#vlad jr lore
meirimerens · 2 years
hiii hello i wanna ask!! how do u perceive vlad jr and capella? what characterises them?? some headcannons maybe?? are they dry or wet
hiiiiii bestie ok i'm going to try to do my best bc i just worke up (yes at 1:30 in the afternoon bro i work into 4AM)
dry-wet spectrum:
vlad jr is wet to me like in a very Kinda Pathetic way. his wetness comes not from blood or tears, more from... like rainwater flowing down the well in his shack + general Swimming Tru It attitude.
capella is relatively dry in the same way the shore is. like a Dry outcrop in a vast sea of Wet. she appears a LIL wetter in PCHD design-wise but most PCDH designs are kinda wet to me regardless so you have to elaborate over the designs.
this ones dear to me and based I KNOW THIS on an image I've seen but for the love of god i can't find it anymore anyways when vlad got to hold his newborn sister when he was like 14 he cried (as opposed to maria who when she saw her newborn brother for the first time was like "ewwww")
he was a very good older brother for the first like 10-ish years of capella's life. loved to take her on supervised adventures and whatnot. loved to bring her out to the steppe and show her the odonghe and the herb brides and be like "those are our neighbors they're different from us but we must accept this difference because we're stronger together then" and stuff. i say "first 10-ish years" bc when his father started Really Hammering In that he wanted him to conform to the mold he had set or get the fuck out, Vlad Jr did in fact get the fuck out, and since then he's been distant
since he didn't Love his mother (but felt other things) and his relationship with his father is Strained To Say The Least, capella was like the one family member who he didn't feel like utter shit thinking/talking about/being with.
this is i think a brew of some p1 & p2 lore (or maybe not honestly girl I'm barely awake) but he 1) gets his ass drunk at the broken heart often [p2 lore] to cope with grief/a general Hollow left by the death of his mother and 2) met here rubin who's Also trying to cope with war trauma [p1] lore and The Rest Of It All. they bond over having massive daddy issues and not a fun kind. vlad jr "admires" (?) rubin for being way less of a massive coward as he feels like, and rubin just hangs out and absorbs through him the Needing To Be Like Father that he will never have to worry about anymore after Isidor's death bc Isidor chose the "other son" over him
capella looooves sweet things she loves little desserts and all. with the plague and the trains cutting them off from the rest of the world, she can't get like ingredience and it drives her a lil crazy but she keeps it together. eventually the trains work again and she can have her sweet treats. she's bad at baking/cooking but still tries bc she wants her sweet. vlad jr is not too horrible at baking/cooking sweets but if you asked him for a stew he'd unintentionally poison you, so he makes sweets sometimes and leaves them by capella's door without being noticed.
i think she'd play the piano i think she'd love to play the piano... i think her parents tried to teach vlad first but he was relatively uninterested, but it's different for her
i think she knows. about things and in general.
i don't mention the khan & capella p2 diurnal ending wedding hint a lot bc it's important to me to pretend I'm not seeing it as arranged marriages are like one of my most abhorred tropes ever, makes me want to kill somebody fr. But thinking about it a lil, within this marriage that they have as adults i think she very much knows he has no romantic love for her, and she has no romantic love for him, but they do care for each other a lot and they're fantastic wing(wo)men to each other to keep their freedoms on the sides. she goes out of her way to use her clairvoyance to find ways to let him leave on the wedding night unnoticed & tell him at what time he should be back so people don't think of anything, and he goes out of his way to cover for her when people ask questions about her, wonder about this and that, etc. in a way i think she likes the fun and excitement of it because it's not something anyone in her family experienced. even as the novelty of it wears of, they both keep doing that and entrenching themselves in the secret bc it makes them closer together, and it's how they keep their freedoms, their priceless freedoms. she lets her brother in on the secret & the arrangement because she knows he also does a lot of stuff on his own and has Many An Arrangment.
i don't have too much now bc i'm barely emerging but this is some of the lore;.. of the witnessing...
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shmowder · 2 months
You are so fucking brave man I’d rather kill everyone on the train than sit in seat 6. How could you fucking stand being that close to Vlad Jr for that long I’d have an aneurysm if I had to listen to him for even 5 minutes let alone 12 hours
I tragically suffer from the curse of liking him. Unfortunately, I'd listen to him speak with the same childlike wonder and fascination I held while reading 4chan threads back in 2018.
I just love what they've done with his mind! It's like wow, a person who sneaked into earth! I must study him.
