy.
“Holy Looord, I’m gonna die,” Jungkook manages to say in between wheezes. “Phew!”
“I think I’m missing something here. W-Why are you guys laughing?” 
“You see Y/N, Jungkook and I met each other at monastery school. Monastery school’s like a school to make you the holiest person you can be. After 6 months, Jungkook and I were like....let’s get the fuck outta here,” Taehyung says as Jungkook slaps his knee and lays on his side.
“What’s wrong with that? I’m holy.”
“You? Holy? Come on, you’ve murdered so many people.” Jungkook says.
“Yeah? but aren’t I what you guys consider a “mystical creature.””
“Holy means you don’t sin.” Taehyung says.
“Oh. I guess we have different definitions.” You’re intrigued at the difference again between humans and sirens. You thought holy means that you barely age and you can heal people. Plus the fact that you live at a holy place in the cave. However, you leave it at that since you see these two characters getting drunk in front of you. You sit at the next couch to enjoy them reminisce with each other.
“Holy shit, dude. Remember that time we were bald?” Jungkook asks.
“Yeah we shaved each other’s heads -- crying.” Taehyung roars. “It was a good look on you.”
“Naaah man, I can’t live like a monk. That’s great for them, but not for us. I can’t live my life whispering prayers all day.”
“The fuck that’s right. You always fell asleep at church. You were supposed to be reflecting on your sins dumbass,”
“You know I told Father Lawrence some shit I didn’t do just to mess with him at confession,” Jungkook says biting his lip, trying to contain himself. “You know how he always told me to confess my pride because I’m too competitive? I told him I fucked three older girls all at the same time and I’m sorry if that’s too competitive.” Jungkook wheezes until nothing is coming out of his open mouth anymore.
“Jungkook! We all know you can’t approach a girl to save your life,” Taehyung hits him and jumps on his body. 
“I timed it right before we left so I didn’t have to do 500 Hail Mary’s,” Jungkook shrieks.
You can’t help but laugh at some of the things they say, and even if you don’t know what they’re talking about because it sounds too human, you laugh anyways from their expressions. You sense Jungkook and Taehyung’s closeness with each other, and they slowly become endearing in your eyes. 
Are humans kind? It’s...possible.
“Ok, ok, baby,” Taehyung coos as he crouches down and lays Jungkook on his bed.
“I gotta put her... in her...shackles...hyung. She’s.......” Jungkook mumbles, too inebriated to complete his sentence.
“I got you, I got you, you baby, go to sleep,” Taehyung consoles him as he takes off his shoes and tucks him under his bed. 
You’re waiting by the doorway as Taehyung settles him in his bed. Jungkook apparently can’t hold his alcohol like Taehyung can. After all, he did say he had the reputation of “drinking like a sailor.” You can’t help but admire the scene as Taehyung takes care of Jungkook, making sure that he sleeps nicely. As Jungkook completely gives in to the comfort of his bed, Taehyung pats his cheek to say goodbye and turns to you.
“I told you he’s the one who needs protecting.”
“But...he looks so manly from the outside.”
“Yeeaah, that’s him alright. He wants to be the best at everything but he can’t hold his alcohol like I can. He plays sailor and drink a lot to compete with me but really, his favorite drink is banana milk,” Taehyung scoffs. Banana milk? Must be some human thing you have yet to learn.
You and Taehyung walk to your room in silence. The awkward atmosphere again falls upon the two of you as you both look at the floorboards. Being alone with him at night with no one around just triggers your senses to an extent and again, in the silence, you notice your hunger.
Both of you walk into your room and Taehyung brings the shackles from Jungkook’s belt.
“I don’t want to do this but let’s not get Jungkook in trouble, shall we?” He shakes the shackles in the air and you nod in agreement. You get on the bed as did he, to cuff your wrists. 
“You have to hold it in, Y/N,” he warns. He knows he has to reach over you to cuff you. He kneels in front of you as he clings a shackle around a pole of the bed and you can’t help but smell his sweet scent again that it moves you to bite your bottom lip.
“You know, I have to say...I do admire your will power,” he says as he again reaches over to another pole to cuff your other wrist. You gulp down and close your eyes to prevent yourself from seeing a vein like last time.
He lays down at his side at the bottom of your bed, propping his head up with his arm.
“My world requires it of me, you have to have a backbone to be able to survive in the sea. The sea is a dangerous place, and so is here,” you say as you refer to the six boys that have their six swords ready to kill you if you make one mistake.
“Y/N, even though they threaten you, they really wouldn’t do it. I know them.”
“But I don’t.”
“Even so, just look at baby Jungkook,”
“Well he did say that I’m not bad if I keep my mouth shut. So I intend to keep it that way.”
“So no singing, huh? It’s a shame...your voice is really attractive.” He looks at you again with half-lidded eyes as he smiles coyly at you. Every time he does this, you also can’t help to think how beautiful he is. You found yourself observing his striking eyes, peculiar lips, and the long hair that flirts down his nape. He’s probably the most beautiful human you’ve ever encountered in your life. Sure, sirens are beautiful, but men have their own kind of beauty, especially his.
“Tell me, has anyone ever resisted your voice?”
“No...no one. Men love the idea of heaven-- actually, anyone loves the idea of heaven. It’s hard to resist once you’re in,”
“Speaking of heaven, why did you say you were holy?”
“Oh...well, you saw how I can heal others. I live at a holy place where some sirens would visit. Mmm...I also barely age.”
“You barely age?!” Taehyung sits up with your statement.
“I’ve barely aged since twenty-one. I noticed there’s a lot of old sailors. Actually, almost all of you are. If you didn’t notice from the other night, there’s no old sirens from my tribe.”
“No wonder you guys are beautiful,” he looks at nothing, trying to recall the sirens from the attack, reviewing what age they looked like.
“Oh, that reminds me...I found this in a bucket when we were trying to get water for Jimin,” he takes out what looks like a bracelet made of seashells and your heart sinks once you realize it’s your friend’s, Ari’s. “Must have fallen from the fight.”
“That’s my friend’s...” you start to cry softly as you take the bracelet in your hands. You now wonder how Ari is doing-- if she’s doing well, or if the tribe is still trying to recover from the disaster that happened. You also wonder if she’s thinking about you like you’re thinking about her right now.
Taehyung sits in silence as he bites his lips, trying not to feel uncomfortable that he can’t go over and console you. To attempt to ease himself, he plays with the bedsheets and rubs his neck, but his concern for you just grows with each second. Not having the same will power as you, he succumbs to his worries and slowly crawls to you. You twitch a little when you feel his hands on your face.
“Hey...” He takes your face in his hands and he swipes your tears away using his thumbs as he looks into your wet eyes. His orbs look worried and you can’t help but feel his longing become stronger. 
“You’re ok...” he whispers softly. You rub your eyes and attempt to regain your composure, but you can’t help but feel hungry when his warm breath hits your face.
“I can smell you,” you push his chest slightly to keep him away and you push yourself against the headboard. You then grab your blanket and cover half your face with it. However, Taehyung can’t help but feel the weak force of your push. 
“You’re getting weaker, Y/N. I know my friends can be really protective but they don’t have to know. I won’t tell.” 
“Don’t tempt me, Taehyung. I don’t know what I would do. I could kill you in an instant.”
He looks at you looking for a reply in his head. He takes in the sight of you languid against the headboard and he imagines what two weeks without food would do to you. It doesn’t help either that you refused to eat some of Jin’s human food at meal times.
“Then tempt me.”
You remember that you informed him that you only tempt men with your songs and they’re the ones who act upon it themselves. He wants to be tempted. He craves your voice that gives him a moment of heaven, and for exchange, he will offer his blood. He also knows that you like it sweet and he’s even more than willing to give you exactly that. It’s starting to sound like a good bargain now that you feel so weak, even more so that you used your powers on Jimin.
He couldn’t take in the sight anymore and he moves closer to you. He looks at your bottom lip as he swipes his thumb across it, pulling it down to open your mouth slightly.
“Bring heaven to me, Y/N.”
With the intense expression in his eyes and his thumb on your lips, it’s over. 
You give into his advances and you close the space in between your lips, covering your mouth with his in a hungry kiss. You feel him respond as he sucks your lips in between his, pulling away slightly and back again. His lips are so soft and warm and you indulge yourself with the smell of the huffs of his breath in between laps. He starts to taste you with his tongue swiping across your bottom lip until he can’t help but glide it in your mouth. 
As soon as he pulled away to trail kisses to the edge of your jaw, you gasp and close your eyes as you start to whisper the weakest captivating song you know that would have a lasting effect. You remember that he wanted to start out with a weak one and thankfully, those ones don’t require your hair and breathy sounds are good enough, perfect for keeping quiet so that other’s wouldn’t be able to hear.
You then feel him encircle your waist with his arm as he goes down to the side of your neck, smoldering himself with your scent.
“Taehyung...” you can’t help but moan out his name in between the song as you feel his hand grope your breast over your shirt and nibble on your ear.
“Your moans are literally music to my ears, Y/N,” he breathes out.
