#vld kolivan x reader
reveseke · 14 days
Stupid mutt
— Voltron; Kolivan x male!werewolf!reader
Warnings; none, fluff & a small confession. Small mention of injury and written injury tending. Uh, indirect confession from reader lol?
A/N; I have no idea what I'm doing, but this was requested by @xweirdo101x , I'm sorry this took me so long to make lol.
R had always felt a sense of admiration towards his leader, Kolivan. It wasn't really secret as much as he wanted it to be, but to his knowledge the hard-ass wasn't aware of it... Yet.
He'd often catch himself staring at the specific Galran, not that anyone would actually blame him. Anyone would probably be falling to their knees for the man honestly, it was just how he outwardly presented himself that seemed to ward off any suitors; cold and aloof, always such a serious hard-ass!
But there was a certain charm in that, that drew R dangerously in, no it didn't keep R away from him. The werewolf always trying to strike up a conversation with the man. Tail wagging like no tomorrow as the man talked and talked about whatever that came to mind, not that Kolivan seemed to mind much but at times it felt like R was just being ignored. Which, he didn't really mind as he was on Kolivan's side nearly every time he could. At first he hadn't realized the small crush that he'd been brewing for his leader, but it became more noticable to the others. The way the werewolf would be at a beg and call for the galran, how he tried to impress him and subconsciously scent him from time to time even.
So it wasn't such a surprise having the werewolf fully transformed dashing back into the base of the enemy to retrieve Kolivan during the mission that had gone wrong and one of the bombs they had planned had prematurely exploded. He just couldn't bear the idea of having to lose someone he cared about and that ended with few stray gun wounds on his body from the energy blasters and an injured Kolivan on his back being dragged to the shuffle.
Not that he complained before or now afterwards about it. He took the scolding like a pouting child but it didn't matter, they were both safe and sound.
"What are you, stupid?" Kolivan scoffed at himself as he tended to the injured werewolf, his tone low and understandably angry as he applied pressure to the wound on the man's shoulder eliciting a small wince from him, "you broke the rules, you should have—" a growl interrupting the scolding that was just to begin as the human looked to him with a displeased expression, "— I should have left you there, I'm well aware of that but I just couldn't!"
"And why not? I could kick you off this team for the stunt you made. We do not need disobedient mutts running around and endangering our soldiers and the missions, [R/name]. All of us know the rules, you should know them as well." He spoke in a serious tone with a hearable edge of anger lacing his words, leaving a bitter feeling in R's chest as he scoffed. Kolivan stopped for a moment, "Did you just scoff at me?" Disbelief ridden over him as his brow furrowed with a slight surprise in his expression, "you are one rude of a mutt, you know that right?"
"You don't think the life of a soldier is valuable to go back to?" R questioned as he stared at the Galran who was tending to his injured shoulder, having been so insistent on it just so he could scold the human in peace it seemed! "Not if it endangers the mission." Falling silent as R huffed, he knew he had been in the wrong, but he just couldn't bear the idea of leaving Kolivan behind. It sounded so ridiculous and stupid to me!
A silence fell upon the two as R looked off to the right of himself, feeling Kolivan prodding his arm. Goddamn, did the man feel sore though! His muscles burned and his joints creaked uncomfortably grinding against each other as he sat, still feeling a bit out of breath from the transformation he'd undergone.
The silence was broken off as Kolivan asked him, "Why did you come back, anyways? Why reach and endanger your own life for me, is it just some kind of human sense to do or something?" Snorting lightly at that as he leaned back a little with a small hiss, a hand coming to rest on his shoulder nearly atop Kolivan's own, "oh, OH, you don't even know what the human self sacrifice sense is like!" "Actually, I'm pretty sure I know a thing or two about it—" "yeah, from the view of watching a half-galran teenager run around, that's completely different to my kind!" Shaking his head lightly with an amused huff as Kolivan dropped his hand from R's shoulder, "yeah, okay true. You're not as much if a wild card like Keith is."
"Thank you!" R smirked as he gave a small gesture with his hand, "Uh.. but to answer your question, I did it because life is valuable."
"Is that all? You ran and endangered your ass just because ""life is valuable"" as you say?" Kolivan tilted his head a little as he stared at R, the man giving an awkward huff as he looked away.
"I mean, you are valuable .. and, and it would be a pity to waste such a good leader." He fumbled with his words as he attempted to word his sentence, "and, because you're important... To m.. us." Giving a small smile at that as he corrected himself, glancing over at the galran who simply stared at him.
"[R/name]," taking the werewolf's jaw in his hand as he turned the man's face to look at him, "you are like a lost puppy. And I love that, it's adorable. But for the goddamn life of me, you make me lose my hair from the stress you cause even more than Keith dies. Never do that again, understood?"
"... You think I'm adorable?"
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galraluver · 5 months
If you’re still taking requests, may I have some headcanons for an S/O with chronic pain and fatigue, for Kolivan and Sendak?