I'd also like to ask him why we can't just print more money. Ask for his opinion on doomed yuri, explain the complete lore of fanf to him and Sticky who would actually be curious, wonder if he'd like to play a game of russian roulette with little old me <3
Maybe I can bimbo my way under his defence walls and trick him into incorporating false information within his belief system like flat earth and such.
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hopefulstarfire · 11 months
I have some notes about my sins 4 Lore Fix save to share;
Ages have been mostly figured out since it's supposed to be like a redone Sims 1 timeline. Sims 3 elders and adults close to elder hood are dead. Ones who were young adults or very early into adulthood are elders. Teens are now adults. Children and toddlers are young adults -> those who are children are to be considered later in their young adult years, like late twenties maybe early thirties while toddlers are earlier into young adulthood. I've not decided where babies fall into this yet, though I'm leaning towards early college years. Some characters that were not shown in Sims 1 / had appearances in Sims 3 where some of the world's were at a different time point (bc they LOVE making me work overtime on this) are gonna be dependant. I haven't decided if the Caliente twins are gonna be college student age or not. Meanwhile the Dreamers are going to be teens, as is Brandi Broke (nee Newbie).
Also Katrina doesn't exist. I'm giving the girls their actual mother back.
Kaylynn is a character who will be locked into her age. Because I got fed up of trying to figure out what the hell she was doing in 3 as a child, the same age as Mortimer, when she wasn't supposed to be. And she had a largr interest in the supernatural in Sims 2 so you know what? She's a Vampire. Her first job with her start up cleaning business was with Vlad and she just. Yeah.
I'm trying to bridge the gap in the Landgraab family of like. The Sims 2 Landgraabs and the Sims 3 Landgraabs. We also have to consider Sims 1/Sims Bustin Out Malcolm Landgraab and where the fuck they keep getting this name. I also have decided where Johnny Zest features into this and that he's Sims 3 Malcolm Landgraab's bastard son, and the result of a hook up with Darlene Bunch the day before his wedding to his wife Hannelore.
On that note, I'm planning on keeping at least some of the iconic sims from 4 in this save but I haven't decided who all is staying or nah. The Pancakes are am obvious given. I do really like the Growing Together families. Judith Ward stays.
I'm also debating on what families are coming back and how as well as what differences they'll face but I've got a good bit in that area already. I'm excited bc I'm putting in an Easter egg family for me and Watta with our favorite Sim we ever created and his family. I thought about adding in another of my favorite families I made but it's been so long and that save was So Messy do probs not.
I usually end up watching Bob's Burgers whenever I play and work on the save and I had the epiphany that Daniel Pleasant as a teenager is Jimmy Jr. Like tell me you can't see it.
I have to find a new name for Nervous Subject since in this timeline he doesn't get kidnapped by the Beakers and gets to live with his Mom. It's gotta be death related since he's a grim baby.
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honey-0tu · 3 years
Patho2 Bachelor and Changeling Speculation!
iI’m just dumping some of my speculation for patho2 bachelor and changeling routes here- it might be cool to see what I was close to being right about and what I was totally wrong on!
Bachelor Route: - invisible cat mission pLEASE- - I’d like a scene of Daniil and Vlad. JR arguing about how they view the Kin. Patho2!Daniil appears more interested in a thirst for knowledge type of way - while Vlad JR is interested, his is more in a colonial, exploitative way. Of course, it’s possible Daniil’s replies in Marble Nest aren’t indicative of how he acts in the final product, it would be interesting to see Daniil’s outsider perspective become fiercely defensive of the regular people (i.e. the Kin and working-class townsfolk.) In Marble Nest and even Patho1, more of his anger seems leveled at the ruling families rather than the everyday people. - I think it would be interesting if Daniil’s route revolves around justice - the optional missions in Patho2!Artemy’s route are mandatory in Daniil’s route. You work as trying to make the law in town as just as you can, but as you keep working, you uncover more injustices which the ruling families are responsible for. - In place of Artemy’s tinctures, Daniil can use his microscope at Stillwater. aka I just want Artemy hurtling at Daniil at a 100mph with Bulls Blood for Daniil to inspect back at his microscope lol (I swear this game has caused me more jumpscares via civilians running at me at full speed) - Seeing the meeting at town hall in the start of the plague which Artemy missed but Daniil was present for!!! - While Artemy’s dreams were more prophetic and routed in the abstract - I’d like for Daniil’s dreams to feel more like literal flashbacks with some sense of unreality and unease. To tell us more about the Capital and perhaps the war, as well as Daniil’s past. I would love for an early-game dream to take place in the Thanatica lab! Perhaps the dream sequences could take the narrative place of the letters you receive from the Powers That Be in Patho1?