He tugs on your shirt to expose your shoulders and you feel his lips leave wet kisses on your collar bones as you try to concentrate on finishing the whole song. You find yourself gripping his hair by how good he’s making you feel. The area between your legs start getting hot and it makes you squeeze your legs together to attempt to contain yourself. However, he rips one of them away and puts your leg up around his back. He then grazes the back of your thigh gently, and then, you feel a strike on your outer thigh that forces a puff of air out of you.
Finally, you complete the song and another puff of air expels itself from you when you feel his hand on your thigh slither under your shirt and caress your breast. His fingers directly touching your nipple, tingling your nerves in all the right ways.
He then gets annoyed by the shirt that stands in his way and lifts it up over your head, however, he couldn’t completely take it off because of the shackles. It stops around your hands, but your hands become closer together than when it was just the shackles alone. You didn’t exactly have anything under your big shirt either, as the boys didn’t find any bottoms that fit you. So when Taehyung lifted your shirt up, you become completely exposed.
“Fuck Y/N.”
He curses as he sits up to admire your body and grazes his hands down your curves while your legs are around his back. He trails his eyes from your slit to your face and he pulls up his shirt by the collar, taking it off. He then launches at you, finally being able to take your lips with his again. You gasp as he takes your breath away, being as unforgiving as they said humans are.
He then cups your breast and sucks the other. It bothers you that you can’t nestle your fingers in his hair anymore to signal how good he’s making you feel, but you make up for it by moaning louder.
“Look at you. For someone who’s supposed to be holy, you’re downright dirty.”
He then trails kisses further down your body, feeling the poke of his nose against your skin, and tastes you everywhere but the one place you need him.
“Taehyung, please stop...”
“Stop what?”
“Teasing...” you moan your answer as you start to lose your own senses. He keeps you on edge and you can’t wait until he takes you to heaven.
“You’re as sinful as they say you are, siren.” he chuckles against your thigh. You feel embarrassed asking him to fulfill your needs but you feel your arousal drip down your thigh and it desperately needs to be taken care of.
You look down at him graze his tongue against your thigh, tracing the slab of arousal that fell from your core.
“Fuck-” you couldn’t help but cuss at the sight.
He pushes your thighs up against yourself and you feel your nub completely exposed to him under its hood. He starts to suction your nub while he holds your thighs open and a big moan rips from within you. You almost feel a sob come out by how sensitive you are under his mouth as he abuses you with his tongue. He laps at your folds until you feel a knot threatening to snap.
And then he stops.
“W-What was that?”
“Me trying out resisting your temptations,” he smiles mischievously between your thighs. “I can feel your spell making me continue, but, you did sing a weak one.” 
Out of nowhere, you feel his fingers sweetly push through your core and it expels your juices from within. He hovers over you, slapping his tongue over your nipple as he annihilates you with his fingers. You whimper and moan like your life depended on it. You feel your hips shy away from his fingers but he follows your core without failure.
The sweet smell of him gets stronger and you can’t help but bite your lip and clench your fist, resisting your own temptations. When he added one more finger, you knew you were done for. You unravel under his touch as he smirks at how he’s shattering you just by the use of his fingers. He lets you ride out your high by continuously pumping his fingers until you start to calm down from quivering.
“You know, you’re not the only one who can make someone as sweet as they’d like,” he licks his fingers and the gaps in between them as he lays by your side. You breathe deeply at the sight of the beautiful boy sucking his fingers seductively, refusing to miss a drop of your arousal.
“What about you?”
“Oh I’m aroused. But next time when you’re not weak. Plus...I don’t want to give you the sweetest taste of me just yet,” he said as he finishes sucking with a pop.
He then helps you put your shirt down and comb your long hair with his now dry fingers. He pushes the strands that fall on your face behind your ears and kisses your forehead.
“You look like a shipwreck,” he smiles at his humor and you can’t help but smile also.
“Here,” he lifts you on his leg and offers his shoulder to you. “Don’t mark anywhere visible or else the guys might see it. I’ll tap you if I feel dizzy.”
“Thank you,” you say as you softly bite the back of his shoulder and he hisses at the first pierce. He holds the back of your head against his shoulder as you suck his blood with great need but you try to contain yourself from unleashing like an animal. He tastes exactly as you imagined, but, it’s not the sweetest human blood can get.
You can’t completely fulfill your hunger since you can only suck a handful of his blood before he drops dead, but a little bit tonight would help. When he regains himself again, you can satisfy your hunger more. As you lift your fangs from his skin and wipe your mouth, you hear a knock on the door that startles you both.
jkld;fjakjds;flkj I made 5 versions of this because it was so hard to write smut lol Hope you found the jungkook part funny cuz I couldn’t stop laughing when I wrote it LOLOL (edit: I forgot to include the last paragraph sorry lol)
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bestfanficquotes · 8 years
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"Break me and recreate me" Ao3
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pararame-blog1 · 6 years
YM Rec: You Are My Home
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Yoonmin95/works/14481984
By: https://archiveofourown.org/users/simply_karol/pseuds/simply_karol
“Omega Prince Jimin is kidnapped and taken to a wild island. Saved by a group of alphas living in one of the tribes, led by Alpha Yoongi, he's taken to their village, where he learns a new way of life based on hard-work, resourcefulness, and boundless trust.”
Notes: Abo au
Warning: Kidnapping, smut
Ships: Yoonmin, Namjin, Vkook, Hobi x oc
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toomanybangtanfics · 7 years
Published:2017-10-20 Updated:2018-02-08 Words:207945 Chapters:18/? Comments:767 Kudos:1647 Bookmarks:293 Hits:20356 Summary: Yoongi doesn't know if it's accurate to say he's a sociopath. All he knows is that he cares about a very short list of people. The continued survival of the rest of the human race, he places on a slightly higher priority than say… The continued existence of caviar. (Yoongi doesn't particularly care for caviar.) My thoughts: I recently recommended this to my friend and se was like really sceptical cause se knew my love for domestic stuff and se doesnt get it so she was like "ISTG izzy IF this is another kidfic imma-" and like. There's a kid. And there's domestic elements. But its not a kidfic. I think. Any ways my sceptical friend is now in love with this fic so ITS NOT ONLY ME (for The record she's the one that showed me house of cards. She knows the se things. She's much more critical than me tbh) but anyways this is a not finnished one. Which. Is something I dont recomend unless its like really good bc I HATE when you dont know how things end so for me to take the risk and recomend something that might not come to an end.. It gotta be god damn good. SO what do I even like about this fic then? Well as I said, it has those domestic elements that I just love. Its well written. It has a good plot and good characters (one OC. But dont worry you'll love him I love the whole world should love him), and its just plain good. ALSO I FORGOTT TO MENTION. ITS A SLOW BURN YOONMIN. WITH SIDE VKOOK AND NAMJIN. SO. THE BASIC SHIPS. BUT ITS STILL GREAT. PS. Since I didnt think of the fact that its our sunshines birthday today it last week I will now after this have an hoseok theme week, since I'm free I'll even try to have one fic each day (hoseok x each member), and then I'll see what I'll do the last day, cause gods now this boy needs all the love and affection hej can get (im so gonna regrett saying I'd update each day I suck at doing usch OH WELL)
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love-j-rock · 7 years
I am open to the following fandoms:
Kpop Supernatural Death Note Hetalia FMA Cowboy Bebop Naruto Killing Stalking Homestuck Mystic Messenger Yuri!!! On Ice — I do canon x oc only if you are willing to double!!
For example — me OC: blah blah yeat!! Your love interest/fave: blah blah blah!
You Your OC: blah blah blah My Love Interest/fave: Blahblahblah.
Also I do character×character/ship rps. Ships I will roleplay + the character I am better with. Viktuuri: Yuuri Katsuki OtaYuri- Yuri Plisetsky SangBum-Yoonbum USUK-England PepsiCola/JohnDave-John Egbert DirkJake-Jake English EriSol (Red or Black)- Eridan Ampora Destiel-Castiel
Gon x Killua - EITHER.
Kpop ships Keo [Ken and Leo Vixx] Uke Ken VKook [Jungkook and Taehyung] Uke V ChanBaek [Baekhyun and Chanyeol] Uke Baek Kaisoo [Jongin and Kyungsoo] Uke Kyungsoo HyungHo [Wonho and Hyungwon] Uke Hyungwon SkyDragon [CL and G. Dragon] CL MoonSol [Moonbyul and Solar] Solar TaeNy [Tiffany and Taeyeon] Taeyeon
DM Me if you are interested with any of these ships ♡
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hoseok-is-my-bias · 7 years
Lovestrong - BTS Master list of Fanfiction
Hello! If you are reading this and notice that some of the names here are blank, that’s because they are either in the process of being worked on or have not been worked on at all yet. SO SORRY.
Anyway! Welcome to the BTS (Bangtan Boys) Fanfiction master list, created by ME! Hopefully y’all enjoy the fanfics and just know that my requests are open all the time so please feel free to shoot me a message or an ask about a fanfic. Okay? OKAY!