I did what I could, so I hope that you like it
~ Sendak ~
~ Galra generally don't have as many illnesses and conditions as humans do because it's basically bred out of them as a species, so when Sendak learns that you have a condition that causes chronic pain and fatigue he tries his best to make you as comfortable as possible
~ He researches your condition so he can better understand it without making you uncomfortable, although he listens to you so he can understand what you're going through from your point of view
~ He doesn't view you as weak because it's not your fault that you have your condition, but you're the only person he makes accommodations for
~ Based on what you've told him that you need extra sleep Sendak makes the bed even more comfortable when you need a nap
~ He also helps you practice relaxation techniques and simple physical exercise
~ Support groups aren't really a thing in the galra empire, although if you have mood swings or anxiety he schedules a talk therapy session with one of the best therapists in the empire via video chat
~ Sendak likes taking naps with you from time to time, at his age and with how busy he is he needs it
~ For your tender and sore muscles Sendak delicately rubs pain relief ointment on your skin where you're sore, he doesn't like seeing you in pain
~ If your periods are affected by your condition Sendak gives you a little extra painkiller so that your cramps aren't too bad and he keeps the right period products stocked in the bathroom as well
~ He eventually commissions Haggar to make a cure for you so that you don't have to deal with your condition for the rest of your life; it can be done because she knows ancient altean healing magic
~ Modern galra technology and medicine also gives her an advantage, it just takes her a little while to make a cure for you
~ Kolivan ~
~ Shortly after Kolivan started courting you he noticed how there was something different about you; he never noticed it much before, but you seem tired and in pain more than the paladins
~ Before he could ask you about it you confessed that you have a condition that makes you experience chronic pain and fatigue, as well as a few other unpleasant symptoms
~ Kolivan isn't familiar with human conditions and illnesses, although he does everything he can to make you comfortable
~ You agree to move in with him so he can take care of you easier after he asks you
~ He asks Ulaz if he can make a cure for you because he doesn't want you to keep suffering from your condition
~ Ulaz can definitely make something, but it'll take a while because some of the things he needs are rare and hard to find
~ Until then he lets you rest as much as you need to, he even made the bed more comfy for you
~ You appreciate that Kolivan's willing to take the time out of his schedule in order to take care of you
~ He listens to you when you need someone to talk to and he helps you with simple exercises
~ If you need someone else to talk to you talk to the on-site therapist
~ Doing yoga with him every couple of days helps you to relax
~ Ulaz keeps muscle relaxant ointment in stock for you, it's effective in making your chronic pain less painful
~ There isn't much anyone can do for your chronic fatigue until your cure is ready
~ You take plenty of naps, though
~ If you need a massage then he gives you a massage if he's not too busy
~ You couldn't have asked for a better significant other, until your cure is ready Kolivan takes care of you in every way imaginable
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fuerstinlya · 1 year
Royal greetings!
Another sketch/doodle of kolivan
I was trying some lipstick on and decorating a piece of paper with it. Later, I thought it would be a cool background pattern for a little midnight sketch!
confused Kolivan
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Stay tuned, darlings!
-Fürstin Lya
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sergeantnex · 2 years
Kolivan x Jealous!Reader: Misunderstandings (Angst/Fluff)
.:.:.Third POV.:.:.
(Y/n) knew well that as leader of the Blades, Kolivan was usually busy. Always keeping watching over various ships and agents at work. Even though he was usually busy, he somehow made time for his beautiful mate. Time to rest with her and time to pamper her as much as he could. They were usually together working on something, like escape plans or even tracking shipments.
But when Krolia, Keith and (Y/n) found Kolivan near death his mates life changed. Fear was swelling in her chest with the sight of her strong partner so weak. She held him close listening to his heart and breathing, it was a reminder he was alive. Krolia told Keith to finish what they started that she and (Y/n) would care for Kolivan. (Y/n) barely left Kolivan's side as he was recovering always making sure she was ready to rush to his aid if need be. But something changed between them when he began recovering.
He spent less time around (Y/n) and more time around Krolia. At first she thought nothing about it but the more time alone she got the more ideas her mind formed. (Y/n) began to loath the idea of being alone, so she tried spending more time around Keith and his friends. She didn't exactly interact very much but it was enough for Keith to know she wasn't herself. Keith was the first to notice her changes, how could he not. She grew quiet barely speaking to anyone anymore, and she began to wear bigger tops at least that's what he thought at first. Keith was hoping to talk to her so he headed to the nesting room where they all often slept.
He didn't expect her to be changing clothes when he stepped in and before he could even say anything his violet eyes found her thinning form. Her once plump form had grown thinner and thinner without them even noticing. How did no one notice? Than Keith took notice of how tired she looked, the bags under her eyes had grown noticeable. Frustrated Keith decided he would take matters into his own hands, which meant following her without her knowing. Something wasn't right and he was determined to find out what had torn apart his best friend. Keith expected her to head for Kolivan's office and at first that's where she was going. Until the sound of his mother's laughter sounded Kolivan's own laugh not far behind.
(Y/n) had her hand raised to knock but her form began shaking, soft hiccups left her lips. She quickly turned tail and left, Keith saw the sorrow in her eyes and the tears that escaped. One thing echoed in his mind, how had Kolivan not notice his own mates change? So without knocking like he was supposed to, he came storming into the office and locked the door behind him, earning looks of confusion from both. His angered huff turned quickly to a fearsome sound of a threatening growl. It startled Krolia and Kolivan because never had they seen his eyes form in to slits or any Galran sound leave him. But here he was snarling at Kolivan, his hands curled into fists.
"Are you BLIND?!" Keith barked his voice filled with rage and dominance. It made Krolia flinch and Kolivan's instincts to go in to defense which was to respond with a growl back to Keith.
"Notice what?" Krolia questioned trying to prevent a fight between both members. Keith felt his frustration build even further than he thought was possible. Snarling he slammed his fist in to the wall until his hand was bleeding.
"You are her mate!! How are you not seeing what I see?!" He screamed causing Kolivan to freeze at the mention of (Y/n). What was he not seeing? He noticed her becoming distant but he wasn't sure how to approach her about it. After all he didn't know much about humans he only really knew that their customs were far more different than Galran customs.
"Keith explain yourself." Kolivan felt anxiousness flood his system while one question bounced around his head the most. What was wrong with his mate?
"You-! You have continued to push (Y/n) away!! Have you not noticed how thin she is? Or even how little sleep she's getting? All of it is because of you!" Keith turned and left seeking out (Y/n) before he did something reckless. Kolivan completely froze in his seat, his eyes becoming unfocused as thoughts plagued his mind.
.:.:.Kolivan's POV.:.:.
Was I really that blinded? Had (Y/n) changed that much? Keith was right, how did I not notice the changes sooner? I mean it was nice having Krolia around again so of course I spent more time with her. She and I grew up together in the same pack, quiznack we were like siblings. The more I thought about it the more it dawned on me, (Y/n) didn't distance herself from me. I was the one who focused the distance between her and I, I did this. I hadn't realized my ears were back and that I had whined until Krolia rumbled trying to calm me.