Changeling Route: - Clara’s ‘mini-game’ could be a timed conversation to determine whether a sick person is a ‘sinner’ or not. It would be interesting to see what the guideline is for who Clara’s powers determine as a ‘sinner’ or not. Will a civilian who stole a little from the ruling families in order for their own family to be able to eat be considered a ‘sinner’? At a point in Patho2, Clara begs Artemy to heal the Saburovs, it could be she knows her powers would kill them due to the harm they have caused other people. - More Mistress lore!!!!!!! Find out more of what’s up with Maria marking healthy houses? Maybe?! - We get to play as Clara’s sister in the dream sequences! Maybe! I want to learn more about Clara’s sister and learn about Clara’s past before waking up in the graveyard and it would be cool to learn about her past through her ‘evil twin.’ - Perhaps Clara’s ‘evil twin’ is a Reflection that gained sentience! - Seeing the ‘deal’ Artemy makes with ‘Clara,’ where Artemy agrees to take the plague in Murky’s place. Maybe in Clara or ‘Clara’s perspective, she has to choose between an individual being infected (Artemy or someone important to Artemy) or an entire district getting infected. Maybe Clara’s route has a more personal, one on one dynamic with the plague as a sentient and tangible being who she’s fighting against, rather than a literal airborne plague as it is in Artemy and Daniil’s route.
I hope someone found this an entertaining read! Most of this was copy-pasted from me rambling off friends’ ears in discord dms lol. Please let me know what you think and/or add on to this post with your own theories/speculation!
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blackevermore · 3 years
x My “dumb” headcanons for Vlad Masters
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[ because these pop up in my lore]
x Vlad has playlist for certain things he does that have crazy titles. The one he plays the most is “Don’t take over the world, Danny will know”
x He gardens, his mother got him into it as a child to calm down his traumas, he now gossips with his planets.
x He owns every ABBA album and when he knows he is completely alone he surely is the “dancing queen”
x He takes scouts honor so serious that he has threaten to take badges
x He does 80s style yoga (yes he does have the outfits to go along with it, no he will not change)
x He has stimming toys for when his nerves are really bad, his favorite is the tangle jr simply because even through its a stim toy he thinks he looks sexy holding it (someone at work must have stroked his ego)
x Outside of his suits Vlad has two style: Sexy single father or dorky outdoors father of unofficial two
x Vlad forgets his doesn’t age anymore but my god this man is very much his age. Complains about the weather, complains about his pain in his knees, does the dad stance, dad jokes (of course mixed with the villain jokes), sips his coffee in the doorway looking at you then turns away and leaves. And of course Danny’s favorite the face he makes when shown a meme.
x He actually enjoys other spots but don’t watch them with him, he yells like its all football.
x Of course he can handle his liquor! Just because sometimes he does a little dancy dance doesn’t mean he isn’t fully there. He can just hear the music you can’t.
x When Dani calls him dad he gives himself a tally mark of “Good Vlad” in his mind. 
x Vlad is still trying to convince Dani to do a Father Daughter dance and has the prefect outfits already picked out.
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jacketkat · 3 years
Theres so many characters here oh god
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Some are pretty basic, ominous farmer, that's Phil.
Snotty nitwit? Sniffles.
Tiny sobbing illager child? Puddles
Illager man with blue eyes and a scar, cobalt
Desert villager with green... thing that I swear isn't actually a nitwit? Brad senior.
The only non villager here is just Kyle going woof, totally normal human activity, barking.
The two evokers on the right are brothers, Comet is the guy trying to read and the other one is currently unamed but he lives to be a nuisance.
The armorer who is also mildly threatening and is on fire is Penix, don't worry, he sometimes catches fire.
"Father I crave bones" is a wandering trader who really likes bones and skeletons, he's commonly referred to by others as "Boneyard", his acutal name is Opal.
Chillax is Brad jr, and, in case you were wondering, he's Brad seniors son, with a deceased villager prior to the whole Cobalt situation
The two farmers between Phil and Brad senior are Jack and Ennis and their entire relationship is one I'm trying to tread carefully on, I cannot explain it here, it's too complicated and tentative.
The cleric and the villager next to him are technically twins, the cleric is Vlad and he is white as snow and everyone is convinced he is a vampire (or something similar in villager culture I guess) except his brother, Jace, who is a leatherworker and just wants everyone to look at them normally.