Here is the line up: Bts member x (oc or) Reader
Rap Monster (Kim Namjoon):
Jin (Kim Seokjin):
Suga (Min Yoongi):
J-Hope (Jung Hoseok):
Jimin (Park Jimin):
V (Kim Tae-Hyung):
Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook):
Next up: Bts Member x Member
- Strike (Rated: T)
- Paper Hearts (Rated: T)
(More ships to be added, based on request)
And Finally, Side Projects! 
(Projects that don’t involve Romance but more are based on friendship and other stuff like that. Mainly involves other groups or other people in the story. These ones will also tend to me longer.) :
- HIM 1 2 
- Boys in Luv 1
(More side projects to be added later)
Fanfics will be updated as often as i possibly can update them so please, bare with me. THANKS~ OH! And feel free to request~
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Against The Odds | Happy Birthday pt.3
Pairing - jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader
Genre - angst, smut, fluff, established relationship, ceo!jungkook, ceo!reader, attorney!taehyung
Word Count - 4.4K
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Taehyung stops by your apartment while you're home alone
Warnings: swearing, heavy drinking, heavy angst, unrequited love, violence
It’s officially your birthday, the alarm on your phone signalling the arrival of midnight comes like a sucker punch straight to the jaw. You’re sitting alone in your apartment, surrounded by presents and balloons and decorations that leave a sour taste on your tongue. Taking a page from Jungkook’s book you started drinking champagne from the bottle around an hour ago, the one you’re clutching to your chest while you sob being the second one – and it’s almost empty.
Jungkook wants to postpone the wedding, your heart aches at the mere thought of it all. The argument, how he exploded, how you exploded. All because of Taehyung’s confession. Taehyung – one of your closest friends, the idea of him being in love with you makes no sense, what’s worse is that you know how guilty he feels for it. The look in his chocolate brown eyes when the words left his mouth, the way his lips quivered and pouted.
You’re the reason he and Jungkook stopped talking, and guilt gnaws your insides at how you couldn’t just simply let it go. You had to push Taehyung, wanting answers, wanting to help. That’s your problem, you never know when to stop caring and in turn it’s always you who gets hurt the most.
Your fiancé must be feeling so betrayed right now, Taehyung is his nearest, dearest, oldest and best friend in the entire world. In a way you feel as though it’s all your fault, perhaps if you’d never met Jungkook he and his bestie would be as happy as ever. But instead, he’s roaming the streets of London completely alone with a bottle of champagne being his only company. At least you think that's where he is, honestly? You don't know. He left his phone at home so your guess is as good as anybody else's.
Maybe postponing the wedding is for the best, your plate is painfully full of steaming horse shit right now. What with the ongoing missing persons investigation involving your sister and nephew, work has been non-stop, you know for a fact Jungkook’s work has been hectic lately too. It’s not the fact he wants to postpone the wedding that’s hurt you, if he’d calmly come to you with his concerns and you two had a rational, sober conversation you would’ve probably agreed with him.
But he didn’t.
Truthfully all you want to do is make things right with him, apologise, kiss and make up. Now that you’ve been left alone to calm down you can see why he was so angry, and you hope that a similar realisation has dawned on him too. It’s not that you didn’t want to tell Taehyung that his feelings aren’t reciprocated, you just simply couldn’t. You were in a total state of shock, and then to be bombarded by a surprise part you were promised wasn’t happening… It was all too much.
Your heart aches for Taehyung, it really does, you keep replaying your interactions with him over and over, trying to spot any hints or clues as to what he was feeling at the time. The man’s a natural flirt so it’s hard to say what was genuine and wasn’t. You groan, knocking back the rest of the champagne in hand. How do you feel about Tae? He’s handsome for sure, funny, sweet, caring and kind… But he’s your fiancé’s best friend. Or at least he was before you unintentionally stood in the way.
Some time passes before you hear the familiar chime of the elevator doors opening, winning you to sigh with equal parts relief and dread, scrambling to your feet – almost knocking over the table adorned with gifts and flowers in the process.
“Jungkook, I’m sorry-, I’m so fucking sorry…” Tears begin to prick your eyes as every emotion you’re feeling bubbles to the surface, the champagne you've drank making you dizzy, “I hate arguing with you I just want us to be okay again. If you want me to message Taehyung and talk this out with him I will, but I promise you I don’t—”
Your movements come to a sudden halt when you catch sight of the suited man stepping out the elevator, eyes growing big and round with shock when you struggle to muster the right words to say. Much to your genuine surprise and dare you say it a little disappointment, the man standing there is not Jungkook.
It’s Taehyung.
“Um…” You swallow, mouth opening but no words successfully coming out. Tae’s cheeks are puffy, his eyes tinted pink and his lips swollen. It’s obvious he’s being crying, still dressed in the forest green suit and cream shirt you’d seen him in a few hours prior. He’s wetting his lips with his tongue, Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat when he looks to the ground.
“Jungkook’s not here?” He asks, tone low and riddled with insecurity, you know he feels small and uncertain but truthfully you don't know how to comfort him. You don't know if you should comfort him.
“No… We had a fight and he went for a walk…” You state matter-of-factly with a heartbroken sigh, messily wiping the tears from your face, “Listen Taehyung you should go—”
"I will, I will..." His large palms raise defensively, nodding in defeat, "But there's something I need to ask you first."
“Taehyung… Why are you here? Now’s not a great time.”
“I came here to apologise, figured the party would be over by now.” He murmurs, stepping into the apartment, “Y/N I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, shame and regret washing his usually sharp feline-like features, “The last thing I wanted to do was make you uncomfortable, or make you guys fight.”
“I’m the one who should be sorry,” Your eyes well up again, the realisation crashing down on you so hard it earns you to scoff, “I shouldn’t have kept pushing for you to tell me what was wrong and—”
“You have nothing to apologise for Y/N. This is my fault.” His chin visibly quivers, eyes darting round the room when he finds the gift he bought you slumped onto a table, “I-, I thought I was doing something nice by buying you such a sentimental gift… I realise now it was naïve of me to think that, honestly? I’m not sure what my intentions were. So I came here to ask for it back… I was expecting a right hook from Jungkook too if I’m being completely honest.”
You follow his gaze, turning to said gift with a solemn expression, “Oh… Well he’s not here, and I haven’t actually opened it yet, Jungkook and I… Well we argued about-, something else.” You refrain from giving him all the details.
“I’m sorry Taehyung but if you’re here when he gets home it’s just going to make things a million times worse… I’m sorry… But you need to go.” You sigh, closing your eyes, you hate seeing him so upset but you know he can’t be here when Kook gets home, he's already in a bad mood and Taehyung's presence will do nothing but heighten it.
“You haven’t opened it?” You can’t pinpoint the exact emotion blanketing the attorney’s features. Sadness? Disappointment? Relief? You’re not sure, he’s making his way over to you cautiously and you take a step back. “Y/N…” Taehyung exhales, pursing his lips awkwardly, “I’m-, I’m not gonna try anything you don’t need to be scared of me—”
“No I’m not scared of you.” You offer an apologetic smile, gently shaking your head, “Trust me that’s not it I just-, I’m still… Processing-, what you… I just think it would be best if you leave. I’m so sorry…”
“Stop apologising.” A puff of air rips from his nostrils when he brushes past you in a few long strides, collecting his gift, “I’m the one who ruined your birthday, I just came by to ask if I could take this. I’ll be going now…”
As much as you hate to admit it, curiosity envelops your senses and you find yourself gripping his elbow loosely, turning until his face is in arms-distance of yours, “Wait… What’s so bad about the gift? I thought you said it was sentimental? ...Actually-,” You release him from your hold, shakily running fingers through your hair, “Doesn’t matter… Sorr-, okay….”
“You really didn’t open it, did you?” Taehyung whispers, swallowing.
“No… Should I have?”
There’s a beat of tension, entirely silent. Taehyung’s expression is pinched, brows furrowed, he looks to be having an internal moral debate with himself for a few seconds before he opens his lips to speak again, “No. It’s a good thing you didn’t open it, like I said I’m not sure my motives behind it were exactly… Friendly.”
Nodding slowly you blink at him, registering how heartbrokenly devastated he looks. Usually he’s such a confident, albeit a little eccentric man – but everything about him screams self-loathing. Down to his deflated posture and glassy eyes. He’s such a great guy, so caring and considerate and not to mention effortlessly handsome. It’s not like he’ll struggle to find someone that will make him happy… That’s all you want for him.
 “Tae…?” You peer up at him through damp eyelashes, breath catching in your throat.
His gaze is intense yet threatening to be hopeful, “Yeah?”
You blink at him again, inhaling, “I-, please don’t… You’re not going to do anything stupid, right? I know you’re hurting and I’m so sorry that I can’t make it go away… But please, I’m worried about you Tae… please promise me you won’t-, that you won’t do something reckless…”
“Y/N.” He cuts you off with a tiny smile, dipping his down low enough to look you dead in the eye, “I won’t… You may not feel the same way about me, and that’s okay… But I care about you too much to cause you any more pain. You’re going through enough—”
“Stop that,” You sigh, growing frustrated, “Don’t put me on some kind of pedestal, I’m asking you not to do something reckless for you. Not because of me. For your family, friends, Jungkook would be deva—”
“I meant every single word I said tonight.” Taehyung’s fingers itch to reach out and touch you, comfort you, you can tell by the way his fist keeps balling and unbaling, unsure of what to do, “I never intended for this to happen and I wish I could stop my heart from bleeding every time I see you, but I can’t. So… This is gonna be the last time you’ll see me for a while, not forever but I need to stay away from you and Kook for a bit, for my own sanity if nothing else.”