"Kolivan what's wrong?" Krolia asked moving to stand. Shaking my head I swiftly stood and began following Keith's scent. He and (Y/n) were close so if I wanted to find her, I had to find him. Though after his display I don't think finding him is the best idea. He loved (Y/n) like a sister so there was no way he would just let this go. His scent lead me back to the the nesting room, which wasn't surprising. The nesting room had other rooms attached to it, each room claimed by us. Keith had his own, Krolia had her own, while (Y/n) and I had our own. Entering the nesting room I headed straight for our shared room, hoping she was inside.
I whined loudly when to door opened to reveal an empty room, the sheets looked as though they hadn't been touched. (Y/n)'s scent was so faint I almost couldn't pick it up, which meant she hadn't stepped foot in our room in a while. Feeling even further worried for my mate, I quickly turned to head for Keith's room.
"Keith?" I almost whispered when I saw him standing there in his blade uniform. His face read pure anger, his stance told me that I was going to have to fight if I got closer. In the years of fighting with Keith I had never seen him this mad before. Taking a breath I lifted my hands in submission to him letting have his dominance.
"Let me see her, please." My voice sounded much more stable than I felt. Knowing I hurt my own mate felt horrible, if Antok were here I'm sure he would've beat me.
"No! You've hurt her enough! If you want her back than earn her trust back, until than she stays with me." Keith wasn't stupid by any means. Keith knew that when Galran mates fought, the male had to re-present himself to the female. Until than the female stayed with family or a close friend. The female could go back or make the male work.
"I plan to, just let me see her. I need to know the damage I've done to her, I need to see her." I hadn't noticed how desperate to see her I was. I was so lost at the fact I had my old friend back that I ignored my own partner. I couldn't come up with an excuse good enough for her, and I knew I didn't have one.
Keith snarled before returning towards his room, briefly stepping in. When he stepped out, (Y/n) slightly hid behind him. She was wearing a pair of what humans called booty shorts and one of Keith's shirts. As I took in her appearance I saw what Keith saw, (Y/n) looked exhausted. His shirts normally would be tight on her but instead it looked fairly loose. Her once bright (e/c) eyes were dull, her (h/l) (h/c) hair was messily put up, and her stance read of mistrust. It pained me to see how much I had neglected her, even at my busiest I managed to care for her. What was wrong with me?
"(Y/n) go back to the room, I'll get snacks and different drinks." Keith rumbled to her shaking form, I hadn't noticed she had begun to cry.
"I-" Taking a deep breath I bowed to Keith, "I swear to do better and do my all to regain her trust. Please give me another chance." It felt odd kneeling to Keith but it was tradition to make a plea with the mates guardian or protector. Keith was making it clear that he wasn't leaving her side, which deep down I thankful for.
"W-why?" (Y/n)'s weak and shaky voice came as she glanced at me. I felt my chest ache and my throat burn harshly.
"I'm afraid.. I don't have a valid reason for ignoring you. (Y/n) please understand, I will fix this. I never meant to hurt you like this.." I whispered watching her give a hiccuping whine. Keith lead her back to his room before closing and locking his door.
"You know it started off with her being jealous of my mom, because she felt like my mom would be a better match for you. Than you started getting distant from her and it only made her feel worse. So her mind basically attacked her with false thoughts, but the only one who could tell her otherwise was overlooking her." Keith glared roughly towards me. I followed Keith out of the nesting room hoping to have him relax a bit, I wouldn't break tradition. Once he had returned to her, I left to take a ship to find some time the best items to gift her. (Y/n) loved the crystals I brought her but what else could I do for her?
.:.:.Reader's POV.:.:.
My eyes burned and began to feel heavy, I was to worried to go to bed so I began shifting every so often. Keith noticed my shifting before he took a hold of me, pulling me to his side. I tensed at the affection before melting into him, crying from days of being so overwhelmed. Even when I could no longer fight my eyes open, I clung to Keith refusing to let go. I woke beside Keith still holding on to him. As I began getting up Keith pulled me back towards him, laughing softly I explained I wanted a shower. Nodding he let go of me letting get a change of clothes before I headed for the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I froze, there by the sink were similar crystals Kolivan had given me the day we became mates.
Covering them with my clothes I quickly climbed into the shower, I didn't want gifts. I wanted him to prove that I was what mattered, that he still loved me. Huffing softly I buried my face in my arms as I sat on the floor of the shower. I missed him, I missed his scent and I wanted nothing more than to go to him. The heat of the water felt amazing against my sore muscles, it made me want to sleep.The longer I sat there, the more I wanted to curl up and sleep with the hot water.
Keith came in to check on me, and when he peaked at me to see me half asleep he pulled me out. Wrapping me in a towel and gathering my things, he handed me my stuff before lifting me up. On the way to the room my tired eyes met Kolivan's concerned eyes. Sighing I hid my face in Keith's neck hoping to hide as much as possible. I got dressed very sloppily before curling up in Keith's sheets once again. Keith thought I had fallen asleep and left to train for a bit. I waited a few minutes before getting up and venturing into the nesting room. There in the nest was a stressed out Kolivan, his sigh giving him away. I softly stepped, slowly creeping my way over to him.
He mumbled something in galran that I didn't understand, while he was distracted I leaned my chest against his back. He tensed and froze, not wanting to possibly scare me away I guess. I took a deep breath, the only scent I could smell was Kolivan's natural musk that I fell in love with.
"Please don't leave." I whispered softly nuzzling myself closer to him so I could wrap my arms around his neck. Kolivan slowly raised his hand to rub my arm waiting to see how I'd react.
.:.:.Third POV.:.:.
(Y/n) had spent days basking in her own jealousy so much that she let it consume her and her relationship with Kolivan. Her biggest fear now was losing him because of her feelings. Kolivan lightly pulled her away before shifting to face her giving her space to climb into his lap if that was what she wanted.
"Little Blade we still need to talk about things." Kolivan rumbled holding her smaller frame close, hoping nothing could ruin their moment. Although they had to talk about what happened, otherwise it would repeat itself which that was the last thing he wanted, for now holding his mate would do.
"I saw how well you and Krolia got along and even though you told me that the two of you were nothing more than old friends I just-" (Y/n) started but quickly stopped and sighed heavily. "I just got jealous of her. She has so many good qualities that I don't."