And last but not least Dimitri, the guy with the head bandage and black eye, he's actually fairly young and is trying new jobs but he's a major clutz and just keeps injuring himself over and over. He tends to laugh it off and jokes about being the biggest clutz to ever exist
That should cover everyone here
Some of these villagers are from a friends village that I stuck lore to, it was needed for purposes I will not mention yet, Jack, Ennis, and Dimitri are those villagers
(Dimitri is a clutz because when I met him a mod told me the poor guy was on half a heart, if he t r i p p e d he would die)
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oplishin · 4 years
Changeling Day 6, aka “wow that sucks”
Spoilers for Day 6
And so the “search an infected house every day or bad things” quest begins. >:/
I love the dialogue options Clara has with her sister!! They’re always complete opposites and I really hope the dual-nature thing actually goes somewhere?? Maybe the albino will talk about it more later..
Why is the albino just chilling with the Maybe-Clara worshippers? It’s weird that the miracle is apparently... thunder? I mean that’s the only thing that happens when you perform the miracle so...
The wiki says that after day 8 artemy will gives you get a panacea if you turn her in, which is like -30 rep and permanently infected district but.... I want that theatre talk bois
oh no vlad jr’s gonna die what a tragedy uh huh i care
um update from playing day 7, Vlad’s not dead, disappointing
Saburovs, you guys suck. 
Shit I just realized that I forgot to go to the albino at 21:00 pm and talk to them ajdfkdfj the delicious lore
What’s Daniil’s logic for keeping Clara locked in the stillwater? “under my surveillance” even thought he knows she’s not the plague... I would like to think it’s because he’s the only responsible adult in the town who sees a newly homeless child and is like “I will literally pay you to sleep indoors” but ehhhh
also i never had the opportunity to do that during the actual bachelor run lmao
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fellhellion · 4 years
one of the changes i’ve noticed between classic and 2 that Hits is the fact that Vlad Jr in 2 is actually given legitimate knowledge of the khatage lore and customs as opposed to classic where artemy p much just calls him a buffoon for thinking his notes contain anything but the barest scratches at understanding their lore and customs. Though, I personally like this change for 2 specifically as it helps build the narrative 2 is trying to tell about the effects of colonialsm on a people. 
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daisyachain · 2 years
The dreadful ironic doubling that Vlad Sr’s son Vlad has to tell Isidor’s son about his inheritance and the Steppe lore. The real traditions of Artemy’s people have to be reverse engineered from the versions that filtered down to the son and heir of the man who crushed them. He’s been forcibly disconnected from his roots and can only access them via the fetishized nonsense that Vlad Jr is going on about—at least until he finds Aspity, Oyun, Nara. Adding to that the likely interpretation that Vlad Sr conspired with Oyun to murder Isidor and tried to finish the job off with Artemy…
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josepsousa · 4 years
Os 25 melhores CEOs dos EUA em 2020, de acordo com funcionários negros e indígenas
SÃO PAULO – O ano de 2020, marcado pelos protestos do Black Lives Matter contra o racismo estrutural nos Estados Unidos, após a morte de George Floyd, revelou profundas desigualdades e injustiças entre negros e brancos nos Estados Unidos e no mundo.
E, pensando no mercado corporativo, esse cenário se torna ainda mais latente. Com isso em mente, o site de carreira Comparably fez um levantamento sobre quais CEOs fazem o melhor trabalho para apoiar seus funcionários não brancos.
A pesquisa foi feita com base nas opiniões de funcionários negros, indígenas e não caucasianos de mais de 60 mil empresas – incluindo pequenas, médias e grandes companhias-, que classificaram anonimamente seu CEO em questões como cultura da empresa, liderança e suporte aos funcionários que não se identificam como brancos.
A consulta foi feita entre 30 de junho de 2019 e 30 de junho deste ano e também pedia uma citação do funcionário sobre o motivo de a empresa e seu líder serem bons ou não para funcionários não brancos.
Mesmo que a lista aponte bons líderes na questão racial, deve-se notar que a lista de CEOs é amplamente branca e masculina, segundo a Comparably, apontando para a clara falta de diversidade dos Estados Unidos no cargos de liderança executiva.
Confira abaixo os 25 melhores CEOs dos EUA, de acordo com seus funcionários negros, indígenas e não brancos.
25. Mark Mader
Mark Mader é CEO da Smartsheet Inc, empresa que desenvolve softwares de gerenciamento de trabalho.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Existe uma grande diversidade profissional e pessoal, mas também temos um objetivo em comum”.
24. Jorge Gonzalez
Jorge Gonzalez é CEO do City National Bank of Florida, a terceira maior instituição financeira do estado, com quase US$ 14 bilhões em ativos.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Sempre muito inclusivo e receptivo para ouvir as opiniões de outras pessoas”.