“Taehyung…” Your eyes well up, drowning in his sorrow.
“I promise I’ll look after myself.” He gnaws his lower lip anxiously, “Take care of Jungkook for me...” You can hear how wobbly his tone is, how badly he’s hurting. “This isn’t forever, when everybody’s calmed down and things have blown over I’d still like to be best man at the wedding… Providing Jungkook wants that of course.” A pained smile tugs the corners of his lips.
You can’t catch the scoff that bubbles your throat in time, sniffling, “Right… The wedding.” The wedding that may not be going ahead anymore. You cough, attempting to rid yourself of the lump forming at the back of your throat, “I’m so sorry about how things have worked out between you two, you're his best friend... He'll come around.”
“You don’t have to apologise for anything, really it’s okay.” He nods, though you don’t know whether he’s trying to convince you or himself with that statement as he begins to walk back to the elevator, the gift firmly in his grip.
But then he stops, his broad shoulders noticeably tense and he peers back at you, frowning a little, “I’m sorry that I’m even asking you this…” He exhales, wetting his lips before nervously biting down on them, “You… You don’t-,” He dramatically sighs with puffed out cheeks, “Would it be fair to assume you feel nothing for me?”
You fight a surprised gasp, “I—”
“Doesn’t matter,” He dismisses you, shaking his head, “I already know the answer, it’s written all over your face…” He says, turning his body to face you while hugging the dry-cleaning bag he came for, “A part of me was naïve enough to think I’d feel relieved now you know, but I guess loving someone out loud is more painful than loving them silently. They look at you differently, their perception of you changes, and in turn the things you love most about them start to disappear…”
He’s sniffling, avoiding your gaze. “You haven’t smiled at me once tonight, haven’t thrown your head back from laughing, haven’t rolled your eyes at me and shut down my compliments… Loving you from afar was lonely, but openly being in love with you knowing that you don’t feel the same way is much lonelier.”
“…I’m so-, Taehyung I am so sorry.” You whisper, your heart shattering into a million tiny pieces for a million different reasons. Selfishly you don’t want to lose him, he’s too much of a good person to be going through something like this alone. But you know you have to prioritise your relationship right now, you have to, it’s already hanging on by a thread.
“Don’t be.” He manages to catch a sob in his throat before it’s wholly audible, “You and Jungkook are perfect together, it’s me who’s the problem here. I should’ve never told you both about my feelings, and I sure as hell shouldn’t have gone out of my way to buy you the wedding dress you wanted.” He scoffs, looking to the ceiling in disbelief at the exact moment your heart stops beating.
“You did… what?”
He groans, regret evident in his large-rounded eyes, “I mean… Shit!” Taehyung’s head flies back, eyes squeezed shut, “Just forget—”
His words fizzle into background noise, your heart beating so fast it can be heard through your ears. He tracked down the wedding dress you wanted, the one Yuri had shown him a picture of once in your office. Everybody knew how much that dress meant to you, but it was Taehyung who went out of his way to buy it? Shocked isn’t the word. Dumbfounded isn’t the word. Confused isn’t the word. There is no word to explain the conflicting emotions whirling round your mind, simultaneously filling and breaking your heart all in the same breath.
“I can’t believe you’d do that for me…” Your voice is broken, barely audible.
For the first time in what feels like a long time you see Taehyung's real smile, his signature boxy grin brightening his tanned skin. He looks flustered, a little awkward and child-like, but it’s not long before his features drop with despair, “It was too much… I know it was, I-, I just wanted you to be happy.”
“Taehyung…” You openly sob, covering your unsteady jaw with your hands, “Thank you so much… But I can’t accept that.”
“I know... Jungkook would kill me.” He almost laughs.
“No-,” You sigh, averting your eyes away from him, there’s still a good amount of distance between your bodies and you figure it best to keep it that way, thinking it’s a really good job you didn’t open that gift in front of your fiancé…
“I can’t accept it because-, well…” Do you tell him the truth? Should you tell him the truth? You want to tell him the truth, so you do, alcohol clouding your judgement, “Jungkook wants to postpone the wedding… I’m not even sure if there’s going to be a wedding anymore.” You crumble, clutching your pained chest with your hands as the realisation hits – Jungkook might not want to marry you anymore.
“What?” Tae’s mouth falls open in something akin to astonishment, but he doesn’t look happy or smug or anything like that. He looks… Exhausted, desperate and blanketed with empathy. “Y/N he’ll come around, sometimes he says shit out of anger that he doesn’t mean. He didn't mean that, I know he didn't.”
You visibly disagree, “He’s never said something he didn’t mean out of anger to me… Never. I-, I’m sorry you’re the last person I should be telling this to. Just-, you should go before he comes back. If he even comes back.” You sniffle, on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Taehyung edges closer to you, until he’s close enough to pull you into his strong chest in a warm embrace, you welcome the comfort, pressing your forehead to his collarbone all while continuing to cry against him, “Sweetheart listen to me, okay?” He’s serious, voice calm and reassuring, his large palm soothingly rubbing the spans of your back, “Jungkook loves you more than anything in this world, nothing, not even his idiot best friend catching feelings for you can change that. He’s… Well you know how he is, he bottles shit up until he can’t take it anymore and it all explodes… It’s not fair, he shouldn’t have told you he wants to postpone the wedding... But listen to me when I say that man wants nothing less than to be your husband. Y/N… He’s-,” He sighs, hand coming up to the back of your head to hold you closer to him, “You’re everything to that guy. Everything.”
“But he—”
“I know… I know…” He coos, hushing your wails, “You’ll be okay… Everything’s gonna be okay… I’m here, you’re gonna be okay. You both are.” He cradles you, dropping the dress to the ground to completely wrap his arms round your frame. You’re too emotional to make sense of what’s happening, but you’re almost certain you feel the sensation of his lips pressing a tiny kiss atop of your head.
You don’t know how long you stood holding onto Taehyung as though your life depended on it, you can’t remember him leaving or if any other words were exchanged after that. But as soon as he leaves, taking the dress with him, you find yourself drinking again, wanting to numb the pain, wanting Jungkook to come home, wanting to take Taehyung’s hurt away, wanting to fix this, wanting to fix everything.
The fact the attorney bought your dream wedding dress is at the forefront of your mind… Not even Jungkook himself had gone that above and beyond for your special day, which leaves the question: How long has he wanted to postpone the wedding for?
Your stomach hurts, anxious knots and pains like a vice grip on your internal organs. You love Jungkook more than anything, more than anyone… You can’t lose him, you just can’t. What’s worse is that you’re not angry with Taehyung for this, you have no reason to be, there really is nobody to blame for all of this.
It's all just one big, shitty, painful turn of events.
It's almost four AM and there’s still no sign of your fiancé… Or ex-fiancé… You’re not entirely sure anymore.
With a heavy heart and a dull headache you toss and turn beneath the sheets, the bed feels too big without Jungkook hogging most of it. The bedding is fresh too, meaning the familiar scent of his body wash or cologne hasn’t tainted it yet. You truly feel lost, like you’re not supposed to be here without him. Where the hell could he be? You groan, frustratedly pulling the hairs at your scalp. He’s never stormed off and left you to your own devices, the last time, the only other time you argued it was you who left.
Guilt, devastation, fear, dread, hopelessness. It’s all suffocating you right now, there’s no chance you’ll be able to sleep in this condition. Should you go and look for Jungkook? He’s left his phone here so calling him isn’t an option… Do you call Hoseok? Will he know where he is?
“Jungkook… Please just come home.” You whisper, shoving your face into your usually shared pillow. He has his own pillow of course, but when the two of you aren’t screaming at each other he prefers nuzzle his head onto yours, your noses touching. It’s been all of twenty four hours since you were last laid here like that, and you already miss it so much.
You miss him.
The sound of the emergency staircase doors opening wins you to jump, nobody ever uses the stairs to come up here, giving that you live on the very top floor. Why would Jungkook take the stairs…? You sit up in bed, covering your pyjama clad body with the fresh sheets, wide-eyed and heart racing.
“Kook…?” You call out, stare fixed to the closed bedroom door. “Kook is that you…?”
The unmistakable sound of banging, smashing and thunderous crashes flood your ears. Someone’s breaking in. You forget how to breathe, completely panicked and terrified for your life. There’s no lock on the bedroom door so you hurriedly rush over to the walk in closet and begin looking for a place to hide.
The noises get louder, heavy footsteps approaching. This isn’t Jungkook, you know he would never scare you like this. You fumble with his hanging suit jackets, slipping between the dark fabrics with a trembling body, silently cursing yourself for not bringing your phone with you to call the police.