"She is more of a sister to me than anything else. Besides we Galra have a history of mating for life, she met her mate and had Keith. I have mine, and I hope she forgives my foolish actions and my ignorance." Kolivan whispered nuzzling the side of her neck letting his scent mix with hers.
"Of course I forgive you. Koli I forgave you the moment you said 'I'm sorry'. It's me who should apologize, I didn't talk with you like I said I would. Instead I let it control me and now look where we are." (Y/n) couldn't help but hold him tighter than what she previously was. She never wanted to feel like this again and Kolivan never wanted to see her in this state again.
Kolivan smiled at the sound of his nickname she had given him over the past few months. Kolivan relaxed in the nest holding his beautiful mate close, he couldn't resist the urge to groom the water from her (h/c) hair. A purr rising in his chest as he did so. The deep rumbling in his chest made her relax and begin to drift to sleep. He stopped grooming her to look at her tired form, smiling gently.
Kolivan thanked the stars that everything was working out, that he had her back in his arms. He slowly leaned back in to the nest holding his mate tightly. Worried that if he let go she would disappear any second. It didn't take long for the two to fall asleep feeling at peace in each other's arms. (Y/n) being the first to fall asleep feeling safe and loved in his arms. As Keith returned from training he froze, staring into the nest. He gave a huff before checking to make sure that (Y/n) came to Kolivan. Once he was she was safe and well in his arms, Keith turned and headed for the showers. Krolia came out for her room only to smile and watch Kolivan nuzzle into her.
Krolia went into their chosen room and brought them a blanket laying it over them, careful not to wake them. Krolia took a hold of Kolivan's data pad and began to finish her needed paperwork. It would tell her immediately when her work came in, so why not finish while things were calm. Keith soon exited the bathroom smiling as he stepped over to his mom.
"How did you guys not know about her jealousy?" He asked softly making sure not to wake Kolivan or (Y/n).
"It's another thing that is different between races. A Galran woman will pick a fight for their mate, the fight is either between the females or between the mates. I noticed with your father that human woman are much more emotional. She didn't act emotional though, she kept her cool instead of making this big hassle." Krolia explained softly letting her hand run through (Y/n)'s (h/l) (h/c) hair.
Krolia felt bad for not noticing very well and not saying anything but she will say her peace tomorrow once they are both are awake. But for now she would let them rest in each other's embrace there wasn't a point in waking them up. She quickly finished her reports before turning them in and waiting for the notification that it was received. Once it notified that the reports were in she eased the data pad down by the nest. She touched her head to Keith's sweetly bidding him a goodnight than moving to her own room to rest. Keith smiled slightly then heading for heading to his own room. He didn't like that (Y/n) had forgiven Kolivan so quickly but what could he do.
As he got ready to bed a thought came to him, if Kolivan ever did anything like this again he would not like Keith's response. Keith would definitely fight him and prevent them from seeing each other until he worked harder. Keith never wanted to see (Y/n) so upset again, it hurt him seeing her like that. Sighing softly he turned out his lights and headed to bed, his hand lightly touching his blade before he actually fell asleep.
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Let's say Kolivan has a daughter and shes also part of the BOM. Let's also say Keith thinks shes the most beautiful thing hes ever soon. And Hes kind of obsessed with her fluffy ears. How would Kolivan react to figuring out Keith is pining over his daughter? Would Keith as for help? Would Kolivans daughter ask for help from the other paladins because (PLOT TWIST) she ALSO likes Keith back!?!
Ooooo I like this! Super cute!!! Not sure if you wanted some headcanons or a scenario so I’m gonna write some headcanons. So sorry it took me so long to get to your request!
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Kolivan is VERY protective oh his daughter and was very hesitant to let them become a member of the Blade of Marmora
His daughter is his daughter, his blood family and no one would ever think twice about hurting her
He hand trained his daughter so she is certainly a lethal threat and not one to be messed with
He’s ever so proud of his daughter but still hesitant to let her go on missions
And the day Keith joined the Blade of Marmora, Kolivan noticed how his daughter looked at Keith and how he looked at her
He knew this day would come one day but he had never fully prepared himself for
Keith had been smitten since the moment he first saw her during the trials of Marmora
Shiro had noticed too and even encouraged Keith to pursue his feelings for Kolivan’s daughter
Kolivan had always chased off possible suitors for his daughter or his daughter did that themselves
But he noticed how close his daughter and Keith were growing and how well they worked together
Keith in particularly loves the fluffy ears on Kolivan’s daughter and likes to play with them after tough missions as it calms him down along with her
Kolivan is honestly conflicted about the possibility of a relationship between Keith and his daughter
He wants her to be happy and have a fulfilling life away from the Blades and not spend their life fighting 
But he’s also very protective over his daughter and is very cautious about any possible relationship she may have
He’ll 100% murder anyone who breaks his daughter’s heart
So when he is sure that Keith is pining after his daughter, he accepts it but he’s going to do the fatherly thing and sit down to have a discussion with him
And surprise surprise! Kolivan’s daughter turns to the Paladins because she too like Keith and wants some advice
Shiro guides Kolivan’s daughter away to actually sit down and talk with her because he’s known Keith the longest and is the best person for advice regarding Keith
Kolivan encourages the relationship for Keith and his daughter but he’s going to make the threat very clear to Keith that if he hurts his daughter, he’s never going to see the light of day again
Sorry about these shitty headcanons! Thanks for the request! ~Admin Mae
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aceofdaibazaal-blog · 7 years
Dads of momora love interest ( request pt 3 )
Request: May I have a HC for the dads of marmora reacting to their foul mouthed and ill tempered female human medic (love interest) being extremely good with kids/kits, particularly the orphaned ones since she knew what it was like to be abandoned since she and her bother were orphaned and when she’s with kids it’s the only time she’s calm and sappy, even getting attached to a certain young cub who will cry is she leaves, they think she’ll make a great mother one day 😏
A/N: I wonder if this is the same person requesting all of these... if it is you're awesome, and if not you're still awesome 😂😘
- It's surprised him at first, he never would've thought you liked children seeing as how you treated the other blades.