23. Apoorva Mehta
Apoorva Mehta é CEO da Instacart, empresa americana que opera um serviço de entrega e retirada de mercadorias de supermercados e mercearias.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Aprecio a inclusão da empresa. Há vários grupos de funcionários que existem para promover uma cultura diversificada lá dentro”.
22. Robert Frist Jr.
Robert Frist Jr. é CEO da HealthStream, empresa de soluções estratégicas na área da saúde.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Nosso CEO encoraja os funcionários a ajudarem em suas próprias comunidades, sempre visando retribuir”.
21. Hirokazu Hamada
Hirokazu Hamada é CEO da Anritsu, empresa de equipamentos eletrônicos para telecomunicações.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Temos um grupo muito diversificado de pessoas trabalhando na Anritsu. Ele criou um ótimo ambiente para todos nós nos comunicarmos livremente”.
20. Kenneth Frazier
Kenneth Frazier é CEO da Merck & Co., multinacional farmacêutica.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “A liderança dele defende a diversidade e a inclusão e mostra que a empresa está disposta a se adaptar”.
19. Brian Niccol
Brian Niccol é CEO da Chipotle Mexican Grill, uma cadeia de restaurantes especializados em comida mexicana.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “A diversidade no ambiente de trabalho é a chave para uma boa liderança”.
18. Charles Butt
Charles Butt é CEO da H-E-B, rede americana de supermercados.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Eu amo como a nossa empresa realmente está comprometida com a diversidade”.
17. Annette Brüls
Annette Brüls é CEO da Medela, empresa especializada em promover soluções e produtos voltados para a amamentação de bebês.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Sempre buscam um grupo bem diversificado, com uma boa atmosfera de trabalho entre os times”.
16. Manny Medina
Manny Medina é CEO da Outreach, uma plataforma de engajamento de vendas.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Nosso CEO é imigrante e está arraigado em quem somos e no que defendemos”.
15. Julie Sweet
Julie Sweet é CEO da Accenture, multinacional de consultoria de gestão e tecnologia da informação.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Sua liderança é diversa e global”.
14. Jim Loree
Jim Loree é CEO da Stanley Black & Decker, empresa que se concentra no setor de ferramentas manuais, elétricas e de armazenamento.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Eu realmente dou valor à sua forma de liderar, que sempre busca ser a mais inclusiva e diversa possível”.
13. Vishal Garg
Vishal Garg é CEO da Better.com, empresa de serviços financeiros digitais focada em hipotecas.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas “Ele tem o compromisso de cuidar dos funcionários e respeitá-los, além de promover essa cultura diversificada”.
12. Shantanu Narayen
Shantanu Narayen é CEO da Adobe, multinacional americana que desenvolve programas de computador.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Somos uma equipe incrivelmente diversificada, o que ajuda a reunir muitas ideias diferentes”.
11. Doug Mack
Doug Mack é CEO da Fanatics,  varejista online de artigos esportivos.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “É ótimo trabalhar em um grupo tão de pessoas tão diversas”.
10. Chris Caldwell
Chris Caldwell é CEO da Concentrix, empresa global que oferece serviços de tecnologia para negócios.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Seu apoio à diversidade é um grande ponto positivo”.
9. Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh é CEO da LexisNexis, empresa que fornece pesquisa jurídica assistida por computador, bem como serviços de pesquisa de negócios e gerenciamento de riscos.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Ele realmente apoia a causa da diversidade”
8. Tim Cook
Tim Cook é CEO da Apple, multinacional que projeta e comercializa produtos eletrônicos como smartphones e computadores pessoais, além de softwares.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Eu aprecio muito seu compromisso com a diversidade, inclusão, justiça e meio ambiente”.
7. Sid Sijbrandij
Sid Sijbrandij é CEO da GitLab, um gerenciador de repositório de software baseado em git.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “O CEO trabalha muito para promover uma atmosfera fantástica de trabalho para todos”.
6. Steve Bilt
Steve Bilt é CEO da Smile Brands, empresa que fornece serviços de suporte comercial a grupos odontológicos.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Nosso CEO realmente se importa e cuida de todos seus funcionários”.
5. Carlos Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez é CEO da Automatic Data Processing, empresa americana que comercializa softwares e serviços relacionados à área de Recursos Humanos.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Excepcionalmente muito diverso e inclusivo. Muito centrado nas pessoas, sempre recompensa um bom desempenho e a lealdade”.