Could it be Jimin? No, he would’ve climbed into bed with you any day before trashing the apartment. Yoongi? No, Jimin would kill him. Yuri? No, what reason does she have to break in? Taehyung wouldn’t do this either… There’s nobody you can think of who’s capable of being this brazen. It has to be a very poorly timed random break-in.
You’re covering your mouth to stifle your heavy breaths, completely concealed behind one of your favourite suits of Jungkook’s – the black one with faint white pinstripes. The one he wore to cheer you up one day because he knew you liked it.
A loud thud makes you jump in place, you’re forcing yourself not to scream, not to move, not to make any noise. The presence in the room is overbearing, you know whoever is here is just at the other side of Jungkook’s suits, you can make out a pair of white sneakers on the ground. You’re crying quietly, petrified for your life, too afraid of what’s going to happen.
“Happy birthday Y/N.” The voice says, and you’d recognise that voice in a heartbeat. Every hair on your body stands to attention, every nerve in your being washing equal parts repulsed and outraged. You’re not scared anymore, when in reality you should be. Pushing Jungkook’s blazers to one side you stand to your full height, adrenaline coursing your veins.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” You spit venomously, “Trying to scare me?!”
“It’s working, isn’t it?” Your sister’s smile is sinister, pure evil gracing her features that look even more identical to yours than usual. She's grown her hair, it's styled the exact same as yours, her makeup, her posture, her expressions, her clothes... It's like you're standing in a mirror.
“Where’s Charlie?!” You yell, pushing Ruth away from you with so much force that she stumbles back a good amount of distance. “Where the fuck is he?! What have you done with him?! I'm gonna call the police!”
"He's fine, you'll see him soon." She softens her tone, she even sounds just like you now.
Taehyung, Jungkook, the wedding, your birthday… It all gets pushed to the back of your brain when you lock eyes with your sister. It’s at that exact moment you hear a second pair of footsteps approaching, but before you have time to turn and focus on their owner you’re struck in the head with something heavy and everything snaps to black. The last thing you hear is the sound of Ruth’s voice, her words ominous and threatening.
“Wait outside a sec, I need to change into her clothes first if I'm gonna make this work.”
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blushoseoks · 7 years
O M G this chapter killed me Why can't I be in this group chat??? My ship finally had another moment yoona x oc all the way!!!! 😍 I love how you describe the relations between the characters and the way they act it's so natural I just love grey area so much I can't wait for the next chapter I'm literally addicted and that's because of your beautiful writing!!🌸 Ahh yoongi in this chapter was so cute I bet he's going to find the oc before something happens between her and jk + vkook will sail😏
I definitely want to be in the group chat as well, lmao. It’s my dream to be a part of one that is that fun, haha! I’m glad to finally hear from another YoonaxOC shipper, ya’ll are disappearing on me! Thank you so much for the compliments, they truly do mean the world to me. And hmm, maybe you’re right, maYBE you’re not! You’ll have to wait to find out! :D
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Against The Odds | Happy Birthday pt.1
Pairing - jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader
Genre - angst, smut, fluff, established relationship, ceo!jungkook, ceo!reader, attorney!taehyung
Word Count - 3.5k
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You have a pre-birthday dinner with Yuri to take your mind off the hardships of life
Warnings: swearing, light drinking, mentions of kidnapping and family drama, significant plot point
“You know I hate surprise parties, and my birthday isn’t until tomorrow so I don’t even know why we’re here.” You roll your eyes, suspicious of how Yuri has been stalling your ‘birthday meal’ for a very long time. “So if there’s a surprise party happening and you’re just trying to stall me… Tell me now.” Your brow quirks when you point your fork at her, curious.
“Nope. No surprise party! I just reallllly wanted to try these desserts I’ve heard so much about them from my friend.” She beams, tucking into a soufflé that the head chef advised would take ‘a while’ to cook, but she didn’t mind. And she’s eating it slowly. Super slowly, lazily enjoying every single mouthful for at least two minutes at a time.
Something’s up.
Things in your life have been hectic lately to say the least. The police and media outlets have been swarming you and your family for updates about your nephew Charlie and his whereabouts. You’ve barely slept, barely eaten and the walls of your brain have been so chaotic with destructive, intrusive thoughts towards the situation that you completely forgot tomorrow's your birthday until you arrived at work and Yuri insisted on taking you for a celebratory dinner this evening.
You’re sitting in an upscale Michelin star restaurant by the window, wearing an elegant little black dress and heels of the same colour, being sure to cover your face whenever the paparazzi catch sight of you. The food is gorgeous, the dimly lit decor exquisite, the atmosphere sophisticated and classy. It’s lovely and you’re having a nice evening for sure. Yuri looks outstanding as always in a burnt orange blazer pant suit as bright as her smile, it’s nice.
Everything has been so crazy with Charlie’s disappearance and the media and eating it up. As though you and your loved ones aren’t devastated by the news. Truthfully this the first outing you’ve had in a while, simply because of everything going on. Today was your second day back at the office, Jungkook was the one who convinced you that perhaps some normality and routine would do you and your mental health some good. And in a way he was right, in another way – not so much.
“Oh yeah? Who told you about the desserts being so good?” You grill her, pushing your negative thoughts deep enough to deal with another time. It’s painfully obvious your assistant is hiding something and she’s definitely taking her time for a good reason. You fear the worst, you’ve always hated surprise parties to your very core, and the fact your best friend Jimin wasn’t invited tonight only makes you all the more suspicious, giving that they both get along so well.
“Hoseok told me.” She grins, flashing you an animated wink, paired with a tongue click.
At this you inhale, brows high, eyes growing wide when you nod, “Ah yes, Romeo himself, guess I should’ve seen that coming.” You chuckle.
As fate would have it your assistant and Jungkook’s assistant really hit it off when they officially met a few weeks ago, and with yours and Kook’s lives being the centre of the news again, they’ve been spending a lot of time together dealing with the fallout. You don’t know if they’re dating dating, but you do know Yuri is very much interested in more than hooking up with him. His sharp jawline and model-like features are pretty much all she talks about these days.
“Seriously Y/N? You’re not going to finish your dessert?” Yuri gestures to the almost whole fruit tart sitting in the centre of your navy plate with her chin. “You barely touched your main either.”
“I’m not really hungry…” You sigh, “Sorry I just-, this is really nice. It’s just that I haven’t been out in a while... Not since, well you know.”
When Yuri catches sight of your deflated expression she reaches a hand atop the table, taking yours. “Hey, they’re going to find him. I promise. Ruth may be crazy but she’s still his mom, she wouldn’t hurt him. And the police are doing—”
“Doing everything they can to help, I know.” You feign a smile, it’s the same conversation you’ve had with everybody else lately. Including your fiancé who’s being saying those exact words over and over again like his own personal mantra.
Things with Jungkook haven’t been…great in recent weeks. Of course he’s still the most supportive, loving and kindest man you’ve ever known and he’s done his absolute best to make sure you’re okay. But your sex life is still non-existent. Some people could assume you wouldn’t want to be fucked senseless at a time like this, and they’re probably right, but a part of you craves his touch more than ever. Maybe to distract you from the hardships of life, or maybe to simply prove that you’re overthinking things and your relationship is fine.
Because in all honestly, it doesn’t feel fine.
Yuri offers an apologetic smile, knowing when to change the subject, “So… Have you seen much of Taehyung recently? You haven’t mentioned him in a while.”
“No not really.” You shrug nonchalantly, “He hasn’t been over lately and I guess I’ve been too busy to reach out to him. I’m sure he’s fine though, he always is.”
Another bullet point on the list of things that are worrying you: Taehyung. You can’t shake the feeling that he and Jungkook have fallen out, despite Kook insisting they haven’t whenever you ask. He hasn’t been over to your apartment, he hasn’t called, texted, nothing. And with him being your attorney and having eyes and ears in the celebrity gossip world you figure he’s well aware of the situation at hand. But still he’s chosen to stay away. For what reason you’re unsure, maybe he’s just busy, or perhaps you’re the one to blame since you haven’t contacted him yourself in a while.
“Hmm…” She hums in agreement, picking up her phone that’s vibrating on the table, face down. One look at her screen and her face changes, “Okay, we should go now if you’re done with your dessert.” Her grin is wide, and you can’t help but chuckle to yourself.
“Could you be any more obvious? Who was that texting you—”
“Nobody!” She yells, half-drunk half-offended, “Y/N I’m serious there’s no surprise party so get that out your head right now. It was Hoseok, he wants to see me tonight. Are we okay to take separate cabs? Only cause he lives the other side of the city.”
You smile kindly at her, “Fine. But if I get ambushed when I get to my apartment by balloons, screams and hugs...you’re fired.”
“The only person waiting for you in your apartment is Jungkook,” Yuri snorts, pointing her finger at you, “He might make you scream though, since you’re a couple of sex obsessed freaks.”
You’re laughing but her words find a way to chip at your heart since at the moment that’s very much not the case, “Well I hope you have the best booty call of your life with Hobi tonight, Kook says he’s a great guy.”