- Loves to watch you play with the orphans, think it's adorable that they love you so much
- Likes how patient you are with them, wishes you were that patient with the other blades
- Secretly loves all the children who love you, because most of them have a testy personality like yours
- Can't stop himself from think about someday having children with you, even though he tries to push those thoughts away because to him the idea seems impossible :(
- Loves to play with the children with you, if your with the orphans he's with the orphans
- Since his childhood was much like yours he understands why you get sappy when your with them, and sad when you have to leave them
- Likes to think about his future with you and wonders if it will ever happen
- Was a little surprised when he first saw you with the orphans
- Think it's adorable when you play with the orphans, especially since no one would expect it from you
- He wasn't really surprised you got along with the kids really well, Kolivan may have told him about you past
- Sometimes if you ask him he'll come be with you and the orphans
- When he does the children like to hang on him and play with his ears ( "I think someone likes you." You said playfully as the little ones played with his hair and ears. "Our children will never be allowed to do this." He muttered trying to gets the kids off him. "O-Our?" You stuttered making Ulaz turn a deep shade of purple. )
- Knows that you'll be an amazing mother one day, even if it's not his children
- Teases you when you say your going to go see the orphans
- Thinks it's very cute when you play games with the orphans, sometimes he will come and play with you
- Loves to watch you try to teach the orphans how to sword fight
- think that one day you'll make an amazing mother
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vevehoshizora · 7 years
MORE TIME - (vld) allura x reader
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r e q u e s t e d “Can you please write Allura losing her female s/o in a battle with Zarkon?” |[ 1,451 words ]|
WARNINGS: fights, injuries, deaths, mention of death
Y/N = your name
I was really unsure on how to approach the reader’s death or how Allura would react, so I hope you still like how it turned out.
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 You were a fighter. Yet, you hadn’t been chosen to be one of Voltron’s Paladins. Not that it bothered you much. You were happy to assist Allura, your girlfriend, in the Castle while the Paladins went on missions. Yet, you still wished you could be of more use.
 You were a fighter after all. You longed to be able to feel the thrilling sensation of adrenaline rushing through your veins as you fought against an adversary. And if it helped a greater cause in the meantime, then it was a plus.
 But, hey, if it meant that you could spend and enjoy more time with Allura, you didn’t mind not fighting.
 Now, you knew that it was the time to fight. And, as much as you were excited to be able to do so, you were a little worried for Allura.
 It was Team Voltron’s second assault against Zarkon’s Central Command. Everything had gone fairly well. Shiro had distracted Zarkon and his fleet while the other Paladins placed the cloaked Teludav above the enemy ship. Unfortunately, as Thace had been missing, Keith had decided to infiltrate Zarkon’s ship to shut it down. Team Voltron and the Blade of Malmora had successfully wormholed the ship with the help of the Teludav and the Paladins started attacking the ship in its main point.
 Everything was going well. That is, until Haggar used her powers and shot Voltron with a powerful blast of quintessence. The robot was rendered useless as it shut down, its vital energy sucked out of it by the strange blast.
 Luckily, the Paladins weren’t injured in the attack. But their luck quickly ran out when Zarkon exited the Galra ship with an exoskeleton of his own. Allura tried to protect the Paladins as best as she could with the Castle. The last thing you remembered was Zarkon deflecting the Castle’s blast back at the ship and it colliding violently against the Castle as everything became white.
 You eyes jolted open as you gasp, quickly looking around you. The room was dark, but you could clearly make out the unconscious form of Allura, Coran, Kolivan and Antok. The Castle had shut down, which had also turned off the gravity.
 As you floated towards Allura, you remarked that Coran was slowly waking up. You reached the Princess of Altea and you took her in your arms.  
 Coran, who was now awake, pushed himself to both of you. “Princess!” he called out. The girl’s eyes opened. “Are you alright, Lu?” you asked.
 "I’m fine,“ she breathed out before she looked at Coran, “How badly is the Castle damaged?”
 The red-headed man turned towards the room’s control panel. “Our power levels are decimated. Communications aren’t working. We can’t reach the paladins. I’m afraid we can’t fight anymore,” Coran explained.
 "We cannot give up,“ Allura replied. Grunts were heard from the room’s door as Slav pushed the entrance opened. “Did we win yet?” he asked.
 Allura thought for a second before she turned to Coran. She told him to do whatever he could with the help of Slav to get the Castle working again, before she looked at the members of the Blade of Marmora.
 "Kolivan, can you get me to the komar?“ the white-haired girl asked. "It will be dangerous, but I know a way,” the man responded. Allura nodded as she ordered Kolivan and Antok to follow her as she left the room, ignoring the warning made by Coran. You looked around in confusion, wondering if your girlfriend had forgotten you.
 You followed them out in the hallway and, has you approached them, Allura stopped. “You aren’t coming, Y/N,” she said. Kolivan and Antok quickly left ahead.
 You stared at her in bewilderment. “How about: Yes, I am,” you replied. Allura was about to reply but you interrupted her: “Lu, I love you, but you and I both know that no matter what you say, I’ll still be going and you can’t stop me.”
 The girl frowned at that. Soon, after, the princess sighed as she gave up. She muttered an “Alright…” as you exchanged a quick kiss before you both continued on your way to the hangar.
 Allura, Kolivan, Antok and you sneaked under Zarkon’s Central Command with the help of hovercrafts and you entered the komar, quickly stopping Haggar’s next attack. You jumped into a platform with a druid, soon followed by the others. 
 You quickly kicked the druid off the platform you were standing on. Haggar sent her other druids to attack. The battle went on for a while. “Antok!” you heard Kolivan cry out and, as you turned around, you saw said man falling to the ground, lifeless.  
 You quickly dodged a blast of magic  when a druid flew in front of you. You jumped unto his platform and knocked him out before pushing him off. You turned back around and remarked that Allura now was on the main platform, facing against Haggar. “No…” you breathed out.
 As Allura was fighting against Haggar. The princess dodged a few blasts before she retaliated. The witch teleported behind Allura and, just as she was about to send another blast, the white-haired girl knocked Haggar to the ground.
 Said woman rolled to the edge of the platform and, as she sat up, her now-uncovered face turned to Allura. The girl gasped as Haggar’s Altean origins were revealed: “You’re Altean?”