4. Eric Yuan
Eric Yuan é CEO do Zoom, empresa americana de serviços de conferência remota.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Nosso CEO Eric, na verdade, realmente se preocupa com cada um de nós e com nossa felicidade”.
3. Sundar Pichai
Sundar Pichai é CEO do Google, multinacional especializada em serviços e produtos relacionados à internet.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Sundar Pichai é um homem muito bom, ele oferece muitos benefícios aos seus funcionários”.
2. Vlad Shmunis
Vlad Shmunis é CEO da RingCentral, companhia especializada na criação de soluções de comunicação baseadas em nuvem.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Colaborativo, diverso, bem-humorado e muito experiente”.
1. Satya Nadella
Satya Nadella é CEO da Microsoft, multinacional que desenvolve, fabrica, licencia, e vende softwares de computador, produtos eletrônicos, computadores e serviços pessoais.
Citações dos funcionários sobre por que a empresa é boa para pessoas não brancas: “Eu trabalho aqui há quase 30 anos. E tudo ficou muito melhor com Satya”.
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The post Os 25 melhores CEOs dos EUA em 2020, de acordo com funcionários negros e indígenas appeared first on InfoMoney.
Os 25 melhores CEOs dos EUA em 2020, de acordo com funcionários negros e indígenas publicado primeiro em https://www.infomoney.com.br/
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meirimerens · 2 years
thoughts on vlad the younger + capellas sibling relationship?
high darling; sorry you waited 12 hours for the response i was tiwed. ok
i think there is deep care between each other even if vlad jr is a bit aloof and estranged. i think they know the other kinda depends on them, and in some way they depend on each other: they're both bound to the heritage of the Olgimskys, and they both know it falls on their shoulders to be a better ruler than dad was (mom is special). Capella marrying Khan as a post-diurnal p2 thing we know it's not out of love, it's out of the need to mend the bond between the families, and i think both capella and vlad jr had this on their shoulders: if they don't enter a marriage of convenience to mend the broken relations, it's the other sibling that's gotta have to do it. i think vlad jr does feel guilting the responsibility ended up falling on his little sister, because she's a child she shouldn't be thinking about getting married to save the town another bloodshed she should be getting ready to go to college... i think they both kinda want to save each other the trouble: vlad jr because he's the oldest and feels he has a responsibility to keep his little sister from harm, and capella because she's going to grow up to be a mistress, and it is her ""fate"" to be bigger than life, and all-protecting...
while estranged i think they care about each othur... also this post by threi it's too true to me it is
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meirimerens · 2 years
thoughts on the vlad jr-andrey relations? How do you see them in your mind?
I see them so silly mostly. To Me they've met at the Broken Heart where Vlad Jr comes to cope (badly) with his grief and andrey seeing him is like. aw looking kinda miserable. does he want to talk about it. etc. and from there on they strike up conversation.
andrey is a hedonist who's just a huge fan of having fun and being himself (including when "being himself" includes murdering people god forbid a bisexual gemini polish-italian man does anything) so he doesn't feel bad flirting with vlad jr for fun even when vlad jr is completely oblivious to it. #respectfully always of course. for months vlad jr Doesn't See It. andrey is just a guy who very #respectfully listens to his troubles never pushing past what feels appropriate and sometimes slipping up and calling him baby. happens to the best of us + vlad jr doesn't really mind.
he starts to #feel that andrey's the only person he's been able to have like. productive discussions + exchanges around grief, legacy, and feeling bound to a fate/an expectation to fulfill and maybe even he's a little bit handsome. he makes vlad jr feel a lil bit cute. vlad jr of my mind tried to like. go on dates with women of the town and it's always been like. miserable to mid everytime. not out of him Not Liking Women it just was kinda mid. meeting andrey and having Him be like. oh i'll take you out oh i'll invite you lifts a lot off his shoulders and he feels like it's fine. it's even nice. he realizes he's bi then and is like awwww fuck my father's gonna be so mad again. (vlad the old dislikes andrey's gemini whimsy and swagger. among other things. the fact that he's a criminal does not help) then he doesn't have a father to be mad at him that he's bi (something he has in common with andrey love wins ❤️️)
tldr andrey #respectfully hung out with him and made him feel normal and even a lil cute.