“You know he dances in his spare time right? Gosh, those hips can move—”
You shove your fingers in your ears, squeezing your eyes shut, “Ahh! Okay I get it, la la la! I don’t want to know about Kook’s assistant’s hips thank you! Can we get the bill now?!”
Yuri is laughing loudly, chugging the rest of her red wine in one, “Funny thing is I’m not even sorry. Best dick I've ever had.”
As expected the paparazzi swarm you when you’re making way to your cab, asking outrageous questions about your sister and nephew. You’re so done with this shit, you never asked for this life and you hate the fact your privacy is invaded almost every time you step foot outside. You give the driver your address and sink into the back seat with a frustrated groan.
Yuri messages you as soon as she’s made it to Hoseok’s place, but you’re too busy reading a news article about Ruth and Charlie that you miss the notification. The taxi driver has to verbally tell you when you’ve arrived because your nose is buried deep into your cell phone, as it usually is these days. You know better than to get caught up in the media storm, but you can’t seem to help yourself. No matter how emotionally draining it is.
When you get into the complex your brows are pinched with curiosity, gaze landing on Taehyung sitting on a red velvet chair by the elevator. He's holding what appears to be some kind of outfit zipped up in an all-black hanging bag. And he looks…rough.
It’s maybe been two weeks? Since you last saw him, but you notice he’s unshaved for the first time, his brunette hair is longer and kisses his feline-eyes and he’s bouncing his leg anxiously when you approach him, heels clicking on the white marble floor.
“Tae? Are you okay?” You sink your head lower, trying to meet his eyes when they suddenly snap up to you, startled.
“Y/N… Hey.” He smiles, it’s soft and closed but it’s still a smile nonetheless. He’s wearing an emerald green suit with a cream shirt and dainty gold chain breaking up the solid forest colour, the first three buttons of his shirt undone exposing his tanned chest. “You look amazing, have you been out?”
You’re still frowning when your tongue clicks against the roof of your mouth, “Uh, yeah. Dinner with Yuri.” You nod, looking him dead in the eye momentarily. “Are you okay…? What’s with the… Whatever that is.” You point to the large dry-cleaning bag with a manicured finger.
At this Taehyung stands, his frame towering over you despite your heels. He sighs, stare never faltering from yours when he wets his lips. “It’s your birthday present from me. Sorry if it’s too much but—”
“You didn’t have to get me anything Tae, besides it’s not til tomorrow.” You chuckle, flicking your hair over your shoulder when you cut him off. “Why don’t you come up? Can’t help but notice you haven’t showed your face in a while. I’m sure Jungkook would be happy to see you.” Your hand finds his shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly.
“Ah, I don’t know about that…” He averts his gaze to your hand on him, nervously chewing his lip. “To be honest with you I only came to give you this. I should really get going now.”
“You sat here for god knows how long,” You cock your head to one side, brows raised, “Just to give me this? How did you even know I was out in the first place? I could’ve been upstairs and then you would’ve been sat here all night on your own. Come on, I’m not taking no for an answer we’re going upstairs.”
“Well I only just got here and, Y/N wait—” He protests when you grab him by the elbow, dragging him to the elevator doors where you push the button with your free hand.
“You’re coming up and we're going to have a drink, end of conversation.” You grin, “So can I open it upstairs?” Your brows wiggle animatedly, and he freezes on the spot.
“No! I mean... no, it’s not your birthday til tomorrow you said.” His laugh is barely inaudible, breathy and albeit a little awkward.
You tut, playfully rolling your eyes when the elevator dings, “Fine… You’ve got me there.”
There’s a beat of comfortable silence before he clears his throat, pushing the P button for you once you’re inside the golden elevator that leads straight to your apartment. “So how have you been? Aside from the obvious.” When the doors close he turns to face you, his usually sharp profile soft and kind as he listens attentively to everything you have to say.
“Well… Not great.” You admit with a sigh, “Everybody keeps telling me it’ll all be fine in the end and that the police will find them but…” Your smile fades, discomfort blanketing your features, “They don’t know my sister like I do. She’s cunning, and dangerous and honestly? I’m terrified she’s going to do something… Well yknow. I just feel so useless, like there’s nothing I can do.”
“It’s okay to feel how you feel, you know that right?” Taehyung’s voice is gentle and deep, face riddled with sympathy when he locks eyes with you, “You’re doing everything you can to stay sane and I’d say that’s more than enough. If something like that happened to one of my siblings… I wouldn’t be anywhere near as strong as you’re being right now.”
You exhale, nodding slowly with the tiniest of smiles threatening to tug your lips, “Thanks Taehyung…that’s really sweet of you.”
Taehyung shakes his head, thick brows furrowed when he edges closer to you, “I mean it Y/N. You need to give yourself more credit, after everything you’ve been through you still find a way to take it all in your stride. And that’s fucking amazing.”
Blood rushes to your cheeks at his words, gaze falling to your feet when holding eye contact with him proves too intense for you. He really is one of your closest friends. He’s so unbelievably kind and always has been. It suddenly dawns on you that you don’t know what’s happened between him and your fiancé, so you take this private moment with him as the perfect opportunity to ask.
“Tae?” You hum, peering back up at him. He’s clinging onto your birthday present as though his life depended on it, slender fingers gripping the material hard enough for his hands to ache you’re sure.
He blinks at you, plump lips ajar, “Yeah?”
“What…. Why haven’t you been coming round as much? I kind of get the feeling you and Jungkook have fallen out or something.” You’re breathing through your nose, mindlessly toying with the hem of your dress just above your knee.
“Mmm.” He nods, chewing his lips when he looks to the elevator doors instead of you, “We haven’t fallen out don’t worry about that, we just-, he just needed some space from me I guess.”
“…Space? What do you mean?”
“It’s…complicated.” He can’t physically look at you, busying his eyesight with anything but you. “I love him so much. I miss him so fucking much, he’s like a brother to me. You know that right?
 “Of course!” You’re hanging onto his every word, trained to his face even though he’s not giving you the same amount of attention. “What happened between you two? There’s nothing in this world that’s worth losing your friendship Tae, I know he misses you.”
“Yeah?” Hope brightens his expression when he turns to you, “He said that?”
You swallow, “Well… Not in so many words but—”
His face drops into something sullen, “Thought so.”
“Taehyung what the hell happened?” Your voice is slightly raised when you talk with your hands, emphasising your words, “What could possibly come between you both that’s so bad? Kook’s been so moody since you stopped speaking and he won’t come anywhere near me and I just can’t help but feel like I’m missing something! Please Tae…” Both hands find his shoulders where you hold him in place, he gulps, “Just tell me what’s wrong. Let me help you.”
His eyes close, long eyelashes dusting the high points of his cheekbones, “You’re the one person who can’t help me Y/N. I’m-, I’m sorry. I’m just gonna go.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You quietly scoff, gently letting him go with a deep frown. “Why can’t I help? I love you both and I want to be there for—”
“No Y/N you love Jungkook.” His gaze is fierce, as though something’s just snapped inside of him when he glares down at you with a jaw set tight enough to snap, “You love Jungkook and you want to be there for Jungkook. It’s always going to be about Jungkook with you, you’re marrying Jungkook, you’re in love with Jungkook and you’re gonna live happily ever after with guess who? Jungkook. You’re fucking perfect for each other and you don’t need my bullshit coming between that.”
“Last time I checked you was my friend,” You bite, mirroring the intensity of his sudden outburst, “And I do love you Taehyung, whether you like it or not I want to be there for you and help you through whatever this. Both of you, because I care about you both. Just tell me what happened… Please.”
“I-,” He huffs, kicking his head back in frustration, “Y/N seriously… I can’t!” His voice is louder than before, brows raised when his chest heaves with hurried breaths. He looks as though he's losing his patience.
You soften, offering him an apologetic smile. You don’t want to upset him but he needs to know you’ll be here for him no matter what, “You can Taehyung… Whatever it is, I can help you through it. God knows how many times you’ve helped me when I’ve been going through—”
“Y/N stop.” He warns, shaking his head.
“Taehyung...” You sigh, playfully nudging his arm with your fist, “It’s me! You can tell me anything, I want to help you—”
He drops your present to the ground, gripping either side of your arms when he starts screaming like a mad man, shaking you slightly and startling you completely.
“Fine! You really wanna help?! I’m in love with you! Okay?! Are you happy now?! I love you. I love you so fucking much and it’s killing me inside every single fucking day of my sad, pathetic excuse of existence!” He scoffs, eyes wide and frantically searching for a reaction in yours when he wets his lips once again, “You want to know what happened between me and Kook? I fell in love with his fiancé and put him in an awkward position. I. Me. I did it. I’m the only one to blame for any of this and it’s fucking tearing me apart that I’ve hurt him and on top of that I can’t have you! I'll never have you! The one person I can actually see myself sharing a future with and you're my best friend's fiancé! All I want is for you to be happy Y/N! Even if it's never going to be with me.”
Unbeknownst to you and Taehyung the elevator doors are already open. Your friends, family, loved ones… Yuri, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, your parents, your fiancé all standing in your dimly lit apartment dressed to the nines in complete, stunned silence. Until Jungkook clears his throat, winning you to push his best friend away from your frame and look in his direction. His deep voice is merely a whisper when it rolls off his tongue, the single word laced with venom that matches the darkness swimming behind his hooded eyes.