 Haggar used the princess’ moment of inattention to send a powerful blast of quintessence towards Allura. As the ray was about to hit, the princess brace for impact, but it never reached her. “Allura!” the girl heard before something hit the ground before her. She opened her eyes and they widened immediately as she remarked your unmoving form on the ground. “Y/N!” she cried out.
 As she bent down to reach you, a blast hit her. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt her and, as she re-opened her eyes, the white-haired girl remarked that she was engulfed in a pink-purple glow. “Impossible!” Haggar yelled as she sent another ray of quintessence.
 It still didn’t affect Allura who slowly advanced towards the witch. Haggar fell to her knees. “You will never destroy another innocent world!” Allura exclaimed as she used the aura of quintessence around her body to attack the Altean witch. Haggar quickly flew away by teleporting, avoiding the attack in the meantime.
 Allura’s vision blurred as she stumbled towards you. “Y/N…” she murmured before she fell unconscious beside you, exhausted.
 Kolivan reached the main platform. He quickly took both you and Allura in his arms, and left the ship. Soon, Coran, who had repaired the Castle with Slav, picked the three up.
 Allura jolted awake. The girl glanced around the room, confused. She was in her room. She groaned at the pain in her head. Coran entered the room, a grim expression on his face.
 "Coran? What happened?“ the princess asked. "The Paladins successfully defeated Zarkon. Unfortunately, Shiro is missing. He vanished without a trace…”
 Allura closed her eyes, releasing a sad sigh. “Any ideas why Shiro disappeared and where he now is?” she asked, gazing at the man.
 "Zarkon tried to gain control of the Black Lion just before the Paladins defeated him. We suspect that he activated the lion’s teleporting function and sent Shiro away. We still don’t know about he’s whereabouts,“ Coran explained. Allura sadly nodded, looking down.
 Suddenly, the white-haired princess’ head snapped up. "Y/N!” she exclaimed as she got up. “Y/N got hurt! Where is she?” the girl continued. She was met with silence.
 Allura looked at Coran, and remarked that he was avoiding her gaze. “Coran?” she said, frowning. The red-haired man approached the princess and sat her back down on the bed. “Allura…” Coran started and the girl narrowed her eyes at him, suspiciously.
 Coran always called her ‘Princess’ out of respect. The only times the man would use her name was when he was really serious.
 "Coran, what is it?“ Allura asked, throat tightening. The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. He met Allura’s eyes.
 "Y/N… didn’t make it, Allura,” Coran dropped the bomb. The girl froze, her mind becoming blank. She blinked.
 "You’re lying. This is a joke,“ the princess tried to deny it, but she knew, deep down, that the red-haired man, who had always been there for her, wouldn’t lie about such thing.
 The girl gazed at the wall, eyes burning. Coran approached Allura and engulfed her in a hug as the princess cried for her lost love. "I’m so sorry,” Coran said as he gently tightened his grip on the sobbing girl, trying his best to comfort the heartbroken princess.
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galraluver · 6 months
Erm, it has been literally a year since I've requested lmao. Anyways, I have a request while they are open.
One of the Galra (specifically looking for Thace or Kolivan) don't know that some humans dye their hair, so when they have a S/O who religiously dyes their hair purple they just assume they're half galra, until they catch them dying their hair. They hadn't actually said anything to their human S/O about assuming they're partially Galran, so it surprised when they say they thought that.
I'm glad that you're still around, I apologize for the long wait for requests to be open 😅. That's actually a really interesting idea, I'll be happy to write them 😊
I think that someone else already requested something really similar on someone else's blog, but I'm still going to post this because I took my time to write it last year and I still want to fulfill your request
Ever since (Y/n) was old enough to dye her hair purple she did because purple was her favorite color, other people didn't always like it but she didn't care. She dyed her hair purple each time the dye started losing its color, so naturally she always kept purple hair dye on hand in her bathroom. (Y/n) was glad that the Garrison allowed people to dye their hair, she would have died if she couldn't dye her hair. The students she taught always thought she was the cool teacher because she wasn't as old fashioned as the other teachers; that, and she allowed snacks in her class. After (Y/n) found herself in space with the paladins she thought that she would have to let her hair go natural since she didn't bring any hair dye with her, luckily she found a store at the space mall that sold hair dye for all hair types.
(Y/n) already wasn't expecting to end up millions of lightyears away from Earth; meeting aliens completely blew her mind and ending up in a romantic relationship with a buff alien man twice her height had seemed impossible until it actually happened. Kolivan, the man she would eventually be marrying after the war with the galra empire ended, was standoffish with almost everyone except for her and maybe Keith, depending on what kind of mood he was in. The reason Kolivan trusted her and Keith was because Keith was Krolia's son and he thought she was half galra too, only he was attracted to (Y/n) and wanted her to eventually be his mate. (Y/n) found it strange that Kolivan was so open to her ever since they got to know each other better, although she was glad that he reciprocated her feelings. One day while she was busy dyeing her hair in one of the bathrooms in the castle of lions, Kolivan went looking for her after attending a strategy meeting with the paladins; he decided to ask Shiro if he knew where his significant other was.
“(Y/n) is usually here waiting for me after our meetings, would you happen to know where she is?” Kolivan asked Shiro with genuine curiosity, wondering where his beloved was during that moment.
“I think she's fixing her hair in the bathroom near the bedrooms.” Shiro replied, telling the older man where (Y/n) was.
“Thank you.” Kolivan responded with gratitude before he started his journey to where his girlfriend was.
The corners of Shiro's mouth twitched upwards, he was happy for (Y/n) because she finally found someone who loved her; Kolivan might not have been the most social person out there, but he loved her and she loved him. One of (Y/n's) physical aspects Kolivan loved most was her hair, it was a beautiful shade of purple and he loved gently running his fingers through it. She obviously wasn't related to Keith, he often found himself wondering how and when another galra landed on Earth and had the time to mate with a human; he wondered if someone from the galra empire went to Earth before Krolia but had a change of heart after falling in love with a human. (Y/n) had the bathroom door open so she could have the proper ventilation, although she wasn't expecting Kolivan to be looking for her. Kolivan got the shock of his life when he saw (Y/n) dyeing her hair purple, his heart almost stopped when he saw her natural hair color; (Y/n) never knew that Kolivan thought she was half galra, she always assumed he knew that she dyed her hair.