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meirimerens · 2 years
thoughts on Vlad jr. I want to like him but. Him locking the abattoir and his educational attitudes towards the kin. Yikes
he is the racist capitalist son of a racist-er capitalist-er. by all means, he is his father's son, in the same way his sister is her mother's daughter.
he is to be the heir to a factorial empire built on the labor of the lower classes of town-on-gorkhon, with the specific racial bias of employing (exploiting) a lot of the Kin because Big Vlad does see the Kin as lesser.
there is however the. "nuance" might strong of a word. but the nuance that Big Vlad does seek to cruelly exploit the Kin and see its people as lesser, while Vlad Jr canonically has an interest and, in some way, respect for the customs and the people. Big Vlad has contempt for the Kin (and contempt back), whereas Vlad Jr tries to learn more about the customs, the lore, the rites, while still being caught into being part of the exploiting class that he was born into.
i think Vlad jr has a kind of naïveté about the Kin & his position wrt to him, like he thinks he can bond with them more than he can/he does, and he thinks they can reciprocally. to quote design documents "he’s similar to those naïve landowners who sought to “enlighten” the peasants, teaching them French and the use of handkerchiefs" (the use of "peasants" is. um. [sic]). he Is the son of a racist capitalist who has been brought up and is expected to carry both of these into his father's heritage, but the rot seems to run less deep in him than it does his father. he still is a paternalist who believes himself to be enlightened (refer to the. design documents quote) but i think he can be scared straight into behaving. he disagrees with his father's "methods" and [racist capitalist] way of life, which is the reason their relationship is so strained in the first place, but his actions learned from his father & done for the benefit of his father still became criminal [the locking of the Termitary in fear of a strike (bourgeois/factory owner anxieties at a proletarian riot) resulting in mass death].
Vlad Jr is still more willing than his father to receive what he considers to be fair punishment for his actions: he is willing to go to the Termitary to get his ass killed if needed, whereas his father refuses unless he is told his son is going. that's not much, but that's more than his father. ykwim.
tldr racist capitalist son of a racist-er capitalist-er and since the relationship is so strained already he should fully break off at once. it will not bring anyone already dead back but vlad jr
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meirimerens · 2 years
would you consider vasilissa a good mother to the twins? also what are some hcs on andreys and stakhs relationship ? how do they interact and see each other overall
she's da best... she's a very good mom and they love her even more when she gives her full and utter approval for them to kill their piece of shit of a father as an 18th birthday gift. she's always worked with/within their quirks & has never gone like. "andrey you can't stack books on peter's back like a tower this is weirdo stuff" never said that to them. she's always wanted them to be as free people as they could be so she never opposed them going to art school or andrey transferring and whatever else. they love her so. they're sooo momma's boys to me.
stakh and andrey's relationship:
ONE OF MY FAVE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT FR FR.... i assume you meaning in relation to peterstakh of course so that's what you're getting... i love to put them in situations such as this that the other... few things:
peter never had bitches ever. no fault of his, he's just A Lot To Handle. right. so when rubin starts seeing peter, andrey sees himself as his brother's chaperon (almost Obviously) so he's like. name surname name of the father political affiliation social security number what are your intentions with my twin & what time are you bringing him home
the twins are slowly drifting apart. they've been drifting apart since the death (<- well you know) of farkhad. peter has been "suffering for [...] years because of [andrey]". none of them can really live without the other but it's even more painful for andrey, so when rubin waltzes in, it feels like one more thing keeping andrey and peter from mending the bond. to andrey, it feels like The Thing that's going to tear peter from him irreparably.
jumping off from ^, eventually andrey realizes that. rubin is Literally not going to steal his place. he can't. they're Obviously not competing for the same place in peter's life and there is Obviously room for the both of them because they "complete" peter in vastly, evidently different ways. andrey realizes that it's very much a Him problem, and that rubin is Not the thing that would irreparably damage his bond with peter, but andrey being a complete dick to rubin constantly Would Be.
so eventually andrey learns to like. back off. peter having his little life and his New Friend makes it so he copes with things a little better and eventually the twins are able to mend their bond
also it becomes kinda evident to andrey that having like. Someone Else to keep an eye on peter is better.
in general peter is happier. with rubin in his life. so andrey is like. alright i'll allow it. you better get him home before 9PM though 🤨 also don't feed him anything with spices his stomach is weak
because it's really funny to me: i have you know vladrey inclinations i think it's fun. & part of lore is that rubin and vlad jr like. know each other well. so i love to think about andrey having to deal with rubin 1) bc he's dating his brother & 2) bc he's hanging out with his pub boyfriend. real funny to me
both rubin and andrey have like thick fucking skulls & refuse to back down in general so when they come face to face it's like. komodo dragons skull to skull bonk.
rubin on his side knew very well that by getting with peter he'd have to deal with andrey. like he understood it was a package deal (even though he's only Involved with one). he's only ever responded with aggression when aggressed but he never wanted to be confrontational with andrey bc he knew that'd make peter sad.