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Against The Odds | Panicked
Pairing - jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader 
Genre - angst, smut, fluff, established relationship, ceo!jungkook, attorney!taehyung
Word Count - 4k
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Jungkook and Taehyung’s friendship is tested for the very first time
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex and sexual frustration, arguments, angst, tense atmosphere, implied kidnapping 
“Is there something going on between you and Y/N?”
Jungkook’s question hangs in the air, filling the atmosphere thick with tension that almost makes Taehyung choke on his beer. Fuck. His heart is beating faster than ever, his back already dampened with sweat beads and truthfully he feels like the worst best friend in the fucking world in this moment. Taking a beat of silence he drinks in Jungkook’s dark hooded eyes, his brows are raised expectantly and Taehyung inhales in preparation of the shit storm he’s about to unfold. Here goes nothing.
“No, there’s nothing going on with me and you fiancé.” He reassures his friend with a low voice. The way Kook’s entire body deflates with relief doesn’t go unnoticed, but he doesn’t allow him to feel relaxed for long. He has to tell him the truth, this is his best friend in the entire world and the fact he has feelings for you and your fiancé doesn’t know is slowly eating him alive.
He closes his eyes, dark lashes dusting his tanned cheeks, “That being said…”
“Tae…? The fuck is going on with you and Y/N?” Jungkook whisper-shouts with a racing heart, instinctively gripping his beer tighter, “Did something happen between you when you went to the manor—”
“No! No, no no no nothing happened Guk, nothing has ever happened with me and Y/N. I love you too much to do that to you.”
Jungkook nods, deep down he knows that but he also knows there’s more to this than meets the eye. Especially since Taehyung looks so emotional. “So…?”
“I’m very… Fond of Y/N. I-, I don’t know. I’m single lonely and she’s… Well she’s always been so good to me and of course she’s attractive and recently I can’t help it—”
“Hang on.” Kook scoffs humourlessly, shifting on the sofa he and Tae are sitting on until he’s cross-legged, arms folded, eyes boring into the depths of his life-long friend’s soul when he ruffles his dark hair. “Are you saying you have feelings for her? Or that you really appreciate her as a friend? Because there’s a big fucking difference between the two.”
And that’s when everything changes, when Taehyung clears his throat glances at Jungkook with a guilt-ridden frown and thinly pursed lips.
But Jungkook doesn’t drop the fold, his eyes are dark and confused as they continue to burn a hole into his friend’s skull. Whether it’s intentional or not Tae will never know. What he does know is that in all the years the pair have known each other, the CEO billionaire has never looked at him like this. It’s unsettling, it makes him nauseous and only amplifies his internal guilt and despair. Taehyung sighs when he catches sight of Kook gnawing his lower lip as if to stop himself from saying something he may regret.
He knows.
Jungkook swallows thickly, digesting the yet-to-be-confirmed yet almost obvious now he really thinks about it piece of information. Is that why Taehyung went to your office last week with food? Is that why he was so eager to take his place at the wedding sample meal? Is this the cause of Taehyung’s shift in personality? Wait a minute this sounds awfully familiar to him. Taehyung’s client… There is no client. Jungkook doesn’t know how to process any of this, it doesn’t feel real. His best friend falling for his fiancé… It’s a situation he wouldn’t wish upon his worst enemy.
“How long have you felt like this?” His fights to keep his voice neutral. He loves you. He loves Tae. But this crosses a line he’s not comfortable with.
Taehyung exhales again, he really doesn’t want to get into the specifics of the situation and taint happy memories of your relationship with his sorrows. “It’s not like I’m ever gonna act on it, I’m not. I couldn’t do that to either of you but I can’t-, I can’t lie to you—”
“Do you love her?”
“I…” He hesitates.
Does he love you? Love is a concept he’s familiar with only from romance novels and movies. Love to Taehyung is when a person can’t imagine their life without someone, when their heart beats only for them, when they put the other person’s happiness above their own. Friendship. Connection. Magic. Fire. Kindness. Sacrifice. Lust. Joy. Comfort. Laughter. Love is being able to be your true raw self with someone and never fear judgement. Love is having someone’s back no matter what. But love isn’t always reciprocated. And that love hurts. Love is… Messy. Painful. Emotional. Sometimes it sweeps a person off their feet and hits them harder than a train. Love is something indescribable, something only a person in love would understand.
And he does.
“She can never know about this. Promise me you won’t tell her.”
Jungkook’s frown deepens, “I asked you a question Taehyung. Do you love her?”
“No.” Taehyung quickly tries to convince himself and Kook with a small head shake. “It’s not like that, how can I love someone I can’t have?”
“Well you’re right about that.” Kook inhales, chest heavy with something he’s never felt before. “You can’t have her.”
“I know. I’m never going to act on it Guk and I mean it. I promise you… It’s just a dumb crush… I’ll get over it.” Except it’s a lot more than a dumb crush, and Taehyung has tried getting over it for months now. Maybe a part of him doesn’t want to get over it, it’s not like he’s thrown himself into bed with strangers to distract himself and get you out of his mind. He doesn’t want to do that, for reasons unknown even to him.
Jungkook is visibly upset and deep in thought, so much so that he barely registers Taehyung standing from the sofa wearing work clothes and a disappointed face blanketing his normally fierce profile.  
“I’m gonna head out…” Tae coughs, awkwardly clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “If you hate me and don’t want to be friends—”
“Of course we’re still best friends.” Jungkook sighs, shaking his head, “I love you man, and I could never hate you but I-, this is a lot. I need to process it properly...”
“I understand.” Taehyung nods, wetting his lips before making his way out of the penthouse apartment his best friend shares with his unsuspecting fiancé. 
While his heart feels heavy as it has for a while now, his broad shoulders feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off them. At the very least he’s told the truth tonight. He turns on his heel, glancing back at Jungkook who still sits on the sofa with furrowed brows, chewing the inside of his cheek completely zoned out.
“She can never know… I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. I know I’m asking a lot of you here all things considered but promise me you won’t tell her.” The attorney’s voice is merely a whisper, Kook’s eyes snap out of their trance and straight to him the second he hears it.
The radio silence from Namjoon is slowly breaking your heart. You haven’t seen Charlie in almost three weeks now, nor have you heard from his parents. It’s surprising to you really that Ruth hasn’t yet reached out, especially with it being your birthday next week. 
If you’re being honest you don’t know what you expected your sister to do once she was released from Cypher House, but completely staying out of your way without even a peep just doesn’t seem like her. Especially since she’s apparently ‘in good spirits’ and ‘recovering well’ from her mental illnesses.
As much as you want to show up at Joon’s apartment unannounced to see your nephew you simply can’t find the strength to do it. If they want to keep you away for now, while Ruth readjusts to society and takes on motherhood, that’s if she’s even at Joon’s place, then that’s their decision and you have to accept it. No matter how soul-destroying it’s proving to be.
“Are you okay?” Yuri asks with a quirked brow, noticing you’ve zoned out in the office for what feels like the ten millionth time today.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m good.” You shake the intrusive thoughts from your mind, refocussing on the task at hand.
You’ve been invited to speak at a conference about women’s rights the day before your birthday and so all of your time and attention is solely on preparing for ihat. While you’re honoured that you’ve been invited to such a prestigious event, it’s overwhelming. This paired with the wedding planning, running a business, trying to maintain a happy relationship, socialise, work out, eat three meals a day and staying hydrated is a bit too much. There’s barely enough hours in the day for the things you need to get done and it’s exhausting.
“Has Jungkook made any plans for your birthday?” Yuri’s voice is honeyed, smooth like butter as she closes her laptop and devotes you her full attention. “It’s next week right?”
“Mhm.” You affirm with a small nod, “He hasn’t mentioned anything, plus he knows how busy I’ve been recently so I wouldn’t be surprised if he just wants to do something low-key. I’m not really fussed. It’s just another day.” Your lips form a small smile.
“Like hell it is! Come on it’s your birthday Y/N, try to be a little more excited please.”
“Once I’ve finished this…”
“Not later, now!” Yuri sighs, pinching the bridge of her pixie nose with freshly red manicured fingers. “You’re going to crush the conference, so lets take a break and talk about what you want for your birthday, hm?”
You’re silently laughing, gaze flickering around the pink and gold decor in your office until it lands on your assistant. She’s wearing a rather low cut lemon blouse today, tucked into a black leather pencil skirt. She’s so put together in your eyes, every day she looks flawless and as though she’s managed to get a whole eight hours sleep. Oh how you envy that, you’d just about sell your soul for a lie in and bed day.
“I told you already, you don’t need to get me anything.” You chuckle.
Yuri scoffs, clearly unimpressed, “If I want to out-bestie Jimin I’m gonna have to—”
“You can never out-bestie Jimin.” You snort at her undeniable boldness, “I love you Yuri and I think you’re great but Jimin is my ride or die I’ve known him for sixteen years. You’re my best girl-friend of course you are… But the title of best friend is his.”