“(Y/n)? What is all of this?” Kolivan asked (Y/n) in disbelief, hardly able to wrap his mind around the fact that she wasn't half galra; he didn't necessarily feel betrayed because her lineage never came up, although it was still a shock to him.
“Oh, hey Koli. I'm just dyeing my hair.” (Y/n) cheerfully greeted her boyfriend when she turned to look at him before facing the mirror again, not thinking much of it while she carefully rubbed the purple dye into her soft locks.
All Kolivan could do was stand there and stare, completely dumbfounded that he'd mistaken a simple dye job for galra genes. It made a lot more sense to him as to why (Y/n) was so nose blind and why she wasn't as strong as Keith, but it ultimately didn't matter what species she was because he would always love her no matter what. He watched as she finished putting the purple dye in her hair before she took off and placed the reusable gloves in the sink after she washed them off, watching his future wife dye her hair unnerved him a little. (Y/n) looked at Kolivan's reflection in the mirror and saw the conflicted expression on his face, she felt bad for not telling him sooner that she dyed her hair purple. She turned to face him after she set the timer on her phone, prepared to answer any of his questions.
“How long have you been dyeing your hair?” Kolivan questioned when (Y/n) fully faced him, trying his best not to offend her; he didn't want to make her feel bad, he just wanted to understand why she enjoyed dyeing her hair and for how long she had been doing it.
“I've been doing it for a few years. I- I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't think it would ever come up.” (Y/n) apologized, feeling anxious when she looked her boyfriend in the eye while she spoke to him.
“I thought you were half galra- I never considered that you simply dyed your hair. I don't love you any less, but it's a lot for me to take in.” Kolivan explained before he gave (Y/n) the wrong idea, he didn't want her to think he would break things off with her from a simple misunderstanding.
(Y/n) never would have thought he would think she was half galra, although it definitely explained why he was so friendly with her when they first met each other. Since Kolivan didn't seem too upset she began telling him why she began dyeing her hair purple and when; she didn't necessarily hate her real hair color, but she liked having purple hair a lot more. For a moment she was worried that he didn't like her dyeing her hair purple, thankfully he didn't hold it against her and accepted her sense of style. Kolivan knew about hair dye, he remembered a time when Ulaz accidentally dyed the fur growing out of his crest pink instead of dark purple like he'd originally planned, the memory would always be burned in his mind. He still thought (Y/n) looked very attractive with purple hair and offered to help her with the dyeing process if she needed his help in the future, (Y/n) appreciated Kolivan's offer to help her very much.
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galraluver · 3 months
my love, may i request something for Kolivan again??
You can decide if its a headcanon or scenario, can you write something about this relationship dynamic:
Reader, who was being raised to a independent women: "Let me pay."
Kolivan, who was being raised to treat his mate like a goddess: "No. Let me spoil you."
And it's always about the most irrelevant things like grocery shopping but one day the reader looks a little bit too long at a necklace and her mate notices it.
...that's when the drama begins
Take your time and thank you very much!
- Fürstin Lya
You most certainly can 🥰. I can totally imagine this exact scenario being a dilemma in galra/human relationships
Kolivan and (Y/n) loved each other, it was very obvious that they did, although they were raised very differently and sometimes they got into arguments about certain things. Kolivan had been raised to spoil his mate and provide for whomever he chose to spend the rest of his life with while (Y/n) had been raised to be independent. During the early stages of their relationship (Y/n) felt uncomfortable because Kolivan spoiled her with various expensive gifts and she couldn't necessarily reciprocate in the way she would have liked to, but she always had to remind herself that galra culture was different and he was simply proving that he could provide well like a good significant other would. Kolivan understood that courtship during war had the potential to be dangerous, thankfully everything turned out fine and he married (Y/n) once the war was finished. (Y/n) still maintained her independent streak and sometimes it led to them arguing about the littlest of things when it came time to pay for something, even groceries; Kolivan didn't resent his wife for being an independent woman, it was one of the things he admired about her, although he wished that she would at least sometimes relax and let him pay for things more often.
When the weekend came Kolivan decided to take (Y/n) out on a little shopping trip at the nearest mall; they stopped by a few stores and even ate lunch together at the food court, (Y/n) let him pay for lunch since she knew he wanted to do something nice for her. (Y/n) enjoyed having a day out with her husband, especially since the mall wasn't too horribly busy that day; they held each other's hands while holding the shopping bags with their free hands, both of them walking together to their next destination. With the war being done, seeing various aliens in public on every planet, including Earth, was the new normal and no one really stared at them. Kolivan and (Y/n) looked at each other for a moment and smiled, then they looked straight ahead since neither of them wanted to accidentally run into something or someone. (Y/n) occasionally peeked into each store she and Kolivan passed just to see what each one had to offer, although she didn't necessarily see anything she liked yet.
“I really hope that they have it in stock.” (Y/n) said wishfully while she and Kolivan walked hand in hand, hoping that the store they were going to had the new item she wanted.
“I'm sure they will; in malls like this one, store owners are usually well prepared and have extra in stock if they sell out in the main part of the store.” Kolivan assured her, smiling slightly because of his mate's eagerness to finally get her hands on something she'd wanted for a while.
Out of everything they'd bought at the mall that day (Y/n) was really looking forward to buying one item in particular, she even spent a little extra time at work so she could save up for it. She tightened her grip on his hand and leaned in to Kolivan for a moment, their gazes meeting again for a few seconds. The sight of Kolivan wearing casual clothes was amazing enough as it was; his outfit consisted of a plain dark blue t-shirt, black pants and medium gray galra sized sneakers, and (Y/n) wore something similar so they could wear somewhat matching outfits. Aside from the usual stores there were a few kiosks in the wide hallway, each one selling something different. On the way to their destination they passed by a kiosk that sold unique jewelry and there was one necklace in particular that (Y/n) really liked; Kolivan noticed how intently his wife stared at the necklace and stopped walking which caused her to stop walking, too.