so basically he'd get barked at by andrey and just be like
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he's always been very #respectful not just of peter but of the familial history he has so when andrey shows him age 30 his game of "stack books on peter's back" rubin is like. damn that's kinda impressive bro. & andrey thinks "hey man thank you... i'm sorry i was such a bitch to you but i've really struggled with feeling like me and him are growing ever more distant so hearing you accept this little game we made as kids means a lot to me and shows me maybe you are good for him. i just have to deal with my problems on my own and then peter and i will learn to be close again, close like you were before i kinda fucked it up in his mind" & yet he says "yeah dude. you wish you were that skilled"
vasilisa loves rubin btw. peter has to prime her that she Won't meet in-laws bc. he doesn't have any. but she does love him she does
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meirimerens · 3 years
You made me start to ship peterstakh so you’re basically the ceo of peterstakh tbh. Your art of them is so good it lives in my brain rent free. Do you know/remember if they ever interact or talk abt one another in any of the routes??
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now look at me. listen to me. i'm going to put you on in a secret. i do not remember a single instance of them talking about each other. and you know how little i care? the #realones of this blog will remember the time i extensively drew The Evil Within fanart. now, there's this ship nicknamed "mobiusshipping" or "julitati", right. my mobile header still has i think a screenshot of an anon i got telling me "you're the goddess of mobiusshipping" which by GOD i was. you want a secret? these women do not interact in any of the games. we learn they're colleagues in the DLC. we learn they're colleagues, we can assume they bumped into each other but we can't be sure, and y'know what? i have drawn them kissing extensively. i have written (never published because i lost my brain en route) about what they would share together. i Was the goddess of drawing these two women, who haven't shared a word, kissing. and goddess willing i will become it again.
peter and stakh? at least we can imagine they could discuss once. i go with NOTHING but vibes for them i really do. my two types of favored ships are "it makes so much sense" and "makes no damn sense. compels me tho" and peterstakh fits in that second category. now. if you want to know what's the #lore i give them, here it is:
one of the games has lines about vlad jr and rubin being friends. since at heart i am a bit of a vladrey truther, i like to imagine rubin and peter would have a first vague meeting from that.
i like to think about artemy telling rubin "hey... work with me bro... can you check on that drunk guy and make sure he doesn't defenestrate himself." rubin being like "i'm not your assistant" "come on please" "FINE" and when he goes to check on Peter... cue that one "he makes me feel so normal" drawing i did [here] . they hang out.
they start liking to hang out because rubin can vent his problems to someone who's far removed from his earthy inheritance menkhu boddho problems and who doesn't judge. he can say whatever he wants and peter is like (hums and nods). rubin also like the fact that what he hears from this guy is so fucking Out There it makes his problems feel deeply solvable in comparison. and peter likes hanging out with him because he can say the most outlandish psychotic (as in: suffering from psychosis) shit and rubin doesn't look at him like he's a maniac (even though he thinks it, but he understands it's because it is so removed from his own reality). peter also likes his company because he's like nice and a reassuring presence, very grounded to make up for how un-grounded he is. rubin needs a bit of time to Adjust to how absolutely baffling of a person peter is, but he's So Different and such a change of pace from his usual life he keeps coming back well after artemy's told him "dude i think he'lI be fine you don't have to check on him every evening".
ALSO in my brain rubin is not out as gay to artemy because he's been away for 7 years so at this point are they even friends still (/j) but since everybody knows the twins are bi he can be open about that to peter, whose complete removal from rubin's friend group allows them to like. share boy troubles. (until they become each other's boy troubles 😳)
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meirimerens · 3 years
How about Andrey and Vlad Jr? I'm curious...
how about them truly... not sure what i can/what you want me to say. they met (well. ""met"" they knew each other before, Vlad jr is a Mistress' son) at Andrei's bar when Vlad jr started coming in and get drunk (canon P2 lore) to try to drown his grief and Andrei at first was like. ................. d'you wanna talk about it. and Vlad jr, even as he said "nah I'm good", started in fact talking about it. AT LENGTH. no therapist in Gorkhonsk so Andrei just sat here and listened.
half of their relationship in my head is [image] from [person] (<3 if you're reading). the pubwife. vlad jr forgot to have boundaries in what he says and how he says it and now he's head on this guy's lap. oopsie! also i think it's funny to imagine 190cm andrei hanging out with short stocky 179cm guy and 190cm petr hanging out with a guy who's over 2meters that's fun to me.
feel free to ask anything else.
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