“That really fucking hurts.” She pretends to cry and you can’t help but roll your eyes, but soon her rounded features return to normal. “Such a shame he’s gay though… He’s a hottie.”
“He is.” You agree entirely, Jimin is in every sense of the word, a hottie.
“Are you sure you’re okay Y/N…?” Yuri’s question is cautious, as is her expression. “Is something going on with you and Jungkook?”
Ah. There it is.
Truthfully things between you and your fiancé have been a little weird recently. It’s not that he’s mad at you, because he keeps reiterating he’s not, even the times you haven’t actually asked him if he’s angry. But he’s moodier than usual, zoning out of conversations more than normal. And for the first time in your whole relationship your sex life is… Non-existent. 
Maybe it’s because you’re both so busy with work, and with the added stress of family drama and being business owners you haven’t had sex since… Well since he fucked you senseless in the kitchen weeks ago.
“Nope, all good at home. I’m fine really.” You lie through your teeth, and thankfully she leaves it there for now. Internally you’re stuck in a time loop, replaying recent events over and over in case you’ve missed something that could explain Jungkook’s unusual behaviour. But you draw a blank.
When you get home that night things are no better, there’s a tension in the air you can’t pinpoint. Jungkook is busying himself chopping onions and bell peppers while he prepares dinner. Which in itself is strange, you rarely see him cook from scratch he’s much more of a ‘let’s order in’ type of guy when you’re too tired to make dinner. But tonight he’s actually using his kitchen for once, which peaks your interest.
He must’ve been working from home today since he’s wearing nothing save for grey sweatpants. His taught tattooed arms, torso and back on full display while he whistles a familiar tune.
“Good evening…” You chuckle lowly, leaning on the door frame to the kitchen. You feel very overdressed right now in your pinstripe pant suit. 
The way his muscles tense and move with each slice and chop sends a rush of adrenaline straight to your core. You want him, you always want him. But you’re so starved of physical touch that you need him to fuck you senseless more than usual, especially when he pushes his hair back from his chiselled face with a bright smile when he sees you.
“Hey, we’re having enchiladas tonight.” He hums, somewhat smug.
You approach him slowly before hugging him from behind, his strong back flush with the swell of your breasts. “When did you learn how to make enchiladas?”
“Twenty minutes ago.” He admits with a shaky laugh, “Watched a tutorial and it seems easy enough so I thought I’d give it a go. If you get food poisoning I apologise in advance.”
“Well I can think of a way to avoid me food poisoning. Just stop what you’re doing…” You flirt playfully, dragging your hands down to the waistband of his sweats. “And let me help you...”
He’s shaking his head in disbelief, “By all means you can help me cook if you want to, I think I might need it.”
Does he not see that you’re silently offering to suck him dry right now? You frown, tonguing your cheek feeling more than just a tinge offended. “That’s not what I meant Kook… Let me help you, and maybe you can help me after…” You try again, slipping fingertips into his pants.
To this Jungkook pushes your hands away with a breathy chuckle, turning to face you with a neutral expression. “How was work today?”
“What?” Your eyes widen on their own, looking up at Jungkook in astonishment. Did he just turn down your advances twice? To say that’s out of character for him would be an understatement. “Fine, work was fine. Hey is something—”
“Good! How’s the conference preparation going?” He cuts you off when he spins in place, until you’re faced with the spans of his back again.
You feel like screaming. A somewhat sexually frustrated sigh pierces the air before you can catch it and you close your eyes, figuring he doesn’t want to talk about whatever the hell is wrong with him today. “Good. Going good. So is it just us for dinner or is Tae joining us?”
“Nope.” Jungkook emphasises the ‘p’ with a popping noise between his lips, “Just us, unless you wanna call Jimin and Yoongi and see if they’re free? There’s plenty of food.”
“I’ll text Jimin…” You say rather unsurely, noticing the shift in his demeanour immediately. “If there’s plenty of food why haven’t you invited Taehyung over—”
“He’s busy.”  
It’s a few hours later when you, Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin are digging into a delicious Mexican feast cooked by none other than your fiancé. Sitting between the two love birds from downstairs you smile contently, you love nights like this where you get to hang out with your little dysfunctional family, watch tv and play games. 
Except Taehyung is usually here sitting beside Jungkook chugging beer as though it’s water, offering opinions nobody asked for. The atmosphere is a little strange without him you have to admit, but you get over it quickly when you remember he’s busy tonight.
You have to give credit where credit is due, Jungkook has cooked a delicious meal. And you’re sure it’s the first time he’s ever cooked from scratch in his life. You’re proud, moaning softly when you take a bite of what’s on your plate.
“Sounds like you’re enjoying it a little too much.” Jimin snorts, nudging your ribs with a bony elbow. “It’s just Mexican food Y/N, not a passionate night of sex.”
You chuckle, swallowing when you face your best friend, “You say that like there’s a difference. Kook this is amazing, you should cook dinner more often.”
When your eyes fall to your fiancé at the other end of the sofa he’s tucking into his meal unsuspectingly, not looking your way, lost in thought yet again. He doesn’t seem to have heard your compliments and Jimin notices this too, nudging you again which prompts you to look at him instead.
“You two okay?” He frowns, notably concerned when he whispers.
You nod slowly, despite the fact your own brows are furrowed with confusion. “Yeah, I think so…”
“You sure?”
Pausing, you take a beat to mull over your thoughts with a sinking heart.
“I-, I don’t know…”
The sound of Yoongi’s gravelly voice on the other side of you disrupts your little conversation, “I didn’t think Taehyung liked spicy food, is he gonna be okay with this?” He asks, none-the-wiser of the any tension in the room.
Jungkook takes a big gulp of beer before speaking, “Good job he’s not coming tonight then.” His tone is cold and stern when he takes a few nachos between his inked fingers, he doesn’t look at anybody. Gaze fixed to the tv, mind clearly somewhere else altogether.
“How come?” Yoongi is oblivious to your fiancé’s tight jaw and narrowed eyes, which is all you and Jimin can focus on. Trying to analyse the situation from a small distance.
“I didn’t invite him.” Kook shrugs nonchalantly and your mouth falls open in surprise.
“I thought you said he was busy?”
At this Jungkook’s eyes finally meet yours, they’re wide with momentary panic. Like a handsome deer caught in the headlights of his own lies. He’s prodding the inside of his cheek with his tongue, seemingly equal parts annoyed and uncertain what to say. Why would he lie about Taehyung being busy? Why wouldn’t he invite his best friend over for dinner, the first dinner he’s ever cooked for everybody? 
Finally Yoongi realises something’s wrong, cautiously looking past you to Jimin who’s staring at you with worried crescent-like eyes. But you’re only looking at Jungkook, who’s lied to you for the very first time.
“He probably is busy tonight, that’s why I didn’t invite him...” He inhales sharply, closely watching you to gauge your reaction. You don’t buy it. Not one bit.
“Have you two fallen out or something?”
Jimin gently squeezes your thigh as if to say ‘stop what you’re doing’ but you settle your beer down onto the coffee table, along with your plate of food. Is that why he’s been acting so strangely? Why wouldn’t he tell you something like that? Jungkook is still watching you, he doesn’t say a word but his doe-eyes are swimming in something indescribable. Hurt? Confusion? You don’t know, but you sure as hell want to get to the bottom of this one way or another.
“They’ve been best friends forever Y/N…” Jimin takes Kook’s silence as a way for him to step into the conversation, his voice is purposely light and blatantly trying to defuse the uncomfortable situation before it happens. “Nothing could make those guys fall out, literally nothing is worth their friendship.” He giggles, “Oh by the way! I spoke to the owner of the boutique about your dress—”
Your best friend is talking to you but you’re not listening at all. He’s right. Jungkook and Taehyung have been best friends their whole lives, nothing is worth terminating their friendship, even temporarily. You probably are just overthinking it… Yet you can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong. You know Jungkook well enough to know when he’s upset about something. And for him to lie to you? Despite how white of a lie it was, he still did it. The common denominator here is Taehyung, something must’ve happened.
That’s what leads you to grab your phone and send a text message to the man in question. Now it’s your turn to zone out of the conversation and focus solely on your phone screen.
Y/N: Hey Taehyung, is everything okay?
Tae: Everything’s fine
Even Taehyung is being moody and cold, what the fuck happened between them?
Y/N: Did something happen between you and Kook?
Tae: Why? What did he tell you?
Y/N: Nothing. Have you guys fallen out?
Tae: No. Why are you asking?
An incoming call disrupts your screen and you gasp quietly, earning the attention of everybody in the room whose eyes are now on you. It’s Namjoon.
“Hello?” You answer a little confused, he hasn’t contacted you in a while. The idea of him calling to ask you to pick up his son for the night brings you a hopeful smile.
“Y/N, hey it’s me.” He sounds out of breath, panicked, which wipes the smile clean off your face and your heart sinks into the depths of your stomach.
“What’s wrong?” You frown, you know Namjoon. You recognise this tone. He’s worried.
There is no pause, his words blurt through the phone equal parts desperate and frenzied.
“Ruth’s taken Charlie, they’re missing.”
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