“Do you see something that you like?” Kolivan whispered to (Y/n), attempting to follow her gaze to see if he could guess what she had her eyes on so he could buy it for her.
“It's nothing- I just saw a really cute necklace.” (Y/n) answered bashfully prior to reaching for her wallet, prepared to pay for the beautiful piece of jewelry.
“Let me get it for you.” Kolivan interrupted after he let go of her hand, reaching for his own wallet.
“I can pay for it on my own, I don't want you to have to pay for everything and I've saved up enough after doing a little overtime.” (Y/n) replied with an equally quiet tone, not wanting to be a financial burden or make him feel as though she was using him for money.
“I'm your husband and I want to do this for you.” Kolivan responded lowly whilst trying his best not to make a scene in public; he honestly just wanted to do something nice for his significant other, her refusal made him feel inadequate and frustrated.
“I don't want you to feel obligated to pay for something like this.” (Y/n) quietly argued, feeling just as frustrated as her husband about the situation.
Kolivan quickly came up with a counter argument, promising her that he wasn't offering to pay for the necklace out of obligation; he genuinely wanted to buy something nice for her, even though she was capable of paying for it herself. (Y/n) had always been an independent woman, even when she was young, and the thought of someone buying something for her made her feel uncomfortable; she'd mostly gotten over that way of thinking after Kolivan courted her, unfortunately she still had to get used to it. She needed a moment to think it over and Kolivan gave her that time, he wasn't going to rush her to make the decision. The owner of the kiosk watched Kolivan and (Y/n) bicker like an old married couple despite neither of them being anywhere near old yet. After a couple of minutes (Y/n) finally made her decision; it wasn't necessarily easy, but it had to be made.
“Alright, you can pay for it.” (Y/n) responded with a slight hesitation, making eye contact with Kolivan as she spoke softly.
“Are you sure?” Kolivan questioned, wanting to make sure that he wasn't putting any pressure on her.
“Yes, I'm sure.” (Y/n) answered with confidence, but still speaking quietly.
“Which one do you like?” Kolivan inquired with curiosity, stepping forward so he could pick up the right necklace.
(Y/n) pointed at the necklace that had caught her eye and watched as he picked it up and took his wallet out of his pocket, fully prepared to pay for the lovely piece of jewelry; she took a deep breath to help herself get over the uncomfortable feeling in her stomach, reminding herself that Kolivan wanting to spoil her a little was perfectly normal considering they were married. Kolivan paid for the necklace and the kiosk owner put it in a little bag, then they gave it to him so he could give it to his wife. On their way away from the kiosk (Y/n) thanked him for the gift and apologized for being so hesitant about him paying for the necklace, although Kolivan understood that it was her independent streak that made her that way and he accepted her apology. (Y/n) began to feel a little better about the situation a few minutes later, plus receiving a gift from her husband made her feel giddy. Kolivan couldn't wait to see (Y/n) wear the necklace at a later date, it would go perfectly with two different outfits in particular and he knew she couldn't wait to try it on after they went home.
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fuerstinlya · 10 months
Royal greetings,
Ik it's a little bit unusual, but I've had an idea for a Kolivan x Reader fanfic (if it doesn't already exist. If not, feel free to use the idea):
you know, when Keith had to participate in the trials, he saw his father again because he was a person he missed, and he spoke to Keith about his Blade and Keith's mother. later, he also met Shiro.
What if kolivan decides to do the trials again and the person he sees is his long lost love. He's talking to her/him for the first time in a long time.
Keith's father at the time could give information that Keith couldn't know, so he was speaking from HIS memory.
So what if Kolivan's mate tells him that s/he's still alive???
I mean, imagine the following dialogue (written with the right atmosphere):
Kolivan, with little tears in his eyes: "I am so sorry that I could not protect you back then."
(Y/N), just smiling: "Oh Kolivan, everything will be fine. You look older now... but it suits you. You're alive, and the war is over."
Kolivan: "That doesn't matter, now that you're gone."
(Y/N), giggling: "Oh silly... I... I never really died, Kolivan. Sometimes... you just have to find your luck. And now... You have to find me..."
And with that approach, the story would begin!
I think I'll write something about that, but as I said, if you like the idea, you can make a story out of it! (If you're really doing this, please send it to me, I want to read it!!!)
Thank you for reading it and stay tuned darlings!
- Fürstin Lya
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fuerstinlya · 1 year
Royal greetings!
Nice to see u (again), here's the final sketch of my Kolivan x OC fanart.
It's my OC, and I'm still figuring out how to draw these god damn hands, but I'm trying my best!
If I'm coloring my sketch, I will post the final result. Next time, I'll be posting drawings/sketches of my OC.
Stay tuned, darlings!
- Fürstin Lya
First post:
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galraluver · 2 years
Your pregnancy cravings _________
~ Kolivan ~
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~ Antok ~
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~ Thace ~
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~ Ulaz ~
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~ Regris ~
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galraluver · 1 year
I finally have the next two chapters of my BoM Parent Scenarios published and Krolia's finally joining the story on a more full time basis. Also, you (the reader) and Ulaz end up with a third surprise
And here's the two soundtracks used for mood music
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galraluver · 2 years
When you tell your husband that you're pregnant (BoM Parent Scenarios visuals)
~ Kolivan ~
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~ Antok ~
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~ Thace ~
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~ Ulaz ~
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~ Regris ~
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galraluver · 2 years
BoM Dating & Parent Scenarios Visuals Masterlist
~ Their first courtship gift to you
~ When they surprise you with something
~ When you surprise them with something
~ The birthday cake you make for them
~ The birthday gift they give you
~ The house you two move into; Kolivan Antok Krolia Thace Ulaz Regris
~ Proposal Visuals; Kolivan Antok Krolia Thace Ulaz Regris
~ Wedding Visuals; Kolivan Antok Krolia Thace Ulaz Regris
~ Pregnancy Announcement Visuals
~ Your pregnancy cravings
(More Coming Soon)
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galraluver · 2 years
Here it is, the link to my Blade of Marmora Parent Scenarios
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